The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, November 28, 1879, Image 3

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    u u
IHKNKMrR".. !...
fFlPlV MORMXC, - -OV. 2S. 1879
IEK1 -.There an d the Other Ti. acf..
r t,. .hu k-rs r,,'st Sweet .Vavv To
7 ri-3.-iy.l
"'Jj-'-r-iir.- Kinkomi is again able to attend
!'iv .i U.-- ar staling here at cents per
,...,1 iiv."- weijlit.
''7 V I ! I V '., I.orotto, sell men's
. , . ,', , .t- at t"" "1- , .
'' ' j-;.,. i r-t sit iL'Si f the season made its
7 last Friilay.
-i'.',. ,,i.i:ia county teachers' institute
, i ',.,! .11 the '--'I nX-
,'M ..;,,n cf tlie Hlair county Argument
. !- '': iii tlii- week.
' "Vi ! . A "., Loietto. want 100 doz.
" i k- ami mit-.
' M !etia!.l .ten, Loretto, sell boys' caps
. v '.:): men's caps :"c. P
';J.v. -lieiialil fc '"-, l.oretto, sell luen'i
-i .iiaweri" at J.k-. apiece.
'I'm I'i.!, aid Co.. Loretto, sell hoys'
f7t hi up : men's Iwnts, ?i.W up.
" i Luiulit t of pupils in attendance at
o jilt's . hool. 'arrolltown, is l.V.
' . I .!...!! it Co., Loretto, pay the liitrli
. . "r i',,ri'orn. o;it-, wheat, rye and beans.
" i i ,,.ai.i .v Co., Loretto, sell hoys' full
7.' .it :: up: men's full suits, ?".() up.
7 7 "l i' Mike Quartz shook hands
. 7 1 V!t with friends on our streets this
A !"ra'il Loretto, sell men's
.... ,:,:'.t from f 1.2" up : men's winter
- 7rt. "I tin- Ilollitlayshiirft fttndnrd,
,7 ii siiite ill of late. " We wish him a
.... i; i...-;.v,-rv.
: i, k ard'irrav squirrels are reported to
. ,. 4,-7 ;!;: 77 some of the northern sec-
.' 7 7' ti MltltV.
M.i-i iiiie 'fraternity indulged in a
7-' t the Merciiants' Hotel, Johnstown,
,.' ! r. week.
-lia heen resumed at the Osceola
7 ,l oil well, but no odds are oiTered
,','.'. ' ill ! struck.
;, li.H-vev I. each, who went to
, i t,:' exj'i dition, has returneil to
7 i it! Indiana county.
' i ', ;..rc -1'i rv to learn that our respected
. ,m. Al iii. K ans, Ks., is confined to
i . r ... in lo 'i iiMin of illness.
ii i, ,-timateil that ten million feet of
,. u, , j... cut alonsi the Sns'iuehanna river
' . i ! r tree this winter.
' p ( . T. Ko'.crts, thus early intheday,
. ... ,-.n'.' to put Ids watch, jewelry ami
, :,, ',, -t. r,- in holiday attire.
' If y, .i'.c.i;i on your drupsUt for "Dr.
... . .... ( ,.:iah Svrup," we pledge immediate
t' on short notice.
;r (o-crire M Met, of Altoona. has
ai.i.i!it..,l IVputv Sheriff of Hlair
, I., M.erilT-eleet Tom Hell.
;;; r.ii tt... Uie humorist, will lecture in
i' 7t! H-ii!. .M:n-tovn. to-night. Subject,
,';.'.,. and Fall of the Moustache."
"L hirw-e three-story brick hotel, to be
.. i i -',!ii!nT report, is shortly to be
,v s.!f,ijurg. Indiana county.
. u run over a man named Mark
, ;. !,! ! v. near eeola, Clearfield county,
.:! T!:::r-i:iv. killing him in.ttautly.
" I".- l'i-'';-li and tSerman Catholic
; . . !' .1. ',v.-:. .vvn wil! both hold fairs
,ij pio;,eliing holiday season.
i ,,'iit ' : i meet next Monday morning,
; v. !' '. Ti.e calendar is
: r ' ir.-e in r important in character.
-Mr M l ines, father of our towns
. r IV,:i. f Jones, is lying dangerous-
. : :il residence in Cambria township.
n .nil named Iaid MeMann, of Irwin
is struck by the Fast line near
i T;:-.i-rS :.i-t sattinlav night and instantly
-I:.,- i' I. .T. Kerr, pastor of the
' rri i V.up'h, Wilniore, will preach in
1';. -:,!. -::;':i church, this place, next
.':i. - i-v.ter saloon is shortly to be
; ri 'f second story of KrerdliolT's
in.iii"(ii itcly in the rear of the
A,- i's smallest boy is Master Edward
F r: '.v 1:U age is 1''. years, and his height
;:.:.'!:- inches shorter than Cencral
I 1 :. n
1 i -: tliis to the Johnstown Time :
li Parker, of El.etisliu: l', it is rumored,
' i candidate on the Pepublican side
' Tr. ::.!!. a try next year."
-'I. a- H.inisburg Tl-jmph says it is ru
r " i t: ;.', A ;ti.d'.a n ill a-jaill be'defemlant
. t : be brought by the Attorney l.en
"... '. r I. i aiil tax due the State.
-Mr. J.t'i:e-S. l:.m.s. y d'a'd at his home
; .ristnwii la-t Kiiday. ao-d lie
T - n gallant -..Vii-r of' tin lat" war, and
-i I'e ntlis m I.ii.hv prison.
-V - A'ucs M !en7i... who lives in Pel
" ' .age. can fi.mish superior aceoni-
':)- to t-cht or ten boarders during the
'..: :.,!o,r( (.iii t. Charges moderate.
1-t. r K a pat ri k, of ( ambria I'or
.'. ' v.a- I.'.' .1 in a coal mine hist Fri .,ot time prior taken o"t an ac-
:! ii i;ce -oiicy tor five huntlred dol-
J "hn !' ! hatia-!. 'r.. a fifteen-year-old
r. i Mr. .'..i,ti s inn hanan. of Ji'hnstown,
' - ' in "'-or by horse Saturday flight last
, i v;.. ;.,) a fraeturt! of the' eollar-
Tw. !.. ' . ar- n z' to-day (Thursday) the
er v i- -o n,i i that an interesting gannj
i- hi'! i'. tv.on two picked nines at-
' ' ' : . i! to the grounds a .pee-
removal to the county alm
1 i i,' "rawford has become a
i' lie N extremely violent at
"- '-nt!.e of much trouble to the
' ' I: .,
I -i
' ' i ! which has traversed Catn
: ; y.irs ami is known to hun--i,ri.;iiot
uf "Big Isaac" was
k i .;!:' c ho,..", of Ileulah a few
" Heiiiinger has his new hotel.
ll-.ii-o," fully equipped fur
"t et, !; ,,( -jiL-st s. lYrsonscom
" xK !"::! it a pleasant place at
i:.. s , i;':i, K:if or West, and you
cu and colds at this season of
remedy which never fails to
'i ci K Ir Bull's Cough Syrup.
v .
o i:'ii?.. our voting friend Mr.
: M. :s ,,n t!,.. lat'ot streak of luck
- ' f.ilien hitn. It is a fifteen-pound
". I both it a'nl its mother are do-
-' r -'iiiiH-r will be iven at I.tllv's
viti',' evening by a cornniittee of
: ! 'i r I,in's eo:o. negation. Suiu
I iirocteis will be fur the :i-li'-
" : ':',-ii.
; v . tit into Freiil'.iofT's store last
; 1 "i a lighted pipe in his coat
! ; usual result fallowed, with the
' ,t the boy w as not m ! h ii: jurcil
: '' . t!:o;-g;i nis coat was,
' ' : of Mr. John Kem'er. of Cam
"A,'l.ip. died )a-t Friday, and the re-
' :'J trod in l.'oyd Cemetery the
:"-!!. day. The deceased was a lady
" :, :e,i by all who knew her.
: . Vicudemus. for a long time
--. ,ger of the Altoona Cull, has
1 : - !ine t;,,n with that journal, and
'V i :i po-rtpea in the Car Becnrd
i' rin-ylvania llailroad. in that
' : and Mr. Je-s, 15. d singer went
' '' rr d iv. oet in the direction
' When they returned home, the
7,li-'i lh- .os-,".-i.iii a wild tuikey
1 1 '.en a victim to his unerring
fro'ri Wheeling. West
of whose arrest in Tyrone for
is made in these columns last
-ce-sf ii in effecting a compro
r accusers and were released
m V' A' 'I' ' r living come, the members
7-" . ,'" 'ciiiment, N". (;. I., have been
' "'! t i be measured for greatcoats.
': t7.,a!!i,''ctit for Co. A is being taken
' M. at the TI-.oiun.iin
:irr-.diowu v wavs : "Mr. T.
