1 T A Advert iinqf ltit'. TTie !arr ann" reliable rirctiUt.! n of h- ' r.Ri Frfi n cnmit ni, it to t he ' : v -XI V i-lerat ion ot iJrfl iser. n)i,.e Imvo-b w;". -MTtcil at th folIoTrinn low ratsj : 1 inch, 8 tim- t 1 3 mntH) 1 " eniti!!!i i 1 " 1 Tr 2 " f monttj 2 " 1 XtHT S " 8 months 3 ' 1 yf 1 ; C'll'n 6 "munT h j f naonth U " 1 Tfr '- I ' f'm'T.ti.s - 1 - 1 y. ar .A'lTtitn'V.V" aud F.xfutor"? .... Au'll'or's Notice" 5ray an-t pirmiar N,t?', UnV-np"" ftrn!. F.rf, iriT't'in c. 'i'T i t: ; Bnbsfijui-ct lu'crtu-n ic. J tr line. " : i 'Tts or j'f ect tf tr o t't cr y 'c fir iik'' .lire' 'n-Jl-iTj' I'-.rhri if?-;": If. (-i fioT fi i7i:v 'n.T'rff hr'ri or mii:t :t: i' inn1! br ''di 1 csodre .'::--ra' r.j. .Ion l"RTT!v ff ail k ! n 1 rfatly ml -x oti?1v cxt'C-jti'! at lowest i-ricos. 1'T!ivoj ' it. s si - s ; ;-.t fv.-r ;.':-? Ct., . '.; i s nr.. t'. A-... -Vfrs .. v 17s -v fc"-:A SL -7 A'-,'--l, r Si i t 1 fi :1 V vice.., .'i up ; n ;l i n.rw ! ! '..:.: 0 nn s. ?.:- j -..'.run y- on - -e tir. county r Hi: l-c t aareoil to tee rhovo tfTira be -Ic--. ! ) -h t ; t c;,-ii Ir their - .: '; I'c'e must Rot ,. . foot-., H,- tlin.s... ;p.'l 'y u n tor.-to.,. i !. A. ITScPIISE, Editor and Publisher. "Hi: 13 A FREEMAN WnO THE TRUTH MAKES FREE, AKD ALL ARE SLAVES BESIDE. SI.50 and postage per year, In advance. NUMBER 15. VOLUME XIY. EKENSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, DEC-EMHER 3, 18S0. U.-.i L- -J lV-.a 1 J 1 m m, j i.'.: A i rr I'.i'.i: i;iMt r:: I '. r- i' i: i: 1: ; i a i'rr j: in:!,- ! A I T. li K !! a i i:ee i: is ::i to HUNTLEY C3 X cm mm 5 CURE YOUR BACK Ad An 1 iiU !; (:. of tli r. Ki,ln.y. H!:vUor ;Uvl J- r:::a.-y t)rs:i:i : lv uo.n ir.i in,. Yf.u do imt hcliove that fme laan's libnr ! "The. Alli'iiism" li.nvo ma ii it v -i for slmii be taken by cila! inn and pvon t'- I tlic tlr.rty-ti vo vots of Ni-,v York to ! adJ-'il anotlior, an.l ytt you '.vito swept alonir with j to tlift votes of Con:ioetiei!t ami Ne'.v Ilatrp your party in its iiinixtroiis piit ion upon the ; shire am! j.lnoe (ieneral ( iarlielil in tho l'res- taritl' kirio the last month of the campaign ; iilential tifrico oven without a protest, although popularly j Tr A HllMAtlKAni.E SOLDI 1. 1! One of thft mwt reinarkahle jtiivate wj. j In ti e tii;iil;.-t t"wn i f P. '.'jtu-.i tliers f.n either side in the late war was a i ,,"n f a yonns i:i'iti naine.! Tom Kelly, a private in i Cures iv A!I.M)KI''f iUN i.Vat lire's ni ft? U'Xt; DISKASKS! THROAT DISKASKS! TO VOL. lNKEKSOMvJUnrriMJ. You are rrc.Iited with having made the bt;-t and most offeetiv speeches for Garfield that were delivered during the late eampai;rii, and. knowing something of your ;'oun lant oratorical rcsotirees, your peneet piod i:.t- . sllj,p0seij to be the most eouratri'ous nian liv- j poople nior, imagination ard tact, your aomty 10 -wrr ymi know very well that the Demo-i to see avoid a siront: point and the almost unerring cr.ltj(. -prtv is not a free trade partv, and ! trihuted bv sto k brokers. N'ational bankers I Cllll!j found. He had no more Im. ' sacaeity with which you detect a weak point . tl at six voars ,,f ;t, supremacy in the . mouooolist corporations and tariff beneficia- i t,!an a snake, and could almost tie bim J i: the armor of your adversary, I have no : jiOWCr House it hasn't touched so much as a ! lies could be. successfully used in New York I a knot- 1Ie cmtM t-" yh' lat on a -i doubt the praise is deserved. I did not have j )l(,n) of the taritv p.u.ment. yoll u,10W that ' city to hire ten thousand Democrats to vote ; rl"rter held up twenty feet av.:t, and he j the p.leastire of hearing you, in spite of di!i- j jt u r,,1r(.t!y (0 be depended on to meet the 1 for Garfie'd, or, pos-ihly. to hire twenty ! '"'' 1,1 ,ie:,r eV(r-v "r'r, " a versa! ion in a ! gent effort in that direction, but I am satis- ! f ljoral h.ht aml iutrest and to pay to the , thousand men, who had lio richt to vote, to ! -'i"inon tone of voice across an ordinary sure;. llecoum run a hail mile aslant as a iii:nns ti;iai-, (idy or. church ivss nearly f.!ii- m:.! I. i d to be di ne. aeticnlly, Col. Inc,'ersoll, nine miliums of the Second M ich;-an infantry. The remark- i as ti e ,,; .,. ,.f a weathercock. -de, equally divided, stood st ii), in order ! a1': n!;'n h'" with his build. He had ! suMi.r.it ot the steep'.,-. f..r on a v. e whether the vast sums of money con- a,llls a f 11,1 llal"1 longer thai, any man who stunted ehur.-h s'ec.:c- a went here oi:e f in IH W, t tA -m I lltlli I ll.i . ii inin iaii cern.i . j : a . 3 - - .. . - tT . ! - -1 -r-.-. -.--v ? ' IMiTi-OVti iXC'lS I V'D''Y P&f, 1 l I5I1KA 'I H I N TKOriUJ! ! failed to allude m the most eonsequenua, 01 saw t,l(, I(.inor.rntie party battered n ti:M-!!it; s.--:. ( ti i; ) r.l;lil? I I'DDD : ny o:, r-f.'"-k (''!.. '-1 Ii a MAUVI L, f Hr .VI.IXi ami KHIIT ir t 1 1 -, wiTt tii'. Ai r. 1 1 sk k?is HKVKI.A I IX aa.l lii ll.'. MOV i M : 1 id i :. j j': i - ir cm. us 1 1 , -.-ti x t . - - t;i . A l.l. l.i.SK KMl S. EI'L a 1 . l-'l ry nilei 11:. 1 11; 1-1 1 i 1, e- -. Sfiel ti,r - Kn.n v t -.:;cil . ont iP'i.-. lH.,!,l l.v M-nt !.-y .n rcuW o; price, Amiri'j.. ' ri';:r.al ! : nine Ki : bv I : ie:n'. Ai' ; t . un.cHti-f ' o':r t-i :;itc I li-U-iFtn.i i tied there were many points in Mr. (Jarfield's ! ,,. ni,.i Hherall v. 1 lie Federal nension ! kiil the fairlv enrese! voice of the honest public career which you did not consider : ' ,.(n y,,,, know all of these things for you j electors ot New York. many crave charges to which you cv.efiilly ; student and an observer, ami vet von I It having been decided that it could, von most 1 straightway conclude that the; Democratic your pu me utterances. - ! ako 01 jour t ,.y-ail recognilion in such tariff States as 1 party is dead and that General Gnrtiehl. mi- teta cin.tivc ,i)tcnt e:perienee and reputation is impresrnabio , r(."nSvlvania, Connecticut and New 1 1 a nip- i purged of a single accusation made against , upon a pla.fonn. 1 ue t.ev. .Mr. l.ee.-.ier sllil.e on - f.liso ory ,l stop tlli(;f You know ! him by Ins own associates, uncleans-d of a i even goes so far a.s to claim that you are ir- t,..lt a ri.i,jbitory tariff can be mad,, to In. as j single stain which in earlier days would : resistible. It must be admitted, lcwever, p..