The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 17, 1879, Image 2

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FRIDAY, OCT. 17, 1879.
DAN L O. UAH It. Allegheny County.
MICHAEL J. N'AGLE, of Carroll Twp.
FOR rii HOVE uirkctor :
JOHN i:OKABAUi;lI, of Croyle Twp.
Foil Jl'Ul" tOMMI'MONEK :
JOHN J. HOKNK K, of UL'hland Twp.
FOR COISTI chutor:
llLM'.Y SCAN LAN, of Carmllti.w n.
A T m f ; K a M from !! im-
i:i view of tin- Kit isf.ict.-ry rvit r ;o li-
! I lV.r.!:t:;il .l.t.-.-V.::!, t!.- 1V.U'. Nm..
i-. in Li- ii.'.irvi' . w.'Ai i;.i!..uA at
i.i'.i-ti uii.l V n.i. th- i !-. run;
to wi an .,t ! m' ! i. ft; J t r
lii h; !! of t! .- i - t;.it;.-!i vi ;t'i r
tn.itit. 1 1 .- i . !t t i tn. ii-! t'i ;i; j- ir.t C.uli
! il .1 a 1 .::; t. mii -! ( . r ! . i .il Niu.i.
t!. J um :.: IV:.t ;:'-al ' r t.itj . f "tat-.
11 K M.V
.in-1 !i
C VI. I" 1 . i ! 1:. a.-I.e 1
Lilian mi.'.ii in l' 'i .1 k .tl
.! I in Ph.! 1 lelphU on M .11
in t'. 'th ir ..f liH ;u" lie
:i . f Mrt! n Can y. an Iri-li-11
.mi' t tl.i-. coma rv . .u
a a
11. 1 '1
r 1 1 t ' "f th- l;-i.utioi.;try war,
I..r. ii g I" :i -Hi d to IV . from his r. t- ! n. l ( 1 .1 1 at it. in the I V101-
'. of ul.iih he was the
it iti.e indejientlfiice of
1 f i the vigorous attacks
. !.t r. t!
Ir.l.n.'l. ;
li"' . n the I'riti.-h Pailiauieiit ami
P; -iii-h MinMrv.
(iKs. Mi i:i;iir. who left Rawlins,
Wvoin-xig Territory. with reinforcements
Tor tin. relief of Capt. Payne, who took
ti'L'.iiMii d of the troops after Major
Thornburg was hilled by the Indians.
reached the White River Agency lat !
Sa.ur day. v, hi 11 a scene of utter desola
tion presented itself. All the buildings
exct pt one were bune i to the ground,
.ml not a living tiling was to If seen.
The ih a 1 body of the agent. Meeker, was
found near his house, lying on his back.
d. ' through the In ad. The dead ldy
of Post, the assistant, as well as the
todies of soui" others of the employes,
were found at various points close by.
Noil-- of th.' bodies of the women and
children of the agency were found, they
having been either burned up or taken
u way by the Indians, who had gone
sou: !i a ard. This is a sickening tale,
an ! the fist thing that Congress ought
to ih after its meeting in Iecemlfr is
to ii.-titute a complete and searching
in stigation into t he t rue cause of the
outbreak vvhetht i' it v. as caused by the
whites an I in what manner, or whether
the I'ti s t hem-elves, without any ade
ti iatc r. n.-o.n. are responsible for such
.1 cru' 1 ;nt
it 1 ulari
.- m.
flu 1 .k Ot.NKi.iNo and Henry Ward
Hiicher loth a'ldn -M-I a Iiepublican
met tiri. fi 'lit tie' sane stand in I'rook
hn. 0:1 Yednesday night of last week.
Thi w as nit unrivalled combination, and
l a- never It foie hud its to
the political stage in this
couutrv. ulv a few w ek
i ag ', C'onk-
I ng was clias.-d out of ex-Governor
Spr.ig'e-'s resilience in Uho le Island, at
the ni'izie of a shot-gun. ii'i'iini' his
pre ..-nee tle-re w as nbje-'t ioiiable an 1
was an ob-tacle to the tlmnestic peace
td Spi ague's household : and only a few
yiais ago Hceclter escaped conviction
in the criminal court of lhooulyn on a
cliirgi' of adultery by a failure of the
jury to agree upon a verdict. To have
mail" the tableaux complete, Spragne
flight to have been on tie1 platform with
his slc.t gnu in his hand, threatening
tic I'M I'y and imperious Conkli ng. and
Then lor - Tiltoit should have been there
h.uig ng pictures in his night-shirt, with
the virtuous Ressic Turner holding the
candle by his sid".
C inkling's speech was a repetition of
Lis malignant charges against the South
r:: 1 her jx'op'e, vvhi'e Heecher enntined
hi- rsmaiks to a defense of the "ma
chine" in xilitics, which ii"vcr had a
move expert manager in New York than
'oruell, Coiikling's candidate for Gov
1 rn r. That Reedier should appear be-foi-.'iii
audience as the open advo.-ate
iind t'.efer.dcr of all that is odious and
b testable in political management is
vic-t :t. all singular when some of his
pii vioii ; p.-rfoi maaees are recalled. No
; ominent 1:11:1 in this country ever fell
from so high a pinnacle of fame to such
a pr-'found depth of contempt as Ilenrv
AY ard Reedier.