7' 7 ' ".:;r has rented the pl.oto-
7, ri' ' FiN-twlurg and v. ii! occupy
7 -.. ' 1 r t l,f I ecember next. Mr. if.
7 7"'- l"i :Tti-titni has rendered
.'7 '
77. ' 1 . '' -e.ii-,. at Lilly's station, has
,77 ' :" i a new two story b iilding in-
j ,7 , -' 1 -tore-riMim, ware-iiioni
' 7i '"I'-e dimensions are 2ix-
.. ,r,l:i.l jr, appointments, from gar-
r;"; 'lr- r'o' f,r-'-o!a-s.
...'7r"7'-,r-e d.K-ket for Blair eotudy
- 77 ' 'h-appi-ared a couple f w-ks
' 7 7 ,'A thought to have U en stolen,
,7!. t'irr""' "T' again. It was found in
. """" 11 i f a Wiliian;s'.iuiger, who had
7i'' " '"rri-d it oil.
, .V , i'-'l:t th'' stables of the I.oy
'.w.7. "'' 1 "liii.aiiy, Westmoreland eouii-
s' f ',!f to bv an ineendiarv and
' . ,'. . 7 '' "r"'i:id. " fiie hore was'burr.
, I..e,s set down at 'j.oo0, and
- I , f t' a!iii.!;;t.
; 7 i lueiuherof the M. o. W. B., res
... A ' ""la and usi-iel Brimmer by
'7 K'i' f lie went home
, ---it, ted hi, if and family: a
-.7, 7''': ',V' ' ,''''1"" bail, and now luv
; " "oih.iv-i.urg iaii.
' Mr. William Prinze, Jr., of Tortae,
shot and killed three full-grown foxes in
the neighborhood of Ciesson last Friday,
another on Saturday, ami yet another the
following Mondav.
Kev. J. I. Hughes, pastor of the Welsh
Methodist church, left this place for New
York last Tuesday evening, whence, on
Monday next, he will sail for Wales. His
mother resides in that country, and to pay
her a filial visit is the object of the voyage.
Everything conducive to the better con
dition of the baby is sure to attract attention,
and hence it is that Dr. Hull's HabySvmp is
becoming more and more appreciated" as its
wonderful influence in subduing the diseases
of babyhood Incomes recognized. Trice -.
Charles W. Wingard, formerly of this
j-lace, who is a paymaster in the armv, and
has been stationed at Washington for ttie
last three or lour vears, has been ordered to
the department on fie Platte, ami will here
after discharge the duties of his otiice at
Mr. Peter Fitzpatrick, a Cambria City
coal miner, was crushed to death last Friday
night by a mass of slate and coal falling oil
him. The deceased, who was esteemed a
quiet, inoffensive citizen, was ,M) years of
age, and leaves a large family of sons and
Mr. George Wehn, Jr., with Schwartz A
Graff, wood and willow ware, .rlC Market
St., Philadelphia, and Mr. J. (i. Gardill, with
. T. Allen, wholesale clothing, 4:! and
440 Market st., same city, paid us a business
trip last Monday. They report their sales as
leiiig good.
The original desk which was used by
Hon. Thomas A.Scott while agent at the
Mountain House for the old Portage Railroad
is now in possession of John C. West, of
Hollidayburg. There is said tnlx quite a
contrast between it and the desks in use at
the present day.
A railroad" agent at a depot not far from
Altoonawho hail been annoyed beyond en
durance by inquiries as to "whetherjthat was
right time?" placed the following placard
under the clock : "This is a clock it is
running it is Philadelphia time it is right
It is set every dav now keep vour mouth
A gentleman named John Munhall for
merly of Irwin station, but for several years
a resident of Edenbnrg, Clarion county, was
caught in a railroad accident at the latter
place a week or so ago and so badlv injured
that his life ultimately paid the forfeit. The
writer knew him well, and deplores his un
timely taking off.
'1 he Altoona Itad'mtl says: Messrs. S.
MoCamant Co., of Tyrone', will complete
their contract for the building thirty-six
double two-story houses in Johnstown about
the 1st of December. Their contract for
building eight houses at Pennington has
been increased to ten, and these will also be
completed by the beginning of next month.
Two tramps, bent on plunder, made a
desperate but unsuccessful attack on Messrs.
C.eorge and Henry Dillintr. brothers, and I
their sister. Miss Kate, of Huston township,
j.lair county, a few evenings ago. The girl
manag.-d to sound an alarm with the dinner
bell, when the ruffians became frightened
and picked up their heels and fled. No ar
rests. The bond of Sheriff-elect Thomas C.riffith
was on Thursday last filed in the office of
perorder Lake, in the Court House, here.
Fifteen thousand dollars is the sum which
good men and true obligated themselves in
guaranty of a jic-t and faithful performance
of the duties of the office by Mr. diffith.
The bond was sinned by men worth fifty
times fifteen thousand dollars.
As is probably known to many of our
readers, Mr. John Fitharris, .Sr., father of
hotel-keepers John and Michael Fitzharris,
is a wonderful pedestrian, his ae being ta
ken into consideration, lie is Ht years old,
aiulinstead of showing signs of decay, makes
it a point every now and then to walk the
distance intervening between Altoona and
Hollidaysburg seven miles and walk it,
too. in a span of time which would do no dis
credit to Howell or Weston.
The Itev. Joseph Cook lectured in Johns
town last Thursday evening to an audience
which was select but small as to number.
Thonuli able and eloquent, the reverend
gentleman evidently don't know much about
dice, for the Tri'mn? says he spoke abou
throwing ''sixes" and "tens." For the ben
efit of audience, which was generally
about as ignorant on that ipiestion as the rev
erend centieman, the Tribune sroes on to teil
them there are no ten spots in diee.f .:
Dr. M. J. Puck, of Altoona, came over
cm Pacific Express this forenoon, and re
turneil to his home on Atlantic. This gentle
man is a tri'aduatc of Jefferson Medical Col
leire and of Hahnemann's Homoeopathic In
stitute, Philadelphia, as well as of a medical
coilege in Claseow. Scotland. He is a son
of Hon. John Puck, of Carrolltown, and a
gentleman who is making his mark in the
profession. His practice is now confined ex
clusively to honveopa thy and surgery. John
tnirn Trihunp if hit Siturl i:.
On Wednesday evening of last week the
house of John Priney. near Birmingham,
Huntinjdor county, was destroyed by fire,
and with it perished an infant child. Mrs.
Hriney had gone out to gather some wood
preparatory to setting supper and during
her absence the house caught fire. When
she returned the flames had gained such
headway that it was impossible to get near
the building. The two older children were
rescued, though they received severe burns.
The babe, a year old, was burned up, and
not a trace of its rr-mains could be discover
ed in the ashe-j
Ex-Sheriff Pannier, assignee of P. M.
Saturday last )
J. Brown, Summerhill, on
sold at public sale four parcels of real es
tate, viz : 1 lie "stone nuarry iraci, m-iim-merliill
township, consisting of fifty-four
acres : purchased bv David Dibert. for $1,1.".
1 he "mountain tract," in Summerhill town
ship, containing over four hundred acres,
consisting of timtier land : purchased bv Dr.
M. J. Buck, of Altoona. for ?1,"00. A house
and lot in tin- village of Summerhill, pur
chased bv William N'ipps, for ?70i and
another house and lot in the same place,
bought by Hermanns Vteghtly, for ?s:i3.
The estate' of Hon. Harmar Denny, of
Pittsburgh, who died several years ago, has
been divided into eight shares of S.oo.oon
each, one of which goes to each of his eight
children, or their representatives. Bev.
llarmarC. Dennv, one of his sons, who is a
convert to the Catholic church, has thus be
come a ft.r'i'-millionaire, and is to day proba
blv the richest ecclesiastic of that or any
otucr church in t'-e I'nited States. lie be
longs t the Jesuit order is connected with
an institution of that society In Baltimore,
and delivered a lecture in the Catholic
church in this place on a Sunday afternoon
earlv in the fall.
Speaking of Sheriff John Byan. the
Ehensburg correspondent of the Johnstown
Time says : "This gentleman, whose term
of oRic will expire in January next, has
proven himself to beone of the ablest Sheriffs
who ever held office in Cambria county.
Stem where it became necessary, and lenient
on such occasions as leniency seemed neces
sary, he has endeared himself to both those
unfortunates who came under his penal
supervision and those other who meet him
in the everyday walks of life. It is report
ed that, after the expiration of his term of
office, he means to go to your tow n to per
manently reside. We shall all miss him and
we wish him good luck." We endorse-all
The shooting-match for engineer Billy
Brat'y's ponv and two minor came off
at the Cailan House. Cresson, last Saturday,
in accordance with the arrange.! schedule.
