The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 05, 1881, Image 3

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'Cambria ctsmxu.
iklDI - - AUG. 5. 1881.
-jlVr-. There tnd the Other Floe.
For ne,-vou tllMts" taVn PEbXSa.
iHayfrom th field Is soiling in Johna-'-irn
at eight dollars Tr ton.
ijotmstown Is purine on airs. It has a
jfe-ttli Side now, a 7a PitUbnre.
..A bush-meetina Is to be hrM la erov.
jsjtr Fortsee to-morrow (Satiir1.) night.
-.Th only kind of cremation that find?
;.-or with tl' Ta!r spx is ie crearn-Ation.
Ilot.Cmparatively spea!:nj.'as the place
r-'ed out rj the late revision, and still a hot-
Vr. F.ibrid Stile, a former well
known citizen of this place, died In Missouri
ertvlt or two HZO.
Mr. Jeff. Rowland, of Omhrla township,
fcM lately erected a new barn which is at
one Urge and commorflotn.
The new wind mill at the county alms-
rhouetloes monya ood turn for the, inmates
-and otmate of that Institution.
Mr. .Toe! Simmon. Sr., of .Taclcso town
gh'p, died on Wednesday of last week at the
atrbrchal a?e of 90 yean, 9 month and 21
Mr John Collin, of "Fron Hollow"
TjJor township, died very suddenly of
cV era morbus on Saturday last, aged about
23 re-.
Twocaildren of Mr. Patrick Scanlon.'of
PraJpet boroueh, this county, died within
waek's time tha last one on Thursday,
. Th ConzfeffationalUts of this place
have under consideration the advkability of
vertoppin their church edifice with a suit
able rteeple.
Rev. A. McF.lwsin, of West Philadel
pfcla, formerly of th'- place, preached in the
Tiihd Presbyterian church, Allegheny City,
Jast Sandfly.
TVTien yon want to buy a feed and tod
Jer entter, you can get the best and cheap
est from V. S. Barker & Bro., who have two
eizes to select from.
"SuTimer" like oae thoiisand i the es
timate made of the number of summer so
journers in and around Cresson and this
place at present writing.
Dr. S. S. ChrUty. formerly of this placn,
U nw practicing bis profession at Brad
ford, lie advertises himself as tho "pioneer
phyitcian of the oil regions."
The trout-fishing season for this year
losed last Saturday. Henceforward the at
- tentl'io of aualers in this locality must be di
rected toward black bftM and catfish.
And new comes the Altooria Sunday
)';-ming with an item credited to the) Daily
whioh first appeared in the Friekas
V '.r-i vveks ago. So much for the credit
If you buy a leather fly-net you will brlntr
oc'ort to your horses, and less trouble to
J"; faelf. ieave your order at Barkers' for
r or more of tho very useful contrivan
ce a.
i!r. (leorire Saunders, of this place,
would l'.ke to be appointed barber for the
FL'tB regiment during the continuance of its
tr.ranipment at Sattsburs. He would Rive
ta'Uf irtion.
Tiie elfg;st residence of Dr. Wm. Iem
woi, on Ilic'i street, was the scene on Wed-r.-s
lav evening of a very pleasant gathering,
in wfcich tho youth and beauty f our town
largely repiesened.
From some Inadvertence we failed until
Bow to note the death of Mr. Frederick
Tirjglir.g, a fanioua hunter of north-eastern
Cambr's, which occurred at his home in Dean
township several days ago.
County Superintendent Stray er and
family will shortly take up their residence
in out midst. In a portion of the house occu
pied by Mrs. FreidhofT. on High street.
Tbey will certainly le welcome,
Ayer's Tills contain no croton oil, calo
ipel fit mineral. Tbey are compounded of
pare vegetable extracts, which have positive
virtues and always cure, where cures are
pslble. Sld at the r.ew drug store, Eb
ensVur. The Bedford county Democrats appre
ciate their young men. Humphrey D. Tate
tat teen renominated for Prothonotary
wiWiOBt opposition ; John M. Reynolds is
ntmed for Judge and Edw. F. Kerr for State
The "boss" cigars for the money two
for fire cents have just been received at
Jaraee new drug store. Buy them, try
them, and we are sure you will always get
fih them when you want to Invest In a de"
Vbtfui smoke.
Prothonotary fJates returned home on
l nday last from Erie, where for a term of
t j weks ha had been serving Uncle Sam
J fa. capacity of traverse jnror In the U. S.
r,ci Dfrlct Coart at the princely salary of two
dollar per day.
' A. dipitch received here Tuesday by
Sfcer:j (ii iffitri saying that a valuable horse
bad Iwn stolen the night previous frim the
premises of Iwis Heitzematei, of Covode,
J county, and offprint; a reward for
the nivery of the animal.
f -i ast fon(lay morning a lot of earth
;! In1 fre at Ore Hill.' RUir county, fell on a
VJ f"i"1 inied UllHam Dick, who was at work
Sit it out." and killed him Instantlv.
J leave a wife and several children
!Tn his sudden and shocking death,
"freed hv mv nolitieal connectlonn lnf
J ' t ; r life, my sufferings were intensified by
kN"; " ,m' its of thoe who saw my faca and
jj 2d covered with scrofulous humor"
T5 tn"eman recently cured by Cuticura
('J I !Jes. Sold at the new drug store.
Zi " t have suffered beyond endurance."
""- fe has been a burden tome." "I hava
g I' nied the pleasures of society. " E.x-
'rom testimonials of thone cured of
il'i I ,(1 scrofulous humors by the Cutlcura
IjJ ' W.-lm.
Bo you suffer from sick or nervoua head-
aeh, neuralgia or s!eple,sness ? If so, do
Li'tt delay, trusting that In tim
v ;'-rs you, but Ko at onca to E. James,
rsi, r-oensourg, I'a,, for Dr. Faust's
a Cnre. " 4-8.-e.o.w.iy.
V.e driving in a bugy near UUh
tearfield county, last Friday, Mrs. M.
iy, wife of John McCoy, was thrown
-?y to the gTonnd by the running off
r5 64 d,y- n'T a" was about W vears.
n . i by an obj..ft cf loathing and disgust to
J society from catarrh, when San
: S FjdIral Cnre' "Anally and Internal-
l;i : . n!a,,t!rei' wl "ery symptom of
xg- ase 7 Every pa,kn- ig . compI((te
J nlyfl. At the new drug store.
JJ Daniel fteigh, foreman in the C. I
rT hoP. Johnstown, had the bone of
e.oow ana wrist somewhat shattered
Hay afternoon by having his arm
Jrke against leather belt be
'lag toadjjston one of the pulleys.
fyt.jwn has a street caJled Pound
f C'ney" lives ea-It that is en
f -lf the big feast served 0p to
J Kember of tbe Eierutlv Com-
1 not long stae la a gooi ertrlorfo
wo brber-hnp of thin rUet sitq.
TnT SrU,a H. P. Shaffer
patfoom, otv,, tit utoJa
Pjipid riding and driviDg la the streets
of Carrolltown netted several dollars to the
borough treasury la-st week, no less than
four persons haying been found and fined
for Indulging In that reprehensible practice.
