The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 30, 1880, Image 2

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FRIDAY, - - - JAN. 30, 1880.
Ravdalu L. OiBWf, who at pres
ent represents the First Lonismna dis
trict in Congre??", was laMr week elected
by the Legislature of that btate to euc
ceed kellogg, carpet-bagger, in the TJ.
S. Benate, and John Z. George was elect
ed bv the I r-inlature of Mississippi to
succeed Bruce, the colored Senator from
that Strvte. Both are men of ability j
and high personal character, but having j
been identified with the "Lost Cause,"
the loyal yell about confederate briga- j
diers will again resound throughout the
Wbat hps become o Gov. Ifoyt'a
T-ortion of the "sixtv millions of
' , U3. i
wrote to
the Grant reception committee at Chi-j
. , . . . !
term in 1?0 and a fourth lerra after
liat? There don't seem to have been
uny of his big crowd around last week in
-any pa ft- cf the State; at least not at
, of the meetings of Republican
'County Cummittees. . If any committee
- f that kind in any part of the State has
'elected Grant delegates to Don Cam-
XTon' Ilarrirjburg convention, it has
len kept remarkably qniet.
The rhiladelphia Record Almanac
or 1K, iis first venture in that line, is
-i very neat production and shows com
mendable care in its preparation. It
contains a .large number of well execu- !
icd engravings representing pcenes in j
the national history of the country, and t
i n-pleto with historical facts, political
statistics, and otf er useful information.
The litcord claims an average daily cir
culation cf over 64,000 copies, and ior
one cent, its price per copf. or S3 n y'eari
furnishes more news and general infor
mation than any other paper in the
United State. Its editorial department
la very ably conducted, and taken in all
its erects as a newspajer the liccord
cHUHot be excelled.
It alTords us pleasure to once more
remark that away down east, in the
State of Maine, peace still continues to
lrevail, and that her two Governors and
two Legislatures are getting along as
well as could be expected. Towards
ihe close of last week, Davis, the Re
publican Governor, was deluded into the
belief that the b'.oody Greenback! and
Dtmo-irats intended marching upon
Augusta and seizing the State capitol.
Galling guns Mere planted around the
building, and all the available military
railed out. The hoax was soon discov
ered, the scare subsided, and order again
reigned alonr the KcnnebeCj On Tues
day evening tbe Supreme Court decided
that the Fusion Legislature was not a
legal body, whereupon Smith, rusiouifrt,
!2clare 1, if reports be true, that he had
got through playing Governor and in-
tended to go home. By the time the
Intact in this Miiine comedvli plaved
nut. the taxpayers of the State will have
.learned how thoroughly absurd are its
election laws, and will 1 wonder how they
Tub: Pittsburgh Post insists that
though the delegates from this court.
o t)Q Democratic St.iic - Cwsventon
were instructed for Ilaucock, the people
of the county, and certainly one of the
delegates, ars fur Tilden; It is barely
possible that, the l$t in its blind devo
tion. to Mr. Til len, khows more about
the weight of Democratic sentiment in
Canibria than the" DemoCtats of the
county themselves do.- There arc a giKvl
newspsp-r editors in this State j
who think they know all a!out the pre
ferences of the Heweicracy in any given
county f-r the Presidency,' but I hey
teally don't know Anything more about
them thnn they to-about the Choctaw
language. This raper, for several good
and ftt'llcinnt reasons, is for Horatio
Sevmoar, but we do not claim that the
Democracy cf the county aro for him.'
They may" be for Tilden, but no living
rnr.n ca'i ttper.k knowingly on the sub
ject; ov they, may prefer lIanco:k, or
Bayard, or Thurman, otl Hendricks.
One of the delegates, Mrf. David Hum
phreys, in.'.y be a Tildi man, as the
'tiit aver3, ami it woij.d Le-a stranse
thing if h like- every" 1 Uie-r lemocratJ
had no preference aT-ng the different ,,
candidate1!. E;it if Mr. IP.hiipbrevs was
TiOt inr-lnic.e d, he has Loo much political
oxperisnce to tspou.v. the cause of Til
den, cr th:it of a: y other i..nn, i;i ihe
State C!jventiop, nl-fs he lclicved
that his ncmiTK-jtivn. was the best and
strongest thatou!d be made. We can
say the :uie 4lnng. we think, for Mr.
John So;uerv;l!e, the other delegate. .
Neither of th:m v. il! rush to r concfu
.riort without due. considerulion.
.Huon I'a tt kijsojt, of Ijnicahtt-r j
rf-our.ty, niterd a rule last week on j
Me:-rs. Sttinm.m and IieiiEel, editors i
'it the I-'.ncat"' fat'lli-jenar, who lii
i;n also to bo 'membi j of the bar of
"that cctiniy, t show cau-M whj- they
r-hould answer for Contempt of
Court, and wT y their names should not
Ltrkktiii fr in tlic Tst ejf attorneys.
The alleged contempt coisir-ted irf'oe r-
tail jr',ctrrts on the Court by the li-
. T- " ""r'ri.ff'rrTicn tn t ,r- m.rr'iif
UiUgr-AriurfJ r-!crcnco to the prci..wr
manner inrr.,jirf: a "h'-:py l-rose-cution
was di- ' Wltn lno Consent of
.tnJ- ri'td t s')n 1T Honor believ
io the jndgnyent oi a jury. h-v.-iH.;!nd,
TO tfIC JS"J - -
w dovbt n-TN
with 1
tv dovbt n it, before he gets through :
xainst M'.cini'i;
nn and Ileus1! is editor s
that he coriimitU-J the greatest nii&take
hi lite. IC lawyers can be stricken
from the ralluf rJlurneysiini.lxljcc.iise
ofthi-ir critlelfAu of a C ourt f3 n'itoiv
that tncl ought to be ascertained and I
rr-ade clear by the highest judicial an- j
cuv.j .ij m.- .1,1 a i vi .s.-eiii- ;
b'ywas rasi'C'i Hst May on this very !
l. ..:- I H . .1.1. I i a
suLjeci, oi wnjcn ii;e eaiior3 ot tue In-
; . . a . . a sj-
UUwncer will, of course, at the proper i
tisrtf; th-t f. :irti'f' in tlis InUlli'i-ncCT i -Mr. Paeseil, tho Irisb Uome-TltilA !
r ' i. i - i . . . ' - 1 ... . . - . .
bi'o'.. " ' 4 i'icci-scif s.ii.?same : aguaior, arrived in t.lovcl.nid on S;itr-
at-vl iv(.rythr man has; day last, f.r'1 a teuravhic - itisnutoh
if ho wni 3i .ii'i l.- subr.nt ins. case : iron thar city stsfrf that ,!2om-' ot ll.a '
time avail them?elvfs, should il lwconie public' rrjorc.lhan foil r years a?o when 1 lions. '
nec-.ssary. " V.'hoMruck the immortal ; l Fpf te ti-inkirs in vr v.-ir V 'w - ! -B!iiV
Patterns ha nvM yettn found ! 1 Eet i lh,n.IfS m ' tk H-e
out. aid th rreat .itiou ro,v in l.r ; lrses from 1 anny Ell.der's carriage, in ! ...:m 'fl
rear. v,uet ion now to be
e'eer nsinod i
did Siylniiian pud 1 Tense 1
e.fc:ic cf bringing the
I-M el r 1: fr-
VUl'tl J - 41
. au 1 cn'e'uf
i:tlt.:-::kc inf-j ridicuTe
Jo RFFtrni.iCA lbadeii, not even
JnA. Logan, of Illinois, is so un-
V,lntlimT n. dAinairoertiA bji Jinim G.