The pony was captured by Mr. William
Jackson, hostler in the upper round house
at Altoona, whose string measured three
eighths of an inch ; the second prize f 10, fell
to Mr. George Atticr, an engineer on the West
ern division of the V.,i. and the third
prize. was awarded to J. C Flanagan,
F-o,., of Altoona. Ninety-one boards were
shot, the distance being sixty yards, off-hand.
After the shooting had been concluded, nil
hands sat down and demolished a bountiful
repast furnished them by the landlord and
landlady ot the Callan House.
On Monday of the present week, the
Hon. A. A. Barker, of this place, slaughter
ed two hogs which seem to kick the beam in
advance f all others of the porcine genus yet
put to the knife. One weighed, after leing
dressed, .V pounds, ar.d the other 4."0
pounds, and both were raised and fattened
by Mr. Barker. The firm of V. S. Barker cXr
B'ro., in the old stand of Barker it Son, :
bought the can-asses of the animals and tryed
the major part into a superior article of lard, j
We are not furnished with the number of
pounds produced, but it constitutes a moun
tain, and is nice ami clean and dear, and ,
those who feel disposed to invest in a com-
nioditv of that description ought to pay an !
earlv visit to the store of V. S. B. & Bio.
A vocal and instrumental concert in aid
of the Church of the Holy N ame, Kbonsburg,
was given in the Court House Wednesday
evening by the choir of that church, com
posed of the following named ladies and
gentlemen : Mrs. Porter. Misses Blair, Kit
fell. Parish, O Nciil. Messrs. Kittell, Hoover,
Biair, Simpson, and Myers. The main Court
room was tilled to its utmo-t capacity, enough
seats not being attainable to go round. Trie ;
programme consisted of choruses, solos,duets '
and trios, some selections comic but the ma
jority sentimental, ami it is enough praise
for tiie choir as a whole to say that the ren
dition of no single selection was permitted
to go unnpplauded. Mr. H. Myers mid Miss
Maude Kittell presided at the piano, and
Mr. YV. Simpson rendered a couple of evii
site airs 011 the violin. We w ould like to see
the entertainment repeated on sonic future
Owbs Ccfsisr,HAM'9 Mant Troubles.
About thre months ago Owen Cunning
ham, formerly of this place, but latterly re
siding in Carrolltown, was arrested by Con
stable Wherley on two warrants Issued by
Alderman Spurrier, of Lancaster, in which
he was charged with having obtained two
notes, one from Frederick Bletz, of Colum
bia, and the other from Wm. T. Youart, of
Graef's Landing, by making false representa
tions to them. The amount involved in the
first stated case was $78, and in the other
S75. Cunningham was taken to Lancaster,
and in default of entering bail for his ap
pearance at Court was committed to prison,
where he remained until last Friday, when i
ooui cases were taken up and tried. I lie
main witness for the Commonwealth wa&.
James Hawks, a iumlier dealer who resides
in or near Chest Springs, in this county.
After all the evidence was in, and it being
shown that there was a reasonable doubt of
the defendant's guilt, that he had already
been in jail for a long time, and also that he
was in ill health, the court allowed a verdict
of not guilty to be taken, and the county to
pay the costs, as the prosecutions had been j 'J uT XnTt
brought in good faith. Mr. Cunningham s i ,,ns. such as one would stir mush with, and woe to
troubles, however, did not end here, for as the urchin that would laugrh aloud or show a oatu
he was about leaving the Court House he i ral appreciation of the rote.iqnesii:ht. for the pad-
was arrested by a Harrisburg officer, on a
warrant charging hini with having obtained
board in that city from G. Swilkey by false
representations. He was taken to Harris
burg, and being unable to procure bail for
nis appearance at Court, was lodged in prison, j
. j I
Sad AcctDKNT. Mr. William K. PhMn- I
mer, police officer and nicht watchman t !
the P. R. II. depot in Tyrone, was Struck by the"
... 1 - . ' . .. . ,
engine of the Mail train west last Tuesday
morning and instantly killed The Altoona
Tribune, from which journal we condense
the particulars of this sad affair, says that
the duties of Mr. Plummer of late had been
extended to watch over the loaded cars stand
ing on the warehouse siding. It appears to
have been his habit to make a general survey
of these cars three or four times during the
night, and when be met his death he was on i
his last round in more senses than one. A
freight train on the south track going east at j
the time, it is supposed, deadened the sound
of the approaching fast mail west. Peing on
a very deep curve and hemmed in with cars
on both sides of him, if he heard or saw the
train he had not time to get out of the way,
Mr. Plummer was born in Summerhill town
ship, Cambria countv. in the month of Octo-
Imt, 1KU. At the age of 15 years he left his
I home and went to John DeArmit, in tlavs
( port, to learn the blacksmith's trade. Tins
j did not appear to suit him and shortly after
! ward he went with William Burlov to Cove
1 Forge as a helper in the forge, lfe. worked
j there a short time and then went to the old
i forge above Spruce Creek. At the age of 18
1 he went to Tyrone, where he has since resi
1 ded. He was tho father of ten sons and one
j daughter, all living with the exception of
i three sons. His wife preceded him to the
Krave only a rew months. He sympathize.
with what of the household is left in their
1 great bereavement.
,' Vox Moi.tkf. as a Sot.DiKtt. This re
I markable fierman chieftain is the greatest
; living soldier. He has a constitution of iron,
, nerves of steel, and a will like the grip of
; death. Silent, reticent, unassuming, active
! ubiquitious, he controls his force almost as
' directly as he moves the muscles of his own
body. His army, to a man, almost worship
j him' Rheumatism ishisonly physical trouble,
j and he refers to it as an ''annoyance." Py
using Sandaline this difficulty was overcome,
i Many business men resemble him in his
mental and physical qualities, anil in bis in
firmity. Pains in the limbs, back, head and
i .side, stiff joints.iiervousnessand unref reshing
i sleep are sure signs of coming affliction.
Rheumatism, liver and kidney complaints,
: biliousness, chills and blood disorders should
! be cured before they ln-come chron'e. San
j daline is a certain icmedy for all these ail
ments. It clears the blood, regulates all the
functions of the body, and restores perfect
! health. It operates gently, and is pleasant
i to take. Sandaline Eotion'cures rheumatism,
1 soreness and all unhealthy discharges. Will
do just as recommended, used as directed,
j or money refunded. Price ?I. Ask your
1 druggist.
KuiK. Pa.. Nov. 2, 1&7S. Or. Oounnd. 5 West
14th St.. N. Y.: 1 Wiint to let you know that the
San1:tline and the I.otinn has altogether rid meof
my rhe'iiuntism fh-r I have had these seven years,
aiid I can certify th-it tliev are first rnt remedies.
You ran refer to me. J. fc. YKnnuii.
Dr. (Jounod's preat medical work, full of
interest, over 2X1 paies. Iiice?l. Send for
. .
An Orphans' Court sale of certain real
estate of Johnston Moore, dee'd, was held in
the Court House last Saturday afternoon,
2'.M int. Thirteen parcels were advertised,
though only six were sold. A description of
those sold, with the names of the purchasers
and the prices paid, is subjoined : No. U, a
lot of cromid i:i Khenslmrg, near the Me
chanical Works, containing about one acre,
sold to Davis Bros. for ?lll: No. 10,;pieeeof
land in Cambria township, south of Ebens
buru, containing about s acres, sold to Curry
it Jones, assignees of Wm. M. Lloyd, for
?2T5 ; No. 4, lot of ground in F.bciisburp, 540
feet front and son feet deep, sold to Curry &
Jones for frjio : Xr. .". lot of ground adjoin
ing lot last described, containing about 5
acres, sold to Curry Jones for?l4."; N'o. 7,
lot of ground in Ebensburg containing about
acres, sold to Curry fe Jones for $175 ;
N'o. 11, tract of land in Cambria township,
containing 70 acres, mostly improved, sold to
John LJovd for lwi. J otal amount realized,
f lttrtfi. The sale of the remaining seven par-
cols was adjourned to a future day.
Tiicv thinir of ruddy, rosy redness, hull,
With all thy pri'-ki.v Inrz to irritate.
For thou dust lauuh defiance nt the gale,
I'lnit hiin would shake
Anil with it bluster quake
i )ur corforo:itics well trirt
Jty the dcliithts that militate
'(!;iin.-t every III, O, llnnni-1 undershirt!
This ilecription of jxctry always brinijs to mind
rxil'rcy Wolff, who keeps a very extensive clofh-in-j
establishm'nt next d-or to the post-olhce. Al-
toonn. He sells not onlv flunnel undershirts, but j
iikcwic an iiuiiiiier 01 wuriii Karinriiis ior lilll lin-1
winter wear, such as coats, overcoats, pantaloons, j
vests, gloves. etc., and sells the same cheaper than i
a like article can be bought in ninny a I'hiladel- '
phia or Xew York wholesale honpe. If ;ou have '.
never him. our advice Is that yon reine- )
dy the neirlect. aither bv enllinir in person or bv ;
writinir him. forthwith. He has a bannin reserved I
for yo, anl don"t you forx-t it. !
