01. n ruii,DELriiiA letter. v. ti-.i-sT t.onr.t:i'Tio5 ch ihoes dismiss- V -OSTHEDOWNWARD ROA D OTTHAOED ,' . ,.1-LV.lOP.S VV.K CRT 14 "STILL THEY toM t' ' A TltrE itEFORMER RECOG5IZ ;S,1 THI IR HAB1T4. ETC., ETC. : Cj-responJerce of the Frekman. ruiL-PELl'HIA, April 4, ISal. t I'f'' M-:11UII1( Wa- It'll OUl. Hit? UKim.ll f .iltor ine saiifj uuiini". i.uuioii uiv .i i. ! t l.;rt, tl,n fiitrauct?. TUI'JT ( ORT'.l PTTON. c; t'.ie cusiuiiUi men RppoinW tr Invest- ft "' tin iiiiitiniztMiu'iit r in tiinlina losvi of ?l i,.' -i.'.'i(M) mi li-aks 'i1 tho. as trust jW.tttM) chnriioit l.Vt.OJ on lt- '. ,.i st en r,n niiw. WlfM the chit't of ne'"iw Itit'u'tt'rs." Mr. McMaiius, 'toi m... n.imittfii undtT "ath that ulius it .le- 'i ended upon a man's polirk-s as to wliPtlior j .- cuiilJ 'procur-? n nontrrvot for funiisiiina; I "ut-iial f'T thf r,;is wr-rm, h- soiin.Ietl the lei.'lit. il- l'tii find hrra.'.th t 'he r-wnlinl . ;:tin,. nf P. -n il,!!' "11 i..,s itiannsreiiMMit. i;,,.i v i!iuiii.-"'V.i! '-i irtnifiit of l'liil.nk'lphia I -is lu cn tiar.-.fnrnn itit.i a party nia;liun'. i-i.'..'ti arc solid asaiut Mint; window books. . "1 w.-ivo in ini:f'i 1 T -.... ..i si -v -..tut' lit o i,-v iMi-'ot r' l'i".tt'rs, and others aain lin; i)ni ratio voter-? who wili to f .t ;iM-j -i ;ii ii' ".li ipi'i, i niiaoi-iiniaii3 aie r -.dt i-iov li an ii'2 that niixiiiir llii-ir cas anil n-ft fctid -treet Heaii'ma and iiiu'iivipat gov- t n t .win-rally with politics H a very 4 v mixture. 1.1 L'lMlrfbAI. TH AT DIDN'T KXCtLVATE. ; r:.- oi-"r.i-isal of the onniplaiiit aaalnst ! :- S id!, the school teacher who was ac- j t-;-t-! liiji.uauiii th." Catholic religion in ; t -e i i-i-! ce of C atl-olle ruii'iis, i- rot hy any ; !-.u:-; a satisfactory exculpation. Complete : .:i i -t I'.lii uis neutiaiiLV as Petween crceiis m Isdem ind- 1 'ilicial utterances of tearhers, v the people. The schools are supported ! taxstioit levied indiscrimiiiaKly upon cit- ..e:is of diilereiit cicetts, anil wiii'Uier .uiss -ull iiiteiidcd it or not, the evidence con--:P.ilvely showed th.it her explanations on "t-rt.'.in religious points were taken, and very properly, bv a portion o her pupils as reject ing upon ti.e lfi'.tli in which tut-y had been Jcav.-il. ON THE DOWNW ARD l'.OAD. If we aie to judge from the expression of ihe leading representative C hristians of the several cloirciies (f the "City of Churches," there are ood reasons fur jelieving that the j-eopleof this land are grow ina wor.-e instead t better. One of the eminent clergymen of ,l:;e i-.ty of Ihooklyn said in hist Sabbath's r:i:.::i : ' Kour-titll.s of the Brooklyites are .yiing to tie!!." Another clergymen mourned :;e fart "that a n:a jot it y of the Hrooklynites iveiit to the theatre, whii-h was as bad as Sliit." Ano'lier said: "Too many pulpits jirc silent on the ti rrors of hell." Another k.tid : "There is too much cogitation with the 'wo: Id." and another "tnat the church is al ' t.'ti'tluT too worldly. " One old stalwart 1 , etcher ilei-l.u :-il that "if anything could he t on.: to reinedv t lie laincntahle condition of trie tiiu--s and of the p:ople, that it. ought to be lio'ie liMii'.eiii.it'-.y." I iie c;ty of Nineveh, In the evil d.n when Jotiah" was sent to X xvM !i to the people thereof, could hardly rave :eeii mtieh vvore than these gtntil L'hris--tian men i i T i : rT- Ihooklyn i.i these the days i ? hn-:ian Kdm '.tion, l'ropaation of lle ;h:i'oiis Faith, and Revi f 1 n iptuies. There care times when the good people are called upoii to bew.ul their shorh-omiii'-rs and coii "fcs tin ir sins. Let us pray that matters iwid utit grt'v worst? and worse that this is l.ot the coiiiii:encein nt of the great iisinte- !i :i ot a'l t!.:ns social, pohtiejii ami ie- I. ht-urts he arou.-ed to pi aver f-'il 1' t piiii- J " '. vcr much men may differ in aits hunger and thirst for I,et ii- a:i. theicfo:,', preaeh all It. . ngl.ti.'o'isi'.es t. si!tl practie,. what h. thy iie'.ehhor its thyself." i' , ., .i.i ti.ou ha-t and t'i v.- to tne pour. j t u- all ilower oit i:.tot!:e lnii beauty of a ' i.ie !i!e ot ledoleiit charity. f A ft'-v ! ;i iii j si el.t eightv days nio-t felic-"'.fo'i-ly. it wa.-. a cruel ntr.iv:e on jiart of At- t.'iiiey t.Lin ial I'aimer to mar the I'.appiness I"f our ii.'iiOi.iL:e It-ui-hilive patriots by tell f'lij tliv'u tnat tin y cat'i .-.t g.-; pay lor inore J'li.ui one tiuudied oas. It is n-) wonder ',tl e pool fellnv.s of the Lcgi-dat m e, iiiiinv of oiu. if put to woi i; at any t.thc. leeit iiuate bn-iites, would not be able t t ..lit a tlious n t i i th. liars in a lifetime, wen .-o feiirl'ui ly J'. ill l ied alt. tut it, c.s it compels tlu in to get c'own to v. oik. whi.h they sli.tuld have done "iig j.". ainl lieiioe is outrageous in the ex treiiie. After these pitoi fi'linws had put in In'-re ilia's three nio.-itns at ;1' jier da v. it m;i. to,) bail to be told I hut they would liae to wink lor nothing and find ti.eni-.el ves. It is no U'celi-r. then, that they hceame ilis 'f:uted anil indulged in eloijnent profanity .-'.iin.-t the ttihentu. F-sjiecialiy are the .i'hilailt ipiiia patriot-, w ho don't "earn any tiiini: at h'niie ai-.d have no visible means of Hlppolt. justified in liinir Hi.; most eloipifilt f.iolanity ajaitist the ohtri'.sive Attorney ;ei:eial. Let. tin rclore, the average I'enu- ai.ia It tiislator, who want.- to put in extia e and draw t xtra pay, profane cioqiieiit !nl let the sinL'iilar Reiiii-ylvania legisia uho don't want cither he ashamed of ..if. Let Intu he anathematized. I svm u.e witli thee ourraued honoral!o patri wiien 1 ivth-ct that Attorney (.cneia! remembering Ins oath of'oiliee, ol- t t'l l.iir I'.iti Is Tal: iect. -Jliol; tiiat i to tin: illegal painent of the people's ey while his ohjectioii w.is valuable hel.iie the niouey was in the poor w-,' pocket. I .-, mpiithiv.e with thcni. i x jo, iecaue il.t ir siieg,-iinn tnat the Attor 1 t i ieneral's action was based on unworthy ,1'jolives to thin t.j wear, and beeause the people are satisfied that they have at lust an cilii-ir lit Hiirrisburg who, when their inter- Icsts urr :it stake, lic not sfoinl on courtesy. 1 lit! l KY IS, "si ILL THF.Y COME !" If in) Uiito.vard event hall happen to dis ' u .jtiie hai inoiiy of itioiis, a half million ii f tor- i'i-ltori! i il;7' ns will he added to the aopulatioti of the United .Mates (luring the i'1'iei't eir. The stream ot immigration V-f.an; Piv.aids tins country for lssi is of la. u-r vitimii,. th.tii ever la tore. In the t 'ni-e nf events it may happen tii.it there !.! he mi ne Kneh-.li, Iii-h ami G'-ruinns in e I !i:l'.i Mites than in F.nglaml, Iieland ;d ( ei niiiri ' iiiiihiiied. The present pop .t. iii ot hi iuiAiiy is about forty live nnl ii -mis, iiiid tin- whole area of "land occu i'v the (.ei!ii,u,s in Kiiiope will not ii.t H I ah.y support the. peopU' now living e:e. Mu iitiiiles of them me therefore Akm their way to the I'nited States. V Till E litnill.MKH. I: ir;'.'.ir timt there are thousands of o fri ts ami i!..:i-eoiiimis(.ii, ,l otlh-ers in t he . it.iry s. i.-e of the I'nited States who t.i-ii : lui.e lives in eiviiian circles, and - ' ii.f'ir iiig to learn that a son of Abra :a I.uieolii. ns V-cretaiy of War, is about i-s ;ui i i h i- that is causing a Mutter and -: ;. M ,r t' a crew of military dancers a i i .- t , i .,f , rrs to come to he spent in "'ax and Apaches. In the military r ;iv art- 1. 1 ' i n I roils nf men niasqiieradihgas liT.iiy h. i.t, s who aie only cashiers, clerks, "'eis. ia .iii.if.i.-turi-rs am": u-hers. lint it liil.Miig to know tiiiit a son of Abraham : is a .i .f' the duties 1 i!fv,.',,. ul t sigii;ilie his usnuinptiou of the ,V;ir oni'-e hy turning in. oi ineir stttt p!ae,..s, send- J'ig them to the fr.j :ier, and putting their ia e eii'l in .-,1 i . .r .... ., j 1 rolher oiP.eels 1: I r hardships r,f In li;m campai..ill.r in'th'eir tr..uil fur the son ot Abraham Liu- 1 WF". I!K OON l.K TH HI R f .( r, I The r-t'l .e."7o.;:.:?,Vs:1s: "Tliete are to I .'.-is of Ameiieaiis who mix toui tiil r tin t ' than oil and vinegar the one trom eh ieii.1. as ai istoi'iiitic in their uwn way I ii,;. l..d the cari and lady up stairs : a:. it I ' ii.rr c;.tss lroin Caliloinia, New YorK k"d t iih -inii.it i. redolent of ji-trolemn and -o'l f. -lit . t sno..l." The Gm.-tte evidently Kii'i-A - !,..,,.,, it spe;iks, and we recognize 111 its e.,,u,.nt ,l.,i,arks ,,, ljt.t.;t,J;.,,ts 0f oar an-i,.. , ,, ., ,.,! ,,v tlU fr,.jj;n "no th!'! V'"-"i,,,-,y i"-K",-'t-e their kin- ,-ll'P. thl'll t.l-Ks;,,,,, ,t.,r 111;u.rs ,t j., 4 i.ni.us and I,,,,:,,,-,,,,,,,,, L(vl . , e I or, ot the most ,., wealthy lami ies of ! V's, ',"," riLtt"n, ''""hg-the Revoln 1.". in f . ,,,1r"r;,-alhize.l wit,, the J ".mi. I heie Is not 1,-s titan a dozen f f, 7,r-t "',',,H-4 ''-t eity thi-.t have none any good for the eity, the M.lte ?r t . masses. No public bem-tactUm-l ? "-"'a ''eiiet'n ial to the tt.'lmg iini-s,.s ,,f the y-at i-ny- keep green t!ie inemoii.-s (,f n'e JMf i .-. tin-s-it -Aarts, Hit; C roelets, the Rhine- f "l-S-ls. ;...,l ,,lli,.r.ri'...,jli..f., -i-.. il ..lt, l.llll.,,s. I llf erv ..iv.