The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, July 16, 1880, Image 3

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    I. t
, sl.t Ki. I'-
- .11 IV
vm n ;i;s n.i,.
,.! t li ' her I'lrtop.
vvlfVareatSeaside, N.J.
M .1 j'li'iity of it -J"' Wednes-
., !) ri.u.imrn boarders from
rntUtown lin- twn
lsso has com-
. ft'
v 1 .ml-.
-. -1 1"
,1 r..-
as the tenth city in
,i senator r.iumer, of
.i,-l::r? iliis week,
v goods cheap, ami f)f
M .-Donald Sc (.'.. Ln-
v, of r.iintertown, W'est-wt-
recently gored to
;,;iv' i'l g.-ods at Inmost
( 'a cheap cash
, -Jv.en in ll.w l.iah !; it ude-,vr twentv
I one Hundred feet a!.ve the v,, f ,,, B;.a
! -the boat for the n.,y-,t part is exceed iiiMy
oppressive, tin- thermometer havino- for sev
I eral days this week been galivanting in the
shade away up among the nineties.
Key. Brown, pastor or the Presbyterian
church of this place, will sever his connee
j tion with that conSrer-ation at an ear!y day.
lie has revived and will accept a call from
! a tliurcli in Ohio, whither ho will near with
; hmi the esteem of all who know him.
The Ilollidaysbnrg Stamhm? has no hes
I Station in saying that (;en. ColTroth will be
f unanimously re-nominated for Congress,
I and lie will N re-elected easily. So faithful
I and obliging a representative the people of
j tliis district could not readily replace.
; Walking matches all over the country
; have been the real style; but the ''true ago
ny" has been shown in those innumerable
! nm,eh" nightly walked by anxious fathers
earn in- crying babies. The remedy-Dr.
I Hull's Syrup, rrico 2.". cents a bottle,
j Col. A. K. M'Clurc, of the Philadelphia
I Turns, who has been enjoying the pure air
mid i ii-h f -i i-rt of 1 1 - . .
- "i i'mpii .uouniain n ouso.
-.i...i;i h. S 'lii' tn. K-;j , f. Ihi ! p'a '", lclt
on Wedneej.iy evening lor ljarri -burg,
where he is now (Thursday) participating
with many of his old soldier associates in a
reunion of the Pennsylvania Iieserve Corps .
We believe Mr. Scanlnn is the only member
of the organization in this vicinity who has
taken any reunion in his on this occasion.
That it is never too late to do good is
well exemplified in the case of Mr. Vincent
Tonkin, of Cherrytree, who tiok unto him
self a wife alKivit a year a?o, after bavins
pursued the path of single wretchedness for
nearly if not quite half a century, and as a
natural result was last week presented with
a bouncing boy baby, whose arrival, it is
needless to say, has opened a well spring of
joy in the heart of the happy ToTikin.
Two Altoona women named Rhodes
and Lantz deserted their husbands on Tues
day last, the former taking with her ?0, and
the latter, as is alleged, gobbling up about
the property of their respective lords,
with which they started cat on the noon
train, no doubt intending to have a say time
of it white the money holds out. How sharp
er than a I.antz will it bo for the wayward
, i ...,.-,,,, 1MIlo rdienslniig, no wives when the Rhodes they are traveling
uomu iui me intention of writing un our
intimations about the
didn't those who adilressed
My hot .'
:.isare 1m big held in J0I1113-
,. , ii tioiiof a new bridge
.. k ; t that place.
1 X- l'.io. keep a full stock of
v. cia'-. nails, varnishes, etc.,
.it ti.e lowest prices.
r.i ,..:.i rs will undoubtedly
j.uviiu their rakes, scythes,
.ii, !i ai tit les at Barkers'.
t--iwiiship you'.h named A11
1 ii' rry tree a few days ao
- ;. t arm near the elbow.
...j;,." which lorted no "ess
w.'s fciiit'd in a harvest
:;;.ir.4 Point a few days aro.
1 ,, 1 man c irp in a potu! near
; ,vc ihiuh'Vd iu size since
cltiierein about seven weeks
lie.i that !i man i:i thiscouu
, r i i s which, ns he alleges,
';, d I'oiiuds of lioiiey in fif-
:.nt nti' new oueuinDOrs
1 ii Wednesday of la?t
-ay tliis climate uf ours
overall at Ilarkei-',
warranted not to rip
i.ut within aieasonable
. 1 -rot hi T-in-Uw f Col.
! !v of tliis place, (li d
..;:!oi on
,i Tyione, liad his ri''ht
! ! lie other day by bo
: I between two cars he
A fu'l Hedged brass
.! Jolu.s'.evn, but as if
nc'.i, two more are just
.. -ii.-i:.
;.i-s .:i wc!:t out
::''! his return cx
, , . 1 . ,:!efox ;md one
. ion 101 u.e emncaiion of his numerous and
: appreciative readers.
! ' A monster Democratic mass meeting is
1 to be held in Johnstown some time during
, the coming month, and arrangements have
. been made lor seeming the presence of Gen.
! Geo. B. M'Clellan as one of the speakers. Of
j course our local Hancock and English Club
i will attend in a body.
j When you want to invest in a pair of
j shoes, don't forget to examine the larg and
; elegant assortment at Barkers'. They carry
j a larger stock than all the other stores in
, town, and have some special inducements to
offer. Money can certainly be saved in the
j purchase of shoes at. Barkers',
j The following are the names cf the
members of Co. A, Fifth regiment, X. (,. P.,
i who withdrew- from that organization at the
expiration of their five j ears' term of service :
Sergeant W. H. Davis, Sergeant D. II. Kin
! kead, Corporal Jack Davis, Philip Jones,
! Howard Bailey. Charles B. Moore,
j The Elenshurg School Board have for
; the fourth time selected Trof. Lyte as supcr
; mtendent of our borough schools, ami have
: also reduced the number of schools front six
' to five. There can be no doubt about the
J wisdom of the first move, and for aught we
' know the othe r move is equally wise.
An Altoona man who loves the flowing
; howl not wisely but too well has requested
1 the Mayor of that city to have written no-
tices posted up iu the hotels cautioning the
! proprietors against selling him any intoxiea
j ting beverages, he being minus the backbone
necessaty to resist the temptation when it
': presents itself.
j Arthur Moore lias sued the city of Al
j toona for ?li:oo- damages, the allegation
made by him in support of said claim bcins
thai he recently tupped on a defective board -
come to a sad and sudden termination!
Mr. Abel Lloyd, assignee of Isaac Craw
ford, sold at public sale at the Court House,
on last Saturday afternoon, a tract of land
situate in Cambria township, one mile south
of Ebensbure. Mr. Ed. James was the pur
chaser, for lion. A. A. Barker, and the price
bid was fi',r,7. A bouse and lot on corner of
Centre and Sample streets, this borouch,
were offered for sale at the same time, but
as ft, XH was the highest bid that could be
securedvthe sale was postponed until the
7th of August.
We have heretofore announced that our
local military organization (Co. A, Fifth X.
(J. P.) had received their new two-baud
guns, and now add that a short time s'nee
their requisition for knapsacks, canteens,
cartridge-boxes, etc., was duly honored by
the proper authorities. Xcw recruits are
flocking to the standard of Co. A. in consid
erable numbers, and the likelihood is that
ere long captain Davis will timi 111s com
mand fil'ed up to the maximum, if you know
how full that is.
Mr. Samuel Dibert, of Kernville (Johns
town), while in the act, on Friday evening
last, of stepping out into the back yard of his
residence with his three-year-old son, crip
pled in both legs from birth, in l:is arms, he
accidentally tripped fin the guard board
placed across the opening to prevent the baby
from tumbling out of the kitchen d r, anil
was thrown to the ground, a distance of about
four feet, falling in such a way as to double
up the left leu of the child ami fracture the
bone at the thiirh.
j We acknowledge the receipt of an invi
j tation and programme of the "Class-Day
j Exercises, at the State Normal School, Indi
j ana. Pa.," held on last Tuesday afteriux ;
Which reached ns accompanied with the
compl'tnents of our yoiinc friend and pa-
walk and has been maimed for life. And I tron, Mr. J. C. lit own. of Washington tow:t
now the taxpayers over thete bei;iii to ask : ' sl;ip, who i-, a student at said institution ninl
"Arthur Moore men likely to get in the same took a prominent part in the class day cx-r-predicanient
?" j rises, l,i name living the il.ird on the 1 -1 ,
Everybody likes good, sweit, white 1 and we doubt not that his effort, entitled
b', and everybody, therefore, should buy
their 11 jur front V. S. B.u Ur v- Bro.. v. ho
kevp none but the lt -t and furnish it .at
'Consolation." was a credit t- his ui-.n.l and
as cheap a
oti'crs in the 1
-i by ex-Siieri:T Myers '
'.iy. 1 , '.vas struck by llght-
; .i between -j and .i
--ay ) moi nintr, '
. v. itli -,-vi i tc-n buttons,
1 he twenty ye.-v--, and mea
.1 he-, wa- killed near Dun- ,
.n:, u Ti-Cr ."lay.
in o-!tiv.-:y forbids it at
: . i; i- -aid tiiat iuii're!s :
.!::'' ave being shmghter- ,
; - of the cou-ity. !
