! l i EBEriSSURC, PA. FRIDAY, - - - DEf. 12. 1S70. - - ' Tmk 'K-(iit n:li:i.a! re venue system v.s ni janit-il i'U inU r 1. -t.2. Since that tiiiu i- t..i Iwt-n (cliected on .listni.d spirit, u, to the clo,e of the j n-n lis. ;il . ;V-'.',ii7.11". the number f K.l...,s j.a i i i.' tbU tax ling 837,417,- '; .l Dviriti the .Mine period the total ,, . , , . , ;im.Mttit of tax collected from tobacco , T,a.i vi:!i)'-"'1, which was the tax on 1 . t JI . 1 "i pounds. On cigars there j III. len o.lWteil since the law went ' .... .-. - . i into f. rce jl 14. ..!. -... The average j &nmlu'h freeman. rate of tax on spirits was about 70 cents gers a majority. Mr. "VViltz being con pr galNm. and on tobacco about 24 cents ; fronted with this armed interference va- "r P j rated the Speaker's chair, which was . ! the only thing he could do, having first, ir.tting all the furce of his mighty intel le. t on the passage through the Senate of a resolution to adjourn over until Wednesday next, in order to enable the Keptiblican members of Congress to at- ren.i . .rani s reception m i nuaueipi... j WM of on(? of the two Republican can ,n Tuesday. He ought to succeed m ; .. . . au - c,,ifr or. c1t tinp.i cnttinr the fob through, since he got ? tliv;i.nil!ist siininir r to adiouril two I ne senate last SIlimiK r to .tOJOUHI . .. ! alavtoattend the IUltimore races, which . ,, 4 ! e tliiax a:zor i quue as imicu initriiccL xta! entertainment as can be got out of ne if ; rant's third-term receptions en iTineeted by a set of humrry prospective :r;'o-holders. i iF.,ROK i. Cannon, the Mormon ielee in Congress from Utah, who divides Lis aff'." tions b-tween several wivfs, and, therefore, ought to be good ; .. .. ., i- , r ,,,.,, ,. authnnty on the question of polygamy, stated in Washington the other day that ' .ui-in thf Mormons not more than one iiutn i:s t n h.i i.iore th.an one w ife that iLer: ;nv l".ri,i.n.i Mormons altogether, of holll :;..". are Ineu-aml mat not; more than 3.'o0of them have a plurality fl WIMS. lie aiM says Uiat llie .nor- moiis belif-ve in "home rule," which j means, wo suppose, that a follower of . Urinhaiii Voutig has thescriptural neht t m.urv ju,t n..y women a3 hc i ri.-.;,y. ' I i 1)f.nn! KEAr.NKY announced at a meeting on th s...n r ranciseo sand lots 1 usi. nuch iim iiiiciu in. i t fijii:; ij nc- land to take part in the present land ag- i.i. . . .-.:.. ... :.- r T - -t.i.: : ii .i . tr-i :i. n.. iiauou ui mat counu.. niinou.e , pie of California, and especially ot sun : Francisco, will rejoice to be rid of him, j A. rill lltl t the woes of Ireland could not be reuder- j ed more intowb;.. than they now are ; tha n by the pres,-i,.-e of a vulgar brawler . like Keainev. NVe are opposed to han?- .1.4. -.r.g, bt-ieving that it is the worst use to , .,Va of -i .,, iii t,,il -vb iiovi.rllii'ifDir aiase ot a m.iii. I'Ul .e neerttie.ess lear Iannis Kearney :i account, if lie car- ; riM out hlSin-ntlOTLthattiieheinpCIOp i n Iri-!and this VCar has Hot been a total ' liic New lor 1!.M greeted :ts , di'.'-nse ?.rny of r nd. rs last Saturday : n an . 5d i i-r.ii i.tvv .iiiit of type, which ;a:ii' !'Sf-! t. itj; apprarance. A rizig" tr. ''rf-s ceitainly desiiable. nt i.K-'.ful. lot r.o chii'ige in the ii's.'.cement of the W,r?Jcv uld possiblv , oa.-if ic more wor.hy f support than j.. , , , , ... .,, , ., , ' mv i. tor it in'iftL t-e aitmiLted that it of r-t.io. ratic journalism. : nv -. rrs in v. h.o w:-.nts a complete news- ,, r-.ii-i i-ii i ; .i t r. as w. n ;t- .v lnulnnl, re liable and "ti' ii'iit pai ly j) un a:, can have all his ' .- r,,, , t;. . I 1 i i wt i ts al -iii.dant i.)l.r,, .) JliWllW- n'g for eithf.r lliti daily, tri-weekly, viii-v, ((!-:! it weekly .Vew York il'f I-1. l'l spfrtns ni-xt Wfek. TiF.i:j: ; to about tliirty Itrpublicans .u th Vi'-inia I.rgishittne. eomposed of 'ic.iiy thrill iiumbers of whites and l'!ftvkj. ;!! of whom have formed a coali tion wi'.ii tho r.t aiijii:-ter.s.' who are in favor of repudiating a portion cf the ta!e ilebt. This union of forces gives the anti-debt piviiur members a majori- i f v on joint ballot, and Ceil. Mahcne, the i b'tr chief of the "Kadiustors." will ! dmibtles, 1,p ,.!p,tr,l to tho I' s. Senate to succeed l!in. Withers on the ith of March. 1-v-I. For thir aid and assist .tu 'f in jl.ivirg this di.ihonest game re- iia'.'dir.ir tl. tlate debt, tho negroes will l o proji ih rewarded by receiving some "f the minor offices in the gift of the. i.r-ishit ure. tl "V. Ilollid.iy will stand up rm for the honor of "Old Virginia' , arid he and the Democrats may yet save ( the ci -.':'. of the Slate. i ( !i.r.s s. l'AitNELi.. the leader of the Home Kulc party in Inland, has ' ;:b!ishcd a IttUr st.ititm that the trials , : Ji.ivii!, Kiueii and Daly, who were a re-... a i.u .s...i,tit.io:i three weeks ago, , o:i'.l 1 . Commenced on the 11th inst.' which was yesterday. After the trials -re over Mr. I'arnell will come to the United states r :i business connected with the piesent riistml-ed condition of Ireland. " is l.;.,!f Anicritan, his father !:. Ing lrnrri d a daughter of Comti:odor- Charles Stewart, of I'hila delphia. familial ly known as ''Old Iron sides," whrdied only a few yearf ago fle.se on to yearn of a;;e. Mr. 1'ar- V" S mother spends most of her time in ' hi outitiy, priticipa'iy in Xew York. He vT.il be accompanied on his visit bv Mr. FLanezan, who is a'si a ilnip Rale rn?:n"3r oT l'.trli vnent from t!ie county Clare, and th- Irihm n or Xew York ar3 tntkia pr'paratio-is to give thorn a grand re-'epiion. ".:". ll'. Ti IsiiAT.i.s, of the regular rmy, was sUtionel with Grant at a mi itary y,) in California after tho -!oeof t!; Mexican war. B th were thvi youuiT. a'nl :inn 1 th"mrlves at t -ight : laying the inieiestinz game of '. draw p-.ker. betting fabulous sums ou ; "!., L'i hauls. a!:b :iga r-.-iiher of them i ! a .U!ir. They ha ih ver since !ee-n w"Ui ft :! is adtn'rei '-f each tl;- : I.'i.ills v.'t-i'i ')..;;..;., !ii week, .".dir ! bv - rep .rSr wh'her 1 'I 1 ' t nrti': i aecf jd a third term, replied: Wt k ! ;,. I do.irt thiuk r.r.holv 'I I d. n't b li'-ve his wife knows. Teivd a hinr : s I v the voiec of great ri.-- of th.? people of this f'.-:nry-- if tl-.t-ir ititersts and vish.es tlem.tiid it he wiil accept." All of v.hi -h is stipr.uue'y siily and delisting -o!:ili if fro. u so s'i..! i.', -brained a crea fir a. i; iff It!ga',!. When the "inter- ' of t'i: c oiatry ,:.'."!inn.r the eltiou fjr a tair I tone of Insalis old i i'V p ker aota-'Kii-t. the tno l- will have lot ;;' .a V ;iii I " ! thir roaiiho .,1 vv;;j ' ft i- I: .;r. -A.