The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 11, 1881, Image 3

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fRiDA r,
- MAKCII 11, 1SS1.
Hare. Thtr and the Othr Place.
Wall paper t Oatman's.
South Beu.l chilled plows for sale at G.
Men and boy' boon astonishingly cheap
6t OAtroan'.
Siibjar kettles, ready bailed, all sizes, at
O H i '--La
'.ev 9.
,-it stuck of floor oil clothes in town,
6tG Huntley's.
Hiihost prices cash for ail kindi
t? fur, at . Ilnutiey's.
L. new lot of the celebrated Tirtlu corn
shei'rr-3 j u -t received nt IV. Huntley's.
Thuisday, April 7th, has been named a?
as the time for holding Argument Court.
Attention, every one ! nave you heard
of Kendall's Spavin Cure? See adveitlse
merjt. The new drug store around the corner
bills its own story iu our aJrei Using depart
ment to-day.
If you want to whitewash, buy the Ala
bastiue, all tiniJ of which can be bought at
Geo. Huntley's.
Kendall's Spaven Cure is used from the
Atlantic to Pacific Coast. Advertisement in
another column.
The largest and best assortment of wall
j.jper ever brought to Ebensburg can now be
it-en at G. Huntley's.
Senator Bogg came here on Monday and
his constituents did greet with a shake that cordial ami a smile that was sweet.
The melting mood was brought to a brief
halt Wednesday night by a slight freezing
frenzy that froze things up pretty tight.
Mr. A!. Ward, of New York, is at home
here receiving a hearty welcome from his
many friends as wc go to press Thursday.
The two for 3 cents cigar sold only by
M. I.. Oatman is as good in every respect as
ino&t of the five cent cigars sold by other
If you want to be sure of getting the
genuine Hop Hitters, you should buy them
from M. I... Oaf man, uo is the agent for
tbeii'ibui g.
The Fiaer Axle Grease is the best and,
intrinsically, the cheapest. Don't work
your hordes to death by using poor axle
grense. Try it.
Countdf.'it "buzzard" dollars are said
to be plentiful in Johnstown, and no doubt
quite a number of them have found their !
way to this place.
The application of Chas. Dobbins Third
ward. Johnstown, for tavern license was re
fuse.', though no remonstrance against the
same had been hied in Court.
A. Binder is the name of a well-known
landlord at Gallilzin, this county, but all the
am he ain't the kind of A. Bender any one
can get on who has a n.ind to.
We haven't heard anybody say that the
"on to Washington" movement would have
heen.Tctarded any more than it was if all the
"jojer ooys" had worn picadi'ly collars.
The Altoona Cull speaks of Mr. Michael
Fithanis a "an excellent citizen to change
his residence." Of course the Call don't
wish to be understood in the literal sense.
The examination rf W. II. Storey, Esq.,
preparatoiy to being admitted a member of
the bar of Cambria cjunty, was held this
week. He will most likely be admitted next
Bully boy Billy Brady was in town on
Tuesday, and, in with his annual
custom, the Fiiukman was remembered to
the extent of another year's subscription,
ca?h in advance.
The dwelling-house of Mr. Charle? Dil
lon, of St. Augustine, this county, caught
re Monday morning lat, but the dames
were discovered and extinguished before
much damage had been done.
A fovr-vear-old daughter of Mr. John
I Maloy, of Cambria borough, was so terribly
i scalded Tuesday afternoon by falling into a
vessel containing hot water that it died in
great agony on the following morning.
Thomas Jefferson, &c, said to his Emma
Jane, "Wilt thou?" and, !o ! ami behold!
Emma Jane "Wilt-ed" without any further
I ceremony except the marriage ceremony.
&ee wedding notice in another columu.
i Wm. II. Seehler, Esq., is to be congrat-
u'.ated on the manner in which he discharged
- the duties of District Attorney this week.
i He kept his work well in hand, and exacted
even ju-tiee for both criminals ami society,
j Missis. David Humphreys and Kedinger
! Zane. two stalwart and esteemed t-itizens of
iEa-t Conemaugh, were among the many
good friend-, of the F nr. km an who warmed
the rookies of the printer's hart this week.
I Mr. Pliiiip Hoover, of Carroll townshii,
J Las been awarded the contract for carrying
the mails between F.bensburg and Carroll
jtown. He succeeds Mr. Grieff, but will not
I take hold of things til! the first of next June.
Prof. F. A. Byte, one of the most compe
tent educators Cambria county can lay claim
i to, w ill open a select school in this place on
the 'J."th of next month. For further light
n the subject see card or consult Mr. Byte
Harry A. Jacobs has resigned the posi
tion of local editor of the Huntingdon Globe,
r.r.d has returned to his home in Hollidays-
therf-hy depriving ne of the neatest
f wiiest of local papers of one of the
i'. 1
v bet r.f local editors.
landing conundrum among the edi
it ii'. a fr;i.;rnitv of the Juniata valley is,
j''V'.::!i l.'.s in conic ct C'ol. John 31. Ut)W-
vtil.lll '" if'.oi. tho r-ol.oit.1 wi'l nnwi.r this:
J - , ... X
l.-re- P,-t.i-ib,;,. ,jueti
t't eeiivs under his i
tion jut as soon as Ever-
I If Cinik Wilson, formerly of the Ebens
:r.' ':. orrnt and Senlinel, now of tho
p' t! rt Jjnorrat, knows anything about
t l-"tt i-; ail over up in McKean county,
f t Ii ;i't ir- read iu his paper that Goxi Fri
f -iy .'.irivcd in that region a week ago.
I i mincUir Jim t'lossin, of the V. K. li.,
-ttd the p:rt of an unwilling prosecutor in
Si Criminal ca-e Ix fore our f !ourt this wct-k.
h'vvo coats had p( on stolen from him liv a
Reprobate down at C'resson. Jle must have
" V.'.iought I was made of coats said Jim.
I If the Huntingdon Local Scus don't ob-
r.tte the township of Juniata f rum its map
Camhrin county, and that preity roiddling
n, we will gr down theie and start a hemp
4 for the purpose of raising enonoi, raw
I ''erial to suspend that paper and its editor.
I "I lie Kane Ulat says that about fifteen
1 ioi in the employ of Thomas (Griffith (sher
:T it'-', of this place,) are laid up with
iickuc-?.. Mumps and nn-a.ins appear to be
th; prevai.ii.i; dis.-a-es. We presume that a
,'evc f.beri5iiuigt;ri are araeng the unfortn-.i-re.
i The new Postmaster General and our-
r were ix-tn ooin m the year lvl, and
: became apprentices to the printing bus--'1
at the ag- of fifteen ems. Two re
u'sV 'e coii:cidei:res, and when we
t into somebody's cabinet there will be
''' another of 'em.
I!.''1 Klttanning Jipub!i-an man having
a -.:' that he has the only jack-cut in Atm-
" "unity, the Butler llernH pities "ttin
f ti e rnaie population orer there if they
'.o T-t-cvMthis very inclement weath
li'.at s the most oj-tute remark ever
-lake". lit -toroH
f"1' ave increased 40 per cent,
tr ? pf0Urg Qin liave )ear"ed of the soot h
tloAM f b!?tfc Tar W" k CHEKRTaud
I iu Lee0r5h .Uf"JB bal;ies- Young man, if
i ju "'M 03 fcaaJ or au emergency
f in brings things to a c!i-
r ----- t vi.ri r , . m
It has been ascertained bayond perad
venture that John Greening was the name of
the man who was killed by falling down a
mine shaft at Bennington, a9 noticed In
these columns last week. The deceased had
relatives in Xew York and acquaintances in
Pittsburgh, and was not, as at first supposed,
a professional tramp.
The people of the West owe a debt of
gratitude to Dr. Ayer for the production of
Ayer's Ague Cure. Its timely use will save
j much suffering and much discouragement,
! and we recommend it with the greatest con
j fidence In Its ability to do all that Is premised
for it. For sale at Ed. James new Drug
! Store, Ebensburg, Pa.
