The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 30, 1881, Image 4

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    - in,j
It is fairukn. kr ow'.e.Ie that tLe vtlo- j
city of h hail from a iiile i- tkov com- j
pitied with that of Uim preat l;ul, the
earth, on which we tr.tvt.-l round the
sun, and vvluc h speeds in its orbit
thriueh j-u:c some ci'ntt-m milts in
the interval l"-tween two ticks of u
cifit k, and in our hititti4 it turns on its
axis ;f.ut ;i o.uartr of a milo in the
jm1 1'iiv.f time. But tvcn its orbital
motion is slo.v compared with that of
Venus, which is thirty tnilf-s a pecontl,
while it is conjectured that the velocity
of some tf the remote suns of our astral
system, doub-e or single, can be less
t'uaa liL'ht it.-t If. Io-feit-nets need not
le made here to the number of provi
dential arrangements by which our
globe has been made a secure home for
existence among them the relative
rn;antity an 1 distribution of its various
elements. Thus, the Sea occupies some
three-fourths of the surface of our
sphere, which were it all dry land and
covered with vegetation, would pro
duce atmospheric conditions which
would terminate animal existence. So
safe and Fuli.l seems our globe, so
smooth its course, that few reflect on
the simple means by which it mi,rht be
destroyed as Sacred Writ informs us
as it jet will be. For if anything ar
rested it in its path for a single instant,
its motion would be converted into heat j
by the stoppage, and every vestige of i
vegetation and life burned off its sur- j
face. Under such circumstances tho j
ocean would t'y off in vapor, and, per- j
haps, become ieeried by the temperature !
of space like Saturn's lings. Ananalo- I
guns arrangement of water and land is
found to obtain on th; planet. Mars, as I
may be s-t n by a map of his surface, j
where, from his distance, the telescope j
cm juat determino v.hethei any area I
' O miles long and broad is square or j
lound. On Mars the land is more j
grouped around the equator, and by j
this presenting a large surface to the i
sun's rays and absorbing and reflecting!
his heat, paitiy compensates tor the dis- )
titnee nl the planet from the centre of ;
the system. .Long island continents ap-
pear to surround the poles, recognized i
i v little white dots of snow, of which j
the northern is live times less in extent S
than the Southern, decreasing in sum- i ; a proportion similar to that on our
e.uth the heat abs rbed by those arctic !
belts of land tending to keep the planet :
warm. Mars is of a red color, which j
perhaps arises from his vegetation, be
ing red, as ours is green, and if so this ;
is another arrangement for attracting
?.:id retaining heat, as may be seen from '.
the familiar exiieiiment of placing bits
A red, yellow and blue cloth in the
1 now under sunshine, when the snow is ;
i. rst melttd under the red bit. AVe
need not say that provisions for !
the jemoter plant fs warm have. Oeen !
load ly giving them extensive al n-,os-
pheivs which retain the disiance-dimin- ;
ished lower of solar radiations. Siu-h ;
atmospheres are lik the tur coal to the
Laplander an additional blanke t to a j
winterw world. Much, too, depends on i
the proportion i f the elements which
enter into an atmosphere if we bad
somewhat more carbonic acid in ours
from its Iiesit-retaining power, we might !
(,1'ow apricots at the .North Cape.
Ilesids its daily tides, our ocean is ,
supposed by theorists to have its teat
secula1- tides, wliich, during periods of
many thousands years, cause its waters
to rt ponderate liorth and south of the .
equator. At present the oceanic centre
of gravity is s.uith of the line: but if '
this mathematical theory which is cm- '
jieefed with the procession of the fqui
imxes. is v.ilid. a tiiiie wiil arriv" some
ii. :;ou years ht nee, w hi ii the maximum
extent of the water will I e in the noiil.
er;i hemisphere, and if so, merely our
Mountains will he above water, and our
islands form an archip lag, as geolo
gists tell us they did once. Such va.-t
changes in the position of the ocean,
however will be gradual, so that the
human race wniid, in the interval, have
Migrated to inha'iit.d lands, perhaps
:-ome lo w contn.ent in thcsoutl. : cur
ed by the Ooweis tl.ey lua be t iidi-Ut .i
with by the advanced! sen ionic di.-eev-rry
at the remote da it tci rel t. .;
present the blil'liit'lSMi) and emeisioo ol
land is coing on slowly, but on unreal
scale. The Australian continent is
sinking ; the American rising : tlieba.-m
of the l'acil'.e, whose borders are I he
scene of the most active volcanic agency
is dt opening ; the depth of the Indian:
ocean incr'-asing : a result in iart per- j
haps of the melting of the ice at the ,
South I'ole. When Cook voyaged along i
the antarctic continent 1H years ago he 1
could only penetrate a short way thio' i
an estu.iry now opent-U up lor ; miles. 1
Some think that the glaciers are piled
up twenty miles high at the South Pole. ;
When Kepler in his day observed an
ellipse of tie: moon, he states that the
southern polar shadow of the earth on
our satt Hiie's disc was not rotund, as be,
expected it to tie, but p-ar-shaped. At
present the South l'ole seven m re
tl.iys of summer than the north, and the '
waters thus liberated by the heat are be- :
ing added to the ocean. Uvea the Eng
lish Channt I is deepening. !
The quantity of water on our globe is
estimated at some I V) mill ons of cubic
miles. I: is supposed that the greatest ,
depth of the ocean, as compared with
the altitude of the highest mountain :
peaks, is as 7 to ;". The d t pest sea
sounding attained by the Challenger ex
pedition was west of the Ladrones, be
tween Adni'r.tlity Island ami Japan
rame'y -l.-lTo fathoms, or upwards of
five miles. The Americans register
greater depths, but their proofs are said :
not to lie so sat i-faclory. The bottom
of the Atlantic is arianged in two vast
channels or valleys divided by a sub
marine ridge whose ba ds is the Azoies.
On the west. Ireland extends a plateau
of some iioo miles into the Atlantic,
along which the water is shallow, lie
yond thi line the ground sink3 precipi
tously, ami ! lie depth of the ocean
thence to Newfoundland is 1,7.0 fath- ;
cms, nearly two statute miles. From
Greenland to Labrador the depth is two '
miles, near St. Thoma's, West Indies, i
it is 4 miles deep. Thence tc tho lkr- i
mudas it averages three miles., ami a
similar depth from Ili-rnm la to Xew
York. TheSoulh I'acific is supposed to
lie the deepest part of the ocean : five
miles of line have been run out without
touching bottom. The rolor of the ,
ocean bed varies: there are vast areas'
of red clay, of grey volcanic debris, of
coast ma'ter. and so on. The natural
color of tli r.a is l,lue like that of the
air, but the watt r locally exhibits many
tints. The Mediterranean is dark
azure, so are the oceans where they are
deep. The North N-a green, from its
mixture of fresh water; the White Sea
is the color of chalk, the water- near
Cape I'almas aitd t lie Guinea ("oast are
as white as miik. The bay of Jkoanua
blood red, as are portions of the li-il
Sea from m alt-te. S;i-h varieties of
tints d-eml on Ilia! of the hoi torn, on
the presence to marine aromdi ;, ;c. the
earth weed and other causes. There
are spots in the Indian Ore. in ai.d ( at ri
liean Sea, where the water is so exquis
itely clear, a vessel seems to float on it
as tin air, ami groves of plants, corals,
shells of every charming chrona'ie va
riety cm be st en at a depth nearly twice
as gloat as the height of Nelson's Pillar.
