The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 22, 1880, Image 3

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    u u
!. ...... M. 15. li. ihr.ri
f-ntrisriiivri h;i h...
V.iHiiUtie sini-o
M I'I'.ltSdNA!,.
At a Titular nefing u the TlaDfOcJc
ilnrl VrplwS f'l,.K ..C an1 rSm.
much w that the brfct township, heJ.l on Friday evening last.
i,. j i-.-l.V ' ; t( or uiauiis was unanimoubiv wtaerM
gU..t Am.-ri.Mn Iwh hv t' ,Tm "n,d 1 the vKitln- clubs and cWeaattors from
f dollars for their own v U?ouli,!,n'1 I Altoona, Strotiftown. BeLsano, Carrolltovrn.
S. Ilirrker. lire. ownt- wlc by . Ixitvtto, Muster, SummitviUc, Lilly's, and
W'c I elsewhere, which took part in the crand
fry scHiik oi-e ,.f .ur v."iwi.hu7r- yssi,Te I mtic dfiaon.stratioii in this place the
T!io following
',. ;i i.c a.!JrvsM.'.I by the fy.low-
1 ....ntV'r.H'M :
i rir'iv. . t. 2M ; W m. II. Soch
,. W U..k;.in.i.
,' 't..i.-.t.iv. Oct. 23l ; Win. H.
J,, 1,1) . U HtlKIH.lI. I.
i ri tiv. o,-t. .
V. Tiv'ney.
. ,., - ttur.lay. ;t. 23;
V TU rin-y.
s" i ! iy, ) t. 23 ; John
,! .ir:n lay. Oct. 20 ; Hon. Jm.
W.i.ters, anil j. I). 0"Xl-
ui rneranif r t i
throw a wav his rrutchM aa ' l,sn?&
had bet-n bowi
D. Me-Fenlon
nliy, -t. 23 ; Wm. n.
: -an D;m. County Committee.
r :mil tli Otlr I ' 1 u r .
n nvcrc 't- at Barkers'.
liLii.ks jut rffived at Bar-
Cure" is for sale at
f.- f it- sn.l sltawis
in jfrcat rarlc-
!,i b '.-iPfis iioom firings ouy-
; V.irz tins.
cap a. i-l lrc- capH. ( all stylos
,, 1. r .! ft Hiuk'Ts'.
tjV; f.T 2.. cts., c.t U trkets. No
.re witii in j'ric;j.
;2' ,-;r (! k cheaper V. S.
-0. iri-m fr"?n ai' else,
j ;Vrr it iiio.. linvf tUo only 83-
i;j5 l::i!!.!'Kt-n hit fs in town.
.; .-xciir-i.'H of t'.e Krawnn went
::;'.! L!.ydrtTii;, thi-s county,
r A- Hi", havr a full stock of
; ,'rn-vfTH nt prices which can-
rl a r.ti'p litirsf, h thought it
.'tl-il it ur.'iin.l thr course,
;.-! w.n!il strike, anil strike
1.. rkrs' to ijuv, thuv'TB
.. . ) ,
' I'.
it, my : "Sellers'
v cH'cuIated for bil-
.,i!-:. ofH ',.r' !iiked round, a
t i'"n't always 20 round often
, 0 . ; P!.-a'..
::i ' and out r.itji the
j: a n't rioiis weather we arc
imi liin-tu off.
(i,:!r y u can buy anything
ff n V. . I'iarkt-r A Bro. at" lower
ir, fr-m any one else.
kp Hi,' ; hore will find it to
t..'.j.iva in ttleof "Ker.dall's
K.'P'l a.l'.ertiseuietjt,
,:;,! .V lti'. ;niy twice a many
,; : ai:v other merchant hi
.; -:: .-heaver t!'.t:i any of 'em.
..:a..:-'c i- iue.'.y f-r Fever and Ague
u . ure. '.Vh veetaMe and
; it i- h.u micss and sure.
,.-M viciititv ha len iiirwfed
just M young aS he nV-d to boTand 7 I
w recomn.cndin- RobertV Kmbroent iou to :
every old h, th, town. VreaThnimen? i
, s- Barker A Bro. sell it t
Engineer Pat. IV.ran, whre pafernil 1
home M m Summerhilt township, this Vountv
wm wwsenp.r on the train which w nm
: ,"t?iw,ti1 buoh terrible results at Twentv
; eighth street crossing. Pittsbureh on tl
! IZV V'St - hUt 'OrtS'-iyt Off '
I the rear end and went to the front of the
j train before the collision occurred i
' r,7,,LUrrTr f wa-K"l' made their an- '
, rrnnce at Canoo Creek, Blair county, a
4VwLS kK' Rnd a Ct,TI'"'-'ient of the Al
S'J Triune argues therefrom that Garfield
will be elects. Nobody bnt Kull-il)le nec nla
I place any faith In the, prediction! however!
1 fr, wB xe"tl";-',to Mf tlnt eveo the predict
I ter himself will see Wre many davs how
badiv sea-gulled he has iK-en. " ;
, A handsome Hancock and English pole
recent y erected at Adamsburg, Adams
! township, was bored down bv some of the
returning bored" party on "Friday night
; last, but nothing daunted, the De'nwrata
I were detei-mined to "set her up agair," and no
Uouot suc-ee led in doing so vesterdav after
l noon. Adams-mall way sortie of the'opposi
: tion have of manifesting their pole-it ieal nro-
We were nhown on Monday last what
I may well be classed among things out of
; Oiimon. It was a wild strawberry plant in
, full flown, just as it had been cut" from the
; ground at Maple Grove Park (formerly
j -10'rl Grove . this place, bv the owner of
, the grounds, Mr. T. II. Heist, of the Moun- '
. tain House. A small sprinkle of snow and a
budding st ra when v seldom meet together on :
the same level In this or any other latitude.
.. Boniface, in Elder township, was en
livened on last Saturday afternoon and even
ing by a large and enthusiastic Democratic
, nieeting and pole-raising, at which able and
telling speeches were made bv Hon. John
I renlon ami by Win. II. SechJe'r, 1). O Wet-
sel, II. Ilelfi ick and J. C. Easly, Esqs. The
po,e is a magnificent hickory, over one h-in-
: dred feet liish, and the meeting altogether
was one of the most successful of the eem-
. paign.
Our merchant friend ami patron, Mr
, Geo. Huntley, ought to be happy if a vote of
thanks tendered him by the Hancock and
; English Club of this place, on Wednesday
evening la-d, for having so generously fur
nished, free 0f cost, an almost unlimited
number of tin-cups wit'' which to deal out
tne coffee necessary to quench the tliirt of
the visiting club from Altoona. on Thursday
evening previous, is calculated t have that
elTect on so amiable and consistent a Henub
. Mean as our friend aforesaid,
i There is a very wholesome statute of the
. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania which pro
vides that any person who shall "threaten an
elector with dismissal or discharge from any
oiliee. p'ace. appointment or employment,
public or private, then held bv him. In case
of bis refusal to vote for anv particular can
didate," shail be liable to afine not exceed
ing live hundred dollars ami imprisonment of
, two years. The big boss bu'ldorers in Cam
bria and Blair counties, as well as elsewhere,
occasions this ' might do well to make a note of this fact.
