The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 25, 1881, Image 3

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IIUDlV 310K.M.NU. - FEB' "J l1'
Uere. Tl'eve nd the Other Place.
Veiue3d;iy night was pretty near as so;
Vrunor as nnv of 'eui.
. omlt'rful discovery Kendall's Spa v
. i.'jn.l ailverfneinent.
u.Ll."e:, i.,u wa trivpn at the Llovd
k u.-.rtl I 111 1 Will LMTITII tb Hl- 1J"'J t
i . n - ....... , t 1 1 a 1 1 ' ii
J3e Tuoday evening. It is said to have J
n . . -
. . irr niovable aifair
The efiormous sum of ?101,000 waa paid
lt vrtek to t'" I. K. K. ?'op employees in
A'oi!a fur work done in January.
'Urines, of the Aitoona Vail, h just now
tnif.isied in eiitirt lining a new iy-discovered
relative--a sort of curb-uncle, so to speak.
Washington's birthday wns well observ
ed in tins ulaco that is, nearly ei j oonj
observed that it was aMinngton s nirlliiiay.
A little son of Mr. I- Jarreu, 01 m- , r
diana countv, was senotoiy injureu a rew :
Uas ago by being gored by an infuriated I
Mr. fieore Weber, clerk for the Foster
House has been iaite ill for several davs,
but, -vl' an g'ad 'o know, is now on the
B' The new drug store of Mr. Ed. James,
which H being fitted up in elegant style, will
Ve thrown open to the public in the course
cf. J. few days.
Appetite, Flesh, Color, Strength and
Vior if you covet these, take Ayer's Sar
fdl'Hiiila, which will confer them on you in
rujjid succession.
Mrs. Susan Horner, who is said to have
been one of the hamUomest women in
Johnstown thirty-five or forty years ago, j
died in that place on Friday last of paralysis.
The last syllable in the name of" the
rew I. S. Senator, from this State, John I. I
Mitchell, is being pretty strongly emphasized '
just now by some of the Republican malcon- I
tents. I
We will publish the names of all town- !
ship and borough oflicers sent us for that i
purpose. We haven't time to copy the lists I
from the certified copies in the irothonotary's :
office. '
Lem Davis It was, 'Squire Davis it is, ;
the law anil the profits arc now to be bis. j
So also with Abel, whose surname is Lloyd,
and who has "been there" before and the j
profits enjoyed. j
On Saturday last, Mrs. Williams, relict '
of Mr. Robert vViliiams, of Cambria town- j
ship, died at her place of residence, and was !
buried tiie following Monday. Her age was j
probably TO fars.
lion. A. II. Coffroth has placed us under
renewed obligations for a complete set of the !
CiX'jreHionol Uncord, neatly bound, for the
sccund session of the Forty-sixth Congress.
T'lr.'.i-.ks for the favor.
A Bedford mau named Michael Zitnmer
iuau was despoiled of $75 and a watch the
ether day by a tramp with whom he frater
iiiseil while making the overland trip from
Aitoona to Holliduysburg.
There is said to be a baby in our neigh
boring county of Indiana which commenced
taiUmg wucu only six months old. It is
icarcely uecc-;iry to aihl that the precocious
lbf.iiit . C'f fciiialf persuasion.
McDonald & Co., Loretto, sell mackeral
in quarter barrels at ft. 7.1 to $'2..".o ; in kits
at '.H to $1.10, and by the dozen at 25 to 50c.;
eodf -h at 5 to 7c. per lb., and herring and
bloaters at the very lowest prices.
The applieation for license to sell liquor
i:i this county embrace one hundred and
tV-.ueu for taverns, seventeen for eating-biu-ei.
and two for traffic by wholesale.
Thse applications will be passed upon at
our county court week after next.
Our good lady friend. Mrs. Thos. J. Mc
Kieinan. of Aitoona, is, we are sorry to
learn, afflicted with what is said to be par
alysis of the feet, but we sincerely hope that
her cae is not as serious as has bven re
teported. The many friends of Mr. Al. Ward, who
with his brother, M. II. Ward, is employed
by tlie A iiieri;.-au Express Company, New
Vork, will be glad to learn that he has re
cently been promoted, but to what extent wo
lia e not learned.
(..'apt. Mike (Quartz intends to negotiate
for the purchase ot the office poition of tha
old Mountain Honse at Crcsson, which is
comparatively new, and fiv it un for a resi
dence, provided he can buy a suitable lot of
ground to put it on.
A meeting of the Presbyterian congrega
tion is to be held in the church building this
(Thursday) evening, for the purpose of tak
ing into consideration tlie advisability of re
placing their present, place of worship with
a neau t- and safer building.
An oid woman of eighty years, residing
near (iieen-burg, put out nil th tires in her '
bouse at 4 o'ekek evcrv afternoon, and then
reLirc-i ' bed, where she i emains until a o'-
cbx k liett n,t.;-!i'"f. She is evidently a
wuman of very ri tiii:. disposition. !
i i r whiiutit ti.wiiMii m I'. A. Shoeinak- 1
er, Fhj . i'iw of Now Yo;k city, is said to '
tuf lake. I in m.oiyi recently on a ventuie I
in We-trrn I'tii.m 'leb-giaph tock. AVe
b ( the t.-ry i tine and that he may en- '.
. n'er nn'ij lucre s ich bw.iat hi the ,
f j art"
( ti.r j trtittl ft i. ' N have deterniiti
1 to e!--''- i- w rlnir-'h, b it tliey b.iven t
jt '''- "e corre- !y inf--niied,
: i to bu '1 it on a au ht nearly i p
f'r '- '. ji '. rti tl. sf;t h-ea-tel n
4..r-( ,. rT 1 ij y,:e' reefs.
n ,!-t of 1 1 I t-vt fir- ti m Wct
n.' : . d c. -!:'y ! d .., ra.iroiol jiais tt.o
i"'i ilijr li J.ijM'j mci fin'ii t lii pln-'e,
n't t' i 't t V at !i MV-fUil n- :
' l uk"l i'i tin' pan and mnv !im lt;is- J
l' r ' i -a,d l a to cindn to bald- 1
n I t.itrjT'1.
1 ! I i i ! i p..-. !. ii . nrt it crv ' j
le" t:i det :ai there is tio 1 i.ij.i'u ld
t j im t c,m!v. and far a it i
V'io i i t ;,ij f .d either. We therefore j
tai4- ilk tl.e !.in-liip and put it where it
! jj in Westmoreland county. Hope!
tl. s w..! iriti'v Hf. Lindsay and" save his i
L-tr" 'r fr.uii further violence. j
Mm J ne Slots, of Knox township, is
t'. e t r-T nr.. I woman In Clearfield coun-
ty V.o has ever tecn elevated to oftice, if j
elevated is ; ! e righ.t word. Mrs. Sloss was j
elected diieiif the School Directors of said 1
biwnslilp on Tuesday of last week, and ere j
!"; no doubt be SIo-.s-hirg around in ;
tl.e peri oi ina nrp of her new duties. I Coupell. the man who bad his j
rck broken by a fall at Ramey, Clearfield j
c...intv, a notice of which appeared in these ;
ciiluTuiis, h i- so far recovered as to be able I
to move abiut his room with care. This I
case is exciting considerable interest and Dr. !
Edwards, the attending physician, should !
give the medical world the benefit of his ex- i
jerienee. j
Win Kno-.t, of Cumberland, fell from a j
rv P. n. It. rridee at Bolivar Watmore- ,
land, on la-t Tuesday afternoon, and
vata'.i.ed in!uries which proved fatal a few
1 after. He was at work on the bridire
at time and was precipitated into the
stream below by tl:e uptilting of a plank,
Wh:i'!ifp;i tuion him and inflii-ted the ininries
wli;ch proved fatal.
We paid a hasty visit last Saturday to
the- stately "print shop" of that sprightly
little daily, the Aitoona Tribune, but as our
ta'.l was productive of 'taffy" mora than
sufficient to clog the wheels of our "internal
Improvements." and as we don't wish to bo
considered an active member in what mmht
be mistaken for a mutual admiration society,
we forbear further comment.
1 he fr'ends of Commissioner Georga
Cur'tv, of this place, will bo cind to learn
that he has ben successful in securing a
pension from the United States (Government
in the sum of something over l.lou. Mr.
Oar'cy js somewhat of a eripp'e, and his
been such for several years, and the origin
ot b (l.sei-e is said to have lieen found in a
can tj:;n air.oe; fnward th rlo-e- of I h war.
"N'r Jji' Van (Inner and ou, of White
tOWTw!. were in t.-vn 'I'm..I ic i.n a lnmi-
X e
A W.
I'atchm. of tierry-
put in an ariar
M, rs. Van ( i mer
t tie heaviest lutn
..ite s .-turn, and it
t' - t tl e )m.1i l)l..te
f the nvvr as entire
tree. 1-v i
ance at t'
v. a!
s i (
and J At' li 'i
a 'i
bermcti of t
fives im p.i- in- t , ...
