r -i K -'VlS 0. OJSIS . -cdSfc-Wv, "If,.', cV.cS01- MRS. LYD1A L P1MKHAM. OP LYNN, MASS. A :t? : tiii: Chicago & North-Western KAIIAYAY Is thcCiLIrTr HKSTCIiNM Iil lTEn: BEST til II l'Klf! and hence the. LEADING RAILWAY )K THE ' WEST AND NORTHWEST! It Is the short nnd l.rf route between Chicago and all point.-, in 5orthern Illinois, Iowa. Dakota. Wyoming. Se brxll. (alitnrnia. Orra-on. olnrailn, I t a h Arizona, Idaho. Montana, eada, and Tor COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, nr.v:ii, i.i: ii.i.k, SA L T LA K E, SA -V I'll A A CIS CO, Dcailnood, Sioux City. Odar Kc.p't, Vtt Wninrx. Cohtmb't. and all points in the 1 rrritoriri and in the II". Ai'o. for yiihrau kee. Urt i n hay. OO.fcov-,. ir 'j'xjh irt. Mai-;'?ttt , Vond dn Inc. atct torn. Ilounhton. Stenah. Menaxha. St. Paul. Minruaioli, linrun. loh:a. fargo. ftixman k. Winona. I.a route, thratanna , and nit jioinll in Min nesota. Imkota. li txt nnsin and the Xorthirrnt. At t "on m-i I lilutts the Trains ot the Chtcstro Js. North-Western and the I'. I H'y depart Irom, arrive nt and u:e the same oint I'uion Ienet. At t hicasro. close conneetion3 are made with the T.ake shnre. Michigan 'entral, Haltimnre & t hio, Kt. Wayne and Pennsylvania, t'liien.i At iSran.l Tnmk K y?, anJ the Kankakee an 1 1'an Ilanjle Koine. -e-tloe ronnertion made at Janrtlon Toints. It 1 the O.M.V MM! rnnninic ri'LLM AX IIOTKLDINIXfi CARS BKTWKBN CHICAGO ami COUNCIL L LUFFS. I'll II in an Slffpors on all ic-ht Trains. Insist up'in Tifket Airentf ""oiling you Tickets via this r I. Kvitnine your Tickets" and refuse to t'uy it' they h not rt-:id over t lie CliicaifO i North-'rTrh Kaihrar. If you wisirthe Hv-t 'travel in-j Aep.rnin'idation von Will Imv vi.ur Ti.-k-t l v this route, and will i-T KK Sum: thf:k." b-AII Ticket Al'phi? ?!! Ticket lv thi Line. MKVIX III U II ITT, jd I". V. and Mt n:rat Manijrr, hicatjo. r.I-K-OVF.RErt OF THE MIGHT OF MITES. (4-1.-,. WKS'l VAItI. LYD1A E. PINKHAM'S VEGETAEL-3 CC!.1TSTOD. The Poitivo Crrt For all Female Complaints. This rTpfwrntinn. as Its Tiftm pipTiinw, conwista of Vpgttnble rroprtic" tliat are liarrl-?s to the moat lel kttelnTnlid. Von one trial tlio mrrits of this Com pmnd will lv pemtrnizt-d, as relief ia immediate ; a:il when Ha uols contin:utl, in nin ty-Bine cssrs lnahnn. dred, apermftncr.tcurcifjcfTei tr'tl.athotiFiinila will tes tify. On Bwunt of it? iTov-n merit-, It is to-!y ro eommended and frcscrib'.il bj tlo best ihysi(.-Iu-i ii. the conn try. It will cnr entirrlT the rrrt fnrra cf fitHnff f the uterus, Lrucorrha-a, irrgulnr and iinfui Menstruation, all Ovarian Troubles, In3amniAtlon and ITlceration, Flmdln. all M placement and tbo con hf'inent spinal weakness, and is eperially adnptd to the Cbaii(r of Life. It will di-solve and erppl tumors from the uterus in an early Ftae of development. Tbo tendency to cancerous humors tbero 1-checked very rpeedily by its ue. I n fact J t h as f roved to h t he (jreat e5t and beat remedy that lias ctct lwcr discoTcr td. It permeates evt'ry portion of the wrtprn, and (rirea new life and vigor. It removes faliitncsT.atuleney, de vtroya all craving for sluuulaota, and nlievcs weakness of the stomach It euros Blootinjr, ITeadaches, Nerrons Prostration. General IVbility. Sleeplessness, IV predion and I mil grcntlon. That feeling of beartnc down, cauaing pain, weight and backache, fa always permanently cured by Us use. It will at all times, and under all circunistan ces, act In harmony with the law that governs the f cmftle Fyste m. For Kidney Complaints of cither sex this compound ! unsurpassed. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared atr.1 and 255 Western Avenue Lynn, Maan. Price $1 oo. 5:r Uttl'-s for$T.00. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also in the form of Losenirca, oa receipt of price, $1.00, per box, for either. Mrs. PIKK.HAM fretly answers all 1 ttci-s of inquli-r. Send for pam phlet. Addros- a n!ore Mmtirm this paprr. Ko family should be without IYDIA C P1VKHAM" LIYElt TILLS. T.ivy cure Constipation, Biliousness andTorpidity of the Liver. 20 cents xer box. 9f For sale l v (ii:.. A. Kkt.i.y & 'o., Oenernl Airent?. ritthtiivli, a.iJ Ir. U'M, LEMMo?f Drugit, Kbcnburf, I'a. 7-2."Sn.-ly. Battlo Creek, fctiehisar., UANUFACTUBKB8 Of IHB OM.I CEI.L'IKX THRESHER Traction and Plain Engines and Morse-Pov3.-s. Mot foltip ':T' 32 Ii(ItWotM. 5 IS43 IbMtld' .hoilt l.al "--e i l rr.li.o, iu i-.'.-m. .:, t : i ..'. '- '-7'" bluatl jia. rtxitty ttt u.t ail uut y jtxte. TH2 CREAT t'X nthi r liMf runsTli'cc Thro 1 s !.: eiwr. T! L -ay":, 1 "'8 M-.iii.-, ( n.i:. il li.iiti-. Omului. Lincoln. . t. .i..ic;h, A--'ii-on, T.'uk: nin! Kit'-sas City. Direct i ii!i''ot'inn for nil jnints in Knnsar, N 'r:ik.. 1 "oh v:il'. V o::ii;r. M"ntana, Xe vi 1 i. : v ?I-:.:c, Ar;z"'i:a, Idaho, Oregon and Cr.iil'irn a. '1 ho Slr'rtr . S:vo;fst fir.d Most Comforta- 11.; f-..i:'o ia il.iiiini.i.i to Yi.i t Scott. D.-nison, Da t . 1 1 I ii h. r tn '1 i:t -ton. Austin. San Antonio, Oalvoa ; . ip s m '1 (!.'.. i!-il ! i:idii . nicnts f ffcrcd by this A. li-.s arvl T"( ii ri t s. r.ro :u fcllov,: n-.tt 1 l'ulUi.a:i i ltj-v. ho l! 1'alace ars. run i nly in this Line. C. II. 1c tir-.wir:"--!! xiin Car, with Hortfin's . m 1 1 vr I h.'ii No extra hnii-'( for Scat ii .ioir I hiirs. '1 ho f.iBioiH C. H. 4 1). , I i-oo.-('mis. lorcoons Sm kinir fnrs I u-,;ii :io;rts:it iin-Ii-i! i kci U.utun Kc io.lt I hairs i,,r the exclusive UiC of first i. ' .cr,- . ri. i Tr:i' ii ::ud Superior Fm'irtr:cnt. com- !ii :r ("irctit Thr 'iiL'h t ar Arrnnire s ; !iis, phdvc nil cttiori". the favorite South. Soutli-V'est, and the Far ! von will find traveling a luxury li.-i. .id t ;. i.s.-..!nfirt. . i ,v :. -li Tii s vl: this Celcbrntod Line f-.r - iii t all offices in the Cuited btates and ( .:: : i. A d -tit rm irion nhont Ratos of Fare, Slopp. i A. i i-:::. o.l iti 'P?. Time Tables, &c, i. : i !.o . h.-ri 1 i:iv criven by applying to J. ( A. r.K. AN', (!f-n'l KaS!ern Ajrcnt. Wa-hinL'tim St., Boston. Mass. r.nd : i I T liro -.dway. Now Yorll. J VM '' Vi;ii l'n. I'ass. Aat. I tiicniro. . "i. J. Vt i ITKIt. Gun. ManaBcr, Chicago ;TF - POWT:!! S-TPAK VTOF fi"d t'o;i:d-l- -itc-nr.i Outfit-,' -' A.1'-.