The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 30, 1880, Image 3

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    ! lii:SB Ri;. PA.,
iTAV !HOnM" Jl'LY 30, lSSij.
not n t rie corvrv coMMlltr.r..
, r,in!)ii "I Hie I moorn tie County Cummit
a",.'-iesb l"cl-t at t,,e Court House, in
,..'.i--.:r i-a Jlomliiy. AntllM tl, 1HSO,
I , ! ' v - '"r t,,e rnrposss f transacting
l u.-mi.-s. The lute Cwinty Convention
-.. r,,..i!!iiiatc candidate toTvroner and Sur
- ii. ! tin -death "f J'lini; Lake, Esq., creates
.; la the lii:lr'. .smce, thus making it
. t.v t" pi-n'e 1,1 in-tutonthm candidates for
, r s ::" "r. n-l Ecaister and Kecorder.
, i- of 'he committee are earnestly
i . af.-u !. t tale whatever action may le
' j !. .a!'!-. YVM. H. McMVLLKS,
Ct i .rran ivuiocratie 'ounty f omnilUew.
j to
r t i IM M I ITER.
. ii, liairiuun, Conemaugh Uor-
... i'wt. K. A Trotter.
t v I . Frank Little.
,," - i-'lli.v .1. 1 1 -1-1-1.--
I. i-'in-x'-r.
- . I' r Ml !i l Itailorau, l.-t fi ; John
- .!
r. , m-.-M Shink!.
1 l a .- .1. .1. I'ho:na-J.
.: t. 1! r . J--. J. H. l-.
, . - i;.,r. I'. I 'rimvr.
. J , .;..lin Ii I i II.
l n .. N. .T. 1
r ,.,;' 1! r. Julia J. LK: lin, tit ward : Jos.
:. -4 wir.I.
,t!i I -..Terr. WIf-inrcr.
. .-.. i.e li..r. !. S. W ontlcrs.
- i. " Iiiir.mer.
I.VT'. P'TlIil- I .III W.
-r ( :i a mli It .r. The. Mel'nbe.
--..'i: -: Ii..r.--F-rzns I.l-'y-I, I jist want
:;. .. ; , .-t war-i.
V'r I 'M' Ait-' lrii Wcakl.iml.
, . :. i: r I'ct-T Ktihritz.
.., n..r . T S. I'l.-inin-j.
, 1'it;.. Wtr. 1W(..
.....t, l .). 'A". W. Harris.
I i i;. r. Ifannan. 1st ward; Jas.
. ,! : 1 Wh n. 3. 1 ward; Adam
. r. !i ..; 1 : A. N. WakeQeld, 5tli w;ird ;
-. r l. r. 6 Ii ward.
,.;.!(. r A. .1. Kittell.
I r. Andrew Muliitron, 1st ward;
( M.i iiv. 1 W ir-l.
: -: r I'n I H'-hp .1. San.ler.-.
-- 'I'w,.. rinlip It. Skellv.
., ..... j:..;- iinnh Mi-M'-nii;le.
t ;,. 1 ': - Iiiiillill.- talhii;!n.T.
...i 1 .v;.. .Ii.Iiti .1. H.-rni.-k.
r. ; .Tt. W 1 '1'. J-thro Mdhain.
i -I ii! 1'v I-. H'-mar.i i'uiinelly.
. ii!e H -r l-:"il McKenna.
...lin -i m i l Ti K. Iwnrd Manion.
: . r 1 w;..-.lay. I!. '!arti.
t-:.. lt--r '1 li. io.-is I'ltinkett.
i --t -n I wji. Mii liacl Bradk-y.
t I -.i :. S U'.--ter I.Mther.
!... r- lY r.-'.I V. Fleck.
... .!'. I!- r. ic'Tixc Ktill'h.
n.-r --!-r 1 "!. .he-li-.m St. I'lair.
; ; " iT 1 Jenr-re Kni.
'i' :irirl tlif C.t 1i-t- 1 ln of.
ir in mind that Barkers sell shoes
r t''.' n :' ny other dealer.
. fanners are just now for the most
!i t!,. l.a;.-i!ay of their usefulness.
.,' r.niiiiis are a '.cutting their grass
:! ' "- i T U that is, a la mowed.
white swallows are exciting the
;'. "f the j pie of Upper Yoder tow n-
Vc :
I t,, make an oat of the fact
.;! nop promises an abundant
i.'t V. S. I
all the rest
rker it Bro. sell
f the merchants
T i . ' I !
Ii.tik-r it Bro. have a large stK-k
en. I from o!d wheat, which they
at tli-- lowe-t prices.
t f
'iC't to hear in mind and keen in
: :i r . Il.irkeis' ha e reduced
: ! r on of ail kind. '
-ii'. !: .. lr. Varreii, i.iiie of the newly j
''I l'.'-i:op- .f the M' thodist hurch, was i
''' 'I to reach at Cres-on on Sunday ;
-liing -ea-on for the pre-ent
to-day, ainl almost ineonsol
at.iiial friend, A. Jackson
! - v. An
uv.r pi-
't f..r-
t when you want to buy fruit
or glass, that you will find the
' lit at the lowest prices at
A i
r i'f Sw edes heretofore emplov-
n of the Somerset and
pulled up stakes and
.1 h.
iirig frii i
1 Geo. II. Thomas is
ii - ry ilatt
i't'."n- to
ring sin-eess in solie
1. Korncv's "Life of
. W. Jon.-s. ti.-ket agent at East
f-lly of this place, was in town
y attending the funeral of his
infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
:i I-!;t B.-rg is at present liold
,il exaiiiiiiatioiis in the southern
"ui:ty. By the way, if Mr. Berg
ed ;he official li-t of examinations
-ee tllelll.
pis upon thousands of children
. of tlio-o diseases incident to
-d : wh.-rea. if Dr. Bull's Baby
I in time, their lives would
be M'.el.
; r:n. a former resident of
.' ' had been afllicted for a long
.-:i liry in a mild form, and was
lAi!ioi,t Asylum, died in that
ii M 'inla Morning last.
I f
1 1 ;it
. tr
v. i-, a joung man from rhilips-
out-ty, ' fc-U from a freight
ii lie was sc aling a ride, at Mt.
hi:'!"!! county, on Friday night
rnn oer and instantly killed.
v. 'I
el 'it
i: Km
nary notice of an infant son of
Miner, of Chest Springs, whose
ik r
;it '.:. e niy age of one year and eight
' - occurred on Tuesday morning last,
to-1 ;,-.te fur our present issue, but will
'r net week.
"W" i-i it do any harm ."' This is the ques
1 ft cti r-keii. and the answer is, "it can
lr. Bull's Baby Syrup is an inmv
'ly. v.-an anted to contain neither
Morphia, or anything injurious.
:.? a bottle.
in-eiit IIulM-r. son of our friend
!i Mr. Peter Iluber, of Carrolltown,
t'y n-i-ed to the dignity of jiriest
t Vincent's College, Westmoreland
'I el.-br.ited hi.-, first Mass at Car
"tt Sunday last.
-I'.'-ad W(. :,r,. to learn that Brother
""n .:'. of the .roio.,iovin irioTat. has i
,,-re" to
engine, ,
unning t
' ,!' ; enough of the "lilthv liu
' "'I ec horse power Steam
' i nl Ik neefoith be utilized in running
i -a pi r and job presses,
'ir r.-port last week of the proceed -e
l)eiiie-ratic Club meeting on the
i i.i t previous we inadvertantly
l.. meof the I'resiilellt of the Club,
- Ii. ( u a i y, from the list of perma
' it- e!i i ted on that occasion.
: v..(, caught at the Logan House,
I. t';
other day and put in a glass
h it was literally smothered to
."-co smoke breathed uioil it by
1 inen who sought in this way to
-elves and torture the unlucky
aa.le the hap .y parent the
:..f twin babv ' k.vs, lth of
r. v.r.; ratheV dHieate s-ci-
1 - llT.V,,.,
,.,..,.it.. ..... .: t t.;-.t. !
I ' 1 ' ' i i i : '. ! i eV vt re 1 1 ; a t 1 1 1" v would not !
-' a .iv, " !
L. J..I:,,.,,.,, i- ., ,.f ,uu ,.!. de- !
iiston, L-..1.. of this place
wit 1 ' n i li iiueiit nml i.f course a
' ! ;l gland Ilemmratie ratifhation
- ' l.i ie (me evening last wee 1. 'J he
1 "A-i-i l.el. ( in i;. ,j,en air, the largest
": lii.-.t city being too small to ajeommo
" ' " i.n;!tifude.
i-t!-t!..t I'.v rue. one of the of.-.--t citi-
! tl e
I 1
i---.lieru portion of ti is cmii.ty,
" in ariolltown f-1 Tuesday
'iim.f slate bis age but think it
f x". lb- was a ejuict, inof
! ;,.w-l tl.c v. ii! and
'-"ii J Xlil rr hilU.
