1 I II sr. Tin: Chicago & Norlh-Veslern 1 ! A 1 1 ,"A V la ttieOLi'Fsr: in r r ins ri;r t!:i : t:i:st EU.1 ll l'III': :in. hence Hi.; LEADING RAILWAY ! in n WEST AND NORTHWEST! It is the short mi l l i .-r route l" ! 1 ".! " l ;-; tri ii nit :ul ''M:itJ In Northern Illinois, Iowa. Iiakota. IVininini-. - ' hra.aa. (alilnrnia. Oreeon. 4 nlnrailo. I tali, Arizona, Idaho, Hoatana, Nevada, anil for j COUNCIL DLUFFS, OMAHA, liiwnt, i r umi.n . SALT I, A UK,. SAX WAXCISCO, llr.iilniuiil. Si'ini City. Cedar Hamuli, l-rt M"inet. ohi nbi, c. nl all pointt in the Tfrmorie a ml in fr '.l t. Mso. lor M-hran-kee'ilrrcn Vaj. ilhkoih,. s.'o j iri n . Mt: rqnettr . fond da I.ac. U'atertoirn. liov.hlo.i. iri:trh. M i.tuha. St. Vaul.linntr.;.'ili. ti'irnn. I i,'.;.r. .ro, I:ix narek. Winona, l.ni ruxir. i hr.it .: ".i . r .i d oil pori!. in Min nesota. V'iknta. ll'iooMf! ii.d the , re, At Cotin-ll Mntl tin- Trl:!i f tier Tiieaifo & North-Wefern and the t . p. I."v ii'p:irt Imm, arrWe at anil u.'p I lii :uii; imut I 'ni.m Hf;or. At l'hra.i, cluf i" c:im-rt I ai.iik1 with the I-ftkr Slinr", Mn'hisn o-irr il l!:il'iir,nr- I 'liio, Kt. Wavnp aiul I'eir.-'.lf.ni.i. t'lu.a-.i .V ininl Trunk !'j, an l the K.i :iik"C a n I l'.m Handle W0U!. fl loae ronnertiorn mail at Junrtion I'olnli. It 1 llic M.Y l.lM: riimiin TU LL MAX HUT H L 1) i X I X ( i C A 1 1 S CHICAGO and.C0l'k( IL BLUFFS. rullirtiin SIicimth n all Mirht Trains. Ini-t upi.n Tii-Ur .Lri'nt. Tla;thl rua.l. K.T:imlri" voir' tn buy If the i! r. it r": I ) Hiriir J oil Ticketi n-kc... : nil reiiiFe r the L'lii.'ii'.'n Sr riorta-WetTn l!iilv.iv. Ifyoo wifhtthe H vt Tr:iv.-'.ir ." J-oii will tmv vi.ur Ti. ki-r. hv ;hi- i rTAKF. NUN K o 1 11 AaTAIl Ticket Aa-ent - i! TL k't M IKVIS 511 ?d '. and f.irrc Mr i":n.:.l.itiiiri. i.Mtc, :iml will ' i-v f h: Line. ii it r. fi'tt 1 h.irarjQ. It-is. wi;s'iv.i;i). THE CHEAT tT.Vn cthor lino run" Th'fe Through Pns p tii'' r Trains l':ii!y betwern Chlinjro, M 'ni '-, t'.i:r.(i! bi'ifT. Omaha. Lincoln. Pt. .1 1 -fi-'i. A :c hiii:. T"!i- ka ar.ii Kans.'ts City. Ii-rit: i nnri -i tin".! fur nil points in Kansas, .". r '.:i. i Ir.rn.hi. Vyr.miiiR'. Montana, Nc i. I i. Ni .,U'X:ct. Ariz "nn, IJ.iho, Oregon anJ t : lil. rti::l. 'Vh-- Mi Ttr -t, nreilieit nn Most Cnmforta r l:- hi v:h 1I:ii:iu!i.i to Fort Prott, iJf-nlson, Ii.ill M i:--nn. Autm. San Antonio, Galvts t"ti rn.! a 1 p-.:nt in Tpih. 'i'U c:; -. ; 1 1 r I. i:i'lu rinent9 rfTered by this I in.' ;o I'ravt-lors ami Touruts, arc as fcillowp; The 'h-!.r.iteil I'uUman (l'j-whccl) I'alaffl M' o: t nr-i. run only on thi. Line. C, II. & O. Mm' I raivi:ig-Rij,m Tar?, with Hnrton'3 I'.fv: Tier hairs. Nu extra fharpc for S'ats :n It ( -I: :i i:i r rhair-s. Tho famous C.. B. & Q. I jIs' C t tint-sr Ctirs. OorsToiis Stnkin; Cars r.'ti-l wiiii Kieunt Hih-Iiai knl Hattan Hp .15 Imirs f r tUe exclusive ue of first , .i:-.-ngrrq. S:i i Tni k an.J Superior Fqiiipment. com I ridi w-tij tli.-ir Grnt Throiiffh t ar Arranir tt :it. n;;ik'-! thi. nbove all othfrs, thefnvorite il nu to the South, Soiitu-Wcst, and the Fur V.-t. Try it. nn 1 you will flnl traveling a luiury in-t'.i'l of n flls'-oiTifiirt. Thr -uirh Tickets via this Celehrntod Lino f ir -,to ut all nEccs iu the United states and Caria-ia. Ail information nbniit Ratos of Fare, Sleep. l-iir I ir Aniimmnil'iiiim?, Time Tables, &c, v ill t-e chi'erfnlly piven by applying to J. y. A. HK AN, GenT Eastern Aeent, oitj Warhinpton St., floqrnn. Mass. ami HIT lfroadway, Naw York. JAMES l. WOOD. On. I'as. A(rt., fchirnR-o. 1. J. I'OTTEK. Gen. Manajer, Cniongo- Battle Crook, Michigan, Maucfactcheri or the osli cc::viya I THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Fowers. Moat CamMcte Tlirbrr Ftrtrj In th WotIJ. ! ! E3tbl!shed i 1843 t ur?r mj,tlf1 m "J I UHMU '.-, ,.., ut l-ieto r Lmi , aj ruaiuurimieiit, rr i-i-ati'n. fo"6'w- tip a truaU Karraily y : .n an ui cur yuc I. Cum p If; " Stenni i:f fir mrtt-t.U yuaHtir. r.u-.'t Ircr! ion ilniit'.i and I'lnia IZxiM-nrs eTCTtev r.: tlx- Aiii'-rd t:i mar!:--. f -T H't. tt'-vrltt r w-.f'i ."frr.r ij'.'-t', ir fon'nw. -nni j ' n't ! r- arri'1 1 f v fi I r riai;r r. four s:z- i f s j a.tor. tr -m G to 12 borse y Tifl fnri f rtf-otril I nmhrr jt VV7, f r.v (ft r---ir n- --'.'r.ri) ernstantiy on ha:id, fr 'in v hich I mit thd m cotiipaxuOle wouU-wili of our iijLii-'. rv. TRACTION EHMEST3 wxnde. S, 10, 13 Horn fOTrcr. F.rrmTi an 1 TlireKhermrn a-. Invited to ie i.u mitrAim Thrliiii Mahinry, C'.ivai.J-' fi- ;t frv. AMr-' NICHOLS, SHEPARD St CO. Ettlo Creek, MicrilKRrM Jan. U. li"!.-",m. TO OARi) HMCTORS!! 1st. liny seven bars DOmiXS' ; KLKCTll rC SO A your Gro eer. Zil. Ttim to yive you a bill of tt. .lil. Mail rrs Itis bill awl your full at'a'i-fss. 4lhUe. ai'l mail you rilKK sjiven beautiful ami elegant eards, in six colors anl yohl, represent iwj Sfiafisjteare's 'Seven Ayes of Man. I; L. CRAGIN & CO., HO Soutli lonrtli St., J'JIILADICL.VJIJA, 1'A. at-;OHniVS- ET.WI IliCSOAP Is sold by V. S. t5ARe:t at U ti ca-hur. '.4- l.-e.-).r .'aj.j MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. or !,YNM. MASS. riCOVERER CP LYDiA E. PJftKHAEVrS VEGrETAELT! CCllTOU-TI). The Pogitiv" Cr.ra Toy all Female Complaints. Vofcvt.iblc I'ropti that are hr.rtJilf to the most (!!-v-AtelnralitL t'pn ono trial the mrrits of this Com I-mind will bo rorotrnia;l, aiSTr-Uu-f is ImnKtilnte ; niitl , iIin It tiso ii rotitirrir.l, in nini ty-nino carn in . linn. iirs!, pmiinfiit ct:n" inrfrtr(,stlir.r.f;r,nta3 v.:;i t---t:fy. On amount of it" pn.v-n merit1', it is t-:: r n r'.mrfh nd -I on3 i rc.-vriN-.l I.y tbo vt j '-r1! - i ti-.e tuiitry. It vill cure ertirrly th wrst frm rf filing of the uteru.s T-ruo.rr!io,a( irregular nnt iinful TentniatInn.oUOvarinnTroull InHaniTiint;'" n r.ju! l"lrrrAticn, FlofKlir.fr, nil riw'iilaccmrnts anl the enn lllent spinal wfiknes. .nl is especially ot!nj td t- the Clinnpi of I-ife, It r ill ili saIvo and tumors f mrn the utrnnin an enrly ;tapr of development. Th t nilenrj to canrirrou3 humors thera is checked Tery iieedily by it use. In fart it hna r'cd to hf the Rrrr.t-e-t and best rrnwly tliat ha ecr lof n diwoTer c d. It prraefttf rvrry jxn-tion of the prftm, and givra r.i i w life and vitror. It rtJattvs f;iiiitnrss.(!.f ul'-nry, d rtroys allTOTinj for stimuiact?, ant! rtlievts Trcakne of the ftomarb. It cures Itlnntingr, Hddarhe, KorroTla rrotrati-n. (inf r.il Ivhility. hlf ph sMiv-s, IV 'n ssion and Indl jrc5fl-n That fft liny of p .iring down, causing pain, weight and I nc'.cfteho, is alv.ay perrr.anently curtd by It use. It will at all times, and undr rail circunibtan res, art In harmony with the that governs the fi nir.lejyMrn. For Kidney Complaint of eitlu r b-i tliis com pound Is unsurrai5soL Lydia E. P'mkl.am's Vegetable Compound I- prepared at 'i"-! an I C 'iV.'Mem Avnu?, I-ynn, Ma:. Iri.