iKjj-r 'if n 3 V -Vr ftrr i mit'i uot honor- ms presence thus far . the present session. This is nomewhat strange, in as much as Harry Oliver wrote a strong letter to the l'ar don Board in bis behalf, Vaainjr it on the ground that while Kemble had done wrong in attempting to fleece the State out of four millions of dollars to pay the riot losses, he was justified in doing so because, according to Oliver's code of meals, Allegheny cpunty would then be mad whole a kind of robbing Peter to pay Paul operation. But Kemble's time will come- yet when the new bill to indemnify Allegheny county for the amount she h;is paid for property destroy- ia thenriots comes up for con3ider i. The suru which the State will te o pay is f 2,500,000, that being tho vt which the losses were com nd the money paid by the r. Quay will then, perhaps, and ag-ain permit him, as rs ago, to make his head 'Quay's) office. s a very small Stat both Uion, but in her day 1 some men who have shed reputation iu the atinn. Thomas F. Bay- lay - for the third ih Senate. There (.o.uiry who cc epect and confi Mr. Bayard, ai bis great abilit' tegrity. The j has just dwarf the Senate Th league of Conl ability for the the machine, Harry Oliver, machine in thL election. Between two such caricatures in the Senate ns Tom Plait and Harry Oliver, and a statesman like Bayard, there is the difference that exists L tween a molehill and a mountain. As A rOLITICAE acrobat the editor f the Altoona Tribute may perhaps bave'his equal, but not bis superior. To demonstrate this we publish below two extracts from that paper, one taken from last Saturday's issue and the other from last Tuesday's, in each of which the merits of Grow, the "bolter," and Oli ver, th "rezular," in the contest going on at IIarri3burg, are freely discussed. You pays your money and you takes your choice." rtrn Tribune, Jan. IXth. "We rejoice that he (Grow and friends hT the courage to dfy King Caucus, and in tnis they will be sustained by the Kepubitcaus through out the Common wealth. While they do not propose thru their action shall in ure to the benefit of the Democrats, they mean that it shall wreck the machine that has so long arro gantly ruled without From Tribune, Jan. lBth. "Whatever else may be said of Mr. Oliver, and although he is not the choice of the Tri bune, it cannot be de nied that he is.a thor oughgoing, reliable Republican and in sympathy with the iron, coal and other jrreat interests of Pennsylvania. His election, therefore, would insureone more stalwart Republican and would contribute one more toward se as much as faying to the people "with your leave." We lo not jus tly rebellion against the Republican party to Us disadvantage, but if ever a time was seasonable for rebel lion, and ju'tifUhlo, it Is in the present in curing Republican control of the highest lgislative body of the country ami would contribute one more toward putting that body in harmony with the incoming admin istration and the low er branch, of Congress. Now, that the caucus stance, and particu larly when it- object has been held, and secure a Senator theRepublfcan named ne m accord l aittioueti ne may masses of the noi oe, ana we neueve Is not the choice of the party In the State are there not greater perils threatened by continuing a bolt which may result in electing a Democrat, than by electing him? - between nd Mr. 'urths of county .ig Mr. G. -ice the oy voting for Oliv. . ..c the Democrats will not commit political harri-karri by helping Cameron out of the sore dilemma in which be now finds himself. The Democrats cau, of course, elect Grow by casting their votes for him. Will they do it ? Wedon'tknow; but we do know, or at least think we know, that in no other possible way can they so effectually shatter and crush the hated Cameron machine. How can Cameron, and all that the name implies in the politics of this State, be so com pletely unhorsed and his bad influence checkmated and ultimately destroyed, than by the election of the man to en compass whose defeat has been the apple of his eye his supreme effort aud that of bis obedient slaves ever since the November election r There may be some other way of breaking the Cameron ring, which all Democrats and all hon est Republicans profess to have so much at heart, but we confess we cannot see it. "We must patiently await the result. P. S. The vote in the Seuate on Tues day was as follows : Wallace, 10 : Oliver 20 ; Grow, 12. Iu the House : Wallace, 77; Oliver, 75; Grow, 44. Making 03 votes for Wallace, 05 for Oliver, and C0 for Grow. "From present indications the legis- . t fl rn p j not e jcccui.,s ten dollars per diem for time cecessa- j rily spent after the expiration of the one i hundred days. Provided, horcever, that ! such time shall not exceed fifty days at any one session, etc. We repeat, that nntil th's act of Assembly is changed all sessious will last one hundred and fifty days, or very nearly that length of time, because men go to the Legislature to make movT and will never fail to take good care tnat the proviso limiting the ten dollars per dayto fifty days beyond one hundred is literally enforced. The plain and certain remedy against th crying evil and frightful expense of long ses sions is to repeal tho act of 1S74, and simply provide that the pay of the mem bers shall be one thousand dollars (if that amount is thought to be not too much) for the session, leaving out all limitations upon the time it may occupy. If this was done the session would coma to a close at the end of one hundred days with all the important