T)ki n .ilivPva a t f A. i
gu.U,'the capita! of his 8tat, on I phfd' tbeLanca-nter InUUigc-utr directs;
Wednesday of last week, on th political attention f waders to a republi
. . j . T I cation of the letter written to that pa-
farce that two tovernora and two Leg-; it . T ,
., . , . ,, . '. per some months ago by Jndge lilacK on ;
jslatu res have been playing there inee v . f i -r
. . tv. .u x.- k i the same theme that engaged Mr. O - .
thrt ah of the present month, in which Conor m hit etter tQ the Newark ciub. ;
he iaid that "one painful and appalling I judge Black's letter wan written of I
feature in this remarkable political ! course without any controversial pur-
tragedy is the unanimity of the support j Pe and with no regard especially to j
.f . V. a anybodv's contrary view of the question; ;
it has received from the Democratic and . J . tllIIM4 mmi-XclT :
Greenback leaders of Maine." What
B'.aino calls a "political tragedy" was
the action of Gov. Garcelon and his
Council in simply enforcing the election
laws of Maine passed by Republican i
Legislatures, not in the way that Be-
publican Governors had'enforced them
that is to say, against Democrats only j
and for the purpose of enabling Repub- j
i licans to reap the benefits of their de-
fects but enforcing them impartially j
. ,, . . ,, .. T. !
against the members of all parties. It
. i.n iriLt 1 lirt mdmhara f ftll nan
s . . .. ,
turned out that the Republicans suffer
ed the most, but that was not Governor '
Garcelon s fault, but the fault of the
Republicans themselves who made the
laws. It is a refreshing thing to hear
Blaine declaiming about the "painful
and appalling" features of this Maine
quarrel. Didn't this same trimmer,
Blaine, as well a hid colleague in the
Senate, old Hannibal Hamlin, aid and
assist in every possible way to consum
mate the fraud which reverseda popular
majority for Tilden of over two hundred
and fifty thousand, and
nullified the
' entire vote of two States ? There was
! nothing "painful and appalling," in
Blaine's estimation, in sanctioning such
h gigantic fraud as that when he and
his political friends were to reap the
! t( it- Vn1 tiivl- tTiia "ntnmprl
knight," as Bob Ingersoll styled him, is
pained and appalled because a Demo
cratic Governor and his Greenback
; Council enforced the Maine election
j laws enacted at various times by Repub
: lican Legislatures. Hypocrisy certainly
t could not put on a more brazen front.
From the action last week of quite a
j large number of Republican County
I Committees, in various parts of the
State, in electing delegates to Don
( Cameron's third term State Convention,
which will meet at Harnburg next
Wednesday, we are afraid that the tail
will wag the dog, and not the clog the
tail ; or, in other words, that the con
vention will run Cameron instead of
Cameron running the couveniton. A
spirit of rebellion against a third term
of Grantism has developed itself with ;
remarkable unanimity in the Republican j
household from the Delaware to the ;
Ohio, and from Bradford county in the !
North to the Maryland lino. The Re- '
pubUcans almost everywhere in the '
State have instructed, and are still in- j
strict big, their delegates to the cor.ven- 1
ti to vote for Blaine as their ear.di- j
c-(te for I 'reside-lit, snd it looks now us j
ifthy would control the convention. ,
If this should prove to be the result.
f'ameronism in this State will at last
!;":ae found a grave from which there
can be no resurrection. Cameron's
(Grant balloon went up btautifully at
j Uii, ,)r?irinin7 carrying, as wru then
aniKuiiiced and believed, tho forty-six
delegates from Philadelphia, but its
ballast has of late csfajed so rapidly
that it will rrobablv pass off into the
regions of space and never again be
heard of. We are sorry for the political
wrecking of the son of Simon and for
tho ''deep damnation" of Grant's sud
den taking off as a candidate by the
Uhtine men of this Slate, but cannot
fail to recognize thfact that Cameron's
discomfiture at Ilarrisburg next Wed-
ncday, if it takes place, will sound
G rant's iolitical death-knell. We had
other and quite different hopes, but
such, aro the glorious unee rtair.ties of
political life. A slice of bread is apt to
fall upon the buttered side.
."'We do not know whose ox wa cored at
the recent meeting of the Democratic Com-
(.mittee of Cambria county. Indeed, it is no
fart of the Sun'i business to criticise the
oral mann Clement of the tra'.lant democrats
J who are ever prompt to fling out their banner
irom tue irosty summits ot tne eternal AI
lcchenios. We are frank to say, however,
; intrnctions committing the county to a
I Presidential candidate."
j The above extract is taken from an
j Article in the AHojua Daily .Sun of Fri-
: day last. No man's ox was gored, nor
waB anT operation of that kind thought
of- Tf tllft lwo "visiting statesmen,"'
one from Philadelphia and the other
.from , Washington, lo whom we briefly
referred last wtpk, had not appeared
here on the day the Committee met,
and avowed that they came in the inter
est of Mr. Tilden, no motion would have
been made in the Committee instructing
the two delegates to Ihe State Conven
tion in favor of Gen. Hancock. We are
vety confident of this, because it would
have been regarded, manifestly im
proper for t'ccnty-six members of
Committee, Just one-half of (be
tiumlier, to assume io speak Tor
i Democracy of ihn entire count v.
the reason, however, above stated, and
as a fitti.ig rebuke to outside pressure
and interference, the Committee deem
ed it safe to endorse Gen. Hancock, a
Pennsylvania soldier and statesman, and
it wa proicr to do sounder the circum
stances, although we repeat, as we said
i"-" no nip.n can sav witn
tsnythJn? like acMiracy ls hc f,.
vorite of the Democracy of this county
S for the Presidency. .
more enthusiastic. cf Lis friends carried
him from the car to his carriage
1 j t ,
in- ptrfonr.ancc oj, the part of Mr. r..'
' nIl enthusiastic friend ntid sx-ir V. tr.. :
: iihli rr.i. ia ,,.vf e,,,tl, i. ,t.. st...
( , ..u iu u.j nut j
frentlcnian and the cause he rerresenls
anything hut harm. It is a display of
repulsive Pi;obhcry nnd craven man-
worship that will very seriously weaken
wr. i arnei; s enortsiti Lt uairof Ireland.
if it-does not bring him into conteim.t I
... . I
for permitting it. It
had its counttr- t,ho-.cvci,in this same "irlorious Tic
carriage, in
w hich she was st ated after having fin
ished her rt,?c of ravishing dances in a, and t!.f!-r:lve drajrgM it (o
hvr hotel. . .
As an antidote to the gloomy prophe- ;
of Charles CTOonor.
reeentlv nub- 1
recently puo-
to meet the ioints raised by Mr. O "Con
or, and presents forcible reasons why
his pessimist view of the situation should
not ?ain popular prevalence. Great re
forms alwavs move slowly, and though
we gee the uprooting of governmental
evils and political wrongs with snail-like
sometimes crab-1 ike pace, toward the
victory of popular liberty, if we do but
look back to the great advance made in
our position within a dozen years it wili
be seen that the experience or the past
has a hopeful lesson for the future. The ;
clouds have been as dark and the situa- ;
. . a ivrr r,i.
tion as threatening as Mr. O'Conor pic-
, tured. but he does not seem to have seen
the rifts of light that have since broken
through and dispersed the gloom where
' Judge Black s clearer eye now reaches,
i Up to the time that his own magnificent
j protest was heard in the supreme court
in the Mil liken case, that the remnant
: of civil liberty left us should be spared
. by the judicatory into whose hands was
, then committed the destiny of the na
j tion, there had been steady progress, un-
stayed by law. towards a subversion of
' our system. That case and his victory
tin it "for constitutional law, inrsonal
i liberty, and the overthrow of the infa
mous system of military commissions.
I was the vernal equinox in our history.
The brooks were not unlocked from the
i ice fetters at once, nor the March winds
j temiTed, nor did the trees all of a hud
i den burst into bloom and the birds set
to singinsr. But the time was at hand
when a change was sue to come and
; too events were happening that were
I big with the promise of better things.
