The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 21, 1881, Image 3

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n T"i FTRTK kNTH VOI.VMIT. With ttlft
sj ev
:t-ncouf tHEtP.RSMA. tJur
i ..r!S f !
irtt a po'vl news;
r in tb pat
v f. r tticrtl-i
vm, mil th;y are un:y
' ' i k,. tl.u . ,.ntn ia ,vi-.Opd hV tha
t that ''.' irou!a.i-n is new ,-onsidrnhly
in b it li?. '' ,le't fcnnrrrei.. These
-;re indicate a t.tiernri!- t.v.v circulation
com.'.ry iournal. but wn tip to say that
our lit bo U rot fall. On the contrary,
niiis; n- art!o enough to aoconi-
:Ve r r' P.utu Jnr wuo u.ftv ic-sn: iu "
ro i
thime;vM rip cm?;, our readers ; mm t
V .nl.l H'it, tint woai-l then !e ii ';
r mi to print f-vpn a niutp-r an i rr
Man we now ..!. A? to tin- futine, -v
content to ).'t THE F:kcv an spek for it-
only rsu. me one 't ail that while an
cier our contr-.l it w;M be permitted to tak
no retroitrae'e step i nun trie path it has alt-ays
pnrui'''- .
Hr. Th-f'i-o ! wl t li a Other IVe.
Ti i population of AHoona Is set dovn
t lJ.7i
Mr. T. R rttton lias Of en re-appointed
pcxstmaV.iT f Aitoona.
A r.f w train has heen p'.re on the TTo!
lidayshure branch railroad.
A sieiirlilnj party tp;u this pIac-9 to
Johnstown is !i?i:i' agitated.
V. S Marker Bro. have some very fine
Taporat'?d itrid apple atKl peaches for sale.
Mr. I,. Ciihn, ot Johnstown, is the iucky
owner of a violin vfhieh wai mada in the year
A sleighing prty from Ebenfhur to
Cresson and .Summit' Is talked of for this
(Friday) evening.
Vennor predicted a hc-avy anow atorm
for ttin 17th, hut so f ir r.s this region is con
cerned It was snow f.i.
The appointment of Mr. Ed. James as
poattnattr for Ebenhura lias been confirm
ed by th lnittd States Senate.
McDonald & Co., I.onUto, Ta., sell com
mon green collVn at 13 ct. per !b. and com
mon rursted c.iffse at 1.1 cts per lb.
Jaeor rri:i2 i-i ni the house of his
brother in (-rnyie tnvinhip, t'iis county, on
Saturday last, acjed neas'.y To years.
Diphtheria in a most malignant form has
broken out in Bufiingtun township, Indiana
county, near the viilaiifof Armagh.
The next regular meetin2 of the Cam
bria County Toor HoAr i will ! held at the
Almshouse o: tl: first day of February next.
Aitoona induced in a mass meetinf:
TVednes lay evening to protest atrainst the
present " anthracite coal monopoly" in that
Mr. Alexander Kilzore. a well VnoTn
ircensh ;rcer, d:ed at Jhis residence in that
p'.acfl NVeJncsd iy evening of last week, agfd
78 yHi
I he lo'j of auditing the accounts of the
county is proprcsi n satisfactorily, hut will
rot be coinpte i t :i toward the latter part
of the curp-nt month.
Mr lenatius Hiin. of B!airsvi!, a tailor
j fr5d and about sixty years of age, died
In that pliu e a few days since, lis was weil
kr.o'-Ti in ti.ese parts."
Mr. Fre l. O.mos, a well known and pop- 1
.miwn.napup- i AitoonUn, wj unitt-il
wa united in tne Don. or
v ..-: . r:..- ti..l.t..l i ,r :
It. Willi l .1 1 n IIUIWC. JL 1
cur?, in I i:'sil;iy morning.
Mr. IT'rry Eni'.ehart, formerly of the
Mountain !!'.! s, has efTc'ed th lase of
tha Lattcrncr Il.-jase, au-l will take charge of
the an:p the fust r-f i:C.xt April.
A blacksmith -h.op u a pis-p.n is the !a
tet Dcnn township institution ifported by
th correspondent of tho Aitoona Tribwni.
A sort i.f p;?-iron manuactory, we prfsutne.
With U.e aid cf a ynn.ll dojr, Msssrs.
John ar: t! r.n.l A. Kirkpafrick lately
ki!d in t!. 1 arn f Mr. Jacob Kirkpatik k,
EiiJcr towi.ship, 54 rats i:i t':;irfy-!ive i;:i;t
ute. t
John n
i ....
Rover, of King township, Bedford
fith thr docs attacked a wiid cat
day. After a desperate fight, in
w l.h h iSoyi
r was riisen.bowt-icd, the cat was
Mr. Kris-, the veneraU'e mother of Dr.
Kri of Aitoon-i, who reside'; in Clearfield
township, tiiis c. nuty. has reached the pa-tr';ar--hai
Okti of vj years, and is stii! ha'a and
The Ait.sora Tribwte fays tltat the as
signees of Wii'iam M. I.lor I have been al
low;1 by th i':: t.-d .States l)5trie-t Coutt to
enmprotniso the claims of Dr. J. T. Christy,
of that ci'y.
Aver'a Ague Cnre has saved thousands
cf lives in the tuala: ;al district of this and !
other count! i.s It is warranted a certain j
ar.d speedy remedy, and free from all harm- i
ful ingredieiita. j
Tnre .ras r.c other saie of Li' yd estate !
lots in AI-; r.a or. Tuesday last, aggregating :
the sum of !,l - for f.ttv-two ots." The
ale was th-fi adjourned" until Monday, I
Kebruary 1 l:h. " '
In th i;-puh:!can caucus at II irrisburg,
tat" Senator llogg.i and Kep: e-n tati ve
Burrhfirhh id A Itooaa, aie credited with
Uhtg ..t.-d f-T Hon. D. J. Morrcil for Uni
ted M.-'cs h'-nator.
A Cambria county man ws taken he
fore the Mayor of Aitoona on Monday even
ing !at and fined two dollars and costs for
committing a nuisance on one of the public
stree's ot t!rt city.
The train undpr the new sehed-ilo efts
in somewhat earlier at nij;ht, but not early
enough to allow the mails to be opened till
nrii rnorr.'.rg. hiea
13 an arrangement !
" j
we cannot endorse.
Our towcynaii Mr. E. Roberts continues
!n HI hcxttt, r.- t on T.-LVay Dr. lioss, of
Altoor.a, paid him a professional visit the
second ou. We trust a soeedy recovery is
in store for the patient.
The la-t bsce closed the fourteenth ard
the present number commences the fifteenth
volume of the Fkeemax. Would that the
closing business couhi be extended to all tlio
open a-counts on our book.
A member of tlie l-egisiatnre mistook us
for Senator Wallace during our visit to the i
ower Ho-jje at llarrisburg on Tuesday last.
Ths Senator no doubt feel highly com
pigmented when he learns of it.
The chance is stiil open to al! who wish
to g -l mutli more than tiieir money's worth
by UxVf-tir g f.!;y cents in the Fr.EKM.15 for
tr.rre nnjn'tis a
borse .. it ever issued as a
it 'Ji r...t Air. fJenrir-2 V. Vehh. well
ktic:i c ...r.n. crcial traveler, bet the wife of
that gnt:nnan, who died at Blairsviile ajfew
days ago. lier disease was consumption,
wis tl mother rf four children.
. w- E- M.her, of Bellevue, Ohio, favs : I
Have been troubled with Asthma, and re-
1 no rc ief until I procured your "Only
; l'.i i." I can recommend it to any one
l the as'i.'na. See advertisement
- 's :" -' returning from our dinner on 5a U
It- W w" f 1l,ml small sum of money
t t:.- corner cf Centre and Sample stieets.
ice rr-i:i, or child who lost it can re
eovrtr.e a:-.:- t by calling at this office.