T am the apple of her eye.
And she will seek no farther;
'Tis sour ex-aqueexe-ate privilege
To be rcjuieed well, rather.
She's somewhat fickle yet, of cores.
Hut I will never chide her.
For it will not be Ion!?, I specked,
T'ntil I'll ba be eider.
He asked her. later, if he liked cider, and the
anwcred: "1 ilun't shoes it '" 1 :tterly overcome
by this reply, not knowing whether it meant one
thim? or another, the apple of her eye at a venture
Invited the lady to step intoS.'s, 1119
Klevcnt'u avenue. Altoona. Mr. Itlnmenthnl k '
constnntly on hand a splendid stock ot shoes lor
ladies, and he Imagined mnybe it w:is something
in connection therewith that had been hinted at.
We don't know, and jrive it up: but there is one
thins to which we can tako a Hible oath. Nobody
sells chenper th:in he docs. Just try him once.
Thkrk was a youni? fellow named Knox,
Who concluded to gamble in stocks :
i And in twenty-four hours.
! He swore, "By the powers.
I'm irl:d to escape with my socks !"
There are -said to be certain parties in this scc
tion who have cambled in stocks to their own cx-
' ceedinir irre:it sorrow, but whether the report is
i true or not. we cannot answer. If they did loso
money, though, then their first duty is at once to
irct down airain to legitimate hard pan. One
metlud. especially if a pair of sock-" constitutes
their entire wardrobe one method of doing this Is
i to buy the other trarmcnts necessary for comfort
this sort of weather where you can buy them cheap
est. Where Is that? At Jas. .1. Mnrphy's Star
f'lothlmr Hall. l'W Clinton street. Johnstown. He
has the largest stock of elothimr he sells the
cii"apct hewarr.mtl what he sellt. Call on;nun.
or write to him tor particulars.
Xmv- fades the pliinmeriiiflr landscape on the lea.
Now hides the fly. the gnat, and all the rest;
Now walks the street, on. paintiil sight to see,
Theinan whosowintexulstershrouds his summer
If such there be a mm who wears a summer
vest this tine of year iro mark him well : For
him a lanre numler of minstrel raptures miirht as
well have remained nnsunir. and prose likewise
see ns to h ive been thrown away "n him. KNe
why d"es he not discard that and all other unsea
sonable lannents and repair at once to Simon Sl
Hendhotin's. next door to the Thirst National H ink.
Altoona. anil buy f.r a mere song what tlie exi
gencies of a thermome:er marking in the near
neighborhood of zero would seem todemand ? Nut
onlv a winter ves-t.bnt a lull suit of winterelothing
of good material ami good make, and cnt in
latest style maybe purchased lor a snm within
tlie reach of all.
Oft Ott I)oo! Tlie rloe eonfinemept
of all f.ii tory work cives the ojieratives ial
liil faces, poor appr-tite, languiil, miserable
feelinss, pfxr blrwnl, inactive liver, kidneys
anl urinary troubles, and ail tlie physicians
ami medicine in the world cannot help them
unless they tet out of doors or us Hop Ut
ters, the purest and best remedy, especially
for such eases, bavins abundance of health,
sunshine ami rosy cheeks in thein. They,
cost but a trifle. Sec another column.
Wantf.p. Sherman Ar Co., Marshall,
Micb., want an airent in this county at once,
at a salary of fli per month and expenses
paid. Kor full particulars address as above.
I1 i--i.-iy. j
Mr. Daniel firifbth, of Cambria town
ship, lost a valuable mare by death a few ,-iin-e. Luiip fever was the ailment.
Sot enlerrd. etc. h'o right retmed.
In th day of losj ctiurctiM. log rhnol honsrt
and lo dwellings, nourished John O'Connor. n
old time schoolmaster. It wm as early as the year
1807 when O'Connor flrt commenced to knock off
the knots and polish the roueh candidates fur lit
erarv honors who ?proutod around the M'uir
spttfement. He was an excellent inrtructor in the j
main, hut sliichtly Inclined to tyranny reifnins;
na-lit rovallv within hi? lor mrisdiction-ai" royally. I
Indeed, as the thirty tyrants ol ancient Oroect-. i
One of the methods of discipline of thin worthy
IMjd.uro.rne was so original and potent that we are
tempted to (rive it a thorouirh description. An or-
dlnarv 'shaving-horse'' sue'. a is need for shaving gentlemen's wardrobes, from tha merest toilet tri
shinir'lcs was introduced into the school-room as an fie to the complete outfit at all prices from the
engine of justice and the howling delinquent was t cheapest to the most expensive."
set astride of this unique appliance, bearing the aHuf certainlv there are other things in the
additional punishment of a hiiitre dunce-cap on his
head which was most wondrously constructed of
raccoon skins a in funnel, and having a long ap
pendageof 'coon's tails trallingdown behind. The
roaring rider rode the shingle-shaver before the
whole school, yet not a small boy hnrdly dared to
i tite was nut ana nrarv. inn ikt ciose to me inuo
where It fell. Oftentimes the performance was va-
rled by placing a horse-eollar about the neck of the
shaving-horse rider noys anil gins anise no mit
igation ol punishment being allowed on account of
the weaker sex. This sketch may serve as a float
ing buoy on the ocean of pedagogic, warning the
modcrn teacher oft the hidden rocks upon which
O'Connor's reputation as a teacher was wrecked;
for his arbitrary, severe and mitre method or disci
pline is still borne in mind with anything but
arratcful emotions.
There were extenuating circumstances, however,
HL1.1, . t. 1 . V. .. - . . C laanLaM In
those earlv times. The material in many cases
was very raw and unaccustomed to restraint, call- j
ing for extra exertion and appliances to keep it
: within proH?r hounds.
i A rough back-wood" school In the howling wil
I den! is a far dillercnt Institution from the
I smooth, polite and director-governed town school,
where the melodious-voiced eduea'or has little to
! do hut to hear recitations, expulsion coming In to
i supply the place of discipline. In those early days
I a boy was sent into school like a sheaf of wheat to
I a thresh ing-niachine to have the chart knocked out
of him and the good sound irrain brought to bght.
As there Is such a wide difference between a town
school and a country school, there i. just as much
difference in the method and scope of the teaching
that is. In primary schools. If a country school
tnnv be called a primary school, tor a boy starts in !
there at six and in many cases keeps on till he Is (
twenty-one. The country school has young men I
and young women to deal with, whereas a town
primary school takes in children only. j
Hut, to resume our pioneer school. Frank Me-
i Connell. when a boy. went to school to O'Connor, ;
I ami on a certain any, ior some piece 01 rniscniei or
j other, he was sentenced to receive twentv-lour I
blows of the dreaded broad paddle on his hands
Alter taking twelve blows on the hands his swollen
fialnis gave out. wherenon he took the balance on
its bare feet after the manner of the bastinado.
There is one eminent truth II lustra ted by the above
incident, namely, that unlimited power in the
hands ol humanity is almost invariably abused.
Kor our next illustration of harkw.iods school
life we will shot the scene to another locality.
In the month of February, 18, the Todd school
was doing efficient service with a lengthy roll of
names male and female pupils. Thedrltts block
ed the roads the whole country round, and the
scholars skipped to and fp over the white billowy
undulations, often at evening leaving a message in
huge Inscribed character on the hard frozen sur
face at the cross-roads, where the intended school
mate would first read It on his return In the morn
Ing. Many a tunny communication inscribed In
tln.t manner was read in the morning by thi blithe
scholars, amid vociferous yell and many antics,
tin one occasion the scholars, during he day. had
been cniraged in surreptitious letter-writing of an
amative character, much to the annovance of one
ol the scholars, E. V. . At the forks of the
road that night the ownerof the above Initials took
venucanee on hl foe by emitting from his poetic j
K'jnuia the lollowinK effusion
I,ouis Mel) 's as fat as a jpiir :
He nsd to wear a little white bill.
John H is not inm-li better.
He used to write some pretty letters."
Some of those concerned in the above epigram
are dead, while some are still livinar : some pros
perous And happy, and some othcrv ise.
n another occasion a youn jflrl who was a
scholar In attendance at the 'I' school fn A 1-
lcirhenv township, this countv, had to stav at
home to io an errand to the neighboring; villas"- '
When she eame to the cross-roads with iier bK of 1
rairs tho met John II on fiis way to school. '
; lieinff young; and full ol life and always ready for
I a romp, she took up a v is it Ion in the snow-drift I
before the youna: student, completely baftlinjr his
j lorther progress to the locat Ion of books and birch-
cs. Although a lusty voiine; chap of sixteen, he :
was repeatedly sent floundering in the deep drifts
: by vrrll directed Mows of the rae; bair. and despite
! nil hi." ellorts he could not pass on tnl he had first
j sun;? "Hoot hoi? or die" lor the amusement of his ';
: indefatigable tormentress. When the solo was j
j ended he was allowed to proceed on his way to !
