The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 02, 1881, Image 2

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; -J j it i.Jii j aS'Li
FBIDAY, - - - - SEPT. 2, 1881.
It t'k lift' ballots in the v'hatauqua
anl CaUaratigdis district conference
last Sat unlay to defeat the re-nomination
for the New York State Senate of
"I.o" Sessions, the self-confessed pro
fo3ioTvil Alb my lobbyist, ro whose case
we referred last week. Norman M. Al
len was notninated. The defeat of Ses
sions is an except ion to an almost uni
versal practice, which prevails in the He
publican party.
Wnn.E throughout the xieater part
of this country, owing to the long con
tinued drought, "the earth is ashes and
the sky is brass," it has leen daily rain
ing for almost two weeks up to last Mon
day , all over F.ngland, Ireland and Scot
land, and the wheat crop in the first
naiii-"-d country, which had been cut and
was in shock, has been damaged beyond
recovery. Not more than half a crop,
and in some counties not even that, will
be realized. In Ireland great fear was
entertained that the potato rot would
set in, but as the rain ceased on Monday
the danger passed away. Thousands of
Knglish farmers will beruined and many
a landlord will fall with them. It is
stated as a fact that there has not been
a really good old-fashioned harvest in
England since lsCd. '
Tl li:.o k, Stanislaus Co., Cal., ,
August IS, ism. $
Dkati FniKxn McPike I have had rheu
matism in my hands for some time, and
could not write ; cause, getting old. liefore
which he declares his intention to vote J being thus afflicted I was busy helping to
Hill tt'M. Il'lllie II1HI 1 lUltl III! lllCllliailOII HI
write. Now that the inclination inflicts me
Gen. WicKiiAM, the leader of the
Republican party in Virginia, address
ed a letter near the close of last week, to
the editor of the L1 rier, a paper
published in Richmond, in that State, in
A Washington special to the Philadelphia
Alfred Stoudt, postmaster at I'pper
Bern, ;I$erks county, was killed by a run
away horse on Saturday.
A Pottsville dentist in forty minutes
chloroformed three women and pulled ser-
Telnraph (Hep. ) notes as a pleasing feature i CD'm""ll"f""1
in tle present 'situation, the Patriotic stand enty teeth f ion tin ;r jaws
The otlicial majority in North Caro
lina against the prohibitory liquor law
m 11. ",";?). Only four counties in the
whole State gave majorities in favor of
its adoption. This is the way the He- j
publican leaders in the tar and turpen
tine State carried Africa into the war in
favor of unlimited whiskey, just as Col.
Cameron, MahoneH candidate for (lov
ernor in Virginia, declares that he will
"carry Africa into the war," in that
State in favor of repudiation. His suc
cess, however, in the work be has under
taken, though backed by the bulk of the
negroes, who take to repudiation for its
ovwi sweet sake, is not at all promising,
and his colored troops will hardly enable
him to achieve a victory like that won
bv their brethern in favor of "better
for Daniel, the Democratic candidate
for Governor, as well as the other nom-
inees on tlie j lemocrauc .itie utRci. j
Gen. "Wickham has for years been the ;
chairman of the Republican Executive j
Committee, and is regarded as the most j
influential man of his party in the State.
lie has always been the bitter opponent (
of Mahone, and has never ceased to op- j
pose any compromise with the Readjns- j
ter or Repudiation party. He received j
the nomination for Governor by the i
minority. 01 debt-paying iortion, of the j
Republican State Convention, which j
met at Lynchburg two weeks ago, but !
declined it in order, as we think, to ren- j
der more certain the defeat of Mahone's
ticket. In his letter (Jen. V. says that j
in as much as the Republican party finds j
itself without candidates in the field for
State officers, its memliers are free to
cast their votes according to their indi
vidual preferences, or abstain from vot
ing altogether. lie contends that no
Republican can vote tor tlie Readjuster
candidates without abandoning one of
the most vitally important principles of
the Republican party. In conclusion,
Gen. AVickham says : "For myself I am
in this canvass heartily for Daniel, Bar
bour and McKinney, as far less hurtful
to the best interests of the State and of
the country than the Readjuster candi
dates,"' As an honest man Gen. Wick
ham coul.l take no other course, and
having manfully thrown himself into
the breach the cause of Mahone becomes
hopeless. The present contest in that
State will be fought by the Democratic
party and its Republican allies, led by
Gen. Wickham, in favor of honestly
maintaining the public credit of the old
Dominion, on the one side, and by Ma
hone with his repudiation robbers on tlie
again, "I take 1113' pen in hand, etc. !
The harvest this year was early, hut light. !
We began making hay about May loth, com- .
nienced heading about Jnne loth, and were 1
done, about July 17th. We had about 1,'Jort j
acres, which yielded about 8 bushels to the j
acre a half a crop, and only one-third that
of last year. Our neighbors had about the
same yield. In fact, all the wheat-growing 1
counties were in the same fix this year.
Still there is a treat quantity of wheat held I
ovr from last year. i
A houseful of stored furniture was bold
ly carted away in layjight by Tlarrisburg
thief and securely secrtled.
, Nineteen apple pies of ordinary ize, in
half an hour was the achievement of the vic
tor in a Louisville eating mtch.
Five thousand barrels of beer and ntller
property worth, wers destroyed by
fire in a Philadelphia brewery on Friday.
Irwin Stark, of Haroor Creek, "Erie
county, has a yoke of troling stecis, thres
years "old. One of them goes single inside
of four minutes.
A little cii'l. one vear old, named Snow,
fell down stairs at Siverly ville, Venango
and more of it" in North Car-
Tiik Republican State Convention
will meet at Ilarrisburg on Thursday
next, for the purpose of nominating a
candidate for State Treasurer. The two
most prominent names suggested for the
nomination, are those of State Senator
Davies, of Bradford count-, and Gen.
Bailey, of Fayette county. Daviessup
ported Grow for I. S Senator last win
ter against Cameron's man, Harry 'li
ver, and will be shelved by Cameron,
Quay A: Co.. if it is in the wood to do it.
llifir candidate is Bailey, of whom we
only know that in l-'T-s he ran for Con
gress in the Fayette district against that
well-known and eminent Democratic
.statesman, Morgan H. Wise, and was .
beaten .!, votes, and that last year he j
was one of Canu-ion's third-term dele- j
gates to the Chicago Convention, where
lie vot-'d for Grant on every ballot. We '
incline to the belief that Baily will win. '
Oiiam; k Xoi'.i.i:, of Eric county, and 1
II. B. Plumer, of Venango tounty, will j
be the most prominent candidates from :
tlie western part of the State, for the j
nomination-fur State Treasurer before1
A waving wheat field of tltiiti-thn-x-tnul
acres ready for the reaping machine
must be a splendid sight. A man nam- j
ed Dalryniple owns such a field in the
Red River country, in Dakota Territory.
He will have this year about 0Mjh j
bushels of wheat an average of twenty ;
bushels to the acre and will also harvest
ninety thousand bushels of oats, for the
eight hindred horses and mules requir
ed to do his work. He sends three
train loads of wheat a day to Dultith
over the Northern Pacific Rail Road,
and every two days loads a vessel at that
place for Buffalo, lie uses two hun
dred self-binding hai vesters and thirty
steam threshers, the harvesters cutting
an average of 2,s) acres a day and the
threshers turning out about :','i,ln hi bush
els during the same time. Tic :'.'), u(i
acres ate divided into live equal parts of
fi.trtH) acres, each division having its own
superintendent, who again divides bis
domain into tbiee parts of -J.ihhi acres.