..T.11-' T" 1 u of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
sltSr-eve.1"'549 !;:- tvellng troupe last
freat pieaur
a tne :o r s:
ntra'dor. wr,rk on n rin I
f '
'r ti-e foor Hoi-.seim. hn
r several rfj
- :0it l'K feet.
iys pat. The hoie j down
ana is f-..ti
a"r" J'"- U,iv injured
C0M,!r-.? In Aitoona couple of weeks
, is get: t.g weil as rapid lv as couid beex
; ed. Ail fears as to a fatal termin?t;-
r injuries hay hen hanrn! v di.ssiuat.i
milel ,. li ilhtr. r-f 'fedlana v,,,nt
t M arj (:d, is'the name of a late a,vl
to our county jail. Ut charged by a
,1; "' .Canbria borongh with the
- i an i. .egi.iasata cUiid soon to be
-.Vy'-,!,"- it received
II or
cu.e, tfca Cl.e t ir,
larg. tannery , f rrr. w Shi ,
wn rh there is an insurance' of
tv wis in vogue In town for se-.r.i
I il'.Ti .1-. j ,
V.eisser, at 3ummitvllle
name ws Ci.cins, and he died I
arns.,,v!i.e. but afc . I
j ' -
j!d A Co., of Loret'o, Ta., want
I' '""' country lard, and an an--T
of eor i, oats and wheat, for
ti . ; . ; .3 will ve pani If
; - .e ecd of the present month
j".'r-s"'i r.d his blooming Rose
- ,;...;r wedding t-ur to Pitts-
! tg'lt
nnd on Monday thew
p" to r.emiont
," whirb thev
y as a
wmter reiuu" ad
i t r i l rtld' last Satur
X ;!RR Sweil named
W trial.
- ' -.'ttii-!'!i wmii.i
The Fifth Regiment, X. Cr. P., to which
our home military company i attached, lias
ben officially noticed that its aftn1ance nt i
Washington City on the occasion of the in- !
aucnration of General Garfield, March 4tb, is
respect fully soiicited.
The ne !y elected Roard of Directors '
of the Protection Mutual Fire Insurance
Company of Cambria County will meet at
tho office of the Scretary, T. W. Dick, Esq.,
for the purpose of organization, on Monday
evening ot net week.
Rabbi's are sa'd to be. so abundant in
Dean township that the fur may he seen fly
ing in every direction. How fur this story is
from the trnth may be judged by the fact
that the Dean tornship correspondent of the
Aitoona Tribune concocted it.
An Item which appeared in our columns week chronicling the death of Mr. Geo.
Webb, ft weil-Vnown commercial trave!er,
turns out to be a mistake. It was his Wife,
and not himself, who died, her remains be
ing Interred in a cemetery at P.lairsville.
A oung sn of Mr. F.iia3 Rehe. of Alle
gheny tovrtship, met with an accident the
other day resulting in a fracture of ttie right
leg near the knee. Mr. Belie is the gentle
man who received such severe treatment at
tlie hands of a gang of burgiars last fall.
Samuel II. Irwin, of Ute Creek, Colfax
county. Xw Mexico, sas: The "Only
Rung Pad" lias done more for my wife than
all the gallons of Ccd Liver Oil, trench or
American, she has taken, or all the Doctor's
Medinns she has us'.i. See adveitisenient.
"Oh ! why should the spirit of mortal be
proud ?" We give it up ; hut when we see a
man driving a "proud spirited" team, we
unhesitatingly remark : That man uses M.
B. Roberts' Hottn PownF.RS. 25 cents at
all drug stores, and at V. Barker fe Bro's,
Under the new schedule It will be well
for travelers to remember that to reach
Ebensburg from Johnstown at night it will
1 be necessary to take tlie Cincinnati Express
! at tve latter point, the train-time being 7.13
! o'ch ck. The Philadelphia Express has been
j discontinued.
j We know that you all like a good cop of
i tea. and we take pleasure in recommending
j a good tea to you. V. is. Barker Pro. have
I JuBt received alotof tnecelebratedTHitA-SEC-'
tar tea, put up in air-tight pound packages,
i Try one pound, and we are salisScd you
will have no other.
j The one hundred mile race between
Tom Dumphy's horse and th Aitoona horse
I Is "off," the hacker of the first-named ani
! n. al, Mr. Emanuel Vance, of Carroil town
I ship, having failed to make good his share of
j the stakes. Sivh, at. least, is the story told
j by the Aitoona papers.
GeOrfAdams, a P. R. R. employe reid
j ing in Aitoona, was struck by a coasting
j sled and so badly injured on Wednesday
i evening last that the probabilities are againat
his recovery. Miss Jennie Powell, of the
same city, had her collar-bone broken on
, Monday evening by a similar accident.
Mr. Richard Davis, of Julian street, was
tlie owner of a promising young parrot by
i which he eet great store. There was too
j much weather last Monday, or too little, or
J something, and the bird died, and Dick !a
! ments many an odd haif hour spent in teach
; ing it to recite the multiplication table.
) Certain real estate was this week sold at
public sale by the assignees of Win. M.
; Lloyd, at Aitoona. In the same connection
j it rosy be mentioned that the assignees of
: ttie said estate have been allowed by the
i United States Court to compromise the
; claims of Dr. J. T. Christy, of Aitoona.
, Hon. John Fenlon. of this place, offered
and liao passeit in the Mouse ot Keprenta-
lives nr liarnsnurg on tne l.'tli instant a
resolution for the annointmer-t n
of a comuv.t-
... t '
i.' iu ui au icn nu1 iijin trj
expressive of
the sense of the loua on lriu(r of the
deatb of John A. Smull, late Resident CIei k.'
If yon want to see what is now consid-
ered to be the finest Sewing Machin made, i
i cail at Barkers' and see the "HnrsEHOi.o.'
j which they have just received. It Ucert.iin
i ly a very "fine m tchino. They also have a
i stock on hand of the centink Sinokr and
: the Howr. all of which they are selling at
lower price than any body else.
A ten-yen r-o"d son of Mr. David M'-Kin-j
r.ey, of Ben's Creek, this county, died on
! Sunday last of scar -tt fever, after a few days'
i illness, and another member of the family
j was. at latest accounts, sick of the same ma
! lignant disease, which i.s said to be prevaii
j ing to some extent along the line of the
IVnnsylvania railroad from South Foik to
A new vein of coal was struck the other
day on the land of J. H. Dysart & Co., near
Lilly's. A drift had been opened, but al the workmen progressed a consider
able distance the coal couid not be found.
The operaters then conceived tlio notion of
boring down beneath the level of the drift,
and at a depth of eleven feet the vein was
A laborer named Milton Allison, wdii'e
at work In the P. R. R. yard at East Cone
mangh on Wednesday forenoon, was struck
by the engine of the second section of the
Chicago Day Express, nnd altho' no bones
were broken ids injuries were sufficient to
cause death soon after. Deceased was from
Somerset county, where he leaves a wife and
two children.
The Eedford Inquirer and the Everett
PrfM are now owned by Messrs. Mull in fe
Buckingham, Mr. Lutz retiring from the
concerns. As heretofore, the latter paper
will be conducted by Col. Bowman, Messrs.
Muliin fc Buckingham devoting the major
partof U.eirtime and attention to the Inquirer
and a book-store ia Bedford of which they
are proprietors.
Mr. Anthony Long, father-in-law of Mr.
Joseph Skel'y, of this place, died very sud
denly at Wil'uio'.e, on Wednesday morning
Iat, of what is supposed to have been a stroke
of apoplexy. Mr. Long was well known
throughout "the county, having served for a
"unioer oi vfari as s-i-r i riKicu im
measures. His age was about 70 years. May
his sou' rt f-irr:.
The Board of Poor Directors, consisting
of Messrs. Rorabaugh, Kasly and Raker, ac
companied by Steward Lilly, paid their usu
al emi-annual visit to Johnstown, Millville,
Cambria, Prospect, Conemaugh borough,
Upper Toiler township, Richland township,
etc., on Monday of this week. Their ap
pearance is said to have been anxiously
awaited by a number of suffering families.