; school without further molestation, and 1 presume ;
i he still retains in memory the funuy performance.
Win. S was a very worthv yunir man who I
did the chorus of a farm in ihe mornings and even
inirs and attended school In the "Mid Todd school
house" diirinif the day. William was Kcnerally
very temperate in bis habits, but one day he was
coaxed oil by an oursidr companion, the two brins
ini? up at last in the village tavern, where they
soon became quite .lolly anil boisterous. Despite
the ohlitpealioii o muni caused by tho essenee ol
rye, William t back to school In time to escort
the seven and eiirht year old dannteir Cf hif em
ployer throiis-h the deep snow-drilts to their home.
Ntr. Hoddy, tho teacher, hacked by the wholo
school, tried to persuade the zealous youth that ho
was not in a fit condition to see the girls home safe,
but no! home he would take the children despite
all persuasion boundinir alout through the pow
dery snow like the favorite panther ol the nierrv
ifod, Haechus. of mythology cracking his fists anil
lumping up with t he oft-repeated asseveration that
he would see them home s:ite. All alon:r the wav
home, at every lanre tree, the realous and fiery es
cort would cra k nis fists on the rouh hark and
demand of the trsrls it he were not seeing them
home safe. At last they reached home and the
;rirl were delivered into the hands of the mother.
Honest William then pruoee-led to the barn to feed
the stock, climbing away up Into the highest hay
mow to poke the evenliuc's feed down thrnnirli tlie
mow-hole. The industrious and muddled vouth
first poked down the required amount of bay and
then loll thronh theniow-hole himself, cleardown
to the bottom, coming out entirelv nnscathed with
the exception of a skinned nose. At another of
those mountain schools the girls had one day t
u'fiv ?cruoueu xnc noor tin it was as clean as a
new pine hoard. The lare toys. becominganvious
of the praises and merits bestowed on the girls, de
faced the clean floor with oceans of tobacco juice,
much to the displeasure and disgust of the Voting
ladles. This flagrant violation of the rules could
not he overlooked by the teacher, so a good (tout
wattle wm called into requisition, which did ex
cellent service upon the backs and shoulders of the
offenders. One or the boldest of the offenders
jumped up and dolled his coat with a view to resist
the teacher. The teacher, who was a voung man,
instantly adopted the same tactics and made a
rush lor the belligerent mutineer, who turned and
fled ignominlously out of the door, ami was not
fccii again mat aay. I lie rest of the boys icinain-
eil quiet till evening, hut they concocted
ut thev concocted a nlnn at
recess which developed Itself after school. The
teacher was fixing out the day's report at the desk,
school havinsr beep dismissed with Its u.sual
quietude, tine of the girls had remained In the
school house lor the ostensible purpose of getting
some books out of her desk to take home with her
for evening study, but In reality her object was to
inform the teacher of the consuiracv which hid
! been formed against him. The informant was a
young and pretty girl of sixteen, and as the tcach
I er was also young be appreciated very highly the
interest which the fair one tcok In his welfare.
; Just then a fierce yell, like a Comanche war
l whoop, startled the inmates of the school-room, and
. pretty toon after a boy came in with the message
. that a young man outside wit-lied to fight the
, teacher. Al this the teacher stepped to the doorto
j reconnoitre, when his presence was greeted with a
most deafening cheer every belligerent meantime
. leaping and swinging his hat like mad. The hoy
had called In a id irom the outside, their champion
I being a young man who was engaged in chopping
j curd-wood not far from the sclond-house. This
I pugnacious individual called loudly on thetcaoher
I to come lorth to the arena ot comhttt cracking his
fists and walking around through the admiring
j circle like a game cock in a hennery. The teacher
saw at once mat mobbing was tho order ol the ev
ening, so stepping back into tho school-room he
er-l Rood-sized hickory s tick which was lyinp; j
near the stove lor inel. Thus armed tor tha irar
he stepped outside, stili accompanied by his fair
ally, who stood by him as the fair Indian maiden
did by Captain John Smith of ancient renown
Deafening yells greeted the advance ot the envi
ous pair but they proceeded boldlv on toward the
front till within a lew yards of the yelling horde,
j The teacher now raised hi hickory clnb anil re
, marked that he would tell the first one like a ml-
j lock who came within reach. On the two walked
with leisure stops through the lane which was
opened up before them, passing through the roar
; ing enemy in a march of triumph, while not one
I dared to molest them. As s'hui as all danger ot
j attack had passed, the teacher's fair young iriend
1 stepped aside, and he went on alone" to hi lodg
' ings. This is a true story, and related just as it
. occurred. That teachergot himself into the above
recorded difhculty through taking tlie part of an
itinerant Methodist minister who was attacked
. and insulted by the largest of the schoolboys while
passing along the road near the school-house. The
boys or young men remarked that they had a
grudire against that man. and they meant to take
: it out ol him. The teacher answered bluntly that
, if they "took it out of the preacher" he would "take
It out of their backs." From that nut the unrulv
clique transferred their hostility to the teacher.
and harrassed him vcrv often In manv wavs. The
; teacher was even attacked by rocky missiles on his
1 way home stones suddenly "whistling from behind
barns and other nnthoughi-of plae ;s and he was i
even warned by a committee of tho voting niuti- ,
I nuersaml their outside friends, not to dare tn route
back the next week under penalty ol annihilation.
The nnwcr was that he would return to his c-hmd
11 a regiment ef them stood in the way. It was
even nece-arv nt one time for the teacher to be
trnarded on his wav to and from school bv a couolc I
of stout farmery, and he held his j osjtlon through
tne last week of the term with a revolver In his
These are all facts, and they tend to illustrate
tlie difficulties ot te.-ichiinr in in hyaline. 1'iio
teacher Is oltcn left to his own resources to sink or
swim. nrrive or erish or do just ns thinirs niny
happen to turn np.
The directors, in some enes, seem to torirct that
t--:ic!iinir is tlie limiij business d the s-lu-..l-ruii,
expei-riiis-, it m-iy be. many ot the ovcnrniwu. in
corrihiirle and c'nrnic delinquents of th- schtvd to
be Jiaitrd into due educations! symmetry without
any care or s upervirdon on their part; but more
anon. A. I. H.
LrfMtrrro. October 2S, 1S7U.
Strange reople.
Io yon know that there arc stranife people In our
community? tVe say stranire, because tliey seem
willinir to suffer and pass their days tni.-onihly
mado so by lypepsia. Liver Complaint. Indiges
tion. Constipation, and reneral Iebilitv when
SHILfiH'S VlTALlZKR i.- cnaranteed" to cure
them. Sold by H. J. Lloyd, Kbensburg.
AVr have a speedy and positive cure forCatarrh.
Kipntn-na. anKer-montn antf Headache in SHI
A nasal Iniector
Irec with each lntrle.
I se it if vou desire health
Price, sorts. S.dd by R.J.
19-12. c.o.w.Om.
an1 a sweet breath.
Ll"j d. L.Ij n.-bunr.
Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 18T9.
THmhtless the proprietors ef the European Bon
Man-he would be very much surprised if they
thought only about an areraie of one to every mil
lion of American ladies had ever heard of their
warld renowned establishment, but that fact does
not seem near so strange as to hear a lady from
rtttshurnh. Pa., say that she "never heard of the
Orand Ix-pot P'
"What ! neverheard of John Wanaraaker's won
derful palace of fashion?"
"Oh: yes. I've bonffht clothlns; at both his
stores k Hall and the Chestnut-street house
tor my Iwiys. Is the one you refer to a clothing
store too ?'
j "TheOrnnd TVnot T Why. that contains forty
departments, including all articles necessary for
riUIC UCBIHCB IIVIUIU, I . .11. II. I. 1 U l LU.lll , u r
"Yes. Materials and ararments for ladies and
children, all toilette accessories, and also every
conceivable article for household ornamentation
and convenience can be found in the rooms of the
(5-rand leK)t.'"
"1 should like most sfneeTelvto see that wonder
ful store." continued the lady from I1ttbnrgh.
"Can yon tell me something about Its arrange- !
ment?" 1
The description for to-day very likely should he j
changed for to-morrow, "for," said a lady fashion
writer from IVew York who visited the H-rand I)e- !