Each of the five superintendants plants
his crop and harvests it with the men as
signed him by Mr. Dalryniple. The
cost of production averages 7 an acre,
which would amount to S.'UVmmi, while
the wheat is sold at an average net price
of SI per bushel. The profit, 'therefore,
of Mr. Dalrymple's little place for this
year will be -?:5'.h ,iW more than per
cent, on the entire investment. The
Dalryniple wheat farm is the largest in
Dakota, but there are others of immense
.size. The first crop was harvested by
the Democratic Mate Convention, which i i,-. ;n Is7i .vlieu the entire wheat pro
din t of the Territory was only .
will meet at Williamsport on Wednes
day, the J'th instant. They are both ex
cellent men, honest, competent, and of
unblemished reputation. So far as the
election of delegates to the convention
from that iortion of the State in which
they reside has taken place, Mr. Noble
lias the decided advantage, and his nom
ination seems very probable. He is a
self-made man. and by his industry and
energy has rendered himself one of the
Lest-known and trusted business men in
Noithwestern Pennsylvania. He would
be a very formidable candidate in the
oil region, w here his name isas familiar
as a household word. Mr. Noble now
represents the city of Erie in the House
at Harrisburg. and enjoys Hie highest re
sect of the members of both political
parties in that lody.
,0.4 M H
The last Legislature appropriated ten
thousand dollars to enable Pennsylvania
to make a proper and creditable display
at the Vorkiown (Va.) centennial in
October, and a committee w as apimrWted
to see that the money was applied in
such a way as best to accomplish the
purpose for which it was appropriated.
It has just been announced that in pursuant-:-
of a resolution of the committee,
the state will be represented by the
Governor and heads of departments, the
niemWrs of the Legislature and'a select
body of the National GuarJ. It will be
a proud day for this good old State to be
represented 01. so patriotic an occasion
as the Centennial of Cornwall' surren
der, by Hoyt, Stone, Quay, Palmer and
Dunkel, the men who pardoned Bill
Kemble and his confederates in crime,
to say nothing of the additional honor
that will 1 conferred upon her by the
lresence 'of such eminent citizens and
distinguished legislators as .Toe Souder,
Sam Myers, Colburn and Billingsley,
with a large following of the same kid-.
THE condition of the President be
came so alarming on Satur lay morning
last, that all Iiopc of his recovery was
given up by his physicians, but late in
the evening a change for the Letter took
place, which continued dm ing the night
and throughout Sunday. Since then
and up to this (Wednesday) at 9 A. M.
bis condition has remained about the
; same, and while there l as been no very
great gain, there has at least been no
bss, causing a renewal of the hoj-e that
lie will ultimately recover. Dr. Hamil
ton, the New York surgeon in attend
ance at the White House, refuses to ex
press a positive belief in the 1 'resident's
lecoveiy. but has no hesitation in say
ing that the prospect is much better
uow than ever liefore. The patient's
strength is slowly returning and the
doctors tlii ilk that the worst is ner and
that he will soon begin to recover, tho'
the process will be Mow and gradual.
.Dr. Bliss said on Monday that the Pres
ident was on the up grade uow, and the
longer be holds hisowu the easier it will
Lc Xwr bint to clin.b up the plane.
Ex-U. S. Senatoii Wii.i.iam AV. Fa- j
ton, of Connecticut, one of the In st j
known Democrats in the country, said j
last week in Philadelphia that Vice Pies- I
ident Arthur is a man of talent, a gen- j
tleman, and a man of affairs, and that. ,
he would make a good Pres'dent if he ;
! should be called upon to assume the du-
' ties of the oilice. He further said, and i
' ii is the truth, that no one man can ;
break this country up that lie had ,
' heard of no one who desires to do f-o,
I and that the country will run itself. ;
, Mr. Eaton's well-known personal friend- '.
ship for Roscoe Coiil.ling when they
1 were in the Senate, although he despis- 1
led Conkling's politics, may perhaps'
1 cause him to take a rosy view of what (
I would happen if Conkling's man Ar- ;
i thur, whom he may be said to have in- j
i vented, should become President. Mr. ,
; Hayes would not likely partake to any '
, large extent of Senator Eaton's faith in
; Chester A. Arthur, for the very simple I
! reason that when he was acting aPres-
ident he dismissed the same Arthur
! from tiie Collect orship of the Port of
J New York, in ordei, as he sa:d in his
1 letter of removal, that the affairs of the
' oilice might be "honestly7' administered.
Last year wheat didn't sell for more than
7J cents per bushel. The cause of this was
a corner made in chartering ships, by which
it cost us neatly twenty dollars a ton to send
our wheat to market. It all goes around
Cape Iloin, whereas fiom the States it goes
diiei-t across the Atlantic. Wheat, is only
!o cents a bushel here now, with the late
rise, while in Chicago it f 1. :'. We look for
a great rise in the market ere long, and I
should not wonder if it went up to two cents
a pound, or f 1.20 per bushel, before Christ
mas. 1 l.I. TIMES.
Last year, alout this time, there was a
great inquiry for land, both by purchasers
and leasers, lint the low price of wheat has
put a stop to inquiry entirely, and these dull
times will remain until wheat rises to a high
figure, which may lie soon. Tlien there will
be a rush for land again. "People nnware
settling along the new routes of railroads,
and thousands of immigrants go to Arizona
or Oregon, and some even to old Mexico.
Our staples at present-are wheat, miner
als, wool and wine. Mineral interests are
piite active now, especially placer mining.
Sune have left off farming anil gone to wash
ing siimi. Wool keeps up in price and there
present. The vineyards are also worked to j JJ
men uuiiosc capacity, ne-v viiieyanis i;iiii
ed, an.l much other fruit shipped, even to
New York. They have also commenced to
! make iron in this State, and coal oil is creat
ing quite a stir, bands in the oil regions ar
! readily leased. We also do our share of
business in everything else, such as eonl
', mining, railroading and manufacturing
i This is a live State, iiotliwitlis'andiug the
I late depression in the wheat market.
i Politics is run down. Democrats do not
! agree well, ami Kcpu'ilicaiis are utterly de
moralized here, as well as at Washington
: and Albany. Mr. Stewart, Pepubiican, city
: clerk of San Francisco, w ho had an immense
I patronage, absconded with some S-' of
j other people's money. There is an nivesti-
gatioii going on at the Custom House : anoth
! er Republican tight. There are complaints
' at the City Prison, Hospital, Aslum, IVni
' tentiary ami University, and even the Nor
! mal School conies in lor a share, all under
Republican care. I he cry of rascality is
' deep and loud. Tf the Democracy of the i
i land could agree tot a year or two, they rcr- j
j tainly would "sweep the stakes" every- ;
j where. The mass of the Republican party, ',
! who are honest, are heartily ashamed of
j their leaders and their leaders' dishonesty. ;
I I see Pennsylvania :s in the same state of :
: original ueprawty.
j THE (I.I MATE. j
I The weather here is peculiar. High winds !
! raged all summer comets' tails sweeping
1 roand and fanning the eaith, I suppose. ;
! W t have had no rain since flie Sth nf March, j
j and do not look for any till the middle of j
I October. So yon may guess we have some ;
I dust. These clear skies aflorded a beautiful
; view of tlie comet for a month or so. The
i nights are coo! ami pleasant, and even the !
' liays are only warm not hot, except a few :
! now and then, just for variety and change. ;
! THE l Illil.M Y. :
Money is abundant at 10 percent, interest
! on large amounts, and the money is chii-tly
j gold Hardly enough si' ver to make chunge,
ami no greenbacks, nor postal currency, nor .
1 nickels, nor coppers. Nothing less than a
I ten cent piece. If a panic does not conic i
I soon, here and in the states, then my experi
ence in panics is utterly worthless, and I
1 have come through three or four. There ate
! all the usual signs ami precursors of a panic.
It only needs a 01 two of some hanks
' or wholes,. e '-to start the ball a roll
ing im'' Wei., let er lip. It can't break
six I LTV.
! People who write to me are al way- asking,
'What kind of society have you?' Well,
; we have all kinds of society. Its pha-cs t!e-
peml on the place. !n the cities there is the
i "upper ten." iust like other cities. The
1 "middle ten" ami th" '-lower ten," too.
i Cities have splendid chinches, theatre-, etc.
