The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, February 04, 1881, Image 2

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FiiDlT. FEB. 4, t8Sl.
.. lil -JL'i Bit' JgI,M"lgJ--"J-J i
TriK Washington organ of tbe Grant
t'onkling element in the Republican
party, seeing in advance the troubles
that are cirtain to surround Garfield,
says : "The party ship is drifting on to
a lea ehore, and will soon Le beached,
unless mutiny and greed bio throttled
by tho whohate bean intrusted with
her narration.''
The messenger who carried the elec
toral vote of Oregon to Washington was
paid $'JG2.7 mileage, and the California
messenger an amount nearly as large.
"When Congress has a little time to de
Tote to the real interests of the taxpay
ers of the country, it wonld bn eminent
ly appropriate if it would give this mile
age swindle its earnest attentien.
Pince -cur last issue the joint conven
tion of the Legislature has tahen one
ballot each day for Seuator, without any
change worth noting in the outtome.
The ballot on "Wednesday, the latest re
ceired, resulted as follws : Wallace, 82 ;
Oliver, SO; Grow, M.; scattering, 13.
Old Scattering might as well withdraw,
although hi3 chances ara probably as
good as auy of the others.
, ,
L seful and convenient for reference ,
as th annual eailton or the 1'hiiadei-
phia Times Almanaa has always been, its
edition for is still more so, for the
reason that it i. considerably larger than
its predecessors and contain, a mrch
greater amount of information. It is
very neatly and tastefully baund, and
without attempting to give 3 general
Idea of it. contents, wa will simply re
mark that its election statistic, for 10,
both Presidential and State, are thoro
and complete and eminently satisfactory
to a newspaper man.
There is fair promise of a surftit of
prohibitory legislation during the pre
sent session of the Legislature. Last
week Mr. Emery, of McKean county,
offered a bill in the Senate which pro
vides that every petition for license
must be accompanied by a certificate in
favor of granting it, signed by a major
ity of the persons, male and female, over
the age of twenty-one years, who reside
Id th ward, borough or township in
which the proposed hotel is to be kept.
Some of the other provisions of the bill
are equally stringent.
1on Camerox is reported to have
said in Ilarrisburg, on a Jay last week,
that Harry Oliver's friends would stick j to U;e s,,eaker of tLe H(niSft at Wash.
to him until "hell freezes over' As the j inRlonj anJ to be conclus,ve of the re-
vent to which Simori proface son re- j S(lR. ,he Toteg to he counted by Con.
ferred, the freezing over of hell, is not j gre?g in joint convention, and the plu
likely to happen even durin- the Siber- j ralily of thg vote to elect Thesp are
ian winter low upon un and as the Grow , th . features of the bil, antl aI.
. 1 .,.lcl,...l .,.,'1, r.ov-oe ,,r,- '
der any circumstances to vote for the
"Duugannou lioy," the ballotintj prom
ises to be kept up daily without any re
mit until the 4th of next March. Such
is tbe lupreme control exercised by one
man of no brilliant parts over a major
ity of the Tlepublican members of tha
It is a satisfaction to know that the
last, or supposed to hi the Inst, of the
colored servants of George Washington
has passed into that bourne from which
there is no return. Mrs. Sally Hunter,
at th! ripe old ae of one hundred find
f.fUtn v'""s, died ia "Washington last
week. She was born in Westmoreland
eounty, Virginia, in 170 ' three years
before the birth of Xapo'.eon, and only 1
thirty-four years after the birth of Wash
ington himself. She belonged to the
"Washington estate, and was one of ti e
eervant 3 manumitted by ttia uenerai 3
will. She lived 111 irguua until tlie j ;., Tennessee over the election of United
breaking out of the rebellion, when she . states Senator was terminated on Wtd
ramoved to Washington city. If tin- Les.ay 0f jast pt j7 tne election of
other "lat servant" of Washington does j ii0Well E. Jackson. The new Senator,
not take a notion to di" between this j who is a member of the Legislature,
and the meeting cf Congress next De- j was not a candidate for the Senatorship.
camber, an appropi iation ought to bo jjut was elected on the thirtieth ballot,
made by that body for the erection of a ue S a Democrat, and is represented to
suitable monument to the mornory of j 1 e a m,n ()f Veiy decided ability: and
fcaliy Hunter.
The statement going the rounds of
the papers that Jesse I). Uright, who
died about ten days ago in Indianapolis,
was the Senator from Indiana who was
expelled from the Senate in 1 -01 for dis
loyalty, is clearly a mistake. If our
memory is not entirely at fault, and we
don't thinK it is, ex-Senator Jesse D.
Bright died rather suddenly in Baltimore
several years ago, and we presume the
death referred to must have been that
of his father. Senator Lright's expul
sion from tha Senate created a marked
sensation at the tim, and Hon. Fdgar
Cowan, of Greensburg, who was then a
member of the Senate from this State,
acquired a great deal of prominence
throoghout the country from tbe fact
that lie had the courage to take open
and distinct ground against the passage
of therresolution of expulsion, and op
posed it in a roost eloquent and vigor
ous speech, which caused a vast uuinber
of vials of "loyal" wrath to be poured
out on his devoted head,
A bill has been introduced into the
House at Ilarrisburg repealing the Jury
Tommissiocr act and authorizing the
Jounty Commissioners and the Sheriff
fill the wheel and draw the jury, as
.ey formerly did. Since both political
arties are represented in the Hoard of
,'ounty Commissioners the reasons giv
n in favor of the passage of the Jury
Jomm;ssiorer act have been deprived of
all their force, and there has never been
any rersonable doubt that tho popular
sentiment demands its repeal. We trust
that the preeent bill will not meet with
the same ridiculous defeat that a bill of
precisely the same Dature did at the ses
sion two years ago. That bill had pass
ed the .Senate, if we remember rightly,
and had a large majority in its favor in
the House, but ou the day of final action
x deputation of citizens from Lancaster,
cppoBi for some reason to the repeal of
the act, went up to Ilarrisburg, and
actually ;.ersi!ailed a majority of the
House into voting ;t. The bill
ought topass. arid will pass, if its friends
An not permit themselves to be bull
lo7ed by another delegation of Lanc;,s-
i bull-rinejs.
Towki the cVse of last week the
Johnstown Tribune published an Inter
view between Daniel J. Morrell and a
reporter of the Xew York Triburxt while
the former gentleman was in that city.
There is nothing specially worthy of no
tice in 'anything that Mr. Moirell said,
except that while he expressed his own
confidence in GarSeid, he also assumed
to speak for the Democracy by saying :
"Even the Democrats have faith In him
(Garfield). They look upon him as a
statesman and a fit representative of this
great country." Mr. M. is a reasonably
modest man in his utterauces, but he
displayed a vast amount of assurance,
01 a downright ignorance of Democratic
sentiment, when Le declared that the
Democracy have faith in Garfield, and
look upon him as a statesman. After
Garfield's admission to Judge Black
that lie had received Credit Mobil ier
stock from Oakei Ames, and his subse-
quent denial of it under oath before the j
Poland committee, no Democrat conld
have any more "faith" in him than the
committee themselve. had, which wa
just none at all, although it may suit ;
Mr. Morrell to repose any amount t
"faith" in the President-elect. Nor do
Democrat., as Mr. M. says they do, look
upon Gaifield as a "statesman." There
i. not a single act in GarCeld's entire
Congressional career which will support
this claim to statesmanship set up for
him, unless the fact that he was the ad
vocate of all the legislative "jobs" that
wprn nrpsspd nncn ('nnnTSM rnnsti'ntes 1
---- - l O
statesmanship. Then his title to the
, l. j j.euiecraiic pariv in v leiioi seon more tnau
appellation is clear aud without dispute. one J Uie Kreatest importance.
