The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, May 13, 1881, Image 3

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    i Ki:.sniii(i. i" a..
I It A Y. - - - MAY 13. ISSl.
Il 0. There ami the Other l'lac.
(irti bitter will soon bo r i ie at from 12
-, i : j r - vr in. mid.
je' ur.ttion day and tlie Fourth of July
, , ,mo on Monday this year.
-Ii!)it li.iiid can be mastered instantly by
;-,.t around a biiz-jiw. That's biuz-
-Y-ii have fallen again without breaking
shells. Tei". ehtsper down is now the
m piice.
t did vim e-.iv ' Well, now, we 'should
e, miicc t!' dam you've lett out doth the
liasis spile."
The early straw hat not a ivniiii may
i-,e, but in some eases at least it comes ;
n on the I vu-p. t
A di-fivery of lead and silver ores is !
to l, bei'n made in Conemaiigh town-
t Indiana eouiify. j
Johnstown has a new Hop Snip Chinese j
n li v. hecaine of the old one, if ,
j, r had any. i not stated, j
A new s l.fd'.ii' will into c-ffeet on the !
'. l:. ni-xt Sunday. Very little change
1,.- inado o:i our Uianh road. i
i if".: . Harry White will deeorate the oe- j
:i wi'h Ids luesenee and an appropriate j
at l.atrolie on Decoration (lay. j
j .-Atari-hand phthisis, I took Percxa. !
i: '. .1 nootiipr. Mrs. M. Ucssem., I'.'.ts- 1
; I'a. Sold by h. .James, Ebensbura.
'1 n-u- .M'-ok, Corkle ani
i! n-rs over in Altoona
) week l hose nn-
Tl'.e sum r.f ?7P, was reali.ed from the
of furniture at Cresson on Fri lay last,
it wasn't the best furniture in the world
dr. Hugh;Ro')prtson, ot; Rostraver lowu
, Westmoreland cotintj, has two cows,
. of which gave birth to "twin calves a few
ts ago.
Thomas I.awton, Jr., of Mt. Pleasant,
tmoreland county, was instantly killed
, fall of coal in the Hampton mines on
ay last.
Seventeen fanners were sent to the
tern Penitentiary last year. Still we
t advi-e any poison to quit farming on
D'-pnty Sheriff Kinkead and circus per
ier (.erhanlt will never be lost sight of
i:g ns the Johnstown Tribune can keep
U .o k of them.
daughter of Mr. Joseph Croyle, resid
iiear Sie.ith Fork, in Croyle township,
i on Sunday la-t of biain fever, aged
i eighteen years.
Miss Kane, of Rower Yoder township,
' on Monday last. She was aged over
ly years and had been a charge upon the
it y for si.iiie time.
1 he moon will be eclipsed on the 11th
27th of next month, and all hereaway
have eyes to see will be afforded an op-
ni'.ity fo look at it.
Uc'inposeil (if powerful drugs, so cotn-
lded a-, to produce almost, miraculous
5, is the history of Kendall's Spavin
u Read advertisement.
kfrs. M.iryAnn MeDermit.of Johnstown,
icr Trice f.Jolin) in shape of a husband,
ist Monday evening, and took it, Bur-
I Rutlfdge tying the knot.
The Aitoona &un credits us with a coun-
nec like unto its own that is, with a
tieal of beam in if. which wo hope is not
In our eye, Betty Martin."
good deal of counterfeit money was
in circulation in Johmt-iw-n on Thurs-
5y a stranger who seems to have visited
) with that object in view.
lie scarlet fever is still raging to a con-
Tible extent in East Conemaiigh and
kiin boroulis. as well as in portions of
m and ( 'oneiiiauLjli townships.
A 1 u te li t of bric-a-brac, of nearly all
e- aieij ies, composed of -galvanized
has li. eu iceeived this w-k for th e or-
ntafioii of the new Court House.
K valuable bay horse, letvem five and
'ears old, was stolen from the premises
r. Samuel Mo:re, in Jackson townsliip,
i : 1 1 .; 1 1 1 1 1 i uum, k lew ni"insaco
a permanent situation
od wgi-s in Altoona by applying at this
foli ii Brothers, an employe at Andrews' i
Diill. i ear Mt. Blcasant, Westmoreland '
l, v;is nearly cut in two by a circular
r i- iio.iy uisi, ami cannot, possibly re
l'e should ii'. t sufTcr from a coutrh when
r doses (if Ayei's Cheiry Pectoral will j
us. Time, money, comfort, health, all i
ed by it. Sobl at the new drug store '
''iircr. ' j
I aluable sinking bird belonging to i
l:.i-t H.-i-t, of the Mountain House". pS '
1 from its cage on Wednesday last, and .
nor has about made up hls'mind that :
n irv lind it again. .
'ry K'-nd all's spavin Cure, a surereine-
X Spavins, Curbs, Bingbones. or any j
gi -inent of the joints. See the adver- '
eet. and tlien Imy the remedy at the '
iru store, lli iw'oiirg.
Mphtl.eri;t twk r'otin the northern por- :
f this county some three or four years !
U)d siili-e then there have been only a
.rief respites from its terrible ravages. !
loirj. i l.oi il : Innv long
mpt-raml viiso m the t itf km as where
sii.'e was made to the mountains being
h'-d in green" and some Ilollidaysbiirg
rs bi-iiiL'l"grceii in clothes?"
L s'ningif miil owned by Mr. J.ihn .
land located ntCookport, Indiana eoun
Inn ned to the ground on la-t Satur
. ruing We did not learn the origin
5 t-re ii..r t'.i- extent of the loss.
'0: :p's 1 in . w, ni'-iiagerie, etc., is t.i ex-
B' Altoona ;u:d .lohnstown some time
i''i- laft.-r part of the present month
tb'y at the im -iiier p! t-c on the ".'Ttli and
l ;t the !,i!tcr(.i Monday, tiie ::oth,
i tiff. Mi. Fife, ye bold druinmer'
w- r. a n t ye 'shamed of yourself for
ij M.--. Cover? And while you are at
i'-':l -.s this stimnier, why you call
' I i:.-.11:.! tiii st-rve;r.s;i ''drummer."
ad it urn i.e, imt it is pone the less true,
t 'im ci t - d in Johnstown the police
m you, an, 1 when the Ihngcss to try
in din.- time appeared, 'tis five dol
nd . .-s.,,.- totlie h-ek-upyou'resteered.
l- s ..r.y paper, under the maii
en: 1 t 1,0,- tpooraphical fiiend, Mr.
J. .Mors, -.vill make its initial appear
i;i.,Vi provided all siuns don't
hen wo sr.,. it we shall have more to
tO'ot It.
1 t"iti;res f neuralgic pains, sick and
u tie.n I.e he, are instantly banished by
' r Mr. faiisfs (.ermanCure for Neu
aii.l Headach". ( inaraetced to relieve.
t ,vi-ts. For sale bv K .fiimes ril
1 'Ml 1 ... 1 . 1
relates to life and not t. . 'e : h mv hs
Vi ; 'e"V t,' Tribune folks
-1 miii, ! ill in' 1 n
di-:g it.
l.Uie child of Mr. James Hoover of
'B'.-e, swallowed a small quantity of
t at. it lye the other dav, but fortun
pr.'xr antidot was' administered
,;":a.V and the life of the little one
f!.i' preserxed.
w Venus visited Mercinv on Friday !
.m l fluted w ith Jupiter 011 Wednes-
wrcrei-.po,, tiie s .m of Altoona, not be
nch of A '.ea-eiiU- K.l, . r
larked th:it ,!,e planets 'were iJaving a
I jut at present
win me null
toona Ou Hit
t April to the 7th of Mav
' ' l.iiTiis to have added
.. ..0,11.. .1 ll'l IVM'Il 4., a.
tt tl.lra.l o ...1 . .. . . - -
rihers, and if
5 i ideed -
is tri.e if i 0 a..
not Of the V..., I ... - V.
e-,,r i ".i :. . "Ul w an US
. ... j, 1 , 1 tiine .
) acinic bootblack iii A!t.,na is siii,l 1
recently reccicd a severe seal, :
11 makes the top of his he.l ,,!
1 p:-'e of raw t'cet-tcak, and yet for
" ''" s h;s vocation as assiduously
V'J.'l h" leak in his rMf.
este, one of the eoueti ian
9- 1
""iinci ted with P'orepaiigh's big
I to belong to a noble family in
1 the other actois while in the
or ie.s i,:,re but he is the only
l.y I f.o I J
aid '
i a 11; II1CIII.
'at there is only one thine in
C . 1 ,
sure -namely, death. We
p Or T.n , r s,lre t:ung SISE'
d- nnd .... V N to cure a Cough .
S. R..T. ... p ooiight from E. James
ivKr,v P.-, tF. ; inUirr ill1 p-tics io
h i- ii n-l lT""?., i who, ha not
'?"f it.- , "s one ,0' J,,c rwu- years. Fiiiiativel
I'N as.-,', - ''r S?!ms that "'ther ! old shoe after hin.
I 'F vhr,-!, j, ; at , i, v 'rfm"i -Tliehrnsare. pre
lrT'Htisni jn ,,. f';' w'1 ' ,rn , , i only ohie.-tion we
VWiuM t'T ' 'rrrl John r.f rounrt fai o.,c. V
in the ft tit uukI u
vt-' f-.t-iTt is
Mr. X. J. Freicrhoff, of this place, has
been lying seriously ill since Tuesday last,
with very little hope for his recovery. Ow
inz to this fact the auction sale at his store,
commenced on Wednesday of last week, has
been postponed until Saturday evening next.
The resignation of the venerable Father
Bradley as Ipas-tor of St. Patrick's church,
Newrv lliair county, has not yet been ac
cepted by the liishop, and it is therefore a
little premature to announce the appoint
meut of Kev. Richard Brown as his success
or. Henry L. Mi Cullough, Esq., a member
of the Pittsburtr I5ar. and a uradnate in I8."f
j of St. Francis' College, Eoretto, died in Bal
timore on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Mc
! Cullough was well known to many of the
i citiens of this county. May his soul rest in
j peace.