In the count iv there are chin ches e cry hun
I dred miles t.r so. and almost ewry Utile vil-
lage has its '.-ii on('c, its gamblers, its ra
: ces, etc. But country people, are moral
i just as moial as the Digger Indians. The,
I are mannerly and hospitable, and will ask
i yo-i very politely to take a game of poker.
j A man can get what he wants anywhere,
I and if he does not want it he need not take
1 it. Stores and saloons are open on Sunday
! in alt cities, towns and villages. Ladies, be
ing scarce, are highly respected every where.
( 1:1 M E.
We have crime, but not more than exists
in the best society in the Fast. The eastern
papers contain accounts of more shocking,
brutal and dia!ojeal crimes than our own
papers. Crime is greatly on the increase
everywhere alarmingly so. And in relig
ious communities, as elsewhere, even where
there is a great demand for the in w version
of the Bible. Out here, very few people
know that there is a r.ew version. They
never read old or new, and 1 think, v.; the
Fast very few read it at all, not ie.i in
I! A I I.IIO Vls.
1 There is a great stir about new railroads
I here. Corps of engineers are out in all di
rections, especially among the mountain
: peaks. I think we may get some new roads,
j I notice, also, that there is a similar state of
things, even around Ebenshurg. But your
I papers are reticent as to "whence they come
j or whither they go." Couldn't you give us
some information in icgard to the proposed
routes'.' Intevicir Hie enriiiwx. You know
. what interview means. 1 tried it on here.
' I said, "What is the ! je( t of this survey,
j and who foots the bit' 7" One of the engin
1 vers said, "What would give to know?" I
cornered that party, though. One of them
I asked me where the patty could likely gi t
: lodging an 1 provinder for five men and hor
ses 1 studied awhile, and then replied,
' "What would you give to know?" That's
my way ; I always treat c' (7 engineers in a
I civil way. Yours, b. I. MiCoumick.
in the nresent situation, the patriotic
openly taken bv the Democratic Senators of
late witn respect to tne proper action 01 mc
Senate in the event of the President's death.
The composition of the Senate, politically
considered, is such that the Democrats, if so
disposed, could make infinite trouble. But
it is evident that they wish to meet the b'e
nnblicnns in a friendly and conciliatoiy
spirit. Senator Beck's statement that he
would vote for Senator.'Anthony as President
of the Senate, and thereby, of course, Vice
President of the I'nited States,;has given the
greatest satisfaction, and offered a resolution
of a difficulty which threatened to disturb
the country.
The position of '.the Senator is universally
approved as sensible and proper. To select
a Democrat as the next to the Executive,
een if this could lie done without tierce and
protracted opposition, would, in the present
state of popular feeling, be very imprudent,
and might lead to the greatest evils. Sena-
tor Pugh is reported this morning to have
1 taken his stand by the side of his Democrat
ic colleague. He thinks that no great
! change will le attempted as a result of the
: ..". II . a fltt A,. Ilr
! w,dnot luake'y marked' mr.V, and .. gH
. if he tried to would be oppressed , ""'',.,. V' i"?, V h 'V' !.;:';
not only by tne majority of the Republicans-, ,
i but by the solid Democratic strength. .
I The Senator says: "Every sensible ma.i
1 knows that the most violent opposition ,
I would be encountered by any man or body ,
' who should attempt to overturn the meas- j
! ures or to change the policy of the Admlnis- j
' tration so far as it has been mapped out by j
President Garfield, None but a crazy man ,
i would attempt it. lie would I hi balked at !
' the very first step. He could no nothing 1
! without the sanction or Vo-operation of the j
; Senate. There he would run against the
solid strength of the thirty-eight Democratic
' Senators and fully twenty-five of the thirty- ;
1 eight Republicans." '
i Such being the y ielding disposition of the
Democrats on questions of broad national
I policy, it is very likely that they will ask
i that the clerical force be maintained in its .
nresent mixed character, the Republicans
ami ,
cemng t he committee organization.
the the patmnag eof the offices of theSecre-
1 tary and Sergeant at-Anns.
I Nor would sn: h a position he unreason
' able, If they consent, though equal or su
perior in numerical strength, to the election
: of a Republican to fill the vacancy caused by
Arthur's elevation lo 1 lie iieiiiency, me .
can demand with propriety that Mie vacancy (
caused by the death of Secr.'taiy Birch be
tilled by a successor of the same politiealnl
: legiance. :
! The CoMiNO Sr ate F wi!. Next Monday
the largest Fair ever held in Western Pet. 11- '
sylvani.i, and the equal of anv State Fair held ,
, in America, will open at the Exposition bail- ;
, ing and grounds, Pittsburg, Pa. So rapidly !
1 has the space in the machinery department
I leen taken up that not an available inch is 1
1 lettj the books in this depaitmetit l.avi ',
been closed. I
I The display of horses, cattle, sheep, swine
I and poultry will not only be an exceedingly ;
huge one, hut will be compi ised of the best
i herds and specimens of fine stock to be found
j anywhere. Every stall and pen will have its
i interesting occupant properly desci ;
, descriptive cards, and no exhibition in West- '.
ern Pennsylvania will be received with more
general satisfaction. In the trim, (.rain, '
Vegetable and Floral Department, if we are ,
to judge from the number and quality of the j
exhibits already entered, the display will be ;
a grand one and in c mnection with the busy
scene incidental to the manufacture of cheese
and butter in the Dairy Department will be
visited by everybody. In the Home Depart
ment none but the linest exhibits have been
accepted by the management of the Fair,
and the noisy, bustling aefivitv o( the Ma
chinery Department will attract attention
from even those who seldom inteiest them
selves in such 11. fitters. Tlie very best and
must improeil machiney will make up this
exhibit, which, as b-fure stated, is fn'.l to
overflowing. Tlie famous Great Western
fisth Regiment) Band, will be present morn
ing, afternoon and evening, and, in connec
tion with the Great Organs, will rendei' de
lightful music. As the railroads will issue
excursion tickets ut reduced rates on all
their lines leading into the city, we antici
pate the largest daily attendance ever assem
bled at a state Fair The promises for an
unequaled exhibition are so assuring and
gland that we await the formal opening with
mure than ordinary interest.
countv, Saturday evening.
neck, dying instantly.
Mary Sheafer, aged twenty years, of
Wayne township, Schuylkill comity, went
for a walk nearly three weeks ago and noth
ing has been seen of her since.
Three lads named Thomas Butler, James
MeMaunmy and .John Munly, aged eleven,
nine and ten years, were smothered under a
sand bank in Scranton last week.
Willim Jackson, William Ilairop, Jacob
Ott anit James W, Miller have been found
an old man
Jacob Glover, while driving logs in West
creek, Cameron county, got entangled in a
jam and ins rant-hook was wrested from Ins
hands and driven through his body, killing
John Collins, one of the eight men ar
rested tor the murder of Maurice Healey, at
Dunbar, has secured bail, Kane is the only
one remaining in jail, he having been com
mitted without bail.
Three Michigan girls made up a party
and eloped with a young man. By going to
three different ministers, he married all of
his companions -. and then they went on a
tripartite bridal tour.
Mrs. Epley, living near Washington,
was fatally bit'.en a few days since by a rat
tlesnake. Arfew hours prior to her death a
child was born to her, and it is said to be so
impregnated with the poison that it will die.
Coal is getting scarce in Cincinnati, and
while the dry weather continues the whole
sale ar.d retail cices will advance. When
the rise comes the enormous onantitv al-
G:TQ'e may be kill.-d or taken irt ibis
State according to Cue following sumirtarT ('f
game laws : Squirrels may be killed front
September 1st f January 1st ; rabbits from
November 1st tn January 1st: partridges
from October I'th to Jan iary 1st : rail-birds
from Seotemner 1st to December 1st . wild
turkeys "from October l'th to January 1ct :
wild fowl from September 1st to May l.'th ;
deer from October lt to December .isf.