In relation to the ude of Un
earth, however, the general depth o
the ocean is but a (ilm--aml not proor
tionately thicker than that winch a
brush dipped in water would leave on a
globe four feet in diameter. Sounding
is of rendered im-ffet t i ve by the action
of the currents, which at great depih
lt-ar with them miles of line. Evi
dences of life have IVtii fount at the
greatest depths reached where the pres
nre fplits 'he thermometer bulb. The
Atlantic is shallower than the Pacific
as H,-MO to If, ".00. The Black Sea is
only 3,0)0 feet deep, or but half the
depth of the Mediterranean. It is said
that a lower temperature, is found at
great depths under the equator than in
the Arctic Seas, possibly Iroin the meet
ing under the line of the ground cur
rents from holh poles. The Mediter
ranean waters are warmer than those of
the tropics.
Ti e ordinary height of waves in an
Atlantic gale is fifteen feet, but with
the same force of wind they rise at in
tervals higher. The length of their
ridgts is some quarter of mile ; the deep
er the sea, the higher the waves. Their
velocity in a strong gale is 2.S7o feet a
minute. Where there are great cur
rents and the wind is against them, the
billows mount to consitierat le aitit udes.
In the J5ay of JJLsc ay Admiral Fitzroy
states he saw them rise to the height of
the tops of a m in-of-war, that is f0 feet
from the level of the deck ; but some
French navigators record tiiat oil the
Cape of Good Hoie, there is a powerful
current, the wave ridges rose to the pro
digious elevation of '2'j feet. Some
consider this estimate exaggerated.
That storm waves mount to great eleva
tions, when, encountering an obstacle,
a rocky cape, or light-house, is a matter
of yearly experience. The IJell Hock
light-house, which is 11J feet high, is
frequently comphl'ly hurkd in the
mounting surge and spray. The. pres
sure ot a wave, which eouel rise to such
i read nu !f umimi reais.
i Fi i mi t, Jan. , 18S1. j
j Dr. K.J. Kendall & t'o. Oent : I think it !
j ray duty to rnmler you my thnnk? lor honpHtf and
; profit whidi 1 lin.c lerlvol lrom your invaluatilc
! an'l far l"mo I Spavin Cure. and 1 ttaJ
j a valu.-it'le PL-illion worth $4.Nio'wtiich had a very
t:ul Fiavin, ami was . renounced liy four eminent
veterinary nru.m Leyond any enre, ancl that
! tlio horse was d-mo forever. A? a laft rc-nrt I ad
I vine.l myeoupln totrva hottleol Kenda ll'i Spavin
! Cure. It I. ad a mauit-al eite't ttie tliird hot tie
I cured it and the hor.-e t? a? welt as ever. Dr. Dirk,
J of Kdinburirh. tho eminent veterinary surgeon wis
j an uncle of mine, and 1 take irre:it interest in as
j sistitiK hia iirof.'-Mon. Yours, truly,
Jamks A. WiLso-t, Civil Engineer.
Kendall's SPAVIN Cure
Wilto v. Mixx, Jan. 11, 1SS1.
K. J. KKsriALt. At Co. (rents: Havtnif (rot a
horse book of you ly mail a year airo, the contents
ot which persuaded me to try Kendall s Spavin
Cure on the hind let of one ol my horses, which
was hadly swoilen anil could not "he reduee.l hy
anv other renn-.h-. t irot two hoOln of I'reston
I height is equal to that of three tons to ! I',ld'l Jth' I'ri'i-'Ki.-'ts nt Waseca, which completely
the square inch. Hence there is little
marvel in reading that in the jear 1-21
a mass ot stone, of seven tons, was
swept from l'lymouth breakwater like a
cockle shell, and lifted loO tt-et from its
original Jiosition. "I'nt Ci-U" i,i frisk
7 si
? 5
three ycaroM o.!t nwconicil very hn1. 1 uneil vour
remedy as iriven in your hook without rowcllinv,
anl 1 must say to your ercMit that the colt is en
tirely cured, which is a Ftirjiris-e, not only to my
yelf. hut nlpo to my neighbors. You sent me the
Imm i Is (or the triflinir Finn of 1'5 cents and if I conltl
not ij't another like it I would n t t:ikc twenty five
dollar? for it. Your?, trulv, Geo. IIatmews.
From a PROMINENT PHYSICIAN., Ohio, Jnne 17. 1SS0.
T)r. V.. .1. KKxnLr. .ic Co (rents: riendfnir
your ,tilverTiseni"nt in Turf, Field nnd Farm, ol
Kendall's Si .-o Cure, tmd hiivin a vnltinhla
and peet!y ho;s, .vlio lin t b-en lame lrom spavin
lor eiirliteen months. I sent to yon f.r a hottle hy I
exi.ress. wtiieh it. sit weeks removed all lameness
and enlargement, and nlo a lnre splint from nn- j
other hore. an I h(i h h.n-ses aro to-day as sound !
a colts. The tine hi'tflo wts worti to me one bun j
dred dollars. liL-spc-trstly ynrs.
If. A.'Ukiitolett, H. P. j
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Aia:is:!l n, 1'a., Nov. ISth.lSSO. I
ln. H. .1. Kemhi.i. V 'o. Oents: 1 haves very I
fine mare that hud a hont spavin for a lonir time, j
1 trid everything man ecuhl devte toenre it. hut j
all in vain, and was atout to tve it tip when a '
friend of ii.!ne in this eity eainc to roe and reom- '
iiieii !e.f "K'-!!il ill's Spavin f "lire." w!i sell 1 trieil j
w'th i;iMTid r-s.tlts. rotioivinir the lmne .-tear and '
cl an. 1 then e;H 2-''n-i,t i,, ti.ii for one ol vour '
o'u-'r.-oed Ft'.r--.- l:.-,.l.. and I tl-.iuk tin-re Is no I
I cto-r ho. k" printe t ..p th horse and lii? diseases, j
1 have taken creat interest in it. and hac since
sol I IS eo:.;e t-ir you t. my netirh!-ors, and vi'l trv ;
and do joi;d 1 can i.y i;tMtin'i tl,op.i tor others j
our-truiy. O V. .Millek.
fornl! tiSo PuTrit'ut amInlnt nnd Written
common tocur tM?t i"-nirile popu'linu.
ItwiUctire pTitlrely tlm woTt f t-ni of Pnmle Con
plaint. ail ovarin.n trouh!, Ir.tTanir'p.t!' n nl Tlcrra
tlon Filling ar.d In: -nirnr, ar.'l the cnnrquent
Pptnul XViikrf sp, and im jjrxrtioulrtrly adBptrJ to th
It vill i!I.'Tvo ars t rirl turner frrn the ntm In
an erly f '.?e of rlrT'-lr.i nirtit. 1 ho ti r.flcnry to enn
Ctrou hunmrw titrrr ie chrp Terrpr1IlT by Its cee.
It rrmoven fd.i.tnp"", ra.i:Ion'-r. di&troynnll crarlng
for stimulant., nrt-i rHrrn rrknr-sf of the jomnch.
It runs Bl"r'"K', H''tw-!!, NVrnu Tro-tratlon,
General XuIIt; f Sl.'v; !2af sa, Iu-rcrdon aiid Indi-
Tat ff;irr of (!--'rfl. rnIr.g pnln.wMpht
nd ba kal'.e. 1 Blirr rTra.r.iV.y curd hy it osc.
It w.Il r.t !1 i im nrd rr-Vrr.!! ir.-tic:rtns act In
barmci.y Tr;tJ t mp 1. - t rT-M tiio fmnle syrtrm.
Forthf eti-o.-.f z:'.''.r.: f .-mr U.1r.t3 . f itber MXthl
Conp:ir.'l i . r "
n mv i:. i tf ftable com-
Lynn, Mr.-, r-i-'ef!. f s h.:nfnr Santhyznail
!n the form r:"'- '"' in tho f rm of loxene, on
refipt pri'o, $1 fwr hr-t firri;hr. Mm, T'lnlLhajn
frre'.y srwerj rjI iet;.rsof Inquiry, tand far pamph
let. Ad-Ircsa an abovr. 3?r.tion thij Par.