-e S.x HI c for tv rf ty nuul In the furrn of pill, nl l:i the form of ToiwiuTffl, on receipt ofprit-r, ho:, ft-r richer. Mrs. TINKHAM f.-t -ly nu'wi t all 1 tt.rof iiviuirv. S nd tor paia phkt. Addrc as aU-ve Jf.-Mfi.-m thts paprr. y.y family :io1:.l i; wit .;ri I.YUIA F, IINKn.OI' UVIIIt I'ILI-S. They cire t'orii-ct ioa, LUiuueucsa aodTrpi-ity of the Liver. 0 ecutsix.-r box. For?;ile ItvfJw. A. Kkm.y A Co., (Jcncral Atr-!ita. litt-l irl'!, V.t and I r. Wm, Lemmos 1 niii i t, Kn"!ihur-f, I'.i. T-'J.'s.-ly. ars a roniponn.l of tlie virtifes of irsapari1. li. K'iliiiiia. I:i:i:i'!raki'. yi-'.low io( i, wit'a the iu'liil'- f pot .i-Oi ar.il iron, ail powerful 1loo;l-!!akiii;. 1 looil-i leanip.cr. and !ife-ns-tainins li inent .. It is the purest, safest, nnit most ei'f. i tiial alterative meilieine known or available to t'.ie j .! ii-. The Pri mers of liiedii ine anil i hen, 1 .fry have never pnnliieeil so valuable a ri i.ieily, nor one so potent to euro ail ilis.-a s resulting from impure b!il. It enns Scrofula ami oil pcrof n Ions Iiseases, Krysipolas, Koso, or St. Ant!:o:iv"s I'irr, Pimples and I"ace-rii b, l'ustiiles, Jllotches, I5o:Is, i'liiiiois, l'ctter. Humors, Salt IJheiiiii, Sc.il(i-!ieail, IJiii-worni, I leers. Sores, Kiieuuiat ism, 'Mei riirial Iiseasc, Neisralia, l-ui;!c Weak nesses ami Irreijui.irities, .launtliee, Afl'ections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Kmaciation, anil eneral Iehility. By its searching ami (leaiisinjj qualities it purges out the foul corruptions' which contaminate th" b'ooil ami cause ileraiitre inent ami ileeay. It sTimulates ami enlivens the vital functions, promotes eneiv ami rtrenprth. restores aivl preserves liealth.aml infuses new life ami isor throughout tho whole system. Xd sufferer from any dis ease whieh arises from impurity of the blooel ueeil d--sp,i;r v!:n wul givo AvrR's S,nApAit:;.t. a fair trial. It is fully to experiment w i'h the numer ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap materials, aiul without medici;: il virtues, oflercd as blood-purifiers', while disease becomes more firmly seated. Ayfii's S r vrAitn.i .v is a luedieine of such concentrated curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, nnd most reliable btood-puritier known. I'hysicians know its .inosition. and pro scribe it. It has been widely used for forty years, and has won the unqualified conti ilence of millions whom it has benetited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SOLO tV ALU Pr.flililSTS tVERYWIlEKE. FACTS WORTH KKOWIKC. j Clafir, Eachu, 5!.vn(lraki, f-ti71incia pridl ,mariy oth.er .f I in best nteilicir.es known are si 1 -.lcil!fully con.bincd in lXiFra .1 OiNOEn TosicJ s to m:ilce it the creatcst Etofid Pucif.c r ar.d 2 The Beat lltallh an I Slrongih lleatorcr I ter Feed. j So perfiTt is tho rorr,rosition of rAP.EFn'fsl msosn ionic tur-c no ti:s-.ir? can mr.' flit' where it is iL-e-,1. If v-u Imre Dyepepaia. Head ache, Rheumatism, Neurclgta, Bowel, Kidney or Liver Disorler, or if you neeil B mild Bt:m nl.tnt, orari,tizer, tlie Tevio is jut the ced ino for you. as it is hiphly curative and Ui TirorruirvT but never intixicitina. If you fra Blowly wnstirp awny with Cen ium;,fion cr ony ieknosa. if you hr.ve n Pr ir.fol Cough orataJ Cold, 1'arkcu's Gt.vor.rt Tomi id k:t-K- hln von. It eives new lifs r.n! viir to th? f-elil will ftpil, and a certain euie for Rheumat-sm anil Cholera mfintum. It Ha SaTcd llnclrcla of Lives; It Mtj Kae loom. If vti art? foe'.ine iriisi'nililo don't vait nr.'.'.: f vou aro dov. u uiuk, but use tho Tonic t vdc;.- No matter what ymir ilipeaseor Eymiitocisuiay b'5 it will plve prrimr t relief. I'.einemher 1 FARtKR's (itroriit Tonic Ii not H riiia drink but the Bert and Purest Family Medicine ever mad", cmpoundij bv n. n w pntcefs, nnd entli-ely d fr'-rent from B;:tei-'5.5 i:iri r pre :inrnior.s and r.ll e-thr Tonics, i ry, i 5; n b,jti;'e.. Your dniir't can pupply '0'i. . ii i r i ftfi r ' -- fM ar, ai PARSER'S HAIrl BALSAM The ISrvt and Host Economical Hair Pressing tr-r ii:r!y prfarrtd and p-rfcvt'y liiim.lrs. Tiiil A13t I.Vatore Cray cr FailcJ Hair to : cri. 'ir.nl v'.itv.f il rnl r and ar-ra7ic-. srA ti w-irr.ir.Tcd 1 St. .p i's f-1 1:1, aist ill gruth i.d f,rv--t I A few -al'or.s rf the P.aiam wi'l acften r.--r, clan ail liairiruit ana cere ltrnin ana r.ti rrourj of the ca'.p. Sold by all druggiitt at . joe. rsov. 1, 1S,i.-1v. i ft-'' l HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, not a Drink.) CONTAINS nors, nrcirr, mandrake, DANDELION, A.ND TTIF PCRKST AJTD BFPT MTtr A L QCAIJ- i : -a driu OTllil liiTTXRS. TIIEY CUHE A'l ri!aFeof the Stomach. Itowcla. Flood, l.lvor. Ui lnrs, and Urinary Ortrann. Ncp vousncsa. si'Tpl-.Tteasard especially SIOOO IN COLD. TTI'l he paM for a ese they will not enre or help, or for anything- Impure or luiunuua louu t iu tacm. Alt your drcpei.t for Pop Fitters anl try tnem before you alrep. Tke no other. D T.O l ai aliolatcand In-'-jts'lhlccure for ItruDkconcda. use if opium, tobacco aod oarcotica. SrND FOB CtECTLAB. BBBKSUIS AM hT.t tr& y tmr"iilt. KT Bittm V'r. C... Kr .trr. N. v., 4 Tr-it,. Pit jiEI A.STIC TRUS3 ' (uuiRBaj, who EJl;AniCniD Bal 1 in ccutrr, kirl tl fto il ftnl It n tht rep prcaaes back th I nMtlanJ ot ao a arca was 14 twera th ilernlftU blil irni' lTte9 e'clit. ar.4 a rvllcal eun crtAln. lilt aaaj. aoxabia aad caap &aibjr m.l. Ctfcnlan fna EGG LEaTOjfT BCES CO., CiIcso. IU. S2 Watrh.a. ltmwin'leT.t3 While n. tat Unntln;C. A. Iniltallno S-Mil K. bolelanld.lS. 0irHID4 bffl lor firf.n n.rrir(r.ilii', iriTrf-af . V.iu.t ! c.t- ;;r;ie. titorr;u to., 1 jl.i.uit. ia. Cry Jr apariiia pAI Willi 11 M 3CHSI9I rI7 VI - At READIISU SIWNS IN THE SKY. THE WAY FOTl KVERY -MAX TO BE HIS OWN WEATHER TROPIIET. A very little practice will enable any body to read the language of the clouds. About eight years ago Iuke Howard, an English Quaker, whose business re quired him to take long walks in the open air, completed a classification of clouds that has ever since been in gen eral use. One of the most wonderful 1'henomena ever witnessed in the sky was the great dry fog of 17s3, that over spread the whole of Europe and part of Asia and America, reaching to the sum mits of the Alps, and lasting from one i to three months, according to the local J