The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, April 23, 1880, Image 2

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    Who hae ever been able to discover j 5ETFS ASP OTHFTt KOTISfJS.
what poiWe public rt?e there is in hav- j
i .j , . , T (.0 i,. s. .M.irsnai jinn, or v aniiincim.
. " county, Pa., recrntlv )ld a -l-montlis'
PW.J,;.. of his district are not wonry and j ca f(,r jinx).
Wiiktiier ;i Cirl terra of Grant or a
first t-r'.a of Jl-.tia;? would lw the worst,
is a q'.i"s;io!i upon which abyut as much
enn lo said ou tin? one ski1 as on the
olh r.
Mr:. K A.voAf.r. lets c-ontrihuted veiy
mattri'iliy Uw.irdj removing one of the
obj:;ic; H ti iv.-;'.ce uml harmony at t lie
Dfiiii'-jiaMc statf1 convention next wrf-k,
l.y a.!,lrr-sius :- letter to a friend of hi-t
in wl icii ! hikes open and outspoken
roiir.d against the unit rule. " If Mr.
Wii'l to uutild do likewise, it might be
thxt iiV: cor. v 1.1 ion would resolve itself
into a love feaat, where eveiy
thli; would be pleasant and of good re
port. That charlatan, Gen. Is. P.
Hank who wn a Greeley man in 1Q72
against Grant, but who is now a howling
third term advocate, in a speech b -fore
the Jl.insarhnsetts Republican conven
tkn ; -.t ek, had the effrontery to fal
idfy his'ory by assert inj that Washing
ton. Jefferson and Jack -:.iu would have a third term if the people of the
country Irid o desired. If I'anks don't
l'0ss".-ss ay of t!,-e poM er that can raise
iii rials !o the skies, he i; at Iea-t gifted
wiih a great t1e;d of that other talent
whl'.h can (ir,1.:' .uis'-U flown.
tired of his silly Congressional career, j i he ex-Empress Eugenie has arriv
they will probably become eo before the ! ol at Cape Town, South Africa, She is
i in sjoixi neaun.
Benjamin Miller, of Erie, while de-
present session is brought to a close.
Hits successful demand upon the treas
ury ia aid of his preposterous scheme,
not only to thick-water the (Vnomaush
but to run it through the Allegheny
mountain by means of tunnel the
feasibility of which was officially vouch
ed for br no less an authority than C1.
James Worralli s now supplemented by
Iirious, jumped out of bed, ran into the
street and dropped dead.
The body of John Siny, tli labor
agi'ator, was followed to the grave by a
procession over a mile in length.
A little fdrl named Ida Irish, of
Jefrerson, York county, died last week
from over exertion in rope jumping.
Dr. Ilostetter. of Pittsburg, bought
in one dav last week 1.5d0.iNiO barrels of
a military proposition mat is ea.euiaiea , oil ,vhiHl ho will ,.;UTy miln letter pri-
to excite our special wonder. lie has : ces prevail. '
introduced into the House a measure to A cow belonging to Mr. F. II.
"provide proper arms for the army and j of West Chester gave birthtoa
tt -t , c . a r ,x calf one ciav. and was delivered of an-
navy of the United States, and for the ' otl)0r Uu, (laT
militia of the several States and Terri-j The forests fires in Tike and Mon-tories.'-
This is a big thing, and iitlv I roe counties, after burning over about
em-nates from a high military source. ! 20.000 acres of eronml, were
,. . . " . I ed bv rain on I ridav night.
It requires the Secretary of M ar, in con- , iJisj1(,p Elder, of Natchez, arrived
nection with the General of the Army. , at Cincinnati Sunday morning, and im
to have 2"0,000 guns manufactured at i mediately entered upon )iis duties asco
the National Armory at Pock Island, ! adjutor f Archbishop Purcell.
T. , ... , . t, x- i Mr. Palser W cber, ff Howard, Cen- and a number at the . re counU 1(J,la of a 1icn th;lt Rot
tional Armory at Springfield, Mass.. wt.t-igod between boards in his stable and
und also authorizes the Secretary of War j existed four weeks without food or wa-
to make a contract with not less than iter.
, , . t . ,1 On Monday last a little bov named
thre manufacturers of arms for : Col(er n.sidill? at Kl1Sweil, (Ja, st ruck
construction of an additional l.o00,00.j ; p,-oli1Pf UI. t..e HKV w;ih a stone,
stand cf prms. at a cost for each gun of . supposing it to be a ciodof dirt, and kill
lictwwn and S1S.T.0. Th(-r are oth- ; r,l him.
er war items in White's little bill, but
this is enough, and at an estimated ex
pense to Ihe government of not less than
forty millions of dollars. Who but
White would ever dream o a project
i Somebody must have hung a horse
i shoe on the limb of a tree at Council
Bluffs, Iowa, many years ago, for it was
1 lately found irubeddod out of sight in
I the wood.
j In an attempt to arrest a desperado
. named Havrv English at ( aledonui, l'a..
Galt'tIta A. (iiiow, who was again,
in Wo.i;!:ngton l;ist w.-.ek, t-xprer.---ed his
btii' f that "if Gr-int is nominated at
contemplating the manuiacture oi two a citable named Weurth Was killed
millions of rifles, with a regular army I an,i asitant dangerously wor.noed
of 2r-) men. arfd th? militia, not ex- ' J-.ngbr.u escaped
"ii.:70 1 v tl.e vi-1
'he Southern
Slate (1 : ! -g it I-.1.3 they will have to elect
him, as he mis', cert a inly will no', carry'1 Grow supported Grcc-!-
in 172 as against Grant, and we
will do him th justice, to say tr.r.t incur
opi.i:o-i ho vonl 1 not openly support
Grant if he should be nominated, but
W'j-.iM !. wi'lii-g to h !p him to the vote
of this State b riitinhivj a third candi
e. Miii like Gimw may not love
Grant, i iit their hatred of the Dfuio
rra'ic p.-.vly sur assos t liCi r opp'Osit i :'ti to
a third ttim.
creding 115.000, already armed I t
Slates, or supposed to be ?
The anti-third term National Kepub
lican conventitii. wiiieh will mtei at St.
Eouis o-:i the nth of May, promises to be
largely attended, and its dvliln rations
will be watched with more than ordinary
inter- st. Tts leading fpirit in Missouri
is John B. Heink-rson, a man of ability
ami one of the seven Ilepublicans in the
I'r.ited states Senate who voted, against
the impeachment of Andrew Johnson.
Mr. Henderson nan just been on a visit
to the Easlern cities, and has received
An old farmer nnmed A'-hhro-.k was
; shot and killed at .faeUsi.nville, (ireene
count v, on Monday, by some fishermen,
j who were trespassing on his farm and
! who had been warned off.
; A Eebanon county farmer the other
' day when plowing turned up a j.erfect
. multitude of seventeen-year locusts, the
; groun I beincr litfraily alive with them.
: lie eol!ertel hu-duds of Ihem.
I ,1 udire Ju-remiah Pdaek.aecompanied
j by his wife and his handsome, and ao
: coinplished crand-danghi; r. M i.-s shunk.
; will sail for Euiopc Sat urday next by
; th White Star steam!' Celtic.
I Th Commissioners of Elk county
offer a reward of ?"(".) for the capture of
j Harry English, the des;erado who shot
' two ofl'Ctrs of tlie law in t lint county
Tr.n I'ittsbnriiU V.-f, in its restless
anxi-ity t- magnify the strength of Mr.