I Garfield's great weakness, as Judge J Such men are unfit for any public position.
! T'i..i- -" oM .i,i l uir,,. i They are a dissrruce to their constituent., a
j I.lack, who knows a.l about his true ; reirJuilch tQ th n,,nif, an affliction to tbe
j inwardness." said of him, Is tliat he loses ; countrs". A man who will risk the uccess of
! his "-rip" on his conscience. He is ir- ; W party in a crisis, rather than wait for a
j 1 drink, 13 just about a. contempt:!. ! as tue
j resolute, and jike another Ohio man, holy fellow who "rises above paity" in onior
I Hayes, repudiate, to-day what he advo- j to be patted on the back by the Ke.vjbiimn
1 , ' . 'pres.. If tbe mmoritv in the XI.N lltk sbi!
j cated yestetday. The receeming ior- : JUow it-elf of compact, spacious, and cuard
i tion of the interview i3 Mr. Morrell "s ' ediv ajjres'ive a has the minority iu the pre
1 i r- : sent Coneress. there will be a change two
j opposition to the one man, or Cameron, , M lf,.ft 'H js nu. lb Etre,,!U)f Ite.
: rule, and his belief that Gartield has CO i
Dot ion .whatever of giving Cameron a ;
seat in his cabinet.
Mr. WALLACK.introduced a joint res-
o.ution :nto the Senate, on I riday laat, J
proposing an amendment to the consti
tution of the United states, changing
the mode of electing the President and
Vice President. The bill dispenses with
the Electoral Collego and provides for
the election by the people by direct vote
in districts. Each State is to have as
many districts as it has Senators and
members of Congress, and each district
is to be entitled to one vote, the vote to
be canvassed by a State Hoard of Can
vassers, consisting cf the Governor,
Chief Justice, and Secretary of the
Commonwealth, thr-ir return to be mada
though it has not tho least chance of be
ing acted on during the brief remaining
period of the session, Mr. Wallaco de
serves credit for the movement lie lia3
made in reference to aciuos.tioii which
promises to b? thoroughly discussed dur
ing the. next three years. The regret is
that Mr. Wallace will not be in the Sen
ate to take part ia the discussion of the
matter unless either Grow"s "bolters"
or Oliver's "regulars" simplify the .Sen
atorial contest at Ilarrisburg by voting
with the Democrats for him, thereby, as
suggested by the ritiladvlphia Keening
Telrgrnph, a Republican organ, returnir.g
to the Senate a man who "is a teal Sena
tor, with real knowledge of Siate and
national needs, and real ability to say
his proper say on the lloor of the Senate
in a fashion as to command respect
ful bearing."
Tiif. exciting and protracted contest
I rominp from the State of "Old Hickorv"
hi3 name (Jackson) is of good omen.
More than ordinary interest was felt in
the result from tho fact of its bearing
on the strength of the two parties in the
Senate after tho 4ih of March next. If
a Republican is elected by tho Legisla
ture of this State, the next Senate will
stand Democrats. 37 : Republicans. 37
with Judge David Davis, of Illinois, and
(Jen. Mahone, of Virginia, who call
themselves Independents. Davis sup.
ported Hancock, and in the Senate has
(generally acted with the Democrats,
j while Mahone, who was alwavs a Denu-
r . ,,:., , ,1,. c,...
1 ocrat, owes his election to the State debt
readjustine nartv. Sinoe the election of
Taekson ir, Tennessee be Ttennhlicn
jach.son m lennesaee, .tie Jwepuoiican
leaders do not seem to entertain a very
livelv hone that their Dartv will be able
as they confidently predicted a short
time ago, to control legislation in the
next Senate.
TnE latest sensatiou in the ever sen
rational political world is the statement,
coming from New York, that a thoro1
investigation made by a Wail street
lawyer of that city, foitiCed by affida
vits, establishes the fact ttuit Chester A.
Arthur, ice President elect, :s not
natural born citizen of the United States
but that he first saw the light in Cana
da. The proof, at least it is so alleged,
is that in the year that Arthur was sup
posed to have been born his parents had
a child who was christened Chester Abel
Arthur hut that be died and that an I supenisors 10 a.ieno 10 mis iiiauer 01 open
Arinur, dui taai ne atea, ana mat an- , , d hPf,,r anT accidents occur wi.i, !,
other son was born two years afterwards,
while hi parents w-re living in Cuuada,
and that he was the Arthur voted for
last Xovember for Vice President, and
that he was given the. name of Chester
Allen Arthur. This is the story, and
while, awaiting further developments it
is only necessary to say that if Arthur
j proven to be a Canadian by birth, and
therefore a foreigner, he is ineligible to
the office of Vice President under the
constitution. If this charge, however,
should even turn out to be true, it would
noi pass tho Vice Presidency over to
William II. English, tho Democratic
candidate, for the plain reason that be
received a minority of votes in the Elec
ctoral College.
ox thb rrHor or csrtain democratic
The Wafhingtcn Po.r publics a vigorous
editorial on " Certain Democratic Blunders,"
mil handles th Diinocrntic Congressional I
. , . . . . -., i , - ;
By independents fc refers to Stephen., Speer j
andFelton , of Georgia. The Port .ays : ,
in almost an tne party contests 01 ine
TJouea a few members of the majority party
bare played into the hanuxur the opposition.
They have put on high and holy airs. They
have been proud of tlie commendation of
tbelr oiponenU. who have uaed them and
despised thetn for being thus used. Thy
have mouthed mouldy platitude about the r
"oblieations to their own aeticc of duty rath
er than the dictates of a caucus." When
thy y have flapped their rhetorical wings and
"isoared above party," their silly soul. bar.
been delighted with the incense of Republi
can praise. This is the record of men who
were elected by DeaiiH-raU elected as Ieni
ocrats men who had begged Democratic
votes from county t county, and who have
prated long ami loud of their zeal for the
success of Democratic nrincinles. At the i
first possible opportunity they betrayed their
pSV.Vnd k-e easv !
the enemy an enemy tliat cajoio. i
constituents, betrayed their principle., be- j
l 1U T III
and flat- ;
ters such creature, while cherishing a robuat '
contempt for them and thoir ways. Demo- '
cratic absenteeism has been another and a j
very fruitful source of Democratic dis'iotn- j
fiture. The alleged Democratic majority
has been an actual minority for weeks in '
; succession. Victory upon victory has been :
j given to the Republicans by a few Democrats
j who hav cared more for personal conve- 1
I nience than for public duty or th interest, j
! of ttieir party. Scores of times a quorum ;
j ha. been broken and the passage of a Deincv
; cratic measure defeated by the absence of a !
j fw men who, at that moment, couid be ,
' found iu a barroom !
i A party in in a sad predicament wr.en it.