The receipt yesterday morning of the
j name of a new subscriber in Macon, (.a
i leads us to remark that the Frkkman is ia
j km' its way even in the "solid South," where
the Republicans would have us believe that
I nr freemvn from the North is able to abide in
. We see it announced in the Altoona and
; Johnstown daily papers thatex-Prothonotarv
O lJoiiiiel. of J.oitto, will be a candidate for
County Treasurer at the enming Democratic
convention, but until we hear from Charlie
himself we don't propose to take anv sto;k
in the story.
At a ineetina: of Co. A. held at their ar
mory in this place on Tuesday evening last,
it was decided to call a public meeting at the
Court House, on Saturday evening next, for
the purpose of making arrangements for tTic
proper observance of Decoration day, Mon
day, May :;.'th.
Robert Walker, a colored laborer em
ployed n the Somerset and Cambria Rail
road, died very suddenly of congestion of the
n'd C-" ck-encoon ! h,"ss at 1,15 hr,m" in VM"'T Vo,U'r township, I
near v ' every dav tM' nty. on frlay night last. Dece.ts-
Unamenf lhe "ar" "
) A man whose name is not eiven injureii
I his landlord in the pocket, on Friday iast.Jby
juiiipiun uourii urn at cresson, aim snuse-
i quentlv injured himself slightly by jumpinn.
from a moving train at Gallium. J V I the !
' same, he got away from nn ffi VT
looking for him in the cars.
i Shiloh'sCatarrb Remedy is a marvellous '
' cure for Catarrh. Diphtheria. Canker-mouth '
i and Headache. With each bottle there is an :
I ingenious nasal injector for the more suecess
i ful treatment of these complaints, without
I extra charge. Price ."0 cts. Sold by K James.
Druggist, Ebensburg, Pa. 4-l.-e.o. j
I Mrs. Frit Brown, of Conemauh town-
: ship, has preferred n charge of surety of the '
! peace against her husband, who assaulted
I her last Saturday and threatened to have her 1
: heart's blood. The offending husband, who
i is said to be a worthless "cuss," was an in
1 mate of the almshouse for several weeks last
! John Zipp, of Conemaugh borough, n"-ed
j about IS years, had the flesh on one of "his
j legs below the knee badly contused and i
burst open by being caught by a loop of wire
' which he was reeling in the galvanizing de
partment of the Portage-street wire works,
' that place, about one o'clock on Tuesday
morning last. .
i Mrs. George Chambers, wife of the sen- :
ior partner in the Pleasant Unity woolen fac
i tory, in our neighboring county of Westmore
i land, has just been made happy bvtheassur- ;
ance that she has become one of the heirs to
, certain real estate in Tennessee and Xew :
Orleans the annual income from which
i amounts to 5.10,000.
A man named Yoeghtlv, whom we have
reason to believe is Mr. Victor Voeghtly, who
j at one time published the German paper in
. .Johnstown, and subsequently resided at
i Summerhill, this county, fell from a
on Penn aenue. Pittsburg, a few days ami 1
and had one of his legs badly crushed by The j
vehicle passing over it. !
A man whose front name is Irir.h (Pat-
rick) and whose hindlname is Welch, with
was announced to deliver a lecture in the
I". P., church, Altoona, on Sunday evening
'ast, on what he is pleased to term "Roman" ;
ism," but if he carried out the contract the i
papers over there so far as we have seen,
didn't take any stock in the effort. '
The E. C. of P. A., of the vale Juniata,
on to-morrow wiil meet, each mother's son i
at a place cali'd MeYeytown, which to fame
has been long known ami well as the village
where ' Cooney, G. T.," in comfort dotli
dwell, and when they assemble together ami
was comiuered and married in two limns ami
a half after introducing himself to the lady.
A young man named William IIohpL-
1 was crushed to death, on last Friday after
noon, near Saulsburcr. Huntingdon county,
: by the falling upon him of a tree which he
! and another party named DutT were encaged
i in chopping down. The unfortunate youth
j was the son of a widow and was aed" nniy
, about fifteen years. So savs the Hunting
' don .Vejr.
I'r. James Humphreys, son of ("apt
, John Humphreys and son-in-law of William
' Callan. dee'd, late of Cresson, is Uing dan- i
. geronslyill of consumption at Corpus Christi,
; lexas, whither he removed from Summit
j yille, this county, where he was born, about '
; five years aero, in hopes of securing permn-
neni renet irom the pitiless disease with '
which he was afflicted. i
Mrs. Fred. Wissennan, of Conemauah
boroii-h, prosecuted her husband for assault
and battery, but when the case came up for
a hearing Jmtice Strayer. of Johns
town, Monday forenoon, the complainant
woman like, withdrew the charge and made!
up isscrman. who th
,1 ttic Kane i;iaie was a keen blade t l", ".V 1 ", . ,u;l 1 " " 1ual1 or forth are all on the ache but -x ri,i. V,,, t ,
d have been sbarp enough to discover ; Co"',,ey;,?' ,T,- S1,rp,y b,! Ilui t' " 'Ss" , o v a n Inn , n1 Lr 'n
l is that the "Only" LuiHr Tad Co . of 1 '! Mt- I'h'asant Times tells of a ma n ' " W n,I.tmn on 1 ""t for
D t lii-h is a fraud if the first nn.rni nanieo illiain Maharg, of Smithton. West- ' i i . i
.i. ii., a i ot tlic lirst mani- morcl!llc, rounlVf W!10:isitefi thslt P'a(.e n,,t -; "town has a fully developed case of !
i .,.. ....... ... . Inn? sincp in nn'i"! nf n i,i,5i-, small-i'ox. the victim being a coal miner I
i io inii .1-. o i.v weiiT tw nti. . ,.v
HI! the Altoona C7 please j.oint us to and posisibly girded up his loins for another
1 ooui in ine near luture.
An exchange advises its r?aders to send
21 cents to that office for a copy of Kendall's
horse book, the best treatise on the useful
animal aforesaid that has ever been printed
but they would be very foolish to do it so
long as they can get tlie same thiti" and a
copy of the Fiiff.m an- for three months,
which ahme is worth the money, by sending
fifty cents to yojrs truly. '
--We learn from the "Johnstown Tribune
that a ooy tiroke into ex-Sheriff Kyan's resi
dence on Tuesday night last, but that there '
wiil be no prosecution. Well, we should say '
not, hut as there are nine niorc standing on
tiie floor who don't take any masculine ap- :
parel in their'n, we fail to see why there
shouldn't be a further prosecutionof the i
good work so auspiciously begun.
A promisingyounc horse has been named '
Hr. Tanner in hopes that it will make him
fast. Ef hunye. That misrlit do for some i
horses; but we had rather take our chances !
on a package of M. B. Bobeius' Housk 1
rv.vrEns, as they guarantee a healthy and :
vigorous constitution, which is essential for i
a liorso's speed or endurance. For sale by
K. James and V. S. Barker Bro., Kbens- '
burar, I'a. !
An Aldernev cow owned by John M.
Laird, Jv";., of the CieensbHrg '.irqus, and
valued at fl.-). was killed by the cars at that
place on last Saturday afternoon. It is
somewhat remarkable that two other fine
cows belonging to the same gentleman were
a. Altoona Tribune, at Mon,l,,v contians ! much more remarkable to find a co'untry ert
reie neaiieii Insiiranee of 11. ,.... iturnhn Km 01T. .:..... 1... ; 1 r....
j.i v iwiisiy Kiiieo 111 ine same way, out it is
A Loretto correspondent of the Altoona
C-iH says that through the exertions of ev.
brother Lawrence, President -of St. Francis'
College, an eleven-year-old lad who gave the
name of Robert Donnelly and said be was
abducted from Newark, X. J., while going
home from school, was taken from two
tramps on Mondaj last and will be returned
10 ins parents. Horw it n n' cr.t
ine Rind hearted gentleman aforesaid.
' wI mm, 's""th. dackson township
rVeorVtiM npry.5 WwJnosdnv last by the
, reception through F..(i. Kerr, L'so., of agov-
i P5nt","ntP,"':,., and bounty to the snug sum
i fi n 1 ith tlie pension came the assur
ance that he would hereafter receive ei-dit
' dollars nor month from !,.. ,..: -7.:
-V Mr. Smith, it is said was badly ruptured
during the recent rupture between the
North and South, and hence the pension
John K. Edwards, a young man residing
Cambria tow nship, was arrested on Wed-
liesday and bound over to Court by Justice !
Kinkead to account for a promised and prolv- I
ably early increase in the population of said
tow nship. A younir lady named Jones is tbn 1
prosecutrix, but as thore'are more young la- i
afores., !3 ii,',am? 111 an'', l""t the township j
.! a ."" Oll.u MlUKe! H suck at,
sue nnget almost as well be nameless in this
i,i,V,r' Je,hro,,liham, of Stonycreck town,
n liu,."!10.'"', " wljo ''as toured very fre-
1M..1 toiiiieetioii
'' ."' "4i,ftat4 to jjmocrattc eountv
conventions, and wh is a ,eU,lVer of .e
pre-Cbt eoillitvcomnillia. .f.....i
dav forenoon-for DHare Vountv ' Iowa"
wjilther he pes f, visit a In-other and S
wnom lie has not seen for t
ear5. I- ii?nativelv sipakitfr -a 11,
ini ior pood luck, and hope
Thehrnsarepreparingfor Easter laving
It, SO to sr,fnlr. S'nmrrtrt ll.-rnf.l ti,?
feet ha 'knockeil ! I0;1'0" Wp, bav them' is they o
wi.. ? "P.011.'1 "r't meet it snuare v. Thev coat it in , i:,i
V,repr,r,( I of round fa. out) way; but we a re of the
!:-n" :W 8t h,s h,)n'e IIoHida i in 2 .,hiiliL1u0,,M be rpniedied to a cer
1 ne,;rn;,.Ioru . " "'ii najs- tatn extent by the use of t. R lii,.,i'.
XOri.THY I'OWDEflS. Which m9L h.
' n. . , V" by laying double volked
I 1" '?rn fcv 'V35' V. ft. Barker
r.:e., rorcfrOu;, a.