! Mark the progress that Democracy
' has mail since the time when Judge
j Black says the outlook for t lie republic
; was more hopeless than that of Vrome
; theus. State after State has been wrest-
ed from Republican control until the
I opposition are not left in charge of more
than half of thein, and only intestine
troubles can defeat the Democrat ic nomi
nee for President. The lobby has bee n
almost utterly scourged from the capi
Vhe Tankers are scattered to
the winds, and. whatever the theory
of the Republicans, surely we have com- :
pelled them to decanter practices. i
It remains for the Democracy to fin-.
i.sli the work so auspiciously ben, and ;
when the contest iooJL-. nopeleos and ra- ;
vens of in omen croak despair, it is well ;
f-.f the voices of men who have seen the j
darker days, like Judge Black, and led ;
us up from them, to remind the falter- I
ing of how far we have already come j
from Kgypt on the way to the promised i
Grant has been in Havana for about ;
ten days and; on Thursday night of last ;
week was pretty well shaken by an i
earthquake, which paid its respe-ct3 to j
that city as well as to Cuba gene-rally.
The shaking up at Havana was a very !
trifling affair, however, when compared
with t lse political earthquake that!
Blaine's friends got up in this State last !
week, which has shaken Grant com-
pletely out of his boot Its effects for !
a few days were very shocking upon the '
third tcim crowd, and even yet its miit-
t ring thu.'iders can be heard in certain i
its of the State. Grant will leave ,
Havana ab-.i:t the 12th ef February fir I
Vera Cruz, and from there intends go- '
ing to the city ef Mexico. His son )
Fred accompanies li im. as he did all
l ist sumtntr, when Tom Kiaham's ,
"greatest man the Almighty ever made."'
visited Southern Furope and Asia. '.
Grant's son is an officer in the army,
and it would be interesting to know i
whether there is any truth in the state
ment t hat he never failed to draw h is j
pay while traveling in foreign countries. ;
Ho played that game for some time
after he left West Point and was en- j
gaged with John Sherman's nephew in j
the banking business in Washington, f
and also acting as master of ceremonies ;
at the White House, and the presuinp- j
tion is that he continues to do so. The j
New York Sun could shed a great deal
of light on this subject. '
The Church of St. Peter, Hat ton
Garden, London, nu the luth inst., had
been decorated for the. festivals of Christ
mas and the Epiphany, and t lie 10 o'
clock Mass wa3 leing celebrated by
Father Packanowski, a Polish priest.
Just at the elevation of the Host a pis
ted shot was fired at the priest by a man
in the body of the church and the bullet
lodged in the altar. The acolyte who
wa:: serving M is immediately fled into
the sacristy and locked the door b hind
him, so the pri si ; f.;oiu was un
able to enter. Ib-re his assailant tired
two more shots. Tho priest then sought
refuge by g--ing b -hind the abar, where
lie was foiiowed by the wo'dd-be-mur-derer,
and succeeded in getting round
to the front of the church .'id making Two more shots were fired
after him, one of them piercing the back
of a chair. The man ru-hed to the
back of the a'tar and seizing some of the
massive candlesticks dashed them to the
ground, breaking them i'lio fragments
and doing othe damage which will take
JL" 1,000 to replace. Hie He v. Henry
Vincent Arl.ell, hearing the shots, rush
ed into thechurch and, to the great peril
of his ov.ii life, disannul and arrested
the assassin, one Alexander Sohoss.ha, a
fanat ic.
I asks. Judge Mcwennan.
mi the
Court, Philadelphia, on Friday morning, i
tieiivi-rea an opinion m the case of John '
Sherman Hail against the Pennsj lvania :
Railroad Company. This was a test
suit tried in Is, ft to fix Hie responsibili-
ty for loss by tlie Pittsburgh riot. A i
jury was disjiensed with and evidence!
submitted to the Judge to ascertain the !
facts and apply the law. After review-
ing the testimony, Judge MeKennan j
Concluded his opinion as follows : "Upon i
the whole case I am of the opinion, and i
so find, that the loss complained of was ;
caused by fire, while the plaintiff's goods j
were in transit by the defendant, w ithin '
tYlA'trn'nfW I ha Asrs1-.nt 'An n 1.. Tk ! I I
f.f latiinir, that the defendant is not i
shown to have been -ruilty of anv nec'i
pence by which the efficiency f the ex- '
j ception is in any way impaired, and
j therefore the plaintiff is not entitled to j
triuer, it, w ;w iwraiueii ai ine inal i
that the I'laintiff's troods were destrowd i
; by fire during the rirt, and the biii of ;
. V, : - - a .
; oticrea in evinence contained a
.- s'. l t . w--s( 1 : a. i -
CALf HKIII lilt, 11 4111 111 V OI 1 MP. HI .
v J " V)
C.C'CS. hinffton. sa3s 1
vne i nnafieipnia jiecora, that ex-Gov
:-Gov- :
lively j
ernor Horatio .'-eynionr, while posi
rffusinf' to r,e a candidate for the
aentiai rionmnnation. would nossihlv
not decline if lie were to lie unaiiimously
called to the position. It would then
ne ins duty to accept. Xo tn;! pal riot
w1 - hesitate to 1 a candidate under
r"l"AVyu,ii lrr p' "V!t-3 so do'n
a precedent, nor in
hfirmoliy with the spirit of onr inst it li
Democrat ic National Committee
will meet at Washington on the
February, to fix upon the piace and time
of holding tho envf nlion to nominat-
for Prerddont and Vic Pr.s-
Ellen Shay, in the lncaster alms-
house, is W years 01 age.
,-a,nmr,t inipmk tn
levy a tax on advertisements in newspa
pers. Alexander Smith, a Floyd
Georgia, murderer, has one black and
one gray eye.
Joseph Grant and Seth ItJ Garno
were instantly killed on Saturday by the
explosion of a boiler at Transfer, Fa.
A family quarrel in Mercer county,
Kentucky, resulted in the heads of the
opposing "famlies shooting themselves.
Two boys, while playing on a pond,
near Providence, H. I., on Monday,
broke through the ice and were drowned
The ace of Abraham Johnson, who
'.U-pq near Scran ton. is 108 years, liis
health is good and his memory remark
able. F. Statt, a Germau saloon-keeper in
Pittsburg, quarrelled with his wife on
Saturday night, and then'went into the
garret and hung himself.
Jason P. Scribner was on Monday
sentenced at Augusta, Me., toimprison-
f life' for the mi
. iri -icti
his children m May,
munier or two oi
Daniel Barrett, Supreme President
of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Associa
tion of the United States and Canada,
died suddenly at Medina, N. Y.,on Fri-
The trrintlstone of the Scranton file
P - , -I, T V
m-nrl-a st Providence. It. 1., ourst last
Tuesday morning, instantly killing Wm. ;
Fairies, a grinder, and completely shat- j
tering the buildine. ;
The Western Catholic oiiiHise-s a par- .
ade on St. Patrick's Day, and advises j
all Irishmen to devote the proceed of j
the dav's labor to the relief of Irish dis- j
tress. Which is a very sensible eugges- :
tion. j
--Governor Smith, of Maine, is a big- ;
gcr man than Governor Davis is. Smith j
weighs and Davis only 140. The j
Republicans had better see that their ;
man is kept at a safe distance from the ,
big Fusionist. i
Lewis Drowning, one of the county j
commissioners of Redford county, drop- (
ped dead the other day after having aid- ;
ed in quelling an attack made by some ;
young men on a school teacher in his
neighborhood. '
Washington county. JUaine's native !
plice, enthusiastically instructed its .
delegates to support the Maine Senator .
in the State convention. A poll of tho ,
county convention resulted : Blaine, ,
IK. ; (Jrant, 1.1. ;
John McCarty has been convicted
at Ottawa, Out., of cutting the tongue !
Ju Z ZZ !
" . ' ' - ' v .vi .. . . . - - .
sentenced to Feven years im prison nx-nt
in the penitentiary.
SherJ.T 2'aylor. of Philadelphia, an-
nonnces that lie will sell on February 4,
at I'liblic sale. Horticultural Hall, in ;
consequence of the foreclosure of a .
mortgage for ?V4,1S0. held by tho Phila- i
delpliia Savings Fund ne'ety.
Gen. Grant was met by an earth
quake when he landed in Cuba, but the
Harrisburg l'alrint thinks it was a very ,
mild one to that which the P.laine and ,
Sherman men are preparing for him on j
his return to the United States-.