ity. The greatest terror prevailed and ! the end of the world was thought to be I at hand. j Howard noticed that there are three i principal kinds of clouds, which he call- ! j ed cirrus, cumulus, and stratus. Any- j i body can see the difference between ' i these clouds at a glance. The cirrus is I the highest of all clouds. You must t t have often seen it in the form of white lil- : aments sometimes called "mares' tails"' J and "cats' tails." Stretched across the ; blue sky like delicate lace work, it is very beautiful. Travelers say that on the summit, of lofty mountains ieaks, ; from which they could look down upon j the heavier clouds, they have seen ihese wispy cirri floating overhead, apparent- 1' as far away as when seen from the I earth. In calm summer evenings, long ! after sundown, these clouds may be ' seen rejecting the most delicate tints of ; color froir the last rays of sunlight that j illuminate the higher regions of the at- I mosphere. j The cirri are comiosed of little crys- t tabs of ice. These clouds and their de j rivatives cause the halos that are some j times seen about the sun and moon. ' Cirrus clouds indicate botli storms and clear weather, according to their ap pearance. It they appear in their most i delicate forms after stormy weather, they tre a sign that a period of settled 1 weather is at band. 'When they show . ' themselves in parallel streaks after fair i weather has lasted for some time, they ! I are the first indication of approaching j change. Cirri, nhen greatly tangled j ' and knotted, show stormy weather close i at hand. If their borders grow faint ' and indistinct, there is rain coming. i Cumulus clouds are characteristic of ' summer. The farmers call them thun- j der heads when they ixike their smooth, j white, rounded summits, glittering in t lie sun like silver, above the horizon. ; In that form they are the forerunners j of local thunder storms. These moun- j taiiious-loukiiig clouds sometimes act- . ually exceed the greatest peaks of the ; Andes or Himalayas in size. When j cumulus clouds appear in a warm, pleasant daj, not very large, distinct ; though soft in outline, and resembling cotton balls, they indicate continued ! fair, dry weather. On the other hand,! when they grow larger, darker, and j more formidable looking they foretell storms. Just before a rain they some- 1 tinirs seem to throw tiff little lleecy i clouds around their edges, (ioethe, ; the great German poet, who was fond of i studying tho clouds, said that as long as J cumuli have sharply defined borders and a white color a continuance of good ! weather may l e expected. Cumulus j clouds often form soon after sunrise and , temper the heat ot the summer day. If they gradually disappear toward even ing tlie weather will remain serene, but if as the sun goes down they grow dark er and mure numerous, then look out for rain. The stratus is most common at niht and in winter. They always appear in the form of stripes or broad, low cur tains, covering more or less of the sky. The night stratus is fonned of mists from swamps, rivers and Moist ground. It generally rises and changes into small cumuli clouds on summer morn ings. The othpr kinds of stratus, ap pearing at considerable heights in the fall, winter and early spring, is, as I have said, an invariable forerunner of stormy wen? her. Thi : se three kinds of clouds do not al ways appear in their simple forms. They are frequently mingled together, and four varieties of these derivative clouds have been distinguished. The cirro-cumulus consists of little roundish whita chjuds, Heating at a high eleva tion, and often resembling a Hock of sheep testing upon the blue background of the sky. In winter these clourls fre quently appear before a thaw, iietween summer showers they accompany in creased heat. They are common in dry weather. SOME IT IHOIS FACTS. Three thousand species of grass are known to botanists. A poor kind of bread is made from the moss which grows In the Arctic re gions. . In China there is a fi.-di that crosses the meariows at its pleasure from one creek to another, often a mile apart. There is a stalactite cave at Ilerch berg, Austria, in which the jaw-bone of a man, with the teeth well preserved, has been found among a plentiful de posit of the remains of the Ursus spleieus. The pyramid of l'ueblo, in Mexico, is larger than the great pyramid of Cheops, in Egypt. The latter covers only four teen acres, while the Mexican one covers forty acres (if ground, and was originally OW f,.et high. It is made of sun-dried brick, and is supposed to have leen built T.ooo years ago. Fiom statistics of deaths from acci dent, negligence, violence and misad venture compiled in (ireat Eritain, Mr. Cornelius W a! ford infers that the risk to life and limb increases in a certain ratio with the progress of civilization a conclusion which will evidently beara very considerable qualification. s,mie shells lately received from Lakes Tanganyika, X'jassa, and other like waters of Africa, at the Eritish Mus eum, are of great value to naturalists, because they bear several marks of hav ing been the decendants of certain marine ancestors. Mr. Edgar A.,.Smith read a communication on the nature and structure of these shells at a meet ing of the Zoological Society, London, February 15. The swiftest bird, probably, is the eagle of the sea, or frigate bird, often measuring sixteen feet from tip to tip. It hovers at an elevation of 10,000 feet when a storm sweeps over the ocean. If it wishes to travel, says a French naturalist, it can almost annihilate space. Itcan breakfast iu Africa and dine in America. This bird reposes on its great motionless wings, literally, "sleeping on the bosom of the air."' In a paper en dew and fugs Heir Dines says that morning fog along a river course arises when the water is warmer than the air over it, the evap oration going on more quickly than the vapor can be carried away, and is, therefore, condensed and spread as fog. The evening fog on moist, low-lying meadow land he attributes to a lower ing temjierature of th. grass surface by radiation, and a consequent condensa tion of the aqueous vajor in the lowest layers of the attnospheie. statist ics show that since 1854 there has been an increase of risk from light ning in various parts of (Germany, Aus tria and .Switzerland, while there is no correspond in 2 increase in the number of thunder-storms. Ilerr Holtz, who has been investigating the matter, in clines to the belief that the causes for the greater liability of danger from