- ". ' Triti'tiun ilns- nil t ' l'luin Lu!ncs A J- . '.)'' '.'' o-" i'.;i7 -'-r'. ' f .f 1-1, t Ill1, r . :. , 7, r;r. I... . ' !r .;. -.m-dot I . 'in - l.icli.TA I'oiir ; i f s " ml. ts, tn-m O to 12 bone CCl .-.ritv, f ,rf . .r .'. i'- (.-.r. 1 v.o Htvh" of : i.-iv'.- ' H-'Vlfrrw. Cfi o . i .-i t r.f S-. If. red 1 nmVr 70U'J,Uvy i fV-...., -Ar ... ;..-,n-i-..ril) eonntnntiy on lia- d, lr.i:u vhiih i- l out thu in-comi-arabio wixl-work of our lnuchii i ty. Horse lower, i? M I .r? StmTti!.m viatic b- lOv 13 :h ! v. i h -t. irv Fnrmrrj cril Threnlirrarn on iir1t1 to tlr- mt'rt.., ThrlutiK Machinery, v ..-. ul .i, ::t fn-;. Adr-fl :!Ic:;ols, shepard a co. E'-ittlo Creek, Michlsai Jan. 14. lM.-6m. f 1 1 .Wow on u nrl ditin? th vnn. I r I Ft II nrst-elass Ercvasios? Tickst, II II nijIChlmn m-i l.K-nJ point, to TJEN- IIvJJI W r4l VER. COLOBADO SPRTafl -n i il rV'l PUKbL. AND RETURN, by si I Iff f I II -I (6 ttirrSRKKT bouts, at won-W- 11 fifl - I fullv low rat.-. Th tlrkt will )m Ii "t il f" 1 1 rwi poin(f west within TfTon (l.S- 1 1" H I II days from date of Mir. and to return 1 1 fj f I 1 I 1 II onUl ,VI'-r Sl-t fullo-inff. il 1 V I I J I'ullman I'&lacn Cars r mn l v IV J J1- '" I 1 EAKS roK TI,K 3ITLLTON! Foo Choo 's Balsam of Shark's Oil j rosi.'iw'v I'.intom the Jler.ing. and it Hit Only Jb I solute ( ure for Deaf nest Knoirn. i This "it l exiraciod from a peculiar spoeics ot I ' small w lilte Mull h. ennuht in Ihr ellw Va. Known as t'arrharodon Rnndctctii, Lrcry I'hincfe ; lishcriuan knows it. It virtues as n restorative of hearinif were ilisc.vrre.l by a Hadrthit Priest about the year 14bl. Its euros were so numerous and many nn Mrmlntlj mirnnilonw, that the remedy was othrially proclaimed over the entire Umpire. Its use boeame so universal that for over : j oarst nn IJcaliioM hiMfi- ; lotrd amonit tl" lilno people. Sent, chances urepai.l. to anv address t 1 per tMittlc. Only Imported hj Il.tYl.tM U. A- '.. ; Sole Aycntt Jor America. 7 lej M. w tork. VER. COLOBAD PUEBLO, AND RETURN, bysil l6 rurrcRKKT ovTts, at wonder fully low rates. Thee tlelcets will he roo.1 pointr west within Tfton IPS' ttsT. from d.te of lutlr. and to return nOl vtohr Slt following. I ullmui 1 al&ee Cars ar-o rnn l-v thi. O rr-pnny from ClTIOAfH) COT7?CIl. BLUFFS, TOPEKA an ! KANSAS CITY, forming a line wnh but on' -hir.. of ear. to DENVER and PCEBLO. pminir C.irs are at ta-hel to aJl throutrh train,. In whl,-h maii ran be obtained at the re.on abte pnee of sventT-ne cents. For rates, further information, and eiecant Map of I niteil State, tree, ft. l. Irons, J. d. A. BEAN. Gen'l Eaitem Ayt. . SI7 rl rrwwlwiiy, New York, ftnd 3oii Wasluiv.'tin St.. Hoston, Mass. Its virtues are unqurxtinnahfe and lt curative character abtolutr. as the trritrr can personally testify, both Jrotn experience and observation. Anions: the ra iny readers ot the Koview in one part and another of the cunTry, it is probable that numbers are artlieted with d-'alnc?. and to.uch it rnny belaid : '-Write at once to Hay lock H. t'o., 7 Iey Street. New York, enclosing 1, and you will r-oive by return a remedy that will enable you to heir like anybody else, and who?c curative eftect.- will be permanent. Von will never reirret doiny: o." Editor oj .NVic York Mi rcantile Krrietc, Sept. 10. (12-lo,"60.-6in.) ROSE OF CASHMERE HAIR TONIC. ri'HlS preparation Is Valley ol t '.ishmcr A Mohammedan ietrend relates that when Abraham had been wronged by the mighty hunter, Nimrod, Jehovah befriended the patriarch, and told him to select an animal to punish his enemy. Abraham choose the tly : but Jehovah said : "If thou hadst not chosen the fly I should have sent a creature, a thous and of which would not weight as much as a fly's wins." This is only a bit of Oriental rhetoric, a ligurative way of emphasizing the power of the Almighty, who can make the smallest things the ministers of His wrath ; hut in the light of modern science it has become a liter al truth. Some ot" man's most jower ful and persistent enemies are organisms so iTninute that a thousand of them would not equal the bulk or weight of a fly. The Lord of creation, as he proud ly styles himself, is unable to cope with the most infinitesimal of his subjects. They refuse to acknowledge his sway, and wage perpetual warfare against him. His utmost skill and ingenuity are tax ed in resisting and guarding against their attacks ; and often, in spite of all his manoeuvres, they out-general and def eat him. No hostile force of his own race could inflict such disaster upon him as do these microscopic representatives of the lowest forms of life. They plun der and devastate whole provinces, bringing ruin upon lor.g-established and flourishing industries, and poverty upon large and prosperous communities. Neither lire nor sword is so much to be dreaded, for the injury that they may do is transient and reparable, while these diminutive foes not unfrequently take permanent possession of the territory they have conquered, and no force that its "rightful owners can call into the field sullices to dislodge them. Insects are tcrribl. foes to man in many cases, but he is gradually eetting a mastery overthem. Against thearmy worm, the grasshopper, the potato-bug, and all their voracious kindred, he is learning to right successfully. The in sects which are still the most mischiev ous are generally the smallest. The phylloxera, or grape louse, is almost microscopically minute, but the injury it has done to the French vineyards is already reckoned at hundreds of millions of dollars. It has been a greater terror in France than the German armies, and iis invasion is likely to prove more dis astrors. The Germans could be bought off, though at heavy cost, but the phyl loxera is not to be got rid of so easily. It has its Sedan every season, and its army of occupation holds a broader ter ritory .than Alsace and Lorraine. It will probably be conquered in the end, but it will be the hardest victory the French have ever won. l?ut the phylloxera, though a thousand times