The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 12, 1880, Image 2

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    M- TCCl-H?l3t !
Tns l.wlies of Hnrkeville, Va., have
suiiKiiinceil an Kasttr entertainment,
tne proceeds 01 wimu .uc w ..j.v.
1 1) the pmvha&U of a new steam printing ,
press for Mr. Alphius Dolling, of the
Smith Siik Smtiutl. Hope the disease
will become contagious and that even
the pure air of the Alleghenies will not
le proof against it.
press thei: determination to maintain it at every
A'l' Williamsport, on Saturday last, cost. With this secession, or revolution, or rebel
ling Cummin Sentenced ten prisoners, '" or ''' whatever name it may be called, the
ht of whom were sent to the hatern
While lerusillg tbisitem
the leader will probably be struck with
the fact that while the Judge is Cummin
the prisoners are going to be punished
for their crimes. More's the pity for
the prisoners, though no doubt they all
deserve what they got, or are going to
It is a handy thing, even at the risk
of being occasionally shot at. to be an
Emperor, a King, a Queen, or a Presi
dent f a European Republic, but it is
terribly expensive to the people. The
income per day of the Emperor of Rus
sia is r.i:,0"0 ; the Emperor of Austria.
510,J : the Emperor of Germany tV
..: the King or Italy, ?r,4'': ; the
Qr.een of Great Britain, 5'5,3'A and the
I'rc-ident of France, 5"00.
Wjikn the friends of Blaine in the
diiTcrent Congressional districts in this
state get through electing their dele
gates to Chicago, the business which is
ju .t now engrossing their earnest atten
tion. Don Cam ron's unit rule in favor
of Giant will be whittled down to a
iv small stick of timber, and
gr-.te.-t effort of his life will be to get
more than a hake's dozen of his dele
gates iidinilted into the national conven
tion. One of those tilings which no man
en n ever find out is why some of the, notably the Harrisbuig 1'a
tri'it. Lancaster InU U'ojiiver and Altoona
S"4. never capitalize the word State
when referring to a commonwealth, and
jet invariably use capital letters when
speaking of the United States. They
:r.e evidently not impressed with the
fact that ''what is sauce for the goose
ought to be sauce for the gander," and
i -f M .-"t,
Wk notice that our friend and brother
ouill for pencil, as the case may be.)
George D. Herbert, who for several
Months past has been editing the Mead-
illi' 1 ilhi ll'pmkr, which the Phila
delphia rJ"a,ns says v. as a very spicy and
entertaining paper tinder his adminis
tration, has severed his connection with
that journal and returned to Sharon, his
former homo. We hope, nevertheless,
to hear id Geoige eoming once more to
the front in journalistic circles, and that
i t fore ruaiiv d ivs.
Tin: following statement taken from
tne Philadelphia ll c-n of Tuesday last
shows that the country, in defiance of
all the bitter lessons of the pas!, is again
entering upon a career of reckless ex
travagance, the end of which it requires
no prophet to foretell ;
t.a-t week the hupoits ;it the port of New
Vnik amounted to s l:t,sT;,44s and the ex
ports to hilt J!::, 1 v.i. The fnt figures
represent the heaviest hiisiness ef any week
nli record. One of the inu-t significant feat
ures of this exhibit is the fact thnt siiks,
satins, velvets, laces, feathers, Bowers, etc.,
to the vahn 'of s.".,ii.:.!.:;ii'.i were among the im
ports. This is going into luxuries witli a
Thk New York !!, all fund for the
relief of Ireland amounted to ?2A'.r.
79 up to las' Saturday morning. In ad
dition to this liberal contribution, it is
safe to say that nearly half a million ot
dollars, collected in this countiy through
other agencies, including the amount
received by Mr. Parnell, have already
been transmitted to Ireland, to relieve
her suffering people. Of this sum the
banking house of Eugene Kelly & Co.,
of New York, received and sent to its
agents in Ireland, for distribution, an
aggregate amounting on Monday last to
A r;oor deal of newspaper comment
has been indulged in during the lat ten
days regarding an alleged visit of James
P. Burr, of the Pittsbu-g V-r. to Mr.
Tiidcn, and what Mr. B. said after he
left New York about Mr. Tilden's can
didacy at Cincinnati. Mr. Barr in his
paper of Monday last arrested the further
progress of this story, which was assum
ing very large dimensions, by announc
ing that he has not been in New York
during the present y-ar of grace, and
that he has not he'ui any correspondence
whatever with Mr. Tilden. After this
emphatic denial by Mr. Barr. one inay
truthfully exclaim with 1'alstaff, "How
1 his world is given to King 1"
N the principle, that everything is
f.iir in politics, the Johnstown Tribune
to k oe-.Nision o;i Monday last to give
Blaine a home thrust by asserting that
'the Young lb publicans of Maine, in
convention ass, inbied on Saturday pass
ed resolutions against the nomination of
I'. S. Grant, or James (1. Blaine, since
many con.-iderat ions will lead a large
portion of the Kf publican party to vote
against " It is no doubt true
that there are thousands of '-Young He
: i:M:f:inu-' all nvcr the count who
3 ".i:;v
never vote
f-r rea.;on
r either Gr:;i.t or
el I ire ly iT .ic fci l i'
hini-elt is
to th. iii. but so far
iiceined we don't t!
there are very niar.y voters of that sort
i,i M.'.:;:e, wheje the Republican crowd
Fueius to be always ready to condone
anything that he may do. The Ti,
le-civcv'-r, might ju-t as well have told
the truth by saying that the convention
1-; which it referred was held by the
'Young Pi publicans" ef Massachu
setts, and not by those of Maine, the
former of whom are well organized and
mean business, and if either Grant or
Blaine should be nominated at Chicago
th'-drt bent s of Republicanism w ill rc-
e such a shaking up in the "Old Bay
was never given to them be-
I- Juno. 1P6I. nearly eiuht years be- ;
fre llKmiafl F. Bayanl took his sent in t
the Senate, and a moran oeiore oiigreas :
declared war against the Southern
t states, lie addressed a public meeting of ' ate of the nomination of JamesX. Kenis
!the citizens of Delaware at Dover, in , as U. S. Marshal J or the Eastern dis
I which he said : t trict of this State. We need not tell
The question for every (food ma.n now to ask is : t our reatlerS who and what Kerns is. It
I 'My country, what rani Jo to restore your peace i . . . ., . . . , :
.'n.ihapplnV..r TL. pt and it. le..on. .hould ' 18 n0US to t,iat hl3 n;ime 13
Tint tin li4t liitfrt it lutt tit in.mlr r ito-r It-if.t ttiA
Tl.iT,.rll v,b,a on,1 throne-hout the
be within the scripe of these remarks nor useful at
present. The practical question before, us lorbidt
mere speculation : U "tares us in the face-a hard,
stern fact. Kleven States have withdrawn from ,
the Federal Vnion with solemn and deliberate ac
tion, anil have united under a new government.
They have made their declaration of independence
of the f rovernment under which wc live, and ex
.,;,,,, ,,.,,...., .k.
vuiioiiiuiiuiiiii i-t 1 1 1 , col it nun ct ci iitv iu -
berof the Union we have been faithful in all times.
Never, never has a thought, a word, an act of ours
been unfaithful to the t'nion of our fathers in
letter and inspirit it has been faithfully kept by
ug Hut the stern fact is still before us. and but
two alternatives present tbemse'ves. Shall we
make war upon and subjugate this new confedera
cy, or shall we peacefully treat with them and con
sent to their self-government, trusting to time,
which it the great healer of all wronjri and pas
sions, to briny them attain volunt irily into a com
mon government with lis ?"