IS pMce, at (lie nuciMi
ly sj-.!a. ;,,rv.
-x pin- f-..,n Witmore and
' ' ' 'v nn" 'd 4 in.-.. -v . ,oi,t ud:es and
t-' e-i.u. )e:i,o. bv Ke . M, Ketr icir
M.e I .l: '...r-i n ..t.o'rcl, , f . . .. . ' ' . .
' U'.IIP. TT
' s '1 ues.y evenrp- p-.f u,, at
- !;., a we ; i, fig was a c
e l pa't of the pro;rntiiPie, bat ?
i-"'i the r-erct'ionv va nut
!1 1111
C')Up i
' party returned home a
r tm.i-t.r.t.r
1 i- . :t . ,,f Jacoii A. Marrol.I, xslio wa
t w la f itLo' 2 nn alhdavit. etc.. for
"f f u lent :y obtaining a pen
e (veri.!ii'Tt. was brought to a
"' P. S. Di-dict Court, in
"i Thur .J ty of last week. The
"' a virdii t ih.-it the defendent
'' of the several ctvirges which
l '-Tie against him. Ilarrold
!Mi'i il:sciargd.
ur-hfield. of the Fifth Pegiinent,
s "Iycotted" Stand nr." collars
Co . ..
i-'ty rc:,"j;
w4, cu
hrl hee:i
v. -Col. l;
am film t
soldiers of bis command .1 mi ii f
aiM'r'.'""',1";,"'(!"'llion ceremonies ii?
llln.'t.ti Citv 'n.i i . .
,' maintain an upright position.
'on t waut tl eircolbivs t,. O. !b.
" It lie d..n-( .....
Tie- ,i i 1 ' ir collars to follow suit.
an'l t!X''!'.!iSi '',lass "onPi-il Printer', !
t'S 'i U -'u IV1 Uk a"y "Pica-dnly" i3 ;
i ii. -. u-on this occasion. i
"A lior?e ! a horse ! my kingdom for a
horse !" When King Richard spoke these
words on Bosworth field he undoubtedly
meant a horse w hich liad been using Roberts'
Cei.ebuatfp Horse Powders, as no otliw
animal would have conveyed him to a fe
place in the quickest possible time. irice
25 cents sold by V. S. Barker & Bro., Ebens
burg, an lots of other people.
As heretofore stated in the? columns,
Mr. Joseph Gutwald, UeputT Barges of
Kbensburg borough, was a victim of disease
the major part of this winter, though of late
his condition lias somewhat improved. Six
other members of bis family, including his
aged father atid his wife, are also under the
weather and confined to the bouse, their dis-
tllC Ut'l I lllllltllllllfTLIUL. tt LUC IUIIU?. W1LI1
. . ; . . 44 ..-.,,,. .i.., -. r 1 . 1 . . :iL
rather serious symptoms in two or three of
the cases.
Some talk is quietly being had by cer
tain capitalists of the advisability of buying
a section of ground up toward the headwa
ters of the Cunemaugh, a mile or so aiiove
the railroad bridge in the eastern end of
town, and building thereon a summer hotel.
The location is a splendid one, counting the
...nt.... t .. ..: i :t i . . , . ,
mi it-1 i.u iiiui-a in Hiiinif wun oilier nainrii
attractions, and a big bouse there could be
made tl. Tnv tr WP lr lw.t A rrrrhftt- nnr Iha
son of a prophet.
Mr. John Thomas, father of Hon. J. J.
I I noma,, cr Carroll township, anl of Mr.
! Michael Thomas, of Monster township, with
i the latter of whom the old gentleman resides,
j is still hale and hearty at the patriarchal age
of '.mi years. Mr. Thomas, pere. was a school
teacher in former years, and is still compe
tent to instruct and edify the pupils in schools j
which he occasionally visits. May it be our
pleasure ten years Iience to chronicle the
centennial anniversary of this worthy old :
A gentleman who has tested the invalu-
able qualities of Roberts' Horse anp'at- I
I'owpeks upon his own stock, deems it his I
duty, in justice to his fellow citizens, to re- ,
commend the same to all owners of stock, j
not only in cases where stock is sick, but !
they will find it very beneficial to new milch i
cows, as well as to the general appearance 1
of the horses and other stock. It. costs only I
2o cents and is guaranteed to effect a cure, j
if used in time. Banter &, Bro., Ebensburg.
keep it for sale. ',
It once mor? devolves upon the Free- j
man household to return thanks to our Cath
olic beok-se.'iing friend, Mr. J. J. Murphy, I
l:0 Grant street, Pittsburg, for a couple of j
: handsome and excellent religious works, !
j which came in shape of presents to our wife j
' ami eldest son, the latter as a keepsake from .
his namesake, Master Frank Murphy. Some
day we hope Mr. Murphy will let is know ;
how we can repay him for the many kind
; nesses of this kind he has bestowed upon ye
editor and his family.
A goodly number of our subscribers will
I this week receive a specimen copy of tl.e
I Chicage Weekly Yira, and it is to lie hoped
I they will peruse it carefully and judue for
j themselves whether two dollars, with twen
ty cents additional for postaire when sent
outside of Cambria county, could be better
j invested than by subscribing for the Frek
jiix and Xeirg for one year. All others on
i our list, besides hundreds who are not but
ought to he, will re-eive similar consideration
' in fue time, and we hope that a rich harvest
j will be the result. Send money to this office,
j Mrs. M. A. Condon, of Creson, found on
! last Sunday morning, on opening a bureau
i drawer well filled with articles for her child
J ren'a wear, that a bole bad been burned
i through the clothing almost to the bottom
of the drawer, anil also found a half burned
match on top of the weal ing apparal. How
the match got into the drawer is a mystery,
but the presumption is that a mouse carried
it there and then ignited the match by nib
bling at it. Be that as it may, it was certain
ly a narrow escape from a serious conflagra
tion, and the only way to account for the
miscarriage is that the fire did not get enough
air to fan it into a flame.
The Aitoona Tribune notes as one of the
strangest things which ever happened the
fact that a woman liv ing in that city who i
has one sound, vigorous tongue has been !
much alarmed by discovering that a new un- '
rulv member has starter! to grow from a po
sition a short distance in front of the original
articulator. It is perfect in every particular
and is growing rapidly !She thinks one
tongue is about as much as she has any use
for and is visiting a physician with the in
tention of having tlie intruder removed. Of
course the newly-developed member is a pa
culiar swelling at the rool of the tongue, but I
it certainly has taken
a most wonderful
: shape. '
, The Aitoona Mechanic notes the fact that j
the irieat-grand father of Mrs. Shoffner, wife ;
of John Shoffner, residing on Twelfth street,
I near Eighth avenue, in that city, accompa- j
i nied Lord Baltimore to this country, and I
, subsequently settled in Maryland. His !
I name was Captain Michael MeG-nire. He i
J afterwards removed to Loretto. This wis i
! eight years before Prince located j
! there. Mrs. ShofTner's grandfather, l.ichard
Mciiuire, (bom in Maryland,) went to Lo- I
' retto with his father and died there in the
Kith year of his age, Adaughterof Kicliard i
nianied Mr. John eihe, and this lady was
: the mother of Mrs. shoffner, whoso maiden
' name was Victoria Zcrbc. j
A few days ago, as we learn from the ;
, ( 'arrolltown iir., Mr. William (.las, of j
: Suiqtirhniina town. hip, was married to Mis j
i Agnes Hurley, of Carroll township. L P.
li.iker, of the irmer district, lied the i
connubial knot, but it seems the parents of
. tin young lady were upxie4 to the match
: and that th ceremony had been performed .
without their knowledge. Acneg is only ,
a'oi!t seventeen years of age, and therefore ,
I s! i'l subject to the control of her natural
guardians. The 'Squire was threatened ,
with prosecution by the old folks on a charge i
of peif.inuiiig the marriage service for a ,
j minor, but the cao was compromised ty .
j Baker pajinc Mr. Hurley the sum of $1'h1.
I A full-grown buck was captured by two i
little dears of the feminine persuasion at j
flarre Forge, Huntingdon county, on Satur- i
day last. It seems that the little girls were i
plajingon the i e at that place, when they
were suddenly startled by the appearance of
a large buck, which hail Ihjch pursued by
ilogs and was seeking safety in flight.
Beaehins the ice the frightened animal was
unable to proceed further owing to the slip
jiory surface, and observing the predicament
in which it was placed, savs the Aitoona
Sun, the little girls plucked np courage, cap
tured the animal ami endeavored to take it
home with them. Doubtless they would
have been unsuccessful had not assistance
arrived ; however, it was finally secured and
is now in captivity.
Tuesday was Washington's birthday.
In accordance with law the iTid of February
is a legal holiday, and the banks were closed
for business, though there was no percepti
ble diminution of the selling over counters or
the shutting down of books in the Court
House. Co. A, in full uniform, paraded at
headquarters at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.,
and the masterly evolutions of that splendid
lly of dulled men edited tlie warm ap
plause of all on-lookers. The idea of the
t Company was
to have paraded through the
main streets o
of town, bat this was prevented
i bv too much mud and an indication of rain.
