The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 20, 1881, Image 3

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MA F ?0, 1SS1. :
I i,K'Ali AND i-L.KM).NAIi.
J jjrf. I'liere and the Oilier 1 "Wit.
..-ri.,- Widower" will Ret an airing next
v v ii"iit fail.
I ,. J I'-icii with cold r.iins, anil that's
mvlicis rheumatic naiiw.
- ' , :t.n.:ia Kpieopailan-; are now rnz-i-
T-i i-ir "old lrireh edifice and soon be
k. a new one.
' XlVrnard Mcllueh, Johnstown's sinall-
t ! itiMif. i-; rii'llv recovering, and no
' ease- thus far have been reported.
-faiii!ria eountv has t went v-seven repre
n.Mratiw in the Western IVnitentiary. and
c,n! two i;i the well, never mind wlvie.
"-iNc-.i Iy tiiti e hundred men are at work
f,n in v.' hotel at Cresson, which is K.'mr
upas if hv maie, or soniethint: akin thereto.
TlK ie will te paitial eclipse of the sun
"rf!Xt l'ridav. but. like the n.i'tional tlesh pots,
it wi:ri 't be vi-ible farther east than Ohio.
Mv bal.r had a terrible sore scalp fscnb-
bV) "FIMNV cured it. lOHN CliOWF.I,,
PittJburir. I'a ' James. F.bensburg. sells it.
1 lv Legislature has passecl a new game
law. Weil, that's richt : everybody has
bean making "game" of the Legislature
about long enough.
I'he new railroad time table provides for
V -V .jiartui e of the morning train from this
. r. at '' "". in.-tead of i. 10, as heretofore.
'I;' and nothing more.
j..i!"Mt Mewart, of duiick township,
Crit'a Id county, who was born on Oood
FrW i, April 1 :s 17.S1, indulged in his first
jUi in a railroad ear n few lavs ago.
Mrs. .lames Kelly, of N apier township,
E-'df'Td ciiunty, iritrrvieweil a bucket of
powder with her pipe in her mouth the other
dny, and came very near oeing burned to
Altoona needs new water works and
has f'lo.iHio to pay for them, out the people
. over there ran't agree on a location for the
reservoir ar.d hence the water works rather
tardilv. i
Mary had a little lamb its fleece was
-white as snow : -he bought Van Dyke's pure ;
sulpher soap, and that's what made it so.
Sold only hv M. 1.. Oatniau and K.James,
IJruggist, KI)eii-.liiii g. I'a. 1
On the tiit of next month you can sit on
the grass, throw in your line and pull nut the .
' ijass : provideil. of course, which is too fre- :
quent. alas! they don't turn up a trump
that will compel you to pass.
. A SToing at Mapleton, Huntingdon is snid to be covered with ice all the
year "round. An ice spring that a nicer
spring, in fact, than we have had for the
most part tliust'ar up this way.
,s. ,i'i ; Mntid'i is to be the name of Al
toona's new journalistic venture, which expect1-
to "gel itself horned" day after to-morrow.
Hope there will be no Monday mourn
ing over the paucity of it receipts.
r.rother Na-h. of the Huntingdon Jour
nal, has tak-n a hand in the cultivation of
the German carp, ami no doubt intends to
keep it up until lie has succeeded in making
that famous fj-li a part of the Nash-ional diet.
The w atlier Ust week was as hot as
could b: hut since then came a change, and
now, don't you see, that for several days pat
we're been on the shiver and shake, and
wishing the d 1 old Yennor would take.
An act has been passed by our Mate
Legislat ure making it obligatory upon .School
Directors to not niiiv allow teachers the time
r,veessaiy for attending the annual county
instit i!e", but No to pay them ?'..",0 for ex
pcinv s.
Ioyc '. sufer from ick ,.r nervous head
ache, neuralgia or sleeplessness ; If so, do
not delay, tru-ting that in time nature will
restore von. but go at once to K. .Fames,
iJTUpgisf, Kl'eiis'nurg. P.i.. for Dr. Faust's
Genii m (',:re. I -s.-e.o. w. ly. 1
Our y uug fiiend Harry A. Jacobs, who
, 31 local w i iter has few equals and no supe-ri-rrS
in the JaniatJ. valley, has resumed his
oi I posjf i.ii (,n the Iluntmgilon iU-be, a pa
per v. ba ll always spaikies w ith the
focal : -tii gems.
The recent change of schedule on the I'.
V,. E. don't partake very much of the revol
utionary. That is to say, only t no passen--:ttrains
bae been affected by the new dis
pensation, and one of these is known to be
entile! y 1'acitic.
ooiioy" was soda-lighted by the visit
tf Fis fciiow ineinbeis of the "Executive
Committee, J. V. I. A., on Saturday last,
that he Set it up" frequently and liberally
on the paity, regardless of age, occupation,
or'previoiis condition of ser itiule.
It is -aiii that there is r-nlv one thing in
the world that is sure namely, death. We
can lew add another sure thing Sines'
-Strvj ok Tar. It is sure to cure a Cough
Or Coal, and can be bought from E. James
or V. s. I'arker A: Uro., F.hensburg.
; Messrs. Win. Carney, of Minister town
ship, and John S.:hwa, of I.oiet'.o, both of
whom were supposed not long since to be at
death's door, the former from a blow on the
liend by a stick and the latter from being
kicked by a horse, were in town yesterday.
If j on want to be merry while you
"laa-!i and -grow fat," wonder and stare,
and indulge in all that, don't forget to at
tend, on next Monday night, at the Court
House ' beyant," where hearing and sight
will both be delighted in spite of your teeth,
by irresistable 'only and irrepressible Heath.
We had the pleasure of witnessing and
having explained to us the process by which
barbed wire for fencing purposes is made at
what are. known a the Iowa and Illinois
works in Johnstown on Monday l:st.and
. witro greatly edified and instructed thereby,
s "still we couldn't help thinking that it was a
S barb-arous business at best.
-The Sheriff's sale of merchandise at the
Stre-ioom of N. J. Freidhotf, deceased, will i
l- p sinned at - o'clock to-morrow (Satur-
liy) at" teinooii , and be continued each af
ternoon and evening thereafter unti! the
writ in the sheriff's hands has been satisfied.
Alt i ei sons w ishingto liny goods at their own
priet-s shoiinl make a note of this.
The le w drug store around the corner
lias been in.i le more attractive than ever by
the ll.trodui of a boss soda fountain, the
large-t and im.-t complete, perhaps, in the
conn'y, the oiigi!,.i! cost of which was foii",.
bo When the weather gets red hot, or, it may
be. ev- n hotter, don't fjiget to call around
And r, .: .-rich your thirst with soda water.
We hear Capt. Duuegaii, Clerk to
the B-..irit of County Commissioners, has
aii im1 irked in the mercantile business
in I, a -t. ii home, M. Augustine. Such be
ing Il e case, we w ish him all tiie prosperity
Vhieii ii ig'it t. attend an hottest enterprise,
cenni- .i wit n the remark that he intends to
servt.t term f kshi;, which does
note.) ire until next January.
It is ..ii!v now that the Brad loi-k Titw.t
rss f,,m,,t i,.js,,r,. to note the fact that our
"'"'! 1 1 i ttKiitz, the model conductor,
r" rj'ly rriMi; into possession of a twelve
rr,,:rnl nugg.-t. "not gold-bearing, but more
pe,,i1s f, him." All the same. Brother
tiseft .ie got ahead of us in extending a
welcome t.. tl.e newly risen sn, which we
"l wi.l live long and prosper,
-rs- Edward "shoemaker and her worthy
ii.omas t. departed Monday morniiiir
om.sleiig, Columbia count v. there to
4u the bus
band and father and take tin
il abode fi
r Seine months til eooio nmn.
tl the completion of the railroad contract
' which Mr. shoemaker is identified.
Ttneir soiotim m Columbia liappv
a f, ' be a pleasant am, profitable one.
The daddy of all the snakes was sliot and
d in the sugar camp of Mt. James Zcrn,
tien Carroiitown p.nrl St. Nicholas, this
4 , on Saturday, May 7th. The Carroll
Vv'"" says on "tiie authority of the. gen-
j- a:, named that it measured sixteen teet
rva pr..poi tionatey large. It was a
c - l:iake, i,a. its (en in a hollow tree, and
" Gas tong been the terror of the neighborhood.
' -rr"tiii-uvgoiiiig horse lias !een named
lr. Tarmr-v in that it wiil make him
,- IVSt, That f .1.. f..w in,nA
Vorses ; but we rather take our chances
package ,,f M H Kor.F.rus" Horse
Tpkiis, as they guarantee a healthy and
vr .us constitution, which is essentia! for
as,-., spec,! or endurance
For sale by
i ones and . S. Barker
t P.i.
.e Bro., Ebens-
-I he gospel is now being prc;: bed unto
-anion in the upper oil region, if reports
"t e. hy n less a personage that Mr.
"V: H i ;,, who is well known in this
t'lity as the last but somewhat extend-
ei-f editors and publishers of a news
V ' 'a! ef j Dnnocrat nnd.'icntintl, which
1 ci eit a few months
before the
say, nearly
MAN Was h.irri th:,t t.
vrs a go.