,Uhtlrsb,!vmaii named Oormlcv
t ii i rt..i. I arsons who have made lip their
tvri tu-if i l - 1
. , , v nlr jr
put Mr. C.oruilev's nniniim m, ,-o.,..,.i
'"iMfc it ni l i ii u i i)
Only two incunuVnts r.f offices in this
county have died during their term of scr-
! rroth,.n.,tary on the Whig ticket in KA, ami
j John G. Lake, whose .loatli occurred
of the f art that "few die and none resign."
i -We can assure the Altoona .Sun that the
' ;V!a; i.'" .Wttlil,K t,l natorial question in
this d.str a t, an,l we agree with that bancr in
-ns it ought to lie settle.! without un
. n.-oessaiy delay, is in no way duo to Mr
Horner, who expresses himscif as to
r-ro ee, tl, business at alm.vst any moment.
A trainn iinm,.,i f..t i-i . .,,
probablv be r. in. i i i i , case (it infanticide or the result or mammy : gister, needn t take on any agonj anoui mai
readers" R 7" ',, y T"5' f "r Vrt of the parents to give it a resectable j quart bottle r.f whiskey said to have been de
t .i... rs a, a member of a notorious gang ' ti, L.ina rsited in the corner-stone of the present
known some tw
v or three vears ut,, .j
'Little German Bund," Wos brought to jail
on Monday night last to serve a sonUnce of
nueen days for stealing rides
on freight
In the Blair county court on Monday
a-t, tren indictments for fornication and
bastardy were held over until next sessions.
How many cases of the same kind have Ikvh
or win lie tried during the
week, we do not I
know. This
oeillg mils, is it am- n-nmU
j that the population of that county has reach- i
j ed .'12.000 ?
The Johnstow n Trih.tue says that twenty
, dollars in money, a silver watch, a set of sil
i Ver teasiioons, and Some other articles were
; stolen from Mr. McCormick, of Sumnieihill
! township, on Tuesday night last, but as our 1
liuoriuaiioii comes pretty direct
we are ln-
ciinea to think that his total t
oss is noted !
j The editors of the Altoona .Sun and Tri
I fcune, lM,th daily, are just now engaged in
the delectable business of calling each other
j let names, such as "liar," "hereditary
j drunkard," "sleuth-hound," "swash buck
! ler," "traveling pauper," etc. How pleas
. ant it is to see brethren editorial and other-
wise dwell together in unity.
! A dwelling house in Clearfield township,
I ow ned by Jackson Durbin ami occupied by
I Joseph Wills, caught lire on Monday of last
j week, while Mr. Wills and family were at
. dinner, and notwithstanding all their efforts,
j and the Wills worked with a will, the buiid
j ing was totally destroyed, though we pre
' sume most if not all the contents were saved.
' The many friends in this vicinity of that
modei conductor and genial gentleman, M.
, A. Ouartz, will regret to learn that he has
, Wen confined to his home at Cresson for
several days past with congestion of the
i brain, which for a time threatened serious
't consequences, but from which he is now, we
, are glad to say, slow ly but surely recovering.
) A copious but not long-continued thun
: der storni passed over this piace on hist
Monday afternoon, and during its prevalence
a large tree in the vicinity of ex-Sheriff
1 Blair's farm, a mile or so east of town, was
j struck by lightning, set on fire and almost
I entirely consumed, the conflagration being
J plainly visible from several points in Kbens
) burg.
j Ir. Thos. Hoover, of Cambria township,
as will be seen by a card elsewhere, announ
ces himself as a candidate for Begister and
! Beeorder. as d.i-s also Mr. Hugh McMonigle,
of l rospect borough, provided, of course,
that the Johnstown Jjeimxrat is not misin
formed, Both of the gentlemen named are
good leniocrats and well w orthy of a place
at the official table.
The Tyrone Times says that Mrs. Ih .bi
son, of Warriorsinark, Huntingdon county,
is the mother of a little son, now about 7
months old, Win without eyeballs. The
child, as a matter of course, is entirely blind,
but cheerful, happy and beautiful to look
upon. It is physically perfect in every other
respect and looks like a child asleep, its eye
lids being closed, but perfect. !
V. S. Barker it Bro. have had such an :
increased trade on Wots and shoes that they j
have been forced to enlarge their store, and I
are now making one of the finest display s of
"shoes in the State, which at their greatly le
duced prices cannot be excelled anywhere. '
HelKM' it is that everybody buys shoes from '
tht-111 at prices that other merchants have to -pay
for such goods at wholesale. t
The borough of Gallitzin nuinWrs
among its thousand or more citizens (the e- i
ai t number not being come-at-able from the j
census returns) ju.-t sixteen widows and
seven widowers, few, if any. of whom have
as yet given up all hope of Wing once again
mated anil reanimated in a marital sense. :
All which promises a more abundant harvest
for the new pastor than he reaped in this lo
cality. Here it is again another diminutive 1
egg, shell and all, found imbedded in the
yoke of an ordinary-sized hen egg the third ,
of the kind brought to light in this connniini- j
ty within less than a month. This last egg- j
straordinary discovery was made at the domi
cil of Mr. Lewis Hoover, who has sent the
small egg and the shell of the larger one to
our office for the inspection of the curious in
such matters.
A little child of Mr. Chas. A. Langboin,
of Chest township, the Democratic candidate '
for Brotlionotary, died on Tuesday last, but
his brother-in-law, Judge Thomas, who by f
the way, is confined to his W'd and in the
hands of the doctor, who remained with him 1
all of Wednesday night, w as unable to inform
us of the age, sex or disease of the little one. 1
We tender our sincere sympathies to the be- j
reaved parents. j
Our two worthy friends, Andrew Foster ,
and Cluis. S. Buth, accompanied by three
other Johnstowners, passed through this
place on Monday last en route for Carrolltown, j
where they proposed to spend a day or two in ':
fishing for eels, hunting for coons, etc., but
as they failed to report on their way back we
take it for granted that the olMish-al figures ,
co(o)n-tained a good etl that wasn't worth ;
bragging aWut. j
Of all the modern inventions the Patent .
Incubator takes the
lead, but experience
teaches all that whether poultry is hatched
by the patent process ith artificial heat, or
. .. - hr natnrp
by the oll original way patent. natnro tn cholera, gapes, etc., and
experience likewise teaches those who have
tried Ifobcrts' Poultry Powder, in such j
cases, that it is a sure cure every time, (io ;
to Barkers' for it. r)-23.-lni.
The first brick for the new Court House j
were moulded on Friday last, when about
! two thousand were turned out, but the ma- j
j ,-hine didn't get down to the work in real j
earnest until Tuesday, when sixteen thou
; sand brick weie moulded and set out to dry- ,
' It U expected that from 2o,000 to 2.-.,ooo will ;
1 be the product as soon as the employes, who j
I for the most part are new to the business,
the hang of the thing. !
-Frank McPike the junior the 1 f.k- .
man establishment, went in bat "
numlr of other youths at Orifhth s dam on
K itur.Iav last, ami as ne c....i.u. t ..
clothes with him ho ,eft them on the bank ;
only to find on emerging from the water that
bis duds and stolen bis icket-l.Of.k, contain
ing the, principal part of a very modest for- j
tunc nr dollar and thirty-five cents.
Messrs. S. 11. Com Co., of Altoona, j
have opened a branch store at Chest Springs, 4
this county, which they have placed under
the pcrsosi'a'. MipervWoii of our w.nihy am!
long afflicted fiiei.d, S. SI. Douglavs. Kj., ,
who will be sure to receive, as l-.c melts, a '
large share of pu'-lic patronage. We e,,m- j
mend the n-w er.tu:e to tTie ion ;
, f the unity re...;. r .'f th- Vi;r.LM. ow r -that
w.ty. Aiiu lti-euivut l. -vt k. 1
The requisite fuiuU haw been raised by
voluntary contribution for the purchase of
j three snare ami one bnv, drum for the use of
i the Hancock and Ennllsk Club of this vHice.
w contains enniicii musical talent tviiiun
itself to get m a good band, fifes and all.
AVe acknowledge the receipt of a postal
card from Mr. Noah Y. Sharer, Register in
Kankruptey, informing us that the assignees
of Lloyd & Co. will pay the
of W cents, In-ing a dividend of
on presentation to them of our
deposit or other ev
Who will say after this that the
ed iHiliilliiilili-rs in the urintin" business ?