Tild. n wiLli the 1 l moeraey of the Staie,
!"ays il has "the n.irnes of Eixty out of
ve::ty-si:: I eiii.cralic members of the
Ilou; of Representatives at llarri.d.urg
diiriiig the last session of the Ergila
ture. which d -uio::st ra! s tlial the state
assurances that they will send large del- the other dav while resisting arrest,
fiions to ihe ronv-mion. The main 1 Smith X. Harkness. of Springfield,
is to ilofeat
I Bradford count v. lost his wife on the
has b on with
d! the time."
We r.'i.if it.bei very well an ml ihejc i-ix-ty
.i.!i.b.-rs noi.d.iilng Mr. Tild.-n hist
wiut.-r a yea-, but the iVd w ill not .-ii:-
sixtv meniiM-rs
i :s.y m-
i;ny in re veprcs.-nted the J h-mocratie
P'.-nt irr."nr ' S:;te in regard to the
Pre:: --i;'v, !! ;'.:'. n n v rdxtv I)ernocrt s
. ... r : i ..
u cjwia ..i . .Vli inst:.r.t :ii:.l I i s loss So nrevei u: .on
(irant's nomination at Chicago ; but i n-.j;i.j t;!:..t he went into a barn, and,
unless the T-rgr.unnie marked out by j setting tire to it, perished in the flames.
In the struggle to capture a party of
colonists bound lor Kansas by two rival
railroad passenger ai,t uts at Uocn-ster.
the fare was reduced fn in J'lt.f'l to
r,!ie agent selling ninety-three tickets
and th- forty-four.
---John S perry. Nw York'.-- '-mi!!ion-fiire
lioot-hh-f-!,,"' -;5s niarried in that
fi'y on Sumk-tv to Mi:-s Mary Bro-me.
Nh'-rry st ill carries on the boot -blacking
bn thoegh la- is said to be worth a
r--;-.r.d luiilion w.ade by stock specula-
:."r- r. c( ,v :.-:'
to their ov.ii p'-r.-onal
The .!.!( t ii".w g. -i:;g on wiiiiin the
I-'eiaoei .iMo ; :.r'.y (' this State is ns piett v a
c..nrr. 1 a-i ;;t. i.'ae weal. 1 wi-U to ? J. i n
r'x.'.'r Yr'.' l.rx.
H t; it isr..t near 'wi jirelty a quav
rt!" :j i.. n.c.v g-i:-gon within the K
pida -.n party -f lids S;ate in general,
a:. 1 witi.i:: the Il-pub!i ?n party ft Ean
ras' ir canity ;r. particular. The war to
1 lie? k:.i;e co:;tf-.-.t in tliit loyal ll'publi-
:iii t.t-cng;e.:i 1. bctweett the thii'l term
mac''.;'!'1 :v. I th" friends of "ob Inger-
.ll's "pl'im .d knUht." to say nothing
v? lti d-adly l 'i;!.; h twteuthe "Hog
lt:iig" and "llu'i Ilii.g" factio;:-.. in
which the .Y i.; J'-,; r:; a co:ispicuo,i:-.
jari. an 1 on the rirht .side too, is con
clusive pr.-.o: of tie-- .l:.s 'or.'ai- !.,.
1 :,-.. tent t :c. :;.-!.' -i ti;::: i.ow divide the
Jt-i ul ::j:v.s of the (.! I Guar-!." The
I'--:.-r.i!i'.' i'iarr'I v iil end on Wed
i:f s lay i.i x. r;hv n th State convention
c' s at li.:i-r:.-b:ii-g. whereas the lie-
j- il.lican throuti..::.; the State
cm) o-o'.y l.a a !;u.-.!clby th-? action of the
C'hicari c .::ve.,:i..:i it even then.
Cameron. Conkling and tho rest of the
third term managers is interfered will:
in son;-1 other way, they will never
abandon theirpurpose of forcing Grant's
iiotniintioii at Ciiicagoby anything that
the St. Iv.nis ga.heriag may do. If
the Sr. Eouis c u ip ion contents itself
with mi rely fulminating a high-sounding
protect against Grant's nomination.
i? the same time reclaiming m
:-U rminati.-n to
so po;la. it will
not bo a very p .lent factor in deeming
the issue. Tic idrd term conspirators
cannot be frightened with protests,
however vigorous their utterance, tail
they may p.iy some respect to the certain
loss of four or five IP-publican S.ates i:i
the f-vent of Grant b.dng the Candida!"
for President.
wit bout
v ry ch-ar language j
opp. his i lac! ion a
Mars'inl! P. SI.sw, of Chesterfield,
il., has a ew.- that gave birth to
thi'-e iamt.'S. .'dl (.ves. lit-tore the lambs
w. re a 'f-aroal (ac-h ha.d a land., vd.iie
t w
i;s, ma King
niuilii-r wn n:n
It will require I57-1 votes to n-imir.ate
a Kenubliean candidate for President at
th!j Chicago convention and the friends
of Grant claim that up to this t ime thi y
have 1 f'S in-;ruc!ed leiegates. as biiowi:
I'enns Iv.mia. " -; New York, 7- : Tex
a. :, .; .t. and Kentucky. 21.
This bives (.rant i" short of a rnajori
ty, and the quevtion is. can he get them?
All the Nev Eisgiand States except New
Hamp.-hire have elected their dclegiites,
tie ci.j ('.,-!
a f! ?! cf !iine irom one
a ar's time.
; A favna r-l amed Mvles. re;
; near Marshall. Eh. on 1'riday night,
sia t and Killed one TousVy, a bachelor
; l.-'ar Icr. win.m he suspected of intimacy
. wiih his wife, who is over i'd'tv ytisoid
and a groiidiuothcr. Myies tlK.ii Mir
i rendered himself.
: A bad.y was recently born to Mrs.
po-vrs, of Harincny, Warivn coun'y,
wiiieh measm-ea C inches in length,
' weiglss .'1 pounds. Iris hair an Inch long
i atid a 'c ad that will go in a wine glass.
The parents are each about forty j--ars
i old, and tliis is the-r fnt ch.ild.
An Illinois gr nth-man countsamong
. his choicest treasures, and very rightly,
; ton, a quaint old ambrotypp of Abraliam
; Lincoln. It shows a gaunt and awk
'. ward man of .'J7 seated j; :.r, old rusli-
bottomed chair and drev-ed in well-worn
but none of thern are for Grant, and, ! dark clothes wit h an ohl-fahioi,-d stock.
.singularly enough. Plain? out-ide of his
Tj.'at o..--;,,,, f,
j!--.i vra.-y wj,;,-i, U t:::at r the lea b-r-fhlp
i-f Ki.-hard Vanx. an- 1 is k'a.wn as
the '-Oc. I'on.iaiitce Democrats,"
got to v, .it. la-t we. k and el. -etc 1 in
thf ir own p--e;f.i-u- way eiiriit Senatorial
M. 1 thirty-eight It pies: ;,:ative d.-i
g.'.'.cs, logo to ilarridjiug r,"t "( li,e-.
day and c; ii:u their reacs In the state
C'Civer-i -"i. Mr. Vaux went throu.-h a
rimihtr p-'rf.'rniaTic- when t!,e )it S.ate
cc-ivent i-i'i net, and although b. is suc-
c-. wax by ie means encouraging, h?
lor..- his in th? spirit of a true
phi'os .phi r. Mr. Yaux is a veteran
I ).-:-i;ovr'tt and has served his party long
arid well. Wc cannot, tic -re fore, say any
thing unl.::; ! of h:m, but we think his
prf .. at lit n-ie is uns.-.un b and we be
ta'? is s';-i;vn top? much wca.ter
than Edmund, of Verr.vmi. Leaving
Iilimc j out of the quest ion. t he Grant
men count on New Jersey, with her IS
votes, af well ps nine - mtiiern Slates,
as follows: Mir;-iand. b j : Virginia.