' success or defeat depends on three or four or
m' ' '
1JL,) Will 11' !L i: L C LO NI:T 1 1 L L, U t 1 ?-uc.
And to this complexion has it come with th
publican principle h:ilf so niuah as ti-.e weak-
neas of Democratic;;euieni th!. b.i
transferred the sceptre th; tin.e. ilean- j
time a fVw Dotroeratii; districts will do w-:i ;
to drop into obscurity the men whose eotiui,
weakness, neglect, and apputites Live ni
aoied a tainoritv of i;pubiican. practically
. .. :... t; r...;.. II .... . .1 v
retne t!:e Democracy to Ue minority ide.
Copporatio! Sf.nators. The rreat cor
porations continue to strengthen sheir pow
er in Conjtress, .and without respect to par
ties. Tlieir politics are controlled by tiietr
own iaterefts .'one, and shifted according to
existing necessities. Mr Camden, justelect
ed Senator by tha Democrat, in Went Vir
ginia, ii Vice-riesident of the Standard Oil
monopoly, with a saiary of $J5,ou0 a year,
and is identified with the interest, of tli Hal
lioiore t,d Ohio Kailroad. His future col-
league, the present Senator Henry O. Davis, j
was former v a conductor ou the road, and '
' ' " ' ' ,,",,. . , iH. ,.,.. I
Mr. fee well, t'.ie new Senator from New
Jersey, who will bucceed Jir. Kand.dph, may '
be said to rt-pres::iit the r-iiiioad combination
cf which the Pennsylvania Central is the
main trunk. While be might untaonie the ;
Baltimore and Ohio a.; a formidable rival, on i
all questions touching the powers of corpor- i
a'.ions and their alleged lights be and Mr. i
Camden will doubtless be'ound voting to-
Kethrr, though one i- dabbed a Democrat, j
nd the other is christened a Uepu'!iean.
Mr. Knir of Nevada stands for the silver i
monopoly, and Mr. Mdier of California ;
stand for the A'aska ttir Monoply, on ti. '
Pacific coast. These freshly chosen Sena- j
tors of opposing politics will hardly separate j
on any vote thai would ciipple orpotations. ;
I'very one of the new Kepubiicau Senators !
is '1:1 soma form the-jlave of coiporate power, i
Piatt. Hawley, Coeer, Sawyer, and Hale
are all on that side, as will be set 11 when any i
subht.Mitial test is maue involrini: the princi
ple which underlies the coniing issue between
consolidated capital, with its watered stocks,
and the rights of the people iu tha great high
ways of commerce.
The Senate may be packed with servants
of corporations, and tlie House may have a
subservient majority for a time. But mon
opoly, sooner or later, is doomed to be cheek
ed In its a??ressive career; and when the
rea.-tion sha,! come in earnest, tha party that
espouses the cause cf tiie people will carry
the dav, bv whatever name it may be called.
X i'. Sim.
! Thz startling discoverv is made that our j
Bill tbnilish will pet in itfter all. .Arthur, ,
' vice president-elect, is foreign horn. Thn !
I matter blls a paqe of one of the Xew York 1
! morning papers and has a look of reality ;
j about it, which not only warrants a scrutiny i
j of tbe business, but makes it imperative
1 Tha letters cover affidavits from the town :
j clerks of every county in Vermont where tho :
' biographies of Arthur allege his birth. In
j every instance the record shows that bis par
1 ents did not icsid in those places at the time ,
i specified nor at any other. His own state- ;
i ment of tbe year of his birth is confused. 1
j He claimed, in s,J, when admitted to the '
1 practice of law in Xew York c-ily, to have
i been born in i;'.0, whereas tlie records show 1
I that he could not hive been born earlier than !
' 1 S.T2 or IS.".'!, w hile bis lather was living at ;
I Dunham, in Canada. Another child bearing i
! Ins initials C. A. Arthur, bin brother was j
; born while bis parents were living at Fair- j
field, Vermont, and the confusion seems to !
j have arisen through the similarity of names. ,
: The tirt boy, who died, was named Chester
' Abel, the second Chester Allen. Tlie for-
1 mer was so named in honor of a friend, the i
famiiy doctor. The authorities of the town !
in which Arthur alleges himself to have been i
born deny that his birth i.s recorded the year j
he asserts. or that bis parents lived ;her- at '.be ;
time.' Arthur has been at work writiiia let- j
ters since be received a Lint that some one 1
was on the track of bis genealogy endeavor- j
ing to make old residents recall things that J
did not occur and in other eae becloud eir- 1
eumstances tw simp'o to be susceptible of
doubt. I.a neat'n- IntrlHgmrmr.
Let Tksm Ki.kct Wallace. Why not
elect Wallace to succeed himself in the Sen- 1
ate, as a sort of ctMopromise candidate? ks ,
th. T'hllMfL.lT.fcift Fi'r'ninrt Trlmr r.h Per ll
! i,a3 as much abihty as "both of bia principal '.
j competitors put together, he i.s as vii tuoiisas ;
either of them for be is not wickeder than a 1
practical roiiticin of the Democratic taith is i
; expected to be, as a ruattet of course -and he
i ,s evidently the fa voriteondidate, for he lends
th(, ball()t (iltv after ,Uv- 0:ie tIlinj, i3 rer.
tain : the Republican members will commit
t,ie worst kind of a blunder if they 00 not
lce in ability, and w ho is his superior in j in her commitment to await the action of the
well, let lis say, in piety. Mr. Wallace is a 1 grand jury tor the ailccre-1 crime of adininis
real senator, with real 'knowledge of state j terintr poison to Mi-s Manning with intent
and national needs, and real ability to say ; to kill. Miss Manning's condition does not
his proper ay oil the floor of ti;e Senate in improve. Her limbs and arms are paralyzed
such a lashion as lo command respectful
Reo a'pdix Supervisors of town
ships where theroads are blockaded by snow
duftsand made in:r assable must not fpcet
there is a law recard Ine obstruction and hin
derance of travel, and tbe township is respon
sible for 2ny accident resulting from such
a j caue. V. e quote the passage : 'Tublic
r';i'i or oiiiway-. tain o-.i. approver or en
tered on record, shall, as soon as practicable,
effect ually be opened and constancy be kept
in repair,' and all public roads shall at all
seasons be kept clear of all impediments to
easy and convenient passing and traveling,
at tbe expense of tbe respective townships,
as tbe law shall direct." Act 13ch June,
18.V., Sec. fi, P. L. It would be well for all
might fall heavy on the township for dam
Pii.ocatt'tt's rN Diphtheria. Last week
fifty-two children died in Hrooklyn of diph
theria. Sad reports of similar mortality
comes from other quarters. It is onr duty
to call the especial attention of American
physicians to t he ex traonli nary success which
is now reported in Germany, in this disease,
from the muria'e. of pilocurpin. It is given in
ordinary doses, internally, and a large num
ber of eases have beea reported by different
physicians wherein the results were astonish
ingly good. As soon as the pilocarpin exer
cises its specific eject on the salivary glands,
tho false membrane detaches, the inflamma
tory phenomena disappears snd improvement
begins. We particulnrly request nr readers
to try this treatment aud report their results,
whether good r bad. hedirnl and Surgical
A THOot ssnd safersreedv is Dr. Mrr
Tirs'i Hpvdachb am Dtsp.i.ia 9ill.