sniallerjthan the fly, is a mammoth iu comparison with many of the crea tures that are enemies to man. Just now the mere name of one of these an imalcuhe is menacing an important branch of our foreign commerce. The trichina is disturbing the business rela tions of two continents; and not only merchant, hut legislators ami statesmen as well, are excited on the subject. And what is this formidable trichina ? A parasitic wuim about a hundredth of an inch in length, yet more terrible to man than the anaconda, or boa-constrictor. Its very existence was un known lift j" years ago, andaits real nature and habits were not .understood till with in t -venty years or so. The reader dues not need to b: lol l that under 'certain circumstances it infests the flesh of the hog, and that the disease'', pork, if eat- j en by man without being thoroughly j rr,okal, may transfer the parasite to the human muscles, with dangerous and often fttal result. No wonder that' our foreign friends .are alarmed when they are told that. Americar. pork is li- p.ble to be of this tiichinous character, j The reports may be false or exaggerated, i perhaps, set afloat by interested parties ! who want to Keep our polk out of their i markets; but the trichina in none the j less a fright ful reality, ami the risk of j its presence in poik can not be too vigil- i aniiy guariieu agamsi, doui ai nonie ana abroad, from commercial no less than hygienic eousiderat ions. lint space will not permit us to refer in detail to the numberless organisms, animal and vegetable, whose power for evil is as great as their size is insignifi cant. Here belong nearly all the forms of mildew, blight, rot and the like, which are the cause of such wide-spread injury and destruction in the vegetable kingdom. The great majority of these pests are themselves low forms of vege table life of a fungous nature. Their power of growth and reproduction are marvellous, and their life is the disease or death of the higher species of plants which they infest. The fungus which causes the potato rot is a familiar exam ple of this type of orgmisms, and every body knows how, at its first se rious on set, it brought fani'ne upon a whole country and how much loss to the farm er in other lands it has since occasioned. Micoscopie speeies of plant life are also the source of molds, ferments and many kinds of apparently spontaneous change and decay that infect, injure or destroy animal ami vegetable substances, or course many such processes are of a chemical nature, but even these some times owe their inception to microscopic fungi. It is hardly necessary to add that many scientisiics and physiologists now oeiieve tne origin and spread of contagious diseases to Ue due toinlinit isimal germs, and that measures for the destruction of these are consequently the most effective means of restricting the range of snch diseases. Uonton Journal of Chemistry. BEAD THIS ! HEED THIS ! IF A NEW SUIT YOU NEED, IT WILTj pax you, ixoeeo, This ANNOUNCEMENT to Read! JIavina iust returtieU from ihe Eastern Cities, where we bought and J J rA 11) THE CASH for enough SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, to stoclc our FOUR EA11GE STORES, ue are now prepared to fur. nisTi every man and boy to whom this comes greeting with MiDE-UP CLOTHING i GEHTS" f HUSHING GOODS nt T OIVER rillCES than they can be bought at any other house in ihair or adjoin ing counties. In proof of wh ich assertion we sub?n it the following facts: "WE ARE SEI.I.lNf A AX'S OOI fril lT, lined throughout, tor fl.ti This uit invite? and defies all competition. WE A HE SEI.L.IN A Jinn-" UMd Bnine Suit for4.o0. The unit kind of a suit was sold last season for J5.00. WE ARE SET-LINO A San' White Did K TKST for 6o cents, which sold last season, and was considered cheap, for fl.'ib. WK A11K SKhl.ING COOD SUITS FOR BOYS from 8 toiavears old, with lonpt pants, for which "surpass anything of the kind you ever saw tor the money. WK Alt K SKI. KINO NEAT SUITS FOR BOYS, from to years old . at TS cents, which ns onwh all who see them : and trood M OOl, I ATS lor men and boys at o and So cents. WE A HE SET.T.IN'O .nF.!w (lOIII) WOUK n u PAVTS. lined throuahout, at from 65 cents to tl.oo. WE ARE SKM.1NO Men's nol Overall at tt et. and up, and irood t'ALICO Shirts lor 4o cents, sold everywhere lor T6 cts. WE ARE SEI.T.TNO B01S' SUITS In PIKCrS, tor any aire from 4 to 8 jrs., for .0: considered cheap last season at li.W. All tli shflvr rte-.erlt.ert ;mI nn.l Ihonoanrt or dollar rlh f other r "idea equally elieap are now In stark, ready for inspection at the YOUNG AMERICA CLOTHING HOUSE Corner Eleventh Avenue and Eleventh Street, Opposite Opera IIouso, A1-.TOOXA, IV. m niiJiCTOiis! 1st i;u 'j s( rt n fun s DOItlilS'S' E I EC Til fC SOA V of your Gro cer. '-id. Ash him to give yon a bill of it. Id. Mail us his bill and your full address. 4th. We will mail you Ell EE seven beautiful and elegant cards, in six colors and gold, representing JihaJispeare's Seven Ages of Man.' I. L. CRAGIN & CO., 11(1 fSoutli Ioui-tli St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. -IOKBlNS- M.EiTHH: SOAP is sold hy V S. liAKKEtta. Ui:o., Ehenshunr. 4-l.-e.o.w.6m. TARTL1NG DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A mtim of yonthfal in.prudenc causiiifr Jrema lire liecay. Nerroua TiebilitT, It Manhood, etc., ain tried in vain eery known remedy, has dis covered a simple self cure, which ho will S'-nd FRF.B to Li fellow-suflerers, adLress J, H. Itt.E K, 43 t hat ham si., . V. 'et. 4, lvd.-ly. made from the rose, of the re. ar.d is entirely free Irom i Sulphur. Lead, anil other poisonous and deleteri ous son? tances. it is ricniy pertumeu ana renders the use of Mimndes, hair oils, etc., unnecessary. It preserves, softens and heautines the hair arid ! (rives it a rich lustre. Il is excellent tor an irritji , tintr or inflamed scalp. It never turns rancid. Ih-uiriist-" sell a larire hot'le lor 50 cts. Aschkt , bach it M 1 Li. Kit. Proprietors. 3rd and f'nllowhill j Streets. 1'hilndelphia. For sale at E. James' new iiruir store, r-oenoursr, l a. iiz-J7.