;.: !:. :i'V-itor" of the Al
a:i awful botch of the
!'i: .'e:.-' Executive Com- '
' - ; :i arurdav last. i
. v ; . which is hegiuning '.
... ex-'cediiigiy large one in :
r. a .lays from date t!;e fruit
: f i" three cents a quart. '
y excursion train i
to this point on its last trip
1 passenger-", the major- '
,'.-.ed at the summer hotels.
:''.r it, hut tuey stop crying ;
y '; ave trtkeii a single dose, ,
y "ri.p cures all ti:e pains
. .-ubicct to. Piice ii-5 cents '
Hcnce it
ad to 1 uy
en 1 ex Sheriff Ryan
!!, Mary, of Johns
i'g among their many
is w. !.. There are
- is ti
.1. .
i" -
the Kxi ( 11
A. ",K-fIII-
. f the :-.- -
I !
r 1 h
. P
t t
-I h 'A- e '
V, of Moirell-
1 a - m dis
011 s.i'!;r! iy i'v-
1 It it thih bota
; -i. r t'. 1."
II IV Michaels,
Hi a .heny tree
: i h--r sj.'.e on the
r.-. . ivcl an ug'y
: e internal injuries,
i a at the Clmrch of
n: ,y hour ou SiiD-Uy
;:n tiiig ..irtis being a, Mr. John Grief,
-o nanie and residence
f! ices fully
liess c.arge for an infeiior arti.
behooves all who want g.KHl
their Hour at Barkers".
We leant from the Altoona Trio-mr. that
the dweiiing house of a widow lady named
Saunders, distant about, three miles from
Cress'in, this county, -,v; destroyed by fire
between 7 and o'clock on Saturday evening
last. If the story is true it seems strange
that some reader of the Fheeman hasn't
sei:t us the particular.
The Altoona sm says that the (ialiitzin
tunnel was not long enough on Sunday last
for the oscillatory exercises indulged in by a
young Hebrew couple. When the observa
tion car emerged into the light at the end of i
the tunnel the gentleman's arms had not yet j
resigned their precious burden. It was so
aw ft;', sudden, vou know. I
A .short distance east of Suinniitville, this !
county, on the line of the turnpike, is a nev- j
er-fai'.ing spring of excellent 'water. Its lo
cation is one of the highest points of the Al
legheny mountains, the altitude being at
least .',200 feet above tide-water. What we
want to know is whi ther there is another
spring in the State so high up in the world as
this one.
Geo. W. Doughman. of Altoona, a freight
conductor on the Middle Division, P. R. R.,
was knocked from the bumper of one of the
cars in the railroad yard at Ilarrisburg on
last Monday afternoon, in consequence of
two sections of the train coming together,
and failing on the track several of the wheels
ran over his tight arm and severed it near
; the shoulder.
Mr. A. '.'. Overholt, a prominent coke! urT at Mt. I ieaant, Westmore
land county, had one of his arms teitibiy
t (.'apt. D.
j l as been sojo
! si-ler of the
' M, . T. C. J.
I.iovd House,
E. Irry. of the I. S. Navy,
:rning with 1 is wife, who is a
vi know n whol'-sale grocer,
t.kins of Pittsburgh, at the
in this place, for several weeks
past. The Captain is connected with the
Naval Academy at Annapolis, anil has com
mand of a government vessel piying between
that port and Baltimore. He is an ardent
iJemoerat ami has an abiding faith in the
election of Hancock and English. May his
brightest anticipations in this respect, as in
all others, bo fully realized.
We noted the fact last week that a small
egg, fully formed and with a perfect siicli,
had been found in a larger egg at the resi
dence of the writer hereof, and flow we have
to chronicle a similar find at the Mountain
House, this place. The one found in this
latter instance is quite diminutive, but none
the less complete as to f heli f tul shape. If
these eggs-traordinary evidences of a re
markable hen-terprise among the lay mem
- :o big heart. m and able bodied friend
Ton; i;yiu.V,i 1.-; Wyli- street. Pittsburgh,
where he represents his fattier in the whole
sale liquor business, and who-e family by the
way. are just now sojourning at the ("allan
House. Cri-sson, has just sent 11s another to
ken of his generous esteem in the shape of a
box of prime Havana cigar the best that
have crlaihtened the lipand soothed the per
turbed spirits of ve printer man for many a
day. Thanks, many thanks, friend Tom,
coupled with the assurance that white the
fragrant "Havs" hold out to Byrne, our
thoughts to you w ill often turn : and e'en
when smoked n smoked they'll be. we'll not
forget to think of thee and hope that some
body else will go ami do likewise
A very general expression of sympathy
for Brothers Jones and Stroop, of the Tyrone
Ilrrobl and Itmtorroi, on the loss of their
respective "print shops" during the recent
destructive in flmt plaee, is being in
dulged in by the neighboring newspapers,
and we beg leave to add our mite to the gen
eral fund. The Tlrrni'l aroe from its ach"s
j next day to the extent of issuing an extra
i containing an account of the fire and an
: noiincins that the publication of the ppper
; would not be interfcied with In the case
j of the Ttnrtnrmt, however, the outlook does
l not seem to be so cheerful, though we hope
i Brother Stroop may be able to pull through
! all right and once more take his nlace in the
I front rank of Democratic journalism,
j Dame Nature has been indulging in
; some queer pranks of late, not the least
' remarkable of which m.iv now be seen on
! the premises of Mr. M. M. O'Neill, in the
i West ward. It is nothing less than an ap
ple tree laden wiWi fruit, which is nearly if
I not fully developed, though extremely hard,
1 being of late winter variety, and also bear
; Ing a large number of blossoms, similar in
i every respect, though not quite so numerous,
( as tlio-e put forth bvthe same tree early last
Spring. This strange freak of nature is as
' unaccountable as it is unusual in this lati
I tude, and unless it means that a change is
: coming over everything and that the Demo
; crats are going to knock smithereens out of
their opponents next November, we confess
j that we don't know what it's nil about.
-Tw o unknown tramps got into a quarrel
i while passing through Stoneville, in our
I neighboring county of estmorelanrt', on .
! Friday last, and while the war of words was I
at its fiercest one of them remarked to the j
! other: "I'll kill you !" Nothingwas thought j
' of ibis until Saturday evening, when the
body of ore of the tramps was found in the
roa.l near Seottdale. with blood oozing from ;
a gaping wound in his head. Near the body I
lav a large boulder, covered with biood,
while evidenees of a terrible struggle were
I plainly visible. There was nothing found on :
i the body bv which the man's name or home ;
; could bf ascertained. Officers started at .
: once in pursuit of thesupec!ed murderer, i
: whoso early capture wa anticipated, but as
' vet we have not learned of bis arrest
A young man named Howell Jenkins. :
l so;, of a widow woman residing nt Brady's
: Bend, Armstrong county, had his left leg
! crushed from the toes nearly to the knee ,
and his right leg fractured by being knocked '
i down and run over bya number of freight cars ;
' which were being shifted on to a siding nt
; East f'oncmaugh about o'clock 011 Tues- .
' day morning His right shoulder was ;
also badly contused, and several othr nvnor '
I injuries inflicted on his person. Dr. Jnhn ;
I.owman, of Johutown. who was speedily ,
summoned to I. is aid. promptly amputated
the left leg, setth" kroken bones in the right
one, and pr'ipcrly attended the other iniuries
sustained bv the unfortunate young man.
who w iil be 'akcn care of at the resilience of
our friend and patron, Mr. John C. Walkin entil he In snfliciently recovered to
h removed to the county almshouse, Poor
Director Erisly meantime having the en -e in
While on bis way to Cintoti. Iowa, about
'three weeks p.70. J."r. f.nke. Esq.. of this
'!ac . stun k a big D'-mocrntic ratification
meeting at. Rock Island, Id., and the fact
1 otning public through "mine host" of the
ii ifr-l at w'-i'-l: him--If tnd family were tem
porarily soicurni'ig. am! w ho, by the way. is
an av lent Democrat, that Mr. Lake was from
Hancock's native M-to and of the tight po
litical ktripe. he was called on to make a
speech, which lie did brielly but to the entire
1 satisfaction of fee assembled multitude, who
' cheered him lustily. Mr. I.a.ku says that the
' Western Democrats are wild w ith enthusiasm
' over the Cincinnati nominations, and even in
Illinois they have nohesita; ion in saviugtkat
there is good reason to beiieve that Hancock
and English will get away wiMt their oppo
i nents. Tins news only confirms the assur
ances rec.intiv received by us from ;. F. Lit
tle. F.-o.. of Indianapolis, Put now teinpora
A 'I.OM;"-STAxri?frt Nearly if not
quite a half century ago, Mr. Anthonv Long,
lather-in-law of Mr, Joseph Skelly,' of this
place, came to Cambria county arid located
in I.oretto, where for many years he follow
ed his trade that of a tailor. In pursuance
of this avocation he made a coat in February,
ls:to, for a man who at present resides in El
der township, this county, bid who, it. seems,
did not have the wherewithal to pay for the
garment al the time the work was done
He pioniiscd, however, to "sock tip" the
amount, five dollars, inside of two weeks
from the time rf delivery, and having no
doubt about his honesty, Mr. I. ong permitted
him to depart with the coat in his possession.
