The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 03, 1880, Image 2

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No two of its walk alike. The hing
es of our gates turn the same, but with
different results.
The babv strikes a toddle because it
hasn't strength enough to walk, but it
has the underlying principal of a natur
al walk, because, it "toes iu." "Toe
ins out," is a military article, invented
for the express purpose of showing how
much more men kno-v than the Lord
The hippity lioppitT skip and jump is
peculiarly the little girl's gait. Uneasy
and restless the (hitter, budget seems de
termined to wear the sole of her shoe
and the sou! of her mother out at the
same lime ; but she is the prettiest pic
ture of animation humanity can show.
The dead run all out of breath is the
small hoy 's gait. You can set down the
Ixty who so far forgets himself as to walk
as "already in his dotage. Very old.
The square heel and toe is the gait af
fected by professional peds on the suw-d:i-t
track, but it is crowing alisolete,
thank our lucky stars. i
The bound to have it gait is a rapid I
straight forward stride, never turning I
to the right or left. The mau who has
it knocks over children, barks his shins
against market baskets, and stubs his
toes against everything on the walk,
but he "gets there," and his coat tail
arrives about two minutes later.
There is a slow measured gait, tread,
tread, tread, all the day long. The man
wlij carries the hod has this peculiarity tine, lie would go to a lire in the
same step, and get there possibly.
The long loie, thirty-four inches to
the step, with a sag of the knee joint
and a vigorous swing of the arms, is
that of a young mau from lturaldom.
lie gets the walk from going over rough
ground and anylody that gets the best
of him has rough ground to go over.
The (puck, sharp and spiteful gait j
with the little metallic heels ringing on
the pavement is the gait of the smart
young Miss with bright blue eyes and
lots of vivacity-. The young man who
intends to keep company with her for
life must make up his mind to train to
her step. She never will train to his.
The every day business gait, icing
right along with your feet, and your
thoughts in the otlice, store, .shop or
wherever it is. You never know how
far the walk is. nor how long it takes
you to rover it. It is indefinite ami fre
p;eutly tlri only aid to good digestion.
Take it easy, don't care a cent sort of a
gait with cane twilling over his linger
lvl,i-:l ill til," tiltnl .it" tl,l Wlilld I o
leads a life of leisure and wouldn't hur- !
ry iiiiiiM-n. ,sa consequence ne grows
fat, rheumatic and gouty and in later
years walks with two canes and tremu
lous limbs. It doesn't pay to bunch
your pleasure.
The dinner gait, before and after din
ner, is mentioned merely as affording a
contrast. It would hardly seems possi
ble that one pair of legs could ieiform
to entirely in oppos:tion.
The slow gait. Tor further particu
lars send a small boy on an errand.
The fumbling, hesitating "ait. braced
up by a good hickory cane is what we
are all coming to, if we live three score
years and ten. it will be pleasant to
slow up," just liet'ore reaching the
The stroll. Just at twilight, con
scious thut the day's work is over, and
that a season of rest is before you, to
leisurely miamler along in pieasant
paths, beneath the deepening shade of
su.ipely tre-s, to listen to the hum of the
busy world as it gradually dies away, to
watch for the twinkle of the first star of
evening, or may catch a glimpse of the
iiiooii over the left shoulder ; ah this is
the acme f pedestrian ism. If you don't
believe it, offer her your arm to-night
and try it.
How Trees are Struck by l.iglilnhiir.
i M. Colladon says: 1 he lightning al
I ways, or most always, strikes the npiwr
j branches, esjiccially those that are most
elevated ami most exiosed to the lain
i storm. From thence it descends thro"
almost the entire mass of branches to
the main branches, and from these to
the trunk. These large branches, and
I'OltK MAKlXJi IN lil'IKF,
A correspondent of 1 he London MilUr j
de.scrilies his visit to a Chicago jrk j
pnckingestahlishnient ns follows: The i
place where I was to witness the pros-
cut ion of one of the greatest of the in- '
dustries of the- latter city was Union I
StK-k Yard, where I arrived by street j
car at '.): A. M., and was introduced to
3U 5 TVS,, -aL.'
Will open Thursday, Sept. 2nd, and remain open Day and
Evening, Sundays excepted, until October 9th.
A new Machinery Hall litis boon erected. ttikin the place of f 11.1 Power Hall, which lias been re
move,!, an, I the fine- converted Into a heaiitiful I ,nwn. wmi r lower nci sni , t ita -l.jpf brunch, the hiffhest
An Annex ha- been a.!, led to Floral Hall, which will nc neconue.i witn xn.wo.n ...... ... .".j - -- " .
rietv amunit which will lie. tine .lifpiuv? of cut flower?, l,ouo in prcminm luting ullcred lor that iur- , one jjy inches, and Situated Oil the
TheOld Hui.dimr,, having l.een repainted and repaired. pre,ont a striWin-, appearance. Fifteen j 80Utl.Wt Side. The JOUng HW! of
acre- have heen added to the srroun.K thu increafinir the area to twenty nvc acre. , I tlllS Summit anil those Ot tlie bralll lies
A perfect half-mile trot time course ha? heen constructed, on which trial? ol speed will itc nnu ny
some uf the tinct stock in the country, l.4oo in premiums bein ottered In this department
HT'ILIUNliS and (iliill'XhS will lie thorotiirhly illuminated with the HriKli t.leerl t.lgnt.
Through the co-operation of our Manufacturers a thorough representation of the Trod nets ol ritts
burtrh an. I Allegheny City will oe on exhibition.
Floral Hall and Annex, in charge of our prominent Florist.), will surpass all previous ellorts in una
Tn order to interest the surroun.linz Counties, an Agricultural Fair has Iwen added to the Kxpopl
tion. and our Fanners. I'ro.lucers and liree.lcrsof Fine Stock. Horses. Cows. Sheep, Swine, fc.c., and all
.. r I.-..-... I '.-...1 will I. a u-nr.lcl I 'win i II 111 4 I n n n 1 1 To 10.O'l.
( OM'I.RTK evcrv and eveninx by the i.reat Western Kleventh Keniment Hand,
sic on the Oraud Draii daily. Kxcurston TickcU on all Kailroa.U at jtrcatly reduced rate?.
eiecially the trunk, ving in general i one of the pig killing ef talilisliment-s.-mucli
ixwrer conductors than the voung I The animals to lie oieiated upon are
branches the passage of the electricitv driven up an incline, for which, if they
produces' therein heat and repellent ef- I snsiK-cted to what fate it was the. intro
fects which lacerate the sap wood or the : duction, they would have iw inclination,
bark and sometimes scatter the debris This leads to a huge ien, from which
to some distance (ToO feet and bevond.) : they are driven into a smaller one,
This is a law that. I have ascertained by i where a man is placed for the purpose
very numerous observations. The tree of slipping a chain on one of the hind ;
recently struck in Iiue des Glacis de legs of the unsuspicious ioikers, which i
Hive presents an interesting case, in ; are hauled lo a position whence they j
that it confirms this law. j slide to the sticker, who dispatches j
i ia nnt. vprv rommon Ihincr in 1 them while hanging. Hie stuck pig is .
France to see trees struck by lightning then passetl on to a man who unhitches
llie leg, ami ine animal laus into ine
scalding tank, which hohls twenty at a
time, and three men are there engaged
KeniepiW-r that !-ep j loti'jlri,.r
hea' where tlie soil iolinit-i ,f it
,rl-',',t 1 .1-. ,t I. ,11 i ' I 1 1 ll , , i 1 , .