(,. Rn in,lu;tjon as any f those of the have drhen a man to suicide will be the Uiat in ma.ier now oni.iat.t joi.i s1( ecu o, dark ,r(.s w,,j,.h ytm tl,.Scribe with such a , apostle of a i..-w political righteousness and lu ver watt'.!ii;. Il e'cvati 'U, how I eared to be imprac it-able, for t!:c '...-.liiig upon which the workmen ca-: tht ir v i : ;n' one st- j. from the (! low. oid i:..t extend hijji f!iouuh t" them t i raise it i:j. There i email. cd i to aecoiuplisli the fa-tening and siMci anv horse could .'.ilion nnd llu rp wn n 1 the I ra.en weall eic k, but by l.xi. If !)3iVrS lTi He p 'i t 'e i 1 i-iL' mi';, i -Oi-. It I tit A W.S t'ltdJI tl; Fen- t liat cine c a..:, t a. I lutiiiaiiili Tcvl Ifv to ils V.i-tueH. m CAN 11 RELIEVED AND CURED. ix.n't .h-imir until ici-c tri.-.l ti,N s.n-i-ip. , logical your argument, you took your venlict l'--i!y A-; !,.,! an.l I! Vll AI.I.V i rt l i l. i i,v default. The defendant was not in court. ciet dl i You were not required to answer to the .! i : !!! tier. ';: The 'Or.lv' Lima: Pad Co. H I I.I.I IVS' H LOCK, m-.TRiIT, Mich. t i a i. rcind S.-I.l t.y I ir.ej -; isf or ?cnt lvin:lil Vrtrc 8S.ini, ty . nleadiivrs v verify vour authoritie tiuXtuVr TllC 'Only' LunS Pil(l CO. You were kind enough, yest.r.hiy, to sub ci. k. TI;rAi tij- Hiniiitii ti ..-v ! mit to n:t "interview" with a reporter of the m.mojT, Midi. Washington roM, audi think you will credit 1 us with having set you down with as much exactness as st-nography and type are capa- have no doubt, too, that l.V ion You may be lions alt .r. Seat ire.-. 1 1. 1-.:-.). -.Sin. ' i'i '!,'."' fJ-Tr ."JV . DKALKItS IX CARPh'CO os Vr'.i t h " V :7.' . .. ,Vi'I i ! e ' can say in defense of Gen. ( iarh. Id s e'.ectic : v.,V. t ! sr-rtllii ;!"izr'zz . f;- nancoekv defeat, y..,, ,My i v..-:.:.v i',,r;. :fvin "."I IXOvOf ! ! JZCebSSM 11 '- : right in all that you h say-I haven't rctain- -. .i!...c..i:nifn.An. ' v L 5 i t'tis L&VV- '''.r.---;;"""-' 'T"! ,.. U he p.i ide of opinion with which I entered -..ti?-. -trria-i.. Kolm. kit- J" Tl CV CxOOfl tT-' 'civ3o-0V,S? "":"::'-':lt'- : ' canvass-it may be, as you su, that the ,. .. i i Vc i m,,t. " - . .,r & ? P.V..vH J l or Deafness, , Democratic part v is dea.l-t lead for res- '''' "'Vr "VTTr8.. , rrF T1Y T AT - 1 m::,-ji !t;-.?. ; nirection-it may be that the Republican wealth d language and d Miounee with so the founder of a new Government, much fervoi. You know that everj- work- This is "one of the mist ikes of Hobeit," ingman. w ho "na 5 ten moutlis 10 feeti. suffers ; nd much more unpardonable than any mis under an unjust tariff as much more tjfen take of Mom's yet discovered. This, ;lt ie.it, Vanderbilt or Gould, as ten mouths and ten is the opinion of Srn.:.., II itch. in stouiacl s are more than one. A"ou know that i r. a tariff yvhieh will pel mit a rhiladelphia firm The Ui i in.. V ss;in. it was in isj-a to amass a fortune of ten niillio'i- of dollars on the manufacture of quinine a1 the ex pense of suffering h urna n it j' is too in ... mo us to be enacted by Patagonians. And yet be cause the Democratic party bungiinglj an nounced th it it was committed to a modifi cation of the excesses of this legislative hy dra, von permitted it to be slandered without standing olVer of tio to any man who could hold biui down. n a bet of a box of sar dines lie once passed six sentinel within an hour. n another ocea-ion he entered the cloud's, t--lit. and brought awavthat officer's boots. AVhen Tom's remarkable q were discovered. h was detailed as a -coiit and sj.y, un.l was changed from cue depart ment to another. In the capacity of pv he -binding c n the s1.. r.. . !5:.! jitkI !,itl!or, ; ! r. i'i.-- .! liarv ' .'. - . - . ;t .;f i-t ut :: Sriiir Oil Clotis, ; ':! loth, ' ' ' : .' ,' r ', i .-, : i . vv sit i;n " : - ' i. !.!. ASM J 1 iN' . 1 : r lMirv ,!, I T.il,:,- : !. .. !. 1 I.AS j : i 1 v . r , ,i;Ul ,:l v . ' : 1 . i .i V I. ..; ps. iviii.'-h . : ' i.ii:,s .. o '.i ;: t !.: i;i u -ks t - . ':! : . I'A 1 NT ' ! l.iT.NTIN !'.. h .. ...el celll- am) m:kaiis. ' n...l t... if:, an ! i.-it 1 r ' i : : l ;- NOTIvONS. GIlOCEiaES, &c., CAIiliOLLTOWX, PA. - rl V.-. - -- . . . --.i(j e",.-e ..r.j ,t tne e.ir. rui'i: 5tAi amP-friks&l-J h-,re'!ily. KLVS CKK.VM 1JAI.M Til t' ! ! i IllfilfTil .tn-1 i- IS (i.tii: If the en .! -r - -1 r' e ! r li. 1 p-.-l ::::. Ne -r;l I .'i'!i i !-.-; l . ..-! .-.I l.-r c.:icit; 1 t'.e y. If -ver. tl'.C r l ;t- a u ;i i i i 'le i a .r !!.e tr.-.itacM.t cf never cel.- -. I'M.''.!. -k ii..v i. L.-l -i l.e! M-r ."'! t n:it li.e ;il;.Oi-it-.... (..-- rim! 1 a.ii. i- f ...!'i!i-.'. :: 'ft i- t-t-t :i- t! : . ! . V! ! O HEW GOODS RECSIV'D WEEKLY AJil) ALWAYS SZ.I AT Till'. VERY LOWEST PRICES. I i w !ifi! tiiso,;-- n re not :1o:f rctl. .1. V. . U Altr.Al (ill A. I5K0. I'arr. lit.'Mi:. ;c.. . I -.c-tf. I"r.- i. i . -nis. ( in r i; t ack-iu'" 're . S '1..1 ! ! a' i i.v s t i.r. . i j: N! W Ytil.-V-V.-h Ic. !..!. c. N. : it. I " I. Si :..-r I I.e. i l-r-. :, ('.,.. I Hi! i. M.l.i'!!! A si ! -v. .- x t V. S I; AMI IN. l' AJ !'-!- 1 At .:. il I .v.!--r-. I.cui.l-. f ri'l c'-nt-. li.ir, .til i ; .. I lv. e .-- io!c....lo tiy .- !1 .-. !: I. !:!.. n. V. !l. S -ue i'.... I.:v'.-i;.. .'i.-r--i . r I.e.-. !.,.'. . ic Kiltie.--. V...! -1 -Tin.! -. ! mail ii ii.c.rni- . N. V. - !!r Pr-.ii; :i ts. TTi .M i-r !; f lis : ;:-' rxiMa-i-i : in '-I I.'.' y i-.--- ;m the ci r :.f,tr..-!i-i - -1 '. - a ;v:i -. a 1- :y :l i in - f . n . t B. -I. LVXC1!, " ii far t ii r r r ami Iia!cr ;n HGfAii AfiD C'.TY MADE VAX dykes sn.pnrK SOAP til" a le - t- !'. ct It r - o . i t - j ; r... un- -i a'l '. : .a ti e -lii:-. I-. t ni . n : cn.i-l . . 'i . I... t I.. n.; - -' n - -:i re a . j '. IK'.NTI.i: Y. M. 1- I'.ll. K, t FURNITURE! fi. 1 1 . i i t e-: . .-c':!1.!!)..-.! ,. ;th s r -1 I . . n 'I..-': .11- -.-r' . . i'it-i the mil tl.':- a- h 1 ' !. . r in n .! i ; . . . i . - ' .11 m 1 1 -!-. ! r- -in tic: t.lec.l a. ; : n . I : i.ne tt o! II." .