-ith The election in Louisiana on Tuesday ' ! of last week resulted in a eorrplete 1 Deniocrali" victory, as was expected by every one at all familiar with the poli tics of that State. The majority for the Demon at ic State ticket is estimated at not Ie.xs than 20,000, and may reach con- sMeraMy more. The Democratic candi- datt for Governor was Louis A. Wilt?, who was Speaker of the lower branch of W State Legislature on that memorable lav in the beginning of January, 175, j during Grant's second term, when Gen. 1 De Trobriand. an officer of the regular i . . . , . . army, marched a squadron of troops into the nail of the House while it was in session and at the point of the bayonet unseated enough Democratic members . . -. ... , , . I to give the Republicans and carpet-bag- ! b.owever, delivered a withering and elo quent protest against the unparalleled outrage. The late election seems to have passed off quietly, the only tragedy connected with it having taken place in a Republican parish in which two of the UlUim .V. ...v, L.iui (.iiv. ," " : "..': ,,;, " . . I ..If ,!,, llsW if nrf mnrll I unnni . ' "'S ""iimair, uu iiiui- ""V t, . , , ed - Tfie Republicans nominated the ! ii'- j t .v...j a v. .i v. . : strnro-i-st and best ta ticket thev have ! birongt SI ami nesi . la.e llCKei lliej nave hid in the field for five vear but thous- ! na-i in me neiu ior ne yi.ir. out inous ( amis of negroes voted for iltz and the 1 ., T, .. .. . . I other Democratic candidates on the t State ticket. Thev have teen doing that I for some years, and yet Republican de.a- j agogues like John Sherman represent ; them as spending half their time in the : swamps fugitives from Democratic vi- I . i :., jm r f . olence and hing in daily fear of the j shot-gun in the hands of their blood- j ttnrsty oppressors. many to be true, t hat Kis I irace the Duke of Marl MoNDAY LAST Was the day set apart I borough, peronlly leels fur the pe..p!c- wants. t...1;t TV.irson. Vrunt .Inrt of I lne f'ol,H of Dannhin countv for an- ' onininn on th tr.otion ... . . -' i Inade tfn dav3 Lefore to quash lhe in. diotmpi,t nainst A. W. I.eisinring, of - . , , , Matieh (-hunk, one ot the defendants ,n the bribery cases growing out of tlio pjtjj-y Tl0i bin judge IVarson ad- hered to the view ho had taken of the ' sam motion when it was mad in th case of Charles 13. Salter, which was tl.if if la ir, 41. n .r. t r. r r. f 4T.ii rrt.if lllllb lb 1- 111 itic 'nci will b IV i . . ... - miasli an indictment for errors rof ro- i j.earhnj on its fore Ihe error in two cases being the presence in t me i lU ! L 1 ' . ) Grand Jury room of tventy-fuur jurors, or one more than the law sanctions. The ', j jge stated to the counsel on both sides i that tliev could decide unnn a d iv on ' ' which to hear the evidence showing tho . rit it i i i composition of the (.rand Jury by which ! the bill had been returned, and Monday I the bill had been returned, ami Mondav npT. .-., ,, f(,r that ...,- ! .' ' " ' I 11 Uie evidence SllOUId Him Ollt lO tie lne .. ,, .. .. Ranie as it was in lne Salter case, ns it ' ..... ... .... .... . undoubtedly will, all the indictments will be virtually quashed. That, how- i over wi'l net end thpm for thp dp- l(.r, VM.l HOI HI" inem, ior me UC i leiidaius are a.t under uau tor tneir ap- ... T . . j-enrau'-e at tne January term. wbfn i I new h.d.etmcnts will confront them. ! The oVavs of the law uo nrnverbial - 1 ' i but with so r.prmht and honest a man ... .... . : on the bench as Judire Pearson is ad-i mitted to be. we have an abidiv- faith .v ... , ... .... to ....... that lC"-mblo ar d bis corruut crew of ... ' " ' lobby agents will vet be made to pav the full penalties of the law. llnv V iv Km nix Tiwi.rr. of 1 1 n"'t y m the iicsii, tor ficfii th had none , teet Ol lumuer remain tied.up in t he Del 11 v - ham, Jut.t,e ot Their prcnce at the nn.,-. y. ur.s as i whs, re. aware river between Miifoi'd I'a and the I . S. Dist rict Court for Western "r't.'nc of lb v'3iuD"1 the Xarrowslturg, X. V. I.nst week's fresh- lenni'VlVatna. llied suddenly from ar0- : . . . i . i . t i . piCXJ, or hemorrhage Of the brain, at t 1PM. t'liar es Hotel. 1' ttslmro- , ..on : midnight on Saturday last. lie WHS ill 1 the o'.ith year of his age and was ap- l . I l.. r : i-i' -5J-1 i pointctl Judge in lio. hen he was callfd to the bench he resided in Wilkes- , Barre, and had formerly represented the ' T , . . . . . .. ; J.tizei'110 district III t OngrCSS. He Was ! esteemed in i,..rio-hr i,V. o,.,1 .lw "ri'h" J1 'Sv. ).. i-i charged his duties ably and with entire 'satisfaction to the public The news of hia sudden death fell upon us with peculiar sadness, from the faet that we were discharge! from service by him as a juror in the V. S. Circuit Court less than fifteen hours before hc was sum luoned lo another and we hope a belter world. He then appeared to be in the enjoyment of the best of hf-alth, and it was almost impossible for us to realize that out; with whom we had parted a few hours before so full of life and vigor, had been stricken down in his high and honorable career without a note of warning "What shadows we are and what shadows wc- pursue.' His rc- mains passed over tho I'a. It. It. on Monday hist for ititr-rmeiit at Vi't- Darre. IVa"e to his ashes. Ir seems to be conceded that at the election ir. Philadelphia on last Tuesday ! . 4 4, t week of delegates to the next Demo- ! cratic State Convention, the friei.ds of Cen. Hancock secured a decided majori ty of them favorable to his nomination for the Presidency. This is all well eiiouzh as far as it has rone, but it will ,,ot rest t,r siner th Af ol 1M.f . i - -" ...... . i oue-half of the delegates claiming to , have been elected wi'l be contested, and ' , the State Convent ion will again be asked : to stttle the never-euding l'hiladelphia ! quarrel. We have no stomach for this j nasty question, at least not now, and ; will wait to see what definite shape the 1 matter assume?. Sam Josephs is laying pipe to be sent to the national eonven , tion from his district, as one of fien. Hancock's backers. That will go bard ' with so good and brave a man as Han- ' cock harder than it .'id for him to face the rtbel cannon at Gettysburg and on other memorable fields. Still Sam has not yet i-en elected, but if he should be when the proper time coaier-, bifrienl Bi'l M Mnl'.n, of the '-bloody Fourth v.ard," ac:; go with him in the in- trest of Til leu. and be sure to take along his seven shooter. Tiik Lancaster Weekly Xetr Em. as we 'earn from the Huntingdon l.cd JN"'"'.. the daily edition of tiie Arte Era being the ot.lv one received at this office, appeared op. Saturday with ten lucres and seventy Columns, lino- the I irvet ence Kic?. '"'tor of the t'nited State tieoloii on.I ,,i,-f ...,..i,tA 'Zr " " k ; eal Survey, In eharn-e: si assistant. ant mt,,t complete issue of any news-' m. icpendcot ai..i rdmuea: t:ia.ses incud paper ever published in Lancaster. It i"!'0 ra.tsor p.mper n and crime, iafmat- is tl'lilv a cre-lt ltfusmuer ,,i ,. : ''n. Insanity, nnd Klin Iness Fred. H. Wines, of is iii.iv n l,reai Iiewspape., aild jet It 13 , Springfield. III., in cliarue: two assistant Lot qiiite three years ohl. H.,v . , , .I.FX. H A MSI-Y. of Jlinn R-ita i ha-, been tlOUUf;:ted bv Mr. 1 fa CS aild ! i ir-nr.!.,o!isU eonfo . ..! ' ' . i-i ' ii...'- ci.-. T t i "i i . t . Ireland's W oes A Fathctic Appeal. j We cheerfully comply Tvith the request of a friend in Altoona, who sends us the follow ing letter, furnished by the Washington cor respondent of the New York Herald and published in a recent issue of that paper, by fiving it a place in the Freeman. Canon lurkeis said to be related to the eminent Dominican Friar, Father Tom Burke, and is a priest of considerable influence in Mayo. Miss Foyle has decided to place a copy of the letter in the hands ot every senator ana 1. :.. i- T..:n. 4-1. . Kori VhirethSne Zy be d.m? to aileviate thi present suffering in Ireland : Olrwor,s, c"ltl; j mt dear mi Bovn-it u now i montM I lince ;ng htl l.