Ko fairilr phoi-JJ ! w!thw:t I.ri;I A K. riN'K RAM'S
I.IVTR 1'TT.I.. Thv r ire cousUruitivn, btIioun
and turrity f 1?"'e 43cntrr box,
Z Sold by oil Irti;ji;iBT. "k
H. Vt.. Fch. 15, 1SHI.
I'll. 15. J. Kkm ' !.l . Co. (tents : Several j
inoPTh-- airf. I injured my knee joint, vi h Vi eaused 1
an rnlarirenieut to triow the size of a hrte alnut !
an-1 cau d me very severe pain ai! the tirre f-r 1
four r live wet-'K. when T t' -nan jo use Kendall's ;
S:.-iviii ('ure wirh the me.-t satisfaetory results, j
It pomplctety removed the rnl.tnren.Mnt and
f to) jw d ti.e hioieness ami pain. 1 have lon ,
known it to he evc-r-l lent f"r horses, hu now I know j
it to l e ;he ht t linuneiii t..r human flesh ttial 1
am aotiuaii:tod with. j
Vours truly, T. P. I,a i:ej b.
Is sure in its cfii e'sand n ild In Its .K-tion. a it I
d"rs ti-'t l'!t-ter: et it is penetrating and f-.wer-
fill to rea-'i e-ery de. p-seated p un. or to remove !
anv hony t-w:U or other enlargements, soeh a
spavins. p; i nt s, i-urls. eal Vus, s; r:i ins. s wei I in s, i
and any iainen. s :md all enlr.riiements ..f joints
or litnhs. and alo f u- rheumatism in man. or lor
at'T P'lrpes.. f,,p v. I,),.), a liniment s used tor man '
or t east. It is row known to he the best liniment j
f..r man ever used, .n tinir inild:v and vet certain 1
ir. its enV--ts. " j
e:oi a.l-lre.-s (.r llltt-trated Cireniar. wtiieh we
s p.i.rive pr -'d .d l:s v-Tn. X- rum- '
o;- pas , ver met wiMi s::eh nrj.jit-i!i:ied sti.-eoss to i
it- k ! u H-d--e. t'-r :n. in as w.-ti a he.-ist. .
:- IT:e l jo-r t.ottte. or six Wtle f-.r S. Ml '
h;n-e itorean L'et i; for you : or it will j
i at y addreyt on reer.ipt ( pr.-o hy the j
s, U. J. lit.vD.tu &. Co., Kuostoirth '
t) i
t'6 sen;
ri's. v
Fet.. is, 1 -I . :i
'"e ""st Frarrant and
I9li?hffal ana
F'rA b. dealers in iMijtt miti tJeinery. fl;rex 4 Co., N. T.
tf.i&tn. Farmers, Rccranic. Bj;:nest
leCfTSIl, Teschers, and who are tired out by-worki
r Ar-yon n:::, nn from Hvspepsia. Khetnr.ammi
rN '.'i.i, rr IS'-ttel, Kidney or I jvct Complaints, j
C i 'iu can he cured ! y tiina I'arkbr sGin-geb Tonic. J
f it ynuare wsitir.e away with Consumption, Femalel
Weakness. or any sickness: if youj
t-.v a i-a-i co'a or cr.i.t, you will tmd sure relief
in PakKI-Ih's (ilr.FIt To:n- 4
t If you are er.fecbied hy rii-ease, ae, or dissipation. J
nu yoii stitcrn nrcr.s lnvicoratm?. or your blood
rr fei.ift-i" ,-u rl raKvnT-s rteoetiH nn
iadefrom Cir.esr. Huchu. Mandrake. Sa'bnsrial
rnd many other of the best medicines known : it ii theJ
IV t Health and Ftrencth F estorer ever used far
y.-rfr t.( 1 .ittcrs, rci;ences of Ginger and other Tonics j
it intoxicates, and ( r.ire T lmnVei.r, l
1. It llati Sared Hnndred? of Litcs; It y 4
C SaTe Vonrs. 3
r t..... 4-i..i c j .. .. -i
uv w 4- unmc ci yourorupgiST, anc d- sure4
or is on tne outsue wrapper. Hrscnx ti
v,( heiPTits. N. V. l.arce'aving in hirying $1 siel
Prir.o-rs DandrufT.
Elceant!y Perfumed.
Prevents Baldness.
Hair Balsam.
TIi Best an4 Most Economical Hair Dressing.
Containing orly ir.eredicnts that are bencficij to th
hair and s j!p, I'arkrk's Haik IIalsam
Never Falls to Restore Cray or Faded Hair
tot'te! rok.r, and 13 warranted to stop falling of
the hair. Said tj drt,tgsu at 50 cts. and $1.
Nov. fj
I I Unis H a t -w r-:ii.-.l.-. crlfiaaliy ct r.i
PsS T"-:-de-' i- !..t::o-:'!.-l'.rs!rr.f.
1 v:. 1 :.:i-l fie j.-.i;i- at l.irr. li- S. 1. liarf
I J 1 i.iii. V. I.., .f X.-7 I'.-nn Av."... I'i'ts! ;:.!?.
tf7 . ho t:, s pre-. ril;..d it to r--.,.;- (,;!,:;.
an- rs.H.t at t
ensi.tir-j. I'.i.
:. ly ex
1 I I
. -j
it r it' -
il . ny I 1 a t if i-
t . n t: i i l-;.-., I
t 1 l .-.-. .- r-i - v 1
it. .t-.a o.h !,i
eh I'-si, ii .elr-
1 I
.M not 1
is. i ' fl':1
: .. 1 : s s': ii
IS . ,j:P.( ( f , i - -t.;
eaeh (ite, a.-ori: t:ir" t" nir -
st- it re uft ml' .,.tr. r f ?rr-
lt irtnvn IrtH'v 11 lt, j. rl;
-riva pi:: -;r' s fr :u lite-? lr-yr
ant in c -1 o-::n.: t.ieni i.'fM :
. O nt i.'r.t 1 .. I.i.c i : 1. . X -
lkf!i'tii'X N t: ct. -y ;-iv..t... -'
.iew.-r'st;f r'- fv-r.i , ! n t :untr"rf i e.i-'i ti e
Iflr-tdes". Tlier- isi.'.f: n rrr-.n t'n Ivv
net rea. h n r a dfeiMsH v.M .., enre. Y, r I
part) -Mlars frd f. r tv pamplilet. ITS, SSaEi
. It.
il a
,i.r- '.-. t-.-;-i--v .i;jr
w l r
( "I -I- - U.,,e ,,..e-e t Teii ,11
( 'am pi, .r inanut e:nre1 WoMi Sam Kik.V to.,
i'aa Merehants, 810 outh ise -ond street, f'hiladei
1 hia. 1'a.)
Chinese Cream
! KOli Till-:
j Commands tltentlt-iit ion of nil wliolmve
I been itivctoi'dte stif'iVrt rs of IlIIKUMA
' HACK ACHE, FitosTKU Feet, Stiff
j .Join ts, ami paiii.s in every inrt im of
. the Im.1v. Tlie scut of pain is readied
by eciiiiiir the pores to action, tluis
; ni:ib!inT tle curat ive propert ies of the
i ter, wliidi si i lies (he pain as so.m as the
affected parts are readied. The lini-
ineiit must, upon eaeli application, be
iiitiitetl in tlioronprhlj' ; and in cases of
Rlienmatistn of loner standing it r.hotild
lie used three or four times a dav. ai.d
four iipplications made each time, until
cured. Care, however, should be exer
et.-ei. after the pores are opened, to pn
cn. i.-iKinjr colli.