business completed, and the opportunity to make $,j0O by sitting ffty days beyond one hundred would be taken away. It all comes to this give the members, as the act of 1S74 gives them, the power of ex tending the session to one hundred and fifty days, at ten dollars per day, and they will avail themselves of it ; but pay them a fixed sum for the session, without regard to its limit, and after the expira tion of one hundred days, or, in an emer gency, a few days beyond that, the as sembled wisdom of the commonwealth, so far at Ifarrisburg is concerned, would be a thing of the past. Trie Pittsburg Lealer (Republican) now comes into open court and makes this confession : "Now that the election is over and passions cooled, we can say without danger of exeit ing profitless controversy, that the campaizn dispute over the Credit Mohilier and De Golyer Charges did not result In entirely sat isfying candid minds of Mr. Garfield's abso lute Innooe.nee. Tim suspicion of a stain Is on hh character still." .. mm .iTmn, thro' been hinted or . .c uf Washington, the .. is of the senate, the very .-rs, servants, and haokmen can us out in this. If there was ever a doubt of Conkling's criminal intercourse with the wire of William Sprague, Cor.klins hastened to solve that doubt against the poor lady. He wrote adulterous upon her seat in the gallery of the senate, alon the walls of the dimmest-lit corridor, on her car riage, on her home, and smlh-d in vain de light when lie saw the evi!-tonc:ued mob taMcu upon and read the loathsome word. William ISprague lias been overtaken by cruel misfortunes. He has fallen, through no tault of his own, from his high estate, so cially, politically, and commercially. H lost his seat in the senate. He lost his for tune, and, blindly strking out amid the wreck, saw his palaces, equipages, servants, all dis appear, and th sunshine sycophants of the hour fall away. He gathered his family and poor remaining together, placed them in the rude house his creditors could not touch, be cause left his wife hv her honored father, and went out to battle with fate. This was the home Conkling entered. These were the pitiful circumstances that smoothed his way, and that is the man, the chosen leader of 'a great faction, the owner of a state, a leading law-maker in the senate, who could invade such a dwelling, and bring shame and mis fortune on such a family. ; That "Bcrikd Village. " The reports published simultaneously in certain papers, and printed on the first pages of the Free man to-day, giving the minutest details of a terrible disaster to the village of Paris, in Fau quier county, Va., during the recent snow storm, created quite an excitement at Rich mond and elsewhere throughout the State. These accounts related that the entire vil lage of Paris was buried in snow, that sever al persons had been literally frozen to death, that as- many as fifty persons were suflering in a hospital from frost bites, several ampu tations of limbs having been rendered neces sary, and the greatest 'destitution on account of the scarcity of provisions and fuel was im minent. The villagers had tunnelled pass ages from habitation to habitation, a com mittee had been appointed to take charee of all provisions and fuel, and one man named " ot t,' risk of his life, had umler- ' - : -illof f,,r CO Wun it n , . . . body regarding the safety of the villasers of Paris and gave rise to expressions of surprise and not a little indignation. The first reply was from Delaplane, the telegraph office nearest to Paris, and was as follows : "No truth In the report. IVo one frozen and no orter1n. Snow badly drifted around Parlf, but path now opened." The next despatch cam from Berryville, the place whencejthe news of the calamity is supposed to have euaminated. It is as fol lows : "Tonr teles" jmt reeelved. Pari la, not bnr led in (now. There are heavy drifts south and east of that place. No one ft frozen to death. There i tome scarcity of fuel ; otherwise do desti tution of which I ran learn." Since the reception of these telegrams the published reports are regarded as the most extraordinary newspaper canards that have recently appeared. A Tbrtbi.'' Mcrdkr. A special des patch says most horrible triple murder was commuted near Plain City, Madison county, Ohio, some time during last Monday night. Tuesday morning Robert Garner, a colored man, reported that a murder had been committed about three miles east of that town and wanted to telegraph persons in Cincinnati. Officers went to the place in dicated when a horrible sight was revealed. Mrs. Martha Srott, a widow, aged about 40 years, her daughter, aged 22, and an adopted son, aged 14, named Charles Gnode, were found upon the floor dead, with their brains scatterd about the floor and smeared upon the wall of their sleeping room. A large hickory club smeared with blood was found upon the porch near the dead bodies, and it Is supposed it was with this bludgeon that the deed was done. Robert Garner has since been arrested, charged with the murder, and there are several suspicious circumstances which point to him as the guilty party. He lived for six or eight years with the Scott family, but about three months ago left them in anger because they would not rent the farm to him. He was greatly excited when be told the storv at 4 o'clock Tuesday morn ing, but now tells a contradictory story. Mrs. Scott was the owner of a good farm and was reported well-to-do among her col ored friends, and the terrible manner of her taking off lias created much xeiternert in the neighborhood where she has lived all of her life. A employe of the Roberts Torpedo Company. Bradford, named L. (iarthew aite, was killed instantly on Saturday by the ex plosion of a torpedo of riifro-glycerine near Duke Centre. Garthewaite picked up the terpedo which had been knocked dowu by a BQUuen now or on, wnen it exploded, blow ing away one side of Ids head. A Tfioporcn and saferemwdy isPn. Mkt- Tr' IlEADACHK AND DvfPEPSIA I'll L.B Sold by all Pru--'- t,., tWO g on .wo of -vo cirls ..s broken, .ito the !Sen-.