A free lecture will h delivered in I'm
Presbyterian church of this place Tuesday
evening of next week by Rev. Win. Ii. Stock
ing, a returned missionary. The subject wid
be Persia and the Orient, with an entertain
ing object lesson showing how the people in
the Land of the Sun live, cat, sleep, dress,
talk, pray, etc., and a description or their
habits manners, customs, etc. The public
are invited to attend.
Mrs. Ettie Ewing, of Elder's Ridge, Indi
ana county, bade he infant son, who is in
his 70th year, an
afTctii.,,?it fjroivpil tlio
other day, and
then peacefully yielded u-o
.as in her lOxfh year, and i
her life. She was in Iter loxth year,
leaves surviving her a son $2 years of age
and a daughter 77 years of age, and a son
aged 70. She also leaves :i2 grandchildren,
over 50 great grandchildren, and several
great great grandchildren.
The Hotlidaysburg Standard of this week
kle. is again home after a sojourn of several j
ays : Our fresco-pa inter rrienn, aioi i i ren
weeks in Wilmore, Cambria county, where
he has been engaged in frescoing the Catho
lic church at that place. It i scarcely neces
sary for us to add that Mr. Trenkle's work
givas perfect satisfaction, as all who liave
ever seen his work can testify that he is
a thorough master of his trade.
A large sleighing party came here from
Johnstown on Saturday evening, stopping at
the Blair House. They returned home Sun
day morning. Another party, from Wood
vale and points contiguous, tarried at the
Foster House Saturday, the parties compos
ing it visiting the Poor House in the after
noon. Several other parties, from different
points of the compass, have also been mak
ing things lively in our midst of late.
The twenty-fourth annua! statement of
the Protection Mutual Fire Insurance Com
pany of Cambria County, as approved by
the F.-cecntiv Committee, is printed in our
adveitining columns to-day. The exact fi
nancial status ot the) Company, which is a
most comfortable one, with a list of losses by
fire paid during the year, is given, and will
furnish interesting reading for the stock
holders as well as the general public, t
The water main in th's borough is buried
in the ground to the uniform depth of three
feet, and p.s an indication of the intensity of
the cold weather we experienced during the
last week of Decem'er it is worthy of record
that the connection leding from, this main
to the domicile of Geo. M. Reade, T.-r., on
High street, was frozen solid at th same
depth. It required much hard manual labor
and several loads of bark to thaw it open.
Despite the stringent law against selling
liquor to minors, it is a fact only too painful
ly palpable that some of the youths of this
place have an "open sesame" at on or more
of the hcteJs hereabout. Where thesA boys
get their supplies is said to be an open secret,
but whether it is or not, those who furnish
them with liquor had better look a "leedle
oudt" or they may get into trouble. This is
not a threat, but a warning, and to tlio wise
a word ought to he sufficient.
VVa have received a specimen nnmberof
Happy Songs in 0 page raaniila form, music
book for da v schools, which certainly fills a
real want. The paper and "get up" of the
little book are first-class. The mus e well,
we don't sing, but It took bright and cheery.
The word are full of life and are nor trashy.
W think all teachers will find this Utle vol
ume is Just what they have long Ranted.
fend io cents for spci"inn eooy to Thom va
ajtb Co., 244 Wabash Av., Chhago, III. I
"I'm drawing a conclusion," remarked
Ammk'ab as he pulled the cat's tail. J. L.
jtiams. And "Fro beating the Doctor," re
marked Ami's wife, as she took a dose of
"ikes' Strcp of Tar, Wild Chekpt ani
Hoap.hocxd for her cough. A 25 cent bottle
does the business. For sale by all druggists,
and by V. S. Barker Bro., Ebenshurg.
There is a borough ordinance which for
bids the throwing of ashes on the streets,
under the penalty of a certain Cue. During
the present winter this ordinance seems to
have become a dead letter, the streets being
dotted with piles of the prohibited matter
from end to end. A good many oT our peo
ple think the ordinance should either lie en
forced or expunged from tlie statute-book.
The Aitoona Hun, through a correspond
ent, charges gros mismanagement in the
conduct of the Blair county Almshouse, as
well as inhumanity toward the inmates.
Similar charges used to be rife against the
conduct of our own Almshouse, but thank
gooduess! not since the advent of Mr. I.
Lilly as Steward. A charge of the sort,
when made by a resnonsibie person, should
undergo the very strictest investigation.
The Johnstown 7Yt!nne tells of a lady
residing in that place who i.s now in her sixty-fifth
year, and whose hair has been al
most as white as snow for over a quarter of
a century. Recently she noticed that it had
commenced turning to a glossy raven black
ness, ana this without the application of any
dye or other coloring preparation. At pre-
! NPllt the llirQllta nftartt.r liac t-b-OTl -r it !
sent the hirsute covering has taken on its
new hue at leat an inch from the roots, and
the change continues gradually.
While in llarrisburg the other day at
tending the meeting of the Pennsylvania
Editorial Association we hung np our hat at
the Bolton House, which it is truth to say is
losing none of its well-earned pretige under
the efficient management of Mr. C. H. Kemp,
late of the Belmont, in this place. We were
certainly well pleased with everything about
the establishment, and can cheerfully recom
mend the house to all our friends who may
have occasion to visit the State capital.
Mr. Joe Van Ormer, the renowned lum
berman of White township, was in town on
Tuesday, lie informed us that he put one
and a half million feet of lumber in the wa
ter last Summer and something in the neigh
borhood of four million feet this Winter,
with what is required to make a total of over
six million feet remainingto be hauled. The
present winter, h avers, has been the best
for "logging" purposes ever known in the
history of Cambria anil Clearfield counties.
If vou cut, burn, or bruise yourself
thero. is nothing that will so quickly and ef- I
feetuaily give you relief as one application !
of M. B. RorsERTs' Embrocation. If dur
ing the extreme cold weather you have fro
zen your feet or hands, and after using, ac
cording to directions, one half bottle of Est
RROcation, you are not satisfied that it is
worth ten times what it cost you, by sending
your name and address to the Sines' M'f o
Co., of Philadelphia, they will pay you f 1.00
for the remainder. For sale by all druggists,
at and 70 cents, and also by V. S. Barker
Bro., Ebensburg.
The other day, as two friends were talk
ingtogether in the street, a donkey began to
bray and wheeze and coujh in a distressing
manner. "What a cold that donkey has,"
said one of the men. "And bv the way, that
puts me in mind how is your cough?" "I
may not be quite as much of a donkey as
you think I am. My cough is all right, and
my knowledge that Sinks' Stuff of Tar,
Wilp Cherkt and Hoarhound is tlse best
Cough or Cold Remedy known is the cause.
If you had been as wise, you would not now
be a widower." Moral, use Sines" Tar, &c.
For sale by V. S. Barker & Bro., Ebensburg.
At the late election the vote stood in
Ebensburg borough : For Garfield. 1 19 : for
t Hancock, 113: for Weaver, 2. Republican
majority. 4. The closeness of these figures
lends to the belief tbat the time is at hand
when, with the proper candidates and a uni-
ted etfort, a Demoers-tic ticket may be elected
at our municipal election, which will be hwld
about a month hence. Generally speaking,
poiitics should not be permitted to interfere
with th? choice of borough ofiicers, but our
Republican friends have for years willed that
such shall be the rule, and if a change of the
Cirds should make it so that we get on top,
they at least cannot compla'ti ,
A correspondent of the Johnstown 7i
bune, who signs himself "Xe tuid Nimis,"
last week had his say about the Jury Com
missioners and the system of draw ing juries
over which that body presides. After stating
that anterior to the" passage of the Act insti
tuting the Jury Coinmissior.ership be was a
member of the Board of County Commission
ers, and in that capac;ty helped fill the wheel
for three years and r.c'vcr knew more than
one day to he exhausted in the effort, the
correspondent adds : "I cannot conjecture
how, under the blue canopy, they (thw Jury
Commissioners) managed to occupy a term
of eight and one-half days in peifoiming the
The Temperance Union of Johrtown
have organized a new departure. They
j give notice through the public prints that a
certiiied copy of all signers to applications
for liqnor license at tlie March term of our
county Court, such applications emanatin g
from Johnstown and vicinity, wid be pro
cured from the Prothonotary of the county
and put in cold type where "the publication
will do the most good. We can see no ob
jection to this plan. It will go a g od way
toward causing such men as preach temner-
arce on the street-corners and take a quiet
.1 .. I- 1... 1-. : .5 I. . . :. .- . J behind the screen, to quit a life ot hv
ponisy and become in a measure decent,
and ss such t rubsbly ought to ie encouraged.