This speech of Mr. Bayard, the great .
purpose of which is indicated by the
question he asked, '-My country, what
can I do to restore your peace and hap
piness ?" is now being used by his ene
mies as an argument against his nomi
nation for the Presidency. The views
i . - , 1 1 - f T. 1 : . 1.
t-iiLti milieu t -mi. i;iuu in Liie taiiv
part of and opto July in that
year, when Congress declared war, were
the same as were held by the best men
of both parlies, who were anxious to
save the country from the horrors of a
civil war. Stephen A. Iouglas in a
speech In the Senate deelared his belief
that war meant a dissolution of the ;
Union, final and eternal. Gen. Scott,
Mr. Chase. Iloraee Grely, Sianton. Mr.
Tilden. Horatio Seymour, and. others of
like prominence, were all advocates of
peace as long as there was the least
hope that an amicable settlement of the
difficulty was possible. Was it a crime
in lsiil to plea I for peace ami its bless
ings, and to protest against war and
bloodshed, as long as any prospect was
held out of peace and reconciliation be
tween the sections? Demagogues may
say so. but such is not the judgment of
the country. After war was officially .
declared, Mr. Bayard was for the Union,
and his state was the first of the south
ernmost tier of the Northern States to
furnish a regiment of soldiers for the
Union army. President Iincoln in his
message to Congress in December, lSt'.l,
speaking of the attitude of the States .
north as well as f-mth of Mason and
Dixon's line, said of Delaware : ''South
f'f the line, nohlc Unit D-h'tare lei ;,'"
ri'jht from the first. As the Bayards
are said io ow.i Delaware politically,
and as Mr. Lincoln seemed to be proud
of what -'noble little Delaware"' had
done in l'il, we don't think that Thos.
F. Bayard's patriotism will suffer ma
terially from the vei-omous assaults that
are now being made upon him. The
record of no public man in this country
can tie hss successfully assailed than
that of Mr. Bavard.
I r will be remembered that the notor
. ions bribery cases growing out of the at
tempted passage of the Pittsburg riot
, losses bill at the last session of the Leg
islature were assigned for trial in the
Court of (uaiter Sessions of Dauphin
county, which met on Monday last in
Harrisburg. When the Court convened
In the afternoon and the District Attor
1 ney called the case against Charles B
1 Salter, the defendant's counsel caused
i a genuine surprise by withdrawing the
plea of "not guilty," w hicli had been eli
te red at the former sessions of the('ourti
: and entering a plea of "guilty.'' The
same plea was entered in the cases
against Win. H. Kemble, Jesse R. Craw
1 ford and William V. Rumbarger, except
that in Kemble's case his counsel want
ed to accompany the plea of guilty with
a protest substantial- affirming that
William, although he "acknowledged
thcorn." wished it distinctly under
stood that what he had done amounted
to nothing more than the customary le
gislative "log-rolling."' Judge Pearson
refused to receive the plea in that form,
1 and it was amended and put in such a
shape as to take the sting out of it.
None of the either defendants Petroff.
Long, Loiscnrhr, Smith, Shoemaker,
Chirk, and McCune--propose to plead
guilty, but intend te stand a trial ; i.nd
on Tuesday a jury was cmp .tiihelled in
the Petroff case and th examination of
the w itnesses commenced. No sentences
will be passed bv the Court, either on
the four who have put in the plea of
guilty, or upon any of the others who
may be convicted, until the whole batch
, has bee n disposed of. As regards the
; motives of the four defendants named in
pleading guilty, the theory of the prose
cution is that they did so in order to
prevent disclosures seriously comprom
ising several we li-know n persons, who
have r.ot yet Inn publicly implicated
in the scandal. We expect to be ble
to state the result iu all t lie cases in our
next issue.
Anpkf.w JIonciNs, an able and ex
perienced Democratic journalist, died
on Frdiay last at Washington, in this
State, in the fifty-fifth year of his age.
At the time of his death lie was the edi
tor of the Washington Riricir Ec
o.hiner, and in his younger days not on
ly founded the Hairisburg PutrbA, but
was the editor respectively of the Pitts
burg -on, the Erie Osf-i-cr and the
Wi!'iamoport 7'tn? tl all 1 emocratie
organs. He was a son of that fearless
an(i t nist,.,i Democratic leader, the late
William Hopkins, a former Canal Com
missioner, and was a brother of James
II. Hopkins, the well know n Democratic
politician of Pittsburg.
A loiiKKsroxDKXT who signs him
self ( . W. '"('. F.'' (C- d F 1)
would have, been more appropriate is
informed by the Philadelphia Hccor'l
that a Catholic does not pay for a con
fession. Hope "C. W." will breathe
easier no w that that terrible bugaboo
has been disposed of.
-.1 x. i
me r.iie pa-rs lepori mar. large
numbers of Chinamen are passing thro'
that place en route from San Francisco
to Boston and ew loik.
Notiiino that has occurred at "Wash- !
inpton during the present session has!
Deen a mauer or so rnucn surpuse as ;
the confirmation last week bv the Sen- j
stench in t tie nostrils or every iemocrat
country. In his able and exhaustive
ii . ... A- -..-i At.,., Af,- l".l- .
speeru in me senate i:it -tiv, -:. " :
lace held Up KemS and hlS deputies to
richly-earned scorn and execration for
thtir villainous conduct at the election
in Philadephia in l7t; and the infam
ous character of a large number of these
same deputies, as well as their lawless
acts, was afterward conclusively shown
by the testimony taken before the inves
tigating committee, of which Mr. Wal
lace is the Chairman. The Democracy
of this State, at least, had a right to ex
pect that Mr. Wallace, in ti e Senate,
would lay a h?avy hand upon Kerns,
and they were fully justified iu this ex
pectation from the bold and vigorous
spoech'to which we have referred. Now
that Kerns has passed safely through
the Senate, the question to be solved is.
How was it brought about ? It is well
known that when Kerns' nomination
was made and referred to the Judiciary
Committee. Mr. Wallace had influence
enough with the committee to prevent
any action being taken on it. The plea
- i H..I f 1 1 '
is now mam nowevti. iiiai -ii Miiuaur
could not have prevented the committee ,
from acting favorably on the nomina
tion if he had made an effort in that di
rection. A man can believe as much of
this statement as he pleases, but we
don't take any stock iu it. Rumors are
thick of an understanding regarding the
case between Mr. Wallace and Don
Cameron, and that certain results mutu-
Ally satisfactory to both will hereafter
take place touching other Pennsylvania
nominations. Gen. Garland, of Arkan
sas, and Mr. Bailey, of Tennessee, were
the two Democrats of a sub-committee
of ore members of the Judiciary Com
mittee which had Kerns' nomination in
charge, and thev can tell cxactlv wheth- '
r fr U':1ll:,eo"rPoi,Psterl them to make
a favorable report on it or not. Mr. 'V
ought therefore to lose no time in get
ting Messrs. Garland and Bailev to re
lieve him. if they can, from the very un
pleasant position in which the confirm
ation of Kerns lias placed him with the
Democracy of the Union in geueral and
of his own State in particular.
The Pottsville Chronicle feels called
upon to acknowledge, as we do, the re
ceipt of two important political docu
ments. The first is entitled: "The Life
and Public Services of John Sherman."'