lightning are to be sought in the changes produced of late by man on the surface of the earth ; such as the clear ing of foiests, the increase of railroads, and of the great use made of iron in the construction of hoiues. Worth of NEW COODS of all kind will bo opened this week at Conf s Store, in Iicst Springs. Everybody "ahoubl remember thnt we are NOW OI'ENINtl tho.larges ami most complete to-k of Dry Goo3s, Groceries, CMMi, Boots, Stoes, &c, &c For the HOLIDAY THAPE ever offered for ante In Camt.rln. eonmy. Mr. Corh has just returned from New York and Philadelphia, where be hBs purehafed an Immense toeU of fushionuble goodi at the lowest futures. Everybody, therefore, should go to Corn's Store, Chest Springs, WI1EHK THEY MAY IlF.rKXD ITON flETTINd GEEAT T3jS.HGjTNS la everything they buy. The larpen stofflt of fcooda on the Allegheny Mn.intalns, we repent, will he OPBXKD THIS WlSETv At Corn's New Slore, in Chest Springs. iwixG lorn cash on rnonrcu. SIX ROOMS FILLED WITH GOODS. T Mr. "oiin himseir. aided by an effleient corns of elerks. will be In attendance and always ready, willinif and anxioua to wait on you all, eith er old or youni, larsro or siinill. Thanklulto Farmers, Lumbermen anil Citizens Generally for their pat patronage, nnd hoping for a continuance of the same, wo remain i ourH, t (ASH ) KTRM.'TH or S FOU OOIS. i PRomcr.) GEIS.FOS ll. & li: CLINTOX STUKKT, JOHNSTOWN, PA., -ALWAYS Dry and Dress Groocls, NOTIONS, MILLINERY, CARPETS, ETC., to he found in Cambria or adjoining counties. I-" Forget not the street and numbers and fail not to call, buy and be happy. . fr 4Pa N II A CURE GUARANTEED DR. METTAUfVS HEAD CHE PILLS cure moat wrmderfnny in a very Rliort :nnc beru SICK and NlRVOUS HEADACHE; and, while actine on t le ncrvima py-itim, relieve DYSPEPSIA in lta worat firms, ckans mg tiic aystem of excess of bile, prnduen e a. regular LeA'.tfcy Bction of the bowels. . iiirji iiniaiiiiim.li. A fuMcivA hnf if thann r:-r: o:j. 1 ,r complete cure, ; -t-w nina .a-(.miil r tj 4 i .5 , ATmnw r ,r k, nv ii inirt J SOLE PROPRIETORS. C3-EO. "W. "ST cash i:ai.i:u in vi.i. kind of HEATING AND COOKING STOVES, AND MANL'ir.CTbTlAIt OF TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE, "If F.AITT PLACE I TIIK (MY. Uoofintr, .Spouting inl Kepalrinr ol all hind promptly and M.it lrnctor lly itltenlel to. bV24,-TU. tf.) Make NOMISTAKEj inns m:av stori-: of i S. THITHLBAUM; CARROLLTOWX,! IS THE PLACE TO III" Y AT LOWEST I'RHIS THE ,.;IV F.l VT WINTER GOODS And a cordial invitation i now extended by the proprietor to everv reader of the Frkeman ,riow.l?,r?,rr,nM'."t' "',P YT," 'li'amieF. and lean," the Hn-unia-a-Me'iincc, o low that 0 percent, can positively I,, -aved by tli.i.e who l,v their iro.U from me T can i ell o cheap i that 1 bought my entire flock lor ea,h and intend to ell lor ca.-h or its- re prepared to make nuii k county. Iion't take my word for thi, however, but CArmoLi.Towv, May si, lS'O.-t. rTllTXreV nTAC! Boanwoil aWAAMUW, AND PELHS. are qnlckly tnd snre crored hy the Me cf RIDNTT-WOHT. alia nerr aVd wonderrf, t med7Uca ia ,!.0,Kh7Btandlnhn'0 b,'oa i. lo riles. Comt pr-tlcm. riheMmTrx. Idv. ,? V11 CoT y. Wo Into vcl0m of ttimony of it. wonderful curat. TfT" T:llCl?fcI!t!T, ,ch,ch do Inorc tM eood, or di-ae pill,, hut nature. rv;'fS.d;T?' andhe:llUl-wl" Q-Wy gained. Cet It of your Druisizdst, Price, SI. - CTVl l wndpopai l.) WUI.S HIC IIAKIK.IN Ar ( ., Prop at n0rllncten, Tin-; m-.om.r.'s SHAVING BiB-IfiE5SS3 SU.3S. TIIK subscriber ha? the pleasure of annmin-inir to the people ol F.tiensburif and vieinitv that he has opened a rirst-olass tons,,ri estahlishnieut in the building recently ocenpied hv .lud je I.lovd aa drna store, an lliirh street , opposite the Moun tain House, wnere he will he. triad to welcome all who want to he shaved, have their hair cut or de sire any other attentions In his line. at-I.adies' hair and hair coinhimrs made into curls and switch es when desired 'aft Satisfaction rendered or no charge made. I'lease give me a call. H. F. SIJHAFFEK. Khensburtc, March 2f, 181.-ly. SLXA Y I ERVSAOADEMY HVtiJxi- Introbo, V"EARI,Y half a century old, from which some 11 of the most prominent and cultivated ladies in Pennsylvania and elsewhere have irrartuated. eflers niot thorough educational aids and liitrhcst standard of retlninir influences. aT-Fujiils admitted at any time. Y'early ex pense about if.ns. Address SIS I'F.KS OF Mr.UOY. Hkattv's 1. f.. Dee. 10, l0.-tf. Wesrmorlnd ;o.. Fa. Eiiesstoi Firs tarance Agency rjr. W. DICK, General Insurance Aqent, KliKXSItUBG, rA. Policies written at hort notice in the OLD RELIABLE "ETNA" And oilier I lrtat Clnsja Compnnlen. EbensbnrB-, (Sept. Vi, 180.-ly. x i :w 1 kpauti ; 1 ik BOOKS AND STATIONERY. rrUIF. undersiirned has jnst opened in ("arroll X town, opposite S. Teitelhaum".- store, a lull line of HOOKS and STATU iNF.K Y . Also a lot of choice CANI1I K-S, ( IN F1'4 'TI ON EK 1 KS, &r. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Fnrcics Wit. J'lSEPH FAKABAtTdl. (Tarrolltown, Oct. 8. l'W.-tf. K. IU ("K LEY, ATTORSEV. -AT ATTORaEY.AT.l.tlT. AI.TOONA, PA. T- Offlco at lioo Twelfth street. In same build ing and immediately In rear of First IS'afl Hank. Altoona, April Hi, lssi.-tf. TOSEPII VfdioXAT.D, J ATTOKNEY-AT-I.AW, EBKtvsirit'HO, Pa. t- Office In Colonnado How, on Centre street. la. i8).-tf. TW. DICK. Attorney--at-Law, Ehenshnrfr, Pb. Office In bulldlnir of T. J. Lloyd, dee'd. (first floor.) Centre street. All manner ol letr.il huslneai attended to satisfacto rily and oellectlona specialty. 1 10-14.-tf. ZEO. M. READE, Attorney -at. Law, Ebonsburs, Pa. Office on Centra street, ibree door from High street. (8-7,'7.?.J lles-pot iiilly, C T) PfiPY X. Pfi o. it. w TER&QUINN, HAYI: TIIF- 5 CENTS BY USING iff 2 uftluini , Du r..: A : unme i u imy al.lr, i3 on receipt of OF ALL KIND! eevjs to call and ririce. which are I he ren.on I come and see I,t "uraelvci. ,"c"""' aj. TF.ITFI.Il M'M. CONSTIPATION PENSIONS !S P.IO erT f"' li'r Ti.al.lc.: I K arc- cfin A tk':i Vt IH.M1 , I . k.iK.lf.i,ill,.u rJ.'v e.-e. I.-1 l'i ,.(,. . , .!,.,.;. .j., i... " - I ?.uev. -r :rl'-rt-.' V , ir , r H - 11 I :..,- tin. I..W (!..-.. .1. i i, - e Pl . rn (li-ri... ,1 1. -i C j- r 1- fa ": ' hit s. i..; s :.r ' V, . . . H. ritiPtc-rrilc! r- it'., h ... .11.11.. .1 . ImI A.W.' p,....., p, . n- .1 I:, r. K.r.11. lv U.-.L . i I:. o..uu,',.. .I. . I - f 1. 