lew !." I-' las: , t t 0. iteH "j 1 DOf dor I V-L r.iiMr. - - .rrxr ir. issi. LOCAL AND i-EKSONAL. . .- turn. Therp and. the Other More persons have ben cure.l with Pe t s than all other remedies put tosrethor. I H s; month' oMsonof Mr. John Fol-jc-n! ..f the E?t ward, died on Tuesday svnrtiiii?- t Idrvl of draj' or medicine, no mat ter tv'ut thf-r ingredient-", can be had at the new drai stor. Wiiyuse inferior flavoring extracts when yen can buy the very best fully as the sp at tbr ntff drugstore? It miv b mint be, hotter than this on Satan's top shelf, but we hope to be spared from learning; how thit is onrp!f. "Lay in jour winter's coal," is the sur- jrestii.n now ma.le, but a for us we wouM rather take our ' lay" in the shade. Kresh rfrnr and medicines received every week at .jaivo-;' new Irn j store, where you can aiwsvi find that what you seek. Ti'.e chance for te cum prop on the r..t;n!:iri to pan out will prow smaller by jje-'re-'s and beautifully less every dar. . An unknown man was found wander 3BT r'.'ut APoo-.ia on Thursday with a tip Ve-hnrreUr-d shotgun. He said he was l& r. ' l fir IWv.. (irant. ? Mrs. Christina Foster, of the Cambria i .'.-', this f iace, lias concluded after all, r.nderstantl, nut to transfer her allegiance t the Arlington House, Altoona. The f.nnual .retreat of the Catholic, clersy of the Pittsburg and Allegheny dio reses will commence at Jit. Francis' Qoilese, Loratto, on Monday next and continue two weeks. Ml. Gallitin Seminary and St. Joseph's COt vent and pnrnrhial school buildings have just "ieen treated to a aew coat of paint, hlc'ii dds very much to their ontward ap-pWance- A picnic was indulged in or the 4th by the Citni'oiia townshipCongreeatlona! church :(SOti,h). We are clad t.j learn that it was a sncees both in point of attendance and fl "uanriailv. A farmer named Wm. McKaiu was kill ed instantly by a freight train on the P. R. R. nt perry station, a few days ano, while atfar:iiting to drive across the track in & sprins wagon. Ja-i 'b Bitner, of Saltlick. Clearfield coun ty, was badiy bitten by a coon which be was Efh'n i'ting a few day ago to pull out rrf a hollow log by the tail. A clear case of a Bit ner 1-eiim bitten. An exa.iiination of teachers proposing to pp'.y for professional certificates, wiil be Lelti, in Johnstown and Ehensburg b-eforil the regular examinations bein. Announce ment of time rtet week. Andieiv Myers, a puddler At thr Cam bria !ro;i Works, Johnstown, had one of his eyes burned ei-st by a spray of hot metal, which fkw from the furnace at v.-hirii he was employed . few tiays ago. Th wife of a carpenter enrplnrved at the l:ew Monntain liouse, Cresson, niid who.se borne is in St. Ctair. Westmoreland county, was stniek by lightning at the latter place, OB Thursday i.t-'t. ami kille.l instantly. Among the list of notables w-io are cool ing their heated nrows at Cressr n just now wt notice the names of Judge Pearson, of Dauphin co'.;nty, and Hon. A. "K. MeClnre, fat veteran editor of the Philadelphia Timti. The Altoona Tribune sayf tliat Francis ?-Sr.rphy is fighting rum in Franklin county. Pshaw! that's nothing. We t now men who l$r f been lighting rum for years awl years, SB'! who have ntvor yet failed to get it'down tt-evorv tss!e. i citl John Robinson owr.s and exbibiU 'It itKuntl tiouhle-liorned Kninoi'eros in the ---: H. it weighs five tons a; id cost ?13.ooo to i 8j .rt. It is a wonderful animal and can t-8eiii only with the Pig Show on Thurs- -luly L'ist. -Kvery bono in the body of Miss Annie v8rr, the young lady who was killed by ! jjLti ing at Loretto on Thursdav last, was 1 -)nd, it. is said, to have been of the consis hl 'j of jelly w hen examined by a physician soon after death. - Ayer's Saisapai ilia. Ue wise in time. A3 haneiul infections are promptly removed bythis v.neriunlled alterative, it is the most "pobnt blood purifier, and a fountain of heal; h and strength. For sale at the new , -drug store, K:ensburg. Mr. (ieorge Washington, one of our bart-Ts, is something more than "the father cf bi-i counlry." Sinee Sunday night, he is tho father of a hoy half as big ns himself, nnd !y, niothsr and (George are doing the test t 'iey can tinder the circumstances.' -'Forced by my political connections into pfibli!' life, my sufferings were intensified by ti;e eorniner.ts of thoe who saw my face and T V head covered with scrofulous huti.or" s-id ft gciit.'emnii recently cured by Cutkura Kaai-die. Sold at the new drug store. Tli" tortures of neuralgic pains, sick and .nerr us headache, are instantly banished by tbet -e,,f Dr. Faust's German Cure for Neu rai'i ami H.-adache. ( limrarteed to relieve. Ask druggi-t. For sole hv K. James, K!-ensb-irg. l'a. 4-1. 'M. -;.. w.l -. T.x oui,ty Treasurer Cliste, of Minister towr-hip, returned home on Tuesday la.-t flftei nearly if not ijuite a year's absence in ft. nd other portions of tlie west, 'hi' he has been acting as general agent for Cia.