Our branch railroad has not as yet been
snowed up during the present Winter, though
on several trips some difliculty was experi
enced by the locomotive in plowing its way
through. The snow is quite deep, however,
an i necessarily packed closn to tlie rails and
BMtwt the sides of cuts, and Conductor Sny
der is of the op'nion that a big wind is all
that is required to stop active operations
along tlie line for the time being. The fact
i.s the Western division of the main line is
singularly cxemjit from storms thi Winter.
Whereas in the eastern section of the State
and in New York and elsewhere the trains
have been lost for days at a time, from Ai
toona westward no train has yet fallen much
behind her time-table owing to snow. This
is gratifying ; but maybe we are not to escape
thus all Winter.
The Census Bureau of thi whole United
S'ates waited for a couple of weeks for the
returns from Covington, Clearfield county,
this State, it being imposssible to complete
the count of the population, etc., till all the
districts had been heard from. A few days
aco this return was sent in, and now the
work will goon v.ninterruptediy. In reply
to a question as to what sort of constituents
his home, people are anyhow. Senator Wallace
said ho thought all the enumerators in Clear
field counfv were comnetent. men. nod h
cannot account for the stupidity of the one
,nsn who hack the returns of the entire
country by a failure to properly perform his
outy. i uere is some taiK oi prosecuting ttns
man under the provisions of the Census Act
and compelling him to pay a fine, as a lesson
to dprelicts in the future.
By reterenee to our advertising columns
it will be seen that the- Board of School Di
rectors of Ebensburg borough, who held a
husiress meeting last Monday evening invite
proposals for the erection of an annex to the
present school building. The annex will be
of brick, two stories high, Tlx'M fee;, con
necting with the main building by a hall
way fix IS feet. The annex will be built on
a line with the front of the main building, the
entire front thus presenting a solid, unbrok
en appearance. The proposals must be in
by the 31st instant, and the structure com-
plefed by August 1st. 1 he necessity for this
enlargement of our educational facilities is oc
casioned by the proposed transfer of the Ac
ademy building, heretofore used for Com
mon School purposes, to the county, with a
view to its removal from Court Hons ? square.
As stated last week, there was some sort
of misunderstanding between the Board of
Poor Directors and Dr. J. E. Hutchinson, of
Johnstown, as to the amount bid by thd lat-
i - . - .....; l ;
ffcl T X S th- r f ' Wored plate and possibly WO smaller illus
cina to the outdoor paupers of the south of i t ,; , . . l-.,. . - , - .,
the county fer the current year. The Board
tiionght the bid was fl2", but the Doctor
maintained the figurs were intended to
mean $175. Anyhow, at an informal meet
ing of the Board held at Johnstown on Mon
day, it was decided that Dr. Hutchinson
should be retained, the salary to be a dot or
two -lower than what was originally asked.
Dr. Murphy, of Ebensburg, had ben named
".s resident physician, but the appointment
was illy-conferred, for that gentleman last
week nacke.l up his household goads and re
moved to Du Bois, Clearfield county, where
he will hereafter reside. Till another ap
pointment is made, calls at the Poor House
will be attended by Dr. Crriffith.
The many friends of Mr. Peter Schwab,
recently of this place, will regret to learn
that the large four-storied stone woolen mill
near CoatesviMe, Ch.-ster county, with which
he ha been connected for the past two
years or more, was entirely destroyed by fire
on Thursday morning of 'last week, involv
ing a loss in building and stock of about
$20,000, on which the Lancaster Jntellirjenrer
reports an insurance of only f 4,000. As Mr.
Scnwab had a working interest in the estab
lishment, which was owned by Mr. Samuel
Greenwood, we presume that be is consider
ably out of pocket by the catastrophe. The
fire was caused by the explosion of a coal oil
lamp in the hands of a workman, who fortu
nately escaped injury. There weie about
sixty employes in the mlll, ail of whom have
been tbrown out cf work ai a result of the
conflagration. The mill is to be rebuilt at an
early day, bnt It Is probable that Mr. Schwab
will eek hit fortana elsewhere.
The irrepressible author of the celebra
ted Dr. l'anlhamus snake story has placed
us under obligations for an invitation, very
neatly written on blue-tinted paper, to at
tend the wedding of Judge Geo. XV. Otto.
President of the Tusey Mountain Coon
Club, who is to take unto "himself a wife this
(Thursday') evening in the person of Sarah
Selders. The ceremony is to be performed
at the First Presbyterian church, Aitoona,
and is to he followed bv a grand reception
at the Johnston House, iiiiamsburg. TI
biid and groom, whose portraits occupy
prominent positions on the; invitation, look
exceedingly blue, the likenesses being exe
cuted in blue ink, and have evident'y s"en
many if not better days, the party of ttie first
part being sixty years of age, whi' the lady
! . 1 1 1 .1. ......... .1 VAOVP
why the,, m,rnnt. hp b-rmv in their new I
Mill that is no reason
relations as thev certainly Otto he if there is
anything In a name. We can't attend the
wedding feast, but the venerable pair nave
our blessing and benediction all the same.
Tn accordance with the provisions of the
military laws of the State, our home com
pany (Co. A. Fifth regiment, N. G. P.) draw
each year from the public treasury the sum
of five hundred dollars. This money iias
heretofore been divided amongst the mem
bers of the Company, but it is now proposed
to divert it in the direction of the building
of an armory the express purpose for which
it is appropriated by the State. The project
hoa - t oacnniMil rw Hefinite shaPf. but
has not vet assumed any definite shape, but 1
oiifTtrpitinn lonkinr toward the erection of i
.rj K..i!.i; - ,i,n to. h. i.ori .q :
m iwwuui) nullum'-; vur- sivij i'- v. ....
an armory and the other to do duty as a town !
hall finds many friends. Our present Court i
House, which has served as the place for ;
holding all public meetings during tlie last j
half century, will be torn down next Sum- j
mer, and viewing it a altogether unlikely
that the doors of the new Court House will j
be thrown open for miscellaneous purposes,
we shall then be without a public hall.
Should Co. A decide to nut up the proposed
building, they would likely desire to occupy I
the site of the present armory. This site !
belongs to the borough, and a perpetual lease
of the ground to the Company, with certain
reservations, should be accorded without op
position. That wild animal killed by young Ash
craft in the north end of this county about
ten days ago, and pronounced by the slayer
himself to he a wildcat, by the Frf.em an a
catamount, and by Mr. Ceo. Huntley a lynx,
was, as stated last week, purchased by ttie
latter centleman and stuffed, and now bec.u-
pies a prominent place in the front windows
of his extensive hardware establishment.
was related of this animal by Mr. Asbcraft
that, having shot it, it fell to the ground
' from a tree, apparently dead, and he went
! to pick it up to examine what manner of
j game it was. lie was considerably frighten
: ed when, with a last expiring effort, it
. sprang for hb throat, nut dropped dead short
of tne mark ! In Mr. Huntley's windows is a
collection of stuffed birds of elegant and rare
i plumage. After the lynx had been placed
S in the position it now occupies, such is its
native ferocity of disposition that, though
'' under the ordinary rules of nature it onylit
i to have been dead as a door-nail, it yet rcach
, ed over and captured the effigy of a red
: headed woodpecker which washanging three
j feet off, but its strength utterly failed before j
j the process of swallowing could be accom- i
! plished. The woodpecker remains jusd as j
the lynx lei t otT.