The breaking up of the su1-.,,.i (,r i.-ii
is it
in May, when their as yet young leaves
have little consistency. J. lie iree now
under consideration was struck essen
$io,noo -
1,000 -
ix si'i-:i-:n fo.
IX C UT FL. O WEIi lo.
The Dining Department will be under the supervision of a competent Hotel Keeper.
furnished at moderate prices.
CI 111.1)11 KN, under l i Years of Aire, - 1"
Send for Trospeetus containing Premium Lift and (reneral Kules and Kcgulations.
J. C. PATTERSON, Secretary.
E. P. YOUNG, General Manager.
JOHN I). IJAIL'EY, Ass't Manager and Cashier.
Hats, Caps, Umbrellas,
fT,r-riiTks,"VrM,lises5 &c, fce.
Young America Clothing House,
Corner Eleventh Avenue and Eleventh Street,
immediately beneath were neither dried
nor withered, but they were gashed in
part and broken into small fragments
and strewn over the surrounding earth.
In fact they had suffered from the effect
of a violent concussion of the air, like
the window anes which had been bro
ken in two neijihlioring houses, and
were reduced to fragments just as they
would have been had a dynamite car
tridge been exploded near them. Even
before seeing the tree I had made up
my mind that there must have letn a,
well or stream of water near there in
contact with the roots of the lmplar ;
for the vicinity of a spring or subter
i ranean stratum of water is very often
the determining cause to attract tlie
lightning to the summit of a tree stand
ing near it. Here, again, this influence
is rendered evident by two interesting
facts. At aliout eighteen feet from the
i the tree, on the north side, there is a
lead conduit wluclt leads water to a
laundry, and a drain which carries the
waste water off under the street. At
the lwise of the trunk the wounds
swerved toward the north, and, midway
between the tree and llie lead conduit, a
board placed as a border on the earth j the head by means of a steel ointed
stirring the carcasses up with long poles,
so that the bristles which are lo le re
moved are acted upon b the scalding ;
water. At the end of the tank there is ;
a sort of scoop which the pigs slide into, J
and are lifted out of the water to a '
lieiich, where Ihey are subjected to the
scraping and shaving process by the ac- i
tive hands of a dozen men. They are j
then passed to a f unci ionai y by whom
they are decapitated, after which they J
are cut open and disemboweled by other
pr ict it imiers. the division of hilxir prin- j
ciple iH-ing carried out there to the let- i
ter. The cutting up process follows the ,
whole operation, taking a great deal !
less time than I have taken to deserilie
it. A pig is killed and made ready for j
the market in a few minutes. At the
Messrs. 1$. V. Murphy Packing Conipa- i
ny they now employ -J10 men, have a -J4 I
horse power engine and four ." horse !
power horizontal tmilers. eleven lead i
tanks, S feet bv C. and three -24 feet by j
i. They kill is) pigs a day, and in
winter twice that uunilier. Alter lie-'
ing cut up the pigs are salted and put in (
I also visited one of the cattle killing
establishments, where the. work of '
' slaughter is conducted with equal dis- ;
patch, the mode of killing lieing the j
I cutting of the spinal cord at the back of !
was pierced with a round hole aliout
four inches in diameter, showing that
the electric fluid, concentrated in a
powerful jet (if that expression is allow
able), shot directly from the foot of the
tree toward the lead conduit by the
shortest route.
spear shariened somewhat like a drill, t
the animal falling instantaneously ami
without a struggle. Every part and t
product of the animals. I may mention. I
is utilized, nothing here lieing allowed
to go to waste.
discovther nr
TTic Pnltty- Cr.m I
For all Female Complaints.
Thin wpratlii, ulti riRtne l(rninr. ronslsta of
VCTKlle Proprrtlra that art liarmlpss to the most del
fc-at Inmlld. Vpnn one trial the merit of thl Com
pound will he reojmlrert. a relief l Immediate : and
vOten Its one la continned. In ninety -nine eases In a hiin,
dred. a permanent enrrlsefT-tedathonw.ndB will tes
tify. On aceonnt of It imvc-n merits It Is te-Ir.T re.
eommended and freaeri!ed l.y tho bevt ,hyai.-lai In
It will en re entirely the worst form rf foiling
of the Btenia, Tneorrho-a, lrrv?rlnr and fwinful
Menatroation,allTftHanTmal4e, Inllnmmatlon and
Ulceration, Floodlnipi, all IHeement and the con
sequent aplnnl weakness, and la esperlnlly arinpted to
the Cliaixre of IJfo. It will disoie ami expel tiinmrs
from tho n tents In an early slafre of deelniment. The
tendency to caneeroas hnmor there is checked ery
rpeedlly by Its nee.
In fart It has proved to be the great
est and beat remedy that haa eer been dlsrorer
rd. It nermeatea crery portion of tbe sTstem, an.1 giTee
new life and ritror. It removna f aintness.flatlnc-. do
stroyaallcraTlng for stimulants, ano rrlicia weainese
of tbe atomaeh
It cum IJlnaUnir, ITeadaehea, Vrrwcmn Prorf ration.
Genera Debility. Sleeplessneia IVpreaslon and I mil
frcstlon. That fueling of bearing down, censing pain,
wcifrht and backache, Im always permanently cured by
Itsnae. It willat all times, and ondt rall circumstan
ces, act In harmony with tlie Inw ttaivt goTerna tbe
female system.
For Kidney Complaints of ci?hr iri this com pound
la nnsarpaased.
Lydia E.'s Vegetable Compound
Is prepared at sn and tR "etm ATenne, I.ynn, Xaaa.
I"rlce8i nn. f '.x bottles for tVM. S-nt by mail in the
form of pills. als in the form of Tvisrnsrcs, on reeei
or price. ei.. nor box, for eillK-r. Mm. IIMKHil
freely answers all I. tterj of inquiry. Send fur pam
phlet. Addre-r: r.s above Jfeaffow 1 h It pnprr.
Ho family Miuiild be withoa I YDI A R. P1NKHAM"
LIVEnniJA They enre Constipation. IUliouancas,
and Tonldity of the IJTer. Z5 cents ir box.
AVi- i i;k.. A. Kki.i.v e. . r.-n.T,il
Aent. ri:t-lmrl'lt. I 'it., nn.l lr. Wm. I.kmm.-n.
liriiaaist. Kl'cnsluir. I':i. IT--J."i 1
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
( trmrrtv Dr. Crrrio'x hlr9n-tf firr
A T"Pirt:tbh Htfratnii ?! I h- onlv uyit
rtm-tlv in tho w.-rM IW Krli;lt-B I ir .
lnKftV. nnd AM Hiducj, E.lrr. a,al
1 iinnr If tr
K-f' "1 sltnMnirti of the highest orWr fn proof
Of th- st:ilniit.
rrt Kfr cure of ntnHerr, cail fr War
nrr'i ifr IM.ihriM I nrf .
FiT the curt f.l Iir.ch1i, r4 t ohor
flians. mil for Harner'. iVnfe 4 Idnr-jr
ft nd LlrrrfniT,
It thfh-t ftloosrl PnHfirr. nn.l ;t.Mi:lat
pvt-ry funf'n lo mor li'-aliliful aciiun, an
( Wwtn ft rtM-Ot in Ml I 11':i?"-?,.
It run NrrAfulonti nri1 rt hr 1 Irt Frrp
f lorn, nnd ttiu;f-i, iuclutlitig tnnrcn, t I-
. ! wn I vk, rnl nm of 111' Kfnmnrh,
ll.T, etc., are ciirMl hy Hip Sff fftltl-r. U is
u nqiirilvl a an nptM tirrnttti t;nliir tmi-.