2; North Carolina, ; Georgia, -22 ;
Alabama, Louisiana, lo : Mississip
pi, I'): Arkansas. 12:, 2i
making lo votes, which, with the It 3
already instrnctcd, would give him 3-1,
or ten more thru enough. If Grant
1 .'es New Jersey and one or more South
cm S.. lies he v.ou'.d Mill be in tlie v.
c.iti'.e. even if lie carries Illinois, which
tie- Blaine ncn are making a powerful
effort to prevent. Tie publican corven-ti-.r.s
in three of the Southern States re
lied on by the- friends of Grant, will not
b-i hel l until lh last week in May, so
that uniil time th" third term pro
ject and ail that the term implies must
remain in its pre-ct uncertain rendition.
:i;s riicrnil't'l hair state
direr! i cis.
One of the brokers at th? Pittsburg
oil exchange is Mr. Cooer, a young
gentleman not over IS years of age.
who, but a short time ago. was a mes
senger boy for the Weste rn Union tele
graph company. He is said to be on? of
tin- heavirat as well ?s most successful
brokers doing business in the exchange.
He f n gaged in the trada about four
months since.
- A well citizen of London
derry, Chester county, on a recent Sat
urday night, was present? d by his wife
with a line baby boy. On the same niht
his mare gave birlh toa roit, his cow to
a calf and one of his sows to a litter of
pigs. The most wonderful part of this
inlliix of new life is that all the births
ate ef male iviMurion.
--A Polish Jew pe Idler named Eraynk,
a resid-i.t of Pittsburgh, was arrested
in Union! own, en Friday last, on sus
picion of
being the murderer of Mrs.
eve also
if it were not for the
Pre.i.ler:t::il campaign tins Philad-dplda
quarrel w add lerg sira-r have been s.U-
i-.ic:nri'y s-'tled. We tru-t Pat the
nv -nti-c-. will give Mr. Va.x and Ids
""-'- o fair henrirg. and that if it de-
ri !. s agaiast him nn 1 Ids eolhagut'S. as
we h-d-r-vr i: will, litat he wl'.i yield to
i's acth.n wiih as g- od gracs a- he did a
v;ir a.'o.
Nf.w Yor.;; is a bi i State so large
d'--d that it thought " y the iii-m-lrat
t:.'g ..,''k r'onve:t ice. -,',
'.-a be; tl at '
.t to be
it. : ; an :
the r: j ilar or -i
l. concf ni i :, met
at Syr,: j.--r, , a ;!..- ;-a:.e- day :h.- i;
regu'...r or 1 11 v i .;ii, -;ti.,n. as ci;ii led
' :iv. i i,e Tildr-ii body was
s d'-l v : 1 v ...a;e S; na:or, C.
Je.a ;!.. r;i:d llfi'v conventi m by
.bah.- Pa ilar, of Alb;.ny. The delc
a -.tva t . C';... '.m.ati taeii't instructed
Ano:-T four raonths ngonn article r.ppr-sr-r.l
in the P..--!o:i Hrruld t o t !:e clTe.-t ti at M r.
Wi!ii;ini II. Holland, of C "liet'i-a, had invent
ed a self-inoviag wheel, weights being kept
re.r,tar.tiv tlirow n mil on t hr descending and
drawn in on the ascending side. Sim e tli it
lime ?dr. ileiiand has inado anoii er wheel
which wiil tart ltseif, a model of which has
1 epn seen tiy a r.uniber of genihTiien. He
Ii-.s now in prccrs of eieitien a wlicid
wliieii will star? itself with etiout one hun
dred pound-, power. Be lais three dilfercnt-ly-arianced
w iiee'.s, nil enii.racius tlu; prin
cq.'e of p-rr.ctu.ii snot ion, of which he claims
to he tiie r .ventor.
A machine containing the sam prin
ciple as the one fir-t above described was
construct d by our fi i nd John A. Koo
ken,'.ow of IVtaluma, California, while.
J. w.M employed with us eia the Crvr i-'7'-
at Summit vide, this county, more
than a quarter of a century ago. but ns
he did rot see how the thing could be
kept, fr'mi wearing rait, he concluded
that I he perpetual motion part of it was
a dt-lr..-.;.--, and a snar.
Barbel Smith, near Grei nsl urg, on the
Friday i.ight prcviv,T.. Put later developments-
point to another party, for
whom the. (iei.ctivcs are now on the
lockout, r.i.d leaves but little doubt
about Fraynk's innocence.
-- I.ewis county, W. Ya.. is excited
over t he d-lings f.f some unni wn n;is
creant or miscreants, w ho commit mys
tt rious murders. Last Friday a man
name IP-fner was shot by an unknown
person while sitting on his porch, and
now th news comes that
man named
John Shreve has been found de-ad con- quarters at Cleveland, Oh
eealed in a fen re corm :
A dispatch from Greenville, 9. C,
states that the band of negro incendia
ries who flrpd the city nine times last
winter, and burned over one-fourth of
the town, -wt re on Thursday last found
guilty. As soon ts the verdict was ren
dered the Judge pronounced sentence,
directing that they should be hanged on
June IS. The testimony developed a
conspiracy based on plundering and rob
bing not surpassed in criminal annals.
Mr.s. John Priscoll, of Maiden,
Mass.. was arrested on Saturday on the
charge of murdering the four-year-old ;
daughter of John Credon. a neighbor.
The body of the child was found Sunday j
morning near the railroad, and it is be- .
lieved it was placed thereby the Itris- j
colls after the child had been killed at j
their house. A hood lost by the child !
was found buried in Priscoll's cellar, j
and other circumstantial evidence is j
strong against Mrs. Priscoll. ;
The Burlington (Yt.) lhraU (Re- j
publican) says that "il" Hancock is nom- :
inated the Republican party will find a !
tight on its hand" that it never know j
Ik lore."' The Ifrrald adds : "We j
should hate tremendously to vote or light '
against him. His loyalty and gallantry ;
and honesty wereneverquestione J ; and :
a candidate more dangerous to Bepubli- i
can success could not be .set up by the ;
Democrats.'" The Ihrcld editor "tit" ;
with Hancock during the war. !
The community of Honeybrook. j
Chester county, has been thrown into a !
state of excitement on account of the
arrest of Lewis Robinson, one of the ;
most prominent citizens there, on the '
charge of being concerned in a number
of robberies w hich have occurred thera
recently. His detection was caused by ;
his wife wearing a stolen silk dress.
Throe wagon loads of the stolen property !
were found on bis premises. He has 1
confessed and been held in bail. j
In Walker township, t entre county,
tin wind blew a tree over, leaving quite
a lade where the roots had been. In t his
hole the two little children of Mr. Jos
eph MeCaleb secreted themselves, think- :
ing to play hide and seek, and wore not
noticed by their father, who was busy j
cutting o"fT the tree from the root.