oi ty an iTTTiRgtstB. Frte T5 eenfs,
A FA milt nr FEvr.X rau'sors TU TTr:: TO
Caskttillf., Kt., January 'JJ. In terms-
tiou of one of tln most horrible tragedies
rier onnctnil in this ( lia Vfti:B l COlintV teat 11- '
. ti.i. r,io.o ..iri tha mor-eire-v heir,!? no
...! .1 . (.:i;i unn wrwiw.
whether the Z
the l Jtnpresion, howevr,,avri tha ,
former theory. .... ., , !
tour miles east or tlji!p;c tneie rrs;ueu, i
no to the time of tbe event. Mr. Wiley Emery .
aud seven children, three bovs and tour girle, ,
tbe eldest a cirl. beiuff seventeen years oi
aee. and the voungest six, Mrs. Emery, the
wife and motui-r, having died several years
ago. iir. i--tnerv, as ueiore f.aieu, wwdh-
to-do, aud owried a larje stock farat, the j
products of annually brought hiin a
haLKMome smn. i
A few days sinoo he soid several tlioa-and j
dollars" worth of stock, and, r w.i t;e nw- ;
torn, took themnnev lintae with )iiin, inite.i I
of ularine itin thebank. About ume ociocK
laftuichta Mr. Ureen. the ieret neit'tihor i
to the Emerjs, saw a bright lict-l m i mrre-
tion of the lattr's
houe. aud raiiins; bi.- j
htn bntntil over to render assistance in
extinguishing l;'e nnien, vi;n .i u? mr n.m.
of their ai
rival, wers eotnp'eieiy enve:onmg
th ftnl Imitiiinr. To tM-ir horror, n
reaching the house, tliev discovered that th
family of seven souls wre inside, and th
bodies of tbe entire family consumed, to
gether with tbe bouso and its contfnis
Notacry ws heard from the victim, by
"tiag whi ran try t.'ieir .i'ist iice. and from
v,ij ft ;t inforrr.l thjt after the inmates :
had retired the. bon was entered bv some j
fiend or nVad!, who first murdered tbe faniiiy,
secured the money and other valuables, and !
then fjiedlthe liousefor the purpose of wiping j oil nvl.l.n, i.f tl'i!r infamous crime. t
The entire country is tnorouehiy sronn
and a thorough invet'c iticn of t ie tracrdy
will bo made', and. should the murder theory
become established and the usper:ted per
sons captured, short wotk will bn made c.f
Thk CANiniAn Charley Hops. It tr.n
pireB that the boy, suiposcd to be 1
Kc'", found iu the possession of Tu-':iroi a
Indbm in Canada, mentioned in '.be tele
graphic dispatches of Saturday, i! tbe ?aius
"bov referred to bv Teter L). M' tallum. a far
mer, in Aldhonn'itrli township, Canada, in a
letter to the Chief of Polite, some woks uu.".
Mr. Itos said be bad been in coinunicHtion
with persons in that vicinity for several
months, and tbe coi respon',Pi.,ce bad eiven
him no encouragement. The 'il lettvr !.c
sertMf('ii!nm, iiuU.sms a litd ol tot ','ies
tion". bad bren just answered, but i; n
t -.ined mere !enet iit ie m.d untii'Mii: f-oei -ilic.
The history if tbe boy as p. veil nv Mr( a bmi
is that be vhs broueht to tbe camp of the In
dian, tox vearn frii bv a innn und woman.
who said if the Indians did not tike h:iu uiev
woubl sill him rattier than keep him iti in-ir
ei:t'lv. Tbe tribe was iinM;liiiii to take
the child, but an Imiin 11 nil b:s sijuiiw 1101:1
an other reservation, who were at the enrup
on a visit. thiuUin he would he u ni"-e i-oiii-:
panion for their little girl, took loin to ;!n :r
i home and kept him for tour yeai s. At this
j time lie is sain to have had fair hair, cut short
i with a tendency to curl. Aster four year
: he ran sway from Ids protector, since whivh
time he lias led a wandering life. 'I he iad
! in now in t!i hands of a German, who says he
' means to jrst any money that ii to m-ide
' by restoring him to his parent!,
i If. most of t!!i- ce.-t, Mr. IIo-s says, the
! controlhiic rmttive.eeiiK to lie t mike luoii
! ey. Accordingly, rr-rj thins; is exaggerated
tiiat tends to ef tahhsh an identity an I every-
tliir.s ieiiored that militates a?ainst their
or-T, 1.0s. oencve. nonimjj rn,;i.
ta??'1 fTom c r,,lor of t)'ft,Ur,- ''P',"
build or ceneial appearance ot the child, lie
theory. Mr. Ross believes nothing could be '
relies cbieflv ou the child's reeolleet ion of ti.e
past. He thinks the bv wid retain notce
memory of bis bom-, and is sure te-? sense of
Ion! ne-s thit niust have taken possesion of
him when taken mnnn; strangers wu never
leave, his rainii. As yet lie has not decided
what course he wili pursue about the Cana
dian br.y. For tbe present be will wait de
velopments. Philadelphia Record.
Thf.T have a sharpshooter in Sn Francis
co, Otto by name, a son of Chief Joseph, t ie
Nez Perce, whose performances, in shooting
at the paper figure of a man, a S.n Francis
co paper gives this account :
"A nickle five-cent piece was pined to the.
figure, and tbe you n it sharpshooter, blind
folded, turned nound in various directions.
and was hnallv m a d.
line of t :i, o.ii-ct.
! with a rifle minus a siuht, and at a distance-of
some tweiitv-five feet. The first shot Sent
I the nicklw flying around the room, and on
1 examination sn indentation w r.s found ou
J its edge. The second test eonsb-fed of p'ac
; incr a small piece of tinted paper on the cla'-s
i used ti an eye for the f.rure, and then plae
j ine a hrsr.! piece of cardboard iu frout of
! and toucnin it so that it vhi complete! v
I bid len from view. 'Ph.; sinister v.:is a:ain
j b-i'idfoided, and tli first shot iuttere:f ih:?
j pl-vss, the buiict having pa-sed through
ine very centre or uie tmiei. p.vper. l lie.n
were vsrioua other tejts, Mn-h as br.ikinj;
three swincin? balls by 01, e shot and break
Jug a bali placed immediately l-clrnd the at
tendant, the nail, owit.g lo previous coi.iaet
with tLo brass knobs or iron pUtes, taking a
circuitous course."