-ttcr from me. Last SIjt our ; ')eo()1WPre hop(lful that, a,tL.r the un.uiiy e- J Trro winter win... us.-: j.. . ...-i -onum. , .. fin. n.t the harvest would romc to crown with an bun(Hiit return the labors and trial ol j the jeer. The contrary of all this ha come to pan smee isi5 the Irish people have not had so Pad ft lauure in mo poia.o crop, id some uimnciB ,t is M present one halt, m others three fourth, i and 1 nave iieen to;a mat some laroicrs nave iosi . eTen more than three ...urths of th normal re- I turn. The cereal crop re not all that one eoulJ j w n. 1 ne rn n o wmirr is it-it may in toe chill nortnem mts. ini erea in ini. tne last ; erenin; of tictohcr. there are many cornfield nn- I reaped and a few not wholly ripe. Peat or turr I, in t'onnaoitht, the only tuel: this Tear s peat forft!ir(ri? n.t yet dried. A luel famine threat- ' en. Aion with thee misfortune cnt by trod j tor the chajtifement and Improvement of ocr peo- pie. there eiistalsoa-reatcoinmercil(1epresion. The price for sheep, cow, oren and all kind of lire ttoclc I onlr one-hall whti it hui hMn t year afro : aud thi depreion is notahly low in regard to the poor man' aiocit. because there I : no demand lor animal, that are not marketahl-or in irood condition. American larm produca ba cheapened our market iinmenneiy. Hejce you will ee that our people cannot pay r I to hold on to the farms they have hit). erto tilled. ThFV will h milt, .rm.h .l. it - k.i.. h.. k... k : I l8, Il5cf- hey1 wu t & 7i .i;,.,.;: i port their ons and dautfnter and prepare them i juii lueir Rjni ion nnuKiiicrp ana prepare tneni ' lor'bo "ttie or life. Already the cry lia Kne forth. What t to be ; done 0T tbp redU.-t,on 01 rents? Met of the land- 1 ownerj jn thj faave IpmjttCi twent,.flre ; percent, (iiiose landlord who hold exteniv . property have given no reduction.) rrmiippiusTonovKiiXiui-r ' Abatement uch a. thi,, however, is not m- i ttZlZXS ! JT i T "t,V" i fjj,"1"'1? y'" b'fhP" r Ireland implored Her Tioli"- fv'fc""jo(?r"enmainT"hei trirVe newth;it His Oraco the Ir I Lieutenant ha j turned a deat ear to the appeal ot the ir.sh biaii- ! Vo7-ori iiVhT-TrTi!" "ei" governor, mis day wm wans theamecaiious ; 1 r-J- . mut xpri an opinion which Is known br Vrr..n,!: tv'erfir?t WB'W in ,!V9T,nic'" il tl10 lrl!,h member S' ' ""' !:! ue.orc mo j r:ma Minister, iiiiraeii win simply lauieh at their apparent eamctness. W hat does he care If VffiSm 'n jile .SJ !heir I Aryan consinB to the east and wct ot the Indu. i Like (he lark in the table. t!i Irifh ucoiile ieem i I "Vhok 'chudrnf "f "S'rac1 xSf'diVt".. ! which lias fallen on this country is in truth reat. .'ii?.0.'1.8: .L !":;,T.!'.,:,.?-l'8nlV.m: they are not likely, a you ee. to obtain. "immi- i r.r 1 " . I" 17 :rc-, n"T.a-J? W,D ana ia . annot but olH-rvethe Iraternal iirit in which OU j Kinjr Alloiijo ol .Npain has aclel toward those ! who In his province of Mnrcia. .uttered fr..ni the . iiBiouuooa. lie. iiaeaiainer. rantoauinacnn- dren. ti.e s:n.o;r.i. iinw iiiutrriutv, cumjiTcu w;in our ruier. ino Kmperor and Kmprcssn'r Au r:a acted last i rln(r to those imon.' their subicct wh i In like manner ).. ... if i ' . i , . . - wui j ri d n ku uie ' inrumir, n Wit I - lcn l,y "in ot tbo Pyrenee. committed ttreat FMcnt""."! Mutn.wT.ni'S TtVTl breS"or.'"i t'hev cliVb "ne, breart every requnito. We auk 'or hread.and re K'ren a .tone : a tirh. nnd behold! a scrnent is presented. Disracl i doc; not govern on a prin- cipie 01 riariit or ot distributive pisi ice or with lath- eriy concern for the uhie-ts of this nation. Hi .'.'l' .".I. '.t ' trJl J t1?." lli d ' r.c.ot 'd Z political prepare. You Wcre never in Ireland - '"aT IriPh men and women now in your country W-T n ireian i in ism 1S47 ami im. Thev know hi w m-jKitu les then asked for bread, ' and there weieuoneio hrei. it nn- ih.n Tk.. i .1 eruBi!-m ilurinir ill rant :v it e .hll.ir.n -... the sucklings tainted a ay In tlie street." FA at I I.I as 6TARVIXO. I mytoit saw stronir men and ymina women die of starvation : one youn jttrl especially, ol ni:,e- n t " ri ;cm a ,.,r i.i,,niv D,ne. siruie Hill:. ji.navi IUIF,.I ll JIA Ill.lilUIH Ilia IflPI perih, utcrjtiv nniuoe.i t--. a heap .r ix.n i c.:-i 'lLV fi "fh in tiirir nouih..h:,v,nn -trivM ra I fam tool. lain sumc-ien'. imtriUKnt to sustain lile the nra .i the bci,i. .-ctnes nits the ; were then eommon. Many would not believe that ; uch tiling occurred, but I saw them i Vtl " .."J ,r"",iU,T; J:':m..lJ?.?.?.5f . i vreivu. w ii ii ii:r on i oeir PKinnv arms and checks ,ully one h,f nc i ".- tisVrowtb eausei by lyi""'K''- 1 fas ovijr one thouan 1 men nnit ""i"'" children oiaii sizes an i anes out- side the poorhouse of t'astli-bar. asscmlded lor io- ; spection by order of the poor law guardian, lest ' ' any name should lie on .lie r-licvia officer' list , except those who were actuallv a; t ;,e t u.io k1 iv., Shall scenes like tbesaoccur neain? Cod forbid ' Shall the children of Saint Pat rick - the ons of saints and .a.-s: the closcendantVora'iooIe race- " '.v"-" ". ir-.m ttie con- niierinic -Mail ine lireat: ti: C Unen, th "'I'onnells, your cotiir from Iionei.al : the 1 I" T.O'1 0 h ! HIS AOil Mlliljulvhlin. f-D.:li. oKriiv and an their and Ma.' or the grind Mllesinn :ock p-rih miserably from tieilect shatltho ehU.lreit o. the hiahraindclanrtn-rV "v0wf,'tnur"u", I'.f,"'" 'haro lbo 'xmr fUe' The time are chanir' j. Fooi.at an events, is cheap. Our tiiends in America will end re'lef the nrst moment the real crisis, which is ha'en ".-"' '-nro. tie u jcriiMlei was In tre uays of .Taremiah, a laughing st;ek or a derision toall the peopie-their soot all day lonsr.'" If Ood has not b'c?sej us nitji abundant wealth he has given us a cotilt l.eri aire in an ancestry llluitr.ouj ; for i.ohie deeds and for the greatest J, all His Kilts-tha I kssii K of t!:e divine faith A . peop'e si L-ifHI with raturalanrt jjern ifjal i iMownients is worthy to Do sarcd. Jn'si Mae cahi us notdy sioo-l up and valiantly fought f.r the Jews in the .lays of r pinti n-s of Anti chus. ,Iu iith was their fariour wLea H .lofemes threat ened litem with defruot on Ksther was called io i i.e t'.ione Oi , IKisuorus lo fo:! the villa tli I'rtine M inkier of Amm. -y of WILL AMERICA itltl.r? an jou do r.ny poo I r..r voiir pe j,:e a th" tsnd of America? J he tworeat en. is to he attained are, nrst, to roliero the peoplo in li.eir presunt t'is tres and Iri.ils; the seer n 1. to lix them In the in .ii-.oi incir ii;i.cr. fy m:;inir tl:en croorie- tors ol i'n:ir farm.i. Tins latter Ii aditlk-olt l.iss : yet the cry has K-ne forth, an 1 all Irishmen at lionie aiid ahroa.i. iiavo e.-li.ie I the cail ar. l ii-o- .1 illll It'll Mi.. 1.-4. . ............. .... .,.., j:ul!1e, with nothcK 1' . I her; is a pctiaat proprietary In ; Hrlirium. trati e, Swe.len. ,".rwav Iii-nmarlr HoUtetn. rrui, Kiis'in. A uslrin. "Switzerland ' ! Urejco. t-irt ol Inly, America. Why not in Iro ! i:.lD',,? h! Is the tcac!,:; of i he statesi.