An Invention Destined to Supersede
An Auburn inventor ha patented a
device for propelling bints wliich prom
ises to entirely revolutionize the pre?
ent bib irions "method ot rowing, and
which will bo hailed with delight by
the young man who ha to take his
best girl' and bis portly prospective
mother-in-law out rowing several even
ings in cich week. Thoso who do not
row can dilate upon the scenery of the
outlet and the beauties of a "life oa
the ocean wave" as much ns they please,
but the fatigued and perpirin young
man mentally ?rtvs he would prefer
sawing a cord" of wood to rowing many
miles farther.
The new mechanical movement of
which we wish to speak in this article
will agreeably diminish, if not cntirely
obv'mte, nearly all the sorrows of tho
nmatenr oarsman. The inventor is
Mr. Henry N. Staat.s, of this city, and
the design of his appliance is to render
practicable the ue of a screw-propeller
unon small boats. The invention
can be applied to any row boat, and
consists simply of a propeller-shaft
which projects through the stern of the
boat ami has secured to its end a screw
propeller, which, by the rotation of tho
shaft by hand power applied to a
double crank, causes the boat to move
forward with greater or loss speed, gov
erned by the rapidity of tlie revolu
tions. The work is not nearly so tiresome
as rowing, and with the same amount
of powei" expanded the speed attained
is far greater. Tho advantages of the
propeller aro numerous and must bo
conceded. One is that the person faces
the direction he is going instead of rid
ing backward as in rowing, and can
steer the craft, himself by means of stir
rups attadie I to a gear also invented
by Mr. Staats. In utiek-hunting you
can noiselessly approach the feeding
ground and set" where you aro going.
In trawling this method i also far su
perior to laborious rowing.
Two, or even more persons can work
at tlie handles ami by a simple change
of a pin the handles can be worked in
either direction, which is often a great
relief to the muscles. The appliance is
certainly ingenious and eminently prac
ticable. We hav witnessed its opera
tion, and everybody who has rowed a
boat "for pleasure1' will be charmed
with it- Tne. cost of tlie apparatus is
but S'25, and we can unhesitatingly say,
thai upon trial wj do not beU -ve the
owner of a boat would bo willing to
have it taken out and return to tho old
method for quadruple tho first cost.
We think Mr. S'.aa z has a bonanza in
his invention. Auburn (AT. Y.) Atl
vc't'W: Vaccination.
Trobably at no time in the history of
tho world have sanitary and hygienic
laws been so caivfullv studied as they
are at the present. Physiologists, have
made experiments u(on the lower
animals in order to elucidate the causes
of certain diseases, hoping in this way
to discover a means to prevent their
appearance, and lately m st surnrising
results have been attained through
their efforts, and there is a fair promise
that sanitary science will enable us to
entirely eradicate the more virulent of
epidemic disease'. Lately the efficien
cy of vaccina' ion as a preventive of
small-pox has been questioned by some
medical practitioners, and this fact has
given rise to considerable discission
among physicians. Tho fact seems to
bo that humanized vaccine gradually
loes its efficiency through successive
transmissions, and greater reliance
should be placed on the pure bovine
lymph than upon that from a human
subject. It must also bo observed that
the immunity which vaccination secures
t!os not continue so long as it formerlv
did. In Jenner's time it was thought,
and apparently with good reason, that
a single vaccination was sufficient for
a life ime, but for some reason it is now
necessary to repeat the operation at
short intervals to preserve immunity
Whether this is entirely ovin.r to the
deterioration of the lymph or partly due
to an increase in tlie virulence ot the
disease itself is not known. Probably
few are aware of how greatly the mor
tality from this disease has increased
of late years amon; vaccinated persons.
From 1819 to 1S;1.5 the percentage of
mortality was 1.7.: from 1S.1G to 1852
it was 0.9; from to 167 it had in
creased to 7.6, and now it is over 9 per
cent. -Yet" York Timrs.
A Subrtitm! for Elack Walnut. -Black
birch is vapidly coming into
favor. Iiircli is a c'o-'e-gr.'iinr;d hand
some wood, and can be easilv stained
to resemble black walnut exactly. It
is just as easy to work, and is suitable
for penny, if not all, the purposes to
which walnut is nt present applied.
Iiirch is much the same color as cherry,
but the latter woo I is now scarce, and,
consequently, dear. It is with difiiotil
ty that cherry wood cau be obtained at
$50 a tl-ousand feet, while birch wood
can be obtained at any saw-mill for i'l
per thousaud feet. When properly
stained it is almost imp issiblo to dis
tinguish the ditTerence between it and
walnut, as it is susceptible of a boanti
ful polish equal to any wood now used
in tho manufacture of furniture. In
the forest throughout Ontario birch
grows in abundance, especially if the
land be not too loggy. There is a
great n;Tereme in the wood of dilTer
cnt sections. Where tho land is high
and dry the wood is firm and clear, but
if tho laml is low and wet, tho wood
has a tendency to be soft, and of a blu
ish color. In ail the northern regions
it can be found in great abundance,
and as tho tree grows to such a sizj,
little trouble is experienced in procur
ing a large quantity. Tho forests of
tho Manitoulin islands abound with it,
ns well as those of the Peterborough
and Haliburton districts. The Musko
ka districts also contain a plentiful sup
ply. During the past few years largo
quantities of the wood have been ex
ported from the Province of Quebec at
n low lignre. It is easily detected among
other trees by its height, large trunk,
and the peculiar color of its coarse
bark. Most of the perforate! chair
bottoms now in use are manufactured
from it. There is a species of bird's
eye birch, but it is very scarce. An
evidence of the weight and solidity of
the wood is the fact that it will sink af
ter being a few days on the water. This
is a slight drawback to tho work of
liavinz it conveved to the saw mills.
One of the principal means resorted to
is binding it together with pine logs,
and thus it is brought to the mill.
How Salmon Are Caught.
Salmon are caught by what is called
'the lishing wheel." This device con
sists of a j'-tt.y of rocks built out from a
point on the shorn of the river, outside
of whieii is a planked sluiceway, in
which an undershot wheel with large
ta.ik buckets revolves. The sluiceway
was built when the river was at its low
est stage of water, and ti.e wheel is
hung so that it can be raised or lowered,
as may be desired, according to stag5
of water. The instinct of the salmon
to run up the river alon-ide of the
banks instead of miil-chann. 1. I!y this
the fish can t ike advantage of the ed
dies below jutting points of lam!. On
the projecting points the Indians have
been from lime immemorial taking sal
mon in lar;re numbers by using dip-nets.
The j tty built out from the point above
name makes a larger and longer slack
water b hiiid it. an i the salmon round
ing tlie point ruh into the sluiceway
to get up the river. In the sluiceway
the wheel, which revolves in the cur
r nt. is gauged so as to sweep within a
foot of the bottom, and the salmon are
scooped up in the tanks or buckets,
which latter let out t iie water as they
ascend. On tne wheel descending the
tish aro thrown out into a tr ugh or
gutter le.adivg to a pen below, where
they remain until t iken away to be
canned. The arrangement of the sltii- e,
wh.-el, etc., is a most successful one,
the catch of the adult salmon, which
are the onlv ones canned, running from
1,5' h) to '1,H) per day. There is vir
tually no ocpense in taking the tish
save :ttt"iiding to the pen.
E A A P PI. ft K i'J
K A A P E R R it
Hardware !
1 C J
' V
' .r-,M i
I oti- -ir . 1...