; in the evening, tlie customary number of
; persons gathered round the stove and drank
1 dm rmfnnwrr tonst "To (ieneral (leorire
Washington : Were he not dead, he would
be now alive !
The Johnstown Tribune tells a ghoul- f
like storv about dogs burrowiug into the
graves in an old cemetery near that town ami
draeging forth the bones of the dead. On A $m no Bim.irL rnrzK. We have re
Monday, that paper says, four of these hyena- ; ceived Ru:lfi7e,'s MnntUlij for March and find
like does were noticed burrowing down to i it an entertainine little magazine. Its pub-
th receptacle of corpses, and pulling out
human arms and legs, which they carried off
some distance and kept gnawin at as if the
dried-up marrow contained in them was the
sweetest of morsels. In the forenoon one of
the teachers at the Vnlon school building
saw the sameoeration repeated by twouuly,
ferocious-looking docs, and it was with dif
ficulty that some of the larger scholars suc
ceeded in di iving tt. em away. The spet-i-
ie a most sickening one, and tt is a
bnrtunu shame that such desecration has
Ix'en ai iiweil to jo on.
- fdir f r.en.i r.f h.1ioo.I dtvs, Mr. S. 11.
Wallace, brother of the S nat..r and P. K. It.
tieki t agent at Philadelphia, his no tbouirht,
of couts, that a country editor could attoril
to iudiihrc in a trip to -dorado and (alitor
Iii.t, Put all the same I e m sent us a band-
somely prititcil pamphlet containing all ned
rxents to be
ful li. formation, iies ri.tie .f
visited and otherwise, ot cran
to tbiex-'wonderf ul regions, whiehis to b-ave
PiiHa.le'phia on t he lfh of Apr l and return
on the lf of June. The entire cost of the
tup. Including paiaee car and first class hotel
accommodations, wi'l If f4"o, and if there
are any of our readers who would like to put
in a substitute for a trip delight f ul, we are
ready to receive pr"Hsa!s, and dun'l care
in. .re than three cents if they forget to en
close a stamp f.r return postage.
Mr. li, he. the gentleman whose name
was so
I n in in
.rr,rf,inntlycorn.ted with the li.du-
t.urKlary .r Allegheny township, lat
ear, was in town on Monday, accompanied
by bu sixteen year-old daughter. In the af
ternoon they Udh paid a visit to the jail,
wherein is confined young Fred. Stalb, the
only unpunished member of the gang who
committed the foul deed. Prior to entering
the prison. Jailor Griffith was requested to
give no token to the daughter as to the pre
cise cell occupied by Stain, but, in the grand
rounds, with unerring precision she Minted
out that individual as one of those who as
saulted her father on that eventful night and
nearly murdered him. Her testimony, if
given in this shape, will prove a feature of
the case of Stalb, which will come before
Court for determination next month.
A, correspondent at Gallitzin writes to
say nat at the recent election In that boro'
tl-tf names of fico candidates for Inspector
were printed on some of the tickets that
some of the voters neglected to erase the
name of one of the Inspectors that all such
tickets were thrown out of the count by the
election board and he asks whether the ac
tion of the board was legal. We answer him
by saying that it was the duty of the board
to coiint all the other names on such tickets,
but not, of course, to count the inspectors.
The tickets were in legal form except that
they contained fico names for an office for
which each elector could only vote for one
person ; but a blunder of that kind can't
destroy the right of the other candidates on
the same ticket to be voted for and to have
their votes counted. The tickets were
worthless as regards the office of Inspector,
but were valid as to the other officers named
on them.
The Pittsburgh Lender tells of aT. R. R.
employe who married a Johnstown lady
some two years ago, and commenced house
keeping in" Pittsburgh. Soon afterward she
learned that he had already a wife and five
small children li vim!, and the next move on
bis part was to place the little ones in charee
of the woman he had so cruelly deceived. ,
The onlv excuse offered for the deception j
practiced lay in Ihedeciaration bis legal
wife wasn't a good woman, ami lie couldn't
live with her. Then he too Mck. and his
poor victim struggled as bet she might to
obtain a living for him and his children, but
at last she va-- obliged to nvpeal to the. I in- j
provement of tlie Poor Soc;ety, and t" com- .
plcte the chapter her hea' broke and ;
.leatli en.Ie.l her mal and physical trou- I
hies No nar"- aiV! mentioned, but the pa
per state- that the facts, as set forth, were
I f.urf among the archives of the society
i named a few davs ago.
At a meeting of the Dauntless Fire
Company, held last Monday evening, the
following nominations of oflicers were made :
For President, Harry Engelhart : for Vice
President, Ed. Thomas, C. R. .'Myers: for
Secretary, E. C. Parrish ; for Treasurer, J.
1.. Stough : Chief Director. Ed. Thomas:
i Assistant Director, C. R. Myers: Chief of
i Hook and Ladder, Harry Engelhart: As-
sistant Chief of Hook and Ladder, James N.
; Evans, Jesp S. liolsinger : for Librarian,
i Jesse S. Bolsinge-, E. C. Parrish, James N.
Evans: for Assistant Librarian, Harry En
1 gelbart : Cai.tair. of Engine. John L. stough,
E. J. Hnmpiire : Chief of Hose. V. Worth
' Blair: First Aistant of Hoe, Thomas I),
I Evans; Second Assistant of Hoe, J. S. Ibl
! Ringer; Trustees, John L. Stough, T. W.
j Dick, E. J. Humphreys, James N. Evans,
i J a urns y. Thompson. Kd. Thomas. The
election will Ik; held on the evening of Mon
' day, the :nr day of March next, at 7 o'clock,
j If the Alt'Mina corres;Kindent of the a Sunday 7"oe, which, by the
way. is lift me same timet mat .mc lure
keeps up to, knows whereof he affirms, the
citizens of R'.air county want a separate ju
dicial ilitiiet, that mty having the requi
site population, demanded by the constitu
tion. the Caiiilieia county people, says
the vera 'ions correspondent, do not want to
part wi.h Judge Dean, and have mutually
agreed among themselves to hare Cambria
countyatt.K he I to Riair. The Blair county
bar h.i-e gotten up petitions ini--ting on a
separite ilitrict. and the prospects are now
that if will make an inteicting tight. Boggs,
our S'liator, resides in Cambri.v, and is said
to I committed to joining the two counties
in cne district. We (the aforesaid corres
ponlen) cannot see how that Is to be ac
conplished, inasmuch as Hewit is favorable
to Blair being a separate district and had
thb in view when lie appointed his commit
tees. Certain real estate, the procrty of Win.
X. Lloyd, bankrupt, was sold at public sale,
at the Court Ho'ise, in this place, on Monday
Vist. The total amount realized was $6,.'io."i.
tract of land in Blacklick township, said
to bes underlaid not only by strata of coal,
but also iron and other valuable minerals,
was knocked down to A. V. Barker. Esq
for ?4,0J."..";o. What is known as the Thomas
15. Moore property, in the northern section
ef the Wet wardwas bid on alternately by
Mr. Michael I.atterner and Prothonotary
John C. Gates up to a figure approximating i
f TO,,, when the last bid was held' over. An- .
i.l In.. .- ... tl,,. I . . .- I . -. I ...... I Inn.
: r.t )u.r TirAiinrtr in tliu Wettfr irar.l nnw tell -
' anted by Mrs.Tsenberg and family, was sold
i to Mr. Nicholas Freiohoff. who owns the
i lot abutting on the east, for $251.09. , Messrs.
Wm. M. Jones, of Lbensbnrg, and J. C.
Curry, of Aitoona, as assignees, conducted
the sale, which was well attended, liy
agreement, the properties remaining unsold,
numbering a half-dozen or more, will be put
under the hammer at the same place on the
litii day of June next.
The r. It. R. versus The S. A C. Tl. R.
The "paper book" which the Pennsylvania
P.ailioad presented in tlie Supreme Court, in
session in Philadelphia, a few days ago, in
the injunction ea- in which the Somerset
Cambria liailroadis defendant, recited among
other matters that the latter never asked for
the consent of plaintiff to occupy the ground
which that corporation claims, but aggres
sively, and in defiance of tlie rights of sid
plaintiff, entered upon said property, with
out even tendering or filing a bond ; and fur
ther, that the occu fancy of the Stonycreek
Feeder property by defendant was not essen
tia! to the entry of the road into Johnstown,
as there were ami are other avenues of ap
proach almost as convenient and probably
less expensive, excepting for the fact that
route was already graded along the line of
the Feeder. The plaintiff goes on to say:
"Without either the ability or disposition to
prevent the defendant company from enter
ing Johnstown, but with the single purpose
of protecting the large valuable properly ami
franchises purchased from the; State, cover
ing th-e now urtHsed, but expected soon to be
used, right of way and appurtenances of the
main line lying between Pittsourgh and Phil
adelphia, was this bill filed and is this con
test now pursued "
The decision of the Court has not yet been
announced, although an opinion in the mat
ter in dispute is looked for at an early day.