Bul- of two niTAia ; pri-, HiH-. aricj f-l.OO.
Qtilrkly civ Kt4 an1 to thofnifTfTin'.
ciiro ifff-nctnv-lisp Mid Itirlirt- pn-vnw
fr.tlp(r fit. !nl rlivi ot lrm-
Irnlfon brHiKhl on by Pxr-Hive tnnlv1 v r
worK. cnntal lo'k,, mid other -an-.
Powfrfnl it i8Ui(ip pain ard fvxjt h rH
tnrbi Nrv, It n--'-r injur- tti b t in,
whether tHkn in uniitll or lririr' lo-.
ISotil f two kit.-; ir1rf?. 30e. aiM fll.OO.
Ait an immodiatp fin-1 activ-o nnniiiiw for a
Torpid Lryer n.n'1 rnre Cotivai. Dripptt, Pll-
tovineM. Kiitons mar
rbcra. Malaria. Ferer
and An. and rhontd
It' lis. ti -hfiv-r the
b-tu'( !i not 0H-raie
frly and r-(rulnrly.
bv mtmT I'lIK Pt-ilrr .
MBftll IW t
Wnrt. I'rrrr t.' -.
SSrf l:caawxtH-. arw
nM tf nrUl- Jl lals-
it liiiiin
Tin; l'ltoiT.ii'roiis of which
A Ci.evki: Tkk K. TilC A:t.",, Mu'd
describes a clever trick wliich waa being
exliibiti.l liy a nalivc juggler at .losliida
baslii. Tlie pel fui inaiicc takes jilaru in
a sii,.ill room about twenty-six feet long
by twelve feet wide, half being allotted
to the spectators, 'hoaro admitted on
payment of the in. (derate fee of two
cent.. 1 iu 'proiH-rties"' consist of a
deal table ai.d a sword, etc. After the
usual soul-stirring llourish on a drum
air.l s.'.inisen, a man and woman api ear
from behind a screen ; the hinds
the woman's head in a cloth, and she
then kneels down cloe to the table, and
sidowavs to the spectators. Tlie man
draws the sword, makes a violent blow j
at tho woman's head, she falls for ward
arms extended and limbs twitching.
He then, having first wiju-il the sword
on u gory-looking piece of rag, takes up
( apparently I the w:.j:;i 's head. wraped j
mthe c'.uthan.l places it on the table. To .
all apiK-arances ii is a human head ; the
eyelids and fentuifs have a convulsive j
motion ; pn-sently the ryes ien in a j
dreamy sort of way, and, to the accom- j
)an:iiieut f tlie eveil.isiing s;iiuipc-:i, j
the head sings a mournful spng. A '
cuilaiu is interposed lietween tlie aud
ience ami the ierforrjiers, ami when
aaiu drawn back the woman is disclos
ed quietly seated boside the man. When
it is recollected that this all takes place
within about three feet from the specta
tors, and tlie proiei'ties are of 'the sim
plest description, some idea may be for
med of the wonderful excellence of a
lrformar.ce which has excited atten- j
tioii. i
Mllll ll FEW A' I'.QIMI. AMf XOXEi AX r.XM'.I..
Therefore i r-,'-it it : l.,n-t lnvel ,.n re-.!! in Sl'llINUor Sl'MMKH fT.UTIHMi. l.KXT'S Fl"K
MSHl.NG CKIOIiS, Alc, until you h:ic seen wluit tliey c.ia ,lo I'.r you at the
"STouiig America Clotliing House
Cor. 11th Avenue :tntl lltli Sti-t, Altna, !'.-.
rnEtOHoVrs oiiiiV stoke :
j What Wk Cam. "Tf.kua Firma."
J The rivers of the" sea, apart from the
i astonishment and wonder which their
j stupendous projiortions must arouse in
the mind of the student of natu'.e, pre
I sent themselves to us as a subject of
' paramount interest, when sve consider
I the part which they have played and are
still playing in the building up of the
; topmost lajer of the solid earth crust,
! in the perpetual changes ot climatic
j conditions, in tlie distribution of vege
table and animal life over the surface of
our planet, and but not least, in tlie
recent advance of ocean navigation, by
: whic h the inhabitants of the most dis
I tant lands have been brought into close
intercourse with each other. The ero
sive action of currents constantly tends
to alter the configuration of the coast
j lines, by taking away land in one place
and deiKisiting it elsewhere. Again,
j immense quantities of sediment carried i
by all the rivers of the world into the
j sea are taken up by the currents smd
I spread over the l;cd of the ocean. (Ie-
ologists tell us that nearly all, if not. all,
the dry land at present existing has at
one time leen at the boltom of the s-ea.
an assertion confirmed by the fact that
the strata which compose some of the
loftiest mountain ranges have evidently
been deposited in ages long past upon
the floor of the ocean, and still retain
the remains of the animals which dis
jiorted themselves in the seas of former
days. What we are. still in the habit of
calling ''terra firma" is proved by mod
ern observations to lie in constant mo
tion, rising and falling like the heaving
breast of some mighty monster, whose
arms stretch far lienealh the waves.
Ky the action of the subterraneous
forces, as yet unexplained, vast areas of
the earth-crust are depressed lielow or
lifted up above the level of the sea, and
we are beginning at last, to understand
the t null of the maxim, that there is
nothing stable in the universe of crea
ted things except the unstable. .V'-iVifc
for All.
A Vai.t aw.k Si ciihTinx. We
j publish lielow, savs I he Iloston ih, a
1 communication recommending nee as j
an article of diet during the healed term.
I We call esecial attention to it, since
this year part ieularly there has Ijeen a.i
' unusual prevalence of stomachic disor
j ders. a recurrence of which may Ix- pre
vented by the judicious use of this mi
t l it ions and wholesome food, l'articu
: larly has this sisishii lieen hard on chil
j dren, and the next warm spell will
.doubtless cl.iim its victims from tnis
; class and mow down many more of them
with bowel disorders. Parents cannot
j do Itetter, therefore, than to heed the
I pood advice given below and save the
I young ones from much suffering, if not
j from actual death. The conimunica
; tion is as follows :
KxjierieiiCH and science conjointly
urge the free use of rice as Tood during
the heated term alike for children and
adults. Few articles of diet are more
nutritious, bland ami palatable. It can
be prepared in a variety of ways with
out impairment of its nutritive value or
its acceptability to the most delicate
stomach. The jH-rcentage of starch 5i
which it contains renders it a most e!li- , L-.
cacious remeiiy in iiowel disturbances
of children, allaying irritation and ex
erting a decidedly stringent local effect.
axj.auaJ.iu a. ""Ljfif'V Ji'wJIPai. J ' JJ
I n sure cure r,raU .,r,li!i-ry !i-c:is,- .,1 Horses,
C'.lttle, Sheep I Swine. II enres an.l revetits
'ti.ckk 'it. , . Your c.w is .M-rTiln loyi.-l.l
'!-" IKI! KM. M. ,l:K A M r.KTTKl: I IK .'.Ml 111 1TMI.
Il.-iii in )m. -.'--;. ,n of :. l;irje niiui'.fr ol eK.-.-I-Ifiit
!r-tiin. ,;!:, Is I Mil.. n a lew:
I li ;! imu ii si ii y our i ':e I !. I ', ,n-.ler for hor-o s.
i.iiii xillow tirr 1 1 i w:ili-r in i-m.. i .