Ji t-j
A y:
..i e. M
more i f it
f the season fell last
:r.j a- ii d i" an atmcs
n ice a oiart r of
r there wps a
,:t t t pl.e-f ou Mon
( t:w::i'!.t tl;ey got a
1 'vis wrecked in the
f .:;t .'ii i.'.k" h-
-!:., mi 1 ietvNea six-
vi 1 t 'I tiiit- place will jiol
u o'i SatMn'.'y evening of
': .' i.ait ill a torchlight pro-
t':i'.'!i and there.
'1 !i o I). "hlil is billed for a
mi ti.i-. ( Friday) evening, but
e 'ti'ii.-s .t may not te possi
;: i t , e c. uuect ion.
.-; if, Wl'il Clierry anl
. .1 .: t the taste and a most
y i 1 1 1 iiuh-1 an.lcolds. Give it
. and cent per bottle.
i':l .'!o:de.-ty, Garfield and
. '.!tl coiisi'eney, Ompbel!
ii.;' ;.;-r a;'. I beatitude, Hoggs
1 !! ise ye between them.
i : i l' ii sta.'e as we have will
r. r: of the i.'ivnt Kepubiican
:.age vmu'.I find a place in our
1 1 ,: is, t'e; thing has to go over
K r'V II rio Powders will pre-.-
i'.i-s. E'.erv farmer should
.i-ii'r-. ;:e it, ant s for theni
. i k it '.viil mipiove their horses.
. 'A !.'re.
( i.!.is!.'irg RiislT says that a
" fo a v.)u:;jt man at" Koaring
C'l remove warn on his hand by
'';-:! It produced erysipolas,
is i! f 1 on Monday week.
iit-. a stliait Hadlcal of the
.o,;: . si v well as physically,
hi-...- th' pat ri-ii saint of the Ke
! Tty in vicinity. He was
"Ti iti:rd iy evt-ning last.
' n?. a f iiiit fa'l of snow and a
i v. v.v 0:1 Tuesday last, bur. on
" : r d since then the weather
' . t nn i ereiie as a country
v ).; inside forms have been put
'art dr'.pp'wig of water will
ha:-i-f ntone ; so the constant
;.;.;.; uniprmine the hardiest
v. id this fqtil result bv 119
' v-;'-' ! i l sr. Wiid Cherry and
rf t'. Picjfi.-. Express west,
- '. : - .:i to.H this (Thursday)
W!l '!"-m the track and
. ' ' rz.-r '..!.. maugh. and the
- - ' -:i.r. r. n-ime i McC'los-
. i..'s Cough Syrup and
-r-'. medicine in use. A
'. -.1 ie re w is cured by its
'v oT-r.i. i;d it to eii suf
i.' :ts Co., South Bos
"r ;r, jstj.
: tr . tha; irs.r.y children
y .' . .s "iy th neglect of
i, 1 ;vs' Syrr.p of Tsr,
'Vc.l Cheiryon hand Ev- has a bottl tlds sea
r innn-diat.- use.
t'i.!ed 'o "throw oursrlf
te;;t w-f k on tho rrand
tr-..:i..n l.eld in this place
' in - , leit so many things
s 'i.-it we are obliged to let
..r. its dea-I," no to speak.
i" f tiie KepnMiean pnv
-. f- i
' it.:
i f.r
li ei-r-i.i: 'it iast renreseoted
ry" by dragging a
' ".'. 1 ti e m'i.l and "hold-
r- - of .-is wh'te
in : fir- iii :fk-r-Garf5eid
'. it. t!. t ' f the year,
r.-, s iong and so
";' to d 1 ti .it, 'tis worthy of
sr-e f a To'xl cvr'-'' ;
!!! mi t cf the ,
--. .p.. with a!! (; he
' " : v t prices i.eap
t n.ey'ic n top t the
'- " r- c':t be eallei! a Re
. s h-.1 at ' 1 errjtree on
n' v -. a d aitl iugh
ivoti,H Harry White, as
' 'zb. of B elleville, were
''. t, : rb.. a idrs it. we are
' 'i.i' ii- t more than a half
i- s a era pu ieot to listen to
n of the i .dies is invited to
It. E. Jones has on exhi-
f !e a very handsome and
'id of fa ', and winter hats,
'' t the right figures for cash.
- to say tnat all who are in
f. r a gieat favor by calling a
' and fating what Justly
A f
11 !
Fiiinj-, well known some
'" northern portion of this
w 1 xten.-ively engaged
i e. t' onph at "the tunc a
eel, from whence he sub-
; 1 t 'iliiainrrt, and af
" r-'n-,a, in Kansas C'.tv,
T- 'iay of laht week, iu the Ciih
1 'pi-nals will be received bv the
' auiiiierhid township till to-
'' -1-r ' 3 V t lfl(iiiir.r.T, tha nn.
1 Dridgf across the north branch
m r r ,
.irs. .iary .na anan, wno resuteil near
Cornprobst's milis, in Huntingdon county,
went to a neighboringorehard not long since
for the purpose of tratherintr annles. and
while stoiijiing down to pick up some of the
fruit, a vicious rain that was in the field
plunged w ith jtreat force against her, knock
ing Icr on the head with its horns and ren- ,
dering her insensible. Before assistance ar- :
lived the animal broke five ribs on the left
side of her body and one rib on the right
side. Both horns made impressions in the
skull horizontally wi-h tho woman's eve.
she was picked up and taken to her home. ,
where she, uoa 1 spired. She was aged f2
yea is
We are under obligations to our farmer
friend Philip H. Jones, of Biacklick town
ship, f- r a half bushel of the largest and
soundest apples that could possibly be rro
dueed anywhere. They were indeed regular
whoppers ami just as luscious as they were
large. Philip, by the way, is one of tlie most
industrious grangers in the State, having
cleared within the last five yearu no less than
tifty-five acres of ground" 1:1 one of the
roughest sections of the county, and this too
In addition to the hard work necessary in
such a position to the maintenance of" his
family. He has now eighteen acres in wheat,
and anticipates, what we hope be will secur '
In this as In all his undertakings, a large
3 ield for the time and labor expended.
The richest speech of the campaign was
delivered before the Hancock and English
Club of this place, on Friday evening last,
by Gen. Joseph McDonald, who not only ex
celled himself in the matter of time the
speech occupying over forty-minutes, but
was also in the happiest of "moods and the
twst of humor. The speech was altogether
extempore and was probably drawn out by
the presence in the club-room of that stal
wart Republican wheel-horse, Tom. Davis
(Jackson), who took It very good naturedly ;
and seemed to enjoy it with the best grace '
possible. It was indeed a rich speech, full .
of wit, humor, and sound, solid xense, and
we are only sorry we can't give It to our
readers with all the dramatic effect which
attended its deliverance.
The mammoth pumpkin which bore a
conspicuous part In the Democratic paradeof
Thursday night rf last week desires a passing
notice. It was raised on the farm of Mr.
Edward Lyons. Delaware countv, and took
the firt premium at the late fair in that
countv for largeness and general excellence.