. Messrs. Strayer, M'Feeters and Wonders,
j of Johnstown and vicinity, were among tha
j most welcome of our visitors this week. The
j two former are in hot pursuit of the County
; Superintendency, while the latter teondtri it
the lightning won't strike him in the next
j Democratic county convention as an aspirant
i for County Treasurer.
J The Grand Jury finished its labors at the
I hour of 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Judge
Dean complimented the body on its quick
j and accurate transaction of the business laid
; before it, and made a special order allowing
j those of its members who lived away from
j the railroad a day's extra pay. Mr. Charles
i A. Laugbein was foreman,
t Postmaster James has gone into Gar
! field's cabinet, and will hereafter and until
( further orders be known as Postmaster Gen
i eral James. Hip! hip: h old on, now!
Don't yell too soon, 'cause it ain't our man
I after all, but another Postmaster James
i away up in the ancient village of Xew York,
j More s the pity for our man.
! Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, of J::i Western
! Ave., I.ynn, Mass., is rapidly acquiring an
j enviable reputation for the surprising cures
which daily result from the use of her Vkcc-
table Compound in all femalo diseases.
j Send for her pamphlets, if you wish, but go j
to v.. James' new Drug Store, Ebensburg, if
j you want to buy the medicine,
j A communication from Cambria borough,
relating for the most part to the recent ac
tion of the County Committee, came too late
tor publication this week, and another from
Minister township on the same subject has
failed to appear, because we did not have time
to give it our personal attention. Both will
be published In our next issue.
An applicant for tavern Hcense stagger
ed into the Court House Monday evening
while that branch of the business was mfder
consideration, and eventually staggered out
again without getting what he wanted.
Judge Dean remarking in effect ihat the
man who couldn't keep sobci himself wasn't
fit to knock the solH;r out of other people.
inasmucn as ine "true ana tried" is en
J tirely convinced that we express nobody's
opinion but our own, suppose it is left to the
: Democracy f the county to determine by
j ballot at the next primary election whether
"true and tried" or ourself, or both of us,
j shall step down and out of the Democratic
party the will of the majority in this in
1 stance to be respected.;
! "A horse ! a horse ! my kingdom for a
I horse !" Vlien King Richard spoke these
j words on Bosworth field he undoubtedly
: meant a horse which had been using IIoi'.krts'
j Celkbratfd Horse Powdehs, as no other
! animal would have conveyed him to a safe
1 place in the qukkost possible time. Price
' i!5 cents sold by V. S. Barker & Bro., Ebens
! burg, and lots of other people,
i We had the pleasure of a call and the
; gratification of enrolling on our subscription
list this week the name of our young friend
; P. S. Dorsey, of lioaring Spring, Blair coun
ty. Mr. Dorsey is one of those men, unfortu
; nately too rare, who dare to do what they
, conceive to be right, no matter what the con
1 sequences to themselves or to others. Such
i uicn are indeed the salt of the earth.
Of "Cooney V neat Journal it is pleas
ant to note that eight yeais have gone by and
I 'tis s'.ill on tiie Uout, w ith every ln soect of
I living, : s we trust that it may, uutil time Is
j no mi re and the t! iU'-e s to pay ; for if we
' have a tirm friend on whom we can bet,
1 Coon?) V the man, "and don't you forget."
j So here's to the Journal, to McVeytown and
1 all, and success to brave "Cocney" and hi
! Stackpnlo so tall.
' Messrs. Henry Bonder, of Carroll town
j ship, Jacob Glasser, of Susquehanna town-
i ship, and I. F. Smith, of Minister township, ;
! all of whom are aspirants for a place in the
Board of County Commissioners, were cir- j
1 dilating among the people attending Court i
j this week, and trying to arrange things in j
i such a way as to insure, each for himself, a j
favorable verdict at the next Democratic .
county convention. f
1 Having, as we believe, wilfully misrep
; resented the Catholic Church and the Cath- .
i olic Bishops and Archbishops of Ireland on i
! the Band League question, we have deter- '
j mined to receive no more subscriptions for f
the Chicago" Weekly Xeics. The editor of
! that paper has a perfect right to entertain j
and express whatever opinions he pleases, '
: but lie will have to find some other medium
than the, I'rkkman through which to secure '
j subscribers for his paper in this latitude. :
The Johnstown Tribune tells of a horse !
J at Charles Zimmerman's livery stable, in
that place, which at the resnlar hours for
wateriiiK marches to the hydrant, rubs his
nose against the little wheel at the top, and
thus turns on the water and quenches his
th'ust. If the hostler shuts off the supply
befoie he has drunk his fill, he immediately
turns it on again. It don't spoil the story to
say that the same thing lias been told as an
actual local occurrence in various parts of
the county.
Our handsome and energetic, but by no
means eolossal, friend W. A. Ford, Esq.,
.Superintendent of the licll's Gap Kailroad,
has placed us under obligations for an an
nual pass over said road, good until the last
day of the present year. "When we feel that
a iap should be filled, more or less, and C3
ecially less, by our presence, we can cer
tainly af-Ford, under the present arrange
ment, to fill it pass ably well. Hence it is
that our thanks are W. A. F.-ted to our
clever friend Ford.
A gentleman who has tested the invalu
able qualities of Kobf.rts' House and Cat
tle Fowpehs upon his own stock, deems it
his duty, in justice to his fellow citizens, to
recommend the same to all owners of stock,
not only in eases where stock is sick, but
they will find it very beneficial to new milch
i cows, as well as to the general appearance of
the horses and other stock. It costs only 25
i cents and is garanteed to effect a cure if used
in time. Barker & Bro, Ebensburg, sell this
; invaluable remedy.
j Our worthy friend Edward Ormsby, late
j of this place, but now of Memphis, Tenn. ,
; has our thanks for late Louisville and 5Iem
j phis papers, one of which, that from Louis
j ville, is of the ruck order, and was filled to
i overflowing with highly illuminated pictures
'. representing the various phases of the recent
MardiGras, or aute-Lenten carnival, which
; took place in Memphis. To our equally
j worthy friends, Joe H. Gadd, of Wyandotte,
Kan., and John M. Stehley, of Hays City,
; Kan., our thanks are also due for late papers
j from their respective localities.
The Hollidaysburg correspondent of the
j Altoona Tribune tells of a Cambria county
coal miner, a recent visitor to that place,
who is a second edition of Esau, the only
i difference being that the hair on the man's
j left side is perfectly w hite, while that on the
right side is as biack as the raven's wing,
j The change has only taken place within the
; last two years. He is about 48 years of age,
j and the only reason he can give Tor this sin
i trular fieak of nature is from the sulphur in
j the coal, his left side being constantly damp
,' with Wiitr strongly iar.pTeenated with sul
' phur.
With the exception of "the true and
tried" and a faw more of Lis "rule or ruin"
associates, we have yet to Lear of the first
Democrat who approves or even apologizes
for the recent revolutionary doings of a ma
jority of the county committee. This, too,
notwithstanding we have heard either direct
ly or indirectly from hundreds of the best
Democrats in all sections of the county.
For a paper that expresses the opinions
and represents the views of nobody but the
editor, as an "old, true and tried Democrat
of Ebensburg" puts it in an interview pub
lished in the last Carrolltown Xexcs. the
Freeman has had the best boom this week
in the way of new subscribers and paid-up
subsci iptions.that it has ever experienced in
the same length of time since it was first es
tablished. Strange that Democrats would
take so much interest in a paper that mis
represents them in matteis so important as
the doings of a County Committee!
True, to his traditions, Wm. I.itzinger,
F.sq., of I.oretto, dropped In on us last week
I and paid for three copies of the Freeman in
i advance. For years Mr. Litzinger has been
i alone in his glorv as to the number of advance i
; payments from his own pocket-book, but
j this week he "found a foeman worthy of his
J steel" in the person of Mr. Edward Adams, :
of Clearfield township, who not only paid in
advance for his mother and brother, but also
' subscribed and paid one year for himself.
I Would that we had nine hundred and nine- !
ty-eight more such patrons as the two gen
tlemen named.