-.en'or I::...nid and of h'r sch'.iars I-trl-ln . (.'.N'-n : I.ard .'iilin liu's-ll. .1 .i,r. suir'. .V!l!!, n I of ; li.iron Von Seio. the urea! fru,'.;..n rtates'iii.Mi II a .eair.t I r prietnry hi. made Am. ruaan'l ! other nations ricn. c -rccnted and hi-mv why should It not nuke Ireland ri"h, conten't'-d and h-TI'T ? It i worih wh.le to in- i i .. ft IJjlSZ 'Xl J""!" l!""" 'n' Urn of fs-er.tv acre amnn,. tn tenants now In posins.ion, so tJiit In thro venn ' in He tenants wonui he,.oi0 i.,r' nCd the ears and i..in.r., ui n.frir own i.irnis. s e wnn to s lne homes .r our Iris i larmers dwelifr.K n Iri.vh soil. The Kovcrnment could. I! It so p'.i t'uy up iheri-lu of tin-la.irtlor is ami u;il to secure on aed. tl ti.m. , uglier a: on-c. i:ut n.e present tro-. eniment of this coun'.ry will n'.t do this. All availai lc per suasion should Irs hrouhl ti l.ear to convince ! them that net Inn c.'sc hut th.s rcmc iv excint Mcgislation. will ever make Irtiand as al'e ';":'' ." '"-Kreat, Kl .r.o... aud free. I am your luuuiui servant, t i.tf k j.,t;..vo!t n.TitK;: p p M K I A ToMis Khmkralda K.vi.it. Wa.ii-.n'ton', ii. 6., tnitJute. America. , Special Agf.sts ron tre Nevt Ctvr, Hie following is a list of ti.e Special A cents of the Census uflie, Department of Uie Interior, appointed to iiivfrst'o-if- ; The rroduetion of V;t ?n -l'rorcsj ir K W H;l curd. I niversuy or Calilornia, in chure; two as. 8. slant. The Manufacttire of Cotton -Kdward Atkinson, oi ik s '"l, .n ctl.irpe. I lie Froduet t.on of t'ereai-Professor William .New Haven, in charise. H. Goodsp, ej, Kr Hoston. m H. iirewer. of X It n i1. n ids chs rge. ri"".!,"-''""31- S,rink'or Serial statistic of 'j;ie-ieorg E. Warine of Newport, K. I . in vlianre : on- as(ant. The .lianu acturc ol iv ooi - Ucirsc liiiam I?o-i, ol lti.'on. in chnrpe. t ire an I .Mar.ne Insurance c liurte A Jennv of New Yc r U, in char ' ' 1'ca. rand M .r-hlnery T'ss 1 in Mtnnfac'urea -Professor W. I'. 1 rpwhrulRc. ol Colum&iaCollege, New York, in charge ; two assistants. Wages on .Maniu.u tunnic Inljirv (reneral'y and Manutactitrcol (ljs and of fckj Joseph I) We. ks. of Fiitohurnh. Pa . in chartte. FihinK I-.dustrie a:i 1 Interests Pro fesr ii. I?rswn(loo1a. of t he Smit hson'an Institute, Wash ington, in charge; eleven as.-fstants. Meat l'roduoti..n. Traasportat ma. an I t.vport t'larence ojdon, of Newbury, N. Y"., in cnareo one a?.!-tant. " ' oc i iv.oo.oou ot i-ie rei,os i&if ijiar- ore ..oivriiiK, r..rri cai ; n. and the I.ura j herina: Industry Pr.-iessor Charles S. Sjrgi-at, tl it.irvar i . oiieg, in ciiarife. Aarriculture-.!acuti It Im.'o. r.r ii.. .... 0m'--. Wi5l.itiKl.in, in charpe. ' ' .'" r. .m t!....:ppi itiver-i'eorcf. nnptiLci i utrpe. Ii. J. v.. MiDiiii.-ie,i..)iis, ttie mcst itiijx.rtant 'i win oe elevated to the College of Industrie-, ol the I nited States, -M tho sta- Cardinals. He will be V e of lb-Ere tisticsof tele-raph, railroad, express, trans- hues in iUfii,n, ii n i V V V poitation, and insnranee ct.mpa; ies; also, to ; Ur "i 'th loV lo Rd' r,l'.vt the social r-,t;wf r.t ; .' 'M On Irish ecclesiastical nfii.iro ,n,l - -- n - i. .i s' tnc V- I J 1 1 . J NEWS AND OTHER NOTING. Mark "W. Atcheson i i urged as Judge Ketcharn's successor by Pittsburgh bar. Of the (t Fohliers sent out by Bal timore to the Mexican war, but 13 sur vive. A fugitive murderer, in Kentucky, was pursued, captured, and taken to jail by his own father. The Catholic churches of the Cleve land diocese have contributed ?.'i,2O0 to the iiiffering poor in Ireland. The body of Andrew Tracy, hanged at Smethport, Thursday, was buried on the farm of his parents near that place. Stealing a 510 horse cost a Colorado man Ills hip, aiiuuusn nc imu ueni u iru jjj acquitted five different times for 1 , , , -. iilurnrr . Twentv men left Tioga COVUltV last j ...l. f,.r fi-iiro-ia wliprt. thpv irp tn lw ' weeK iorireorgia, w nere .iie are to oe j riupiiMvu. iii iti cAkru?i iui:iuriin - oneration. - ,r , t i- 4 ; the MethOdlStS and JaptlSt3 Or ; Marshall. Mich., have entered into"cO- 1 . . . 4, - . - . -' , i..... ...... .. . and the Other a minister. i Vnruii-h C'nnn nntiirnlit hat ! A -OrMCn, I OI1D., Tiaiuranst nas One of the largest butterflies known to ; entomoloo-ists. It measures nine and a ! , . , . . , . r balf inches across the WingS, and IS Dve inches in breadth. j . . ,. r , ? I Mrs. Bondell, of Menno township. Mllllin county, left ber two small Child- i , rPn a One in the house the other dav ; 1 ' , , , - land they were burned to death. I his j ', nearlv alwavs happens. -The death warrant for the execution Of at han t rreentiem, COnVlCtea On Uie ... ... .j I f V,ih.. imJa lr ;tl Ior, m i ru, and sentenced to be hanged at Syracuse, 1 1 j .rim nnn .v unii.viw. . y to-d iv, was signed on Monday. , . ' i;,;' iw-lnVntm To.e. ti- According to the Ch cago Tinies the cost 0f the (frant reception in that citv wa3 ihodt J"iMH)! It estimates that ' ., , . ' . i -' i thpi expenditures of the visitors, while in ; Chicago, amounted to aoout i,iao,tM. tr"cAe ftillSXh Port i 1 y r t, . vT -k--, -- 4c3ay, a-tl rari ( its hind legs, nutted at all comers so vig- orously as to disperse Cue congregation. . Colonel McCilire, editor Of the Fhil- adeb,lra Times wries to his paper from , Washington that there is a' chill super- 7 venmgon the Grant movement ana that ; I liU .1 ..m 11 all a. x v & a v a, a CLAW fiercely against the third term. j K at..lt,--ivt .vii urj i.ttmirl 1 r InMli. : Th town pooiinuse in Colchester, i i ,i . .. j- i i i f'ntin was dest roved bv firr on Satnr. dav. All the inmates except Maggie I T,, id ottfrirt PSfaiwl Shewna " r. i 1 ; Once taken Out, but rushed back into; the building and was burned to death. ! A V"OUng lady Of .New 1 Ork Was ! mfjrrinif flip otlipr flav in th wrild inrr , Rown of her grandmother, made seventy ' vears ago, without any alteration, anil j so similar were the styles no one knew I but it was a new one "made for the oc- ' casion. r -r. , r n n i . lCllOll. I17.Zie l aiK, laundry girl, ill the employ Cf the Russell house, ..