: The . current issue of the Johnstown
Democrat aontains a llt of twenty four
deaths all of which occurred In or near that
place within a period of laas than one week,
or from July 23th to July 31st. The agea of
the deepdents range from ten months to
over ninety years.
Mr. George Gurley Is the first candidate
for nonination on the Democratic ticket this
year who has pulled his pocket-book In our
presence for the purprvM! of paving for pub
lishing bis crd and printing tickets for b
primary election. But wa rejoice to feel
that he won't be the last one.
Tr.ere are not a few readers of the
Fbeemah who will be glad to learn, for his
sake, if not their own, that James O'Frlel, a
former well known resident of Ilollldavs
burg, Is still In the flesh, and that he is or
wa this week doing the old town and shak
ing band with his eld chums.
It Is expected that the brick work on
the new Court TTause will tw completed by
the middle of the present month. Every
thing Is progressing as rapidly and satlsfac-
torily a could be hoped for. the weather foH
.everal weeks past having proved particu-
lany auspicious for out-door work. j
Joseph Keating was struck and hurled
Into the air by the engine of a freight train
at Johnstown on Monday evening of last j
week, and not only had nearly all his clothes I
torn from his person, but falling head fore
most on the hard ballast was badly cut and
Two homes owned by Mr David Moes,
one at Latrobe and the other at Hillside,
were both struck by lightning last week.
Neither building was very badly injured, but
one of the family was thrown over a stove
and a prop knocked from under the Latrobe
house and a child killed? In the other.
Love fc Husband's planing mill, engine
house, a large quantity of finished lumber, at
Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland county, were
totally destroyed by fire on Saturday nicht
lat, causing a loss estimated at ?30,000.
The firn originated in the engine house.
Love A nushand how suggestive of a con
suming flame I
Rev. McClaln.of sweubenville, O.. preach
ed for the Piesbyterians of this place on
Sunday forenoon, and Rev. MeCracken,
Chancellor of the Pennsylvania University,
Pittsburgh, a venerable looking gentleman,
did likewise n the evening, the scene of the
service being the Welsh Baptist church on
Horner street.
As the crop of apples seems to be pretty
large this year, a good many farmers will
want to buy a cider mill. V. S. Baiker &
Bro. will aell the best mill in America one
that Is warranted to make more cider from
the same amount of apples than any other
mill in existence. Leave your order early if
you want one this Fall.
For the delicate and complicated diffi
culties peculiar to the female constitution,
Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable compound is
the sovereign remedy. It alms at the cause.
i and produces lasting results. Send to Mrs.
Lvtfia E. Pinkham, 2.13 Western Avenue,, Mass.. for Pamphlets, or go to the
Dew drugstore, Ebensburg.
Two coal miners named Mullen and
Maxwell were seriously injured about their
j heads and breasts in one of Piper A Co. 's
I mines at Benscreek, this county, on Satnr
t day last, by the falling in on them of a
quantity of rock and slate. Maxwell was
also injured internally and his recovery Is
therefoie considered doubtful.
A Swede miner in the employ of the
Moshannon Coal Company, near Oceola,
Clearfield county, was instantly killed on
Friday morning last by an empty coal car.
which broke loose near the top of an Inclined
plane and running down the grade with
fearful velocity struck and killed the unfor
tunate man, as already stated.
Our worthy young friend Dayton Jones,
of Zancsvilie, Ohio, Is circulating among his
numerous relatives and friends in this "neck
of timber," where he was bom and brought
np. He reports all at home as being in the
enjoyment of good health and otherwise do
ing well. May it be ever thus with our much
esteemed and deserving friends.
Mr. Jere. Flanagan, of Prospect boro
who?e sudden death is noted elsewhere, was
a member of St. John's Total Abstinence
Society, Johnstown, and a very worthy citi
zen in every respect. His funeral on Tues
day was, says the Tribune, the largest that
has passed along the streets of Johnstown
fer years. May his soul rest in peace.
While wheeling brick np an Inclined
plane at the new Court House, Monday last,
Mr. John Keroler. missed his footing and
fell a distance of five or six feet. The
wheelbarrow and brick followed, and. find
ing lodgment on his person, pretty badly
bruised him. ne has found it necessary to
carry one of his arms in a sling ever since.
Hon. Cyius L. Pershing, onr own "little
Cyrus." who In all the walks of life, and es
pecially as onenf Judge of the Schuylkill
county Courts, has made a record for him
self of which he has a right to be proud, is
or was the early partef this week, indulging
In a brief visit to his old home and his many
relatives and friends in and about Johns
town. Messrs. John Strong and Giles Stephens
ive on tne line of Indiana and
counties. On the 24th ultrlmo, a heavy rain J
swim iwrpv over mat section, accompanied
by thunder and lightening. One boit of
lightning killed one bull and three cows be
longing to Mr. Strong, and another bolt laid
low six sheep owned by Mr. Stephens, who
occupies an adjoining farm.
McKean county's new Court House is
practically completed. It ia of similar archi
tecture with the Warren county Court
House, as ia our own new Court House,
with Mr. M. E. Beehe, of Bnffalo, N. T., as
supervising architect of all three. The di
mensions of the new building are 72x124
feet, aud the cost $0.0o0, which Is $3,000 in
excess of the contract price.
Letters lately received here from the
Ebeasburg colony located In Rooks county.
Kansas, state that the crops oat there this
year are exceedingly nnmerou This is a
gratifying state of affairs, aot only to the
colony themselves, bnt to their many friends
in this section as well. As to the jndividn-
al members of the colony, they are reported
k ue in good health and doing well.
lhe Sheridan Troop, of Tyrone, will
traverse the distance between that place and
the military encampment near Saltsbarg. In-
aiana connty, by the overland route, "boots
and saddles" being sounded next Monday.
They will arrive In Ebenshurg the evening
of Hie same day and remain over night, re
suming their march next morning, though
whether by way of Indiana or Blairsville we
are rot informed.
"Old Jim" It dead colic killed him.
"Old Jim" was a horse, and Mr. Thos. J.
Reese, of Cambria township, was the owner.
Ills age (that rs, "Cd Jim's age.) was eigh
teen years, and his record for strength, en
durance, docility and other equiiiearian vtr
toes was second to no other horse that ever
lived, moved er had a being on top of the
AllegherKes. paf4 to hj8 mJi lnd rike.
wise to bis remains.
Postmaster Linton B. Graff, ef Linton,
Ohio, whos. arrest ia AJteona a eoopl cf
Bontbg ars H will be remembered by ar
readers, was tried, fonnd trallty and sen
tenced for a term of seven years In the U. S.
Dtelrlet Court at Zrla, P , mora than two
waeks ago, for forging money orders to the
amoaat ef 1,, bt wm don'i ksew tfeat !t
tw anttlrfcbbwu w4ta nay el tteaantn
ep sea sotjrt f iis amst.