The attention of the Clearfield Itepubli-
! can was called on Mondav last to one of the
most wonderful freaks of nature we have
ever heard of. It is, in fact, a perfect mon
strosity, and is owned by a Girard township
farmer named David L. Smith, one of whose
cows dropped it on the ISth ot last January,
and it was soan after found dead in the
barnyard. The Republican says that it is a
compound of human, canine and bovine, and
is so grossly deformed that it is impossible to
describe it. Mr. Smith has preserved the
skin and stuffed it and proposes to put it on
exhibition, commencing at Eoekport during
the rafting season.
Casper W. Easly, of the Johnstown Tri
bune, and C. T. Shubert, of the Johnstown
I'riei P;-este, represented the editorial frater
nity from a distance at Court this week.
Hon. II. A Boggs, our State Senator, who is
not ashamed to say that he was in other
years a member of the same guild, also spent
a few horns in our midst. It is against our
principles to say aught of flattery about a
Republican, -but the sense of honor which
would deny all the attributes of a legislator
to "Harry" is wanting with us. Ex-Sheriffs
Baunier and Ryan registered at the hotels,
as did a host of other good fellows too nu
merous to mention.
Mr. Michael Fitzharris, of Altoona, in
tends to return to Cambria county on the
first of next month and repossess the hotel
owned by him at Gallitzin, now in the occu
pancy of Mr. James Mulls, w ho proposes to
betake himself to Huntingdon county, where
he will embark in the same business some
where along the line of the II. A B. T. R. U.
We welcome Mr. Fitzharris back to his old
stamping-ground, and hope that he and Mr.
Maulls, who well earned the reputation of
keeping one of the best ami moat respecta
ble house along the line of the P. R. R.,
will both succeed to their hearts' content in
their new departures.
Our branch railroad was snowed up
again last Friday. The train went out at
the usual hour in the morning, but instead of
returning at 11 o'clock, it was 4 in the after
noon before it got back. The snow which
fell was over a foot in depth, and all the cuts
along the line were drifted full and running
over. No attempt was made to run out at
night, and Saturday morning's endeavor in
that direction was a failure. The locomo
tive went on the dry dock at Minister.
But Sunday, aid was tendered from the main
line, aud the following morning and ever
since the mails and passengers have had
nothing to complain of on the score of prompt
We may be entirely too skeptical lor
anything, but we must confess that our
j faith in the assertions of "a true and tried
Democrat of Ebensburg" is of such a meagre
j description that we are willing to give secur
I ity for the payment of twenty-five cents per
! head for all Democrats who, over their own
signatures, will publicly approve through
j the newspapers of the doings of the County
i Committee at its recent meeting, provided
j the "true and tried" will guarantee the pay
I nient to us of ten cents per head for all Dem
. ocrats who in like manner sustain the Fiif.e
j max in its utterances on that subject. Now
. then, in the language of the turf, "put up or
shut up."
The special train which conveyed Mr.
Hayes and his friends from Washington on
Saturday hist not only met with a serious
misliap on the Baltimore and Potomac Rail
road, as will be seer: by an item in our gen
eral news department, but also narrowly es
caped a frightful wreck at Spruce Creek
tunnel, in Huntingdon county, on the same
day. An Altoona special to the Philadel
phia Times fays that the spring under one
side of the car containing the horses of the
j Cleveland City Troop gave way, causing the
, ear to lean considerably. On entering the J
tunnel the corner of the car struck the ma-
sonry, tearing almost the entire side of the
j car away. The President and party were j
I badly frightened and somewhat shaken up,
J but not injured. j
j Mr. Harry G. liose, son of Mr. W. J. j
Rose, of Johnstown, and nephew of ex-Dis- j
j trict Attorney Bose, in whose office he has J
; been a clerk and student for the past three
! years or more, underwent a preliminary ex- '
i animation before the Bar Committee, of !
j which Col. John 1 Linton is chairman and j
I Messrs. McLaughlin, Barker, Evans and j
I John E. Scanlan are members, on last Wed- I
j nesday forenoon, and it is almost needless to ;
j say that with snch talents as he possesses J
! and such a tutor to train him, he came out
! with flying colors. The examination was j
j thorough and searching, occupying nearly j
j three hours, and the easa and accuracy with j
; which Mr. Rose answered all questions put ,
; to him left no doubt in the minds of the ex- i
j amining committee that our young friend is :.
! destined to become in due time one of the '
i shining lights of the legal profession. j
j As was stated in our columns last week, j
I our local military company (Co. A, Fifth j
recimcnt, N. G. P.) left home on Thursday i
i afternoon, at the hour of three o'clock, to j
j take in the sights at Washington City and j
. see that General Garfield was installed in !
I due and ancient form as President of the Re- j
public. They started all right enough ; but, I
unfortunately, a snowstorm of big propor- i
tions followed in their wake and caught up ,
to them at Marysville, in the near neighbor- j
hood of Harrisburg. The result was that .
tiie entire body of citizen so'dieiy living
west of the Allechenies were detained at the
point mentioned for a period of five hours,
they arriving at the National Capital at 2 o'
clock Friday afternoon, instead of at day
light, as was intended by the programme.
They missed the inaugural address, but
formed part of the grand procession which
succeeded. After enjoying a time which by
common consent was said to have been im
mense, our boys got home Monday morning,
with no single member missing nor nobody
the worse of the wear so far as heard from.
Litisg Witnesses. The hundreds of
stroDg, hearty, rugged and healthy looking
men, woman and children that have been
rescued from bds of pain, sickness and well
nigh death, by Parker's Ginger Tonic, are
the best evidences in the world of its sterling
rnerit and worth. You will find such in al
most every community. Head of it in anoth
er column. -21.-im
Court Procerdtnos. Court met at the i
hour of U o'clock Monday morning with ;
-t Tn 1 ConnkTho renn-" '
cmtes r lanagan and Thomas. The return-, .
of constables were first received, after which
the constables elected last election were dlllv
CiUalified. Mr. Charles Banglein wasappoin- I
ted foreman of the Grand Jurv. and that i
) lody disposed of all the. business brought be- J
fore" it by the hour ot 3 o'clock Tuesday at- t
! ternoon. and were discharged with the thanks ,
; of the Court. Constable James Myers and i
Evan E. Evans, both of Ebensburg, were an- I
: pointed to take charcreof the juries, see that ;
j they spoke to nobody, nor permitted anybody i
! to speak to them, etc. ;
! The only case tried Monday, was that of i
the Commonwealth against Adam Biershenk, 1
of Johnstown, charged
w ith promiscuous i
; shooting.
' Mondav nicht's session was devoted to
. 4. - i- , , i
hearing applications for license. In all, one
hundred and twentv-seven petitions were
presented, the majority of which were grant
ed either then or at a'session of Court held
Tuesday evening to listen to remonstrances,
etc. A singular illustration of the depravity
of human nature was made manifest in con
nection herewith. The petition of Mr. W.
H. Thompson, of Johnstown, whoe place of
doing business is located under the Opera
House, was filed at the proper time, as was
also a remonstrance numerously signed.
Throuoh the working of a process of leger-
i demain which was held bv the Court to be
contemptible to the extremest degree, the re
monstrance was stolen from the Prothoni
tary's ofliee by somelody and made of no
avail except as to the fact of its existence.
T'rothonotary Gates was called as a witness on
the caseTucsday night, and purged himself of
complicity in thematter. "Your statement,"
said Judge Dean, "is satisfactory, hut it is
impressed on your mind that the records in
your office are supposed to be sacred from
the manipulations of anvbody save a sworn
officer of the Court." In other words, his
honor allowed it to be understood that the
indiscriminate handling of papers and re
cords by irresponsible parties ought not to
be tolerated. With the exception of the fol
lowing named parties, all the licenses on the
list were granted : Adam Biershenk, Johns
town ; Martin Sanders, Washington town
ship: Mark B. McLaughlin, Washington
township: R. O. Myers, Allegheny township;
Thomas Kinney, Johnstown : John C. Stem
mer, Johnstow n : Joseph Kost, Johnstown ;
Oscar GralTe, Johnstown : Oeorge S. Shaf
fer, Johnstown ; Charles Dobbins, Johns
town. The business transacted from Tuesday
morning till Wednesday evening, when Court
adjourned, as to the cases on the calendar,
is comprised in the following summary :
A colored man was charged with having
made love in a manner not contemplated by
law to a woman whose comjuexion is the
nearest remove from white : and a -paieel of
indictments, such as desertion, etc., came
up. The case hails from Johnstown, and at
tracted a large attendance of the dusky ele
ment of that section, all of whom pave in
their testimony in a manner which showed
that they had to do it hut didn't like to.