Being blessed w ith but a limited portion
of this world's goods, we have says the
Chronirlr, glanced over the phamphlet
in the vain hope of discovering how
John Sherman became a millionaire in
fifteen years on a salary of five thousand
dollars and all the while lived like a
prince. A biographical sketch contain
ing such information would be of some
value to mankind : but unfortunately on
that topic this little volume preserves a
painful silence. Among th distinguish
ed "public services" of Mr. Sherman
was the purchase of the electoral vote of
Louisiana for Hayes, in which he parti
cipated as one of the -'visiting states
men." Exactly how the result was
brought about would be a matter of in- :
tense public interest, but strange to say :
this biographical sketch sas nothing ;
whatever about F.lia Pinkston. Agnes I
Jeuks, :r old Madison Wells, or led- ;
headed Jim Anderson. Possibly the j
copy which has found its way to our i
sanctum is an expurgated edition, the
full text being reserved for the special
newspaper advocates ef the party of ,
great moral ideas.
The other phamphlet, is entitled a
"Biographical sketch of Gahisha A.
Grow, Speaker :7th Congress, with Ex
tracts from his Speeches and Opinions.'' '
It is a very modest little boom this,
which seems to have had its origin pp in i
Susquehanna county. It is not a Presi- '
deutial boom, so to speak, for Mr. G row's
present ambition is no higher than the
United States Senate. The cover is or
namented with a portrait of the ex
speaker, from which it is very apparent :
that the locks and beaul, once as black '.
as the raven's wing, are now grizzled
with advancing years. But a limited
portion .f the pamphlet in fact, only
one half page out of sixteen is devoted :
to Mr. Grow's public services: possibly
for the very good reason that beyond
two years in the speaker's chair his pub
lic services have never been visible to
the naked eye. It is a pleasure to learn
that he was one of the most vigorous
advocates of the war for the Union, and i
w hendrafted underthe.'irst draft prompt- '
ly furnished a substitute to fight the
battles of his country. The fact that a ;
sketch of Mr. G row's public life can be
condensed into such limited compass i
must not, however, be taken ;?s the true
measure of Ids merits, for, like all other
men of ability in the Republican 'party
of Pennsylvania, '.he has been crowded 1
to the rear by the Camr rons, and i J-earys, ;
and Ilartranfts, and llovts, and Mack- j
o. ituu iuay s, who ne, canieuoii me
. . 1 l . -. I - I ,T il. .
mimu.1 anil emoluments oi omee.
SoMi:nci)Y has been getting up a de
scription of the proposed court of Ulys
ses I., conveying his picture of it by
means of a clever statement from the
Court Journal of September, the
TruiKri'il St'irtfln cr7, and the An:;y "nrl
JVnri A'fcs, all published at Washington.
Senator Cameron figures as the Duke of
Pennsylvania, while hisdad is in as Earl
of Susquehanna, attached te the court
as Ear! Marshal. All the Grant ites re
ceive heavy promotion, though our
f: i' tul G. V. Chibis is badly treated in
g' tting no higher elevation than thatof
Lord St. Ledger, while Col. Forney is
still more shabbily used in getting no
sort of title and being hung upon "ex
pectations," of which the gallant colonel
has had a surfeit in his life. The author
of the brochure rather rushes things in
getting tne imperial family seated in so
short a period as two years from date,
with Beauregard in of the im
perial army of the South, and Mahone,
"Duke of the Blue Ridge,"' '-tinning the
military machine in the West, with all
the red-hot rebels, such as Tommy N'ast
and Dennis Kearney, hung, the New
York Snn suspended and Dana in hidinc-.
!H,i 'p1 a ,lf'ad anywhere showing in of
position tothe dynasty. When 'tis done,
twill hardly lie so quickly finished.
7. '. 1 1 s it r !,)' :Ui(cnrer.
Ax explosion of gas occurred at No.
2 shaft, Nanticoke, near Wilkes-Barre,
on Friday afternoon. There were ten
men in the shaft, and the following
were killed : Edmund Morgan, a miner :
James Henry, fire boss : Joseph Ander
nott, laborer, and David T. Watkins,
miner. John T. Watkins, miner, was
seoionslv ininred Thf pvitlnsion vn
, caused 'by the accumulation of black
j damp.
Matsk News. Hop Bitters, which are
, advertieecl in our columns, are a sure euro
' tor aeue. la hoiisncss and knlnpv ronmlninte
rj..- ,la i,a . " i il " ,1. 1,
I Those who use them sav thev cannot be inn
; highly recommended. Those afflicted should
give them a fair rnal, and will become tliere-
qualities. Tortfand A.
TAHidon has 4,0i0,U0J inhabitants.
A Reading grocer h;is a, well-preserved
apple eight years old.
Daniel Pierson" of Crawford county,
has just died, in his I04lh year.
American wives have made them
selves notorious in France by six elope
ments in as many months.
George Hilton, postmaster at South
Farsonleld, Me., is SI years old, and has
occupied that position since 1S30.
Mr. Cutler, of the Nova Scotia Ig-
jsi;llure, has been a member of that body
r.-.,. f.M-t t- f vrn vpurs nod i nnw Of. vp:irs
n-i w , - j ,,
of aire.
A boiler exploded in Glasgow on
Friday. Six persons were killed out
right and thirty severely injured by the
By a notable coincidence, the 2"th
of March this year will be Maundy
Thursday as well as the Feast of the
Six young women, armed with shot
guns, recently accompanied as many
young men on a rabbit hunt in Georgia.
No one was hurt.
A countryman attracted considera
ble attention "at Titnsville by stopping
his wagon in the middle of the streets
ami engaging in prayer.
The Pittsburg iolice made a raid
Saturday night on three disorderly
houses, and arrested seventy-six er3ons
of all colors and both sexes.
Joseph Vicker, of Reading, who is
22 vears old, has become deranged from
grief over the afflictions of his mother,
who is suffering from dropsy.
There will soon be sent out from the
State hatchery at Corry letween 4XUkhj
and oUU.imo brook trout, for stocking
streams in Western Pennsylvania.
An owl was recently captured in the
T i: . ir;H.. nnr i.n cl illl'l
i iui-uu mwa, mn . iiwiw0.
bad a white head and one white wing,
1 llllt: lll'J ItOU Mil- ......
-A cow lx-longincr to Mr.
Shipe. of Birchrunville. Chester county,
recently gave birth to a calf without a
tail. Otherwise the animal wasjierfect.
The adhesion of theCatholic bishops
of tho United states to the Pole's ency
clical relative to the philosophy of Saint
Thomas Aquinas has been delivered to
the Poie.
Tlic bod v of Dr. Samuel Hahr. "'j
years of age, 'and a Hungarian by birth,
who died in New York on Saturday, of
erysipelas, was cremated at Washington,
Pa., on Monday,
Smion J. Diller. of Hanover, has a
monster Poland-China hog weighing
over 0") iounds. It is said to be the
largest hog ever raised in Southern
John Ranch and wife, an octogeua-
riau couple of Merri weather county, Ga.
have quarreled and separated, after liv-
ing together for over half a centur and
r rising a large family.
A Boston man claims to have dis
covert! a method of making paper boxes
directly from the pulp, whereby lie can
turn out wO.tKift a day at on?-th:rd of the i
cost of the usual method. !
Mr. PariKil sailed for England'
on Thursday, in consequence of the dis- '
solution of Parliament. After his elec
tion is secured, he will return to Amer
ica and continue his work here.
An orphan bov named Swatzfagger,
employed in the family of a Mr. Dales,
at Shippensville, Clarion county, blew
out his brains on Wednesday afternoon.
No reason for the act. is known.
Maine lumbermen recently from the !
logging camps report three feet of snow
and excellent sledding. They say that .
this has been the best winter for hauling
logs in Ma;ne for a number ed' years.
C. E. Cooley. of Char'emont. Mass.,
lias a cow X years old that has borne
eighteen calves. She had eight before
she was '1 years old, has had four at a
time twice and three at a time twice.
Friday afternoon, while tearing
down the lieno breaker at Centralia. Pa.,
two carpi i.ters, Andrew and W. Wolf
gang, were instantly killed bv the falling
of the framework, caused by high winds.