-ht seems to have deseemii-d 1 ,; ' in, and they are within themselves is h and assiduous cniti-nf,ti-s i.f tl.o 1.1:11 utie ainl sociiihstio ideas which thej 1' al hor and h-ar. i;. X. S. Li y Bhos., Dninoisrs, Owego, r tit.. ,. 11.. : - . . J I'.-t-n : .. , i-.ti. line.- mint-is j nave l ea I I "'. 1rW1'-1' catarrh and coitl in the "d r s,,"'1 ' i'.'' "ev,'ral remciit's without t;'!"i. a', I f . Wl!,l,r ' l'd your Cream ,1 ., I . "'""i usen your i ream n' - 1 r"'L- lf U) it-,('n"'Plili all you rer '.'. 1 -ni-'Coimik-k (Judge t'oiii- ' "). Klls-.lu.tK V I . ...... i" -e a.Iv,- i.-turu,, j .llg. .1, JSSt) iiient. r!i-.' :i - '-I'-eaft'lir'ilerr re! . . . ' ',' 11 luHerinz from Catarrh ,7, "10 ilih,,..,.., ..,':... " .iiai rn or 1 f.... c... . and den,-- ti.,, V ". . . I.o-v , v..r,v I'eisoilHI 01 its curative powers hftord. '-'stiii'ieiiert r ur a r.... '1 Ki,, -.? Jvt, J eiu.'l'ivr. i mp.lr.o l . cu -t-.'ie. Ebeiu-tnir;, r. minim. EBiSBlB. PA.. fkiday. - - Arnin s. issi. LOCAL AND rEKSONAL. Hero. THor-w and the Other flair There Is some taik of erecting a new Lutheran churvh at Lilly's. The new hotel at Cresson la to te 300 feet lo:ij and 2'J feet deep. The tliermometer reeiitrd lO above zero in this place on several occasions durin the tirefcent week. - " Idevdsville, tliis county, had on Monday a record to show of niorv than a foot and a half of the "beautiful snow." A valuable deposit f carbonate, or black band iron ore, Is said to have been recently developed in ConeuiauRh township, Indiana conntv. We are sorry to k-arn tftat the amiable "wife of Representative Woodruff, editor of the Johnstown D'.mnerct, i.s lying serious'v ill at her home in that p!a-e. It is nine hundred find ninety-nine years by the watch since our branch road was blockaded by snow in the mouth of April, as i it is at present writing Wednesday noon. I Horse owners can not afford to overlook I the wonderful success of Kendall's Spavm Cure, 'e advertisement in another column. : old by IC. James, Drufiuist, Khensbnre, V.i. . For man it has no equal ; for beast It is I unexcelled. What" Kendall's Snavinc Cure. See their anveitiseiiuint in another column. Sold hy K. James, Druggist. Ebensburr, Pa. A large saw In the saw mill of MoFar land A- t o., at Lloydsville, Ibis countv, burst on Monday last, and, striking an employee 11:1,1,0,1 Daniel llruner, fractuied one of "his I ix 1;'- j The L'nity coal works at La t robe., if ru I mor can be relied on, have been purchased ; by Messrs. John Lloyd, of Altoona, and A. O. Tintsman, of Turtle Creek, Allegheny ' county. j The Latrobe Advance, it Is pleasant to , think, is never without an nbundance o' ; Fink, and on that score at least should take j little piide in all that it saves bv Its "patent ; outside." ; The Herald office has once more resumed i next-door neighborly relations with the Fref:- man establishment, having this -week been , brought back to the second story of the : Reade building. The four last days of last week and the three first days of this one were marked by j an almost constant fall of snow and by ! weather almost as severe as any experienced in tlie dead of winter. ; E. G. Kerr, Esc,., has removed to what ' is known as the "ileyer property," in the I East ward, which, however, he didn't hire, 1 but has bought. Still he had to go lower to i get "Ileyer" down street. Win. II. Varner, Jr., of Jackson town ! ship, is in the Tneshes of the law and under . ?.iio hail to answer at next Court for an al ; leged rape and assault committed on a young girl named Clara Daughertv. Charles Henderson, of Rraddock. got his , foot fast in a railroad frog a lew days ago, I and. in the effort to escape in time to avoid ( Ix'ing run over, drew it out with such force that he tore oil three of his toes. Judging from the number of items on the subj i t, contained in the hist issue of the La 1 trobe jJitnce. one would be almost led to 1 conclude that our friend Fink had no greater ' ambition than to print horse bills, j The apnearance of that portion of the ' Cherrytree Y.Vcord which is printed at home has improved so much of late that we teel j like congratulating ic 011 having at last se i cured a printer worthy if the name. D" you surfer Iron") sick or nervous head '1 fl'-hc. neuralgia or sleeplessness ? If so, do ; not delay, trusting that in time nature, will : restore you, but go at once to K. James, Druggist. Ebensburg. la.. for Dr. Faust's : German Cure. r4-K.-i.o. w. ly. j 1 A gicat ilea! of surprise, not to sav in dignation, has been occasioned iti edueatiou 1 al circles by the announcement that Dr. Hig bce, the new Slate ."superintendent of I'ublTe Institution, intends to call in all the State certificates Issued to teachers. MissI!. R. McDermott, asshe was known in the world, formerly telegraph operator at "south Fork, this county, hut now a Renedie , tine Sister at 1st. Mary s, Kansas, is or was last week on a visit to the scenes of her earlier days in this part of the world. An Irishman well up in years had both of his feet badly frozen on "Monday night I last while rid ng on a coal train from War rior Ridge, Huntingdon county, toAltoona. He was not a tramp, but was"out of money i anil took this wav of giving himself a boot. Seven out or thiiteen children in the . family of Mr. David Spencer, residing near I Jane.sville, Clearfield, have died within the , last few days of that terrible disease, scarlet fever, and several others are afflicted with I the same malady, some of whom will prob I ably d ie. We have been requested to announce that M. J. Tcitelb.iiim, of horetto, will com mence an auction sale at his branch store in Minister at 2 o'clock, p. m., on Monday next, April 11th, and continue the same from day I today until the entire stock on hand is dis. ! posed of. Persons interested in the monthly visits : of our dental friend Dr. (,'reerv to Lotetto, , Chest Springs and Carroll tow if, wifl notice bv his reconstructed card that the last week ; of eTlch month is henceforth to he devote. 1 to ! said visits, and that he will remain two days ' in eaeb pi ace. ; A speedy and positive cure for Catarrh, j Diphtheria, Canker-mouth and Headache I will be found in shii.oh's Cataiikh Rkme- l'V. A nasal injector free with each bottle. ! I'se it if you desire health and sweet breath. I'rice r.') cts. Sold by E. James, Druggist, I Ebensburtr. Pa. The Eheiisburg Academy, after adver ; tisement, was sold at public "sale last Satur i ili:v afternoon. The largest bidder was Mr. i John A. Ulair, who said S-'-J.'i, with the un ; derstanding that the brick composing the structure shall be removed on or before the 1st of June coming. 1 It was thought that April would be show-cry Irt-cause all the ciicuses in the coun 1 try have started or will start on the grand , rounds during the present month. But, ' alas! for human exiectatioiis, it is altogeth I or snow-cry so far, and a gi eat deal too much i of that for any bodj. s comfort, i The Tyrone lirrald says that the .Stan- nurd's spring article on the sap mounting to j the thousands of leaves on thousands of ' trees on a thousand hills, was followed next : day by nearly a foot of snow. We take it, therefore, that the .Standard is not a standard authority on leaves and sich lite. If we forgot to say it last week, we say ; it now, that our esteemed ex-townsman and ex-Rrothonotary, C. F. O'Donneil, has taken 1 up his residence in Lorctto, where he will , likely embark once more in the drug busi :' ncss. In any sphere of life that may chance to strike him, he has our best wishes. -C. r. Markle & Sons, the Westmoreland ; paper maniifactureis. intend applying for a charter for a lateral railroad from a point on the Cnnue Hsvilie railroad in 1'pper Turkey- : foot township, Soineiset county, to a point in Miltord township. Tins road will reach one of the finest timber sections in thecountv. An unusually large calf was born in East Whcatticld township, Indiana countv, a lew da s ago. and eight hours after its , birth an attempt was made to wt-ieh it with steelyards possessing a capacity of Ins pounds, . but being found inadequate to the task, the calf may very properly be classed among the heavy weights. Let the poor sufferers from female com plaints take courage and rejoice that a pain. le-s remedy has been found. We refer to Lvpia E. Rinkham's Vegetable Com I'oi nd. It is prepared at '. ti Western Ave Lynn, Mass. .semi to Mrs I'lnkham for pliaii,p!e!s or call on E. James, Drugt Mr Lewis L. Edwards, formerly a citi zen of Cainbiia township and subsequently . of this pho e, but for several years past a re" sident of Michigan, is here visiting his old . friends, all of whom are glad to take him by the hand and discover by surface indica- , tions that he is well. He will remain wrth us only a few flays. The verdict of murder in the first degree recently found against James ii. Allison for killing his father, as noted in these columns two weeks ago, is the first of the kind ever tendered in Indiana county, and he will be the first man hanged within its borders, pro vided of course he is hanged, of which there is little reason to doubt. HeaPh, the poornian'sriches. and the rich man s bliss is maintained bv the judicious Use of Aver's Sarsaoarilla vi-hich tr.nrth. ens and invigorates the system. bv