T'ni" Supreme C.mrt, now sitting at
Pittsburg, delivered an opinion early
in vdiidi it decided that, under
: Assembly of Hl.i Allegheny
liable l r the losses growing
th. ;ct
nt of the Pittsburg ri t in duly, IsTT.
Of coi, ; this opinion of the Court re
lieve, tic tate from nil ,"' respoasi
1 il ;!y. It vi as a b -t tas and the deci
i''U a.-;;';!tt. the will apply to all
v 1
tl er claims for dautagi s. It is n
h whi'e now to discuss the failure
th- riot bill a
the last session of the'.slatnv
ri' asuie
further than to say that no
so much importance was
-v( r o j r.-!!i:it:ir
ld-. rr o I ,-.!
1 ; 1 11 and r.'-io. i.-
iy pr. ss.' l upon that
iiigly mc.rage.l the
s etion with it
f f so vriicl a man as William II. JCembie
J i:g of i's. If fatal toils success. He
xv a -. no d tit. as h- svvere before the
invf c n;ti::ttf e. specially em
.loy,uly tii? I'inr.sylvaiii.i Rail Road
onianv in his tapa' ity as a lobbyist.
"tnd that ' tow ledge was enough to damn
any nn asnre. no mattf r liow meritoi ions
it might be. That the people of Al
l'g'e nv t unity arc faijly and eq'iitabiy
-!itit!-d to nK ineasui't' of relief from
the State v, id be admitted, we think,
by ev ,y fair-mind. -d man. It seems to
lis to be peculiarly hard that the entire
amount of the oa mages should le im-I-oscd
upon Allegheny county alone, as
they must lie in view ff the o.inion of
the Vnrt unless tl.e Le';,;l Ure cmnes
to its relief. Tl it-re w ill be no st ssion of
that lwtdy until January, 11, which
xvill afford the people of the county am
ple time to ascertain the exact amount
of all the claims against it, ai d to pre
;tut to the legislature in cod f.tth
mrh an equitHbie hill as ought, under
the jeculiar circumstances ot the cae,
iU et with j't3 rsade SUOv'tlou.
The Democrats didn't carry the Ohio
election on Tuesday last to any Tery
alarmicg extent ; but, on the contrary,
wer pretty well scooped in. Well, what
f ,'f V nhafa tYta nso in crvinnr over
" ,fc ' " JB
.,, . T. .. ; Ml. f V,.,I.0t '
filled Iemoc;atic nulk-not a bucket ,
full merely, but the contents of an ea-
' tire hogshead? "Whatever is, isright,"
or is supiosed to be, although at elec
t tions it is often very uncomfortable,
' and w ould be much more pleasant if it
, had turned out the other way. Ohio is ;
(alwavs Iiepublican when the German i
j vote, or the bulge of it, is on that side,
! as it was in tue late contest. The Ger
' mans in that State set ut to vote with the
Iteiiiocrats one year and with the Ke-
publicans th next ;
ir .1 ...
mill 11 1 1 1 r v main-
tain their consistent y in this line they
w ill. of ourse. enable th I m rats to
cairy the Huekeye -tate next ear. Hut
we scorn their Uiau-f the
I eiiiiM'r.i y will l- able to elect their
candidate i t Pitsi ltlit without the aid
of h...
We can t give the re-vilt in the State
in 1 k'iiii-. aii 1 we wouldn't thi- wetk if
up ouM. f.T they would not look 11
in pr.nt ; and. l -..d- s, one or two
I.ti.r-.M her- "f "Mr a'-.!i.iint.u.i e
ti t -ttd a !liall amount of ""tr wi" t it
t'i- t length of the "Ohio idea," and
we .loi.'l waul to If among the t.r-t to
r.-ii 'tid tin tn how neatly they have been
d :: l'T. It cut I e stated in a general
way, however, that Toin Kwing, as he
i familial It called a man of brains and
shining parts, who risked his life in de
ft nee of the I'nion in the late war, and
earned the reputation of a true hero
has been defeated for Governor by
Charley Foster, of tho small village of
Fostori 1, where he kept a country store
during the four yean that Kwing was
; helping to put down the rebels, and
i vv her
he (Foster) made a fortune by
i selling the jnorest kind of calico for
fifty cents a yard, coffee at forty cents a
pound, with all other articles in his line
I of business in proportion. If this is not
a great and glorious country, and if
Ohio is not a booming State, w ill some
person be kind enough to tell us where ;
we can find one
Py ne.xt week we hone to be able to
state how the Ohio Legislature stands,
and what chance there is for the re-election
of Judge Thurman, old William
Allen's nephew, to tie? I". S. Senate.
We are afraid, however, that, like
Kw ing, he too has 'gone up the spout."
Gj:n. the head of the army,
lias been traveling with Mr. Hayes
through the West, making speeches
wherever lie had a chance, and supervis
ing in a general way the interests of his
brother John, who has his heart set
upon the ne.xt llepubliean nomination
for the Presidency. The General was
with the Hayes show at Indianapolis
xv hen the news was received there of the
killing of Captain Thornbnrg and sev
eral of his men by the Indians in Colo
rado, and delivered a stech in which
he made his usual demand for an increase
of the army. lie didn't say how largu
he wanted the army to be, but we sup
po.o that a man of his expanded not ions
about military affairs would not be
satisfied with less than Iuo.'hhi men.