: -, t
a oooo oooo riJi)Di
tf nOO OO ( Tl 1)
UGtia oooo oooo vwvu
Stoves, Tinwni'e,
iinrsrFt'nisMif; ssssss
Ac, Ar., that fan e found !n ny ore e?tnb1!h j
tneuti n I'ennsylvnni. His Hock coinprl?es
mm m mm mm, i
of rurtoat style and patterns; j
Dniltler's' Ilurdware '
of every description and of bet rmallty ;
of all kimis and tlie best In the market. A3, a I
lanco tlock of j
iliiwarr, ()tirnnnrr. ll vrr-Tlnetl j
Vlrt, Wonil an.t Willow Ware. Wall I'n- I
per. Trnnk,aml (tl It o vol torv n -
II, Vixen, llnne Miom, liar Iron, Rail :
Roil. Home .Vails. 4'arrlave Itoll. Klr :
ftn. Mill Nawo. OrlndMonr,. Mfeol Sliov- J
el I'low Jlonldt, Kotul .Scoops; 1
Mow in?; Machines, Horse Hay Bakes ;
Horse Hay Forks, Ttope rnitl aIloys, j
Corn Cultivators, and a f ill lineot Ifarv- j
estin(c Tools. Also, a laro a?ortiuent of j
Table, Floor and Stair Oil Cloths,
Carriage Oil Olotli.
!r SHAKE HXTI KKS; Livkhtooi. ASli 1 ( IN
SALT, the t-et in the world for IHiirv and Tiil.i ,
ue ; Imvotfd RtK'K SALT, ttia ohoapt-i-t and
t-t for f-.-rtln Live StK-k : LANK I'LASI'KK;
Veil f.yn t'lkunt Pt '.MI'S. of thu be--t quality :
caiinot be exil'Ht'fl : 'hii.ii:e-n ft WADi INS and
CARTS: the l:inrt stoek ol MILK CKIH'KS ol
'all Ptinfios flnd ?:7 and of Fttpenor ware e or oT
forod ( ratcin Kbcn-tmra; : a full line of PAINT
PR! "SI IKS of the tnoct .-?!rntile qualitv: WIN- i
VARNISIIKS. A'. ti'ifether w ith a larsand com- ;
llete Ft4K-k ol rhoicc
;rocerii:s, tohacco ami skjjars, i
a well a thonandi" ol other -efnl and needful
arti'.-tes. In fnot. anytlilnjr 1 haven't irot or can't
(ret at fliort notice Is not worth bnviui. and wliat 1
do otter (or i:i!e may alwavs te r.-'iod on a rif.sT- '
clash is tii ALirv, whiie tticv will invari-.iblv be
Mg Hartnar had nearly thihtv tears' i:fpr.i
S5( ! in the e.ile of (roods in my line. 1 inn enable !
to tii-lv my enstotners with the very bet In the
market, (rive me a liberal shar of "your pHtron
aire. then.and le eon vt need that the bent I ? al.-iys
tho rhenpest, and that il never iavp to fc-'.ty p.n in
terior artlelw pimfdy becane tti' price is low. as it
Is an ltoli-put-il ie "tiif-t that pu.1i goods are alwayi
ins aeareit in tne ctlil.
tii t:
Chicago & Norlh-Veslcrn
Is theOLDfT! Itl'STCf NS1 hl'CTF.P : i-T
IXiMl'l i It: and ! r-n -o t!ie
i ;ie
C l.icsir
i t-etw-1
It Is thefliort nn 1 bi t :
Ml p
orthem Tlltnoi,. Iowa. Dakits, W ynrr.lir. .
braaka. ( l!'nrr!. (reon. I olorarta. lth,
Arizona, ldnho. Xonlaua, cds, iri( for
di: i t.n, ijadvimt.
SA 1j TLA K :, SA -V 111. I XCISCO,
Iral w oofl. Slniit City.
CftUrr ftnpi'. T'rt Mt-nf. f o'i.- r 7 ri.;ti
in Ihr 1 rrrt'nrifs cry! ,n , li'r. A'-n. tur .'!(. i. -u'-.
'irrrn hap. OxH'tti. '-. n. Mar,. ,r- . tori
dn Inc. It'L-fo.'iu-i v.,;,,, . ' r. t. "i',y r sf.
I'fzu!. y'i ,tnftijtolitt fO"oi. ,.V'.r. f.i-,.n. fv
M inona. 'ra-:?. (hratnn'.'u. ir.d 1', f,,,iri- in yitn
ne')ta. liaKnl. II o.m i tti-: St., ; 'K t.
At ( '.'jneil Ii;!:-! he T . A'ns !
N"or;li-H etern r.i:.! ilr I . J'. !.
arrive at and ii'e tho
At (liie:ii;o. r lo.e iio ni-c: ! :ir
Lake Shore. .M -t-i 'an r; !t il , 1':
hi. a if utnl i 'e.iti. :i dim.' ;
T runk ll'yr, nn 1 I'.y.- Ki:'al:ee :i
e ( loe rnnnerlirna made M Junrtion Point.
It Is the OXI.Y I.IMI rnnnlns
I'lUlinau Sifciicrs on nil il-Ii1
e i:.. i. . St
; ;-t Ti im,
... p ... , -.
p a -te niili t 1 e
tl.ore x
3i i ,V I it .1-1
I .m H al;.!.'.'
. n ( ;
Sif-ciK r
In?iPL upon Ti' i.1-;
via tin r-i.i-1. K2iii
to buy I! M,e, i; .. . ..
North We-.'-rTi : .t . v.
If yon wi., the I;,--; ;,,.-,.
von Wii! hnv vii-ir T c- i
'-TAKl: VnM-;i.i riK',
C-A.l 'i icke- A - . ; , - ;?
v. . t ...
4-li J
17 I :? IT
Kbensbtirg, April 11. 170.
'zr.zi:: arrears:
Catching Heri'ing ia Winter.
In winter there is a iitl'erent an4 a
novel mctii'vl of c.ipturin lierrinor.
I.ikc maekorol, thoy in sotiools, titnl
n- some rMoti tli-y will always fol
low :i .ihi. T'.vo or throe lishermen
providii tilt'liiselvea with torches nialo
if liitci bark or cotton lint in'j;, satn
rate.l with kerosono oil, ati'l on dark
ui'r it row nlonr tho shores with a
torch in t::C bow of the boat. The boat
i-4 ro.ol as swiftly as po-sible, al
wlien a sclioor1 is struck the chase be
pins. The liei rin"; tlarl after the 'mat,
cniiiitt clo?o up to it in arn:.;, anl
wiiile o ie of t!y; men rows the olhef
dips up t!ie licrrinir with a ilip-:iL-L
Tin, ooma,
Sheet Iron Wares
AND f)E. I.t'lt? IN
I ;n-'t oiitl Clitiajiost Stock oi
Dry c-xticL Dress Groocls,
to be found in Cambria or adjoining counties. IfForn;et not the street and numbers
and fail not to call, buy and be happy.
tin, rorrcn & sheet-iron
"t mi i ii y
it vi:l ixg ro.v n o rrr.
t7No t-thT Itne runs Thrre Throuch Fp.
ff nfrcr Trains loi!y l-etwj-rn C'h'.eupo, l-s
!oinofi. Council H uffs, Omaha. I.incnin, t.
Joseph, Atoh:-n, T 'P ka onil Kat't Citr.
I)' rod connfot'oris fnr ail in Kari".
Nctira'-ka, ("otnrn-lo. Wyoming. Montana, N
vB'l.i. .Now Mexico. Anr-jna, Maho, Uregon anJ
1 hi ShtTtf-t, ?rcrl-o3t r.r,3 Met Corr.frrta-t-i"
H.nitf vm Ha:miK' to Fort Scott. Ponisnn,
Iu'ln-, l!-vi-stn. Au-'tin. San Antonio, Galves
toT niui all p:nt in Texas.
Tho ii :i "ii m ii lnfliioments rfforei f-r tUs
Line to Travelers find Touri?t. ure a, fclion-e;
'1 "no cpK ' ratci Pullman iPVw-hroli J'atnco
f-i f'pin f irs, run only on this I.lne. C, n. At
t. T'ai.ii-o lr.w iiip-P,oom 'rtrs. with Hortn's
Hec-inine liairs." No r-itra rhnrpe for S"ats
in !t"-h;.;:itf ( haira. The f".rr.on.i C. R. A- Q.