1 n Fcb. 4, 1 .!.. AfJEXTS ffiMrn TO SCI. I. FALSE GODS is r. tv iioiihina. late of Yokohama. Japan. A nrie work of mutehleaa interest. (lescrihinu the ttrange siiyicrsiouuo Heathen ation In all .ortand area ol the world. The only volume ever .issued cov'er Inc Ihisrent subpt. Contains a thouxaid facli 1renrcr than .S.ioii the wild imagination" of idolaiors concerning lleitjr and Spirit, the Itratiny. of If an, tvith all t he ttranqe belie fx, I rjend t. customs, tormx of lrnrxhip. temiUn. thrinct, sacrifice, etc., connected therewith. I. Ilia tralfd and bound in unique style. A truly wflnderfiil book, certain to "II immenaely. For fun pie paires. terms, etc.. ad dress SI! 1U1 A Kb II liOS., Ti! Chestnut St., Phil a.lelphia. (4-15.-4'..) PENSIONS For M)i.nn:ns, witiuwa, fattier, matti.ra or . children Thon.ands yet entitlM. I"ea?i... rieen Jf.ir - f finrer.loe ye cr rapture vnneii.e .t-ina r n 1H...UI T -!r!i-rs entitlr.l'tn IVI ilf AHF. in.l ifltl'SlTV US. 1: 1, rt teii T. ' I'ATKNTS rnicurcd Pt ln.eiit.-rs. SilJicrj 1 Und warrants procured, bonatit and ."Id. S'iM:. -l Innd heira Alilifr fur vnur ri.hr, at once. Scud TA .-tamp, for "The Citllcn-Sl..l.li.p " .nr, P.n..nn and IlnnnTT law, titsnk. and instruclii.TH. TV eanreferto ttir.n.an.1, of Pen.icn.-T. and Client.. Ad.irr,a N. W. Fitzgerald 4 Co. Pfsioti & I atkst A tt'ya. Luck ll..a Jft.Vi jjlunatou. l. C April 22, 181 -2ra. TU. M. J. BUCK, Physician and SfBGiroN, . At,TOON4,?4. Offlee and residence on Fourteenth street, near Eleventh avenue, where nlBjht calls can he made. Office hours from to 10. a. m., and from 2 to 4 nd 6 to 8, p. st. Special attention paid to Dis eases of the Eye and Ear, as well as to Surpical Operations of every description. 14-19 -tf 1 AGENTS WANTED tCT.TJS'l Tltljr Mtwlilne ever Invented Will nm Kiues. itmi lit.:..-!. ... -i i - i SO niiinites. li will also knit a arcat vaiietv c .' ijc v worlt for which titer is alwavs a rea lv t.taVket c'. n.l t .re.rr-nlar arid l. ,m. to ihe T-rvotnl.lv Knittiu -Matbiue Co.. lot Waihingioa li.ou, i.-to. OPIUM! And tlOnPIinFHahit cured in In total (lavs. Ten vearses- hlished; loot) riircrl. Write stat- narcatie. Da. Mab-sh. Omnm llirh April : lstl,-3m. AGEXTN WAXTKD Tor th He.t and Fastest Sell-ins- I'ictorlal Hooks and Hihles. Prices redured 33 per cent. National i'uhll.'hlnk- Co., Fhila.. Fa March 4, 1881.-3m. I " werk inyonrown town. Terms a nd at out tit I C'J'J Ircu. AdJtcs H. llaihtl - Co., Foilljiid M sari 9 8k. S3 j j 1 1 : i t Mii.Y r.'0(T.m. Const. puL;.. n m.r 1' !;. e ! y drinking a tumbler of cold water on ris'mg in th? morning. To obtain a good night's sleep, sponge the entire length of the spine with hot I water for ten or fifteen minutes. ! For neuralgia, take a good handful of common field or Canada thistle, pour two quarts of boiling water on, and boil down to three pints ; take a wineglass ful three times a day before meals. l'oison from bees, hornets, spider bites, etc., is instantly arrested by the application of equal parts of common salt and bicarbonate of soda, well rub bed in on the place bitten or stung. A small piece of rosin, dipped in the water which is placed in a vessel on a stove, will add a peculiar property to the atmosphere of the room, which will give great relief to persons troubled with cough. The heat of the water is sufficient to throw oft the aroma of the rosin. The following is recommended as a cure for neuralgic headache : Squeeze t tie juice of a lemon into a smill cup of strong coffee. This will usually afford immediate relief in neuralgic headache. Tea ordinarily increases neuralgic pain, and ought not to be used by persons af fected with it. A corresondent writes to tl e Cincin nati Knnit-fr : The following remedv Tr corns I have never known to fail : Take sassafras oil and spirits tureiitiiie equal parts. Shave the corn down as thin as rwssible ; then shake the mix ture well and rub before going to bed. Do this for three or four nights or more. To cure rheumatism, boil a small handful of lobelia in a half pint of I water, till the strength is out of the herb, then strain it off-and add a tea spoonful of fine salt. Wring cloths out of the liquid" as hot as possible, and i spread them over the part affected. It acts like a charm. Change the cloths as ! soon as cold till the pain is all gone; j then cover the place wtth a soft dry j covering, till perspiration is over, to pre j vent taking cold. A little English work, "Sleep and How to obtain It,' says that insomnia i is not so dangerous as is commonly sup j posed, for the author knows an eminent i man of letters who has suffered from it j for many years, without injury. When a man begins to dream of his woik he I may know that he is under too great a ! mental strain. The author's plan of in- j ! ducing sleep is to reckon up friends and j ! acquaintances whose names begin with a j certain letter. j For enrache take aalout the size of a j i walnut of raw, fresh mutton, burn item : i a red-hot iron plate, till it is reduced al- ; most to a cinder; then put it into a j 1 cle;m rag, and squeeze the moisture out ! ' into a silver spoon. Heat the spoon i j well in boiling water, and dry it well ! before you drop the expressed juice of ! j the mutton into the ear, as hot as it can i ! be endured. .This remedy has been known to prove efficacious after lauda- ! num has tailed to afford relief. ! A medical authority says when you j get chilly all over and away into your j bones, and begin to sniille and almost struggle for vour breath, just begin in I time and your tribulations need not last I j very long. (Jet some powdered borax ' i and snuff the dry jowder up your nos- ( j trils. iet jour camphor bottle, smell l it frequently, pour some on jour bund- I kerchief and wipe your nose with it j whenever needed. Your nose will p.ot get sore, and on will soon wor.der what j has become of your cold, liegin this treatment in the forenoon and keep on : at intervals until you go to Led, jiiul you j will sleep as welt as you ever did. j Wiiiti.in Tf) A S;riiiUEi.. One afternoon iast summer, when out lwok- ; ing for game, I sat down on a pile of rails to rest. I'retty soon I discovered in an old oak tree, some twenty yards j away, a red sqnarrel stretched out at full length on a limb taking a sunbath. ! Instead of raising my rifle and sending ' a ball through the little fellow it's a j mighty mean sportsman that endeavors i to kill all lie sees I decided to give ; him a little pleasure if I could, so 1 be- ! gan to whistle the air of that once pop ular ditty, '"I love thee, sweet Xorah O'Neil" In a twinkling the squirrel was on his hind legs, his tail over his back, his head cocked to one side, lis tening