-m.j PCKJCinWC For soi.niF.ns, iCIlOlUilO widutrs. fathers, mother or .ehiMren. ThoaaflndsTetentitLd. Prnsinti. aiven ) for ' f nnr.r.t.i'. T r niptnre.variei.i- vein r bij IM-ra-e. T-n-.-ini, if rrnLmr, and '.li. r, er.titied ti IM KKASK and KlriTV. I I'ATI.STS i.rnrnivii fr Invaau.ra. SM.Iifrj I land warrants i rni-nrfil. bnnvli t and snlii. Soldiers 1 ind heirs ai rly f T j'ir riphta at once. Send J t!iTtr, for Tne CitiTn-Sol.lier." and Pension and H'.nnty lnas Mank, and mifniitmii,. We rnr-f.rl i tV.i.i:,.iT"1s - f P,.nr.nr, and Client A iros N. W. Fit mem Id .4 Co. Pfvsio i.unTAii)j, i.i.tk v a.hir,tu April -J-J. 11 --111. ! 1 m 1 . D. C- 20.00 SAVED ! 820.00 e-r- vi . hv pnrchas- KWIM1 MACHINE from svrr 820.0A a .li- . unfa T-fr "VK" t!ie nndersiiriicd. whose ofttee is at jjs'tj,' fi.f lf04 Eleventh Avenue, hetween in: n anu i . i u .i i. n m a. I a., and who nflers the Editor of the t.'ASimiA 1-KfcF.MAX s reference. rr Altoona. April !' .1. , i-M.-tr. Mcfilt-VTII. AGENTS WANTED K V FP.Y'v'ifF.KK 1 mr ' at h nii.il v Knit tint; Inrhi nc v-r mv- vt- '.. V ; . I kintspair of pti aiiit, wnii HKKI. an-l TOR rnmplrff, in aiM-pT i- s. It viii a.o knt a tri-:it varifiy of fanry worli rr which thrrr is n'wavs a rvlv m.Tkrt. Sn'l f r c:-'-n,fir nnl trm to the TwomWy lin-ff iiMf NEW RICH BLOOD! Maxaoemext of Tomato Plants. A correspondent of The Cotmtry Gen tleman makes the following good sug gestions resecting the management of tomato plants. We have tried the me thod of training recommended, and know it to be convenient, and promo tive of the growth and vigor of the vines: When the plants are ready for the garden, make a considerable hill of good compost. Chip manure is excel lent, and a quantity of chicken manure is good. After the hill is made, drive a long stake through it. This may be six feet high. Set the plant near it. The training will require attention. The plant will immediately tegin to sucker, or throw out site shoots just above each leaf. The? must lie cut off, and then the plant will run vigorously. Tie it to the stake, and be not afraid to use the knife. Keep on cutting each stem thU appears in the axil of a leaf, and keep on tinr. The first bearing branches come directly from the body of the plant. Remember that this trimming must be continued as long as the plant bears. Thus trained, the fruit is supe rior in size, quantity and flavor, Itesides being less liable to rot or drop off. s I'n ivrrtnV J'liriiatirr i'i.. make Vow Rich Ttlood, and will completely chantro the blood in the cntircsvtom in tnre:cor.fh.-. Anvporon who w ill take I pill eaeh nitrht fmm 1 to iawoeks may 1 restored to sound health, if such a tiling ! iMi-uilde. nt lv mail for S letter stamps J. .N. .0.sO.V A- CO., lioatoM, Mass., formerly JSanrjor, .Ve. I And rmurillM: Habit I cured in 1( to :?'javs. 1 en year. e- I It rahiiidicd: )') cured. W rite tat- f I uccati--. I) Lpril 1, lM9l.-.'itn. OP u 1 DR. M. J. I5UCK, Physician and Stjrof.ow, Ai.toosa, Pa. Office and residence on Fourteenth street, near Eleventh avenue, where night calls can be made. ' Office hours from 8 to 10. A. M., and irom a to 4 I and 0 to R, r. f. Special attention paid to l!s ; eases of the Eye and Ear, as well as to Surgical Operations of every description. 4-ia.-tt.J . Hum, Oumcv. Mitb M. fn C'l( per day at home. Samples worth $5 lu O-W free. A 1 Ircrs SriNB'.x A I'ort- land, Maine, l4,'el.-ljr.j E. I5UCKLEY. ATTOHX F,Y.AT.I,A, ALTOOMA, PA. - Offce at, 1102 Twelfth gtroet. In same bulld lnp: and immediately in rear of First Nat'l WanK. .lltoona, April W2, ll.-tl. Cure for C'atarrii. The follow ing, handed to the Somerset Deniori fit by a lady friend, is said to be infallible : "Take a large pinch ot iron weed, put it in a small tin cup; pour over it suflicient vinegar to boil it, or to make a steam ; cover the tin cup with a fun nel to inhale Ihe stcam'through the nos trils by placing the tnle of the funnel in the nostiils. This should be done three or four times daily. Apply to the temples and on the forehead plantain leaves at nicjht by binding on with a cloth ; rub the plantain leaves through the bands to extract the juice. If plan tain leaves cannot be got, cabbage leaves will do. If the vinegar should prove to strong 'dilute with water. When the head can bear it use the full strength vinegar." Mrs. F. Simmering. Millersville, Pa., had Ozena and Chronic Catarrh. Pe- i rt una cured her entirely. BROWN'S r-1 ill J Iv.iV A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER IKON IJITTKKS are highly reromtncntlvxl for nil discuses requiring a certain and eiiiciciit tonic; especially la.HrjrMim, 1 hjpp.in , Jntrrmiitrnt Firm-:; Wmit nf Ajj t 'itr, l.w oj .Strrn-jt.1:. Is'rlc of l:ncrr;,ctr. l;i:rielies ihe blood, strengthens the r:nic!e,and gives now life to the nerves. The;.- not liken charm op. the digestive organs, re urn-inn ci! ':;yp'!r p :npfom.-7snch as 7 n ft my t!ic J-,v.', Ih lrhinrj'jl-.ii i.i th ..-.7.'i. ll-rrilrtrp.-T.io only I roii Prepaml ion tliat will not l!;irT:on tc t'-r'T: r ri vr liondnlio. Sold ly all tlnicist. W-i of- i:r. y,CZ ' C.2 r p. t f i: rol nnd nniiTini re;i-l- insi v. ni:ov?i' f'(i;;;!':'AL ro init iiro. ?i. Sth-t r.'! Irv.-i n!,'.'r t -. ! r Tt- : '- 'c f , e-d h-ve er-is eil P"d lice: on vra;iper. -:- jit: of imitations. K-'i.'.r-TZ mr-WAa itifyr,ai 1 CURIOUS "0RKS W ASTS. At the recent Southburo' session of the Massachusetts State Board of Agri culture, Prof. E. S. Morse gave the fol lowing v'nrious particulars about ants : The ant belongs to a family of insects such as wasp3, bees, hornets, but is the superior of them all. as are thaelephant, the horse and the dog in other lines of animal life. Ants are constructed with the "back" bone in front, and the heart and other internal organs on the oppo site side are put together upside down as we might think. Their mouth is for biting and swallowing food only, not for breathing. Their bite is so deter mined and lasting that they are used in some countries for confining the edges of wounds and cuts. Ants' heads are presented to the cut sur f ace, whirh'they grasp with the nipiers, when their bod ies are cut off, leaving a whole row of them to hold the flesh. They are cheap er than sticking plaster in some coun tries. As an illustration of their ingenuitv and intelligence, it was stated that they sometimes excavate tunnels under rivers of considerable depth and width, and use the tunnels for tninsiorting supplies. They dig wells twenty feet deep and a foot m diameter for drinking water. 