- -in - i.aity iias rioiced, for another twenty years, its lease of life and supremacy it may be that it can only be put down by some oilier organization, which can dive deeper in what you style a "larger an I grainier liberty" but. even if all this is true, ntid especially, if it be true that all ti e glorious results y-ct pic ture are sure to follow the inauguration of (ien. G.u iiefd, you will be obliged to admit t 1 ;-it we have been skating on cry thin ice for the last thn e weeks. lie good enouuh to ! e,:"iu. r, ( ol. Inger--cli, !,;;: les than t'n thousand men in the city or vtaie of New York could lave changed ail tiiis, That a rainy day, a ha If dozen tiles, a smnil riot, or the exercise of a little more vigih-.tiee on ihe pait of a ,:' '.: men in the city of New York would have sent Genera! Hancock to the White House at the head of t'nis now very de:d 1 ; moerat i- paity, tin.! thid iuslcid of pn.ising Mr. Jewell asagreiit statist ic':.;n .ti might nave beeii damninghii.i ;.s ;i fool. Iii political matters, at least, j'ou will be forced to ponder with me, h it n slcn-.I'-r tliro.t 1 week-day apjxiititeii tor a Me t'nodist meeting at A. l.thony's reek, Greenbrier county, Yir- ginia. Ihother J w as to prr-ach. The larger game, be;-.r, wolf, and even panther, were not uncommon thereabouts, and deer were abundant. The preacher bad some pulpit ability and at times was impassioned and eloquent. Though not young, he was stint. I do not say that you contributed to unniamed, peculiar, and seldom smiled, the deluge, but I have no doubt you are can- The congregation were mainly rude hunters did enough to admit that yon consented to it. aud their rustic families ; !ind the trusty ritle, So fat as your anathema upon the doctrine the faithful dog. the picturesque hunting- of Si;:te rights your boast that this is a Na- shirt w ith "brain-tanned" moccasin, and li. lt, tion and must remain one is concerned, I i and gleaming knife, were assure to put in am sure, even with all the resn, ct I have for their appearance at "week-day ifieeting" as your intellectual vigor, that I can safely trust the hunter himself. The place of worship .ioiINSTOX, jO.IAXEE&3UK, HANKERS, K:-:.! ! 3 3URG, Pa. ...Li l ;n. jLiilL EFQSIT, ?ae::s and CHAMSsa suns, LOUXfiES, BElKSTEADS, TABLES, CHAIRS, Mat trasses, &c. ir.n:, KLIA'KXTil AYKXUE. r.et'Aecii l!,.h and 17ih Ms., -A-1 to on n. I3erin'a. IT : -i i li'r tc I " r:". ! IT- : I ;-' a a 1 ir. . . - i : .- wcl, nil.: . Not nt it. c! c:i i a l - -1 !k-S ii !-e ! - 1. Ir irl. .-!, .".I r -ir i: ! .' nn-' -f .r, !l c:i Ml:-.' ; i I . cr. ii i r- - ..I tl ( .'i . ;ic: ef t! r - -. ' :: k i- r 1. A " I-i.i UT M I' 1 ill- . 't ;!. S l.y ' r. i n-i'LiC-!. .. ; li,. I'c. 1 ..r ii I.i. !1--".-;, Hamburg i ea ! f ass F"i; ;-K k n'. thi. -m y m :m .) The Crent BLOOD PL'f?IFIEI?2 An-t I'lir;i t i 7 o. winrti w:i- V;:vvil t-i tl ":l r i a r. i i: on i i.ti a . i. i t r ir Ah' .1 i-.'i'itT ni!-l nil ..t!ier !.-' i-!'.-l I I UN 11 I'll K. .Vc. at -,. j . -i ' :i ! ; v j r t ! t ii ve iii c a til; . : -.--.v ;.. r.-. :i I ma en ft.i n t .- t-r.- Av.in; :n.(; j . evrv t i-te. i 15. .1. I.YNI'li. .1 Ii. Is. :.-!!. t ''f ri ; ci r. v : -f ..' K f ITiC.II- tl.C ICTCu - Tl- ,.r. t ".-ii-t j-.i-App- ti'.-. It.-i- i a . a i I.. t. CLLUCTIONS MADE . .- - . ;' T K I I' ;s; r-j. ' . riti.vnnL CITIES -' - "i':i .ec! 1 f . iiv il ; ,:i.:.M.IANK!N(i Pl'SIXESS . i' ns i t:i. A. W. BUCK, Caier McNSViN El YEACER, MAM r..c ! CT'.Hii.s 1" Tin, Copper and SteHrea WARE, family ghogola a: i::r.F',ii i Ci)nKIX(THKATIX(rST()YKS. nAM.iii. t i ;:m i:,s c, 110s Jilt venlSi Avenue, . Altouna, I'a. Our Door AA'est of Optra House. IlOOl INC. AND Sl'OHTING ri.ininxv .ini:i.i:n to. ltt fAIKS toil STOVhS (ONSTA.MI.I miad. A ltecna. fl.-t. V l'T.'.-tf. I ! :i ii r I'Vci'la.-' 1 1 ii l: ttlii:; r.'it after ail, is it not possible tlivt the lutblican p:i!?y is unvorlhy cf the praise you give it, and may it not he ju-l possible that the Ic:Ti..c!.t!i.- party is entitled to more? Vnil say that if I v.eic to start a row party the tir.st thing I wo".;. p.-.ib.ibly do would be t le?.ve o;;t cf il a hundred Democrat- now prominent n-.m-li. 1'n-'. oil t .-.) i . Hut even if you e.ei". c.'-miiii.sioiied to iili Heir places. Ih-. r- are s many lbqui'dieaiis, whom you would goto we'd, say li'd't.i 1 avoi !. I am sure that the litstman you would not take is that vulgar fraud and nauseating hyp ocrite, who for four years has been d i,i gently proving that such a fraud as IVcksnia" i led an iniiiossiiiiii! y l:. I;. Hayes. It is some coui.ens:;ti..n to belong to the Il.-mo-rati" party, even if one accomplishes nolh:'ig im-i" by it than to get rid of 'any as.s.x-iation with him. If yen mean by a new party, a paily of merely good, liberal fellows, of men who, while they have pronounced view-, have with them the utmost toleration for the views of others of men who have not learned the thrift which follows fawning, or, with John .Sherman, how to bee. cue a millionaire on a modest salary of jive thousand dollars a year of men w ho would scorn to t ike iclvant age of s.T-li of their fellow men as foituue had placed under th- ir authority to cotnroi of men who would not compel their employes, their liepemleiits or their relatives to vot- as they dictated of honorable men who wouhl neither steal noi purchase voles, nor eontrib- HISTOKY OF POLITICAL PAltTIES tc the means wherewith they might be many in both parlies that oM A rr. ' . : i : 1 pliy. tarv. .s ii.Ifli.T.'i' t ti..n. l-'er ri ic tt-.lnl.a y Ti-el l!..iTi-.'r!-..Hl. i.v.-r it I! i.t h-T -tiT-r:i CU-HI. '.iii "lit t!-e - 'I'Tll. ililil -'!l IT. !tH-:I1.. T 1 1 0 kl''.7..Ui., CT ".-1 j i II 1T 1 . " : 1 i 1 TIT1-I i". ' .itlVr !, 1 -' IIC- r. 'np.-ir i t 'n.- .1 .-t t "c f . 1 1 . -r e lei rr W .; el i I i 111 j !- .-r..;Ur rv 1 li a : - ,-;t - .-v ;irt" ;' ! - -r.si- I. -!ci TT! - t !,e :i t! -t. 1 ; -nr's I cr-.ie.- lie. with Van Ik k-'. S:i';it'.'tr S--T p. A - 1 . 1 !-.'. c 11 ,x c'l i i l-.r. I -re -r. .-; ..r-. K-1 nn.! '.lilinMil St .. i "I. i ..:! 'a . I V: . 1 l-r"..- ly. t 0 time ami events to cure yon of that great: delusion. You, it seems to me. of a'd men. who demand so much individual liberty, should be the stoutest to defend the liberties and rights of the States. When yon once concede that every citivt.-n is entitled to the Federal protect that Mr. ( ..i iicl-l the n:;..-s of horny-clabber you tu.w r.