Judgingfrom the numberand magnitude
of the committees connected with the forth
coming Loan Exhioition at Johnstown, m
printed in the Tribune, that enterprise Is be
ing gotten up on a sealo -which will be sure
to astonish the general public. A number
of Ebensburgers are named as members of
the committees, but as -we are more on the
borrow than the loan, theydidn't include us.
Our young friend He'nry Jones, late of
Kansas, afterward for a remarkably brief
period of Cambria township, and now of
Johnstown, hnbibed a happy thought Wed-
nesday of last week. He ioined O'Brien's
show at the latter place as a sort of scullion ;
went along as far as Blairsville : became
disgusted, the work being too diversified and
too hard ; turned cross-tie sailor and walked
back to Johnstown, forgetting In his. haste
to get away to draw his wages.
A lady in this place was importuned the
other day to buy a string of fish from a lad
who had just caught them in one of the dams
near town, but she very mildly though em
phatically informed the piscatorial peddler
that he couldn't "sucker" in on such a scaly
speculation as that. Deemintr the informa
tion entirely ofl-fish-ai, tin youthful vendor,
stood not on the order of hi; "going, but went
at orp, and probably sold them to some one
els? who had more respect for mud suckers.
The trustees of the crematory at Wash
ington, V.., have kindly furnished to the
Johnstown Roan Exhibition a small vase
containing a pinch of the ashes of the late
Baron do Palm, whose body, it will lie re
membered, was the. first one cremated at
that place. The vase and its contents will
be one of the leading attractions of the com
ing exhibition, and ghastly though it be,
there is no doubt but what the vase will
bear off the Palm, or a small portion of him
at least.
te pig
The young man Brady, charged with
ving committed a felonious assault on iJr.
illiain Carney, of Cambria township, on
lit of the .list of March last, is hard at
work on the farm of h;s mother, in Cambria
township, and lias no intention of skipping
his bail, all reports to the contrary not with-
"' "'"" : - '
'n ii case comes up for trial next June,
an entirely different phase will be put on the
4 IV. . 1 1 1 1 1 A I
unfortunate affair from the one spread be
fore the public in some of the newspaper re
ports. If the item about the sale of the proper
ty occupied by the editor of this paper was
worthy of a place in the columns of the
Johnstown Tribune, certainly nothing would
have been detracted from its freshness by
copying it one week earlier from the Fm.K
max, which would also have enabled the
Tribune to escape the error of saying that
Sheriff Griffith was the purchaser, when the
truth is that he was only the bidder and not
the buyer, the name of the latter, if he has a
name, remaining unbreathed so far as we
Mr. Alexander Yen nor, whose death is
briefly noted elsewheie, cainc to this place
from Wiirtem'jurg. Germany, in the year
1 '., and made his home with Mr. Thomas
Jones during nearly all the years interven
ing between that time and the death of the
latter gentleman. He was an honest, con
scientious and hard-working man, and dm- j
ing early life was a member of the Lutheran
Church, but subsequently attached himself
tothe Presbyterian congregation in this place,
to which faith he adhered until the close of
his long and useful career. Peace to Ids ash- i
Our young friend John C. O'Hara, of
Minister township, commenced on Wednes
day last the work of posting up notices to
the taxpayers of Cambria county, issued by
the Treasurer thereof, and on the i:Uh of
next month lie will be on band in Munster
township to receive the first instalment of
State, county and poor tax for the year 1881,
and after tron, through the county very 1 nl"' which Ins many friends will be glad to. I '"at will do this as quickly or surely as Par
thoroughly, if not erYectuallv, will close his ! hoar, is that he is slowly but surely recover- ker's Ginger Tonic, which will secure a per
labors in the dth ward, Johnstown, on Thurs
day, August 18th. See advertisement in an
other column and K)sters printed at this of
fice. Brother Conrad, of the MeYeytown
Joumnl, has been indulging of late in what
are known down there asthe "Juniata iia-s."
and the attendinc physician is said to have
very gravely informed him that h. vill have
to travel for his health. We were nearly chill
ed to the marrow ourseif when we heard of
Cooney"? condition, hurhave leen somewhat
.consoled by the thought that our friend has
got something to tralel for at last. Shake,
Coonev. shaiie. til! vour head limbs ami
manifested itself on I-ndav last, at which
time McIIugh was boardmi with a relative
named Thomas White, but the poor authori
ties eventually took charge of the case and
on Tuesday last the unfortunate man was
removed to a building erected for the pur
pose on the hill above the Fair urotiud and
outside the limits of the town. His condi
tion is said to be very precarious, and there
is considerable fear lest the disease should
become epidemic.
Abe .McCoy, the masculine member of
the triple combination which is alleged to
have kicked the dust from their shoes at the
county poor house a couple of week? ago.
and started nnon a summer oamtiaimi aim
who is credited with the.possession of a great
deal more of something else than brains, re
turned to town on Wednesday last, and is
very emphatic in declaring that he 'did not
go away with the two nieces of rri en which I
are said to have accompanied him and that
1 be does not know anything as to their pre
i sent whereabouts. It is proper, however, to
; say that the evidence seems to be all in fav
' or of the plaintiff.
Lots of fun and a good deal of mystery
will be served at the Court House for the
j amusement and edification of the people of
this place on Monday evening. May L'.'id, when
we hope to see Comical Conlv and Happy
Heath greeted with an immense audience.
We also wish them ovations of a like char
acter at Chest Springs ami Carroltown, where
they will give entertainments on Tuesday
eveninr', May 2tth, and Vednosd?y evening,
May 'Joth, respectively. Kvervhody knows
that f 'only and Heath are full of magi;; and
mirth clean up to the teeth, and when they
commence to shoot off, we're not giving you
"taffy," not a thingcan be done but wonder
and laugh.
The Johnston n Tribune calls attention
to a mode of swindling resorted to by an em
ployment agency in .New York citv. It
seems the agents aie paid so much a head for
furnishing laborers, and that when the sup
ply runs short they hunt up loafers, tramps,
and idle workmen and palm them off as t mi
grants the recruits being glad of an oppor
tunity to get free transportation for longdis
tances, conyflcd with liberal rations on the
journey. Among the foreigners imported to
Johnstown, a year or more ago, were two
genuine tra.nps, who told their employers
that, they had leen there befoie. They did
not go to work at all, but left town within a
day or two.
The Huntingdon Clobe says that Thomas
Foster and wife, of Iboad township, Cam
bria county, aged respectively 7tj and i5
have been married fif'v-two years and have
had use for a physician only twice during
a half century, notwithstanding thev raised
a large family and have numerous deen,i
a,"1 They are still bale and vigorous and !
do their own work without inconvenience
Such, at least, is the story, but as the town- A 'ad named Charles Kammer son of a
ship is entirely too Broad for this latitude, t widow woman residing in Johnstown was
and as the woman in the case must have be- almost instantly killed, on Wednosdav'fore
come a wife when she was only thirteen ! no". at the east end of the iron bridge span
years old, winch is not at all probable, we j "ing the Conemaiigh river at that place bv
roster the belief that the Globe revolved the 1 heing struck and hurled a considerable dis
wrong way in the matter. I tanee bv the entrine of the St Louis Express
A commercial traveler named Chas. O. j eastward bound. The injured lad was pick
Fife seems to bethe possessor of certain littl"
peculiarities which may do in some places
but which evidently do not suit Johnstown!
On Monday evening last, while a genteel
young lady named Jennie Cover was travers
ing one of the streets of that city, Charles
encircled his arms alwuit her waist and salu
ted her with a kiss w hirh is said to have
been remarkable for the vigor with which it
was administered. After he had paid a fine
of $23 to the litirgess, and ?1.00 additional in
the shape of costs, possibly he cr,me to the
conclusion that kissing ts too high priced ;n
Johnstown for anyone to indulge very ex
pensively in stolen sweets.
A Iargh and enthusiastic meeting of the
Altoona Land league was held on last Tues
day evening, at which addresses were deliv
ered by Messrs, F. 1$. Minahan. of SnmhisL-v
Ohio, and J
J. O Byrne, of rittsOurg, Pa.,'
and a resolution offered by our friend' and
patron, Mr. Miles Moran, callinr; on the Se
retary ot tate to lntereede in hehalf of
MichaBl I. Boyton, an Ameiican citizen now
incarcerased in a IJritisli danp-eon, was unan
imously adopted, as was also a motion in
striictinc the otlicers of the League to pre
sent tne resolution to Spnninrs cmnn .,a
jHiicnen anti asK mem to lav it before Secre-
tary HIainc without delay. I
, .. . LI I'll mill j
I here was a show and a Siniivprmrin
both at the Court House last Saturday even
ing. The show consisted of a verv enjoya
ble entertainment given by Prof. E.'B. Swift
of Rochester, N. Y., who dplighted every
body with the beauty and distinctness of the
pictures thrown upon a muslin screen by a
microscope of wonderful magnifying power,
and the Showerman consisted of a medical
gentleman of that name who accompanied
Prof. Swift and furnished most of the "chin
music," the aim of his eloquence being tbe
laudation of Warner's sufe liver and kidney
cure, etc. It was what might be called a
ft-A-ir fthoweBiiir, a'seit the rfign cf talc,?, continued Ior a,r.h juo.-e tiau aa hour.
Ladies, while silently suffering from your
many forms of weakness and disorder, to you
is given Dr. Faust's German Aromatic Wine,
guaranteed to benefit and permanently cure
you. A lady writes: 'T gained eight pounds
in three weeks by your German Aromatic
Wine." Sold on a positive guarantee to in
vigorate, regulate and give new and perma
nent vital force. Arejyou a debilitated per
son, aged and feeble, or just recovering from
the effects of exhausting mental or physical
I work? Revive the drooping energies, get
' new strength and rich blood by the prompt
use ot dt. tansts German Aromatic wine.
In no way can it be used as an intoxicant.
Ask Druggists. For sale by E. James, Drug
gist, Ebensburg, Pa. 1 4-1. -e.o. O
1 he most liberal advertisers tne t kkk-
max has are Republican in politics, and yet
remember to nave ever pnnrcaior a man we
knew to be a Republican since we came to
Ebensbiire, was done at this oflice on Friday
lasf , and that was given to us simply because
our neighbor had too much else to do at the
time. We don't mention this matter in a
spirit of fault-finding, recanse we have no
right to expect men to forget their political
preferences even in business matters, but we
refer to it merely to call attention to the fact
that Republicans as a rule do more for their
party organs than Democrats, comparatively
lew oi wnoin act onii'.esame principle wnen
thev have any printing to do.