President Garfield's Mother is stopping
with her niece at Hiram, four miles from
f iarrettsville, Ohio. She receives Ireqnent
messas from Washington, and spend
much of her time at the front door of the
house, anxiously watching for the messen
ger who brines the dispatches, ,-sfie is bw
ed down with grief and sleeps but little, ami
that in short naps. She is much agitated by
fears of the worst, yet clings tenaciously to
John F. IfoMrs. aged "2 years, a resi
dent of New INmrrdijre, while on hi Wed-
and brke her! ding tour to Niagara Falls, on Saturday, al
lowed his left arm forest partially on and
i out of a car window. A freight train c.nne '
1 east, wnich had a lofe door that crashed !
j Hobb's arm in a shocking manner. He was
i taken off the tram at Amsterdam, N. V.,
j and amputation was found necessary, bnV' 1
I be survived only a few Pours after the oper- j
1 ation was preformed. The shock has com-
j pletely prostrated his vrif" with grief,
j At Campbellsville, Kv., on Monday last, j
the boiler in Henry Moody's saw-mill explo- I
deii with disastrous rrsnits. The engineer, j
Jienrv Gaines, was killed instantly, a piece :
1 of the boiler having struck and carried awav 1
a portion of bis head Jack Fletcher and
; Sam Cook were mortally wounded, and B r- )
I ry Allen, who will probably recover, was
' scalded from the waist down. Two other j
j employes were injured, but not seriously, j
1 The mill shed was completely wrecked. The .
: explosion was caused bv the use of sulphur i
water in the boiler. " j
.v man drove un at a terrific pace to the j
railroad station at Farwell, Mich., and in- :
quired for his wife. She hud eloped with a !
neighbor, and was about to take a train for
: the Fast. "Thank goodness, I'm in time." ,
' the husband cried in great excitement. The
bystanders anticipated a tragedy, and -the ,
j wife cowered into a sent. "Here's your
I child," he continued, producing a little "giil. ,
I "Reckon yon forgot her in your hurry. Now
; you can get off a- fat as you line." I,eav- j
i ing the girl with the runaway pair, be drove
awav with his placidity entirely restored.
1 The Washington 7?cn',,',;rr,i savs that '
tlie wite of a prominent business man gave
28t& EiMtitioa of IS3 PeMlvaoia STATE AGRICULTURAL SDCI?
ni "
-ty '
jj fi"
I ocn
v. &f
MJ co1
Fifll Amal Erposife of tte PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION OCiT -
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Live Strife- Krlnhi'ion S epic miter -lit- o. I7lh. Inlalrtl an-1 ''!. ! , .. Triu I ft !s.e., wnl ci. ut. in;e rM:i H-ltli-r fclli. it,nn I My -..i !..
Will ee iysuc.l by. ill KArtii.l entering at .'hlru.-.-li.
j:rvrrirA' ijook closks mx;i st;
ready mined and waiting will knock prices J birth last Sunday to a male child of extraor-
i With icgret we observe, says the New
York W'orliJ, that the demon of violence still
j possesses the lawless North, and that in ( 'lin
: ton county, Mich. (Republican, nf course), a
negro fanner has just been lynched. He
was, the telegram says, "not of a i uarrelsome
i disposition." hence ni t long ago the neigli
j bors tarred and feathered him; then, when
; he proccded to take legal action, attacked
hlni by night, sp.jt his skull open, dislocated
, his leg ami hanged hinl, "after a desperate
I struggle." And while this scene of lawless-
ness and butchery is being enacted at Sena
tor Conger's back-door as we might say, the
' Senator is up in the woods of Manitoba kiil-
inji bulla Iu-s and blackflies and other game,
j and the foundation fm a w hole wilder
j ness of fish stories ! In his absence, there
! tore, it devolves upon us to catch up the
I fish-horn of indignation and bellow through
; it our prepared ness to have somebody else
; wade knee-peep in gore, if necessary, "to as
1 sert the sublime truth that this is a Nation,
; and that the harmless colored man shall be
; protected in life, liberty and the pursuit of
I happiness wherever the stars and stripes fly.
, Never will we consent to disband or consid
; er our mission accomplished till this is recog
I iiized, and Michigan has been redeemed by
' main force by blood 'and iron, if peed be
from ti e violence and lawlessness which
now disgrace her. You hear us?
I The .Greenback State Convention of
, Mississippi met at Jackson on Thursday
j of last week, and after nominal in? .Ben
jamin King for Governor, adjourned un
. til the follow: us day, when the Itepul)
i lican State Convention was to meet in
i the same city. The coalition then to be
j formed was, of course, well understood
! beforehand, and the result on Friday
was that the Republican Convention en
dorsed Kind's nomination for Governor,
j and in return the Republicans weregiv-
en ceitain of the other nominees on the
: State ticket. Was there ever a time
since the close of the civil war when the
Republican party was not willing tosac
j riiice its principles, so-called, by going
I into partnership w ith a political faction,
' no matter how odious or dishonest its
j doctrines or purposes might be? It will
j swallow ( irceiibackisin ami all its sins,
: whenever it has a chance, as readily ami
J as ravenously as a lnmgiy trout s-.val-j
lows j. baited look in April, and when
the opportunity to do this is waiting, it
j will gulp down repudiation, as it has
; done in Virginia, without even making
j an ugly face at the nan: eons and repul
: sive dose. .
I The word "colored," so often applied
to a negro, seems to be a misnomer, a
black man having so decided. A Sara
toga (X. Y.) judge questioned a negro
in court thus : "You are a colored man,
are you V "No sir,' be replied, "Iut
you are not white ; what are you ?" ask
ed the judge. "I am a hlaci man, sir,
I have never been colored," was the
quick reply, amidst general and hearty
. I-iohtmno's Ki-K.Aks; Three hundred
; and fifty birds were killed by one stroke of
lightning as they sat on a tree at Owensboro,
i Ky.
Matte Y orrell. a, counterfeiter, was killed
I by one stroke of lightning while lying in the
, woods near Knoxville, to avoid arrest.
1 At Kenton, Ohio, lightning went through
j the roof of Joseph Fa Id's barn and through
j his hay into the floor below without firing it.
I George Ilergstler, a telegraph operator at
: Evansville, Ind., tried to save some paper
j which took tire from lightning, when a scc
1 ond flash came and killed him.
A letter carrier had his hand on the bell-
A So 1 thkun City Wuki kki. A terrific
tornado from the northeast burst on Savan
; nah, on Saturday at -dusk. In a few minute
I the city was in darkness and the parks,
. streets and squares were rendered impasv
: aim- bv falling trees dtid houses. Kvery
I wire leading out of the city was prostrated,
j fully cue hundred dwelling houses, stores
j and warehouses lost their roofs and many
had their walls blown in. One house con-
tabling six persons was blown into the rirer
; and five persons were drowned. Kverv per
i son living on Shad island is reported "to be
: drowned and there has been great loss of life
', among the negroes on the ri -e plantations
and in the neichborhood of the city. The
i total loss of life so far reported, is thirtv-
fjve, and there are many more wounded,
; The ships in the river broke loose from their
j moorings. Several weie sunk and a large
, number damaged. On Tybee Island, Su
J vannah's Coney Island, n'-arly every house
I was blown away. One house took fire after
I it fell, leoiisiiniing Mrs. Georgia WoltYe, her
child and her little brother. Other dreadful
' scenes are reported at vaaious river resorts.
In Savannah the depots, wharves, elevators
! and large buildings suffered great damage.
He of (.000 Chfkh. There is one reme
dy w hich has proved itself to be a priceless ;
boon and a true friend to suffering human-
ity. It has saved thousands of nervous, de- :
bilifated, headacbing mortals to lives of use- '
fulness and the full enjoyment of robust
health. 1 f you are weak, nervous and (iebil-
itated, er suffer from indigestion and dys- i
pepsia, you make a serious mistake and "do !
yourself great injustice if you faii to tiy this
excellent medicine. You will rind it a per- i
ieci jiHii-iceii mi.aii y-jnr llouiues. in a tew
pull of the residence of G. A. Kckerly in St, j weeks time your shattered nervous srstem
I,ouis, when lightning sti uck the building.
lie was rendered unconscious.