The Hon. John A. Cuthbert, of
Mobile, is still practicing law in that
city, although !'l years old. He was an
ofiicer in the war of 12, and was
elected to ( "ongress from Georgia in IsP.t.
The right foot and leg of John
Young, of Mount Joy, Lancaster coun
ty, are petrifj ing. These members have
no feeling, and to strike them a sound
is given like that produced in striking a
The London 7V, ,trs says it is stated
that on Parnedl's return from America
monster meetings in favor of his scheme,
for peasant proprietary w ill be resumed
by a series of county demonstrations in
ail parts of Ireland.
Christ i Grassinan and William Car
son, the Delphos (O.) roblers, who at
tempted to murder Pickens, and who
tortured his wife, have been sentenced
to twelve years each in the penitentiary
at hard labor, and to be locked in a dun
geon every night for six years.
- Three white men and one colored
man were drowned by the upsetting of
a skiff at Oaseyville, Ky., on Thursday
morning. The whole party had tieon
drinking tee freely at saloons along the
river, hence the catastrophe.
The German population of New
York cilv is estimated to be 2.":i.()(M.
Of th is number So, (too are Protestants,
r.i).(Kii) ( 'at holies, r.ojHio Jews, and ."iO.oini
are classed as indifferent, infidels, etc.
Thenumberof Protestant communicants
is 5.Ki.
Hon. simon Cameron eeh bratod the
eighty-first anniversary of his birth em
Monday by receiving his friends at his
country residence in Donegal. The ven
erable ex-Senator was lotnid in remark
able vigor of body and mind for a man
of his years.
Delegates from various Irish socie-
-pS and
Ilibernian organizations in
Brooklyn met on Sunday afternoon and
decided not to parade on St. Patrick's
Day, but to send the money usually ap
propriated for such occasions to the suf
fering poor of Ireland.
A negro barber living in Norv alk,
Ohio, named Hawkins. 'attempted to kill
his wife, his stepfather and himself on
Saturday. He put two balls in Ids
wife's head, shot his stepfather through
the arm and then himself once in the
head and once in the breast. Pure
elevilishness is assigned as the cause.
Mrs. Schuler, of Catasauqua. went
out to wash em Tuesday week, and left a
woman in charge of her three children.
The woman left in the afternoon, and
the two (ddest children went out to play.
Soon afterward fire was discovered in
the houe. and the remaining child, a
baby, was taken out burned to a crisp.
Mrs. Martha P. Graves, of rsouth
Killing!-, Conn., who had leen deaf for
thirty years, dreamed, on the night of
Jan. ;o, that her hearing was restored.
The next night she went to bed deaf, as
usual, but awoke in the morning with
perfect hearing, which is yet unimpair
ed. Mr. John J. Havcrstick, of East
Hemplield township. Chester county, is
the owner of a motherly old (.'Lester
county pig. Last March she gave birth
to twelve pigs, last Octoler ten more,
and on February 2-' eighteen more
making forty pigs in three litters inside
of a year.
Old Peter Goelet didn't h t his heirs,
Robert and Ogden Goelet, have much
fun while lie lived, but now eac h ot them
has taken costly villas at Newport for
the coming season. The two young
men have S20.0f.,(xXj to spend, and yet
the probabilities are that we'll never get
a cent of it.
In the town of Harrison. Potter
county, diphtheria rages so furiously
j that a panic has seized the people. The
1 public schoeds have been closed, and a
i i -i , : i, . '.
ciinu is, heiuom seen on me streeis
number of families have lost all their
children, and many others have been de
prived of one or more of their little
The Dennis family at, Beaucoup, '
111., found bits of glass m the sausage at
breakfast, and that day t lie children's '
teeth crunched powdered glass in their ,
luncheon at school. The mother con-;
fes-ieel that, wishing her lehitives to die
in the most horrible manner possible,
she had planned to kill them with the i
glass. j
Stephen Barrett, an old resident of ;
Buffalo, N. Y.. and a fisherman by oc-
cupation, has rescued from drowning no
less than eighty-seven persons, besides
bringing to shore 7i number ef bodies of
persons who had been drowned. Appli
cation has hepn made to the Govern
ment by his friends foi a life saving
The daughter of F irmer Hawes, of :
Clayton, Contra Costa county, Cal., lost 1
her voice three years ago from diphthe
ria. She was a devout girl, and prayed ;
for the restoration of her voice. A few ;
days ago, when at prayer meeting, and j
thus fervently praying, her speech re- '
turned to her. At least so says the San j
Francisco I'oxt. i
John Knerr, of South Coventry,
Chester county, while standing on the '
double tree of a lime wagon which was
being unloaded on his field, slippetl and ,
fell between the horses. They started '
to run away, when one wheel passed !
over Mr. Knerr's head, fracturing his
skull, and another wheel passed over his
Ixidy, breaking several ribs. He will
hardly recover.
While the Democratic State Cen
tral Committee are casting about for a
place to hold the convention, attentiem
is invited to the peculiar fitness of Read
ing for this purpose. The Republican
organ there says: "Here Democracy
is at rest. There is no Randall crowd,
no Wallace crowd, no Bayard boom, no :
Tilden threnody, no Hancock hoop la,
ne not anything."
bout sixty Chinese arrived in St.
Louis from San Francisco on Monday,
and all lint ten or twelve passed through
en route to New York and either East- ;
ern cities, where they will seek employ
ment in shoe and cigar factories, laun
dries, etc. Largonunibers of these peo
ple are said to be preparing to leave the
Pacific Coast, and will scattei through
out the Northern and Eastern States.
Catholics everywhere will regret to
learn that a private letter has been re
ceived at St. Louis from Paris annonnc- j
ing the death, mi February l-'th, in New
Zealand, of Madame Bandreaux, Yicar ;
of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart. She '
left St. Louis last December with six :
Sacred Heart nuns, and went to do mis
sionary work in New Zealand. Madame ;
Bainlieaux was well known throughout
the ( 'alholie world.
The folii.wiiig commission has been
named by the Pennsylvania Millers" As- ;
sociation to look after the interest of.
Pennsylvania exhibitors at the coming
Miller:.' International Exhibit ion, to he
held at Cincinnati, Ohio, in June next,
viz: W. Latimer Small, York : Isaac M.
Thomas, Wilkesbarre ; S. L. Levan, 1
Lancaster; F. J. Schex-h, Selinsgrove ;
John Buffer. Harrisburg ; D. M. Bare,'
Ro.uiug Springs; Frank Hays. Lock
An attempt to rob the sub-treasury
at Philadelphia, though made nearly a
year ago, has just been divulged by the
officials, who mistakenly supposed that
silence would lead to the detection of
th- thieves. A wall more than two feet
thick was dug through, but the vault
containing S1o.Ooo.(hki in gold resisted :
the attack and the burglars secured only
a few dollars' worth of pennies. Five .
watchmen in the building declared that :
they heard nothing.
Rowland's is a small station on I lie
Ilawley branch of the New York. Lake .
Erie an 1 Western Railroad, in Pike
county. Pa. A few days ago the inhab
itants were astonished at the mysterious
disappearance of William Kirkliam, a
well-known citizen, hitherto regarded as
one of the model men of the place. He
was a deacon and a pillar of the Union
Church, and the father of a large fami
ly. Mrs. Bangnier, the w ife of a neigh
bor, also disappeared at the same time.