'z man in.t long since known as
' m journalistic circles was ar
ttingilon on Saturday last for a
''ing to ?:i..-o committed in AI-
ni H i,
" at.,.,.,
a ?',, .
adjudged insane by Judge
' ::''! a f-t
:uae time, he was likewise
r -'llii.'i't fur tiie swv linn rr
f T the iail at IlrtiliHv.
f- ami to t!
' former he was accordingly
c i on ..,., o,irlv
?"lf -team .
nest and cylinder of the
to t!it- Cincitmati Express
'"i M or,. lav
- .iiiivs irt-L went on a
i',,'of Altoona andas
or nkps rr.,,i i ..... i .. . .. -""
m imentum which sot it ii,, , "k i
-a....,.., L,,i: iirtlll
uv at terrific rw..i ,i , i may nun uiai tiie ne,v departure is as pront-
uillv knocked m o ,', l?,,a,in? m! : as il is commendable, and that their es
' -vliis.,, , wit avnr T byrco:n" i ce',nt i'rnal '"ay in due time take on
. i-iou- wi ?nVa dV rtU' 1 ''kPtl'Portions.isthegoo.lhickwe wbh
J a' them and it w ith all out heart.
Our wnrtliv Kinfidk, Mr. Trior A.
liwfib. wife ami hoy labv. of Coatrsvr.le,
ipstor count v. h.ivo boon visiting among
tlioir relatives and frienil in I.oretto and
this placo lnrino; tho past two weeks, re-
eeiviiif; every wlore the most cordial welcome
, rrrilt niatimw as well as a chmI deal
of "taffy" for their first born, which, ensid-
ered from their standpoint, is of course the
"darlinget little darling" that ever existed.
I'he Hollidaysburg correspondent of the
Altoona Tribune vouches for a story, which
establishes its truth, about a lien in North
Woodbury township, that county, which
was so badly froen during the past winter
that when it thawed out this spring it was
found that its sex had been completely
changed, or that it had, at least, assumed the
role and appearance of a "cock-a-doodle-
doo" and took to crowing as loudly and '
lustily as any of 'em.
The hens are preparing for F.aster laying J
for it, so to speak. Snmcrfet llerild. The ;
only objection we have to theni is they do ;
not meet it squarely. They goat it ina kind ;
of round fabout) way: but we are of the I
opinion that this could be remedied to a cor- j
lain extent by the use of M. II. I.'obert's '
Pot l.THY rnwUKfts, which makes the hens '
act "on the square" by laying double yolked ;
eggs. Sold by E. James,"and V. S. ISarker i
Sc I'.ro., r.bensburg. Pa. i
Mrs. Mary Klinemyer, wife of Mr. Paul 1
Klinemyer, of Cumbria township, died on (
Friday last, aged 7 years and three months. !
i The deceased had been paralyzed for about .
two years, during which time she was an-
able to speak, move a limb, or liejdown in :
bed. The funeral services were liehl and a I
! sermon delivered by Ilev. Father Keardon, ;
at the Catholic church in this place on Mon- j
day forenoon. May her soul rest in peace '
"(inaraiiteed to cure," is the induce-
ment offered to you to call at James' new j
' Drugstore, Eben'sburg Pa., and buy a bottle
of Dr. Faust's Ocrjnan Cough Syrup. It is j
I based upon chemical laws, .and is prepared
I with the most scrupulous care. This medi
, cine iswarranted to eurooousumption. coughs, ,
colds, sore bronchitis, and ail pul- (
monary diseases. KememUer an ordinary
1 cough leads to consumption it allowed to
continue without relief. Price, 2rc, .e. and
' Si a lx-ttle.
, In less than an hoarnfter the boy Nolan
! had been killed on the C. I. Co.'s railroad, '
j Johnstown, on Tuesday evening last, anoth
! er lad, aged about ten years, tried a similar i
experiment on the same road, ami when he
: fell to the ground the Johnstown Tribune
' says that his head was apparently not more
i than an Inch from the track while the cars
went whizzing ny. Still as an inch was as
good as a miii" though not quite so comfort-
able, the venturesome youth escaped without
T he Mitllintown Sntinr-l and Repuhticnn
; devot.-s over two columns of its jipace this
1 week to the recent meeting ot the Printers'
i Executive-Committee at MeVeytown, and so
I complete in details, so elaborate in descrip
i tion, and so thorough in biography, history,
I "taffy," etc., is the. story told, that there is
: nothing left for the rest of us no reference
to "Pill-rims' pest" or at least for ourelf,
, individually, to do but. to Sohweier at our
. own shortcomings and try to do better the
next t ime.
j Louis Perg, a young Oerman, aged is
years, who arrived in New York from the
old country on Monday of last week, and
! from thence made his way ro Johnstown,
, where he was promised employment at the
Cambria Iron Works, was drowned on Fri
da evening while bathing with several
, young men boarding at the same house-he
' (lid. Plunging into the water, he uttered a
piercing shriek, ard then sank
to rise no
bout three 1
represent- :
; more. His body was recovered alu
hours after.
Ebensbure and vicinity is will represent
ed at many of the industrial establishments
, and in other business circles of Johnstown.
: The (iautier works are especially notable in
this respect, among the most prominent
' F.benshnrgers therein employed being Messrs.
1.'. E. Smith and Eugene Parker. To the
i tirst named, who acts as policeman at the
' works, wo are under obligations for many
courtesies shown us while on a visit with
several of our fellow town-men to that bust
ling hive of liUsy beings.
Another boy has lost his life by attempt
ing to jump on a moving fi iegtit train. Tins
time, it is Henry Peep, twelve years old,
' whose left leg was crushed from above the
knee and his right 'eg badly mang'ed neir
j A ilegrippus on last Wednesday afternoon
: death ensuing about twenty minutes before
lg o'clock the same n-glit. Our yonngfriend
I Dr JTroxell, of ;aiiliiu,w ho was summoned.
did a.l he could to alleviate lus suiteiings.
The parents of the ur.fnrt unite youth reside
about one mile and a half cast of A Ilegrippus.
The gentleman to whom we referred in
the item last week about the tirst job printed
at this office for any person known to be a
1'epublican, says that he did not tender the
woi k to our next door neighbor, but that it
would ha' e been printed in Carroiitown if it
could have been done on the day desired. We
l.iake this correction because we have no
better friend in either party than tin; gentle
man in question, ami iienco
convev the impression that h
n't wis') to i
could be in- '
lluenced in his business relations by political
eonsidei ations.
We direct attention to an advertisement
which appears e!ev.heie in these columns,
signed by J. M. Thompson. In addition to
his business of merchant, t his gentleman is
agent for the well known Philadelphia, linn
of Wanamaker .V: Brown. He tells us, and
we teil our readers, that he is prepared to
"take the measure" of all customers for
ei'her ready-made or triad, to-order clothing,
while in tlv matter of shirts, warranted to
fif, he delies competition. We all know
"Jim," and our word for it, he will do for
you precisely what he says he will do.
"Stit" Conrad and Peter Madilen, two
young men of Altoona, were arrested on
Monday last, the first named as principal ami
the latter as accessory to the crime of at
tempted rape on the person of a little girl
named Anna Ebv, daughter of Mr. Jacob O.
Eliy, of that city. The attempt was made in
what is known as Bell's woods, but the out
cries of tiie little girl and her smaller sister.
who accompanied her, fortunately induced
the miscreants to desist before their hellish
purpose was accomplished. Both the ac
cused were committed to jail in default of
S.mmi bail each
What made By-ron '.' M'Grr?mr Airs.
Probably a Bul-wer after him. M-xIrm Arnn.
No, a "lark" I.ytton him. Cam'trid'ie Tri
bune. But he got off Scott free. Pliibt. A'eirs.
The Dickens he did. Wet Chrx:cr Rrpubli
mn. Yes, with a Payne. York IHsjvitrh.
A paragrapher will Macauley canoutof this.
Ibtrrixburu Telf'iraph. A Whittier crowd of
paragrapliers would be hard to scare up.
Huntingdon Journnl. Saxe alive! has ever
the Present t and scattered abroad over the
land such an outrageous lot of joins before?
Th(! whole batch of them ought to be Diyden
ground to powder under Harriet Belcher
A fourteen-year-old youth named Ceorec
Nolan, whose parents reside, in Millville bor
ough, attempted to get on what is known as
the "ash train" on the Cambria Iron Com
pany's railroad, Johnstown, on last Monday
evening, while the cars were in motion, hut
missing his footing he fell and was caught
oy the brake-bar and his body twisted around
one of the axles. Of course the life was
crushed out of him almost instantly, and
when taken from beneath the car, which had
to be "jacked" up for that purpose, it was
found that his abdomen was torn open, his
legs bruised ard broken, and his breast
crushed in.
Christian Craig and his brevet wife,
whose real name is said to be Mrs. William
Casey, and a hard Casey she must be, were
accorded a hearing on Tueday last before
Justice Strayer.of Johnstown, on tne charge
of keeping a bawdy house in Cambria boro".