purifying the OIlKKl. It is SO hhrlitt.' s... il is the most economical medicine for this purpose that can be i,s-,. Sold at the new Drugstore, l-.liciishurg, a Mr. M L. Keck', 'clerk at the Foster House tel s ns he was close on the trail whici, ,.f ( lister and his party into sudden death in the Indian country, a few years ao but that the fact that he was for the time emplojed in the Government printing-office leiiorieo 11 impossible, when boots and spurs w ere called for him to get a n ay. K u i L i'J .1 ? ijy, 01 Johnstown, one of the nl reliable members of the - 11,; ..as. lieti hither to attend the recnlur m..nthlv .......t ; ' sa " ooam, uropped in to see ns on Tuesday. We regret tosnv that the .Imiw ia somewhat under the weather" physically but trust tht his ailment will re of short d'.irn.ti.sn We were. greatly amused sooio days since by seeing one of our venersb'e citizens, who had been bowed down bv rheumatism, throw away his crutches and rieclara himself just as young as he used to be, and now he is recommending Roberts' Embrocation to every old lady In town. Great liniment that. E. James, Ebenshurg, has il for sale. Mr. 15. F. Thompson is engaged in the sale of bats and caps etc., for the celebrated New York firm r.f Ives. Dnnnr A Co. Dur ing the week Inst nast and part, of the pres ent, he had his headquarters at the Mountain House, this place, and the array of head-gear for the multitudes lie showed foith.as a sort of Spring opening, has never been surpassed in these parts. Hon. John Fenlon, one of Cambria's wlde-awAke representatives in the State Leg islature, paid his second visit since the com mencement of the session to the bosom of his family, so to speak, on Saturday last, re turning to Harrisbtirg on Monday. Hon. L. D. Woodruff, the other menilwr, and Senator Rogers, both of Johnstown, were on the home stretch at the same time. -At is seldom, in the month of April, and j on the eight day of the month, that sleds I fully laden are seen traversing our streets, j i.i.t, to borrow the language f parly who ' fwnpied a desirable cell in our county jail ' fifteen years or more ago, "this fiecur hap I pened"" throughout all of the present week, i Sleds laden up to the. top-noteli with stone, j designed for the new Court Hose, and ! quarried at Beulah, were on our streets yes I terday, to-day, and likely w ill be to-morrow. . "Guaranteed to cure," is thf: ir.duce j ment offered to you to call at James' new ' Drugstore, Ebeiishurg Pa. and buy a bottle ! of Dr. Faust's German Cough Syrup. It is i based upon chemical laws, and Is prepared i with the most scrupulous case. This medi : cine is warranted tocur consumption, coughs. colds, sore throat, lnouehitis, and all pid- monary diseases. Remember an ordinary 1 cough leads to consumption if allowed 10 ' continue without relief- Rrice, 2"c., ro. and fl a bottle. f-t-K.-e.o.w.ly. ! We do this week what we should have j done lat week, ret 11:11 thanks to our friend W. 11. McMullen, Esq , the present Chair i man of the Democratic Countv Committee, I for an elaborate and handsomely printed in i vitation and card of admission to the second . annual ball of St. John's Literary Institute, ' which is to lie held at Academy Hall, Johns ! town, on Easter Monday evening, April luth, ! and the music for which is to be furnished ' by Pp.f. Jule Neff's celebrated orchestra j band, fif Altoona. ! You may "Look! Look I" and "See! i See!" as much as ou have a mind to, but j you wi! I discover nothing in the shape of an , advertisement from the Younfc America i Clothing House, Altoona, in the Fhelman 1 this week, 'Cause why, we haven't yet re ! ceived the new announcement ar.d don't 1 think it worth while to adveitise winter , gotids when we know that the large and I popular establishment of which we speak is ! rilled to repletion with the very best of wear ' ing apparel for the Spring trade. I Messrs. I. G. Cragin A Co., of TMiiladel j phia, have kindly sent us seven of those 1 beautiful cards, representing Shaksjieare's I "Seven Ages of Man," which they are fur ! ni-hing to ail persons who buy seven cakes j of the celebrated Dobbins' electric soap and I send the bill theieof to their address. The j cards are indeed beauties, and it is hard to ! see how any one can resist the temptation to j "thoap up" on such terms, especially as the , soap, which can be bought from V. S. Rar ': k r .t Rro., is one of the very best articles of I the k nil in the market. I Mr. James Keating, formerly of Sum i merhill township, is and lias been for a'year ! or more in the employ of Sheriff Grilhth at j Kane, Mi Kean county, with the manufac ! tare of lumber as a specialty. On Saturday ! last, while skidding logs, James was unfor ! tiniate enough to get one of his legs jammed j between two sricks of timber and badly con tused. A letter from Mr. A. Y. Jones'to II. i Kinkead, Esq., cotivejs the gratifying infor 1 mation, however, that the wound is nearly I healed and that Mr. Keating will be ready I for duty again next week, i Every one is acquainted with the ohl nursery story about the hen that hatched the I ducks, and how one fine day thev went swim ; mie.g in the pond ne.ir by, and the induee '. moots she ottered them to keep out of the i water: but it. may not bo generally known that whenever poultry has anything to talk about in these later and more enlightened flay, their conversation always turns to the , benefits their species have derived from Ihe i use of M. R. Roberts' Poultry Powder. Sold . by E. James, Ebensburt:, nnil ail other drug gists. t -' cents per package. We were mistaken about our young ; friend Win. 1?. Conway, of Greenshiirg, liav . ing been born and raised in this county, as stilted in our last is.siie. Derrv township, j Westmoreland county, claims the In mor of his i birth and bringing up, but that fact, we are sure, ivon't deter his Cambria county friends i from wishing him a safe deliverance in the j effort he is making to secure the Democratic j nomination for Register and Recorder in his native county, not withstanding there are ' eight others standing at the door who say i they will take sugar in their'n. It is stated that when young Brady was taken to jail, Friday last, he was unceremo- niously surrounded by a gang of fellow-pris-j oners who proceeded to induct liiin into the : mysteries of the establishment. F iley was I Judge of a struck court, Murray prosecuting Attorney, and the counsel for the defendant, j as well as the jury, came from willing and I jocund bystanders. After a full hearing, , Brady, who was half-scared out of his seven ! senses, was found guilty of murder in the ' second degree, ami sentenced to undergo im- piisonment in any penitentiary foi the term j of nine years and six months. Then the cur 1 tain was rung tloA-n. I Messrs. F. II. and C. II. Barker returned ) from Maine on Wednesday night hist, bring j ing with them the gratifying intelligence that ! their venerable and respected father, Hon. A. A. Barker, who has been lying danger ! mis'. y ill w ith brain fever at Fryeburg, in that . State, is now in a fair way of" recovery, and ; will probably be able to return home in tlie j course of two or three weeks. This will be I welcome news to the many friends of our enterprising and public-spirited townsman, ' whose escape from death is due almost ex j cliisively to the fact t4at he possesses a ro I bust constitution ami has never been on any j other kind of a "bust" in his life. ; A house and barn owned by Mr. Fred i crick Custer, and located in Conemaugh i township, this county, were burned to the 1 ground a few days ago, involving a loss esti i mated at $1,500, on which there was no in j surajico. The house first caught fire from a 1 defective flue, and as Mr. Custer was at w ork in one of the coal mines near South Fork, . while his wife was on a visit to a neighbor's i house some distance away, the flames event : ually communicated to tlie barn, which was i near at hand, and both buildings were, total ly destroyed, with, we presume, all their 1 Contents, the few neighbors who assembled j soon after the fire broke out being unable to 1 stay its progress. 1 On Saturday evening last a man named j Frank Sepler was found in a dying condition i at the side of the track in the vicinity of j Hunker's station, on the Soutlmest railroad, i in Westmoreland coumy. He was first rtis ! covered by the engineer of a freight train, i who had him placed in one of the cars for 1 the purpose of taking him to Grcensburg for i care and medical treatment., but the unfor j innate man diet! before Teaching that place, i He was a resident of Madison, Wcstmore ; land county, aged about 28 years, and issnp I posed to have been stealing a ride from Sto . ner's to Hunker's on a freight train, from . which he attempted to alight at the laiter ; place, Put falling under tlie wheels was ; dragged along a considerable distance, re ! ceiving injuries which caused his deatn as ! above stated. The JlrrnM was piir.ted on Wednesday, instead of Thursday this week a little "previositv" tine no doubt to the fact that . the material comprising the office was to he moved on that or the succeeding day to the 1 ' Rcade building. I'rior to getting out how ' ever, the editor of that paper unbosomed ! ! himself thusly on the Brady-Carney affair : i o .... l. i.