Miss Margoe, of Port Jervis, was
offered $f.0i by an old farmer liv ing near
that place if she would marry him. She
refused the offer, but finally accepted i
when he made the amount an even ,
thousand. The same old story money
makes the Margoe.
Mr. J. C. Flood, ef San Francisco. ;
has just ltestowcd a pleasant little
amount of pin money upon his daugliter, ;
Mi.-ss Jennie Flood ; he has registered
f'J.oiXljOtM in United States bonds in her ;
name. The gift provides for her an in- :
come of ?lH),ei.H) a year.
A young man named .Tehn Maguire.
a'i;is AVm. Love, lias been arrested at
Welland, ('anaila, for a murder commit
ted iu Pennsylvania seven years ago.
He is supposed to belong to the Mollie
Maguires. He will be held until the '.
United States authriitiesarc herd from, j
Important if true, says the New ,
York Svn : Tl:e report from Wasliing
ton that, at the approaching IVnnsy!- !
vania Republican State Convention, the '
next frienls of Grant will announce by J
authority that lie is not a candidate for ,
President, and that his name must not
be used. :
A dispatch from Rome says that the !
monster Italian double turret iron clad
'Duilo," the most powerful war vessel
in the world in a trial on Saturday gave :
fourteen miles per hour, workinsr six- i
, nevenths of her full capacity. She has I
a i-owerful rani, and at the stern a tor- ;
; pedo boat. j
. The steamboat Charmer, with 2,100 j
j bales rf cotton, was totally destroyed bv '
I tire, aljont fifteen miles above the mouth ;
! of tho Red river, on Monday last.
; Eight lives were lost two chamber-
I maids, two cooks, two cabin boys, one j
j fireman and one deck hand. The boat i
! and cargo were va'ued at ? 130,0'. W.
j A. W. Foster, Lsq., a prominent ;
; attorney of Pittsburg, and also one of i
the founders of the Pittsburg Dispatch,
died in that city on Saturday after a !
. few hours illness. He was very popu- j
lar, enjoyed a large law practice, and !
had held several e!!ires un'ler appoint- '
: merit from the State Government. !
(ieo. W. ll'-nrif rlite, a j.roir.inent
Grecnbacker of Virginia, who went to'
Waphington, D. ('.. week before last, to '
' attend the Greenback convention, and
: has been in an intoxicated condition :
ever since, jumped from a window in i
; the third story of the Metropolitan Hotel i
; Frilaymorning,andwasinstantlykilled.
I General Grant has invited General :
i Robert Patterson, hi old commander in !
I the Mexican war. to join him on his ap
j preaching tour through Mexico, and
J theeild veteran, though now in hiseighty
; ninth year, has accepted. General Pat
j terson will not go to Havana, but will
! join Grant on his arrival in Mexico, pro
j bably at Vera Cruz.
' The Pennsylvania F.ditorial Associ
' ation. at its metinc: in llarri.-burir on
Thursday f last week, elected Clavtor. 1
.Mc.Michael. President : Jacob Ztigler,
li. D. Woodruff mid J. H. Shieblev
Vice Presidents; and It. S. Memamin,
Secretary and Treasurer. It was reser
ved to hold its next summer excursion
at Watkiifs Glen and Cayuga Lake.
Will L. Marple, a St. Louis artist,
has applied for a divorce from his wife.
One of his grievances is that she sent a
broken frying pan to an art show, w here
pome of his pictures were on exhibition,
with a request that the hanging com
mittee would give it a iosition. as "an
example of the way in which the talent
I'l Mn .Ma,P.! 0 Provided for hl.i fnmilj's
George P.rooks and his wife were
prisoners in the rhiitUnoojra jail. He
"'i' ivcjil tnrt: in ,1 ffi. While fctie
ClVCn the Ilbf-rtV Of the rvirridr Sh. !
j flirted with the jailer and a horse thief. !
and the husband could see it through !
; the bars that preventeil hirn from inter- i
iff ring. His novel and torturing posi-!
tion urovo mm wild, and he committed
; suicide.
Archbishop Gibbons, of Baltimore
payinir a visit to j
shortly after Easter, h'sdrsi visit to th j
Holy See since bis elevation to the pri-
tomary with primates to make the ionr-
ney at least once evi rv ten vears, nnd
make a statement to ihe Holy Father
cf the condition of affairs under their
The body of Mrs. Mary Latimer, of
llannibal, N. Y., was found on the
beach, near Milwaukee, on Fridav. It
had apparently leen in the water two
weeks, and there were several deep
wounds on the head, whether from con
tact with ice or some sharp instrument
could not be determined. Deceased was
spenumjr 'no winter wstn Iier
J I J I i If'V f01im T '
:..n....rtv. f1 :
Mrs. !;Tr:;ti". ;:nd
"th iii- t.
On Wednesday night four well-dress-t-d
men, apparently ordinary travellers,
arrived by train, at JXtnforth, Iroquois
county, Illinois, and soon after masked
themselves and entered the lodgings of a
Mr. Webber, who is over CO years old,
and after knocking him down and cag-
i trine him. blew open the saff in his
room ami secured $I,:00 in ash. after
which thev escaiM'd. leaving him sciire-
lv fastened, lie was released
the next
morning after a night of terrible suffer
Advices from ( berry vale, Kansas,
Bay the building OCCUpi"fl by the Globe
v... . , t. ......
Oiure, nictryin, -m. ic
MeorS, and by a furniture Store Irt-lOW,
burned Thursdav night, and that K. C.
Henderson, foreman, ami "William Mc-
! Iaih. printer, of the Globe, perished in
the flames. An emplove of the St.
Ixmis and San Francisco Railroad was
seriously burned. Three other men
were sleeping in the building at the
time, but escaped by jumping from a
Matthew S. Stracy, a farmer living
seven miles south of Columbia City,
Ind., sold several head of stock at Semth
AVhitely, and started home last Thurs
day evening with the money and has
been missing since then. On Friday
his coat and empty pocketbook were
found under Sterling's bridge, across
Eel river. A hatchet and club, with
blood and hair on them, were found in
the water. It Is now thought he was
' on.l l.ln llir..,, .. ,'nv (...
murdered and his body thrown into the
river, which, however, was dragged
without success.
John Dyer, of Kendalville, Ind., de
sired to marry two woman the widow
Myers for the sake of the i3,000 she
possessed, and Delle Illy because he loved
her. He determined to get over the dif
ficulty by marrying Mrs. Myers, killing
her, and then marrying Miss lily. The
plan was partially successful, for he
married Mrs. Myers, and then destroyed
her by iison; but he had talked to Miss
IJly in a way that aroused her suspicion,
and she startetl an investigation that has
resulted in his condemnation to the gal
lows. A rat which had been adopted by a
cat at Drattleboro, Vt., last summer,
was removed in June and not returned
for four months. As soon as the cat
spied his cage she sprang for him, but
on recognizing her old piotego made no
further effort to harm him, and the kit
tens, then full grown, njoyed an old
time frolic with him. In the evening
the rat is let out and runs about the room,
climbing on to people, whether friends
or strangers. He appears tobe dewiftute
of fear and plays wiJA a young cat be
longing to one of the neighbors with all
the I'rcp.'om of a kitten. He is perfect
ly harmless, never lieing known to bite.
Lewis KocKwell, aged 101 years,
' lives in a little cottage alout five miles
; from Laxawaxen, pa. His wife died
about a year ago, at ihe advanced age
of IK.;, and the old man is now left entire
i ly alone. He has chidren, all of whom
; are well to do, but these children have
; so far failed to contribute towards his
supjort, and the centenarian has applied
, to the court for a rule to show cause
, why his offspring should not support
i him in his old age. Mr. Rockwell was
! for a number of years Sheriff and als'o
Treasurer of Pike county. He is pro
bably the oldest man in Northeastern
; Pennsylvania.
i There is a oplar live, about eigh
j teen inches in diameter, in this city, says
' the "I'roy (Alabama Krujuircr, which
. was standing erect ten years ago. A
; short time afterward the tree fell and
; lay prone on The ground for a coiisider
: able period, during which time a part of
th" top was cut up and used for fuel.