; - i" :,or i
theroo's, prevents the a!t"iti:i fn-...
inland thawing of the roo'.l.ts ol the
The I 'l iuan r ii'-tom f lbu,t in fr,,;
tnisoii either sale of public li;Jhv;n's
is a good one. These tin s are rnil,j
and olheiwi' cared for by ;. r,,.u,
hands. They f urn ish shade and fruit t,'
tlie weary travellers, and c-i;stitn(. a
li'iniane provision worthy ot j m : ; t i-tt
iu all Christian lauds.
In dry autumns Auuu-t is a ?,rv
mouth l r get t ing muck 1 1 .m tl ;e su
or .aio or sand from the !, u ti ("
stored under Cover for use in n,,. s. '
l.i... 1 1.. Tl.n r . . d"
li. 11.11 .no-. J . I j i.-m-.,i OMin'ejit
makes extra work in bundling in:ir.i:'r,
and s do large crops uiuke eti,i ,,rk
but it is work that u-oially p:is. 1
A nit t ure of sulphur and f;;ie!;r,.,;, j
; to'uaci'o. two jiarts of the former U..
of the latter, has hem foun I im,..
lent preventive of tbe ravages oj hw,s
o:i sii:ish and other v;!i.;i, ii ;is.,r
I. .ii ii ii " 1 ice f nun cat t le -n,.! .. ... ,
. ' - '" 1 i-'iii-
trj. It is also recommend) d lorsjiiji.
; ling trees and lushes that are ci', j, j,v
: canker worms or currant wornis.
, Water heated to l'V. is i p-.vir, j.,
i lieu viiy (fiectiv)- I or tin- f;;j.
bage worm. It should 1 app'.e.l n
the plants as soon as the worm ;i: , ilrs
. Th' cabbage wot ins are .;t:-,(., (,,,,
! -ggs detsiteil by a iiu dluir,-ii .J
1 terrly, which is white with a lew
' spots. These aplK'areatly in thes.
and should lie destroyed ttheiirvir p,I
; sibb-.
j Many dil farim is 1 lievi- thut ilmj
: tin old of tbe moon in Aiiut is
'iM-sttime in the year to r,t bub( s p. ,
sm keis if the desire is lo pi.-vcH timn
fr.uii spi.nding again. V,ctS.( r i! e
! uioo!i bus any ii.ili.ei.c) "ii t!nv in.t'.i rs
or not inai Ik? a iietiou. but :t is
yond successful dispute that sproiitwijj
' iloiie at this reason is ni-uv eiTfCtii.j
than that done at any other time.
Keep your (aim dear ol weed, fur
: they diminish crops and co-t time
labor to ilestroy them. -uui is a
; gooil tune to attend to tins v,,V. as
; few will survive a dose cutting at ;i,;s
'si'is-ci. Those thut bivr- ripetu-il or
part ly ripened should b;ni e,i t.iiiv
' stlov the Seeds. Avoid 1 hi -owino lhr;u
' into tb- riadways. as they wi'.l - .tii
. cd by the rains or blown by the wit -Is
.I'wiii yi.uu own oi youi n ii.i-'T s l iimis.
The care of cows during the,,! v a
son is one ,f prime import ance t tlm
il.iiiy mull.
iS the
The Only Remedy
and tho KIDNEYS.
77 mmhinfl action refers it won-d-rrful
c r to etre all diene.
Why Are Ve Sick?q
Bcr(inr ir allow these grait organ L
to bcrnm floffjrd or torpid, awly
rt'xonoiiliiiniorare therefore forrl
iiilo the bbjd that should be expclicJ?
naturally. I
i, k-n ;iu, j'i-r-'.
I 5 K'HT'iS l. s r. 1 1
1 liroe u--e.l two i,:i-Us ,
I-, ,n s
n. I tin, I It
iiii.i n r.,w ii, I'a.
f v our I :.t Me I 'olr ler en
my eo-v niel ,-l,i,-k.-us. Imk ,; i: kim
i 'i i. i:iiii:,,,i ATirv i-' v i i.k ,e .! i 1 "l y
el.u-ke:.- were .! i n. l.u t w.M . i i:ki i m m K'-i a i i:-
LV niter 1 li.i,l lie,l llie l,,w,!rr.
they necessarily shrink in the o i;:::t;';v
of milk given unless pioperiy tt l a;;J
lookol after. The re.-nlts ::! ti iie,l hv
those v ho take pains to l.e.-i, i t;,e
How of milk in their ! -rds !.., v i ; j
' 1';
to suoi.k 1 1 If 1 ! t th
:i in
Vr,r. tnilv, .l,., l'.
; 1 have iie-l i-our ":if Me I
; i- I lie for lior-es. e Itl i
! nn M,ul'ry f.,r lir.t.v ,-. ,Trl i l:i i n t
IA r.ltV . Ai:. .l.-N. W K.A l:i:.
i i:. 1 i.l'.-i. N. "
in ii -I -,.'1 v it
. Tr,. U it
UI'll si I. IS I '
ill. .
I.-.vt siinivier you -."nt
; .1,'r nlnvli 1 to my j
,-ue ,1 r,,; y !i!iKi-v ,r
K s a it. r. liae. N . Y .
S"i:,l in' :i ,:i, k ,,r
, 1 lie nnrk I u ,t troiu
;)I!1,KKN (lloi-KHV. I sr:o' ,,
l",r nil, I it e: i--,i l:i- .-in, k
; SiTie e V;ile :l:
A,l.lre-. I- r :) 1 -l 1 --!'.-T . 1-
I Ar-ii sr.. rini. i:.i.roi v.
-i i,-e k e.' ..!
ii ' 1 1 . :i iiU Ii . f
Hot Ii
i l: .
tn-.. ,,f ,.:ir
o:l t;l - t w i
-l't!e r
?, r . r:
it n
UN V. !
,,T.ler. !
Iliusinrice we have most nutritious
f.Hid :md p!l3"sii; combined, and its free
use as a diet during the summer months
cannot be ton highly recommended.
While so lit", i;i arc btkiii formtrd to the cor.tinq Pres'ulrntinl elrtin in lioj,es rf
hciii'j the iitek ; ),iut, the nh.icriler Im emrbu1rtl f remain in the ,n rrnnlUc
bntiii(sn ami aire, it Aw ntulircilfil attention hy si'iiiliina ". frirtuht
and the ,iihlie ncralbi n:itk ALL KIND OF tiOObS
Mkat I5i:i-:ah. It may not le gener
a'!v known, that if moat is used in bread-
f i;.k:i,g. a peculiar fei mentation takes j
pk'.o; which causes it to entirely disap- j
pear. .V beef-r-teak hashed line and !
mixed witli dough containing yeast dis- j
appears entirely by the time the bread j
is taken from the oven. The steak's
nutritive principles are dissolved and ,
incorporated into the bread. Not the ;
least curious phenomenon noticed iu ;
these eircum-dances is that meat, which !
so rapidly becomes putrid, when once j
incorporated into bread may be kept I
longer th.;n ordinary bread. Uread i
made in 17.5 has lieen shown in the j
Academy of Science; it was 'jl sweet I
and free from mould as when it came j
out of the oven. .Meat bread is excel
lent for d?epties, as it can le made t
to d the work of the alimentary canal j
and iviieve dysp. plies of a!l bother ex
cept mere deglutition ar.d, of course,
p.'. ing tho baker'-1 bill, which is harder
w nk tl an dige.-' on. The meat used
for the purpose si. u!-l be rid of all fat. j
iiud only -alt enougli to season the lueail '
;t.l 1-d ; for If too much sail bo added, j
the bread will become humid (salt being j
a great ab-orber of water) and spoii.