A. II. Munsem, of Utica, and a
daughter of ("apt. Anderson, of the Lake
Champlain Transpoi tat ion Company, at
tempted, on Wednesday, to cross the
lake from Essex to the Vermont shore
in an iceboat. The craft broke through
the ice. and Miss Anderson was rescued
with difficulty. They subsequently dis
covered that the ice was breaking up
and their retreat to the shore was cut
off. After Moating on cakes of ice over
an hour they were taken off in an ex
' hausted condition bv boats from Essex.
A Cairo (III.) dispatch of March 7th
savs : Two weeks ago George Kohl, a
farm hand, iu the employ of Fred.
Whitcamp. Sr., reported that Whitcamp
bad been drowned by falling into the
Mississippi river. This statement was
at first believed, but later suspicion led
to an investigation, which resulted in
the arrest of Kohl, w ho to-day confessed
that he, assisted by Whitcamp's wife,
had murdered him. The body was
found buried in the rear of a stable on
the premises. Mrs. Whitcamp was ar
rested to-day.
Patrick Lar.igan.a well-known resi-
dent of Pittsburg, was killed at Statirn
street trussing, Pnnsylvania railroad,
on Saturday morning. lie was driving
across 4t he track when the Cincinnati
express, west, running at the rate of
forty miles an hour, struck the wagon,
hulling it and the- horses some fifteen
feet distant. Lanigan was thrown for
ward and fell on timber under the head
light, and was carried sixty or seventy
feet before the train stopped. lie died
' in a short time after the accident.
' Indications ioint to trouble in the
I lalur market the coming summer,
j Strikes are unpleasantly frequent, and
combinations on the wages subject are
j being formed in all directions. These
: are mostly confined to the large cities,
where great numbers of skilled mechan-
ies are massed, and where labor societies
: are numerous. It will be a matter for
I deep regret if any of these movements
i tend to impede the steady progress of
! the count ry towards general employment
) at fair wages and assured prosjierity.
I On the 27th of January a tremen
1 dons explosion took place in the artillery
j barracks at Saidiago, Chili, killing
; twenty-four men. A part of the. build
! ing w'as in use as a manufactory of
! sheila, cartridges and other munilionsof
: war, and it was supposed that some of
the workmen employed had carelessly
; dropped a loaded, shell, w Inch, exploding,
produced the catastrophe. Fragments
of shells and grenade arms and portions
j of the buildings we.e blown in every di
I rection. causing many wounds to people
: and much damage to houses in the vi
j einity.
i Waynesville, Ohio, was excited on
j Saturday over the rearrest of Daniel X.
i Anderson, as t he perpetrator of a triple
; murder committed there in August last.
' His divorced wife. Mrs. Halte. Iter sis
, ter. Mrs, Weeks, and Myrtie Shaw, a
; daughter of the latter, were his victims.
Their bodies were hacked to pieces with
, a hatchet, and then covered with epiick
I lime. The lodies had Wen lying three
j days tx fore being discovered, and were
I partially eaten up by the lime. Ander
i son was arrested at the time, but was
' discharged by a justice. He has now
; been committed for trial,
j There is a child in Bangor, Maine,
: that has quite an eventful history, al
j though still less than five years old.
J Some two years ago while painters were
at work in the house the little one swal
j lowed some of the paint, but a physician
j was called who succeeded in remedying
j the evil. Not long after this the child
tried some laudanum which was left in
a bottle within reach and again the
physician repaired the evil. Its next
exploit was near Belfast during a visit,
l at w men time a Kernel ot corn was m
! trodnced into the nostril, and it was
necessary to ride nine miies in order to
i gel a physician to extract it.
Thp instances are rare in which a
newspaper has had one editor for fifty
vears. and that editor so constant in his
devotion to his paper as to siqiervise
each issue; yet this has occurred. The
Gerrnantown, Pa., Tdojraph last week :
observed its semi-centennial, and the :
oeeasViTi was made peculiarly interest
ing bv this statement of facts. Theedi- ,
tor. Major Philip R. Freas. now seventy- .
one, founded the pajer, and each w eek's
issue since then lias contained the pro
ducts of his pen. The Major is thor
oughly wedded to his paier, and be has
good reason to be proud of his biide.
Not even the tempting offer of public
office could entice him from the sanc
tum. He lias well shown what honors
may attach to the profession of journal
ism" if patiently and conscientiously pur
sued. There were terrific storms of wind,
rain, thunder and lightning, at various
points in the West on Thursday night
and Friday. In Toledo, Ohio, the wind
reached a velocity of seventy-two miles
per hour, and great damage was done to
property. John Hassell and M. F. .
Doyle, policemen, were killed by the
falling of a chimney, and another man
was severely injured. In Cleyeland.
buildings were unroofed and otherwise
damaged, and the wire mill of the
Cleveland rolling mill company was
wrecked. A workman named Julius
Brown was killed, and others were in
jured. In Indianapolis many houses
were unroofed, anil the Central Avenue
Methodist church was almost demolish- (
ed. Two or three persons were injured, ,
but no lives were lost. There were vio-
lent storms in Louisville, Ky.. and R- ,
Chester, N. Y., on Thursday night. In ;
Rochester a coilin factor-w as consumed
by lightning.
Sr.niOL'S OlIAItCiF. AOAINST - llAR- I'll vsie iax. Dr. John Wes
ley Beohtel, who has been in the courts
twice previously on charges of criminal
malpractice, was arrested in Harrisburg
on Fr'day afternoon for causing the
death of Mrs. Alice Englt bright, re
siding in thai city with her husband.
An examination of h-r condition l.y
three physicians convinced them that
her death was rapidly approaching, and
she was apprised of her critical situation
lie-fore her death she made a stattment
in which she implicated Dr. Beehtel,
who. she states, saw her em Saturday or
Sunday last previous. The accused de
; nie.s the allegation made against him,
and says the deceased acknowledged to
him after her husband had called on
him to pay her a professional visit, that
she had tampered with herself, and that
Mr. Englebright had prepaied the h,
strument with which the opt ration was
' pel formed. This con versat ion. the Doc
tor declares, occurred in the presence of
the husband. The accused was convict
ed of a like offense abuL live years ago.
in conjunction w ith the alleged seducer
i of the young viutim. and both served
out a large portion of their terms in the
tienitent iary. Seven or eight years ago.
Dr. Beehtel was tried for causing the.
death of Lillie Mason, shf having made
an ante-mortem statement implicating
, him. He was acquitted. An examin
ation i f Mrs. Englebright 's lxdy will
be made. Meantime Dr. Beehtel l as
been released on .$s,(mi hail.
hnve for sale the Northwest tjunrter of Sec
tion 12, Township i.-. Itange :i, n; i acres, ly
ing jast four tr.iies due south of Snlina; all
the ho;.--et ol bottom land; every font can
tie plowed : 121 ncres under cultivation : 20
acres of line pa-lure : p.t and hoard fence :
osaire orancre hedge hi:de of fence : g;:rdeii
fenced: choice fruit; Cottonwood (poplar;
grove on north side ; two wells of splendid
water: good ciMeni: a two tory frame
house, L'Jx-S. and a kitchen, 1S21. well built
and in excellent repair: stone miik house,
granaries, c.u n c:i!, stabling for eight horses,
etc. There nre i jtps in winter w heat,
which goes with the place. This farm is in
a very tine si;5e of cultivation, arid is in one
of the very best neighborhoods in the country.
Price, ?';.".V0 : ?l eon cash, balance in three
equal annual payments, with intere.-t. In
writing about this farm please refer to it as
No. "..-.g. See Salina county map in the
Fth.F-Man office, on which this farm is mark
ed with red ink. Wm. R. Gein.
Land Agent, Salina. K.