Mt evcrv dav for two weeks a a more matter of
curiosity, "I never saw such a place In my life as
the Orand Depot: they are constantly springing
new mines upon me. A few days ago I examined
a small stock of toys down stairs, this morning I
am invited to Inspect the children's gallery, which
presents already a festival appearance, a regular
fairy scene of mimic horse races, revolving pictures,
various mechanical toys, doll furniture, houses
and all manner of toys, besides dolls of all sties
and nationalities, enough. In truth, to set an or
dinary child wild with delight. And again I am
told the art gallery Is open for my approval, and
am shown into a gem of a room made beautiful !
with mre snecitnens In furniture and household 1
j ornaments, together with easels and pictures of all
kinds and antique pottery such as quaint vases j
! ana otnernda pieces, indeed, your trrand lepol
Is a perfect model of artistic beauty, a bazaar su
i periorto the Centennial Kxhfhition, because the
j tifork Is not standard and every hour novelties from
all parts of the world are brought In. so that some
thing new Is eniKtantly Inviting and attracting at-
tention." And then the lady from Mew York do
I scribed some of the costumes and evening dresses
i which had charmed her, for even literary women
' have feminine vanities, and set as much store by
a new lionnct or suit as the fashionable society
a skating costume merits a description for Its
simplo arrangement. The skirt is of black velvet,
perfectly plain : the upper garment, a kind of a
double paletot, has both fkirts bordered with Mack
beaver fur. sprinkled with white stars; the inutl
and boa match the fur trimming, while the jaunty
can is of velvet, with a border of the fur.
A very elegant reception robe Is a combination
of green velvet and mastic colored llk. The vel- ;
vet on lower skirt is arranged In three slightly i
gathered ruffles; aliove Is a shirred drapery edged
with handsome frinpeof the twocolors ; thlscrossei
the front, and Is headed by a ruffle of velvet ; then
comes another fringe-trimmed shlrrlngof the mas
tic silk, which joins the pointed waist ol green vel- '
vet, which opens in front over a full shirred stem- I
acher of silk, and is finished on each side with rich
lace, which also decorates neck and sleeves. The j
back drapery and train are of mastic silk, theedge 1
of train fwlng ornamented with ruffles and plait
In gs ol the heavy mastic silk.
An evening dress oftceherg blue silk Is partlcu- j
larly charming. The back drapery and train are ,
composed entirely of the silk, edged with lace and
trimmed with shells ol the silk. Interspersed with
loops and ends of blue and silver ribbon. The side
decorations consist of jabot cascades f bretonne
lace from the waistline down to edge of skirt, grad
uating from the smallest possible siio to a large :
tan-like plaiting. Over the front Is an cxquisito
drapery of silvery gauic. through which the blue
of the silk shows daintily, and this overgarment j
is trimmed with inns of lace and knots and I
ends of the blue and silvcrrtbbon. The low conage
and short sleeves are finished with the lace and
knots ol the ribbon.
With these costumes the ((loves should be per-
feet, not onlv In rolor, but in finish and nt. I,aco j
mitts aro still worn, and will be throughout the j
winter: but kid irloves are favored by the maturity j
of ladies. The Foster kid jjlovo seems to b exactly !
what has been needed by so many of our ladies
whose wrists will not allow them to purchase a .
shapelv irlove lor a respectable hand. The Foster 1
Klovo laces at the wrist Instead of buttoninp;: there
fore the pressure or strain may be regulated by the
wearer, so there will be a perfect fit and no tearing; t
out. as in the nnmanRKeiiblebnttoned ifloves. The 1
hosiery, too. forms a special feature ol a finished
toilet. "and in Brctttes silk ho. all colors, can be
pertectly mntrhod in either plain or embroidered p
novelties. M. t I. j
Five Jfundred Thouxand Strong, '
In the past few months there hr' been more than '
5ou.On bottles of Milloh's I nrf aolri. Out of ,
thovat number of people who have used it. more 1
than a.000 persons a hi icted with I onsnmptlon !
have been cured. All t'ouphs. Croup. Asthma and '
Hronehitis yield at once; hence it is that every- .
body speaks in its pratse. To those who have not j
used It let us say: If yon have a "oui;h, or your i
child the Croup! and you value lite, dou't rail to
try it. Kor I.ame Hack. SideorChest. use Shiloh's I
Porous Plaster. Sold by It. J. Lloyd. Itricrnist,
Kbensburit. Pa. H-l"2.'79. e.o.w.Sm.l !
McPE"ITT. IiieJ. In Hnlf Moon townsliip,
Contre eminty. on Tnes-lay, Nov. 18. lSTtf. of par
alysis, Mr. James Mi.1evitt, axed about 79 years.
The rteecaseil fas an nnrle of the editor of the
Fitkewat, and a mnoli-psfeeined eit'.ien of Ontre
county, where he resided the greater portion of hla
lirotime. He reared a lnro lainiiy 01 sons ana i
dsUKhters. who have done and will rontinne to do
honor to their pareiitaee. We drop a heartfelt tear j
to the memory of our kinsman, and feel assured i
thrt his soul has winged its fliicht to that abode '
where there is eternal bliss. 1 lie remains were in
ferred In the t'athollc cemetery at Tyrone on Fri
day last.
tVEAKI.AMl.-IlipJ. nt the resiclneo of her
father. Mr. .totin V.'eaWl.ind. in 'arroll township,
on Tuesday. Nov. is, 1STK, Miss Mary Akn 1Vak Ked 64 years.
t'hnrch. Carrolltown, Nov. IS, 1079, by Kev. Prior
Otto, Mr. Harry Fholehart. of Kbensburg, nd
Miss Jn.iA Bektbam, ot C'arroll township.
This is tho "official announcement" of which we
sjioke last week, and which was then lacking. W e
repeal our former benizon on the happy couple,
mid add thereto the hope that lite may be for them
a perpetual honeymoon precisely the surt of exist
ence they are now enjoying.
Consumption can bo Czxsl ! j
AUti irt t ft trill of tils Zrr.fir, fttr'aici :
ltwa fint iiw1 in Vilow. f.frmaiiT, :
It lr. August rtiuilir, fn Ins irritate :
imrtice, and with irh siinw tnat u :
lit tcth he If ft thr wmt as a lvary i ;
his I trot her, Antrea tinthcr. who in j
turn rnvr the faint" to his sou, A ill'am :
' tiiui hrr. ft.n of tho rwiit prfrir- :
ttn, n riniittn thnt iliesnn;e shniiI :
not fn? u- rTfjtt as i-hantT. iiTitil .iftr
1 i t!r;ith, iliirh ot-ci rr i in 1S74. Siie :
t!iat time Win. I ttirnt hrr lias hceii piv- :
inif tlie world the letiefii uf his trulr
Wttti.ierfii! vrrn for ihe cure nf :
C;iv.:rj cf Z'.zzi, B rachitis. Crhs. Colli, : of Chsr., aai U Z:uo9 cf tit
I o nt trifle with vmir Life ! :
Hr you weak Liing?' Var nentlirrs
Kun? Urnh-r. ! Ton (.it ihd
tiuenthT'i I -u riff Healer nt') thnt.
HuTC toii a Cni('h Ve iiien.hert l-unp :
Irlrr, SO . and CJ-OO.
Atk your Pniti: f.r it, or tnd to
ii.ienthor St (o. Inprictors, j
o. J3 Rii lrt.f Plttirc, P. 0. B 12.
TRIAL LIST. Dkckmiikr Tkkm.
Ijlst of cause set down for trial at the enn
ini? terra of f onrt. commencing Monday, Icc. lt:
firmt wru.
Border vs. Kiblett.
Little vs. Mctroug;h.
t 'seof Burns vs. Mcftonajh.
Shields' Kvecutors vs. MiKhmib.
Brendlinjfcr vs. I'rinle et al.
Adams vs. Flynn ct al.
HErortn wire.
Hannan vs. Keim & t'o.
Hopple. Bearer ft t'o. . vs. Hawks.
V liite vs. Martin et al.
Bradley vs. Kisban.
lkuiKlas vs. McKenzie.
I'nion Horse Insurance
t'o. of Blair I'ounty . .vs.
I vorv.
KaufTman et al
..vs. Kratzer.
..vs. Baker.
. .vs. Speicher.
..vs. Hopple. Bearer k Co.
...vs. Ihinmyer.
..vs. Bvrne"
...vs. Kh.Hlv.
, ..vs. Speicher.
..vs. Browns.
..vs. linns.
, . .vs. Kaifcr et al.
. -vs. I s;irt ct al.
. .vs. vVlin et al.
x iXNKId,. Irothonoarv.
Kbenburit, Nov. 3, 187.-4t.
Weakland's Ijt'r.....
lnbert tk ,
f 'onmd's F.vecutors.. ,
Bradley's Kvecutrix..
I e of Wynn
'. V. '
Proihonotarv's Olflce.
154 Sooth Slrret, Xcw York,
rA XT Bntt-r. Kircrs. Cheese. I'onltry. Cider.
ineirar. Apples, Potatoes, Onions". Honey,
Ac U-Jl.-2t.J
TIOX. Whereas my wife, ifarv
K. Stromcr, ha left my bed and hoard without
any pist cause, all persons arc hereby notified that
I will not pay any bills, accounts, or debts con
tracted bv her, unless compelled bv due conrse of
law. i F.O Hi i E J I S .' ST H OJI ER .