Fred. 's,talb plead Riiilty to the charge of
complicity in the Rehe-Dumin Imrla'-y, Al
lefeheny township, last fa!!. This is tiie in
dividual who assisteil Luke Plat; and others
in a most desperate assau It on the person and
property of Messrs. lJehe and Dunlin, seek
ing safety for a time from the just punish
ment due his crimes hy a retiracy to the wilds
of Forest county. lie was captured hy Mr.
John (inflith, a son of Sheriff Griffith, six
weeks ago, and such was the conclusiveness
of the testimony which would have heen giv
en by Hudson ()aks had he been called on to
kiss "the book that no escape from a convic
tion would have been possible. Oaks, it
will be remembered. vs a member of the
gang, and consulted his own interests by
tutning whatis known asState's ''evidence."
The sentence of the Court v.-as that Mai!)
should go to the Western Penitentiary lor
thcteim of tour years which, all things con
sidered, is setting till rjuite easily. His com
panions in crime went for eight year and
!ix months each, and deserved every minute
of the time.
Adam r.ierhenk has I.een in the habit of
keeping a drinking house in Johnstown, and,
if the Tribune of that place is to be credited,
is his own best customer. While laboring
under the influence of too much stimulant,
he afew weeks ago imagined himself to have
been insulted by two or three persons who
chanced to pass by his place of business. A
loaded pistol was lying in a convenient nook,
and Adam, seizing it, followed the party and
discharged a biilict into the pcnun of Mr.
A.Galbreth. It failed to kill, but it produced
an ugly wound. To curb this reprehensible
propensity of Mr. Uiersbenk in the direction
of sloshing around, the jury returned a ver
dict of guilty of a purpose of maim. An ap
plication on the part of Adam for the renew
al of his license was unfavorably considered,
a3 stated above.
A young girl named Williams, daughter of
a most respectable Jilacklick township farm
er, Mr. John Wiliams, preferred the serious
charge of attempted rape against .Scott lioss,
a young man living in the same neighbor
hood, lioss, according to the girl's testmony,
acted in a harsh and disreputable manner to
ward herself, though an actual rape was not
insisted on. The jury, on due consideration,
recorded it as their decision that the defend
ant was guilty of simple assault and battery.
An individual who was engaged at work
on the new hotel at fresson stol two conte
from Conductor .Mm Closson, of the 1. II. Ii.
a .month ago. The excuse given by the de
fendant was that he was intoxicated at tne
time of the commission of the crime, and
that when he got up next morning he failed
to have any remembrance of w here the cloth
ing had come from. In view-of the fact that
the whiskey had been procured in Altoona,
where it is common rumor that the leaves on
the trees are sometimes blighted by the fumes
of the villainous compound, lie fared well
enousrh. FJeading guilty of taking the gar
ments, hut with no criminal intent, he went
down on the li.-t of wrong doing in not hav
ing marie restitution of the plunder on the
first available opportunity, meaning so soon
as he became sober.
John McCrenry plead guilty to the charge
of larcenyand submitted. Not yet sentenced.
Adam Biershenk was not sentenced, nor
was Foley, the man who stole two coats from
Mr. Clossui.
Mary Biademyer plead guilty to the charge
of larceny. Not sentenced.
Alexander Bogus, colored, charged with
adultery, was found not guilty but ordered
to pay the costs, etc.
Scott Boss, assault and batterv, was sen
tenced to pay a fine of F2o and costs. Both
J fine and costs were piomptly paid.
Emory Williams, assault and batterv
plead guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine j
of one dollar and costs.
Samuel L. Holbyand James Cain, each j
for fornication and bastaruy, were found :
guilty. The usual sentence was imposed. 1
John Brown was charged with stealing a J
watch in Johnstown. Not cnilty, no owner '
for the watch putting in an appearance. !
Peter Pishong was charged with having j
destroyed a landmark in Jackson township.
II is own brother, Henry C. Jlishong, was i
prosecutor in the case. Not guilty, and the ;
costs divided between the parties.' i
John Leffler, desertion. Ordered to pay !
his wife $'-' a week for the support of self and S
child, and enter intoSloO bonds to guarantee I
compliance with the sentence. j
Constantine anstiel, surety of the peace.
Decision reserved till next Monday.
John Moore, surety of the peace. Defend
ant not appearing, his recognizance was de
clared forfeited.
In the civil case of James MeCov and Mar
garet, his wife, airainst John and' Mary Mc-
Conneil, action attachment execution, the i
plaintiffs beenme nonsuit. j
Francis Cooper against Louis A. Craver :
and Augustine llott. scire facias, defendant !
confesses judgment for ?!il".
Court adjourned finally, for the week, at 1
! o'clock Wednesday evening, night sessions
having been held on the preceding days.
Death of a Notable Mav. We have in-tellifK-nce
of tiie death of John A. Smith,
brother of G. Nelson Smith, and. like liini, a
man with a history which, if written, would
be well worthy of rrnsil. lit was in mnny
respects a remarkable individual, and few
there are whose biography would he more in
teresting, instructive and elevating. While
it may be true that in the succeeding ace ge
nius takes its place among the efficient caus
es upon which character depends, vet each
has its uses, and the life of the average man
has the vniue ot greater variety, fer such a
one is seldom written Although an humble
man in the private walks of life, and one who
never risen above mediocrity, we are assured
that there is scarce an instance where a bio
graphy would be more useful or more appro
priate than that of John Armstrong Smith.
We sincerely sympathize with our old, well
known and esteemed friend, lion. Nelson
Smith, in the death of his last and worthy
brother. Feace to his ashes. and Ability. Hop Bitters
so freery advertised in all the papers, secu
lar and religious, are having a large sale
and are supplanting all other medicines.
There is no denying the virtues of ihe Hop
plant, and the proprietors of these Bitters
have shown great shrewdness and ability in
compounding a Bitters whose virtues are so
palpable to every one's observations. Erttm
iner and Chronicle. For sale' hy M. L. Oat
man, authorized agent, Ebensburg Fa.
ALTOONA. has a barber who breathes thro'
i his ears. Bdrberou breather.
l.o( i. orrfspoxdex E.
au.itk. March s, mi.
r. FrkaI W In . MW a comma-
,,., fr,,m th j,llt eilfne,. and ln.
rorn,inc the public of the manner m which our lo-
cal elwtions are eortdorted. T I Imnet. let me
y tefore I proceed further that Jim Manila thinka
the communicntinn In question ?hroli have hcen
eiyneil "lountain Top." ani, r,y the way, Jim la
puppo-ed to know, ln fact. iiMic opinion will hear
me ont in the abortion that what Jim don't know
in the way of borough roMp is not worth knowictr.