A nearly all farmers feed chop to telr
horses and cattle during the Fall and Win
ter, and as they 'all know bow much time It
take 9ntn? to mill. w can t" f hem how in
eave both time and mnnv. It ' implv to
bnv from V. S. Barker & Bro. a "Young Am
erica Com and Cob Mill." with which thev
can chop their own feed. One snlll will
chop for a whole neighborhood. Call at
B arkera' and see one In operation.
The Johnstown Tribune thus "boots
an item which went the rounds of the local
prints : "The Swedish miner of ITou tidale,
mentioned In several of our exchanges as
having been attacked hv ratWenake. after
getting inroa dr-n of reptiles, while nut pick
ing huekelherrles, was not totallv eaten op
by the ferocious monsters, as reoorted. His
boot were fonnd next dav. and. with some
repairing, will stand another racket."
On Monday of last week a man named
Wllhelm was run over by the cars in Cone
maugh borough and had both feet badly cnt
and bruised. Being witboat money, be
was taken In charge by Director Easlv and
located In tbe conntv almshouse. Subse
quently, mortification of one of the feet set
In, and on Tuesday of this week the mem
ber was amputated at the aukle-olnt by Dr.
A. OrifTHh. It is tboughttbe other foot will
be saved.
Tbe HolUdavsburg correspondent of the
Altoona Tribune charges the Friemak with
the grave offence of detaching five rattles
from th bi srmke reeently killed on Brush
fT' nri
the rept ile w'll do our utmost to repair dam-
ages. !So rnrte its bones over the stones, ye
locil scribe whose surname is Jones, and
we'll remove if we can all cause for your
We leam from the superintendent of the
brickyard in this place, Mr. John W. Roberts,
that he commenced burning the second kiln
made this summer, containing 300.000 brlelra,
on lat Friday evenin. This, together with
2.10.000 contained in the firt kiln made this
snmmer. and tbe large kiln hnrned lat year,
will he enough to complete the inside wal's
pf the new Court House, and alsotobni'd
all the Inside walls of the new Presbyterian
The first intimation we received direct
from J. A. Kennedy. Eq., of this place, that
he Is an aspirant for County Treasurer on
the Democratic ticket came veterdav in an
order to print tickets 'or him to he used at
tbe primary election. We don't suppose that
everybody will vote for Mr. Kennedy, hut
those who do may rest assured that they are
supporting an honest, competent and cour
teous gentleman who has pover vet f si tered
in his advocacy of Democratic principles.
nere is a happy thought : All, or nearly
all, the horses stolen In Westmoreland and
Indiana counties are run to market hv wa.y
of a defined blind road which traverses the
extreme northwestern limits of this county.
Now. if there wer a line of telen-aph or a
telephone from Ebenshnsg to Cherrvtree,
thus putting tha secMon In instartaneons
communication with all parts of the State,
the ehances for the escape of the thieve
with their hoofy would hu materially lessen
ed. Respectfully submitted.
An effort is Iwing made by a number of
his friends to induce Joseph nngue, Esq.. of
Allegheny township, to permit himself to he
voted for at the coming PemorraMe. primary
election for the offiee of County Commission
er, and should it prove sneeessfnt there Is no
aspirant for tbe position who will not freely
admit that they have met a foemn worthy
of their steel. A fitter man than Mr. no?ue
for any plsee of trnt it would be imnossihle
to'find. Others there are inst as worthy
none there are more deserving.
There is a very enrnesf demand for n re
turn or the old srherlrt'e which for four
years previous to the first of last month eon
trol'cd the carrying of the mails between
Cresson ar.d St. Angnstine and psrts be
yond, and now that the matter has been
called to the attention of Congressman
Campbell, there Is good reason to belWe
that there will be a speedy retnrn to first
priwcin'es, which means that the mail will
leave Cresson. as It should, about four hours
later than it does now
"Guaranteed to cure," Is the induce
ment offered to you to call at James' pew
Drni Store. Fwnsburg Pa., and huv a bottle
of Dr. Faust's German Cough Svrno. It Is
based npnn chemical laws, and is prepared
with the most scrupulous care. This medi
cine is warranted to cure consumption. coughs,
colds, sore throat, bronchitis, and all pul
monary diseases. Rememler an ordinary
cough leads to consumption if allowed to
continue without relief. Pr'ce, 2c., .SOe. and
?1 a bottle.
Mr. Jerry Flanarnn, ared about 60 years,
as we leam from the Johnstown 7Vi&ie,
fell dead In Tavlor township, on last Sun
day evening, whl'e attending the "wake" of
deceased relative named John Collins.
wniv a Tew minures nernre me ores n sum
mons came his wife lhad left the "wake"
house for the purpose of returning home, he
assuring her that he would not remain long
behind her. neart disease, which has to bear
the blame in most cases of the kind, is tho't
to have beenjthe cause of his sudden and un
expected death.
A handsome twin monument, that is a
monument with two shafts rising from one
base, has just Vn completed y Messrs.
Wilkinson A Everlv. of this place. nd will
be shipped to Hollirtaysburg In a few days
to he erected over the remains of the late
Thomas Buchanan and wife. In the Presby
terian cemetery. It is an elegant piece of
woTk which pot only excites admiration of
all beholders, but reflects great credit on the
artistic skill of the manufacturers, who have
few equals and fewer if any superiors in
their line of business.
Dr. George Kurtz, of Pur.xsutawney
Jefferson county, died Isst Friday aged
about vears. He was well known' In his
own and adjacent counties as a medical
practitioner of much skill, and several per
sons from this immediate neighhorhoob un
derwent medical treatment at bis handa.
Indeed, so late as the present week one of
ourcnw citizens, suffering from a peeilisr
I ailment, essayed tt he trip to Ptinxsntawney
to consult the Doctor In regard to his case,
but was met en route and turned back hy
the news of the death of the venerable gen
tleman. And now comes Joaeph Barr, of Gays
port, Blair county, who, being duly credited
if not sworn, doth depose and say that with
out the aid of a vision or trance of any kind
lie, the aforesaid Joseph Barr, fully one
month previous to the commission of the
terrible crime, did predict and make known
the fact that the assassination, or attempted
assastination of President Garfield would
come to pass as In manner and form It now
stands recorded. Apd further deponent
salth not. Witness 'Squire Jones, HolU
davsburg correspondent of the Altoona
Under the bead of "A Dream Extraor
dinary" the ilollidavsburg correspondent of
the Altoona Tribune tells of a man over
there who found thirty dozen esirs in a hox
which had been used as a place of deposit
for the last three months by a trio of dung
bill liens, one of which he very minutely de
scribes as a sprucy, another as a creepy, and
the third as a doinineck. The bens afore
said certainly shelled out well, but ain't it a
fowl aspersion on their "hen-temrisinir"
habits to speak of their efforts as "a dream
extraordinary" when it's only "a lay eggs
traordinary" ?
A two-horse team ran away with Squire
Fiake, of White township, the other day.
He was engaged at the time in the laudable
attempt of conveying the U. S. mail from
FIske P.' O. to Glasgow, when the horses
concluded to go on a picnic. The Squire
and two passengers, both ladies, were dump
ed out, but were not much hnrt This seems
to be a bad season for runaway horses, but
more particularly for our friend the Squire.