Not only the weeks but many others parsed
into oblivion, and vet the man with the coat
came not to pay for the making of it. In
fact, Mr. Bong neither saw nor heard of him
for many lono months, and then the unsatis
factory information reached him that the
man lie had trusted had been sent to the
penitentiary for boise-stealing. Of his sub
sequent career Mr. T,nnr. for aught we
know, may have receive.! tidings from time
to time, but certain it is that up to present
writing he has net been paid a cent of what
is honestly due him from the party in ques
tion, learning a few days ago that Ids
debtor was still in the land of I he living, and
that he resided in Elder township, the
"knight of the," who is now upward
of seventy years of age, started ou foot from
his home in Wilmore and walked the entire
distance, a matter of twenty-odd miles, to
the residence of the man whom he had
trusted more Ihan forty-one years ago, and
in whom he evidently still had faith enough,
to believe that he would pay the debt.
Reaching Ids destination wearied and foot
sore. Mr. Bong presented hi- bill, row
pmounting, principal and interest, to?17.42.
The party of the second part had no hesita
tion in acknowledgingthe honesty and regu
larity of the claim, but regretted very much
that he didn't just then have the money to j even
liouidate the same, though he promised not ! ,lM':-'
to permit three weeks from that date to go :
........ l.lrt l.nn.l -llt,l.f ITlol-tlirr i.t '
inn cis in-, 01 ..11... .... .ii..i.u .... in, in in
! "H MI." TO THE EKSRfH; Coi.ONT.- '
Terrible Storm AVer Crern, A We I
- are indebted to our former townsman, Mr.
' Frank McBaugblin. now-of Cresson. Kansas, '
I for a copy of the Rooks County h'wrrt. ot
! July ad, from which we extract the following f
account of a destructive hail storm wh'eh j
prevailed in tint and ot'n r parts of Kansas ;
j on the Wednesday previous : - j
A frw -I ns nc.. N ir'l;;or. t in t.ntip t.:tr 1
o! Iiavinit the tv;t wheat in I5..k eoutitr. There !
ivprc e. crnt lie IK- whirl, t"-r iv..le
woni.l vie!,! tweaty-fii e Vjhr! Uj the nem. The '
j 01 o. rn yenr wk very !.iri:e. pint r7vmi- I
! a bwit'tiil 1 np nt t!ic vcll.'.vr .-. -rc-tt. Kvrv. '
I.-hIv wns hnppy In the fi-snrinre that. Iciviri' c'- i
j caj.c.l the ilaniror? .! ilr'-uUi find ti;e p"sj, '
! of tneof. tti-.y weu'.l new 1 e .,!, to !t!.er in the '
1 linn-est. .-Mi l yet ..:n- rciu-nd f..r the ina months !
j r,t nnxlons wmtinsr. Theirspee.ition? can hnnllv i
j be re:ili7el. ' ,
On Friday Frat;k ?-t 'I.niL'l:!in came into trrm j
1 fin-! e,,rr.)i.irate.l the reoert thai, rher- I.-..I l.een -
1 terrible ft. irm fn Ncrtleiniptt.n on W c.Jtu-..!:iv. The
; 5 '"" a-s it u 9 thrillirte one. At gri. in
! th" nftera.v.n oftl-it . jt l.,,, to r.-cn I r.'-.- '
wt'lcii P--.n tnrne.l nt f,,,?;, ,, ,le-..-e o! l.-il :".s !
a;-,.a!Ie.l the fl.aii.'Pt h -nrl. Windows were crush. !
1 o.f t thor-jli t!:ey i,a,'. l.e.--i, p-,H-r,an. e-.-crv hoie I
I Tr:o' -1 v.-ith iorre::t-v.-.ter. The freieen- i
' itona !:ili ol iin; mn--t here hnen a i--ht or" to l,e ;
; rcoieinl pi-.-,!. Mcr.-.i.-'!-!'-, 1 ;". - .,.-7. o...
, V-r-n ha-l t'-e .-I in v .,r, 1 he .'s,',! i.-m :
I twelve to .-i-jh-ee:; in.-'. e , I, -ro :h lt 011 the i
; '' tw--r'v-i-.t!r !i..:it-- -i-i.-r. tl-r- were still
1 in some 1. laces nv I -k he . 01 I.-. .1 n.,t . ,,...i-...i !
: Tiie -Ta-e driver vra , , ir,-,..- . m n! t-ir...ii-ii tin?
rex-ion ' iy l,e Pr i..kf ir, ( t -n'cun
; eoun'y lour !eet deep.
Of c..urf in y:t.-ti n ft. ..--. -.rn w i.o I hr.v, 1 -;t
' I't"" --how )..r -rl--tri . Wh.-rr-vr ;h,,- t-i'li-t
! evn-n 'ed 11 wa em .u t., , , e,..-!, l...,.v
; ruined. The wheat tt,.,s 1, ,,'; i,e. n liir'.-ete.l aid
; ?t.i.-ked h'rod no i.-fer than that m the field The
'. f--l--f were f ra t.. -!;re.'.- and the -ri ,ia -at'er- I
; over the i tits try. One k t.- seen rioat
) away on the Hoods that surrounded it The d-Mii
Titk M'eia.n will r-.nt.iin rich ard ev rv wer's
reiiort of the i.roirr.-ss ot the i.olitieai enTTii..n'ii e o-h
pat. -hr will l.e t. l(-iTadied Ir ml t t.c 1 1 eild lla rt . r- ..I "'h
euratelv reoort tl-e exact .. theirn il i .l tr;
)line.-k and Kni-l -h Kv.-rv 1 x-nc r it l' I!' in..
er the c unt' v .. .-..,-ure an -. "t w!c-li:n -j vi
the fnllrft urid nio-t r.-midi-tc tHurmt'liir
in. I every in the t i.i.oi. l lo - dC"
j ,.o.Mr:.t ie St.-. I e itc m it ee. and wlil e.
mi old 1 i-iii.-r it ie ideas under thr led d
t kr". I " d HlH.ut nat IS erinn O. 'lie ail
.rv il
i- next Ni
, r-lir
The Weelcly World
I ir YU iM N V I NTH. MAlil'll !, lsil. for
nntii ti..- end of the e.' ..r
ae I". L-.oeK Wrl alo eon'
le.rr th-n were e.v-.ojed t.
it was 1 1 1 i s storm wlii
rr to ri.-e so lii'n at t!iS
Tiie. stf.m extended
liimns a trii. :d.-.ut
,1 lliv ot
. st. .rnt :
h ran.cpd the S..I. r'v-
I oint on 1 hur-dav.
ui into i rral-iim eountv
l Mile- wide. There it was
ff n now till a'ter the eaini aiirn. $1."" : or front ti-w till the 1st of M ir.-h. li, 1..V.
.o ht.l wi.l l-e needed in that i.e.-t....i
ri:"! that nrrt wci k niproun" wiil h t-, Leo
to relieve th..--ewho have -ii!itc 1. tr'.ni tte eountv
e than in i:..;f. It i-- rei.orte 1 that the
Set id lii.'rni. is e..o ..I;!,! v .let. oil . -'. e I
only one More t.cin le:t. Ot :i'cr ...r' ions o (ra
li.iui uf!ere.l ureailv. A? we have no, f irther re-
l.orts tt.nt n-e ...rtl. i ......
; fnli. Pasintr hU calenlation on the fact that j t.-.t of the d done.
i the peeonnt was to have heen lnid within In view of the fact that inanv in Northampton
two weeks after the coat was finished and ,, IVC ih-tiended for their future support on the
I l,o,ir,t over to his tnrdv customer, and that. I er.'. whirls nr; d"!. we are eertain that
, upward ot iniiy-nim years iwiiei'iapseii since
that time, Mr. Lor 2 was not Innq in nrrtvin )
i nt the conclusion that himself and hi" del. to; :
would in all prohahilitv he dead, buried and,
forcotten for fully half a century before the
! three weeks of trraee asked for in in this
: latter instance have "cone piinimenno;
i anions the tinners that were." With this
i consolir c; "thought iti.perntost in his mind,
Mr. Lons; turned his face next, day in the
: direction of home, which lie eventually
' reached in anything, we presume, hut a
' hantiV tiiooil. ami there we leave him to fit;.
ure out for himself how much better it would
have heen to forsive an outlawed debt th.nn
travel a matter 'if forty-odd miles, only tohe
met with the assurance that the claim would
lte paid inside of three weeks, which, acord
im; to the debtor's mode of cotmtincr. will
not elapse until near nhont th" middle of
the next century.
il I Ki; MONTH. J OSTA'tK I'M P.
Address THE WORLD, 35 Park Row, New York.