-kel'.'s Cjmpeiidiuni, a work of rare A lady named Hoover, residing at Cher- r.tree. Indiana coutity, returned to her bed I i.'Oin a few morning-, ago, after making fire '. -I pett:: breakfast, to find that her infant i it, which she had left, as she supposed, i f t":ng s oundly. wast old and stiff in death, j '1 unlet ,t. i i:r old friend and Philadelphia corres 5 r TWVnt. llnu. Xelson Siiiiih, whose let- f i l w et- ti form one of the most intrest 1 -f it ires r t the Fkfkman. is rusticating 1 -a i. f.i: the top of the Alleghenies, but l "t rt come to greet his host of F.bens ?g friends -:i tl;e grand street pagear.t which takes en July lit st. the day fixed for the com t ' U John Robinson's I!ig Miow to Eb 9 : can he seen a drove of twj'tii Csmels 'naries. I liese animals nra all el- It v i niipansonod and are one of the bier t a f t . c,-e ; tlie Jbg Show. L"l.ert (iilian, an old and worthy t lilackliek township, died on mug last, aged about 73 years. Sun- The I I was an honest, unrizht and much ei . ?a I. 5 v 8 ' ! - M'- 1 geiit.eman, anil his deatu is not - to ,i-i family but to the cotninti ar JVaee to ltis ashes. Margaret Levy, of Iloutzdaie. and Fred, and Pierce Kitted, of 5ia i--er and sons respectively of Mr. k Kitteil. of this nla.-e. have ieen - ' w I 'er by t'to daneerons illness of the w lioe condition is such as to give no 1 -e w hatever for his recovery. Hollidaysburg Stannrd will be re Hi to lenrn that its genial friend Tom Mc- M. of this place, whom it was sorry to I is f.ie victim of a sprained anKle,"'!ias iecovered his "eiual-abraham," and is a r,r ten day buvness tour to mtIoii county and parts adiacent. -Oiir eood looking and 'prompt-paying ti, -Mr. Aug. Panish. an engineer on Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, with his 9 iu St. Mary's. Pa., dropped in the oth "ij to renew his subneription while on a I i his numerous relatives and friends Hi- liu native county. Long live the liid. oh's Catarrh Renaedy is a marvellous r atarrh. Diphtheria. Canker-mouth 3. 'Ti. ad iche. With each lx.ttle there is an na-al iniector for the more snccess- tre.it merit of these complaints, without ; .-.leharge. Price sorts. Sold by E. James. xJruerM K-,..s!g, pa. f 4-i.-e.o.w.ly. .Mr Gallium Myers, who don't reside'in :sl.urg , s.m.e of the newspapers to the ry notwrhstanding, has purchased all eie stix-k, vehicle p, jir fixtrres ted with the livery stab'.e of Mr. John t i. Lorclto, and w ill hereafter carry on Juens i:i connection with a younger ti. Magellan, the aged widow cf Mich- I Magellan, Esq. , dee d, a former well .awyer of this place, was struck by a ':ve on the S A f It 1? ; "'i Tuendav eveninf last, hut forf.i. I 'lot Willi sii iTi. i.'ii t f,,r, a le, infO.t in 'in, re severe than a badly contused r. r:-ht side and hack. ' mammoth posters for Old John ;'s Riij Show, which is to exhibit I MlrMlaV llevf nrn hptvuwl ntiRCtinn -t specimens of decorative art that OT 1; r heen To-al o, i.,n ? iirinifi ri.m are certainly to be iiicir.exi eiienr WOrK. 1 ''' itlial. the genial arid CPn- nm linger nnd half owner of the ,.. . . ," mining; House, i' , u 10 the fact that Mr 1! "Hire, or mr.ru . . I ,. .!. ,, ' i imi on y tl, k , " ."- "m in;- ' ' ' -il!HU'U Ross" grain cradles, If, and wliose adver- lr Olir rnhimna -i nice man tunnel S weeks ,p our columns for ich VJJ lwu" with a 8 ,e. ratifying lt j, weU d(?. 4 i' lrL, t-oensourg on Wednesday I r, ff Purfl n'"u"tin air, anrl ith us from one train to the next. f 'our "'"'"-.v to any amount Tlie School Directors of Kbensbnre did l wen on insdsv evenins of last electing; Prof. F. A. Lvte for th sixth time me as superintendent of our borough schools. It is a fact patent to every man, woman and child in Ebensbure tliat the schools were never better, if so well conduc ted as thev have been under the management of Mr. tA-te. The "nsnal summer Saturday evening ex cursion train from Pittsburgh to EHenshur made its initial run this season last Saturday, ejirrying a iuii complement or passengers. f This is one of the most popular trains on the ; road for pleasure-seekers, as well for the ra i pidity with which it traverses distances as iy reason ot its ooastiug a tip-top conductor and trainmen. Amongst the friends who called to see ns during the late holiday times was Mr Charley Latterner. formerly of this p'aee, but now connected with the "well-known and ponnlar clothing establishment of Godfrey Wolf, Altoona. We are glad to know that the place suits liim. as we are sure he suits the place which suits everybody who wants to be suited with a good suit. A special meeting of the Johnstown Council was held on Monday evening to take action on the spread of small-pox, thirty-two cases being reported in two weeks in the town and immediate vicinity. Hon. D. J. Morrell subscribed one thousand dollars and the Council voted one thousand more for the erection of an additional pest house and the emp'oyment of the requisite nurses. Independence Day in Ebensburg was not formally observed, except by th small boy. Despite the fact that lie fired off sever al hundred dollars' worth of gunpowder, we are giao in nm oh required to enronic e. any missint fingers or ruined ontics for bis sh,r The danger of death hovering over President Garfield evidently had its effect in the way : of nieasnrably calming down the patriotic ; multitmie. The small pox is playing sad havoc in Johnstown just now, the" number of cases ; reported being between thirty and forty. Among the victims is Harry Smith, the ; twelve or thirteen year old son of Mr. R. E. j Smith, who removed from Ebensbur to I Jorntown a vear or more ago. A son of j Mr. Ed. W. Humphrey, of this place, was I ato reported among the number, but this is ssid to be an error. ' County Superintendent Straver, wife : and child tarried with ns from Wednesday until Saturday evening of last week, making their home for the time beingat the boardin S house of Mr. Ed. Miller, in the West ward, j where they intend to sojourn for several : weeks during the coming autumn, provided, i of course, they fail to secure a dwelling j bonse Tor themselves, in which latter event they will remain with ns. Mr. James MeClnskev, an old and much i respected citizen of Gtllitzin township, near j Tnnnelbill borough, was thrown from a ; wagon near Plane N,. 