-The decomposed remains of an infant
, , , , , . , .
oluld, depoMted m a poplar box cvidentl !
made for the purpose, was round mineu in
an ash heap in Altoona on Saturday evening
last. The ioor little waif had evidently been I
dead about a month, but whether it was a
! burial, remains a mystery. The remains
: were sent to the almshouse for interment.
l lipno,lcninf TI Tirnct T'plrikin. Flsn..
of Huntingdon, was invaded on Friday night :
,, ,, , " , ' , ,!
. last by burglars, who carried off the shirt and .
: pantaloons of that gentleman, which they !
', despoiled of a diamond pin and a small sum
I of money, leaving the pants in the hall of the
; house and the shirt in a neighboring yard.
1 The thieves also attenmted to force an en- !
tr -,t tt. r,c;.i,. ,.t Mr T.ovill hut. '
. , , . 1 .1
the bars and bo.ts were too much for them. .
Still they come and still they go, Wcause ;
they find there is no show for half the folks i
1 i...ii.. . ..... 1. 1 k. ..1 !
on top these mountains blessed with purest
air and pleasant landscapes, rich and rare,
with coolest shades and balmy zephyrs,
sportive lambs and thriving heifers. We al
lude, of course, to those who seek for ouar-
ters here by month or week, and find, alas :
there is no room for all who'd wish to give
our town a lxom.
John G. Lake, Esq., was the fourth in
cumbent of an office in this county who died
in the harness, so to speak, the three others
who preceded him to "that bourne from
I w hence no traveler returns" Wing Mr. Milton j
Bobcrts, who died August 2uth, 18."i., while
occupying the position of Prothonotary, Mr.
i Edward Glass, a member of the Board of
i County Commissioners, and Poor Director
' Patterson, whose deatii occurred in Johns
town a few mouths ago.
j The Hollidaysburg Stonruird gives the
! Democrats of Altoona the very best of coun
' Se! when it advises them to take no stock in
. the attempt of the Trlbuneto demoralize and
disintegrate the party in that city, but to hold
a grand mass meeting, call some man from
i (he ranks to the chair, resolve to discounte
nance all childish squabbling, and to hold no
ne-re political association hereafter with men
who stand ready to assassinate, in a political
j sense of course it means, their fellow Demo
j crats.
' If F. A- Shoemaker, W. Horace I.'ose,
' C. L. Dick and ex-Sheriff Ba inner are not
ubiquitous, arul we don't believe they are.
1 the Court reporter of the Altoona Tribim
I must have drawn very strongly on his iinag-
illation when he pictured the i-.fores.ild gen
' lU-nian as occupying seats inside the Blair
i county bar on last Monday forenoon, when
I we know to a certainty that all four of t hoi 11
were pall-hearers at
e funeral
hue and
r.f John G
Lake. Esq., in this
.t the time
An Italian named Liiigi Garborgnati has
been arrested in Eric for stealing two valua
ble watches, one gold and the other silver,
from a fellow countryman named Angelo
Bansci, who has chrrge of a gang of Italian
laborers on the Somerset anil Cambria Bail
road, with which ( ,!!' .01 gi'.-'.ti was connected
until a few days ago. Olln er liaikiay, of
Johnstown, went to Erie on Wednesday last
to bring tin? irisfwr 1:i k, and no riouM the !
latter will l,o lirmiffht to iail hero this iThurs-
. . 1
a k iiin.L.. ,
nr. lingl! I'ltcatrn, junior membor of tho
firm of Pern riteairn, iuhlihers and tro- i
prietors of t li;"- Alt'.iia Trihunr. daily and
weekly, has bung out his professional shin
gle in Il.'.rrrisl.nrg, where he projwjses to
make his future home, although still retain- '
ing his interest in the ' print shop" aforesaid. '
In all our intercourse with the Doctor we
have found him a genial, clever gentleman,
find as he is said to have few if any superiors
in his profession, we certainly wish him I
abundant success in bis new departure.
Tlie John-town Tribune departs from the -una-I.loyd
truth, which is an unusual thing
for that paper, wlen it couples the name of
Judge I.loyd, of this place, with those of .
M.-s.-rs. II. A. Shoemaker, of Ebensburg and .'
Michael Sweeny, of Cambria borough, in
making up its lit of applicants for the posi- !
tin j n t made vacant by the death of John :
1. Lake, Esq., Mr. Chas. A. Lattorner. of
this place, a brother-in-law of the deceased
and clerk in the Ileglstor and liecord.-r's of
fice, is, however, an applicant for tho vacant ,
llev. J. N. Mact ionigle, who so ably fill
ed the pulpit of the Presbyterian church in
this place for a couple of years, but who for
many months past has been stationed at
Parker City, has received a call from relig
ious brethren of Oil City, where be preached
a very acceptable sermon nn Sunday last,
but as he is well pleased with his present po j
sit ion, it is not at nil likely that he will listen to
the very flattering proposition that has l-en
made to him, notwithstanding it guarantees
a salary of ?1,7i", which is 4on in excess of
his present income.
Col. A. K. Mi'Clure, editor in chief of
the Philadelphia Time, who has 1een a guest
at Cresson for the past three or four weeks,
paid our town a visit on Friday last and
returned to Cresson on the evening train,
lie expressed himself as being highly de
lighted with the pure air of our mountain
village, and as he is conceded to lie one of the
best politicians in the State, the expression
of bis confident belief that Pennsylvania
would cast her vote for Hancock was espe
cially gratifying to the Democrats who had
the pleasure of meeting him.
Mr. Wm. A. Bryan, at one time Chief of
the Bureau of Inspection in the Post office
Department at Washington, is just now so- at tne .Mountain
pla-e and propose, to renu,
some time for the len.-fit of 1
...n ,.,.,,,,
at the Mountain House in this
remain with us for
lis health, which
be says has Ix-en wonderfully improved since
bis arrival. Mr. B. is a Virginian by birth
and was at one time connected with the edi
torial management of a Democratic news
paper in that State. He is a sociable and
genial gentleman of great intelligence and of
extensive ami varied information.
William Lashu, a freight brakeman on
the Western Division of the Pennsylvania
Railroad and a resilient of Altoona, was
thrown from the bumper of a car inconse
quence of the train parting at Kittanning
Point, on Thursday afternoon of last week,
and falling on the track his left leg was run
over and nearly torn off In-low the knee, and
also horribly out and mangled. He was taken
to liis home, where the injured memlier was
amputated, and he is now getting along as
weil as could be expected. The injured
man is aged alv.ut 3 years and has a wile
and an adopted child.
Our young friends Calvin M. and D. ii.
Hackctt, tlie former of whom has for several
years and at different peri-Mis iwen connected
with the Jiiilij Tribune and other journals in
Altoona as local editor and otherwise, while
the latter ha-'for a long time and very accept
ably filled the position of business manager
of the journal above named, are alwnit to tie
part for Fort Wayne, Ind., where they have
been offered similar positions on the Jhiihi
Sentinel, which has recently ln-en purchased,
building and all, by their kinsman, Mr. E. A.
llackett. That our young friends may pros
; and rich ;.( t;;, j,- m w 1 1,., " j , j;,
canicVw v isli c-1 a!! w bo know them.
idence of indebtedness, j Mormons that his total loss consists i V'"?. h?. T1,e. originated
Master El. Fenlon, of tliis place, was
suddenly seized on Monday evening last with
an irresistible desire to po bathing, and as a
prelude thereto handed his Rold watch, a
small but valuable one, to liis prandniother,
Mrs. Susan Rhev, who did w bat the lA-Kisla-ture
has often done w ith its little bills, laid
it on the tabic and went up stairs. Since
then tiie w atch has been anions the missing.
and the only possinie conclusion man ie i
is ti.nt. nme contemptible sneak-thief stole
Mr. MofJ. harbored on Wednesday night of
last week, and who is described as about .1
irioi.s in lieigbt. vers' spare, with fair
i nrnr.i..vioii blick liair tin" d with "ray and i
wHng a d lack c t gray pants; biK-kled
! sVogyshAand a small black hat, is suspect-
ed of tx'in!T the thief.
Itrother Over, of the ITollidaysbutg T2f.
Court House in this place, wnicli isn l neing
torn down to any crcat extent, nor won't be
for a rear to come, as we can assure him that
if M-rike who, be says is I'-afing around
most of his time, waiting for the stone to tie
OTH.neil or rather. that there are whispers to
that effect," gets his hands on the bottle, he
may rest assured that at least a portion of
"J J u
tramp was found locked up in a
frei.dit car at Fast Conemaiigli on Saturday
last, piteonslv appealing for deliverance, and
when ii-ieaseil iroin 111s unpieasHin pronica-
in)int ,,( w;S wjtij1 an a(.'(, ,lf ,.P'minK .,
fT elass subject for a second class funeral,
On the following day two other tramps were
released from a freiuht car in the Altoona
vard. and as the car in nuestion was loaded
I almost to the top with shingles, on which
I thev ensconced themselves before the trim
' left Pittsburgh, they were nearly smothered
j to death when their deliverance came, and
' hence were permitted to depart without
further punishment.