Washington Twp., Nov. 25, lS7u.-3t.
GEO. M. READE. Attorney-at-Law, S
EbefiFbura', Pa. Office on Centre afreet, !
three dour Irom High street. f8-27.'72.1
O t)
o o
o o
o o
This Lonp; TKIsit TliKliol CJlotHingr IIouso,
Known nil tlio Country Itouiul,
AS been brushed up with improrements in the house and the stock, and U in
working trim for the coming
assortment of
That beats all our own former efforts for beauty and completeness.
Everywhere the note of brisk times is sounding, and Oak Flail is on time ready
now to show the people the most worthy Exhibition of Ready-made Clothing that
can be seen anywhere in America.
People may guess that Wanaruaker A Brown have not been idle these pat sum
mer months when they come and see the familiar but new look on the old-fashioned
rooms, and note the quantity and quality of the
And the Salesrooms of
OAK HAL to Uristlo with. Activity.
Prices will not be in question, for while, touching the assortment, there will be
Rooms Full of Clothing for Rough Work,
Rooms Full of Clothing for Store Wear.
Rooms Full of Clothing for Fine Dress,
All made up to our own high standard o? manufacture, there will be prices so low
marked on the garments that even the wholesale work being retailed is thrown com
pletely in the shade. There is only one
And Mr. Wanamaker's respects to old friends and new patrons, to say that there
are Open Door and hearty welcome every week-day for all who choose to eome to
buy or look or compare ; and this house-warming invitation is cordially extended to
everybody to drop in and see the changes and additions in convenience and stock In
Oak Hlall of 1S7Q.
A BxifTlcient force of polite salesmen are ir attndanee to
promptly wait on cuKtoiners, firnl the n 11 111 ber will be increased
tor anv extra lmrrv of busiineaa.
-Th MAIL ORDKU DKl'ATlTMKNT is. the apeoial oare
of gentleinen of long experience.
Oak Hall, 6th and Market, Philadelphia.
Will tke 'ity property or Wt?rn land in part
pay for some of tncsf? tnrins. Have a lew (urms for
ae which ran t paid lor nnrly ny n to pay
rent. ircnlr rivinif lorntit.n. price, ef.. fre.
Address J. H. HK1STC K, Martinrturx, W.Va.
GOOD PLAN. C"ffiMl'ii rmtlir mmr trrrim
fc ! wnm 1 -n i r !!- r t'. rrlia
w.lliilTiivifprt'nt. I a-fpii'li'i iTivtilr-l y-n rniien
i lYritm'iin fcf ; . i t ' .C . t iix-i'r, with fa. I -j
!an a r i 'ti t '" ' I rat. :t-rm i t .-- V 1 ; ni-, in MeH (r.
I, WRKSI't Jk 4 '.. 31 : Must. Nw 1 vitl.
Younar Men ami Ijilies tn learn Telearrnphr.
food situnrions irunrrxnfee. A'Mress with stamp
UBGKMN TIXHIKAIH t'O.. Kherlin, hlo.
$10 to $1000
invested In Wall St. Strw-ks make
fortunes every month. H-w.k sent
tu yiuuii free eTiilalninit everythinR. A1-
dress BAXTER fc CM .. Kanken, 7 V all St., JN. .
S a Month and expenses cuamnteed to Aitents
1 t Outfit tree. Shaw fc Co., AvurSTA, Maink,
It perfectly nnre. Pronounced tbe nest h ihe hich'it
medical authorities In tha world. Given hiKh-t
awards at 11 Wnrld't F.Tpoittlnns aid at l'arlt, 167s.
Sold by Drurirista. W. H. Sch lelT.-lln A Co... T .
This old
and waII.
laa oroven
Its valuo
c. - f-om fm-
pur OTiimporeriiki'illiovd
.as jvroruia, KheumatisTn,
I Icernus bores. Wipe
Swtlliniri. Syphilitic
Tfodet, Bone Disse, etc. Invaluable In Genenl
IebilitT OI e agea. anrnnTropn'mBiniiUPn in-
lurion Inrredlents. r"
other lleme'lv has received
ucta encomium.
Sold by all Drupglsti. - -
ACENT8 WANTED-I7I to tISO Per Month.
rail fPHACTlC4L IxroBHATieL .
The T.. Rmw-tMrrr'i fcl ITF-
Tke Kxperteacesl Ilwae-keeper'a rSTEXIt.
A book of more tiraetf eal ntlllty will seldom, if esrer.
be found outaide of inspiration," ' 'hrutan AJon
lirCnrn l every iy h"m DV Rirh aa4 Per.
tlLLULU in all mmlrf koaiM afid OH.
Viae Paper. Cletf Ttt. hftifal Bmiivg .&rltn44 IMut
trtia. JT'ir'v erml Pvi, Prt'e . .sJenrt'y.
AMM J.CMcmV CO, PklMJelphta,
t'lrk'a Illasjtritrl Monthly 4farnln !
W-paires. a Colored Plate In every number and i
many fine Fnrravinns. I'rlce, a year: Five i
fodes for J6.uo. Sircimen iiuiubers cut for 10 i
rents ; 3 trial copies for M cents.
Tlrk'a Illnetratrd Floral linldr j
A beautiful work of 100 Tares, One I'olored Klower i
flete. ead 500 Illastratlons, with lis-scriptlons or i
the best Klowers and Vea-etablcs. with jtrice of
seeds, and how to irrow them. All lora Kim c 'ktvt i
Stamp, Issue Nov. ath. In Knirlish or fferman.
James VirK. KiK-hester. N. V. j
rtU'REn Pre'rapllj and l-r-1
I manenfly. 1 -end a InitUe ot
n I my celebrated remedy, with a val-
viable treatise on this disease, tree
to all sufferers who send me their
I. . and Kvorcss address. Ir.
If. C. ROOT "o. ls;i Tearl St..
PkJ.New York.
, TOV WA.KT J0 I? JL 1
it a r o t r r
'Urn f IT.mim V T.,nfiTf Fmv.
U1:AK.R 1TV liAi.VAMi: ' VhtlmJflehux, r.
ror uie imnasoinefii ana
Cheapest BIBLES
For the handsomest and
Kvcr furnished Aa-ents. Kxtra terms and Large
FORaHEK flratKIN, (inrlnna) I, O.
AKII m sNF-N Jof) to 2 a
month for Aifents. Teachers and JLadics. Sell
inic our IN t. s tKlv. Its unrivaled contents
ol Prose and I'oetrv hv 3"0 eminent authors.
eleijant Illustrations and artistic binding make ft
a welcome cruest in every home. Introduction bv
Theo. L. ;uyler. 1. I).
The new editions and reduced prices of our beau
tifully illustrated works, with best terms an.l quick
sales, are reasons why live aifents coin money in
thelrsale. A stnjrlcasrent has sold overT.o) copies.
K. H. TREAT, Broadway, New York City.
C-jj!?,:r',j Jl?nr c-n hat hr
2 hH!,nJ "por krB direct
wt on trial, to tc r-tMtnii
mt-iiey rfnr'led if r.. Sat ufurw
try- F'-r fnll Iti forms t ton .d-
irrs 51 1'.HU i K t'u
V .C or . luO. i Arch. Fliil - fA,
F Oli SALE OR RENT. I offer for
sale or rent my FARM. bK-ntod near I'ortaire.
Cam1ria county. On the Farm is a -rood Hone
and a good Barn, with jtikmI Vater-jower. The
Furm contains psi a.-rca. n ruler fence, and is situate
nl'-'iir the of the Mim'cr and Wilniore road.
For term, appl to the uiob-r.'i trued, at lortairo
at any time, or at Lbcn-bnr; Unnnnttio IWrmlvr
session o! Court. JOSEPH ITEL.
Nov. 21. IS7H.
IT'STKAY ! On or about tho first of
November. int.nt. there came to my prem
ises a Red llcilcr. two years old. with no marks
about It exceptin; a small star in the face. The
owner will please come lorward. pnv charges and
take the animal awnv. I 'AN ILL HI ' H K. .IK.
(iallitzin, Nov. 21, '7".i.-:;f .
fANTEI) ! )ne tive-vear-oltl Mule
poumls: one first-class Kidiuit Hre that will pace
unilcrthe sad-He and trot In harness. Apply at
sawmill near Ashland Furnace, or address
r. k. C. Ml K IKE.
Nov. 21, l79.-2t. Altoona, Pa.
PIGS FOR SALE. Tlie subscrilier
has a choice lot ot younff piirs of the Ksei and
Berkshire breeds, which he will sell at moderate
prices. JOSEPH Ol'TWALP.
F.henburir. Nov. 14. 179.
I.. L. 1!!!