As General of the army he is paid about
?l-,boo a year : and the country would
have a much better opinion of him if he
mterpart on 1 w-,v.ihl spend more of his time at Wash
progressive ' ington in the discharge of the duties of
his office, instead of traveling with Mr.
Hayes to State Fairs in the West and
boosting his brother's prospects in the
next Republican national convention.
The trouble with the I'te Indians in
Colorado has been brewing for sometime
and was of course known to Hayes,
Sherman, McCrary, the Secretary of
War, and Scluirz. Secretary of the In
terior, and yet not one of tiiein was at
the national capital just at the time
they ought all U have been there, but
were junketing over the West in the in
terest of the Republican party. Gen.
Sherman's appeal to the jeop1e to compel
their representatives in Congress to in
crease the army will not be heeded. The
army is large iiough. if it was properly
distributed. The New York .Soi, in
answer to herman's cry for a larger
army, correetlv says: "There lie in
luxurious idleness, in the many usehsj
forts and Union posts on the Atlantic
counts, the lakes, and the interior of the
country all the way over to the Missouri
river, thousands of officers and soldiers
who are no more needed where they are
than at Saratoga Springs."
To lt:vnc t: Ts ok the Si tmf.rn
PAiir or Tin: l.'oi'XTY. The long line
of Democratic Sheriffs is not to be brok
en, and the Deinocrary of Cambria is to
continue to be united from south to
north. At till tines, in all the grave
embarrassments which confronted the
Democracy of Cambria, the north of the
county has alwavs maintained its organi
zation, bravely fought grand battles and
won grand victories. The- Democrats
of Northern Cambria are Democrats
from conviction, and have always voted
to su.; tain a repu: able IVmoerat f' organi
zation. Of the whole Democratic popu
lation of Northern Cambria, none of
them arc laggards, geneially turning
out to a man and voting at every elec
tion, and always the regular ticket.
Without patronage, the Democrats of
Northern Cambria have ever been true
and enthusiastic in the support of tho
party's nominations, no matter from
which portion of the comity the nomi
nees came. Nortln -n Cambria, although
the Democratic j.-itirei of t!i county,
lies not had an important co inly c'heer
f r many years, ye: it s that portion of
the county that do s li e voting, ami has
on many occasions raxed th" D -mot-rat ie
county ticket from inglorious defeat;
and row that Northern Cambria li;-.s one
of its most deserving Democrats :;t t!i
head of the ticket, evt rv Democrat in
Southern Cambria should rally in sup
port of their northern bretbern
xv ho
have so o'.ten rallied in support
d.ingered southern candi lau s. .
t i"-n ''ic'-r u'.
Tut; Pittsburg a Ligh-ionM
Iiepublican journal, ees nothing wrong
m the plan (alleged to have been adopt-
ed by tic I t-nio!-ra! it- State Committee'
of seneling cire-ulars to clergymen re
questing the names v( pew-holders for
the purpose of making up lists t- le used
in 'mailing documents. The l'n.f h
advises the Republican afe Committi'e
to avail itself of the same plan. The la
test reports from the Ih publihan head
quarters in Philadelphia, however, are
to the effect that Chairman Hoot en is
kept so busy in trying to prevent the in
troduction of the black lottie into his
back-room that li" can liml no time to
to attend to mailing documents. 7tr
rixLHrg Pntriot.
TnEHK was a si g it increase in the
yellow fever sc uuge- at Memphis during
last week as e.inip; r el with the week
pievious, the number of new cases being
i4, and the de t'hs -22. Total r.uniLt.rof
deaths, 425.
The Two Harrlsburg riatform.
The twoopposing parties one of which
. . ,, tta r.ltir.
1111131. 'lOdll ill, Ur.M ..-la it v.. "
i themselves, uro for,. .
upon the country in the declarations of
their platforms, by these declarations
they agree to lie judged by the jer pie.
Such deliverances, confirmed by cus
tom, go l-fore every election. Tliey
profess to be evtiiient to the immediate
issues of the pilitical campaign, to tho
general principles in.u are 10 govern
..I I ..... .1..-, ..iT til if
: IHJIH pillllfB, il I I'l HIV uir u u" . i .... w
distinguih one party from the i.ihir.
The tenor ot a j.l;tieal platform may
1 d p !id not It ss iipn its.-j-c:f;e .le-cl.tri-
tions than upon a MiKiie an 1 n.-t mi tiv-
si ' i r ; i i ri.ii .11 i.- 11 i nt- t.. t n 1 1 n 1
insensible it petition of certain terms,
for example, that show the real under
current of the author's tl ought. An
apothegm of Talleyrand, that language
n't to exiresi.
thought. Can now !,ere fuel a l-tt-r U-hi-t!.ition
than in a pontiriil platform.
CIom' examination may, however, bring
to l.g'it the aettl.ll idea of th"x- who
have d. iM-d it, however specioin and
th-eeptive it is meant to If. however
gliftung its gt laraiit its ii.iy a'opear.
The pl.itloim promulgated by the two
State Conventions held at ILirri-hurg
will ! found to onsit of a'-'Ut the
same iiiiiuIkt of vvorN. with no great
d:ffeit lae in the number of their rt;
soluti. ns. The antagonism of one plat
form to the other is as Miarply defined
as it could oMbly le made, and this
apl" .irs mainly in the frequent changes
rung in one of them upon a ringio word.