Both the parties were bound over for trial
at the coming Court, but the woman watched
her chance and scooted out of the door at the
'S.piire's office, and at latest accounts had
not been recaptured. The man with more
of the Christian in his name than in his con- i
duct was, however, much less fortunate so
far as the game has gone, and is nv biding j
his time in our county jail. !
The Altoona Tribute has discovered a I
gentleman in that city who claims 1o be in i
possession of a small ipiaiitity of the water :
that covered in darkness the face oCthe J
great deep when the earth was without form i
and void. In other words, this water is a j
portion of the first water that was created i
during the first six days and became entan- j
gled among the particles of the rock during ;
the pro-e-..s of cr stallization. This valuable ,
specimen consists of a piece of rock of the
primitive order of formation and of the pen- j
tahedra! order of crystallization and contains ;
in its centre the globule of water. The lock i
Wing primitive or of the first creation, if ,
there be anv truth in geology, must be far j
more ancient than the. waters of the flood.
Perhaps it was a tear dropped by Eve when !
she was ordered from the garden".
The Altcna Iiailu Tri'mne enlarged its '
borders on Monday last by adding another j
column to each of its four pages and length- i
cuing all of them, now twenty-eight in mini-
her, about one inch tnd a half. By this new i
arrangement and additional space of not less
than one hundred and twenty-four inches
has been secured, Rnd the Tribune, which
has long been recognized as one of the best '
conducted and handsomest little dailies in the j
State, is now without a rival anywhere out
side of the larger cities. That the enterpris- i
i.. ,...--. r.-. ... t v .-. t:.- !- 1
1 1 T: -l1";"' l 1
Messrs. f!eis, Foster t Qninn, of Johns- ;
town, whose immense mercantile establish-
ment we visited on Monday last, assured us
that their carpet trade this" Spring has leen
the heaviest they have ever experienced dur
ing the same length of time since they com
menced business, and what is true of carpets
is equally true of all other lines of goods em
braced in their wonderful stock. More es
pecially has this tact made itself apparent in
their millinery department, so pleasantly and
efficiently presided over by Mrs. Pose tuinn,
eldest daughter of Mr. John Oois and wife of
the junior partner of the firm. That lady,
we were told, has been kept so busy since
the opening of the season that she has been
obliged in many instances to keep at work
trimming hats, "bonnets, etc., up until mid
night and often even later than that. This
certainly speaks volumes for the prosperity
of the house, as well as for the sood taste
possessed bv our amiable friend Posa, whose
skill and juittment in such matters has won
for her work a place on the heads, if not in
the hearts.of thousands of her country women.
Fences and ileadwalls hearaway are
plastered all over with any number of color
ed posters relating to a medical preparation
called "Iron Bitters," the central figures of
which posters are a half naked female mount
ed on a pedestal and a huge horse-shoe stand
ing on its heels. As the horse-shoe is evi
dently designed to represent the iron contain
ed in 'the compound it is fair to presume Hint
the figure of the woman has been designed
to typify the "Hitters," especially as she
holds what is supposed tn be a bottle of said
preparation in her upraised hand, but why
one of the fair sex should be trotted out to
convey to the world an idea of that kind is
more than we can coniecture. The artist
may be alii icted w ith a temagant wife and he
may have got up the design during the past
winter. If both these conclusions are cor
rect, it is easy to see how the bitter cold, the
bitter scold and "Bitters" cold suggested the
Pey. W. IV Watkins, of Johnstown, has
placed us under obligations for a ticket en
titling us to a reserved seat on the platform
at Dr. Tnlmage's lecture, to be delivered at
Union Hall, that place, on Thursday even
ing. June '.th. and also for a ticket which,
will secure us a reserved seat, without the
platform, at Jean Wallace's concert, to be
given at the same place on Friday evening
of next week. May ''7th. These two enter
tainments will form part and parcel of the
1 Johnstown Loan Exhibition, which is to
open doors on Thursday next. May lititli, and
1 close on Saturday, .lutie 11th, which is de
1 signed to represent all phases of modern en
1 terprise, as well as rare, antique and inter
: esting collections of war relics, ancient liter
ature, and Indian history. The department
of ceramics will include" a dinner-set, owned
1 by Hon. D. J. Morrell, which is an exact
counterpart of a similar set in the possession
of the Prince of Wales, and the same depart
ment will also embrace various other meri
, torious exhibits. Besides these and other
attractions, a complete Art Gallery made up
of rare and valuable pictures by the best
American artists will likewise be opened.
; Excursion trains will be run from Ebens
! burg. Somerset and Blairsville on the ocea
: sion ot Jean Wallace's concert and Dr. Tal
i mage's lecture, and the tickets will be good
; for t wo days.
A young man named John Bradley was
; arrested at his home in Washington fwn
1 ship on Friday evening last and brought to
: town and committed to jail, from which,
i however, he was subsequently released on
: JCon bail, his father becoming his surety.
The charge against him is fornix et cf., pre
ferred by his own cousin, a young girl only
sixteen years of age, whose parents ariyamong i
the most respectable'rtfsulentsof tins vicinity,
but whose name we suppress on account of
1-cr age and the relationship existing lietween
herself and the accused. An ofToit is being
made to .settle the matter by marriage, but
as both parties belong to n'Churcli which for
bids such an alliance within certain degrees
of kindred, it is difficult to see how a dispen
sation can be obtained , though the urgency
of the ca-ie and tiie greater scandal which
might re-it It from withholding it, may have
the desired effect. It can well be imagined
that the anguish of the parents of the unfor
tunate girl, whose condition is said to have
been unsuspected even in her own fimily
until the matter came to an issue on Friday
last, is of the most intense character, and we
are sure that no one who knows them will
fail to sympathizo with them nw that an
unlocked for misfortune has come upon their
household and brought shame and confusion
to a weak and inexperienced child. 1. S.--siuce
the above was put in type we have
been grr.t-lie.l to learn that the dispensation
was obtained and the erring youths united
in marriaga on Tuesday last.
A vonng married woman with somewhat
of a history and a very badly sprained ankle
was taken to the poor house from the vicin
ity of Wilmore on Wednesday ot last week.
The history part, so far as disclosed, reveal
ed the fact that she had recently deserted
her husband and a fiffeen-month-old child at
Plymouth, Mas., first helping heiself (o
about thirty dollars belonging to her "worser
half," and a much "worser half" he is if her
story be true, and from thence made her way,
accompanied by her sister, to Harrisbuig,
Pa., where both had to go to work to replen
ish their purses. This accomplished, they
once more started westward, but only sue-
ceeded in getting as far as Wilmore, this
county, where they wen put off the train for
non-payment of fare. Ilerethey soughtem
ployment and were directed to a certoin lo
cality in that vicinity, where it was thought
they could obtain what they wanted. Act
ing on the advice given, th two women
started for the point indicated, but while at
tempting to climb a fence which obstructed
their passage the married sister tell or in
some other way succeeded in spraining one
oi tier ankles very severely, ami hence her
removal to the poor house, where she has
been suffering the most intense pain for the
most part ever since. Meantime the other
sister sought and obtained employment at or
near Portage, where she now is. The injur
ed woman has no excuse to offer for desert-
j ing her husband, whom she represents as
drunken and brutal in the extreme, and so
far as her infant is concerned she says it will
be well cared for, as another family "living in
: the same house have taken the child in
charge and will do more for it than she
could have done in the midst of her surround
ings at what by courtesy is called a home.
Such is the substance of the story told by
the woman herself , but later developments
go to show that the whole thing is what may
i be called a "set up job," as Mr. Lilly, the
i courteous stt ward of the poor house, has
furnished us with a full and perfectly correct
. statement of the case, which for want of
; space must be held over until next week.
i It may be as wel! here, however, to say that
the husband of the farfanading feminine left
her, not she him, and that her name is Annie
Florence Bobertson, ht Annie Florence
- -- --
j The Cambria Fuse Inm-ravce Com
pan y. In last week's Johnstown Tribune
, appeared this item :
i It will he remembered that a couple of months
! ago the house of Mr. Agustino Yost, Sr.. in Car
1 roil Township was. with its cootenls, destroyed by
fire. It was insured in the Cambria f'uunry M.
' tual Protection Fire Company lor Sl.oeo. Without
the knowledge nre'ensent of the offlccra of the Com
pany, hut to the end of showing how ull.iirs are
transacted hy that organisation, it is noted that
i ttie insurance money, witlmut abatement, has been
i paid over to IMr. Yost and his recipt taken there
j l,r.
; It is a deserved compliment to a deserving
! Company. But we are Informed that down
in Juhnstown, where the schoolmaster has
been missing for sometime, or else has been
up lefore the Board of Directors for inyesti
' gntion, the way a portion of the paras?lph
has leen made to read is this : "It was in
sured in the Cambria County Mutual Pro
: teetion Fire Company for $l,0oi) irithout the
kiowledgc'or consent," etc. In the language
' of Seneca, who wrote about the charms of
i poverty on a tabic of solid gold, "Is it possi
ble there are men livingin this world of ours,
. bounded on East by the rising sun, and on
I the West by expectation of conquest is it
1 ponsiole such dumb men can exist ?