15. W. Kuscne and wife, of Norwalk.C'onn. ,
were thrown from their wagon by lightning,
but not injured. The horse was knocked
down and the wagon overturned.
will be restored to a natural and healthful
condition, all symptoms nf dyspepsia and in
digestioa disappear, and the possibility of
paralysis, apoplexy, and other disorders that
lead to sudden death, will lie removed for
ever. This meritorious ciminmirwl is a ,.,-
For over five minutes brilliant balls of fire j para! ion of Iron that does not give headache
were seen rolling over the yard of W. H
rtroaddu's place near Connersyille, led., af
ttr a large locust tree had been struck by
A Lehigh Valley locomotive was stuck by
lightning at Ilazeiton, l'a.. shattering the en
tire side of the cab. The engineer and fire
man were seated on the opposite side and es
caped injury.
A number of persons were watching the
body of Mrs. Jerry Miller, of Circleville, O.,
when lightning struck the house, and the en
tire company was covered with soot from the
One of the farm hands of Russell Twist,
of Eagie Hridge, was pitching off hay in the
barn when Hie building was struck by light
ning. His fork handle was twisted off, leav
ing about two fe-t of the handle in bis hand.
In Richmond, l'a.. a man was walking on
the track of the Allegheny Valley Railroad,
when a Hash of lightning caused liini to look
up. His umbrella had a blue streak upon it,
one of the steel ribs was melted, and the
cloth top was in flames. He escaped with
out injury.
or ken the teeth. It is called Hnnws
Ji-on- i.ittkhs. Demand it of vour drug
gist and take no substitute. It w'ill give the
greatest satisfaction, for its efbvcts are last
ing, and not temporary, as is the case with
alcoholic preparations. Brown's Iron Hit
ters contain no alcohol. Ktujuirer.
Ml:. Jas. A.tVKATHtl'Fniin, of Springfield,
Ohio, sas: 'T''s Iron Hitters cured me
of the worst case of Dy-pepsia man ever had.
T lie muscles of my stomach, liver and bow
els now seem so strong, 1 believe I could al
most digest petrified cheese ! I recommend
it to all who sutler as did 1."
The Ilarrisburg ratrint. in commenting
upon a Republican newspaper's remark that
"there is a tendency toward the elimination,
of politics from the election of judges,"
thinks the tendency when exhibited gener
ally conies from the Democratic party, and,
with the single exception of the case of
Judge Ludlow, of I'liiladelphia, it cannot
recall a sobtary instance of the endorsement
of a Democratic candidate for judge by the
Republican party in this state in the last
twenty years, and that has been repaid with
compound interest by the Democracy. In
the Hed ford-Somerset district the Republi
cans are bringing all the appliances of party
zeal to aid the election of such a bitter part
isan politician as John Cessna to the bench ;
in Montgomeay they are opposing Judge
noss s le-eiection
1 Farmers in the upper portion of Hacks
i county are cutting their corn to feed to their
' cattle, owing to its being very short and car
less. The tobacco in the lower end of the
1 coun'y is suffering greatly from the dry
During a fire at St, Joseph, Mo., a wo
'. man fas so absorbed jn saving furniture
that she forgot her laby until it was cut off
1 by the Haines. Then she fiantieally tried to
rescue it, but in vaiu, and has been insane
; ever since.
i The harvest in England, will, it is fear
ed, be almost a dead loss. The Tiuws savs .
the damage done by the wet wheather dur- '
ing the past fortnight is to be reckoned by
millions, and the wheat w ill soon cease to be
worth gathering. )
There is a report to the effect that a part
of the Dead Man's Hollow gang who mur
dered George McClure, of MeKeesport. are
hiding in a coal mine near Fai mington, Fay- 1
cite county, and that one of them was re
cognized a lev days ago by a lady.
Three drunken ruffians, aged about :
twenty, entered the luiiije of a family named ;
Wallace, near St. Thomas, Out., 011 Friday,
and beat all the men and tried to assault the j
females.- Subsequently they were arrested.
One of the girls is seriously Injured.
A man named Howard, living in Dela- !
field, ten miles north of Waukesha, Wis.,
poisoned his whole family on Thursday, and ,
his wife and two children have oied. An
ungovernable temper ami domestic troubles 1
are the cause s assigned for the deed.
Senator Rrown, of Georgia, is to become
the tortunate otvner of a remarkable suit of
clothes. It is to be manufactured from raw
cotton at the Atlanta Exposition, within the
space of 'Ji hours the cotton is to be picked
ginned, spun, dyed and woven in public.
A Dauphin county farmer has invented
a machine to crush limestone as fine ar
dour This, it is said, if sowed on land will
enrich the soil to a greater extent than ,
phosphate or burned lime. Neighboring
l irmeis are ordering it for use as a teitiiizer.
William E-ty, of Durham Settlement,
York county, N. H., before reported gradu
i ally dying from starvation, caused by the
' closing of the lower third of the tube leading
from the mouth to the stomach, has died,
i He had not eatenor drank anything for
' forty days.
i Attorney George Dorn became suddenly
1 crazy in pit sem e of a large assemblage at
Erie, on Saturday. lie announced himself
the son of God, the eldest of 1' ! legitimately
I born sons of Jehovah. He says he and
Jesus were appointed to convert Ohio and
Wliiie eleven men were defending in th
elevator of a tobacco warehouse, at Eancas
' ter, on Friday, the cable slipped, from the
puiley and the cage fell with a crash from
1 the third floor. T wo of the men had feet
broken, one was injured on tlie head and all
w ere mine or less in uised.
j Eleazar Lloyd, of West Elizabeth, 'Alle
; gheny county, l'a., has a cow which was two
y ears old in lsTS. Hi July of that year he
j had one calf ; in J uly, ls7;i, two calves: in
' July, lssn, two more' calves, and in June,
1 issi) two more, making in all seven calves,
' and is only a little ovei ." years old.
j The Huston I'Hot says :" "The man to be
' nominated in 1ss4 by the Democratic party
; is named Wintield Scott Hancock, the mail
: who has gnevii dearer to the country by his
dignity 111 defeat and his manful manner in
eery public emergency of his life." This
is not an uncommon sentiment by any
i means.
j John Sheridan, a night-watchman at the
: IVnnsy Ivania Coal Campany 's car shops,
I I'ittstoii, l'a., was found drowned in a bar
i re I of water on Saturday. lie bad been in
bad health tor several weeks, and it is
! thought that in a temporary tit of insanity
he drowned himself. lie leaves a wite and
eight children.
Thomas Hirst, of Hatley, England, has
' been sentenced to the penitentiary for crim
inal negligence, resulting in the death of a
j number of his employes. He bought an old
' boiler because it was'cheap, with the usual
result. A few cases of administering the
I law in that spirit in this country would have
a siiiUtary eftect.
in Stephenson county, Illinois, two men
called at the house of a farmer, named
O'Brien, Inn! told him that their wagon had
broken down on the road. While O'Brien
and one of the men were going to the sup-
posed wreck, ihu v.ti.ei stole back to the ;
house, gaged the tanner's wife and robbed
the premises of S'i.uito in cash.
A man named Cleal water, at the Earn- :
ham House, l'lttstmi, had the temerity on
Sat unlay night to express the w ish that iar
field were dead. The words had hardly es
caped his lips when he was set upon by a
crowd and very ioughly handled. Had not
an officer interfered it is not at all unlikely 1
that the life would have been beaten out of
him. i
Win. Swan, a wealthy and aristocratic j
youg New Yorker has created quite a social '
furor, caused his family to "cut" him and
sensible people to admire him, because "all i
for love" he married the girl of his choice, j
the daughter of tlie village shoemaker at
Oyster Hay, withal a refined, educated and I
accomplished damsel, soprano of the village 1
A farmer at Dayton, Wis., discovered 1
! and attacked seven wolves while out look- :
ing up a flock of sheep the other day. Af- i
ter a'desperate fight, in which all his cloth- i
Ing was torn off, his hands and legs were
i badly bitten and the lower half of one ear :
was snapped off, he killed them. He re-
ceived ?77 in bounties from the State and I
I sold the skins for a fair price.