-..... t l .. 1.. ..1 1 l nuni; iji.iii 1 oiuu iti nn, iniiuj s.turi , rttlil , nan our own venners lmt vioiateu uie liquor law, which prohibits them from selling to i children or minors, it is more than likely that i the Ixiy would have gone home quietly, and ; would have Ivecn the last person to assault ! Lisneighhor." Such extra-judicial criticisms ! are thotiuht on all hands to be ill-ti.ncd. and ' nothing but. the haste necessary in tearing flown a I'niversal job'.ie.r and getting it up ' again couM excuse a remark of that kind on this or any similar occasion. We learn from a letter written by Capt. ,' K. II. McCormick, of Cherrytree, to his son- in-law. Mr. J. S. Bolsingcr, of tills place, ; that a large and valuable barn owned by Mr. i John Xotlev and located in Indiana coiintv. about two miles and a half r.orthwest of the ' above named place, was totally destroyed by j , lire on Wednesday night of last week, anil . i what is worse stili, four head of horses and I ' eleven head of cattle perished in the Hames. I i The loss, which is of course very heavy, not j only includes the property nliove described, but also embraces a lot of flour, groceries and : all the logging tools belonging to a riverman 1 named John Murray, who was also the owner ; ol two of the four horses burned to death, as 1 welUas 140 bushels of wheat, .WO bushels of j oats, 05 bushels of rye, and much other pro- duee, farming implements, etc., belonging to j Mr. Notley. The origin of the fire was not j known when the letter was written, and may not be known even yet, but as the owner is I said to have an insurance of f 1,000 on the j barn and $:i00 on the stock, he can console I himself with the thought that his ltfs ain't i Ha heavy j3 it iniht hare been. A Brook i.t s Ivcidest with L,ocai. In gredients. Rev. Henry Ward Ileecher, the ' renowned Congregational preacherfnorhvnie , intended!, created quite a sensation in Ply i mouth church, Brooklyn, of which he is pas- tor, on Sunday last, by relating an incident I never before referred to bv him, the burthen of which was that a lady member of his own ' church came to him on a certain occasion ' and told him that her daughter was fascinated with the "Romish worship" and wanted to united with that church. Mr. Beocher said in reply : "Tell vour child to wait, one year till her own mind anil judgment is settled, and if then hhe shall find she is drawn nearer to God in that worship, let tier come tome and I will put her under proper priestly i guidance." And she did so: whereupon .vir. j Beecher, as he alleges, sat down and wrote i a letter for her to n Catholic priest in New j York city. And she went and has lcen hap py In that communion ever since. The incident related, which don't seem to ' have been entirely correct in all its bearings, I has had the effect of reviving the facts of the case in the minds of several parties te I siding in Johnstown, and as a consequence the Tribune of Tuesday lat throws some : light on the subject which will probably be I as much of a revelation to Mr. Beecher as to I anyone else. The Tribune rehearses the in- cid'ent in its local department, and then adds : i "The 'truth of td.-tury compel? the writer to ' ftut whnt in known to l.e a fact to a ibizen or more ' ol our riv.iler.s in this community, that while the nr-i.loi.t ns rchltf.l. is in the main roTTCrl, tne vimnz lath- r.-lc-rrr.l to iii.1 not wail lor the time of j pr.ibiitliin stated, but in f ict was received into me fatholic church here, by Hev. O. F. IJalhiKher. on th.- nr?i Sundnv in June.ls79. Hername was Miss , Tiri-t. ami lor some time previous to the above date "he had charire ol the millinery department I in the More of t leis. Foster itiiinti. lielore leav- : it. a her home in l'rooklyn she conceived the idea ! i of j iining the church of which yhc is now a mem- I ! I.i r. and her mother, who is a widow nnd In full : communion with licv. Ueecher's, church, bitterly j ' opposed her In her intended departure. Shortly j : atier arriving here eh'j wrote bark that the step : which had long been in contemplation would be taken, and it was on receipt ot this P-tterthat Mrs. Twist called upon the pastor of Plymouth, church ! In regard to the matter. He told her to advise her '. daughter to wait one war, ami 11 at the end of that time she was still of the sani" mln.l. to interpose no or.jcctlon. Ho also wrote a letter to af'athollc i clergyman in Hr oklvn, stating the laets on ex : pressing the hope that she might be happy In her ' new denominational relations. The letter was , lorwariedto Fat her I ial la glier. a few days subse I quoin to its receipt, by the gentleman to whom it , was sent bv Kr-v. Dev. her. Miss Twist declared she would ahtd bv the ropiest, nut two months ! afterward reconsidered and was bap'iied in St. John's church. She is at present in Newark. New ! Jersev. lollowing her occupation as a milliner, and is on "the 'best ol terms with all her relatives in j Hrooklyn." Englishmen fomierlysupposed that Amer I ican running horses were inferior to theirs, 1 but during the last two year I'arole, Wallen i stein and other fast fines that were sent from ', this country to Kngland, have won liuiulreds of thousands of dollars for such Americans as the Messrs. Lorillanl, James (ionlon IJen- j iiott. Ac The Knclislimen have invesliua- ted the reasons for the preat success of Amer ican liorse, ami find that tliey arc kcjt in sncn fine cfnditioi, hy tlie constant use of M. IS. r.oJerts' Horse Powder. gportiny Thwe. For sale hy E. Jamesaud V.S. l5aikerfclro., Ebenshurg, Ta. ExriofioN of a Locomotive. A Tyrone correspondent of the Altoona Tribune fur nihes Saturdav's issue of that pater with the folfowine pirticulars of the explosion of I ' an engine ht dter, which -occurred nt the for- ; mer place on Friday inonnnff last : ' About P oVIoek yesterday morn in ir. wiiile Johns town exprp.J was" Ivintr opposite Tyrone Mation. ' enirine No. 14S. ot theTvrono division, whirh was j M;indiniff between h Ward House and the Mation I lui'i.iin. bur-t her holler. The eoncu.sioii wua j he-ird all over town and ?oon the Mrect- were ; crow. led whh anxiouf pedestrian heading tor the Marion. The f:oke stark of the entrnic had been ; Mnwn at'tjut a rod. hen it fell to the irrounJ wi; h- out tloma any injury. The top fheet of the boiler r"e jibour two hundred f"et in tho air. pasitiic i over the Ward Hoiujv. hhi fell upon the roof of j the K:v tannery, through whirh it t re ils way, ileinoiishinir aiwjiii twenty feet ?iUre of the slato ! roof. no of the guard" rath of the emrine waa i flatbed ! vii!ently aatn-t tlio riliiiif Mirround t imr the poreh cd the Vard House as to eause a Manipede anions the em pit ;. and leave the rail- j ; in a complete wreek. The class in the Mation : 1 and the Ward House was- badly wrecked, and the . tary litMo cmervatory of the latr shared tho s.in;e tale. No one was" kiilrd an.l t!ie four or tlve ! t pcr'tii" uiMired are not seriously hurt. The en- 1 mincer. (Toorire Tihb. an.l his ftreinun and two or ! j thre other prrHS wt' in the cab t the time of ; ( the expliin. but were not hurt. J. M. Test, of i j l'hi!ip'-turtr. and an elderly jrentleman named j J Williams, of Tdariha KurnHcy, were slightly injur- ! I ed. The latter had iu-t stepi-ed oft the" Ward ! Hi ;iso poreh, and his hat was struck from hi head bv tfe yaine bar which demolished the railing Ai. employe o; the railroad company, Mike Hd- litiuer by name, was at work m the cellar of the j depot and was h.idly cut about the face hy broken irla-s. "Vance Stewart an-1 the colored porter of j thet'ity Hotel. aniel Yellits, were crossing the j track in front ot the ermine at the time, but be- , yond beinir ra t her roujrhly shaken about and well j drenched with dirty water, escaped Injury. Will hitney, ---n -f A. J. hituey. was standing on ; the step? of the baifuatie room and also received a thorough drenching. The boiler exploded in the direetbm of the pilot, allowing the steam and boil- i ln water to pas In front, which saved everybody f i"rom serious injury. The boll was on the piece j tailing on Hay's tanaery. JTen of Kminent Ability Scholars nnd chemists, have devoted years of time and skillful labor that thev might, in a measure, relieve human ?u fieri n jr. lr. KmiM's ifermaii Ar omatic Wine is the result of the most patient arid careful experiments. It is prepared with the inot scrnpulou' crre from pure (trnpe .ftoce and the cloneeM Fruits, Kotsi and Herbs, and stands pre eminently without an eo,"al fr theeuse of ladies surtt-riuvr with private disorders, aged r feehle and debilitated persons, and those recovering' from the effects of ex ha us t ing d isease. or mental or phyMe.-1 overwork. (Juaranteert to pponote digestion and Invigorate and givenewand permanent vital force. In no way can it be used as an intoxicant. Ak Druggists, for sale at K. Jaiueii' tiew Hruir Store, Khfcusburtf. I'a- 4-8.-e.o-w.ly. Coi'M il Prockf.dinos. Following is tho official report of the organization of our new hoard of "borough dads": Mojuay, ArniL 4. 