-l, jl .l.Pnd in in t.ho frfiirlii enmnart. r-- r ment of the hotel elevator and a project- j ing beam and her nee and lower jaw j so terribly crushed as to cause instant i death. j Wm. Wilson, living near Bell fente, , wa3 run over by an engine on Sat.urdav ! night while walking on the railroad track between Uellefonte and Milosbtirg and instantly killed. lie was terribly mangled, lie leaves a wife and several children. The Bradford Era reports that salt water in large quant it ies has been found in the southern part of MeKean county. Its presence indicates bad territory for the oil operator, and has condemned thousands of acres that were hitherto re garde il as good. The lower jaw of a human being, said to have belonged to the primitive rui,e, has been due un on tho banks of , , - . . I-vnx C icok, in Art7.n.i. i ho jrw never ""d more .than six tth, and from its conuurmdtioii ti.e possessor subsisted WtlOiiV on truitS and glass. t . ,.n,v .lcidedthat v ,ntat vut f WAX. i MO tOiai V al- ue of the estate of tho late William S iJnen, millionaire, is $:,:)77..S4i.t. i nc ii 'ii.i l ini,i..iti t iiiiis; huoul i ins siate liient is the part about the sixtv-five ccnts. Execr.tois in their right senses WOUul have pocketed the sixt v-iivc CPnts. Tt is pst imfpd that fPTtlv O I ,l ii l (nwi . . . e ' 1 ll!rt ie" 1 ila L 1,ea! ' -.""t,IKMJ it did not continue lone enough to en atiiethe rafts to reach tidewater. Much of the timber is likely to be lost. The fourth attempt to kill the Czar of Itussia by blowing up a railroad train was made last week. The Czar's jour neys are generally made with two trains, the first containing the servants, bag- , Rage, etc., but on this occas.i;n the Czar ; went in the first train, and thus his life i was saved. The Catholics cf FugCs sound pro pose building a mission church a vessel : v it a saeris'.y, library, refectory and dor- mitory, and a Saloon accomodating sev- CIal I1U!ldl'ed WC.rsi.iperS. It Will be nt- ,.: ..,i i .. v , 'islCU l In'tiatlS and lllOOied along u.c coiisi, tiio services ueing annouueed y a cannon shot. ; An Erie county n-gro ra"t his death ti e oilier day in a very pvculiar manner, viz : lie had .stolen a hog and killed it, and i:i order lo carry it tied i's feet to gether and put it around his ne:k. In climbing a fem e he slipped, the pig fail ing on one sids and he o;i tho other, breaking his neck. ' ' -Oe!!:; Johnson, of St. Louis, is v. ' thoiiiiutive wc in'in who weighs only fif ty pounds. Nevertheless, being insult- ' ed by a young rmv.i in the street the othrr oay she whipped out a pocket knife and plunged the blade into his breast. He 1 escaped with his life only because the ! bUd. was a small c:ie. i Miiford Waters, ago 1 1 y.-arr., a' colored murderer, was hanged at Elk- : ton, Md., on Eridav last, Andrew ' Tracy was hanged at Smethport I'a,, o;i i Thursday, for the murder of his cousin, j Those who knew Tracy believed that h .' was a fitter sni.jf ct for the lunatic asy- 1 lum than the scaffold. " ! William Darlington, one of the old- ! est members of the Chester countv bar, fell dead i.u the corridor of the Court ; House on Saturday morning. Mr. Dar- ' iington is the sixth member of the fam !' of his name Who have di.,l an.l'.Unlw ... -, . - . , , .rniuuui u.ja year, 2.iv. iar- gton was sevent v-five years old and was a member of the last Constitutional Couventi.on. -n!pg!ior Jviruy has resigned the 'l're of rector of the Irish College at Home. hicb he has l.elit for v,o-.v ,..., r will be succeeded in the reel nrship or the : Iri-h College by Canon Verdun, a neph.tw of Cardinal Cullen ' Everybody in and around Thwim. ! was, Ohio, is excited over what i snok- ' on of ... i.'i i i . .1 ni'Oiv- f grad ual pet nfact ion' of a two-vf ar-old son OI .loso:r Kins ev Lrisl Jytbe legs of the little one be . came useless, and from that time on : have so hardened that thev present the -soi.dsty as well as the appearance of stone. A bvi::g petrified child was uev- er before known aud the medical men : of Tuscarawas are reported to be dumb- i ; founded. ( Xticial figures demonstrate that the : property now held by the colored people ; of (ieorgia aggregates ?.".ls-J.:j'.)3. Dur- : ing the past year they have added '?'.),:. x) i acres to the qnaii'.i'y of land previously beld by them, making a total of 3-11.1 'ft) : acres eow owned by men in tl at State j who were formerly slaves. In the face I of this record, conclusively showing the ' ' prosperous condition of the colored pf o- i i pie of (ieorgia. how utterly u -founded ' and contemptilde are the allegations ' . inatle by the Republican press that the i white piop!e of the south are systemati- i ca'ly omiloyed in oppressing"' and ill- j treating the blacks in all possible vam aud f.-n-.j. " : General Grant positivf ly denies the etory of his having told a Chicago re porter that "he bad been offered the presidency of the Nicaragua Canal Com pany, and that after! he Republicans had offered him the Presidency he would tell them what he proposed to do." The General planted. a tree in South Park, Chicago, on Saturday, and subse quently attended the annual banquet of the Commercial Club. It is now quite certain that the General will not go to Xew York until spring, and will leave l'hiladelphia alvjut the 2oth inst. for Havana via Key West. The Pittsburgh Pout saya the Irish agitators express their firm determina tion to continue the war for reform in the land system, and will continue their campaign with renewed vigor in all parts of Ireland. Their programme has been somewhat modified since the recent arrests, and their speeches now advocate an earnest effort to secure the Jdesired reforms through the united and orderly action of the jeople, and an appeal to the government for aid for the suffering peasantry. The report that the Pope had determined to interpose his authori ty, through the clergy of Ireland, for the suppression of the agitation is a canard. It is declared authoritatively from the Vatican that the subject has not lseen officially considered. An odd and altogether delightful wedding is descriled by the Portland (Oregon) Be. In the town of l'ort Townsend. Oregon, a young man won the love of a young woman, encounter ing at the same time tho stern opposition of the girl's parents. The father and big brothers of the girl went so far, in deed, as to threaten personal injury to to the lover should he persist in bis at tentions. A few days ago the lover ap peared at the door of the house in which his sweetheart was as a caged bird. In his right hand the desperate youth car ried a lifle, cocked and primed. On his left was a preacher. The old folks r-ame down like raccoons from a tree. They irodueed the girl and the two were married in the front yard. After the ceremony t he husband shouldered h is ride and with the bride on his arm walked triumphantly off. That tlie conflagration that is to consume the world has begun is believed by many residents of fleading.Pa. While some gentlemen were shouting on the farm of Henry Miller, near that city, one of lhe party killed a partridge, which fell in an adjacent field. To the surprise of the gentleman his dog refused to fetch the bird.fand he werd for it himself; but at the pot where the bird had fallen he suddenly sank several feet in a bed of fire and ashes. The burning track is a square in length and half a square in width. Miller says the fire began burn ing about three weeks ago, and travels several feet a day. It emits r.o smoke excepting now and then when a tuft of grass is leing consumed, or when trees are burnintr, but the heat is intense. The fire has extruded into a wheat field, which is gradually being destroyed. The roots of oak tree.s burn off, and some trees two feet aud a half in diameter have fallen over. New York aud the Third Term. It is generally conceded that neither party can elect their candidate for Presi dent next year unless they can pive him the ihirty-nve votes of New York. The figures leading to this conclusion are familiar; nevertheless it is well to pre sent them once more. The electoral colleges of the whole country cast .'J'.ili votes. Of these tlie Northern States cast 231, and the South ern 13. The majority necessary to elect the President is 185. It is claimed that the entire 138 South ern votes will be cast for the Democratic candidate. If this turus out to be the fact, he will need to elect him 47 votes from the Northern States. Where can he get them ? At the last Presidential election, tlie following Northern States voted for Mr. Tiluen : New York .u I nriiaua 15 New .Jersey 7 Connect ic at ft Toral ...6r The recent drift of the tide in New Jersey and Connecticut has been toward the Republicans : but it will be perceived that New Yoik and Indiana cast oO votes, and if the Democratic candidate can add these to Cue 13s Southern votes, he wiil have 1S", which is three more than a majority. 