-lie takes the papers.'1
Hut to proceed with the suhject. The late elec
tion was conducted in the same manner as thoe
whi'-h preceded it. and by a competent and consci
entious hoard, every member of whi-h. a 1 believe,
did bi.-Jwbole duty according to the instructions
contained in the election laws furnished by tiie
count v commissioners. The law express v declares
that if any ticket contains mora names than there
ouirht to be. it ii cause for reiectinu the ballot en
tire, cen though the other nnincs on the ticket I
have heen properly voted for. Soe Tol. '1, pane '4. i
l ne election mw aiso stipulates nut trie names ot
ffnceni T,c,, fr !iai1,l,.,1H!aI. on OI1, ,irket. u .
is therefore the opinion of your correspondent that
until a change has been mado in the word in tr of !
the law concerning the dunes of election board, i
or a judicial det-ii-ion clearly pointing them out, !
the same rule as heretofore will be observed by fu- '
ture election board. It is irencraJIy the case "that
all candidates voted for da not receive a certificate ;
ot office from the board in consequence ol their not i
receivinif the highest number of votes cast. Thai
was thecaeat the late election, two Ik-raocrat.' re- j
oeivinir the proper credentials of election. Here
tofore there was one of each party. I think this j
will explain one of the several frivolous reasons
why your correspondent says there has been so i
lunch "idle talk'' since the election. But cnouxti,
and more than enough, on this subject. j
The remains ol poor Jos. liiller, son of 31 r. Aloy- !
sius Miller, of the Joretto conreifation. an account !
of whose tratritf death on the railroad appeared In
your last issue, were on Wednesday last taken t !
lioltidavshurz, where his father-in-Uw resides, and i
Interred in St. Mary 8 (Catholic; cemetery. May
bis son! rest in peace. "
Mr. Mi- hael Kitrharris. or Altoona. will aaain '
take chanre of his hotel in this place on tho first of J
the coining in.mth. wheD Mr. James Maulls. the j
present popular landlord, will remove to Hunting- !
don county, where he intends to embark In the j
same business. "Jim" is a j;ood landlord and kept i
a first-class hotel : hence hisjnanyfi i-nds here are !
sorry to see him leave. May success attend him j
wherever lie iroes.
l;ev. Father l'oyle announced a week a:ro last ;
Sunday liiat it was the "rvish of tiie HI. Kev. Jtishnp (
to have Sisters of Suin rr'.iiiious order located iu I
our mids' at an early day. 1 hope tiie time is not ,
lar disranr lien our youth will be enabled t en
jov thi advantages derived 1
liteiiiliii" fpliiml I
iin.lnr tiip -har-.'i! i.f the irooil Siitcrs. Tho instruc- i
tiims in i-thii-s alone wouhl amjilv n pav the enrt.
In coiielmlinx. I lcj; leave to as.-oire you that the
course pnrfiieil hy the county committee at its late
tneetinn in not endorsed hv ;i majoritv of the Di m-
ocrats in tills vieinitv. 1 1 the comtn'ittee er?it-!
in alirouatin the will of tho people, it inut result
in continued disaster at the noils. This is so nlain
a proposition that lie who run.s may read.
.1. P.
3Ian is tli onlvmiimul mitul tho mvriad sppoits
use of a hook or newspaper :
Now. you mav take the hiirliest speciesof animal
or me closest approximation to humanity, and
place a hook or newspaper before it. yet it is utterly
iinpossihle for It to decipher the contents, or to
learn to do so, were It to live "coeval with the sun :"
nor has it the intelligence to learn to rasp the
most simple chain ol thought in print belwre its
Where art thou, : Darwin, to answer all this,
and to till up the mighty chasm?
Where is the bcini? oh this planet to fill up the
void of sense between the reader of books, the
comprehender of abstract thought, I he originator I
I of expedient creation to serve his ends, the intclli- J
irent beholder of the works of iud. and the heir of i
I powers capable of Unowinir, loving and survini? Ins t
j I'reator
Where is yourirorilla, chimpanzee, orangoutang. '
ape, babboon, monkey, or any other pro'ircxsire an- I
j imal, which can claim the Uaxt one of those human i
. prerogative?
j ft .ot one ! infinite is the trap between the lowest
i man animal and the highest brute-animal, becau-e
the human mind is infinite in progress and ib stin
: ation, while the highest animal beneath hnu is
j endowed witli powers ciiite distinctly bounded by
j tnute limits. That is. t he h lhCr t anitnn 1 henent h
j mankind .oahl never read a book, make a ma
j chine, comprehend abstract reasoning, or know,
, love and worship itc t 'reator. Nor could ft ever be
j made to approach the letirt of these in any dearee.
I Hooks, t hc-n. and studies of nature, and inven
: tious. arts, and sciences, and. above all. religion
j none, none of lliese are to be despised or neglected
; by this Heavcn-prerogatived animal which is called
j in a n.
; "Moreover, the ol f..l enj'.ins a sMidy or
j observance of nature, or the work of t J'-d. ar.d
I stiitnistixes the. man as &rusfi wtio neglects the
i same,
! Keason. too. teaches that when a man has such
' pnwors he should ufo them for as a man hn feet
f to wa i k w it h . e es to see vi t h, en r w Merew i t ll to
hear, and so on through ail the senses and powers,
; so the hiirhor ilts of man have respectively their
Individual functions wliicli-should be all exercise, 1
In every man.
That is, when you are endowed, with power of
i study, yo'i should study : when you are aifted to
l.iok intoand understand the works of the 'reator,
: you should study them ; and when you are jriUed
: to know. love, and worship trod, you should tlo so.
; So e very child should be tauj-ht to read bo-iks;
for In theiu are stord away the treat thoughts of
the past on art, science and religion.
It is merely animal lo et a jcood living: hut
man has hiirher powers than can be exercised iu
I that pursuit.
The highest typo ut man is not the voluptuary !
a. i. ii.
A Jornx.VT.isTH' Jt Mri-o-jA( k. Tlio
Carrolltown .Vetrs is nolhin!? if it ain't rili--
, . . i. ..,.., .11
ulcus, and as a consequence no one can tell
w hat position it is pmu; to take on any ques
tion of local politics until after tV.c Fisf.f.m ax
has "saiil its say" on the subject. The Xctrs
seldom if ever sfrj-ps while the iron is hot,
but as soon as the Kiikkman takes a stand
one way or the other, it hastens to cret on the
opposite with a great deal more alacrity than
sound judgment, o proverbial, indeed, has
the JVctf become for tins kind of journalistic
! jockryill", that we Could name a number of
' 1 loiiiAvia t j nri o r-.- nil Itiirr r l-s.r Tlnf if flm
! Frekmav had sustained the majoritv of the
' County Committee in their recent dangerous
4 and demoralizing assumption of a power
that did not and does not belong to them, j
the A'efj would have been only too ulad of :
j the opportunity thus afforded for takiiu; is- j
I sue ii. its feeble w ay with the majority ot the ;
Committee ami a vast minority of the Dcm- i
ocratie party in this county. But some pork. ;
you know," will boil that way, and there!
seems to be no help for it. I
j ' t
The asphodel and violet I
I Are peeping through the plain,
j And the (lame ot irolden crocus !
i Has lit the land aain.
; O bnd and blossom, quicken fast, !
Bcde;'k the barren tree. j
j And brii t? the sprinir. for with the Eprins
M v lo e comes back to me. i
Tho forciromir may be a trifle In advance of the
season So far as asphodels and violets and such
thinus arc concerned, and the brinina; hack of
somebody's -'love"' may possess no special interest
for the ave.raae reader. But tho verse will serve
to introduce the impartant announcement, that
tlodfrev Woll is satisfied that the advent ol Spring
cannot, he far removed, and to the end of making
ready bir its eominar he will sell the entire Mock
of clvthine on his shelves. (neM door to the post
office, Altoona.) eomirisinfcr all manner ot cold
weather wear, and narlicnlarlv a fine line of over
coats, at. tfrjf cot'. These kooiIs must positively bo
closed out durinir the present month, and It there
are thoso Mtnonir the readers of the Fiikeman who
wish to take advantage of a schedule of prices
which will not soon acafu prevail, they will act
the wise part by tnakins an early call on Mr. Wolf.
The celebrated Rochester clothing is ouc of the
specialties of his establishment.
Oil. woe is mo! so frross and fat.
t if flesh a great unwieldy mass ;
1 would I were as lean as that
Thin fellow over there, alas !
Oh. what a skeleton am I.
With scarcely skin to hide my bones 1
No wonder tha't I moan, and si'ah
To be as fat as neighbor Jones !