It is not many weeks since he and a passen
ger narrowly escaped drowning hy the mis
behavior of a horse while attempting to ford
a stream which was swolea by heavy rains.
Blacklick township was visited by a hail
storm on Tuesday evening of last week which
knocked the bark ff a number of trees and
knocked the stiffening out of a good deal of
the growing wheat, corn, garden 3as6"and
"eich " as well as window-panes, etc Mes
sers Wilson, two brothers who operate a
farm out there conjointly, were the heaviest
sufferers, much of their growing crops hav
ing been literally cut t) pieces. Another
storm of similar import visited tbe same lo
cality on Friday evening, but as the hail
stones were much smaller and the occasion,
it may be, an un propitious one, the damage
done was comparatively alight.
To our town, without doubt, on the
coming Monday will ride Capt. Jones, from
Tyrone all tbe way, and immediately be
hind bira, in martial array, will eome bis
bold troopers, bent on a stay over night in
our Tillage, where we trust that they may
a warm welcome find as they will, we dare
say for soeb they deserve, being gallant and
gay, and of the stoff that seek pleasure,
though tbey fear not the fray. The Captain
so bold, we may add. by tbe way. is Jones,
of the jTersM, on of the papers which pay,
and Is published st Tyrone, about forty
miles away, froea onr town, whl&a on the
eersijg oecaviloo U1 pay wild vrtD &e
A petition will be presented to Court
next September session for tbe vacating of
that portion of Ontre street which lies north
of the bend of tb plank road, a short dls
tanee above the reeidences of Gen. Joseph
McDonald and Tow McNamara. Tbe Messrs.
barker own property on either side of the
street, and In case of tbe granting of the pe
tition, would proceed to annex tbe vacated
strip to their present possession. Though
the part of the street spoken of is practically
useless for vehicles It is yet extensively pa
tronized by promenaders, both human and
bovine, ana a strong protest against the pro
posed vacation will therefore be handed up.
Five men were arrested at West Newton.
Westmoreland county, day before yesterday,
on suspicion ot having been concerned In the
brutal murder near that place on last Tues
day evening of a man named McClnre, the
senior member of a firm at McKeesport whose
store was robbed the night previous, and who
was in pursuit of the burglars when he was
sbot down like a dog. Two of the parties
arrested. Heenan and John Llghtner, were
employed almost from childhood and up un
til four or five years ago bv the Cambria Iron
Company, Johnstown, and another of the
gang, who seems tojhave been short of a name
and was simnly known as "Shorty" to every
body who dirt know him, was also employed
for a time by the same Company, having
found bis way from Hollidaysburg to Johns
town several years ago.
James McGraw, the colored man who
on the 13th of June last, as noted in these
columns at the time, so shockingly maltreat
ed a country"!" in Altoona named Freder
ick Swanger that he died soon after, was tried
in the Blair county Court this week, found
guilty Wednesday forenoon of murder in the
second degree, and sentenced the same day
to pay the costs of euit aud undergo an Im
prisonment of ten vears In the Western Pen
itentiary. John J. Pickle, the horse-thief,
whose exploits and conviction are already
known to our readers, was sentenced at the
same time to pay a fine of 1 100, costs of suit,
and go the penitentiary for five years: Grant
Slngizer, burglary, f 100 fine, costs, and tnree
years in penitentiary ; Thomas F.ngle. bur
glary, ar.d Wm. Keller, larceny. $2n and $W
fine, respectively, costs, and two years each
in penitentiary, Judy nammers. burglary,
and Stett Conroy. attempted raj.e, each $100
fine, costs, and one year in the penitentiary;
Annie Gardner, concealing birth of child,
$30 fine, poets, and one year less one day in
county Jail ; Wm. Zlegler, adultery. $20 fine,
costs, and six months In jail; Sadie Llght
ner, same offence, $20 fine, costs, and three
months in jail
BorsD row Camp. Co. A, Bth regiment,
N. G. P., of this place, wilt leave for the
encampment near Saltshurg, Indiana county,
next Wednesday morning, per rail not
fence-rail. Drilling has of late been going
on quite actively, eaeh evening, with the in
tention of maintaining for this occasion the
high degree of effieinicy which has hereto
fore distinguished Co. A. For tbe credit of
the organization It is hoped its maximum
strength will be put forth, and in this con
nection the subjoined extract from General
Orders No. 4, Issued by Brtgadeir General
Beaver, is of importance :
II. Br th provisions of narsmnh ITT, Osnaral
Order No. 12. A1iitfit rtenerat'a Office. It will
ha tbat the law rrquirinq th attendance ot
all member of the National Ouard t the cotnln
encampment will b rliclrtlv enforol. Excmes
fr non-attendance can onlv he sranted by the
Brlrade Commander, and will he allowed only Tor
(iich reasons a wonM prerall In actnal aerrlce.
Caoi of atitolutt inability to attend will lo consid
ered aftrr the arrlrsl cf the brlcade in camp, but
not eooner. It will, therefore, he nele to apply
fur eTnes before that time. CFe of a.ence on
account of lllnen of the poldler. or ol erlon 111
ne fn hfs famllv. wMl be etrlctly Inr tinted,
and attempt atlnposltlon.ll any, will be severely
Abbot Wimmeb's Semi-Crstenxial.
At St. Vincent's Abbey, near Latrobe. there
was celebrated on Monday last, tbe fiftieth
annivei-earv of the consecration to the priest
hood of Right Tfev. Ronniface WImmer, Mit
red Abbot and head of the Benedictine Or
der of Monlrs in tbe T'nired States. Quite a
number of Bishops of the Catholic Church,
the Triors ot ten Benedictine Monasteries in
. the country, and a laige number of priests
and la vmen, aggregating in all over forty dig
! pitaries. were t the Abbey. Three Bishops.
! three Apostolic Prefects. 170 Monks and 150
j Lav Brothers belong to the Order of Bene
I dictines in the United States, and next to the
; Economites, it. is the wealthiest order in the
Union. Abbot Wimmer came to this coun
try in 1S46. He has received a number of
elegant presents, among them being one from
Prince Radziwill, which is very valuable.
Tbo irnrahlA hhnt is most learned man.
i ... ii .Millie re j.j..h f .
ed by those of all creeds who have ever met
Mr. Mahttx Schwab, of Loretto, came to
town on Tuesday last and in the evening
conclnded to give the horse be drove a little
snurt along Julian street. The result was
disastrous, for the bnggv hit some obstruc
tion and be was pitched headlong to the
ground. The injnries h received not prov
ing severe, he proceeded the next, morning
to put into execution a plan he had conceiv
ed of trying the experiment over again on
the same eourae with the same horse. Mr.
Vallle Luttringer accompanied him on this
occasion. The wind-up was that the horse
ran away again, demolishing the huggv, and
throwing out the occupants. This time Mr.
Schwab did pot get off so easily, bnt was a
dead weight In the arms of those who carried
b'm to the residence of his brother in law,
Mr.- Lang, for repairs. He was found to be
severely though not dangerously cut. scratch
ed and" bruised. As to Mr. Lnttringer. he
emerged from the wreck with a wound an
Inch long on the top of his head.