It would seem to have Ik-cii the intention
of the authors of the platform in ques
tion, by frequent repetition, to accustom
the tympanum of the j-opuiar ear to the
violations of a high-sounding term that
has in it the rankest political heresy
ever sought to be imposed upon a free
people in the modern world. The seem
ingly innocent, but nevertheless omni
present, existence of this one word
sweeps the whole platform away from
the domestic concerns of the State, and
is meant to give a direction to popular
understanding as iieiusive aim (langei
ous as was ever sought by unholy ambi
tion out of the coinage of its own mind.
The word 'Nation"' with iisattendant
adjective "National" invariably print
ed with an initial capital letter occur
seventeen times in the nhitform nut
forth bv the Iiepublican Convention at
Ilarrisburg iu June last : ami these terms
run through ten of its fourteen "planks."
To give it the benefit of contrast this
leri.i.-ious use of the word in the same
sense is nowhere to be found in tin- plat
form previously adopted by the Demo
crats indeed il occurs but om-e there
in, and then only in a subsidiary sense.
This wold, as used, is the pivotal idea
of the Republican profession of faith ;
and its presence in almost eve ry plank
convicts the authors of it of deliberate
duplicity and treachery ; it remands all
their utterance's to the pillory of popular
suspicion and distrust. It is no more
nor less than the shibboleth of a reaction
ary movement that claims to consum
mate reeaied ions of the i 'oust it u
tion anil laws made iu pursuance thereof,
in an e ntire upheaval of the government
To gain a clear insight into the pur
poses of the Republican leaders in such
a platform, it is merely necessary to
note that of its fourteen subdivisions,
one and a half strictly p rtain to matters
wherein the State is essentially anil ex
clusively concerned. To set this fa-t
out in clearer light, it may be observed
that of the twelve Democratic resolu
tions, with width the former must be
compared, e h vt-u have reference to the
relations of the people to l hi: State, and.
reciprocally, ot the Stale l the people.
Such a contrast cannot In-too tenacious
ly kept in mind. The propositions of
the Republican It aders. as we f;ud them
in this plat form, are th sp-.-ra'.t expedients
grown out of a condition o" things, iu
the management of the aifairs of the
State and general government, that has
brought plunder, waste and corruption
in legislation and at the polls to the
one ; and all t hese things w il h I he set' led
pi t iijiiinaries of political anarchy to the
A brief i xaininat ion by way of con
trasting the terms and te nor ot these
two platforms will be sufficient lo show
which of tlie-m holds itself acconnlabie
to the )-opie, their rights, their interest s
and the general wed fare of the Common
wealth; and which has merged all liie
inalienable' privileges of citi.eiiship and
the inadcouate-d and indefensible inde
pendence of the State, in a mockery of
professed fealty to the National Govern
ment, which sham of all lawful author
ity, in its high est utlice, by a Iiepublican
conspiracy, remains and abiding insult to
tin.' popular will, and is ma le to reap
pear in this platform as the cherished
object of the Republican conspirator's
solicitude and love.
So far as any comparison touching
the same or .similar topics can be made,
it may be fa.rly staiedas follows : "The
Democrats asseit llialth United Stales
is a Federal Union. Tne lie-publican
platform announces the political paradox
already noted that the Federal Union is
;i "Nation."
The liepuhlican platform declares
that the establishment of a State sover
eign ty "overthrows National supre
macy." The Democratic resolutions
say that "the rights of the States and
the liberties of the people." elcpend the
erne upon the other.
The Republicans declare that St;i!e
sovereignty endangers "Federal unity 1"
The Democratic ions condemn
"the invasion of States for political pur
poses without, regard to Constitutional
restrict ions."
The Republican resolutions say thai
"th.r-siipn -macy of the National Govern
ment" (U pe tals upon "National laws
which protects the ballot box." The
Democrats that all Mich measures arc
"imperial m tho ls. of supervising elec
tions and coe rcing the popmar will ;"
that the presence of soldieis or Govern
ment officials at the polls "tiest roys all
freedom of elections and ir,e niu the
very foundations of st lf-governmont."
The Repunliean leaders say that "the
Democratic party has tomniitud itself
to break up t he Governtm nt by refusing
to appropriate moneys aire ady collected
from the people" to "pr teet tiie- batlol."
The Democrats that "the military ought
in nil things to be subonlinate to the
civil power;" and that "when the peo
ple c. .si inb'.e to tx press tln-ir sovereign
pleasure at the polls," troops "or hire
ling rf.-cia! claiming power to nnvst
and imprison citiens without warrant
crharing" !o by their presence "de
stroy all freedom of elections."
The Republican Convention l.r.cie 1
Haves for vetoing CVi.gressioJial ha'a
suris which refuse to pay the depu'y
u.arsjuils whose function, it is said, is to
roteCi ti t ballot box. I ne 1 lernoernls
say Hayes is a Fraud, the creature of an "eon--.;" against "the
well-known ami leg ailv cxpresM 1 will of
the l-f i-plet" that the use' e f his Veto
"to maintain uueonsti; utionnl ai.el de
spotic power"' at the pedis "is an insult
anel a menace to Ihe country."