I Death of a Estimable Tol'-so Man.
i Mr. Peter M. ISuck, fourth nn of Hon.
John Huck, of Carrolltown, whose serious
' illness was not"-d in this department of our
paper last week, died at the residence of his
father at ti o'clock on Saturday afternoon,
aged about 2t years. The disease which
! caused his death was a typhoid type of
j pteuro-pneumonia, and bis two brothers,
1 Urs. M. J. and James Huck, both of whom
' are skillful phosicians, concur in saying that
' it was the worst case of the kind they have
ever encountered, or heard of. Tlie deceas
: ed was in every sens of the term a most ex
, emplary and well doinn young a regular
; ana devout communicant in the Catholic
; Church an affectionate nor. and brother,
: and a most companionable and greatly es
! teemed friend land associate. He was en
gaged to be married to a very amiable and
i excellent young lady of Carrolltown, Miss
! Ella Walter, who, like his other relatives
' and friends. Is almost frantic with grief at
i his sad and untimely death. That the Al
i niiffbty Father of all may in his mercy com
; fort the bereaved ones and grant eternal rest
: to the soul departed is the sincere prayer of
every one who has heart to feel for the affiie
j ted and faith to believe that tbo living can
j aid the deaJ by earnest aupplication to the
tnrone ot (too.
lishersoffer the followingeasy way for some-
: body to make Sin.oo :
j To the jersoii te'ling lis how many times
: the word "Jerusalem" is fonh.l in the New
: Testament Scriptures, bv March loth, lsi,
i we will eive flood in cold as a prize. The
I monev will le forwarded to the winner Match
! f.. 11. Thos w ho try for the prize must
i send in cents with their answer, for which
: will receive the Aptil number of the
' booth'?, a handsome mca7ine of .'( pages,
in wbieti will lie published the name ami ad-
dres of the winner of the prize, with the
correct ai.swer thereto. In writing to the
mi lil i-.her nlpuw wv vim saw this Imlie" in ,
the Frkfmiv Aihlress, r.i ti.f.iwe Ti b-
UsHiNflCoMPAXT, Katon, l'a.
Rr foithf mT FEMF.OT for the treat-
' mnt ot catarrh unci it kindred dieaes (s
i f-'.v's Cream l;i!m, which is havmc the larg-
ent saies wun ns or any preparanou now or
fered. The repirts are ail favorable, and
we do not hesitate to indorse it as superior
to anv and alt other articles in the market.
The lialm is pleasant and easy to use. Ct-
. Rts I. at all & fox, Druggists, Easton, Pa.
' I.ivito Witsfssf.s. The hundreds of
j strong, hearty, ruseed and healthy '.lookino;
; men, woman and children, that have been
! M.nliu.1 r.m kuilj f T4 1 1 CI. 111 llQ anil noll
' u ,ath bv rarker s Giner Tonic, are
tlw! ,st pvui,.,. in the world of its sterling
merit and worth. You will find such in al
most every community. Head of it in anoth
er column. 2 'Jl.-lm.J
The advice of the Carrolltown AVtr
about Democratic politicians and Democratic
newsnaiicrs lieinit "humble and submissive,"
1 and which, bv th wav, is a new revelation
! to.the Xetri,, seems tobave leen entirely lost
! on a majority of the present County Com
j mittee.
' II k D4CHE cured for 25 cents bv DR. MET
i TILLS. 2-21.-lni.j
Meeting of the County Committee.
In response to the call of Chairman McMul
lin, a majority of the members of the Demo
cratic County Committee met in the Grand
Jury room at the Conrt House on last Mon
day'at 1 o'clock, P. si., and after being called
to order Messrs. T. S. Fleming, of Gallitzin
borough, and J. J. Thomas, of Carroll town
ship, were, on motion, chosen Secretaries.
The list of delegates by districts was then
called, with the following result :
Vm. II. MeMiillcn. Chairman.
Adam Xot represented.
Allegheny Frank Little.
ytnrr Ilenrv .T. Hopple.
Ulackliek joseiih Mnrrtis.
Cambria Bor. Jos. Koth (snh.) 1st ward ; John
Dowlin. 2d ward.
Cambria Twp. Pnvld Shinkle.
t'arroll .Ta?. J. Tliomns.
C'srroiltown .loeph l!ehe.
lie?t Sprines Frank i'ramer.
Chest Jtm J. ill.
Clearfield E. K. lmneirnn (sub.)
Concnmmrh H'r. 1-t ward, not represented; 2d
ward. Richard Tones
Conemnnirh Twi. Mot represented.
Coopered :ile Not represented.
cmyle Not ri-presented,
Heau Not represented.
".. t Consiiimieh 1. .T. Crnisr (nb.)
KhemSnrir -Errirns Uoyd, liast ward ; Thomas
MRreen (sun.) t ward.
Elder Anselm Weaklnnd.
franklin Not represented. Kur. T. S. Kleminir.
(Jallitzin Twn. Win. J. Iawson.
.TaeKson Not represented.
.Tohnsti.wn Henry Knl.b (snh.) 1st ward : Adam
HeutinT,4th ward. Other ward not represented.
Ioretto F. 1). Sanpp (uh.)
31111 ville 1-t ward. Andrew Jlulheron; 2d ward,
not represented.
Minister Philip J. Sanders.
Port .life Nut represented,
l'rospect Huirh MeMonigle.
Kende ot representeil.
Kioliland Not represented.
Stonyereek Jcthro i Mdliam.
SuniTiierhill Not represeniexl.
Summitville Jaeob Warner.
Suijiieliniinn Io. A. (rray (sub.)
Taylor .fas. H.Clark.
Tnnneltiiil N'.it represented.
Washington .M irhael Bradley.
White Not represented.
AVilmoro Not rejiresented.
Wood vale Not representeil.
1 ynwer Yoiter .rekson St. Clair.
T pper Yoler Not represented.
Mr FlemiiKT moved that the Committee ' tru" '"rn':'"- member. Ilurine the sol-mn ser
riemillg mmiU llias llie solium! let .., , thechureli the Inriro i-O-nee wis tilie.f al
proceed to the adoption of the necessary rules
and regulations for putting the Crawford
i county system into effect, and the motion j
j was seconded, whereupon a somewhat ani-
' mated discussion ensued, Mr. Fleming advo- 1
j eating in a neat little speech the adoption of j
' the resolution, while Messrs. Connelly, Clark I
and Oldham with eiiual vehemence urged its
i rejection. This continued for a time, when (
j Mr. Connelly finally brought matters to a
; crisis by moving that the resolution of Mr.
i Fleming, which meantime had leen put in
j writinc. be laid on the table. This motion
i was promptly seconded, and on a vote being
taken it was carried uy a necinea majori-.y.
i oe mj jhh inns nriri.iiim .-?-,
but as twentV-O'ie nicmlver of the Committee that ever entered Voder cemetery, the vehicle
put themselves on record in favor of the mo- 1 n"nM',;riin'! "''rlhl I?vy' w"'-!t h'.,",.,T" r TT?
- i-i i i t .. i -...! , on too., ineiudinif the ounit Men s I atnolic Ut-
tion, while only twelve, to wit : Messrs. Brad- rnT). soeiety.- of whlet, the .ie.eased wasa promt
ley, Dunegan. Ibshart, Dawson, Iteming, J nent member, swelled the cortege beyond all pre
Jones, Llovd, Little, Plunkett, Miinkle, Sun- ; ce.lent.
ders and Warner, voted ncainst it, the thing : As a fitting eonelnslon to this hastily written re
i,xi, itb fl, i.T eninr. or.,1 thi t view of the life, death and burial of Hobert Cot. I
o.,JV 'S" at. ii. ..... . '
Crawford county system was "knocked into
a cocked bat, so to speak. .Mr. t.onneny
then moved that the svstem heretofore in nse
at primary elections lie continued, and the
motion" was adopted. Having attained the
height of their ambition, a member of the
majority thereupon moved to adjourn, the
motion "was carried, and tlie meeting came to
an end.
Li ability of Townships. Tlie following
from an exchange will be of interest to not a
few of our readers :
T here are numerous Instances of public roads
rnnnlne clos. to the edifc of tome steep embank
ment or declivity, without bein properly enclosed
bv fvnecs or even without any fenee or barrier at
ail on the side of the road nearest to the declivity.