-d to xirevent .iere either is a .iinal, or is; weak . -iiu of hereditorv iusan- . vTorcoran. of Washington, who has jjst celebrated his eighty-econ J birthday, is said to have given away'not less than $.t,ooo, 000 in public benefactions and f 1,000,000 in private charities about three-fourths of his fortune. On Saturday afternoon thousands of boys and girls were skating on the Allegheny river, near Pittsburgh, and the sou of Dr. Wallace, together with an unknown lad, went plump into a hole. They suffered noth ing more than a cold bath. The Grand Jury of Essex county, Xew Jersey, has made a presentment recom mending the re-establishment of the whip ping post for wife-beaters. The number of these offenders is increasing, fines an 1 im prisonment navins no effect. Rey. Mr. I.-emberger, of MiKville, V. J., plead guilty the other day to two indictments for keeping a disorderly hotie. If there is anything in a name, I.emberger could scarce ly be expected to keep a sweet-scented es tablishment. In the cases of the reeent boiler'explosion at Allentown, Pa., by which thirteen lives were lost, the coroner's jury Thursday night rendered a verdict that thev could not deter mine the caue of the acciileut, owing ti in sufficient evidence. A middle aged counle visited Kansas City on their honeymoon journey, and staved at the house of the bride's brother. There the bridegroom fell in love with his wife's niece, wmi tier consent to an elopement, and continued his journey with her. A few days ago "the voting wife of Orra Rntler, an aged and very wealthy citien of Kenosha, Wis., entered suit for t'livorue and alimony. On Friday the old gentleman dropped dead in the street. He was well known throughout Wisconsin. A colored man named J. i.ewr ha!" d'ed at Cambridge, King county, N. S., at an ad vanced age. He was a slave on board the United states fritrate Chesapeake, at the time she was captured by the IiriMsh frigate Shannon, in 1818, and brought to Halifax bv the victors. r A Los Ange.les (Ca!,) despatch says that Captain Sinford, of the Ri itish hark Cassan dra Adams, lying off Wilmington harbor started for his vessel on Sunday, wite twelve sailors he had shipped and two other men. lhe boat capsized and the captain, tonr sailors and one other person were drowned i T,U 13 "i",rt-d that a freight train while fn the tunnel on the Straitsville division of the Baltimore and ( hio Railroad, near New ark, O., Friday night, broke in two and the crew were so suffocated by the smoke from ""'n that thev ail became unconscious morse. He has just nieu, aim ,,,3ll,.u, say that sorrow killed him. The Scranton jail has succumbed once more to the efforts of a girl armed with a piece of iron. It appears that she was actu ated by no other desiie than to show how easily she could get out, for a few minutes after her escape she presented herself at the frontdoor of the jail and inquired of the keeper if he "wanted another boarder." A Chicaco dog saved the lives of his master and family the other night. The house took fire, and the dog, first discover ing the flames, broke his chain, ran to his master's door and after howling and barking in the vain attempt to rouse him, finally burst the door in and woke him by licking his face. The faithful animal escaped with his life, though badly burned. Mr. John V. (iould, of New York, is at Washington with petitions bearing about 40,000 signatures (from nearly all theStates), to be presented to the House, for a repeal of the two-cent stamp tax on bank checks, and also for the tepeal of the tax of one-half of 1 percent, per annum on deposits which is now paid by national and State banks, savings banks, trust companies, and all other "bank ing institutions." Samuel Smart, a yoang man of good family, committed suicide by shiwiting him self through the head Sunday night at his room in Circleville, Ohio, Smart was about twenty -thrse years old, the la.,t of a rich and prominent family, and two years ago inher ited a modest fortune which he speedily dis sipated by gambling and drinking. "Poor health, superinduced by excess, were the causes of the suicide. The entries for the O'Leary six-day go-as-you. please match, beginning on Monday next, thus far number forty-eight. Many new names are en the list, and among famil iar names are those of Fred Krohne. C. Fa- ber, of Newark, John Fitzgerald and George Pnfrane. There are two unknowns, one of whom is entered by Mike Goodman, and the other by the Police Gazette. It is expected that Frank nart, colored, will also compete. Thomas Sweager, a young man teaching school in Spring township, Perry county, died a few days ago from one of the most singular causes on record. An itching pim ple came to the surface of one of his cheeks on New Year day, and from annoj iug him on account of the itching sensation became ex ceedingly painful, almost beyond endurance, and on Wednesday following he died, from no other apparent cause. Warren Longmore, aged nine years, was sentenced at Machias, Me., on Friday last to the State Reform School during tiie remain der