8, in consequence of : his team taking fright, and running away, and had one of his legs broken in three ' places. Considering the age of Mr. McChs I key who can be little if any less than 75 years old, his chances for recovery must in the nature of things be far from promising, j W bat seemed to be a fire somewhere in the vicinity r.f Gallitzin, or at least in that j direction, was plainly visible from several ; points In our town between 8 nnd 9 o'clock i on Tuesday night last, and the flying sparks j and gradually diminishing blaze left the im ; pression that the burning building was a i frame structure of some kind. Still as we have no information on the subject we can ! not say whether this conclusion is correct oi j not. Rey. J. H. Cleuver. D. D., whoa few years ago was pastor for a short time, of the i Chun h of the Holy Name in this place, but I who since then for the most part has been in charge of St. Joseph's church. Schenectady, X. T., has recently been raided by Pope L,eo XIII. to the rank and dignity of a'Camariere ! Segreto, with the title of Monsignior Father Cifiiver is the only German priest in theTJn Tred States who has been thus honored by ! fV.e Holy Father. j A large stable owned by the Cambria Iron Co. and located at East Conemangh, ! "this counts', was totally destroyed by fire at ! an early hour on Thursdav morning, June .joth. and seven head of mules and three horses perished in the flames. Several tons , of hay and straw, a lot of feed, harness, etc., were also destroyed. J ne fine was undoubt edly the work of an incendiary and file loss will aggregage not less than S?.ooo. on which there was an insurance of only S2Wi. A woman who was married a few years ago to a resident then and now of this place, but who subsequently deserted her husband and two children in Altoona, Whither they removed after living here for some time, is said to have been shot in a Pittsburg bagnio, where she has been living for several months past, one day last weeic, but, if the storv be true, we presume she was only slightly in jured, though we failed to see any paper containing an account of the shooting. Mr. I.. S. Straver. our new County Su perintendent, was in town several days last week. He informs us that the examination for teachers for Ebensburg and such other di-.tricts as contemplate opening their schools in September will be held some time in Au gust, while the examination for the other dis tricts will be held later. Tle place where and time when for all examinations will be printed in the county papers after th sched ule shall have been arranged. Mr. Strayer's postoftice address is Johnstown. Mr. J. B. SWeeny, of East R-raoy, Clarion countv, where he is engaged in the marble manufacturing business, has been visiting bis native heath on the Alleghenies dnrir.g the past week or two. making his sojourn for the most part at Loretto. his old home. The "Judge," as be is familiarly called, is a staunch friend and constant reader of the Freeman, which he has no hesitation in saying is the best country paper of which he has any knowledge. A good judge of such matters is our worthy friend "Judge" Sweeny. The Altoona C'f says that the little fourteen year old son of Mr. Ed. Lippet. who left his home veryTsuddeniy sometime in April last, has never been beard of since. The anxious parents have telegrapiied and sent letters all over the country and as yet no tidings relative to him have been receiv ed. The lad is described as having a mark on each side of the bridge of his nose, and has the initials. J. L. in India ink on one of his arms. Anv information tliat wiil lead to his recovery will be thankfully received by his parents in that city. We learn that the farmers in Clearfield township, or at least many of them, coni- menced cutting their wheat on the 5th of tlie month. This was about the usual time for the wheat harvest to begin in that township and is about two weeks in advance of the time in this part of the county. Tire land in that township is of the very best quality and remarkably productive, and now that the lumber business there is almost a thing of the past, Clearfield in a few years will be one of the finest farming sections in this or in anv of the surrounding counties. Rev. A.McElwain, of West Philadelphia, preached twice in the Presbyterian church of this place on last Sunday week, the 3d inst, and the day following, the work of razing the walls of th edifice was begun prepara tory to the erection of a new church on Cen tre street. Last Sunday the same gentle man preached to the Presbyterian congrega tion in the. Baptist church, morninc and evening, and thi following day be took his departure for his home. The