In-nie I 'iiiTir Cars. H .-rirr'-iis ?m"k:na furs
Bttf.l w:;h l'.iesnfit H:rh-B!"'k'l l:nttan K
v ivmar ('hairs t"r the t-ic;u?ive uro of Crst-c!:i-
tt o(-l Trark and Superior K.-;iiiprr.cnt, com
1'ine.l w:ih their Grefit Tbroujrh Cur Arranc
IT.cnl. tn,ikot this. r.t,rvp hi! orhors. thefnror:t
I', 'ii'f to tticoutn. outb-Wcst, and the Far
Try it. nnd you ill End a luxury of a riiseimifort.
'ihrough Tickf via this T-iO
for s:i!o nt nil oOii-c-3 in tbe United States and
Ail information r.tont Rate" of Frp. Slp
inir Car Aooommolntioiis. Time TaMr-s, If,
will l.e cheerfully pivon by applying to
J. Q. A. Bl" AN". fJon'I F?tcrn Atr'-nt.
;ij V:jhi!it-ton St.. Tloston. Mn.
nn 1 I7 UroMdw.-iv, Now York.
JAMES Tt. WOOl. ,on. Pass. Art., ( hii-niro.
T. J. PHTTKit, Gen. Manager, t'tiicBir
1 1 ) . lA'NOH,
f aiinf.ii l nrer nnl ftoalcr in
Tlie TrtLtli Tr-itely Told.
A r i rc-rpon.. t t f:,l;j .-, . , ..
ti t!.e M'.-i- r- r .
- itcoinrrie: 1 it tj the ....
; farmers ?rc:'-n,-i - K"
. Tf e pre." tost -:'. i ; .
t't e fnnren f-.'.l : " :l, . i :':
'farm entirely k n-J7v
: fariiis, as a rule. sie Jj
j IlitlUl LiOie T(-:.t,;i:b 1 ; t
I ci'lUvat" twi fy or th:;'
; li'Uc it in a sr;nr. ;
than to 1 jvc a U'Vi. ;
i :tlwaS l'-'i'jf Iwi.iio it u!v.i.-V'.'
i p .nr.i ai.l tli S'x.'i'r !' ''""
. fact for thoy all !:,:.
the s'lonr tht-v ::
i der;t. ' " '
As on iihipitMion of v.'.- ..
crtiupn.-liC'I Vi itli a i
cite the c-xp.-i ience ! Mr. .v
o?!e, of Iwiito'-vr. V - '
years ago Mr. S;.,t!,.-2!o j. - .
ntie tract of 'TV..,'
s-out!.. rn bout 'Iry cf L
R3 I'l it:cii h ". ..:f a
very - ir. wr.h i.
spri!;ff d-iwir.c fr.::i ;:
orti.n cf the t"r. -. " .
'pouty" aioJ nr;iv:-oi
s'-p r.c-ceisarv was t
draiu it an-1 f-xt(-i !':...'.,. ' ;
Next was to yive it a .. r
rcfu e from tl.H tai.:.-j'r. ( V.
spent lint', :!:. -nir.
f.t'J'i'l to I ? of oor't: i -r: ' :.. v
was wso'l v.i c.'urKctki.i v.
i:ti ie f ir sovcrl yt ,t;s. . V
lir.d thin tiKi lij h '.-l.irV ; .
ftc-t titic tliC-f! f.rincr:v t-j
!'-r fair cult iva' ion. tl -k ;
ii'ctit i.attira!!y f .w -! '.
ystt-in of ciik :v;; ;
ci-nt amoutit of .''ock p. . .
cat up till of the f i 1 i . . - -v.;'!i
the CT'T-tfi' Mit '
pi'ain. v.M.'-li in !. ;
of allft-rtiliors i.mi ; -tl:';
ft-f-1 i ro-lttrt ii !! . '
st't-k wa j..i !- 1 to a.
evety thiti in t l.i- h :
tLi.iV ret n:;. d to t!. r-
Call,!"-. A .-V5'(-!li "t if..; i ;
or-'-: 3 W;:s i 1 pv( ! ; ;':
tivatiuij v.a.s;.t a'J ti:,; - :'.
th;i'y ;n it s, five i l- t.ii
h.iioiini:. l.ivti ..' :
a:.'! the r ii a i t 1 1 ; ;r J" ;; i.- .
intn live lifkU t fo'tr t ... -
Tho r.-.t.-it:-':i . f rr -.
wheat nr.J fl.'.vt r ...
ijii.xod the i.tittr ci . p i- t-V(-ar
v. .'-n it is t r.i la .1 .;
.''train ar.'l tl;.- s;:in t'.la:.
Dnririe t!i p-t-t ii v.- it s;v
av(.-rr;'f- yr ton V.-is t (
c rn -ar. li". l-pl.t 1 : ,
?,' 1 ii"i K j t l ;:t!e. i '
.'.ere. h ;y If to 2 t. i,s j- ; ,
1 i- ''l. liirt-o fpiaTii it ! s . :
poti 4Ji i ;it " ur-v.n v.j:1.
Thus it n ii! 1 -Sj-a;.-
i- far? i 1 W J" :
'iicn- tt.ii:. a: 1. y ti : .
fat ti:(-rs In (' Ian; s ii.
.ir. d ( res i r i.i'T... v.i :,r :
is ci' Tes;v r i'. ; cl v ff ;' I : -t
t 1 .k s. ti io h. It :
thir. its h to l; -' .
"f ht Jit 1 1) ' i, II S ;
litis.- tie- s:'t;.- :! ''!; . ',
i;. ii.l i- i'.i stu h a st;.' . .: r
to I'lcil '.ice t !;-:.; .-.
( its slr.'-nc! ' 1 :V.e
t hit. ;;il p.-. ky t . ',; '
1:C.L t'l ! o'.hi'V. I!..
ctv ( ti i s t hi vt : .o t s . .
tioii. v.'.i:,- h- .'...- :
ithir- to it! v a :i i
-x)t : 'o-e. th;' hit. . - ;
that 1 k t- ;. .v.. ...
t 1 - 'f V.;: .
t hey Mo l.ot t - -'....:. '
t'loi ;t 1 '' .!. '. ' !. . r .
his , j.. i ;,.;-. v.: : . .
this it; Mi l..
I Chinese CREAM Camphor
It relieves Sprained Joints, Thrush in
Feet, Sweeny, PU Evil, lliood and Bone
) Spavins, Hinsihone, and all liard lumps
j caused by kicks or other bruises. For
I-.pi.oot.v, I)istetnier. Fever. I olic. T.oss
of ApiK-tite, and Weakness, use the Iron
St...-.-. f-
Nos.278, 2S0 and 2S2 Washington Si.
f f 1 1 . ; 1 " - r 1 r a i j, -. i- s
i Mattressss, &c.
Freidhoff's Block,
Hetwccii I nth
j 1 1 oona
:ral 17th Sts.,
An.l l a rnr.lial invitntion is now exten.lp.l hy the eror.rietor to every rcador of tlie Fueewas to cnll an.1
ure inn iiirec n?...rtment, exninlne the various .iniilities. nn.l learn the unsnn.iiSKal.le price, which are
so low that 'i0 I.ereenl. pan ..o i,.i i . 1 .i . i r .. ' . .,... t I
ca sell cheiip Is that 1 bonirht my entire Ftoek for rash ami inten.l to sell for rash or its equivalent,
and nni tli.-ret.iro ireiare.l to make ijui.rk sales at smaller profits than anv other merchant in t'ambria
county. lK.n t take my word lor this, however, hut come and see lor yourselves.
ttARitot.LTOWN, May 21, ISSl.-tl. H. TIITEMIAI'M.