; No human agency has since interfered
: with nor in any way attempted to move
: it. and yet it now stands erect and is
' growing beautifully. This tree can lie.
seen near the City Academy. It is the
! only instance we have ever known of the
violation of the statement made in the
Scripture, that "as the tree fall so it shall
: lie.-
i As an instance of the energy w ith
, which a Southern white man can buckle
j dow n to work, the Murfreesboro ( X. C.'i
. Enquirer tells of a small farmer in that
i neighborhood who made last year fifteen
J bales of cotton, averaging 4'i.j pounds
, per bale, ttesides raising and killing 2.
009 Kiunds of jork (after losing eight of
! his best fattened hogs by Ihe cholera),
! and housing corn enough for his this
year's supply. His crop was made with
one mule, and he did all his farm work
h'mself. except $4 worth. His expendi
; tnre for fertilizers was 544. This is a
: goenl exhibit for that section of the
; State, and shows that some things can
! lie done as well as others.
Joseph Nestor, of Wapakonela. f )..
; made a frightful attempt at suicide in
I his blacksmith shop on Monday last.
He severely cut his left wrist, and then
taking up a smith's scribe awl with his
I full strength drove it into his left breast,
i To make sure of his death, be placed
; the awl to the centre, eif his forehead
: and then with a hammer proceeded to
i drive it home. At this jHiint his at
j tempt at self-destruction was discovered
and an ahum given. An attempt to
! pull the iron from his head failed, but
when his wife appeared on tho scene lie
himself wrenched it from his forehead,
! where it had penetrated nearly two in
ches. There is but small chances of his
' recovery. Dissipation is assigned as the
' cause.
I The Urainerd, Minn.. Tribune' tells
: e( a miraculous escape caused by the ac
; tivily of one man. Thenighr passenger
j train from the west, five hours late, at
: about half-past .1 o'clock Sunday morn
: ing last, whenj'ive miles west of Motley,
' miraculously escajed a terrible wreck.
It was being hauled bv two engines, and '
, just at the foot of Ilaydeu hill the rear
j engine jumped the track, breaking iriose
: from the front engine, and plunged into
j the marsh from a four foot grade. The
! engine turned nearly upside down, bury
I ing Ihe engineer. George Ames, and the
j fireman, Terence Vane, in four feet of
i water, iee and mud. The tank of the
engine careened
over, with the trin-ks
! upi'erniust. ani lore the cab of the en
i fc'ine tfi pieces. The iIiuky fireman
i lnanarred to pet liishcal tliroutjli the tle
I liris of the wreckeil engine out of the
water, and feelinp: Ames, the engineer,
j tinder him, reaehed down and assisted
j the drowning engineer out of the peril
ous predicament.
-AST nammer when the question was
in every one'a mind whether tfie Cres-
i rent Ci;y was again to lie allHcted with
j yellow fever, the whole country was
j startled by the announcement that
! among its half dozen or more victims
j were first the love.'v yountr wife of the
lr;.e Confederate renerai J. 15. Hood, j
followed by the deatli of the (veneral .
liimself, leaving ten little balies to the !
cold mercies of the world. The women i
of the Sou Hi and N'ortn
this apyeal to their charitv
acripium use was openen, out. w un no !
Kiet rt'fiim. comparaiiveiy. ine i.iie
i warrior was on the point of publishing
I his Narrative of Personal Exterienees
in the I nited Mates and the Confeder-
ale states Armie.
n p i, Thy hit con
G T 1"mi regard tho enti
The book has just
rade General
ntire proceeds
benefit of "The
Hood Orphan Memoiial Fund. as is set
forth in another column.
AsrflTVKR This. Did you ever know any
person to he. in, without inaction of the
stomach, liver or kidneys, or did vou ever
know one who was Wu when either was
obstructed or inactive? And did you ever
know or hear of any ease of the kind that
Hop Bitters would rot cure? Ask vour
neighbor this same question.
WajvTKD. Shormnn Co., Marshall,
firh . Want n ant in iliia (..nntr. o vnA
7 - - s' iui j vvfinii' At Ulivr,
t p.?ary of er morit-h and .ptnscs
Tacoht at Last Tho rittb.Jrc Di'cii
of Tuesday fnnmhes th following particu
lars of the arret In that city the mght pre
vious of a postal clprknti the V. K. K. nrmd
Bumhangh, who for some time hd ten
suspected ond has at la-it heen caught in the
very act of robbing the mails. The Dispatch
says :
On th arrlml of i Ftt t,fn or lti rByl
vanla Hllrorvl at tfve I'aloa lpot B'Kbt,
bort!y aft'-r 11 o'clwlf. Ppcelal A sent t:mp. of
the I'oatom? r)epartnjBt. arr!5tl J. K. Bum-
i Pl'."".? ?2.?-'JV'1Z.?.?i
twotn tblft rily ! H"rrOTr. nrt hnt flervod tn
the 4 RpRclty mtny year. He wg qafet la fctf
,or,.0mu"h "that thrrt, wt t Bo.,.irto
I b wm ihe fjniltr perty for a to ilrna aftr ba
! foramemrl hm ptfillnns.
j Nomeroo romplaln i hare made to tba
poital authorities by hnlne men, ol money lot
' at dinrnt lime, and itec:iTe weje n-i m woxa
t on the eae. It wa Tory rtlllicnlt to traeo the
j thtel. as roonry seat Iro n t,'hlcao to New York
was Holm, and quite a number of oterat are em
' ployril between thepe points. Th e e!Tort of special
j sirnt I'amp was at last suresful, rosultlnjr in
' the arren of Kumhanxb.
j The prinontr earre(i on bis operatlin In a man
: ner that made :t tSIfflpnlt to doteet htm. While
his ronte was only frrnu this eliy tn Harrlsbar.
I be did not eonhoe bis cperaltons between these
I toiDl. HI plan was to rifle mail matter rent
i from Cblcao and otbrr wafrn points to New
York so as to aroid tosplclon This tbrfmsrh mail
I did no, fall Into his line to handle, and be tnp.
noted ttiitt by rldlna-1 hem.leltrrs. suspicion wotna
ls.sten on tbe elerki upon whom derolTOtphe duty
to distribute thtm. H is,- :t ls Jwere lo handle
mallonlTat local points, et alon that re-.weo
('biratro'and the east, lly rc-nfininit Ills operati
ons for a time on mat that did not fall tu bis pro
vince to handle, he tuns pnoceede4 In enrrjrins; on
his stealing quite awhile, bot he afterward r.ecamo
mi-ol lcn-d, an t at last co-nmenced to extend the
tneins t" mail ietwen local xlnti.
As to tbo extent or his o(;ertlons nothing- de
finite Is known, but the special ns;nt Is satisfied
the aesrrrirato amount stolen is lartre. As his
stealltifrs have b -sn carried on quiti a time and
the complaints of mnejr Ion were rreiuent, there
are aroumls for such belief. Whvn tne train ar
rived at the I'nlon Depot Mr. Camp ordsrad ail
Ihe clerks to be searched, although tie was satls
ue knew who the (i1!ty party was. The aeajcu
resulted in the arrest of humbauifh and convey
ins him to the lock-up. (in his person mi found
twenty dollars of marked money which had been
sent ia rtceoy letters by the detective. en Sun
day mifht t!:e detecilre had aim sent a decoy let
ter) ccii'ainlnjr money which had cot reached its
destination. When arrsted tie prisoner was
eool and collected, and old not show the slightest
sisra of anxiety. H was perfectly se!!-poj"tiseJ
lut said 1 ttlc He fs about lorty jeare of age,
and has been employed as portal clerk many
veer!1, lie was rank a by li s superiors as arnoup;
the best clerks in the service, both on account ol
hi Industry and steady habits. The spec. a! asrent
deserves preat credit for the manner in wuicti he
has conducted this case, showing- tact and skill lu
brlnKlps; about the rre-t.