In the midst of their mutual misery, a gleam of
1 comfort is dirived from the knowledge iruaranfped i
them that however fat the one may be. or however j
lean the other, they yet can procure elothinsr to fit j
' them at the extensive emporium of Simon Bend- j
! lieitn. next door to the Iirst National Bank. A 1
I toonn. This firm keep constantly on hand cloth-
I intt for biif or little, younif or old. and such is the
diversity of material' and stvles exhibited that all '
tastes may tie pleased. Yon ask about their prices j
do you'.1 Wc answer by sayimc that Simon X ;
Kendlieim offer stamiinic rewani tor the diseov- J
ery of a retail clothinic house in the State which j
can sell cheaper than theirs. If you buy from ;
them once, we feel latitfied you will buy nowhere I
else afterward. i
i A SiNca i.AR Cask. The Altoomi Tribune
j says that sometime last summer Mis Aman
da Crissman, daughter of Frederick Cris
nian, who resides on the Hncrt rty farm, near
j Blair Furnace was taken seriously ill. Ever
I since last fall she has been confined to her
I bed, and as her diseaso was a very painful
t one, her sufferings at the time were dread-
Inl. Her disease continuing to increase in
i violence the aTtemlincr physician said that
her case was oeyond his skill ; ner recovery
I was an impossibility. Another physician
j who was called in, after examining the case, i
i coincided with the opinion already Given and I
; pronounced the youni; ladv Iteyond the
I reach of medical aid. She may have been,
! but sinirnlaily enough, of late she has begun J
i to improve rapidly, and her friends are now
; confident that in a very brief time she will
! have recovered her former health. It is a
S singular case.
- ... ,
vtt : : l '
1 r. nil- ill ip.Tlt'lui n rp ' iiiirn niiiiiLiri vii i
., T - . "l . . . 1 T 1 . I I
1 .K1.L,IS r I.1IKA1. l.Mlitl lUli, lllllllSlltll lt
the noted Mohawk alley Seed Gardens, lo
cated at Canajoharie, N. Y. We are in
formed that at t hese Gardens large quantities
of both vegetable and flowerseeds are annu
ally grown up andso!d direct to the planter,
a feature that cannot be over estimated.
The proprietor, A. C. Nellis, offers great in
ducements in the seed line, both to tiie whole
sae and retail trade, and offers to send a
sample number of his beautiful quarterly and
a packet of flower seeds for a 3c. stamp.
I believe Ely's Cream Balm to be the
best article for catarrh and hay fever ever of
fered to the public. It has given satisfaction
in every case, and knowing its merits I re
commend it. SaMTEL J. W IL'OJC, Drugt
Wllkesbnrre, I'a.
to cjvi . vrr tiil:
Now the Post-Office, EBENSBURG, Pa.,
Vl lM-KT a oii.i:ir. MC U OI
Stationery, Tobacco, Cigars, &c, &c.
ALSO. A FT 'J.I. 1. 1 NT. OF
LIT" It tvill be our aim to keep roitstantly on Jtaml i t-omptetr Ihf of
the best Dritgt in the ttiar.ct ; also, l'atent Melirinrs of t vn ij tliscrip
tion, as icell as all other goods jterfainiitg to the trade.
W By selling flrsl-rlass cnoda at fair proffm I tie nlsrrlber titp- to merit '
a liberal share t poMic patronage.
lbxnsVirii, March 11, ll.-lt-
WORMS. WnM. WdUflii.
K. F. Kunkcl'i Worm Syrup neirnr Inils to1--truy
Pin. Seat nnl Slomnf ii ortni. ( l;r. Ktinki 1
Is the only s.uc-'?sfnl physician who r-ni'.v.- r;i;-o
Worm, in two liourf. alivr M-iih l:i-;td iin-i n d c
until removed ). ommin ?rni.- toM'-lioa it ;'l;i
Worm ho rein-'vetl. nil otlu-r woun.- cny ica-lily I
dptirfiyc.l. Aivii-c at .ftv- and More fr-e. Tlio
Jo; tor can tell whether nr nut thx I'm'Kmh Ii
Worms. '1 luunni! i ilynia daily with wrins
: ar,J (1" "l know it. Fit. ;iasi;i, crai.:; ?. rhok-
1 intf and r iitl-n'ati-in. callow compii x:on. eir.-'.es
I around the eye?, swelling and j..nn in thCFt'tn-
I ach. nt le-5 at cixlit. ttn siding l tli. teeth. j,n.-k-
! inir at the noe. enisrh, itebiaj at the feat, he i.i-
i ""e- foul hroath. tlx- patiout srrow pale and thin,
I tieWllnir and irritation iu the anus. All tln-e
I gviiiptouis and moreeriiiic from w r.ns. K. I.M N
KKIS WiiKM SYKIT never f ,i!s to rein .va
them. Price. Jl.oo per bottle, or i bottirs for 6.''.
! (For Tape Worm, wri'.e and consult the doet-.r.)
I For all ot hers, buy of your druau -t 1 he Worm Sy r
I up. and if he has it not. nctid to In-. F.. F. Kt shi,
! S"k) N. Ninth Street. Philadelphu-, I'a. Advice by
mail free: Send three cent stamp,
j Worms are capable of producing treat distnrb
j anees iu the s stem. The w hide train of spasmod
ic and convulsive diseases may procctd from the
S irritat'on of worms in the alimentary r an:il. t'lo-1-j
era, epilepsy, tetanus, paralysis, m.iiiia, and eon
! vnlsions. as weil as a variety ol other nervous and
I convulsive aflectious. are not untrcpieiitly tin- ef
fects of this cause. Jlesides thee diseases, worms
have been known to produce pleurisy, pains in thr?
side, dysentery, remitt.nit fever, dropsy of brain,
chronic nnd spasmodic coui;h. etc.. etc.
Iicbility. a depressed, irritable state of mind, a
weak, nervous, exhausted b elinir. no energy or an
imation, contused head, weak memory, the C"tise
nuetice of excesses, mental overw-'rk. This nervon
detii 1 it v hods a sovereiu n core in I'.. F. WINK F.l.'S
HIT KK WIXKUHUUN. It tones the system,
dispels the mental irloom and lp-;i ndency. an-1
r'-.tivenates "the entire system. Take only F. I'.
KI NKKI.'S. It has a yellow wrapper around it.
with his photograph on the outsi-!. Price. !.oo.
' Ask vour druiirit. and it he ba it nt. send to
j the proprietor.'!:. F. Kunkel, No. v:.;i N. Ninth
Street. Philadelphia. Pa. Advice free. -end fhree
! cent stanip. A-chenb-iek . Miller. Sole Averts,
N. W. cor. Third and t 'allowlull Streets. Ph, In. lei- j
phia. Pa. For rale, by L..Iames, Iruwi-t. Focus
I Imr;, I'a.
OI K I Rir.M)S.
ei inoiiirie fr ad
Jn-m 1h1u s in uA j ri'is i-t tho cuii:ry who
4- 'Hrd ( 'oi loot i -n." wr nrt having jt nt vl tr t h in 1
; n 't A ven tr.aut;!iil r.ti!, aii (-'!. r Mini
; ni t Ut'l I V;i;-. ill VMV , : i- ! -1 1 1 : 1' ! - j
! i.f the art. il!ii.-lr.tTii:it SIu.KSiiPjir'".- "-Sr'n
of Man." e have sp 1.0 ; .t iio in ttn -o j
' oar.?; Xhry arc sim.Iy iiTTi art-iT'-ir.5:. i;r Mily i
j aim h hoen to nthh the !.nt card" yet sh'.wn.
i A 'plication lor them havo cmiic in ?o r;: p:d'y itiat I
! rn'-irly thj wln.le cditi-m 'i;ir..u'"i K i-'r the ro-
: ccifit'hy us of the card- Irom the arti-t. We hnve
: thi-rciorf heen olliif'.tl tt nth'j-t t he U-'.i'". i nir plan j
the c'lt MhiKm rare f ar-N. seven in The fi tv. wi ii '
be BiTit cxcittir, uj't.n the rcipt ol a t:iteincnt j
, a irmviT that the pcr-nr. a pj iviint t-r the- cants
ha Ik'HIi of him n That H.iy at lc;it T'n hars
of I fshhni Klecinc S..ap. Wi t h" prio'' pai l hrarn".
All applying in Uih ma :inr y ill r'-' tV.e full
?tt nl even rmls irrat i t-y ir.;n i . Th ; - .t 1 11 i n - u re
i: that our frinds and J:it r-(fi- u et tl.cir - Imro 1 j
' thene hrautifr.l dciirfn.-. Althouuh it in h" nnntsor I
i reavs u fur tlu ct ,.f the cr-rd5. Your tmcer j
h t he ?inn or wi 11 net i c, a nd T jk pnn'ha
of seven bars of it at one time will secure for you
gratis seven really beautiful card. The soap im
proves with as-e and Is an article oT nece.-Sity in
3'our house every week. Therefore you are not
asked to buy a useless article, but one that you
must have anvwav. Please send us your applica-
V!',n 1'?,'"'', ""''T11';."' 1:1 y ,T",n,i' ni;'kll,B
ard ( ollections to do the saine.