of his minority, for the killing of Free man Wright, aged eight years, at Pembrook, Maine, latOctober. Lo'ngmore first shot his victim and was discovered in the act of dig ging his grave. While Longmore was thus engaged Wright showed signs of life, where upon the young murderer beat him over the head with the spade. ra I Tie- : I ht. I I tie, . I'-nt, : J the ; l.'art fved. I hick- ; cattle J "jrnerset. iipie of ' ht or two ireaonirr--; drove his rurch and l-ime!iativ denounce;! lieeent and ung scape- k in-i noe rv it once and Fs-pisode put young men iri'ter ot Ha- 1 four-year-old ; lav last, and it i 'ns of the officers ' riated citizens ' .ns; him. He Prt ; iiouse Oil some pre- ' choked and kicked Fttinct. This makes which bas been iimfy, but there has 'edition. Tho loncri't it that any of the friiilty TereO for their terrible ten years iu the peni- tracery was enacted at , on Sunday lat hi!ctfio pen- j liurch. Mrs. Barnard went to j f Rev. Cuitis, the li.ibti-t pastor, i-d his wife, an old lady of about A ' age She threw her down, poured ! j oil (ui her clothing anb then set fire r, burning her so shockingly that she I d but a few hours. Mri. R.miard Is the .ife of a prominent lumber man at Green- J ville where Curtis was pastor until a year ago : and came to I.apeer only a few wcelis Since. . It i- believed by many that sh is insane from j ' religious excitement, nut others think it is a , case of downright wickedness. She is now '; under arrest. An inhabitant of Cabaeeiras Citv, Rra- I 7il, named Joaquin Marreiro, and his wife j ' Juanita, aged respectively lo t and !7, con- i tcmplaU1 ere long celebrating the eightieth j ; anniversary of their junction in the bonds of ; i holy matrimony. Of the twenty three chil- : ; dren born in w'ediocit to this aged pair, fotir j teen still survive, themselves abnormally old J men and women. .Joaquim Marreiro's fami , ly at the present time consists of 2:n persons, i j including his venerable spouse and himself, i A hundred and twenty-six cratnlc'tiiidren j and ninety-seven great-grandchildren will i i attend the ceremony, which, for want of ', . a better name, migf:t be described as the ! Compressed Steel Wedding. There is a Strang.- rumbling noin audi- ' . tie upon the Red River, Texas, and as lhe j locality is fifty miles from any railroad it ; cannot be attributed to passing trains. The inhabitants are much excited over it, believ- I , ing that it presages volcanic action. It re- j sembles the sound of a railway train, the ! , roar of a distant waterfall, and at night the. moaning of the wind through a pine forest, j Its range, which is not changeable, is from j north to northwest, and it recalls the ornin j ous sounds described by Humboldt as prece , ding the great earthquake f 17."! in Mexico. when the volcanic mountain of .Jorulio was I upheaved. Scientific investigation will pro- uoiy no oruercii iy ine Mrtte authorities. The Charleston (S. C. ) Aeu-j and Courier says that a striking illustration of the force exeited by water in the act of freezing may be seen in St. Lawn-nee cemetery. The Werner monument, which stands near the entrance, rests upon a heavy iron slab, which in turn is supported by several large spheri cal iron globes, about ei2!it inches in diame ter and about a half inch thick. These hol low iron balls, have small openings at the top, and during the rain which preeeeded the very cold spell me of them became filied with water. The water then froze in the ball, and in so doing bnr.-t it in two and tnrcw the fragments several yards off into one of the paths. A solid ball of i--e which fell out of t he globe when it burst was found near one of the fragments. Thft.e is no use ta'kinsr, no use ta'kin, 'Tis so now everywhere : To cure your cough or co!J, (Without much trouble or extraordinary ex pense.) Yon must use Sides' Sttitp of Tar, Wil t) Chekiit am IIoap.hound. Some may be inclined to criticise our Rie tre, but the idea we want to impress upon your mind is, that Sines' Tab, Ac, will cure any Throat and Rung affection quicker ttian any other cough remedy sold in the United States or Canada. rn.oi.iFic Tf-Opi.e. Michael Ilazz.ard. rf Monticeilo, Pratt county, II!., has sent to the Washington Il'put.lun'i iurP ( five, ba bies born by his wife on the lsth (if n!em ber, Ismi, and whose combined weight was )Z pounds. H izzaid is -iJ and his wife 3i5 ?ars of age. The lpuhlican savs : The rolific powers of some individuals among lunkind are very extrao-,linirv. Instniee? ave been found where children to the Turn er of six, seven, eight, nine and sometimes ix'een have been brought forth at one birth. The wife of Emmanuel Uao, a laborer, near falladolid, was delivered on the 14th of June, 17!'j, of live girls. The celebrated Tarsiu was brought to bed intheseve-i month at Argenteuil, hear Paris. 