! The report of the State Treasuier for
the fiscal year ending Nov 30, 1SM0, is pub-
!ished. From its pases we gather the foilow
i ing information concerning Cambria county :
j The valuation of all mortgages, etc., in the
county, as footed up by the Assessors in the
several districts, and taxahle foi State pur
' poses at the rate fixed-by the Revenue Com
: missioners at their last'nieeting, is $40,274.00 ;
i tax on same at 4 mills on the dollar, Sirl.(o. ;
aggregate value of property subject to 3-n;i!I
tax, $175,42:'. oo ; tax on same at 3 mills on
! the dollar, 51 78 ; amount of tax en watch
x es, f lOii.00. The amount of moneys pa.d
' into the State Treasury from December 1,
i 187!), till November 30,, js fc9.4."s.i'( ;
1 the amount paid out during the same period
; was f 12,141. fir. rIhe following items are
, embraced in the expenditures: John Dean,
; President Judge (from District) to May,
18S0, ?!. 11.".!'. Associate Judges, John Flaii
! npan. .-,. and .lohn 1) Tlwimns f : ur.
: H. Berg, County Superintendent. $1,010 ;
, .o. a aurt Oo. ii, t-ii tli resiment, ea-ii, j
; 5-oo: Abigail Mills, pension, 175. The bulk '
! of the residue of the moneys paid out was !
; divided amongst the seveial school districts,
i Lbensburg receiving Jl'.Mi.lH as her share,
1 and Cambria township f.!!S.2.
How tkk Fop.kbts DisArrfiAF. A cor
respondent of the Camlitown Xeirs lias
been at some pains to ascertain the amount
of timber, square and round, now being put
into the Susquehanna river and tributaries in
I!lair, Cambria, Ciearfield and Indiana coun
ties. The following is a statement of the
number of feet, though there may he some
small contracts that have not come under
his notice :
Joho Ar'loll
.To'pj'h V.-jn f rrnr
War Kelts
Flvnn Urns
C:. ft. W . llnwnl
Ktnery. Fnraeit Co..
Asblrrry I.o?
llr.wn. k.rly .c Co
5 OfnJ.OnO
'W.O: 0
n. O.i-00 i
i o .Hi.eno !
l(,P0.1,iJ0 j
t! tO-MOO
4 fum ci o ;
1 &.Kj' till
a.'.wt.t oo I
'' o o j
-o-t O.J I
l..'fi.r!H) i
xi.mjO !
OO.OC-n j
ftijtl IHIQ j
SOii.010 j
T.Mo.imO- '
l.'HtJ.OXI I
5.0O0.COO ,
S. 00 I
s.e-jti,1 oo i
5.i-t-t),rHj j
7.)ou.''0 I
3.000,000 I
ir'vtnfc H- iiiiins
... . .
T. R. Wer.i
1 avnc ;o.
I) i!k .V Co
M'-t iiTr.ljie . Orar
Wm. CH:irrf ".
SmuM Hn-izll
.1 W. MrliM
.Topph Ittji v..
i:. f . I'i'tt.T
Hn):!init! Hnpfer
Wm. M:'hn-v
Robert Mahaffey
M ii I: a 1 Lfvr. .................... ,
Franis MnhaU'ey
. W. -
Jsinie Mi-ec
Irwin H -os
Hani S. Carsidj
Tiotii fc 'o ..
James Chnpman
Aaron PaO-hin
Martin I-utrufT
Jot-n Iantzy. Sr
Vincent Tompkin
Aaron ratehin ami others will put in on
Cash creek, Indiana county
Total .
The Petnstlvania Editorial Associa
tion. Never since its organization w as there
j such a large attendance of the members of
j the above named assoeiation at any ot rs an
l nual bti8ines" meetings as assembled in Har
j risburg, on Tuesday lad., for the purpose of
i electing officers and attending to such other
! matters, as pertain to the prosperity and are
promotive of the well being of the craft. It
I is needless for us to publish the names of the
j officers chosen for the ensuing year, but it is
j strictly in order to say that the Association
j did itself credit by re-electing Mr. R. S. Men
i amin, of Philadelphia, to the position of Sec
! retaryand Treasurer, in which he lias fre
j quently been weighed in the balance due the
j Association, this time amounting to over $W,
: and never fonnd wanting to keep anything
i that didn't belong to him. The meeting is
! also to be commended for appointing com
: mittees to consider the existing libel and le
1 gal advitising laws of the State, and to pre-
pare an! present to the Legislature now in
I session such amendments to said laws as the
j interests of the press and public demand
Vick's Ii.T.rsTKATEn Fi.onAT. GfiriE.
We hav been a little tardv about aeknowl-
j edging the receiptor this beautiful work of
art. which not only represents the leading
j Nursery in this country, that of Mr. James
j Tick, at Rochester, N. V., a fine steel engra
I ving of whom is given as a frontispiece, and
! a very pleasant looking gentleman be is, but
j the little work itself is "a thing of beauty
i and a joy forever." The paltry sum of in
j cents will buy this typographical gem, and
our readers can judge how cheap that is when
I we tell rliem it is printed on the best calen
j tl-iir'l l'Cl'- Lllllbaill. 11 I'ilUtS, H ITILlUtUi
trations. e'l of the finest.
Send for the book
to Mr. Vick, as above.
What -tihtboct wants is a pleasant,
reliable medicine that never does any harm,
and prevents and cures disease by keeping
the. stomach in perfect order, the bowels re
gnlar, and the kidneys and liver nctive. Such
a medicine is Tarkcr's Ginger Tonic. Tt re
lieves every case, and we have seen stacks of
letters from thousands who have been saved
and cured Ly it. See other column, Tribune.
1-21. lm.j-..
Hon. L. I. Woodruff will at the proper
time move an smendment to the existing
laws relating to the collection of taxes, iu
Catnnria county so as to make said taxes
due in October instead of September, there
by giving tlte taxpayers one month's more
time in earn year to pay their taxes and re
ceive the benefit of the deduction of five per
centum on the amount for prompt payment.
Mr. C. B. rosTETt, Druggist. Towanda,
Pa. For several years I have oeen troubled
with catarh ; have tried many remedies,
without much relief. Ely's Cream Balm has
proved to ba the articles desired, having
wonderful results in my case. I believe it
to be the only cure. L. B. Cobuk;?, Tow
anda, Pa., May 14, 1S79.
The largest livery owner In Maine uses
"Kendall's Spavin Cure" with the best sac
cess. Read their advertisement.
cow jrrwicATiojts.
Tbi "Sp-lIliiR Match" Irlea Araln.
Editor Frefmas In your laRt issue a cer
tain W. A. Watkins, in quiet, innocent and
most dignified manner, disposes of the book
awards at the'date Teachers' Institute to his
own satisfaction at least. I was also inclined
to be satisfied with it until I learned that
your correspondent was an eloquent preach
er of a gosprl a shepherd of a flock. Then
1 concluded that the distribution of garbled
literature was at all times a part of his busi
ness, and that the present instance is but one
evidence that his desires and abilities are not
circumscribed by parochial limits, and that
he is imprassed with the importance of that
go-pel which refers to tlie sheep which h
must bring into the fold. Hence he goes
about scattering crumbs of comfort to his
own in his meeting house jwher, others fail,
and to all when occasion offers, even though
to Qiake the occasion he must intrude upon
a decorous Teachers Institute.
He is sorry, I presume, that by offering
such prizes Mr. Berg was placed in an awk
ward position ; otherwise he would not have
assumed the responsibility. He does not,
however, intimate that he himself is sorry
or even feels in the slightest degree the gra
tuitous insult offered to many of the teach
ers. Does the knowledge that the objection
able offer was made by Mr. Berg at the
suggestion of a Johnstown preacher less ef
fectively point the affront? 1 should think
it was an aggravating circumstance. Yet no
word of regret is expressed for an affront he
w oni oi re
would liave us
believe was unintentionally
Can it be that bis interest in the
distribution of garbled and falsified history
is so intense that it lias blinded him to the
amenities of society, or made him deaf to
the suggestions of good breeding? An in
sult alw ays demands an apology, and an apol
ogy for an unintentional insult can always
be gracefully made and graciously accepted.