! -Tttr Ckn'i s PrTi-hNs r vCav. m t f v; v
TV. We are indebted to Hon. John Fen Ion
for the foilowina; tahvlar statetnent l y dis
dricts of the iorulation ol 'ainiria county,
as filed in tho i'rothnnotai-i-'s ofliee by the
several enunieritors recent i'v enoaed in a--certaininj;
the facts :
it w v ii: ip: p T" st i.i, -j nil H i:m ii;k
1st 111
!Vt li
61 ll
stn. t Ad.inic T-
At i. iit:k ri. k i:-s
1 t. iv.
i r.v risrnt' t.s.
i ..!'.
i r -
. 1.
rily tarrvins at Jackson, Mich., for the bene
fit of his wife's health, ami al-o from Mr.
Peter Seiners, of Xovman, III., who says that
the nomiiiati ins take wi ll and the prospects
ave cxeecilintilv tiatterinsr. Yiv. Liltle says
thr.tiieis persoiir.lly m qua! :iti d with lion.
Wm. H. FniiHsh, whom he represents as be
inr: one of the strongest and most popular
men in Indiana. So Roes the good "work
bravely on in every part of the Union.
F.nKNsntiif. as St mm Kit
town has already attaine
prominence as
liieal ions fire
UrsAtiT. Our
considerable . Ham"
summer resort. aiM tne in- i aim ncpn-i
at lier reputation as a jroo.!
I)F.Mfx n.NTH" Mi r.TiNc In pnrsu- j
anceof notice tiub!isli-t in our last issue, a
number of the"l)eiiiocnits of this place as-
sembled at the t'ourt House im Friday even- ,
inc; last tor the purpose of ad'pin"-nieasnres j
for the orcianiation of a campaign club, to !
lie known as ti-.e Haii'-oek and Knuii-di C lu'.i
of Kiiensburf borotiLdi and (.'ambii.i twp. j
Dr. M. K. 15. Creery, t!i pontlennui w ho j
was ii.'itnt d as President .ro f. m. of the fir
tran:7;ttion resnived upon at the recent hn- I
pron.ptu ratiiication of the Cincinnati uotni- j
tiaiiot'is, was called to the chair, and in a .
few well-chosen words stated the object of j
the meeting and founded pr--in-..t and ;
thorough omriiiiutiou as the inot effective
means of securing wlmt seem--, to ! inevita- I
PIp the e!etiori of ti e entire Democmtic '
ti Vet, national, state and county. Messrs. .
Williamson and Mel'lke, two of the tine.- ;
namid ff.r Secretaries, on the occasion re
ferred to above, woa- coiiliuucd in said posi
tions, the third one, Mr. Fere. us Lloyd, be
iiig abseiit from lioine.
(in motion of .'. F. O'DonneH, U. To
Johnslou, Ksq., Win. II. Seelder, Ksq., and
11. A. "NWikc. of F.bensbure. and Messrs.
John Farren and Win. Mart., of Cambria
township, were chosen to draft the neccssa
! ry rules and regulations for the government
1 of Ihe Ciuli about to be organized.
n motion of ll. ). Johnston, F.sip. it was
! ih-creed that when the meeting adjourns it
1 shall adiourn to meet at the same place on
Kridav evening. Jelv loth, at the ringing of
tee hell, for the purpose of accepting or re- j
I jeeting the work of the tibove named cor;:- ,
1 mittee", signing the roll of metn'tiersliip, elect- j
i ing oi'iicers, etc. j
i At the reipiest of the chairman and the I
: call of the meeting, Mr. Johiiston proceeded, ;
i in one of his characteristic and cxeeediugly i
' hnppy sneeeliC's, to endorse the object and j
purposes off the proposed I . tnocratie or- .
! ganixaiion, wliieli he promiscil to aid i;i ev;S
! rv way to the best of his ability, lie also i
i 'aid e" glowing tribute to; he military genius t
I and a .-knowledge. 1 stali siiianship ot our no-
I Mr. stnn.lav.i.iM.arer. (.en. Wintield Seott I
l.'t a
1 :-h
I'l -1
JT! h
-'s; ii
lo. iilan. 1 I'.iw:i:
John-town. -t ami 'id war.
r,th :.'i 1 fth wards
"r.envuirt;'i-l:. 1 t ward .
'"iti'.'-Ti i t..T.. 1-t and a-1 wards
Mil ville ..r.. I't and ut w irds
Pro-pcvt It. r.-turl.
"he-t and 'ilder r-wn-ht!.s
t i'..r:
-t. r T.
id .
iie:i; irh Twp'
-it -...;.
1 -Is
J,'.--' rnt-.ti.ined Hat
, ' I "id. ire!!".- H.-t-
j Sa-h-r II .t. --.- l i .tin:..- I li us. . Sun K .tin -l-
!: !l.i;s
'h.i lr. i.'s li-i -i... ..
I.tren t Ist.T" '
I'loWers. lot.'olis. I:'--.
i ru-s. s. i sa 1 1 1 i s -i i. 1
n-inti rons f. ro.- t-on.
un . -i iat r- -i o.'' i -n II i
..ifi s
te '
.w 1!
J.g-J I i
.'.4". 1
7.11 i
11 '
i'.I .
' Tw,,
! Son:
l.'- '
l.'-. I!
Cnml.ri i T. wn
"hn Spr'nat H
-am. i-i I.
' in- .ll 1 r. ii. at,. '.-irroi't.-wn H.
' i--i ra:id V'-trr Twi-s . . i si
'T -...iv-le Itor-xal- 0.
I r ::.n ll ,r. and K. V- ncni ch.
S I ' avlor T.'Wish'p
r,;,i.r ,1 .:e !h.r .n-.-h
I'.'i'm -i- It. a4h a'-d Sninmer-h-:i
T- wi,
I 'riv!t. 'j', .i-nii! , j.
Ia:iit?in 'IV;... 0.iill?7ij 1!. -.
an ! Tie. in-Ill, ill It .rom-h
I., ref.. i;..r. .-.-id Aile-!.'
Wa-1 it-.-t..n l'.-v i--h-!i -i:-if
i t i lie I i- .r-'iindi .. . . f . . .
P! i -i.r.-k I ..w.!,i.,
l To-vn -'-iji
''ial-t'.:i Twp
i.-ade and V. it: "!'
l.".4 !
i ( of ..
1.7 i7
-ii. .
I wh.
r iit-" .
..ol H d-,
111 1
.N'.ti. r,-- o...
I! I- ...! rt
1-: Tl ir. tt-li! .
-r..tls Ir
ru.a 1
k- Ir-fi
i'ars It.
.t a' wul Le r"en t y the f..
. ..1 -.
. . !.
. . .'.V.
. 1 .'1
-. "i :
rict.V I'Ut Hats.
M n'.- i ; ps. :v. up.
ol TNI 'ii".-i 3fnllroi (ioods.
t -. raft
n t "I'l l-, i n nil ot whieh
urti.-l.-s at and t. l w e .-I
e.r-- 1 lianl.'ol tor pa-'
sfiine ir. :hc l-.ittire. -' n
: :il..l V.-sts. 1
PPm-s have I
n order n. n.
th( r wp h a 1 we ? nd :n i '1 st -
n iTeatlv rrdne .! . tnneh . in.'
ike r-M-tll L i" ' .her we are dai" to l.e i- tin.l worlhy ot a is. noi
.1 i 'her h.r li-l
-1. t " 'it we will sell tyiue
eeei . iiir.
ini'-o and mereasetd the
ii. i
1.'- '4
da. ks.
Sii- .ii:
1. -:.
oe. The -e
1 v 1 -i ti !: do i si,,
v.'her- w.. I. "'.. a .it
llJ.I.lNl.i. V liOOlis,
r-ji"; V.:
ing in .If
. !-. 1 -
'IS. I'.M"
-ls t full y . Yours.
2SI tiffin Sf., .Tohnttown, V.
IS-ir.-!: S'
. A. ., W ill'-'l V
r- :-. .1
- ol'-'
l.V ii i
,. .--ii .
Aid l.!
I... I...
.i j i r. r- ti'.'-nii-r-" '
i . en- h v.
t- Nt i;iins,
i he sut.-ied t.-T
.: V. 1"S
Kr. It.
rf nahtit
nn er it -Tiioreas
toi; in th
t j.- a-.-rr
tg Whi-k( V -Oi 1
"i 11 if li.-pe''- aft er.
n pll'-oli-tie j
" "! !-!
t-.i-p that Th'
I '
. .47
h : .
llt'M d
.ugh if is i
ir.d sn'iiiii
rv n llr.
. 1
.h -r
;en i
f .!'
. -lo
!:-. TI "
g f l.e h!
!-. Att
.ire 1 .-n
1 1 is l emai lis were
v nmii. mded.
well received
, . , n. i nlace in wlih li to spend ilie heated term
iters ot tne i eat nere. 1 1 fine ttort i wom-u ; f,...,,,;... in(,,,.ns(. i the future. Not only ave
a tf on
election of Hancock and English and the
whole Democratic, ticket, we would like to
know what they do portend, anyhow.