When the job had boon accomplished,
the stump with the dirt at
tached flew backintothe hole, complete
ly burying the little ones. When taken
o'ut the littie girl was dead and the boy
was badly hurt.
In th oil regions George Nugent
was trjing to hold a lead pipe steady by
resting his weight upon it. When the
stop-rock was turned on the oil and gas
flowed with so much force that the pipe
was broken and Nugent was thrown into
the air ten or fifteen feet. Tn falling,
his forehead struck on a stub and the
frontal bone over his right eye was
crushed, in. He tied a bandage about
his head and walked to Colemanville.
over a mile distant, called on Pr. P.eilly
and told him he had headache. Hi
skull was fractured and he has died.
Mrs. Angle Bach, of Whitehall
township. Lehigh count y, was "jawing"
Iter children, the neighbors, a hired girl
and everybody ie. general, liar husband
entered and interposed a mild word.
She opened her mouth for an angry re
ply, but a spasm contracted her cheek.
.er lower jaw f. 'il, and sh could neither
speak ran- shut her mouili : her tongue
hung out. a.ud her eyes nearly started
out "f their sockeip. She had di!oe:itd
her jawbone in Iter violent effort to make
a stinging reply to her bnsband. A
surgeon was called, who reduced the! ion, bound up her head and
preenhod a oniet. diet.
In tl."1 Police Court at San Fran-oia-o
on Monday, th" Pr.-ccuting At
torney asked for the commitment .f
Poinds Kearney. Soon aft er wards Kear
ney appeared with hid counsel, and ask
ed for delay to make app'h-atioit to the
Supreme Court for a writ of habeas cor
pus:. Thi-- was refusvd. ami. a commit
ment being mad; out, he was removed
to the of Correction, where, after
being shaved and clothed i:i a convict
garb, he was placed in a c-dl. As he
was leaving the Com;. Kearney asked
Ha judge whether th" commit in-lit con
tained any reference to th" provision of
the pew Coias; iiution fixing eight lours
as a day's lal.'. r. The judge rep! ;f,d i;at
the Ui.e; iniende.-it of the lb. use of
Correct hm would s. e that the p: ;. oner
"had su'liei'-nt work to do. and not too
much. "
A singular and soniewlia.t horiible
case of the birth of a monstrosity occur
red at or near Nashville, in Miami coun
ty. Ohio, on Friday, the eth inst. Dr.
John i. Scnour, ot Troy, was railed to
at tend a lady in child birth, and the
result was a still-born rncnstrr a male
child having a face resembling a bull
dog. but otherwise fully developed. It
seems that the mother, at the period of
two months gestation, had received a
fright caused by her husband shooting a
bed! dog, ard the child was delivered :t
seven months. The countenance is an
almost exact imitation of a bulldog,
with hair lip, Hat nose, flattened eyes,
large mouth, and the h(nd set upon "the
shoulders with no development of neck.
There was a peculiar hole in the back of
the head, said to beat the same position
where the bull, t struck the dog. arid on
the back of the child is a marl; like that
left on the neck ot the dog by the burn
ing of the powder.
-John Siney, ex-President of the
Minns and Laborers' Benevolent Asso
ciation, and a prominent labor nghator.
dud r.t his homo, mar Saint Clair,
Schuylkill county, on Fridav. Ho was
47 years old. and h aves a wife, but no
children. Siney was a man who had
great infiueiiep j;-. the cert I regions. He
first came into prominence about twelve
years ago. p.nd throughout all the pro
longed contests between miner and oper
ator which agitated the anthracite coal
fa Ids from lsf.H to 1S77 was a conspicu
ous figure. Siney never consoled law
lessness, all hough his biiter language
was often cab-ulated to make trouble be
tween employer and employed. For
some five years he was President of the
Miners and Laborers' Benevolent Asso
ciation, and afterwards President of the
national Labor Association, with head-
are tail ing e
Catharine Hill (c'orodi ha" filed
an ;.pliit ion for a pension on the
ground that she enlisted cud served in
t'l.- Union Army for three yearn. She
received three or four wounds, one of
which kept her in the hospital for sev
eral month; and alt hough her sex was
at that lime discovered., she was per
mitted to remain in the service, and
a, as honorably discharge! at the close of
the war.
The Pittsburgh Pen' says that the
New York Ifcrahl i.s getting returns
from its Si'.H"i,t.Hi0 Irish famine donation.
"He that giveth to the poor Jendeth to
the Lord,''' is a text we suppose the
lln-j'd appreciates. Its issue on Sun
day was one of the wonderful ever
printed by any daily newspar.rr. It was
in sextuple form of twenty-four page,
with 114 columns, and contained 4,4 Id
ad vi rt i solvents.
Lewis Robinson, the wealthv farm-
;f f
tor mi:
a vi.
: citizens com-
: (. -
1'' U .
cc.n vi n.ion to sv.ypoiL
M :'. Yd ' bat t hey a.e known to be
"'ill-: men, a.;.! will vote as ;i i:eO
Tie K- i! or Tammany Had r, iik- rd.g
e.'s - ap; d .' legates to the ? a: ional
er.-. a; w itko any instruction!1,
' o; : Tihten'-r. m inat io:i.
'" y ' a re oiuP m to the
''I I- ::c nt i-ci a-kiag Put a com
ic. ie ' f : :!": ..n b? appointed to confer
- il. a -1; -i.'.'.r cemmiitee in the inter
r -' --f i .vn.'a.y. let of course oil and
v. v a. add md mix. The situation,
t .; ' ;, . ;n .;v York is unchanged,
rt -i the -v :r of ;asi.-c.:i wiil g on until
11" l-.c: nd c 'invent ion meets at Cin-
i'-:ia'i li J'ace and makes its nomina
te ns.
Cjtarlt s B. Svt.t;:r, Kemble's mr,-.
useful and t tiicient lobby agent, i.ssprrd
ing his time with some friends in Jerscy
City, preparatory to his sentence by
Judge Pearson on Monday next, and in- ,' er of Honbrook, Chester county, who
President of the former association h
became involved in the riots i:i t he Clear -fold
district, and Tfas nrrestcd. bu ac
quitted after an exciting taiah Piney
has been slowly sinking in health for
two or three years.
IIot to TtEAcn Kava. rVfor" inov
lne to the Wct should consult their own
mnifort i.y selecting ths route bv which
there arc ure in Fniori'Depn!.,
fat trains and conifortahlc er. Ther in
no iine thst ran compare with th Pan Han
dle Koiiie in these pnrticilars. Two daiiy
train leave Union hlepct, Filtsburh. rin
ban Handle Route, which rim through in
many hours quicker time than by anv other
line, hs follows :
'' I'itt'h;ire frltr tle.). . rm. i:-7 r- ra.
Afnteil S.. I.i'UM ":. in. II .. ,. in.
;K-.;.;i(':tT 1 yvo y.. in. : 01
I.Mtnn(inIi ll-4'lj.. m. l.elS . m.
.. CM. ..-or. la.-) . m. liriit. m.
fc''. Joxej.h 4 . in. Jiai j.. m.
rto'iipt connections are rriad in Union
pepds t points i: Ained for ail land points.