I. t. !!!!
I- I. !!!
u i :r.
I. 1j n
. Li ri
season, 1879-1880, with an unapproachable
i k31UlUJ 111
roiiTY-six i'ii:ci;s,
Also, m I'nll and IIiirtoinr I.lne of
hz: Whits ui C:!i-Ei:id CHINA,
Majolica and Silver-Plated Ware,
And Lamp (iood of nil kinds.
All (iood. warranted as rrpretenfed,
or money rrfnnden.
A fall line Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers.
G. S. LACKKT, Supe? inlendent.
Altoona. Nov. 7, 18T9.-tr.
J. A. MAHER, Lilly, Pa.,
Dry Goods, Clothing.
Grooeries, Hariware, Tinware, Notions,
oinally kept In a flnt elan coon try atore.
ETfrythlngf Sold as CHEAP FOR CASH
as at any eitabllshment In oroat of the eoun-
I ty.and eoentry produce taken in exrhang-e former
I en and ne ateetn prices. l"be patronac of every
' body wishing to aret full ralne for their money "i
! earneetly and rerectfullv solicited.
Idlly, Cambria Co.. Ta., Sept. 11 IfTf.-tf.
i r(iTBi!M or
Tin Copper aifl Stet-Iroi WARE,
RAXiM, rt RA( rju. sr..
1 1 OS Eleventh Avenue, . Altoona, Pa.
Oa Door Went f Opera Houto.
noorixo and sioi:tinc.
Altoona. ct. 10. l79.-tf.
A Irsrr and Flrrant Ktork of
j -
Jat re-rrlre-il and opened for tho In-
apeetlon of f he
j Ladies of Kbensburg and Vicinity,
In r.. J. Ilnraptirej nnlldtnic.
J ae-TJie ladies are repectfnllv Invited to call and J
fr beaut v.
variety and cheapness. Jll-T.-'-'m.) I
The Hiilest Price in Casl or TraJe
will nr. taip ron
; t;i:. iu,
I Sept. V; 187tt.-6ni. !
j 15. O- Oosrhpfor,
HOP one iloir wet of Hur.tlev's siore. where
chi'ice sanipl-s f 'let !i-. Ca si uicrcs. Vtiine,
kf Irom which selections can be made, will at nil
times hP kept on ha ml. and full suits or sinirle arti
cles of wearinir apparel for either irentr or youth
will he made ro orrji-r on the shortest notice, in the
latest and best "tyie. and at the lowest livine price.
Satislaction rnarantecd in all oases and the best of
wnrk furnished fully as cheap as interior rlothins,
ran be bonirht readv-made. aT-A trial i earnest
ly solicited. H. O. OESCHUEK.
Eben-banr, May 2T.. lS79.-tf.
I'lTTSnriKJH. l'A.
Elelusively devoted to the practical education of
y-oan: and miildle aireil men for nctive business
life. Sled always iii session. Students can en
ter at an time. Send lor circular.
.-26.-;;m. J. C. SMITH, A. M., I'rincipal.
a TFliandeipnseto Att'nts. flutflt Fr
Olil Address . t . Vi, kvbt, AuRusta. Mai
o c
H H KEK k rrr KF.E rkh
H H K A A P P f: K R
Stovon, Tinwnre,
OHO IKI () I) s
Maa oooo oooo imiiidu ssssss
e., fce., that can t found fn in. one estaMlata-
inent In Pennsylvania. Hit st'x-k comprise
ef various styles and tterns;
of every description and of besfqualit j :
of all kinds and the best ia the market. Also, ft
lanre stork ol
OlMMtars, qnrsnsatre. sillTrr-IMaled
Ware, Mood and Mlllow Wart, Mall Pa,
per. Truaka and alive. Rrvnlten, An.
lis, le. Ilonr Miees. Bar Iron. Rail
Rad. II roe alla. I'arrlwe Roll. Rlv.
eta. Mill Saas. 4rlndatnne. Merl shtf,
el I'low Moo I da. Kaad PM-aoiM:
Mowing Machines, Horse Hay Rakes,
Mars liar Fork. Rotve and fnlleva.
ara 'nll i alar, and a full line of llarv-
eatlnfx 1 oal. Altu. a larye assortment ol
Table, Floor and Stair Oil Cloths,
(.'arriace Oil C'lotli,
PAI'FR isn 11. 1'I.liTll VlXIa'W SH M1N
SAI-T. tha bet In the world for Iiairv and Table
ate; IsroRTKn KiK K JAI.T. the chrape't and
i'"i iur ieeiinif L.ivf sines ; 1.A.N11 I I.AMf.n;
Wm isn Tntiks I'l 1 1"S. of the belt qualitv;
cannot be exploded: "hilimib a W A SONS ad
t'AKTS: the larcet stork of MILK I Kik KS of
all shapes and mtcs and ol superior ware ever of
fered forsala in Kbens Iran : a full line of P AINT
HKI'SIIKS of the mot di-sirrit-ie nuatv: W1X
VAKMSHIS. fc.e t..Kether with a larreand com
plete stock of choice
s well as thousand' of other useful and needful
articles. In fact, anvilnnit 1 haven't jt"t orcin't
ret at short notice Is not worth buying, and what I
do oiler for sale may alwa s he relied on as riiuT
C1.ARB is juai.itt. while tiit-y w ill in ariahlv be
Having had nearly TaiirrT Teiu' airvai
FM E in the sale of ;mh1 in my line. 1 am enabled
to supply my customers with the very bet in th
market, tiive uie a liberal f-bare of yonr patron
aee. then, and be convinced that the belt is always
the cheapest, and that it never pays to buv an In
ferior article simply becaute the price is low. as it
Is an Indisputable tact that such good! are alwajt
the dearest in the end.
;i:. iirxTLKY.
Kbenibunt. April 11. 179.
tin, coma.
Sheet Iron Wares
J'olj'bing' in
Nos.278, 2S0 and 282 Washington St.
Cheap Groceries!
By reading the advertisement, circulars, price
11t, etc., of other dealers, and then (o to
1324 IZcventTi Avenue,
Between 10th & 11th Sts-, Altoona, Pa.,
And "confer" your patronate on a man who ca n
not only shew yon the larc-st. m-t varied and
complete Btoek'ot (roods ever offered for "ale la
that eitv. comprising evervthlnj; fresh and ori
In the "wav of ' K M : E K 1 1- S. PROVISION!,.
Oreen, Hrled and Canned FKC1TS. NtiTloNS.
fee . but can and does sell at prices lully a cheap
If not a little cheaper than anv other man ir brm
tn the business, no matter where they rrO-!e or
what Inducement they offer.
r-Thank1ul for tre lilH-ral Jatronce hereto,
fere conferred upon Mm by bis .riends inCaniir:a
eonnty and elsew here, and l.opitir lor a c-ti ina
anee and increase of the ame. tiie subscriber re
spectfully invite everyK-ly 1o eU and eT:mne
tin goodsand pneet before l-uine at mivotner
bouse. F. P.'l'oNKEK.
Feb. 2K, 179. Model Orceery, AHoua. I'a.
Juxt Pnblithed. in r braird V.urrtoftr. Vic6lnM
A l.ectare the at a re. Trralmeat and Raalral
Cure id Seiu I tin I Wesktirs,, or S'irrleea. in -dueed
by S"i!-Abue. Involuntary Enu-iei-. !i-
potl'TlCy" Nervous ltei.lht.V. and ll!.le,initeMI tf
.damnije jener:i!ly : Cnii-uu ptien. Fpipy. and
Fit: lc?.!cl and l'lrsi'-l I r.i - 1 : '. . . A.C. v
ROBERT J. CI I.VKiaVKLU M. !.. ai.l!...r d
the " Ireen B'ik.'" c.
The world rcnow nrd author, in this Kiln-trth!
Lecture, clenrly jti'Vcs 1rim l:i -wn experivnce
that the awful consequences of s-li- hus t-s l-o
efteetually rcmo ed witbuut medi'-me, a r:d w i l-ont.
dangerous suruical operations. Imuiih. rms. m
struments. or corlial s ; pointing nt s pte-lcel err
at once certain and effectual, by which every suf
ferer, no mutter what hi condition nny I1, aiay
cure himelt cheaply, privatelj and rad-cailj .
Mf This l.rttvrf 'trill r:rr boon t rlonMnii
end thousand?.
Sent free. undeT seal. In a pla n envelope, toanv
a.ldress, on receijd of it fni. or two ) "I.-ks
staiuiis. Ad-lress the PiiMishi-r.
tr k (tu irwh i .ni'ii tt..
41 iaa M., ew lerk ; Post itH-t 45MI.
October 17. l7S.-m.
t Newspaj-er Advi-rtisins A in spruce .
II ; - ,-:,n learn t he ea't co-l ol am pr.(-e.
line"' i' 1 H 1 1-1N i in Aoirtean .iiir 4