Subsequently, it was presented by Mr. I.y..ns
to Mr. Vanaster, of Philadelphia, and by tht
latter gentleman to Prothonotary O'Donnell,
for the special purpose of forming part and
parcel of the grand parade in question. It is
of Immense sire, weighing 17.. pounds, and
attracted no little attention, though we are
sorry to say that the inscription which was
meant to lie emblazoned upon its rotundity
something concerning a Democratic victory j
in Indiana was of necessity omitted. '
Some fifty member of the Hancock and
Eng'ish clubs, senior and junior, of this
p'ace turned out Monday night and again on
Wednesday night for drill, and under the
command of Capt. J. S. Bolsinger and
Lieuts. Lawrence Donahoe. John Stough,
Wm. Sechier and Edward Ormsby, on part
of the seniors, and of Capt Geo. E. McPike
and Lieuts. Harry Fenlon and Andrew Gut
waid, of the Juniors, made rapid strides n
the direction of proficiency. Roth clubs will
take a little more iu thcir's tills (rriday)
evening, when it is boi-ed that all the mem
bers will be present, as they want to get in
good trim for the big meeting at ( nest
Springs to-morrow evening, which they have
resolved to attend to the number of one hun
dred or nmie if u2icieiit conveyance can
be secured. .
A voung man in Blair county has discov
ered an ingenious and successful way to cap
ture pquirrels, dead or aiive, without either
gun or ammunition. His outfit consists of a
set of climbers such as are. used by telegraph
repaireis. a theath knife, a pace nf fire
crackers, hox of matches and a dog. The
dog holes the game. The young man put
ou his climbers, and goes up to ihe hole m
tne tree, lights a fire cracker and drops it into
' e hole Vhen it explodes tne frightened
sauirre rushes out int., a bag held over the
hole or if li wishes to kill it he strikes its
head off with the sheath knife ; if he misses
Ms aim and the squirrel leaps to ground
the dog soon finishes it. . Bv this novel con
trivance he often brings in from ten to twen-
; ty squirrels a day. Larger game is capt and
in the same way. , ,
Wc bad the pleasure of a rail en Mm-
' dav from our old-time friend James Mccor
mick of Nashville. Teim., who was bere on
. busies- kneeled with the sale of the ea-
i fate of his deceased father. Mr. Hugh Mc-
Cofmh k; Ute of Gallitzin township, the ad
: vertsement for whicli will be found in an
! X, cTumn. Jes was born and raised
i in th county, but left here many years ago
for cafifornfa, where l'
' iif'erable time before his return to the.
; stts ' He is now employed as a loeomo
' u eneinierontbe NasUille Chattanooga
I and St Louis Railroad, and looks ou.te as
' tVnni barring the gTay hairs which time is
1 Z impost uponall of us. as hdid in the
' Z2l old I 5a t Suinmitville, this co.inty
5.0,"I 1 ...rterof a century' ago. Long
night previous, and did so much to make it
what it was, the finest procession and the
largest meeting that has ever convened in
Cambria county. A vote of thank-s was alto
unanimously tendered to our diminutive out 1
determined Republican friend. Mr. Abel I
Lloyd, and his excellent wife and family, for j
the active and indispensable part they" took j
in preparing the coffee and otherwise provid- i
irg for the comfort and entertainment of the I
Young Meu's Hancock and English Club of i
Altoona, an organization which honored the !
occasion with their presence and elicited the. j
highest encomiums from everybody by their j
gentlemanly conduct, uoble bearing and un- j
surpassable marching.
Though the Greenback party has never j
boasted much of a membership in "Ebensburg, ;
and particularly in this campaign has itbeaa
low down in the figures, yet two or three vo- j
ters, undismayed by any'storms which may i
lower, continue to profess adherence to its 1
principles. One of these voters is our pho-
tographer friend Mr. Reieher, of High stieet, I
w ho. upon arising bright and early Tuesday :
morning, discovered a surprise in store for
him. It was in the shape of a pole twenty
five or thirty feet long which had been erect- :
ed some time during the preceding night on
the edge of the pavement in front of his gal- 1
lery, the apex supporting a broom and lower :
down two small flags and a pasteloard 1
streamer bearing the name of "Weaver" '
floating to the biecze. It is unnecessary to 1
say that the poie and lielongings were the ;
work of 110 Greenbacker, but the fruition of ;
the idea of somebody who wants to be con-
sidered a practical joker. He should send j
in his name to the papers for publication.
The author of such a side-splitting piece of ;
pleasantry should not be permitted to remain ,
unknow n" to fame. !
There is a young man living in this town ,
whose peculiar" fot seems to be to get on a .
pronounced spree very frequently, and keep j
it up till his money runs out. This latter ex
perience, coupled with the former, fell to his
lot last Monday. He was drunk clear thro',
yet he wasn't satisfied, because he didn't have
the wherewithal to keep the thing going.
Accordingly, at a late hour of the night of tho
day named" he repaired to the domicil of a
gentlemnn on High street, a well known Re
publican politician, and poured into his lis
tening ear an affecting story about a herht.
which had occurred down street. "I was
one of the parties 11 gaged," said the impe
cunious youth, "and they arrested me, mid
Burgess Humphreys fined me a dollar, and
I'll have to g to jail if 1 don't pay the mon- !
ey. Lend me that much, won't you Off. ;
ing to the fact that the election drawetb nigh,
and bearing in mind the further fact that the .
young man in question belongs to that only ;
too numerous class who must be "fixed" and ;
kept fixed" to assure the correctness of
their ballots, the dollar was willingly handed ,
over. But it was interesting to watch the j
expression of the donor's face and listen to ;
his expressive language next morning upon !
discovering that 110 tight whatever had oc
curred the night preceding, and that instead
of lH-ing devoted to the liquidation of a fine,
his dollar had gone into the till of one or ,
more of our hotel-keepers.
The Garfield and Arthur marching club !
of this place made its third weekly a ppear- 1
ance fm our streets lard Saturday night. Its '
evident inf rntiou was to show- forth the pro- ,
ficiency it had attained in the art of march- '
ing and countermarching, and in this it was
signally successful. Before it had well got- i
ten under way, however, the procession, ,
which numliered one hundred ami fifty, fir J
thereabout, fully one third of whom were ju- ;
veniies. Burgess Humphreys, the officer in
command, attempted to form a ring within a ;
ring on the. Diamond, possibly in commemo
ration of the Credit Mobiiierand De Golyer 1
rings, w ith which their candidate for Presi
dent was so conspicuously and shamefully
identified, but ring rule for once at least failed
to prove effective. How Cue knot w as finally
untied it is needless to tell, but when it was
untied the procession once more took up its
line of march through the principal streets of
our town, closely followed by Bill Roberts, a
big, burly black, who, like lii.s "white bred-
dern," covered himself to some extent with
mud, if not with glory, as he essayed the part
of a donkey no darkey hitched to a mall '
wooden cannon mounted 011 wheels. After i
all hands had expressed themselves as heart
ily tired of sloshing round through the mud,
the club repaired to the Court House, where
the ususl stereotyped speeches were deliv
ered by T. V. Diclt, Tom. Davis, (Jackson,) '
and A. V. Barker, Esqs., and then all was
over. j
Hon. Henry D. FosTr.ndied on Saturday
night last at the residence of his son-in-law,
Mr. F. A. Happer, at Irwin Station, West
moreland county, in the "2d year of his age.