ElETRANTS Pl.tTINO Tos-tM. "Tbe;e
are om' very ciiNnint: feilows amonc our
t wen'y elephants," said Mr. Darand, asjeut
for tlie combined Barnum and .London yesterday. " The other day Chief
tain and Maudi ie, the top mounters in the
pyramids, and the most cunning of tie flock,
suddenly took a sbiverinir chill at tehearsal.
Tbe keeper sent out and bou'd-t four ciIots
of whiskey, which the monstrrs devoured
rapidly and with grrat ieli.-h. The bill
caiueto Mr. IJ.iriium, whose stronsr temper
ance predilections yon know. Alter paying;
the bill Mr. Kurnuni insisted that nobody in
his employ, not even J is elepbnnts, should
tirir.K winskey under any circumstance. In .
a little while the e!ethaiits. when Th effects '
j of the lirjuor bad died awav, commenced
j shivering a train, and apparently b-it another :
' chill. They looked lonsringly at the keeper, j
: and attempted to caress him with tiieir '.,
i trunks, as much as to say, (;ive us another j
1 drink.' The keeper fhook his head, and :
j told them positively 'No.' In five minutes j
! every appearance of ague bad vanished, and ;
j the aaima's were quietly munching bay, as
i usual. Tb.ey bad bean playing 'posmn'."
V. Y. Sun. !
j lIi-nDF.RtNo r.v Inches. For som time ;
' rumors have been freelv circulated that a !
j youna lady nameiMiss Gertie Mann'uiir, re- I
nidinc: with her uncle, Warren Ii. Manning, j
in Malone, . ., was beinj systematically )
poisoned by Mr."Mannins's housekeeper, a 1
voune woman named Miss Eminj Davis. I
Miss Manning complained several times of i
findinsa pioenish substance repniMinir Paris j
green in b"r cotTee. and several times has
had all the symptoms of poNonint; by arsenic
after partakmijof food at Miss Davis' hands.
At last the doctor alt nidincr the sick ladv !
unanimously declared it was their firm belief !
i that poison
was beinc administered. A
I nurse wis then employed who was the only i
, p,.rS!)n allowed co prepare food or hand's !
' medicine f.-r Miss Manning. Miss Davis 1
-: was arrested, and her preliminary examina-
: ami 11 is tnougnt mat sue cannot possioly re
cover from the effects of the poison.
Ktohtt -Five Dols Lot. "Too do
not tell me thut your husband is up and about
njrain, ami entirely eurcit ry so simple a med-
ieine as Parker's Ginger Tonic V "Yes,
ii'ot-eu, 1 00, pshiii jin. i.njnnn 10 ner en
quiring neighbor, "and that too when we
had foolishly paid eighty-five dollsrs in doc
tor's bills an'd prescriptions, and after he had
been given up by hit nbvsieisns to die. Now
I my husband feels a well as ever entirely
i cured by this exetlent Tonic." And many
! a siek tnsn might be wU in a week if they
i would only try it. 1-21. -lm.
! William T. Toliev, tbe book-keeper at
James o. Merritt's store on Wall street, says
the Kingston (N. T.") Fryman, is an electri
cal marvel. Mr. T0HC3- is so full of electri
citv that when he ylides across a carpet, even
with his boots on, be can light the gas with
his fingers, and when a person touches his (
noe or an ear with their nngerj a shock is re
ceived in the arm and a bright spark is emit
ted. Mns. Partinc-tot says: Don't take any
of the quack rostrums, as they are regiment
al to the human cistern : but put your trust
in ITop Litters, which will cure general de
lapidation, costive habits and all comic dis
eases. They saved Isaac frota a severe ex
tact of tripod fever. They, sre the ne plug
vnum of medicines. Boston Globe. Sold by
M. L. Oatman, authorized agent, f.behsburg,
Mr. William Utti v, of New ton rTara!!-
ton, Pa., haR been watching on the Pennsvl-
j vania Railroad from Newton to the deep cut 1
west, 01 wie station ior ininy vears, and has
i traveled over .HC,,oo miles, fie was never j
i reported, nor has anv accident occurred en
i his beat tkrottgh ite-gfect pf drtry. 1
j M'.tth A.l OliH'.K NOTIXtrii.
Two FbilaJelphians skated to Xorris- .
town bf.clt Oil MlUl'.'ST. ,
Newfoundland dog serves s earner ,
for the UaMsiuqu Jjapotcu
"r the CaUsuciuR Jjitpettu.
. - . i;..rr i lulnriu? iu M( Koa". COUDt i.
Bie.y. ,.rllM,vl
- ' ; .Jj ,! i jn. :
caster, l a., on Friday. ;
-M. V. G. D.vtri. It, T Vkyom.r .. r
.. birth to thrve- fciiis and a tny on i ue-
Ouv liisbt of l:it
Mr.' Il' Kfg:'jt, a whoiw. t '
dclptn. isiieaitat theuijaof I'lO years. Her
mother attained ttm age of ii(.
Ui:i:be, tUs j;eilci!, liiade a more or
6S mile in the hix tiava" wnikii'e match in
New York iastwek, beating Itowe!!-. recoid
two m:le. .
T'.ie bouse in wLi'.h A'tii Teun osi
w...,.,i tl.i- firKt JVi.ioViVftLia l,'L'iil'ttii: e is
still staiidme in Cheer, r.nd is i:feJ
ci - oper sn-p
A tie
vn ' 11 CK !lV,
t. Mary'. 1 k
d :ii-. a ?d thr
Stt 'f :
( l.l.rrh. .".eve-
lo.ouo. 'I lie ori.". n
land. O.. to the extenttn
of the 'ire is a ii;M; rv.
i io upi" 'ed to be. hyd-;.pho.ic, wai
'. tUiei on TLiiUeiiih .-Incf, Nc .nU, o:i
Tlnirnd.iy attertuHUi, fUr it h.d bitten foi;r
! men in a teiiiii e manner.
! My,. Shrnusrd kil m i er twoihuh i'otf,
I one aed tt jeai. and ti e .1iies a ta
Ki-va ui-iiitli. ul WbUeva'e, Oi.t , on
V of
ri v and then committed Miiei Ii
Through tbe ftTf-rls of Dr. Keai-.e, ;
Otbol.c fiUhop id Kiebm.ind, aluioK every ,
n(.;ier tf int'.xicntinc dunk- of Unit !;t.i bus j
given his fledge not to sell en Sunday. ,
f.,1. Th.. I'.ufor.l. w -l:o e ''l.t'Tii ;
atn .hot at'd killed
J.ilinlt at D'.Vrfli-
ton, Ky.. wa. H'.q'J
dav iatTt bv tbe jury
;e 1 murder oa
im the tfro'.tnJ of iiih.ia-
Dnrins the U-ii.r-oiary R"uev:ce -f Mis. ,
! Racpti;b from her t.ou.e at Alton , N. V., ,
one 0 eiiinjr last week, tbe Iiohmj eanbt fire -and
four y.uini :.ioiieii r:e;: bun.ed to;
j deaf-. i
The IlsiiTiil.! lntMqri-cer i;oe witta !