15ut it will be seen also that Indiana, New Jersey and Con necticut cast only 2S votes, which is 19 short of the number whieh tie Demo cratic candidate musi have from the North in order to succeed. Therefore it is that the Democrats cannot get along without the vote ot New York. The case is just as clear with the Re publicans. The whole number of elec toral voles in the North is 231. Take away the "U votes of New York and In diana, and the remainder is 181, which is four short of a majority. With the chances ho strongly against them in In diana, every Republican who has brains enough to make the computation admits that, in onlf r to succeed, his candidate must carry New York, indeed, so plain is this, that some of the desperate mem bers of the parly have started U13 idea ot changing the existing mode cf choos ing Presidential eieciora in this St ate by conferring the power of theappoinimf X upon the Legislature, which, in this case, would be the incoming Legislature, wherein the Republicans have an over whelming majority. Lot wo fancy 110 su.-h expedient wiil be resorted to, and tnat next year, as usual, that issue will be derided at the ballot boxes. Waiving for our present purporej the question as to the New York Democrats, the recent election demonstrates that this i3 a doubtful Slate, and that there are nearly ten per cent, of the Republi cans who arc ready to bolt a ticket they do not li!:e, and that this class of Re publicans are decided' host iie to a third If rm of Gen. Grant. These three pro positions rise out of the results of the last elect ions as clear as the sun at noon day ; and they ought to seal the doom of the present Grant movement. X. Y. i tax. A I.onc, DiuosTrri. Oat of sunshine and pleasure is the earnest desire f ftiUieted tr. or t a Is. Hut without health there is neither rest, comfort nor happiness. inches and jflory are worthless without it. Disease mak s life cheerless, and even home gloomy. Relief is more precious than gold. In all cases of headache, puins in the. liack, si.le and chest ; nervousness, kidney and liver com plaints, dyspepsia, disease of the eenital or p.ans, impure blood, depressed spirits, nd Ail feiunle troubles, Sandal ine is a certain and prompt cure. Powerful though gentle in its action, it directly reaches the seat of dis ease, cleanses the system of all impurities, and completely restores it to health and vi or. It is an unequalled diuretic, having in p.W.holic properties, but prossesses incont parable sanative virtues. In severe cases it should be alternated with Sandalinc Flixir. Will do just as recommended, used as direct el, orrnoney refunded. 1'iiceSI. Askvour 'lriijicist. Thousands of testimonials attest its worth Terra Haute, Ind., Dec. 11, 'is. Dr. Gounod, . West 14th St., N. Y. : I am perfectly yvlllinz to certify that Sandalinc Rnd Sanda'ine Klixir, as prescribed hv vou, entirely cured me in a very short time of mercurial poisoning, which 1 had contracted in niv former business of a mirror manufac turer. My bones were, as much affected as tny skin. In fact, my whole system was in a state of disease. C. jl. Stamford. Dr. (ioii- noa s great medical work, full of interest, over 'J.-iO pages, l'ri' e fl. Send for it. I'fkm e L athes. Those languid, tiresome sensations, causing you to feel scarcely able to be. on your feet : that constant drain that i" taking from your system all its elasticity, driving the bl. m.iii from your cheeks; that continued strain upon your vitai forces, read-Ming you irritable and fretful, can t-.is'ly bf remove j bv the us? of that marve'ous remedy, Hop liitters. Irrrcularity and ob stnictii.nsof yoursy-itcm are relieved at or.ee, whi the !.p-ial i ;m-...f j . riodi'-al pain is ;"-!r....... :-t'v 1. i.u v...l. Wiil v u heed th's? A A A A A AAA A A ItRRIt OGO K K EK N li N L N L It K G G R R U KRKK G X S N N E E N N X L K R K R X N L A R A K O EEEE N NN LLb"L A OGG EEEE NN N L THE GREAT DRY GOODS Al OUTFITTIIG 10! OF PHILADELPHIA, COVERING THE BLOCK FROM THIRTEENTH STREET TO NEW CITY Un AND FROM CHESTNUT STREET, THROUGH ENTRANCE 1 EXTENDING TO MARKET STREET. The Space Occupied on Ground Floor Is 96,250 Square Feet. The Space Occupied In Galleries Is 36,805 Square Feet. The Space Occupied In Basement Is 45,870 Feet. Civlng a Grand Total of 179,025 Square Feet, amounting to a II-IOO Acres bm tlve use In Retailing DRY COODS and FANCY COODS. ' n Tlie Iorxrial Opening OF rFIIK REFITTED AlsTD ENLARGED HOUSE its now -tVis Accorn .it-nii) fact: Though our vast premises seemed abundantly large for onr bunim-, yet tli wonderful increase of the rait TEa, it necessary to provide additional accommodations. Spacious Galleries, of easy access, commanding fine views CI v place, Iiave been erected to afford required room. Other cli-m.ires liave been made that will srhe conifoit t i f. . . . J U. i.-.- jl i . 1 : . flio fir.nil T lo-inf in1 n nnpnud . v .. .in. i imin . ' j'wn ....v. jij'.'..i..i i . .n? - Lllm I mi .i.i.i.jjvn.-i. The Millinery, Upholstery, Ilou'.e Supply and China IVparlments are greatly enlarged. A new and comfortable Ladies' Koom has been provided, where tho.e who buy at the various countero and , pay for all at one time, can Ret the poods and make payments without delay. J -- "tl The Xew Stations to Receive Cash, and the Electric I Soils to call Cash Boys, will prevent delays in runkr cl We are confident that the time taken is not any more than is requisite to conduct business by a safe system to We mean to meet every expressed wish of our customers, if in our power, both in the stock on sale and iu t niences of tho establishment. None but Courteous Clerks and Jxer:e.need Heads of Departments lall hold j V -r"' Grand Depot, if we know it. By truly serving our customers we hope to prove the value of the plans w have f 'tt that have only as yet been partially developed. Without disparaging others we propose to attend strictly to dtrt -" business of the Grand Depot. " A' The first markets in the world, the places where goods are produced, are being visited by our buvers. W.J0 are Without intermediate profits wo will transfer the goods to our counters and give them to our customers with ci.t V- -1 Our relations with foreign houses are n&w being rapidly perfected. " " h Xo subterfuges will be permitted in selling goods. The customers who buy of us will buy fairly, and. even a'.- . have bouffht. mav return the fronds if H.-v .liiA D.mmli !,. -,1 i. .mi. -.....4 ii ' .". ,., .