-cgt.ie as the Chief Iifect'.tive can stretch his mm across Slab s to redress an assumed wrong t "the ci. ieiTs of a dist "met polit 1 -Mi'onoujy, urn l ave made t lie doer wi.h. ct'ougi. and high, eiioii for a disp.it to walk through. It will not do tos iy that the poople of this Na' ion will never tolerate a d'-spot that tir-y will throttle him in his cradle, ati 1 all sic h patriotic gush as that. The men who begged Mr. Tildeii not. to take his seat beean..' it would disturb leasinc ;.,u 1 might dep. cc;..te the vi'l ue of their b..:id. tli" men wh, v.hilo believing in the 1 rineiplcs ..f tin- I (er.iocr-tti party, scut iiunuy eiit to Indian a in tober, with which lo corrui't Dc:n 01 1 xtio votc-s, in older that stocks might not "drop two or lb rep points," tne men who today w..u'.d sign a petition to (.'ugtess to count the vote of Xew York for ( cirPel'!, even though ti:. proof ..f twenty thou-.nd illegal or bought votes lacked no jot .1 Utile of continuation, arc the meji v, h-. i-otiti ibtite.l to a fc.ttd to c tcrmiiiiite the rash cah-t- who ere s , .;u min itni of ' the d mauds of trade" : to want to tumble an usurp'"." out of the W !. i t e House. Theie have been m"ti I do tu.t kn-w bet that they have nil i.-e.i -athered to their fath ei s in th;- 'and of ours who- v, .uhl mi her ho was at Father I'erkins' double cabin, which had been built with as much reference to worslrp as to the comfort of hi- own fauii y. This notable man of fours. 'or.' ".as quite iii-. tinguistied for piety are! hi. gifts both in pr:i;..r audits eh: .-"-leader, but not more so than h" had 1- en for his s:n ' ity as a iein. tor. Vv it'i ii'ui tie- ardor of the p .--ion f-.;-tl. c!.a-e was r oahat.-ii. fV.:i gii ;e-..is ct;. tic ly disabledlo" th" infirm:! ies of age. The AvtibT has, at th.e s-.me siti "ig. 1 11 en an- lli lik" i than President. Then. be n ; see tl scr.t. A- iics:tc;i K tI ; TP.! . . ties who-e leaders wo.tid 1 right than successful. 1 do m-t thick so meanly of old Hobert ?forris or fJallatin as to believe that they would have hesitated to I'e-niaiid that the nib-god fraudulent ea-t;ng of twenty thousand votes in the city of Xew st ly inquirer, into, and honest ;y r. nc i'i'.-. d' N. Tit;:! i i i ni-.s:' .: I.T-ci-1 1 . ; h v..r!. '. il Tin -kc: I,, is ,-rc: I -ol- In A Hi. I. tor ci.- -'v- -'. S. a - i iTe'.'n 1 l.iu-Ii .v Md;-'. "." : a - t '.: n Kerjale Ly V.S. I! cr.K-.f .s. lit:. It. -I'I"". I ll-en Cm -r. .! w r 01 t-i '-e -Moll- Tit iO.-l 1 aiv.-s it a.' I . !.- In tci ..-.-.'tl - t -. new I : t. . li -1 "Ms S--TCT1. I v c i'i ii t ! -, ...:r '; iwti.mrT .-. '.Oe As, ) na si... re i i.. p.i. a .! N . .' . l'l;i:l 11-17-'.-! v. -iILY ON KDTIIAL PLAN.' Guide to Success, raaiECTiGN mutual H Will! nn; liliSOBHIiCECOP'Htll'Oim sociftyi ItJEFiSSURC, PA. (MM v.: ? Ill 1 tt ivi v .'.sv-s.-cnN ii 22 Years. ST-AM r.iLLS TAKHN. FARM PROPERTIES -'.' !.:.!. y ;;:n;Ki). Ci:-). M. PKADE, PreMdcn!. I!' "1, Sert'irtitry. 1 -i HV F II the best Itu-inff an ! Sncal (Ini.1.5 sim! H.-iifl-i:.."k r-v. r pel-pshe.!. M a.-h the It-?. It tie- l,.,'!i ft-f- c iitii.!' t -'.." HOW Tl) DO ETFKY THIMi i i I.f'i n iv. jl ov o lo A'eiir (inn Lewyr, II. ot to 1I1 1 1'l.'i lie-. 'oircrl!y and S111V e.l'i:i!v, llew t.i A.-t iii S.i.-icty nn.l i"i every pnrt el 1 i fe. ri ii-i ce::tr ins :i tree ! inir" "I vnriPil i Tifemiv-li-.il lii-t -; -i-.--O-'o t. :i . 1 dr.. .-ii f..r i-nii.f nut rfcr- -u-e Alil'M'N A A Vr.! i. riil!..r!;.ret'm. T kii. win- tic.- i,.,.-k .a K t . I. v ;luc n 1. I Rttrf.. tn.i.s u!U l-'alt-r tteoi any "tiler. :TeT'.v ; 'r ti"n ta 11. li. SI'AV A! K 11. "' .. S r. I. oris. Mo. AW pay '! 6"Cixl:t cini -.3.-riin. ) Anil of tlie li'ilcrnl Cio , ti-?ocvf . I From 'H.o I 1 1. 1 I lt I r t h Cri'serit llntf. F.N 1'! ti KI.Y N !-." hi .P-ia.t, ....ii:p-!iiinive tit.il e i.-el - . 1 vc. r !i i-ea 11 1 ! c! .-. i-.: . .1 .0 .0 -.. 'ocl I icraai. . iiiitiiiiis A I.I. tlir Pint form." of I'.iliM. rivl Parties. I'I r iiict vnl 11 h t-I- pn ! I :i tion cf tie At" t N'.in-en-ri-.'ill. S'-'cclt L-' in ivi ry H.iilr.ai.il.l. Scin."! at. I l.il.rai v. l-in .1 in l.i.-k F rm a 1 SB ou t ay a W ;i 1 Ciac' :-t S;l. AirctitH Tf.nitr.l i'i-. rvvThcre rt o: ce. Her ray. lilt.V.Mii-.ii, PAVISxItl 1.. 1'tHi-lisher-. I ntt:an;ipi.i:.--, ln.l. FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. n.VA'INt. fnilr. to di-'tie..-. pt pniiiic nle cf 1I10 Fur 111 in . r. P it 01 tew esliip. ( 'air. Una .ur. ty, i.t wl.-li lliiuli Afi.-t '.rini--k. i;i tc el .-.ii-1 t.irrnsli j p. itis-il ..Tin-. I, tic e.t .!eriH.'n'-(! eftcr ti.e rii:n'. ;ri pvivate --a!.'. S;:i ! Iftrin i,.re .'s i-l 'J'i.l Acrpi. inavi! -'liitef -c.!ti :iii..ii. at.-I i-' i-ttiiev-il t-i in- lll.'-f illi-t WiOl IcWITililiiClS coal. '1 he 'citld V.ilt t-e ...1.1 ii- a vt,el' or in --rts to suit pn o !ia -.?-. P'or tcne-. et'v. M "n ..r ii.t.rcs? .1AAI1.S H !,AN1. .Actirej F.xoontor. ' ( .' . "J". I -8 ..-'o . SllTllillit. ('aT-l!.I-i.l t"c.. P.l. York be 1 determined, evi :i though, their bank sleeks were deprciia'ed as a result. For my part, if Mr. G.irhV.d is t be my Frfsiih-nt I want to respect him as such. 1 sh mid dislike to lie obliged to niir-e the contempt lor him four y. T s that I have found si much plea sure m maintaining for the present occupant of the White Il-.use. If. Coloied lugeis ill, you are so thoroughly the friend to liberty, o persistently the foe to oppression and injustice, why no yen not sweep with your glass the entire horizon? You certainly would not care to be consider ed the mere advocate and apologist of the lopn'oiiean party? It was not beca:-:e you thoutrht it was advantageous to the Itepnbli oan party that you denounced slavery V Do you not know, or do you care to know, that if Mi. Garfield enters the rre.idonti.il party for the last twenty yearsother than office on the 41h of next March, he does so as its principles? Not to be egotistical, take the representative, the perfect flower and my case for an example. For twenty-four creation of a system of slavery much more years! have been advocating its doctrines ! odious than tl.atdestroyed by tl'o war of and voting for its candidates. 'polit it has white slavery the shivery whose chains are not given me preferment it could not give ' forged out of fear ? me. T'n ere is no office at the disposal of any I can sav to von in perfect sincerity, and ran-ed s of the hazards of tie' hoc'. r"s '.'.:' ed by l.i d -op, uip'.oubte i, ty. It was a grand oct.r.?ion for i.ro'.her .1 With a ci'.-iv.-.'e-i house, ;,n i Father I', in the Amen cotti.