Tor imther infoimatio;), time tables, etc..
a-h'ress W. L. O'Briex. General Passenger
Agent, Pan Handle Home, Columbus, Ohio.
was eictected in a number of large rob
beries, accuses a fKor man of the neigh
borhood of haung hdred him to do the
robberies. 'J'he Vest Ciiester IttpulU
c ni says that Jtobinson has disappeared,
and much blame is .ittaohed to t he mag
istrate for fixing the bail at taich a low
figure. The bail was only $1,000.
! Scott county, Ya., lias a miracle
! worker, who accomplishes the most
wonderful cm simply by touching the
, nillicted person with his hand. II is
: name js Pa-hard Miller, .in 1 he sars his
ti!a- a., c j j - a 1 1 laau m i.-ei.
tioa, with provisions and seed potatoes H? rr-fi,3fS 3:1 ion, and some j
.- t . - i , i. ' astoim.iing cnies have been made bv
for th relief ot Ir- u.n 1, arrived at piM. 8iror? ,vl;ioh are ?yA !
Queenstowa on 2Ioud.y last. cancer. So runneth the report." J
farms a reporter that since lie left Phil
adelphia he h.i" received ocra hundred
letters from his old cons' ituetats, offer
ing hi in their support for re-election to
the Legislature. We" have no ipmbi
that Salter's old const itut id's wvu; 1 ,-.
light in sen ling him l acs, to II..: : i-h.irg.
but his plea of guilty interposes an im
passible barrier to their. go ;1 intention-.
Tun Ui.jted siatts frigate Coitelk
Tnr. rr.rr.ui.uonT D-patitmf.t e.f Ihe
rennsylvnnia State ("ollege offers free in
struction to a!!. It is thoroughly organized,
ana embraces a w ids range of atiuties such
as will prepare its students cither for nic-ces-fu!
w ork in t!-e Collegiate I epait!Tent
e.r for t!ic duties of intelligent citizens and
romretcnt business men in nil vocations f
life. Tor fall information, pah'.ress the I'rs-d-fleiit,
Stite College, Centre Co., l'a.
Poatii In the dale. j
A fearful wind storm struck u: d nearly
annihilated the tow u of Marsl.fn id, Mo., oh !
Sunday nlglit, ami was followed by a Cr6 !
which added still greater horrors to the j
scene. Seventy-five persons are reported
killed and about two hundred wounded, j
while the destruction of property i.s said to i
be almost beyond computation. At other
points, and notably about six miles south of
Spriagtield, Mo., the tornado was but little
less destructive to lite and property, fifty
persons being reported killed ;at the latter
point alone. Following are the particular
as furriiahed by a St. Louis telegram of the '
HUh : j
6eimer who r.iel through JiarFlificlJ, on j
the SSt. 1 uii Rnil .--an Innclico Kiilrnnl. at 0 3.) ;
last niicl't, i;ivo a tow facta coneernliid a terrible ;
rtiRapwr. A man wh came to the drpot al lh I
c1ire ot the town, whilo ihe train wa liter?., re- ;
porteil that at fl.otl o'elork a lur ous hurricane
airark the place ami levellt't all part of tbe '
town lyiun wtrft of the centre square Hat to the 1
ytrc.un.l. '1'he ilebrij linmeil lately toi.k fire In bt- I
ml placcF. and the ftainrt pnul i he een at tome !
halfil07en points by t be paicni(ert on the train.
ortydca.J bo.iiesbail been taken out, an.t many
more were mippoer.l to tie buriil tn the rutn or '
burne.l uj. There were alio many lir.njt still Ira- j
prtji.ned in the dehrl of the (alien l.ull.iinr. 1
A II the phym-mm of the town were kille.l eicppt
ing two, mi l there wi (,-reiit nd of doctori to i
HilonJ to the wounileJ, ol wliom it wi lahl there ,
were pome 'joo. ,
A rellel train with twenty phi?ini ami nnrfei I
and lull ot atinplirs lelt sprinnBe.l. Mo, thi 1
niurniiiK tor .Mar-hflel.l. and probably other tr.ilni j arrive 'luring the d.iy. I'lie ntJrra wai ten- 1
era I in Southwrstcrn Misiotlrl, and other placet j
probably auBere.l ilaiuac, but an the telcirraph '
wires are all prostrated no advices have been re
ceived. A violent hall and ram storm accompanied !
the wind. i
A ttleifrnm Trcm Ppr!oKrie!d via Vlnlta and ,
Ki.nfase ay to I. V . Khimts, Ucneral Mananer I
ot the St. I.u.s and Sun Kranriscv Kailread. mvi ;
a hurrnano passed a lew mile s.jntli of Sprinir-
field, ab-uit 7 o'clock last n:i(hr,d,nn an immense I
amonut ol daroaite, and kilimjf a if rest nuuil.rr of I
people. Fitly deatfis are reported on the .lamei '
riv.-r, six males suutli of SSprlLgfietd, and a rcat i
icnny peoons are iiosi-iii.
The irain dipateher at ttonway, fourteen miles '
thissiCeol Marshd. Id, rep..rts that he arrived '
there Irom SprinKDeld at 11 o'clock, and savi he 1
found the country in a terrible c ...million "from I
North View, seven link's wet ot Murahneld. to i
the latter point, trees three feet in diameter '
w. re torn entirely rut ot the ir round; telegraph i
I.oles twisted efj, and eTerytliiuK wrecked. 1 he !
town ot MKruhf.elJ was clemolisli d. brick ns well ,
m trance i.ui dinKS belair torn down. "We did :
not sec." br sa M. "more than ttnlt a doiee peojde '
as we came throiiKh town. I he place looked '
deeerted. I he d. .-tors nnd nam f who esme tn i
our tra.n from Springfield, ab.iut twenty in nuDiber, .
went Irom the ueput alone to hupt up the people,
t!;i-re hem at the dej.ot to rcceife them. A :
roll..; train was sent from Lebanon tn Mnrshflel.t j
at dayl jrht this m ri.iDK. about Sfty do'tori, .
n.irs.-? ai.d helpers and a lull supply ot provisions.
el..; Sicir and medical f.ores : also initterial t..r re-
pairiuit the teleyrapb line. The line Is blown
down nt C. itlerenl points bci wee n Sprmlmld and ,
C'ur:way. pcrliaps ten m:ic alton -i I r. A n-w :
t 'a'.h. h" i burcn at t nba, ninety miles from here, 1
was t luwn down. Nudnmair.i was done to the ;
railroad exrept the ..estruciion i I one small sta- '
torn h"i.?. '1 ne names ot the k ille t and wounded '
at .".I s r.I.r.-1 1 have no; yet beea received. 1 ele- ;
KTHuii c commuu. cation m hemic restored. Tbere
are rr pons i.ere limt l he cCy ot i nut., about 100 ;
miles fci.utbwr sr of sp: ;n!iol ! . was aroatly dam-
a'ed ; als... that W arreuioir j-, on the i issourl
r l-'Hc liailroa i. sixty D ve m il.: i h is s ide of iv an- i
sa ealy, was ba iiy injured, but the rtpurls have j
no; been veritji'd.'' j
A special to the rozf- i;ipaich from Lebanon savi i
the : rnado which caused sm-li fntrMlut havoc at
Martl.heid lasl niht possed entirely tiiroutrli '
tJreen and el ster couuties. 1 ilh.wiii the course '
of t he . ames river in a northeasterly .Ilrecilon '
It stu..K the st Louis and San Francisco i;all ie. lour places, and ie!t it near rank s Sia. '.