1681. Council met at 10 o'clock a. m. for organization, as provided by law. Buriress Humphreys called the Council to oTder. The following inemoers were jiresent : I'ouncilmcn tvans, Cfutwalt, Jones and irrish. The newly-elected Hutess, K. J. Humphreys, presented himself at the Hunr'' desk and t6ok the oath of office, administered by Justice K, Jones. Jr. 1 he C'ouncilmen elect. Alvln Evans and Morgan Huurhes, presented themselvc. and severally took and subscribed to theoath of office. K. H. Tmbtr. Anditor elect, jre?ented himself and took tho onth of office as prescribed by law. ln motion of T. Ij. Jones, Council proceeded to the election of leputy Burgess. Alvin Kvnns nominated Joseph (J-atwa.lt for re-election. No other nominations beimr made, he was elected by Acclamation ; whereupon the Deputy took the oath of office. Adjourned. J. S. Davis, Clerk. A Fooijph Mistake. Don't make a mis take of confounding a remedy of acknow ledged merit with the numerous quack med icines that are now so common. We speak from experience when we say that Parker's Gincor Tonic is a sterling health restorative and will do ail that is claimed for it. We have used it ourselves with the happiest re sults for rheumatism, and when worn ont by overwork. See adv. Times. Sold by E. James, Ebenshurg, Pa. 3-21. -lm. Oh9 What n Hough! Will you heed the warning, the signal, perhaps, of the near approach of that more terrible disease. Consumption? Ask yourself if you can afford tor the sake of saving fs cents to run tho risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shi loiT Cure wHl cure yrmr cough. This will ex plain why wirtrr than a mittion bottle were sold the past year. It relieves Croup and W hoo pin Cough at once. Mother-, do not be without it. For L:me Back Side, or hcst, use Shiloh's I'orous TlaMers. Sold by E. James. Ebenshurg;, I'a. 4-8.-e.o.w.ly.l Rich Praise. Letter from Paolo Marie, the great Prima Donna of French and Italian Opera : M e s DEtJison s Fiano Co.. New York : CiEnukvkn-I am delia-hted with yonrTprlght Pianos. Kvervthimr seems possible with them. They have such a powerful tone that I can imagine my sell playimr upon a fJrand.and yet thev are susceptible of the most delicate shades of expres sion. Their musical quality is lovely, and for an accompaniment to sinirin. I wisn to ose only a Mer.delssohn IMano. Wishing-yon every prosperi ty, I am. Yours, respectfully, Paolo Maris. Tkofit, $1,200. "To sum it tip. six )nne years of bedridden sickness, coslinc fiK) per year; total fl.'-'oo. All of this expense was stopped ry three hottles of Hop Kitters, tak en by my w:fp. She liad done lier own house work for a yar since, without the loss of a tiny, and I want everybody to know if, for their item-fit. " X. E. Furmer. For sale at E. James' Di tig Store, rostofhee, Ebensburg, I'a. Joski-h Weisser, of Sitnimit, was re-np-pointed sealer of weiahts and uieas'tires for Canibrin county, but in consideration of the fact that "Josie" is to some extent a Demo crat, and also tnat he was lately retired for t what rtc called crooked whisky transactions in connection with a hotel lately kept by him, Mr. Feter Campbell, a stalwart Kepublican, of Carroll township, lias been chosen in his stead. Dyspepsia and Liter Complaint. Is it not worth the small price of 75 cents to free yourself from every symptom of these dis tressing complaints? If you think, so call at K. James' Drugstore, Elensbnrp;, Pa., and procure a bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. Every bottle has a printed Guarantee on it. Use ac cordingly and if it does you no pood it will cost you nothing. 4-8.-e.o.w.ly.l Important to Tratelerii. Sjiecial in ducements are offered you bv the Bcni-iNti-toj Routk. It will pay you to read their advertisement, to be found elsewhere in this ' licue. 3-18.-10m. WE KIM! TO REMARK : That the mlvtnt of Sprlr h hwn Indrflnlts- ly postponed on account ol the weather. That General Thaw ta in command of the ele mental forces as we eo to press Thursday. That six hnndred car-loads of coke are'shlpped dally frt)m Seottdale. Westmoreland county. That Ir. C retry has taught the Siniter pro pertv. on Julian sieet. for which he paid ts50. Thnt a woman who died nerr Altoona the other day left eight orphans, ranging In age from to lf yours. That Sheriff f frlfflth i faid to hare taken a j hand with Mr. :. H. Kemp in the recent purchase of lieltnont. I That the zoj.hyrs tliis (Thnrfday) morn In are more Spring-like and bland than we hare enjoyed tor a fortniuht. i That the winter term of Prof. I.yle'i school i clon;.l on Mi.n.lny laf. and that the other depart- uients will "phut tip shop" on Monday next. That the C'urrolltowu Av is decidedly off In i the local lon'of Kurnpide, which Is on the be'rm plde of the Sunquohnnoa river, seven miles east of j Cherrytree. That McDonald & Co.. of Tretto have taken I po.-e?ion of tneir fine new store room. Kinl want '. everybody who is on the sweet buy and buy to give ! them an early call. ( That all the newspapers, our own Included. , which published the ailvertiseMient of the Onlv" I I.uiiic Pad f'ompany. of DctP.ii, Mich., have heun most ontraireously swindled. It is t yopad. indeed ! That Aricumeat t'ourt adjourned at 11 30 a. w. j yesterday, alter holdinir eF.-innii Ye.lnesila aUer ! noon and evening and Thursday forenoon, w'lthout, I however, transacting much business of public In I terest.; j That our branch train made only two trips ' durina- ttie past week. The snow blockade is what i makes them alraid ta ventnre on such anothertrip I b thev made with a irreat deal of difflcultv on Monday, I that the I, arm itown .vr has passed thosec i ond millstone in the journey of ltle. and will be ; gin its third volume this wef'k. A long and pros i perotis career is what we wish to it and its ener I getic and industrious editor. I That N. J. Frledhofl lias now one of tlie hand ! somest, as l.e has always hr.d ona of the largest, 1 tore-roonif-in town. John Slough, who as a paint i cr has few equals and no superiors, did it for the i most part with his little crush. j That Mel Mn iiii at 'o of Iiretto. want onions, onlonctts, pntat'KS. corn and oats, lor all ol which I they will pay the highest market price. They al i so want a mint of money In exchange for tho "best ! kino of bargains in all kind of goods. I That there were a few days ago, according to the t'arrolltowTi .w, and may be yet, about five ' million lect of loirs in the Susquehanna river be ; tween McNulTy's dam and Cherrytree. and about . three million foct more in Moss ereek. which drains j Karr township, this county, ready to bo floated to , market on :':; first raiting nool 1 That Aih.m Hiersliank wl.r. was f.,.,n.l rill. i f of felonious assault at Deee ,- : ' !ipt,.r session, was sen- I fenced at Argument Court Wcdn-sday to remain it, mil for ti term of three months nnil tlist the i man Naintccl was adiudge I insane and an order ma.le out for his removal to Dixmont Hospita That the new advertisment ol Mr. John Wana- m:tker is n rui? thtrnf on imirr. iMtlmmrh it pives a iDfre inklfr.ff of tnfonnati m in rirard to tho !m nipnsf! Htork it nd uiiur.j.sntilc harirninp whirh the l:irfirpt. morcantilo P3ti'li?hment in th- onivcr?o Is o!l-rotl fr the purchase anl profit of every toy. Thnt the yonnjc fellow from the monntnin who eTrTianed Tin coat form new one the otlier-iay at Ooilfrey W olTs popular clot hinif houe. Altnoni.. and who H well known to the proprietor, mananer and aitf.nt. had oettT be uiitrhtv niiick about return inir the rohfiS(atel uarment tf he don't want to himeif into a pork or two of trouble. I'hiit the Printer' (Hrmlar the n intent and j mot valuable monthly puM'cntlon devoted almost i exrluively to the interests of the art preservative, j nnd published in lhtlnde!pba bv the jrenlal See i retary and Treasurer of t he Ienn lmnta &Iitor- ial Association. K. S. Mennmtn, Ksq., hai iust en tered upon the Fifteenth year of Its really useful t existence. From lie. 1 wood. In Hlair. to nor town, t'other I dy, eame a friend Democratic, who dropped !n to ! ay, that for aye he hn? known, and ofttime hns j hinted, that the Krkkvax 1? one of the bet papers ; itrinfed : In view of which f:ut, with other- com- mended, he ffoeked down the enph ami told ns to j pend It for all time toeome. or nt lnast until -wall. i until we hnll hear fnrt.'icr from Mr. John Hell. ; That jonrnaliftieail y speaking, Altona fston ! to have a riMnsf instead ol a settling -;7. Which j means that the npat and nwsv litt'e duly of that ! name f not only to be enlarged ere lonir to its ' ftirmer if not to icreater HimenMons. but 1t is to" he ' published everv morn I nit instead oi every even inif. ; ai heretofore. May no modern Joshua c 'erret up on rns ear or owicrwise ana couimaua me stand still. Sun to I ALMOST A TR.iurnr, smu it ox trr nmp with a Lt n a blow that MAY YfcT PROVE FAT A L. : Thnrsdav of lat w?ek. William Carney, James i Brady and John Daily visited Ebenshurg-. which is ! no uncommon occurrence. Mr. Carney is a well , known and well-to-do cit7.en of I 'amhria township: i young- Brady lives with his widowed mother, a very pTimabIe woman. In the same localirr, and Mr. Da