17th of July, 17TH, of thife boys, each 11'' inches loner," and a girl 13 inches. They were all baptized, but did not live twer.ty-four hours." In June, 17W, one Maria Ruiz, of I.ueena, in AndalH sia, was successively delivered of sixteen boys without any girls. Seven of theia were alive on the HUli of August following. In l.ri:;r a Muscovite ptasant named James Kyr'ofl, and his wife were presented to the Empress of Russia. This peasant had been twice married, and was then seventy years of age. His first wife was brought to bed twen i ty-one times namely, four times cf four ! children each time, seven times of three, and ten times of two. in ail fifty-seven children, : all then alive. His second wife, who accom- panied him, had been delivered seven times once of three children and -six times of j twins. Thus he had seventy-two children i by his two laarriages. Frr.HTY-FvE Dorians Lost. "You do not tell me that your husband is up and about again, and entirely cured by so simple a med icine as Parker's Ginger Tonic?" "Yes, indeed, I do," said Mrs. Benjamin to her en quiring neighbor, "and that too when we had foolishly paid eighty-five dollars in doc tor's bills and prescriptions, and after he had been given up by his physicians to die. Now my husband feels as weil as ever entirely cured by this excellent Tonic." And many a sick man might be well in a week if thev would only try it. 1-21. -lm. A Familt op Mtrderers. A terrible storv of revolting .crime was related at the St. Scholastiquc, Can., assizes by J. B. Nar bonne, who was arrested on a charge of mur deritig his brother Dan five years ago. He was found guilty on Thursday of the Jcrime, and was brought in as a witness against his stepmother and his father, who were arrest ed as accessories before the fact. He stood the cross examination for a time, and then broke down and told the whole story, nis mother and father had urged him to shoot his brother for the latter's money, which he had given into the keeping of his stepmother, who wanted to keep it. Narbonne shot his orothcr through the heart while asleep, and when the latter sat up, clubbed him over the head with his gun. He then buried him near the houe. As he to'.d the story he was much overcome, and several times was forced to sit down and weep. His father aDd mother were found guilty and recommended to the clemency of the court. Dr. Carson, of Leechburp, Armstrong county, came to a very unexpected and dis tressing death on Saturday a week. The Doftor had been attending a ery severe ease of diphtheria, and whilelswabbine out the throat of the patient a portion o? tlin virus.tourlied a small sora on the Doctor's hand, and in less than two hour his system was impregnated with the poison and he died, as stated, only a day or two after con tracting the disease. Answer Thi. Did you ever fcnow any person to be ill, without inaction of the stom ach, liver or kidneys, or did you ever know one who was well when either was obstruct ed orinacttve? and did you ever know or hear of any case of the kind that Hop Hitters would not core? Ask yonr neighbor this same question. Times. t m m I 3 3 I 1 i r i j 1 I I ler I I 3 r. H. Cose and the Iron-Clad Oath. Tni? is the statemrM of KcVl.-r n nuiu uuicrnf ami lack a coinres. recently pres-rtted to the senate as eniboilvitif In ttm,. inins to take- the eath of office und refus to occupy the rxmition to wWM.. en elected. The document is well worthy peru.'al and.is an hn:r tn tv, ... ; heartof one of the rbleM works of Ooti an honest man : To my romtilvrnlt : I dnj it hit dotv to '-t to yea atmply aud clearly lae rra-ooj wblca lorre m rclu to inks thn o:fc rrefrit.d bv tio I onuuntioo a a uwfifury tr-rqui.ita to n:--Ine u;.o my luti at Senaw. know.nK . l jo tnat tm relusal lor:cil my rut. lb, rruul.W onth i r I i coiTT:.T er (or afSra 1 that I win fen. pert. oti!T an,l dcf.nt tlia V:.)r..:.tt.a of th Uni te.l Ntatj. and the ror.i:ttioa ot ibi tVaaco neaiih. aui ib; 1 w h ifcharice tj.e tinf.vr of it.t aucewilh CJel ty: tbiu 1 have not paid or e.,n trihntcl. or prvm.ned to vt or ru tu r :fu: t - either Jltrectlyor inJ,r-:iy. . man;-or tr Talaabii thtag. to vro-uro mi noinin.-.ti.B or r!i o or apppltitmedtl eicet t i-jr necemarT an yroi er ax peime. rp-rnt'y auManr'4 bv (air ,- thut F have ni.t Knovi Ircly r::atrit air ( ilu:i : ut t ,m- cuuii or nar it to h riuin ftr my Lehair: mat I ul knwix, reraiTe Ai- re -liy or I n i-l re ly . s t, y money or utiier t:ab: thianr.T the prr,im;ics r nu irlornan-o of u. in it uuiv periaiuu:f to i:iv e;riee, o'h tbaa use to wh:.U 1 ol j tho.-rri by ;w." ar "txyrrts'.y e- an.-l i.ror ryrKvr luk-l.ien to the n.Jn.Hif..o ant. e:c-t.on if Sntar. K-preent;:tve(. jut .aui!. m nn:t-.;iii, an ourjty officers and a i, . a:n! 13 It me enl pat fined to be ! iry esj.-ti.-.s r de- Kirtl. Kcr printing and trave';Bir ei.i n-n S.-ocd. Tur direaitotU,n of !u:oriutt m to ttia pa ti is. Tliird. Vor political meeting, demmtrstlom . rl iia !re..ine eTpene bt lnea.rj either ; in perron cr tismnch oiher in JiTiduain oremniuii- ' tees ! nranifniior. duly eonf tmited rr f.nr. i po. bnt nothmn rout.-imed In th act Fhi'l b an ( conrtraeJ to aotiiorira tt psMtieot of uiner 1 , or ottiei Talaable tfcia lur tba vote or luftuouca of i ; any rteetrtr. J i u;fi nri ivy oral one do:sr . ination : on tiie rai!rn. 1 w noiiunt-d. but alter r.-e:v:' .o pro-ure my r. m- t.-'o it n t !o be tLia l cn:nali.n I !nnt moiey wiliinly in! I'. ben lv, not or, v fnr ni owu eh-cnon. but r;.o fur thut uf . . Y..'- ticket. In tact. 1 felt much mon int-reMed In taa -riuoi riii.o cao'i.avi't l:iau iu a- own The exreTil'ara maybe clas.-ed noder the fol lowing ben.le : A. 1 viiil.'i 1 aesnient aid eontribntiens thl Ir.clu.b-il my s-r.nients by the o:intv m ,Vit. tee- ofl.iiTerno and I..irkm-iiDn.ini cootr tm ions to fffcrs I I.rifn! tive I'i strict "oioaott A lnc portion iTltnf renter 1 know w.i exprn. led i0rti e Ice. and other experies n-e-sarv t- ... -..u i .-. i r:i:o :it irv 1 r.vrur the. - r .i :.. in. , cncitienc f tne xi-ti-ncs c f the ier. a...k J.ahor i;e:unn .rty no lietsocra-s natt rahxitioua bad taWr n 'lare K r f eral yes rH. N - i; her ol tbaee are tinrr'?! au'hc Lv intr. li. rr-.i.tir.. a;iii!ri'?inf, tfn.nver srr'c'e Ke:tii K ui a.i..l 0 letriLn-.inK t; a U:i'v.r. Ij:riu!'