The ib-mocrats appi al to their foUlay
to the "w oi k iugrn.'.n :" ihe- Republican's
call upon "ihe vtttran s.ihiit rs ef the
war. "
The Ivmocrats comb mn "the . system
ef subsiilif s bv the fii-nt rnl li-ivi rn'n.enr.
nil ; -, iii'-iniuring thv tierio-1 of Repub
lican asct li'laitey. political rings and
corporations have prof;ttl at the people's
'expense. ihey condemn "anv a.ppro-
- print ion of public mom vs or 1'ublic
; credit to any other object than the t-blic
; The Republican Convention was silent
, on this subject
. The Rcpublicacs oleclarit-' Ia the
same breath the "Cnltfd States a Nation !")
threaten to oppose "anolid North" to "a ol
id South." The Democrarg utter no diuli net
ion on this head, tint declare "the juot power
of the Federal Union, the rights of the Ste
nd the liberties of the people re Titl parts
of one barraoniou nystera ml to re each
part in its whole Constitutional vigor is to
save the life of the Nation."
Tue Democrats condemn "the recent at
tempt nttdt-r the personal direction of ruling
Republican leaders to lUaii-h the legiiO
tnre hy lrinery and corruption. an to take
from the Commonwealth fnr miltiuns ol .
dollars, for which its liability has never
been aH'-ertained." Tliey decbre mh o an at
tempt to he "a fresh and aiarinine evidence
of the address: venes of corporate power in
co'.iuoion with political r'njt "
At"ilthis lniir..-s tin- K. pnViican plat
form is m tent. The platform i si'.ent ; th)
Convention wa not. It le w 11 down t'cle-
XV.j'.f-, gig-d and s.!n I him when
h t' t a re.!ii'ion simCar to the one
q-iotf.l lve, and pointed. f rel".i.d to de
t'are in f.vnr "of ti. net men iu etli'-e."
The Ivtuo-Ttt d-c'.arn that
1... k wi'h alsrm srnl a(.)relier!i.ti upon
the prrtrn!in t. ttie r"t triri"rtt ion ncn
j.n to t' the laieisin. n'l lw i.t this
'tm;n"nfUh rti -li i -rr:,i l I r f i!h:n oill
N r I. rn. sn t t c ! t h-v --"ept the I'ens-nation el
in ir "l l -h lt.f slu.ul'l remsin t.i--t of
tlieoou.'-i itiUn.-e 'ui jtaleu'j t-y btiUi U-ri-Ul
ure d I p- f.'
The raitroal arti.-lo in the Constitution
who U the ImiihtCh demand fhatl -re p.
t- by the corporations and enforced l y the
lg: stature prolnhi o d scrim in a: inns ag-i: nst
the hnstiifss of Pennsylvania, winch is sys
tenia'ical'.y crnhiiig out out tlomestic in
dustries, ami Kirniif the West linno-nse ad
vantages over the urmi-r and the tnanufae
firer, the producer and consumer, of tins
Corn mot-weal i h.
The Republicans ignore and avoid this is
sue. They transit r the question eif discrim
iii.v.iou in rates of freight" from the Sia'e,
wheie they have tlie power to remedy the
evil, to '.hit "country" where lliey have no
power, and ;oiHeiit themselves with nvapiie
declaration for sentiment instead of the
promise of a practice! measure.
The Constitution needs only to he enforced
to cure all the evils of which our depressed
industries fomnl.iin, and this the Democrats
insist unetpiivccaily shall lie done. This is
t!i most important and pertinent plank in
their platform ; i'l it resides another proof
of the honesty of the declaration! they have
brought before I lie people, iu this (-.impawn.
The Republicans said that the Treasury
has been liom-stly administered hv Republi
can effi.-ials for seventeen years. The Dem
ocrats d.-ciara the Tieasmv to be empty;
that "even sehools and charities are unable;
to obtain money already appropriated for
their support ;" and "ihai there has been
systematic embezzlement of interest and
o'her po'iatioas by the Republican Treas
ury Riti 2."
The Democrats conclude by expressing
confidence, in their e-andidate tor the Treas
urer's ofricn and pledgo hi m ,' "it" elected, to
keep the public money safely, make known
his places ef deposit, hold liis books and pa
pers open to iiif.peet.ioii ; an I preserve the
Commonwealth from a repetition f t he. rob
beries incident to tht? long and scandalous
career of the RenuMioan Treasury Ring."
"Look now on ibis picture; then on that!"
A Rf.maukahi.f. Ssakf. Ciri rs.-Mr.
Joan D. Mertoti, a well known traveling
salesman, had occasion to drive from Coii-ic-au:
ville. Pa , to Ashtabula, via .Jefferson,
on Thursday of lust week. While drivintt
leisurely a'ot-.u through Kat or South-east.
I ten mark, M r. Mertoi heard a strange sound
issuing from a il-Mise undergrowth, at the
si. le of the road. The gentleman got out of
tho buggy to investigate ihe cause of the
n.iise, iicitnr of a curious till ri el mind.
Hitching his horse he cautiously parted the
busies and s'.e.i.t h i 1 v made his way into the
thicket for perhaps tin; distance of one hun
dred f. pt. Here was a spot ef ground about
twenty feet in diameter, such as eoe would
imagine fit for a fairy;batl room. The sticks
and brush were nil cleared away in the
space, doubtless bv Ihe huriiing of a brush-
tie.ip. Not -v i;h s'andi ng the gen.'.etnart hud
made liis way into the bush so tputedy ail
sound were hushed at his approach save
the chirpinK ot a melancholy cricket or the
elrowsy Singh, g of A distant harvest ity. Mr.