At these points common prudence rfcunlres extra
precaution in order to ensure the safety of trav
elers, and It would be well to call the attention of j
townships thromrh which such roads run to their I
liability for accidents which may occur from the
unsate condition ol such highways and without any
nesfliirence on the part of the driver. A recent de
cision ot the Supreme Court of this State ,firr$ the
liability 'on toicnx!i ipx. The faets in the ea-e do- i
idet were as follows: on July
Z'tAfi X.ffle
... . ..
in. isrj, me i
onir a public i
countv, when
his horse shied. Irom some unknown cause, and
ran nil of the road, down the hillside, taking the 1
) luijfiry and its oecnpants alont; and permanently j
I (murine the plaintiff. The road at the place where !
i tlie accident occurred runs alonir the side of a hill,
and is bounded oo one side by a fence enelosInK a
cultivated field : on the other side, where the accl
I dent oeeurred. is a preeipitoiis deseent of about 40
j feet, and it was admitted there was no fenee or
j barrier of any kind alonij the edire of this side of
Ilia vrta.l Tha . I hail Know, nnannH Ba u , . II 1 1 1 i r
road under nn order of Court of IM. and at the
time of the accident was in otherwise jrood condi- !
tion. It did not appear that it had ever been
fenced at. this itoint. and there was no evidence
that no accidents had ever before happened there. I
The jury rendered a verdict in favor of the plain- I
till for and pi.iitment was entered auainst
Scott township, subject, however, to a point re- !
served as to the liability ol the township. On this j
Foint inter alia the case was taken to the Supreme
'ourt. which decided that II a public road, running !
tlironirh a township, is so danaremus by reason of
it-s proximity to a precipice that common prudence
requires extra precaution in or-ier to secure safety
to travelers, the township is bound to use such ;
precaution, and the omission to do so Is rea: licence.
Townships, as well as ot her municipal! ies, as a i
eitv or borouirh. are bound to erft vails or barriers
. . - . e . i . ..nr1m if ,h, ,- ... tn 1 1. . I
sa fer 1 of travelers. The judgment ol the Court be
low was affirmed.
I n another ease the Supreme Conrt also decided
that where the plaintift was drivinar over an nn
railed township bridtre and the horse took fri'jhtat
a .lank nailed over a hole In the hridtro, and be
fore he could be prevented, backed over the bridire
Into the creek, by which the hore, carriaire and
harness were injured, judgment was properly en
tered upon a verdict lor fV, in favor of the plain
tiff and airainst the township, who should have
kept the bridire in a safe condition.
Muperrisors und townhip? should take heed and
put their roads and Tiridires in a condition so as to
ensure the safety of travelers and save damages.
TowxsHir Offtcf-rs Elected. As a
m?.tter ot interest to some of our readers we
append the following lists of oflicers elected
! on Tuesday of last week in the several north-
em townships named below :
OAItllOLt-TnV!! ROBOrclt.
Hurffeos. Andrew Kekenrode : Town Conncil,
John Wctrell. Jr.. loseph Hche : Hieh Constable,
Michael Zolner: School Inreetors. Henry Hlum,
William Noel : Jndire of Kleetinn. IK.menec rarer ;
Inspectors, Martin Kist. A..T. stolx; Assessor, H.
Hopple; Auditor, James Null.
Justice of the fence. Kmanuel WrentT; Consta
ble, Hcnrv O. Kirk: Supervisor. Andrew Strltt
matter: School Directors. Valentine Tmmm, Mlch'l
Noonan : .Tudireof Kleetion, Albert Holct ; Asses-
sor, John H. Hnber: Inspector". Thomas 11. Ilavis, 1
Jame. T. Miller: Tvwnship Clerk, James Shar- I
baugb ; Auditor. Ianiel Ku'-k. j
Constable, Anthony Oil! ; Suervlsors, (l-eo. Iiw- j
myer. John '.Varner : Jndire or Election, Joseph
A'ent7 ; Inspectors, Joseph Warner. Jr., Joseph
Kibbler : School Ilirpetors. Joseph Swope. Oeorire
Krise : Assessor, Martin Ieltricli; Auditor, J. H. i
Sopervisors, John A. Nairle. freo. Slmel.-benrer ;
Constable. Anelm Wenkland : School P'retors, '
Jas. Klrkpattick. Jacob Hartman. (leorjre Kibbler; j
AseFor, I'eter Cilasscr; Jndire of Kleetion. John '
Kosenhelmer; Inspeetors. John Hahn. Adolphui :
I.lbbv ; TownFhip Clerk, Peter Ulasser; Auditor,
Jacob Thomas - '
r)tTSi!iji Tow?iiTir.
Justice of the Peace. K. P. Baker: SnpervNor,
Smithe I.lnihom : Constable, John MeVultv ;
School Directors. Lawrence Weiland. Pavld Idoy'd,
Iavld Hantn : .Tndae of Kleetion. John I'ortcr :
Aesor, Chnrl" Wenklaml : Inspectors, John C.
W llmon, (Hdean Monck ; Auditor. Ijewis Bearer.
Jnfle of the Peace. I.nke Hche: Constable. Al
bert Nairle : As'esor, M ich'l pnnetran. Sr.: S.-hool
iHreefors. Pavld Sutton. William Ad.ims. Knstle
bert Bender; Judire of Kleetion. Joseph Ionahie;
Inspectors, s. A. Kyan. I.. T. Storm: Auditor. J.
H. PouKlars : Township Clerk. Iaike Hche.
Hat?oins at nnKF.p Here are a few
special barcains which V. S. Ilarker A Bro.
are offering to their enstomeis this week :
t lady's coat, worth, now to be sold at $ 7 no
I 13 oi.
1 set ladVs fur w'h S.on. " " " " "
1 ' child's ", ' " " " "
1 " slelirh bells, & no' " -
2 i i. li o (V II I l II II
A lew pairs boots, worth 2 M and T oo
now to be sold Kt 1.M and
1 overcoat, worth f-'5"0. now to be id at
1 " 15 00,
1 isl
J ll
The alve poods are all barker A Brother
have left of the kind, and they will positive
ly tie sold at toe aiMive prices in order to get
rid of the remaining articles on hand
Sow love, and ( It friiilnsr" pure :
Sow arrnln. an1 reap Its harvest bright ;
Sow mi n I tea inn on the ruck D'l moor,
An.l tinil a. liarvct-home oriixhc.
Sow ! o ! cw Tli rlrhnc? of the Fnirllsh lan
puaze li rxpirpliflcil (n thi confrlfimcr.itlon of
words of "imilnr onnrt. l the nn hounded capac
ity ol (J'vllrev Wolf to fnrnih ready made cloth
inir for the ninltltnde hy the a"everatlon which
f,llow to wit: That trnm now till the fir"t of
April he will sell any an t all article comprising
his very lanre and very fine stork twenty-hve per
cent, cheaper that, they have heretofore heen iriven
to ciistiwners. and holiis himself ready to not limit
his entmers till the number shall have reached
twenty thousand. The well-known Rochester
clothinar la one of Ids specialties. To make sure of
seenrtne a oareain. an enrly call should he made,
thonirli an order per mail will secure prompt and
careful attention.
Mart had a little sled.
On which she used to scoot;
One day as down the hill she sped.
She fell and peeled her snoot.
Her Johnny now. with hitter tear.
Says, "Ah ! how sad are those I
1 dare net kiss my little dear
For fear I'll hurt bcr nose,"
Though Mary's nose was put nut of repair, It ia
worthy of record that her feet did not suffer. The
reason Is obvious. She followed the genera! rule,
and hought the pair of hoots she wore where alt
persons of sense buy that species of gear at S.
ltliimenthM'9.1110 Eleventh avenue, Aitoona. Mr.
Hluinonthnl has hoots and shoes lor men nnd
boys, for Indies, m'n&os and girls, and for Infants
as well, and guarantees to each purchaser not
only a goou hl, out a oooi or i.Tve wnicn win Eiana
Uie weather.
" Sirer ( it the Memory of Departed Worth."
Johsstows, Pa., Feb. IS, 1S91.
Editor Fbekmax How true It Is that "the sor
row lor the dead is the only sorrow from which we
refuse to he divorced."
The subject or this notice was the only son of Jno.
Cot. F.sq., of this city a yonnir tnan of more than
ordinary ability, who always tilled the resKnsible
positions he held with honor and credit to himself
and his many friends and to the entire satisfaction
to his employers. For two years he had eharite of
a set ol books in the office of Wood, MorreSl 6l Co.'s
mammoth mercantile establishment, after which
he was promoted to the position of general Invoice
clerk In the general office of the tfantier Steel Co.,
In the employment of which corporation his ser
vices were soon fonnd to be almost indispensable,
and as a conseowence his employers not only re
warded his labors wilh a lucrative salary, but also
manifested on all occasions the utmost resrard for
his weltare. Iast Juiy oar yount friend, tmdini:
his health tailing, was obliged to temporarily re
sign his position and take a trip for the purpose of
recuperating, if possible-, his wasted enemies.