Kn.i.Fn st the Car. The Huntingdon
Loral JVVir of Monday says : A young man
named Jamea E. Carr was killed this morn
ing at the coal wharf in this place.' It is sup
posed he had been riding on t.p of an east-
ward bound freight train, and was struck by
; tbe coal shnte at the wharf, which knocked
' him against a cabin car standing on the side
track, battering out his brains and causing
Instant death. His body was taken to the
morgue. He was aged about 25 years, and
papers in his possession showed that he had
been employed with Coup's Circus. He left
Philadelphia with the circus April 8th. and
was with It until It arrived at St. Louis,
Jnne 7th. He was on his wav to Philadel
phia, where his brother resides at 130
North Front street. His father Uvea in
Worcester, Mass. A Catholic prayer book,
diary, letters, and about 73 cents, were also
found In his pockets. A telegram was sent
to bis brother, inquiring what to do with his
Hat Fever Mr. A. L. Averv. Pharma
cist, Newark, N. J. : Having been severely
! -tMi.l 1 I ..w V -
uiicini iw neven yers wiia rever,
after trying almost everthlng without avail,
I gave up all hopes of being cured, when I
purchased of von a hnT of F.Iv's feam
j Balm. To roy surprise after a tew appli
cations, i was entirely relet ved. K. w Bison
Harris. Letter Carrier No. 14 New T. O.,
Newark, N. J.
Messrs. White A Burdick. Druggists,
Ithaca, N. Y. I reccotnmend to those suf
fering (as I have been) with nay Fever,
Ely's Cream Balm. Have tried nearly all
the remedies I could find, and give this a de
cided preference over them all. It has given
me Immediate relief. C. T. Stephens,
Hardware Merchant, Ithaca. N. Y. Sep. 6,
180. Price, CO cents. Sold at the new drug
store, Ebensborg.
Improvxmknt for Mihd ajd Bodt.
For genuine merit there is no tonic sold that
begins to compare with Parker's Ginger
Tonic. One w ct. bottle contains more life
and strength. restoring power than a bushel
of malt or a gallon of pure milk. As an ap
petizer, blood purifier and kidney corrector,
it meets with astonishing success, and in
valids find it ne promptly followed by re
newed energy and vivacity, mental and
physical improvement, and gradual restora
tion to perfect health. See other columns.
Commercial. ( 7-22.-lm. J
Be Wise asd HArpy. If you will stop
all your extravagant and wrong notions in
doctoring yourself and families with expen
sive doctors or humbug cure-alls, that do
harm always, and nse only nature's simple
remidies for all your ailments you will he
wise, well and happy, and save great ex
pense. The 'greatest remeey for this, the
great, wi&e aud good will tell yon. is Hop
Bitters rely on it. See another column,
Prese. Sold at th new drng store, fbens
bnrg. The only absolute specific we know of foi
neeiing. snoffllng and choking catarrh or
beao colds Is Sanford's Radical Cure, which
for the small sum of $1 affords Instant relief
and invariably eures. Mftthat Times. Im.j
IiooTakt to Tra vil ikb. Special in
docements arc offered yon by the Btjiiuks
tow RocTB. It wHl pay yoo to Ttad their
advertisement, te he fonnd elsewhere in this
iesne. 8-ls 10m. J
MuraiKn who seffer from Dyspepsia,
Headache, Constipation, or BllhVmsnes can
be cored by using DR. METTATTR'S HEAD
ACIID A-VTi D?9ZP21JL. VLLLB. rrteaarj
TsraT eat and looked at the comet
ad tie wonderful tall that grew float It:
Hit band strook a pin
Where It ebon Id n't have been
- AS the tlid from bit knees ha eald domic
The author of the forecoloa offers a liberal re
ward for a translation of that It word: while
Jsa. J. Morphy. loe Clinton street. Johnatawn. Ii
wllllner to pay a bif inn rr the discovery of a
mure complete clothing More In PenoaTiraofa
than the one he boaea. He bold that be hat oo
bli anal ret more foods, and cheaper goads than
any other dealer, and hit moltltnde ol out temer
without exeeptlon endorse bit claim. Perseae
Itrlna? In the north ef the county are cordially In
vited to (rlre blm a anil, bat If unable te do eo. aa
order aent by mall will recelre careful attention.
One thine; Is to bo particularly noted: If tho
goodi are not a represented, the money will bo
refunded. -
Tirana was an old maiden of Rome
Who very mnch wanted a home ;
So the naked her friend Harry
If her ho would marry :
He bluihed and (aid solemnly, 'No'm H
From this anawer it Is not to be Interred that
Harry waa nnarallant. On the contrary, tbe prob
abllltiej ore that bo was not just then prepared to
marry. He hadn't. In fact, the rtrbt port or a suit
of clotboi for tuch an Important ration, but
eonld readily bare procured the necesssrv attire,
and for very little Simon k. tfandbetm'e,
pert aor to bo First Kit Ion 1 Bank, Altoona
Their atook. for both droaa and erery-da v pnrpoeet.
Is unexcelled 'a quality and make, and hundredi
of customers ore dally rendered happy by being
rirred out in atvlo at price which don't flatten a
pocket book aa though it bad bean struck by llght
nla Men of Eminent Ability.
Scholars and chemltts. bar dcroted years of tlma
and aklllful labor that ther mlyht. In a measure,
relieve hnitiio tufforlnr. In Fault's Oerman Ar
omatfc Wine Is the rrault of the most patient and
careful experiment. It is prepared with the moat
scrupulous care from pure Orape Jo Ice and tbo
choicest Fruits. Roots and Herbs, and stands pre
eminently wlthont aa eqnal for the use or Indies
aufTerlna with private disorders, ased or foeblo and
debilitated persons, and those recovering from tho
effects of exhaustfnir disease, or mental or physical
overwork. Onaranteed to promote dleestlon and
Invlaorateand rive new aavd permanent vital force.
In no wy can It be used aa an Intoxicant.' Ask
Irurrlsts. For sale at E. Jamea' new Drua Store,
Kbensbnrs;. Pa. rt-S.-e.o.w.Iy.)
An eld yellow doe: In Coloane.
Rac away with an old woman's hngae;
Bit the wTsthfn! old emgne.
Hit him twice with a stoano.
And 'twas dreadful to hear the dog groyne.
"T-o-er-n-e" Is not the rleht wav to spell foa.
Bnt It Is an Indisputable lart that all pcron who
lay claim to what I Implied by the word tone buy
their ctothlns from Ondfrey Wolf, next door to tho
Po'tofflce. AIKona. TVh v this Is so Is tonnd In tho
fact that Mr. W. deals only In aoods ot flrst-clas
Duality. leaTlntr toothers a monopoly of the shod
T business. Then his prices are to" liberal that
the poor man as well at the rich finds It polhlo
to go well cUd. Purine- the month of August
some special barraln In warm weather will be af
forded the readers of the Frkkmaw, which. If they
are wise, tbev will take advantage of.