foundation walls of the new building are already well under way, and the prospects are Rood for the comnleiion of the entire contract by the first of November. The Altoona Cull of Monday says : There are at pr-sent between Hollidaysburg and Johnstown nine corps of civil engineers, one one of which has surveyed as far as the foot of Xo. s, on the Old Portage. The men em ployed in the work seem to have no desire to enlighten a curious public as to what road it is to be, who is at the head '.of it. etc., etc. It is antboratively stated, however, that the shops of the new road will be erected at Gal litzii), which has a tendency to make the old citizens up that way feel rather jubilant. A corps of engineers and asitnts are making Fitzharris' hotel, at Gallitzin, their head- j quarters for the present, There is a story afloat to the effect that the husband of a family residing in this place Ins lately cast his eye over the map and said there were better pla?es in the United States to live in than Ebensburg, and that he would go and find out. B it it is alleged that he en tertains no intention of having his family follow him, and that is where the trouble comes in. The wife and family are left In comparatively destitnte circumstances, and the Knowledge of the unnatural conduct of the husband and father is the drop which makes their cup of woe tooveiflow. Furth er along, should it seem necessary, we will obtain the name of this cosmopolitan indi vidual and give it and him the benefit of the circulation of the Fbef.man. -Ex-Sheriff James Myers and ex-Associate Judge K. J. Lloyd, both of this place, are willing and anxious to occupy a place at the right or left hand, as the case may be, of the President Judge of this district when he ho'ds Courts in this county during the com ing five years, and with that object in view will seek the endorsement of their Demo cratic friends at the coming primary election. So long as Associate Judges are lo occupy a place on the Bench in this county it Is right and proper, indeed we may say important, that one of them should be a resident of the county capital, and hence we hope to see tlie best man win. As to which of the two gen tlemen named Is the more deserving and bet ter qualified wo leave tha Democracy of tb i county tov' -rmine for themselves. . A younff ladv namM Finesran, whose home was at South Fork, ihis countv, died on faatarday last and was to have been buried iitbe Catholic cemetery at Wilraore on Mon day, but meantime decomposition made such rapid progress that the friends of the deceas ed were obliged to hold the funeral on Sun day evening, interment taking place about 8 o'clock. The deceased lady is said to have rteen the twelfth member of the family who bas died within less than that many years, all the others falling victims to consumption, while her malady is said to have been Bright '3 disease of the kidneys. Mr. Peb'r Ne&llan, of 'Barr township, sold the Heininger House, formerly the Crawford Housf. in this place, on Monday last, to Mr. Joseph Brown, of Cambria town ship, for $3,200, and the latter gentleman will take possession of said hotel early next week. This sale is to be followed on Mon day next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, by a public sale of all the household goods, con sisting of bedsteads, bedding, tables, chairs, bureaus, cupboards, stoves, besides many other'things in and alont the house, includ ing two fine nigs, about, six months old. Mr. Joseph Heininger. late proprietor, re- ! moved to Braddock yesterday (Thursday), i where bp has obtained employment for him I self and also designs keeping a boarding j house. Both gentlemen have our best wisb i es for success in their new departures. i Blair G. Harry, a young ex-tvpo whose name wouldn't be injnred more than a hun dred per cent, if it was turned aiound the other way, dawned upon the distinguished (?) coterie of newspaper men who wended their way to Bedford the other day, and gaye them tonnderstand in the politest manner possible . V V t ;,' ,: Lnat represented Messrs. James Carboy & Co., who are engaged in the livery and trans fer business at Bedford. Of course he bad no idea that the d. c. aforesaid conld afford to indulge in any costly equipages, but that is no reason why those wno come after tis may not be induced to take a splurge to the Springs or elsewhere, and to such we would therefore sav that yonng Harry, not "Old Harry," will be delighted to meet them on any ingoing train and make clear the way for themselves and their luggage to anv point they may desire to visit. So mote it be. Sheriff Griffith will offer for sale in Johnstown, on Saturday, Au. 6th, the first two, and in Ebensburg. on Tuesday Ang. 9th the last two of the following described properties to wit : A house and lot in Stonycreek lownshin. owned by Joseph Rhodes and tone sold at the suit of Benj. Miller, now for r.se of Wm. Thomas ; a large two story part brick and part frame build ing, used as a brewery, situated in Johns town boroagb, owned by Oscar GrafTe and to be sold at. the suit of Jacoh norner, guardian of Jacob, Albert, Edward, John, Arthur and Frederick William Graffe, two tracts containing respectively nineteen and tweive acres of land, more or less, in Alle gheny township, with a one-and-a-half story log bonse on