' Tii V -)
8 OM mnni,! UJnrTljnirq-:rcJ
paorjj jno ia; iti Jias ou ina
;i iaq) jo j prd jivm OC3t
PPCTl p A v s5 1T';! JTOa (T1PII
ojjo -m tna-'i acti'wtTimjcs' PT TJ uo
o j jnq worn j r.oirnrm itj
-TO)U jnOuM'BTfrn'"OT"J,"T,l
'iuimjl1g prrm pt-- oroci"ilT nJTnb
Biy pit te2t ci:3tAtpi
JVTn r laaijwf pint pinw opss J mim
mjr,ts-f mrit ptnt jri pn 'JOl n H
jn 'jBijijnd pooia rrri3 ti
rn wq m r ni 'uoiipubo pneliisjp
'nqong 'dOH jo oonvnqrn03T
PW 15T po j jl wtl
A Txtim ol yornhful in pnilene ea;r!Ti(; l'reni
ire Icay, Nermui Iliii:tr. I.t in bni, etr.,
jaiin tried in vain eery knewn remedy, has d:s
cover d a simple -f cure, which be will e-n.l FrtF.R
to hia f llow.wiff.nnrB, ad.trrsa J. U. UKli', i:.1.
4:i 1 liatliaiu r., . t.
I- eh. 4. 13--I Iv.
nan pint nottle or the C'him:b Cbem I
AMi'ii'iRean he had for SOcccr, from E. James '
I .riiirs in. . Khensharu. I'n. ' i
j -. Ii 1 he les: iiiK.ninls of persons this j
I preparation, either on themselves or their horses '
i will he ttiankfully received. "
! Ti:sTIM()N'l.S.
' 11! "v tried the t'hinese ("renm Camphor for
.,.:,.., nrn'ineiie. unit Have
; found in it re.ii-f. I have never found its
ecjinl in all my travel. (?Eoi!r.E Hvs.i. lndon".
, K.iir.. (-on or ( apt. Sir Oeo. Jiynir, R. I. N.. Sin-
I (rupore. India.)
I nsed the Chlnee Cream Camphor for a severe
attack ol llti"in.lii'n in the rit'ht shoulder, and
r.,n siueeroly say. alter hnrinir tried several other
well-known remedies. th.!t it is the hest thfnir I
ever neI. ciirum me eompietolv. MM.tAiu F
W alton 117 A. 41st street. West rhiladclphia',
M:ITh 1. 1.S1. '
A Iter one applieation of the Chinese team Cam
phor I WHS relieved r fp.sted feet NTHA Kl-
kax. 41i North Third street, I'hiladelphla! Pa.
J:in. 12, 1S1.
H-.vinit siiftore.1 severely with in.sted Teet I ud
the Chinee Cream Comphor three times ruhhinir
rt in thoroiisrhtr. and was cured. Mr mother tried
It for nervous headache, ol.tainlnir 'instant rehet
Aston S. Tatzel, ljla .Melon Ftreet, Philad'a'
Tin. 15. 1M. 1 4 -8.-e m . 1
"- ""-.'. ! 'I ' ' w 111 aiiitai
C3-EO. "W" Z-EC3-E1I,
I i'Vonth Ave., Altoona,
Jti" "it:ri-u of ':tuiTr".i :iti:v
w-Nliinir to i.tirJ a--- Ii-:i"-t I X
oa 1 1 botoro bin i r ! -cw lit
Th it I f:in tin'tt c cry T;!it a;.; t
I'ru'os tl-c v ry t t. j-i.
Alio .na. All . 1 16. Iv.-ti.
i t- ev i r v t ( up.
rVlcNEVirj & YEAGER,
-MAM'C snt I U S
carl riy'nius, j Tin, Copper ana SieeUia WARE,
Practical Watcteter anJ Jeweler, j
TTAS always on ha. id a larae, rancd and ete-
1L (rant assortment of WAll'HKS, t'Lni'KS
fcc., whirh he otters for sale at lower prices than
any other dealer in the county. Persons needing
anvthln (n hia line will do well to pive him a call
before purchasing- elsewhere.
-Prompt attention paid to repairing Clocks.
Watches, Jewelry, c, and sattttaction guaran
teed in Jioth work and price.
C "i i i i : Vr.rr.-: .i : : '.
t! r-m.ik ;; s-. :; v. '
111 'i J-.-s t!':i!, ; ) s; S . .
(-:!. T sw t-( t . m a.- I " t .:
I'l l j'...--? at I itt.i i : 1
ti ( !.!. 1 ( V t: e .;.., ' .
ti. n fr. in 1". J . .
tie M. ,!; ,.. ;.
l'tiil.(.i.-ipli.:i : "A U 1"
a s-uii-j-.' : a t ;
tLai vva 1 . n ..'! . t
t Mi ik ! ! ;: r-; H r "1 -i- ;
i-n ';. . ., ; !
iy us-1! -1 r.i .-..i,.; - :
! i' ( ti kcj-l !,.r . i -s.ii.1
tit- l 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 :' ; . :
t r. at .1 ;u' . , t t- . 1
k s 1 1 'Tf !. ! ; t f..r a In, m 1 . f '
S:: !'!. Itt til,- J !;i ;; .
mix :t t!i : t Lt ij Uiiic t.j.. " !
Ii-i ii i-iit. ""
Tilt- .s.l'j.v li- ;;, ; 1 (i;i;:t. ,
(HilK-c ci'Siiiij I a tn:' al tl.
caryV : w !.;! t!.- j . .
tk r I'l'i f l ;U i .-'" v,
t-at-li. T!if dilk.-i.'.ty of : ; ...
free fi.-m !il in-. -t,i! kit: 1. ;
it.- list, sitvt- irl a ft-w
ma le. It is u - a'ii;:1. :
with jutlmt'iit it is nk
al-if to :na!:y tl ih ; '.
I'lc iiiai-.y vf tlit- : ..:
pr atl-k.uii il ri, i,t v ' -iOii;t
att'l vthvr i.Mtve. i
f l In .si' w .ii t i aiv ii- : : f 'oi-j-z-m . .,. '. , '
To Mi-ascim: a 11; '
IN r.-dt's ai'f s.'uit-: ii: . .!
tl.c t-.xa.'t lit k-1 : t , 1 a:: '.
catnicL cliiiib : ;:.'.'.. .:.
l'i'oe-s., as .f a ti. l . ;
st t-t-j Ot-. TL is ran It i
nicasui inp: soli:.- io-,: .
. s-liadxw :u:.l tlif-n n.ak:: '
ci raiculat ii-n. I" vt i. a
; Take a jx.lp of ,-u:y -:, : !
it in an aksolutfiy
it'll : U; .isutv t!i tin ii '
k-t ctli of t he sk'.l -.v :
It i.tith of tbe sii i.l 'W .
nutliii'lv the let L-tli of '.:
I'V tiif liei-l.t ( f th" I '( . ;.
; prod net ly tie 1.-! I' . : '
t he iol 1. i ii ! a : i . .!
' loot Li'jh. its sli;il.w t' : .
ov of the tree hi :y, ? '
trt ( w ill le thiit v i, .
RAX1.1.S, n i!A( .s, Ap..
110S rierrulh Arrnitf, . A II oona, Ta.
One loor Wt of t.-ra Houoe.
-C Ptr.APKKT PLACE IX THE ITT. Roofing, Spontln and Rfpalrl.K ol
all k(nt promptly and nat lafnrtorllx allended to. (10-24,'
bu t
. '"r.wMch the-elsa'r-'.Ts a reartv n,-t.t xa
. ... t nnlflind.
tor. t-u, liu.Q,
I,lTh.!JT TOTd " ' KXDTnrT-WOHT. -Al, sew- a-d wonderful remedy UAk
IwIjib awohiva teme M.e in all parw of the 0011,0-7, wcrttscn naroral prlnotplM. It reatorea atrcmrtH
jad tone to tbe dweaaed ornns, and thrtmh. them clenae' -e .tem of aoctimalated and pouonota
harnoT-t. IOlney djjMaeeof thirty yearaatandlng hve been rmd, also TUea, Ccmati nation, Bhetunaasm.