How To Kr.uH Kansas. Person mov
ing to the West should consult their own
comfort by selecting the route by which
there are sure connections in I nion Depots,
fast trains and comfortable cars. There is
no line that can compare with the Pan Han
dle Route iu these particulars. Two d.iilv
tivins leave Fnioli Depot, Pittsburgh. vUi
Pan Handle Route, which run through in
many hours ipiicker time than by any other
hue, as follows :
I.envi) I'itt-lMi-i o ity tun".), s i: h . m. 11:47 p. m.
rve a! St. l."Ui
:it K ;oin? 'i ty . . . .
lit I.fVO el: wur:h
' a. in.
' e. 111.
. . .V
1 1 -to l. in. Iti l.s a
:o Atehisen
at St. .to-cih
1 a. iu. ll J i a. m.
-X'b a. iu. 12:c!i ). in.
I rotnpt connections are
iiiaole in Union
nepotsai points naineil lor all land points.
For further information, time tables, etc.,
address W. L. O'I'.kikn, (ieneral Passenger
Agent, Pan Handle Route, Columbus, Ohio.
CoNsvMrTiON Cl' red. An oiilpliysioian.
retired from practice, having hairpl.Kedin
his hands by an Fast India missiunery the
formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the
speedy and permanent cure of Consumption,
Iironc'hitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat
and Lung Affections also a positive and rad
ical cure for Nervous Debility and all Ner
vous complaints, after having" tested itswon
derl ul curat ive powers in thousands of cases,
has felt it his t.uty to make it known to his
suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, 1
will send tree of charge to all who desire it,
this recipe, in (ierman, French, or F.nglish,
with full directions for preparing and using.
Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, nam
ing this paper", W. YV. Skkhah, lPi I'owers'
Jiiork, liochcrttr. A'. P. ( lJ-.t.-."iii. J
The doers of good deeds have seldom an
opportunity to make their benefactions re
munerative to themselves, but nn exception
to this rule may be found in the terms of the
advertisement of the ne book, by the late
(General. L B. I loon, which announces that
(. T. Beauregard, whose post office address
is New Orleans, La., will send any kindly
disposed person a copy of "Advance ami
liETr.EAT, Personal Experience in the I'ni
ted States and Confederate States Armies,"
an octavo volume, handsomely gotten up,
worth more than the price, and t e entire
proceeds from the sale of which will be de
voted to"The Bond Orphan Memorial Fund,"
for the nature, care, education nnd support
of ten little babes of the dead warrior. Read
the advertisement, and send (ieneral Beaure
gard the Three Hollars.
New CofNTERKKiTs. The public in pen
eral and newspaper men in particular are
cautioned against receiving ?loei notes on the
following banks :
Pittbiirif National Hank of t'onimeree of I'cnn
fylTanla. fheek letter "A." Series 1S75. John
New, treasurer. Imitation fibre paper.
Seeond National Hank of Witliamsport, I'enn
Fylrania. The National Itevere Hank of Hoston, Iasa
eh uett
The 1'ittsfielil National Hank of IMtt'Scld, tas
ffachnsetts. With the exception e.f the counterfeit on
the 1'ittsburg National P.ank of Commerce of
l'ennsylvania, the spa. ions notes are all o!rl
issues"; nevertheless, they had better be re
fused. The editor of the Memphis Appetil, after
, having read .lud-e Black's anti-third term
article, thus refers to him :
I "We thank tied as devoutly for .liidire I'lack as
I the Church does for the saints, lie l; n Krcat
I Kemoeratie bulwark. H 5 pfe is an rxemplc if
! Jterlini' Indepen tenee, of the hizne-t inteirritv, and
I ot unyiel.linir devotion to principle. Oeeujiyi'ne'a
j position In lii f.roressin, which compeU a con
! ftant and enarosini; labor, there has never arisen
I a erisis in the affairs of his nuintrv or the lienio
I cratie j.arty when his services have not been leelr
offered and his irr.-at abilities been exerted ror the
j greatest of the srreatest number. No man
! living wields so trenchant or so powerful a pen
1 He wastes no words. His sentences are compact
j and lull ol meaning. He strai.irht to his suh
i jeet. He neither turns nor Teers.' He belitvei
j thut what Is worth doing is worth doing well."
i Thk Litchfield fill. ) Democrat is the au
thority for saying that a few days ago a
young lady of Cailinville sent the following
note to a young gentleman of that place :
Ikkr Witx : Ivant to sec me env more for
a whial any way. Kauthcrhas Rot uwfull'v skcered
alH.nt huriihirs. anil he sits every nite till late with
a double-barreled shot irun. w'atchinir the hni-k
1 yard. He put morcn a pound of lead into Hrown'd
i niieoundland doir which mas kutnin over the fens
' altera hone last nite.
i The T"t i red. the Tiolet blew.
1 Koubin't Wiiui now if 1 wr you.
oooo iTTnTn ih
00 K TT MH
m? rr.BLJ:
HH tEkKil.
1171 IE
1 )
HiiaaiiH KCBK
1111 KB
II H teinc
HH l ltltt
T r
1? Jrl I Iu r
All ladies know that it has not l-eu ea-y to set Fhst-C.n,
Underwear in Philadelphia we im an Muslin and L:::'-., P.. ;i.r.
wear such as the French jeop!e indulge in. Ex. e;.. ;: - ,.. , ;
the e.ld Chestnut-Street Houses, who have made it a ." , v..T.
others have kept stocks made up principally of j. .1 . l.tsthut -.
usually, for some reason or other, been advertised as bar,..: s.-
Desiring to answer the question s often asked l;l:..s
'Why must we go to A.'s and elsewhere in New Y ik ; yn.
dcrwear ?" we have to say : You need r.ot go. uj.'.e;-.., y.-u ; . br
to go on some other eriand. The time is past for s, i-",..r.-, ...
cities than Philadelphia for shopping.
Referring to Underwear, we set out several m -.-,
get ready a lirst-class stock of Undergarments of every . ;..
tion. We have not said lunch about it. and ; i";i s(. ,
work and not our words speak for us. This is sln-p'y C' .j: .i -,-tention
to the fact that we have allotted a large space in :!. m
tion of the Grand Depot, to the b ft of the Che-; M.t-s-r,
trance, where we locate what will be. in julM of f.t' t,
A jSTEW department:
The old style of dealing in these Goods we have aba:; ! :
taken up the business
Fir.sT In our own Workrooms.
Sj-xo?l By special order in Underwear F.s-.ab'.:s.?:;e.
Instead of taking jot.s or reoeh ing dozens and d :-i r; 6t..
ises. Drawers and Nicrht Shirts, and putting them on . c: . ,
and counters, we r.i)l t ut forward 'nlv
This charm of cheapness will not be the first i 1 ;
ness and charming work.
After all. people- cann
prices, it one person advert iss a i;orse lor -tI '.;
advertises one f..r SI1', the buyer will Vcid. !:'. 1 ;
tised price, but bv seeing and judging of the U'r-'-s
horse may be w. ri h two of the other. We .-ibm.': v.V. . ;;
to this test : What is the actual merit and value U'.-::;;,
well this new work w e have r.ndertak n. I ! e :.: v. ;;
whatever patronage we deserve.
So greatly have musbns tunl labor rdvanced since -. ;i c
began the preparations for our present stock tl nf v. - c i p..
believe that Ladies cannot have the sewing at !
anything like the prices marked on our lirst new . :
Ultru latUrs cannot rome iti pprsnn to make m-la tion, let
ters trill he ftfl nt!if toi'itli fltleHtif tnitl protii pt nt ..
-Mail orders 'or tht-se Coolt are not p'lf .lfiy
hoys, httt litter the he-fit care f' hitliet. vj
good jmlgmtnt ami taste.
Grand Depot, - - - 13tii St.
P TI I H, A.3D ITj l, i i i , v .