; The Altoona TrVmne of Tuesday says
; that in the course of a few days the first
i dividend in the Lloyd estate w ill be ready
! for payment. At a late meeting of the cred
' itors it was decided to distribute five er
j cent, among the creditors. The checks are
' all made out ready to give to their owners,
! and oniv await the arrival of the register's
rolls, which will be in that cltv before a week
ejocs by. The checks will amount to sums
varying all the way from three cents to tir
I teen hundred dollars. Much inquiry has
Wen made at th banking house in regard to
j the matter during the past week, but people
will have to wait a few days longer.
' On Tuesday of last week, as we learn
1 from the Indiana Deinon-ftt, hrist. ;
j and the three young Borings, who have been
incarcerated ill the jail of that county for 1
' oyer two months, on a charge of murdering a j
jicddler named Marks, were brought ln-fore I
Judge Itlair on a writ or namax corpus, when
it was made clear that instead of Marks be- I
ing murdered, he had skipped his creditors
and was living with his wife at Dubuque,
Iowa. All this was discovered by a detec
tive, who furnished the proof. "With the
consent of District Attorney Watson, on mo
tion of Joseph M Thompson, Esq., the
Court at once discharged the prisoners.
The author of the somew hat celebrated
Paiilhamus fiction comes to the front again
in this (Thursday) morning's Altoona Tri
hunr with a story about a youth hamed Pou
nd Sharp, whom it locates a short distance
west of Cresson and who it says had his leg
so shockingly mutilated by an alligator while
bathing in a tributary of the Conemeugh 1 iv
er the other day said alligator being the
same one, it is supposed, which very conve
niently escaped from a freight car which was
dumped into the stream by a collision some
time last May that 'mortification set in and
the limb had to be amputated just below the
knee. Of course we dount the allegation and
think we can whip the al legator.
A dishonest domestic named Kreiger,
stole forty dollars, a silver watch and a
switch of hair from the residence of Alder
man Blake, of Altoona, on Thursday last,
but was followed by that gentleman to Ty
rone, whither she had bumped her way on "a
freight train in company with a tramp, and
was there arrested and made to disgorge
twenty-five dollars of the money, the other
fifteen having passed into the possession of
her masculine companion, who was not cap
tured. T he other articles were not recover
ed, because she did not have them in her
possession ami it was not known at the time
tii;it thrv h;ni lcn stnli-n. Tin' felonious
feminim is now in j;il awaiting trii'l.
While Philip Ilerurr, who cnnh
mtdveil i
" VoVks '
;t tj(t vitrio tlt!w ui thr i;autier Win
ia i'mieniaugh horouuh. was jiasing from
ono tub to another, about f oYloek on Sat-
unlay morning last, flic hoanl wiucii was i
laid across the tubs tilted up, and he made
a very narrow escape from l.eing precipitin :
ted bodily into the acid, which he fortunately '
and dexterously avoided by throwing hiuisel'f :
, backward, i.otn ot 1 1 is legs, liowever. were
plung' d into the vitriol as high up as the
knees, and before be could withdraw them
from the terrible bath they were burned in a
shocking manner, since then his sufferings j
have liit-n most acute, and the j-n-lial-iliiies '
are that be will not be able to resume work
for several weeks.
We had the pleasure last week of receiv
ing a visit, only too brief, from our esteemed
friends. Prof.' C. o. Uurg and lady, of j
i Wheeling, W. Vii., formerly of Ilolli'-bys- i
, burg, .vim are spending their vacation from
college duties among relatives and friends in
and aiM.ut Oaliitzin. Mr. and Mrs. lturg are ;
, among the most talented and accomplished
teachers and musicians whose friend-hip we
have the pleasure of en jo ing, and not uufre- !
pieiitiy in former years have our columns I
been enriched by contributions from the !
gifted pen of the lady in question, whom we ;
have known only to esteem from earliest
childhood, and who we hope will give us v hat ,
we are sure will he a readable sketch of her .
! no doubt enjoyable visit to relatives and
friends in and about Oaliitzin.
Our good friend and true, Joe H. Oadd,
of Wyandotte. Kansas has our thanks for a
special invitation to ! present on- Saturday
evening last at the dedication of a Democrat
ic wigwam iu that city, and had it not been
for the want of time and money we would
; have made the piigi ini.ige with pleasure, es-
peeiallv as one of ( ambi ia's most gifted sons,
Hon. Thos. P. Fenlon. of Leavenworth. Ks.,
'spoke a piece" on the oecasi .;!. and more
esjH-eially beeaus-.i a little Pennsylvania rc-
, union with our friend and bis excellent wife
would have loen exactly to our liking. Mr.
(iadil assures ns that Wyitndotte has a large
I and enthusiastic Hancock and English club,
which numbers among its members many per
sons who have heretofore acted wi'h the l.'e
, publican party. And so it goes all over the
count ry.
! With sincere regret we chronicle the
death of Miss Annie Farrell, daughter of our
, worthy old friend John Farrell. l'ormerij of
I 'oncmau''h borough, who died at the Homo
of her father in Tyrone on Thursday last, of
lung disease, long since contracted, aged
j about li years. She was, as the Altoona
. very appropriately remarks, one of the
most highly esteemed and beloved young la
dies in Tyrone, anil her loss will be deeply
felt by all" the members of the family, as well
. as by a large circle of relatives and friends,
; to whom she was greatly attached. To her
bereaved father, who afways manifested a
great affection for his children, and especial
ly for the stricken one. her early death can
not but prove one of the saddest afflictions
be has ever Im-cu called upon f; bear, albeit
there is e cry reason to 'ieve that his loss
is her eternal gain. That liod may grant
. rest to her soul is our earnest prayer.
We noted briefly in these columns last
week that Dr. W. H. Sloan, of Chest
, Springs, was robbed in Altoona, a few even
. ings previous, of a gold watch and ten dol-
)rs in money, but if the Carrolitown AVtr is
not misinformed lie fared even worse than
we nail any intimation or, as pr.por says
j he was waylaid while in that city buying ;
drugs, knocked down and roblied of his gold
wat.-h, worth Jig."., and his pfx kct-book, con- !
taining JT-i in cash and a number of valuable !
pajw-rs. The same paper also avers that the ,
; Doctor had his ankle dislocated and was ; injured. The Altoona Tribune
Monday copies the aWvo statement, and ;
adds: "An Altoona gentleman who saw the
performance says that the doctor was lying
; on Twelfth street, east of the biidir": that
, be was picked up by some man and h- lpcd (
to Tenth avenue. The man then reaied hiui
; against the fence and robbed him, but did '
i him no bodily harm."
We regret to learn that a silver watch ;
nnd a twenty dollar bill wore stolen from
the residence of our amiable friend. John
; McCormick. of Summerhill township, on
, Tuesday night last. Entrance to the house '.
: was gained by removing the lower sash of j
one of the windows, after which the thief,
who. like bis victim, scents to have a weak-
ness for greenbacks, made his way stealthily !
: up stairs, and passing through a room occn- i
1 ied by a lad in Mr. McCormick's employ,
i finally" invaded the sleeping apartment of i
that gentleman, and. after rilling his pockets, ;
just as quietly took his departure without i
disturbing amy of the household. Who the ;
midnight marauder was is of course un
known, no clue whereby to identify hii.i ;
having been left b hind, but we understand ;
tl ai Mr. McCormick has his suspicions, i
which may or may not be we'd founded, and J
wl.ifb uny .r may not do hi i: ,-n , ;,"!,
ecu if tic aic weil lour.d- 'I. .
i rw.i.hled ii n the tinv ticker ! was "de the subject of a most pleasant and
priueely sum , Since the item elsewhere relating to the i "sreeable surprise on Sunday last, wbicli
5 per cent., robbery perpetrated at the residence of our i "'-. icaru irom me paper aDove
.rci. i ,irr'nrmlfV of SiininiiTh towns Ii m I i'i n uur. nie, iiarue-sp.
eenmeaieoL ; ii.f buggy, saddle and bridle, the entire turnout
re arc no bloat- j of a siiver watch, a $-') note, a gold pen, and ' OT.!?!."". rr,n"'
TIanpsome Fresent to a TtEsrECTEn
Piiikst. In compliance rot only with a pub
lie request made through the Altoona Sun of
Tuesday evening last by the generous people
who took part in the presentation, but also
as a matter of interest to many of our read
ers, we note with pleasure the fact, an ink
ling of which we gave last week, that Ilev.