to me : a moment of irresolution and then he scampered down the trunk of the tree to the ground and started to ward me ; he came a few yards, stopped, sat up on end and listened again. I was careful not to move and kept on whistling ; after waiting a moment the little beauty came on, jumping up en the pile of rails, ran along withiir four i feet of me, baited, went up on end j again, made an umbrella of his tail, tip j ped his head to one side, looked at me ! with all the gravity of a justice of the i peace at his tirst trial, and yet if ever a creature's eyes beamed with pleasure his did. I did not move, but after a little I ab- runtlv changed the tune to the "Sweet F.v and Jy." Chut WllV with the . lust note of the different tune away went the squirrel. I did not move, only I shook with suppressed laughter, and as well as I could kept on whistling. In a minute or two back came the squir rel, going through all the cunning ma meuvers of his first approach, and once more took a seat before me on the rails. 1 watched him. and actually thought he f t. nnnL-nr i,r I, is mnntli on,l . ' 'h l" l '"-'"' 1,1 "'" Wilisiie. Once again I changed the tune, this time to "Yankee Doodle,"' and as be fore with the first note of change away scampered the squirrel. Unable to con trol my risibilities longer, I laughed aloud, and after that I couldn't call my little friend to me. I wonder how many of the so-called "true siHirtsmen" ever seek or think of any pleasure in connection with such beautiful little creatures save the sav age and unmanly pleasure of taking away their lives. Purest and Strr.nm. A SrnsTiTi te Fon rit -ki.es. Some times one calculate? wrong in regard to the quantity of pickles necessary to iast until "green leaves come again," and so at this time of the year is obliged to buy pickles, which prove to lie poor and ex pensive and no substitute whatever to the apltetite Of the adult W hose palate 1 1 . - 1 i . . 0 1 01 , has ceased tO be pleased With "bough- ten" tilings. It rauna e can on proenr- cd a really good jnckie can bo made with it. Here are two rules : .Slice and boil tintil tender three heads of cabbage, as for coldslaw-; add a little salt and vinegar to tho water in whieh they aie Imiled. When done take out and spread on plates and drain olT the vinegar and water. Then put in a jar ami pour warm, fresh vinegar over. Sweeten to taste ; celery seed and mustard are good to season with. For the other kind of pickle select a nice linn head of cabbage. After removing the outside leaves, and inspecting it carefully to see that there are no worms or bugs, shave it very fine, and put it in a jar, sprinkle salt and pepper over it, and spice if you choose ; a red pepper sliced and put in is poo l. I'our over it enough cold vinegar to cover it. This will be ready for use in about three days. To Kill Smut in seed. Smutty seed, whether oats, corn, or wheat, should be steeped in a solution or sul phate of copper, four ounces to a gal lon of water, or in strong brine. This will kill the spores of smut. The solu tion is poured over the seed in a barrel with a hole in the bottom, closed with a plug, and the solution poured over it, and after an hour the residue not ab sorbed is drawn off and more seed is then treat.d. This should be done a few hours before the seed ij sown. (The original nd oiilv (srmric 'liir:ee I'rcara ':in:ihor uiannl:ictiir.-d W om SM Krcal'ii., lea .Merchant. S6 Soiilh Second iMrcct, I'lnladt 1 pfcla, I'o.) Chinese Cream CAMPHOR! THE GREAT REMEDY KHLIEF OF TAT X IN MAN AND IJKAST! Commands the attent nn of all w ho have j been Inveterate sufferers .? IMIEl'MA-i TlsM.'NKl ilAEiilA, HEADACHE, ' 15ACKACHE, rnosii i I'kkt, Stiff j .Joints, and all pains in every portion of . the bodv. The s-;it of pain is reached l,v M-riiii.if ll.o ,we .., (;., 1l,,,c enabling the Curative pn pel 1 ieS of the CI II V I'SK ('lit! M f M I 'IK III tn hi. ter. which stii'.es the pHin as soon as the affected parts are reached. The lini ment must, upon each application, le rubbed in thoroughly : and in cases of lth. umat ism t.f long statiding it shotdd lie used three or four limes a day, and four applications made each time, until cured. Care, however, should be exer cised after the pores are opened, to pre vent taking cold. FOR HOIJ?SlJS TH K Chinese CREAM Camphor IS IM Al.l Altl.I,. It relieves Sjirained Joints. Thrush in ec t. Sweeny. Toll Evil, l'.lo d and Hone Spavins, Kingbone, and all hard lumps caused by kicks or uth.-r brui-es. For F.pizooty, Disfemix-r, Fever, Colic, Loss of Appetite, and Weakness, usethe Iliox Hoitsi: and Cattm: I'dwhi i;. Ci- A half .i!it butt! f 'AMl'Ifnll e:m i'C h:il t" Ilrvaul'!. J-.t.eli-lnira. 1' ef the "iiim;-1 ." ci I ro:u E Ctr.iX Jam ts, N. II. 'I lie t'-itmiiiiieii of .iri.n i:inn lhi .re;arat iitn.eithcr on theinseive? or their horses, will be thiinktuliv received. TESTIMONIALS. I 1. lve tri' d the 't.: Klu'tiinnt'.-iii and N'cr, lonnd in it int.int reie -e -; - ll 1 In in ';itr..b'.r lor ai-he. mid l ave never 1 .iin.l ii? livso. I.'in.l.in, eiial in ail my trim l.iiir.. I'nn "I fa;.'.. Sirlii l' na. li. 1. N., Mn- Kiiporc. 1 Tn'.ia. ) 1 uced 'tr 'hieee riii:i 'antpV'ir f..r a f e ere attack ol : heutnat:--m in tl.erii;lit -i.iiiil.i'-r. and can Mneerely ay. after haviiiir iried ? vcial other well-known reiVdie. that it i- the best tliiu I ever nf-e.. eoriiiz me cutnplcOdv. VI ii.LAr.n F. Waltii. 117 N. 4"it sired, Wi.-t 1 i.iij.lc.i !.;. , March 1. lkSl. A ft r one a pi ! li-at ion i.f the t'h i iie-e I "ream i uii jdinr I :e relieve I ot Ir ..M .1 f-et. Nathan F.l kan. 4 1:i North Third -treet. I lul.ele'.pl.ia. Fa., Jan. 1J. 1.S1. H;tviiiE sufi'-reil .-everi !y Tilh iri -Tisl leer I ned the i "! ii.e Je ('ri-iini "u n.i h r t hree tiinc. rui-t-iiiir it n thnr-uh Iv . a ii. I v.:e cured. My nether I rie.l it t'.-r liervmi hernlat-i.c. i.t .ta 1 1. i i. in-tai.t relief. Antln S. 1'atkl. 1.x " Mili'ii f'ri-et, Flniad'a. Jan. i'.. 11. 4-.-;!i U!tE(TlnS. r j, imiHnnn.w- uri i , ir. r .i j'.irt .rn tt.i ttie !m it-tv t ri t r i 1 -1 !r:iw st r ny tr.t tli 'h-c'iifli tht iiMe. It -it!! i j - h c af.-i.rhr1, ir-' ii : Ti j it n .! Ik ai ua tii': ir C'l n:-ui-nirif. For Deafness. ppiy A particle int i he e"ir. L"s. ,.iiT'fAl'0; .3 .t ;r:c. K1A"S ClIKAM I'.ALM II A VIN i rained an env in Lie local re put at iun. ilt? pliieiu all other j.repr:i?i-ii m the vicinity of !' cevcrv, i. on it. uterus aluiie. r.'c i:iii7'-d as a won- ; deriul remc.lv wherever ku.wn. A lair trial will 1 eo; mce the i':i.i-t !,i1.t'i'.il ef i Curative Imt't. j It cf!o;tual!y ele.lliea the I1.1..1I p:i-;le- el fit. tarrha! Giro's. c.ol-.iiii! healthy -eel t-t ion-: allay? ! inrUmniate.u :in-l lrr tati. n : pr ct- the nietu i bra na I lminu'- ! t'ue bead fr .1.1 a.1.1 . 