Hon. John D. Thomas had a rather un
pleasant experience last Sunday. He. had
taken his relative, Mr. diaries Langbein,
Democratic candidate for rrothonotary.tohi.s
home in Chest township in a buggy, and was
on bis return trip, when, descending a Pteep
bill, one strap of the reins gave way. The
pressure on the remaining strap to restrain
the horse had the natural efTect of turning
the animal square around, with the result of
both tiie Lloyd house and Ilelmont filled with
guests, but even tunny private houses have
been invaded. With a view to affording ac
commodations forall who may desire to ipiaff
our pure mountain, Mr. T. II. Heist,
"mine host" of the Mountain House, is nego
tiating for the purchase of that beautiful
sylvan retreat immediately west of town
known as Lloyd's (irove. "This property is
owned bv nine heirs of the late Stephen
I.iovd, deceased. The snares of five of these
have already iVe.n bought by Mr. Heist, and
the transfer of the remaining four wi'l no
doubt be cceomnlished in due time. Upon
the perfecting of a full title to the ground, it
is the intention of Mr. H. to erect, thereon a
commodious summer hotel, and it is within
his calculations to have the same ready for a
On motion of A. .1. Whey, all
liresent who wished to d so were
an ..ppoi tnn'ilv to sign their names to a pre
liminary roll of membership.
On motion of (.". F. O Thmnt 11, it was re
solved that nothing shoitid be ineorp .rated
in the rules and regulations of the dub to
forbid any person from contributing nfly
cents, mofe or less, to defray the necessary
expenses of the organization.
on motion of most of those present to
wards the door, and likewise of Mr. Fierce
Laeey the meeting adjourned.
M. Ii. 15. (. i-.l.KitY, Chairman.
W. C. Wn mam:ot, Ut.rt,tari,.s-.
) ''''il ,is int-:ri-f r :
j ii jif-ritv! of rirr n r.ntl'?.
I)i:ir KmIl'ts
fnter.ri tor "tult n idI
j ii'i-l Tti:iPloci,r rt vt-rv i)
I to f-'li! r:iT. W'.o .It,.. jo
' ctrtli. r.-'inir n- vli. it
i (-i !...'p ri.? T'io 1 iM-T
j ti'iiviittl n 'i!ii.;,.n. on
I ,: !ir!TMl ';n 1! t a
w: !; In? l-'llW-l otrt ,v T
; :i t 1 1 1 iT.r.f'i'rjf n w-.i;;.; r-y tio "if tu -c!
: nnrtit-' If-priy S'.rr.M Kiik :,i :
! rvepo ri n., ivi I "fl t f c :U ol two or t !'
j ; i t. ! ! in l,r-.r "y -'r-ii:-: I
. roTviTii.ainn''!r. t : -r-j '-: -r 1--K
I wit!. hi T-tn-n-r'h. h.-h is ;k'- i
won.1 r,n him tlntt ho MiimiU-l t
t'ivrti .i i ro'ni'l Miv''i'tt'i'i'H
mu -i more t! ilc. nml vr?
-irf-t. n' hi- !t':-:ii' )i nil-1 l i't urn I. i '' i- to hi il '-r in hi -tp vrc nr vi-i
thonuli it i- toi..Jr t tin T 1mmi:i y '( cw ii-i
r;i'.v : tor;it i ;irt one ni di in s t! :
ti'iu" jn otiic-r in I he !i r-o f hi" I
!i kn. .vn
hr.u: I
vril'i ti y
:l"l l rv-
r.-.ii'i iw-.m
r;ow fTr- r.:
Ttn. ::, -U".r ..
i. or F:
hoML-ti. ;
I. It is lie
nt-1 w it'i :
I". in ever.
. I -
d r.'Y
1 M
up I r
v. l. ' ' :
"1 ':
1 1 -.
" I j -r-U,r
. i i i.-s i i:
I i-rll;
I I-
id IV
C-,- -r- s - -jr -V-
it re-' -t.
'.. !) It !
- iv,; .-r-
tllO lll. Vltl
l Ion I ' t':C ('."
" d 'IllO. Ill" tl.' ;l t-'v I..-k'i.l 111 t
ti w i
s. y,.;:
1 ti-r;'pd-
v -I -.' 1 f
. Tlli f In
y V. , -
Foi Ir.iit
ieVs. t ap
s. A ( .
i t.
f or i;rown S'HISUNS or tiie Voiitnr.t ( lili Ulil V
n.-e T'i" -.!.! and Fafe
lr. I'lllcr" Noolliiiiir (nriiilnal I ve.
1 tin; t!. r I
ill i-v t,
t: s.,;,r
: ii !
n mid tii
r I
1 r."
1 I.
: V 11
nr -
I - :
It can ho vivon
only tsT'i .ir t hroe d;.y
1 lie liltle tiling wiil ;
liw ikf lilltl.H.l;. It l1
K.M'I liV. n.
t sn ft-t -,- e -'ii:r i'-il-y ii
It il-."- r."t'.--;ii o-y. hut
.. in sirep ri .1'. i'ot
ir- III Alil.'ileKA'niid 11S-
h..n- l.-iv.' M.u.dlni.'. 'ill .'I.h;
iT.'i ri .
. - ii-l
II. A- McFikk,
irretrievably wrecking the btiggy, while the
horse, in his elforts to free himself from the j prand opening at the beginning of next sea
debris, was considerably injured. Mr. T. j son. Though the Lloyd House is by u.o
saved himself from harm by a well-timed
Al. Ward, late census enumeiator
:; f:
'v ! ;.-k. i.j. Save j our poul
: in of dis.-ase by tising Ko-;'"-A'ii
r. It has never failed
i. and all diseases to whieh
t. Fi ii .- 'J' cents per pack-
'.V lias just received afresh
'- r. ady-niixed family paints,
r.-t.t -hades, made of the
:1 .irid Unseed oil and put up
1 .a'.f pirit, one pint and quart
of Lfiretto, I'a., sell
ct-iits, gitiin scythes at
n t:!-, good Wikes at l'
i r barr. l, salt at the
fruit cans at .".".cents per
II; ';, of I'lrrisburg, is
il.r.s at I'olinont, iu this'n- n-s'idi d in A'.bxma,
I. pi. s.-nled the district
ii i, I'.iair and Clearfield
i riiO,. .1 bv ln-itiL' ran.-ht lw-tween the buren-
cts of to.-ars l.e was counling togeth.-r at ! Ebensburg borough and Cambria town- j
1 - 1 I -.11 . ,vf t AfnrtMt
iks on Saturday last. It was thought M11'"' M ""'""" '""-i. - --o..v...
Ward, ot the west ward, mrneu nis race in
the direction of Xcw York city on Wednes
day evening last, iu obedience to a telegram ;
from his brother M. H. Ward, who holds a 1
responsible position in the service of the i
American Express Company, f5 Broadway.
What is in store for Al. in the way of em- ;
ployment has not yet transpired, but we are
sure that he will perform his part, whatever
it, may DC, Willi nonesiy aim uuemy, ana
the pood wishes of hosts of friends, young
and old, are with him in his new departure.
Messrs. Wilkinson & Kveriy have recent
ly completed and have now on exhibition, at
their marble works on Centre street, a very
handsome headstone intended to mark the
last resting-place of the recently deceased
and beloved w ife of Mr. Geo. J. .Sehwaderer,
of Sunimitvillc. It is a work of art that
bears unmistakable evidence of a master
hand an honor to Mr. bchwaderer and a
credit to the mechanic who designed and ex
ecuted it and as such is well worthy the ex
amination of all who wish to secure anything
in that line of the. very best material, finest
finish and at prices which no other marble
manufacturer can excel as to cheapness.
Give them a call.
Mr. r.hinehart, ot Tyrone, is the name of
the gentleman to whom has been sub-let The
contract ot building the foundation of the
new Court House. The base is to be eigh
teen inches of concrete, and several workmen
are engaged prepai ingstone forthat purpose.
The Fkintku.-' 1'irsic- 37. IrJ Mt-ftrui of (
the. F.rrrutirr: Commit!-. Five of the ten ;
members of the Juniata Valley Printers'
Association, viz : Messrs. Iv Conrad, of the
McVevtown Jonrvol ; Al. Tyhurst, of the
Huntingdon Obhc ; t.eorge blnom, of the
Newport Lfhcr; James 11. Irwin, of the Al
toona ):r-u!, and II. A. Mcl'ike, of the
fimi-ria Frecmnn. met at the residence of the
that amputation would have to be resorted
t ., though whether it was or not we have
ti ns far failed to l.-arn.
l.Vgister and liecorder Lake and family
returned home from their nearly two-weeks'
trip to Iowa on Friday evening last, since
when that gentleman has been under the
weather physically, and has for the most
part been confined to the house. We hope
his indisposition will he of brief duration
and that the ailment will "draw it mild" on
bin well developed "corporosity."
seven-year-old son of Mr. Win. I'age,
who resides about a mile and a half from
Fairview, Jackson township, bad his left
foot cut off by mowing machine on Monday
la-st. So neat and complete was the work of
amputation that Dr. Jonn Lowman, who
was summoned from JohnstowD. had noth
ing to do but dress the wound, the flow of
blood having in someway been stayed before
his arrival.