-r. and nothing lo divert r.'tev.thei, unless it were the large totiiiber of rhl -s and guns, v.hi h, as usual, w.-re place, conveci et.JIy near against the fence of th" yarl, and 01 it s'.il" the w a'l of the house it sell . t he o ell ing s'-r:ef gave great i rtiuiise of a '"good meeting." it .th ltro'li.-r .T and Father I'erkins were (jniieiiem mstrat ive in their d.--VO'ior.s. The cot'.gregat on became deeply interested. Tia; preacher wart ! with his subject, argument ctiiiv.htati-d ii.fo po; tic tuiagci "v. a mi the pathos and power of un sl tidied el.,.'ieuce m. ,:ted and ove'.'wtielt.vd the ru b' nil hence. Ihit hi f-v "en the cl...;ticnt -t all s of th" ill. pas ioiiat" preacher tile trained cars of 1 lie congregation detected the peculiar yelp of a A i i. -known old hotf, 1. T'ne ;;.ei.u brute v.as ri -del "-tood, and believed, and the coti gregiiti.ei w;is electrified. Thi. r.iai'if. sta tion of itifcv.se iidetest invaded the rude palpi:, roused Fret her J to stiii higher strati's, which wa re presently interrupted by the thunder of the approach of a hc-d of deer cb-sely pursued by the fleet and faith ful d.-.gs. sj,.u..lt;meousp.- w ith the climax of the hist b-.tj.t cf c!..H! nee the entire congre gation. t h tr.ell, 1-fi'ke .or tli" door. As the e trr.cst pretK-hei dro-piied his h nds to the rude il.-k, with a comical tone of sail-iii1-- and dir-ippointtnetit n his lii-s. and ho'y horror dep'ete-.l ('ii his fiice, witii '-iiter-iie-s ,.f .on'., l:e exclaimed t "It is no u-e 1 It is no use 1" To which th." piping voice of the infirm and l h.eur.iatic old hinder and -!a.s leader responded, with giect .;irnesnes, "Yes, j(. is. I'.tothcr .) : they'll can h 'em. ceitain sure." Ilni-'r's A' . eti ,, . entered Kudimoml three times. He entered Yichsic.irg and preached a sermon to the soldiers a week before the surrender. lie wis in V"w Orleans five days before that ( it was taken, lie was a man who thinly belicM il thai he could not 'no killed bv an enemy, and he governed his movements ac cordingly. While under the orders, of Gen. Hooker. Kelly proved on several occasion, that l.e could see further with the miked eye than any ofiieer could with afield glass. If Pe conid get a place of concealment within fdty feet of a picket, he couid catch the counter sign. He visited Lockout Mountain, intend ing to spike as many of the Confederate guns as possible. His disguise was that of a farmer who had been i-'.rivcn from home by t lie I'nion forces. The enemy somehow got saspjejous of him, end he was j. laced in the . gard-ho:ise fvr the night There was a Sentinel nt the door, and others near bv standing guard over guns jind stores, but it was. id the same to Kellv. With an old tin piate for lt-i" r.s skied and s-oop he burrow ed out at the back end of the building, ;u;d walked tiii to two pier... of ailiilei;. and - :d:- db""h before any a'at i.i was rai-.-d. AVh. it tee -etjtiei i. b ejati .itieg at bim, he iau out -f camp. Lo t before he was e;ee,r ol it in ha i been tired l t'.ftv titims. n a-b( p by ej.ened his or six men It was un ie had been he"!" man to do it w hilt of another loan. It c as no pleasant ta-k whi' h t; men unileitook the one with his shoulders and fumi,. .. the other w fearles.nes. ;ln,i skill t and it was ... publications 1 that tiny should have entire coi.teh. each ether, ami have perfect ttu-t meiciful (oid, i;:to whose hands tic placed their livi-s. And so the two ceii. led up to the highest board of ti. iiig, taking nothing with them but the weathcrcoi the cssel cf incited !;. the iii'pii niej.ls reejui.ite for doing tin Then the broad shou'deied man phc. self firmly on his fed, and taking; h" io'.e of the staging v. ith one- band. s. ov r v.'niie the other man t'lin.lr.l c... upon hi., -l.o.iideis. 'J in n he ht.ii ' the pan cf let coals with the md'..". and the w . ..'.hi i cock. Thus tie w. f.i.'.ening and soldciing bc;.a::, while the maikit b.-iow, and fi'.'ta tlie ind the houses, tla ;;!. ale-arts of th. '...-.m, hi Ke'.iy was otce captured win ?dis-o;i:i guetti'liis. When l.e eyes be was surr-innde.,1 by five on fool and other, in the saddle der a tree in an oi cti !;eei. and 1 he A. he lose ;.! .'.1 to hi, T.'.tl.'.-lfl"! skill dgieg and ! w istitcr and : o: tl." ci '". d. 1. tilled a . i,i. il would hi-ve os. apt.-d -P iied to bis ii g. lie w as tuard in a log-house with Two sentinel, ,.it at the y a dog. eounn :iid he ies..; a, a gvun.ast. i'.v jumpin '. he mail oil his seddl bad not tl... ,l., f. then jolt lind.er : only one room. door with rev. ilvt-rs in th. ir hand, and ke'-t watch at his every movement. After an I'H'T -t t'.' -i K apj.r-u-.ehed as if to .;T.-r them t-.'.ae.-o. avii jumped lear o"., r their beads l i e ;, ,,.,.,. p. j,;.. ,-,;, ;, ni-i, ,,f t'pi-n t'.-ld to t ross. and he er'.,.-d it ut.d-.-r the tire of a scte ,. nutsk- ts and ivc;v. e w itlect b- ii.g hit. ithie-s",- up. And as thev b. In Id . astonShlln-tit the f.-inh-Ssnebs cf the men, so were also man sil.-nt ; :tie.; . ed that God would met ejf Liil .! :. :,': from h.irrn. It hist id a long, 1 -1 r time, f-i vet l:i"!it s.-i-tiie-l to tin.- a:;i"i's e.-it ; nily. The broai't sh-.iti.ieied man . . .. . bis li. Kid a- mot;, nh s. as a lock. T! st UlUitig "ti the sic Uch-i . of tin: ot i . cd as lvj-idiy as j, ...i'.!,-. X' W the Vc'.ili... in.. 1, i. fast n-,'; , The man c.ir.-fuily .h-.e. j; t:.-' Vr, of his :.v o. r. Tic ! .b-r-..-: breath, and ihank .od" froti !i-s. Hut why ilocs tie- bi. man -o lightly grasp the po'e . V."i.y docs h" Pot jo "y - e a"t-r bavin;: hi i-h -d th" b!h the p.,wer to do so f..i suketi --. n s! .w ly ;: ad n he- th" gfC-:;, i 1 r, ha -t :: t- him p ft! 1 :' t t il He ( ! ICC. .! w ken h" r : Other w et A ti pre-s t.t.-ie I f. a-t of th, rihle herns. 1 ore on his .1;. we.'tie-r- ... -k. t". work was dot e drc.p. (in tile j", ne l. ted w ith fc , r H hue . t 1 !' I III- .''.It!' Wi.t .;: at i , ." his e.-ti-r . 1 adders, was ' I C''""g i" . in titii ., i- ' bite mat.. A! I fid pail,-. :::v n.e : ".t 1 U! .lit his II". three veers rnd a 1 service Kelly captured fift-t w ."..iifcdef atcs and t in ii. d them over a- i tisore ts. 1 b-him-elf w as captured and e-eaped five times. Asa spy he- entered more than thirty Confederate camps and. forts, ib- was f.red upon at least 1,01.0 times, and yet was neer wounded, lb- 1 ad said that be would, n, ver die by the hand of an enemy, and his proph ecy came true. In the last year of the war, while biinging a captured Confederate scout into camp, both wore l.i'i.