Mr. Alexander Yenner died at the resi- 1
dence of Mr. Geo. W. Jones in East Liberty, j
on Sunday last, and on Tuesday bus remains ;
were brought hither and laid to rest in Lloyd
cemetery. The deceased was well known'in ,
this neighborhood, having for a long series of
years been engaged in the fulling business in ;
"the eastern end of town along with Mr.
Thomas M. .Tone, r.lso deceased. We im- i
agine his age to have been in the neighbor- i
hood of 7" years. On the same day the ashes
of the wife of Mr. Timothy Davis, of Jack- I
son township, were interred in a cemetery in
that neighborhood. The bereaved husband j
is o brother of our townsmen, Messrs. Thos. j
and David Davis, and the wife of the first
named was a sister of the one who has been
called hence. Their maiden name was Bur
ket. A stranger giving his name as John
Brown went to board in Altoona about two
weeks ago with Mrs. Annie McConnell, for- I
meriv of this place, and pretending to be j
sick he remained in the house long enough '
on last Friday afternoon to gobble up fifty j
dollars, two gold rings and a pair of pants j
belonging to anothei boarder named .1. F. j
Burke, a pair of suspenders and one or two
other small articles belonging to our young
friend John l'arrish, son of Mr. .1. D. Par-
r;sh, of this place, and a vest containing a
small amount of money owned ly Henry
McConnell, son of'thedandlady The thief,
whose home is said to be near Pittsburg, and
whose parer.ts are represented as well to do
people, skipped out as soon as he made the
haul, and at latest accounts his arrest had
not been effected although telegrams were
sent in various directions.
Mr. John Schwab, one of the best known
and most esteemed citizens of Lon-tto, was
kicked on odnesday of last week by a horse
he bad recently purchased and with which
i he was making himself too familiar to suit i
the notions of the animal, who threw out
both its hind feet at the same time, striking
Mr. Schwab in the stomach and on the lower
point of the breast bone, inflicting injuries
which it was feared would cost him his life.
So serious, indeed, was the condition of our
unfortunate f riend that his relatives near and
remote, were at once summoned, his brother,
Mr. Peter Schwab, and wife, formerly of
this place, but now of Chester county, being
among the number. A day or two after, his
symptoms changed, however, lor the bettor,
and the latest information we have from him.
Mr. John V. Ilartsock, President of St.
Mary's Literary nnd Benevolent Association
of HollidayshuriT, and whose mother is a
cousin of the editor of this paper, was mar
ried on Tuesday last at St. Mary's church,
that place, to .Miss Mary Sheedy. soprano of
the choir connected with said church. Bev.
Thomas Walsh, the resident priest, perform
ing the ceremony. The bride was attended
by Miss Agnes Mclluoh and tiie p-room by
! Mr. A. B. Wolfe, of the linn of Wolfe fc
: Johnston, Altoona. After the ceremony the
! biidal party partook of a sumptuous re'past
j at the residence of bride's parents, after
which the happy pair departed on a trip to
J Pittsburg nnd Braddock. We know it to be
a union eminently fit to have lwen made, and
we certainly wish our young kinsman and
bis aniiaole little bride all the felicity and
i none of the tribulations which pertain to
euueii inc. ,
A middle-aged f male, daughter of a !
former prominent and repected citizen of t
Hollidaj sburg, where about forty years ago
he risked his own life to save the life of the '
writer of this item, whom h, dragged from I
under a canal boat upon which a iarge dele
gation ol Indians were returnnid from Wash
ington City on their way to the far west,
gave birth to a dead infant on Sunday last
in Mtoona, at the house of a man who also
resided at one lime in Ilollidaysburg, where
he was born, and from whom She had asked
permission to remain until she could succeed
in finding employment. It was thought at
first that foul play had been resorted to, but
a physician who examined into the matter
gave it as his opinion that the child had been
dead for three or four days before its birth.
Somebody of the masculine persuasion will
probably be called on ere long to answer for
"s oaicriuiy.
Ihat clever gentleman and competent :
salesman, Mr. ('has. H. r.atterner. of this ,
p. ace, has done much to secure castom from
Cambriri county for tiie large and always re- '
liable clothing house of Mr. (iodfrey AVolf i
the pioneer of tlie clothing trade in Altoona! J
but as if thnt were not enough, Mr. Wolf nas
recently secured the services of our enter- !
prising and wide-awake friend, Mr. Robert !
1. Shields, of Loretfo, who will be sine to I
, uaw n( "tier than a tly blister when the fact i
becomes fully known. Mr. Shields, it is al- i
most needless to say, is one of the best known 1
; and most popular young men in Northern !
i Cambria, and we risk- nothing in venturin 1
I the prediction that he will attract a large
1 and lucrative trade from nearly all the np
: per regions of the county, because iie has '
been in business In Lovrtto and Chest Springs !
j and has always dealt honestly and pleasant- i
1 ly with his neighbors. May his success in I
his new departure be all'that his fancy I
paints it.
j The list of Sheriff's sales in this county '
j has of late been growing ".smaller by doorefs 1
(and beautifully less," until now there are i
only three to be noted, the first of which will '
be sold in Johnstown on Saturday, June 4th !
1 and the other two at the Court. House in this i
l-iaoi on .Monnay, j,ine nth. iere arc the '
descriptions : A lot of ground, fiame house '
and board stable in the Fourth ward. Johns
town borough ; taken in execuf tion and to be '
sold at the suit of Hlough fr Stutzman as the
property of Jacob C. Homer.
more or less, in Clearfield township, with k
one-and-a-half etory nlank house and log
stable thereon erected : taken in execution
as the property of Wru. Urandt and to De
u t Mil'- or .-samuei Kellev. Ninety
six acres, more or less, about forty of which
are cleared, located in Carroll township, and
having thereon erected a two story lo" house
nnd a locr barn: to ho obi of i.
Henry Cooper, for use of Francis Cooper as
the property of AVin T v,.i'm,;a 1 '
1 . j I 1 . T, ,i,i 1 ,-.;.., 1 . 1 ,.
. . ..i- .,.. v.. ,111-11 h, ,1 nouse near tne scene :
of the accident, where it was found that the '
rear portion of his skull was crushed in and :
his face badly contused. A physician was I
fCnt Jrr.imn""l,illtc,- but '-enth "ame befors i
InC doctor. WllO COUld lint ham a.-nr.l .-.!
anyhow. No blame is attached to the en
gineer of the train, Mr. Patrick Doran, a na
tive of this county, as the boy tried to cross
the track immediately in front of the locomo
tive The father of the unfortunate youth
died from small-pox contracted in Clarion
county in 171, and one of his brothers was
instantly killed in Jenner township, Somer
set county, by the falling upon him of the
sill of a corn-crib in course ot erection
To THErriiLir. The '.indersiRned desires
to inform the public- that he has opened a
general insurance office on the second storv
c Friedhoff's block, where he is prepared
to do a frenerai insurance business. Xone
but first class companies represented. I am
also agent for tiie celebrated Champion
Mowers and Keapers, one of which I have
now on hand as a sample. Also, agent for
ji-i-iMu-i .i i .in-ill ievei i read Horse Fower
Wi s . waiuinc any
of thfse r'achmes will rind it to their advan-
'I..blT laAl,l,,An . . -
ji iii estnng iacniues.
" -" t;' i"- eni i oeiora piircnasung else-
wnere. I hankful for past favors and solic
iting a continuance or the fame, I am, re
spectfully, of.o. A. Kixked.
DrrtiNG the past five TEARS I have suf
fered from Catarrh and hn vine i, sen i.-ith,,.
relief remedies prescribed bv various physi
cians. I was advised to try Elv's Cream
i.alm, am using it with beneficial results
and feel cofid.nt. I shu n hs .n,nin.i 1 '
or a disease that has seriously .fTectd not
only my nostrils but also my eyes and hear-
lnvv .V-v Al BRi.NzioHOFFF.n, Jr., Whole
sale Toba."?o.nst. WwjrV vi i...
3879. Sold at the otw drua r.l i. . J
js . -'t .
The CosMOsrorE. A .Vw TTs'for Edixrn'$
Ei'c'ric Light. One of the grandest exhibi
tions ever attempted to 'oe given to the world
is now being prepared by Prof. E. B. Swift,
who gave au exhibition in this place on Sat
urday evening, under the management of II.
H. Warner, of Rochester, X. Y. A two
hundred horse power steam engine is being
constructed to be used in the production of
Edison's electric linht. This light will be
used in conjunction with an immense cosmo
scope, the invention of Prof. Sw iff, having
j macniiying power oi 'w,oju diameters, or a
I surface power of forty billion times. With
. this instrument Prof. Swift will in the even
; ing throw upon the clouds in immense letters
i ot gold, the
words. "Warner's Safe Kidnev
and Liver Cure." and the names of his nther
! proprietory remedies the whole describing
t Li'll 1 IIIU 1 Oil 1 I II I ( H CITf IC, Ot OnC-Ila II
oi me ncavens as we see them. By a series
ot geometrical triangulations, Prof. Swift
has also calculated the exact siz of the test
plates to be used in the experiment of throw
ing the letters upon the full moon. This is
done by triangulating the distance to said
planet, which he finds to be 2.JS,2o miles.
On a perfectly dark night the effect will be
grand neyond description. The letters upon
I the surface of the moon will appear in bright
! scarlet. Prof. E. B. Swift, in his nightlyex-
i hibitions, gives illustrations in throwing let-
imw sroiu upon a eiouuv background. It
is one of the greatest discoveries of modern
science, and the only instrument in the
world that will product this effect is Prof.
Swift's eosmoscope. The lenses for this
wonderful experiment are being manufac
tured expressly for H. II. Warner & Co. by
Messrs. Bausch & Lomb, of Rochester, X. Y.