Merton, e it to be nonplussed, ml down up
on a log in f .1 i i vie w of t In arena and a wai t -oil
development". II - ha I but a snort time
to n ait, for not more than a minute h id pass
ed ere a small sniped oiake darted mil oi a
biiie-h of crass at the side of the arena and
oointiieiie-d running around the spa--.- in a
circle. Another snake a iiltle larger soon
followed,- and then a ratt lesnuke. about, two
feet in li iiifth joined ill wh.1T seemed to be a
sort of snake jnbi'ce ; every second afit r
that seeoned to brin a new comer ef some
kind. If was a nonceable fic; that s'lipel
snakes, niilk-snakes, rattlesnakes, black
snakes, and waier-siiakes :ii I joined Ihe
throng in the cr-,Ci .-t liai iik ny. When per
haps seventy-live or eighty snakes had en
tered the i-p n-" a onions com hi nat ion eif
purring, tattling sound aros" at one side of
the circle. A glance in that, diri-oion dis
closed rive large snakes two rattlesnakes,
a sir! ped snake and two black snakes 1 y ing
-sireich-id upon alog. The rat tles.i ikes were
shaking their rattles violently, a , ! ea. lt of
the three remaining; reptile; had a frog in
its month which it w is torturing into e:roak
ing and making noises frog fashion, appar
ently for Hie amusement nf the; snakes in
the ring be'low. The; ratt'i'S anel tlie croak
ing frogs iiia'l-! rude music which furnished
very fair inarching lime to the; squirming
mass of serpents, and our informant pays
they kept very fair time with 1 he m is iV,
their a.-ads all swaying in unison from one
side to the oiler. Tin; ge.; tinman was
thunderstruck at ties wonderful sight, and
conld scaieely belie ve if was not !. dream
It;' s.'.id tons: "(I;' conr-i' you will think it
an improbable, ridiculous story, as 1 wn ui.l
myself it any one told the same lo me ; bur
my own eyesight, is the in y eviueme I
want." After w.vchieg this scene for per
haps a tj u i tt-r if an hour, Mr. Merton thought
it we. u!. I he a much safer place nut on the
road, ni d started to move. No sooner had
hr; made a siir the music ceased, and everv
rrpen reared as if iy magic. It was
a scene Mr. M-ro n will or ibablv remember
to his living day, and such a one as no man
ev.-r witnessed. Iu us the' storv Mr.
Merton would involuntarily sh'.iider every
few minutes as though the mass nf reptiles
was before him. fi t',-rxmi ('A) ija:ctte.
OAN Cfntuat. ltAIIIiOAlt A socal'ed iic-cidi-r.t
occurred on the Michigan Central
railroad, a short, distance east, of .Jackson,
Mich., a'neeit i o lock em Friday moriiipg.
Tin; l'a.-iiic e'xpr-ss west, which left D-lroit
forty minim's la'e, collid 'd with a switch
engine o-i th" main trae k rat flint place, tele
seonitig the baggage ami express ears and
piling the remaining coaches, eleven in
number, on top .f eae-h other. The f.rst
coin h was fi'led wi h einigrant'j, n-.osi of
whom were either kilted or seriously injur
es!. Several of th e-eupanis of the tiil: r
coaches were also killed or injured. In all
fifteen persons were killed and thirty one in
jured none of the latter ef w hom, are 1 ke'y
to die. The engineer Pud fireman of the
express train were l.'eially torn to pieces
but tl e engineer and fireman of the switch
ei-gi;:- t scaped injury by jumping from ihf-ir
The triiin ras made up of seven Wagner
sleep-rs, four passenger roaches and tnad
and baggg;e. tars. Tho tender of the ex
press engine was telescoped into M.. bp
Sg car a tnn? befits length. Th's car in
turn for.-vd way into the mail car nr.d
these cro wdt'-.l the first passemgor coach ti
the right on the ptnhnnkment and crushed
back through the two following. The pas
sengers ir. tie; first coach were coaipirati ve
ly iinh.trtneei, i h " l r,f I'.enth biing
reaped in the second and third coaches. The
fourth roach r-ica !.! wii'i slight il.imuz",
an.l none ef th" Wagner coache? we're in
jured. As n. ar a can be ns. ertaineil the
a' cioVnt wis caue'd by tiie swi-clininn hay.
lug tharpe of th? making up .f freight
tra-us :.t .Tack son .Tnnct'oa ncennying tho
main tia.'.c with a f-.'.ii'h engine ai d ca-boo-e,
!r.' undeistari.lii.g ;,nf the Pari fie ex-pr.-:-s rcrsideral !y b.-bitni time. The,
(.Tpre?s train, however, hud made cp nearly
stil lost time.
A m r, at :;.s;-.i-vn k. Conn., aftcmpted
the other day to iinlu.-e lour spaniel pupa to
get out of ihe way of a trait a lire is! due, but
failing in that, he seized ,,f tli-m t v the
rare of t,n i.eck a; d e-arrie-.l it t ff thirty
feet an.l then returned feir another. When
he J,ad the last one safely lauded the first
was back on the track. The elog at last
MixhI perfectly -till about five n.ii.utcs, and
then he sei7,-d a pop as before and carried it
to the highway, and n hen the pup starieel
l ack be bit it on the jowl so sharply thar it
ye'.ped and started heme. Tn like manner
were the other three pnps dealt with, and
w !e-n the old dog got hack he found them all
under the stoop.