Tin' obj'.-rt ion to this bread is that it is
insipid. If bacon ! used instead of
Iw'f the objection is removed. Veal j
too, makes a delicious meat bread. AM i
those niay be used to make soup. Cut '
;n slices one-sixth of a pound of bread
put the slices in a quart of water, sail '
to taste a:i I boil for twenty minutes. i
lUojcrs trill ahrats find nfidl and clcant .t'n-l? uf errrithintj to befnund in a general
More, eonirisiitg a comphtc line, of
Boots, Shoes, Groceries Hardware, Tinware, ;
! Queens? are, Glassware, ffootaare, Ciprs, Totecco, aaaei Goals, k, k
Also. Fl.ori:, f'OlIN MKAf. V1STI. SALT bv the bushel and barrel, THU'GS, NAIIS
GLASS, l'UTTY, I!l;LIII, ItKOOMS, Ac. I have likewise added to my stiK-k
i3iiti)"s iv'ricrs corn
tchuh trill be $oli! at H e rr:narlnhU loie price of CO crntt each.
Alto for tale, the
te X Inrirc inereascoi business has ncoessltaterl the enlnr oment of my store-room and the erec
tion or an additional wareroom, ami still my estahlishment is literally erow.le.l with choice roo,ls and
eaaer seekers alter banrains. till heing iletcrrainert to accommodate all who come, and especially
niv iriends from the country, to wlir.-n the hiirhcstj. rices in tra le will he paid for ail kind ol produce,
1 have thrown open my lare and commodious stable for tlie free use of all who may wish to put uu
their stock. Thankful lor past favors ana hopeful f,r many future ones I remain as ever.
Do Not Sr.KEr ox tiik Fi.ook.
It is unhealthy to sleep tut the floor.
The late Canon Kingsley explained the
reason for this in a simple way which
w ill enable plain jieople to understand it.
He describes what he calls "the two
breaths"' anil their effects. The two
are, o f course, the breath taken in,
which "is, or ought to lie pure air,
comiosed on the whole of oxygen and
j nitrogen, with si minute lmrtioit of car
I bonic acid," and the breath given out,
! which, "is an impure air, to which has
been added, among other matters which
will not support life, an excess of carbo
nic acid.'" lie then points out that t ids
carbonic acid gas, when warm, is light
er than tlie air and ascends, and when
at ths same temperature as common air
is heavier than that air and descends,
lying along the floor, "just as it lies of
ten in the boiton- of old wells or brew
ers" vats, as a stratum of iison, killing
occasionally the men who descend into
it." Hence a word of admonition is
addressed to those who think nothing of
sleeping on the floor ; and hence, as
"the poor are too apt in times of dis
tress to isiwn their bedsteads and keep
their beds," the friends of the xht are
entreated never to let that happen, ami
to "keep the lx?dstead, whatever else
may go, to save the sleeper from carbo
nic acid on the floor."
Takk Cakk ok tiii: Fi:t it Tkfks. '
Fruit was tolerated, to some extent, j
by our 1'iiritan fathers, but only with ,
the express understanding that it should j
take care of itself. Hoed cros am! '
sowed croii? had rights which every Imdy '
resiected. They were cared for at sla- '
tetl times and seasons ; but if fruit trees 1
received attention it was at the last end
of a convenient time. Convenient times j
are scarce, and so fruit trees were left j
pretty much on their own resources. !
Fashions change, an I now we hoar a '
good deal alwt the culture of orchards.
Let us see wh it go xl culture means, j
Some trees are statved ami some are
surfeited. A soil just liirht for wheat
is aliout right for fruit. Corn is a gross
feeder and will liear more manure than ;
; apples or tears, and so, also, will grass, j
j If the land is too rich the trees run to i
! wood ; tender, jorous wood, too, in.-ur- ;
! ing blight, in the case of pars, and lit- ;
' tie or no fruit. Generally orchards are ,
' starved. In that condition they will i
'bloom abundantly, ami bear, as far as I
j they are able, of small, flavorless fruit :
'j but the effort weakens the vitality, dead ;
i limbs a p tear, the whole tree gets ready 1
1 to die, and unless it has lietter care, it i
does die. Fertilizers at the roots, fork-
ing ami mulching, thinning of the topi
so that the nourishment shall bo equal
lo llie demand, and, in manv cas-es
Binoi sm:ss, imi.ks, conxti patios,
iinwt rutin iixts. l iiimuy
fcSKS. AM KhlltUtS
by etntxiny f ere aetion of thee trrran
and rrUring their pjiecr to throio off
Why SntTer Billona jiarna. and arhcaf
Why tormented with rues,t,OiiMip:!tinn!
V.'liy frlfflttcned oterdisorderrd Kidneys. I
hy en-mrfi tiertnm ornf neanacneM
Why hare fclccplcsa nicht-i I
Cm KITr.Y XVOIIT a-..l r-jnir. in
hcaU.. It it a fii-y, vegetable compn'itwl ard
One varlsc will make six qtaof Mol.-lae.
G-t ti ef yi'r Trgn' "f. h- ord.r itUt
Joe yon. Pritv, 1.11.1. - fj
TXI13, rli3;:T CC., Proprtort. U
Q (VLI.l pn trt nnrltngton. Vt. a J
1V iein-
.it .Mill..
pastures by regular ieed;i:g m t!,es';i
bles. Vou cauunot get mi'.k uiiie-s ti e
annual has food to make it from.
l'aralysis of the hind quarters in pL's
is somet illies caused by i!:l'.iTnTiial 1, n ef
ai:d com-i-queiit effusion upon tl inul
mariow", causing jiressur-j ;iii 1 loss of
nerve jwiwer. Seii.-iti iii a1, 1 ; i mi of
motion may often be re.-toivd 1 tlie
application f)f a miid iriiiant to t!f
loins, Tuneit!ne or a thin paste of
mu-tard rublied upon tl.-e 1 -: us om i .p.
spi'ie generally iead-- to a i ure. It is
brought on by cold and d.m.p r,ia;t'rs
or exposure to col I rail.-. :s:el is n, ,pe
fnqueut in young pic-than ;n m1 eu-s.
Laiiibs are subject to a similar ('"!?)
plaint, arising from the sin"- cause.
-V hill will toine'.imes pr mIu-.-o it u-ry
"5 nt
-1 i
ii irii '...!!
mm eiBCii bieri
( 'oui.H.-e.l .,! root-: n ii , I i.,-rl, ,r.-
i.e." :l:e- T. we :i!l! . i, ,. ;,, : ,e-
i. I ir 1 il . ;,!i -v,-.!i.',t j - r ,o:l t ,.(
l-i i ti; il .! -. :i l-i ;i IV o,l I i: r li
(' i i ;i tei r-' re -1 , : v-.!i,,oi. l-,1., .1-.,
.'j,,r-.. il ! ; ". ttrtit i , n iu I,
1 h:ie tn.-.l A- h.-i,i..i. i, . Mili.i - lie
a m.I e ! i-i --r it .'i;..--,..r to :iov ..i o- '. .-i
1 eviT t'i',1. -!.ie !,i:m-I.. )' i
7k! i 1 1 r. 147 N Kim.: St.. I'l. ' 1-lein.i.
H:IV!lllf !-lel t-fllr; 'l-l ''.I'i'rt'-
1 ;-,:r:! ", 1 it I"4 :oi e,-f! Summ.-r
lie.'lil'or- think l,i.,:-e. S,..:- - - )..