1 The harvesting ants plant seeds on i farms, which tney cultivate with great i skill and neatness, keeping every ueed i down and harvesting the grain, curinu j and storing it safely in weatherproof cavities in the soil. They also organize 1 into divisions with commanders, each j individual doing a certain kind ofjwork. i Some aats are smart enough for engin- j eers, while others only know enough to i do as they are told. They can count j and make correct estimates of the mas- j nitudeofan undertaking, as proved by t observers. I Eight chrysolides (often called the j eggs of ants,) were placed in a path .. where ants travel. A single individual j found them and undertook to carry them to their home. Several were car ried by the single ant patiently enough, I but when twenty chrysolides were placed in the heap, another ant was j found engaged in the work. The pile was increased at intervals till eighty i ants engaged in the undertaking, show- j ing that workers were detailed accord- ; ing to the demands of the cases. Ant's j battles sometimes last many days, in j one cose seven weeks, the victors finally taking the stores and removing them to their own houses. Their wars are quite as just ifiable as those of men when the object pillage is the same. They have the jiower, too, of knowing j members of their)wn communitieseven i after six months' altsence. Strancrers 1 are always driven off or killed. They j are very helpful to each other, and show sympathy in case of acchlent orsickness. Some families of ants build arched roads covered by an arch of clay or mortar for protection against enemies, and show great skill in the work which is under the supervision of trained engineers, who order a rebuilding if the work is not perfect. Some kinds of ants keep cows, bnild cow-yards, and milk their cows regularly, and doiv'tthiow milking stools at tlirm either to make them "rive down," but stroke and pat their backs very tenderly. Of course these cows arc Hip plant aphides, so familiar to all farmers and gardeners. P rVJ I t'-Jt'Vfti'-V? ' JL- - ' arsauaniia : OS 1 I V 7- 6 . . . X 1 d ' !;,! :'" - One ' ".in.; loir fit I'l ' " t' i - ' . M j Ul M-"!:!.:::.-. :. S .-c ... H pi, a. r. .) ?0 r Is a rnmpo-ind of rirt'.-"? of r.irsnpfiril la, Ptillinoia. inandrako. vi llmv dock, rvi'li the iod!lo ef t 'i-li ntut irfn. nil tf.'.verfnl MocHi-m.-ikier. I U'd-'d-ati!r7. and l;f-sns-taining rleuients. It is the v. r -1 . s:tfi't, find irjost cff'-i ti.al a!tera'ivn !.M ili :ri' knOTvn or available to ihe ul.l;c The sci ences of ltjeilicine ami chemistry have, never protlucrfl so valuable a r-nteily, nor one o potent to cure all iliseasc resr.lting from impure Moo.1. It cures Scrofula and all scrofulous fliseases, Krysipelas, Hose, or St. Anthony's) Kire, Pimplps nnrt Fac-jrruls, I'listnles, niotche, 1 lolls. Tumors, Tetter. Humors, Salt rtheum, Senld-hearl, Uin-worm, fleers. Sores, Hhetiniat Km. Iereurial Oisease, Neuralgia. Kemale Weak nesses and I rrpRiiiaritif s 'aundiee, Afleetfons of the Uver, I.vsnepsia Kmaciation, and ieneral Debility. I5y its searching ami cleansing qualities it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate the Mocxl and cause derange ment and decay. It stimulates and rnhveus the vital functions, promotes -iierey and strength, restores and preserves health, and infuses new lile and vigor throughout the whole system. No sufferer from any dis ease which arises from impurity of the t'toocl need despair who tviii give Avrn's Sarjapakii.ua a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with tlie numer ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as rdood-puriticrs, while disease lceomes more firmly seated. Arm's Saksapahiii-a is a medicine of such concentrated curative power, that it is l.y far the liest, cheapest, and most reliable blood-puritier known. I'hvsieians know its composition, and pre scribe it. It has N-en widely ustl for forty years, and has won the tinrjualitied confi dence of millions whom it lias lienetited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. COLD ET IU SnUCCilsTS tttKtwmllt. Chinese Crea t rT ' rwru CAMPHOR' i mw THE GREAT REMtS i i j i ii i HE LIEF OF I'A IN MAN AND UK.W Commands the attei.t phi --f :c, lie-n iiiveterntf s'lff' icis i.; !;;;: TIM, NEl'ltAI.'il A. Hi: AI IIACKAI UK. ri:-Ti.l. 1 i Joints, and all paii.s in t v i; the bo.dy. The s :tt of pain -by exciting the rs tn ;:. enabling the curative piop.-?: chin !:: cue am amiii' ter. which stii't-s the pain as affected purts are reached, 'i metit im:st. up-'ii e-ivli appl.'ca". ruVdioil in thcToughly : and in Kheumat ism of hiz staudinsr It- used three or f- nr times a four applications load-- h t -: cured. Care. !ewevt r, sbui,:.' cised after the port s aie !. I veil taking cold. FOll IIOIfSL Tj II a SI to a M Chinese CREAM Carr,:'"' ir.ii. ' eg Plfimctn rt The 0,1,1 Frarraatand lUIUOlUll LaatiBRofallPerfome CnlOnP Kew, Delirlitr.l aad tmU ky m1ct ia Prap Mid rifuu!. Htwsa Ca, It. T. eta ir-'e-a iGi3 Woftieft, Farmers. Wcchantct. 8 Mines ffen a Wonen, Ttachert, ni all who are tired out by work J la:riMrijrfe.):i?H Arc you sufiennj- from 1 ysrurpsia, Khfrtimatisrn, j Ncur3fK t Bo cl. Kidney or Litct Coin plaints, J you can be cured by using Parkkk'sGingck J omic.4 r If yoo are w rutin away with Consumption, FemaleT Lhave m rxn couph or r"M, you will nnd sure rcueS4 rin I'A Kit fc.lt S IrlNCCR 1 ovic L If vou are enfrcbicd Vy disease, are. or diss ratroTi, J and you system needs invigoratir.j;, or your Llood M.ide from Oinrrr. fcuchu. Man-Jrake. tmnrcu Lar.i many other of thebest medicines known : it is theJ lirt H and Strec'h Kr --rcrev-rued fr u-H periorro Hiirrrs Fssences cf f 1iner nd other Tonics 1 as it rrver mtnxicat-s. and Cures I .inlcernes It lla S.iTed Koudrrd cf Lives; It May Snre Tonrs. Ftrv a ac. or $ i battle nf vour drur-it. ar.d e?ureJ hour signature is on the outside wrapper. H srox &i Cn., (Vmi, N". . I.rgr: sav:re t b': r;;i IS INVAI.r It relieves spraineil .1 Feet. Sweeny, roll I il. J; Spavins, ltiiiglxme. a: ,d it".', caused by kicks or n! ( : . Kpi7.outy. ):t'ii'i i . ", . , ; f'f Api-t-tite. and HftK-K ANU ( ATI l.K 1 ''.'