.lca C Jv;it'..-Bi u.artir.irs and ileTTjvn-t'r.tii;is in c'.iidirit the trar iti-e ui a Urge cumber ol mt-n tuj i-!:f. f, r. ho wer. earrnj I v ra ii rc j fit t maatinio Ja ili parts of I.tizcrt.a otit.tv tut It a:i.i c. 1 i-i rut a very ih-k ai.nunnt r.l 'i:o':ev but I :h are "f.-prf.,.'j a-it'.rtzttl by law '"l siisil retrr to tl.e.tn ii-i 1 rtl:er. ' l. A uryt tun.! er i.l tn-n, tcrst ot wh. m wr ompluvra i t .t Br-;. k(;o. were sent to rmriv every j-art ol try district for t t e purple o; .re?eu"t- ... .. .. .:aii.Kjeis. ana n e-tinz tho nhic-iion tlia! wrre mnjt to mo tbt 1 wa I coal oj . rctnr. and tsiat ctnreiii.JtttiT no u o-kirtj I man sliouhl t tor me. Ttiesa tnea'wi te nnxioua lor my !.-: ion. anj l to tio t;;e w,ti;. tm i ,.f .u---.. p.:u ,!i-:ii ior ti e time tin-v i wn.l; 1 f..- li.l- ... . . ' -t at t, , ........... .... ,..ei, r.jrrirr, i:.:- coi-t a lre cti?-t a j lair under tiie LeaJ nl d.re.ri. :ctt-n K. I i4 id .crvnal!r Fmall nni ei-'":ori:rd hy ' til: '.trnulinn. :it ii.r ix re- CeiJ L : !h: S not rzurrt. t . Ap ele'-t'oi, .iay a;-( hj tlifi.fl, - i.j l,llc toil -lie. . i t.f-,,.,; Fni-., ; lie !. . r-jy own clioi v.iii. t:h and lr t i:i..rni'icn :Ji i'li i-urt Hit which 1 roaM-loTit rthai lc. that u , mat a. i tne j..i: .-Mould te carefully ;:,.(..( nf.er , imni i'c:r ar.a uiim.fr tee eie.-tmn. i i:rr ore i about one luuotre 1 aoC. lw iity.iiir ecTiuti d -; triet iu my tern :ry. some u; wnn-li rciioirc l ve'rr ! care I di tv a .-ii i ng, ai J ail tin t:i;ri !u ! i-oji':.lfrat'OM. I Men hft'l to be employed to c af'er Uie e-m.iow i boukr. to sitteuii to the il.t;rihu:i.Mi (,f the tenets ! to tlia chiillcnstnu. to l.nnif out tiie entire l'-mo-; rratic vo-e. to prevent the otner i.te from cti r v t more' I, an tl. in. t.. i.,W af.er t!:e ireeiilnw '-a vote ' t ae t:i:t the li-.-i.ets v;-r rtrau-tit in the :ni,ril! -' iiml were kept until tho pi f rk-i et. I found w!fo that men who U':il.-rMc.rul tr.-ir busi i nn, s.n.1 would !n k to it all div. w:t!i.n:t -!vinn j Up. roil id I.Oi Or depp.'iiej i: o;j lo ,( ,; .,, J I patriot rr. ; that, on Hie c m:rrv, fj .v eyprct.-,! to. ; be i aid lor tlicy h-.d a r 'lt t. t e. ,,r not panl t .r in ;.tV. a- in b'i-: n-s. t unreMaMe 1 wa Inloriai d. l :oro e-c?-un. that uritets with ! tny eame n-iF-peU. ir omiire 1 aitoKcther or with i another nair.c moFtituted. wi-re or w.u!,i f'.e in i-ir-cniatioti in mint plares ; that the r-ulur ILMno- cratir tn-kPU wire or would t e in the l and!" of the tppoflimn in other p!.tcc ; thus that (in imliti -al pariancr) job were l e ti(f art up on tne at certa n jo;nu, etc. IlrltevitiK that where there tt.is .0 ' much iii. .ke. there Wi i j rnl.r.l iT i. me nre. 1 pro ; v'.i?.t. as well a I cmitd. that even- one who wi-b-' ed to vote then raiitht 1 temm-rati? t-rkct. cr tor me : won, J have a rnaiiLe to ip o without iliCvnltr i Th: Involved heavy outlays, many rf winch wvVld ; fotite tis.der the head of ditsrmtnaUon ot inf., ma ion. Put r ,:ne o' wlncli are cot tij,mici "rxjjrt-'zlu : cu!cnzrri by iri-.1 ' (!. 1 pent a frr'atn RTjiunt in traveling tt ont ; myeT (m:i.ii-ised nt t, t:-rlirn rs(r.i.r ). i.ur- I chased a n rn.l ticket ot raiaei- .'or c w. p-'nu j etr.. f'.-r tbe tictiept o! wi.J .w ? , othi r t: t. . rt u -nte, i.nd exi ' inid a small amount for li.-..: an.! fairs : Imt ai they ne ther helped nor hurt ine 1 thl-.k I Play neleft th.rni. 11. I spent a lara? arni nnt in pr.ntipc and d! trihutiriK ray (a t'i-ket. o that e-. erv mm wi.o w it he 1 to i. re it could ne it heiore NnYernher 2d. This w entirely Ir.dj cudent o' the clrc'dnn div d ii ritiution, in 1 of the tpstr;"in-,n bv r.e t'mirty oir mittees This is utlior:red it ifu., -.Motion of inforrr.itin -j. N w. i'i!!...ii1i I used moiey fur (xj-e-i-rt tint fx- , aui'ipy tzfd air. yet not one c-i.t w;in - pcni With civ know!edo lor any lmpr-per or ! fraudulent purpose. ,i the contrary, everv ijollar ! Cur. h d cd I o a ny oi.e f' r elff-r ion e. pensi wa s ri vt-a ' tin ier suh'UiTi enanerr c:.t that netnon not n n- with Ftrirt houe-!y 'i.ii!ld he . . o with. it. I Ol rourse 1 d nut prr-ti nrt to rr th it, when ! rr.nnej -ased thr.vtzh n t a di.Ton t-ut hundra-lt I of ha:. lis. some m.iU part ! i; may red ha e I en ! divn tvd lo in.pr--p' r i.5. I u t if it was 1 ha-, e nev i rr hea'-d of it. I have done nothing in this catn 1 pr.iirn that 1 am ushained cf. or that wn. inr.irf.st : ent with strict honesty. Although 1 w-..u;d have t f k.ttcr; ir, t-.kinu fie oath, wi-re the w.pl rxprrs!; ?i:--;-tie-j Mir uinitte,! ijni :.'. the : Wurds hare no kr. ('i.-in: '7 ri. irrrn ,-r..? -, ,M i" air.T' so far as they a;. ply to the act defining ne'-e-. sary expenses,) yet I rjnnot. after reading the A-t ' ef 74. donnum nece- iry expet.so. a wear that 1 ; hare imt paid Ti-ii:'r;i u!e.i, or pn nvse i to -ay or ; conrrihut-.eitherd: reot ly or Ir.dircrr v.nny nio-icy or vainuil' thinR to mriim tnv ruinn it on or ; elec:Ti;ii (or nppuin'ni. nt.i rx tj-i tor m re.sary : and p'r.por expense rrn'-ft!;,- aut1 o--. : i b-t h:u 1 m-ty he spkro why H1 1 'per.d trj! money, knowfic th.e ronrequenr ? '1 Lo ar.iwer l": 1 ' dul no" 11 nd sta i:d until 1 wns well in'o the eaun . pa'irn, what 1 would b rali'-d upon to pay tor. an.i 1 when I did. I fe't that it houi.! retire I would. e 1 there was a third ticket in the fi-:d. ertnnifer rot only tae siiT-'ro of theertim'y tii-ket. whio.'i I was ' very ans tons to see eiee-ed. Put also pr 'hups, of the 1 .National t'-Ket : nnd nli'rii'iih in the het and eontnuion of the ean-p-.ln I wa always very par ! tl -uiar not to