John Ward, assistant pastor of St. Patiiek's
church, Newrv, Blair county, and eldest sur
viving son or .Mr. .Martin w aid, of this place,
nation that it proved so successful. The
amount of the purchase money was raised by
individual subscriptions in a few days by Mr.
'-"'rsey, ana to ine IiDerai donors he desires
" return his sincere and hearty thanks. The
P"nt " ' e llL. J"??
on Sunday morning. In
presenting the
equipage Mr. Dorsey said : and Beloved Father: I hnvc been reipiest- I
ed. In helm If ol tlu whose plxnttire you will j
tind attached to this document, to otter you a token !
of imt ntleetion and regard. Wc wished in some !
way t. fdiow our appreciation of your niiiiity m a
spiritual irulde and ol your patience and kiiidtiOM i
in deaiinz with the limit to which wc are ine- 1
times proverbially prime, and alter some debate. !
ami con Ml! tat inn a." to the method ol duill-j- !o. en- .
eluded that the mii"t bchttinu exponent ol our b-cl- 1
Ini; at the p recent time would bo something in the 1
shape ol a horse and bir-iry. with saddle ami bridle '.
and harnc attached, t.i which wc could all 1-Iht-
ally and eheerliitly contribute: and however In-
s-idiilhcant their value nulit bo, when measured !
by the niair tiittide ol our obligations, they would j
agreenbly rcmi.ol yon that we were not iinifinte- 1
lul. 1 cannot tell you how d.-lii(lited I am to be 1
the medium ol conveyinir to you the expression of '
our united love. What we ottV-r you is but a svmbol j
of our leclimrs : but wc know you will receive" them '
kindly, as a simple ln-li -iUiuii of the attachment I
which each one 1 1 11s cherishes for you in oar heart
of hearts. Your flock in transmitting to von bv 1
my hands this noble ynunic animal and maifniti- ;
cent l.uirny standing here, desire to accompany )
the prc-i-nt with such an expression ot theirreiraril .
lor their taitiilul shepherd as I, their lellow-wor- !
shipper, may consider appropriate. II. however
I they think 1 can translate their hearts ami irive !
you a true version of Ihoir leelinifs iu words, they j
; overrate my powers. You know. dear Fattier, bet- 1
1 ler than I can tell you that no '-set phrase" can do 1
I justice to the esteem in which you are held by the. !
memoers 01 your eonirreiraiioii. e ten. Icr von
this token of our not in acquittance of
' any portion l the ilcht ot trnititude wc owe you as
j our spiritual jruide and teaclier, but simply as a
' recognition ol the zeal, energy and success with
which you fulfill tho duties ot voiir sacred callinsr.
! We entreat of you to accept it in that liirht only, '
j beinif convinced that you will derive more antislae- ;
. tion I rum the assurance that we appreciate your j
! lalors in the if-u-pel vineyard than you could '
possibly derive irom any consideration "of a more j
' worldly nature. May tli'o Loud ol spiritual and so- j
I cial union that binds u together, as 1 trust for i
I jfood, lontf remain unbroken. iy a blessing rest I
j upon it and upon our mutual endeavors to extend i
' t lie kingdom of tiie 1 i vine .Master. With ourifilt, 1
' dear Father, receive our wannest wishes lOr your i
health and prosperity. And may the horse prove .
I a laiihlul and devoted servant 11 ml live lonur to do I
1 service in the noblu c.iusu that he is partially to
; represent. And now, in conclusion, accept. In bc- I
lialf ol yonrselt and our venerable pastor. Father 1
liradlcy. the prayers ol those who have been kind ,
enough to respond to our jfcnerous en II. i
Father Ward was completely taken by I
surprise, but recovering himself in a moment, i
sa,a 111 rep.y
t fcntUmen nml Frlond? : 1 tlinnk yon fro:n the i
1 bnttuin ! my hejirt for ttiis irinc'ly iirront. This .
i irrscntt ion is imtrvtl a very afoc;illo Mirjriso j
: ttt nil. 1 thereiore tvel iny-auli at the iresent time t
t nltiif-thor mtath r thank yu EHfTKici'tly. A
; rent author sai.l, "W ords ;tro as r.auvht when The ;
hfitxt is lull," tiiul so full of irriti t iott; my heart
that really the toimue retus to utter nil the heart
i feels at t iila most h:ity perhM ot my existence,
j Your worthy rejircsentatire, Mr. Iorsry, ha? iu
j his beautiful aiMrr.'n reterred with eo'iijifareney to
1 tho 7.f. energy ami r'Uci-.- with which I tuinil
! the ilnties f my sacred callim?. If ?uctfsl'i!. or
I 1 miiiht say faithful, the work Is not mine. Imt that
! o! Jod, who ive. it-cuuditv to the sacred words of
j reliuim.. an.l the jnif seed ha-i horn scattered not ;
I in nn u ntnt ti 1 1: 1 soil. toH in that rh-h. luxuriant :
earth winch is produced hy the holy Kilts ol taith, ;
hope and charity, nnd whh-h I must say have nl- .
wavs atKHiiiiictj jn-yoiir he-irt-. You h.iv hen as j
, a po:ir";tioii, he it snid to your praise, always, j
ohetlicii! to the voii-c of jour venrah1,.? jastor. i
; Father Kr.nlley. wii has Imimi with ymi lor the
; halt of a crntury : r I inijrht ciy r.ittur to the
! voice ol ( fod. w ho p.aks to t iiosc willing torec-i vc ;
i His diviite insj.irif mi;. And in look in:; over the
j list ol siUMtur s 1 notice the names of many who
stand nuiM-ie tlie thre-hold ol our eoiiftrfizatton.
and to them I return my sincere thanks lor their i
' kindlier and t!ie nftettonat impulses which f
. prompted them to ?nhscrile so liberally anl ?!ieer- '
. iutly. Your afiVetion. helievu me, i cordially and ,
warmly returned. When ! cntmpl.tre thf s'maf- !
' nlticeut present, cheertully ''omiim Irom out the J
reservoir of your hearts, it tills my own heart with 1
I emotion ot pleasure- ami gratitude toward Ton. j
i I will keep it nd cherisl. this prim-ely present" ac- :
eompnnied with tlie unmet ol those who eotiirHm-
ted mi irrn-rotjsiy, as n memento of your kindness J
and eoiii.eratio:i. and when 1 drive tins noble
i ynunanhuHl It will remind me of tho.-c havt'V
: and salutary relations which bind the prie-t and
i people oi t. I'atricK s ponncfiiuni u: tiieir out ns l
to tne nnothr to iod and H i.- hur h. In reoi-at- ;
i inif my warmest and sim-en-st thatiks. let mo. in '
i my parting word. rciproeute nil yur kind and '
atieetionate wts!n-.-i. I iy you all" enjoy healtti
napiine-s. wun lenvTM oi o.tys ; may nn s
'despyou: may nil your undertaking be blended !
tin in iimi crywnvu in iie.i en.
Pai;tini of Pastok and Pkoti-f.. Rev.
Father Boyle, of the Church of the Holy
Name, preached an able sermon la-t Sun
day forenoon on the sin of pride and the vir
tue of humility, and at its conclusion an
nounced to the congregation, whose spiritual
intere.-ts he has so fail 111 n I ly and zealously
watched over for the past, live vears and sev
en months that he was no h.nger their pas-
tor, the Bishop baying in his wisdom and zeal
Jul ill. li'i'lj 'I ..oil see-, i. -ii nun .11 t .1 t: 1
charge of the church ataliilin and fill as
best be could the place made vacant by the '
appointment of the venerable and beloved ;
Father Ryan to the pastorate of St. John's j
church, Altoona. Having made tliis an- j
nonncement for wbicli his people were to I
some extent prepared by intimations from I
other sources. Father Boyle bade his eongre-
gation a brief but affectionate farewell, and j
it is needless to say that alt hough the parting ;
was not unexpected, it fell with a crushing !
weight on the hen its of all present, while I
many an eve moistened w it li teais of sincere 1
! 1(
ret when they realized that the bonds of I
- love and sympathy which have so long exist
ed between pastor anil people were about to
, be sundered We are free to admit that it is
contrary to the wishes of the Reverend cen-
tletnan himself, who is the very porsonitica
i tion of modest v and unobtrusive merit, that
: anything more than a men
miiouneement of
his departure should be made by us, but try
; as we may we cannot refrain from still
i further adding that ever since Father Boyle
came among us lie has enjoyed in an eminent
! degree the veneration and love of his people
and the respect and esteem of all classes of
the community. That the former, at least,
' will not let another week goby without man
ifesting in some more tangible shape their
appreciation ot himself as a man ar.d of the
gre-it good be b?s accomplished as their
spiritual guide and director, we have good
; reason to believe, nnd that Cod will bless and
; prosper him in his new lield of labor is, we
; aie sure, the earnest prayer of many a sin
i cere heart. Who his successor
to be has
; not yet been ascertained, though westill hope
1 to be able to announce the appointment in
. the present issue of our paper.