. r" A l.alf pir.i ! ' C'AMVHOH e:,n te 1 :ni ; r .', t II' - lnmi-t. l.i'n-''tirir. I'd. N. J!. 1 i.c t-t m-.n : ..' t r prparnt inn. eit 1't-r mi t Lett; v -will be th;itiku:'y r-' lv- I. I I S I IMON I AI I line tri. f tl.p -,:r.-e (., 1; h-'i;n;:it ' -tr. nti-i r'.,n I 0 :i ' i'liic-l in it iTi-T.iiii tc;-. t. 1 ( 1-. . : 1 eijiKil in all my t r:i vi '. ; i . -r '-. r 1 . 1 Tint.. (..n ' f f'npt. Mr .. l!w.-. t:, p"-e. In 1 1 i ' 1 U-. t liC t "l.ir r;- i J; t ;, ! . i ntt.f'k '.f b'h.-uni.it -ii! ;ti O r i.t:." c:i n Fln"' r-Iy y. ftft-r i i; : - woll-kii"wn rn. cl tt:n; ,t t i cvvr ue-l. cutnii tne r- :r;-.' v .- A lit Tt a! c f-t. lit 5 . 117 W U.T" Mn"-'i 1 't-r..'ie r.t-t pl.nr 1 W - tf KAN. 4':.'. N.Tt .1 Ml. U. 1-"'.. H:i-lt.2 -11" . N. 4:-t tl' it It ! A -1:in t All Y( Oi 111 .T- I ... : r 1.: . GEIS, FOSTER &. QUINN, llli & lir. CLINTON STKKKT, JOHNSTOWN, l'A, ALWAYS 1IAVF. Til E- Tar?i.;st nntl Clicapcst Stock oi Dry rtTicl Dress G oods, NOTIONS, IVIILLINERY. CARPETS, ETC., to be found in Cambria or adjoining counties. I3?Forgct not the street and numbers and fail not to call, buy and be happy. 1 "i is a A CURE GUARANTEED25 CENTS BT USING DR. Wit I 1 AUK S Mfc.AU .CMt KILLS enre mem wonamun, iu a Tery oliort time both SICK and NL'RVOUS HEADACHE; and, while artinfc on the nervoaa yHUTn, relievo DYSPEPSIA in ita worn forma, cleans ing the system of excess of bile, producing a regular healthy action of the bowels. A full Size bOK Of these valuable PILLS, with fall di rections for a comolete Cure, mailed U. any addra on receipt of nine 3-Cent POStase Stamps. For sale by aU Druggist. 8OLR PROPRTSTORS, I R 1 tL I '.La X r i:k.-ii Water Sirix in tiik Atlantic-. One of the most remaikable displays of nature may be seen on the Atlantic coast, eialitet-11 nibes south of St. Augustine. Off Matanyas Inlet, and three mil s from shore, a mammoth fresh-water spriti gu rules 11 fioin the depth of the ocean with such force and volume as tv attiact the attention of all who come in the immediate vicinity. This fountain is large, bold and turbu lent. It is noticeable to fishermen and others passing in small boats along near the shore. l"or many years this won derful and mysterious freak of nature has been known to the people of St. Augustine and those living along the shore, and some of the superstitious ones nave ncen laugnt to regard it witli a kind of reverental awe, or holy horror, as the abode of supernatural inflnences. "When the waters of the ocean in its vi cinity are otherwise calm and tranquil the upheaving and troubled aptearance of the water shows unmistakable evi dences of internal commotions. An area of altout half an acre shows this troubled appearance something similar asherwoman s ket- vears ago Com. Hitchcock, of the United States Coast Survey, was passing this place and his attention was directed to the spring by the upheaving of the water, which threw his ship from her course as she entered the sprincr. His curiosity In coming excited by this circumstance, he set to work to examine the surround ings, and found six fathoms of water everywhere in the vicinity, while, the spring itself was almost fathomless. F r-rnovr; I i-ir-dr-iff. Klcpart'y Pcrfuncd. Pscvent- 1. 1 Parker's Hair Balsam. The Best and Most Economical Ilair Tres,te. C'cnt.iiniriE: or!y inirrrdirnts trirt sre Prngfccinl to the hair and sc-i!p, Pakkf.k's H.vr I;ai.s! Never Fails to Restore Dray or Faded Ka'r tn trie youthful coW, and is warrortrd to stop f.ils of the hair. c-J ty tin::s:s nt co c It. a mi $1. N.iv. i-'. -1 -. i-r? 1 f n :illi.iS. KLVS niKAM 1 !:!.!.-!.:: 1 1..I .1 ' '. ! iv r- . .'. .1 1. ' . - - ; e ; . . ' i 1 'r- . -J': 11 It ... ...rl.( .1. f:.ll-::i lil'l Prfll- For Deafness. p i n iv ,v 1 nto 5ALM i 11 I li.' Mil 11 - to the boiling of a wj tie. Six or eight HAVIN! Jtsin'-.I an env ; I'l.ii'inu .!t:cr pr.-pMrn i r.i. -rji . i . fn it - i:n-ri:? :i ! lie. 1 "i . ";7.-'l a - .1 ..n 1 derpi! rtiii. ii;- v l.iirn 1 I ' ''n. A I 1 r tr.al ill ' c. it'V i r tl.c li" -T k'i :i"..i '' I'- Ciir.ll:-..' f-ss. It rll'-ttunllv c!. iii. tin- 111-1 ..,.-M-i- ..; f.i- t ' t t rsi.il Villi-. ..ill-l::M ic;.!l. !.! o . - : ail.ivj nili.iiniiiiiti .ii an l irru.Oi-.: : r. t-. 1- tin- tn 111- :- Pritini lining.- : 1 1 . - 1 1 ! I mii .-. 1 i . i .1, il I - : j c.mp.-ti-'V n-a'.f th." -.! ar. I r: r. tl r cne J of t.ist-i.ti.l .iii,-:!. licisi ti ::.l r. arc tc:i' .7-.1 l v a tew applic.ti"ii. V t'i-.r.-im!i trc.tni. M b ' ilinvted Hi -iir i ":it:ir-!i. a I' ni-. Ii' i.i T-mc-i dv f..r cul.l in 'lie I.t n.l it i tm.vjti 1l.1l TPc B:ilm 1 I? c.i-y to ne at..l aur, I '.-. s..,. l-vilrw.' t ' 5i cent-. ii reccpt 'l" .-. n'-will iituit ;i p;uk ' aire S.-tkI l.-r .irr.ilrr w .1 1' lull iTi'..rn:iti..i. ; KJ.VSt-KKA.M it AI.M f '.. O. o.m. X. Y. ! - Kcr faP- Py Kt.cii"l'i:n:. L hn-t- w 11 nm! VI ' t.Kina Iiriiifitist!, a nd V,'lioleiii,. I i -nitui.t jt. n . crallv. " J l-U.-P'iii.l 1 a M'-o cur-' i ra". 'attic. She. pj.r,.l "ht ki: ('Hcur.i. Y. 1. 25 1KP. CEVT. V.TE AM' 1 ! stock kattkxs ox ket:i: Il. iri: in pn-srs-i, n 'T .' lent te.-tiUK'tiisiN. 1 ?:'" :' ! 