Yours, rcspectiully,
I. i.. (
110 South 4th St..
- Pobbins" Flectric Soap
ker . Bro., Kbensburif, Pa.
UN ,t )..
rhilaiirlihia. I'a.
is sold by V. S. Bar-
He talked love to her. and dove 1
i her.
And tried to .iire7e h-r hand :
VThile she sat up and "yossed" and "noed,"
Ami yawned behind her tan
fltecnu'se she had sat up the ri i trli t before.
With a fellow she had au awlul foiidnesa lor.)
It is iust possible the fellow of the nislit before
i wore better clothe
man t oiner enap was recom
mended tothecirl s irood Brace", for instance, by
t he ownership ( t a nice suit of ready-made cloth
ing bouirht at .las. .1. Murphy's, 1"'.' t'iinton street.
Johnstown. Hot of this we are lc't in the dark.
We are a'-mrcd, however, that IMr. Murphy soils
more and better clothmir at lower prices t-h;in any
other dealer in the county a state of affairs due
to his lair, square method of transacting t'li-im ss
with all parties who may favor him with their pa
tronage. Jud now. he is vmptyin:; his shelves of
W inter sroods. preparatory to refilling them with
wear suitable to a to i lder season. :,nd as everyt himr
will be sold provided a decent price is oticrcd, it
will be understood that many harzulns may be
I licked up by the tinlicious bu it. Ha lias a iiMin
er of overcoats on hand which he will r oll nt prices
so low as to cau-e a person to op n wide hi? eyes
iu astonishment.
With the foot of a fawn she crog
Ha:f confining and half in tear
d the lawn.
And her eyes ot blue they thrilled nic through
t ne blosr.;d minute : then like t he deer
Away she darted and left nit here.
Her haste to disappear was ecasion -d by
dtccovery that the "loot of a t.iwn ' spoki n of was
encased in a shocki ni bad shoo, and she wanted
I to (jo to S. Biumcnthars
lll'.i F.leventh avei uc.
Altoona. and ret-hice it witV something new and
nice before srraiitiiiir j,pr i,,Ver a conference. She
would experience no difliculiy in acconip!ihimr
that result, fo; B'-utncntlial's stock is simply nn-
I mensp.
He his boots, shoos and slippers lor the
-for aye, vouth and inhincv a 11 the di.'.'er-
i million'
ent etvlcs in the market beinn represented on his
; shelves, and each individual article warranted to
j stand tiie test of wear. As to the ma'ter ol prices.
I he refers to his multitudes of customers, who unite
! in dechirinir that nowhere else wear for the
I feet be purchased at so liberal rnte. Tlue unable
i to visit him in person will he lurnished a price-list
on application, and all
orders by mail wiil be
promptly attended to.
.llWAKV 25th.
C O N SI. M 1 T ION,
brought on by a severe cold on the
lunys. which miiiht have been cured
riy one bottle ol Sisks' Svr.n' of Tar.
W'ti.D t'HKintv and HoAiinor t. if
taken in time.
1'rs trnvcleii Kast, ami I've trnvtleil West,
Ttirniit'h miir.y a u e:iry day :
Hut the one thinir that ire'.s ine bc?t,
1? why the hens d-in't lay.
F.irus. 51 -t. ir-r dozen. Erranrjr. Try a pack
nc i'l Al. H. K.ii'.ttns' Tol Liny I oiri.F.ns. j-r'
liy Sixes' M"f' 'o.ot l'Iiil;id"l hia. I'a.. f..r
sale hv all leailinsf ilruirzii;?'. nnd then if tu-y don't
lay. tiiey are only lit to -ii to put.''
O'HEIEX-Mil N AN. .'MarTieil. at St. Jnlin's
eiurci. Aitcna. on ei!ne--!ay. I'eS. -j:,. 11. Iiy
Kev. 'Atlier Hr' ily. .Air. t nAi iES 'liniE and
Slips 1i.ziF. Noon ax. t'Oth of tiialoity.
Wll-T M V I! I'H V. M rri.'iS. nt the residence
of the iitlii iatinir elerifvnian In J .din town, on Tn
day. Alan-n . 1HI. hy K"V. U. A. I inl;. 1 . !.. Mr.
Thomas .TrFrisfit Viit and Mi I'.mma ,Tm:
Mi iiriiv. hoth of South ork. Cruyle township.
MVIil'HY-YOUKK.-Alarri-d. at the same
time and idnee. by tho same. ?lr. No.mi Mi'prnv
and IMii Arms; "fATHAiiixs Youcr. both of the
above namcil locality.
THE underpinned will open a Srleet Srhnol in
the Khen?hursr T'nlon School HuildinK. for a
term of fen verks, connnenein'j Monday. April
25. 111. The common branches, higher mathe
matics, and the natural sciences will be taught.
netruction in teaching will besiven to all whode
sire it.
Teuvs. Konr dollars per term for all Mndyinu
onlv the ordinarv orancns : nve dollars per term
for instruction In teai'liinir. Tbose intetidinir to
come will please plve notice as soon as convenient.
I . A, LU 1-..
Enensburar, March 11, 1S81.-U.
"KTOTICE is hereby given that I have
JlI this day filed an application with the Secre
tary ot Internal Aflairstora warrant I or seventy
Acre of rnimnrnveil l and in Ke.ade tuwiislnp.
t'ambria county, I'a., bounded on the east bv lands
of William limado. on the south by lrael Ioiid
er. on the west bv Joseph Hollcn. arid on the
north bv Samnel Kuhn. Vf. I'. AVAI.Kl'.R.
I'eb. 1-?t.-3-4.-;n.
t iniit
luc ot an fr,Jer ol t!ie
tin- l.r-.t:
t iirt ot
!1 ot'er nt
uii o! 1. 1-
iint-ria :-ounty. the uioiei
ne s.ii" on the pic-iiis. i:i
ii. on
Thursaay, the 31st day of .March. 1
At 2
( I l K. 1'
o! which
ll" h : C''
ii ' i
!.-!, I
ic 1, X i
.mi r:a '
a i .o r i
te in tiie b r,a:i:'.:
t 1.
ty. trontii.a .'1
t- tidui b.i -k J
W . V. .McA'c. t
1 ex-
1-t ;i on tl.e -o',th, l.a-. i her cr. d
I ranic llmivr :m i Plniik
1 i:i. v-i of S A l-U. fine I 1 1 1 1". i i f 1 (;
ey to be paid on e. 1. 1 rtua t of -nje
a ll'-e i 11 t 'A ; C! ua 1 a ll o Oil 1 1 :i . ir.ei: 1 - .
-i a-' II.
. a lid t iie oal
w i; I; II. i re--1 ,
to be secure 1 by inorti-je an 1 v L-rn-'nt 'mnd' ol
the pureha-er. W. A. t'.. ll.F
Admiiii'tf .it'-r ol .Inn .AIykcs
Iyorctto. March 11. !l.-i.
, de.-
1Y vfrturof fJnnf wr-KTi.-i
y nf i nn:1r:a count v. t ;m
at r-ultli alc ti.e ircnr.e
in the v:iUs.M.'
Thursday, tho 3 1st 1av r Man lu 1
At 2 ('( MM K, r. V .. ' iri;,w i: l It-, t ; real
vttate, ol whidi .1 am k .1 . .Mt jci .u
died ci7cd, lo wit :
A riTlVK or
or aj:ouxi
Situate in the viHaf i t I'orf ai;.'.AY;-!i i i r i: t n t'-wn-.'
hip. 'amhri. i ciif. lv, .(!n: t;h hifi ot m.
MfK-n7.i''. 1 . C". t 'i'-1 i wH 1. aiid o:t,ir-. c n' n . n ;
-iO orcltr. Ui'Tr- .r I-----, huviii-r :f cr -'U levi
ed h onc-aiicl fi-hal: :try IMatiK Ilonr.