Prof. K. B. Swift is not the astronomer, but
a cousin of that gentleman, the name of the
latter being Lewis Swift. Prof. E. B. Swift
is a celebrated microsoopist, and as some of
the newspapers have been getting the two
gentlemen's names confounded, this expla
nation ought to be sufficient to set them
fire occurred at Houtzdale, Clearfied county,
about 1:.!M o'clock on Fiiday morning, de
strov ing the post-office building andVontents,
C. W. McCan ley's hardware store" and con
tents, V. J. Sharbaugh's drug store and non-
tents, J. S. Moore's meat market, Mrs. Jen
nie Smith's millinery, the residence and
store of A. Bashton and the law oflice of W.
A. Chase, The origin of the the is unknown
but the first alarm arose from a terrific ex
plosion in the hardware store of C. W. Me
Cau.oy. The flames then spread with great
i rapidity and the occupants of the
! building bad only time enough t.
to escape
through the second story
through the second story windows in their
night clothes. The mos't strenuous efforts
of the citzens alone sufficed to save the en
tire business portion of the town from de
struction. Tne business houses ofVan Du
sen ifc Co. and the Union Hardware Com
pany were on lire several times. The losses
are about as follows: Charles McCauley,
fjlO, 000 insurance $;,ooo: V. J. Sharahaugh
$:;,000 insurance f 1,.09 ; J. J. Moore. S'2,."00
insurance $1,200; Jennie Smith,
no insurance : A, B. Ashton, $1,000 fully
insured and W. A. Chase six) : insurance
J-.'.oo. Mr. Sharbaugb, one of the heaviest
sufferers by the calamity, is a son of John
Sharbaugb, Esq., of Sumniitville this count v,
where he was born ami raised, and a brother
of the young man who fills the position of
assistant cashier at the banking bouse of
Shoemaker, Johnston & Bucks, in this place.
Goon AnvifK. If yon keep your stomach,
liver and kidneys in perfect working order.
jou win prevent ana cure by far trie greater
part of the ills that afflict mankind in this or
any sectiovj. There is no medicine known
fectly natural action of these important oi
gans without interfering in the least with I
your daily duties. See advertisement, and i
ko to K. James, Druggist, F.benshurc, Pa..
lor the medicine.
DrcoitATiox Iat. As it has become cus- i
tomary in every city and town in every State j
in the Union to observe the :t Ii of May as
I Decoration day in memory of the fallen he- J
i roes of the late" civil war, it bohooves the cit- j
izens of this town and vicinity to fall into
! line and make the necessary arrangements !
in order that the day may be properly ob- i
I served here as well as elsewhere. Let our '
people make a move so that the preliminaries j
! can be attended to in time. Let all unite in !
j honoring the memory of the fallen heroes.
('over them over with beautiful flower.'.
; Deck them with norlands, those brothers ol our?,
i I.yin? so silent by nizht and bv dav,
i Sleeping the yeafs of tbelr manhnoil away !
J Years they had marked for the joy? of the brave I
1 ears nicy must waste in the mouderfnc (jrave :
All the hritrht laurels thev waited to I. loom
' Fell Irom their hopes when thev fell tothe tomb, i
rive tlieni the m-ed they won in the past ;
I 'Jive them tlie honors their future forecaft : j
j Oive them the honors thev won in the strife : !
I lire them the laurels thev lost with their life.
; t'over them over yes. cover them over j
; Farent, husband, brother and lover !
frown In your hearts those dead heroes of ours, j
: Anil cover them over with bcautilul tlowcrs." ' .
1 AiivFitTisixd Chkats. It has In come so
j common to write the beginning of an elegant,
I interesting article and then run it into some
j advertisement that we avoid such cheats and
I simply call attention to the merits of Hop
I Hitters in as plain, honest terms as possible,
j to induce people to give them one trial, as no
; one who knows their value will ever useany
j thing else. Providence Adrcrtixer. K. James,
i Druggist, keeps the genuine Hop Bitters for
A II axpsomk PATEr4. The lUvstratt'l Sci
entific Aeics for May is before us, looking
handsomer, if possible, than any of the pre"
ceding issues. Since its change of publishers
last January, this magazine lias improved
with each succeeding number. The present
issue of the lUnttmted Scientific Xcir js over
flowing with handsome engravings and in
teresting and instructive matter.
Among the various subjects illustrated in
this issue is a superb specimen of cut glass
waie: an exhaustive article on asphaltum
and its use in streets and pavements ; a new
and ingenious hand car, shown in operation;
a new steel steamer for use in shallow rivers ;
the new Jobert telescope, and an interesting
paper on physics without apparatus, also
fully illustrated.
Kvery number contains thiity-two pages
full of engravings of novelties in" science and
the useful arts. To be had of all news deal
ers, or bv mail of the publishers, Minx &
Co., 07 Park Low, Yew York, at fl.SO per
annum ; single copies 15 cents.
Answer This Qrr.sTiov Why do so
many people we see around us seem to pre
fer to suffer and be made miserable by indi
gestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appe
tite, coming up of food, yellow skin, etc.,
when for 7. cts. K. James." Druggist, Kbens
bunr. Fa., will sell them Shilob's Vitalizer,
which is guaranteed to cure in every in
"tit New County Sttkkintendfnt.
Commenting on the recent election of Mr.
Lewis Strayer by the School Directors of
this county, the current issue of the Johns-
. r. ... .
town Uemix-rat takes occasion to pay that ;
gentleman the following well deserved com- j
jjiiuieiub .
In the selection of Mr. Stravcr as superintendent
of the schools, of this eountv we think the direc
tors acted wisely. We sav"thls without dispar
agement to other candidates who were in the
tiehl. Mr. Strayer is a younii man ol robust
health, a good scholar, an experienced teacher,
and an honest man. We venture lo predict that
his administration ot the office will be in every
way suecessiui. The talk a'.v.ut anv doubt of his
getting his commission is all th. t-'ii.i..Kt bin.i r.t
balderdash. The number of directors p -esent at i
the conrention is always determined bv the num- I
ber of responses to the roll call. It Mr. Straver i
h.-wl a majority of those who answered to their 1
names when called, he had .1 majority of those !
present Those who had been'there and had g jne i
away, or those who might have bejn there and !
were not there then, or even those present and not
voting, if there were any eucb. had nothing to do 1
with it. I
Whkn yon see a promising colt with a
splint, curb or spavin forming, thus spoiling
the sale of the animal, go at once to the new
drug store, Ebensburg, and procure a bottle
of Kendall's Spavin Cure. One dollar In
vested in this great remedy may save you
hundreds of dollars. It has no equal as a
liniment for man or beast.
Ax exchange tells us that Westmoreland
county has fifty-one "converts" in the West
ern Penitentiary one toevervone thousand
of its inhabitants. Of course" it means con
victs, and we are not sure but that our neigh
bors could send af least fifty-one more to the
same institution and be none the worse lor it
Ei txirt Vit.s for Women. Mrs. Lydia
E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lvnn,
Mass., has niaiie the discovery ! Her Vege
table Comtouxd is a positive cure for fe
male complaints. A line addressed to this
lady will elicit all necessary imfoimation.
for sale at the new drug store, Ebensburg.
Important to Travelers. Special in
ducements are offered you by the Bcrlivo
ton Kocte. It will pay you to read their
advertisement, to be found elsewhere in this
,ssu- 3-1 8. -10m.
Ukadacbb. Pyspepsla. Biliousness, and Contl
! pition cured at once bv Im. METTAVR'S HE A I
j ACill.MDTtysf'l'llA I ILLS. rric2,Scent.
Tbe rreatest vrfrtT ofoodln
one establishment In the
I'nlted states.
Iresa Goods, SilTcgf
Isatlics' Suits, ShatrTs;
Underwear, Laces',
Hosiery, Cloves, Shoes,
lAnens, Crenflemen's and
Boys'' Clothing, House
keeping Goods, Furni
ture, Carpets, Mattings,
Goods sent all over the
and Samples sent
Dl-.ATII Tl ) WOliMS.
In. K. K. Ki NKKi.. the arcul Tnw Worm ik,stnv-
j or. reini'ven Tup" Worm in ! t" lienr, head nn.l
! tail, all complete :md alive, with pl.vinnt veueta
hle inedielne. N. h-o r.nt 1 rii'-t-d. I-iliv per i "!it.
I of eases of t!yM'p-in and ili"n:Hni7n' ions -f liver 1
( arc caused ty ; jind other wnrin existing In I
, the alimeiitiiry 1 nni. Nnnil'i-r ol iTt.niinent i-it;-
: 7.en." ol I'hiln.icli.hia. wtm have i.ppn tr'-ated t..r
. various (tiseat.s dyspepsia, eonsutiu.ti.i.i. t-ron-i
eliitis. letnale Tveakni--.s, ele. e:m errilfv that mv
treatment has rured them. 11 nd that they h:.v e hi-cii
; treated lor ttnini diseases. 'I heir f inptorn and
J treatment: in this aire ot invttii.nw It i? vrr re
J markahle. hnt nonsthe l-ss ti-ne. thnt the svmp
( totns of worms, a die:ie ot the n-e.t .lantreTmis
; character, are so little nnder-tooil hy ths ni'vlieal
men of the present day. These parasites undergo
I the most curious Iran ;l'"Ti'-,.-iii.u. They reniriin
I month?, and even year, in ihe l.e'f.T'1 thev
arc fully developed. 'I'lu-y only uintore in part i".
j the Iwidy whir-h cominuiiicate -with t he e Tenia I a ir.
as in the alimentary eni;a!. or hums, hut generally
; the lormer.
j There are numer.iif kirns, hut the most dan-'-r-t
ons. and hy far the most liifhi-ult to rnno c. i ilie
Tape W orm. This wroitn is ri.nstrueted ot Hat pi...