S. n, ti. I'.e.. Mitiii!.:,tir4.
I 1 1 our .Irn i-t .to -s not K'-,i. it..r
I to I. e III the o.-l'il'V. V ell ,- III ?. ,M e a
I l!!v 1
-in. It i
ueeiter .
It v ,
l.tir. 1
Ii !'.
..I i..- keel
i -,1 S-1.1,--.'
Iltr, h l'.err.
II. e'. V
it I 1 . V. .
I Moil I'.,..
r fr !ii
,'t ei.t
ei ;:e
Will 1 -, lo V
x .Miller, pi
.!. !lili:il. I'.l.
.", ,lte 1" i.-1
se,,.( . n-s
:. .-. I l
i-'iii I
.il!- v I.
Pronounced by nil to lv the most fi.r. s- !
ant ami KFKtiwctoys ri'iiiedy N'ow in use :
for the ct iiK ok iovch, toi.ns, tnorr, j
hoarseness, tickling sensation of the throat, i
whixiping cough, etc. Ovki: a million hot-
It gives relief wlterevi-r used, anil has the I
power to impart ln-nefil that cannot le bad I
from the ctuigh mixtures now in use. Sold
by all Druggists at 2."; cents icr bottle. '
SEI.I.nilS' LIVEU TILLS are also high ;
i en-l.
I ill I
i--H I.
hrt M
l'AL N
,.,,.! Ill P'l.
Ie,-I luily ii
T'Z. I'n..
t-oi - 1 11 ' IT'- te. lit. .1
l.o.etto l.-ol,-.,!l -illy
leLiv el e i. lt inetitli : ' t
on til,' ,l;l. : !;,,i :l-T 1 i!,'-,l IV t f:trroU
town on the ee.n,l AIoii.Imv ..1 e:ie
W itmoreen th" Iomt tIi .Moiei:, et eti.-l. t)
:av - A i i er..ii- ue.-,l . ie ,l,'i,t.-t 1 r.-,rk i il v.-rll
to mve in.- n e:tll. :is 1 ton jirej. ir.,l I,. Itit-iii-.ii lull
or jmrti.i! ',-t ,,1 teeiti i. ii-l ,er!oriii :)ll othrr ,,per-
ft,vi- ,,-rt 1 i nf tltt to til l,r.,le-e, in -l v:l 'ir i:n-t ,ry
I'l-ltmer :lTi.i tit t:o- l., ,o:l.l. j.-i.-,-.
I-V--JI. II ."M. li. Ii. fUKl.ilV. P. li. S.
How T ClII K A ll'iVK-TAVIX.
' I tone spavin consists of ii;ilati;ii.a'..en
! of the nifmbranes covtring tie beiies
I of the hook joint or ol the U-nes tliein
i selves. It in ay result from coiistiti.tieti-
il causes : from w i aknrss i f tin-U
; caused by over-feeding upon nun. u);" h
1 is too rich in starch and !!, ' i- M in th?
; piiosphatt s which go to build
1 bony frame ; from bard work.
! bail shoeing, which throws the 1
of bal.'.ree and induces stiains
joints of the h g. Spavins are vi
i nion lHT-ean-H these caiwt-s are i
j The spavin i ay le chi cked b-t
I npplical ion of cold water, by v).
I inflammation is reduced. a"d '
1 imn.a; ing liniments. v I.m ii
ibsorpliou of the proilm ts. ! '.
i matii:i. A s-p-aA in t il ls b the
tion of a bony growth :d""it tl
I n fleeted, and whfii this N ec
th joint Incomes cetn-nte.l :
; and remains still, but the b i
; and jiain are lost. Cure of an '-
in. ntli. nn.l 1 in is, thiToiore out Oi the itui : s'.
I ter the cold applications have been tried
! without result, blistering, i-ring al "
; tons under the skin over the purl ;r.'? r-
tially resorted to.
11 1... j t-.-n
-lo:f l-T-
. A- le i. h
! s - I '.;a
M. V..
l:' -
he hXlr
:i !-v
Onion Sorr Witiku r Mr t. I1" "?
en: tie
oi the
Kir t lie u: ol skin 1 ;"0.-ts ! nil
it i v. ;T ' 'Tit ;i rt : t. H i vi ntr 1ti
ninrket :.r.l tl
tliJ'M '-;iki - lofMio-'iM-:. Vtrs:il" !v I ri:iT' t " :i Ibtl
rou itt ry stnri-krt'rrs. A-ciikma h v Mi;.i.r.i!.
I'ri!riitrs. Tliird uinl 4 "n I lnvt li 1 1 1 StreeT- 1 . i i .
ly rocoiiinicmltMl lr curing liwr cmnphiint iU.ih., !';. p . i.-iy.
Has Djle's Siil?!mr Soip.
he eure el kiu ,1 ' e. el nil .lee
itl- oit 11 rt.t.l. ll.ivne ,,ii- 1,,.,-ri
:.rel titer,.. tl ly t-tel l.y the im-lwn! pn I a,ll a lif teaeupful of t'olH".
:u;.l I lie i.uhi it , n.-isli.-... teenier int.) i . .-. 1 . 1 .
:,i-i it- trtne. Pre-e. IV. eent n e:) j a,:0 "ntll led and lionet h. it
in a saucepan a 'jit of br.,:, r l.r.'f
size of a hen's egg. When a M
or three large onions: slice tlin:
and cook them until th'-v nre red :
; -a o
1 -!!
. .1,
constipation, sick-headaches, feverand ague,
and all diseases of the stomach and liver.
thinning of the ft nit, will give new vigl ' hV al1 Druggists at 2.-. cents per box.
or and
long life to the tree tiobhn
It. E. Si ller ,f Co., riilnburg, Fn. j
liet.lKT-J4. lKTti.-ly.
High Mrcrl, F.lK'nsbttrir, JIarcli, 1SM.
-and MANi;FACTi;iti:n or
Cow Mn.KiNti II.i:;. Two or thiee j
of your correspondents have within a i
few ir.oi.lh.i inquired if there is any help
for a very hard milking cow, I have
several limes, in ;ny exitcricnce as a far
mer and dairyman, got the neeih'd relief
t y the usti o, the knife. Prepare your
self with a n.irro.v-biaded keen-edged,
sharp-pointed jK-ii-kiiife ; seize the teat
:n though going to express the mi'.k ;
turn it towards you so that you can get
a fair view of the opening ; then havin.j
gr.aged the knife midway, by tho foic
iinger, thrust it suddenly into the orifice
The cow will .'-'art a little, of course,
and a few drops of bltiod will follow the
cut ; but I Levi. r knew the b'ood to show
it. -elf after 01:0 or two milking, and the
rt'.ie!" that has lesulled ha 5 been very
!'eti fi'l:!1'.
Tnr: f,
1:111 is the last place ia the
1 l:iiveiitla Ave., Altoona,
i- Ir..llT l'I.l( K IX TIIK ITY. Itooflnir. Npontinic arncl Repnlrinc nt
nil kind proniplly nnd sal lafnrtorll j- nltenlet to. 10-24,'T. tf.J
$Tttt oumc THE mtt
tiii-; ni'.w stoki; W!ii.din of
S, TEITELBAUM, Carrolltown, Pa.,
At!,l n Invitation In new ct'-nile! Iv the proprietor to every rea.ler of the FitKitMAX tn eall nn.l
see the l.irtie .-ifsornitent. ivtaie.ine the various i t an.l I.irn'tlie nntiri,;i?:il.Ie prlee. whii h nre
i'.l low that JJ percent, .an p.eitlveiy l-e save, I ly tlunte uhii tny their chh!s fniiii me. Til" r.' I
ran fell so eheap i that I benstht my entire t,K-k L.r ea.-li nn.l iriten.l to sell or its p.tiiv:ilnt.
n.l am tlierelorn re;ire.l to m.ikc .iii,k s es nt Finn 1 1, r prnlltK than anv other men-hunt in Cainhria
county. lou't t ike my word for thl. however, hut cumc an.l kcc lor yoursclvci..