Fun:. large, new and valuable barn own
ed by Mr. William Hunmhreys, a Cambria
township fanner who resides about five miles
south ot this place, was burned to the ground,
with all it contained, about midnight on Sun
day last. Mr. Humphreys had completed his
wheat, rye and a portion of his hay harvest,
and as a "consequence the bam was weilfibed
with the products of the farm, though it is
probable that the ?:;o!i insurance which he
had on bis crop will not fail very much short
of covering Ids loss so far as tlie grain and
bay is cnncei n-.d, and with the exception of
the barn, which was insured bir fT' in the
same company, but can scarcely be replaced
for the money, there was little else destroyed
by the flames. How the conflagration origi
nated is one of those things which may never
be found out, but as Mr. Humphreys is 'posi
tive in the assertion that neither himself nor
any member of his family had occasion to go
to the bam after dark, and of course could
not have taken any light there, the only con- I
elusion to be reached is that the tire was
caused by six.ntaiieoiis combustion or through
in.- . men ssuess .., .iu..,n,s., ...
who had no business on the premises, l.eiiig
locr.ted some distance olr the main road, it
don't seem likely that any of toe tramping
fraternity had a hand iii the burning, and
hence the opinion that some chicken thief
accidentally set Hie barn on fire strikes us as
not an improbable thcoi y. Mr. Humphreys
has the sympathies of all in bis very inoppor
tune loss though the hope is entertained that
the Sl.w.o will not fall much shoit of repay
ing the damages.
Caiiihxm, Newmvn's InK.r.Ti sr.. Fol
lowing s the lett-rcf the ilistii'gtiibd 'ath
olie dignitarv above named to the Newman
Literary Institute of St. Fran. is' College,
to w Inch reference was made in our List is
sue :
Tan Oisatokv. June l":'.i. lsvi.
( i nvTLf.v K v i I hope voa will be so go-id as P
excuse nn- delay in answ -ring yoc.r most nattering
nnd kind loiter of M.irrh gj-l.
It has ari-en from various y engaire
tnetits whieli 1 have h id to li i 1 iu the interval, and
theconscijuent acciitiiul itioti of mycf respondence.
1 now t-i g to tender to you my I.e.-1 t lei i;i,s ! or your
eoir-rratelations on my elevation. th'-.e-h the con
descending favor ol the Suvcr-'Cgn Fen' ill. to n
place In tlie Saere-l College.
1 led also the honor that you il l tne bv concoct
ing inv name will, the formal title o! your Society.
It is not only n great .s.iiiplniient : it is a token ot
liiendly svuiMtliy and Mtiacliuient ivhi. h 1 leel
deeply. Every Literary Society must have a Li
l.rarv'. Miglit I beMllo.ved to iir.-sent to it six ol
my volurncs. such as you would take the trouble ot
-cVt.'.ir '.' 1 enclose a list.
.1 -!. lu!v . !-ur-,
Js-IINii. C..U1SAL Ni'tMAS.
- ,i?i-rft .i-
-H5Trt- ii.'-?s-y; t
c e - i
For Barkers Another Big Boom!
Xo use talking about it, wo have the goods and must got rid of thorn, ovon though we
should lose money In tho operation. That moans that wc have an overstock of
Ladies' Fine Shoes and Gaiters,
Men's Heavy Slioes,
all styies, sizes and qualities, and that we must close out the entire assortment before the
our new stoek arrives, which will be about the 1st of September. Hence
wc have determined for the XKXT FOIITV DAYS to offer
Shoes at Greatly Reduced Prices I
Our prices now are acknowledged to be much lower than anywhere else, so that the siecial
prices we offer to buyers at this time affords everybody a chance to get
than ever before dreamed of in their philosophy. It will pay you, then, to buy your slioes
now, even if you do not wear them for the nest six months, as it is a fact of which
all should be aware that boots and shoes will be higher next winter than
they are now ; therefore our loss will be your train. The only pur
pose we have in reducing prices beyond all precedent is to
which has alread3T been ordered. So if you are open for a bargain now is the time and our
store the place to get more and better goods for your money than will probably
ever again have a chance to -njov. V"e al.-o have some bargains in
iX-c, &c., wbicli we must and will sell regardless of what they cost us. In addition to
' all these extraordinary bargains and many more in other departments, we have
j tho largest, most select and certainly the finest and best assortment of
I Heaxly-.Xaxle OlotliiiTg; !
I in Ebensburg, and are prepared at all times to furui-h either full or partial suits of wear
I ing apparel for men or boys at lower pi ices than g.M-'s of like 'jnality can be purchased at
; any other establishment. More than tint, wo have special bargains in seasonable clothing
just now for everybody who wants to dress well at a very small outlay.
V. S. Barker
TiniNos FHOM Kansas Asa matter
interest to manv of our local readers, we ex-
j , t j, fl)1iw;ni: lr
veWM f,.w f, a0
111 a private letter re-
from our friend and
patron, Mr. John M. Stehley, who removed
Irom this place to Hays City, Kansas, a coll
ide of years ago. Mr". Stehley writes :
Hjv? I'ltv, the county seat f.f Ellis eon at. v. is a
ti.wn'df al.'ut l.'jim inhabitants arid i villain near
the eetirre nl the enmity, on the bne ol thel iii-m
I'neilic U. K. We have s .ine v.-rv hne stone l-iiil-1- here, and a sil'-inlhl eimrt l ouse and m liool
hnii'i'. There are nl-u;six 1 true seller.) I stores. 1
tour hotels, two Inmtter yard, el--., in our town, j
Times are preuy dull with us jn-t now on account
o! the erot hr'ntr nn almost n-nl i;iil;ire. 1 do n..t I
hink there were one hundred 1-n-ln-ls ol wheat ;
r.iied in Ellis county this s.-.i-i-n. tltinish the "orn j
looks well, as we have had st-ln-b-1 nuns ot late :
a lilessinir that was not vow-hsaicd ns ln-retotrre I
Iroin the ltirh of last Novenioir to Hie 1 tti el .li:ne
fthi-Sj-rii.2 1. A many pe-ole have lelt this
part ol the couT'try. some to return iu I..-;. -he: ol
next Vi-nr (as tlii-T ran now vret leave ol a'.i-eni e
Irom their i laims until that time), and others, per
haps, never to return. Tlie colony from El.ensi.iirz.
located up in l.'ooks enmity, are about thirty miles
Irom here. I was tip to see them a lew week" ann.
1 and they all appeared to be in very K-s.d h--art.
Their crops at that tune looke.i pnuuiMiiu. out
sinee learn that a terr.Me hai! storm h is destroyed
cvervthite-f lor them in the way ot train, etc. All
ol tl.e original eo-ony an- stnl there except .Tun
.Tones, who is now working in t'olorado, where
llar.v .Mills IsaHo located. E. J. Mills is livlmt
on his claim, two miles nor: h ol t his plac". 1 tried
larmiiej here niv--cll one summer, and th:-t was
rnnuxli f-.r me. "'What little 1 hd raise was d'--troved
l.v tire In the lull: so 1 uot lb-busted, sold
out", iin-1 "lnnud't a little property in t- n. Since
then I hare l.een doinir very well, and mn now so
mil'-li pleased with Ihe rillliiry th;:t 1 think ot -et-1
1 1 1 if down tor if.n.-l and ni.ikimr this my lutiire
home. Wc have nil had very .N-d health since
eetiiin. net one ol us having i-een sick lor a day.
There (ire a ifrent ninny Fennyli aiiians Uvntcd
1 here. Am-mif them are several Iri.i.i III or conn')
1 wtlfiwnomi was very wen acinaouc'i on..- n
i there.
lies s pretty well divl-.l 1 in jx.tlin".
We elet"d ii 1 i-mn--ratie County Treasurer and
I Sherilt last fail, but tile fiapiiWican sue -co-led in
irctiinir awav with the rest ol the olltees. li the
! wnv, 1 wasn't nt all pleaded to learn that you elee;-
ed a Hepuhlienn Slu-rill in your county lust hill.
' You must trv nnd do Letter than that next time.
' The Hvmoer.its out h.-re are very well p!o:i-ed w ith
' the nomination of Hancock and think there will
be nn trouble about them.
1 iret the littEyAS reaulnrly.
C'ou'.J not get nl"n without ft.
! Yours, respectfully,
I John el. SiKiit.i.v.