Gen. Filter had been in feeble health for
several months, and a few weeks ago left his
home in Creenshurg to receive the car- and 1
attention of his married daughter in the pas
sage to that bourne from whence no traveler
returns. The announcement of no man's
death outside of this county cou'd'call forth
a feeling of more sincere sorrow and regret
than that cf Henry D. Foster. In a commu
nity like our own, where lien. Foster was so
i long and so well known, and in which he was
so universally esteemed and respected, it is
' entiiely unnecessary to dwell upon his ster
ling qualities both of head and heart. His
ability as a lawyer was of the very highest
order, and his manners, always gentle and
attractive, made him hots of friends where
ever he went. He was the soul of honor and
his life was without stain or reproach the
richest legacy lie could leave to his children.
He was t hre times elected to Congress, first
In 1S42, again in 144, and for the last time in
170 He was a member of the Legislature
during the sessions of 1S57 and and In
1H60 was the Democratic candidate for Gov
ernor, his successful competitor leing An
drew G. Curtin. Now that he is gone and
his meunry is yet green, those who knew
him and knowing honored and respected
him, will with one voice and one mind ay
of him :
'Th rth that bsrs him rfir,
T?e?r not or a noljlr r i;ntlensn."
Rtntf.h fop Conorpss yn Srcm.iNG
For. Senator somf. Kesoi i tion"'. The
Congressional and Senatorial Conferees of
the Greenback party of the Seventeenth and
Thirty-fifth districts, says the Altoona 'mt
' of Saturday, met iu this city this afternoon.
All the counties in each district were fully
represented. David Tobin, of Cambrin
county, called the Congressional Conferees
to order, and when the Conference was ready
for business Mr. C. F. Walker, of Somerset
county, moved that the nomination of T. P.
Rvnder , indorsed by the conventions of the
different counties for Congress, be mad by
acclamation. The motion was agreed to
without discussion. After this work had
been completed the six Senatorial Conferees
assembled for the purpose of nominating n
candidate for Senator. On moti n of John
T. Flatlerv. of Cambria county, Chief Bur
gess John Suckling, of Holliday sburg. also
indorsed by Blair and Cambria counties, was
placed in nomination, and a motion to make
Mr. Suckling the clioice by acclamation wvs
agreed to. Mr. M. F. Con way, of Bedford,
offered a resolution of indorsement as fol
low : ' That we inder-e General James B.
Weaver. Greenback candidate for President,
and we pledge ourselves to support 'dm to
the best of our anility." A resolution was
also paed that the Conferees recommend
the placing in the fieid of a full Greenback
ticket ia each coiritv in this Congressional
district. The Conference, after a ren- har
moniou" session then adfourned without
"neiuaugh on the road leading
'l.e o -,L:mmrhilI ttion tlli
S cirmm,v i,nown the "old
'i Ihe t.Tida will t
' i -;iruid shooting match for
' -ni at the hotel of Joseph
tvi le, to-morrow (Saturday)
m 11 k:uen wi I do well to go
tii' V cm. Jr. W'eisser also
jy tint he will be "sloshing"
of a .iinl ere many niouns
Mm want to get full value
pelts had letter hold on to
in ; ii aprif-nraucc.
T f...i -.
,1 :' 'i
, , it
. J t
The Via Bow Bi ixnozEH. fenu, at It.
That Uie Cambria Iron Company and the
Gautier Steel Company are resorting to the
most infamous and unlawful means to lntun
idateand terrorize their Democratic employ
ees iu hopes of securing their votes for Gar
field, Campbell, Boggs A Co., is pretty well
established by the statement of a gentleman
residing in Hollidnysburg and written to a
friend in Altoona, which statement, publish
ed in the Altoona Daily; Sun of Tuesday, is
too long for ourcolumns, and also by the fol
lowingrwiueh we find in the current issue of
the ..ohustown Democrat:
It i. ld the Osntier Steol W orts of tht city
are uadwhaixWly tryini? to bulldoze and Intimi
date their employe. The bos and manaicen
flly afert that the T-uiocratlc party In J
Trad panv, and they eay to employs- that ir they
do not voie the Ksdical ti.ket they rui. the risk of
Ioi-idr- e-milovraiot by the huttln down of th
work?. That U an lafamoui and 1 coward ly br
and the toolc who are ir nt around to Kct working
men to siirn books, etc.. are contemptible law.
and ihould wear around tbelr necks '-do collar
Iemocratie dooeefe means an increase ol worlc
everywhere and better waaes. Kepubiican rue
cess' means c-ntrallned power. Iroperalisro. the
role ol tne rich, and the rrent'on ot a system of
slavery among- tho lahorin fill's or the land
which will in theend destroy industry and enslave
the poor man. Vorkmen. resist any interference
with vour n ht to vote. IM n-,t allow 'onrselves
i K.oi.i,.! n,l intimidated. Let these
would be tyrants know that thoy can mike them
selves so obnoxious to the poople that 1"'n,t"V
want justice and protection It will be hsrd to be
bad Iit these bull-dorers and intl Jiidatort know
that the time may come when they '.will be as
weak sad powerless as a Kin when the millions
rie up hur.itry." Freemen, maintain your man
hood. The Pemorrat also publishes tho law for
bidding under severe pains and penalties the
direct or indirect coercion of voters, and in
. vitK the attention of the intimidators thcre-
' to. but as we refer to the law in an item el le-
1 where we haven't thought with while tore- ;
produce it here.
j . . ;
i A New Patino Oct itatios fop. Lapieh 1
i wd Gentlemen. The handsome Nickel
Plated New Home Lamp, being introduced
' to the public this season, is the most merit
1 orions "article ever offered Agents to make
' money with, is safer and more convenient
1 than "the Student Lamp, which has hereto
i fore had the reputation of being the Safest
Lamp made, and has a clamp to attach it to
the Sewing Machine, Piano, Organ, Desk, :
; etc. The fear of th ordinary lamp being ;
accidently upset or thrown from the table
is entirely relieved by this simple clamp con
trivance. It can be adjusted to throw tho j
1 light just where it is wanted to suit the eyes, j
and can tie converted into a handsome wall
lamp. It has the best argand burner, a fi II
i ing indicator, ami convenient match-box, and !
i its price Is within the reach of every one. It j
has been fuilv tested and editorially endorsed ,
bv the "Western Christian Advocate," "Am. :
Christian Reviw." "Herald and Presby
.' ter," "Journal and Messenger" ar.d "Chris
i tian Standard," the leading religious papers
: of Cincinnati, and is endorsed by the Mayor ,
and Post-master of Cincinnati, the Agent of
! the American Express Company and Presi
1 dents of Insurance Companies, as being thu
Safest, Most Convenient and best Lamp
There are three reasons why Agents should
! seek such an article to canvass for first, for
j its absolute safety and great convenience it
is needed in every home ; second, its low
price niakes its safe immense ; third, it will
be a credit to handle such an article. One
Southern Agent writes,;it sells faster than
I Gen. L-e's Portrait sold right after the war :
1 another writes, it beats the palmy days of
i the Sewing Machine, its rapid sale, its low
price, and lilieral terms surprise old Agents.
Address H-me Lamp Co., Cincinnati, O.,
1 mentioning our paper, and they will give u
i full particulars and exclusive territory to
I canvass in. 9-17. -13t.
HaXjsa, IUibas, Oct. 13, lsao.