;auiii tt.Tiiwat, May 21. IsSO.-tf. K. TF.ITF.I.RAI'M .
ro quickly and enrrly cured by tho are of KIDTTKY-WOUT. I'ixim now and wonderfhl nrnedy which si
b-liis;eucnaTitniim;n!eaaloin oU parts of tie oonntrir, workson nuniral prtnetjilea. It restores strength,
and tone to the diseased orjrana, and ttLrcnih thera clronars tlie system cf accnnralatad and poUonool
bumora. KJdney cUaesMsof thirty yparsatandioc hare been cured, a)-i PUaa, Con" pa'Kra. BlieasBattosa.
Ao., which hare diatruwed the Tletuns for year. We have Tsinmesof tcwumocy of lta -sroiiderfol enrmttT
power. No lonjrernne Alehollc Btttem, which do more harm than good, or dnuitfo pilla, but use. natures
renc-ty, KIENT-VVOBT, and health rill bo qn'.-kly reaiced. Re It of tour DruSRlBt. Price. I .
y-' l n,lMMii) WFMA, KH'H.t H OSrt A Iep HcrHnTteJ, w
White AVax. It will lie a surprise '
to a large number of our American wo- j
men to lie told that the white wax, of ;
whieh they make snch constant use J
when engaged in their household sew- i
ing, is the deceased secretion of a pecu-
; Im- siecies of fly fouml iu the eastern )
' iwvrtion of ('entral China Most of our i
j country women, if they have given a I
; thought to the subject, have supiosed i
- I that this white wax was some refined :
Fai.t. TJye and Canada Thistles. product of ordinary beeswax an article
'l took," stiys an Uxbride (Mass.) i that has Hbtml it the conditions of clean-j
farmer, "one of Ih-i most exhausted liness and health fuli.ess, which is more ;
fields on my farm and completely over- I than can be said of exudations of insects j
run with the well-known iest, Canada j le to some bodily malady. These '
thistle, plowed it deep in the latter part I "'s apparently become deceased from i
of September and sowed two bushels feeding on the loaves of a eculiar kind I
per acre of fall rye, In the spring I ! of evergreen tree or shrub, of which !
turned on all my stock about the 20tlt of i they are exceeding fond. The twigs of j
April and kept them on till the 24th of these trees in certain seasons of llie year i
May, when they had it cropped so close are thickly covered with flies, which, in j
that I took them off for a week to give time, leave uion them a thick incrnsta- j
the rye a start. The Jast week in June tion of while matter. 'When this has 1
I plowed the field about nine inches in I increased to- a sufficient size tbe branch
depth, liarrowed well and in about two
weeks gasged it over and harrowed
aghin about the 1st of August. 1 put
on then about twelve loads of well rot
ted manure rer acre on the highest
parts ami ganged it dow n September 1,
ridged it up about six inches deep and
sowed with a broadcast seeder two
bushels per acre of Clawson wheat and
harrowed once. This year I c-Jt neaily
forty bushels rer acre wheat, weighing
sixty-one pounds to the bushel, and all
the thistle could have been bound into
one small sheaf. Soil, part clay loain
and part sandy loam, but a clay sub
soil." Cors-Stalks koh Sheep. She;i
may Ihj fed u.jon coin-sialks and a pint
of corn daily as well as noon hay. Of
course, the quality of the iodder is to be
considered. There is good, indifferent,
and bad cov.i fodder, made .so by the
ma.mer of curing. If the corn is topped
and the toi are well shocked and cured
these wil! be eqn.)l to the average prai
rie ii. y, ;tud three or four iouuds f
liie-.c, with an e-r of corn, will make a
lair ration for a sheep that is not io be
fu.ied. Just now, when many iiersons
a.e .!!;. i;r sheey, is a ood lime to start
a ilock, us lite cuit'tp tiu be bought
is cut off and immersed in boiling wa
ter, which causes the wax to come to
the surface in the shajie of a visci 1
substance, which 's skimmed off,
cleansed and afterwards allowed lo cool
in pans. The trade is quite an exten
sive one, as it is estimated that last year
the crop was worth not less than
K.reh nunc.
j Thonsrls KhaKInK Like an Atprn Leaf
1 With the chills nn.t f-rcr. the vi. tim of malaria
I may Ftiil reenter hy u.-in t hir- eelclnatcil specific,
. which 1101 ti ly hrcal.t) nt. the m,-.?r lurtrvatC'l at
I tacks, tint prevent their recurrence. It Is infln
I Itelv 11rcter.1l, Ic to qiiinluo. not onlv tfcatixe II
i ilocs the t.iiMnc,) tnr more th Touah:.!.-, hut al?o on
t necnunt of its perte t n lu l-s niictiey?' an, I ir.vijior
I atin act Ion upon tiic i ti'ire f;. ."te.ii.
ror faic t.y all iintli-tn an.l Healer? srenerally.
( Arlienimh A- MHIrr.)
K.wclic. an:., lnir. nit.thp. a.inlrn tvriii. rtf.,
fall Vit-Tiiiit to It ( eltn ts iii.tinvlmtcly :-n
tiiinz in f.ipfirt it. It H truly tJi" irvnninr
lVrT;:in. tho t1fnT i'PiMirtii t i : r t . then
irrmi.vl :u.1 vT"Tiiri' nur l:?Hir.itry iin.I.r our
own ui'n i-itm, o tlcit wr -:in r-in'iiior it-
solnto lr" l!ii Iniin .iii'iiNniicn. lrnu-i-r nml
cnnntrv t'rckfMM"T.- it. V It l")Ht. N . i
W. ri.rncr 'M ami 4'nllimhill St?., IMiiliiilfli'lna.
Jnlv Ic?i-,v.
or 1 ivsrr.psi a lKiu-i i:, a veiretat.le cinpoiiiiil
ttli.'se virtues h:vt ttM.i the tc-t ol 40 vetir-. I ln
Itillihle in theenreot I K-pit). ilencral I l,ility.
1'ltr.iiiic W'etikne ,,t I.Mtitf. Si!e.-n nn.i KiilnevV
Short Hrnth, llenrthnrn. St. itus' Ihince. t.iiiiJ
j In the Stotiitich. H-n-k n.l 'hc.-t. rtirtlrul irly
: n.ltipte.l to all Female I)ionr-.. no matter tvhttt
J the :i'e ol the ptitient may l,e. li ice. 75 ct. S-I,I
I l.y Hrutruiftt). " I 7-;i.'h i.-l v.
TEACHERS &studentsv;
I bn W I I tail lVi'10O,OT0OpeTtnfnlll
daring VACATION. Kor full partirninrs. a.iilres,
J. C. MrlTIllIT CO.. I'lilladelphlai. rn.
I A MIII CT.TMATE. !n Konh Carolltt
tiood Farming, rilneaTi,1 Sfjneral Lands,
ran he h.mrht KKV CHEAP. Tbe Climate is
tnild, eqnahle. neaithlul. The Soil is and capabla
of the Inchest derehipment. Evervthlne; erown in tba
Union Is rom in it Itmils. P, jfnlatioiilaw-ahl lips;
nd hojpiiable. TAXES LIGHT. Msnnfaetars
moltirlyln and prosperons. K.ndless srater powers.