HoNonr.n ami Blessed. When a board
: of eminent physicians and chemists an
' nottneed tlie discovery that by combining
i some well known valuable remedies, the
, most wonderful medicine was produced,
; which would cure such a wide range of dis-
eases that most all other remedies could be
1 dispensed with, many were scepiica! : but
. proof of its merits bv actual trial has dispeli
i ed all d ul-t, arul today the discy, pts tf
that v'fe? .'cfe-,'iic. Hop Bitt. is, are l ot.or
ed and blessed by all as lient factors.
OMv of the most striking ccciniip.nention ot a
; mother's lore is the putttni light colored tuitcii
! es on the dark colored pantaloons ol her darhm;
bov. When we see a 1ml hanging on the ra-
( pl,I(,wU, tws(.. pat-lir 1-iin-uig up the tear
j ,. ..-. i,,,. m-r.i, that Ins father would hike h;,.i
i ir i,,rtliwith to Simon is liendheiin s l.irgn an
we'd Idled clothing esi(iblishmeiit. on fw.-lt'li v
line, next d..-r to the First National Hank. Alto o
nn. w iiere he cilia ht him out in an eii g -ii'. n v
suit at a price so low that we nre sure he would u -!
Bshemi-d himself 'or so long allow in pe
patches to appear in prominent i la ...-..
It is well to be m.-rry an-1
' honest and true: it is we'l
! yonrselt with a suit ele-r.p.
1 iill o! these wells we beg Id .
w 1 t
I-.. I
I in
n ! ii
; that you ii (to well to he- 1.
a little money to spen-l.
. should soeed. where vo Tli
?n i thai s. il . .-
i; ii- i 'lotl.iug li i
h-.-l r-iurj.hy, J.:v
s s H-i-e I. fa U. i a Ii ei
tlie smile on his lace nl-v i
in endless array
t.roiiiiiflv meet.
1 v
oe.r ival
is I.e.
g i . a ; i
St I
Clinton street, John-tow.
Sit KsrKMtF. savs tt-at "use strf-n:--thcn
but Sipiibbs declares that he tried the tp-rt.!i 'it
l-ir a t A'el etnorth on a suit ol clothes, and instead
ot use tren-j-theniie' liis "habit." it we.iki-ned it
so -ficctual:y tlu.t h- was ol-lig.-d to our a brn id I
si'.i.ier ci-v s.t't ol Itooi-c--!:-, -I -tnu.g at trie p
ular cheap s- rc o! it. Iney to I. n-- 1 il-mt t I in
post-ofticc, Altoona. where "hai-ils" ! liie s:lm,
kin-i. and ol all and textures, nre k'-pt in al eiulles.-: prolusion aud sold wouderluli elieap
Sat what yon will, there is a great deal in per
souai apieai.u.!c. au-l ine man Jf ti- eo.i.-ni's :..s
own judgment, or the lady either for thut
matter, w i l tie- it n' pcxr in a pair ol shabby boots
i-r s. tor tte.b'.i:'- of whieli tiieic Is certainly
tto exciisc so b.-ig n s Si 1. iti-imcufhall as a liahii.i-
tion and a Crimean lilt El even tn avenue. A :t--oi..i.
where he sells -nods at lionesl pi icos a nit liar ui
: - i-i . : , : (.-:.:.-i..iu oi c-i:. 'ii.."
i ta.-re! ttu; i-..e aujl . va i-l u--t-- i bv --
&: IBrotlier,
M.-'INNELL t'EAMEK. Married. t St.
I ln.!oe;ew's cliiir--h. il:i!--: e. en Tui -lav la-t.
July -J7. lsso, l,y Hev. Fuller Mclluth. Mr. .lints
I I i:m:v Mi 'o ski. I., ol Summerhill town -hi p. ami
M lis l,os m i a t 'uame!:. daughter ol Mr. Valentino
Cramer, ol l'ortaife township.
HAHKEi:. Died, on Tuesday m-rnlng. Julv
"'. '.sso. (It j. ie Vinton oidy ilauitl t.-r oi A. V.
and Katie K. Marker, ai;ed il months and 11 days.
Fn rents grieve Tad tlie child you loved.
An-i to your bosoms pressed,"
Is to :4 happier land rcm--vcd
'1 he home ol all the blest. i lit ic children come to tne,
"1 he t Ir-'at l.ed'-ciucr said :
Your liiiu n Ilia arin shall he
V. 1th all the sainted dead. J.
LAKE. Died, nt his re-idencc fn tl.fs T.i!.c
about IciM-past Uo'eliw k. a. si., on Sat -irda) , j Illy
The deceased eamc to thii county Iroin I'lineans-
ville. F.lair county, when quite a liov with his
lather, who rented an.l lor several year eultivate-1
the present l!io n larm. on the turnpike, a short
distance, east ot town, after which he moved to
w hit is now the l'oor II .use I. .rut. where he renin in-
e-l out il : l out ' .'.. w le u he wen : to Lorctto. where
he died a few years ntf... in t he -; h ol last mont h.
Mr. Lake, wtih his tamily. went to Iowa on a vis't
to a relative, and returned noor.t the Mthof the
present month. very nun h rest lated and so grent-
iv roil lic
.-- 'h!.'!,-, tvxi:;
worse, and in flam mat ion of the bowels set-
it change. 1
ticra mi '
ting in. lie si.eedi'y im-"i-. to that lumrne tr-nn
which tie -re is re r -lurn. He was Hdmitti-d t-i the '
bar seven or i g lit y ars ago, imt si.n becnice i
deputy lii gister and Keeor-icr under .1 allies M. j
Si- g.-r. and was elected as that Keutleman's sue- j
c.-..r in N.-. en.bcr 1S7S. II is tPlm ot i. thee w, mid I
have expired on the tir-' Monday i.t .lannnrv. lssj. -He
wa.- a man i.i icry pleasant manners and mfide j
an eirieient. correct nnd accommodating officer.
His untimely death will he d-cj-lv regrett.-l l.v all
vl-o ku-w h :n. and esnccialiv "l-y h:-- lu re-iced
widow mid the three latherle- s rutins' child ri n w ho
nr.- loll to mourn his rem.-: ins were lol-
low-d to the CAtfi.iiie ehnrcli on APinday morning
by hii immense concourse of people, nini after a
solemn Kc-piicm Ma-s i,.r lha n ot his soul
had been cciei.ra'ed and an uppropnate sermon
delivered bv lii-v. l ather le.yle. ins l-ody wa- cn
signcl to its final rest nut pia.-c in the" beautiful
eeimtcry opposite the chun h. Ins imnn rfal spirit
Itavintr ineaiitinie. we hope, leccivcd a favorable
jadgiiiciit from its nu-rciliil Creat-.r.
Bhnrswlle Pa. LADIES' SEMINARY. ;
Iteantilul gnuin-ls, eonun.lioTis hniblings, new '
and superior j--:nio.s . r practice, nnd 1 lionot on
insti iitiox. Tea insfrn ti-r. Tereis tie-Icmte.
Thirtieth year ln-itiiis mhr r S, 1SM. i'ur i
Catalogue, applv to '
July :f..-lm. litv.T. II. LIVIMl, Frlncltial. '
VOTI('i:.-T:!P first nml final ac-mint
1 -T H. J. H ids. Asgnee Saisttud Will, in
t. u
I h
w il
for il:c h.-n.-ut ol credo -r-. I is
'rot :io;e,i ary oite-e ol c .nil-ri
be presented fer the n.-o -n ol
Icti ihr f'.tit tittv ff r tmt.i r sv
tile 1 iii
iity and
'out t en
t . t. lilii:.i., Ii..rho',iotar
Frothw-notary"s Office, EbL-inburg, July lw
ry.':) Tin: dlmocuats of cam-
JL 1IKI A Cnl'NTV. 1 hereby announce mvself
as a candidate f..r the office of" Keuistcr and lie.
order, sut-ieet to the d.i-ision ol the llemocmtic
County Cm . cation or foamy Committee, and il
t":ii!n..t --I and e.ect..i 1 picl-ji. my-clf to Krfo--m
the diiti-s ,, t:,.. i.fii,-,. wiih hole -i-t y and h-lcbty.
fa'i rai and nut in both th- tl.-riuan and Eny
lisli I.tlii:' g. s. TliflS, HlMiVEK.
( ' .!!'! : I l'.v.i.. Julv ls l.-tn.
! C
iMMi-sio.'i:u"s notici: : in-
tui: ti,:i-i! ss' CociiT ov 'AM inn I'm rv.