FtusSTD Mao It may be interesting to y oa. aa
well a to tout reader, to leaxu a little about the
"Hancock Bom'' in Kansas and nee what orjrani
eation will no. Tou are of course aware ol the
overwhelming Kepublioan majority In thtt State,
a also in our own county. The nomination of
OsrDeJd. however, fell like a wet blanket on the
Kepnblieans In this section. The honest Republi
cans wanted Blaine, the rinitstcrs wanted Orant,
bat none of them wanted or expected 32." There
was no entiuslasm net even a ratification meet- 1
Ing. So much tor the Chlcaro nominee. When 1
the news came from Cincinnati, however, announe- 1
inar the nomination of rea. Hancock, cheer alter
cheer rent the air, ftatrt were strung across our
principal a treeta. and on the same erenloir a larare i
and mmt enthusiastic ratification meetiDir was
held and Immediate steps taken to orcanfte a i
Hancock and F.oifUsh Club. A week later our j
elab was oraranUed. with 17 r.ames en the list to 1
heirin the work with. 1 made a motion to canvas :
the county and orifanlre a club In every township, '
and the motion was unanimously rdoptcl. The
chair appointed a committee of Ore, of which 1 I
hare the honor to be the chairman. We went j
riht to work, and now have fourteen elub fully ,
briraniEed, with a membership of nearly seven bun-
dred, while the Kepublicans bare but foureluhs In
tho county. Our Salina Hancock Club outnum
bers the Saltna $.129" club nearly two to one. In
17 Hayes electors received 1.374 votes. Tilden only
375. and Cooper, Ureenhacker, 70. As Dear as can
be estimated, the vote this fall will he iiNml as fol
lows : tfarSeld, 1.400; Hancock. P60; Wearer .100.
Hy this you wiil observe that the Kepubiican ma
jority has been or will be reduced from 630 to about
IU votes, and should the news from the October
States provefavorab!e to us, the majority may be
entirely wipe.l out. As near as 1 can estimate It
about tiiir-fifths of our Ireenha-'kers are ex-Republicans
and one-nfth ex-Df moerats On the22.1 nut.
we will have an Immense I Tmorrntle mas meeting;
here, which will be addressed by Hon. K. . Koss,
candidate for (Governor. Hon. Tom Fenlon and
Col. Tom Moonlight, electors at laryre. and Oen.
C. W. Blair, all of whom are first class orators.
Thus, you see, the srood work (toes bravely on.
Trulv, Vie., Your friend. Wii. U. Otis.
Look! Look! See! See!!
-rVlso, a Fi.ll Stock of
We hav also received a large and complete line of
cent's FuamsHmc cooes i
Hats, Caps, Umbrellas,
TViaiaks, Valises, &c., &:c. i
t orOrowa Pf RSOXS or the Teaerest CBll.DBtS'.
use the old and eate
Ir. Fitter's Soothing: Carminative.
It can be a-lren with perfect safety to your bahy II
onljr two or three days old. It does not stupefy, bnt
the little thins: will ajo to sleep natural., and jret
awake lans;hlna. It cures I1 ARKHO". A and 1YS
KNTFKY no matter tiow Ion stand:tip. CHOLK
crvins; of Infants (which is nlwnv n siirn of f.sin). .
I.fSSNtSS, and all complaints of the stomaoh or j
Trico. as cts. a bottle a itfeend rrrfnin nir. It ,
is the oldest remedy In nse. and Is recommended
They are pleasant, safe and sure. 3& cte. )
D:IMt, oo N. Third St.. I'hilad'a, T. i
- IXTen-es f'T sale by N.J. TrRHinHorr and '
V. S. Biuesa Bko.. Kbeiisbur. (l-'i3.-llm.
Young America Clothing House,-
Corner 11th Avenue and lilh Street,
Ji. H Do not fall to irlve us a call before pnrchaJlcj lsewbere, wt are aekeewledr! to be the
cheapest bouse Iu Blair eoanty. Sept. 14, 180.-tf.)
: Av Irvlnirton beauty, a forward young: miss,
; T'other day. It a ppe'ars, won a rote by a kiss :
Hut the law y1nit corruption is terribly strong.
And 'tis said she'll be made to repent It ere long.
What becomes of the klssf Siuco tho voter will
earn it.
In justice one hopes he'll bo made to return It.
' Corruption at the ballot-box Is a thins; much to
; be deplored. But the above, on Its face, wears no
terrible aspect of wronjf-dolna-. The yountf lady,
we take it, is fair and amiable, while the voter of
course was a mnn of taste in recognizing here'.aims
I to his oscillatory nnrsns, as well In his being a retr
- ulnr customer of Simon sl Hendlielm whnu gulnit
to equip himself with a suit ol new rli.thlnn. So
; it must have been all rlKht. Simon fc Hrn.'tielm's
establishment, we add. is next door to the Kirat
Nations! Hank. Altoona, where Vail Bnd Winter
' elothlng In endless army and t.f best materia! and
nioHt approved styles may lie bought for a mere
i triUe aove w!iolesle prices.
full of interesting matter. Parley's facile
pencil gives us another scene fnnn "Dickens'
works,' Little Nell and her grandfatherescap
ing from the fair. The old man's eager face
and stumbling hurry, the child's fearful
backward glance, arein strona contrast to the
careless groups in the background. The
whole scene is lifelike, and one of the lo st
"DaricyV vet given in this er-r popular
magazine. In the Novelty Tage we httvc
some new and quaint designs lor tho new
fancy work, etching embroidery, and, as us
ual, "page after page of hints for ladies' cos
tumes. The Diagram is a combination dress
for a little girl, either a smock costume or n
princess dress, as the fancy of the maker
dictates, or both, if a trifling adihtion is made
to the princess dress. The literary matter is
fully up to its usual standard of excellence.
Christian Heid's popular novel is continued,
and there are capital stories and poems from
the pens of Margaret Yandegrift, Augusta
De Huhna. Lee C. llarby, and other well
known writers. We learn that Gndey's La'ly's
Book will contain a complete novel in every
number in lsst, and that each issue will be
complete in itself. We will furnish the
Camfri. Krerm'.x and Oodey's Lady's
liook for on yer.r at the low price of ?'.no
on application at this office.
i How to Mark Soap a Cknt a VorM.
Shave into small pieces five bars of Dubbin's
Klectrie Simp, and boil in three quarts of
water until trie soap is thoroughly dissolved
so that upon strainine through a seive noth
ing remains ; add to the solution or "suds"
j three gallons cold water : stir briskly for sev
eral minutes to mix, and set It awav to cool.
Though it will look like nothing lut soap
suds while warm, a chemical reaction will
take place, and in i'4 hours time will develop
40 or 30 pounds of magnificent white soft
soap, costing less than a cent a pound and as
good as many of the adulterated compounds
called soap, and sold at seven to ten cents a
; pound. How long would it take for any oth-
er soap used the same tc. become any thing
but soap suds ? Anv housewife knows that
it cannot be done with any soap she ever u-cd.
See if it can be done w ith Dobbin's Klectrie.
' .?. I. Ckaoin Jt Co., Manufacturers,
; I'hilad'a, New York, Bo-don, Chicago, Cleve
land and Kansas City. in- e.o.
i Ajthovomt in l!otMKTi:K. The new
Warner Observatory which is being erected
at Rochester, N. V., is attracting much at
tention in sonal and literary as well as in
I scientific cireb-s. The new- telescope will be
I twenty-two feet in length, and iU lens sii
: teen inches in diameter, thus making it third
in size of any instrument heretofore manu
factured, while the dome of the f ibserraiory
is to have some new appliance for specially
obervi;ig certain portions of the heavens.