'Women Never Think." If the crab-
bed old bachelor who uttered that sentiment
could but witness the intense thought, deep
study and thorough investigation ut women
in deterininins; the best medicines to keen
tlirir families well, and wonld note their sa
pacity and wisdom in selecting Mop Bitters
as the best, and demonstrat incst by keeping
their families in perpetual health, at a mere
nominal expense, he would be forced to ac
knowledge that snch sentiments are baseless
and false. 'ii fi ji ne. Foi sale at, the nw
di ng store, Klien.shurg, l'a.
A Fooi tsh Mistake. Don't make the
mistake of confounding remedy of acknow
ledged merit with the numerous quack med
icines that are now so common. We speak
from experience when we say that Tarker's
(ii'iger Tonic is a sterling health restorative,
and will do all that is claimed for it. We
have used it ourselves with the happiest re
biilts for Rheumatism and when worn nut by
overwork. !Sce advertisement. Times. For
sale at the new drug store, Ebensburg, Ta.
Ladies, and all who lead sedentary lives,
should ii- I)k. METTAUR'S HEADACHE
AND DYkrEITSIA TILL. Triee 2." cents.
Strawberries and other small fruits prom
ise an abundant yield.
A Day Dow n at M Vk.ttow-s. We trem
ble with fear of losing our plaie on the Ex
ecutive Committee of the J. V. P. A. when
we think of the many fraternal mouths which
will be sure to water and the many longing
desires for promotion which can scarcely faU
to be awakened in the breasts of those" who
are of us, but were not with us, by reading
Hie accounts published of the pleasant time
experienced by the members of said commit-
tee during their brief but most enjoyable SO- !
in, on SMnrdavlast at McVeytuwn. the
home, when at home, of the irrepressible
and somewhat ubiquitous '( ooney." Hence
it is that we hate most awfully to "give our
self away," and were it not that common
courtesy "demands, especially from us, who
wero tn'u-en in. a stranger in a strange land.
st the dead hour of midnight on Friday and
most royally entertained bv our hospitable
'": , i ,i l,;.. iimct'eveellcnt n-il'o '
friend Cotna.l hi;. most ex, ell. nt w lie :
were n uoi, ov- n.',". ....- .u v.-. i--
sy demands some return, insuflicient though
it be for the many kindnessos shown to each
and all of us on" that auspicious occasion,
"mum" would most assuredly be the word.
Duty, however, is duty, and our duty just
now" is to say that we took our ease and a
lilieral amount of soda water, as a prelimi
nary to business, at what is known as "Pil
grim's Best," over which the "gTeat travel
ler" C'Cooney'' aforesaid) presides with be
coming grace "and dignity as "monarch of all
he surveys." Here, too, were gathered to
gether such prominent pilgrims as Sam'l Mc
Williams. Esq., Dr. Swartz. Capt. MeClellan,
ex-Assemblyman Stackpoie, Mr. McCarthy.
and several others whose names have es
caped our memory, not one of whom went
back on either fife ease or the soda water,
much less on the "visiting statesmen," for
whom they served up a "feast of reason and
flowjof soul," to say nothing f:f the milder
beverage, which was"iruly charming. Then
came a'tlrive through the really pleasant lit
i tie town (which contains more brick residen
: cps than anv place of its size in the State),
the wealthier citizens furnishing the teams
and " Cooncy " the hospitality. After the
drive came the business meeting of tiie Com
' mittee, but before much of moment had been
accomplished, Brother Conrad, the chairman,
i called a halt and bade us follow him. This
i we to his hospitable home, where an cle
' gant banquet had been prepared by his ac
' complished and kind-hearled lady, who bade
' the party welcome and did everything to
I make us feel for the time being that our
; lines had indeed been cast in a pleasant place.
Here we were joined by Bev. Moore, pastor
i of the Presbyterian church, within the shad
', ow of whose spire our friend "Cooney" and
i his worthy wife, son and daughter can sit, as
it were, beneath their own vine ar.d tig tree,
and within whose sacred precincts they all
i worship. An entertaining and exceedingly
i sociable gentleman we founn. Bev. Moore to
' be, and it is but faint praise to say that his
I presence added viore than dignity and good
I cheer to the excellent, which was one of
the finest it has ever been our good lortnne
to partake of. Alter dinner the party visit
ed the immense sand mines of Messrs. Brad
lev & Dull and Messrs. Dull & Wilson, from
whence an average of titty-five tons per day
and one hundred and thirty tons per week,
respectively, of white sand-rock are taken,
after which comes the crushing, washing,
drying, selling at ? !..r0 per ton, and shipping
to Pitt.stuirg and elsewhere for glass-making
purposes. A visit to these mines, the first
named of which extends to a distance ofjtnore
than three hundred feet under the hill, and
the several processes through which the sand
is put before it is ready for mai ket, are well
worthy of description", but this, as well'as
further reference to the iiamisoiiie town ana
it! llo.,itabe people, we must forego
.-cooney' invites us back, which the foi
p),ij0 opinion and his own kind hear
doubt impel him to do. Peturning
force of i
art will
impel turn to to. i;erurning irom
the mine-;, w i.ui rieil.v interviewed the m-
I terior of the Presbyterian church, which is
a credit to the congregation and an honor to
the place, went back to Odd Fellows' Hall, !
finished up business, took in more soda w a- '
tor and a great deal of comfort at "Pilgrims' j
Best," received the benedictions of the pure- j
minded pilgrims there assom bled, took up our !
line ot march for the railroad station, 1
ded by the MeVeytown cornet band, an ex- j
client musical organization, composed of I
courteous and clewr gentlemen, among whom I
our friend "Cooney" plays a bass but rot i .
noNle part, and finally turned our faces home-
ward amid the inexpressible, or rather the
unexpressed and probably unfelt, regrets (if ,
the entire community, who as a whole, seem- I
ed to be more interested in our exit than our '
entrance, the music of course accounting for !
the difference.
Mekttno of ExKCt TivK Committee, .T.
-V. T. A, The first meeting for lHSi f)f the
: Executive Committee, of the Juniata Valley t
i Printers" Association was held in Odd Fei-
lows Hall, MeVeytown, Pa., on Saturday, ;
' May 14. for the purpose of taking prelimi- j
i nary action in regard to the fourth annual j
j excursion ot said Association. The follow- i
i ing named members put in an appearance at )
the time and place indicated : E. Conrad, '
MeVeytown Journal ; (ieorgc Siirom, New- !
, port -c7cr: IV F.Schweier, Mifhititown'.'c(i- j
. Unci nnj :epn'li, an : Hugh Lindsay, Hun- !
i tingdon A'cf : P. II. Brainaid. Curwcns- !
' ville Time: J. II. Irvin, Altoona RadUal ;
! II. A. Mcpike. Ebensburg Freeman. ,
i On motion of Mr. Lindsay, E. Conrad, '
i President of the Committee, was called to
the chair, ami H. A. McPike assumed the
! duties of Secretary.
Messrs. E .1. Stackpoie, McVev town Jour
nal. W. E. McCarthy. Mt. Union Titrirx, II.
.1. Fornot, Eewistown lJrnocrr, and W. W.
Trout, Iewistowp fVe rc.j, lx'ing present,
were on motion admitted as advisory mem
bers of the Committee.
On motion of Mr. Irvin, the President was
invited to vacate the chair temporarily in
favor of Mr. Shrom ; after which Mr. Irvin
' moved that the sincere and heartfelt thanks
of the Committee be tendered to Mrs. Conrad
and her nmi ible worser half for Hip VArv
ano ner ami.ioic worser I ad lor me very
kind treatment and excellent banquet ex
ended to and prepared for the members of
the Committee. Adopted unanimously by a
rising vote.
A motion made by M. Brainard to post-
; pone the consideration of the time and place
for holding the coming picnic led to a gener
al interchange of views as to whether Bed
i ford or Bellefonte should le selected as the
I place, they being the only points of interest
I suggested in that connection. It was finally
determined that when the Committee ad-
' intirio it uleill nrli,,iiii to roi.t i,i Tli!,tl,irr
. i., w0.i,.c,i,'v I,,!.. .-. r, ,i, ,
i ""'. .".",',"' ' "'V: "."'" ac
: oi visuiiig lieuioro io ascertain w nar arrange
i ments can be made for reselling thatplaee
For reasons not necessaiy now to mention,
the following resolution offered by Mr.
Lindsay, was unanimously adopted :
llrtolred. That all railroad tickets issued (if i
; sncdj'for the coming picnic he endorsed (by the
editor or publisher oi thopaper ;tu which they arc
sent) with the name of the applicant, and that
at.y editor, publisher or employe who shall sell.
give, or otherwise itisposc ui it
kets to parties not
connected with the craft, shall bo expelled from
the organization : and all tickets so disposed of
will he taken up by I lie conductor on the train and
lull (are collected."
On mot Kin the thanks of the Committee
were tendered to Brittht Star Lodge, No. 70.1,
I. O. O- F., for the use of their hall ; to tiie
representative citizens of MeVeytown for
courtesies extended, and to the cornet band
for tendering the compliment of an escort to
the railroad station, which, when received,
was highly appreciated.
tin motion adjourned to "Pilgiim's Best."
otherwise, known as "Cooney 's Corner."