t,o:i. 111 n. Ira this tl.le of Marfhneld. the latter
place- presents a terrible appearance, there not !
le!ii more a ik.rct) houses unharin' d In the -enure
tow. i. - i;e tlurl Uon-,e an-i msny o;her i
huiluiCftt took hre, and the scene was ol tl'.e ooit
dren-iui -lirac:r At one ic u-e two ol.iicren j
were found dead and ai.o-her ba Cy wangled, cut
it 1 ti, I x.ivo. 1 i e preIlts could not be found, j
An. liner i n:i.-sini(. and It 1- possible she j
v.ascarrled away today. No. :e:aC oi the calam
ity nave jet been received. 1 ho torc-ot thew.ud
1' rippeo the ear Irom tl" trees, iate I ethers cu- !
ttreiy tu'. . les ground and ttb raph pons and ;
wires were arrici Ii;i;.are i6"f iuat into the woods
.si.d tied and knitted the limns ot trees as 1
thcim'i t hey were e.xtoa icrins. Kerythnif I Is 1-edu d.,n to a.-'st and s;i -cor the ;
w.-.uniiJ. no;, ouiy at M irstiti-i 1 out all other !
placet, ri.ysician- t hr uu te.ut the couutry are i
tlvckii.t; ;o ihe po, u-s ioo-t injured and co.r.n ail '
I i:r y can to al ie v:a :e ire ulici e.iif . I ic-ctors w.nt i
lro'.i: spritiKlield to t .e James river cuunirv. six j
nnl-s m.uli., as wet) as t-. Mar.iaield. uud scores
f kiud hearted p '.. ele iiaee Toinnreerud a nurses. '
f'n;a:in IC.-kib. iiei:eral .Ma'i;i?r ol itio St.
I...:: s ana Nan Kranc: o l;;i.:.-.n 1, is sci.dii.i;
specie! trains with tMiet whvrerer any ircod can ;
I k c.oiie. and ail uro .n.iuj ever) Itiin possible t
aid the injured and dytn. f
S-eein dirpatchf in the Chieag. JVtr uf '
the pi'.ine ti;ite e i s. ;
1 he town .f Marsh tie I 1. Mo , was totally des
tr.jcd ! f or.-a i.ret il:-. S; -,-enty five perf-u
were kl;ie.l a1..! td lucciret wc-nreled. 'lho ttl- i
tKuij'ii sirrB lire 1! tl.-wi: j
Ai U:a)-' creek, l ear Jtf!r' n City, y,o.. four :
or hve houses were blown .Ciwn and a" number of I
peroes nijuied. t lne ticuso e.a bit.wn across the '
,M labour' an 1 1 Jac i he JCt I i rad t r.: ck aud. no wn rn
Itik !.eii,(t Kiven. a tram ran into it, ilriiiolialiirg
the i'y'i mo;.ve and seereiy wtomd iiikt the engin
eer and hretna ;. 1 he pat-er-ei s escaped unhurt.
1 tie acci iei's. are meat re in e nse juence ot the
lr'.-5iiaiiu!i ot tne Wle.
Another tli spate
the '.Call, sues :
S n atr-r the storm ft chill was found at
; Marti!Iel J. he:if:il in the crot-h of a tree, 3j feet
above the irrcund. It was but siiarhtly hurt.
Y i;r h-ui'lred -I-ei'.ars er. raised e-teroay at
Holla t..r the s.ifWor? at Marst.held and twelve
doctors aci nurses leu lioiia lor ll.a'. place last
lai; hi.
A special ii:jiat"h from Fulton, Call iway coon
: ty, ss the norm wlneli pulsed ihroi.'h this
county en the night of the isth inst. did an Ira
nie!:e atiiount ot dam:re t o fsrm proj'erty , te
siae deti..;. ir.r a linoiter r t hi u.o-s.
, At New lilojiubeld. .''..r. .M. rn i killed by a
fai l ir. s nouar-. and a ro mrl ki.iea by ii hln liiif.
; Ar.ui special Iroin 'a 1 1 S-rn ta. jC ontour coun
' ty. s:is the storm I;d ureal injury to property
, and allied and wuun.led a number ol persons.
l ho storm flrsi struck the lii'le town of flar.
rct-viiie, ite:ro7inu almost every house there.
! 'then it pasje I .town t.'ie v a 1 ley' toward S North
: Voran, f(mo!'tiir.)r nearly all the buildinm in
, its t rack. en -ersors nre known to have been killed.
Sev.-ra! other' wero ki l-.-d. but have not been 1 , aud Letwten twenty and thirty wound
ed. A dNpatch ff-m .f siiesviile. Mo., ssyt that fur
ten miles slot. ihe track ol storm the destrnctiou
; was very great, 'n that rtis ance aloue would
cost eiou.. 0 '.
Churel.e, fences, I. arns. orchards and dwellinirs
were lndiy damiiped aiel some persons dangerous
ly Injured.
A MiKAcvi.of C'ci.k iv Mkiicek ('Ol'S
TV. '1 he Sharon Time of !att week relates
the fi.ll.iVking :
A very rcc ari. 1 Ie c.irf f ft youna: man about
els! t-rn years oh!, nl-.c !e;d been a ii' crip
ple Irom his b.rt :i, com pel :ed to s:k'ar mini by
mean- ..f ", was pere.rn.cC at tiie t 'athol e
cntircli in thi- p!.-.-e l.-i-l w-ek. "j ):e foli-.-is im; are
the p.-.rM'-tiiar of ti-e cau ft we hai e learned them
Iruni Iltr. K. ')'H.-Jiiiiiiraii. pi.rt'.rof the Catholic
It scents that In t'.e pfcrl'h of Kn'.cU. Cotinty
Mayo. Ir. I. m l. it I.i. -y-d ir r and Si. John al
one time appeared in the Catholic church while
the e...ia relation ere nid."i,:d in prayer, and
Mil. -e then o!!l- ' e-y rfinn ri at. !e cures have been
made, o: person' art! -ted w;iri vatious illpeases. bv
prvy-r and the u-e .a lie- enienv Irom the wa.Ia ill
ISe chur.ii. M-. 1'. M - aie.iit. wiio is a nstive of
Kiicch parish, fir.t tor a ..f the cement,
and Jerry M. a 'arty, the vouufc: man spoken ol
Gho-.. i:;a Ie app.!"ntio:i to Hev. Father ICHrMnnt
raii tf.r a sesoh of prsyer In h;s behalf. The con-ur.-ir.tti'O
ot the church tedai-d ,( the lad
nd the yo'iiii; cu: n's request wm complied with.
The j-enson ol pray t r lasted nindsv?. term mat i i.e
on 'I'hi.rday i"l. l;irmj which tenethe cement
wiiieh had been pr .cured wes applied. ( in the
laft d.-y ci.-nlc-loii were made, and w ith thirty
othfr yo-i'n; M-t'arty took coinuinr.ion. From
ttiat 'i'lie yn;ii Mr 'arty nbardo.ied hi" crutebea
an.I is now ship t-imxik w ith t he v. .d of a cane, and
it is. Co tiiat he t es -li d-..y rec ve-lne more nnd
rroreihe use of hin limbs, which had heretolore
been a;mot iiseji to him.