Uati.koau Progress ajso Pkospectb.
The ficrurcs showing the total tnile of rail
road built In the United Stntps for the year
1S7 are now complete. The report snjs : year there was a mMrked lncre-n-e in inll
built o r any year inc? 173. The IsTS show
ed a total of i.-Jl mf !e built In that yer. bringing
the mi!" oi iad In a.l the StMei and Terri
tories up lo SI. R41. I.ars-e as the total of 1S79 was
ithap i-ccn -reBlJy exceeded by 17P. which amounts
to 4. -WO tuix. feiiine the Krnd e:a! - w.-oS
mil1 of rallrcad p-w lp tfv-raiir.v. The whole
ril"'ii! mi'jsv n't nrll ) a !::.! nsnrs than
S.-v-.-VU miies. eif this turope has about lou.ouO
mlle. tho L tilled bltts sa.oe-.'. sn l th r st ot the
world some -O.OOo. We a-o nt'id!y approachins:
niie hb!I ot the world's railroad nillrae. The di--tnbntion
ot the new roas ini!t in 187 Is worth
fonsidrat!oL.. In the c.ift very little was done
beyond ihe construction of chort local lir.i-s or con
nections. 1 ho ho!e of Net r.nplund buiit but
farty-two mile oi In the yenr. Airaiottt this,
onc h.ilf ol tLe whole, or 2,'Jo-) 'miles, were built in
the n i. Stt'-it, M nr. h. I ow. r.iiK'iri.Knii.
Nebraska and Intkotith Territory a' I west oi n-0
M:Fii-sipj.i river. it fhn new roiolx built la'lyear
nenriy oiic-miHrt-r. or'.rt:-. unief.v. re narrow tru'c,
(il lent or 1. '1 o iV,i! -.' II further how to f new
rofoi! ol l7u w.-re distributed between t!ie SiRte
east r.-.d u of the Misi-.ssippj we l,nt 1,-1S
miles in the St:ei e::t of that ilvur, aa'.ast 6.187
mile" In Stutes and Tcrritrrirs we-t o! it. Iuric?
ti:e ve;ir iK;y the co.;t o; railroad construction has
ndv:ii:c d nenriy thirty jr cent, and the prices
stii! tend i:ar-ls. Hut t'ir id a limit even ia
llie-e koo-1 t:ui to rs:lr'-:itls.
TLu new- riau) in the west and northwest ore
or e:, nif i;p io- . "Trent a vast fertile territory.
Unt. u'lt-i this now tsv-snt trritrv ia o-vupie'd
:ul c?i:t!vitl. K thin:: req-iirln- t'.-.aa. the rail.
I'ivI runa:o throu.a :-. w .!! !- .ay evet. r m
ninir eijimiHrt. Tuere ; .ue, a thin;: "as b-jildini;
railroads t-o fast. e i-jy thia tecm'se prent a
tl proirress in railroad bull. lint; in I'j7-J ha bi-u,
it I'Mnui-l ti ! jrrealcr In lSV.i. And it is i-oEai-
l ie io even.o :n r:tlir'.M'i lU!idlr.)( ai.-l !-.- UJ
itnl pei-in.--i.c-.:lj ti tt .-id he mad- p.-otii:
otLer directions.
o iu
A Human ?.Ioxptrositt. A Kokcmo
, (In J.) t.-lt'fcvain cf re-cent dute isys :
1 The hi-'paU of this city will to-morrow pubjtrh
a hiifhly renttttloiml article on the recent b:r;h in
this county of a well-developed, sharply-deflnej
. m msirooty, beintr bnif human and ha 1 coot. I he
truth of the t.i:eintint is vonehtd f-r by i-ever-i of
the bet funre-s in this county, who saw tiie ;.-..
wai;r end w h-:se te-t i mony ca iiu-it be Ira pearlier.
! At th very urgent rejuc.'"t of tiie rsr. nt of thi
, mon.-lpw.ity. the r rallies will, for the pteitnt at
leat. he ml. helil fpim pul'llv: t;on.
Ahm! tro w?.rls io A sounn in !n in lavior
twnhip, tl:l county, ahont fjv :r..!e. .:u "t -
kom". pave birth to tsriii. ..i:e of which w-i" H well
i developed boy and tiie Cher a h!i!e.,m ri:ont.r.
h.l!i liuiuiin unil hi;! coon. Tie mrl
child Is now 11 v i ntr. but its t'r.n ic.ii-iro7; ; ,- ;.v..
, only a lew hours a'Ter birtri. l.. ery on'. v.-.:,o sriw
it at ojcf re;,ia kl tho striking ree!7iolnji.-e t h
C ion. Its tnee wn pointed, anti looWe 1 i; ke a e.e.r. s
f".-e. Jthn l fo'ir ieet recmb:tn clj -, on which
were -rent sharp nails. It had a well -ieliiied till I
, four In 'hos loin. 1: irtd noeyes. and !t ura; and
lind.s lijkei like tho It mi a' of the a.u,mal : o
striV.iimly rerer.jbied. ltf body, or nljtia
bore m.irks ot human nature.
' our mc llcai men are ktchi 1 ..- e.x-ite I over te
matter, and rent pnf lie intert-it is iaa:ii'. strj in
this rare -ind wonderful feat of nature. The t!ie, rv
. thiit human monstrosities, eni!o.1yin tuerke'i
: characteristics of the human and brute creation.
may result from fright or Mrotn: mcnui aversion
. of the mothrr d urin: the pcrio.i ff ife.-trttiun. liss
, received pretty trtnir prool In tiii e.te. This re
I markable phenomenon Is accounted for on these
; facts: Tiie husband has followed 'coon-hunttnx
i tor a livelihood for years. 1IU wife h.s always
j evinced . decided dislike f.r the basiness. aiii
! pleaded lo vain with her husband to irive it up !-
tosjethcr. Scersl moufhi previous to the birth of
i the twins the husbsud had br'-utrM home a dead
f Voon, whlcli almost paralyred the wife with a mor
i tM fear and unconquerable aversion. In th-.- light
of science and medical history there is nolhtnjr un
I rcisonable or incredible in this nnrre iu:u na
' turtt. It has parallels In historv.
! - A TitinsT Turns Protectant. A Haiti- .
more dispati-h of the 2fJtti tell if ft Bohemian
! priest in that city who abaioloniol the altitr
! a lay or two p'revions and embraced tiie
; Lutheran fwitli. lt:ys:
A cfcfe.tion f-un li-man f Vtholici-m :o Tro
testi:tim Is rare l;i the hitt'.ry of the t'iiio.
; lie t hiir- i in this archdioce-e. the ltt liavinif ie.
i curred fevers! years pru.ereatir.r; at the time jintn
a seitsatioii In reiitrious circles. Lntc l-t crnnn
it was ascertained that a lett-r ot reciniitlon ha I
been trnt to Archbishop i ioo ,ns by the lir. Jo-
- hitnr. Hodjs.. a Koman f-itholic iriest. pnstor of
: the Bohemian "atho!ic rhurch of sit. Wer."cs:a;:s.
i Till church was crectsd :i few yexrs I r tho
special U'c of lhhctuian, and at the rcipies of the
; Archbishop. Father Hoda came Irom Bohemia. '
; somecls;ht months ao and accepted the porma- :
; npnt pnston-hip. Ilet-ently he dotermlned to cm- '
brace the Protectant taith. and a day or two o
be formally renouueed the fatholic reiiirion in ihe '
I Trinity St. (erman Fvanrc!ical l.u'heran rlmrli,
with wlii eh dcnonii nation he hat n-sociatcd himself.