From my reading of his communication to
the Freeman I would judge that Watkins
made a catspaw of the County Superintend
ent in throwing the chestnuts into the fire,
and that Mr. Berg burnt his fingers in draw
ing them out.
The plea that no thought was taken of the
religious complexion of the works avails him
nothing. A man of Mr. Watkins' supposed
reading knows that in selecting works fordis
tribution in a mixed assembly the greatest
care should he taken. This is especially true
of works relating to the Middle Ages, as near
ly all of them bear the marks of the interest
and prejudice of the writers. Hence it was
an insult to offer works relating to that peri
od as rewards to an assembly of persons of
different creeds without being satisfied as to
their unobjectionable character.
The knowledge that a Protestant preacher
and not the County Superintendent selected
the awards goes but a short way in excusing
the utt. There are none of our public insti
tutions looked upon with such distrust or
guarded with such jealous care by our church
going people as the public schools. Engraft
ed as they are on the organicjlaw of our com
monwealth, they must be accepted and main
tained as a means for the diffusion of secu
lar knowledge, religion being ostracised from
among the branches taught therein. Let ail,
then, mix amicably and during the school
hour study their A B, C's, their arithmetic
and geography without any religions refer
ence or preference. This is what the people
are guaranteed bv the law that established
and perpetuates the school system. What
i then must be the surprise and disgust of
those really interested in the schools when
they cannot attend the sessions of an Insti
tu'e without noting here the white choker,
there the stove-pipe hat, and ever and anon
the broad tails ot the clerical coat flapping
behind the throne on which sits the embodi-
I ment of the dignity of the school system?
It is more, Mr. Editor, than a mixed commu
nity should be expected to bear.
The offense as committed, anil for which
Mr. Berg is alone responsible, is not so grave
. but what it maybe condoned, but did we al
' low Mr. Watkins Ids say without comment
'.his time, he ntiyht go a step farther and of
I for the next Institute "( lark's Comiuenta
! ries" or "Fox's Book of Martyrs."
I The last but by no means the !e,vt of the
I practical conclusions of the Institute might
i have been worded thus :
! I.'cfohr.'!, Tliiit while Rv. Watkins may
acceptably preside as chairman of a prayer-
j nn-cting and
calmlv tace encoachir.g evil.
and may even battle with the devil in his
own pulpit, to the great edification of his
people and no little spiritual and temporal
emolument to himself, as a power behind the
throne running a "spelling bee" in a Teach
ers' Instit ute lie is not a sttcce?. X.
Mr. Hrs nod the to. KRprrinlfndrnry.
Editor Frkkman lleports are current
thut ?.Ir. II. Berg is calling on School Direc
tors and asking thm to support liini a third
time for the oth'-e of County Supei intendent.
During his "official visits" he makes it a
, point to call on Directors for this special
j purpose. Did not Mr. Berg three years ago,
j while becging Directors -t support him for
I the position he tins already filled for nearly
I six years, promise tliat in the event of receiv
! ing their support, he would never ngain ask
for or seek the office? When this is known
I Directors feel surprised at ids presuuiption in
j once more soliciting their votes.
In view of this fact, it occurs to me that if
Mr. Berg is a wise and sensible mar. he will
withdraw from the field at once. If be is
conscious t-f his former allegations bis effort
to become iiis own successor is really "un
conscionable." X. V. 7..
A T-? f.t 1 1 Tti c ivn Ilnvonir.rFrnx-rrn'ff
Persons who desire to purchase Pianos aad t
Organs are naturally anxious to know what
firms are honorable and responsible. Among
this class we can cordially recommend the
Mendelssohn Piano Co., of New York, whose
i advertisement appears elsewhere.
We select from tiieir catalogue some ex
! tracts from letters received from their cus
tomers, in proof of our assertion :
I Arej t my thank far tbo honorab! dealing 1
; hT refeive t ai vour hao.i.
i .Iohs Kaiuxisk. rvehttuate. Va.
j I pha'.l les no opportunity to reoomniontl your
Inftruments !Tl vfiur manner of d'-ahnir.
j Sam'l Ci'sHMATf. I.atiwf!Oti. Pall.
I cannot exj r-js my approeiHtinn of juur kind
I neps i n enriint; me so fine an inTrumcnt. Allow
; me to thank you for your honor!. lo n-anner of
1 dealing- J. I. U imisn, Pres. f emale CoiiPtre.
reeriboro, Ala.
I eannot expreM my thank? to you for eendiuir
m so hn'-nn i ntru?nent.
Mrs. Johs V". Mat. Murrhester. Ipwa.
I feel oniifr obligations to you for yonr punctual
dealing. .Ti ihih M. Ii aut, B'queohitto. IV'.i?s.
1 can racrimmonti yon and ronr inutruir.e nta.
Trhotxipk Hkhcmnu. r', Wis.
I am much oMied for your inreirrity in sending
m turn an excellent and T swe.-t-toncd instraraeat.
Mrs. Kk-hap.d Woodkkpom, Clinton, ili.
H tmdreii of ethers (-if cimilur tenor ran l.o
seen in the testimonials of the Mendelssohn i
Piano Co. Send stamp for catalogue. j
Having had num!erle"s inquiries tor adTrrMiinir
cards from ladies in all pans of tlie country wlio
are interested in the prevailing- fashion of making
"Card Collections." we arc having printed for them
a tet of seven beau! iiul cards, each in six colors and
on a roltl background. In the very hiuhest degree
of the. art. Illustrating Shakspeare - Seven Ages
of Man.' "W have spared 1.0 expense in thee
card? they are aimp'y iittlo art-jrerns. Our only
aim has Keen to puhiiMi the llnest cards yet shown.
Applications for them have come in so rapidly that
nearly the whole edition is rntraeed before the r
eeipt by us of the cards from the artist. We have
therefore been ohliaed to adopt the following plan
for the distriruiiion of ttie remainder: Nomoreof
the a-ilt Shaksj.eare cards, seven in the series, wil
be aunt exocptine ci-on the receipt cf a statement
from a uToeer that trie person applyinir lor thecards
has hnuaht of him on that day at least seven bars
of !fhh:r.s' Klei-tnc Soap, witli price paid for same.
All applying in this manner win receive the lull
set 01 seven cards cralia by mail. This will insure
11s that onr friends and patrons ret their share of
these beautiful designs, alfhooeh it In no manner
reoaya us for the. et st of the cards. Your rrocer
hat the snap or will ut it, and the purchase by you
ol srren bars of It at or.e t'me will te-ure for you
e-ratia seven really beautiful cards. The soap im
proves with are and is an arti"'e of necessity In
yoor house every week. Therefore you are not
asked to buy a useless article, but one that you
must have anyway. I'iease send us your applica
tion at enee. 'and tell your lady triendl making
"Card 'ollectloii3'' tn do tha same.
Touri. reapeotfnlly.
118 South 4th St., Philadelphia, Fa.
Tint (irand Marab .Tah orCafcntta
Got tipsy and tell in the e-utta ;
lie was found bv a lackey.
TV shouted "Oh, crackey t"
And toted him home on a sbuita.
Havine ruined his clothes with the rand, tho O.