-d within forty rods of the I'nion line, by a belt i f Ili:tuing. caused his e.-onade to t. tier :!:! j.,'.h life "f a f 1 W-hett g bed bee.) il ttl'-" him, au-1 he !".ed i-i - ii t .ithiu! to 1.1- ; not v it h.t ai dia g hi, nii-peakao'.e ;,.. and p. 'in in -1 h:g .... The feible nci-i w .is carried to a h. and :.! -r ; fg at. 1 ,.-ve!- ,n.e.". riv,: run-d. Hut thr ctgh all Ihlgbini :,i -border, tin- repott of the heioi.ia , : Avoikman w: .pr.-a 1 abi -ad. and i from faraivl ii" :r. -.::! hit.i tokens of Ioe and rdin'iation. A KiiKKS t'Ol'KT AM I:. nii.iM", in i.i IV- . i: W I i ll TH K W ITM.sCc- SI ami. iug th" re. tit session ,.f e.-urt iu y, s -.it. .! it- on.- of the Hist of the wiis a middle age! Man and a ; ig w oman. The man appeared io -merely to see that thev nought there an each of us would call- had transpoitation. I'aities, ,o composed, are not possible. The stronger the parly, the mor.- it has to give, the meaner its membership, riea.e to tell me, if you can, what inducements there have been to attach a man to the Democratic 1'ltini Hi; Hie t l'!M ttv. There i, an u-.ifove!!a mender wandering from door to i or i ' Hrac: td wha h ts s"en days ,-f in-.i.. !-,-. l!" V" 'I: i'lc I i'do the St. .T.iMis H 'el one y au-1 a '.- oeiy walked i.war-l the of lic , win i. he was suddenly baited by an or der lo go out. '" Poor fellow I" you would have exclaimed had jmi seen th.e sad, de spairing luu s of Ids once handsome face. It is nearly a score of years since this wanderer married a most beautiful daughh"-r of a then wealthy iron dealer in I'i! tshurgh. Well, the A Mil: little romance appear iii the col umns of the S,,i iugtield 'Villi. One i I' the rosiest maiden. j:i that city, while hurry ing to th..- d"i ot to tab,- a tiaiu. tripj-'-d. and so grac..; ally t, icviiol her.-.' If as to win the admiration cf a very .uhstaMiabiooking oh.I g-u.t'.-man. 11- r.s.-t.te-l the young woman on the train and to a seat beside hlm-el!'. CohV. l.at'toll flow, d -, a.iilitlv and ai quail, t ittcc r:p. ie d fa-t. On j j-iting at a st ti. ;, not mate mi'cs wc-t of the 'itvthe (--;y..;.. ex eh tl I'ss.'S. id get f .an jooved to be a Wi a llby Chicago iPcichent. w ho oj eji.-d a ci rr.-.;:id.'ii'v wi.h the h.-ro inc. she rip; e.rcntly wrote as agreeably Cs she taiked. T.ctteis wing..! their way be tween th.e city by the river and the i tty . n the lake. Then came a prop-vsititu, m t of marriage, but that the worthy s..n of the su. ceptiblo j arei t be admitted to the ivi rcs ji: r.detiee. The father gradually ilr. -.v out f the field, arc! the son more than made hi - d'.NTAb ITY. .V c c-i I'.-j. i a 111! V- r..i XOTier.-Hi:. M. 1. '.. '. 1 -I.''. Ihtl- "iXKcr ro!;s' xtk i:. EIDHOFF'S BLOCK, ( --..c-- Ui 't v i T-.r -rni - fZ -. -t.- l t!l..t lie Will f J'- .-: "-; ii- t l...r. tio pr -l.-sei- ii ..ly .-n tne t --t Ai.oiiliiv i.i c acii i:"..'Tii!i : i.-'-i s..Tli-.- en "the l iv I' l!-.ini Ttl 1 -y : -:irr-.:l-t-'wii "ii tic- .-c.-iTd -!' r-iTiy "1 o-u'i. nnaeli. and Wit-n re "ii t'i- fourth .M-.n-l.-iv .-.a.-li ii..!.tii. if : J.c "-"! - '.1--'. I ' ill.' il'-T.t -il v i-:k '.lilt it., vre'l 1" a c.n'. il- 1 n-n T-r.-p-i r.-. i i.i i..ric-a .na I - I . i.t tie-iii :ia-l 1" ll -i'ii all other .-pt-r-:-t : .:; il- I.i l.e j.i"..l' --i.ai in n - iti.-t.c-t rv ..-.I -.'t :!.,. 1 -t !..'! p -:.. ! s ,o,.i h. li. ci;i;ki:v. d. i. s. t'i Triv ; . r part: I u'loes 1 ITT1.K. i:PI -1. tat,. ,,t Win I.i: t.- ct t ": nrl-.e.l t-.'i ie ' I ' inih-ia eotirtv 'n-i'T-irT:c.l v.-cet.-r--,.i- in. ie .t.-a. r - i-l "... ma.!.- wel. nit il--la i-ic-.-l tt i - on - wil! :' e at t.u-ni e- a"" ' : ..i' i i '1 T -r .--: t e-ne iit . tl.AM I s l.. ! .1 I l l.l.. M A li l I N I.. " I ill.. l "!.-ot.cl-l Ii. p.. Ni.v. t'.'. lS-o.-vt. I.ft tie. 1: lei !i t i". t iin.l t! ic-.i. ! !-. tt r--t -y in -lily n ! ! aT payne ..! trie -IM , ;, v ; ,ia i'i -i : -c Chief Magistrate it could have elected that I have ever wanted or would take. Why, then, have I been a Democrat ? The organ ization seemed to be dead enough in i -To and 1 s72 to sati.fy anybody but a cannibal. It couhl hardiy elect a justice of the peace, if public notice, had to be given of the juention. Th.e lb-publican party bail din -.An to its fold pretty nearly all the wealth and activity of I-'.-.'r.-titers. the country. lake individi I-- SlIOKF. THE xi-:crTMr noticm. i ' !.. . .Ii S i vv., -V-cW. ' J.r:r-r- t.--t:itv':!r ny (. Tin- - 7 it - t ti- I rti'i n" v. if '.. ; 'tl . fi a " - i ,! u i -. i l.e u ri- CAL R!YrJ!U3, i -. - ? i',-S. lAliK DUliUt I V lgal , : toi.-! to ic.iko i in media! - . a viae;.!, a ml j,... i.av- ' 4-ir;''3;AA Ui:- If .ir. lr-.I l.r J-W; Intrchitnts ..iral-s? t!,.. ie-... W !l premt iliom pr f.. -s e, ', ((-r,v all teetitiear-st Ct "lie l-e-nt ' firii : '-i iyi ' ' atm ;, ny. .. : ; 1 ' .p., in sinitntrim. i-xc-e,-.t-.r. i Wl?ZU: riS t. J f I -I M! V 1 .1 AII'IA . -gg:.: s.itnm'tvi'.le. N".,v. ;,. j-Si.-n. . yvr-s.,-;-.'--k.rf,....-i, i it Ccr (Sriin.is rri.ai "J.-' -ue ..... . . T,l.- r.hPT. -(.il riMn f TTT',. IP. .1 t H.ibiJilLDl Gill JCu-uiGt, szunc, pa., T1V ;.hl--i-- -Tl i-T.A -Tr.V--V "" ' l"'y s?v. v .;-'- e.a.H'H lilin.TT. u Ave.. l-ittIetrir. ! made prosperous, it arrogated to i!elf all the decency and intelligence extant. To be a Democrat in malty j.hws w.i , to be an out cast. You. who are so fond of liberty and humanity of a "grand" order, t 11 me, if you can. why a man, not lei n into idioc or over taken by it, should have remained a Demo crat for twenty-fo;.r years ? It was so easy and so profitable, too, to change. Like the gates of that place you do el". n to take stock in, the gates (1f the lie- : - t.- -l I f.n I a l.-.rje. Ttine t r.A ! : v ! i !-. F.S. ri.ofKS, ' i -' I A' I.I S. KVK '11ASSI'S, : r ..tnt I'.wpr pri.-ef- than r .: ! i- -itity. Pi-r-i..rifl needlnLr T -: ! en wo 1 1 tojttte l.tmaoal i - a . . r . ' - ti i i. t-i ri-pn i rirTt; C lock . . -x-.. ar,.l satli .!. ii-a Kiiirsn- hi.-I eric-;. IiI-1'J S.,!e Miir.'fr. 4111 r- .SO lo S125 a Month. ENCYCLCPECiA id ii- . ill- t,. - n 'j . I ' ' a ll:r ii t;i rv e S ii in ie i i v: ::!.- 1 I" the I ! -:.!'