E. Conrad, President.
II. A. M(Pike, Secretary.
The Xkw Presryterian Church Edi
fice. A congregational meeting at ttre
Presbyterian church, in this place, was held
last Thursday evening, to take into consider
ation certain matters pertaining to the erec
tion of a new house of worship. A lot of
ground was first to be Inflight, and several
having been offered to choose from, a selec
tion was rendered necessary. The follow
ing properties, with prices attached, were
thrown in the market. Ixit of John E. I!o
belts, West ward, S700 ; Charles Owens,
East ward, $1,000; Mrs. Thomas Llovd,
( M vers property, ) west ward $l,2o : Joiia-
j then Jones, west ward, ?'.( ; A. A. Barker,
I jvtst warn, funo ; n. j. lioya, r-ast ward,
; fl.O.Vl; J, M. Thompson. East ward, ?40o
' The Presbyterian parsonage and the site o.
the present church were also offered, but
fwithout any price attached. A vote of the
congregation resulted in the choice of the
j Barker lot, the figures standing :
I For the Barker lot 27
" " present site 0
" " II. J. Lloyd lot 1
t For some reason or other quite a number
' of meniljers of the congregation present re-
frained from voting.
The site chosen is on Centre street, inime
i diately opposite thecounty jail. It is one of
; the most d sirable locations in town in the
' centre of population, on high ground, where
I its light may not be hid, and will not tie in
j terfered with in any direction by outbuild
i ings which might give offense. We under
1 stand it is the intention of the congregation
i to proceed forthwith, or so soon as maybe,
I to stake off the ground, enter into a contract
with a competent builder, and finish the
I building by early Fall. The money to pay
expenses lias been almost realized to the
full amount by private subscription.
Emxir Vit.k for Wore. Mrs. I.ydia
E. I'inkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn,
Mass., has made the discovery I Her Vege
table Compocsd is a positive cure for fe
male complaints. A line addressed to this
lady will elicit all necessary imformatior..
Foi sale at the new drug store, Ebensburg.
i.of ii. oRRrspo nr.x r..
CHFRrtTTtlEK, P., M.iy 17. 1SS1.
i Iaii Frfevan The busy rnftinz fcason is
pa?t. and nil the liimberm-n bare rcturnr.l Irom
1 the east, and onr town ! fast ett!inic dawn into
; t!mt qaif-t o natural to the summer season liere.
, The imtneniic amount of lumber tloatcl to the
; enMern mrket fmm hi yeetion durinit t ho jprinur
! It nod? net returned pmi-ortionafely lanre
I amount ot money U our conntry. as a liberal per
'1bt at very low price? in some instances scllini;
'"TJlL.1 .'""J l'Lc? J?!!1:
LTIlinilO ui in- I il 1 1 r( w.l? iiiii iii-k, wiiiln
On mv wav home Irom the east, alter havinir
spent almost three weeks en the river, I stopped
) three or four ,Ihvp in yonr mountain town talcing
I in tho sights, the Kiiynl Circa?, menauerie. c,
! included Hot which rdeasotl me most was a visit
i to your county Poor House, which 1 deem an hon- j
! or and credit to your eounty, and as 1 passed from j
1 T'X'in to room in company with Jlr.J. S. Kolsinifer i
rnd Ir. t'reery, of your place, and listened to tho )
interesting histories of the .'.itterent inma'es. re-
ltel to us hy the gentlemanly jnd olite Sam'l
, n dl.veloI,iD(r ,eatures of neat-
ness, cleanliness, etc., I was constrained to sav
'lis a hlessina to he a pauper in this "fiunly. Whilst j
' many other thim;? struck mo as heinir" pleasant i
i and desirable in and ahout your town, hut I did j
i not fail to notice the delapiiMted condition of your J
i eidewalks in numerous places, and siecially im- j
, metPately in front of the public buildings and on j
3'our mnj public streets. Hut as the unusually i
I severe winter may have had A hand In tearinit :
them up, and tho borough dads may not have paps- I
ed that way so early in the spring, 1 will expect j
j better at my next visit.
' Mr. Thomas I-ons, who hns a joh of driving i
I ahout la.oou.O'Ht l,-et ,f loirs out of ('nsh t'ushlnir
creek here, cut his drive In tho creek, leavinir a i
million or more feet in thocreek, and alter contin- j
; uou? drivinif ever since htitur up itt Clearfield town (
j on Friday last. Irom which place h will jfo with ,
; his men into the hnrk wwmIs until such time as the (
' water may rise nirain. Mr. tteorije Mcrrttt burnt
; np his Anderson creek drive at Karthans, from '
seventeen to twenty miles below t'loartield town, t
Mr. K. K. Hrillhart, who is now atout acting as
' juror for the Supreme Court at I'ittsburir. hag un
,' Jertaken the erection 01 a lanre dwelling house )
i for himsell and family. Mr. A. I'.t 'rner. contract-
I or and builder hero, has secured the job. Mr. I.
! Kinwirts will also build two or three house this ;
I summer. i
j Mr. S. S. O'Brien has left the Hende.-jon House i
! and gone hack to his old home, while Mr. I... A. !
1 Cravcr has slipped into hU place and made apiili- i
'. cation to thcCourt tor license, which, according to J
1 the lately expressed opinion? of .lodge Hlair will :
i no doubt be granted, as his signers, bondsmen and !
; everything appertaining to it are unexceptional. :
! Candidates lor county ofl!es are as plenty as
i tramps were in lST. and judging from the interest
manitosted the offices thoy are seeking must be
f highly honorable or else exceedingly valuable,
i lecoration day is dniwingnoar. and for the tirst
time iu the history of Cherry tree, our soldiers'
'; graTes will he publicly decorated here.
Mr. Hobert Hughes, formerlv of your eounty.
subsequently for many years a citizen ot this place
but lor the lat ten or more your? a resident of the
west, arrived hero on Saturday with his wife on a
visit to their daughter. Mrs" V. Yonkln. The
'Squire, as he was familiarly call :d here, looks
hale and hearty, and. hut lor his hair and hoard.
which are almost wh.te, we could not see any
change at all.
J. O. C.
llltKdXil. l'OKTRV.
Tusk "The Ilrelt of Tulliyorum." j
Come, printers all. and lorm a ring.
And tunc your pines to blithely sing,
And roar the notes like anything, i
In journalistic praises !
And were it not for temperate fear. j
You might your whist), s wet with beer.
And that would more your gizzards cheer (
Kor Journalistic praises !
While clicking types are deftly placed. i
All to prepare the newsy feast.
Sure any man would be a beast j
Who'd sing no journal's praises (
Both night and day the printer works, !
A ml writes, and sweats, ard thinks, and clerks ;
Still some unmannered. heathen Tuiks
Withhold the journal's praises ! i
The journal shows up roguish tricks
And keeps you square on politics.
And steers you clear of many a hx,
Then sing the journal's praises !
Then farmer3, merchants, artizans.
And ye who draw up form and plans
E'en mountebanks and charlatans
Come sing the journal's praises :
And let the journal's praises rise
From every home beneath the skies :
Tr'or news makes simple b ,dies wise.
All found the journal'! praises '. A: I. H.
O. decorate the hero's ;rrare
Who foil in battle's giory t
The Starry M.inner grandly wave.
And tell the martial story.
For now the May-Jay circling round ,
The flora essence breathing
Proclaims a gratel'i! nation bound
Fair Hiinor's garland wreathing,
Then maids and matrons, boys and girls.
Come nil. your m reaths a weaving :
Come, Beauty, with, the golden curls
Come, all your pleasures leaving.
For soldier hoys in hntlle fell
For country I friends and lovers :
Then deck-their lowly dwellings well
Where grateful memory hovers,
In battle lor Tair Freedom bright
f hey tell, their binoms baring.
They ,'larcl the death fr Truth and Klkht
The army blue a-wcarmg.
All honor to the sle, jdng lbave.
Who died the hind defending ;
Their deed-, the wnter's pen shall save
With gratitude unending. A. 1. H.
Jrnc-F. Dr.AN and thk Camiuitv Coi'stt
Bah. The following correspondence, which
we liiul in the Johnstown Tribune of Mon
day, furnishes its own explanation : ;
To Honorable Jvrlue Dean, rresittrnl Judge of the I Vi&trtct : !
The undernamed, members of the Bar of Cam- I
bria County, wi'liout dlstinetion of party, hereby j
testifying our entire eonti lenee in you as an hon- .
et, upntht. impartial and learned Judge, reoiiest. j
in the event ol the eounties of Cambria and IJIair 1
bein;? united as a Judicial district, that yon will
be a candidate for re-election to the position of '
President Judice. for which, disregarding political !
assignations, we piedare you our hearty support. I
We are thus influenced because in the ten years !
vou have presided in the t ourts ol this county we
nave had no exhibition of the partizan In any dc-
have had no exhibition of the partizan In any dc
cisior made by j'on. and our relation as Hench and
Bar has been io cordial that we shall sincerely re
gret your absence from the Hench you have occu
tdcd to the full satisfaction of our people, and es
pecially to the Har who now unite In this request.
y. A. JShokmakkr.