jl y is a lso a resident of thnt neighborhood. The trio were -cn togrther while here during- the after noon ot that dav, but it is not of r'Cord t hit t either of the three was in an v thing- but a sol ter condition, though 1t fs possible that yonna Brady at least vm : somewhat under the influence of liquor when they started homeward la tr In the evening . There was , snow on th ground then, as there is now. and the team nnd sled which conveyed them hither, and of j which Brady 3-pm to have to have been the pro- prtetor. had reached a point abf.ut a mile ea-t ol i town, when the latter a v -wed his Intent inn to com o ; hack lot purpose. Carney and Dally thereupon jrot out of the sled, and Brady, preparatory to j coming in this direction, hit Carney on the hand ' with a small lath, not hurting- him very much, f ' though still enonirh to give h'm much pain and In- , ! convenience. Then Brady, it seems, rushed his ; j team a half mile In a westward dfroctfon. coming; j ; toward Ehcnsbnrir. but eventually chang-ed his J mind and turned buck. Whst occurred afterward I may be h-st described in tho mere recital that j Bmdy in due time caug-ht up with Messrs. Carney and Daily, whereupon Carney attempted to take I j from the ii-d a basket belomring' to himself, when ' Brady bit him a violent blow on the back of the I j head with a heavy piece of wood which was rvl- j j dnfly at one time a hnndstdke. This clun, which was subsequently captured, is froir feet long- and tnree mche" in rt;ameer. tint ju-t wtiere. unless it nufht be on the road-ddo. or for what purpose, ex- ; c'pt to kill Carney, Bridy srot pnfci.oi of it re- mains to be sern. After being fl'rnrk toi the head. as stated. Carney was taken in charge hy Daily and eonveveit. soon as io"-ible. to his home, af- j ter which Dr. fTrifhrh. of this place, was sent for. j The latter found the injured man u'terly lnscnl- J fd. and testified to that effect on the following; d -'. It was tne next thing- to sudden death lor Carney, nnd only the providence of tlod prevented a c.-tastr-tphe which mig-ht have crushed out one lite and bl;chtr,i the temporal prospects of anoth er for all time to come. Sheriff ( rrithth was notified of the occurrence by Information ma.le hy a son ot Mr. Carney the fob : lowing morning, and a warrant for the arrest of Brady was forthwith issued and placed in the hands of Deputy Shot iff Kinkead for service. The j voiinir man was found and brought to town, and shortly after the hour of noon a hearing; was had ! before Justice Kinkead. at which a larne number ) of per un. 4 wen? present, to see the prisoner and i the club, but the on'v testimony given on the oc casion was that of Dr. (Jriffith. The injuries in- t Aided !.r of a natiue which mlzht possibly prove h-tal. the prisoner was remanded to the cus tody td l eouty Sheriff Kinkead. with instructions to bck him up till 9 o'cluck Wednesday mornlntr ' of this week, when a further bearing should be had. 1 Mr. t 'arney, t in stated, remained in a comatose 1 stte for about forty-eight hours, meantime recoar- i nizlng- nobody ami being; enrirelv oblivivious of j his own condition. He rallied on nndav. hower- I er. and was able to converge rationally. Moiiilay , . evening- he sent for the proper party and made i I his ne-Tnor?rm Ftatement, and also his will, the ' particulars of which we are not ol course con ver- j sant with. j ; A rehearing- of Brady's case was had before Jus- : : tice Kiokend Wednesday morning. Dr. ( Iriffith j I was ML'idn examined, and again testified that , Carney was in such condition that lie miirht die or i might recover, and, a iter a run ment bv District At- torney ectiicr and Mr. Johnston, Brady was al uwe.i to remain in jaiiwuhout ban un next week, a hearing havinK heen waived. Soon will the festive eardenor Jfeyin to tear tlie ground. And peck and spy ainoni; the weeds To pee what's lyinit round. And should he din n-e to find the rake It. tnay cause him furprise. If he treads upon the "hiis-lnes end," And the handle "hums" Ills eyes. Rut there will he no jurprlsc when we say, as we say now, that Oodfroy Wolf, next door ti" the postornce. Altoona, has a stock of Spring wear tor all classes of the mnscullne persuasion on his shelves for anyhndy who wants anythinit In the wearinir line l.irt man who wa-il to he married, or would liketodie lor.Tohn Smith or John Hrown. ami all their relatives has a sto--k on his fhelves, as l.cfore stated, hitrirer. and bi tter and cheaper than can be found elsewhere in the State. I like my donirlinnts fried In lard. As frrandma used to do if. If uf, oh my word. I cunuot hear To have them fried tn snet: And lonir as I shall rule the ranch. My wile will ever rue it. If stie attempts to 1111 me np With dotti-hnut! fried in suet. All which snirireFts tho thought that Sol. Blu metithal. 111. Klevcnth avenue, Altoona. can pell boots and shoes al lower prices than ran be found elsewhere In this section, and whether it suets or suits is. all the same. He has so mmiv pairs of hoots and shoes for ladies and (tentlcmen, and so many other wear for the leet that, noes all round, that we can do nothing better than say that lllu menthal takas. the cake, (live htm a call at your leisure or pleasure,. Soo!t will the cherry blossoms harm Their plumes lroin swayinir limb. And livarworts will I. ant; their caps Above the brooklet's brim. And trees will hanx their banners out To tell the happy state Of nature, when the maiden loves To hanx; upon the irate. Tames J. Murphy. I'rt Clinton street. Johnstown, sells clothintr lor men and hoys, youths an.l chil dren, which rival the cherry blossom as to hantr and as to maitnilicenco. As to liverworts, we pe initthitto pass. (Imp all bilk about nature, and say this, that when yon sri vast the Star C'lothiiiir Hall, you go to a worse place. He Is an old reliable dealer. Now. alas, tho sprintr Is cotnlnir W i t h its pa.nt anil carpet tucks Farewell skates anil sleluh-rtde parties. Fur lined cloaks and seal skin sacques ! Then cometh the Sprinir-time sadness bnt that is possibly classical. Fur-lined cloaks, etc., tell ns. In litutfunire riot to be understood, that tf von have an overcoat yoo had better wear it if not" for your own, t Sen for yonr country's irood. Hut If yon need, or think you need, a new sprintr suit of clothinir. buy them at Simon fc. Hendheim's, next door to the First National Hank, Altoona. Their stock is new and fresh. Politic ai. SruAKitna do It. lecturers and Ministers do It. Senators and Comrresmen do It. Judges and lawyers do It. Actors ar d Artists do It. MpTchants and Tradesmen do it. Farmers and Mechanics do it. la the Forum. Conntinn house. Workshop. Stu dio, and even in the Editor's Sanctum, the univer sal reply to the question, "What do you take for a ennifu or eotd ?" Is "Sines' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Harhound." old bi E. Jttota aud S. Barker fc Pro., EPfn"urg'. WABn.ii. WOR9U, ! V. V Tr,inlif1' Wftrm Srnin noTftr fails tnrifttl- tro fin. Seat and Stomnoh Worm", (hr. Kunkel li the only successful nhvsiclan who remove Taoe Worm, In two hours, alive with head and no lee until removed). Common sense teaches If Tape Worm bo removed, all other worms can readily he destroyed. Advice at office and storo free. The doctor can tell whether or not the patient has worms. Thousands are dying daily with worms and do not know It. Fit, spasms, cramps, chok ing and suffocation, sallow complexion, circles around the eyes, swelling and pain In the stom ach. retIos at n I ht, grinding of the teeth, picking at the nose, eotnrh. fever, itching at the seat, head ache, foul breath, the patient grows pale and thin, tickling and irritation in the anus. All these svmptomsand moreenme from worms. K. i'.KO KKI.'S WOKM NYHTT never fall" to remove them. I'rice. $1.00 per bottle, or bottles for ti.00. (Kor Tape Worm, write and consult the doctor. ) For all othern. Imv of your drtigtrist the Worm Svr- np. and If he ha It doi. send to Dr. K. F. Ki'mkkl, N Ninth -Street. I'liiladelphir, I'a. Advioe by i i mail free: send three cent stnmn. ran ii iree : ecn.i tnree cent stnmu. ! VVorms are capable of producing icreat disturb- ances in the system. The win, le train of spasmod ! ic and convulsive uiseasea may proceed from the i irrltal;on of worms in the alimentary canal. Chol i era. epilepsy, tetanus, paralysis, mania, and con -i vulsions. as well as v.trlaty'of other nervous aad : convulsive aflections. are not unfreipiently tho ef : fects of tills cause. Besides these diseases, worms have also been known lo produce pleurisy, pains in the side, dysentery, remittant fever, dropsy of the brain, chronic arid spasmodic cough, etc., etc. j XKKVOVS DKBILITY! XEHYOVS DEBILITY.' j Debility, n depressed, irritable state of mind, a : weak, nervous, evhaitstcd feeling, no energy or an imation, confuse head, weak memory, tlie eunms .i'iT'-c of excesses, mental overwork. This nervous . debility finds a sovereign cure in K. F. Kl NKKI.'S : JtlTTKK W1NKOMKIIN. It tones the system. '. dispels the mental gloom and despondency, and 1 ri'i neonates 'the entire system, f let the genuine. Take only F- F. Kl'NlvFI.'S. It has a yellow wrapper around it. with his photograph on tho j outside. I'rice. l.oo. Ask your druggist, and If ; he has it not. at it of the proprietor. F.. F. Kun ' kel. No. 