It is to be the finef private observatory in
the world, and has been heavily endowed by
Mr. H. II. Warner, proprietor of the Safe
Kidney and Liver Cure, and other remedies.
I'rofessor Swift has labored under numerous
disadvantages in the past, and the new comet
: which he recently found was in spite of many
obstacles, but as the new institution is to be
specially devoted to discoveries, there are
good reasons to expect very many xcientific
revelations in the near future from the War
ner Observatory at Rochester.
Tnins was a young- man In Chairrin,
Who fell dead In love Ith a twin ;
And whenever he kissed her
He found 'twas her gis'er.
This spooney young man of Chagrin.
That yonnir rann wouldn't have sense enough ti
come in out of the rain ; nor to take halfof a pretty t
alri's hymn-book at mrerlns; : nor to buy a suit of .
rea.iy-made clothlnif whn the same was offered I
to the public at ebout half price. I he latter is the
cae as rotv existing In the store of Ood 'rey Wolff, i
next doer to the potpfflce, A ttoona. He Is selling
the biitnest and le-"t lot of Ka'l and Winter wear
ever sewn in Western Pennsylvania at about half- j
prloe that is to say. at prices nearly If not quite I
flf;y per cent, lower than are afforded by any other i
dealor in the same line ol iruods. The celebrated i
Rochester clc.thinu: a speciaitv. Call o:i or write
to him, and thus secure ior yourself a baitf-tiu.
Thkre was an old mm with a aan,
ft ho thnuuht ft was niurhiy siovd lun
To b!ai!e at the moon
Vrom nixh:ftll to noon.
To prevent an eclipse ol the suu.
This illustration of human Idjecy has Itsparallel
In the man who. with the expttntion of saving
money, buys his rendy-mado clethin elsewhere
than at .las. .1. Murphy's, lufl Clinton street, Johns
town. The reason is obvious. In addition to dent
ing in noMiinir but the very best q-iality of a;.;eds,
he sells at lower prices than any other clothier in
Cambria or surroundina- counties. If you disbe
lieve this, call and taks a look at his new Invoices
of cold weather swr in-l his nriee-ll it, or wri'.e for
particulars. A II letters will be promptly answered.
While so tnany are looking forward to the coming Presidential election in hopee of
being the Uteky man, the suhscribcr has concluded to remain in the mercantile
business and give it his undii'eded attent'rn 6y supplying his friends
and the public qenerallij icith ALL KfXD OF GOObS
B't'jtrs icill altvaysjind a full and elegant stock of everything to befoimd in a generul
store, comprising a complete lnt of
Boots, Shoes, Groceries Hardware, Tinware,
I QneeMare, Glassware, ffooJeiiware, Cigars, Totiacco, Cart Goods, &c, k
Timely Advice ,
on Fall Clothes:
You are tliinking of your
clothing for fall : what it shall
be ; how and where you shall
get it
Come and See us.
Come and see us, or drop'
us a line, saying what you
want, as near as you can. If
you are here, you can see for
yourself a great variety of
things, try on what you like,
and go home with the old
clothes in a bundle. That is
very easy ; and nothing can
be more satisfactory.
Not a Strange Place.
It isn't as if you were go-"
Ing to a strange place. The
chances are you've been here
before, and know something
of our ways. Perhaps your
neighbor has been here ; and
has told you it was a good
place to go to. Perhaps
you've only read that we
sell a good many do the a,
and say to people who buy
them: Bring them back if
you don't find them every
way to your liking.
Now this is really why we
are not strangers to any
body: because we deal with
everybody a3 with a neigh
bor ; and expect him to come
right back if he has caute of
It Is just aont now ihe country exi hens;
Will conceive It his province to dole
Freh news to his readers, by way of a chanfre.
With this headins; : "Now lay in your coal."
As far as we are ennreTied. we have an Item ot
advice ci vaster Importance to offer onr reader..
It is this : Ijiy In a pair of boots or shoes siutsble
to the cold wenlhcr which has overtaken us. You
can buy these to the best dvant'iio at the cele
hr.Ued J! imoii H "t and Shoe Emporium ot S.
KlunionUiai. 1110 KicTen'h avenue, Altoona. where
if bin opened day by dy some ol the h-t wenr
far the "eijt ever turned out In factory or workshop.
Koth stock and prices cannot fail to afford satisfac
tion if you buy from him. (lum aud rubbers
of all descriptions cvnstautly un baud.
Also, FLUUT?. CORN II KA L, FISH, SALT by the bushel and barrel, I)RUG, N MLS
CLASS, PUTTY, K RUSHES, BK003J3, Ac. I have likewise added to my stock
which trill be told at the remarkable loir price of SO cenlt each. Alio for tale, the
fW A lre Increase of business bat necessitated the enlargement of my store-room and the eree
tlon of an additional wareroom, and still my establishment Is literally crowded with ehoiee roods and
eaaer seekers after harvamt. tf!l betna- determ.ned I o accommodate all who come, and especially
m friends from the country, to when the blffbestp rices In trade wlil b.. paid tar all kind ot produce
I have thrown open my lare and commodious stable for the free use or all who m-y wieh to bnt up
heir stook. Thankful tor past favors anu hopeful for manr future ones I remain as ever.
nigta Htreet, F.Kenabnra;, Hareti, IftftO.
NOTIt r.. -Frank I.eelle'a Weeklr, the
only lieraocratir 1 lltistrated Newspaper puhlihed,
will be sent postpaid for five weeks fuutll end cf
campala-n) for Thirty I'fnts. Aicents wanted
In eery town. Send XJ cents fr five weeks' sub
scription, or cents in postage stamps for sample
copy and Illustrated Catalonue. Ciubs of fer
will he ,ent five weeks for one cTcllar. Address
Daw sttrae. Maw Tsrk. l-t.- J
'"LioVT -Kwow Hal" Thbir Valcb.
"They cured me of Ague, Riliouaness and
Kidney Complaint, aa recommended. I had
a half bottle left, which I used for my two i
little girl, wbo the doctor, and neighbor
aaid could not be cured. T would have lost '
both of them one night if I had not given
them Hop Bitters. Tney did them no much :
(food I continued their use until tbey were
cured. That ia whr I av you do not know
half the valua of flop Bittera, and do not
recommend themhighenough." B., Roches
ter, . Y.
rol Ka.
Balt.oc'b Monthly Masatinf. for No
vember. The leading article in Ballou's
Monthly magazine fr the month of Novem- i
ber is an Illustrated paper on Ma ieira, told ;
in a (fosipy way that is quite entertaining
and instructive, and then follow several en- ;
cravings which the reader will like. "Ma- ;
nan's Old Aunt" is growing more interesting
as the novel proceeds and the plot is devel
oped ; and then comes a tablo of content
that cannot be excelled hy any publication in ;
this country. Now is the tioie to subscribe
for tltii popular and cheap magazine. I'ub
lished by 1 homes Talbot. 23 Hawlej j
Street, Boston. Mass., at only ?1.50 per an
num, postpaid, and for sale al all the news
depots iu the country at 15 cents a copy.