. ar,- Tl M.l- -Clti- i if .1 a tiles VI,-. i- 1.-T-.T .'.. it.- -. a-- !. bar ' ! rsla. all i-r,.:i in- TCHer Tlllll-eali- r,-- i 7rxi:( i rciisf N(Tici:. I J-i t-tlt" "f J M KJ AI fill A K! IV. .1 --"l!. puolii-an j arii stood ojien night ami day. There was no Democrat so mean as to lack a wek-oii-e. 1 1 Is sins, though scarlet, Avcre instantly obliterate.! and forgotten. And yet ; you thought lessiy. I must believe talk 1 about the fitial oila; sg of an organization LAWYER Tti-ay.- t, v., ."'. ".isc, ,f ' r. n rr-A t"? ;;iir n-. to uicinu upw.inl lrnm its julia. KOWTO BE YOUR OWW s.IIHO vt. , 1 1 . ...nt I ;,.t.i r.., ,l,..,i.,, 4 w laniv-s ami g' ubi'-'gi'-n ... ' ..... Mtti.fff.ist. p- ! Su:..!.Mt'. Oct. 2,. .-6(. -.-at siii'c.-i ii-ic at-t-nt - Fire mm Apcj.i . "V'. DICK, , -n ..h.r 7.-, in 13 IIST.. -nv-r-l l.-Il Tonr. n. r.T, mui tv. rll'i-l wiutis It. ..- n., t-t r--ci .ir. ua icraia. : c-h. ;o . . "ii Alio o.nrr.vl A.-r:! W ailto-l. A I l:i-j I an! li:le r. W. ZiEiTLtH A CO.. 1,0 x) Arch St., Hii'da, Ta. iy.-o-oit. 1 what is better, 1 can proie it that however rapid has been the growth, of intellectual lib erty in this country there never has been an election wit Tin my knowledge in which the votes of so main men were cast by their mas ters as at the one just past. There is not a New England or a m inufacturlng village in the North where a majority of t'ne wot king men were not forced to rote as their employ ers dictated. There svas not a village or a city in the North where money was not used to purchase the votes of men whose nece-,i-ties were pressing, or whose estimal - of the value of their franchise was low. So f. r .1 the electoral votes of C .nine, ti "lit or Xew ilatnp.hire are concerned both of whtih will be given to Mr. Gaifio' l they eiinpiy repre-ent white in-iead of African slave pens. So far a- th" vote of New- York concerned, if given to Mr. Garfield, it re present., merely a tn.irali'.v as low a any that ever attat bee. to the auction block. Uttr party made no mistake in the nomina tion of Genera! Haneo.-k. While .sngge.'.ing the ticket of Seymour and McDonald, I am fi auk en-ragh to admit that that of Hancock and English was stronger in all repeats. General Hancock's record was impecca'de. He bail Iteer. a brave and successful -soldier, home of the young husband was a happy place good Tltcn came an offer of m-in i.-.c... one. His wife thought more of her home It was accepted. Three smds are hap; v, a than of Cue outside, world. Not because of brilliant Avoiding and luxurious home ate in. its luxury, but because she believed it was j -iosju-i t, and the railroioi 1 flii ials have be, n the tme p here for a woman. Ib-r children greatly puzzled of late by the number of loved hrr and were indeed her only eomtort Spiluglicld girls who are stumbling, with in a few-ears. Her brilliant husband was m-tc or 1- ss giaee. aboard trains bound for a hear'y, good fellow, and his coin aniens the gt eat and, gioiiotis West. Icl him down the quick road to ruin. He .-- suddenly left his home and his w hereabouts ( Gia k Ah; H agoi.ks. The I; i.t -n Cona. r- were unknown. His faithful little wife was ,-,v(; j.h-rrtlfr tells this story : A well-known patient and waited his coming. M-ai li. ady ait:.t. resident iu K.-tm-. rch, '..- Cut p.is-c:i and he eante not. I'oo:- Ihtle ei"a tnre. she loved her husband as st:-- did life. Her reason left her. Tint is the se.d.de-t pa.it of the .story. She .vu-.s finally tckeii to a j rivate a.j linn, but is "now ;t f :.n-...!:t it-yiiti-i. Her "iushatii! v- ti.ine:! a fter wlidiy roatning ab.n.t for three yiars. It is . aid ti'.at ili-t meeting avus jiitlfeh At cite time it was thoi.g'it she it cognized him. as het" .a.l cs s'.i-.ne as if lil'ti! with lo-e. Ib.ta 1 lio; e fled w le-n she faiicl to end him by 11a.n1". He f.-iully care-sed her. ea'ied he, by name, while tears filled his eyes. All in vain. Since that lime lie has no heart to g" ahead in the world. He hoes p. ,in.:k ;.nd sieg s,.r,gs. l.iie i, -ilttios! a bi-rdcn to iiim. w blii -.- te nd ing one da v nc,i r tee ,tai ue of tl si A p. ! Ilelvidcrc. .-.he sttblenly be. an:. awaieof the presence of a coniitrvAVoii.t'.n. Tl: new c.cei,-.- Avas a we'l-to do li-il.iug Auciii- .:; v-oiu -.u. aid i-urodti- e.t hc-eif ;.. Mr-. Haggles, of , Mi .-mi, aud then "!. this the Apo.hi Itelvidctc V "AiissH testified t- lh- idellt: of th. w or 'C-.r.s 'Ma- i ml then tl e si le: ed a gn 11" at. ii 1 1 1' .i.i;y ti s 0! ought to b. V . lei. ae - v. :.-,d alii1 v to ie tic- ia mi ist then said : t -tidae .'" idy rcpin d that it was In of the -it--p I' ll s ,rt of tiling . 1 of the Si tting D 11. M. J. UCK, PlIVSICIAN AXIl SriiUFOV, A I.tiiiIJI A. I . "ro! f. ,,.-,.. Urmt ' (if nn! ri"l I'" i-11 Fi-i!r!p.ti!li jtwi, nc-ir ;,c! InSUrHnCG AQSni, i j-l-vVnrh avenm. where nieht calls fnn he mailc. '-. v 1 - , n I iih"C hours fretn a to to. a. !., ami from 'i to 4 .., iir, m . . . . ,, Sppj,,! at'cni 'on tial't to Di.- 1 ..... . r i- t-a-a nn.l l":vr. a n 9 1 hi to Suririe.it 1 rN r, I . . . . . . . - ! .,t,..r.a nf svprv tl Pltcrilit iotl. 14-19. -tt.l JOHN MI'I! I'll Y. M. I)., ruvsii i an inusi"imi:ii, l'jlKW.tltl. I'A. fMT!.-c In h-it!.!ir.e rin.l'y .-cnt-il ly IT. A. H. -t v avmac aiv-! bo wit tin caA s viotrt he ' rrc-o-, at j,t...rt n'.ti.-i? fn the DRELIARi P "TWA" . ni iit.ifr I ir.t Innn CoiniRRlM. s--;.. -;j.iij--,i.-iT. At ,,. , T I (iffl.'0. in H'i!:i!'.r.Etm.ii) hi d. KLADk, Attornev-of-Laxi-, Km, -n 11:1 m.-.i.-t. -......';"'' ' ii. O.tien on Centre Mrf -t, op-iit- Hi Hlr lt-j -w. ? r Ire:u h :irh t rrvT. a'... lit tc- ".''til i.i ( C t-.ta-r 1 1 ble condition in 1S70, to the control of both gentleman always. Nothing that be bad ever ty. ; -y . ear. c -liij ;a k, I., r i-w iv : II. ,uees cf Congress and tne election of its done cal'cd for anolouv ordefense. l.'h 11 1 11 ' .is 1 1 e 1 "i . : : r - pit 1 i.ir 11 a i i.r. iH-.m up , .-v.r. j dead, but not from the blow s of its heredtta- Elijah or either of the prophets if nomim-.t.-d ry eneniA . I he trouble is, Colonel I n-..-rsod, tit. Cincinnati, the voter who was bought live '.' il;s lite is a total i'a ii tire aid aimlessly lie giw-s f.iuii tloor to io"r and tiom town to town. Tne world r.ow tram; s him under foot. He will (ir.