Of all the modern inventions the Patent
Incubator takes the lead, but experience all that whether poultry is hatched
by the patent process with artificial heat, or
by the old original way patented bv nature,
tity are subject to cholera, gapes, etc., and
expr-riene likewise teaches those who have
tried Koborts' Poultry Fowder, in such
cases, that it is a sure cure every time, tio
to Barkers' fur it. t-25.-Hn.
In the matter or clothing V. S. Barker &
; are as usual taking the lend. They
: keep a large and cempltte stock f t all sires,
' tvl.-s and finalities, and the fact that many
livin- or working at
means a small structure, yet its proprietor
has found it entirely too circumscribed in its
limits to accommodate all who would like to
hang up their hats tiiorer.i Accommgiy, u ; cr,' , lls at , o'clock, p. m
im lnusi -...,-".',.. 1,1,' 1A The selection
nn . ai in i i.i , mni , "-
of a cornet "hand anil orchestra for the com
ing picnic at lloat ingSpring, September 4th,
i; iii!!i:rs. in n.Ki; a in fan i i m. ti v..
MKU 1 M i.MI'lAl.N 1'. V. IN JM '( II. 1 '. fr.-nmif :-nd
rviii" ..1 in ' i i:rs (wlii'di i nlwuvs n nun d I' lini.
ililKKN STuiil,. SiiFK VtOill'lN. SI.Fl.l'
l.lsKSS, and all c..i:iid;i!nts .f the itoinii'.'h or
Frit-. ct?i. a I'f.ttlo n xn fenyid rrrtnia cun It
i? tiie el. lost retiiody in i:?e, l if ro.-iinimciUH-d
I.-- I'lasli'HNS. Suld l.y i.KL(iiiISI nu!
S'Ti n;v.KF.i:iJKKs.
I'bcj- arc- tdnn--int. .itc nn.l .-'ire. --'j t".
1, .. 4".! N. Tl'ird St.. Fhiln.ra. Fa.
n- I.fi7cn"-.-s i'.r sale lv N. .1. Frntoii. -i k nn.l
V. S. ltMiKKi: 4. Fro.. Ki.eV.5Vni-.:. l-S.-llui-l
J w . r. t i.Ti ii i -:! i . l :ii ;ii. -1 v. --r. i v.-;.-I
f.T 1 kn..w vo all a;.-r-e. 1 :i".l
, d.rt.. tin" i ...!.!. ! tir- ' f.: .--
I heart lclt Mi r,k.-' t..r t! clr ttn:l' k.t. '.iu-"r t- ii-.c
J and iiiim-.
1 lie w lictit -r.-,. in tli '-Tint r 1 relei'.: -d. I en
i take iv. with tlioeyc. trotn nr tnnk. m ent re t'.wr.
; pluj. si t ni i !-. s.jii-.r-. and lliir-y six sij-.i.ire ni-.i c
n! (ri'l.ien wlieaf. v.l.i. li ; n. -.v I cins li.:rve-trd.
; And tl.c entity i- a-' ti.e tvwn-' ij".. a.d ti e St.i-c
! a tiir .ni'tv! "I lie witt.i.- in Ti.e lutt. r ini--t .:
A Iteil cf a SIM (Mi Watch.
MNKTV D01.I.;S 1 ('vll.
u. s.
0. 11
T-v: 1
! T rlr ti: iv", T' --i..--, i . .. t'1 ll!f-
Manufacluring Co.,
n smitiii n i l) si im:i:t.
riTT.i;ri;;r. r.i. ,.;in.i
has been deeideil that aihlitional
be lirovided, and the rumor prevails that Mr.
Lloyd contemplates erecting a se.-ond hotel j
edifice ou thesMuare immediately south of;
the Academy, which piece of ground be has
lately purchased. This is the sort of enter
prise we like to see. and we trust success j
may attend .Messrs. lleist and Lloyd in their
etiorls to keep pace with the demands of
pleasure pursuers and seekers after health.
Okck Mopn at Lir.F.UTY. In our last is
sue we gave the particulars of a personal al
tercation which occurred near Lloydsvillo,
this county, on the -."ith day of last month,
between two Polish laborers employed on the
isso behi! the first business in order, the
several propositions forwarded to the cUair
nian were submitted for the consideration of
the Committee. They were from the follow
ing places: Newport, Milllintown. I ort
lloyal, Alexandria, Pnilipsburg and Mines.
Mr. Shrom vouched lor the ability of
Newport band to furnish good music, as well
as an orchestra first class in every respect.
This being the only organization, so far as
known, that could supply the last named
desideratum, it was esteemed the best offer
; n.iici. ftf all nnninses
extension of the Bell's (iap Kaib oad ne , CMll(,'tllus V)0 oh-im at lower rates than
" Mr
t i
. r i ' s
( h.ttl
an a-i
t i I-
Kiilian, f
ith fin list
.:iys that it
..f the r.ld
, fare with
-, l:is s.di,
ItlV i
( ti
oi j .til e
4 a-.d
: ' ; si I
! . -.1 I---
, , "t t!
Ki "
1 to
t.-'l t'.
! im-nt-rr)t..-
Tf omas
.-. pi--' c,
r v e :tt
a rable
distance from r.heusburg "t-ml lo sain nrni
f..r t'-i ir wtaring apparel Is evidence ulli
cient that Messrs. Barker sell U-lt-r g-Mls
it k.w r uiiees thin can le bought any w here
els,, in this icinity.
Tt e S.trrani. nt of C'oi i.ei wi.l be
linin!-t.-:e.l ly lit. ..-v. -p
eChun h of the II. -'v Name this (PH I y)
..... - r. 11 f :
itnine-IM'eiy ".. r
1 l.iv!, !'!j!. .lal 'o'. l.- k. Th re
sixty . hihir. -i and adult up..:i
mot n '. g.
v,! i. 'i w .
nr.- om r
of ti.e parties, named Koganic, in the height
of his passi.,n. sunk a pick into the side of ;
the other, Makenny by name, indicting so j
serious a wound that his life was thought to J
be imperiled. This fear proved to be not j
well founded, however, for Makenny has j
fully recovered from the injury and is at his .
accustomed work again on the railroad. Bo-
panic, was arrested and lodged in our county .
jail, where he remained until Tuesday last,
when he was set at liberty. The charge pre- '
ferred against him was simple nssault and ;
battery, and in consideration of the fact that
Makennv did not desire to prosecute, as well i
ns that 'Roganie had a wife and family in
destitute circumstances at Lmydsville. it was
deemed not derogatory to the interests of
justice by the District Attorney to agree to a
nonpros, nn tne same nay me floors swung j
oien for a young man named Mattie Burns,
of Gnllitzin, who was convi-ted at March I
1 term of chicken stealing and sentenced to j
j four months' imprisonment. Mattie some j
! tiiii.l since "took the pledge," promising !
j 1-er-aft. r to lead an nprighl hie a res.ilut ion j
I which he will do well to carry into rigorous I
-ife.-t. A man sent tip from Johnstown for 1
ten days as the penalty for throwing stones
' at a wagon which eot-Uiined a cuoie of oc-
Th.e delivery of the larger stone, whieh is oe- ! eupants was nNo re leased, his time having i
I "nfg .piarrie.l on the premises of Mr. tirifi-th j "M u'''- . . j
J. Jom-s, t".ro miles west of tovn. Win ! be
! gun in a few days. p--r.iti..ns looking t--!
ward '.be lii.ikie.g and burning f a nnliioii
! I ri. k ftre In-ing raj hiiy piish-d fonv rI. '
) Ti.e !'.! ay d.-vi l.ii-d by tiie conn actor, Mr, .
Sl'.et.k, hows l.iui to N. i.tit'.l atieilly the
i ri'. t man in ti e ril t ll -, and the coiiiirg
! of v.bib-i w'di lit i' I the edifice fu'.l well ad-
' il.
i ...
1 nii: v' ais ag iaw. ,1 was sun
F:-N"EATri a fh.-idv tree ttioy
"tie I, eld lier lir.nd. i-lie held his lint.
I iiel.l i iv hri-afh and lay risflit tint;
Thev k'i-ed. 1 saw tin in ! it.
He liehl that kissimr was no eritne.
Slip held her head up every time.
1 tiidd tnv r-i. ft mid wr-t" t'ds rlirt)-o
Wliile tlit-y tlionvtlit no one knew it.
Ti.e ('.ree..itiir hues .ire sui iDse i t- have s"tnp
releret '-e to what fK.-ctirr.-l :-t a piiine. Thonah ;
this is the pienii sva.-.n. i : not v.-liat o want
to t.ilk nl.out net now. WeW to direi-t. your j
at teni inn tea niatteroi creater iini.i tanee. W li-re
dovi.n l-uv v-ur l.iH.t-ur siim- : li v. hi .l-.n t l-iiy j
tlie'm at S. i:iiiicenth:i''s, ir.: Ideventh aveiuu-. j
Alte-na. von eotniiiit a crave mi. "Dike, tor lie keeps '
een'.ir.tlV on han 1 tint lnr'.-?t sti-k ol latest and
!.. t stvirs id wear t-r the leet to lie lound in ail
these ilirt.. find cells' tne same t.".. ll.aTi
the iiio article-can he honuht l in Fin!;-.-lU-Mdiia.