A Teukm'.i.e FlOHT WITH Woi VKS. A
farmer in the northern part ot this State had
a desperate strr.2.:le a tew d.ivaco with two
luii crown woives. c.u a
find in one of our exch.i:
V:irit'.p.-' Wlii:. :i r-Mr
unit of which we I
. c.v
lliis s!al' I:i-e (u :i :.irn' iif-ir whir !; ;i .'.'.:
! Tel. in 1-ivK-. i!"it ::n. welt hic lO'ineialiT.
In f .r r3r et White's li-.'i'o i- a Inur" trarne
barn. re.i! rr.i'-k-. o iu-t-,i ty .le?i i ; ni: N:ir
A lew ini.rii:nt 'is'O W hit" w.-nt "Ct the t nrn to
fee-l lii M'M-k. Ashe roie-icl the barn li liir.l
nn unu-iml !n:-ie. I h;r.k:n- ome
Xhn animal? tin 1 I'-' trn h .-r. lie 1;.l imt ejM-Ti the
fr'r;t il"nr l --t thry hi".r. 1 i crii i".it .0711
liiiiiso'.l t(trt-ih h 1 ire :ij.(i-ti:rc' ! .y a hrekn
h '.irl. A :! n !.. i-atercl thou; r.i:ir'in.-raf!.
air', l.e ?aw la the mi M;- ef th" burn ' r :t hfiter
' which h:el tern hrsi'l! :r"i:i 1 1: sin n . -! . i-i i t y ninin
force, ami hrokfn oie- horn In the nc-t. ' 1 1 nl; nir to
fier mii77e wa n i.-oo i:rny with it h-rn:.
ph.nrpteelh laTen...i in thy :in!in:ii nu-"c witli a
tiiill dot; uril'. while another wu trying to liam
ftrinir the poi.r i-re.itnre.
'l"he heUeTrinu ol the heller, the luirhn ef the
Trolre. nn.l the ran". 111; et the hv.-e ha: n -r.
inaile a leafe:ii:i r i. ke. a:i-l the :;itn; 1-r
. wiis uniiviiee'l. The o. w ! k the a
limp ra:r, nn.l poun h '1 t he m ,!c o! t he s:a b! Both
it. I i:t in vain. nM W'!i:te - stiirr nt the a't.irk
nn lii i.i."k overmaster. .1 r. il : '. i t-i;- ( r rn h rce.
, and. a .;t -litork. he proparoJ hmi-elt i..r
an attack. No o. rn r 1 i.l the wo; ve .er-ci ve him.
than, mu.blenetl h tlie taste ul Mooil. thev turne i
I from the heifer r.n' i attai kc.l him. As one ef t!ic
. inlerin rcl ar.ima! .rati t-.w-ir 1 the ehi -nan. t;e
dealt it a mighty Mow with the lork. er. !:!iir it
into a earner. the ct'ier 11 i 111 1 ear.uht its
teeth fn the oi l man's riht ceit -ieeve art in
fu.-h ele-e ijnarte1 that the weapon was of 1.
avail. After kicking use!c.-MT nt the animal, he
cra'pe.l its throat with l.t leit hand nn : ph .ki-l
the wolf until it let if o. 1 lien crna nu on i! e
. )it--tifork . lie dealt a well lircct'-.l Plow an l tf.kt
tl.eleiriil oneii the animal--, wliich then Io l... 1
, throui-li the hole Pch:n.l hiin.nii.l limped oM. hiw!-
' in ipmaliy. The other ivo'.t 1c M its croun.1. and
whenever oportuniiy was oricred sprnr.s at the e!d
( man. n"W and then fastening its teeth Ins
. arms. Thoiurh tdeedin protnselv. AA'hitc eontm-
' ne,l the fiul.t. and finally, with" a w.-;!-d-rc-: -d
tlirut el the I'iichtorl;, sent the tine through the
. animal's heart, killimr it almost mt:mtiv. The
lend wolf is ot lare i7e. iranr.t w;th hiinjiT. and
with a hairify 00:11 of liyht uray. AV iiite s' clothes
were t"rn into shred-, and his face, neck and
1 hrensi were scarred vb epiv Pv the claws el the an-
tmal. ' '
The Electoral Commission of s to 7 comce
; 1o the front this time as the great original
j "Game of Fifteen." Npeakine of this new
i and exciting puzzle, the "(Jame of Fifteen,"
I of which ifiuch ado is just now being made
'. in the papers, the following ''tin iiling poem,"
, clipped from the New York U'eWJ t Moli
! day, is entirely apropos :
Little blocks shall nil remind ti
What MiM-i. heads ore yours Kn.1 mine
When we depart mid leave Pehiud lis
Still unsolved the final line.
The problem tl. -.t perhaps another
Honkey r-ill with mi-lit and main
Sweat and toil and swear and bother,
Tr to brinu out riirlit aain.
lief then be up and doinu.
Wrestle now no more with fate.
Cense the phantom rem plr.stlln.
Throw the durned ttiinir in the grate.
A Hint to Isfjr.nsoi.i.. As the proeceds
of llobertlngerso'ii's lecture on 1'aine ( l.;o)
are to be applied to the erection of a monu
ment to the memory of the author of the
"Ace of Keasoti." the New York O'.jcrrcr
submits the follow ing as a just and appro
priate epitaph :
! To the momorv of
1 The man of whom John Adams,
President of the l iute 1 States'
recorded this opinion :
"Worthless." "unprincipled. "proniiate."
"blackguard I'nine.'"
j The man io wrote a letter Iu
j !Kor.i:K W'ASMtNnTOX.
i and thus addressed the f ather of his l'un!rv
j "Treacherous in private friendship and a hvooerite
1 In public life, the world will bo puzrlej t ' 'decide
: whether ron are an aostate or an importer
I This cenotaph is erected to T. l'auie bv the mu-
reticent liberality o his nieud and admirer Col
Kohcrt lnrcisiill.
NEWsi-Ai:n Dead IJkats. The Colum
bia Cotirant grows somewhat waspih over
what it is pleased to call "newspaper dead
beats," whom it thus describes :
What do you think of a man who will take a
newspaper for lour or five years without p.ivinsr for
it. anil then request the postmaster to not : tyv.u
that 'he doc not w.u.t it anv lonirer.' W e l.avc
some half dozen of this class.'we are forrv to say.
The man who does so is more ilishonost thin the
midnitht biinrlar or the loot-pad who meets tlie
traveler on the highway and demands h:m to
"stand and deliver." for vim can defend lonrse'.i
asramst the rascality of the latter, but while vou
ileal with the former as If he were an honest man
tru ;iinr h.m to the amount of JS or 10 voU are
suJJenlT appriecj of the fact that he is a thief.
An Invitation as is an Invitation.
This from the Cincinnati Enquirer ain't so
slow :
The Pari of America
Presents the compliments of the season to
Messrs. Tilden. Hendricks. Sevmour,
Bayard. Hancock. Thurman.
Jcwett. and friends.
And boRS leave to request the pleasure of their
n Tuefday. June K. 1890.
Will ! . the ban !""ii:e tli i K t a yen ot retst a Bti.
4 A
It -A
1 1.
1 1.
' .HI
U. A.A
LI. 1-2 LIJ- AJl
D ft P Q t
IS LP T-T I j V .
udre by an a-'ve:
A Kkvoi t Aoai.v-t C AVi.r.i'-:
The : pi:'.:icin t ' -.! .y
have issued nn a-1 lrv fr w'
tract the follow i:;:: :
In t?ie H'l;t ef re-er.r : :. -:
t! icoiiiitr and r..