We fctve tt:i t. oi.r readers just as It has been
reiated to r.s. without any eon-menta. Trie cae,
whe-h t- s.'rt'.inly a stn.:i-r has been the
V.ieral talk bi 1iii J !..- ineinsr the pa-1 week.
1 he y..iina irao i tiesoiiil Mr. V. in. M -Carty,
an employe at the Weste-mar. ti IHii' nil:!.
A TEnnii i." F.xrT.o(tin-. A Sin Fran
f iscr dispatch of thi lstli 'iniiishes the fol
lowing pavticnlara of a fearful powder cx
j.liivicii, attended with great los of life,
which occurred in that, city I he ila' previous :
The if iaat ii"t works ir. the di!ri.-t of Jtertt
Icv. fT 'li'ltd yesterday, killina: twelve vrhitu men
nii.l twelre or fiireen Chiiniiiien. The" 1? the third
f' Mii this cnipany has s ut iir.e.l, all -ittend-e.l
eritv. lofs of life. The explosion oeer.rre.i in the
iicVinc; room and all :hc men at work thrre were
iild. Th'-re was about fix tlionsani pounds if
powder in ti-.e room. All tae vi-tim were blown
t.. A larue i . rt ion .! ti e s i,i;ll (,. a C'.'.na-r.i-i.i
w-a r.tni.l tttn the .juene stt?rhr 1 There
w--r ?'X Iioiie InMde cd the w.- rk ar:. tiisy we-e
all blown to iivf. bet tSe w.-.tktnen In them e.
(T..t. wirh the exeeot,on of one enan in the ma
fx.'ne, f whom no trace has been found. I nu-lde
rttir works are si t houe. including the hoard injr
hoie-e ol tl han !. ell if whah were more or less
Can-'fared. I.nt wer stiil "Cin.liriir.
Tic e vj i- :.n is ui t'o-cd io I e ths result of esre-Ie-nc.
J'lie TTork rue.-i arr- hlrej by th i j-cs ami
directed to list; wooden nia.iers In picking cr
trt Iiic? : nt they lound they eonld work taster and
make more money by n-lnir iron hammers a dan
gerous prseliep it ja sucpose-J that S'.me man
struck his eartri lire once too oftn and It went i ff,
ln-t'.ni the powder before him. which communi
cate i with th" adjacent packages, with the above
t :rr:S!e r:'t.
The name" e! the white men k i'.led bv the explo
sion tr ns neert"ined sre Jaeoo Vand .ren. Ao--itstis
F"licr. 1'etcr Shnturlmesy, Jo'ctCi HeaVan,
I'liiiip Lsmhen. Aleiauder Spooner. Iincoin
Mek. J'r- I. Ko.Iarers. .Tulius Ilulti ajii a man
named IHederi'-kson.
from ht. I.r.uis, dated
Tfe Tot.taic IJf.i.t Co.. Marshall. Michi
gan, will send their celebrated Kleetro-Voltaic
Iielts to the nfttictod upon SO days trial.
Speedy cures guarantee!. They mean what
they sav. Write to them with. nit delay.
.vi r -hi, m.
Al?.-..--!-;a r,r.l IWIi.l.i
ltCtted tV;rtr.n(
ir? are nc-v fin-
C.TVFtr t"r r.T Docror.s. "Is it possible
that Mr. (iodrrey is up and at woik, and
cured by s simple a remedy ?"
' I ftssuve yon it is true that he Is entirely
enred, ami with nothing but Hop Ilitfors";
and only ten days ago his doctors ftave him
lip and said he limst die, !"
'V.'eil-a-ilfy ! Tint is remarkable ! I
villi :to this dnv and tct se.'ne fer my poor
"ienrue I know hev arp poisl." M. J..
rar.--T-. !',' ty:-.l f---r r.'-'-l'iic.
What the People want to know is
Where can the Largest Stock be found?
Where can the Newest Goods always be had?
Where may buyers be sure of the Very Lowest Prices?
it is Qurrn trlk that there are juaxy excellem- stores to heal at.
Sliow its Customers the Ttirest Variety of Good.-.
Sliow its Customers tlio G-rea,test Convcniencfs
Sliow its Customers Unusual Accommodations.
Show its Customers Truest Satisfaction.
We tiaTe on tat ripped all eretoti efTorta In elMrlnc ul arranrinf inr alorli. Take n walk t. roth t,,
rikrl lepol, ami klnilly Kend ua nortl wlirrp unci annihrr atork rti r- fotiiKl or it lint tr: - !a. I, ,"
not hrltali to ahU for vine . !. al we hmi" tlierrt. lo not liealtate to illf nrdi r for coM it not in,i,,
of ital i t r . Ie-ti narintfe our (ootli to le its ufatrrt. Ilnjfri run no rlik. n nn artlrlr t liat t1..r. ,
Cleaae or tilt for color, size, quniitv. or any other enane. mar le ntnrnril. If in aauir n.i II l.n n ,,D
onglit. Tliin 4'ntalorne la only partinl on ficrouot of spare required. We oiiktrtt ai p tia lc 1 1 r a I order tn tt
ratj for reference.
KT NEEDLE WORK. Thi stock abounds !;i all thi
NoTpltt. i ol 'aQcy elle Work, not only in C'rewei vwr.
but tn Z'phTri anl anry y.m Krol.Jcry Materia?! ot every kind,
toifcthcr'wttli de-lna r. rvary character, liur C'u-toairrt are
always aire of aouifhin(r new at ths ni." fatuout ' KounJ
EWELUY. FANCY c,OOD, J,-t Orr.aa.. - j'a- r, ,
Ftct!o.k . f'ram .!.! i e" Pagt ji; t j ,
abuDdance aa J lre varieiv. - - a
EnAlTICS, rOTTEKY r.1 . an ire I
uecrai.oo Lut at ;r.ry j.rtces.
I othpr l".'ft uiiiktr (ifl'a'lin'tri'!. t"alimre Ju.le. Tp.
anJ a'l
case Si a
and Wo.l Henrietta "!.lh, tJrena.ilii-t. fcc. Ia roo1
wa eek to te worthy o: inch ci.nn.ju(e as 11 foir.etiaiei xitieea
cary when purcbatus must be icaa in Lane.
OKSETS. Kverv ohantro in favliion is ciosflv wsitrheJ
aul foU'-w.!, nntl every PtyJu En.l ?h"ipe : kej-t on band, fo tht
evTy figure can h nttV,i. eithr 'fh-ft wa:ftj or ioPir w; lit
ed." -lt in or ftcut. The Jiiiio make of cornet p cannot f e adftt-r-ci
to ever fiirur. ntwtthtJir.ltnc the new icrentlor taut fare
put n tti ra.'irket i in . nt; i" tt, any anl every perin. A rw
necJity "e kec; ft :ty-t wo uinkest.r !ha-ee, an-i the Iatly i :tr-fet.iir-
In rhrirtre of the Jej'nrtmr;jt Diakes it Hud to tc.cct
tlie i-roper tbm f-r our cutuioeri.
COSTUMES A thr.rousrlily I"p tD-tb Fashion Ipait
inonT, r-(lcte with SI I k. i. ' i;r;ier. Funcy and Flam Suit tor
lire?, 1. liner 1'arties, Street Wear. Fr.'Tiipna-ie, Evpdicr. Wed
ilinir or Funeral uTanion. FirL-c!n? Mojifte rca.lrai a n'.1')
mcnt r.-'tie to make to oMcr for thore who !o not. chti'tt the
Kea!y-M.i(ie h;kf. i'ont and Viator. A supery tock of tb
lvveh,"l nod latt cuiveftieni;.