'j:.! N. Ninth Street, l'htladeiphia. Fa. Advice free, bv enclosing three-cent "lamp. As ! chenhack c Miller. Sole Ag-nts. :id and f'allowhlll j Street". Philadelphia. I'a. For sale by K. Jaxes, i lirugtist. Khensnurii. I'a. litxriKLO, Maisf.. ct. -Ju. issn. Ir. H.J. Ken dall He Co., Oents: I'lensc find enclosed 25 eente for tha Kevised Kditi.m of your Horse Ilook. I have tried your Kendall's Spa in Cure for Curb and it has done all you claim lor it. Hy using one half bottle It etttiroly cured the lameness and re moved the bunch. Yours truly. Frank STASti.ar. KenlaH Spavin Cure and K n tail's TreM- i . An 11,.... t. -, : ... . . . . l". '.-" '"- -""'" -S ninre. r-nensnurg, fa. TAttlle. fftr t hose tlistressinfi com- jilaiHtt tn irftich yon are subject. tf lr. J"UUSt'S (Jemiatl ArOTttfltiC It Itie. 4-l.'Sl.-Ty.j ORITIAKY. IK)NAII!K.-Iied. on Tnesdav. March 1S1. I ! at the residence of her son, Silas Ion:mhe, in Al- ; lejrhcny townlitp, t.amtr:a county. Mrs. Ki.ua . 1hnaohe. wid-w of the lata I'atnck lonak;iie, 1 aed fy years. Kor any one who had the privilege of an ncnaln- tanee with the deceased lady, no euloav need t-e i written ot the subject of thi- notice. Her blame- less life, full ot deefis of charity and kindness to- I wards all. her devotion to her family . and her piety, are too well known to need more than a mere men- tion. The example ot such a life cannot fail to ex- rrt a lasting influence in the community in which t ft was passed ; while the memory of her many vir- i tutts will remain, not only in the "hearts of the large ami re ! pee ted family which fhe ha reared in our 1 midst, and who feel as only those who have lost i such a mother can feel, but in the hearts ol all j who knew her only to lo e and revere. May Mie , rest in ieace. " M. : Allegheny Twj, April 5. 1!81, j on corxTY tkeasuukk v. Slor.AN. Ijoretto. We aro authorize. 1 to an- nounre that I'atric-k Moran. of Iin-tto horotiKii. will he a ran.liilate for t'ounty Treasurer, sul.jei-l to Iiemocratle rules. II nomin'ate.l an-1 cle.-fn!. he iilr.les himself te r-.rrf.irm the dutios tj tje of- lice with honesty ami ti lelity. f S-lb.-n. J K)U COUNTY COMMISSIONER ; Francis Mi'Lvehill, Ebenhurg. We are authorized to announce That Francis Mulvehill. of f Ebenshurg1 borough, will be a candidate, for the of fice above named, subject to Dem.K-mtic rules, and If mminated and elected, he pledges himself to truard the interests of the taxpayers uf the county ! to the best of his ability. .VU-S.-tn I A I DITOR .S NOTICE. The tinder- ia:ncd, having" been appointed Auditor to j i hear and decide on the exceptions filed to the ae- ) j count of John Del. Administrator of James Furv, f l.i: ot -nunsier lownnip, occaou. nn-i to report, illstributiDn of tlto uion.'V in li.-in.ls i.f aid Ailtmn- Istrr.t'.r. I'cr-ry tives imtiop that lie will s:t at his Dth.'P in Klrnst.i:nr. on tridtiii. April :ith. 7I. at 'J oVl..rk In thf aliern.Min. tor itic purpose of at-t-n1inir to thf ilutirs ! Ills said appointment, when an.l u-lifre all persons interested may attend If they s fo proper to do s. A. V. HAKKEK, Anditor. Kdenshnr, April 8. lsi.2t. )t A- h) fThc oritfinal and only irentrne f'hine.e f'reani fa mplior in n nntaetured . vn; Sam KiKfc t'.i.. Tea Meri hants. 8iS ."South Second street, 1'hiladt I phia, I'a.); Chinese Cream CAMPHOR! TEE GREAT REMEDY I Oil TIIK RELIEF OF FAIN IX MAX AXI) BEAST! i Couiin:tnils the attention of all who have ' bem Inveterate Miff' re rs of HHElTMA TISM, NEI IAL(iIA, IlEADACIIi;, I5ACKAC1IE, Fkostf.d Feet, Stikf .llN"Tf. and all paiiis in every jMirlioiifif the Lxv.ly. The seat of ain is reached by exciiii.ff tlie 'mres to action, Ibus enahliit the curative im-pi-i'l its of the (TIINESi: I'llKAM CAMPHOlt to fil ter, which .titles the pain as kooii as the affected parts are reached. The lini ninit must, inxiii each awilicat in. be j ri,bed in thorouphly; ami in cases of ... ,. i . i- . i Hheumatism ot Ions standing it should S be used three or four times a day, ar.d I four applications made each time, until ! cured. Care, however, slnuld I exer ' cised after the jores are oieiied, to pre- veni taking cold. FOR lIOIfcSl.S THE Chinese CREAM Camphor! MS I.W.4U ABLE. It relieves Sprained Joints, Thrush in Feet, Sweeny, Toll Evil, lllood and Bone Spavins, Kinlione, and all haul luuis caused by kicks or other bruises. For Kpizooty, l!sienier. Fever, Colic, Loss of Appetite, and Weakness, use the 1 kox House and Cattle l'o ikk. A half-pint bottle of the Chixcse fr.Hj.jf v'amphob can be had tor SO cents trom tu. James, iJruififist. Khcnsbunr, I'a. N. li. The testimonials of persons using this prejiar.it ion. either on themselves or tlieir horses, will be lhauktully received. TESTIMONIALS. I tiave tried the Chinose Cream Camphor for Kheuuiatisui and Nervous Headache, aud have found in it instant re. lcf. I have never found its e.unl in all my travels. IJeoikie Hrso, Ixuidon, F.oir.. (son of I'aj.t. Sir Ueo. Hyug, K. I. N., Stn KHpore. India.) 1 used tho Chinese Cream C'ami.hor for a severe attack ol liheomatism In the ritiht shoulder, anil ' can sincerely say, after having fried several other ! well-known remedies, that il is tho best thlnn 1 ', ever used, cunuK me completelv. Millakij F. ! W alton, 117 N. lst tret.t. Weil I'luladeiphia. I March 1. U81. ; Afterone a.plication of the Chinese Cream Cam phor I was relieved of frosted feet. Nathan Kl- ! kan. 416 North Third street, I'uilaUelpliia, I'a., i Jan. 12. issi. Havinir suflored severely with frosted feet I used the Chinese Cream Camphor three times, ruWonir it in thoroiiKlily. aud waa cured. My mother tried ft ror nervous headache, obtaining instant relief. Aston S. Tatill, VJili Melon street, I'hilad'a, Jan. 1 j, 1M1. 14 -g.-flm.) THE KKOPLL 'S 'I'HE subscriber has the pleasure of announcing J. to the eoile ol Ebensliura: and vicinity that he has opened a first-class tonsortnl establishment in the buildinx recently oceupie.1 by Jude I.lovd as a druir store, on Hiili street, opposite the Moun tain House, wnere lie will be (find to welcome all who waul to be shaved, have their hair cut, or de sire any other attentions In his line. w-Ljidtes' hair and hair eombl nits made into curls and switch es when desired. w Satisfaction rendered or no charge made. I'lease give me a call. H. P. SCHAEFEK. Ebensbartf, March 25, lSl.-ly. NOTICE. Ti e anntial election of a Hoard ol Trnste-sol the Ehensburti Academy will be held at the ehV e of the Secrefarv. in Ebeiis burir. Pa., fin the JStli cay of April, Hal, betwttcn the flours of 7 and 8 r v. Jf HN E. WANLAN, Secretary. Arrll 1- ll.-t. WORMS. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO. Will make, for the next 60 days only, a GRAND 0FFEH of l3TAiSrOS and ORG ANS. $850 SQUARE GRAND PIANO FOR S2 4 .". STYLE 3 Maa-nlneeot sewoo4 cae elegantly finl-hed. 3 atrlnca. 7 1-3 artaist, tul! patent cantantc a-rnns. oar Dew patent orerstriina s--Mie, ianti!iil oirtf.) im and lvre, heavy serieutine and large fumy moulding, round ca-e. full I.-'.n l'ra:n. Fren -h rand Action. Grand Hamraorn; In facl every ImprovemoBt which can in any way teud M the perfect ton ol tL instru ment has been added. j'flttr price for thin Instrument. twei sine! delliered on board sT") I ". Cu I ears at York, with tins I'lano over, fetonl nnd nook, only - l.'.W .. . . with order W.M k. r,i,,.ieH and Ireiirht Hill, Piano will be sent on test trial. I'lease semi represented in this advertisement , . . -n ...,. i.. ,w warran ted lor nve Tears. 8I5 to mftrt (with St.l, fover and hnlssali. flA.fn- t.rtces. these cntcnnia! FxRiint.oTi. and were unanimously rec.uimcn.;e i i ir tne iioiikt nnvoss. 'he S.i'tares contain our New Patent I'iano making. The t'prights are the flneat la America. Ioitively we timke tl e finest l'ian..s. of the richest tone and mMli-tt .tnrabilltv Tpn- are r.iitnen.l -d !'V the h.slipfl :iiiisc-al a u thorn les In the i countrv. I iver 14.ooo in uo. and not one dis"Stifled prrhscr. Ail l':an.- and iresns sect on 1 I days' test trial -fmn.t fnr if unta!i;'aclory. Ik. n't tail to write us ltrf .re buvina. F.-.tiveiy we uCr j the best bargains, 'catalogue mailed Ino. Handsome llu-tra!"d and DcMTiptive fatal .gue ol 44 panes wa.icu n.r "lamp, livery l tano luiiy warrau ORGiHS Our "Tarlor Jubilee firgan," stvle Hercd the musical pui-li-. It contains I ie Octave", rive s,.;, ,. Keels, leuroi s-sj Ictavcs ec.ch. and Oiisoi Three I Mel.tdia. Vialo. Flute. Ccle-te. Fl ate Forte, Tremolo, Ora.i4-0.-gan and f ; rand Sw-U. Knee Slops, llcial.t. ' In.: l"rtg:a. 4.1 in; , Width. S4 In. : Weight, taxed. 3sn lbs. The case is of solid walnut, veneered iih clio'ee w-.Js. and is i of an entirely new and beautiful design, claorateiv carved, niih raided t-Mr:'..-. iitm c ci-'set. latr.r stands, fretwork, etc.. all elegantly hnished. l'os-es-cs all the best and i.-te-t impiovements, with great power, depth, briliiancv and sympathetic quality of tone. He intili.l s..j., e:!e;-i und per ect stop j action. Kcguiar retail price -'sS. "i iur i.