In the matter of the Edition ol Margaret Me
C i II I T a di cr-'c ol Spis-ific 1 'erlonnalii-t..
ll.ivo. h.-eii apioirte-l f iiiiiiuis-iouer to take
t .t - -eony iu he n Ihc.-i- stated .-.., notice is liei e-i-y
given to all partu Intcrc-u- 1 thai 1 I i ! a 1 1 i-n-I
t the do: -. -s el said appointment, at myelin-- in
E.ic.sii-.ii n l . if.-.-. iieonf ?i, jv-y. nt ! 2 o'clock,
i". i-hen iiu-i wiu-re t!:-v mai aitend il llicy
to i .. -r ip'-r. !Ei. IV. OA1.MAN.
.iu..- e , 1 i. 't. f ommissloner.
, F.crMLNT LIST At ... .".!.
L In the matter ot the cxe.-i-t mns to the I.'
poll ot . looacc Kosc, I.-i . Auditor Bl'iN-inted
lo m: kn d .s; r lo t i n: ot t In: -I in the 'lauds ot
S.ll.ih ... I h. i.-. de.'d. Ad ll!sr.i t .i el H.f.ld IC.
Ii.ivis, ilcc'.i, as appears by her t:rst and p.ntiil
I ii l ie- m-ifcr of tho po it ion i-l Thom as H-imphy
an.l wire, l-eiis and oelfsees ol Anth mr .w:.-cs
- ,1-r'd. to s.-n tin, i-r leas.-, etc.
( in me m..t ter ! t'-e r.-p nl oi Al'.in I-.Vitn--.
j Auditor t report ili-trfbittioti ol the funds in the
j hands id F. .1. Christr. Ev.s-utor ol F. X. fliri'tv,
j late cl (iaint.i.. t .wusl ij.. dsd.
. t i-natter o tf--- l.uleel John II l.u'
, ;u:, of Ed v.u I s mill. Mary and Lueinii.i
- I.i, t I-t r. I-. sh.ov u -c e:--.
.1. t .. I. M C.. O. f,
l.ob J '- fcil . i.', .-' -I - 'i i--'.
o c
c o
- h k rr.r. a i ft
' H M K A A V V
HHH l.E AAA 1 11'
V 1
FF.E RKK !-'f
I K K !!.
IE liRIt !!
t K K II
stock or
Hardware !
Sloves, Tirt "v 10,
ll O II O D D S
tmoa cxmjo ikkmj ididi sssss
fcc. kc. tl-.nt run ! fjnnj in any me pfnt-lish-xnent
In l'entivlratita. H? M-s-k ct-mi-ilfes
c::s, mni am stivis
of rarloa? ?tylc an-1 i-attcrof;
I3llilclol's:, Ilardwaro
of every dc-rrlj-Unn and of lt" juility ;
of all kinds and the bot In tne market. Al.
lanre i-t-k ol
;lamare. (nf(-nrp. Mlx-r-Plali-d
M lrf . M nl Hn-1 M 1 1 1 o n arr. nail
r. Trnnkioivl l . ml fn. ti -
I In. lae. Ilorwr SlioM. Hr I run. Kail
R1.1I. Ilre Null. nrrlncr Itolio. Hli
. Mill i;rlndlonr. Mk-I SIioi-
r I Plan Tlonlil, Koai Srop ;
Mowin? Machines, Horse Hay Kakes,
Ilnre Ifa lArk, Ropo and Pnllrvfl,
torn 4 n 1 1 i fit or. aul a lull Int-nl llnri
mlins 1 ooM. A lo, a lame j'-crlmt nl i-t
Table, Floor and Stair Oil Llclh$r
CJ;n-ias Oil Cloth,
Asn SH ADE FI XT1 KES : I,ivt:i:roni, ASHT X
SALT, the lcst in tlie w-.rl-l l.-r iNjirvaml Tal-la
use: ijiroItTKD LOCK SALT. tb ci r-i-'t nni
tc?t l..r fceilimr Live S'-k: LAND l'LASTFK:
Wti.LKSDl'isTriix I'l MIS.i-l the t.-t ijualitv;
ranir-t 1 eil'-H-t : 'H!M-rrN' W Aovs ami
I'AliTS: the Imvi-'t ft..- k ! MILK fliiK'KS -f
all ?hnep nnj m7 an-I t i-uj-erp-r w:ir c r " f-f-r.
..r ale In ELenslmrz : a lull line-.f FAINT
UK I "SUES f the niest .i-ir:it-l.- ...i!i'v: WIN
VAKNlSHI.s. ki. t-.ellicr with a LirireaiiJ c-m-pk-tc
ft.K-k oi
a well a tlii-namD nf ether useful an.l nec-lfi;!
article". In Lu-t. anrthinir I haven't i!--t "T en t
if-t at liert notice is net worth hu inir. ant! w lint 1
ilo cller fer Pale inav always l-er- lie l en a vikst
i lass gt'ALiTV. while t'liey will iDvarinl-ly 1-c
6- Having ha-1 nearly thikty tk.M'.s' rsrrr.I
ENi'K in the .ile nl k-mmIs In iny lin. 1 aiu en:il'!--F
to siij-i-ly my cut.-uier-' wih the t-ry lut in This
market. rive tne a lilieral liai-i-l ymr i-a.r.-n-aire,
then. :in-l lie rn lni-e-1 that the I- t :wa
the cheapest, an-1 thut it Loi-r l-ay- t-i luy an in
ferior arti--le Si Ti: il y tiee-iilse the j-riee i h-w. u-t it
is nn Indiinitahie fact that fU-.U v-mjs arc a.via g
the dearest in the end.
KI.cnlunr. A-rll 11. lsr-...
3 In 11 vi isi o t n 10 vsi ?
Sheet Iron Wares
: T 1 1
J O 13 1 II If 111
; ,i'5.ViIUlWV3IiljIiI 1IIUI1
Xos. 278. 2S0 anJ 2S2 Waington St.
IM)IAA, 1 V.
Ilniltllnsr. the ln-t t-f the k-.n t iu the Vnltcl
Arriniiioilalin t -r ton i :ir.'.crs.
Kfhl. tirst l ias- m nil r ---peets.
Ileparlmenti Normal. lasMCal, Ceiiiini. rctn!,
The l ull Term of l."S weeks will ii n on
MONDAY, Sr.lTKMI'.Kli r,, ls0.
IIipciicw. as low as tlo-cc : any eho,.
aie-rdiag e-pnil advantaej and aci rctiuda-ti.-ns.
For Ca'ab-guc, nddre-s
JOHN il. 1KLMII. LL. 1.
l-s-.--.m. I'E!N
1 L.
Iatn n-
vT prepared t- fuT!:i-ti ail v.
with it-"!.
w i!it t-j t'i:y
he r tiii:-
-"t l-e lii'inl-uirg 1 'o-ap M-i.!t. a'i.t
' ry-iu.i lec.ins when by i-ny ii a a lit' ! i.-tc y mean
1 get ih.i liome-tnade c;;ns w -rtli ihiublc the m-iney.
. l'ersons wi-lnn-4 the cf:"ap the .amc as Hrd
, S--1-1 t other i-l:ice lor o is-iit" per .i'-en. can get
them from uie l.-r cent - pir.b'.-cn.
I i lit . HI M LEY.
i El en-luinr. July 10. lsso.-r-u.
nnoirs Nivrici:. In the mut-
jL i tcr of
! tlie ttr-1 ai l 1'Hrt,:tl nr 'n:':t i f .1.11
". Mnrnty. nr ivins l c; ut r t tt r Kt-t wi'l uml
tc t;ii'i'i:t '! M ichitf i M urT;y. l-.f-l.
IDK '"TO Iilci Alhiit T t i ! ) T t 1trf-
l'Htiii bi tin ir-'iu v in ti 1iht.N l In H-iuiit-mtt
to mil : tin i;irtics rut Tlf! ::rrf- ti-
t ' O 1- ht i" t li.YVTi t'.H I T I M.-11-1 1'- Th" l!f
' ir. nj'j ti TitTf-i t. pt i 'y v ii 1 rf i:.tiT. no
i'htr-1n:j, thr 1 'th .Ifimw! nt 'Z '"rlM-k, v. i., liea
iutl w htTC all iii!rrritM nt'v nTtftil.
i:.fn'liur;, ii ;y 1. l-vt.-;.t.
riCK TO STn'K!I(!.lii:i;s.
! X T-
Annual M-sst..,- of the Stockholder of
r -on Sjir;n-;s C'-i"pov will be I el 1 at ttio
t .(! -Cl.t I C oC p.
Fliil.idc!phi:i. Fa.. -o'clorl;.
. Elect i
.same t.uie an.l plic
July 15. lSsl.-f.t.
nvi iniNi us:
. V-.-I01
c. ui-.:. -.- i
. g '-. Seitli hoilitb St.
c -.; . -.'. ; .. st M
lor Fiesi lent and lMrretors)
eci ct irv.
end tor our
., I'. H-. i
il .X f
-! lAHl