Investiostion. Every man bould be
willing, and we think ah'or.ld le an iou, to
investigate everything which i no likely to
benefit all mankind a the discovery of Ken
dall's Spavin Cure, because it is now being .
used on human flesh with most remarkable
beneficial results for rheumatism and deep
eated pains, and it has been proved by ex
perience that. It is equally a good for human
flesh as for any animal. It is penetrating
and powerful, and yet it can be used full
strength with perfect safety on a child a
well as a grown person. For all blemishes
on horses, it never has had an equal. Read
1-K.s.P. Died, at Lilly's Station, Washington
township, on Thursday, October 1, Jlr.Jum j
l.SAr, ag-ed about 42 years.
The deeed was foreman at S. H. Smith's eoal ;
works on Ben's creek, a short distance west of Lil
ly's, and theraueef hisdeathwas bone sn slpelaa, ,
which first attacked his noe and then n is eves,
forrin out and liur-tinn the eye halN twenty-four ,
hours before his death. Ills Illness only lasted '
three days, but preve,ls, by an attack of fever
and a:ue. which er-t manifested Itself while he
m on his wny to I'lttsimrirli a short time 'mfore. i
He leaves a wife and nine children In comfortable '
circuTTntan-e. the fruit of constant tot! and honest
endeavors. He was an hoae.t. faithful and ur
riifht man. a irood cltirea, huand andYather. and i
was one of the most kind-hearted and charitable ef j
neighbors, as many of the eld and younij people In
and about Lilly's and eisewhere will che-rfully
bear witness. Mis retrains wcrn depof ite,i In the :
'atholic cemetery at Summltvllle or. Saturday i
lavt, his funeral be' nn the l arc est ever witnessed in 1
that section or the county. May his soul rest In !
prace. "
XJL K'tate of .Teas I.str, dee'd.
I.'ttersof administration on the estate of John
Iap. late of Vahln?ton township, deceased, hav- !
lna been Rrauted to the unrters'irTied. all persons : .;i-d lo said ostnte are hereby notified that
immediate payment must be mtde. and those hav
ing; elaiins asalnst the same will preeeut theta,
properly autentlcnte;. for ettleraeot.
Iioh'i ITHV I.F.AP. Admlaistratrls.
Washlnaton Twp., vt. . li0.-t.
HAVINfv fslled todisrr,e at puMIr sale of the
Fares in'isllltz n fownfbi p. Caiub.-ia county,
ol which Huarh .Vcf orraiek. late of s'd township.
die.1 seired, the undi-rs!f ned oQern the sr-rce at
private -ale. Said faras consist ef Arrrs,
in a (food nate ol cultivation, and is believed to e
underlaid with bituminous coal. I he land will he
sold as a who!e or In parts to su:t purchasers. For
terms, etc , e-ll on or address
.1AMK.S Ii()I,ANl, Acting; Fvecutor,
f 'et. M, ic..-t. Summit. Cambria Co., Fa.
T Altoona Trib-tr publish three times In daily
and three times in weeklv ; send bill to this c9ire.
Ir you Dox't Come.
But, suppose you don't
come, iiow are we
to sell you just what you
want to buy, without your
seeing things beforehand?
Try ; write; say about how
much you want to pay for a
business suit, dress suit, over
coat, or whatever you want ;
say what your occupation is;
say anything that has any
bearing on what we ought to
send you. It will not take
us two minutes to gues
what you want ; if we don't
guess right, that's our loss,
not yours.
Have your Own Way !
Perhaps you want your
clothing made to your meas
ure. Did you suspect that
we make to measure a
half-million dollars'- worth of
clothing every year for peo
ple we never saw and never
expect to see? You may
be very certain that we have
a way of doing such work
without much risk of a mis
fit; for a misfit, you know,
comes right back to us. We
are pretty careful about
making blunders when we've
got them all to make good.
Our Way :
Our way of doing business
is to make the buyer wel
come, at the outset, to all
the advantage and all the
guarantee he can ask for.
Wanamaker & Brown.
In otter words, and te be more explicit, there Is great rejoicing anient the people of Northeastern '
Cumbria at the openmir In Chest Sprina-s. at what Is known as the "Old !
t'ump Corner," or Douglass Property, ot a
New Store by S. B. Corn & Co., !
Which every former anJ resident In the neighborhood should patronise, as the proprietors are deter- ;
mined to sell at the lowest Altoona prices fur either cash or countrv produce. Thev will keep a
Fjr ladles, gents and cblldren, and can nhtain from their store In Altoona at short notice any style or
quality of lTci li!i. Silks. S.tins. arrets. (Ill Cloths, ao., that may be desired.
One Koom bas been fitted up and Oiled exclusively with
SHOES, GAITERS, OVERSHOES, &c, &c, for Ladies, Misses and Children, !
1 i
Embracing erervthlng In the Millinery and Fancy tloid line, such as Trimmed and Unlrlmtned Hats
for ladlee ucd cbO.'ren. Ki boons. KuiUts, Notiuus, a.e m..
OiB Hill,
Bixth and Market atresia,
See other column. irwr ica n Fv- i the advertisement for Kendall's Spavin Cure.
, I ' . . 1 nrnPt
m2rh TMbUrfiM club want to go
7ad of the matcbU. Democraty outpour
aiif u vi --hi. b smced our town
invited dul.s from a distance North, .South,
x? JI ...h West to unite with them in a torch
S&n t ' com? off i the future.
j, .. hen. occu hitch. Both the Al
ni and tbeTohnt. ven borS desire to tak
1 v irTtha Tiroceer'inee, but oTii-how they
are Cnable trfix on a night which will be
. Pnw aatisfactory. Tlie former name
Thirt 7y of neTtwTvk. while the latter are
.iHf!.r Saturday of this week. If wme
solid 'if'i.noi Effected and JohnV'.wu
a?,drAl Z le Trerniiued to come here o
ce her Oicn theP eontem plated prrlm
K i neceMarilv fall below the Democratic
Tl L.f tf continsencr whifib i too revolt-
Wlo tor a rcrrent ! A". -ct !-r.-e!?
I nltiitni-
Lkcttbe at Bf.uaso. A larsre andiencn
assembled in the V. B. church at BbIkhho on
the.eveninjr of the litli innt., for the purposo
of liteninn to Miss Anna M. Baker's lecture
on "IJoth Sides of Life." All present were
much pleased with the nianrer in which tba
subject was treated. Miss Baker's style and
delivery combining grace, eloquence and wit,
while her subject matter was plain, practical
and full of good sense. Her gestures and
enunciation were also perfectly free from
anything like an aeMimed or unnatural
"Mage" 6tyle.
Oxe of mr children was recently attacked
with a severe case of Croup, which ready as
sumed a distressing phae ; I was recom
mended to try Itr. Bull's ("oueh Syrup, after
other remedies bad failed. The effect was
most happv and speedy, causing an entire
cure. F. Ai.BRr.OHT, 241 S. Sharp St., Baltimore.
! Write to Mrs. Lydia T.. rinkham, So. tt
Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets
relative to the curative properties of her
j Vegetable Compound' '?i a!l female eorr
; piainf. ! rr.-?t.j
A Wtsw Of.acox. "Deacon Wilder. I
want you to tell me how you kept yourself
! and family well the past season when all the
' rest of us'have been sick so much, and have
: had the doctors visiting us s-o often."