eor.trt'-ot? a rent tor any ltni ro' cr purpi-se. 1 si not at.ie in the few wet it lasted 1 to consider the whi.Ie quction as I hareini-e. 1 I did. however, determine twice to retire from the i held, hut upon n fl-ticn I resolved to ti -hi It otit : on the lino if sper. rp. wiiat 1 could fconetry rcr ' the succes r,i rhe w hole tioket. o as ni t to endan i eer its defeat hy tny wi'hdraw il. and to dee ine to take my seat if upon eareiul considcr-nilon of the ut jeet in the nine week? that would elapse he 1 tscm election ihv and. the mcctinir of tiie Senate i I shetild decide that anv part of the money was j used lor xiensej nr.1 "rrprrsily c'.itorizrd b'j law.' Havinit made this full and Irank. statement of the 1 Tacts. I wish to sy that if 1 had dene anything j that I considered wrong or anvthin which 1 would : wish to hide. 1 could have 'resumed hefore the j mecritiB ' f the Senate, eivii.e as a reason my t us inese enjtairements. or son-.et limir of tint Itiud. hut i such is cot the ease: 1 have nuthinif to conceal, 1 nothing to he ashamed of. end am ready, as every 1 hones: man should he. to suffer the cor.eipaences 1 ol mv aitlons. 1 make no claim to ravine keen i deeoived or kept in i&rnorance. W hat 1 did, I did ! with my ayes open. I Keirrettin; that I eartTft. as I had oriirinal'y I hoped, le ol feme service, however fl sbx. to I.u 1 zerne and La-kawaina counties in li e Senate, I .am Yours, rcrv re-i'e"t:ullv, 1 Kcklkv B. IVti, I Lata Senator elect for the Twenty-trst I;strlct. Mfssw. F.LT Ilrto?., Drupsis's, Owegi, X. Y. The supply of Cream Dalin I j ur- ; chafed of you sold rapidly. Sucl. is the de- ' mand I have had occasion to duplicate my j orders no loss than five times wthin three months. My custoniors have foi.nd this is j no humbug," but a preparation of real merit and evidently a sovereign catliolicon for tho j cure of catarrh. An article that will produce, j such results will prove a Vilt'ssiijj to any j community. Wm. Tt-ck, Dmfiit, Wiikes- ' Ilarre, Pa.", dan 2S, lsso. i On P II A N S' COU I? T S A T -E . I !y v i r tue ot an order f the Urtitiarn' 'nnrt of t'am l.ria eunrity. tome dirretcil. I will oTer at public fale at the h'iuse of Iei:nis Karreri, in tiie villaita of Blunstor. en SIonoaT. the 7th day Df Frbrvarv. JC'J. at 2 o'clock, r f .. tiie fotinwinr d'reribed real i esrate of wi.ieti Kllen "tweenv died sejvd. to wit : A TI KT. Ol! 1'AKt'KI. f IF I.AN I) situate In tiie ! town'hip of Monster, county of 'rr.!ria. 1'a.. ad- 1 joininc lr.nds of Tatrirlt B. Smith, .limn Icvtr, and others, eontalnlBg 14 Aeret, mure or left, ail cleared. T-Tma, canh on err mat ion of te'e. r. WFU.IV it. Admir.lttator Jc. 14. l51.-3t. of Kllen Sweny, dee'd. RLSI EYVS WITOii HAZEL t'nrei Headache. Pnrna, Spraina. J'rtg, Wonndi, Khetimatism, Toothache. 1 jiraehe. Sir., fcc. War ranted equal to any made, at half tit price. 6 ec. Battlet :&c. I'lnt Bottlei 5Uc. (jta. f. Hare your drugsT'St order. If he has nat in atock, ol HAN. F. KIM.l.T A to., Wholesale Prtiireiata, M Cortlandt S3:., JJ.T.Citj. Jan. 14, lssi.-3ro. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Tiie, under ii?ned Aoditor. appointed by .he Orphans' Court ol Cambria county to renort dtributioD of the funds ;in the hands'of .lames M. Singer. Ad mlntstmtor of ( Jeo. Wtbn. Sr., deeea'ad, as iihown by his first and partial account, hereby notifies all persona intoaeitod that ha will sit at'hru o!li.-e In F.bensbtiru. on .Vondnv, the ttth day or Jantwry. A. V. 13$ 1. at 2 o'ci.rv K. r. M., to attend' to the dmieg of said appointment, when and where all persona interested mav attend i( they see prnt-er. Jan. T. lSl.-at. AL.V1N, I VANS, Aud. tor. A. TEAR and expen-s te as-cr's. Oitflt Free. Ad.lra-s P. O. VIa. EJiY, Aajuita, Maine. NKW ADVI-KTISEI The Grc Bargain R at Oak H There never v,-; tvherc befor e, so fa know, stirii .sale oj as is now p;.iir J Hall, taking up t! ground floor. A thousand dollars' " good clotliln. r.cr, it new and fashicnr it well made and materials without (for we make no bcinqr sold at r.H brin loss instead! Clearing sales d close cf every rl they commonly i broken assortmc.... garments, and cf small rn:an-' titi-s. ! X I . I I our most successful feasor, i ' we are clearm out what- ' ever, for any cause, has '! shown si. s of L". :inr slow. 1 lion sands cf whole suit: and overcoats and odd gar ments as well. Nov tiie sole reason frr celling this mass of valtiabl-'? clot;iin;r, without even a:i at tempt at prof t, is that stated ! 1 a 00 1 w-.ich 11.A be iut into I ditferent v.-ords.-lhus : To our stock into tractive ccr.ui regard to im:n t;:e rae, t at- on. v.'ii':out .ate 1 -ot. And so, wlti? ;:us sale is :eest, most P'otn on, the v ved, i successful, appnn m; clothing we Iiavc; is up stairs. ui'- j-'iiji uili'J an- www 1 duccd at all. This sale will 4" hurt that while asts, L.c- lir. : cause tne ciotmn: in te uariam room is extreme! good. For this reascn want it short; and to ir' it sliort, th.e prices are 1c" - Br:::- bade prsnN') C7( do:il want ! lh:M: t - , dJ-.-e l ;u can orar LjA " i i j or buy here, accjv receipt oi a will send th o:n vcu. is oi tak- arc. T':en -. ti r r ',-irir tf- Ti ., 4,i wnat vou want, ncarr ''T1 we can tak 0 Ilsk of suit' i mg you j ter. Aitnit & Drown, , Jellir T '.V mt i M V. ; Oak KAi- :rarkiJ-EIA. r-,e creok, Wichlgcn, ."CU" OF TEB OLT CESrriX n j to THEESKEtRS. t!on and Plain Ens' ' nd Horse-Pcr.ars. i thirjc i Maat Of iie World. ' (W8 32 j r OF c - : . 1 rr . 1 I STFOl.T-OTtTTt -rps ,fl Cninpiere rs-teain ilitrfi;-i a n-.e-i Trwrlinn F.nu:n.