1 1. .mil c.d-lK : i c.impletelv tiea s tiii- "F. atel riti res t'ie .n-nse ! nf t;tte and imi'll. Itei;e!..-n.! re-uits arc r. ai 7.cd I bv a few ai.pin-iitiuiis. A th'TeiiKli treatment a 5 directed n i.i en: v '.it in h. A a I. .ii-eh i.l r-me- rlv li.rcol.i ill the b.-ad it is tinei.u.-ib-d. The IPOni j Ik' chv tn l'"C and :: rcea !. ee! t y ill iiu'l':-!? t I .Vieenti. I 'Tl rc-elpt ot !. eent wll im-tl a aek . sire S-u.l l-r trcular with f'ltl inlnruiati. n. ' ' l.I.Y S ( IiliAM I1AI.M ' 1.. -,.. N. Y. - Fur !' bv Fticii-hiirir. b.ht-.-t'.wn a- d Al- tooiui Iirutinifbs and bv W holcsaie jtruitat.!? en : crally. 1-14. -P m. EA11S ' 1 MIILIOX! Foo Choo's Balsam of Mark's Uil rotitircht K"torr t),r Miine. end u rric I'a'j AO- j 'lolule I lire Jor liramsM Kno'rn. Thi bl N extracted from a peculiar specie? ol Fmail V Shark, eaittht 111 the Yc.h w Si a. I knimii 1 ier'n.i"ti"i i:nuirlrt u. l.ni; Cliijhe 1 fisherman know it. It virtues n restorative ot hearing were discovered by a ltuddhi-t lYiest 1 about the viiirUPi. Its cures were so numerous ; and tnnii'y " aerminiily mlracnlona, that the remedy wa? othciaily proehiimed over the ; entire Knin re." Its ujf be-raino so universal that . ' I'tai.r 3 ) Pr no Ileal ie lia e- : : lletl ainont llie 4'hlnrac people. Sent, charires prepaid, to anv a l lress nt $1 per bottle. Onlv Imported by llAYl.OCK A CO.. Sole Aunts tor America. 7 KejSt., ew lork. I Its virtue? arc vnnurttnmch'e and it evrctivc ; character al-.olutr. ax Ike irritc r can prrtonally tc-fti.ty, j both from crftc rtrnce end observation. j Aiiiomr the many readers ol the ISeview in one I part and another oi the country, it l probable that iuimbrrs are afllieted with deafness. Bud toindi it i mint he Mtil : "Write at once ro Hayloek tn 'o., ! 7 l, v S'rcet. New Y ork, enclosing tl, nnd oil 1 will xeceive by return a remedy that will en '.Lie v. .a to heir like anvbo.lv else, and whose curative efioots will be permanent. You n ill never rt trret t (loinvl so."- F(l(ior oj .Nfic York Mercantile Rrrtetr. ! .V.f. ;.', lsu. l j-10,"so.-m.l j Hamburg Tea ! ' (iSK Ml! LKNCEItKLN's, THF ONLY nrM'IM.) i The Creat DLCOD PURIFIER ! And Puriratire. whieh was known to the famous I old Arabian physicians as early as the ninth cen I tnry, is adapted to the relief of Fevers, t'oiisttpa j tion, Fenrtle l'l mplaiiit". Want ol Appetite, lrop ; sy and Hemorrhoids. It has a decided advantage I over all ot her pnriratives. beinc more thorouvih in i cleansinvr out the system, wit hout producing the i atrouiz: np. uripin pains and straininit which ac I company theaetion of othcrcnthartics. W hen Piin i pies or other skin diseases are nlso present. cham t poo the arleetcd jiarts thorousrhly with Van Iykos ! Sulphur Soap. A scire Tihaoh . "M iller. proprietors , j 3d and Callowhill St.. l'hiladr.clphia. Pa. Sold by I E. James, l'rngtr'.st, Kbensburs;. Pa. 11-6. -ly. AFTER all other liniments have failed, THY 1 )K. WAltK'S ELECTRIC RELIEF 15 v taking inti rnallv it will cure 1 Ill cure cholera, cholera I morhns. diarrhoea, dysentery. crami phthis: influenza, spasms, sick h : iei; sukness. heartburn. sourstomH imii. colie. a ih in a. H'he, murr otnaeh. pain In the back an l sitnstn.k. Applied externally, it will relieve you of rheumntiMii. neuraliria, sore throat, lumhatio. eur.iehe, toothache, inflamed breasts, mumps, irni't. pl: risy. pneumonia, frost bites, bruiser, sprains, burns scald., wour.ds, contracted tendons. leuorrhoc:i . swollen -oip.t., stives and bites ot insects. Sold by dru-iic'irts arnl storekeop e s trenerallv. Wholesale depot. N. W . corner Sr J and Callowhill St.-.. Phil.td'a, Pa. l--i4.-i'..in. CELEBRATED II. II. II. MEDH1NE. Persons afflicted w.ili aches and pain", and who have not tried the tr reat 11. 11. H. Medicine, do not know its powers in removing pain. iive it a trial for IIhoumatim. Neuraltria! and particularly Diph theria,. A sure cure lor horses sufferins with Itoiie or ISlood Spavin. Poll Evil and Colic. He sure and ask for the II. II. 11. Medicine, manufactured by I. !. Tomltiison. Philadelphia, a" the popularity of the same ha? led other parties to put an Inferior article Into the market bearing the same name Sold bv druirrjists everywhere. STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotira oi yonthfnl imprudeno eainons Pre ma ture. Decay, Ncrvons Pebiiity, Iost Manhood, etc.. iiavinfr tried in vain every known remedy, has di. covered a simple self cure, which he iU pen. I FT; FT? to bis Mlow-Buflerers, addreea J. II. KlXVllX '3 C hatham M., . . Feb. 4, lsi.-lv. Dr. JOKES' TARAXCAOT TONIC of IrvarresiA 7UF.iiri'F.. a vrrclablo compiun.I wliose virtues has stood the test of 40 years, is in tallible in the cure ot Pyspepsia. Jcne-al lielullty, "hrontc W eaknessi of Limits. Spleen and Kidneys, Short Hreatb, Heartburn. St. mis- latce. pains in the Stomach. Hack and Chest. Partirularly adapted to all leiiiale Diseases, no matter vl.t the aire of the patient uiav be. Price. 7 ) ct". Sold bv li assists1. " i:-t'."'.-!.l THE MosT M ll lissl 1 1. ever die.ivere 1, a it er-a.n In ! Idv j..e nt w:ter. ai-. -c.i-i t r l liLAIi I'KdUl Ili.l.t U . I i: )M I Col. rF. FOSTrj, i: i ot , a it . a, ,t v 1 - ln. It. J. K f v r i I, x i.r ., : j j . 1 alun'i( Hair. !!. Ti'.n ' -it - par Iiikfl.lv. !( (in. I n l irif m.iMi- - r - " mill a .-in.-ill fine -ti the other. UirU u a , , ; ; liiino. 1 .;- turn niiler tft riiprtff - fc (th" aJ v rt : - riini of '"Krii-l.t Sr.;n T ( . day in tti 'Uiwj I 1-:tti .!-,,.',' t' trv it. nni k" v fur I rt -xi - t "r t , ..." " . ! Thy .nlrrr.l t.r-; fn.tr J,-. nn I i-k ; M Thinking 1 vont.l nw it a t!.'irdi;: tr it afuT .'inic t itr-tiiTi-. r;tj t l- u -- .' rflt to latwe. nn.i tho l'iin;-i j iii-ft -ff:irOtl. I I - t f-llt one '-''). ;; ) . ' 1 liin' art ii w :. ir1 fr-in !i!ri . f ' hor-e in ti- Stntf H i- entirely -Tir ! a- f t cur'' w f r fb.irk;: 1 1 ;i T 1 I t Tn. .; ti , 4"; 1 lir liavp tl.f rrniaiiiiii' t' l ttA i "! : arr now ivuc. o Kendall's SPAVIN Cm v. 11 Mtl lKP.l IKi, N"V. l-'i In. H. .1. Kimht i. kt'(i-iMit: I ; fiite mare t h:it had ln.r.e .-i-n in f .ra i l.trid ever tl: inir to;in eeiil-i dc ie t. rit ali in vain, ami a - a i nt t-i t i'. e it i;i iTieiiil i.t ?n:,ir ,11 lie. ill v i.-nrr. I. ,,id i . j mended Kfii.tsli', Si.avin ure. -wh. I irrand r. ot. r-iii.vn.ir tie 1 cm. i llM'H -e 1 1 T i cell!. t'i "11 t-.r 'l:' il ll'.r-e li ..'