-p by the wayside some da, an.l his wortlib ss wreck will be placed la a wis" and tolerant civil administrator, and a in -.tune obscure spot, theie to mo;-;, away. prove prop: Otii.T'.v 1.0 ,vi v.'ver N.-THivt; in tin- world is so strong a, a ii- ! President in less than six years. It niav be ' voted against him would have voted against e l habit, g '"d or bad. The seaman cannot t tr. ri'. aer I-.-t !.-.?? en .Alain ftre -t tin.! --.-.'en Pi:g lei '-; j S fert to an id--T. leu : i a: t le-r-- n erco-a i twii ft-ry Fit wi-: Im Ei'.i.u.i If !: vi,,-K l;,,,,'.' STAr.ia- nn.! ei t !ti ; !! i ,r.r," : kncvvfi a. the AVa'.o-rs-pr prrty. Title . rle.-t. i-..rtrrni in-piire i.i ' .n lit XSIti.N .v SC I N ij N Niuv. 12, l-8t.-Jt. bettiMitira;, I'a. AnVF.KTPvFBS hynddr'-csina ;f. P. 1J(MA H I. A t !., lo Spru -c St.. New A ..rk. e-in 1-arn tn p-. aet -t "I -iy ri""l" - -Plill ef A n 1:1; Ti-sl Ni J -,n Amr.re: .11 t-n .-it.,-ij HiO-Vtst Pariphh t. flc- He has 110 hop,-s, m, a 'in. an! why should lie Trill lil. KT KlMi V 11.1' 1 man "th. t works for bis bo-r,' v. hat 1 uh -t woi k be doe,, h . s j.,. 1 , , . ,., shame. The young man wh 11. '- 1 1:, of idleness, no inatt-T how mt;. h he I as. disgiaeed. Ail men starling in lite ought aim, fut of all. to find a pia -e v. l et . V sicep soiin. i.y on , ne short-, he.-ae.se ue nriss- , ati.l ii e l.e F ."".'.es." ...........o ... ,..,.., .... n . cs the tossing it the .hip at. d the roaring of " ' ' ' '"'' 1 axe. s;nd-, w I.e.: barr-.v. curry eonib. 11: thewintl. We lieard laleti i 1 a formi 11 w id- " i-.,.g (.psli-n.. '.natter how. Inibej-ehd nw who the T'hrd night alter h-r husband's Hi; v..t, s.ni-.ig, as he scratched a luelf. r ttt. The bn-ad an.l but t,.r .j-a.-.t io-.i set' death sat at the window watching the stars ti), s fr a p0;i.c. "1 Ike these liou-es l"t th" yo-.msr man i'"ifoini Lis duty f; i ..e . ., . 1 1 .... .,.,. it l.i.i t,.i- ti..i,.i'(.i. ' fn'tv In Ti'tri.-I ltti.cti.iii .ni.i Irt i.ini If all the glorious iou!ts vou describe 1 ..'i 1 : i,-.,.l'.. ;..i , s ..!...., "7i-i,U I an ith sanded punt ; nice when you want to ...... p.. ,,,. t'T a -p-i...' t trving to go to sleep." she said, "witho-. t a . strike a match, you know." '-Is that so?" ;. tt. r'. About half toe poor, pi aid i for fear it may be charge,! with merely con- do not confound the impulse or the cause : ou uie! ef so-m- kind, i, so t ew that I can't ' she a-kc 1. demurely. "I wish I jived in a . n-.f 11 and I'vid.nnS of t ,e I'oor. d. scour temj.lating what the Kepubliean party actu- with them. Your beautiful flower will have ' .''. ,x tw .ncn nndcr the 1, ,S(. wr.h sand piint ami the, -hebH-ked . young ,nei. . aauys , won, , , " . Window fed to tignting. Sue watched lite -things unntb-rah ,.. if he had a-ked. 'A nat Atuing man wtio po, m-,, in, pi i,ie and K ally committed four years ago has defended 1 been riised on a dung lie p. I.ntcry, hull- j ,.,-, ,jj,.t t0 ,i,e .,). ben quietly undressed, ; fr?" she wouM have l.ab-d him. lint he a stid upper lip, Hee.l i.ft starve, an. ever since and now glories iv. the theft of ! dozing, repeating the coniuiulioii of such j i,,i j,,,. : "That's kind of homelike," and i.i ' didn't : he took the hint, and the u tu h v as : stands a clianc-g tu become rich, if .he y ' e: tl' said th-- sun. "Yi-s" i" spicicci the now nniafcd atti-t. ' It is said t" let 1. ne of the nobicst ll prc.eu t itl cs ot the human franc ." "vV. !1." ex.d, lined Mis. Ihiirgh . closing her I'.i'i'e k, r, and. with arris akimbo, taking a hist and earnest, h'-.-k at the marble, ."I've si en t!t" Apt. lio F. Ivi,!, re anil l'e seen Haggles, and give i.e.- F iggles." s.-ats io..!,: lh-wa.. a hard.-w.c king fame r, ami tl , beside him v. . s hi. w te. Tie y w ere -and int'-r, -b 1 cl'-. n. r- f all that w; -ing on, :,,t with tltat eager curio-!- .-irara, tc; l.'cs -ne of the j .iiiies iti a c. tin- anxioii- I.m.'k with whi.h a v. Wilt, h.e- d" e'e l'lic'tits and licrvort.'y to be call, d. but they sat and ob rved . thf air of p, : sons w ho w 1 n. tli.i-i- -re.-, whatv.a. 1 1 ...l:-pil it g, let Wcieiiote itt. Id: e: ct t. No 01. 1 . ct iced I he 111 an, le-i-uplcd their seat, until court adjoin-,. Tie. ie is a r.-inance connected iitl. the 1 1 i 0 w 1 il l; iii -:.-; cs to be u-leti d, not f.. sake of any moral that it tea, h.-s. 1. show the tender nature and simpa beait Ih it is w i.ij-j cd in a rugg.-d et About fie ye. ii.- ago the farm--!, b,: town dui leg court week, .trolled ir.t co::it hoti-e Mi'tiiio i.-.ht-r obi-, t in tiianto j-:.-, p.c.-.r's time. He ',-u; afl'-Ut scat. 'Phe lawyer w;,eres xtt! i;:"g a w itni'ss in the case". It do-- i.ot 1:,. Wtillt tliC Cil.r- was t.or win. the vt-r ' the attractive point being, as it v.. w a'teifivc fatu.er, the w -tr.es. a v - 1 ; yum: girl. She ha t rosy r '.:;. 1. ccs at.d rij.j-liltg biee k i.ttir. lam -he her test im, -ny with a modest liar.gb g ot bead, sh'.v-. ing her to uuu-e l t . s; ! i'i-, vet withal witii on.-'ii i. :ir?e'- , hoi.e.l .,-.rpose that the f.u itiei 's I ea; - ijUitl- Ci:ptiv,.tcd. When she ;,-ft the .tainl and (.-..k 1 . - : his eye followed la r, end w he;i .he 1 court hoi, .. w it a l.r fri. t.-i he f-.-dow - . bin;., if. He lo-t 00 lime iu g-ttj..-"lui i-d i 1 the olil.g i.ely , i-i.d t' e hind ' w 1. ich w as ton - hed at tht distic... of a est gill, 1 iis-ing throi'gh thei.rtl u-.lt.f a -exaiiiinati. ci by a s'laij. and ui hi la soeliwot; thot f th.- inaid's and they , niaitied. Tin y live in tl v; t -tt 1 county on a , ,,; d.ii,;,- little iann, l..;;.pi .contented. Every year, at the ..out t they conic to town, t.ttd j :. i-t.--l..iif 1 sitting iu that same fr.-t.t .1'. ..! 1 -their hand, cia.ped watch th" j egiv.s 01 rac, and with "tai. lul b.-ar-s think of happities, they owe to ne of : -1 . IPOll SATJ-: Tnvo Lots or fiitt.T-N-r, i r-" .1 situ.itf in tiie i..riiah .,f '.irrei itn-.-. ,,, p., i th.e Demoer.'.t ic l-aity lacks Loth agility ami for Garfield ilid not ask whom la; wasbmi the courage of the lb-publican organization, to vote against. It does not e-eii now dare to discuss the ' probability of decisive frauds in Ncvr York, .spring f rom.Gen. Gat fi"-ld's administration the Tie sideiK-v. I appaientlv d.iciae foicc ai ncccheiis..u and 1 a i-nv' minute-! was fa.t asleep. ' struck th.-n and there to. li T FTHW-liw)-7fltT! i I