, Father liodia Is aicj about iC2 years, and i t-aidto i
he a learned man.
i The following ar-i'nunt of very trying sit
: uation apppiirs in tiie Palladium, of New Ha
i vt-n. Conn. : '
It hss been the cns'om of Fnulneer Stierbert, of '
, Harper's paper tnlil. to pot tho mill in mot(r,n'on
Monday niornlris jast alter midnipht. Yrstcr- I
, day. however, the ruin who reMoes herbert at 8
A. si. found flie mill st.indins; still and the enrln
eer with his loft hand caualit i'l the cogs of the ,
wheels. Tl e prisoner heard his relief npproach
1 Inif and -ho'ited tu him to turn of! the water. This
' done he was soon relieved. At midniif'.l. he said,
; just before stsrtinjr the mill, he went to the wheel
, to rreae e the eo. turning on just watr enough '
, to move the wheel slowly. His hand was causrht
in theco... and the w heel was stopped. He was un
' ".Me to releese himself, and his cries for help were
: not answered, s i he made the bet of his predica
ment tor sis. lonir hours until he was releHsed. He
1 seems to have suffered no pain when heid a prion
: fr. but on bein released the pnln from the crushed
member was Intense."
CoN'TMrnoN CrrtEP. Anold phvsi,.ia:i,
retiretl from rracticp. Imving had nlacpil in
his hands by an Kast India missionarv the
; formula of a simple vwubie iriiKMlvfurthe
speedy and permanent cure of Consumption.
BrotH'hitia, .':itanh. Aslluna, and all 'l liroat
and Iiiti"; Affectiousi, also a positive and rad
ical cure for Nervous Debility anil all Ner
vous complaints, after having tested its won
derful curative powers in thousands of cases.
tin n-ii is nis outv to make il Known tn bis
sufTennc fellows. Actuated hy this motive
Rnfl a desire to relieve tmman sutTering, I
'i.1,,enrt ,ree of charge to all who desire it,
.f;rinan. ficneh, or English,
The women ,IM" r,"re, in .erman, rieneii, or Knsiisli,
r . t. ' Wlth fn" f!'""pctioiis for preparing and usintf,
alir.e arose to , seirt hy mail hy addressing with stamp, nam
ty and a snli- i w-x tins papr, W. W. Sheur. I4it hw
mork; Jiov.'ierter, jv. r. f 12-l!.-;;m.1
i Two Bov? Kii.i.kt) I.vj-tasti.t. A e.irrcs
! pondentof the Philadelphia ?for. writing
: from Marietta, Lancaster county, under dat
j of the 2tith inst., says :
i Yetersy twn bevj were kllle.! hore
j In i slnirulsr rv. Tliev wore plavlntr ttmler a
(lerrli-k m-mnted on oar that was siatnllnir near
! Watts' rurnire. and tted for holstlnir foul fn.ra
! bnats. A man eitmried f the fin of It and the
i t! helnr: it rell with s rrasi,. ' W iiiiarn
j T.ntrmeht, of tiie boys, aired 13 and r.n
1 "t Km an tie Kiirnlrhr. an engineer at 'hi.-kl.-s'
I Kollln Mill, was horni.l c rru? h. d and killed al
I most iutantiy. The other boy. a tramp, is vears
; of ase. whose name is unknown, and stno h'mied
j from r,lttle If'K-k. A rVan'as. was ltil!e.,l instantlv
. his skull and leys bf hip; rrnshed. I he man eV
. cnpe.l injnry. bavin lumped to the ground when
he felt the timbers falilna.
TRIM. LIST for Adjonmod Conrt,tn !
hU at fcbtjnsbur-j, on ihe lflth FcY-rriiu-r i
Mrliermittf r Flrun f 1 1-.;.
C. V. riXiy.STAAt rrotbon.itar-.
Pnithftnotry (ifiice. FhBlnrp. Jiio. 19, l! 1
Wos r" t ..--ue K -h .. ml
xrr is
Witnessed the Grant
jMcn and Boys to Call at Oak Hai
i Immeiliotfly nml llqulp ThemelveB for the
j The Jdttpnlarly SMALL I'KK'ES we taiied the Ancnal trtfr 6ie
itfrred all the Mores to do their best. But e eeHjed tlnm
; and they know It, and the People ee It, too.
These are the rrtcen for Our Own Carefully M'tnttfactured C ,-. t
bought in the A'etf York Wholesale Stores.
A few left f the .. uO I ine Dvt-rroats, re.luced to
Royal HeveTibie I'Uid Hac. f.'d everywhere at f-J!.i i r oil lnd.o t"oi r i
Woven B.icks). Uur l'rtce
Next Orade
Kxtrm Sires In Blue and ISrowu Wommoo Heaver I ivem-att
Next Orade -
A ood Stmtie Scrvlceslilefloth Blond Overcoat
Kvervdav Workinsj 'rvereoat
Hen's All-Wool Suits
The Aubnrn" I. B. Suits, for liusineu and lTees
Extra QuxlitT Sawver" Suitings
The Finest ol" ( 'simiTet Suits
Iref Suits of B'St Imported C'l dhs reducel to
Slen's F.rervday l'ar.ts . .
4.11-Wool Bijs ness and Dr?
kxtra 'it:e Iiress I'ants formerly !0.'J. now
ysiinine Harris f 'assitnere lnt.?s
The Verv Tatet Stvle In "ht!dren )vere.ats
The ISin'Me Shouldered e'pe li-.val l:eTers:td Bnck Overeats
(The Nlct l.ittle tJoy' Overcoats Osk Hail ever produced j
"bildren's Snits at low h
HlslitrUrsiisi and Siore Klaburatelv Trimmed Suits
A Orest SpeciaUv iu liovs" and Vor.ths' I'ants
The Largest Clothing House in America.
Hood's Great Book
VerKonal Experience in the I'ni
tcel States ami t'otij't-ilerafe
Stettes A 1 mien.
Cy (ionirnl II. IIt()f.
Ia.r I if utmant-Licntrel Cfrttl"ctr Sic:t$
rrBMSflr:i ik
ins m csfHAS iwm& FUSB
Cenoral C. T. Beauregard,
.r.w nni.riK, issa.
The entire proceeds aeiins; from the sa'e of this
work arc devoted to T he Hood Orphan Memorial
Fund, which Is invested in l intel Strifes Ke(s
tered Ib'nds f r the nurture, run1, support sn J eJ
ticaiion of the Ten in ic.ritr tii -pri el of ir parents
lat sniumer at Nw tries lis. 'the melarchoiv in
cidents of which sad toirsmcnt rre stiil fresh in
the public mind.)
Tub book m js blkut-t (--hvp. wt.iimi.i
3"J TAflES. WITH A FI-E fit, Tl--o It A f H l!f!Er3
4l A LIVE STEEL t'urAVI JO. vai-sj urr.rHT
fi: thi- work, rot t ii;:m or rati lk
riEi bs. Hot" ti t .!-' r !rav I1.m:i i-h
Snrti' HiunMi. 'vith Mai-.i-ik l i 'H llllil f
IMU.I.AUN AXIS lltTI f TS-li. Half
Kr Tin JIlillKTii, MOEIKT -TTI P. I l R 1)1)1,.
I. A US, ;t it r.T 1.1HM Tt i:ks v m. kio
h i - Uilt Su.i: Af Kim.i-.s. Fls V. DOLI.AKS.'
n the re-.-elpt Irom any person rem: t: : r b mail
or express, of the amount ax a r-st'stered letter or
by a pj-itn! r r ler. bar.V (Ira ;.., . eck. a c-.j v w.!l
be immediately s.-nt free of pounce, reentered as
sec nd-cN-s tnrvt'er.
The rolumw Is pnblishe.l in th best of tv.
I'Otrrnpliy. on e:ernit pa per. w.;!s iliustre'tlons. n-c-ut-vl
il hll,p--t Specinitiis oi urt.
The author, the subject, the purpose, all aiite
render it worthy a iluce ineverv porarv. on everv
deck or upon the l ook rhelf ol'otrv h use ;n t,e
i'jenlt vantr-1 In evrry !c:rn n-:d rouri'j- :n the
I nilrd start: off a t.rffn-f.ct tet'l tr i.-iret to ton
orauiy discharged vettrani fron tht rr nv.