-. ll..n In .Uul l;l.r.lln trill, a. n.lnr -i. 4-. ...,. 4. ...... n.,4 ......uii.i-,,, ihm tue iu4 oeai noeraiiy wun by us, and ask them to trust us to do right by them. When we fail to do this, THERE ARE No. 1. J.SJT.KS ASP TEL VETS. Ioatd In front of the f'btnut Str't Fntrar.'e. with exponent lijsht. a full tutrk ot about flOii.WK. on hnn.l. ail thf tirt maplp roakfi of Jliack and '! on? ! S'.lkt. with the ch"l"e;-t and JcarcH r.orritiM. To be rellai.Se m th: c!a?i of pnodR a Try fl.l 6'ilt thins?, a . there i nirh an a.lulterailon iii silk materials, l.ut we guarantee all that we Jell. A dark room ii adart.ut to .how co'.'ir t.v trasliirht. JOHN WA.NA.ilAKKK. No. 1. H. BLACK i.VI) .VOf R.Vf.VG GOODS. TMre-tlv across tiie aiile from Sl!k !b tha larpe and pln:d I)ri rttnr.t. Wear lniiii'.ir.fc up a reputation for loi.-wwarin fabrim in Black i rooag. Ttioie who, from rho.ee or other ie. wear I'lak will be atuuihed a. the Report ment kopl and the moderation of prices. JOHN WANAMAKEK. No. 3. C. DRESS GOODS. KIiTen entire counters rtr devoted to the a;oodi. roak.r 64 lineal fr sole.y f'.r the "file ot ldie' Irss Cfwodp. 1'h! would muke onecountfr, it put in lm. that would stretch aloni; 'he?tnut ftreet trom Fifth to Sixth "treet, the entire le:nriii ol I he State Houpe square, and trom the hedgrr HuilJinx haif-wayto the fetj Buil.llnsr. 1 mnarei lori(. tl course there ia every variety ol Ireii tioooa. frniu ?H p :?T yard t-j 5 Ctf'it per j ard. nnd i.Mentinies the pruts are Irutu 5 to ii pr rent. I" s thr.n it asked lewhr. JOHN W AKAMAKLK. No. 4. D. G EXTI.F.M ES'S H RSISHISG GOODS. In the- firt j.lare we have 430 sotrir? ma'-hinn rtirinlnp on c l.ntleieo and JJ'"y' Sb.rta alore. Then .ve have I'nderwear, f.-llars and fulTs, Snpenders, Kuit Ja.ketf.. fcc. all the little thiD a guntlercan ueed for hiR toilet. JOHN WANAMAKEK. No. 5. E. CLOTHS. CASSIMERES ASD CLOAKISGS. This la an excellent section for Indies, becaa? we buy so li. rr.lv of Woolen (roods !n the Clothing leprlment ti.at we can retail as low as any of the wl.ole'uio stores sell : besides, our l"ijjr experience Riv.?s u knowiedeol th wearniK qualities of good A s?U no article si.xiply bccaue it wili sell. A piece ol ifoods muiit bo intrii.sically ood. Ladles' SacqiieiiiK.s and goods for Little Children's 'lothcs tn (jreiit vanoty. JOHN w AN AAi Akt.K. r.'o. F.XOTIOSS, SMAt.I. WARES. Sl l II AS S EXV1XG Sll.liS, liti AIDS, fee. This woulj seem lilte an unimportant Depart ment, but the Hon as . .rtincnt we keep requires 8 ouqk: lauies all the tluie to wnit on oi.!M'mers. JOHN V, ANAMAKtit. No. 7. '. F.HOISEFLKMSIJIXU GOODS. On tha lower trallery, entered by broad stairs at Jut.:per or Hr'.ad sffeet cntrnuce. is the vat a SDrtment of supplies that deiitfht housekeepers evtiry tiling aam. f.u- kit-hon service or house kecpinic lroiu the tinest to medium goods, at hand. JOHN WAAAJIAKtH. N o. 8. LADIES' COMBS. FAXS, OkXA.VEXTS. Ke. This counter is filled with little knick knacks suitublB for prseDts. JOHN WANAMAKLK. Ko. 9. G. I.IXEXS, BLAXkETS. QlILTS.lce. Ia this department we excel. The e'aes cf goods seKcted by our i.nyer. iho croes abroad twee a yar to srot m.,ts t!ir t fi-oin ti.e lrisn icam. 'actur erv. has popularized this department. All kinds ol Hi.Ksckvrpinic 1'ry (ioods ol reliable makes iu Immense assortment at. r.-r.sonabie and proper prices. Our mniir! of Linens are absolutely relia ble. We inKke a specially in Blanket". JOHN WANAMAKEK. So. 10. H.RE.At. AXD ItflTATIOX TATS, Rl ' HIXGS LADIES" CLFf.S, COLLARS AXU TIES. Ia no department of our business is the fair profit principle m..re noticeable than hern. People tell us they bare been accustomed to pay double tfce pries we hire soto-. ol our twill marked. That low prices p!ea."e is manifest by the thronif alwavs sr lec tiuif at the counters. It is almost iu'pos.ible to keep a full aortri:ent. a tho eods f.i out so rapidly. Iho Kiiriiiiia. tnd s ime oll.t-r tnade-np v-.iridi are made in our own premises. A bout thirry Lands are r-npioye l at tins work under a skilled designer. We copy the foreign patterns aa 1 sell them at prices wnnin rca-h ofcvi.-rvho.lr. JUUN WANAMAKEK. No. 11. II. WHITE GOODS, HAVDVRG EDGIXGS. The latest productions In Swiss (roods. Cambrics, Nainsooks It. n(frlflcert variety. Tie newest lhiur' from the Hamburg looms received direct from the makers, 'l nis stock Is complete and poa- ular because prices are ff low. JOHN WAXAMAKEB. No. 12. j I. IFIIOLSTERY DEPART.VEXT. A full st. k of Lace CTurtains. brought by Amer- ! l 'ao Line diiert to us from the St. i Jail, Switrer- ' land, shops, all the preVHilmic styles oi 1'urtain (inods In liis Silks, Jute and Satteens, fcc. Few ! persons know iiow to fun.i-h cheapiy and tastefully. ' The head ol this department has had larsre expe rience, and we cuuuot only Fii ly the roods ! cheaply, but K'v Ideas in sivle and hrrmonv with 1 furniture. JOHN WANAMAKXK. j No. 13. j K. SUA tVLS. j Wc exhibit a flue 1-ne o' Shawls of every descrip- . Hon. from real Indlas for $70o down to the common ' Fireaklast Shawl ! ir tl. A benutirul variety of the i medium grades In long and square styles, either In plain . ubdued or high colorings. JOHN WANAMAKEK. ' If only out of curiosity it wili pay to will he plainly seen by anyone willing to give a few minutes' time to see ami think about it. With warme.t thanV. to t! e many exprewions of interest, and with assurances of our desire to perfect every detail of our faoute, we bav. the honor to recur :' I Won of the latest improvements in our building and atoclf. j i GRAND DEPOT, 13tli Street, - - - T?liilaclelrln,fi RRRR f R R t'. R RE K K KE D D 1 I) D D D D D a n HOD A A Kit 11 11 r AAA tl HI) D A A H K D t A W WD DDD RRRR EE K R R R GG E D EEEE DDI) nf Ira Tin' lwiT rf li.iamn-o j ...vj.i ... a u ... 1 -l- ,., ... EEEEDDD NOW FORTY DEPARTMENTS. NO. 14. T.. COSTIMES, CLOAKS AXD XVRAPS. This Is a leading part of the hus. ness. I'arislacs weuld call the large place set apart for this ue partment "Salon." II Is to the riht on entering from Chestnut street, splendidly lighted and witu private rooms for trying on aud" fining dresses, lleady-made dreses and ( 'mak In large var'etv. JOHN WANAMAKkK.' No. Iu. L. I.. DRESSMAKIXG ROOMS. With first-class Cutters sod successful l itters w,,th or,'nHl designers and pattern dres.es. from' ail t..e best-known for- igu artists, we arc prepared te meet any call on uh. , At the lime tiiis advertisement is written a Jl 500 ; order tor a wedding outfit I going through these j room: JOHN WANAMAKEK. yo. in. ft HATS FOR ; EX TL EM EX AXD CHII.DREX. Such a large stock as is selected bv our Mr. Wal ton, a practical hatter ol i vers'rpnte.tion is not to be found in any retail house in the cty. I'eoplacan always depend on getting the proper styles at the mo.i nio.leri.te pr:rs. Some persons are led lo think they can get Hats on v- iu certain . place., though there are onlv a lrr firs'; -class msn uTacturfcrs. and these supply all the best .tores. V e -unno: claim bettsr styits than other hut we . can and do claim larger iuor'.!:.snl ad 1 wer i rricfs- JOHN W ANAMAKEK. ' No. 17. , -V HOSIERY AXD I XDER fEA S VETART- I jit.vr. The large stock in this Hrpsrlment wou'd stock a dozen ordinary stores. 