From this trip he returned apprently much ira-
firoved in health, and at the earnest solicitation of
lis employers he resumed the duties of his former
position in the office of t lie nitier Steil Works,
where, however, he remained onlv sIt weeks when
the fact once more became apparent that that re
lentless disease. consumption, was still (tnawinjrat
his vitals, and that there wns nothinir lelt lor him
to oo but to retire permanently from the position
he had so ably and so aceplabfy filled. The debil
itating disease with which he'was afflicted soon
told on his delicate frame, and ere Ionic he was re
duced almost to a mere skeleton? On Sunday, the
6th Inst , he look his bed, where he remained itWtil
the following Friday, meantime binir fully con
Setous that his youtuc and blauieless lite was rapid
ly drawing to a close, when the turning on its hing
es ot that massive irate which swmes backward inio
eternity cast a gloomv shadow over the once happy
liousehonld of the honored father and revered
mother of a lovinsr and beloved son. now called, as
1 firmlv believe, to the enjoyment of never-ending
I felicity.
beautiful Catholic ecir.eiery on the hillside of Vo
der have r.tttled on the lid of his Collin, and those
oft-reticHled words which never lose their sad. sail
refrain, ' Requirscat in pare," have been pronounced
over the inanimate remains of one who lived dnr
ini; his briel span as man should live, with charity
toward all and malice toward none, and then pass
ed away in the very flower o! his youth, dying nt he
had tired, beloved by (?od and a'll who knew hlra.
Ye-ter.lay (Sunday) he was buried Iroiu St. John's
(Catholic) church, of which he was promt tn be
most to repletion with people ol all denominations,
who had assembled to pay the last tribute ol rirsjiei-t
to that devoted son, brotherand Irirnd of whom his
bereaved and uriel-slricken parents, sisters and as
sociates had just cause to tn? promt. The luneral
oration, a feeling and cloooent tribute to departed
worth, was delivered bv the pastor. Kev. Father
I (iallaicher. who nwelt ai some lenifth on the well-
! known virtues ot the deceased, ao-l then in a tew
choice and benttins; words cited the brief but hon
orable career ol the lamented Kobert Cot as an ft-
amide well worthy the imitation of all Christian
yonnu men. I'urimr the delivery of the sermon it
is searefly pre?umptiion;to believe that every heart
was moved to svmpathy for the bereaved parents
and sisters ol the loved and lost one. Alllio' tne
day was anything but an aifreable one, all that
was mortal ol onr vounu triend was followed to Its
last resting ptaee bv tue larirest tunerai roeesi n
ma m.l . l l nr.iiAlrnuw It iml.n, l,.l.. i- m Hi...
none named him but to praise' and that his death
has caused a vacancy amonir his vonthtnl associ
ates whlali will be di'tflenlt to fill. Yet all should
be comforted with the assurance that "their loss
is his eternal eain,'' and that while they mourn he
rejoices in the prcseneeand iflory ol (rod. to which
the poe. (whose l:inirnatrc I adopt as a prayer lor
the repose ol the soul ot my deceased Irierid) al
ludes when he says :
"Bright be the plaee of thy soul.
No lovelier spirit than thine
K'er burst Irosi its mortal control.
In the orbs of the biefscd to shine.
"On earth thon wert all but divine.
As thy sonl'shall immortally be.
And our sorrow may cease to repine
W ben wo know that thy tJod is with thee."
Chest Springs, Feb. lfl, issi.
F.t'TTon Fhktcwat To my mind, one of the most
surpri-ine items of news in a recent Issue of your
! paper was that notinir the Met that a branch of
the Irish Land League had sprung into existence
j in Cumbria county, away up here on the Alle
. jrhenios. Now that surely is an auspicious event
tor tlie"trcen Isle ot mo orean, lor it snows
that lines of syi;ip:itl;y lor the cause of Freedom
stretch across ("lie Atlantic ami are fastened even
on the everlas tlnp hills of this ifrand contlr ent !
And why should not Ireland have freedom ns
well as any olio r land on tiod' planet? Is it be
cause her sons a.Ai dausthters are less virtuous, less
intcliiirent, or less brave than any other people?
No, surely ! lor the school -boy oan read to you from
bis treoitraphy of the virtue, bravery and hospital
ity of the Irish race. Then why should Ireland be
crushed down and her privileges withheld In this
aire ot liberty and progress ? Can reasn. human
ity or justice answer the momentous question
ouii-io-cucu oppn-sno,, ,- ,,.-s o, uu.i
and tell yoa. Tliey must knock under : Ihcyaie
a weak nation already down powerless stripped
ot means ol defense or retaliation, ami witnin easy
reach ol oppression.
pressed, because !
Therefore thev must be op-
iht mukes ritrht" accordinii
to the maxim of the oppressor.
Hear the urospel of Truth: "The spirit of the
Iord is upon me because he hath anointed me to
preach the (o.pcl to the poor; he hath sent me to
heal the broken hearted, to preach dihveranre to
the captives TO S5T AT LIBERTY Til KM
THAT ARE llfit ISED." As.1.. 61, 1, a.
Now till s means lilrralhi the poor, literally the
captive. Iitrrallij the bruisea ! Who are more bruis
ed, captive ami pfwir than Ireli.nd ?
Then let he (gospel cf Truth have free course
and be glorified in action and in fact. A. P. H.
Oallitzin, Feb. 19, ISSI.
Eoitor Freeman Since our bnroneh election,
on the lath inst.. our cittzens have been freely dis
cussincr the law that governs election boards, and
as a ureat diversity of opinion exists on the subject
we would be tilad to know what the latest revised
statutes say on thi point. The names of all the
borouirh officers to be voted lor were contained on
one sheet, some of which hiivinir Jud(?o and two
Inspectors, thereby Kivinjf the voter the lreedora
of choice, were put in the ballot-box without the
name of one of the Inspectors beinir erased, and of
course to that extent the ballot was illegal . Now
the questions in controversy are. Should the en
tire sheet, containing the names of all the borough
officers, be destroyed ? or was it optional with tne
election board to" either destroy all the ticket or
only that portion of it affected by the act ot the
nealiirent voter? Some etirht or ten o( these spu
rious ballots were thrown out entire, thus reducing
to that extent the vote east for all the candidates
on the ticket, and I don't know but what the board
was justified in so doimr. It is for sited informa
tion 1 am seckinir. and Iience I ask some one capa
ble of doinfr so to enlighten us on the subject. In
formation iriven to the people by the pre.-s on this
point would save all idle discas.-iou in the (uture.
C. O. H.
I.O( AL -oKRr.sio.iF.xcr..
ChkcT Snusos, Feb. 18, 1S81.
Hear Frekmasj While enquired yesterday In
tecding' the threshing marhinu in his lather'. ham
JanieKAd:ims. jr., received a stunning blow from
a. flylni; missile proceeding from some portion of
the switily revolvmi; and noisy machine. He fell
as suddenly as if he h.-nl been shot and lay (or a
moment as'ritcid as a corpse, but ere the thresher
had fairly ceased to revolve he was ence more on
his feet and ready for action. A larire livid siot in
the region of Ilia heart attests the violence of the
To i-hanire the subject. 1 must describe to yon the
recent viitof the County Superintendent to our
school. That anrns-eyed otfirial raine down on the
fold .me day at noon while the teacher was abent,
and the tcrfitted yonnitMers reminded oneol a duct
of downy iroaijnKs with a hawk In their mu!"t.
i .! . I
the school f.
Just then the teacher arrived, and alter scanning
ra moment remarked that theeomtuir
ol the Superintendent muH have friffhtened aome
of the scholars away, as several wero then absent
who had lieen present during the lorenof.n. The
teaeher also remarked t hat a licorons and etflcient
pedaao-f ne is often "snutleii out" after the fashion
of the method used by l"ii:adelphia policemen In
clipping the wing of nble bolied rowdies name
ly, by holding th Ir arm and lifting their feet from
the ground. The foundation on whe'h some good
teaelier aland Is oit?n removed In this way that
is. by taking the scholars away from the school
and thereby leaving the teacher without any foun
dation to work oa. There can be no excuse for such
a course of aetioi:. as do one visits the sehool to as
ccriain whether it be taught in lireek, Latin or
Hut to return to (he subject. The Superintend
ent took era rye of the school to see what tne classes
Could do in t'lecommon branches. This was eflect
ed by a pencil and pnier exercise, which brought
out inot eflectiiHlly the literary gtalus ol the pa-
rils. Mr. Iterg then addrcsad the school in a few
appy remarks. Among other things he urged
that a successful teacher should not only be aup-
orted and eiennragcd by parents and directum,
ut should he retained, year alter yeir. lor no cir
cumstance barred prtres. in a school more eflee
tually than a frequent change ol Instructors. ow,
to iitutice the above, no sooner does a teacher itct
the school well oraanixed and In goinl running or
der, than on comes the end ol the term aritLout
! iroes the teacher. It mav be lorever ! W h.' is
the consideration for 'd ohoob In this ? 1 each
er has just started the classes thoroughly In the
branches and has begun to understand the school,
when, presto! here is the end the good work Is
cutolf forever:
( . ye taxpayers ! Is this wisdom ?
School houses built, fuel provld', teachers paid
f ear after year ami the work most ma.tenully ob
Iterated ! erased! stnuiM'd out! at the end ol
every term. If this be not the truth, let us hear
the truth. A. I). 11.