! at:srct! in that the Democrat, c i,ic;:i!iers of ,
j the;islature recline theie id 'I'-tliicn t-- !
i pain oy ir.terferinjt the Ilr; ublicau fipbt j
t over the niator-bip.
I .Mleo ('. l,aro. tbe Eafton wv.rdcrer, '
who is laid to be tea'-bintr scliool .c.mer. l ere j
. in tbe Southwest, is e!so rfpfited to bnve !
rnnrried M"- Pi-aine, the uv;rdvrer of her j
hust.and, Writ.'iie. ,
A j i.d I'.i.r; fun. ace in the i'Lo-rr Iron :
V10: k . riei-nix ilie. near I'hiludelptiia, -x- '
pioded Kri : v evening, severe y irjurin? hv ;
men. two of whoti, Michael bianco and j
brother, are dangerously hurt. j
T'.' y. ram ids be.,:t by a kinj: f f t!:e j
Siyib lh':i-ty linvr- ! f-n li .covered to the 1
i.ii!i of .M.-'i. ;.),'. Tbfy tc;c buried be- :
. Tir-ath t'te .;!'!!. 1 tie vauitM ana cnamuern
1 ttre covered w i'h insei 1 lis.
I Mr. T. Mofber, -f I.i i-dfo; (1, anwer-
ied Vio-ck st brr trort d-.or "! Friday j
ni'bt. when a tall mr.n tbn:st a into
: hcmrt!i and quickly bit. Tbe patent-ge j
: of t':e li'.t'e (: e is rot known.
j An ;!d fanner .sys tt.ct f.nners w!io ,
; left their coin .tandime ovt will find it d:u-- ;
: jrerous'is in tne sprint, n. tbe kr.cVs
will be fu ! of sriakes, wbi-rti Rie ad to J
' f.tber in t'ncpi for rcititer qimlru. ;
! Wi liam Fer;uson. of liailvi! e, I.rr.. j
! ter eounty, Rjrel ko years, and a widov.-.-r, i
'; has lust married Mrs. i'arciret Woodisic'e, !
! of Wilmington, Del., who in m widow 70
j years n!d. Th' v were lovers in youth.. j
Dr. W. t . li iri;ancn, a I'eniist 01 1 tons.
Ohio, .hot and hilled his wife on
and mime I iatrlv t fter shct and ki leii inm
I pelf. lie was dl.'ripated and many bis
I wife had to t. es froJi the bouse to save her
! life.
A correspondent ril th's ?wfn? vv.n
. to the 1'bi a te'i-hia K'niiiii .Vu; ''it is 1
: Crow-inir d-.ubtrul Ol iver the State who
j will be elected Senator : have Hw--t f.xed :
i in vour mind, if ro let Snow dt u who it Is to
i be."" I
! There is hard' v stiy doubt but a bill will !
pas Cnnjr at this session providing for '
' trie removal of tbe tax on matches, .'txvinjs j
j I'anks deposits, ba::k cbo,-V.. a!ni on a,i y,ro- j
; prietary articles ex'; f.t peri ii'ee; .- and cos- j
j meties."
I Tom Tavis har1 some phob-trrophs
. at 7ai:e-vi!!e. ':ii. : rd gnve our to l,i.:e j
' Mm ray in Pie pree!voi lla Ui idneil, who !
' war.t-d .,-,, too. Trun would not j-?.rt with I
i ano).'-r picture, and Ida at once -lanmdfed j
; suicide. 1
: Chis. G. and Herman II. Zeigter, brrtii
! er. tellers i i !l:e Dctrot sair.!T- bank, nt
: Detroit, have embezzled over ?J.,00j of the
i batik's fund''. The stolen money was spent
; in speculations nnd in the Fiinpoit wf an ci
I travasant family.
i V'hi!e two (ioj v:ere camboiinc; oi tbe
! frozen surface t-f a mill pond near West
j Chester ruee;-.t!y crt of tbe broke
; throurrh th ice. The other promptly cautbt.
its imnier-cd eompar.ion by th'! ear and puiVU
' it out of tbe hide.
! A church sterd" at Ionia, 5fich., is
1 tboui't.t t- be bewitched. ' ( iiie r.iabt it np
pearc 1 to stretch up p.v.A b're a hole in the
; i louds. At another time it speiued to vah
' b e rhont and b"n nv", and it.s 'a?t ttick
! was to appear!1 l,e on tire."
j In the rni;r?i of a debate in tbe '. S.
' Set.n.e on Tuediv last if w;i stated, and
not dented, that the pen-ion roll f the war
! of l.'d j contained the ram:- of ten thousand
survivors and twentv-hve thousand w idows,
j The wir occurred sixty nin vaars aero.
I There is a pmse at l.itt'ecote Farm, in
i Wiltshire, Kntrland, wticl is known to be
; nearly vears r-bt, and may be a good
' deal o
It war. r,reented to tbe father of !
?s present owner on bis tenth t,i'tbd y (in
is 'S.
tt;i tben considered aped.
Ticf ;
f .' il men t hat tbe
M-Kf an coor.ty )e!t oricinatesj in a deep sea
underlying that reaion. and a stock eonij any j
has teen fortnetl at Parker for the uiriose of !
sinking a well to test the truth of tb! tbcoiy. 1
They eifiect to f in'.: the shaft 2.00 feet. I
-In tbn pootbo:e cf the Middle Coal
Field district, of which Carbon county is a
pa:t. is an old man nameit i.ia;an, now in 1
his loeth year. lie is a native of Iieland,
and savs lie we!! remembers th Irish rebel
lion f f 17'.'S, as be was then 2.1 vears old.
Tbe barn on tlie Ismous n;ia"teth farm,
near Lititz, recently horned, was once a
prison for eaptcted "Hessians. F.iron Stri
pe! founded the farm a century ami a half
ago, and tbe bii'diners were 'occupied by
Washington's arni during the Kovolut inn.
Tbe jury in the cas of two brothers
named Taibott, who were on trial at Mnrvs-
i ville. Mo., last week, for murdering their
j father last Spring, returned verdict of
1 murder in the first degree on Friday night,
j A motion for a new trial was made r.rii
; morning.
i Mis Sarah L. Weir, of Washington
i county, was wooed and" won bv .Joseph Me
j Donougb, widower. McDonnueh married
' some other woman. Miss Weirs sued for
i breach of promise ef marriage and on Friday
j a jury at Washington awarded her $1,000
' damages.
Frank Thomas amved nt Rochester,
Minn., on his wedding trip, and there saw
the opportunity to steal a mule. If he lied
with tbe beast, he must leave the woman be
hind. The mule was sleek, fat and hand
some, while the bride was scrawny and ugly.
He deserted his wife and stole th mulo.
Karly .Saturday night s a freight train
on the Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans
Railroad wss nearing McComb City, Miss., a
branch from a tree burning near tlie track
fell and ignited a flat car-load of cotton.
The fire spread to the adjoining cars and ilOl
bales of cotton, valued at U,000, were de
stroyed. John Cummins, who was arrested near
Newark, O., for running a tack through his
boy's tongue, was bound over to the Pro-
hate Court at .Newark on 1 rulay. His f.ond
1 was fixed at, which he furnished.