; ccs, which a re iMinneeled with th" head l.y a very
' fine neck. The pi.rasite is soim-timcs thTrty lei-'t
' lontr. hut it is so thin that the worm couM he held
j In a small hottle. Tiie sy mp'orr s of thi. as of ot her
I worms, are weakness ami irritation, in eCect a
perfect cure, the lie a. I ot the worm must he removed,
i Phis is very difficult toai-coinj lish.and several em
1 incnt ph sii-lnns have only heen ahle to remove
! parts ot the hody. T:ioe who are trouoNsl wilii
I thlfi loathsome disease can h; circd in the short
I space of three hours. ( Kor Tnpo Worm, write an 1
't eonsitlt thodoctor. Kor ail otlu-rs. htiy K. K. Krx
; Kr.i.'s Wi'iiM S..rr.) t'ommon sense teaches if
I 'I'ape Worm he removed, a'l other worms can he
: readily destroyed. Advice at otli'-e and store !rce.
j The doctor can tell whether or not the patient has
! worm?. Thousands nre daily dyinij with worms
and do not know it. Vim. spasms, rramps. chokimr
I and nuflocation. sallow complexion, circle around
j the eye.. "wellinir and pain In the stomach, rest
! less at ntKht. urindinir of the teeth, plckimt at the
noc. conuli, lever, itchinir nt the !cat. headache.
foul breath, the patient smirs pale and thin, tick-
im nnd irritation in the anu-aii these 5vmp
toms. and more, come from worm?. K. F. Kt
KKt.'rt Worm Svrup never fails to remove them.
1'nec, $l.i) per bottle, or six bottle for $.1.. Hny
of vour druifijist the Worm svrup. and It he has
it riot, "end to Ir. K. Y. Knnk'el. 2.V.1 N. Ninth St.,
I'hila., I'a. Advice hy mail free : pend a ct. ttamp.
I3"PkP,'t- I.VH'llHin. 1JCS.
K. V. Kunkel's Kill or Wine of 1 ron is a sure cure
for this uisease.' lt has neen prescribed dailv for
4-21. lm.J j many years in the pr.o-iice of many eminent ph--1
fiehins" with unpar.ille'.ed euecess. Svtni.toms nrc
unpar.ine'.ed iiui-eess. Svtni.toms nre
loss of appetite, wind and ri.-inpof f.o.. dryness
ill mouth, headache, tliim hs. ;c...le-nc.s and
lott Fi'.:r;,J- w' '" buiK. only in -"l.o.: bo'tle--.
Ask Totir "ilniaa A." lieuini'. h Jn. ?Iiiler,
Sole Agents, id and 'allow mil ssrci is. lei
phia. l or sale el the new drn store. Kl List foi; di nf. Following is the
list ol causes set down for trial at a Court of
Common l'leas of Cumbria "f unity, to lie held
at Lbensbufg, coniniencing 011 Monday, the
sixth day of June next :
kii'.st ki:k.
(ouhnour vs. flutiKhnour.
SK CM M'Fl-.K.
Downey vs. I'liristv.
Iiernevic ISnll vs. Nale.
Null vs.
Ijinjibein J Thomas. . ..vs.
s. Maynar.l t Co.
7Iorreil s use vs.
Uradley's executrix vs.
Weiland (fray v.-.
Henderson ". vs.
M. -Mullen vs.
Fit7patrick vs.
I'ltzinger vs.
O'Neills vs.
Iivel vs.
Zimmerman vs.
1 1 cmlerson et nl.
V'eiland et al.
YVyrock et nl.
Cambria Iroti Co.
Kavlor, with notice,
Iicmon"? Adin'x et al.
Thkpe was a youn rustic named Mallary
Wlio drew but a very small salary,
V hen he went to a sftou-.
His purse mud? him po.
To a seat in the uppermost :illrrr.
Speakinar of purses, if yo;i want to put vour mon
ey where it will do the most ifood. vou should has.
ten to the mammoth store ol HodY-vv W olf next
door to the post office. Altoona, and buv a sint of
ready-made clnthinir. He has a hundred thousand
Si.rinir and Summer suits on hand, made for the
current season out el Ihe best material, nnd mark
ed, (iwn-downas to price, Tlie celebrate j JJoclies
ter ciotuint ipc ;-'7y. Send vollr ir.'lers In dur
ing; the present month, if possible.
j America Must Yield.
I The greatest thinkers, the most profound schol
ars, the most expert, thorough and successful chem
ists for thee America mu--t turn to Oermanv
ln the wnrnlly speculative field of medicino no
; greater step has yet been taken than in thediscov
: erv. after the most extended research and the most
j earelul and patient experiment?, of Hr. Faust's
tlermanCounli Syrup, lor the cure nf consumption
! coughs, colds., sore throat, bronchitis, croup ami
I "11 pulmonary diseases. Uemember t his meu'i.-ine
' is sold on a positive guarantee to cure. Price,
, Soe. and Jl per bottle. Ask Irugists. Sold at K
, James' Iru Store. Ebensbuig, Fa. 4-l.-e.o.w. J
I -
I A nFAr-riFjri. maiden in Carlisle.
! On the back of her r.eck had a bisle.
When her lover forgot,
'. And huirgcil the sore spot,
Her screams could be heard for a misle.
This is supposed to be the same voting lady who
rUite.l Altoona. last week nn-l failed to drop in at
j S. Klumenthal'.s, 11 10 F.levcnth avenue. Served
; her riirht! Mr. Hlnmcnthal deals in boots and
i shoes, and has a bargain In Ihat line forevcrv man,
' woman and child in any section ol the country.
; He receives new invoices two and three times a
j week, and so always lias all the stvlef thrown on
I ine market, t an or write.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
I 44 This is beyond question the most successful
rough medicine we have ever sold.44 wri'cs a prom
inent dnnr firm. A few doses invariablv cures the
worst cases of Couch. Croup, or Hronehitis. while
its wonderful success! fn the cure of Consumption
is without a parallel in the history of medicine.
Since its first discovery it has been sold on a guar
antee a tet which no other medicine can stand.
If you have a cough we earnestly ask you to try it.
I'rice, 10e.. 60c. and 1. tt vonr lunas are sore or
--'.i oitri 01 i',o & lailir, UIr OlIllOll S t IITOU S
ters. sold at K. James4 Prug Store, Fostorfice
Ebensburg, Fa. -i,'si.-.o.w.iy.j '
yonr chest or back lame, use Shiloh's Porous I'las-
j "A Lin-r.E bit of patience often makes the sunshine
i come,
' A little bit of love makes a very happv home:
! A little bit of hope makes .1 rainy day'look gav,
', And a little bit ol charity makes glad a weary
! way.44
And a little bit of nice readv-made clothing
i pleases the heart ol the averaire masculine. Where
! can you buy it? At the old reliable store ol Ja.
; .1. Murphy. bo Clinton street, Johnstown. His
j stock Is fresh, fashionable, large, and cheap, and
sHiisiaciion in every parrcuiar is K-naranteed cus
tomers. Your custom, reader, is solicited.
We understand that all the farmers' horses in
this section that arc iriven M. H. Ki.i-.kiits' H..U.-K
ira pens areaiie. owing to thc.r laxative, tonic
1 and purifyina tpiallties, to plow from one-third to
j one-half til-re acres per dav thin those which are
f a-iven any other preparation. We advise all those
j who have not used them to do so. Thev are not
; adulterated with nran or cake meal and" sola bv
i the pound, but are prepared from pure druas put
nn in nent packages . and sold lor '25 cents bv E
! James, Ebensburg, I'a.. ami by all other druiriists!
j Whes redolent of blossom
Wake ioy in mnskrat and 0ossum
And dies the snow storm ana the blii7ard.
he small boy has his rinsleu scissored.
I Mayhap the small boy would like to know where
, to buy a. suit of warm-weather elothlne. Thi is
; the season of the year for that sort of investment
! and we recommend him as well as his father rnd
bin brothers, to patronire Simon . Ilendheim
; rext door to the Kirn National Hank. Altoona"
They sell pood troods, and sell remarkable cheap.
feend for price-list.
j "Of all sad words of tonrue or'pen.
! The saddest are these: -It miicht htsve been."
! The above quotation was forclnlT hrouiht to
. mind the other day bv hmriur
mark that she would not now be dvin with Con
sumption ir the had taken Sisrs' "SvRcr .f Tar,
w iLnt herrt ATn HoARnorsiD in November last
and thu'cureci her cold, as a friend of her s did.
Jold by t. James and V. S. Barker & Bro.
A Ktssias steh Siberia. Cincinnati Saturday
AiW. A western mb cyclone. lambr-idae Tri
bune. An unwelcome sifi sciata Fotoi rntt.
A welcome sih ciAer.Ffiiladrlnhia, .Vein. A
water works siph syphon. rttburg trader. A
criminal sinh simony. A moving sigh citrate ol
magnesia. A quiet sigh silence.
Txtdles,for those distressing com
plaints to which yon are subject,
use. Jr. J-'ausVs German Aromatic
ine. ij, si.-: j
Oil Clotlis, etc.
United States by Hail,
when requested.
(JoTie I r ver. d r'-l Iriend.
V: al! we never see th' c more?
Nlinii we m-ver henr thy voice,
( i ... 1 1 1 ! y , in irtliiiiily, as o! y oi
( t.iisp f.-revr. ah ! ci i' e ?
Ah! the I n't .1 we ::.! ly feel
'1 hon ar! i;oiie. our 'i.e:ris nre tricken
A - col l words niay liCi-r n veal.
'1. 1 thy sad and stricken mother.
Shall she never ?.-e thee more'.1
Thy :tf r- an.', thy brother-.
Never .-ec lhec here t-e!ow 7
i ill ! sister, brothers, d" not weep
'1 1. at thy bro! her de:ir has none,
II.' is Willi the sn'iits and aniM-ls
t-hantnie, hih the te.jiiH ai.
li'1 is in the heavenly choir.
'n t i j h'rlli at morn a:;-! even
IVvirct mother, sisfi-. brothers
'e hnll meet aain in licae:i.
Manstei Twp.. M .y .', !S!. (J. 11. K.
Al-c-li Slicel,
.( per Day.
N'.ss. ::i
a I i :i
llules i:
lllCCll t '
The tr lr.-llin joil-l c iri
the -ante l:ber-il pr'- :-l. n
b-ciit'-d in the in-.. !'.-:!:;!
amiisemect. an! the -1 lie
t il find at this Il .tel
r their comfort, lt is
l'res .f business nnd
it K.iil Koad depots.
a- vrol 1 a - all par: s o th.. ci l y . are easily accessible
by stre.-t cars constant!' p:i-.-nii the doors, lt oi
lers special indiiceir.enls 1-jr those isir.iig the city
I'.r business or pleasure.