Oh, What a Cough!
Will you heed the warning, tho slrnal. perhaps,
of the near approach of that most terrible disease.
Consumption? Ask yourself If yon tan afford for
the sake of savins- 10 cents to run the risk and do
nothing for It. We know from experience that
Shlloh's Cure will cnre your courh. '1'hls will ex
plain why mart than a million bottlrt were eold tho
past year. It relieves Croup and Whooptn Cenah
at onee. Mothers, do not be without it. For Iame
Hack Side, or Chet. use Shlloh's Porous Plasters.
Sold by E. James, Ebensbunr, Pa. t-i.-e.o.w.lyj
Jn Texas there lived a fair maid.
And a fallow ho called her a jade ;
She rrabbed for a gon
Ho started to run.
But was neatly and Instantly stayed.
The reason bo was overtaken by the load of shot
was possibly because hit shoes didn't fit hlna aid
he couldn't make time. In thfs connection, wo
may venture to remark that the detect of a non-fit
can nerer be attributed to the boots and shoes be't
at S. Blnmenthal's. 1119 Bteventh avenue. Altoona.
Thev are made over Improved lasts, and Incase
the feet like a glove. A very lsnre and very fine
stock on hand just now. for both men and women,
to which the attention of the public Is Invited. At
to prices, tbey positively cannot be cut under In
the State.
TjfirKen. fur thome fti.trino' font
pfainta to which yoit are nubjecf.,
. W r . . . . . . r 1
" itr. r ut si merman romnrtc
Mine. f4-l,?l.-7y.j
STRAY. Came to the premises of
-J the subscriber. In Alleahenv township, on or
about the loth of May Isst. two black snd white
sows, one with pi; no marks visible. The owner
Is requested to come forward, prove property, pay
chsrs-es and take them awav ; otherwise they will
be disposed of at tbe law directs.
Allegheny Twp., Ana-. 5, l.l.-3t.
. i Etato of Monica Ior.-. ss. deo'd.
Iettei testameetsry hsvlnir ben i"ued to the
a... -jut .in' in. ii.iiiii, jct;"h-cti. 'l - unn
Indebted to said estate are hereby notified at
Immediate payment must he made and thosa hsv
Ins claims against th same will present them le
gally authenticated for settlement.
W, A. B. I.lTTUE, Executor.
Allegheny Twp., Aug. 5, IS81.-SI,
"TTTF will pay the above reward for nnv ease of
Y I-lvert'omnlalnt. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache.
Inditrestlon. Cnsrinntlon or Costiveness we cannot
core with West'e Wa-etahle Ttver Pills, when the
directions are strictly eomnlted with. They are
purelv vegetable, and never fall to x-lve satisfaction.
Sutrar Coated. Iarare Boxes, contslninir SO Pills.
Mrl'. Forsale by all Iruglsts. Beware of coun
terfeiters and Iml'a'ors. The arennlne mannNc.
tored onlv bv JOHN ft. WK8T 4l CO.. "The Pill
Makers." 181 . 1S3 W. Madison Rt.. Chleaan Free
trial pBokane tent by mall prepaid on receipt ol a
3 cent stamp. ia-4.'i.iT. j
ITonith itx vVeflili2
Dn. K. C West's :avtir awp Basra Tut
MRsfT a specific for Hysteria. tHrrtnese. -Convulsions.
Nervous Headache. Mentsl Depression.
ss of Memory. Spermatorrhoea. Impotency. In
voluntary F.m1telont. Premature Old Are. caused
by over-exertion, self-abuse, or over Indulgence,
which leads to misery, decay and death, fine box
will cure recent cases". Each box contains 1 month's
treatment. One dollar per box. or six boxes for five
iolr ; sent hy mail prepaid on receipt of price.
We guarantee six boxes to cnre any case. Hyith
each order received by us for six boxes, accompa
nied by Ave dollar, we will send the purchaser
onr written rusrantee to return the meney If the
treatment dies not effect a enre. ftnarsntees is
sued onlv when treatment Is ordered direct from
OS. Address JOHN C. WFST k CO.. Sole Propri
etors. 1SI sl 13 W. Madison St.. Chicago. III. Sold
by all dmrarlsss. Swim, K.LISB a Co.. Wholesale
Arents. Philadelphia. Ss.'Sl.-ly.
T virtue of an order Issuing ont ot the Conrt of
I Common Pleas of Cambria eonnty. the under
signed Assignee of Ow. . KoaAroH will expose
to sale bv pnhllo auction or outcry, at the Hotel of
T. V. Kirbff. in tht Borovqh of Wilmort. en
at S o'crorsr. r. w.. the following described Rait,
Estatb. divested of all Hens, to wit:
situate la tho township of Sammerhlll. eonnty of
Cambria, adjoining -lands of Mrs. Ann Keating,
Joseph Miller. August Helen, and others, contain
ing SS Arret, more or less. Alto,
situate In the township of Jackson, conntv of Cam
bria, adjoining lands of Joseph Bnrkha'rt. Mary
Kobaugh. and others, containing- SIO Acres, more
or lesa. This tract of land Is three miles distant
from Sntnmerhlll station. P. K. R.. Is well covered
with an excellent quality cf raw timber, and Is
supposed to be nnderlatd with two veins of coal.
tttuate In the township of Cambria, county of Cam
bria, adjoining lands of Matthias Burnheimer. F.
A Shoemaker, and others, cortainloa; 149 Aeres,
more or less.
ajr One third of the purchase money to be paid
at the confirmation of the sale, and the remainder
In two equal annual payment, with Interest, to bo
seeured by the mortgage and judgment bonds of,
tbo purchaser. JOHN SCHROATH.
Assignee of Oiosoi O. Ronaroa.
Wllmoro. July It. 1881.-31.
Estate of Ktinsrrs EcxfLnv, dec'4.
Letters ef administration having been granted
to the undersigned upon tho estate or Elizabeth
Eckley, late of Snmmltvllls borongh. deceased,
notice te hereby given to all persons Indebted to
aid estate that Immediate payment must be made,
and those having claims against the same will pre
sent tbera properly proven for settlement.
ANNIE ECKT.EY. Administratrix.
Summltvlllc, July , J8Sl.-t.
ro Seisxit. Cambria Twp. We are author
ized to announce that Davta Shinkle. of Cambria
township, will be a candidate for County Commis
sioner at tbe coming Democratic primary election,
and If nominated and elected pledget himself to
perform tbe duties of the office honestly and to the
best of his ability. In any event, however, bo will
remain true to bit party and its principles.
Ebeneborg. July TO, 181.
V- Orat-TfT. Ebenshurg. We bavo been author
ised to an noti nee that the above named member of
the present Board of County Commissioners will
be a candidate tor renomlnatloo at the coming
Ueaocratio primary olaetion. and If the nomina
tion Is once mora conferred upon and hU eleeUun
follows b pledgee himself to do hi dotv as laro
tolly and honestly In the future aa ha baa endeav
ored to do It la tbe past.