Rwhlch have J'j.tT-wi the v.rtiroa for yearm. Wo have oltunoe of testimony of it wonderful ottratlwj
Pow"- 2'CT,.!I!LS?ic,10ll'' 'Etttera, wlileh. do more harm '.ban rood, or drastio pUla. but nm natures
"IZ-'u tL?k nd h"Ul wlii qn'cltly reined. Cet It of your DruEEict, Price, I .
- (V.llannd post paid.) WrXLS, KK ItAHIWIIX J, '((I, l.p-5 Hnrllnt.Vu
jutcunt Co., Woahin,
theeh -1W;" '"'"P'-'y chance the blood ,2
thecnfTBST-teni in tw irmii,. a '
wim will tnke . p 11 each nijrht from 1 to la week"
.. - ii. ,r. ill. tii i.r e .1-
t. .llHMI.V CO..
formrrlif ISangor, Me.
letter PUmru
-fcoafon Mass.,
Tiri ? wccl1 in your own town. Termgand 4 ootnt
"V"EARI.Y half a century o!d. from which fome
of the most prominent and cnltirated ladies
in 1'ennfrlvania and elsewhere hare grrnduated
olteni most thorough educational aids and highest
standard ofrehnin? influences.
V Pnpili. admitted at any time. Tearly ex
pense about fX'S.
Addre5F :
Hkattt'b P. O.,
Deo. 10. l!f).-tf. Ueitmoreland Co., r.
QEO. M. READE. Attornev-at-Law,
? Ehenytiure, Pa. Office oa Centre street,
three doors from Hig-h street. (871,"??.
Hamburg Tea !
And PnreatiTa, which was known to the famous
old A rat. inn pbyeictnns as earlv as the ninth cen
tnry, l adapted to the relief of Fevers. Cnnftipa
tlon, Fei.rlle Oimplaint", Want of Appetite. Irrup
sy and Hemorrhoids. It has a decided adrantair
nverati other piimati ves, letn more thorotiRh in
cleanxinr out the system, wttbnut prodneini? the
aitontz!. rtptni pains and straining which ac
company thea-tlon of other cathartics, when rtm-
Plea or Other akin rl 1 sea mm . ra 1 . ,,.Aa.n. .l.-
fjoo the affected parts thoroughly with Van TJvke'l I
sn!phnr S.ap. Aschenhach a Miller, proprietors
Till"- l'KOl'I.K'S
TyY. snhfcritn'T ha? the pleasure of anniuninit
to the people of F.ben-hnrir and vlcin'tv that
heha opened a tirt-class tonrtI crt iMI-hmer.t
In the huildinic recently ocenpied hy .ludice I.loyd
as a on Hih street . opp.-iVite the IVlL.iin
taln Honse, wnero he will he nia.j to welcome all
who wnnl to he shaved, have thir hair cut, or de
sire any other attentions in his line. 4vL.adi'
hair and hair oomhhiics made into curls and switf-h-es
when doired.-4m S tttstaclion rendared or no
charge made. 1'leaso give nie a call.
Fbenst.uric, March 2b, lSl.-lv.
lU)OI INC, AND SPor i'lNC,
moMl'TI.V A IT! dk; 1 .
Altoona. (ct. lo. l79.-tf.
S-20.00 SAVED! 820.00
stu n iv
IN. i i Xt'it
AtltHina, A p
i n n n I V,
I lit' Un.l.-r.d; v.
l'-'4 F.'.evem'i At
lth nnd IT'h S!-..
H tid W.i. I',:--), t '.-.r
t'AXKIllA 1 trtMAV !! ttf'T
.1. Mttik.v'l u
ii li.-ti.
V '-.'in
ii..- ..(! .-. :f t
i Mil-, I v .-en
All"CA. I't.,
i. I't.-r oi the
: Tun Xoif. or i:;! !
Iiau:!t:ttitl .- i-.ys tl. .tt v ! '
1 t-ntl of your t'.t.cer in -..:
; inc nuke vt-ti I t ar i ' -
circulation in iu;r k- :.
! tiH't. as any r:i cati :
' l'imstlf l y ii:; j u".! !r
his f ;;ts. an l tl.i ti s' ,
wi:li aimiU-r i-ul-s' n :--.
think w I.t a ' t itt r -'t .1
. !" is. 1 1 11 k. ;
titiKri'.- are su,. h l.y
t lit-v ri'.'ir !ik :i s.i..i.'
rt:n iii is j iol'.il ; 1:
ot the tirtn'.at K'li : k
the Vi.i'-e ot aii ti t-
pether tin t( am:r '' '
up jT'T-ss that - v
. ward in t-vf-iy l;i: c 1
ct'i'tion to ik.i.'-.
Beflslnrii Fire Insurance Agency !
rr. w. dick, !
General Insurance Aqent,
JJ 71 EXS It VII Gf I A.
Tolicies written at short notice in tbe i
Anf other 'lrt Istm ( nmpanlea, j
tbenshnrs;, sept.XJ,WO.-ly.
F.benshurs:, Pa. Offlce in huttdinu cf T.
J. Lloyd, dee d, (first floor.) t'eatre street- All
manner ot letral business attended to sa tisfticto
tily and collection spocialty. f 10-14.-tf. .
Q0Q(1 T"arto Aeents. and expenses. JMIOntftt
Oo'i" free. Address F. 9vin 4-Ce., Auueta.M.
n. m. j. r.ucK,
Phtsician ami SmcroN,
Office and residence on Font -let-nth street, near
Kleventh avenue. here n'liht calls cmi te nia.le.
Oftlce honrs from 8 t lo. a. .. and from 2 to 4
and 9 to 8. P. M. Special atteui l.n paid to Kis
eaes. the ac.l I. ar, as well as toSnncal
Operation of everv description. 14 W -tf 1
-A'Aa ATTOKKLT.tT.l.tVt'
I.H11A A. FA.
(!Tce at 1102 Twelfth tTe:-t. in nine i.i-.iM-inir
and finmi-diatelr in rear of l'irt all KnuK.
Altotma. v.'l-si.-tt.
i:nKnt sG. l'a.
03p in Colonnade Kow, on l etitre s tree
Nov. 12. lS).-tf.
trial the aulh-n. li. '. '
tt this city, tii.'.i t 1
in-jTO-;', 111 t!it o' !"
to a chii.i of six morii !
for tue ' a tar. 1 1 '
(!)( Ol tWO Vfitl'S H'l 1 t '.'
l-t : t it-u-.fil'y. "T!.' '
vottiililic s ; i!:e i
iiiti'.i;i-.1 iii iiii.'ti-'.: :
Thi.-: ltsti": he l ;;-' t
similar at-t ii:i t 't' .i'. t: 1
ijotor tlln-rs of th" v.t"'-
and lrom a lowrii: i ft '
the Sjit'Ciik- t itn t l k
sense. l'k '!'!"' -4' '"
d and Callowhtll St.. Philadnelphla, Pa. Sold by Ct-'BSChUBE ,0. thi CAMBWA i'KEEIIAJf
E. Jameb, OniBft, Ebecthurs, P. lU-.-ly. Cnr?? K" pvr ytar, la a-rr-aBe.
r r fn J'-i per day at bune Samples rorih
Is J l 'kl free. Ailres -Tl;C'. .v r.v. l ort-
laci, Tliine,
t 0?. -ill Ui iti a v M;
jl.ui.ts tuke lljLy y