During tbe trial there were frequent cries of
hang hiin and similar expressions from tbe
excited crowd.
Mrs. Emily Careless died in Philadelphia
on Friday-morning under peculiar circum
stances. "One week ago her husband died of
small-pox, and th wife was so prostrated
ny grief that before ti.e body was cold she
sbot herself in the breast with a revolver.
She then became a raving maniac, and made
other attempts on her life.
The San Francisco CArontci savs that
! Calvin Ronbam, of Graniteviile, Nevada
1 county, while working on the Milton ditch,
! lost his footing in tbe snow and tumbled
! down the mountain side for a distauce of
half a mile, when he was saved from drop
ping over a precipice into tbe Vaba river Dy
being caught in a drift. He was painfully
The Philadelphia 7"imej says that the
Land League is understood to have under
consideration a plot for placing percussion
torpedoes under the throne in such a man
ner that when Her Majesty sits down she
will instantly get up again in several sec
tions. This plot is not to he used if the plot
for blowing up Windsor Castle with all on
board is successful.
A despatch from St. Martin's Ursuline
convent, in Rrown county, Ohio, reports
Archbishop J. I. Pureed paralyzed as to his
left side, but in full possession "of his mental
faculties. The feeling of friends is divided
between hope for bis recovery and fear that
it will be speedily fatal. He has only recent
ly recovered from an attack of pneumonia,
snd within a fortnight stood at tha new
grave of his beloved younger fcre-ther.
ijj. UVU UMil i i 1
ains in all WINTER GOODS!
.rgains in Tinware !
5 I
)uc l':'iS(
v - A t JN
lor oil'
i.s tlip.t
-. tivstock ol Vv
lv in I'.cfvw
: : IK I ill
vfi: !iatk cftM'Lrnri) t; in t Tit; t at
. 1 1 ijict. "v iiEkA't; rx cuoirt' lot of rsnoes. V sts.
Iar'l 011 our l -
Pricev MU l YA:.A)SX the MUST CO T cf th. Gotvls.
Our cf'jf't is to fjft if tf the lr7s, :tnl if yen thiril; fttr griefs at-e
twi Ihii- ettowjh irr trill ri!tnr yit to name your fljttrt-s.
B's: carry inn i.rtt. im AvnoKTr.vT i
in I-'beimbury, finnl fou iritl ultra its fituf t'-7i f.s mtf izef sry or i "al-
itt; at the very lowest price.
V. S.
nan nrr '-i I , T -
Ifllr . HI 7-fr.
jonn vv anamaicer.
If you cannot
risit the city, tend
to r by postal
card for House
keeper's Price
List,nd Under'
wear Price List
We 11 orders by letter from
every State and Territory at
same prices charged customcri
who visit the store, and allow
same privilege of return.
The stock includes Dress
Goods, Silks, Laces, Fancy
Goods, and general outfits.
Grand Depot,
Fears are entertained of an epidemic of
sm.'.Mr-o in New York. There were otdylt
j deaths in that city from snisVpox in 17, 05
in t.s70.and."l last ve.r,htit there have already
been this year as snr.ny deaths as during the
entire pievious tv.e:e n, i tl'S. and ai the
prescid rate of increase tie mortality wid
reach the figures of bilf a d.'Ten r ears ago,
when smallpox was an epidemic.
An an- ailing accident occuiied at Free
dom. Leaver rountv, on Mon.-'av
which cost
the lives of two little boys. Tho'nis Kognrs
and William K'atr, vears old. were coast ing
that tsiornitie and were on ti.e railway track
when a train passed, cutting thetn both in
such s hnirible manner as to cau-et ieir
death in an bour. The a'vi.b ;:t was oeensvd
unavoidable on the engineer's pait.
Representative (ied les. of Ohio, who
was recent 'y manied to Mrs. Amelia It.
Class, at Mansfield, w; s warri-d tl ere iu
1S4S to his first wife on the same evening c f
tne year and at tlie ume place that his pres
ent bride was married to her f ormer Unsound
The two survivors of the double wedding.
after an interval of thirtv-two vears were
married by the clergyman whocfliciated at
their former ceremonies.
Tbe Frie Herald says : The eyes of Jus
tice are bandaged, as nstnil. The hoard of
pardons offers a repp to a psir of imbecile
murderers and a pardon to a wealthy and in
fluential swiniller. Geo. Smith and Catha
rine Miller, two simple persons, murdered
the husband cf thw iatter and must bang ;
John S. Morton, the Philadelphia swindler,
is let loose. The two former are poor tho
latter wealthy. This is a beantiful world.
A sad case of destitution and disease
has come under the notice of the health de
partment st Chicago. Mr. snd Mrs. Feide,
with their five children in a squalid tne
mnt, were taken wiih'smallpnx. snd one
of tbe children is dead, after two weeks' suf
fering without medical sttendsnce. The
other four are in a critical condition. All
have now been removed to a proper place.
Smallpox snd diphtheria are repoited to be
verv prevalent in that city.
A man in McDonald countv, Missonri,
has a natural kaleidoscope. It is a dark
green stone, nearly transparent, about the
size of a turkey's egg and nearly that shape
and somewhat rough P,y holding it to the
b"bt and looking tbrouch it mig'orieent
1n:sing butlalo, moving caravans oT camets, j
fields of waving crass, mountain scenery, '
cities and villages, vast stretchss of prairie,
etc. It was found in Buffalo creek, near
the home of its owner.
George Smiihson and Mrs. P.ettte Putin
were married a few davs ago in the Nash
ville jail, where tbe bridegroom is spending J
h ten-year Term ior norse nieanng. t onnrry
gossip had it that the horse-thief was a very
handsome man, snd Mrs. Dunn, who is the
widow of a physician cf Gallatin, went to the
jail to test the truth of the report. Mrs.
I")nnn fell in love with him, and despite the
bitter opposition of her relatives, married
him She is waiting in Nashville now for
her husband's term io expire.
James Vail, of Carbondale, having been
struck on the nose the other day with a
snowball, it begnn bleeding. It bled a quart
and could only be stopped by plugging. At
times since the flew has leen resumed, ac
companied by bleeding from the gums,
throat and bowels. Small blood vessels un
der ti e skin have becom dissolved, and
strange lookine spots are formed rtpon the
bodv by the deposits of blood. The rase
puzzler tbe physicians. It is called purpura
I'rmorrnagiea," and is the first cae of the
kind on record In tBntsetten of th country.
rrT T T t ,1
I II 111 Y !
1 ! I I I V i
ii -
tit; ft WO uiV;i fill.
V..v ?L
Sm - jjniii C'omitcM- ; t
ill V.T i w Sk i!
F? V F' VW3 ?
ciiANCi: roi; bargains!
1 ;,T! ti ru
.l UKLtV
13 a il v
v tfc Bro,
This tr thcparticular s;2on. in
w hich to get and prepare Honse
fcecpin Dry Goods Sheetings,
Fi'.iow Materials, Liners, Nap
kins, Towels, etc. It is also the
season for Ladies' Underwear.