Your patronaire is re-pectluHv solicited.
los. ."M. I'hi'lKK, Frwprietor.
Fhiladelphia. Nov. 1. lsvi.-tl.
Ml I.I.S. Died, at her residence in Uallitzin lor
ou-h, on Saturday. May 7. jssj. ol li-art disease.
Mr. Maiiv Mil ts. wife of ';ipt. l'avi.I Mills, in
the Mrh year ot her ai:e.
The sui'ie.-t of this ni.ituary wns danshter of '
Arthur -Mel icrmit. dee d, whose family vra-oneof
the mo-t re-i.ectcd in the county, deceased j
lady led a most edifyini: h'o, lull though it was of j
crosses, 'roubles, trials 6n.l Bi.iicties. her irailant :
husband hi in;; t"r irom u-oiie i.eliilmc the battles I
ol his c, ..Vjiiiry on Ihe Llu. .iy licii; vl TyivxiJO xli':u '
Tier s. ri A i.-V.n.icr w.i Imtii. Anam. when tiie
late civil .r..k" '.:! end hi country railed fur i
tr..p to d. icn.l .rr llir. li e I r.ivc Captmn buck- j
led on his sword en 1 hmo-j his m, s... is and r.nly j
e!i;i.ire:i. Alferr mi-i Ab-x.T.b r. ith him. placed j
himsoit at the ' a CLUifany and hastened i
ore- more to the I a: !e t-.eid. it won!,; ,n "m- 1 t.-iiescri' e ' he fee'., nie and anxieties of the I
lovmu -iteiiinl mother durum themanv I on it and
wearv nioi'l-s they wi rc it1,, but in tier case, as
in thousand- ot oilier one. hi.n-nn nature was too I
w ak to bear the berthen, as 1 her health became !
impaired. The sudden and unexpected death of
her son Alexander. I can truly say, virtually broke
her heart, an liiiee then e-irtli ha- lead no pleasure I
t..r h'-r t- eni y. She sn fie red sucli intense pain i neurit lir 1:1 that I t luliv six months preceding 1
her death slic vns entirely dcpriveil 0! siht. All j
these atl'.i.-tior.s. h'.we erl she acc-ptei as coming 1
from the hand of ( nnd bore them without a !
murmur or a word of complaint. Her charity to
the poor and the kind ass stance she rendered to j
her liciirhhors while in si.-kness and distress made
f r her a l.o-t of lricnds.Jvho creat'.y deplore the oi a lt s..i; -oiiTisclnr nn lja sincere "sympathi7er.
A Her res; inn as w el! as usual during tlie last nieht
ol her l fc, 'he fold her husband next morning that
she whs iroinir to die. and risinir from her bed she
walked : a ci.nir. .'c.ivn. and died in less than
five iniotires. expiring as ciilmly as i! she were fall
ing to sleep. Fortite .1 as she was bv the last sac
rcincnl? of the C.-itholi,- 'htirdi. we since rely hope
that she has eone to receive the reward of a wer.
sn.ent lite. Her remains were tiken on Monday
morning to St. Patrick's church, where a He.pnem
Mass was celebrated, and thence to Tnnr.clhill
cemetery, where thev were interred by the side of
her departed son. Mav she rest in peace.
v. .t. r.
,5pw otl l!e n1 the ,,.i
tovt.-ln.. fc , t-r-mot Tl.-urT-. f'OTV.
n.xn tti.l l.--i! 1 om'- to PEN.
yrn.coLOR.tu-i srnrer.s n'
I'CEHI.O. AN 13 RETURN, I.vsit
".. .in-r.KrT Rorrrs. t lr.
f'll'T low l-fltcs. Tlt-e tfekr Will U-
V sii route- w.t iMihm fift,-ii ,1;,
dty-fiotn ilntc i.r .nV ni l to reu, ,
Until lVt,,,.r Slt f. I:. .Willi.-.
l'ti!"i.ti.n I .-,1.,. cdP. ,,,n i;
JJWl.4"i',"'r fr':" OKirAQ ts-
council BLrrrs. topeka.i .
KANSAS CITT, rernilttir I. Tie
X"'4'i- " -'e of en-, to DENVER
"n lPlEBLO. P nitit; Csrs arf t
tir-li.,l ;,. a:; ihriMit-h ttnms. in whi.-l
Trr.-n! -:m he el.l& st th rprt.m
!.1 priec r,f wrnilv -nre eciits.
For rnt4-p. further infrt:iaiOTi
and eici-aut Map l I
Mates free, addrt-ss,
J. Q. A. EEAJ Dm1! Extern A(r.
"17 Broo'lwav.NewYorls end 3 1
WahinTrton St.. Host.m. Mass
IN aeco-dnnee with an Act of the Assem
bly ot this t'ommi nwealtli. approved the fiah
day of April. IST'i relat njr to the collection of tax
es In 1 amhria eountv, i - 'ice ig herehv Kivcn to the
taxpayers residing in the districts fiefow named,
that the County Treasurer, in compliance with the
T? . . sert'"n "f cti wi" ""end at the place
of hol.lmir the township and boroujcli electtons. on
the day? hereinafter named, for the purpose of re
ceiving the
CTJTP nfll'VTtr 1 tVti irivn.-.
i u , tuuui dliU IWft 1AAL3
.ies.i r,r llie Tear lwi:
Monday, June lntli Munster Township.
1 uesday. June 14th -Ix.retto Koro-iirh.
v enncsilHv. .Inn. l.-.lh B-.t;ti T, ,-..--,
Thursday, .Inne 16:h Alleeheny 11 1 '
t riday. June 17th Clearfield 14
t-.aturdiiy. June lTh Chest !Sprini.-s Borough
3IonU:iy. .Tune 2irh lienn Township,
lii'-sdav. June -'lst Heinle
Wednesdn.r. June -J-Jd White Townshi
Thursdav. June ".;! 'be-t
Erid iv. June '.M'h El.'.er
Saturday. June iV:h Susr-nehanna Township.
3Ionday, June 1'7'h 'nrroilb.wn Horougb.
Tuesday. June I'std 'arr .ll Township.
cdnesdav. June 'ith Fnrr
Thursday. "June th lJhi. klick Township.
r riday. J u 1 v 1st Jackson
Tuesday. Jiilv r.;h 4 'arohi ia "
W ednesday. July th Eben-burir, East Ward.
I hursday. Julv 7th West
Monday. July 11th Tunnelhill Borough
1 uesday. Jiby l'.'t h t.i Hit r.i n
V ednesday. Juiy i:'.;h-summitville Horoush.
I hur-day. July 14th Washintrion Township,
i-ridny. July lath I'ortnue 41
Saturday. July lull Wilmore Borough.'
3Ion.l.-y, July l'h Summerhill Township.
Tuesday, Julv l'.'ih . vie
J ednesday. .July 31 th East 'oncmauith Buro".
T hursday, Julv 'Jl.-t Ernnklin Borough.
I riday. July -JJ ! Woodv.ilc
Smur lay, July ' St ivcreek T.iwnsh'j.
Monday. Ju'v i'.th Cjuibi ia ii nj4, lt ard
Tuesday. Julv 4J4th 11 2d
W 'ednesday. .ttily 27'h Millville Bor., 1st Ward.
1 hnrsdnv. Julv Jci-h 11 -j
I'riday, July -j-.n h Cosipersdale Borouith.
Mottdiy, Auirust 7st 'I arlor Township.
1 uesday. August ad 'onemsuuh Township.
Wednesday. Aus;. .'J-l ltwer Voder
Thursdav, Auuust 4th Ku-liland
Friday, Aii)rnst 5:h Ad.ims "
Monday, August sth I'rospect Borwush.
Tuwdjy, Aupust !th Cpper Yoder Township.
Wednesday. Au; loth Conemaugh, 1st Ward.
Thursday. Amr 11th 44 21
Friday, August l Jth Johnstown. 1st Ward.
Saturday, Auir ist lth 44 2 d 44
Mondav, August lith ,'id '
1 nesda'v. Auust letri 14 1h 11
Wednes.lav. Amr. 1-th 44 ;.rh
Thursday, Auaist lS:h 44 e:h '
And. in accordance with the 2nd section of said
act, on all taxes paid to the Treasurer on or before
the 1st day of September, there will he a rrdiu-fioi
ol fi per cent., while .' per cent, wiil be addrd to all
unpi.-iif texts, and placed in the Lands ot an officer
for collection.
ANPREW Y EA'tI.EY, 1 "o. Tts
TreA-urer's l-.TJ.-c, Iben-t.u.v. ."'I. y 4, Ji-it.
m';.i:s lt
-5 TTT1 ini! li
. 10 ;i'i,I 11 -t. per lb.;
't ll-St '1 .,..! W
lo,i,i,.M-.1..!fr u.,.,",,
Two Pf'T1 Illnwir 1. r h rt-ri
per lb. :
r centl;
lo r t-- :nkli c . .'. f.jT rnlc
- I '" r" ,r! t"r r 10 ernTf;
4 lli. Hurley cr 4 !!. 1:1! ; i.l 1 r -.-6 ct
4 it.c " it. tirv . r 4 I" . sp' t im i,.f is rta -3
1M. Hue nr a II". I'm re? It rts :
" la ! ! it 6 P'-. W ili'iiK Nvi.p f ,r ct. ;
.M"ln--e, "V. r fnl. : "''. rn . r.o jet gal. ;
l'a'!.!i ( I.'. 1 .i T K't! : M .ir : Sa t. si to per bM.
I'slitM1. a. 7 s ri. j.rr vn-.l :
,Mu !:!. 6. x ond lo i-:- t rar.l :
J : in !ia m:-. . ) ... x nl V.c. per vd :
I'll in n l I nnT I ir- ---1 . c. , i 1 .. 19 -jO aic.
KiTur-kv Ji'i".. i-.i... io. ' u'n.l -j. .- vsrn :
kiiiit--. !-' . 13, nn. I sj;. ,1. ..r rafj
I Tlirea l. :
STid i-r s . j.rr :
t-i''tc. 1. :-. :'ti.! .. i11. ei.-h
vrse'v i'-.. ;.. nn I 7' i-ta. ea-h ;! e' II. .re, li 1?. -J.' sr. I S, (:-. per h r :
I-kiI "-1 n..-e. in. ivl,j. m tn i t.r pair;
I.ai1i'H M n T'.l k erTi -ef-. ... 1 If. nn. e.-li.