TEiiVS or S IK !!( l-.all . I fu- purvha-c lis n
cy to he paid on ronhrmat ion of -aic. :-iid t i.- h. 1
mu-e in t" cjMal annunl pa in--:; ti
to t4 ?'fim d tv iii-.rtiiai' ai'd l iid" u:t:-t !..:: Oi
1he piircl:i-.-r." Al.KN ll.M. K
Stir ivu1c Kxe "tor o! Jamk- .1. M . i .!,, ;. ..
Vv'jil.iiiiiiMTi 1 p., Mu ti 1 1 , lM.-t.
I Y x irtue i f an r r i
I the
' 'ri
ii-' t
ll t 'a ini-ri.i !
the a loli
l'tir-ii - -ale. i n llic 1 icluiei s !u t:
-ale. i n l!ic 1 u
h i!
Tli u r
!C. on
i!ar. tin- : 1st t!:iv of a! a re!
At 2 i-' t. i i K. I', v.. t!
. i
. ' J. :.l
i t.l'.c of whicti .1 A I.S
:ii Ai
died S' to wit :
'l'vo ami One-Half IsOts of iii-ound
Situs'" in the I.or..jIi -i Summit t i::-. 'aii.''i :i
count ;. . I'a., frnt on the limit iii.i'di, t '.tlu brm
I and 1 tidi i' it. i to nip. ke. nd mi ii:ir iai: !' ol i! .i ::i
j 1. niton and l:i-:r. r-t iv-rmev. hn ii'LT " i-n- .-l
I iTi-rii'il a to .-torv 1'laiik llouxca; 1 I'tanK
j Mahle.
i '1 KitMsioF Sale. ' me t l.ird : t:,..- pn-.-ha-i- tc.-n-
ey to be :i id on ': r.U run: .11 o s.iie, al'.d the I i!
i Hi.ce in !to iiii:iii,i 1 i.e. mi r.' s. w:i h i i.t- v-' .
to bi
t t'i tin? bolo,' III. r'lMji'i.Mi.fl.rr-
I'll 1. vi. m;nN S
JiilIN l;iil.K.
F." uti r- i.; .1 s-.n-.s ?.iruAM-v.
Stiinmitvilie, March li. Jsi.-r-t.
.1 c
Jlnnnfact tirer and Dealer in
Mattresses, &c.
Between UUh and 17th Ms.,
Alloona, IPciiii'a..
ti" '':ti7.f n of V.i;. hritl r.nn?r .'iri! :A others
wis, nr. if purclmc hum. Y ' K Ni l I ' H K. ; t
li"TicI 'ru- art reicrt tuliy i li v i t 1 1 irivf mo a
t'nt 1 can i::t i't ia rv w an t i'.uu j.lfa-o cv i ; i-tr.
vtrv lino-t.i H. .T. IYSX'il.
A!t'o.K.. April K. l.'.-tf.
ii:.i.i:i:s ix
Drv Groocis,
Ianc v Goods,
C L O T HI N G-,
Il"t'E nhrn woIi nro not lrlrr1.
J. . SHAlMJAMiH A; lil!0.
farroi;t own. March 13 l-l.-tf.
11. J j. ,T oli iif on, 1
. -I- U-K,
A. V. 1 Jxic-U.
1". A. Sliooiiirilcr.
3 5vi-i:i:n s,
f )'
Bonght nnd SoII, and a
Accounts J"?olic,it etl.
A. W. BUCK, Cashier.
i:V.enburr, Maroli 19. is0.-tr.
JZ4 F.'tate ol ( 'iii:i.Toriti:R (!rM:ns. decM.
Letters tot.inT'ntnry to I l.e i-:ri'v of t.'. ri - t'.jdirr
feorue. late of 'A alimaton t"Wnii;i. itn'M. Iiav
ins been i? ned to the innlersii: m-.l by the Kivrbdcr
of I'.'itnhriA conntv, notice i Iotc'iv tivrn t
ieron inilebtcd to t i ! enntethit pay tnent nv.i t
be made without delay, and thoe havin-r -l-mna
atralnft tiie fame will . recent them j i-n'irly au
thenticated for et'lrmenf.
M ATI IK ii:on?F.. Lxecuiru.
Wasriintrton Twp.. -March 4. lSl.-St.
r. a week in vonr own town. Term and omnt
CW free. A ld're'i H. llaUrlt 4" IV)
IVrlianU, Me.
H 1!
1 A
f.i: .
v. A.
ffi: A
1 TP
a r v
A I'
a r
I :.
I. Mi '
K !
h f: R
i. i;
i; n
v.,v heapest!
I c ' i i rc ( ii Fit
1 11(1 II,
'I II II I ( !( OKI .j .
t. -e f;..i:. ; --,
t!( i r--
I Si! t I .
t utile it st:'
(fft-rr ill"'':-; : r -. " -
of e ! :
a a I 1 '
.I:n t. are. t iiee:.n r-. i i -ta
arc i.-i s 1 1 1 om s .- . ; . .
r". 1 ranks - ,: i Ini i -. lU'ii-ii r. ii
t It. . Jl .-.e -. :?... I'-i t ' h
ltl. ilorfef iuls. t.iril:). t- l.i.Uv. I:-.
-t. M 1 1 1 t . i nUtiiei - MmI!-
-l .t o l 1 1! .. It:,.'-' -;;. - -
Mowing .MacMn"-,
Ilarve Ilsy I (irks,
t rn t all ii aliirs, ;
s.tili ii.dls. A -
.-: I
! ;i
'ltf'lrt 1'ltKir t:n'l
p.". pfi; iMii'ii.' -
A'. sli : .. H i I
S.M.I, t'.e I " i t
c -i : ! M r. -. I it 1,1 H
bi -; !,.l 1. . .
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V. n i M. ': - t "
I'll. K1N' I'M
es"l). T hi f XT.;.. 1
I AK IS : the'li -a
n ' 1 - i ni'i' a i:i' s
f-e.i :.r .ie in !
Fi.l :'l..- ii
;i i" i 1 1
AKNl.-!i'.S A.
pieli s . .cv o! cio
i.iau 'i.ini's;
r.s veil a- thov.y
art- ! -. 1 n l ;--T.
ret -It Si'"!! ii-.tu-ii"
Cli-T l'-r '.I ie li
; 1. 1 N v;l -: 1 N
S I.l AT
PI ' 1 1 s.
n 1 s . i r
I A i ".
ki:a(( o am;
. r r-
is ; v. r. - 1-q 1
i;rji-.i ii,
', l :
l he
'V !
the i
II !'
F! er.-
immm r-?iWiSTi-K:;oi
mm m
Sheet Iron ar
A Nil riFALI'I'.S IX
.Tolibin'r i:
! T,s mm ik m' '
tromptly .mi r:ir.i
278,20 and 2S2Vrasl!inr
IMORHlllATrn t.V Ii37.
i t i kmiKM
fc- ... ; . O k- ivvt
I ' f
f. i ti wW9 m
i:.v til ii IM tvivv
Only Five As?-is::irnts in 22
k ; -r. cia i. i. r i i: a: : :
T. TF. niCK, Srrrr! tr.
Ebcn.r-Brr, Jf n. il. IS- ' ly.
d7 .
(s if. ,a
EBcr.s3unc, p
"AS a!a.T on i!.-,.,' rt
rant a r' ii:cn- ot .
l i .',v l l. . :-i f ' i a i i
i: V
kc.. 'm. h he ..!r? t-r m'.
nv other dea!.-r .n t he
S!vt!ii'nj in l.i bne .!! !
bc."rc f.urcli:-..- e'-t n I '
-t' , 1 '.i "i ..
V. a:riic5. .ttni'iry Xc. ai
tee i in both work ar.u i ' -
' V. c 1 1 t o i
1 S'iti
I a tV CTist Ki i-v add
I Aa i j.rnce St.. Ym: U. cu n '
I ol snv .rni.i"cd lil.e ot A 1 1 M:
I cin .Newspapers i-l r-
4 44