'i'o the ladies, who leel a deiro to exnrcs tv.-?ir
sympathy with Thr Hoo-1 Orj inn Vr-noirl Fi erf.
the su e oi t!;! hi), k anuiiif the reir-ie of friends '
will afford an excellent way of contributing cl
strtntlal aid to fo desorvintr a cause.
Hill Thli'.ls. HATFS TO 'FNTS TTt:.,
Osn'l . T. ileaurrftaril, rablisher,
Jl-30.1 Miff ORI.EAXS, I.A. 3m.
15- O- Oowclsjoi1,
JllftP one door wet f Huntley store, where
O choice samples o! t'loths. Carjiiiiirvs,,
-c., from which selections run be made, will at ail
times be kept on hand, and full snits or single arti
cles rf weanus apparel for either cents or souths
wiil be made to order on the shortest nntice."in the
latest and best style, and at the lowest llvinu price.
Satisfaction naranteed in all eases and the hct ot
work f"irnieie.1 fully as cheap as In lenor clothlns;
can be bought ready-made. trial is earnest
ly solicited. B. II. (lLSCU"irR
F.bensbori, Mav 2S, 1 j7 t).
Lillle Builder Cigar,
One llun-t.-ej fi r ti 00 -
ll kl Frttil l' T,- N 1 -;
jiltlBBSiSif Ht'ii'i ih-mitv. vjs'
iiress in
on re-
M. J. IM T"5 ilK.KTY.
12-12 Sole ManTr,
84 rtr.n Ave., rttthurj. Va.
I imXUsdlA.tM rv kj f m...
It m1-sTI t .Is. Ulei. a st.iss.s
j of lur.r stand u ia 1 nock.
mm cm - - ."..
"rsrr An t-i-teZ cr-y it tt t Iti a -fa o f . -9t a, J
tto m I is-rirsr.fsi Kssss-i I w , ' I . . X r 1 m -
T(.R iSALK OJ ItKN'T. I off-r for
a- sale or rent mv F-VRM. b.oated r-esr I'l rtire
I'ambria ronnty. On the I a'rn Is a if..od II .-.!
and a Rood Itarn, with pood Water -r-Tver The
Irarm contains acres, undertones, nnd issitnate
alons; the Una of the Munsisr sml r--sd
l..r terms, apply to the nndersicned at IVr1:i-e
at any time, or at Kbsnsbmir dfni. t!r T-..mber
session o: tourt. JUSKl'H n VI.
epTS nnd othi-rs
throuahont the e,.nntv who have
Inrs on hnd will eonm!t their own intre-ts bv
hoidins them for a lw weeks, when I will ea'i tor
t!i"!ra and r y the hlirhtst enh prti-es
T.. . . JUH1B WF.1SSF.R. .Tan. C l-i.-3t.
Mm . Wjmn SXSwe li.,,I 'i- s..i.
frij ft n ?i
El" I1IB1I
V I . 8 I I I I
; u i a i a 1 1 1
S3 to s Jin:
v"'lil f-er rlei s.t bom.
"Kini I
vir that
Reception In phlladc!pr,e
: -r.
- X
1 V
'. V
: r
t x
: k
)yiy Groocts.
tefeyifh p,t '!!
VI c a ?tsff,n itz'.
in ;
(1HCAG0 11 "Ef-RLV WWl
?2.o) a r.u. rasiAt r inn hp.
1 :: 'H : . oo V,'j;-- n .V w ...--i'i-ii'l3;?.i::irui-i-p'.,,!
icer.ts f ,1 . .;-r.fc ; . --r; . I I.
SJ ! MO'ls fcIM. ij;y T '.e rv , T. ,1 f . . ; , n ;-
coiL!tr' n a C'-ir,; ;e .ei.-.-.jj i r "i -
serv:-. cj-.i'.priM-- ,r j i,.. ,.
Er.K s... I 1 1 li I'F.t-., a;..) ttie Na7i
ct.'.Ti:o I'l.ts-i. fes?le a i er" Ttii!e..
sti-,ul i!ojr;i!n :r u !:! oop-T'sr.! ;
a netrspspe-r it hup no superior. It 1
IN f '''i i'l :-S ree; t'l.i; r.ll t - ' . -5l i es
J e-;-.!i: t-.s , or lor. I ir. o't-i-,'.
fear vt tavor as to par.
It t. In the !ni!et, a rsw
lia.-h is-iie contTHis Six ri. i r. i -sides
a ri'h rj-f,iv ,' rnsl-r-.
Art. I ;-t"-i-ir. I.i .iMTin
E-r.. Err . 1-s Mm kkt O'-.-ta-:- s
and to be relied upon.
!t is uosurj-aAed ii sn cm -t r; -. r x
trustworthy oir-vrr.At i v!'. y mb.ij
special eiubtcrj terms i-ri-L' it n -.i r
eii. Specimen copies ti-av be s -ci i.t
'end sut srr-i t ..a" to this ,1: e.
ior tiic msT
n he market, rs ir'l rr f-r .-v-m - ;Vf k( ..-.ti
Are now In ns in Fc::r-T ivotl.
I It'
OT frern 4 to ISO Horse Tewrr.
Pe. 18. ISTJ.-Sia. 1'ivrevi: :c :
t' - - vi m srsviw v srar s s'1 -
fSn As. earacitv). Acen's for tl II mlsow Hn
tr Tuts S O. Butter Tubs. I'mis. Pe ; F vs.
'u snprtv oi these rtardard ari .i v-,
Wares constant's In store-
I. nme. f pies. TPttsite-w. Hewn". ,T'
losiw. Dried I mil. Isrd.l sllew, . ree
llldew. Ileld Seerlw, leaihrrs, Pees)
sssjx. Honrs. ldr. linrtsr. I roll
JKMtter, I: bew. snd nil Isrni nrol "
den I'redeits reeelied end wold
j No. 211 Liberty Street.
j Kefer to the V?oBif Far, 'be bus-n's ce
: sruoitv. st d tetheir ree-t rt'r -s
1sup srely. se,ci-wr-kiy sr l ail; e s-tet -s-
rsSTts. n:&i!c-d tr, e t- aov m.';e s. .
I'irect rcr.rei: it.s with V. , -u rn 1 ci"S
fTsrh srd Fell TeVt hore C-r- s'.-'-s
irIei-si for Inrr Mrsil. rrt.1 errfesi.
--l l'tsil.e..srrrls nnd oth r r,m"
1st on r line., csirr-rnliy filled at '-n"
al srLet i a!e.
:- Ui - ; "s..t.-si a - p k ti 1 i r-- '""'.. - 1
C!i 1 e t) f., , : r- 1 1 UK ' i " ' . "
i -i- - -t U't 1 -r- t ir- ic - I -
f'i.'.fd r-V'-! i. ? .-Tr--.--' ? b V. - . r
c.-i t " -'ir . N- T 1--mhV-
t i, "I t1 -i. -' '"-' ' ;", J
t r ,--t.ri. , : -. rM : I - - " ..---
-i .-.ten ti.r m k.dir-T t r-.-t:4-. -j' ' -i."
K-m-ik. i --s iitu-i(-i ii-w:-r-
t it-tV. irr-fi-tid r' tn- " t ir sW . l-i l- - r - . .
yt't-,1 X -m v.. k 1, Wed". r ' 'V "-. s r '
rct'Til o" v-r,n 'sfrurc!ed tirx c ' , .
pnncipi)r, -vt a. ,n !. . ..- ' t
lr-s: w :-: M ! wr--n '" V ;
I.wowM'Ir'iUMtatrHirtir." - !'.r'T ' ' e- -!
1 ii-v A i rr-r ion N r-" "' ' " 6 ,pt
I A CO., BuAm. 7 txtUc T-v
dre-s BWir.:: i Hv.liep., T V.
! v""') IIX. 1V.1ut :t h.-rcr is.. y,.
: O t'tat fr?-". A l.lre-s r.-tioa' v.. vue' '
I 0 T a TT. .P r.n.: Ac'r' - '''
Mt.'M Ji I
W at.
h ;. nt
i b f wcr M ,
S V .
: t i