Faavcra M nrmiu, Efeenebonr. We are
authorised to announce that Francis Malvebtll. of
Ebensburg borough, will bo a eandMaa for tho of
Beo above nasaod, subject to Demoeratle rale, and
if nominated and elected, bo pledgee himself to
guard tbo Ictereett of the taxpayers of tbo eoantv
to the boat of ble ability. ra-jo .-in.)
JL Moaaw. Loretto. Wo are authorised to an
anunao that Patrick Varan, ef Loretto bore ark,
will bo a easdldato far Connty Troaeuror. eabMel
to raunoeratle rules. If eoalnateet and eleeUd,
b pledges himself to perform tbe atloe or 1st of.
oo wit) haaorly aad dollty. f -ae.-ia. j
On the ist of this month our stock of Men's and
. Boys' Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods at Oak Hall
't waa seven hundred and forty-three thousand one hundred
and seventy-five dollars and eighty-one cents.
1 tf7Hffrsr
Where is there another such stock to select from ?
The old house has been remodeled.
The old hands (most of them) are still there.
The old principles of just and right prices, sound
goods, fashionable styles, substantial finish, are strictly
adhered to.
Who founded the business, is at Oak Hall every day look
ing after things, and in all the history of Oak Hall it was
to push up its high standards and drop down to lowest
X$5An old-time greeting to our friends everywhere,
and another cordial invitation extended to come to Oak Hall.
Wanamaker & Brown,
Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia.
The Largest Clothing Houee in America.
The last new thing we have done is to open a TEN
DOLLAR ROOM, where we have gathered a great lot
of full Suits, suitable for dress or business, which we shall
sell at $io.
You can judge of the cheapness of our stock by seeing
what we can do for $10. V. 8c B.
I nvv 8 '4 li r T -JT
1 mm mxmu
t S
ri. 1 fa Hit;
'isP- addition is a large and beautiful
WAlr Picture Gallery, to which admittance is free.
through the air, and
arc also worth seeing.
There is a Lunch-Room in the building. Valises,
baskets and packages can be left in charge of attendant in
Ladies Waiting Room.
Mr. Wanamaker is desirous that visitors should feel at
home when they come, and be free to purchase or not, as
they please. '
KoTi- Our large Catalogue, with prices and full
directions for shopping by mail from any part of the United
States, will be mailed gratuitously upon request, address
Johv Wanamaker, Grand Depot, Philadelphia.
assk;m;i;s sale
nT Tlrtne ef an orler issuing ont of tbe (Jonrt of
Common T'Ias ! t'amhrla eonnty, the on1er
slgned Assignees of N. J. Fitsmnorr will expose
to public oactlon or ont cry, at the Cewf Home in
tke Borough of Ebentburg, on
SATURDAY, 20t& Day of Anpst, 1881,
at o'clock, r. ., the following described Rbal
Estatb. dlrested of all liens, to wit:
situate In tho Boreogh of Kbentbarg. County of
Camlirla. fronting 64 feet on Hlgb street and ex
lending hark 13? faet, more or loss, to an alley, ad
joining lot of Mrs. Hutchinson on the east sad lot
of John Iougharty on tbe west, having toereon
erected a two story Ksixs Irwi.Lit Horsm. a
two story Fbamb Storb Koom, and a a Sta
ble. Alto,
sltnate In the Borough of TSbensborg. cionnfy of
t'ao-.hrla, fronting M feet on .Tullan street and ex
tending bark 190 feet to an alley, adjoining an al.
ley on th north and lot of M. R. B. freery on thn
south, having thereon erected a two story raaati
Dwilujo Hons and Frah a Staolb. Also,
sitnato In tho Borongh of Ehensburg. Connty of
Cambria, fronting 33 feet on High street and ex
tending hscx 244 feet to I.lord street, adioining
lot of M. M. O'Neill on the oast and lot of Charles
Prs.ller on the west, baring thereon erected a two
story Frame Dwbllitso Horns.
Av- tine third of the purchase money to be paid
at tne confirmation of the sale, and the remainder
In two eqnal annnsl payments, with Interest, to be
secured by tho mortgatr and judgment nonde of
the parcaaser. JOHN A. HI.AIR.
Assignee of N. J. FBSiDBorr.
Ebensborg. Jnly it lM.-3t.
ASSIGNEE'S SALE cf Eeal Estate
BY vlrtne of an order cf tho Court of Common
Pleas of Cambria eaonty. I will offer at public
sale, at the Court Haunt in Camsoure. on
SATURDAY, AUG. 27th, 1S81,
at o'cxocTt, r. M., the following described real
estate, eituite in Blacklick township.
Cambria count v. to wit :
ONE TRACT contaiGiBi tot 123 ACRES,
Adjoining lands of Fet. lumereanx. and others,
ahont SO Arrrs cleared. h,rlnir a Ixo Horse,
I xxj Bars and other oatbuidlngs thereon erected.
adjoining tbe aluire. containing abont lOO Acres
partly cleared, bavlug a I'lakk Huibi thereon
aT-One-lhird of tho purchcse money te bo paid
on confirmation of sale, and the balance In two
eqnal annnal payments, with interest, to be secured
by judgment bonds and mortgage ol the purchaser.
Assignee of Robert Ooiis.
Jnly St. IM1.-3U
STRAY NOTICE. Came to th resi
dence of the subscriber. Id Allegheny town
ehln, on the ltth day of July. laai. a white cow
with Mark on each side of bar nook, black spate
oa her sides, and leas Mck totbo knees; supposed
to he abent fire years old. Tbo owner is req nested
to oome forward, prove property, pay charge, and
take bar away; oUierwue she will be disposed of
as Oie law direct. JEROME rut'K.
Allegheny Twp., Jnly 3S, lrtl.-St.
vatb Salb. The undersigned offers for sale
a ono-and-a-balf story frame bouse and small plat
of ground eoeoplod by bar anal S' turn led In tbe East
ward of Eboosbort: borongh. There are a nnmber
of thrifty and prodncMvo apple and eborrv treee
n the premises. Said rrow-rtT will be sold very
Cheap for a-h. AN.S FATTEKSOJ.
Zio;5" JJ V T??V
tar-V m
ear ar aXaTaTaTaTaTaTaasa
you will find,
among other places
of interest, the Grand
Depot well worthy of a
visit. Its floor and trallerv
spaces now cover over three
and are filled with Dry Goods.
China, Furniture, etc. The
a a .
The Pneumatic Tubes carrying the money
the Electric-Light Machinery,
B. J. Li YjSTCH,
MaiteirsM-teircr aad Dealer la
mm and mum suns,
Mattresses, &c.
BctwcfB 16th and 17th Sts
Altoona. Penn'a.
W. Cltltens of Cambria eoantv and all others
wishing to purchase honest ITKSlTTRK, Ac . at
honest prices are resjc'tiullv Invited to give me a
call before bnylng elsewhere, as I am confident
that I can meet es-ery want and please evert tsst.
Prices tbe vry lowest. B. J. t,YS'C"U
Altoona. April ie. ISSO.-tf.