Jii" ftK-k cotaiirlses wear l-r hoih la. lie
and cent lemeii. n? well a l..r ehildren-ail sorts
nil 1 .-t?.es that could po..silly I'e.'oii'lit alter, dive
him an early call.
j May i.inl
I ou lii.rd 1
av -niire.
j l.l:'..-s is rite
I art ies s-'Piii pi.v
I d'-nt. and 1 1'iini
t fi".ir"d S:.:t- w
I ed. Y..-.1 k?. -
e!;..i:e 1 wi.i
in-. I t'.ih-.k so.
The l i-t r..n w
wli.-n it let! t ) t"'
rt "1 .1 tine
p. the er'.e
I Cttf'T t
, ji...
ia 'i f -itie-. tint ii the court
xcte.l et lo any ext. nt. It
.-i d -.vitii Ihe n..iiiin..-es h r Fre
: I ' t Ii are u..r,.i rien. I li- :io ;
.1 j -er. no r wl-- i- el
nv ho': e. hut ii 1 .'.o ted. tret t
a .
l e"t in i more
The road tiro
by employing two separate and distinct
bands. Therefore, on motion of Mr. Ty
hurst, the "Newport band was selected by
On motion of the same gentleman, the
secretary was instructed to prepare and send
nut as soon as oossioie tne iii.-i-i-wu m il
iars, blanks, etc., similar in import to those i the f li inrsl did well in rente mi: to
;.,...i loci .urn' iu 1 '..nns-1i.-:iiiin Faiifoad I Tliu weather. 1-y the w ty. i. mo
j Company, through its gentlemanly and e!'- j
I riert otlieers, (ieneral Superintendent Tugli I
- and Chief Clerk Maitland, and the Hunting- :
; ilon and r.roatt lop l;ailroat t. ompanv, i person, an
through its equally eflieient and couiieous
'. lieneral Superintendent, ieorge V. tlage,
' llsq., having assured the Committee that the
I same courtesies wiil be extended to the A-
On motion if Mr. Shrom, the Committee
adjourned to meet in Altoona, at the call f
the Secretary, for the purpose of sending
out the railroad tickets and transacting, sudi
other business as may be neee.s-.ary.
K t'oxi'.Mi, C'aaiinian.
IT. A. McPivk, Secretary.
Whkn Kot ,'10 ,r"" "liteairo,
tin his leelins he lied an cml'irs'i;
lie sei.t no dispateh
Hut took nut a mateh
And lit it to make In? ciirnr i-'i-
The weather hcinc extremely warm ni the time.
t unaiiiinoiisiy
h. .t in"' now the eierenrv ranirini; awry nn in tne
ninf"tie-I liew lo kv p cm-l is a problem .d
i. .irauioniit inijs.r! meo. one inetli..J l.ith we
o,, if.e.,mmcn.l is to diseard all from your
1 then a to .las. .1. .Mtirpny . i r- nn-
on street.!owii. ami i-uy one m i m-riioi-n.-i
i snit he li? on ins ni'iu. ii.. . i "
as 'o thinnesf.. t'noiiKh sn-rvieeaole will. ai. and will
I he sold cheaper than the eheaiK-st. A l.irvenc w
! Ft.K-k .jot rcveive-l.
I .id w:s n '.I '-1. f-t .
.'i''p'!i of 1 al. t' l i.i-h. Ve "c
d no- ,.; i.i t i i.-t-.l i-.
:y and the alter:. o-.n.- vrr- '.!.:.
h-it tiie !n.T:!in- are iin.l'.itniv e.-.i an-i l"; .- :t.'.
i;-on in the altenioo!:" i:ortinvi--t winds td.-w inneh
ot flic : e- t :.wav. .Men ! not .-eem t i iit'. r ti-..n:
the :i lure as in tin- State. We nave p-,Tt en nw, nn.l in ope rntni-l tin 1 the warm
d.iv . 1 n eoan: al'.'iit I''""'! h -a.iil. ere.v- find
t i'r th-- si.ii-. - cr. ws !r dn tr.y l.'.-l.out on the tank.
Tints t, !t .e-.
Wl.-.h- liarve.-t u!vi etapk-ytnet.t ' mtir.r. yet -.
the el-ie-'. villl-j-f-. t. ' Ml I hivl.Ay i
nr.. lull i l tr-.-n;.-.. J. eliinir cine l.i.l.-e where there '.
ic no w.'-k. IT 'C-mii.' a tnty in a hind of i-len- j
tv ther" .-i'v so inanv di 'ift". It it fn in -st e-is'-s i
it Is tiif irow n .'.nit. Oar s;:.i(. is new :,s ;ull id
trfnijis as y-nir Sn.t- n two yi ar- aK. j
1 i:i:tv w:te v..i! j-:iiav. e-l t'-.ewln-lt i- th-'-h-
ed. in .'rd -r t.." in'--ri,i v. n l,..w it turned, j.. r j
aero in bushels. Tiie order ot ii;-in. s,- now. im l
for the i:. l three tinnith---, is he ldu-ir, thre-hiti-j 1
and httnlihtrtornark.-t. Sotne n re al;-:i.l h.n'.tu I
wheat to ti.e r ' ii n ..-..1. and s " 'U ti e tn.!- vii.l t.
lull Ol trail"-'.
V nil- frit r. !, S. 1. .v..-t ,; -o i k.
f. r a'l erd
:! U Sltll'l
i:i:. V..
j If a snro eurc
fofle. .s-he-;.
; t "iih i: "ii. 1
! 1S5 im t. rrT. -e.'itn .-. n r.i
IT! .li'
Iirr- in i
I it te-t:::. -ni .:. I t:'-: ..:
1 I nve 1".. en tl .e- yr.'ir t
I'---. :i
try ii-ca-. - rd il..:-r.
It rar -s an I (.r-U'td'
C 'W is rtatn t-' y "Id
-T--.T: V'.t.K vr I.I TT Kit.
"Nli l l 1 Kill I.1-.S
ol a ltiri" l.-f!.'
I I x -i 1-
T-.le f
1 l:.v.
i ! . "Iti-K li
ToTii i; to sTt't'!;n(!.ii:!:v'.-
the t"r -on spriiiL's l".
i.tli.-e ei Ihe t 'nil-a-i
I !r la. h-ij. in. i. 1 ..ii
o'el.- K. w. K.I,i--ion
s.iiiic lime and -..i.i.-e.
j a .- : i;
,tn! 10. ;.-::.
11 he
11-1 t 5f
ir.y is.w and e- i
T-i l' ": to y. i.-r an:
rh O ken - n re .' .
IV : : r 1 l.-l n-.
..ers. t-:.'y.
I have ll- 1 v
Is f - he-: ! r i
..n I-.
:r '
r i :
s I
i. I a.
I l-
. I'!V
w 'eT .
f O
; nr.
: li liver.
kn. wn
ie-n ft II
I ii'Trnn
on TI :: 1
ill t'le lio-l
1 r-me. 1 1
in. p..rv.
hi- ns and
.'.idi" the
a 1 i-V . 1 :
rr . l.e,-.' tne v. L
l l -te-.nier- ar i
to In- c.-ti!.
tie or more
Isi- nu i.' b !
.1 f .
i ,
i 1..
Ill ti ls J
-Id of L
. is sail! tu
r the otl.rr
I i .j x .ire.l t the
I of woman's !s,--t
ft.r e uiittl I r r i f -
t e . ... h -iff.
a TV's .
:, at Mii'.W'
day list.
1,, t:!v ma
ttiim i.t is
dx-r t ing
ti ie y wi t
, l.'le.
i f !:' toil J. .t-t. tii; ted to de
i. ii 'i i-i!iia:i. f touiii-'l C. S.
Iw.mhI, W. sti.n.r. i.u.d entity,
., but iiiiseiab'.y fa : iu g i i il-
it-i If the ni"re ri
w I,... i tl - -anion
g t l.e n
i i ts The .
at l in I r- ss
A sii - W
Wl s ,
ii'i I r
bv ti-ai ii g o'T
I , (. t T.i'e si ei
. -. , .1 .... :.
(Idol - out oti a -line it Mioui'i n i's
, , . I, j.iarv-1'i'" I'- ei a
on. the r 1
C.i irt H-.-is.- j.ird
i .a it g a - n;-; '
t ve n dicing an
I ll
(.- t w atl.ii del. !:!,
l.av'ng bei n disi-i... i rf 1,
up a:rn. Then, anothi
i and bin ning one of
N" -.t time tin- el.-c-
t r i
I,. I
ft in front of the
I'.it pose of pr.