the former and a similar build ing, as well as a frame barn, cm the latter said tracts being owned by A. Eckenrode and to be sold at the suit of S." Fry. The Pennsylvania Mctvvt. Aid Socik tt. Special Agent J. A. Swartz, represent ing the above named Society, who is at pres ent sojourning at the Mountain House, this place, has appointed Dr. T). W. Evans ex amining physician, and hops to issue a good ly number of policies in this vicinity before "his departnre. That the Society is entirely worthy of confidence seems to be evident from the following, which we find in the Harrisburg Patriot of the 21st lilt. : Tlie I'ennpvlvnnlJi Aid Sorltv, wtioscot- fioe Is nt 2? North Third street- thromrh their Sec retary. Mr. 3. taton, paid the ram of Ji.ooo, in full, on the 2oth of this month, to Mr. .Toneph K. Rho8ii, of thl? city. The Directors or this Society are men of hijrh ptandlns in every respeet. The Siciety Invariably pays one hiimlBBil cents on the dollar. The following is-fhe plan of insurance on which this Society takes all its risks : All n?io!?TT!ntt be based on the rate of donth lo.e per one thousand member.. Turn", if there is 1000 members anil a dexth oc curs, it will rout the member aited 4n year,'.) cents. Hut if there are 1' to members, it will cost a mem ber nt'ed 40 years only 90 cents for tio deaths : or, which is the same effect, a death Irom mem bers -will cot ft member aired 40 years only 46 cents. There mnt bo as many death losses as there are lime onr thnuiand meui.iers In the Society until a member insured for iiooo Is assessed the fall amount placed opposite his aire on the table. In other words, assessments are lnid ratable accorp inr to ajre. and the amount insured and the num ber ol death losses per bHW moiu'acrs. The PntNTEns' Picnic. We agree with the Huntingdon Loral Xev$ wdien it reminds those who are apt to be dissatisfied with Bedford as the place for holding the printers' picnic that there is no law to prevent them going where they please, snd then adds: 'Bedford was chosen oecause it is a promi nent Iwatering place in the Juniata velley, and liaving already been at Cresson ami Lloydsville, it was the object of the commit tee to go the rounds. The disadvantages of getting to Bedford and the springs were taken into consideration by the committee at their jmeeting on Friday tast, and it was not until provision was made for sufficient accommodations for all the printers and their families, at very r.widrrate rates, that the committee by unanimous consent decid ed to go to :Bedford in September next. It is presumed that the railroad tickets will le good from Friday, September 2. until Mon day, September 5, and parties can remain at the springs one day or three days, or tliey can go up on Saturday morning and have over four hours in which to see the springs and return the same evening." The Leading Dry Goods H or se of Al legheny City. The old ami vigorous firm of Messrs. Boggs A- Buhl, 118 A 120 Federal street. Allegheny City, and wliose advertise ment you will find in this issue, have demon strated that success is the selling of good ma terials at low prices. Starting many years ago in a small way, their business has rapid ly increased to the present large Dry Goods emporium. Close attention to business. keep ingfresh, attractive andsaleble goods.courte ous and attentive to customers, and selling at small margin of profits, have attracted such a large trade. Keeping, as they do, a fine stock in all departments of their line, we need only speak of some leading features, as will be noticed. They announce as offering great bargains in Summer Ootids in numer ous varieties, such as, novellies in Imported Dress Goods. Traveling Ulsters, Lawn and Gingham Suits, also Fancy Summer Silks, and in fact new goods arriving constantly and each deparrcient is kept well supplied. We advise buyers to call and see for themselves what fine bargains can be secured for a Iit suni of money. A Giant Ox. On Thursday, July 21st, the citizens of Ebensburg will have an opportu nity of witnessing one of the greatest natur al curiosities ever on exhibition in America. It is simply a wonderful freak of nature and is to the animal kingdom what Chang, the wonderful Chinese giant, is to the human race except that in proportionate ratio it is a greater freak of nature. Just think of it, common breed of ox, liaving attained the mastadon proportions of twenty hands high, and weighing nearly two tons, unquestion ably the most colossal specimen of the bo vine race in the world. The ox is with John Kobinson's Great Show and has created the most unbounded excitement among all who have seen it. The veteran manager claims that it is the great feature of his Big Show. Quick andJScre. Many miserable people drag ti.emselves wearily about from day to day, not knowing what ails them but witii failing strength and spirits, feeling all the time that they are steadily sinking into their graves. If these sufferers would only use Parker's Ginger Tonic, they would find a cure commencing from the first dose, and vi tality, strength and cheerfulness quickly and surely coming back to them, with restoration to perfect health. See adertising column. Tribune. For sale at the new drug store, Ebensburg, Pa. 6-17.