1 Rev. E. Bowen, a Welsh clergyman, of
j Gibson. Fa., attempted to j-.tmpofWa moving
. passenger train at the Delaware and IIuu- '
, son and Erie Railroad depot at Carbondale,
Saturday, and bad one leg taken off and the :
other bai'ly bruised, lie is in a critical con
dition. He was at one time pastor of a
j church at Wilkesbarre and was one of the
j earliest settlers of Carbondale.
A large number of Portuguese laborers ,
: have been put at work on Louisiana planta
; tions, and a systemetic effort Is about to be '
made to induce immigration from Spain, j
Fort 11 gal ami Italy to the far Southern i
; States. Wages have increased already, and :
i it is thought that they will soon go much I
I higher, unless the demand tor laborers is i
supplied in the manner proposed,
i Four weeks ago C. T. Hut ke arrived at
: Dallas,- Texas, from Little Rock, with a fe- j
male compunion. ( n Thursday his wife and ;
two children arrived at Ihrllas, and the fe- '
male companion, a Miss Carter, left iinnied- '
: lately for Little Rock. Mrs. Burke, after
; getting the children asleep locked the doors j
of her room and took two ounces of lauda- 1
j mini. When discovered she was beyond re- j
j covery.
I The Grangers' tri-State picnie and ex-
i hibition this week a. Mechanicsburg, Fa., i
j will be participated in by people of Virginia, :
west irginia and l'ennsyivania. On Wed
dinary proportions. They were as follows :
eight -221.: pounds ; length L't- inches; cir- j
enmterence of head, 1:0, inches: breadth of
shoulders, ! inches ; circumfernce at hips, j
t-'U'4 inches. The child lived only about ten ;
minutes. In conversation with Dr. George j
II. Heron, who was the physician in this
case, he stated that he knew of but one case j
on record of a child born alive larger than ;
this. That was the child of the giant and 1
giantess, which weighed at its birth twenty-
three pounds
Andrew Latta has been sentenced to fif- ;
teen years in the penitent iai y at Foil
Smith, Arkansas. His sister had been un
fortunate and Latta took lur iilegHimuIe
child one nigh' last June and innied it alive, i
The box which he used, fearing detection If
he purchased a coffin, was large and con- ;
tained some six cubic feet of air, and the
hole in which be buried it was hastily dug. j
shallow and carelessly reti'led. The neigh- i
bors suspected Latta's sister, and attracted i
by bis suspicions movements ne was watch- t
ed, and the faint cry of a child was heard. !
As soon as he had gone away the place was j
examined, the child found and taken out un- :
conscious, and is now living and well.
While Superintendent Robert sbeeky, of !
th? Brush Electric Light Company, with a I
gang of men; were preparing on Saturday j
last to test four lamps, one Hundred and j
fifty feet high, on the pol- In Union Square.
New York, that are destined 'o illuminate
the park, the hoisting gear nt the top of the
pole broke just as the lamps readied the top. .
The lamps and their carriage, a .heavy mass '
of iron, weighind six hundred pounds, fell
with crushing weight from a height more
than one hundred feet on to the platform,
, tw-enty-five feet from the ground, upon :
which five men were tending the hoisting .
apparatus. Three men were killed and two
seriously hurt. Superintendent Sheekv,
who was on the platform, saved himself by
, jumping to the ground. He was slightly in-
jured. but went home.
Lewis Walker, maker of fireworks, '
while in li'juor and a state of de-poiu'ency,
, brought op by (poverty and poor luck, went ;
from bis wretched liule home 11"" Jackson
street. St. Louis, at half past six Thursday
evening, to the river bank at the foot of 1
Kosciusko, and killed himself with some kind j
of explosive used in Lis business, but exactly ;
what it was is not known. The explosion j
was very loud, I cing heard mole than a mile,
and must have been very forcible, as the
man's body was mangled most te. 1 ibly. his ;
legs and anus being broken, and entrails,
liver." hea: t and other organs torn out. The
manner of Walker's death was juite as nov- i
i el as if was HVeetive. Dniing the day he ;
made what is known as a c, union bom!) of
extra strength. This he placed na t'.e
ground between two large stones, tin n laid 1
himself down on them and exploded the j
' bomb with a slow-buiiiing fuse.
OJticrrt o f the P.-ntj'o A-rri, ultai-al .S' irt.n.
WILLIAM S. lilSsUL I'resident.
D. W. SEII.ER. Recording Secretary.
Corresponding Sei re tary
Arm'sT 1-J. lss 7t
rrt t .'. (,',
.-. W. RAT HEI.o); IV.-j !.
I. I'. YOl'NG. G. -petal M u;
J . D H 1 LEY. As- t M.u.
I C. FA TTE I "M" r-1
S ' - r J -
E-s ..'rs.-f'.-s- y-i--
-7 c -i-
. -- - e: ' V' "A ". .'--' f
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3 I'A'Fr.fS
v i 1 1 i r.
vou v--ill find.
amon otl-cr
of interest, the
-A wcil vvcrthj
.l it. Its floor fiid -j.i'.'.l.-t
:l.-' i-c.v cover over;
:n;l re tilled with Dr Go vd?.
China, . Furniture, etc. Th:-
is a large ana utcj:::.
to v. li'ch admittance is fn.-f.
,',' T.,-carrving the n-nr.'.
- Zk-:'rk-L'3ht Ma:). - -'.
r'-e of atl
W t t -FT,
if i H e -ravy
T!v--re is .-; L " .7-7. in the
I h-ut-ctc -..I 'v, '.-' , .e( 1, ;.-ft in ch
Ladies' '..:t :'r.; 11 ecu.
Mr. Warm -.iah. r i . th-si: u s that i.-itors should y.
home v.iv.-n titey cotr.e, ar. 1 be free to purchase or r.-.t..-tib-y
j;'e:. e'.
XiTi.. Ov.v ): : C'.ta: v. ith 1 .rices :i:;J f...".
directions f r - h. c -oir g -y '" mi" :':u::! a-i part d"th. LV.ftwd ,
St it. s, 1 n....' :! . :'..: 'y i r. : .': .-. -d.i:'--.. :
John Wanam ki-.i:, ( t :;. I 1 . i V:; -.t 1 r::i.v
te, at
ftt 11
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It i
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hen tl
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tee Til-'
ii n red
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re h;i
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to t!
1 the
1 b w
the n
th, a;
I be s
rc-U r
he r
i th
It is
A Fi;. t.' 1 . 1 a 1 1 Vink. The I'liiladelphia Av
cord says that a singular ine lias recently
tieen brought to that city from the interior
of Texas bv Mine. Louie, of No. TSi Noith
Twelfth street. Itisot sinuuhir appeal mice
and habits, suitably ahk
iiie:'t and gardeii culture
aud peculiar beauty. The leaves are ap- j
proximately in the "form of "a Maltese cross,
thouuh scarcely two are alike. In its cling- 1
in" habit it resembles the e'lape vine by send
ing out little tendrils, which wind around
whatever is within their reach. Another pe- 1
Oiiliaritv in which it resembles the banyan
tree, and inik-ht be called the banyan vine ;
is sending earthward from the topvines long,
.slender, leafless, string like dependencies,
which become rootlets in the ou: ishuient of ;
the original plant.