"Di.n't Know Half Turin "
"They cured me of ai?ne, hi liousness and
kidney plain t, n reromnienrteel. I had
fc half lwittle left, which I nseei for mv two
little trir's, who the electors and neighliors
said eould not be cured. I would have lost
both of tliem oiid tiieht If I had rot gleen
Ihe-n Hup R.itters. They did them so much
good I com inued tiieir use until llcv wer
curi'il. That is why I say you e)o not know
half tho value of Hop Ritier's. and do net re
commend them high cjougb." 11., RocLta
Ttr, V, Sot other colatuu.
Jndv Mellon, or Hltuharcti. hm raai the
Erminn rrrrjrnu, ef tha. city, for linel.
Fbcht coarh horses. ce.tin-- fl 1 each, were
pent lst week fr.m nb'iun, Ky , to Alfred
W ither In Inif n '
St. Anihom'i fatholle rhn-pri at Ianeaster
was bre.Wen leto on SntKttr nut tit and robbed of
a fcU'teHf. ehabee va'nei at -TV.
The fcr-nrri' .A-frocafr, a e frerntiae-lc paper
potipfiheel at Sf rouasnr,r. ha taken up I he name
ot Haniel O. Hit for St-i'e Treatirer
Mr Wm. 5ree1.-r. a Frankl-n r..nntr firmer,
wan a?-ie-l In kiU:nir a j." M'v-lnti ike reeent
y bv m fi e of turk on hoe
1 errer narain rrin In e'arte'r rennfT. Ky.
There have tHfen fiv erur'fr! in the-.-- wl-k,
feur et ll'e nnir !ere-l ine-n heinif I ii'lrw,i.nli.
e emu lerrt'.n . oi ivm an I a!neni!ei are to he
ealt!va;e-l in Kl .rnta H'"ii bv a lirir ol
Italian Cel..n i n w e;n their w.iv t that Sta--.
V 1 ei l. n i! t.ateh i f Ven-1 y aay in the
ptia I ! v . 1 1 n if e. .,t e eni ;e el . -oil ' t.e rn I,' ue . t h irty
persons from aircit;niallv rn inic p..ipfineuet
M r Iha-in Ine. h .tl keeper a f He-ineymans-
Vit!e I,.Oi'.ir'l e:nn'y. it" el iy re -',' ly "ht to a
t.uc-hrr a e-ai f. four w,m li et ol J , w titoh weihe l 2 14
I lree the'iKn I !nl!ar i the rewar I nrw off
fer el ..r the ap.ri-l"-ni'n e-l Sam A'i-r ht. The
J'erry -samtv it seetn. iiiul teeii.-ve that
Sim '' alive an t ke-Winir.
K'L-ht uiaskeel roiet-e-ri stei-iiel a railread
tram in tlie wet the n-to-r elny. A the train
ronraine-l an e-i.-nr-inn ei e.ntors, lha ejnty l(.?a
was t!ie l-. ot t me to Ihe roit'or
A ten il.oiar ir M piere in to t" awar-le.t at tho
M tf! n f ontr lair lot'ie pri'teu-st irlrl in the
ceuntv. t-rovi.l.s.1 a c imnettee of teoi yeoinc laMies
can K-ve a niianinieus leel-ion as to who she Is
JU'tahP lle-ncioiin. e.l Loii'len. the reonark.t
f'le man who his ;iu.1n tiaire rti I forttino over
suain lni-ett'e en-l el the war. reee-ntly sent a
poor country etlit'ir in I'iiti iiii a rlcrk fur 5etO. .
iliinifi'iini" eoiirit"r'it s-Jii lrira I tenelrr
note il i he se-rie-s e.t lsTS. letter e: is m rfrenla
lion. It can he; iletcetfl ly the hlurrc! enitrav
inir. In I.nnen-ter. nn Frlilay r.l;ht. a young lady ;
saw feir the hr.-t time a wan-lerinj- corn etoetor.
and aftir five tniimtes or. nver-at ion the two re
pulre l to a minister's an 1 were rnmlo man and
Finnntie! I e"ary . a yoiil li of seventeen year9.
1 ivinir at Silver Spr-iifi-s Lanea? it cminty' neei
dentally pin, I himself i hroiiKti the heart on" Sat ur
ilav I'tiTDOim while hunt In, a nd was Instanllv
kil'le.1. ' j
Henry Orear nnd "ohn Donovan, tie eutters.
were run over anil killi'd hy a train on the Van
ilalia road fix mile a from Klflnjrliam, 111.,
urday. They wure lyinj on the track when
It 1? a rnre thin? to tie sunrruek in October,
yot ihai is what lincpiTiivt to I-'re-t. Hainilton. a
lank buililcr, at I'lirp'rl, .ifKenn county, lust
week. His corc!ie.;..a wns ala.-in:a, hut he will
ree. ver.
The people nf St. Clair. Slmylk HI county,
assert . wl: h all serieetisn sa. that il lirinx a shnircr
ot ruin there on Fri-lay hu--hels eet irreea
peas c i ne down over a territ'iry ateout a s.juare in
John .T. Utile y wlro married a daiigliter of
the late I love-rnor For'l.ot Iiiinoi?. an 1 who was
for many ye. ir :-tiie-l llorarcin ol the St Louts
piit'tie' school eollei-ticn wits arrested in Iouls
tlie olher Oay lor poeUet pn-kini;:.