It ha" . op;, d-emel de- -
adopted bv the Kepui. !!; :is .!
di-ttict. C"tar.s.i!u the cetoit.i ? "Y '
b'i:d and A.:!im. 1 :.: e. :: t ,... .- :
them at the He nldi-'.h t:T.. :
hel-1 at 't.i -airo :n Jure r.ce. :: 1 - :.-a-
theircho: -e i t i-re-. le: : . :.
t'c ri-me.i. io cOTi.i j. . ,r,. .- - ...
aw:y :r -til ' he :r c :.S-1 1 "i c: T w . : :
i- 11. . er w .se ; t ' e: 1 : 1-1 .:i w : -
tl' Ii- c. ntr.irv I., the c. J'-c ,J. . - ;
t y thetn w.. I t' e !. '
b B'i"y on-t.tutvl author. t 1 :
struct d'-ieira'cs :n h:s Teaf'.r '
1 e:( .. vc 'er ot t tie c ati'.c .11 ; - - ' :
Ido -r v.oce iu tl. i? ref-i c -t c--.! .
and ar.y j-reten led a': po-tv - :- ."
en n no f. :. it .. . ;jr H. . . . .
and .ip; roc.i. are who;;-.- 1 --. ..
Co action has ti:i;s i.,r ' :. I s-.:.:' '.
bv the j r per 1 art:es. ;! c Ivi: ' :
ti.tit no de.eirc-es tr' -n ti.i- , -'. : 1
e;c. '. ti:: T:. e. l f-r - r!! I
lo view : tr.i-e imi -. a con: :v ,. :. t
be hi-:d it. t) e co'.i-t hous. it, tt..';.
on rr;day, the e--onJ day .
O'c'o -k. p. 111., to Cul'S.St o: lo c';-::;t'"
r:e-:on ,1 --t ri-t i n the con:.'.. r .:..
o''t-i nii:y the preva l.r ::' :r-.. :. :."r
j-nolicans "t V-li mi:', as t '.' -1
'n 'olet tin I ::.. ! a s . t . .,. :
t.-fe 5 v. )-o a-e t . 1;:-. t a : . :., : : j::.1 c
rf the e- ot -.itaberi-tr 1 ;.::!
it a ne two i ci.:: t e : . r--- r. t " ! - 1 '
ai d net 1 ri the e..n; : i.o . u. -n . - r.
ve:it:on an 1 :r.L: u-t t'. . -t. It :,
Bertin:ent epres- 1 l a r:-. ,.r.:- r i
1 ican 1 oter- 1 n S3 .d .;";- . .
Mil. K. S. Mkn m:n, the r.-;
the Vi'iiVri' C:rci"nr utid i 'M". '
tary and Trcastirer of the 1V:::';,.
itorir.l Association, r.iaws a i
to life of the jiewsji.-'jr
that we cannot refrain f;onig,v:: :
in our columns. Here it is :
'Tn 5 tee 1.-. sterii 12.- vi.iv he
put'!. slur) is a-scciated in the p-:' i: - :
univera! I enet.r. tor m l..i 1; 1::!;' : -in-iiid.
I n re . ; : 1 1 . hr i a Par Jn .: 1. .
w:th a small ca.p;'al an: .1 Ir.r- -
cotnpelle! to pay ! .r li.-i.-t ..; 1 v
a; other mort.tis at... "1.. le sun- .
produced a lew oi.i:!etit ut-!i-!.crs . . '
men wli.i have worked ti.e.r n av t '
cf industry by d;nt o! cctd-is. ru' .
perseverance, further as led. :s !.-s .
a o;id lack mi: 01 ca.ta i . 1
mains that the treat t:::;- -1 ,; io
threuirhout the lint, 1 s:i':. - ar-i.-
lno.trt.ltc ! if.;p;C.,3-. w,!l. e - :
wealth, who labor diliL-eatlv .u . -f'-irther.irjee
ot atro't-s.: ,n t:,:; :
1. arrow ti:ir:a t! print."
A Vl IrNo IN THK Vno;-. - 1
ville (N. c. ) Lavlmnrl says .
lr. AU-vnnder eour.ti .M :"- ' 11
day last week, a ill arr:1;:,. . ::
siliuiilarcir-iiiBitance. Mr M. l.a
Hcttie Mii'er were trie h:e:, ... : t
and T. A. !li.s.,n. l;- p. p. : . rn e i
The bride. ti:e tr..n. t! e n::.i: - r.e.e
met :. t a eel :a : n . -: 1; 1 1 n t ;i c .: .
a nd 011 tile ? :-K- el lilt r :ol. !t ::, ,;
of the trees the "Squire pr- n-.;io - 1 '
is hi'.eed tKai th'-cp cn-rootv!
f..r th- Dupt.aN
ac".id;ua to r. 1
d iv
1: -1 . "
at t;.c i'. '". - ;; :;
an.i was ij,ns , nt .. iii t'-c r.i !
were aiiioii- tin quists. 1 1 . '-: :' : ' '
were tiirown to t'e l. : c o '
e.'.'l mir wa s I! : 't cceie . ' .oi a . ' -C -A
quantity ,.f A ! i i n. i e' -sea c t ' ' .
proi ideiitiy broiii;!.t to 1 1: -1 , t . : ": - '
IneiulH-rs o! tl..- br. la! t -:1.:: I '
ontil they could 1 r- t al 'y ! ;' t . - '
shiner iroui a r:.i'cr a. ro-' the i '' ' 7
Mill nn nt rtimltT to Hecnre
W ca
dcrful Harnaln.-llvr.: .. ' J'
b t of tirt tint Heatirc S-.ots 1 ;
inic to tell at the fame prices askcJ '.r''"
the recent advance, or u!--ut -re 1 ' .
are really worth at th:t time. A'.-j. a '" 1
Stoves and Kane?, w !..!! 1 -
than the prc.-crt wheie- e jc' -': '
lot of Sieiuh Hells at the n .l i w ; ' ' ' p,.
abetit one-half w hat thev v. .r '.; ' " . .
winter : a full fock .! il. i .' f--' ,.
and 1'ocket I'ui'vv, Tea " 1 1 - s ;
1 i ted W are. lcvo:ve-. .v e . j, ' ' ...
am at les- than the px-. ' " V, ' 1 '
Also. I liave a J.-w fcrst class ' .
which will be sold f..r cash at a -i ' . s
prices, or ex. harce-i tor t. .. 1 . i'. i v 1 "; ' t
opportunities are oi.Iy .':te:cd '.:' '- - ;v ,
n.'s- Spring t..-. 1 ; re h'. --
tbensbnrn. Feb.u, is i.
rive Hundred Thousand St n ". ;
In the past few it- -t' ere h:i ' r-' -N'o'U
tvttle? of Shileh'tnreolil.
the vast imii.beroi pc. t e ' 1 1 -r ' ,,tlea
than -l.'A' persons a rfii ! .:'' ""' ,:;
ha e been cure 1. Ail .:-) . e'ro-i'. .'t ,-Hronch-.tis
j i hi nt etu-v : heji.-e it 1- 1 ;. f - :
body speaks in its pra'-e. To tto'c ( . ,
used it, let us aav : ll eu but a t . i t
child the Croups and M il : ! ' " i.. '
trvlt. Kor I-an:o Hack. S.K or ft c-t ii'. ,r
Porous l'laster. Sold bv K J l-b'.-u. 1
Kher. bunt. I 'a. -'.": -t -
W e hno. a sjieedT and pos tirr core r
Diphtheria, fsr.kef-irciits ard 1'ea.iT e - ....
1.DHS CATlKKHKfSlH'Y. A "; . ::
free with eh lottl. l is it if - "','. K .'
aed a tweet heea'b. J'rlee. ctf ' ' rr .
Llsd. rt eafurr. !-"