This world Is not so had a world
As some would like to make it :
Hnt whether good or w heihcr had
Impends in how we take it.
Cne method by which yoo can make the world
(rood is to take I he goods the gods give you hy buy
ing your wearing Kppnrcl at Simon Hendheim'a,
next door to the Kirst National Bank, Aitoona.
Thishrm deal in only tirst-elass iwiek.and when
you buy either a lull suit or a single piece from
t hem, yon may be sure yon get it not only at bed
rock prices but that it is precisely whut it is repre
sented. I've traveled East, and I"ve traveled West,
Through many a weary day ;
But the one thing that gets tuo best,
Is why the hens don't layv
Egg. SO ct.s. per dor.en. Exchange, Try a pack
ago of M. H. Roberts I'orLTRV Tow-ngns, prepar
ed hy Sides' M'r'o 'o. ol Philadelphia. I'a., for
sale hy all leading druggists, and then 11 they don't
lay, they are only fit to "go to pot."
Tm Lewlstown Gazette tells of a spot on the
mountain down in the Narrows where a warm cur
rent of warm air is said to he constantly ascendinir
out of the howels of the earth so warm. Indeed,
that no matter how cold one's feet may bo, they
can soon he made comfortable by holdinz them
j over this natural heat emitter. Whatdoes it mean?
nas -uuieuoay ranoi won, or is a suuicnancnii
' volcano about to belch forth ?
John Wanamaker.
If you cannot
visit thecity, send
to us by postal
card for Eonse-
keeper's Price
wear Price List
We fill orders by letter from
every State and Territory at
same prices charged customers
who visit the sJore, and allow
same privilege of return.
Tlie stock includes Press
Goods, Silks, Laces, Fancy
Goods, and general outfits.
Grand Depot,
ami Cliernost ?Stoolc of
Dry and Dress Groocls,
to be found in Cambria or adjoining counties. IForeet not the street and numbers
and fail not to call, buy and be happy.
TIME January ani February.
SUBJECT As follows-1
" Now let me think : the Ilolidaya ar
over, and for these two months I really
believe I (shall have more time than dur
ing any part of the year. In March and
April spring dress goods will come out, to
my time wiil b taken np then, and I'm
ture I don't want to have much on hand
when warm weather comes; bo I'll just
ee what I need for Housekeeping, get tha
things ready, and maka them up.
'I here are sheets, pillow-cases, and per
haps gome other articles for bedding ; then
I mast have a enpply of table-cloths, cap
kins.towels, and and oh ! a good many
things, o I'll send a postal card for a
Housekeeper Price List, and see what I
do want. If I co to the city I can then
have my memorandum made up, and if
I don't go I'll order by letter, as I havs
done before, and get promptly just what
I want at tha Fame prices that 1 would
pay if in perjon.
"Of course something might not he just
exactly aa I expect it, so I muft send lay
order to a store that will let me exchange
or will pay my money back if I want it.
To do thia, ana have the greatest variety
of goods in any one establishment in t'u
United States to select from, I must
address my postal card Johs Wasa
makt.b, Grasd Depot, Philadelphia.'
' There, I came near forgetting ! This is
a good tijao to make np underwear, too;
eo I'll add to my postal card ' Send me
an Underwear rnce Ltit,' and eoa if it
won't be cheaper to get it already made,
and save all that tiresome cutting, eew
ica and trimming."
K. F. K uukel's AVonn Syrup never latls tonics
troy I'in. Scat an i Stomach onus. ( Ur. KunKel
Is the only succ"sfiil phsici;tn who removes Tape
Worm, in" two hours, alive Willi head nnd no lee
until removed). Common sense teaches if Tape
Worm be removed, all oilier vrorm? can readily ne
destroyed. Advice at i ffii'O and store free. The
doctor'can tell whither or not the patient has
worms. Thousands are dying daily with worms
and do not know it. Symptoms : voracious appe
tite, leanness, bloated Momaeh or limbs, uripiiig.
shooting pains iu all parts of t lie l-ody. a sense of
something rising in the throat, bleeding of the
noee. gnawing sensation at the stomach, duplies of
heat over the surface ol the body, slight chills or
shivering, drow;One.-s. torpor, veriigo, disturbed
dreams. Hidden starting in sleep Willi fright and
screaming, pallid hue. thirst, bad taste in the
mouth, difficult breathing, fatigue.,
nausea, frequent desire to pass something from
the bowels, and somel ime? discharges cf Siimeand
mucus, tils, spasms, cramps, choking and sulloca
tion, sallow com plexion, circles arountl the eyes,
swelling and pain In the stomach, restless at night,
grinding of the teeih. picking nt the nose, couirli,
fever, 'tching at the seat, headache, (oul breath,
the patient grows pale and tinn, tickling and irri
tation in the anus nil these svmptoms and more
come Irom worms. K. F. Kl'.NKKI.'S WOKM
SYKI'V never fails to remove them. I'riec. i.oo
per bottle, or 6 bottles lor 5.0o. For Tape Worm,
write and consult the doctor. For all others, buy
ol vour druggist, the Worm vmp, and if he has
it not, send to Ir. K. Y. Kl'N'KKL. X. Ninth
Street. I'hilailelphia. Fa. Advice by mail, free:
Send three-cent slump.
Has never been known to fail in the cure of weak
ness attended with symptoms, indisposition to ex
ertion, loss of memory. difTlculty in breathing,
wea kness. horror of disease, weak, nervous trem
bling, dreadful horror of dc atu, night sweats, cold
feet, dimness of vision, languor, universal lassi
tude of the muscular system, enormous appetite,
w ith dyspeptic symptoms, hot h inds, flushing of
the liody, dry ness of the skin, nail id countenance
and eruptions on the face, purifying the blood,
lain in the back, heaviness ia theeyelids, frequent
lack sots (lying belore the eyes," with suffusion
and loss of sitht. want ef attention, fco. Sold only
in 1.011 kittles, or 6 bottles (or . Oo. As for K. .
Kunkel's Witter tVlne ol Iron and take no other.
Ask your druggist, and II he ha It not. send (o
the proprietor, K V. Kunkel, No. 2M JV. Ninth
Strcul. 1'hilailfiphia. 1'a. Advi:-e free. send three
cent stamp. Asfhcnbaek tt Miller. Sole Agents.
N. W. cor. Third and C'allowhill Streets, Philadel
phia, I'a.
Having had numberless inquiries for adverti lng
cards Irom ladies in all part of the country who
arc interested in the prevailing fashion of making
1ard t'ol lections.' we are having primed lor tbeiu
a set of seven beautiful cards, ea'-h in iv colors and
on a gold liackKt-onnd. in the very highest degree
of the art. Illustrating Shakspeare's xven Azes
of Man." We have spared .o expense In these
cards they are simp'.y little art-gems. Our only
aim has leen to publish the (inest eards yet shown.
Appliealions for them daveoome In so rapidly that
nearly the whole edition Is engaged belore the re
ceipt by ns of the cards frwm the artist. We have
therefore been obliged to adopt the following plan
for the distribution ol the remainder : JNouioreot
the gilt Shakteare curds, seven in the series, will
be seut excepting np n the receipt of a statement
from a grocer that the person appiving for thecards
has bo ught of him on that day at least seven bars
ol Kobbins' Electric Soap, witti prlee p:;id for same.
All applying In this manner will receive the lull
set ol seven cards gratia hy mail. This will Insure
ns that our friends and patrons get their share of
these beautiful designs, although it In no manner
repavs ns for the cost of the cards. Your giMccr
lias the soap or will get It, and the purchase by you
ol seven bars of it at one t'me will secure for yon
gratia seven really beautiful eards. The soap Im
proves with age and is an artlc'.e of necessity in
your hone every week. Therefore you are not
asked to buy a useless article, but one that you
must have anyway. Please send us your applica
tion at once, and" tell your lady tnendi making
Card Collections" to do the same.
Yours, respectluilj,
I. I.. OltAOTM CO.,
11C Noeth 4th Kt., Philadelphia, Ta.
w- rtobhins' F.lecirie Soap is sold by V. S. Bar
ker av Uro., Ebensburg, I'a.
Si. Elmo Hotel,
TS'osi. ,'U7 sinci'llltr Aroh Street,
PHI 1 .AD K 1.11 II A.
Ttatosj l?elucel to S'2.00 per Day.
The travelling pnblie will still find at this Hotel
the same liberal provision for their comfort. It is
located In the Immediate cen'.res of business and
amusement, and the dillerent Kail Hoad depots,
as well as all parts of the city, are easily accessible
by street ears constantly passing the doors, it ot
ters special Inducements lor those visiting the city
for business or pleasure.
Your patronage is respecttullv solicited.
JOS. M. EEtJEK, Proprietor.
Philadelphia, Not. 1. lisao.-M.
How doth the little, lively flea
Delight to hop and bite :
Keinains quiescent all the day,
Hut whoops it up at night.