" ing r. IJe
ig, a d.-pt ii f.f !
tiaees (.f wa'. r
I ... hole was filed
Well was sunk nt
a dist.itiee of airfiut sixiy feel away front the
other, and, nt the depth of only l.l feet, wa
ter in abuiol ince was found. This water is
s g.. d a is pumped out of the any
where, is lee cold, and is aliso'iitely'lree from
mil. era! or i-m t.Y.c tail. t. and is the same
that is to-fiav fj .irtrT.-il l ythe Court Ilou -e
i..-ia' and 'i v. ho Viud'y 'o
s'i- 'o a wVi : Vei 'r.
and Hunt ivd .i
Ai.i ir,-j ihe l.iui
al-. i.!y rote 1.
oM.e t- C I' i T
I.i : e.'f. -e. IT" .
! i'.-r
t :r if ti
ve. I iRrt in T P'-K .V'" '-:t o . l. k
r ir.-T' ina ot I. Jt .-ek i I. re tTeke i,ut
, cl.t'd" in Ihirrer..l ti.e " ;y ii..lfl,
( is1 d r.-'i.ily ..v. r i he pr -e-j al 1..,.
i i tiej t.'fTiiT li.str ym (-. n id the
.it twenty (no other d-li nu . 1n
n'-" -.."I "I el looi-'e. i iwinu to
: tipir.-.i.iu-. i ioiniy, inc .-iti-ri.
ken. eat tl e t.trc iy a.-rival
r itr ai'i-nrifH" tr,.m
on this occasion as on previous
Tmrr's a in Ihe valley
Where glides t' r i ri-du river.
A -'i.t that i- i-. i-r t.. rnenioiy dear.
T-i.- n .....t mhere ia y ...i:n
1 eailLTl.t hull " l is fl
And :.-tier'-.l whit h
ti.i.t It nreth.-r rt"-t whiih
e,,.r I f r..rv..Tten.'l T ! s..!!!"!.
h. im'i mari'iviii ri ad -mad'- r-l-.tlitriis li"
i ,1,4'r tn t!- rir-t .mho. i n it-u . n.x-
I, It c:.r..-t !" f r-.f.-n I- lo.t mm
M. J. TFITl-.l.r.Al'M, Of the IVoi.Ie's Cheap I et.n . -t.s i h.r.-r tn m nv ' -her
. - t . ....!. ' .i.-l'.i. il in i-v.'l'..'-. l-it i'.Mi".. I
V arte; v . lore, I .on mi, ii;i u:e t.n a n i ..- ...
. - , . i . . .! tie --rv l.-f t" k'- .-l.-l
oil a targe ami varn"i s-oi k oi u , vm- , , ,-,., ,.,.r ,n-,n the .
ceri -s. i p'., which he Is pp-parod to e; at . (.al) v ,,;., , ,thin a r.ot'n
lov - r priof-s than ever before. He has a'so , r,i,-is t-y mad --iie:t. !.
on band a full line if clothing, biei :ht last I . ....
iiii.v1!i. ns we-l as no its. snoes. laoics ii:icn
I tie
'. ivi n:
Hi .
to t
.Ol'l VM
I '
M l.
: I - i. at Vi
tml Inrs'-.i-s
t "T.'"1- f.
III ti.e
, ' 1 .!.-e-
! . ! i ' n ! I'.i
1 K
d r ti
): n , i
. -r I-
"i 1"
' . t
c -
rKui l
JL. Iw
nirlt Ti .1
emiiity in u
a l.eildre.I in'
bills, and varioii
iatiot -'i saving t
. '
:i t.
.1 n:
-v -:..rc
tr. ri-.l
i and i
! .- "-"tat ie
v i 'in e v. t r.emi i.t .
re lli two I'tittk
r-,--'U i-rtiitifir
i -V i-rc- the
d .V rniinl er of
r 1 .IwrOin h .--'!. T" ii';T
Il- tel w.i-- aNo herri 1 Tw . hr"
-r ar;i'-ie,'tif.t I
r-.--.. -.tin s -r nn Alt.-. "a rini .. ir-.-n uuiii" i i'.n
te.l In u'..!H!'iu ttie ft. :me tftid -.avllrj- the
t.rn I---.T1 a n-n. li fate. lie 1 ise-titua-
f.-d It -i.'.. ' t' f
!.. ... The tire l I.
eend arv eriiiin.
rmd tne lii-uran.-fi
id.eve.l to hve itD ot in-
! Womkn that l:ave lieen Iielrilden for
I rears have been entirely cured of female
" by the useof Lvnt' K. 1'tnkham's
I VR tTtni.K fViviru Nn Send to Mrs. Ly
1 dii K. rinkham, i Western Avenne, I.ymt,
I M.isi., for pamphlets. 7-lti-ll.
No lli.sri r.M. Nf.fdkd.-No palatial hos needed for Hop l'.itters patients, nor
larpessitlarie'l talented puffers to tell what
Hep I'.ittrrs w;H do or c ire. as they tell their
f -.v i .-tor,- bv '.h'-ir -e'ai;t arti absolute, "ares
sni', la-lies
and i.a Jno h
ou'.y m 1 clothing L"ii per cent, rneaper than
it ran be tMittgl.t at a regular cimiuiii tn'ir, j
but pledges himself to give t! e very best rf
btr gains in everything. It w"'l then fore be
to the interest oi btivers to call on Mr. Tei- i
te'baum before pttrehasin; elsewhere. J
Knoitsjim i:n formerly supposed that
American running horses were very inferior
to theirs, but during the last two ears Par
ol.., Walietistcin. and other fast ones that
were sent from this country to Kngland have
won hundreds of thousands of dollars for
such Amnieans as the Messrs. l.otillard,
James tior.loti r,ei.uett,-e. The Kiigiishmen
have invest igate-l the reasons for the great
I success of American horses, and find that
1 they are kept in such fine condition bj the
! constant use of M. 1!. Koberts' Horse I'ow-
tiers. Fin- sale by V. S. Iiarkei e? Bro.
! Thk oi t vk P.F.LT Co., Marshall. Mieiii
1 gan. will send their celebrated Klectro-Vo!-'
taic T'.elts to the alllieied upon .".n days trial.
Sneedy cure guaidt.Tef d.
I .-'. 'av. rue to thew without delay,
i u-1
.i j
W iiri we a-K
ou ou"t to h-t
"Mv l-t- t
Itnr h, tw
Jones want.s to 1"
Hitirr-k. cf eonr-e.
.T.m.-s is eh.-e-i t" re
nt l..ri.. k ..- w-U i.
V. 1-
.ir- if i e wa f- r liar-., --k.
m t hi-rt that m.iU talk ;
r .,'-e " .-iv. he
n veil and tne.
t-"i;s::i to liar-k'.k.
e. ivi'l 1 e cle. t.-d. ar: I 1n r.i-e
ei:- tio? .s-.inrry a-f .."i-ni
d a trnnktnl or tw id m i
M J,Y I I Ti ' 1 !IV I'M t!l.T.v.
W. tirul i. t A tlllrf
r . li-
.- to -i de .
. --- T'-
1.! nt e
M "V 1 l.IiY
i- 1
rdvtee to hit
io..r to the
t x.i -t s' rt "i i.
v.-.-il made an.
he u'-e t-. j.or 'hase th.-se, enr i
, is. to eult en I :tvy "'It.. TO-X-nst
dtiee, :ia, who in the i
;, -,,....( now:!' r.c -! - h'esli. tylbli.
1 t;r.-ante.l I he re C -tilt -I
i;.s-i.T' r rlo'.' ! fpevli-ity. Hin prt.-. s . aim .;
I e nil under. Tin ttdvi.-c is not me to he con
fined to Jones : every Ifwly nuulit to patnneic Wo!!.
(Vttimr-ioiCrrrii. Anold jdi-sieiar. retired
tr nn pr.Hti.-e. l..-.v:nn had j.i.i. e'. in iiir hands i y
an Ka-1 In ha n-..-s..;i.i.y the loitnnWol a sin. t ie
vcitcf tide retnedv !. r tho sneody and renitn nent
i-ure ..I 'onsumiit:on. Itr. neh tis.t " -tiir. li. Asthu a.
and ::ll Throat and Linn A tte' ti..iif . also a fosl
tive nn.l radical cure lor Neivnu? lKlolity and al
Nervous, eonifla .nt. alter hiving tested it won
derful curative powers in thousands ol oases, has
Icit it lus diitv t i make it known t i hi snflerinir
tc'low A. tnate ! l-v this motive aid a de;re M
rciieve limn in nutlcriVc. I will fend free o' eh i'-c
to all who d-s-re it . this - e. ii e. in ierrmin. t rcne...
,.t K.n-l'-h with tn1' cit Tifoti' L-r prep-ir nir and
,.i,.r . !.v p- l.l h'" "dd-e-sinu' th i-t -'-!'
- tV . V. . miiai r '. 14-' er..
so m
Are sold hy an uwnw ",T- ,7 t mill la
! 1.:
- t
h nt one r.-j
Ihi. 1'i.K f.f COO-tS. t.1.'1
-.-iw aa,.....! trttne.r ftn.t
Vsr tBCT.N. V, tsuleM iDufaclurvm
. ar d e.
ro vi.iif m i"i
. . .1 -I e p.
1 IT-.l-J - I- ts.
I I, til llll'.v
' .11 .1
. - I 11 -
N 1
! i r.i
-e: e
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