M. .1., il he Iivd iu these parts, would of ei.urss at
once liave f ne or sent to (iod'rey Wolfs, next
door to the pof t-.ffice. Aitoona, for 1 new suit. The
reaton hewouid have pnrued tbir courF.? is because
?lr. Woif kreps the laipest assortment to choose
from ; keeps t he bet goods : keeps the latest Ftyles
od none other, and selis by long odds cheaper
than anybody else. He polictts a c;:ll from the)
neiiernl publt;:. confident that be can demonstrate
that it I.J t( tt.e'.r .Klvautasrc to buy !rom h:ia. T he
ceiebi"ate.1 Itochesi.'.r cioil.ira: is a specialty with
him. All orders sent by mail will rBcaive prompt
and careful attention, and price-list turoiehed on
Ah, if some scientific maa
Wonld but invent
A locking-slass wherein to And
tine's mortal bent:
A tell-tale mirror there to scan
Kach petty falling tbat fcppear"
The cynic lurrews of the mind.
That gathers with Increasing yers,
? Ah, weil.
I feT those glasses would not sell.
No, they wouldn't sell. The sort of passes mora
In demand ure the ones which permit a person to
scan the reflection oi himself and discover whether
his e!the fit or not. If they were bought atjas.
J. Mtirphy'a, 109 Clinton street, John.ucwn, von
may be sure they fit, and tliat th:-y are stvlish and
well-made withal. Mr. Murphy's stot k of cold
weather wear Is onusna Ily hirKf'. and will be sold
at prices which cannot lie cut under by any denier
iu Cambria couuty. He solicits a CjTll from yoa,
rtauer. j
Bargains in all WINTER GOODS I
Bargains in Tinware !
Bargains in Groceries!
Our renson Tor offering tliese Special I3V3-J.-G-AJLIsTS.
is tliat wo ilnd tliat Ave havo an
overstock of Winter Goods, especial
ly in lieavy 33oots lor ZSrori and
Tioys and in heavy Slioes for
Ladies and Children, and
wr. n.ivr. (oxen iki to oi i tx Turn at
In fact, Ave lir-e n choice lot of Shoos, A'ofslf-i,
Caps, Hloili-I5cillfs, V:o., vliioli we lin-vo
')laccd on oxii 15nir;ri in CToinit n t
! Prices MUCH BELOW the
Orfr ohjert is to gel. rid of flic efnc., avrf. if yoit thittL our prices are
not lotr enough tee irtll frfloiv you to name your oien figures.
in I'bensburg, and you iriJf aJtraijs find irifli us any size, style or qual
ity at the very loicvsf jiriee.
V. S.
i'.bensb-ir'r, 1V., .lanunrv tit, l
John Wanamaker.
If you cannot
visit the city, send
to us by postal
card for EOUS0-
kceper's Price
Price List
We fill orders by letter from
every State and Territory at
same prices charged customers
who visit the store, and allow
same privilege of return.
The stock includes Dress
Goods, Silks, Laces, Fancy
Goods, and general outfits.
Grand Depot,
Alvn row the boys and girls do glide
T'pon the classy ie.
Ard as they rut a pigeon wing
Tfery s:iy, "f h my ! how nice !'
P;q- when they strike a frcxen lump
And light upon their roses.
They linir a p.-ran to the stnr
And fofllv mntfr "Moses!"
Coastir.e is cr-rtiuly ore of the plcasantest and
most exciting ot pastimes ; yet how much nicer II
would be could it bo t.iehcw arr ir.sed that ro
walking back op the hill we.-e roqnired ! It's hard
work, and besides, it we;;rs out vut;r boots or sb"-"-:..
' T s-!kintr of b-
and shoes. S. Hlmnel'ttial. 1119
I--.le-.-er.-th avenue. A Itoua. h?;.- ;uf: reccivt-d an-t ti
er lftre incoirc ef we.-:r f.r the f-i-:. cl a i 1 styl.-s
and sizes, wbich he w:!l hat. i ner to eu!'n:-r,
b- tliry man or 1,oy, wmisnn or g:rl,i.t the iiFvral
liberal 1 rices. He has .1 larga 1- t of rtil-bern and
overshoes on hand, to which i.e directs special at
tention. Ihey will bo cold cheap.
i in. the sn-tw. the l.e-iuf irul snow ;
See the old man to the bar-ro"in ie.
Soitn he is sleepy, his speech is thick
Myrtle's aear pi'ipa is fjll as a tick.
There are a great many piece' to which Myrtle's
papa mil;t go to inrluit'-ly better advantage than
to a bai-ruoin. He reiht o o prayer mooting,
for example, or to bed. or he miht go W est, but es
pecially would he consult his own int rct in a
tinanci'sl point of view il h e went to Simon &: rtend
heim's. next do .r to the First National Hank. Ai
toona.. and bouiriit himself a suit oi ready-made
clothing. This elothimr. of which a big Winter
stock is on liar.d. is tho bf st in murker as to mater
ial and make, and of the very latest styles. It w ll
b sold, to the hist garment, at rices positively
lower than I'hiladeli h.a retail figures. Overcoats
celling at cost call aiel fet-ure one before it is too
St. IZlliiio
Nos. 017 and 319
Ai-cli Strept,
I.l'lll A.
ir:2.C per Iry.
Rates llednced to f?r
Tlie travelling public will st ll fintl e.t this Hotel
the same liberal provision for their com lort. It is
leep.ted in the immediate cen'.rc" of business and
amusement, and tne dillerent Kill Iloatl depots,
as well as ail pnrt s of the city, are easily jice-oble
by street cars constantly p-sing the doors. It of
fers speeiai inducements ior those visitiun tlie city
for 'ju:ness or pleasure.
Your patronage is re-jiecttuHv solicited.
Jos. M. I'Ki'iKK, Proprietor.
Philadelphia. Nor. 1. 1550.-U.
Ajr Foos-ciTiTto Imvskview. Mrs. Schemraar
ecre What are yonr eirgs a doson ?
Mra. H.own Forty-Bve cnt. madam.
Mrs. SehcmmPThorn-Fortv-Eva cants? Whf,
Btw is thatT
ilrs. Krown Scarcity scarcity searelty.
Mrs. Sehemtcerharn I low is it, llieu. that you
brirg in int b a nlca lot of fresh oae; ever? day ?
Mrs. Urown Weil, you pt-e. I kits my fowls T.
R.HoBms lor ltrv i'ovr fssi three a week.
For aie by V. S. terser Jk iiro.. Kiwnswnrg.
TTTOMAS Married, at. the Cher'h
of the Holy Nati.e, in this plae. on We ! i.e-'day
eveninir. Jan. 1?. ISi"., by l."v. lather Itearltui,
Hon. J.-H l. li!uA9. i.f Ebeusburg, and Sirs.
Katk Ivkkcu. of l'ut.-l ur.
Onr congrtulr.linns antl bet wishes Rre extend
ed lo the newly-wedded pair, accompanied with the
hope that
Fe"e and contcrtttnent may h. ever in reach
f the Jcdgc p.nd his bride," the lat? Mrs. Keech.
Ixr.cuToirs notice.
li Kstatt- of 11 rem Mi ' -xsEt I., dee'd.
letters testamutiiary on the csttite 3i u:h Mc
Connell, lateof Aileglieny township, dec'ti. having
been issued to tlie uaduraigned, notice is iicrct-y
given to all pr-m5 koowitig ti omsolves in isbtod
to said citato to maka imuiediat? payment, and
those havitii; claim' aga.ntd the same w iii present
them, liroreriy authenticated, for fettlemeut.
i:. F.M- INM.I.I,
1. W. McCO.NM.l.I..
Allegheny Twp., Jan. 21, lssi.-et.
FIRST COST of tlie Goods.
& Bro.
- l.
This is the particular sca3cn in
which to gctand prepare House
keeping Dry Goods Sheetings,
Pillow Materials, Linens, Nap
kins, Towels, etc. It is also the
season for Ladies' L'ndcrwcar.