- a- .'jt -nV-i vera-ti in rho Am-r:. .-. i i ar A multifT.I, rif .r.-1-K..' Viirrw- twrt aid I'-ir ' u. t :i: -ii: .1 M T- r i Four E-.ry. t s;i.--et-.rs. fr. ear a-.tv, rVw -,.- ht !,-- T nr "to Two at i lea of i-t'urted H 4 yOJ,jiU if, e,, liree r..T tia! , 'n i '".er oumparaL'lc wcskj-wui a oi our . ... .. ... ... ... tin f our TRASTIGM B,3!ST b, iu, in llcrae . r-t?4 I of,,,. themccr.t J f;''ilVff I) Fsrmrrs anj ThreiAI tr, tovliirnf tills UMtchim, 1 !.,ry irvruifcra nerit free. Ad lr-al NICHOLS, SH31. Battle ar Jan. 14, lUl.-tn. j i . s . SCIENCE vs. EYJ I lVtVTl-t. I ' lit. rTJf fx )0CT0R againKJ J SrANLEVm USHES iJ OFFICE is on -. I!""-nt T " ?Z:' THE ( From lr. Ab. apeeialtv and cured eian. lii we have valuable work on th. disa wi;i, ' 'n- -i large b"-:M of hi w. nd-tv ,,'r. I irrar wno may sena ti.oiri-i res ' ITT . We adviae anvone wiehiea, 111 A H M KsFKlil.K Nq ul ' Hifc u& nil n.r. Beit cvRE or an -"js anj -,r; -- w.,n Me An. Jour "'ild'W:..'.1."2 ""tr-naT . ! I . ', . -' . ', : loro!a (late of. v., n t- '"' i'm Cf r - o'er ;. i of Kpilepsy. ha. "V-S ' "Xtil"' 'l I mora eaaaa than .hv, a j "nj has ra-,v ..-Kr, .r. ucaer haf be,,,-,-, i rf sen, r ,.',r",:'r -tr --e r: J pv. heard of crises o:,h,5: ! ...,nr.T t on-e r, ' ? ' 1 , .v. U.; M . e.tinth.world I..Ner IJU fi Dlill H h I UW, , ravt in K.wd condl-ionirui. I " t i I U If Lir I" ' t-i-andcorns. Cost' bu! t!u ,. ; .... V'l j; 1 - kl: "s sV ('. Always a as tatli as. Every package i ''"1S Mipc. lur lue aranuine, ana wiq ; J I'SC. 3. 15Sl..;i, t rapp nn?j Ia Iowa, Kansas, Mta 7.. FOR viit r.-.,; j' r''i - n 't- f . '-. . Oreat hsvelna. Djeajof t-.rn Xn.t,,. f. r1'"" 1 ttie I'lirch.iee tuon-y. 1 1. f prtp, ' V " Parties inun.lnitf to e f re t-arn n the 'L ly !"::' local tv 11. wh-!i tho if,. I Wiia.-e n r""1 lnnJ t SUKU'WOOli. lliitro.1 1 -A)l rr..-f,",rt! '-t. 1 - f- ''"it,.; " 7"1"' I PLATS! ri.AY.N0t er partial f ers'uV'teM, '"'"' J' For I.CH.iiiiit iu:-, a . i e L , s p-raD.-el l. v.. PrawjK "jV. ' t Us 1 Zl f Ethiopian Play. f - ,' ' ".-tf. 1 r'I, mimes. Tableau I EifM . ! !' I tiona.Janey a'AaxW T , 1,J-iM i tioni. tarhei at reduced .nrj. L01CS f J-J (1 rw caiaU'Hi.M; ' Tlif- 1 r f 14.H :?f' ; l.neofis'.':, T.) radea. i ileserij I a nTaBTIktHS by a f reh(,:fv c.vMuVc ' I M lorjijciiae-st.. -"e I Ot lit TCi(.OSIM I I eaa .ar.apri. -1 I . "- l.ur r-w j; ,u n rrn-rvitf'r ? I EL! ABLE STORES! o X'xorvitii-ix ling House F0 POaST-OFFIC-H, TOOXA, PA. r sv.Ti 5? sum 17 1.1 K ant CI TA K A T 5C Hi. H C o S7 I. 7' A T S ; 1 'T . r-.'r srrwn rrr t;;-s . r -i! ! :c :k Mi r T 1 v SIT!.. f ia-. ; Vi - .; ns ct'J.tH.ir.UITF.. 9 e tf ; t It -a K Cf ; T i f ; I S J r cy : ro t ti t ti no .. r ta y 1 s S V 1 a'f .r.'s e:'J r-air tn KpccinI Onnrains tU.'tU Ul li LAK'i K VnEUH": BLUE, BLACK and BROVN ai.i. -vtmoi. rm r.sAvi ij OVERCOATS .".und. S .Ik " ( SSerjiC .4 : -. f-r C3- i m 1 j 1 ---- ! "Av.l.a ,V..-i J5.. f tf ft . ; .-. 2 til.;:?.. OrEVEIiVIUViyiL!0OTL0fK.P.V. jBversible Overcoats! 'evrrt:t.;e ttw f frrt c-.-i 'n ! :;e e : o j 3 : ri-, v r tii.t 1 the j-res-Lt I'ltrt-, sr. 'acJi a wiy thit t' ers v ! I ltol ti,a rt-nh i.tia .'i f such as ri'i ;:o:::s. r.-.i-J , . j is C, J3 I'.y a l ; t . . 'ai . , . , . tc"'. re e - rilri ti.u.-.j'y f3: . WLielifriUeiihecL'atiot.: ! right la-e. ready U-r -:;.! . - 't 'ta VL , w we (V T.-es-e-.-. '.. (-, ... , 2-.. thir.ir in -ar lire that yoi.,' .. - ,. . ya 1 5k ' : an; th :.K . voi jATASSHWil-tSSALE nVnVe,U Q1 ai, "r i Shirts. IT .Lie t . ! t:rr rr 1 ketp tl:om very v. c w . St o" e I a-c ::n we z ? 117 r.; I i ITY 7 : F.MYd'lVI-: CiNTs r - ly. Ti.ey are worth r. iNEY. rrjTiR av e a-e ii;c. s, ;,: -v -.. p I'"'"-'t. e- cr. SUITS ANDOV 4 w-i i o - i erpcin;:.v ( V rn AT thow t'ir o. t sa i:t 1 r..:- I in ":. t:r '. V:: r e v k tu ery s rt. i It is ns j Ica'ar.t to i i fcnet th-.r. r as it ! f-wt -; w-.r.t ?j j sy f r t'.r. I to c!l a .-heap iri''r.-nt ;!,:: j damp srid ev.j. even '.'. . rr j TOUh. Tin. u.,sJ who rs . r! c-ad to leirn that ., v v.. . . eoors . ; r " '" lira enptipt, forb(.t. mprehae.. . ' 1 .' ;. T m . -","''o..iat.j. Tenda,v!, ' "'-ell th tior ... , Mar dc-crr.i, Jfra f c : w : . m 1 t - ; It f -: t: i -a i,. : I t-- r-: r. it: ' tttT C J -- it nr r-r-t-i: ; etr a- t,f-To"B::.. " " WOLF. - : v ' -.it.! A '( rt f 'in ::.f .1 1 : "rthr i I! Ill xi. -seJ - ""m it IFIIICA. i e .:,.i -Out;-' i ocrtrar-te-r" 1 Mfirp:. for serer-ai bOtt Inn f, "c';e coa'- . r"te.i. a offc-r irfV ,'Sar-'M- t'iti; v, Jc nr j wo--.-, Prr.av rf born. , V- ? Tar! "'!r"i 1.,, r--,, . I i . " t !av " S ' ' " 1 f ::l A HV i i ;: . firf! Rinir towrt I AH TRfCE ST r.-Th. Jarc eiO.Orto , n c TeJJs-! )'- !'S- I: V. .V. rA , P.i. l!. kTe. I: 1; r?ot :-it "t v.. - - . I'n-.!ar; r,,i. or en.-h m, h. at d "' of e, n rp,,. r irv-J 0 ur wee- a '",ti:r, : .l - Y !1 ai ...;J!"'t : rta r.il e!p.,0r. "''a !! :.f:eo :y i ""!r - . CKKKKV. V. t. s. lifiir... tn tioiiirv. Jeter: i t , ' - ;Vt,: 'i.iTO-r,"'' tr .,. ' i va :-u.te i r..peeutr . J J tr ar:t; i:hl- f i c I c k u at b M t'i th Ui A Jo ki! !, ut ere tf: k-.:i Er tow tr;a f.f ai !en fni cr t; rf i cV.c: er ri . frj 1 ..!, !: the Vei:i Ir J-ta;. Kur,-:. ln f... tr 1 .- ; A fre ti ir.g 'ii rf trp-s i I a a. rr; frrri'. if it r I;- T 1,' -h; t Altoo--cc tH , - in jti-e Thf tl e p.re To'utiiA c!c-i;rt i rpt n ar- for e-.- i h. f.. li.3f! t.- Ti to ST 't Ui bv it.te.- oorsf ho . -It w, It'Mi r tUnt ri days ajf-i lttr wa t v r r-.u br;i e v , w TU ' Ji-cur" Ti e rr.arj ffvprt!fs Jtt'-e Cc, Par lay ''Vii; S Ti; -nr. j- - , - w iirtr I i i i in 1 ': - .-o ..i..,,,, , '-tlfHiffm