'N e are compel led to carry a large st.--k. because we keep full lines for Ladies Mi -i, CtnUren and tlentlemea. Nj otic conies In between us and the makers, as the head ol this Pepartincnt goes direct to the ret.ch, Engii.h ar.d Irish towns, where the goods are made, and ofu-n eaus-s the goods to be made expre.siv forus we nre lartre a:id direct importers of tlie Cart wright . Warner's toods. JOHN WANAMAKEK. No. U. N. N. CLOVES. It Is safe to say thstthere lsno snch stock of Kid Oloves in Philadelphia as here. We are sole cen-r-een;etives of the Jugia and Alexandre and Fes ter makes of Kid Oloves. JOHN WANAMAKEK. No. 19. N. N. N. rjIBKELIiAS. Besides a full stock of Siiks, Alapaeas I.eysn tlnes and Oinghams, we Import from I.ondon and I aris many uiiiijueaud original han I les which are not seen elbewhere. JoliN WANAMAKLK. No. 20. N. N. N. N. SPr.CIALCOT'NTEK FOR GENTS' EXTRA FINE FURNISHING GOO US. Immediate. at Chestnut street entrance with only the tinest novelties iu Neckwear Scar' Col lars and Cutis, k.c. JOHN WANAMAKEK. No. 21. 1 n.-LADIES-, MISST1S' GENTS' AND CH1L j DKEN S SHOES. Aimlcg to sspr'y good S'uos of rlglit sliapcs nnd at small pro tit prices, we are eucc-eding 1 j yond our expectations. We meet everv rearonable demand unon us for satisfaction in Kvr.- , TLcro is no other place probably in tlio 1 uited States where n chol-e can be made frcin a strw-'.- in Shoes and Rubber Goods of over Jlii'.'.Ooo. JOHN WANAMAKEK. i No. 22. (. V. RUBBER GOODS. 1 This Is a large department of useful thlntrs such ! as iosamer Coats. Waterorof Gamicnts'lor La i dleR. Gents and Children. We are the largest i buyers of these .roods in the city and our price are made very low by this fact. J IIN WANAMAKEK. ! No. 2.1. it. O. O. TRUNKS. VALISES, BAGS. fee. Every requisite for Travelers in this Section, i JOHN WANAMAKEK. j No. H. P. M F.N'S CI.( 1TIIINO. ! Fronting on Market street, near centre entrance 1 we have a splendid assortment of Suits. ( ivereoats. Sic. made up in the most lashional.le stvles under . our own personal supervision. The Clothing wo ! sell can be depended on as stand in quality and I tn.iCt lfiltl... . in JOHN WANAMAKEK. No. 2i. T. P. BOYS AND CHILDKEN'S CLOTHING. Those who deal in Clothing and do not make it mu't snll higher than those whomanulacture. We have made this class of coeds forncarlv twenty years, and we are the fountain head for B .vi' Clothing. We recaive it d!re..t from the work rooms on our own premises, and can supply pieces at all times for mondir.g. ( ur retail prices are as low as dealers pay at wholesale. JOHN WANAMAKER. No. 55. Ct CUSTOM TAILORING. We hare excellent Cutters to measure and make garments to order for those who pretcr it. A choice of at lee.st one hundred sty les ol goods mn v be had We guarantee to tit. and do not make it d.sn rr,.' Me t those who return what does not rt.41:. pleas JOHN WANAMAKL-V. visit our irroat l.eehive. The arlvantao-e, nf EEE FFFF Tl TTTTT TTTTT F II T t I-v F II T T I IA FF II T T T T RE F RE F R EEEE F II II II irn.t i-KiaK laiieni or ii satm i'-pmm-,. .... ... . " ' us. e will trust our custori.ts 1 it we ask that it may y jointed .,t Nn O- R.-MUSLIN-S, FLANNELS ASLUBia IN'GS. Every goed make f goods a.wT -a ,,. w tes at prices p-u.rLntee.-i t.. 1.. tl J i. . mills put up the;r gords spec:a:;t i-r - - .". ." : orders, so that we c.g rerorrn-eid the-. V John wam'shi, No. 2S. s n ks These goods are very dia-u't to tc s thoe who buy must r'y on thes:f;rf. u.. inu'TFi an tr.e iroojs we .:. t-a3f. -j-have the close persona! upervi!co'tf S- ly . l4ji, u oia tnrtiw, wno uper;r.lenc 'i i ' facture cf Seal-Lined ' r V . v Saoqui-s. fce. JOHN WANA.iAiii No. IN. i T STATlllVFRV A VI. t -v-r-v m .r All erad-s cf Writing Paters ar.d Fr- Nove.ties in ('ntr.i-r.r ipn.c..:, .-i- .. .'arts'' in T a . . . ' u .. . i ., . , other farcy articles. Jiiii.N v. jVijiii, T. T.-rF.RFUMEKY AM) Tt ILFTAf T.r-J " our centre aisle are these two -a-j" e- where we are In daily receipt of the ... Colognes. Ti.i let Water. S. -afs K-j.i m ' fc-c. A splendid line of Frenh I'-r: tre-r . ceired direct from I'st.s m--:- hv - when abroad. JOHN WaNa'.MAEL No. 31 . T MILLINERY KOI. XS A magnificent ofl from enlrarse ? , teea-h street, above Chestnut is de-viec 1 popular part ol our business ' So gal ti-1 its success that we have luit extend-a rt , to occupy a portion of the Western .rir Iriirimii.g Hats. Ladles en;c.y the privacy of these ,' i where Bonnets can be titled on air '-i crowds. We received thf season ou- ' -' rets direct from Pans. We keep aii ov ; VntrimsMd Hats and a i-rolusioh ( f "' -. leathers. A special counter t r T- rr- t-j j JOHN WAN "AJ:..:.L j No. 32. j V. t. RIBBONS. We beliere this stoi k to be the !a-rt: C kind In any retail hou-e In the c.tv. a.. ( '.r..i Grai u and Satin Shades. art '! r r bis combination of colorings in 1 is ar' 1 KlLbons, with direct relations totfect.:v ; "" "f ribbous. and able to use juh Ust jsri. '. we ofler great advantage, to -.ur b-nrf. ; All Kibb .n prices nre usually a i. w jt -.-i r-nny pertoi.s pst for them bv the -- t ' importer. JOHN' WANAV.iAB No. 3.1. j V. MISSES' COATS ANIiSITTS )n the left side on entering at CI -":'. w Th's has always been a popular pr! c: "" r- ' ness. Eat-h season mak.s tt.e m ". ' an i coirplete. We piv great sf.-r,: ---a :t f 1 handsomo ehai-es .n i .1-.. i-r1.. - .w- n: ; Ctted out at half the j nre. f rn,r.. 1 new goods this season arc b-:.ir -- l 1 JOHN WAXAXiZu ! No. ,-vl. , V. V. C ) K S ETS. UN 1 'EH W T. A K A M1 J nr fgaUIes shapes and fln-st f - v. " ' ft" I stacks for reloction. S.. :.rg ',- ' ; is a surpr.se to most eTervho.lv. ; t ts " attent. ..n to make arid Eia'ter.a'l. arl !: " r ! elated. A full assortment ot Int.it.ts' v j John WAMiais No. 55. W. TOTS, GAMES. At To please the rhildren. we keeparvj." Toys, Games. School s J'.iiN'WA.-i.aSAW No. Cf . X. MATS. RUGS, OlICI.OTl!? ' A beautiful stok at j'Tvs i-'v 3. ; preat outlets of goods. ... iliN V ANA.VA.--" Nc. ST. T. CHINA ANPGLAStTA'-" . The eneouragerr.ent given to ti.. t 1 : s've I"epartme,t decided us f . en : f I 'I hi season we shall t.'.r !r. - stock ;ever seen in this c:ty. We -. humblest kitchen or the irran .! I j l'innerSets and ordinary 1: !e W" I I'rnaments of everv description. t-f. edewood and I'resd' ii H " ! Ji ill N W AM1 No. ?.s. Y.T. SILVER WAKE A M' T"-Lf Only the best raake kef t thiit " "'r ' a guarantee to g ve SBti! i"t ti ,,.-n .1. H W ANA-1- No. Z. ZEPHYRS. WOKSTFUS. YA' -'s Since art needlework became ? .-; detr-p-i;. d to et.hlih at the K llt' 1 1 4 headiuarters for Crew"! Patterr'. "A ; tss, Zephyrs. (Jermantown tin 1 Cords, etc. Everythinir neei'til , '.;.. .:ii hind. craft may be had. and our . ' give ideas and models for copy- ,..; J iHN W IN'1'1 No. 4'. MAIL OKDEK I iEPM T! fJ This Tostal and Express Scrv.ce. pies and Goods all ov r tho country. .- .. .. , ulwr. There Is tho ssme care w-th t ;? f.' . postal cards as ir the person orr ' the coucter, mem. randi in hv :4. .'. , -r person. We are also able to Mi 1 "" the day tbey are reccirej. .....: a.., r., .,. ,or.cT An A IPC IE B TT