ChaL I.. Dick,
John II. Kisher,
" W. Easlv,
T. W. Kick,
T. I.,
II. W. Stoukv.
Uro, M.,
A. V. lUltKKll,
Jacob Ziwkhm i
Jons V. IIaksks.,
iNO. E. SO A 5 1. AN,
,1obt H. Knows,
JoSKrn McDonald,
K. I.. Johnston.
W. Hon ace Rosk,
JjTO. I. I.INTtiN,
Cvitra Kl.i'ER.
K. I . KKHIt.
I HEMnv H. Kt n-
Wm. H. Srciir.Eit,
J. C. Kasi.y.
.1. W. We,,
Feb. 2, issi.
To F. A. Shoemaker anil other!. Member oj the liar
of Catiibria i'ounty:
Oentt.emen--I have not answered yonr letter
sooner, because at the time I received it. It seemed
probable any uncertainty as to the Judicial dis
tricts might s,m, u be ended by an apportionment
nndrir the t'onstitution. The doubt in the minds
0f tne protcssmn as to whether two counties having
eaeh oyer 4o.m1 inhaldtants eould he eonf tituted
.liidlelal dl'triet ha iMnec then heen. In effeet, re
solved in the negative lij- the Supreme .'oHrt.
Cnmbrin ami H In fr count fes mast be, lieneeforth,
judicially aeparate. 1 need not fay to you that I
deeply rexret I hi?. For ten years our personal
and official apoclations have heen of the most
ploaffant character ; tho remembrance ol them will
lie a life pleasure to me. ( iverlookinn Infirmities
on my part, you ak tne to aaat n" he a candidate for
president J udiro : while this Is now !mpo5iDIe, ai-
low mc to assure yon that 1 shall nlways re mem- i
ner wirn irratiimie tins marn ol your eonniienee.
Very rcspeettully yourj, " Jso. iti.
i Tiis bntcher slays tho pensive plir,
Cnt off his ea'rs and leet,
i And irrinds them in a sausaire big
; Thus making both ends meat.
I The farmer coops hi? skinny hens
i And feeds them with choice wheat ;
The means mn-t justify the ends,
' And so he make? them eat.
j II yon want to make them rat. follow the latter
' plan. Hut if you want to make both ends meet in
the purchase of ready-made clothinjr, you want to
jro to odfrey WulTs. next door to the postofliee,
I Altoona. Tiii? irentieman Is proprietor ot the
i lanrest clothinir enuiorium in a half-doicn counties
i buys more goods anil sells more buys cheaper i
j and sells cheaper deals In abetter article ol clo- I
! thinir, and no shoddy and, in a word, tills the bill j
for buyers to a semi-colon. His stock just now is j
full to running over, and includes some ol the wcll
! known Hoehe.-terelolhiiit. Fieasc a ive him a call,
or If this is not convenient send him in order by
. mail. Satisfaction abttoluio and entire is guaran
teed in all Instances.
J wtr. has lornr been a-courtlni; tne.
Never was a lover more true ;
But If he asks me to marry him.
What in the world shall I do?
This sons was sune by Miss Katy Sehalm, a
blind irirl, in New York" city, a few evenings since.
She aano it with much pathos, and Its rendition
was received with applause by the onlooker with
about the same measure of applause which has
been visited on S. Blumenthal, lllfl Eleventh
nvenne, Altoona.. In consideration Of his eflorts to
introduce & superior sort of boots and shoes Into
this section. Honor to whom honor is due I Mr.
illumcnthal can accommodate young and old,
man and woman, boy and irirl, to say nothing; of
infants, with wear for the feet nl superior make .
very inferior pri-ep. All he deftres is one order to
make the truth ol this assertion tully manifest.
Oh, What a Cough!
Will yon heed the Tvaminir. the slrnal, perhaps,
of the near approach of that more terrible disease.
Consumption? Ask yourself If you can aflord tor
the sake of avincr SO cents to run the risk and do
nothing for it. Wre know from experience that
Shiloh's Cure will cure your couch. This will ex
plain why more than a million bottlet were gold the
past year. It relieves Croup and Whoopinir Couuh
at once. Mothers, do not be without il. Eorl.arae
Rack Side, or Chest, tse Shi Ion's Porous Plaster.
Sold by E. James, Eben.-eurtr, Pa. 4-.-o.o,w.lj.J
St AricroHE. of the MeVeytown Journal, Is as
straight a pole, as smooth a pole, as fine a pole
and as lonir a pole as knocks tire journalistic per
simmons 10 the Juuiati valley. As local editor
lie ciu'l be climbed.
S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia:
i86i 20th Spring issi
Twenty years of lessons in how to make and sell the beet clothing. We
have begun the twenty-first. All that wc have found om about it. we have put
into practice in making up the 2 )Z acres cf clothing that you will look at for
our trade; it is the very largest retail lothinf stock in tho country; worth
every cent wc ask for it; ami wc guarantee every article.
More and Better Materials
More arn.1 Better Clothing
Lower and Fairer Prices
Than in any other retail clothing hou-e anywhere
within reach of American money.
The secret of our great business is only this: Doing our' level bc-t tn
make up the right kind of clothing, and having made it right, then counting
the cost, and
This we have been doing for twenty years; and have clothed over
hundred of thousands, old and young.
This Spring wc Overtop every Past Spring.
The spring has been so backward that we have had ample gctting-rcady
time, and the extraordinary stock of clothing that every man and boy may
choose from is without equal in America. The stock is something wonderful.
The best sewing on the best cloths, the best trimmings, the best styles,
and the best money's worth that can be put into clothing anywhere. It
is a great thing to say, that not another house in the land can do st
much in clothing you so well. The cloths come direct tons; we buy them
largely; we make up the clothing in our own well-ordered ways. knowing
all the things that belong to making clothing well, and they will go direct
from us, the makers, to you, the wearers, not a profit between. That's
why Oak Hall has the lowest prices, as well as the best clothing.
During the past ninety days we have, in making vp this new spring stock,
so improved the patterns, our ways of making, and minor details that this
spring's exhibition of ready-made clothing might be fairly called
Being far in advance of any hitherto offered for immediate wear. This
applies alike to Men's and Boys' Clothing.
Our Custom Clothing Department" improves every year. Wc make to
order from the finest fabrics, and believe we do the best work that can be done.
Orders by mail are filled with the same promptness and care that would
be given to serving you in person.
Extending the compliments of the house, and a cordial invitation to
everybody to come and sec, and make trial of the iSSi Spring Clothing.
Wanamaker & Brown,
Oak Hall, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia.
The I-argest Clothing House in America.
Tiie grretst Tmrietr of rood 5 In
one eptahllshtnent in wa
Cnited States.
Dress Goods, SHJptf
Iadies Suits, ShTuls
Underwear, Laces',
Hosiery, Gloves,'-Shoes,
IAnen8, Gentlemen's and
Boys' Clothing, House
keeping Goods, Furni
ture, Carpets, Mattings,
Goods sent all over the
and Samples sent
Oh, t be nauulity, n.iuirlty nifii,
li'iw 1 ilotc upon thfiii wImmi
I am Fitting on tl:e S'ttn in llir vo :
When my wai.-t ? tlyly inc;!.i!rL -Hy
the nnr. of one th;;f! f ri:isnrel.
t ht ?o de.irly you j-'hnuM irnre nin tnr tlirn.
Then the pop in. of wliit-h the fTvirinir i- n ex
tract. pcoe on rerite that the sleeve nt the et;.t
which covered the nrm wliich encircieit flip nai.t
of tiie jiirl who w;tiitr1 PMinetwHly t lKtk n at that
ftne of the irnnic a? Ttieysnyout 'eji that ; .
However, tlii i irftrinu iiMtI. In f-riff. -hp tr;ive
f t an her lt-It hern f iuilirtnenf t!i:it ?hn IikeI ihe
coat; houcrht at Simon K Jiot'dheiin'?. next !Mtr to
the Kir.t National !: tik . AMnoim, hot. Nt only
eoat?. hut M tnnnuer "I rt i.t y-inn!c rlothin. for
all clashes of pfrotis. nt Simon X l( n!Iiei tn V. :inl
cold at t'ed-r'M-k price?.
VnF.N thistles liriiiu lorth .r.ipes, perhaps
A fraud may not Ix-fret a fraud.
And virluc's fall and honor's lap.-c
May Rive results that all applaud.
There are a urcnt many Irands in thi? world, to
be sure. We in iir h t mention a tew. had we lime
and space; but. what would be the if f Koho
anwer.-i no n?o ! In lieu thereof we content our
selves by saving that the n-serton that .las. .1.
Murphy." lot' flioton street. Johnstown, s -lis ready -made
clothiioj cheaper than anylMuly else. i not a
Iraud. Itlsu.fnrz. II is stock lor Spr.nif and Sum
mer wcarha? lately been n-plewi died. a:iI he In
vites bis old customer? a well as the public nen
eradlv to Kive him a call, eonndeut lhal he can af
ler.l them entire ?atisla tlon both as to quality of
stock and liberality as to dealing. Kbcns burners
visiting Johnstown" will receive a warm welcome.
lAidles.fttr those distressing com
plaints to frtirh you are sufject,
use Ir. Faust's German Aromatic
If'ine. 4-i,i.-7y.