-. :ilid I tl.llik till c -rine.l .n the li.ir-e nnd l:i ken rrent ii:fnt in it. and ha ill list rati 1'ettcr In, 1 have t- i fold i cojee? h-r y.-ii t.i my i;e:h!-i.r.. and w j Bud do what g..i. 1 ea U by ft! tins Tlie,n er i.t i Y'tur truly. " i. W. Mm; i MADE UNDER OATI T Whom It M ay CfiN tfiN. In the v trr:. tr. with " K-tiia II S;a v i n i urr" a : in of fievrral invnt h-" mwtli. nearly .;.: lt '.' lien' rua. ni!l r- ir.-)rT ly t . .1 li a 1 romovrfl t (rr- -iilarLr,'tniit . 1 h .; . the !irc vrry tinni - fr mr. uni I trn laiiio. nor rinlf! I etrr nny ! '.-. tli- t the ho'-W i.imt inrc I tr-..t 'KnTTlnll in i 'ere." K. A i Iln .T-t't:r-h Kal!. Vt . YvU. 'J'th, - " Sworn RJi'i puh-.rihr.i to f't'lurc-iu . tl o! Kthrinry. A. I. 17'. Kendall's Spavin Cxc ON II"MA l l.ll.il. llAKtr-Fiirtn. Vt., lie- ; . H. -T. K iMi.il I- "" Sei: : 1 , . te.tmuny in lav or "I your t!iva'.ua'. i "Kendali" S; nvm Cure." 1 r. t t;e j - ri- -flipped on the e-e an-1 5prain-ii n 'r -! th-Vn. e p-tet. 1 ttt.c vi ry l.niie , ... lered the ine-t '-erii !Kt:n pa.n. 1 w , ae en it fi-ri-v.-ra yenr. and trf.f m-.-.t rr in my rca. h. Put c-nii 1 tind i:f-t!.ir, : ; tlve me permai eiit relief. hen I . r- .,. wi nPl i am me vf rv in iii h. In Apr . -' I to th:i k 1 .lo ul l he a cripple 1 ,r :.-: : ome i.i '-Keiela;!'- Si iivin 'ore," ri,; . . t i trv it. 1 le-il oi.e t! ir.l oi a lM.tr!,- ate! ;., ' re! ie a t once. 1 he pn i n 1-it me a .j hf' ! bd me f:ie-e. 1 I,- 1 m ry urnteml t ' would r mm"!) I "K-n I.iil's Spavin who uf!er wit h ci pra ;n i r riien mnt --ni urii t:u!v. -li:-.. J. 1- !KKI)ALLS SVAX1S i i 1 ?nre in ir -fl.-t an1 n il-l In if a'- tJ'tr n.t hli-'Tr: jet :t is jnrtratinir ' f-il t" r'-n-'h every i!rop.;i!H am. r j any hony trn wtti or othi-r etilanre'::' :.r- anl any l.iiiit-iir mi i r!l cr : n rc-nj-: or litiih. :in-i nhn 1-t rh i:m;it i-m i:i u nr.v j urj'f-e fur v. Inch a 1 1 ti t in f j ? -.. ; t at. It it ;n v. n t ! t!-e I -: !"r nun Mcr ip fiii ui: i;v a:rl ' in it f n!jte f . r 1 1 ' n -t r:-'e l ir.-u:-- , think i:,vc j.u t;p proot n ii . f.Iy l:a v rv I v i' i: - 'i O-r kb' I-'-Ii: f-.r V. :: Tl . Mir rr;rr i .t-r im-t!o. tr - x ( - : he -- r j t t-. nt v r , 1 1 r n t--- i propre ..r I t. SOLD 1JL II. J. Jw 1 I'A I I. ( e BY ALL druccist; Feb. 1. 1"1 -otll. r.e -n -. '. !-'" 3- AXa CATTLE Uh"'' Is a sure cure tor all ordinary t ! "att!e, Sherp'an-l Snin-. It en', j Chtki.x I'Hi.titiu. Your c w is i 2.1 mil (TXT. MOTE AMI PETTFT. MI 'STUCK FATTUNS ON ON Flo ; fi:i:h: j Iteir- in r.ssec.i '. lent tc.-tituoiiiafs. 1 ; of a jr;e : S u! i ij n !f- .T ; 1 Ulli' 1 have been nsinz your 4":ittle I'nw.ler ' : " ' cow., rhi 'kcns and -ir. and rtn.l it a Ft; I thir. Geci.ge lli'Mi, rcrmantewn. Fa. 1 have use ) wo aek of Tour Cattle V- ' my eew and chi-kens. 1 hi: iow i4vir e T ( E TR!t Ol ANTI IV OF VII K rht di.l hete- chirkciis were flyinjr. but were 1 i.ku immf: Lv a "'cr I had 11. -c 1 the powder. Yours, truly, Jonas 1'asot-h. lall.-i. ' I have used your "attl-l'i Wi!"i and uiu t Is the b,-st h.r hor-.es. cartie. sheep, etr. 'J--j on poupry for niarv c.ii'if.lHiii'.. with ' c ti:v ( .(si. .Iu. WitAVKn, Kerry il. n Last uniTnerotient rr.ea t.a. kareol v.-;-- der which. I cave to my poultry, and r,.," cue droopy turkey or ctuckv'n Mtice 1- Knait, Oranitf. S". Y'. Send me a ack or two of your C.'i":- T " The pack l jr it Irom you last winter iter eun khv cnoLKtiA. I irave some .. it t a r . bur and tt cured his chickens. t,,r v :: l Spruce Yale. 4 ihio. Address, tor a pamphlet F. .. Mil.!.!'-Ai-li St.. nill.AbH.l'lIlA. Fa. 1 r- " J. lutnitiOFF, Khensburrr, Fa. IT - . v - - VAN DYKE'S SFLFIin: ' j ! ) 1 fupertor to all other s Sulphur in its pure, una iv lult It is ci ft : terated "t:it tcrs the pores ot the skin, l eiiit: abeori-e t J Mood through the minute capillaries, or : t I upon the skin, whether it be lica!th r t: i eased ctoidition. both locally and i' i (" ! thereby eliminating all impurities fr . ',' I and evoltinsr the skin to healthy a.fr 1 duces a fn cness. purity and frei-V.i:e- c- t' ' i plexum which is une'iiialled, and eun ' e " i by no other means. No toilet. nt:rcr ."t ' i is comidete wuhont It. It makes tie -s -j clear, pure, white and healthy: is e'ec.:--I o.lorizinit. disinfectins. foothitiir. I c.i .; - ' j rifyinrr: removes dandrufl, chatirti. it! ' ' ' eruptions, roujehnes. ar!i redness ci tl r ' 1 lieees itcliinjj. burning and sI-.tia: t1- ' t' and imtatiou of bitine and tina.r; ir.se -! relieve Itcl.intr Pile" when not i.iiik el " i tir.y efrect. Ask lor Van 1 ke s --i t i ':' -i insi"t ujxm It. and take no iinitatu n. s !.:'' ! srists. Aschenbaeh .v VI. Her. Pr-pr-cb . : i Callowhill StTcet. Ph-tadetplita. I 'a. F-r - ! M. I.. Oatma and E. Jaiw. iruirtT -t. ' burr. Pa. III-!--' j Cns t'Ri srt.L As, iii:mia( H Sl MiLir t FAMILY CHOCOLATI ' An aiti-le superior in quabty and lowc tr ; tnan aiiy(thcrin theniarkct. A proin r,r i evpcrienced New York phyiciBn cite ': ' . opinion that chocolate is pre'erable t. tci-" i-ccaue It adds strength to the b.v!.. i ' the exhausted Prafn. quiets the uerwi.- iiarniotiizes tne workirit" ol thedic-"" ' -and trlves pu-ity to theblcKHl. For B superti ne contct ion. n"k your -' r.' "' lor our Sweet Spiced Vanilla ('h.'nla'; ' bach A. Miller, r,d and Callowhill St- . I'l . l or sale by V.S. Hai kkk Ja Hun. atiti ""' 1 hofk. Ebonsbnnr. Ta. i " UNTAU NOTIC1 -Dr.. M. I; CKKFttY. Surccon 'cn'-v'. I;1'- t-nd'ur-. Pa., respectfully intones all persons interr-t"d that be wiil be at Ixm-ltoon M i!.l.iy an 1 Tue iliv. at Sprmits on Wcdne-- da'v and Thur- lav. ami at Car-. and Satur iav (.1 the.re'iii'i ico t o )-All per-'oiis uredtris dental work "" to tiive me a call, as 1 am prepared t 1 or partial sets ol teeih and per'orni a!, ations pertainintt to my profe:oti in a ss manner and at th 1 wc-t t.oss te I r '( I' '" i-Ul,'Mi.-tf.J 91 . li. M. t r.r.n. t ' ROSE OF CASHMERE HAIR Ti' 1 rfc-mis nrei.nr itien 1 made treni t,,r "','"' - ' I V illev of 4 hmrre. ar.d is eftirr! Scli.hnr. Lead, and other pm ii.noiis act rliimei! rJ , on suhstances. It is rtchly p' the use ol pomades, bar oil", etc.. t-i'' 1 It preserves, softens and beautifies i irives it a ri. h lustre. It i ex -et'ert Ontr or i n e -m .en n it ren i...-- . . Dructtists sell a pirr-e Pottle 1 r W rt n at Mtl-lteK. Propretcrs. JrJ "J. -eta. Philadelphia. Fofcsale t , S store, Ebenshurp. Fa. I'- ti J C'; nn ,lTr Strec Drti per dar'at b-une' Saret tree. A1lTe-s SriN"- Mud. ?laitie r r r l; i