-lm. Sad Drowning Accident. Two little sons, aged respectively 9 and 11 years, of Mr. John Montgomery, who resides about midway between what is known as the head of Plane No. 4 and the foot of Plane No. 5, on the old Portage railroad, in Washington township, were drowned in Andrew Ager's old mill dam, a short distance from their home, about noon on Tuesday last. The lads were bathing at the time, and one of their bodies was recovered a tew minutes af ter it sank, but the other was not found for seveial hours. Every effort was made to re suscitate the one who had been only a short time in the water, sad to relate all tliat could be be done was of no avaiL No HosriTAi. Needed. No palatial hos pital is needed for Hop Bitters patients, nor large-salaried talented purlers to tell what Hop Bitters wiil du orcure, as they tell their own Btory by their certain and absolute cures at home. lVew York Independent. M. L. Oalman, authorized agent, Ebensourg, keeps the pure article. One Hundred Ponies. A feature with tha old John Robinson Show, which exhibits here in Ebensburg, Thursday, July 21, is the herd of small Shetland Tonies. These dim initive equines are the most petite specimens of horse flesh in America, and are driven in the Golden Chariot of Cinderella, in the grand street pageant on the morning ot Jp.Iy 2lst, Who SHorxn Otte Thanks? IlaTinsr spent a rounle of days, including the ever to be reyered Fourth of July, of our recent va cation"mnone the enterprising and hospita ble people of Cherrytree, twenty-three miles north of this place, it is an open question with us whether the people aforesaid or our self personally are under the greater obliga tions toonr clever and considerate friend and townsman. Dr. Creerv. The reason for this doubt is that had it not been for the kind in vitation and urgent solicitations of the gen tleman named, ourself and "better half" wonld not have joined the Doctor, wife and two'daughters, not including the one in arms with each of us, in the enjoyable jannt to which we refer, and as a consequence the courteous citizens of that goodly boroneh would have been deprived of the pleasure (?) of 'seeing ns for the first but we certainly hope not the iast time in their midst. Leaving aside, however, the question of thanks, which the Doctor neither seeks nor desires, we come down to the solid fact that we found much to please and nothing to regret in the. trip. We found the most elaborate celebration of the nation's birthday we ever witnessed, the occasion not only attracting the largest num ber of people, fully three thousand, that ever assembled in that place, but the program in cluding a big feast, well worthy of the name, served in a deiightful grove by Mr. L. A. Gra yer, of the Henderson House, a monster pic nic, with all that the word implies, a balloon ascension, or rather three bailoon ascensions, a tub race on the river, in which four youths participated, eaeh of whom captured a prize hung above their heads on a rope stretched from shore to shore, a fine display of fire works In the evening, and all the other con comitants of a first-class celebration of the most glorious event in our country s history, gotten up-as it was by a patriotic people, not a few of whom have thousands of t rer on im mense tracts of land in that riclnity, but not one ot whom has a spark of treason lurking in h"rs bosom. We found, in addition to all this, a very cordial reception from such rep resentative citizens as our boyhood friends, Mt. Torter Kinports and Capt. B. TI. Mc Cormick, who personally and through their excellent wives and families extended to us the hospitalities of their elegant and cheer ful homes courtesies which we will le glad to reciprocate at any time. These two gen tlemen, as well as a number of other public spirited citizens, among whom we may name Capt. Weaver and Messrs Jesse ITarter and J. O. Creery. our attentive correspondent, Mr. Tonkin, Mr. Henderson, owner of the Henderson House, who owes it to himself and the coming census to bunt tip a good wife as soon as possible. Mr. Driseoll, of the drug firm of Driseoll nosack, who are also proprietors of the Cherrvtrec Ilcrord, (said gentleman, by the way, being in no need, if rumor speaks Itrue, of the advice we have obtruded upon Mr. Henderson), Brother Ba ker, the good-looking, enierpnsing, muusiri ous and affable young local editor and pub lisher of said paper, and a number of other gentlemen we can't name, did much to make ns feel that it was indeed good and pleasant for us to be there. We found these things and manv more in abont Cherrytree, which is delightfully situated on both sides of the Snsquehanna'rivcr, is tlie home of many pros perous and progressive citizens engaged in the lumber trade and other industrial and mercantile pursuits, contains quite a n amber of handsome and homelike dwellings, pos spserKs on artesian well six hundred feet deep i wb'cb failed to furnish oil, but instead throws ! out a never-failing stream of pure soda wa ter, pleasant to the taste and of great medi cinal virtue, as well as a constant flow of illuminating gas sufficient to light a town of three thousand inhabitants, ami to crown all it now has our blessing and benediction, a mighty big thing, coupled with the hope that the day is not far distant when its great nat tural wonder, the artesian well aforesaid, combined with