Freidhoff's Block,
Practical WatcMer anj Jeweler,
HAS always on hajd a large, varied and ele
gant assortment of W A TCH KS. CUH!KS
Ac, which he offers for sale at lower prtres than
any other dealer In the county Persons needing
anything in bis line will do well to give bin a oait
before nurehaslne- elsewhere.
W-Prompt attention paid to repairing Clocks
Watcbee, Jewelry, Ac. and eatlelaetloa raaraa
teed la both work aad price.
Tin: Copper ail SM-Iroa WARE,
1108 Ele TfBth Ave Dae, . AUhbi, Ti.
ne eer West ef ere Iteeeo.
raonm-v attbwdbd to.
Altoona. Oct. 10. 1879. -tf.
T. "W. DICK. Attorukt-at-Law,
o EbOBSbnr, Pa. OBre la balldlor of T.
J. Lloyd, doe'd, (first ftoor.) tVtr street. Alt
manner of legal baslBesa attended to otiefaeto
11 J egMesttene a speclaN v. ie-.-f
(1 tie bnxiusl aud uuiy genome Chinas Cream
Camphor manufactured Vri!. UW Ksxkl o .
Tea Merotiaute. I Month Second street. Phtiede.
phi. Pa.)
Chinese Cream
Commands tht attpntion of All wliotiava
been Inveterate ufferfT3 of RHEUMA
BACKACHE, Frosted Fiet. Snrr
Joints, and nil pains in every port ion of
the body. Tlie seat of pain is reached
by exciting the pores to action, thu
enabling the curative properties of tb
ter, which stifles the pain ai soon as the
affected parts are reached. The lini
ment must, upon cb application, be
rubbed in thoronphly ; and in cases of
Rheumatism of lonp standing; it should
be used three or four times a tlay, ar.d
four applications made each time, until
cured. Care, however, should be exer
cised after the pores are omed, to pre
vent taking cold.
j Chinese CREAM Camphor
! It relieves Sprained Joints, Thrush in
Feet, Sweeny, Poll Evil, Wood and Ro
Spavins, Riubone, and all hard lumpe
caused by kicks or other bruises. For
Epizooty, Distemper. Fever, Colic, l ose
of Appetite, and W-akneas, use the I ROW
Horse and Cattle Powufk.
AaT- A half pint bottle l the I'mnii 'aam
Crs(if. enn te had for 6 citu Iron t.. Jambo,
I'r'-eglst. Eleciiurtf, I'a.
N. B. The testimonials or votn using tbie
preparation, either nn then selves or their fccrsee,
ml! be thank fully received.
I have tried the Chinese Crern I'raij'tr tot
Khontnatlsra and Nerveus Headache, and
fennd In It Instant relief. I hare never tonnd Ite
equal In all mv travels. Hbcmi Btss, Ix-ndsn.
;.. (S"n nf Capt. S-rOeo. l',-ng, K. I. N., Sift
icapnre. Ipdla.l
I osed tbe Chinese Cream Camphor for a severe
attack of tiheaaiatlsoi in tlieriiihl shoulder, and
ean sincerely say. afer having tnej reverml other
well-known remedies, tbnt it is the t-est tbleg I
ever used, curing me completelv. Millasb
Wai.TOTt. 117 J . 41st street. West rhtlal!lri.ia,
March I.
After one applieatiun ef tke Chinese Cream Caa
pbor 1 was relieved of fritted feet. Natkab m
bab. ib orth TKird street, Philadelphia, re..
Jan. 12. 151.
slaving suflered severely with trosted feet I ase4
the Chinese Crea m Caoipber three Units, robbing
It In thoroughlv. aad was cured. My met her trltl
it for nervous fieadache. ot'tainlua Instant repel,
Autow S. Tahel, llS Melon street, I'kMad'a.
Jan. 1&. ISM. (4 -ern.l
c c
c c
E F. R in
EEE K II lit
? lieapest!
: c
Stoves, Tinwore.
a tooo ofK) TiDimn ssssssr
a net n o o on n st
. oooo t'ooo ianii sssssa
Ac, e.. tbat can 1 fr.und H f nv one establlsk
Biefatl a Pennsylvania. His sik comprlsee
uiv.i ans nm mm,
of various styles and patterns;
13 u alder's 9 IIjiiil-vii.rc
or every description and of boFt"qn.l:ty;
of all klbJs and the best in the market. Als, a
large stock of
(ilassware, fnrfnware. Mil rrP Tatedl
nsrr.Wnsdind Tt lilna Hare. Wall fm.
Per, Trunk, and Tallses, Ke vol i eris- wt.
alia, lira. IlerseMinrs. Bar Irnn, Rati
Itnt. llve Jislli. ( nrrlaie Rolli, Bls
rta. Mill Kavsa, Urlndstenes, Merl hhe?
el Plow floaldt, Koad hceeps;
Mowing Machines, Horse Hay Rakrs,
TTnrae Hay Fork a. Bene avnel Pxllea-a,
r at C'nlllvaters, and a lull Imeol Uerti
ratine; Tools. Also, a large assortment of
Table, Floor and Stair Oil Clotit,
Carrince Oil Cloth.
Airn SHADE HXTCKEN: I.itihpool A3MTiri
SALT, tho best In the world for Tiairv and Table
use; IsrcTin KCH'K SALT. th ch-spet end
best for feeding Live Stock ; LAND PLASTER
Wmisn'im Tl'MPS. of thebet I
cannot be exploded: Crili.rbsc'r U a.Hi?S tis
CAKTS; the largest stock tr MILK CRaH'KS ol
all shapes and sires and of superior ware ever of
fered lor sale in Ebenshurg : a full line uf PA1!TT
BHI'SHHi f the rcot iesinble w w.
VARXISHIS. Ac. together with a lars. and eoaa
plete stock of cholee
roc:ries, TonAitX) ad seuars.
as well as tbonsands cf o'ber asee.,) ts aeodeal
articles. In faet, anything I haven't ajM or ran
get at short notice is n"t w..rth buvlng, and what I
dooTsr iur sale may awas be relied on as r.mar
glass is r alitt. while they win Invariably bo
r- Having bad nearly thit-t tbams1 strui
Baca In the sale of goods la mv line. 1 asa ooahlesl
to supply my rnstomera with the very hest la tbo
market. tve mo a liberal sLare .' yeir patrea
age. then, and le convinced that tVe best It alwave
the cheapest, and that it never is to buy aa In
ferior article simply because the prio Is low, as tt
Is an Indisputable fact that such goods are aiwaf e
the dearest la the end.
Ebensburg, April 11. ls?e.
Freii:a Sctss t:i is fcrcs - $lie.CD.
Only Six Assessments in 24 Years.
GEO. U. READE, Prcsidc-U
2. W. DICK, Secretary.
Ebensbarg. Jsa. n, lWl.-ly.
EtQis Fire Icsnraiics ipscy.
General Insurance Agent.
Policies wriltea at short net Ice la tba
Am atbor rirat laao CaaaaiBlw.
Eoenabwrf .Sept. 3.13oMy."
p-iTisrtt. tlJdTthf"eeasayTaaJa. Coest
C s O'rf "It lr. A4Jr.-. fra t , Anitas Wa,