1 nave t'en n-inr y- ur . cw. k-r an I :c J tlimir. tj CKiis H. .mi. 1 K rum 1 have 11-T l trr.. k f c ; my cuw sn.l cln-kcn. T11 ,: TWl-'K THK VI A Ml TV . ir V ! ! K , clii. keu. were dyirit, dul ir. r? - nitir 1 in, 1 url t'ie iM.Tr,;..r 1' xi: v 1 i l"l:' C3-EO. "W. "Z"EJC3-E7 CASH DKAT.KIl IX AT.I. KIND OF HEATING AND COOKING STOVES, AND MANUFACTIJItKIl F TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, llOti Xileventli Ave., Altoona, In. MXsf CTIEAPHiT PLACE IX TIIK ITT. Rooflnir, Sponllnir nnd Itepalrlns; ol 11 bind promptly and sat lafnetorll y attended to. 10-24,'79. tf. Tlie Tx-TAtli- Tritely Tolcl. Tllli: STORE OF S. TEITELBAUM, CARROLLTOWN, IS THE PEACE TO BI V AT LOWEST PRICES THE IV i 1ST SUMMER GOODS OF ALL KIND I And a cordial Invitation i now extended Py the. proprietor tn every reader of the Frekmas tn call and ee the larue assortment, examine the varimi ipinlitles, and learn the HnsurpassaPle price, which are ?o low that '20 percent, can positively l saved hy thie who liny their iroods from me. The reason I can ell o cheap i thr.t I fKinirht my entire ?0ck" for cah and ilitend to sell for cash or its equivalent, and am therefore prepared to make ipii.-k sales at smaller pr'.iits than any other merchant in t'Htuhria county. Don't take my word lor thi3, however. Put come and see lor yourselves. CAitftoLLTOwit, Mat 21, 1SS1. -tl. S. TEITEI.il A t9f. KIDHEY DISEASES, CONSTIPATION are qniekly and surely cured Vythamwcf KTDjrET-WpHT. Thin new and wonderful remedy which Is bavlnirtfachari immense sale la all parts of the country, worison narurai prlneiplea. It restores atrenirth. and tone to tho diseased orpana, and Oironh them cleanses the. system cf acr-nmnlated and polscnooa fcnroors. Kidney dineaseaor thirty years standing tmvo been cured, also PUea, Conatiratim, B.henmatim. ffcc. which have distressed the victims for yeara. Wo havo yr.lumea of testimony of its wonderful curativsi rxrwer. No lcmseTne Alcholle Uittcrs. whlrh do more harm than Rood, or drastio pills, bnt oneratinsi remedy. EXTTKICY-WOBT, and health will be QnicXly refrained. Cet It of your Drupglot, Price, $1 (Wi II Bend post paid.) W F M.. It lCTIAKOM A CO.. 1W. Karllnctoa. Tt. EXT AL XOTICF. Dr. M. Ji. IJ. nEEity, Surgeon Denti't, Kl- enshunr. I'a., respectlully Inlorm all person interested thst he will be at. Iretto on Monday and Tues day at Chest Snrintr nn Wednes day and Thursday, and nt iarrolltown on Fridny and Saturday nf ihn fourth veek of each month. sAII persons needinar dental work will do well to Rive me a call, as I am prepared to furnish lull or partial set of teelh and perform all other oper ation pertainlnir to my prolcsion in a atlafactory manner nnd at the lowest possible price. f s-21.'8U.-tr.l M. K. B. CHEEKY, I). I). S. AGF.XTH WAXTKD for the Rct and Fastest Sell ing I'ictorlnl Rook nnd Hihle. I'rlees reduced 33 percent. National I'uPllsbintr Co., Phila , I'a. S"-o a wees. $12 a davst home easily made. Costly Uutfit free. Ad jretsTruf 4" Co., Augutta, Me. M. II. SECURER, Piitfmcf Attorney and CmtmeUor at Tjrw. Office in Johnstown and F.lenhurit. at the lat ter of which I may he found every Monday and durinir the sessions of Court, and for the balance of the time the business of the office will be attend ed to by M. I. Kittell. l4-B.'81.-tf. J Joseph Mcdonald, ATTORN EY-AT-I- AW, ERF-jfanrnn, Pa. sT Office In Colonnade Row, on Centre street. Nev. IX. 1880.-tf. GEO. M. READE. Attorney-at-Law, EbonBhiira', Pa. Office on Centre street, thrrs door from Hia-h street. I-27.'T.) SUBSCRIBE for thrCAMBKIA FKEEMAN. Only ti.so per year, in advance. Mf.asvtuxo BCII.DIXG MATF.KIAT.S. ; The following figures are worth re- J membering, as they will save a great j deal of "calculation and give approxi- j mately accurate results with a minimum , of lalior. A cord of stone, three bush- I els of lime and a cubic yard of sand will j lav one hundred cubic yards of wall, j Five courses of brick will lay one foot in heisht on a chimney. Nine bricks in j a course will make a Hue eight inches j wide and twenty inches long, and ei:ht j bricks in a course will make a tine eight inches wide and sixteen inches long. Eight bushels of good lime, sixteen bushels of sand and one bushel of hair ( will make enough mortar to plaster one i hundred square yards. One-fifth more siding and flooring is needed than the ; number of square feet of surface to le i covered, localise of the lap in the siding i and matching of the floors. One thous and laths will cover seventy yards of surface, and eleven pounds ot lath nails will nail them on. One thousand shin gles laid four inches to the weather will cover over one hundred square, feet of surface, and five pounds of shingle nails will fasten them on. TllE Tl'TiTKNTIVE llEMEPY. An arjed physician in AVashington. who has retired from practice, a man of extensive learning and hish character, says that the younger practitioners laugh at him for recommendinc turientine as a remedy for disease of the limes, lie contends that they have nothing better to suggest ; indeed they have no remedy for consumption. He claims that in twenty-seven clear cases of throat dis ease the use of this remedy under his own directions, has restored the several parties to fair health, one oT these Indng his wife, and another lieitig a man who, from beina unable to sit or lie in a pros trate position, has been for'five ears past doing engineer's work in the Treas ury. The remedy is simple. Procure at a drug store some white turpentino ; take in the mouth a bit the size of a pea; swallow the slowly dissolving sub stance, and when it is quite soft swal low the lump. The same remedy is ex cellent for a cold. This medicine is an old one. not at variance, however, with the modern notion of sending patients to piny regions to inhale turpentine odors. CiiLoutDE of Lime. A French jour nal says that rats and mice can le driv en away by scattering chloride of lime about their haunts. The same paper also asserts that a solution of it brushed over plants will protect them from insects, or if scattered over ground infested with grubs it will free it of them entirely. Bunches of cotton or tow smeared with a mixture of chloride of lime aud hog's lard, and tied about different parts of trees, will, it adds, drive away and guard them against the attacks of siugs, grubs, insects, etc. M i0 tl i, lliu.t-S- I'i:'-v.: IT HOUSEHOLD WORDS. Tor slclc '":nr.'-h. bnd tT-'te. sinklne sneP. and ril"tt:itl..n. reir !v !!r cn vr.- m: N A. "For w:iiiioi ai'T. iite. 1 Hon. and liver e..in.l-nt never fii'.-v Thoso in llI'Tary, prcleM..-i.