The Grand Depot contains tlie
greatest variety of goods in one
establishment in
the United States,
and exchanges
or refunds money
for things that
do not suit, upon
examination at
at'K a sen Covr-A?iY .ir Campkia Cocktt, fur the
year January pj, lasl :
An't of preperfv insured
January la. 1M0 $l.5i,Si7.23
Am t tii property Insuroi
during ye ir..i
Pninrt amount expired
titiriua: ycir
Peduet amount surren
dered auti eanceie J
?2s,wi.eo i,f7,
ZZb. 1-8.51
Am't property iBttarcd Jan. 11, 1S6I Jl .4r-t.i-64 f2
Am't premium notes is
force Jan. 1-. lw-v $
Aai't premium notes tk-
en during year
lduct aonount expired
during year
Ppduct ammiisl fu-TtD-
dererfand canceled....
l-.'S. 522.43
2,3j2.S4 l0.S2e.CT
S4.B1B 4
Am't premiam notes In force Jan. 10, "81 .;3(S,007.5S
Itumli: policies isned dnrlng rear...
" " in ttrce Jaa, id, if SI..
. . 2SJ
A m't on hand at last settiemont '. ' M
Cmli for new insurance
Am't Assctstn'ut No. 6 i-Oiiected 3,714 M
tntere.t received Zl 0J $,208.64
EXrKSniT-.-KE.-J I.OS8KS fAlD.
Mar"a L. and Ii. L. For'hay $ 4W.O0
Jeiicrson Howiaod .i;lu
W in. H. llumpr.rcy l.Ooo.uo
Nary llac.r. Fxet utrlx v4 uo
Joshua H. K btleit ". lu oo
Jamas Kirkpatrick VA.-jO
F-lward Krouse ... ataJ.f-0
J.iiiU Anderson o,00
Flixahctb Acklcy 3 -m
Marijaret Kitte.i, Adsa'x 11 10
A. fc. Weak land Si4.00
Commls'n on A s-ess raent No. 8.
scrotjry 's fees
Treasurer's feaiarv
Kent "
Agents' commission
i n-mmme ra'urued for polirlea
Ctiaceied : .
rnuui.g. potige, stationery, ex-
pressaKC, etc ."
C-otnpeofauva Fxecutive Coin'te
Kxpeasts adjueim losses
Balance on hand
1SS 72
142 bo
Si. U0
2.50 S. 613.55
. .tl,W5.u
rresaiutn notes la force Jan. 11,
The foreroinc s eo::nl and itd. foaad correct and
approved the ltih aay tf January. A. U. Is81.
- Ji ill N I.I.OVT). )
Jan. 21, ls-sl.-t.t.
F.xeeutire Coaiirittee.
.Sealed proposals will be received tv the
Hoard ot cttot.l l re. !ors or FbenOnrg fk.rouifbi
unlil Monday. yit irtKt., at 7 t'cuH it. r. m .,
for the tiitni-i.rij o'. mat! r,si'i and a Two
JStory linck Addttian to the Fuol c School lioue;
said addition lo bsj 22x0 leet, with a coone'-ting
hall OxlS lent. lJ!ans and ti eci'tcations can be
seen at the ft., re ol John L.I ujd. Lirctors reserve
the right t-i r-ject anvor i.ll bids. All propo.als
to !e directed to the Secretary.
Uy order cf the Hoard.
-i KO. A. K.1 KEAP, Seo y. i
Kter.s!urg, Jin. 18, ISil.-'jt.
"NOTICE. Notice is lier.ftv pi veil tliat
X application will 1 tna.'.e to tlie lg'.s'atar :
to stnend "An A"-t Tclattrifr to t!:e cn! tion of
taxes in the ot Cac.t'na,'' appruv.d the 1
eighth day ot A Til, Anno I out ml viie tiiousiol
oiftht h;:i.-.ltetl eot meniv iiu, by striking out i f ;
said Act ti.e wori SepteBitr" wf,e-ecer it tvi-iifi I
and inscriiiiL- In its place ictober." The purp.'-e
of sail amendinei.: is to g-ve Iho tax j. avers one ;
rronth Riuax lino in ea' li yeir to pay their tases '
. and receive the betiecto: the d-dut-tion r. tier per '
ceatom en the amount. I.. I . OtH'KVi l'
Johcetuwii, I'., Jj3. 15, issi.-tt. 1
Grand C-
' t t ra
have Jt T eerTrn a
ror; -rvr st i e
firnt Fiirr ixiiin-v
u?o-;s, &.c.
Here arc a lew e" eur Pilcfs:
Men's rlt from -"
OirrroaK from
Hwya' knlta Iron
$.oc. tn pto.oa
S.fiO t n !.-.
2.60 to IO.O
fXF-rte:e TPirsmVr the j'
aa i don't fail to buy fr-'to the
ve a ealT,
w h er 'eg.
S. AI. lmfiiLA in. CO.
P. S. We are Bear's fori T''e at 1 svr ctt
baods a lot of Lew Open and 1 op linpglee,
at prices irotn K o 4' s.. r.-.-h
pnrcha?e. s M. li. a CO.
Chest Springs, Not. 13. l-so.-e:n.
Tl. L. Johnston, M. J lic-U,
lp. A. Shoemaker, A. W. 13c-lc.
Ebeiisl3iii-g, Pa.
bought sad Sold, unit st
T 1 1 A N'SAC T i: L) .
Accounts folicril ocl-
A. W. BUCK, Cashier.
Etecsbnrg, March 1. laS0.-tr.
J- V7. SURB&Q6H & BBO..
Dry Groocls,
Fancy G oods,
Dl ( F vt lien i.ooih arc not tleMrcil.
Carrol.towa. SI arch 1 l.-tt.
lannfatturer and Dealer tn
f ?
i stiifct
ktcUii e Kill
Mattresses, &c.
Ect-vff-u ICth and 17th StpM
Aitoona. iPeiiii'n..
W Cltiferi. of Cumbria p-tr-y srt-l t."! ot! crs
wishing to piur.d.a-e hon'-ct H iiNn l'
hou-?t r,f- hve roi fc: 'u' ,y tcv.i ' 1 to p - - c maa
cail before buying clswh-re. as I am .t.Lctest
f h it I can meet e erv want and pton- evr-v tne.
Friers the very l .weft. ii. J. L?.CIi.
Aitoona. April 14. liSO.-tf.
f..t'nwi rm lm f.a.a
timttam ..l'l ia i.itt " ittM
Only Five Assessments in 22 Years.
GEO. M. READE, President.
T. n
DICK, Seeretary.
Jsn. SV. ISO -ly.
FreidhoiT's Block,
il Watctmater ill JbvtbIst.
TTAS alwavs on had a
e. Tsr-el ard e-
M r.. 11 H'KS,
J 1 v
J KW 1 I.RY.Si'Ki TAI I.iS, Kl K i I. s ts,
tc. win-h I t oirs snie at lewcr price, t sn
any other cea'er n ti e " urty. I'ers. n
nvtLlrg in .' ltn wi.l ti-3 weil to give L.m a cal
beiore furrhasing elsewhe
! -'romp; at i ent ion ps:d to reralr.'c g ( losk f
VA'atclie". J n !ry. etc., and faUriailien tcaiJ-n
I teed in both work SDif rn?e.
EMsliiirj Fire mm Are
nr, f TT
rT. . DICK.
General Insurance Agent,
k H i:xs n vi; g , rA .
Tilt .- m;tTi t mVrrt crt'ce in tee
And olhsr Href l.n.a .
Ebtcf-borr . Set t. t2. l-c-o.-iv.
isS eS Its'
or a-ot:t tf.
wh tr ei rod M
forehead. 1 '"
wart. 1 rcre 1 "-
w.v: otherwi"
.- I; t.J : k
-1 ! U
IS Ki-s.-LLii.
s ;i
vr I'ICK. Attorn ev-a t-I.a w
ESenthnrr. Ts. V: See In l...r. 'P.g i T.
J I. pt. -lc ti. ' -- - -
i.naeeef legs. Para... . le t:s .1
gily and eiiciiBJ a r,-ev.lHy. I lv-i.4.-t.
I.L.Car.-p to V. rrein-
.. he', in White tov-t-s i,;p. np.
. -i t-k-' -- a '-: : "-" J
1 . ....i-'t. -tt,r
r r-.i-:.-fd ' e-.-'i'! f r-
J., ,l be .f-t.-'
' r
I . j4 n