its many other attractions, natural and artificial, wiil make it a popular resort, as its people have good reason to an ticipate, for beaith and pleasure seekers from ali parts of the country. Killed by Lichtnino. A very sad case of inslitnt death under the most distressing circumstances occurred at Loretto, this county-, on last Thursday afternoon, the facts as we have learned them being that the residence of our old and excellent friend Francis O'Friel, Esq., was struck by light ning and a niece of that gentleman, a young lady named Annie Kerr, instanCy'killed. It seems that the subtle fluid entered the house at or near the chimney, and after tearing off some of the shingles and a portion of the weatherboarding. descended to the lower floor, when it struck Miss Kerr, who was in the parlor at the time, with the terrihle re sult stared. The'fearful messenger of death, if we are. rightly informed, traversed the en tire length of the house, and finally passed out at the other end of the building, as was evidenced by some of the weatherboarding being torn off at that extreme. It also set the upper part of the ho:ise on fire, but the Tames were speedily subdued without anyr serious damage being done. The unfortu nate young ladv thus suddenly, shockingly and unexpectedly summoned from this to we hope a better world, was aged about nineteen years, and bad been in this coun try very little if any beyond four months, having come from Ireland direct to Loretto, if we mistake not, some time in the early part of last March Like theareater portion of the daughters of Erin, she was a very ex emplary member of the Catholic Church, as well as a most excellent young ladv, and those of the rule of faith will understand us when we sav that she had just "onipteted the jubilee, as we have been informed, and it is therefore to be presumed that she was fully prepared for the dread summons which came without a moment's warning. May her soul rest in peace. "B honest as the day is lonir." A poet wrote. We are not sure. Hut think he meant to Hire in sons; A receipt lor beinjf poor. However that may be. the motto on which the business of (Godfrey Wolf, neit door to the post offlce. Alteona, Is conducted Is "honesty. " A man may there bny a suit ol elnthlnr. with lull as surance that he Is (rettintr precisely what he wants and at a fair price If yoo need anything in the line of a snit of summer wear, we advise yon to pa tronlre him. eon tl dent that he will acenrd yon sat isfaction. If unable to call In person a letterwtth particulars as to size, etc., will answer all needful purposes and will reeeiTo prompt attention. Whew one asks. "Is It hot enongh V Knowinz yon'd rain be cool. Nodonbt riiu think of Toestlek"s friend. Whose eumame was "Tiamphool. And the nme thonrht onirht to be uppermost in the mind of the man who is asked the question as to where he can boy the best and cheapest ready mado elothinir. Anybody who don"t know that Simon A. Hendhelm'i next door to the Kirst Na tional Bank. Alt iona, Is that place. Is to be pitied. The weather certainly is red-hot, and an invoice of ;ood9 to meet its special Inducements was this week received. Ikm't permit yonr name to become Damphool by froing elsewhere to buy. That TKiiemoNit Aoain We wore mistaken, it seems , in saylnir two weeks airo that the locating of the proposed telenhore offices in Cnrrolltown and Kbensbnrtr would devolve npon those who contribnted the money and po"es for the erection of the line, as Mr. M. I,. Oatman, who has had so much to do with the enterprise, reserves the riirht as Superintendent ol the line to control the build ina; and manatement ot the same, which of course Includes the location of tho ofBces, Just where these will be put remains to be seen, but when tho line is completed, as there is every reason to be lieve it will be in the near future, the ipiestion of fixing the offices will soon be determined. 11T"EMAI.. CH)NS ETKKKI). Married, at the Catholic church, St. AupTtistino. on Tuesday, Julv 12. 1M, by Key. Father Kyan. Mr. Ffashs IJoois. of lx retto, and Miss Mary A. tcKcr.n, ol the former place. DVERKEKOEH HT'BKR. At the 7atholic church, Ft. Kontiare. on Monday, June 2". lsjli Mr. .1. K. Overbcrgcr. of CarToll township, and Miss Helena Huber. or Elder township. SHOKT HKHSHAI.l, At Catholic church C'arrolltown, on Tuesday. June 2S, lsai. Mr Paul Short and Miss Sophia Hershall, both of Carroll township. DT'MM FOX. At the same time and place Mr. Wm. H. Dumm. of Altoona, and Aliss Maa-irie' Fox, or Carroll township. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. K one who In ihAronarhly T;nli' in the bowels Is half as liable to disease as he who Is irreirular. He may be attacked by contaglong dis eases, and so may tha itrcirular, but he is not near ly as subject to outside influences. The use or Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient ecures regularity, and consequent Immunity from sickness. SOLD BY ALL. DRTJOGISrS. Smith's Tat. Blind and Shatter Bower. Shutters can be placed 2, 3, 4. & or 0 inches apart and bold securely in either position. A it en U want ed in every county. Can make big waes in Sum mer and Fall. The beat and handsomest thing out. Sells at every hoBe. Write lor particulars. Samples by mail for 8 cents postatre. Address SMITH Ac CO., 301 JSaaUr St., j?fcl!a4e!iM rm Tinder NO CIRCUAlSTVlSrCES will ITS DATE bo CHANGED! HIE IS THE TIME A.1STD IT WILL EXHIBIT OIST EM SOONER! R5 LATER! NO CIRCUS, More Equestrians, More Vaulters, More Gymnasts, More Clowns, More Athletes, More Specialties, THAN ANY OTHER SHOW IN AMERICA! AXD 5TOW A FEW WORDS TO THE PEOPLE OF EBENSBURG and VICINITY: YOU KNOW THIS SHOW! IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN KNOWN AS THE BIG SHOW. IT IS NOW BIGGTEPt and BETTER TFT AjS" IEVER IT IS L AUGER AJS'D GRANDER Til AX EVER I The I'ictorial Bills of tic OLD JOHN BOBIVSOX SHOW are correct represen tations or the WONDERFUL FEATURES which can be wit. ncssed in the Circus nnd -Menasrerie. Jiemewtter The Grand Street Display is Bright, Beautiful and Brilliant ! YOU ALL KNOW THIS SHOW! ITS REPUTATION IN THE PASt1sA GUARANTEE for the FOTPi" THERE WITL, UK NO COMBINATION WITH ANY OTHElt SHOW THH TIME IS FIXED.'i. THE OLD JOHN ROBISSOX SHOW WB. CHANGES OR POSTPOXES. AND HIS SHOW IS TOO UP.f.F TO FFI) i TOVRIXiTinx WlTfl lv HTIIFR sn.-.u IV THE Will I ) nnn nrcpnrrn rrcinnvrn rniine m i ruin mnvrr rrvrnu muirnnv m ppvtp m,nir nc r ,iiuu iiiiOini ii.u LL'iSinu.UiU tilling 111 ,1 HJULIi ilUlliUtj. uLiiLlLlL .lLMIAMUJ. eJU UixUO. tilUiUOlL la LAND FOR SALE. The iin1ersitrn ed has Arrest or land ivlnjr botween f-n retto and Chest Sfrrlnirs which he will wll very Clieso and on essT terms. There are about votrrr acres cleared, the balance belna; well covered with sw timber, principally hemlock. Fir further in formation cnll on or ddress F. A. STOHM July 15, 1SS1 -tf. LKJTettoi Pa. BlalrsTille (Pa.) Ladies' Seminary. Beautiful eronnds. commodious bnildlnss. Healthful location, thorofoh insttu-ctiow. Thirtr-lirpt rpr h.irini K.nUmhi.T u lei .. ply for 'Catalogues to Kkv. T. R. EW1NO. July IS. 15Sl.-2m. Principal. I want OSE scent In erery town tosell a-rnlna hie article. No nionev required rntil roods are sold. Address I. O. Box 3268. New York City. D I llCUT T"l? for advertiser. lPflnss-c. 25 rents. 3i.T. FiLSS of the SBAYp FIXED FOR THE COMING EUluseum, EUienagerie, AQUARSU.il Iwl TP?. HhOO CV.irtrvT'nTnB miniiif ii.aii.i-.tn ?n.tf" f -v P'- - - -- - , j mmm the time i I'jrprf absolutely the ItIG SMO IT cannot exhibit at Ebenabnrg later than . Arrangements have been perfected for WM. II. SECHLEK, Johmtatrn, Pa. M. D. KITTEI.L., V.brmbi rg, Fa. SECIILER & KITTELL, ATTOR N E V S - A T - L A W , .IOHNPTOV"N ASD EBEJJSBU1IO. OFFICES in I.nthrr k Oreen's lar?re brick bnild. Ins:, corner Main and Clinton sts., Johnfltown and In Coionade Row, Ebensburg. 7-l,'8l.J ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE ! Notice is hereby eiven that OeorRe ti. Kobannh. of Summerhill township. Cambria connty. l'a., lias made an assignment ot his real and personal es tate to John Schroth, in trust for the benefit of creditors. All persons Indebted to the said Cieo. t. Kibauirh will make immediate payment to said As.-lfcnee. and those havtnj: claims or demands will make known the same without deiiy. JOHN SCilKOT!!, Assignee. Wiiinors, June la, liiX--t. BSC ULY OF THE GREAT SHOW The Menagerie Embraces More Lions More Camels, More Tigers, More Cages, More Elephants, More Monkeys THAN ANY OTHER SHOW IN AMERICA THE EXTRA OR II N ART ATTTACTIOXR ARE Troupe of Hindoo Jug-glei? ! THE ANATOMICAL WONDER: THE SAMSON OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY 1 A HUMAN MKTKOR : A WOMAN SHOT FROM A CANNON. Loaded vjixh PnwrVr Anu niriea tnrougu the Air witu Terrific Force and Speed ! THE RESr EDUCATED TROUPE OF. DOGS AND MONKEYS IN THE W0RIP! Tb.s ar features owned, controlled and exhibited only tj OLD J OHN ROBINSON. 7 Reduced Railroad Rates on ST.XAYIEU'S ACADEMY MMR I.ATItOIJU, IV. ""EARI.Y half a century old. from which some of the most prominent nnd cultivated ladies in Pennsylvania and elsewhere have jtraduated, oilers ui'.t thorou'.'h edncatlonal aids and highest Standard of rehni!ii Influences. r- Pupils ndinii'.ed at any time. Yearly ex peuse about Aadrc : fclSiEKS OF MERCY, Bkattt'sj P. O., Dec. 10. IMiO.-t.f. AVesttnoreland Co., Pa. FOR COUNTY TREASURER P. Mohas. Loretto. We are authorised to an nounce that Palnck Moran, of Loretto boroujth, will be a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to iJeroocruue rules. II noa.inaied and elected, he plvdires himreif to ; erfnrm the duties of ehe of fic whS buuvitv ana C4J:ty. S-2?.-tn.J TO EBENSBURG! LONGER - - - J w w vr w ww m SM W TV V 1. 1881 I Thursday next. Dr. Jones' Taraxcanum To: or IhrarKrsiA lEPiriSE, a repe'able compo whofe viriucs has stood the tet ef 4u years. I tnilible in the cure ol iHspeptia. Oeneral Tefc! Chronic W cuknrsa of Iuns. Spleen and KUs Short Breath, Heartbnru, t-t. Vitus' lauce, p in the Stomnch, Back and Chest. Partirul adapted to all Female IisaM. no n. a tier the ae of the patient may be. Price, Tirrs. bj Druggists, (T-o.'Sj.-Ij IrOR COUNTY COMMISSIONS -7 FHAStCTB IUclvchill. Renbura;. t'e .. an'horiMxl to anuounce that Francis Mulvihi; Ebsnst'onr borough, will be a candhjate for th' C fiee a bore name-1, sul'.iect to Teruocratie ro1., ; Z If nominated aud elected, he pledgee bimel (;uard the interests of the taxpayers of the not - t lo the beet of hie ability. f 3-2i.-tv CtlO'l a rear '3 Agents. r : C J C J free. Aiifti f. St, j -Tenses. fOi ' i ir Ci . Augai; it'j