Fleas bring to mind musketoes. and the latter
Insect makes u think of approaching warm weath
er. In anticipation ot the date when the sun shall
cross the imaginary line which derides Winter
from Spring. Jas. J. Murphy. 109 Clinton street,
Johnstown, proposes to sell the stock now on his
shelves of heavy overcoats, business coats, paata
loon:. vests, Stc, at about ro(. By paying atten
tion to the hint herein contained, a bargain may
be secured by the reader particularly in overcoats.
A newsboy who travels between r.ttsburg and
Gallitzin has three thumbs, nine finger! and an
even doien of toes.
This is the particular season in
which to get and prepare House
keeping Dry Goods Sheetings,
Pillow Materials, Linens, Nap
kins, Towels, tc. It is also the
season for Ladies' Underwear.
The Grand Depot contains the
greatest variety of goods in one
establishment in
the United States,
and exchanges
or refundsmoney
for things that
do not suit, upon
examination at
UAVi: Tlir.-
Jascary 2i!ll.
brought on by a severe cold on the
lunirs. which miirht have been cured
by one bottle of Sinks' Stuit of Tab.
Vild t'Hct'.nY and Hoakhovsd. il
taken In time.
AVIUI JAMS. liied. rt the residence of har son,
Mr. William R. Williams, m t'.'iibria township,
on Saturday. Feb. lw, 11, Mr.'. Mary Wilmavs.
aired M vears.
Arewta Wasted. SSiatrM
rllliv.arl'lirvkll AJll.r
S.I.F. Weithsnptolhb (. 1
i nv el.r.O. 1- rti.'iriri. .Ir-EH,
loiLs-Tti CA1A Co., t-uicienati, u.
Peter Henderson
I Will be ilailtd Frre f all icfco apply 6y t
Onr Kinerlmrntal Cronntle In
-i TV r. 1 II c I cm our PiTif uirsna
li I Inurr Sreila srnitosK riiirlclrJ
j and onr greenhouses lor I iaiita
(roverlni 3 ai rrs In class), arc
Id lUe largest In America.
35 Cortland. Street, New York, "
X will mat! cepjr
of my Tiexv Hooks
"MEDIC At SENSE." BT anv person wtio
send bis name and fsloce lurs. alu tx nci.ia
In siamps to pav postal: a.
Tn f.r one sofTirg vrith rON'rrTTIOTt,
ASTHMA. rTAIltlI. SftliK liir.OAl
or HKOM H1TIS, tlie ir.forma-.ivn In th Book la
of great value : and li may ia the providence ot U jd,
live manv ue?d liv. Address,
UU. A li. WOLFE, I4 aal(h f-u, (aehraad.
Ustate of William MT'ki:miT. dee'rt.
Ieltc-s tesiamentary on tlie estate ot Vm. Mc
lermitt, late of Washington township, deceased,
having t.een granted to the nnilersigncd by tbe
Kegistcrof Cambria county, notice is hereby given
to all persons Indebted to said estate that prompt
payment rnust he made, and those having claims
against the same are requested to present them,
properly authenticated, for settlement.
I rs A r .ill I Ir. K I 1 1 1 .
Washington Twp., I'eK 15"l.-Ct.'
-l Kstitc of CnniTT H ni-L. dee'd.
Having oMnined letters testamentary on the es
tate of tilinritv Hall, late ol Alientienv township.
(lamhria countv, deceased, the undersigned here
by give notice to all persons Indebted to said es
tate that payment must he made without delay,
and those having claims against the same are also
notified to present them in legal form tor settle
ment. WM. J. HtWSUN, Executor.
UaUltlin Twp.. Eel. si, isi.-6t.
Ft. I j. Johnston, I . ,T licic,
U. A. Shoemakor, A. W. liuok.
PATABi.r. o nr.fAtn.
t al". cv rsii rottiTa.
Baattbt mm A bald, aa d s
AocountH Holioitocl.
A. TV. BUCK. Cashier.
Kbensburg, March 19. ISSO.-tf.
FreidhofT's Block,
man sxiiHiivr.
ji j
Practical WatcMer ani Jcielsr,
HAS alwavs en haad a laree, varied and ele
gant assortment el WATfHES. CLOCKS,
kc, which he offers for sale at lower prices than
any other dealer In the countv. Persons needing
anything in his line will do well to fri him a eal
before purchasing elsewhere.
4YPrompt attention paid to repairing Clocks.
Watches. Jewelry. Xe., and satislaction guaran
teed In both work and price.
Hiles, Shefp rclf", Call" Skins, Ac.
Dec. 3, lSSO.-Sm. JOHNSTOWN. FA.
15 I
i . i'it
f r
TtKt K KB !
V V B K i
Ai AM fhv J: KRR !!
H K A A.T !L R R (1
ii Lee a kt jtke k h ;:r
Hcirdware !
Slovos, Tinwfirc
U- (.((( IHKHI I'lil-ltlt SS3SS
(a o on oil i
lt (IIMlll MH( I 1II.1 SSS!
fce.. ae.. th.t can e f-und 'n ty rtrn establish
ment in I'eansi Ivau a. Hn stovk comi rs
of various style an'l attems ;
13iiilcIeiM IlartHvnre
f every descrlptlcn an! or V's-.-ia' ;ty ;
of all kinds and the best la the market. A!s. a
lsrije Mock ol
tabu: and in ck kt cutleky,
(.laoaarr. Qnernaaarr. Mils r.rialed
are, Hsoil and M i I low VA aire. Mull !
p"r, I rnttkaand tmlii. It e vol era. An
vil. lv. Hone Miof.. Hair I rnn. Kali
Ilnd. Hons nili. arriacs Hnlla. Hi v.
el. 1111 si. (irlndMimrn, Slrrl ft bo V-
el I low .Mould,, Itoait Sro ;
Mowin? Machines, Horse llay Kakes,
florae Hot Fork, Raps and Prill era,
nrn t nllivalara, and a lull I re ol llarvr.
eallns; loels. Also, a larfje asi tmetit ol
Table, Floor and Stair Oil Clothtr
Csirriajre Oil Cloth,
PAITR a?id Oil. CLOTH AV11-W spia
Ar SH AIK FlXTFKrK: I.ntrrooL ASH11 N
SALT, the bet tn the world for Inurr and TiMt
use: Ivro Tin Hot K SALT, tie oheept and
best for fee ling I,ire St--k : UNU FI.ATFK ;
Wiuisii('isii!r.s I'l MIS. ol the best uuai'ty;
cannot be cxplculed : t"niLi'i:E's " An 'NS ms
t'AKTS; the largest St. .eg ol M1I.K t'KlK i.S of
all shapes and s-ts and of snjerlor ware ever of
fered for ssle in Fbcnl uri; : a lull line of FAlT
HHT"SHKS of the most desirable oiimIIit; tll
VAKM:iHK5. do., together with a large and com
plete stock ol chon e
as well as thousands cf other useful and needful
articles. In fact, anything 1 haven't got ureas t
r-t at short notice is not worth buying, and wbat 1
3o oiler for sale may alwavs be relied on as riT-ct-ASs.
is jt ALiTr, while tbev will Invariably be
tsf Having had nearly thirty tiim' riTitt
ijci in the sale of goods in try line. 1 am nai led
to supply my custouiers with theery bst In the
market, tii've me a liberal share ot your ps'tn
age. t hen. and le com 'need t Im t the t ost is r t
tne cheapest, and it nerer pnr ""-T t
fert or article simply btcause the price is 1 w as It
! an indisputable fact that snb goods are a. way
the uearest ia the end.
..;ro. iirNTLEY.
Fbensburf , April 11. 1T.
tut, mnz,
Sheet Iron Wares
Jolibini; iia
t i n, rorrr. u & s ii i: r t-i n ox
Nos.273. 20 asl Wi!i!B;toa St.
ic nitroit ATr n in i7.
LiausM r.i.n U lull f(r
Only Firt Assessments in 22 Tears.
GEO. M. READE, TresideBt.
T. IF. XiICK, Secretary.
Ebenshnrf, Jf n. l, lUJ.-ly.
ElGflstoE Fire Insurance Aekcj.
General Insuranco Agent,
Pelieies written at short nctlee In tfce
A ad elber lra laea I .uipanir..
Bbensbnri, Sept. W. mo.-ly.
Joseph Mcdonald.
(.(.kkhs, Pa.
w- Office ia folennade Kew. en Centre street.
N.v. IS. lo.-ti.
Xe n
bershnrs;. Ta. rifflce in Vjildms; et T..
i (first fl.r.l I'l Elre street, an
manner of learal business attended t e '0
rily and cellections a specialty. to-l.-tf. 1
H. SECHLEU, Attorney al-
T,n Fhens mrr. I'a. i'tnee in v 01-
Tin I reeentlv occut led by v m. hlttell
dee d.) Centre street
EO. M. KEAPE, Attnmey-at-Latc,
three doyrs f rcui Iiiab itrec t.