FHE1DHOKK. toed, at liis residence In this I
price, at 4 i, riirii on :itur.!iy momma. 3iay n.
181, Mr. Nu iiiii-AS J. FiiKiiUH-Kr, In tne 4'd year
of his aire.
Mr. F. was born in what Is now Monster town
ship. thl county, and when quite a child he went
with his liarents to Conetuauh borough, where
they still reside, :md where he afterwards learned i
the trade ol a carpenter. Jlecontmued to work at
that business in connection with, his bro'Per Jos.
until 17., when lie was noinin:ic,l hy the l-m,v
cralic party lor County Treasurer and was ele -ted
to timt othi-o lor the term ot throe years from the
first Monday in January. 1-7. Alter the expira
tion of hi- term he einburk. .! ,j:iMc extensively in
the mercantile business In ths plare. at which he
continued until a shi.rt time belt. re his dcih. For
some year he was subject to severe hcniorrhaires,
whkdi eventually unik-imined and completely
shattered Ins condition. He was a man ol irener
ous impulses, whose beart was always open to the
appeals ol ehnriry. a kind httban,t and lather, a j
warm friend, ami aeconnnoilatinir neighbor and a j
pleasant companion, and had the esteem and good j
wishes ol r,.l. He leaves a w idow and two y,.ung :
children to 'notira hi.-- untimely death. His re- '
mains were taken to Johnstown by special train j
Irom this place to Cresson on Monday uiotnfnir. I
where for a time thev were exposed to'the view of J
his sorrowing relatives and friends at the house ot ,
his parents, alter which they were lorne into St. j
Mary's (Urnmii) Catholic' church, next door,
where the last sad rites ol religion were preform
ed, and from whence they were conveyed to the I
flerman Catholic cemetery at Snndyvalo, where :
they were finally consigned to mother earth amid ;
the loud and heart-rending la-nentat'ons ot his "j
bereaved wife, mother, la titer, sisters, brother and
other relatives. May his soul re.-t in peace. !
I , I , , im i ii, im, i mmmll m i i i i '
Diy Goods, Groceries, Notions, &c, &c.
High Street, Ebensburff, JVr.
Also, A cent for Wnmftkrr A: Brown,
VlAthlern, Oak lll, IMillnd'a.
4 Measures taken and fmirs mn1e to order or
furnislied rernly-minio, witii mi:ir;imi: nu to quali
ty and tit. Kine Shirts f urmtted od same condi
tion and full s'lttsfiirtion inmfed.
tbensliurjr. May liu, 18M.-.H.
I lF,ATTYSOnttANS,l,"uerQl .tot,-, 5etreds,
1 f - nannaflAup. irUa.
I Cttlalo,-. k AddreijBelly,AViuiut.iu.N.J.
Ann C o
Oak Hall
Oil Cloths, etc.
United States by Hail,
when requested.
MONDAY, MAY 9, 1881.
13. & B.
i. ) i ioici;
All IIh- i -lutire No Mjlili Tliinsrsat FSar
rititi rrirf-. i:t:";i r.nrir.iins in iJ,
24 ami ini li Silk I iu!rcll:is
C'hotcp Solid J!;uillcs
mid IV'iir!. Ivory, 'o!!
ard SilvtT Jlnnla.
Several c.i-es n
st mmki: sh.ks opened to-
Nw J.ouis-ne S;i
Silks. to ' Ii.' I
Plain t "olo red I'-re-Jl.
". ctni-ii-r
lijeht wciuhi l'rei..-it
e.i, low -priced -liks.
s. i.ew IJavt-dero Sainmer
r vat I.
silks. r., f'.. i. i.oonnd
line ol -hioles '1T1I in fine
.lk- r.ot la rile. ?h'iw y , c.T.l-nhii-h
the prini. rial "part ?
Mrc-sinz.' v Jii"li rr .;ir td; Mioint'a ladv
tl'f (ir-t t iire Uv vrf -: - tiw-f ";t;ircSieil ."ilk.
Nrn 1:1h- k and f.'l-cr 1 Snnli Silk-. $1 -rr yard
ii 1 1. iiiciiid'n'i Iia ndt'tnp ltitit tint", as well a?
SMtin Mirrilleux.
New S:ittn i'l-v.tris.
w S:tin (rnRrn.
Now Hhirk lrr-? i"nod.
'( tv Hl k nn 1 .lrrd S itin?.
New ItUirk :i ti ! t'-l--r.'d Satin Umoa If
Now K"in:in Silk Strijn ?.
New i m(rrt Siik.
New KouImt : S.ik-.
Nfw Tirv iMi' - k S:itin, "4 in'lir. fT trimniimr
) n nmMnaii''Ti ! li'!it rtiVra : 1mui1uI irrHlj tor
t trimminir Hur.tini;.-. Nt:n Vrl:nri, Aiatn.'
. Sr.. o which fc tiavr a ct.iui'Kte l.uv on sfil.
I,arce t-k of I.n-e ItuiitMi'j. IV. n yard up to
an ttra (uihry ot lijiinV cclelrnie l I, -ire Kunt
int!5. 1 lack nu rl"rs. dotil'l widMi. nt 7.V.
Sve'-inl l ar-ains in extra doulde wid'.li
Lace Hiinttui;- :it Tvr.
Hiark tf"d fcr summer wenr and mouminit
ehoicrt lm- ar.d intrfrsica'.'.y t!.e 1 1 value- we
have ever "' Id.
All-wtnl Hiack liuntiius, IV. tip.
HSranft 120 Federal Street AUeitay.
, V. I'--I-:' ur-iMio, ;il,5.-ry. t.l -ves choice
Itress 1 rlnnnir.i:. Hin.toir. rviei and ain
six'k to mati'li. .cr ,-i l.i nia lliubroiderie? in
larjre and eliou-e fi'e..rtm"!:ti. i-i.'ees choice
Fiiiuri-d ?wi..-'vi lidie So;'?, in tyliFh and
: new deiifii.-. (4-lS,l.-iy.m.c.)
j May;.'-r!y be culled the ' Iten ub " of nied icine.
(or it cleanse? Natitre'i auz'.'Jn MaMcs.and allow
1 the reeu.erativo ju.wer of the ytein to do the
j work of restoration to hi'alth. No n,ed icine cure:
J Nature alone cures. 1 in Aiier eul oien the
j ,eravenue. tiie funrtion are erinitted torc5Uine
i tlieir work, and th- patient sen well,
i SOLI) HV Al.I iiia ;ists.
ties' In the world. Ijit lonirci than any other.
Alwttv" In (rood condition. "tires ores. cut.-, bruis
es anil corn. Cost but little more than the imi
tations. Kvery package ha.- the trade mark, fail
for the Kcuuiuu. auJ iikc no other.
-iy y ? i
Tcir I IT t mi Mi I J j
n u h:k a i it t i:km:r ttt
H u i r ! i: i; K ft
H II y A A I" J K K T!
,.H li l.y.y. A A I' hi t K K !!
v lieiLpetst.!
'iiHin imi sni iimsiiim;
ti t S
Il (t'ttl 11(1 II II II
(htltli I ! X i I IHHIII 11I"I
kf.. fcc.. ti nt c.,n be I on I In any one e-t! h'h
luei.t. n 1 'en:.-1 1-v a u:.i. Ii,? i-t. k o ir. r.-es
, c:;z, tAEis m miB5 imi,
i of variou tylf and puttrrr s :
! l'Juilcloi'fsi" IIjnlAvsiit;
j of every description and of bc-t'ciua'ity;
, of all Windr and the !.e-t in the market. Ati, a
lar-e '. k of
! Idnswre. I)nrrnnrr. Ml rr-Ilaitrl
M arc mill and Willow V are. Mull !
p4r. 'I'm ii n n -I ail lf. Kf toll cri. 4 n-
, II. tr. Ilor.r Mno. Itar Iron. Hull
Kofi. Ilorar nl I. nrrlatr Knits. KIT.
ftn. 1111 San . t.rlnilstonev Meel ShT.
rl I'low Tlealils, It tinil Sroop ;
! Mowing; Machines, Horse Hay Kakes,
' llnrse llay larka. Rnpe and l'nlle.
I nrn t filti fatorai. and a lull hneot llairv
' rttnjr 'Iftoln. Alo, a larc joi.-rtitriit ol
; Table, Floor and Stair Oil Cloths,
rinf Clotl.