A F.KNKKH KNT At TION The Wol 11 look
and miserable feelings of those closely con
fined in niilis or at desks or work tables, are ,
caused bv weak stomach, kidneys 01 bowels,
and show the necessity foi mimic mild to i the
build them up. No one need sutler thus w ho
w ill use Parker's Ginger Tonic : for without '
intoxicating it has such n beeefu-ieiit action
on these sluggish organs and so cleanses the
poisonous matters troni the system, that rosy
cheeks and goi.d health and spirits are soon :
brought back again. Frrcs. See adver- j
tiseineut. and buv the n.edicine at the new j
drug store, Ebenshurg. s-.-hn.J
Tin: '-S -ror.K Onnra:" Law. At the l ist
soss'iei of the Legislature, an act wa- i-ass-ed
"to secure to operatives and lalmreis in
and about coal mines, maunfactoi its i; iron
and steel, and all other inanuiactoi ies. tie'
payment of tin ir wages at regular intei va's
anil Tn lawful money of the United States."
From the title of the act it is app.uent tint
hundreds of mining and manufacturing com
panies ju this section of the State, and t'-ns
of thousands operatives are interested in
knowing its provisions are. It is im
portant that they should make thenise'vis
familiar with its requirements, for the rea
son that it went into operation on t i to liist
day of this month. Following are the pro
visions of Pi vv, stripped of tile ieual veiblage
in which all such enactments are clothed.
As it has hardly gone into effect, and sim-e
there is a general inisappie!,epsi"ii as to the
nature of its provisions, this digest of it vvi'l
for home adoin- i no doubt be n.-ceiitable t i 1:1 inv i
of lapid growth j tTs. esoecialiv those imuu diately
n on
nt po
iv, "
The !
VI rs.
Itchttif finI Scrrlif Jtit 'tt . V
Ivtis llmmn . T ire i s. ( r,f .m
fttttf Jlrrrurial A" ''M
tffieti tiff uthev Jltttncn
Arntifs Jtif.
our jead-
GcjTKAi: will not be removed from the
District jail at Washington. No attack up
on the jail is anticipated in case of the Fresi
denfs death, and if onuwerc made the guard,
is quite strong enough to protect the prison
er. Numbers of letters intended for Guiteau
and opened bv the Pistriet Attorney . contain
threats and rude drawings of a man being
hanged. The prisoner is said to be prepar
ing his own defens '. but in case of the Fres
ident's death the Court will, as is usual in
such eases, provide him witn counsel.
l! is i.rovl.U'.l ttnit rill i-'-'-.iis. t-.rtn..-
ciirpl.nuieiis i"- R--'"-i:i-.l n.u:ia'-.l ' eimoia er'.ir "tkT Bllll'TilN. "' l'i:iini'.e-'.iir-.i;- ir-n.
.-loci, er nnv etlior pr-On.-t . f b.i ii -i-tt ! - ; t't-ir
tti j -l.-vee-i :it b a-t i-iu-o in c;n-h ni'.i-.t'i. an 1 f"iy
tl.em in 1:. wml in .!i. y. i.r nv :i m-!i "i-l -i .ei-m-al'le
f--r it.-' l.u'O v:iliM' in 1 iwlul ineiH-v. :nt-r-t.t
en.l,. u:IY:ll.! ti tlll l'-vc "1 t'C.iror. :m.l rc-
let'iu:il'lf wt'hin n per:. ..I .r thirty .!-t l.y the
pcrsen it tirni lr-uin-i it. At.y per-.n t linn, or
the nui-tit "I anv pi-r.-..n r r.rui. i-na:iu'.'.I 01 Mich
I. n-ii, vs', who shall isiiic t.T p:iy incut or l:iber any
e'lu r p; i i or it ier. t-luill be uuilty et n iiomI'--lji:ini.r.
jmr.i -ti;i 1-1 v lv n tirie not exec.l i ni: or.c
liun Ir-d .b.llnrs. which slmll u to The r.iniir.on
-cliool fioi l of tin- district in which crime slia'.l
lmvi- Ix-en o nnmittocl.
It isI.-'i .V-eUired that it !iaH pe unlawful tor
anv ppfon or hrin run ejcl as ;ii..rp ii-1. nm! who
shall hkowi" li 1:iiti-ioi1 in tnerclian.liMnz. a
iwner or oi hcrwise. in any pr. ni or f -mmi- o n en
nle ot ti'ttuli. to kii" n uly nn-1 w ilf'illy spn
it caascil t-J t'f voi-1 tvi any i-inp'.o'. p. --.ois ior .i
greater per cent, profit than supphi' l.'s.- char
acti r an-! are s,,,i t. (-u-toiiiers tti ini; lor
cash and not eiiipl '.ved by them. A violation t
this elan-" works a fiirlfiture ot tin- ri-'ht to eol
lect tlie debt for ir.Hids w soi l, l-eiiisiini to settle
and nr once a iinnith. in casli. or c:i)-h or der. nv-
tlie parties rern-inz. atti-r a period of gn
davs. tr, the penalty of i n" percent, a inontl- .winch
shall 1 added to" the l n-1 ii incnt in la.or of th
plaintitl. The same pi-na ty i" exacted where m
party issuing a'ca-h order rctascs t-j redeem it
within the tune stu-eite-d.
: -i Ti
I S s ' T) . S..
the i:;t. I.-
and '
I '.t
i l I'.i So A l'. a i x
s.inatie. irarir.l
healing l-al?:ili:s.
1 i.:-" 1 .
; it i :
' j; a 1 l.l .u.
d' '! HbfHl 1 ...,-,.
"t 'i 1 1.-! i:a Kr-iiv:
an I the i tt. rn--l iim- --.he
i lr':it Skiu i
. Tan a-v'. iirea...v sk:
"I t: h
h si i :
A" i -t J
Wi'i!. -.'-i- L'c.u
iiratctul'y ;.--kn l'cs a e
en : cad, ni- k. fne, arms -:
years : not a!-lc t-i walk vc-p
for '-re v.-;.r : r -t a' !e t
! i :v l hun-1
i I:-.s -a-c li
ti'-ura lami
'. - s :
I f-n.
H. II. Carpenter. U- i !.
ot fsoriasis or Lt-pr 's . el tm r.i
t y the '"I Tt- l KtSCll 1ST 1.
-in a and (Itm rv S- ai- u't
won-b rlul ca-e i-n'-i-.-i-r-i t 'u-i
a liistice oi tiie pe.
at!i,-ted w ith !:
send to us I t t h :s
e ani p;
Kxpose yourself day and night, eat tm
much w ithout exercise : vyork too hard with
out rest: doctor all the rune: take all the
vile nostrums adveitised ; and then you will
want to know
Which is answered in three words Take
Hop Fitters! See other column. Espress.
M. L. latman, authoried agent, Kbensbui);,
sells the genuine Hop F.itters.
Tkn Fkksons Foisonkd. A special to
the Galveston At'- from I Villas, Texas, says:
"News has reached here that Mrs. Smith, a
widow, living near Kaufman, several mem
bers of her family, and some tenants ten
persons in all were poisoned on Friday by
eating cooked peaches containing arsenic.
Medical assistance was summoned, but at
last accounts there was little hope of the re
covery of any of the persons poisoned."
on luirelv- political
irrounds. and as a net result, of their desire t.
lift the bench out of polities there are tw-o 1 nesdav United States Commissioner of A p.
I Democrats out of twelve of the judges in ; rieulture Loring was present, and to-dav
i Philadelphia and not one out of five i.i A He- (Friday) the Cumberland Valley Editorial
; gheuy county. The Hepublicans are never 1 Associotioii will mett on the grounds and be
! for a non-partisan jiididuiy at anv expense j addressed by the Governors of Peuuaj Ivuuia
I to their party. " aud Maryl-md, and utlieis.
Choke Enti-.uts ntovt Puvooist-?. !
"We know the value of malt, bops, calisays :
and iron composing "Malt Fitters.' "
"Our lady customers highly praise them." ;
"Physiciaiis prescribe them in this town." ;
"The largest bottle and best medicine."
"Itest blood purifier on our slrelves." ;
"Our best people take Malt F.itters."