; "Bro. Tavlor, the answer is very essy. T
used Hop Bitters in time ; kept my familv
; well and saved the doctor bills. Three dof
lars' worth tf it Vent u well and able to
work all the time. I'll warrant it has cost
vou and the neighbors one to two hundred
; dollars apiece to keep sick the same time."
j "Deacon, I'll use yourmedicine hereafter."
Pennsylvania Statf. College admits
both sexes. Endowment half a million.
Tuition free. Courses of study, Classical,
Scientific, and Agricultural. A thorough
iTeparatory Department. Expenses ?3 to !i
per week. For catalogue, address;
j l-n.-12t. Ftc. State College, Ta.
i The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Michi
Can, will send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic
Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial.
j Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what
' the i'ay. Wt itc to them Khout d'. l.iy.
(A Maaiaiaa, a at a Priak.)
hops, srrnr, mandilahj:,
Attts Fvremr asm Bwer VwrTcai.JAJJ
nas or iu. othbb Brrraoa.
in r1sefesif the Steteaeh. Ttowels, B1oe4,
Llvev. Rldnoys, and Trlnary Orras. Nr
ouaaess. Sleeoleeenessand eaaeetailr.
Female Complaiota.
Will be aaid fer a eeae her wilt e ears er
sietp, er reranywing lmenre er lajvnoni
fouaa to te'-m.
Askveur drag-gift for Hop Witters sad try
Uiesa" before you sleep. Take aa alter.
D T. t. ta aa ahao!tean trrestetfWscnre fer
Drunkenness, use of efiitun, tehacce and
Barrett ee.
SmxD roa CiEcrxa.
au ! fM w
Rn BHtrfS Mx. Oe.
. I.,
li ber'hv eiicmlel tn vounsr ar.1 old, rlrb and oor, arrare and trv. all of
with the bet rarsrsi:'S evr . ffere-1 in Nor1 hern t'ainbria. no matter wbetnrr tbey brlns; the cash or
ccine prenare.-i to eicnanife r.iaes. cnioccua. uaiier. eicrs. c r oi ner neeirauie produce, at tne clga
est icarket ratos, for nrst-olass tcerchaudtse at the lowest Aitoona city prices.
Chest. Sprues. OtiiiibtiM. o.. T?t
S. It. CORN A CO., Proprietors. - - S. 31. DOUGLAS, Salesman.
$mt mmm the mrt
' T in; nf.w sTonr. liuu.niNo of
: S. TEITELBAUM, Carrolltown, Pa.,
1 1 U UEi
And a cordial Invitation Is now extended by the proprietor to every reader ef tbe Fasiifii te call and
iee the lerse assortment, examine the various qualities, and learn the unsurpassable prices, which are
so low that -0 per cent, can rjitively be saved bv those who buy their c"ds from me. The reaeoa 1
een sell so cheap Is the t 1 buttirht m entire ptork fur cash acd intend to sell fur eash or Its equivalent,
and em therefore prepared to make quiek sales at final icr profits than any ether merchant In Cambria
eoanty. lton't take my word for tbis, hewever, but eesne and see for yourselves.
f aaBOit.Toww, Hat 21, lue-u. . TEITELB ACM.
whom will be. eeotnraodeted . JJm ' ' -LJ-
Msnn fartarer an d Itealer tsa
Mattresses, &c.
Between lth and 17th St.,
Altoona Penn'a.
a Hirens cf t'atuhria renr'v and all etbrn)
wis tins; to purchase bonest Kl' l.SlIT RE. kc, at
hnneet prices are i-rsj eetiuHy Invited to sr:ve tre a
call hofnre buytnjc clsewt.rre. as I am confident
thst I can meet e err want auu piense eve-r tasta.
Frice-i tbe trrv lowe-t. K. .f. LYSt'H.
Alt.xina. April 18. lstnt.-tf.
-MA5irFicTrasp-s o
Tin Copper an Stet-Irmi WARE,
-Ar rLSiiB tw-
j BAF.N, II RSACK", e.,
j 110S Eleventh Arenue, . Altoona, Ta.
i Oa Inr West nf Opera Beuse.
mokriLT a rraxcan to.
Altoone. Oct. 10. lSTB.-tC
ni-:v pid'Anrnu:.
Books and tt o invy
ri'HF. nndersianed has jnat opened in Carroll
X town, opposite F. Toiteihaum's store, a lull
line of UOtiKS and STATIONERY. Also, mint
ef choice CANDIES, t' INKKA -TIONEKIES. r.
av- The patronaa-e nf the is respectfully
solicited. I'Bi-a Ixjw.
Carrolltown, Oct. . 16S0.-tf.
AnVERTlSKBS hy addressing FO. P. KOTtn.L
CO., 10 Spruce St.. New York, can learn the ex
act enet ef any propoeed.line ot- A PV EKTISlNf I in
American Newspapers lOO-Face Faasphlet. IOC-
M. R. B
bill S r!
EAR and Teens tnaasnf-.
Address P. t WJX-
ir,.u?t.i, Xaitt..
"BsiS'tiT, fiurtteon tmtiat. Eb-
ensburjr. Pa., resjctfully informs
all pcrsens interested that he w'll
viit Ioretto professionally en the
first 31rnday nt earn month : neei
Springs on the day followinu Tuesday : tam!l
town on the second Mondav of each month, and
ynimire on the fourth Monday of each mi. nth.
a-All persens needing dental work will c.o wen
to Rive me a call, as 1 am prepared to furnish full
er partial sets of teeih and perform all other oper
ations perMlnln to my profession In a satisfactory
manner and nt the lnwet possible prices.
(-21,'8'.-tr.l M. R. B. t'RF.f.BT, I. P. S.
fT W DICK. Attoknet-at-Law . Eb-
1 F.henihnrr. Fa. Office In front room ofT
t T.in4 new hulldlnB.. Centre street. All men
I ner of lesr' business attended, to satlsTtetortly,
. arid ce;iect;cdisa;rcA::aitv. I IC-H.-ir. i
Tt. I.. Johnalon, l)ickt !
I '. A. Shoemaker. A. W. I? u oli.
at ai i AOi resiata foim.
Beathl assst Mold, sal
AccoantH iSolicitccla
A. W. BUCK, Cashier
t'tnnu iy (trici'LT mi
MIXED PAISTS Ready for Use,
muss, sr. iTOffliR, calcimine.
I'l'TTY, WllITi: (ilAT..
i Varnish and Painl Brushes,
asd a rtru. t.ik or
C'bea-er than any whe-e el.e iu tbe city.
IStla Avenue and Ifttli Ktroe4t
An atticle superlnr In quality a4 lower ta ptiea
tban any other fa TeTtlarWel. A .msntneat aao
experienced New York pfcyeea arivee It as hut
eptnlon that r!.iate Is preterat'le to tea or eeffe
because it adds strenicth to f-e bdy. ne life ta
tbe exha'isfed brain, quiets the rcr-veus system. the worn ius J the dlge'l've urjtanr.
and fives pu-iiy to tr.e Ulnwl.
Kor a saix rflne confeek.n ask tout confection
! fnr eir Sweet riplced Vaa:Ha I'ti'Volate. Aachen,
bsxh A Miller, 3d an t wHowhill Sts., Phtla., Fa,
ample wertb t
rissoK A Co..
. (.a. ( " s