'i I'AITl? .irn tlt. t'l.irni VIMK'IV MHPIMI
j a r SHAl'K H.lllil: l.tvi.i n.L AMI H 'N
! SALT, the .et in the w-.rl l t'.r Ia:rv and TaMe
I Ue ; lnroiF.K liOI'K S I.T, fie ehea-eft nod
; le?t fvr l.-eilmit Live St --k : I.tMl I LAS1;
' Wri I. a o 'I-.1 n-x M'il"S. ol the be-t tjualuv ;
i l'KliKINS' 1'AIKNT SAH:iV I.AVl'S wln-h
. -:r.n"t he evpi....le.i : C'hilI'I-kV A i s ati
' I'AHTS; the larjet i-to-.-k i-I MILK I'KIK'KS of
all shiioe an.! M7 an 1 i.t oi'-'-n." n;.re i-v r ff-t.r.-.l
I'.r Milam Kt.en-I.urj : a lull line id PAINT
! PHI SI1I . ( ti e i t d.--r:Me niiaPtr: V IN-
A KM:dlt. dr.. t. i tlier with a lurce and com
. p!-le -t.-k ot i ii.'l. e
i.iux i iiiks, nn:( ( o ami m:i;ks,
a wf-1! as t tiMi:i of f.tbT ti -f ti 1 and needful
! artii lo-. In t.'t. iilh:uu 1 1 n ti t t"t or can "t
ir-t -it tort n-dice ip"i:d w-.rth t-u ir.if, nd what I
k of!T for Ti;ay n It.', hr ri ' ;cd n n riuT-
l 1 1, a in Vif.M-i : v. n hi If Tiii y v.'. invi y le
jSiii-n ai hoi iom ri;i( i;s:
m- Having hud n-.:rv vkat; kxtku!
Ki k in the .W 1 m try litu. I fttu cri;:M A
to f-'npi'ly iiTV rii-t"ii;"--i :tl: "ttit- r t--t in th
market. " i ivc mc a Phrral -!i:ire of -iir p.itron
htP. then, and b- ctiv1th- d thnt tho f't is :iltrays
1 the rhenpe-t. and that it u- p.t; l- 1-u y an i n
i fori-T nrt;fe ;ni-Iy I'.-:iii.e the .rice is it
i- an in dtr-p'it:! W hi- t tht ?uch g'u-df arc always
me icarcM in me enti.
;r:o. tilxtj-i:v
l-:enhnr5, April 11. 1T.
IN ai-cordsmee w :tli an Ai-i ! tl.e ii-nerril Ai-- m
t lvof till- .:mot,V''tl'. '! P'-'Ved the fifth
d.iv oi April. 1-TJ. relatins to the i .i'.-. 1 i. n ot t.u-
"in I'atuliria e..untv. iv-u.-v i- hen tv mven t" the
ti x j rivers re? id in tie ilvtrnt' tmnie.!,
that tiie "outit I rea .-iirer. in eon pi ..i..e with 'he
M?e-.nd e,-io.ii 'of si:d so-!. ill mt. u i M It. e plaee
ot .i..inii! the t..wti!i;p and I- r.-o-h e.e- ttoi. on
the d.iy hereiiiaitir named. I"r the j.urp.i.-e of r
eeivin the
j AoisHert lor the- 1 car Ixi :
i Monday, .lone 1'ith Miinter Town'lup.
1 ue-dav. .1 une 14: Ii I.rei u I! ru-ii: h.
I M e.tnes.iav. June l'.lli-' talhtim Tow tiliip.
Thur-.ay,'.1iit: l'-;ii A'!"--ieiiy
Kndav. June 17th li' ir!ie..i
Saturday, .lime M!i-( h.-t Sptirm Horoncli.
Monday", .lune J"! h 1 lean Towii-li p.
i 'Ttie.iar, June -t Ke ole
' Jure -J-W Lite T ' n-1 lp.
Thor-day. J une e-,.; "hit
I ri -l.-i v. J ime -J4T li KM er
Satnrdav. June ."ill Soroni-liaiiiia T-wn-!iip.
Mi-ndav. June -7'h t'arr il'.V'Wfi I'
1 ii'.i:iv. Jnne vh 4i:ri"-;i Tom:-Vedl:e-,lav.
Ji.iu- li I'.arr
Thnr.ny. Jure :n th Ula.-kheV
I'rlday. July l'f jn. k-oo.
Tue-day. J uly I "am'-i i.t
Wc lnf-.hv, Ju'.v f th Lh -n-l uri;.
h -p.
l.m Wail.
We-t -
Tlnirnlav. Jtilv Till
M-.n-inv, Jnlv 1! t h Tur. To-lhi il Horoiiuh.
Tne-. lav. July l jth .sl!iTfn
edne-dav. ju'.v llth Siito n: t i
Thur-.lav. J;i!v 1-r.ti :i-l.iCtft..n '!'
I ro I1. July l .'.Mi I' - i"re
Saturday. J'ulv WiPuorc H .r
.M-nday. J i'Iy" Siuuu.erL:li T
Tne-d.iv. Julv l-.'ih- 'r-o
Wedte-'iay, .Inly 2 U. Li't ".-.-, Dianuli H-to".
Thiir.-jav. J ul v i;-' Frir.kiia t. h.
Kn-lav. July -jj.l .....lvale
Saturday. July -J.".. si. .T:or.-f k Totrnrl.'!-.
Mnif.1 v. J u! v !i ( 'a:i.!.r:a'. 1-t arJ.
T.i-..lii;v:'-,ii- i.i
Wi-.lac- lnv. julv .Ttlt MillviTlc II r.. in Ward.
1 hur-dav. Juiv !i - "1
Kriday, July v.nli I V' per-.'.ile linronali.
M"iid.-y, Aunu-t 7-t 1 a I- r i'- -:.',hiii.
'lue-ihiy. AuMi't 'J-l t'oiirinaiik-h 1 owr.'hip.
Wednesday. Ann. ;.t L.wer Voder
Tliurdav. "Ancn-t 4th l; i.-litar.d
I'nday, Auirul Mh A lant
M inday. AiiLru t rh I'ro-pe.-i Jh.rouirh.
Tuesday. A uitut '.o ti 1 'ppi-r 1 o,!i-r '1 . wrct:iji.
Weduep lav. Auu. Vnh l'"ne:uaui;h. l t A ard.
Thnrsja v. Au:r. 1
: 1
Kriday, Auiru-i iiith Johnstown.
Saturday, Aui.l-t 1 '.th
l-t W ard.
Monday, Auirun IMIi- ' :. I
Tuesday. Aiii:u-t Jth 4th
Wednesday. Auk. Kih - .''h
Thursday. Auea.-t ltli tih
And. in a.-cordanee with the -'nd seen.
n of sai I
act. on n II ta e? paid to Ih 1 rea-urcr on or bet -re
the 1st .iay id September, there will be a ve'xutin
Ol ." prr emt.t ahile :'. ft-y e.-ro'. will be crli'ifl T - all
vnpaid taim, and pla -ed in the hands ol an officer
lor collection.
AN PI. FV. VK.P'.l.l V, t o. Tr as.
Treasurer's irtice, i:ien-buri. May 4, 1-M. 1 i It.
II. L. Johnston,
1". A. Shoemnker.
A. V. IJtirU.
i j.vrs iv
ULbLilfliU Uit
at l , Aivr."-ir.i.n ri.iT.
j Ronglit nml Solal. and n
i ti:.nsacti-:i.
! Accounls JSlioitol.
A. V BVCK, Cal:ier.
-Notice is
11. reri'i.v ic'ven tb-tt 1 r'- ."i' ' f t'' t-.r
J for ,,1C t,nrt., , ttl," e-e.i tor of i d N. J Kreid
f th' bor-
liofl. All per-on. liieref re. ind-td lo the fa 1
N. .1. Kreulhi.fl wiil make t.avriient to the fai-l A-
5-itiee. and tli"e havina elitn or detuandf
make known the fame w;il .i:t-day.
.11 iHN A. HI. UK.
71 HN I.I.i V 1 .
ITicti'buri. -", 1 t.
, J -J llatc of 1'
: Eit Ainvs. Sr.. de-'J.
I.,.tur tne-imintiin: oil the -l.ite li I c . er
Adam?. Sr.. late of flearlit'.d tcwn-hip. dec J.
bavmit t-een uranted to the tind-r-irre.l t y the
prot-er authority, iiotr.-e l hereby t;v,n n a l t-r-Jon.
indebted to faid e.-tate t- n ike i mined ia.
, and t!ioe hatine t aa.n.-i
ITeent them duly
illtlil'T T 1 :i r 1 I-r villl-iuei: .
It HIN M. lATY.' M
Clearheld I wp.. Aj n! -" '. l-l.-et.
K-tnteot .t.oiN ki v, ile. eaf ed.
Letter? of adtnloi-itrat!. n on the estate i f J"hn
fVklev lute ol Suinnv.u ille bo-. oik h, Cswbr
courtv decea-ed. bavinit b-en irrant.-d ts the iin
.i.r,,, i.t the proper au'ht.nty.tftie.-1 beret -y
rf . en t. mil im r?uti mel'ted to '
ette to
.k- i..wii..l ,wte l nvini'tit. and 'h-.-e h.i v mt .
aittin't the ame wiil prerent l!:eia 'Jly autlietiti-
eated for i-ttn-mi-ni.
Suuitnit, April lSl.-t.
on county commi-ioni:k
Rtsl Mnvrim. us-n-MiT-"'
rued to annouo-e fiat I rum-i vuivei.ui.
J b-nburr boruuah. wi.i be a ean-ii ime e r
fiL-e at-ove name.!, subject to lvm -crntie ru.ei and
If nominated auJ eie,:.-d. be pie,iuc tntnse.i to
-Hard the interests ot the U:ajcr t o e- un y
lj the be-t ,1 h aMIity. I '-1
I t