"Sure cure for chills and liver diseases." !
Thk body of a woman severed at the
waist, and each part wrapped in a portion ;
ot the New York Herald ofthe isth instant, !
was'found in a swamp east of Freeport L. L, '
Friday night.
Xothinc. so good for Headache anvl Dys
pepsia as Hit. METTAl'K'S HEAUACllE
and DYSPEPSI A PILLS. Price -.v. cents.
All Druggists sell them. n---l.-lm.l
John, who murdered his little
daughter in Chicago a year ago, has been
sentenced to life imprisonment.
i Gl ITT. VV W W'T N r.MlM VTClllMIMl.
' I.AWVin to Him. A Washington
; dispatch of the L'sth say s :
(l-uitean. ni.twiltistntuPlis th" e.ireftil arrante
' ments that were mad" to prev-ii any knowle iiie
' eointnir to him o! the e.-'t-tu ion t the l--rcsid-nt or
a tn o'her matters relat-ti-j to h- learned
vesterdav that i;trn-t Atl -r ey C. rkhill had re
i tnrjied to I he fit v. a nd sent o: ,- td 1 s nn:ileom
; liiunieations statinif that he ha.l omethmir ot on- -
porta nee to say. 'o. ( "orU h i. I v i - ited the this
I alternoon. He decline I t-t s:,y irhat cart .cula r
i thinz 1 1 ii'teau wi-he.t tot.yk ahont. "I will say,
loevever." said Co!, i'.-i'ik.ll. --that (iuileaa is
, loi.kiny very well . t a Iks . iio i i ent !y . and uives no
e idence id in-anity. lie has riind out l!i:t tti
! 1'resnleiit i slill ahvc "
i "I tfts enri mis." ( '.jl. ( 'oi kh . 11 olser,'eil.'-how that
' story ntiout arraniicineiiTs to lynch iJuit.-au irot
aliout. It is made out id whole cloth. There is,
lu.wever. an eenive. I-Tiniiialde and earne.-t nr
' tranization the ohi-et ot which is to make it certain
! that, if the President dies. Uuitoau shall not e
: eripc punishment. Wi rd of this eume to tne aeei
! dent-illy very early alter the sdiootmir fr-'in a inem
! Per of the organization. It does not pretend to lc
. partiruiarly secret or pi have the nonsense ot pass
I words and urips. It is an eri;aiii7--itu'ii composed
! of men who are hound together hy a common sen
: timent. They do nut coTit.-mplate hreakmu into
jail or violating the law or nn thins oi that sort.
. Jtut it is their incase ( Pe
ae, putted on the ground i f tnanity. to see to it
that l-.e is noi ti-escape with rc-idence in an insane
i asylum. l'l:i y do rot pr -i o-e that l.e shall ever
; t-e taken to ::ej in-ane a lu-n a'lve. 1 do not Pe
Peve that a r'-uiuient of soldiers could ptevent
them from ai-eoiniilishini: ttieir I received
' a lett 'r this morninu tr.mi ieore Sem itic, et hi
j cairn, the brother in i.iw i-l Hu.teau. in wli.rh he
; said that he would unUertake Uuiteau's dcieie-e.
i 1 phowed the letter to Uuitenu. and lie said : l do
iint'wiint tn he l dhereil about these '.luinr t 11 the
; time cornea. I atn not a pauper. 1 am somiorta
My pro idod lor. When 1 have a lawyer 1 want an
: eminent criminal lawyer, and George Seovule is
; a better lawyer than 1 am.- "
V. H. lmVc. 5 - i . Pe r
v end ail di sei ipt leu Ir -in a -peare-'i
on l.-,s ),aa-!s. t.ea-1
destr-'V'd his eyc-s. 'lie io
liib d I- l-.e'p h-.n, at -t afr T
Ihe l'!!(ll:A 1 ' lis -LVI1 !
and li Hit m s-.av ;r:
and lias ictnai!:-- per'e. '. '. v
H. n. Win. 1:.Ut. !! --t r.
uionil:?- use if the Ci i. i I
years ol as e- :.-:ai:- r::
lace, neck ;:i.d s,-;(i., Ss
say tliat 1 am Hi--.', an-1 j
mot reniark:il !e ,r 1 .
with my sucs--s t ',.i t I ha-.i
street who -, e a 11! .-d i:t..
('utu-ur.!;i'U:e-i.e- a:-. I :h .
a 11-
1 I i
I .Mt. S. t. V !:i.p:e. I e .Jti:
her face, head ;:i,.l r uie j ..r:
almost raw. Head revered w.
Snttere.l teuluily an! tn.-d ri
nently cmed 1 y Cut - u-a Peu.c
Kemedi'-s are i r sale t ai!
CriM in. a Me.!u :nal .lei. v.
1 larjte Iv'Si--. si : I'llM l. K-
H! t l-nr r er. ! i-i-r :'
tttt Toil r-T -si,, p. J p. - ; .
: vini. Smi-. l i : 1:1 t..irs'aa:
su mers : s. I r:iie pal i:
w i.i hs .v.
ma ied tree -
n i
1"-.K-. ia-
a i
Thh stomacli's greatest friend is Pkuun A.
For sale at the new ding btere, Ebensburg.
A Thamt'sTkick. A Juniata county em- ,
lesponilent tells the following story: j
The Pest practical we lia ve know n toteenr i
tor years, was inc pr.ietised Py a tramp on the l'. )
H. U.. a lew davs aijo. He secured a small coil ot
te!erapli wire and represented himself ms a -'line
repairer'' in the eniplov ot the Company. The
foreman nt Van lke. Mr. Kepler, took "lilm Py
liand ear as far ear-1 as lmrward station, where the
couriterteit workman a-ain demande-1 the same
courtesy linn Mr. liardner, tra-k foreman at that j
point, statiiez that -'l-iisim-ss was imnortant nnl
the line- working v ry P. oily": and the trami. '
cooll .- tK.k a comiortahis po-aiou on the lever, and '
with eye mve donaPy tued on t he wire, he was .oon '
on his way to M iilerstown ri-ioiema. lierewelot i
piuht ol our "line repairer." Put lrpe tie arrived
sa'.ely at Harri I'tiru. a nothing short ol that would
compensate him lor the pithiness, el the vke Pe
peipetrated. It is com rally PePeved that the (
next line repairer may have io wa'k.
lM r.ivn a tremendous wind storm whlcli pas-e l i
over ft l.ortton ol lirro!l eiitllllv. l-iwa. tin Satur- !
lav. ft Poy thirteen vears old. named Scl: leirman.
was Mown from the sent ot a reaper lie ws lri itiir
nnrl fllinir in trout ol the sickle was rippe,) ep-,i
n inl instantly Wiil "!- T"c -tern-. !:i-if-' i-'lj;
I.ivet ( 'oinplai nl . 7W. -1 rei. Ii.
Kidney and I f-tisty I VII ult'f .
over t';e p-t ,.i t - e sr .m i,-! . -anv
anect-'t ear1. l'r:o -. '-' ts
Ml-rkvil I'wllt-r. Ilttwton.
O 1(
S t!
es 1
he i
it w
, of
K5 te,
its u
n a
tl to
r. .
is on
11 o
is f
ng o
e to
r. J.
er c
it a
, cn
k l"i
d ir
in '
; cu
- en
s. t
lor -rTr.i-ue ue f AV.
Frwt "d .-vro-. r-"r.
?jf Fori.. l-rmiuFll. '
s5 revive. i
,4 se, ir-:.-,.'-
I"OI..l1 ! I l"M
aiiimati -ns I t . c ' .N
sent on n i-pliea ' i v '- 1
Ana. .", ll.-"iu.
. Kr'
Itlairstille Pa. l-iJic
Ueautiful rrdiir !-', pernml'
He.ii'hmt l.-c..:- -i.
Thirty -tirst yer i-i-'i- ' :
ih- i:t'ttnii".-Hr- t
.llllv ', Isl -