-Tl cr com merci il pnrselts eoa'itintlv ikm! Fvttvs For r.nsl.;iatn.ii. .V vn.u.i N. " ' E&5bsS2E 'For sirit hendarTio, pr1n In 0 e rtea.t. dlizlncss, end kw spirits t-ikelTia x.v."' TJend and stnilrpnr beck on the ills cf 1'fe, follow its t.'a.-'n'riirs a-id V .a .11 Po hr.pl'v. f c.to will lp:id Prii'T cc I't in v will not cureor g:-eutly Improve. " fTfi In TAdlri If yon v.-ih frtrrneth. henltti and hcaurv. s'wt l.re.ith. cli.-rrv P". '"1 r --r fin to rour nearest t!rct:t for a bottle -. of 1 Take it ljefi'rotaa lueal. CAtttrrh cf th blad- 3 I'Lill V -J 01 1 1. ill .v. lake it ueu-rota I ForncrvonsdebPlrr, CAtttrr Ci dcr, ir di-vsc -t t.10 Lid:ie s, t I and ho cured." lours, truly, .1,.as I'ah h. ! 1 l ave ne ! y..ur Cattle pi.w.e ;.! : -. is ti c ! t I'T i,.re. -atl... t,e i. on p. uPry ..r many eonipp.'int's. v :'t! -K ki:v a J. -. W KAVnii. Herrvsv I..it snni'tvr? .-ii sent mc a p-i.-kairr- . iler whi.'h 1 cave t" try ...ui:r . sn.l 1.1 one drix.py tnrk-y cf elikkeii siti-e.' K?SAt r. ranirc. X. Y. Send rre a pa-k er tin i-t Anr The paek I K"i tn.-n jott la-t wnte- Hll'KEX f M ' L KTt A . I K:V( S.'lne - N.r an. I it eure.l Lis cltu k'.-l.. .7 ' Spruec Vale. lino. Address. ). r a pnmpVt. y. A. V:; Ar h St.. rHlUlir.I.I ill A. I a. ! J, Fr.Kitrttorr. Kl'snst-ursr. I'h. !"- VAN DYKE'S SI LV1U H .Alt to cn i-v.prt ftrr ei . La vt 7 has I ITT '.l,e e rd ( ti e ire 7 :lir.'V. tr.i 1 Is I ni'enor to ail other soar... it 1; - i - Sold at the Xew iTnu Stor ensl.ura. I'a. If too ar a man 1 of boairas.weaji- It jon rrtfA bT the artrtun of W trtvil1n your 4i ia ki- m v im -i m r.w:'t ork, i o r- nimalAntii in d us F9 tore hrAinptrvpann Hop Bittere. jtM,t Hop B. Tf ure Toun-r Tid nfririnc- from any in 4tfcretioD or diswpt c tion ; it y-u art- riir nvl or frinirif. ol J or J toud, srjCennjr trots joor benlth or laticnish s iti(r on a bl of tnck mv rvly on Hop J Bitters. WhrvfrpT Tosaro jfcpk ujmi5" die an irbofver yoo trM 'ii n ntiavl.y from oine hat y o a r i-Twt-in tliA. A fnrm of Kidney Mil rlPrTt-rinc. too- V ?f ai lht mikri. t lr or MirauimtiTiip, ,;. have imt. prfTfiit, j without iTn:rfrafMfc, C bj timJy tis of tte Mod Bitters. rTS ron rltrnx. or M Tl 1 i a r"J rVT1 - rf the ttl.Tiarh. Uf"rf iicer or pn t T an will be rurod : f tou Urv Hep Bitters Tf tot: ar srn r.ly weak antl oW 8tinttd. tn u 1 It nay nveyour life It has saved h un ci reus Jp.rS. t-- ...--:-W illlOP ' 3! NEVER 1 i FAIL 1 -1 Hop Bitters 1 tfT.- ftgg-rSy D. U C. in an ttbaohite nd trriw!.'! ti cur for dmnkenrit , uu of opium, tobacco. or narcotic. csrtjv Srndfor Ltrcular. nor Bmrsc co., Stwkwsi.. a. v. 4) a T-wrio. Ort. Fill p-uit-nur in it i-urr. unit'! u r:it 1 ter? tlie I'oref f t Tie k:n. a' " M00J tlironth thpniiniitrcnj'iKiir r '' 1 upon the fkir. wt.cther It t? :.'.' l. : ! enel n.in liti in. hoth ltn'y nr ! thereby eiim t intini: all imi-nr;T ' fr r ; nti'l excit'DK the :-kin tu ItmI'I n ' 1 dure a tinen?.?. urity ars-l iro:,T, , i'lexun winch i line jtiale1. ht i '". t t'V no otlier n-onnp. o t'i!et . fMir--; cotnj.lrte wuh"nt it. It in-iw- "; 1 clJir. jMire, white nnl liealth : i; filr: 71111:. in le-'tinu. f--t ) : t j. r ( rilyinir: rrint.vps !:in 'in ft. r ir: ' 1 eniyt'n". rotithrec? nl r- 't: fci ' lieve iTr-liiMif. luirninif: an.l 1 anl irntaTi'Hi ot :tinic anl pt t . -; relieve Itrhinir l"tle -when nt! : any ettct. Ask lor V at Ikk - ' . Itt tt ujw-n It, an tke n iiitiiM : i srit. A-hnvmrh f. M-ll-r. l- -j iliirbiH Strwt. l'lulrttlf I burr, : Hamburg T: I ASK Per. ttlMTSEN'S. TT'K ! The Creat F3LOOD PUF : And l'i";j-;'f. i-. I. w.i k . oi l Aral-i-tti 1 ! sici.f 1. turv. I adapt. -I to Ui ' tK.ll. I-e'T.ie ' sv an. I U' 111. . .r ail ot tier ll- -.!" ' ! rle.i T':I. c-ut I I:'1 r- - att'-nizitis. uripma p i i e..int.an ll'e ai t'l'ii ' t ' , l ie ..r ot 1 er h k I poo the lltl'-'te.i 1. Sii:;.. t;r S -ap. -.1 e:i'. .0 a ti.l 'a'.l.'Wl.i'.l M .rt..; 11. .IaMIS Iiug.t, fchcia let It . ea rl v a t I. Want "1 ..I a lie" I - pe :. etn. it h"i:' I. t:.l sir., f en atl art A ii -r:l-iv. a'e - h-r...,.-i ., , u. I all other 1 in ui.t ii:. n 1: AFTER LLECTRIC RELS' KFiBimni ii. u 1 ; IVrM'tiP :ifll.'t".l ltrh i llae tn. I trie. I the jrri t 1 ' know il powers i r. n.... Pr Kheuinatitti. Ncir . i tiiena. A sure cure I. r Ii j or HI .xiil Spa in. 1'. il 1 .. :l hi d t i k t..r the 11. II. li. .M...;...-,, e I Jl. 1. ToillllllS.-.l. l'tulll'le!) ,i I ol the Mtne Ims .-,l i.tl.i r p m -, . article Into Ihe market 'leiri'i Sold hy dro-jirists everv a lu re ii. 1 mm. W.U. M-I i 1 . i i T i' Mi l ho :'. il l not r 1 1 a trial ii lv Iif.h- 'ii r. i. j i: h It-'iie o!u'. 1 U -ure a ml tilallllf letlll '.1 Iy the pi(. clarity t.. p it :'n ii.ierior tin- -rune name l?v t:ikint int. ntoi '"'. ill art 1 1 e.i. .1 -'' phth'-ic. i!.f'.a.'t:7.i. a-Tl nit Mkne-s. pearii-tirn. Pn.-k an l siit sT'-ks. At l i relieve va ol rhcuinans I ! ! i rettr luiuPac... earache, tootha. he mumps, it'itit. plmir sy. puc l.riii-es. sprains. I. urns. s.-.h'.I- trnilniK. leocorrhoes. s,.u lutes vl itiswl. Sold Py :tui; ct s tcnerailv. and Call. whill And Re t SO 1. can and oui Sold 'T ilTUKlO-V:' T-r. Wholesale dep-t. L f-' Stf.. I'h ils. l a. .-" Xibi CltlVLRS SELL AVIIEMIM ' 11 FAMILY CHOCOGe or 1vi t:rst iki"Jf. a v cm i .l '.c e..ms.nnd whose virtues lias stood thet.-t 4ov.-tr-. ts tn tallihle in the cure ol 1 p"-'". Hcnernl l 'oltty, I'linmic W caknes.s ol l.nic. M''rn n:d Kidneys, Short lirvath. Hfanl.tirn. St. i'.i:" Ivmce. pains In the Stimiael.. Hack nnd :,,-t. Part irtil irly adapted to all Kecisle I:m isc- ni. matter hat the nireot the patient in.iv I c. 1'riee. Toets. S.-ld l.y Ih-uifuists. (Tx.'.-ly ' An article superior in quality ny;.. j tnan anv other in the market A , I experienced New York pt "'""! opinion mat enortwaie i- i'h because it adds strength to t' v ' ,1. iihD.i,tr.l hratn. ouiets tic l..r,iii.niri. the working- ol the and lOves pu-ity to the PlooJ i...,. , , rri we eon tcet i"n . tor our Sweet Spiced vanii.a- p. Paeh . Miller, .vi ami 'l'',"J.h', aVi T or sale hy V.S H akkek . Vko. at. Horr. tS.n't.nne. ia. h k y aatril-ti'lMwi nl.T': s. r.' -.... .t t'T'.lerC ( . " "- -'""' ,",5"'- Tree. AJdrcf o; A the T J. i fcnt