Alo, I.lK!ni;s. I.inl.rvi-.ierie', t reie. dr.
IcrtrtTs' Sluc. I'".. nn.! ! c. per pa r.
v. 1 i.:ren c i..k. ..0. 7s sn.! i i-er i n t.
M :. Slnws. 7'.. SI
Ladies' I.Me,.. SiiM'. ?1 S
Huttoii'd 11 ill. '. s
I Hov?1 Sli". fl 0 . t .vs. 1
! Tvlen's stioes. fl.'j. fl .'n. si
I Men's H h is. S-."t.. i. . V
.- uTid si.iTv per p:r.
i 7.'-. w.
7. j -v. r.-j:.. t-t fc.j.
. f l 7'. HDil
. tt "0 nn ! --' U.
- and. f per pair
! t i.o it iin";.
' HOYS1 H I.I. S1TTS r, ' to '.( 1.
el r..- 11 :, ... to .11.
Mf tf.fir'.icM' ;'ei.-i on e 7 I :n! nf eo.f to be
fl( o?r, i f io.' i.'lci r. t 1 r ; ' rra ' tvtj jjri, rt in At
toone, Jol.Tutmrn. or r!,r; I t i r . Ml ?.- a t ts m fair
t'tal. Arty ooniix o'f i. t .'I...i'i (fn vot ere scf;
f not ion ilthrr in qunh;; or f ire yr-ill Ir tckrn (XI. k
cii? V -rc'-e rrtu-.tfr i i ,:,. d thn, art rriunrd
in vood tondi'ion vi:hi': i, n i 1 ) dm i.
Met toy A f
1 ret ro. oi iv , l'sl.-'f.
pi-i'OlIToF AIHITdlls (F W 1L
JLA MciJK laiinn ;n w h m,.i:e. -.t.
lsl. I he niM-r-it ned Auditors met on thenl-ov
date and proceeded to audit the ncoum of the
Koronuh .'lo-ers. e hsvceare'uiiv examined the
d.ieket o! Hiiri.s - ,tncr and hn l that he La
paid over to the Treasurer the sum ot six dollars
all tlie money collected In him dor'nar the ver
The account .d MilbV-.j . Treasurer, have
also been carclully examined, and after the correc
tion, by order of ( .unci 1. ot sevcra 1 errors, we nnd
that tin re wis in the hands of the Treasurer in cash
t la-t settlement tli.1.'!
Am't paid in mnce by 'oi iec..r T. Ashe 47.70
44 lliir-je-- IMotm r C."0
44 44 44 44 44 5. M. 1 1 rrv ji elfft'n
rent s.10
Orders cnncelcil in
led ucted
hiind ol Treasurci to 1
S3 07
'ash rcm.iinin!: in knn !- of Treasurer $ "..S4
Am't due H. roiinli from al. M.iltie at l-t
seMleuient ri
" retained l y I. 1. K irl.v as ( Ic iion rent J no
Total called resources ,. Ibirowth 71.SS
Orders unpaid t this date ffV7i
Liabilities in esoess o! resource-, Apr. V7, '"1 . i7 fi
We have nl examined the aa'.ntit' of ("ollivtor
nnd Street oniiiiis!..iier A-he. The duplicate
! called lor lor li. which vm In his hand.
j V e lind thnt l e paid ca-h to 1 rea-tiri r 47.7J
. Amount of work done on street- 116 6
' 41 exonerations 40
Amount claimed bv t'oro'i(ih on nf nrttlrment, but
!H in tiitnat ion .
.ltidnmenl on docket .loseph Miller. F.j f3S.ll
lialance uneolleetisl on I "uplicate u! ls7enow
said t l-e lost Ill
Krror In fettk-m't of V. F. Klrhy. due lb,ro'. 6.W
N K A1 W t.M'i;i;i T1I. I,
-May 8, lsp-.t.;
1Y virtue of nn order of the Curt or Common
ricas ol Cambria co'inrv. I will eTi-'se to putt
be sale, at the hotel ot Iiwrem e Scliroth. in Car
rolltown borough. Cambria county, l a., on
SATURDAY. May 28th, 1881,
ai ss . i.-H k. r. m .. the foifowinir .Trrrr"1 reii
I estate, and sell the same discharged of a'.l liens:
ya. J A 1"A11M in Carroll Tu p.,
Cambria county. r.. adi-.inimr rie,'tnirn Ix.r
I ougii on thewc.-t. land oi l.manui-l Wenti on the
j north, land hereinafter ik-.-ril.i-.l as N. a on the
, eat. and land ot Andrew Miller on the south eon
: tninint- Ufi 4rrr and Mirt I'rrrhea, a'bvut
I'" rres of whiih are cleared and under a good
j state ol cultivation, having thereon ercted a two
storj' Kiiamk Hhi se. a large Thame Ka Rvhindja'I
other necessary out build. nm. This tarm ni!l .
, divided up and sold in su h (piantities as will u!t
j purchasers. II it eunnot otherwise be ..ld to alvan-
uo.i i"-iM'ii ir: i-i know (mt divisions
will be made ran ase-rtaHi bv in juinnu of the Vs
signee, or ol lienry S.-anlan.'Ksq.. at t arroiltown.
Ao. ..1 14. li M adjoining Ao. I
j on the west land of .los. (rab-rirer on the n nth
lands of Peter Sharoainth and Valentine I. Ink on
i the oast, and J.-eph Al'.e.t.r on the south, con
taining ! Acres ani 15 Prrrhro. ail cleared
, and In a g..o. state ct cultivation, having thereon
j erected a iro..d ll..t Eanl I'.aun and ether need-
i ful OUtl-Ulldillgs.
I . liese farms are both with in one-halt mile nf
i CarrulStown lrough. and have l.-r.g ln rvog
! nized a among the met pro lu. -.ive in Northern
j Cambria. There is an erci'icnt ( iia Hinn on each
i C! them. :iiV! ?" the UfiJ ji jui'i'lie with jdrntj
i of spring water.
j Terms or fculo. ine-third of the pur-chif
money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the
I balance in two equal annual j.a ments. w ith inter
est. to be secured bv ic-igmei.t rtee of purchaer
i J1E'KY '. K1KK1A1 i;f( K.
A-itis ol John Doi.tR.
Carrolltown. May 6. ls-i,-.;t.
Fresia Sstss ia fc;;3 - $!..,(.,
Only Siz Assessments in 24 Years.
GEO. M. READE, President.
T. If. DICK, Secretary.
Ebensburg. Jrn. 81, lSil.-ly.
U.X. heretiy piven thnt N. J. Ireldhof. of the bor
oecli ol Kbensbtirt. I'a.. by ,'ecd ct voiuntar ut-
Munmeni. nas as:unej all K t propert v to John A.
Klair and John 1.1. .yd. t sa.J borr n'th, in trvst,
lor the N'neht of the cred tors i r sai.i -v i i r-,,
h"ft. All persons, therefore, indented to the said
I4'. J. Kreidhoff will make payment ti the ssl-1 As
Hirnecs. and those havinr claims or deinan ft will
make known the sanie witli.-ut delsv.
J'lHN A. UL. A 1 K. t
E!ensbur. April , l-l.-et.
. K-tate of rimii AtiAi,
I 1 i.ttnrr . . .. . .
f I'eter
I letters testamentary on
the estate .
Adams, r-r., late of cicarfieM tnwn-hip. dee d
having been eranted to the underipned by the
proper authority. n"l:ce is herehv civan to fl ar
sons Indebted to said estite to "make Immediate
payment, and those having claims aga:nst 1t to
present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
M A KT1 N L. I' AIil., LxecutoTS.
Clearfield Twp., April f?, lMl.-?t.
Estate of Jr.H K kiev, decease !.
Letters of administration on the estate of J'.frn
Eckley, late ct Sumniitville borough, Cambria
court-, deceased, b.avinir been trrsnted to the un
derslsjned by the projier atithoritv. notice is hereby
piven to all persons indebted to ssi.i etate to
make immediate paym ent. ar.d Thoe ha vinp clai ml
acain-t the same will j r sent them duly authenti
cated f..r settlement.
ELIZ A HU H H'KLEY. Administratrix.
Summit, April i"'. l'sl.-t.
I rtxis Mi ivrHiLL. 1-J.ensbnt We are
author zed to annoim.-e that Krane: lulvehi!l. of
I bT-nsbiirit boroiii.'h. will be a candidate for the el
fice unme-il subte-'t to Iiemocr.-tttc rules, and
If nominated and clee'od. he pledges bimselt to
jruard the interests of the taxpavers of the county
lo the best of Ins ability. ' (.ViV-tn.J
corxTV t 1 : 1: a - r nr. i ; r.
Mnnj, Ixretto. e are autn'Tire-i to an-
ii'.unee that Catri-'k Mran. of I.retto boroncri.
will be a candidate for CcuiTy Treasurer, subieet
to democratic rules. 1 1 it- Ji: I Ii .1 1 e.J and elected,
he pb dires himself to perform the du'ies of the of
fi -e with honesty and fidelity. f 3-"'.-tn.J
f f I'ttfnct Arrornry and 'f?in. f'ur ct .cir.
; (iflices in J 'hnst .wn and Ebensburtr. ct the lat
i ter of which I miy be tound every Monday and
1 d urine the session- ol Court, end f r the balance
1 of the lime the busjnesj ol the oMi-c w-,11 be attend
: el to by M. I. Kittvll. 4-. "Bl.-t f J
A TH ' K N E Y - A 1 L A W ,
Ebkxshi bo. T.
W fiffice in Colonnade Kow. on Centre street.
Nov. li. l85.-tf.
EC). M. READE. Attorney-af-Law,
f Eensbure. Fn. (iffire on Centre stree.
1 three doors from H ib street. ie rr.'7? l
SffvscHtMKrfn mH'OIIIBU flil f.HN.
L' 1 t rr, in Jtar.ce.