Correspondence Invited. Information promptlv iriren,
Apply to IheDepaxtmeuU'l Agriculiure, Kaiei'gh.K.U
Next jKur in a pint uf I ; i i ' i r vati-r
; seas in to taste with i 'ir ,i:i
; Mix well and let 1 .-;! a i,;;!n;:- : '
! Miur it into a soup-ki '.t le aTid ;
! the back of tl.e rani- r p'. 've i;;t 1
1 ready to st ve. Add tin n ev :n, !
j half pints of boiling mi'.k ,i;:.l t"1 ,,r
: three well-mashed iiotab"-s. A l l to
! the i.tatoes a little of the !:,' nt : V
j then a little more until thev a" ' '
. and thin enonph to put into the
Mir up well tocrether; lft t -f
soup is propt'ilv sf'.ix'ii : it l.1' H
whatever of stilt, pcpit r or Im'.M h--l
lie needed. Let it simmer a i-'
utos. Vot-.r ovfr toastol n't
small pieces and placi-.I in the li,.'t:.-m '
the tureen.
t eed Yot'U Cows Well.-C-ows
sivinp milk should not Ik? allowed to
fall oiT in quant'ty iiom insufficient
feed. It is more difficult to increase
the flow of mil'.c riter a shrinksge fiom
the lack of full fed than to keep x a
hiirli aciivdyor the sc,-elion ?t a pnr
licular time of year is established, as il
will le by repetition, ii is alw.iys ei'sy
p preveni, i, it entirely iy libeiv.l feed- j
i-ig:. The babii w ill also be lr. nsDiUietl i
f. n. ..Fr....-..: - :i 1
' oui'iiii ctt5 rt l.niuiv flKt.V.Ciei 1S-
liclhi t w :11 diminish the value or the
ani nal as a protlucer of milk. (live
the cows exir feed as soon as the jw-s-lu.e
begins to pel tdiort.
The Chinese are famous for their good
vegetables. It arist-s from the fact that
they use only liquid manures ; hence
their plants grow rapidly and are brittle
or tender.
.u.ivM srr.t ine vi uu ii:.
ll.h Uimer. no
i' n ttniini' ci'i r J,r
Semi na i V.'eitk
Ilcs. Si ertnti tor
rhca. t iiiiw-toncy
mi l all )ii-c:i?e.
that toll'.w a
fc-inence ol Scll
.1 l,nMt. a? Li.
BEFORE TAHfla.ver- lljti'tii.l -.&TTt?! TAKINB.
I'ain in the ISio-K. iimne!ol 'ipt,in, l'remnuire
t -1,1 Atre, an, I many other .liea-es leail to ln
c.inilv or toiintnpti,iii. and a I'reinatnre (Iravc.
ar-Knll p.i tn our pamphlet, which ire de
sire to M-n.I Iree hy mail to evervone. The
SiM-lric M.Micine In sold by nil Irruatrlst at tl
per pm kttsn or six pnekaires" lor $., or will Ixj sent
tree hy mail on receipt ol the monev hy a i.lresfiiijt
The (.'ray lulirinel o..
Mei-htini.'f ' H!,,ek. Iiktiioit. Mt.n.
W SUI.ll HY BKI iHilsl-S t.V W 11KKE.
Q", fn Q'lll l""r la' nt 'lome.
..)". 'i i tree.
U'ad, AJuoe.
S.iinp!c worth fS
Adtlrets Sii5o x '))., I'ort-(li-6.'7.-ly.)
50 to S125 a Month. ENCYCLOPEDIA
Ui4Vftl Law and fortr s for Bttl-
II J W I J tStnm Men. Farmers. Me
Xr s aaaBi ehinics and rlorkingmen
TVUK OWN SelliDcft. Low price.
sold fcOO in ore towa, an-
n,h., IH in . ....... -
Other 7S tn 1J davs. Sares to times Us re.;t, and
verybody w ants it. Send for circnlars and terms.
AlsoOeneral Arcnts Wanted. Ad,1rea
1. W. ZIEGLEH A CO.. 1,(),jO Arch St., TUVi, Ta.
Physician and KrnoF.ov,
Ai.toona, r.
Offlee nn.l residence on Fourteenth street, near
Eleventh avenue, where niirht call? can le ma.le.
Kfflee honrs from S to 10. a. m., and from 8 to 4
nd 6 to , r. at. Special attention paid to IMS.
ea?es of the Eye and Ear, as. well as to Surgical
Operations of verv description. 4-19.-tf.l
John v.rnriiv. m. t.,
EhM'sih i:u, l..
'(inlcc tn loiil.lin rocently o". in.i.-.l ,v 1 ir. A. M.
Kelm, on Hi'h street, ltcjt .luiian. an,! m tirlv
opH.stte the Ul iir H.iue. Msltt eOls fhouhl he
made at the olllce. ( :;oi, M.-tl.J
MI.. lllTKhl'V,
AT-1, AW,
ai.kkia. I'A.
SMffiee on 14th Street, between loth nod llth
Avenues. !4-7.-tf.
FA. SHOEMAKER. Attorney-
AT-Law, Kliensburg. Otri.v on High
urcrt.cast enJ ol rcsiilt uce. U -l,'T'i.-tf d
Wnif ii i ttieMit ri:."i.:M ( '"!;V
It i5 a iv.irt li i-.irMil'. r.r
w hat direction we shall "brceil" e"- hot her it is uttcrt i
a rrowth of one lavie ear i'V"i
monstrous corn stal' or aim at ct 'c
two or more smaller curs, wy"-'- 3
ditim size stalk, one w l.i li m-y l"'
for fodder, and thus allow t! c
plant to l utilized. I:i the W e
ii uu ir thiir; viit n,iv
KTi will vielua bushel of S'
M'ith hree ear iipin a s!.i.i
character, it is eviib-nt th:t -? !'r7'.'!
will le at least double that ot t!se
tr eared variety. In and;t:"ii i.- 1
irain. the stalk of the sm.t'it r an't
- t-1
not so coa i -se, and may lie m ;ii '
.sumed, and the curs are K'ttei : y
feeding whole, or for cntfiiv "''"
together with the stalk. ri l' -c
should lie taken into arcumt n 1
ioinin.2 to what end we sh'i'l ''':'"
efforts, in the improvement 5 cf t..
most valuable of all crops.
At one or the Michiaan IMhh
s'.itut-s Prof. Inu'f rs..ll t''
i-t what he censldered t ib ''1,0
of iermaneiit pasture for -' ',''v; . .'j
reply was : "I regard June cn,;v",,.;r
white clover as the very Ix'st V;'"-r
and it yields the larcren V' -,J
acre. I regard it as a ri's': ,T-,Wrd:
that an old pasture must If Y'
K-tter put a barrow uivn .c'vi
a top dressin.c of plaster." ; ' .,tX-e
pent'.eman remarked that he hail I .f
of land that has been t'lovpml
years ; alter one crop it was ft,;'lf'!.f,.rr.
since that time it lias lcen lV'.jj
inere are six acres in u, .
more than any other ten acre?
"To Cleax Jew Wa'
suds: rinse in diluted alco".
. . . 1 ... -
iiaa box of drv sawdust to m:-