The Grand Depot contains the
greatest variety of foods in one
estA';i:sh:ner,t in
the United States,
and exchanges
or refundsmoney
for things that
do net suit, upon
cxr.muiatjcn at
Wbi.e tbe F.e :'! Ticer, witii her t
w as lavinr up at a:,f, rn.a. titre miles a'
( ir.cinnafi, an.d while m t of the crew were
aslcen, one of tbe stcam-dra::! was blown
cut and it was tb.oiicbt that one of her boil
ers liad exploded. Tbe boat not late
fire anl was n d serio-.m'v damaged. The
injured are all fron T'ittt'.ntrgh or its vicini
ty, and rre as follows : Chaiics IVrcival,
pilot, badlv scalded : b:s rtanghter, serions'v
i scalded : Mi-s Ai ;:a I'i ii i; s. siigl.t'v sca-o-
ed : Frank We.tNor. pilot, hoth hands s -abl-ed
: Sam FaVer, wp.tchman. 'ad!v s ai led ;
1 Milton Mr-Call, steward, t-il:v!e.l, it is
I feared f italiv.
; Unless some cf the Republican nii'.lion
j aires hasten to tVe imcw the r.iagr-.if.cet-t
' preparrtior-s for tl-rfi-lri's inauguration wi 1
I pr e m failure. The ana:ii.t:i--nts were
j tnai- to 't-.ei-il forty tbo;iar.t lol:a.-s in tho
! grand affair, but, ceorlir.g to a detailed re
i port of e,-,: ,-ct o-s mad-. b s tl .ui tiiree
; t:iouand riolins been raise,!. Mr. A.
I M. Clar-p. after tbe lal orrf fi ur ii;ivs, T; ised
1 about two hundred and fiMy nollars from ti e
government o."icjs!s lv.iiress men of
Washington, lie nid he would rather saw
wood than perform such labor. The tidal
amount of bis collections in tbe internal rev- ,
snue bureau was ten dollars. 1
On Saturday morning a pat tv of citizens ;
from Kiozua, McKean countv. went into the 1
woods to see a well t'-rped 'e-i. Forty quarts
of nitro glyt-rine were put into a ban e! to
thaw. Steam having b-en turned on tbe j
presure of heat became so great that the
ticklish stnT exp'oded, earning ruin and I
havoc in its ttack. The engine bouse wi.s (
blown to splinters, and the engineer, Andrew
Leather, was torn to pieces. J. O. Ci:hing, .
one cf tbe spectators, was killed by a flying 1
piece of timber. F. M. Rlvst, ne." tbe con
tractor, John Franklin and l'eter wreny
were injured by flying frarmerit-i. Six men !
were standing in the derrick, where one of
the group was killed cutrigiit. l eas', "r has ,
a wife and family in enang-. 1
was postmaster at Kinzua and bavt- 'ifmm lrf"
family. s a lsrg?
Tstr.K is no use talking, no ce t
'Tis s'o now everywhere : talking,
T.. ...w.V - ...1.3 V
j (Without much trouble or estxs l
I v Mnse ) I
pense, )
You must use Srn' Srsr? ff
United State or Ca., iv ss l l
vuleo wi "
n twr
MlS rATiRT.I,, Sitl
KI.l., Slll . .. -
M. Miiliva ir sh sgit
it from f- f tn lfe of t!,e n,f
snd Mrs. A.
of Par'iament
Ladie-.' Land Ieague
n r CHBe.RT ash HcjtRo tf Taw, 1
rome may oe incuned to c: f f -x . .- -tre.
but the idea we want t -ieise oir me ' t-
your mind! is, that St:. Cij, jir.prs upon 1 wf" v
cure any Throst an;';r,.,, --';au. ,Vo., will -
than nv ot hr dk 'ro' .T((,tii ouicki r : S crvs i--
''fti are forming
purpose of confmuing,
a , London for the
e :-tk of Telirf
. f ,'h.wers t e ar-
of the Covrcvn
".v..-,t. Miss Par
'rr.f fhe league snrl
should Mr. Parnell e.nd;
rested under the provis,
bill now pending in Pan-,
nell will he the I're-ideia
Mrs. Sullivan the Vice-I't
Bt far ttir nr.T ki'
ment ofca'sr'h snd it-t r' ' f,-r tbe's Cresm Balm, whi'lticcnfj A dncaes is
est sales with us of anyfti Yictft p0.vlr.g the ls:g- ;
fered. The renorts s-r lunation now of- '
we do rot heitste to -L-i' tvpr'i!(, and
ren 111 11
1 to snv and all other r ? '-"v- it as i?peri-'r
j The Balm is pleasant rtin the market,
I are La vail. A Sn, 1 , 'A m, y to use. t t-
l , i'rtsti, ls;n, Pa.
V i
! Clothing
Jri Ctufsitl 1't ;;
1lCJt kil r SLUM
7. '(. tiST flSt
ALl (.:. 5 i III ..
9 - tat r . $ a 9 ; '; j r ..
i.I . -T P 5 .' X .' ii '. '
1-ti-, Mit'.M.. ' s ' t 14 v
All -J. i.k .V ; . .
T 1
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vJ , kL,,'alvci,.: ji,lj
A T.I. aaj..r.
11 I.
a, . it j t -
TLc Ktt.-.
' I Y"S i'.
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ii aiall v a H i
.- t f
AT AI(Ni:rr:
. -.1
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sal r :t . r.'.lr - r ' "'"
tc t irp-: r 1
th csr In f ; xi.u " '-'
5 nri'. dlf; 'ay -' ::s mre'o. : '
l!i-4i !'.:';:: ; :;.'. -
finest 11 -5 .-. 1 r .: :-.
f n-i vni I 1. 7 : r '..-."e. : .
1 9 '. 1 a 1 , - k ' ! ' . ' - - t 1 .
,!nt:. ti ! co"J.;'t--. ;i-'i t. ' ; ; 1
icab. -1 .1 - '
k s--t It - -. iti".
a ;(.)oi sa ti:- "i"
kjTT r.rc.h j t f;'
fsl is-'i-st '.-f r.-.-t: t.l .-. 1
l"l 1 Ii -,..'() 1 1 -"
1 cnr,r n:Tt:-t' - k
I lr-r Fqcirrx K- .. f f ' : ;
j W kiM so i:u: t T'.tf r.'.r : f.
' tnread ar.jti.liiij '. k- ;-a t v.n -Jt'.iJttk.
llsr ! t f -
yft; ;d ont H-.r. -ol
i Wk-'r vrn b-,. :b-t c 1 -.
i:d .x .;. rex t-v - :
i t cs. Vi - ;i 're? s .. 1
c Tsir j I'nift. Tt-i s; a'.', ba 7.
la tc: pf k.; ; v.n', !'. : t i
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lai nnr.:. or- of t.v
.-v llll il '
fa - W W V
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1 11 -
.,., l.-T. V.. IT, 'TIS IH
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to 1 is 1 rr
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ten . l'..-lv.
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IS It ,S. -.-, . cr-r
ta ttie ; trj 4TSVi.