-holt tai nrt'e-'h fir to have it i I'TC'-i'f. with stool ana , tank, only .'7 as one organ sold several others. l'oitivelj no devlat ion In prlre. No payment : required until y.tu have tuliv testetl the organ in your own h-mie. W e send uil t irgan" on J ' dcyt' tmt : frm sn.l l.v freiiiht li"tli navi. il Instrument i" not ns represented. fn.'.nL-n-tiin.'idl'trMMTl. Over j Ki.lMK) sold," sad ererv Ihtan has eiven the tallest satisfaction. Illustrated e.r.-ular cilrdf'te. t aa. : tory and Wareroom", 67lh St. and loth Ave. ' lH." iT Afl'CIP at fie tlord price. Catalegue of SO p!e'" set:t f.r 5-. stinip Th s C'attv i Vj I M I iMv loeue Includes mot of the popular music uf the day and every r.cty of tunst- ! cal composition, bv the best author. Ad.lrei, Mendelssohn Piano Co., P. 0. YOU ARE TO CJVlT IjSrEW DRUG- STORE IIST TUDOR Now the Post-Office, EBENSBURG, Pa., AMU IXaPIXT A fVaFLCTC STOCK OF FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationery, Tobacco, Cigars, &c, &c, AI.S.. A I I I. I. LINK OK PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, &c. It trill be our aim to keep constantly on hand a complete line of the best Jr.irg Ot fhe market : also, I'atent Medicine of every descrip tion, as well as all other yoods pertaining to the trade. PRESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY FILLED RV AN EXPERIENCED AND I'AP.EFtL DRUGGIST. - Hy aelllnc: flrat-rlaan :nols at fair profit the unlmrrlacr hopn to merit a liberal alinre of pulllc palronasp. E. J AZS135S. 1 -.l.fnslui Marcli 11. ll.-lt- THE NEAV iS. TEITHLBAUM, CARROLLTOWN, j IS Till'. PLACE TO BIY AT l.OU'EKT PIIIO.S THE li.'.V f : : M WINTER GOODS OF ALL KIND ! i And a cordial invitation is now ext-ndr. '.v the proprietor to every reader of th Kp.EFtust to rail as4 ; sec the larne :ir sort ntent . exaunne the various qualities, and laro't'ip anf uriass.!ie prir-t-s. which trt . s low that 10 per eent. ran positively i-. saved hy tli..e who l-uy ther ic is Irom me. 1 he rea..n 1 ; can 11 ... cheap is that 1 l.otiifht my entire st'k for rash and liiiend to seil It rash or l! ciuiti'jiit, .and am therefore prepare.! to make ijui.it sales at smaller profit than an j other mer.-hant !n f "ambrl 1 county. lK-n't take my word for t li i s. however, but cotne aui see lor you:eive. ! C'AitnoLLTowa, Mat al. 10.-U. N. IFITI IIllI X. Our Ouestions. Are you a buyer of Men's or Boys Clofhing at retail ? Do you need clothing- for the farm, the office, the work-shop, the court-room, or the pulpit ? Do you want boys' clothing for the school-room, or for dress ? Do you prefer to buy clothing ready-made or to order? Are you in need of shirts ? If yes, to any or all of these que ries, state your needs to us, that we may send you samples and prices. Your Question is, Will this pay for the trouble ? You must judge. We will make up the case, you must decide it. But we must tell you that we have created the Largest Retail Clothing Business in the United States by the simple method of giving the best clothing for the least money. We mean that it shall pay you to buy of us. If you buy and are not pleased, return the goods for exchange, or demand your money. Wanamaker and Brown, S. E. Cor. Sixth & Market Sts. j PHILADELPHIA. STATFMFXT OF SETTLEMKXT with the Supervisor" and Collector of Harr : Township lor the year ending March 14. J !! , S-jprrvi"; r. lr., ! To amount of Km.licr.tp 4J19 01 ' or.ler as Sup' rvisor, TO l:iv US,. 00 " im'l transf--r d to new Implicate Z j CR. j Hy amount work done t.n roads fC21.12 i " " of exonerations 114 " am't cash In hand Mr. 14. Issi. rfi in j " " tmnsler'd tv new duplicate S.iis -f .2'5 I Jacob KHrr.fi, Supervisor, Pn. To amount or Duplicate f-iV2 S3 " onler as Snjervis.r, frj d.tvs W " " for plank ." IT. 70 ' am't transter'U to new Duplicate S.7a $i30.7o i ''K' j Hy amount work done on roads tJM.lS j " " of exonerations 1.S7 21.05 i ( Halanee due SMpcrrisor Krufr . . 9.70 A. Km xmitn, Collector, Hr. To amount of Duplicate J-?3.3S 'K. Hy aroonnt of orders cashed $137.3 " am't exonerated and returned.. 39 " percentage 13.S.' l&j.f.l Halance due Totrnehlp from Collector ... 47. 4 A. J. El Fit. .IACUH St'HI RI", S P. K1KSCH. Attest M. J. KntM h. Clerk. Harr Twp., March Jl, !!. 4-l.-St. Auditors. Dc EXTAL XOTICF. T)u. M. R. K lincKT. Surgeon Venttwt. f'.b- eisburir. la.. rrjtoct iiy Informs mil rsonr intrttNl tltut hr will lx at Lor"to .n iMuii.l t v ami Tues day, at Chest Sirni on VftlnM- liy Miiti Thuri-vv. nrifi t 'HrToiltown on Friday an Sr unlay (f t he t'ovrth trek of each mtnth All H-r-on! rrr Jir detitst wrk will do well to ifive mr a call, a 1 am prepared lo furninh full or partial i-ern o( trih an l perforrti all otl er oper at.un pei taininu t my pnifeiiun In a alU facC'Ty manner ntnl at the IhuphI pBih!e prirr-a. (-Ul,0.-tf.J M. K. ti. l-KKEKY, P. D. S. EXECL'TOR'S NOTICE. Estate of John Km.i.ahan. dee'd. letters testameiitary to the estate of John Klb tahan. late of Dean townhip. dee'd. havtnft been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said estate ar.- hereby notified to make Imme diate payment, and Ihose havinir claim" aaainst the ssme will jircsent them, properly authenticated, lor settlement. DENNIS CAUEET. Exerntir. PesitTtvn.. Viri '.'!'. l"!.-'t rcieren-c -. t you i not k lid tnonev wunoroar. vi.,.i r.., i .i,i,n. i tn Il.x.ki. All ctrirtly I Irat-clsixa and sold at I lanos mal one .-I tee finest .lispiays at ths Scale, t.'ie gre;t,.-t ituprovetnent in ttt hiU'.ry of - .ea lor j . vis. is the f nest and sweetest toned Heed organ evar letavcs. 1 hirteen step" w i: ii f.rsnil (irn-i' l i- Dulvt. K-ho. Mf !. ii;i Ions, t v!et:tia. viocna. Box 2058, New York Cily. INVITED AT THIS STOItE OF r W 1 11 W-L W ..1.1 p . 1 THE CREAT nriiLiXGTox noun:. XV No other line runs Three Throvirh Pass. fnecT Trams Iai!y betwrrn Chirapo, lies Moines, Council 13. tiffs, Omaha. Lincoln. ?U Joseph. Atchison, T"pi ka and Kansas City. Iiirevt cfr.nncctions for ail ioiDt tn Kansas, Nebraska. Colorado. Wyomini. Montana. Ne Tiidn, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and Cn'ifirn:a. The Shortest. Forrdioct and M"t Comforta ble Koute via llaun)I.K to Fort Scott. Ix-niin, I'all.f s, H )ustoii, Au-tin. San Antct.io, Oaive ton r.nd nil points in Irxa. Tho tino.jtir.left inducements cPered by this I.lne to Travelers and Tourist, arc as follows: Tho cc:?Nra!ed Pullman ilfi-wheel' Prlar-e Siecpip.ir Cars, run only on this l ine. C. n. at C- Pulii.-e IrtTtwinp-K'jom t srs. w ith Hot-ton's licc'init'e f hniis. No extra f harpe lor Sfats iti llTl?titnfr Chairs. The lamnin C. P. & U. Palace Itin.n? Cars. ;ortoia Sni"kirB; Cars find vviih. l.Iceant Hiph-rtacked Hsttan Kc voivinjf chairs for the exclusive use of Dr?t-cip-s paeentrors. Stt-cl Tra k aod fupno- rqirpTient. ntn bined w;th thoirOr- at ihrotirh l ;ir Arrat-.f v mc tit. makes this, nliove sti ot h.-r. the fv. rts P .tite to tho South, soutli-"v est, and the Far T.'et. Try It. aid yoi: ill f-nd trsveiln? a luxury In - t ! . f B i"is. mf ort. 1 hr -uirh Tivl;"is vi i t.l Ccl 1 rr ted Eirt" f. .r '.:io lit ail olli;fs 13 t'uo I"r.:ted ts"t'S and t !0.5(i:l- A-! inf rrr.ntiort fb.c.it It.'f of Fare. FJeep. ir..-: v ;ir Ac-. r'T'.irMlHl i' ti. 'i I't.a Tht i.-s, i;. v i;l 'c ch'.f""! "tlv r"ivf-n 1 v ?:.r.;v:"e to j. q. a. r.r:.1.:.'. o-t.-. r..---iT. .m-i.i. ii v jisi t..o .- i' t.nd . I'.:.-: ivv , .' - VcrK. JAML? !: V.'f.iV.i. ,,,,. I ,i t... T. J. pi 1 1TK".. :i.ii h if VAN DYKE'S SrU'llUR so.r it: -TT" a Is superior to all otter ..ap. It i c.mMr.ed with Sulphur in it" j ure, unad u .te'ate.i tJte. which en ters the M.ref of the skin, f-eina or....rl.e.J into the bl.Kd throtiah the minute capi I iane. and thus art! upon the sk n. whether it be healthy or in a dis eased condition, both locally and cosr't'orally, thereby eliminating all itopur'tic" fr-m the t.lod and excititis the skin to t.emthy action. It pro du.es a hneness, parity and freshness o( the com plexion which is uneu:tl!cd. an. I can be pro-iueed bv no other u.ertns. No t. ilrt. nor-vrv or bathrom Is' complete without ft. H mkes tl skin soft, clear, j ure, white and health : is clenu-inir. de odoriritia . iiinilecttr.s. !!: i.e. heal nil and pn rifvina: removes dandrnfl. chafine. olcers. sores. f eruption", ntuchne-s and r. .lr-- ol ti-e skin ; re ! neves itchin". l.uniirK and Him; me of the tkin. ( and imtiition ot bittt.a swj "tit.uit.u insects; will relieve fo'iJinir ii.c-Tt.-o . o , . ... an efi-ct. Ask lor I'i tt' fi l'Hi n So.ir; insist uMn it. an.) take ti" oini .lion. Sold by tlrus; eit. As.-hen'.a. h X Miner. Pr. prtet' rs. No. Sol Cal'.owhiil Street. Philadelphia. I'a. For su a by M 1. f'ATXAN aud t. Javks, lruk:cit, E:-ens-buiv. Pa. 111-6 -Jy.) rj Y. 1HCK. ATTor.NFY-VT-LATT, JL Efenhnrir. Pa. Office in bnOrtlnir of T. J. Elovd. dee d, 'tirst fio,.r.l Centre street. All manner of leical business attended to sa I'sfaeto rily and collections sjctalry. I iv-li.-tf. I J0 SETII McliONALlV ATIXlCNtY AT I. A" . FitKNsr.rno, Pa. S- Office in Colonnade Eow, on Cotrtre street. Nr. li. ij.-U. lU'CKI.EY. ATTUKMl. AT.l.tW, 4.ETI " 'NA. r A. -lffl!ceen 14th street, between 1nthsnd l'.lh avenues. I0-".-t'l chances paid bv ii t- th waj if Piano is not just aa V -fy . :iJ.-' t t f t t t t I A I : t V