CLOTHING. We have Four Distinct Departments for
t'loUnaK :
N'o. 1 JcctTT.en i Urajy Mvle.
2 ( rrtiticmon's t'ustotn I r('artmeat.
3 H.Hg- and I'hll.lren'a Ke.-l.iy-ilaje.
4 M:es' t'oats and Iressea.
"We keea In ea-h le;artinont such an a?Bortment ai will Co
credit t the hou-e.
DRESS ;oT)S FOU LADIES The who have never
looked over tr-.e 11 lnst pounte-i devoted to lre Fal-rics
have no i lea. ol the extant nnd variety w keep rdy. No
trout'if wni t-e Fr,ired to (moi? toajether in tMa nection eery
d'rirablt laatcnal made lu any j-art of the world.
THE NEW STOCK or l--a.
carr-t ja-.d-.'-t:-i:-.a o: -ha ! ;-.r a ". u.. - -. : - i - t
I-e :o ora-nary Jirt :-. ri r.-.a-. tr - ,
j-r.-ie r.atued are n.e J-. -i:n at. 1 j r : f. a. :: : : e- J -
ciLiMareJ t :o h.jth-j.r. -t - -il 1..9 ;rj.-.
THE NEW sToi K oF 1'
I L LI N E H Y. T '.v o s r a r-i .-.: i ' .---a-
f. r'.'irc:t .-T:e--To-va!ia : J :.
tRt i ft t rt . s xrr c. n fc r' ... ? : -i . r v .
are two 1:- ? r.e ir-aa n'aav. I : v.--;:.
Ir.jtrteJ Hat are :d tii:f r: : :
"XT O VELTI E IN" SI L KS.-5!a ;f. . ... :. t j: ,.
IV Siik- K-ir Krocid e;. A : i M.c- ::
-a- tr;l.ut-t-. inaite t.:t df r.r:-utrt b . a. r
Xlolh ; ;a 1 ., .-h : , ;-. . ;v!; . . ;
al :e -ijr.:-:cll as H 'j, (;:. r-u.ara. i:
C c L.resrca.
br Ho'j'ir it ere-y I. :-i1 ; )i tu w ei. -.-:. - '. -..f '
Orand I'e-.ot tt-e "rf; : -:y . r . a;-r r " " -
tvtmakere and tte f c,,....; t:;:: a. ,u -.. .
Tlt'tiu-j. 'iirtv riic hi"? ?,n-l Co t:-: 1 " "
Joo- d roc ' rri ' rt at i ii: - - j--- ?
der thsil'is hsiihlv j-ra ed. We rl-ro ! OO .r . .
MRrOIIlVriF-; rrClitNT.S 1'i.ll-n f..fa Wamhnrn
. Kl-inir all that po uud-r tha head .f "Vlnte lioot" ara
-:atr.rre ! in i.eauttmi array in u.n eilensive eot:on ifiai Car
rie" a flO'-k a lure and complete aa la any Store -o'.eiy dvo
te ! to t!a I'ssicais.
V1LTR AND F.LANKETS. Ori:rtert ae. -e V
etv I lan-. atii IaL-ie ('ltc-i :a ti:a tfr:ii: Lt ai.
atae .nc.-.
EIBRONS f every" cct'.-ivaM h;ii n'j.i'itv.
juttarn. Nothing In th: hae urj-aaa t'-e :.t t: -
l.ANVrT.S MI'Sl.INS. LININGS. All ts r.r.Tiii!ar
xnakeip ot eacn kiud ot Uftod! aiwavi on Xiarjii.
THE -NEW STOCK oF !--'".
SHOES for Lai'.i.'. Mi. ("J.ihlrpn n'-.i ir.f. 1
t-artinent la ki'.'wn t-. f--tv. t' a Iri-r-t Sa -e s--.-e -n t '
Sttea. We l-.s. e trr".-.:':y I'maord t'.e ii:i::av ana e.
ale allow sai ill r;. t- for every it,. tig.
sections have icrovn in favor lately beaue the tork !i po murh
irore complete. We a!m t'i hae everything ti.-at I.ront ceej
lu trim mice dreisri or ior Reneral wi;ie.
1 EASS AND CHINA WAKE. The extent cf thU Ie-
fartnii-iit am airs every hoily. I p from the fin eft lecorated
I'aner ST" down to the lowr?t ranees of Cr"kry aro we
have a full stork.
w::;ed in "i:e:: ;. V'e ti.- kfrj. a :: r;
tbat luaue t v .v.e best ii.aker
SHAWLS, from the fin-t In.rx pri'e. -.ant.-tra
at $T V-re-r ot l",a-.n tr.'. 5s.y Wn;
and vniir.c Shaili- at moderate i
LOYES. Kid Glovf.B of exquisite qualitr firn'. finish.
"Jniiin." AieTn.lre," 'ourraaier's" aad "Koster'i." and m
mr rloo aa"..rttniit ol i at-ric ttloven.
ATIONERY. F.f.ok. I: ktiie'.. C..M IV- .
Stationery. t ank r... .k?. Tht Cr.t T.'.-" '
er fito-ra. l.tiQer CarU. . ;troJ o! I..a.t
in fiiiet Dnucer.
r S.Mi.l 5
r- an.l o:).
Thi ir or.e of the I :i rat t ippartinent or ti e !.;ore, and It 19
row a.ltiiitte.t ttiat we hare ati--eetMl in onritiR (t'J itteant
of. our f.-retifn c.nnrrtiot.s) the f nrft ftoea of Ladies', (ion:'
and t:hild"-n'a Hoi-ry that In reaented In an-- lioiife In thi
enintry. Import dircrt the t'anwriphl is. Varnera, Hrrt
tlo'a. Morlry'ii and M:ch thinirs ; t.ut no p.xul took would
he crnplfte without these g.Hdi we do not rounder It w.irlh
hi Ie to f perially advertise them.
1 l.lnen fiiaid". hcctiaija. Table 1'uratahltij.
3 Ail kin i 01 Kitrhen tl.ioda.
Tee ftotki are now mote comi4eio thau ever they ware.
tlie little
We keep th.e g-oa V-r .Le i
-- o! rhlidreo.
At KI I-'
TTXDERtiAlIMF.NTS of L'mon a".! Muvi
I I irrand f-tm -rt ti-it. Th! l! a M ihi! r.:, .
V.- Le.-aufce of Us 1 a ''Kn ar.d the t'l.i'i
Alto M;tr' and ".:l'.ren' VuJivf ir.
f.a 1.
T"TrHOLSTEi:Y GOODS. Lace Cmtr.rv
I J Kaw Si'k nnd .Tu;e lVrt-itt. 1. rn;.--a l.':.
t'rmnt. Clothe, 4.c. It :a t. er; : - i
furn'.?b a hoi;e tkrouijtiuul.
. a'
HATS AND CAT'S for dent. Bovs and Children In ex
tena'.ve assort tnont aud of qualities uuurpaiod anywhere,
INFANTS' OUTF ITS.MiMe' Ciotliinrr, Rab- Coachtiand
ererythinp needed j or little people' wardrobe.
Satchel and the ret'-itaites ot toar'i'i.
good tor Children Cothict
' for H.-t' Wur. Velveteer". Cordu"t in ! ; e