The i.eli.'reiny a oung la-ly n.i mrel Sieher. ol
TV! ifh inteiwn. .Tiirdata county, was siet u-,ur ,,n a loir
which was lyinif on an ia .-liaed plane when tho
loir sinrtod to roll, npset tho ynuni laely and roll
ed over her. ir. ,lriii l.rr peverely.
A Miss at lia" eari.eolta. !Ie.,
has fTohatdy t he longest hair or anv woman in
the world ft is ' I 'tit leet lonii. an 1 when '!ress
e;l In a French twist It passes six times a round
her l-.ra !. I I, e irr .wth is p Tfe-eiiy natural.
The eleath is n n re.u nerd ol the Id' v. e li leon H.
Ferry. 1 1 1..T, I.. 1. at Hopk insvllle. Ky . He
was the last "urviriicr klncm in conreniporary oT
e'l'mmo tore re-rrv. ate I was horn under the same
roil nt Sotii'i ICinv-t in. R I., eic'otier p. lsco.
l-'ottv ilir-n'.iis'.-'l nie-n e-alled nt the house (,f a
eclore-d w inan. name I Fsther. near Inillaq. Tex
as, a few da vs s in ce . drniJind ini.' her ? 'tl. Kes si.
ance was nnele. 'iii't. alter i lie woun-liri ot s-ver-al
people on heith sides, F..-:;her and Icr fan were
Fliot and kiile t.
In attempting to swallow nn oys'er thet.iher
el a v a vomer man er hen a nd - .a !e also s w 1 1 ; owed
10s la'-e'e tee : h. ( ir. P ivis Bf-ni t he pla'e on d ;wn
Into Ihe seomaeh. but it is feare;d lliai Him ymag
man. Mho sjp,-e lais Fullered t n. paiu.
will not reci ive-r.
At Ihie-.T.Iau Sip!a. the wlre eifa f ir-ner hi
. heen rorline'-i e.n three reBe-cnl ve Sr ',ui niiti:.
ver-aries. ifivinir tiirili In lsTT to n n-rt. la-- i ir t i
twl-jj and ;his vear to anoth'-r ulrl. h ur - S 1
elren i i a family wlie-if hirtle'a. oe-uri a "lie
same date Is pr..n.ably ur preeede-nt e-d
The Memphis .tm! . pro:."--.', t;, kl the ' I
town le one i rely de populated and d.-si r v".. ai.d
that a new Memphis he ! n!it at a place k'n -wn a
Itartlett. eleven m i les il ista n!. It sn ..e-.-t s ha t
hall a dozen railroad tracks ' eoul 1 do nil the
trans .oi-f it!;r l.ettvcen the nf-w ri'v an I the river.
There is a man !n the wen -rn par .if this
eunt, s ivs the f . e' i e,.-. wi,o
some yeari ai?o married t he widow of hts own son.
an-t slie was r. ! -o los own niece. Th" woman h is
had rhil iren bv S-oth hasiian is. Now whai kin
are they? It presents about as mixed kinship as
any rase on record.
The tr'-a-Mr- r of e 'heater county has appoint
ed Mrs -lair.i s Honor. e. Atirlen. tax collector of
th ,i,.i in, :i ent ta r'-s ol t nt ho roil ir h lor the year
W'.i. "I'ioi a poinocent was -ik'-d It fy ijui'te a
naml'c-oi 'liej.f.pie ol .V'r iiortori
is a :;. od ; us ne-ss rToim.n an-1 e-an very readily
1 erf- ria t l:e du
At Paris. Tex . .T. .T. Wheeler. edPor of the
'.,'-':o ,-. was clct elead hy W illiam II. Itonne r. a
lawyer. VVheoder h.vl preh rrc-l e-harirrs for the
removal ot a poliem-in nancd Clark, wnotn tt-in-ne-r
di l.-nd"d and sic-cee'dcd in i;-.; ing ac uit .c'l .
This aj jieiirs lo have iic-onc..,i VVI-.eeier and he
Ft-ve-ral limes t h reaten ?-l llonner's life.
A s-m ed .lucoh i. lira .'S'T, of VVc-t, Perry
toTro-lcp. Snv e-r rr.unty. h.i a tiar.e'd sheo-p
who-h he d: iv-s la a snikv. lie wjis in ntteiel
neccat theScvder Coiinev fair mil drove on tiie
track at Intervals, Friday. His performance
was a rear novelty an I also nn attractive teat
ure. n flop! ir. if a enn-e.nent t'i the crowd.
" h" is a Iit ed ti e casualties I y th-
seio'Solip on t ii-i 1 1 ' . more nn I e elno raiiroul at
It'-lton. W V a . e n S:e ur-!ay leirct : K;l rai Cin
eir.c'or Aske-w. l-ireii;an Sinnh. and a t oy nam d
Flan-iiiiin an I a ncurn In y : il e lnT two we're;
stealir.ii n ride. The nouc-le-d were i f -o. Shinn.
a pc si a i eie-rk ; Fot rr.:. n .1 as per ( eri' usly ). and a
little- ;;.rl in on" "1 the pa.-s, rii-er c.irt.
1 1 - v i 1 1 ir merlioii.-ei. some timu no. cavs tlie
I.iini- srer - ;,'.,7. ihe ri ceipt ed a corn c,h. one
en t of winch f. rmcd the li tt'-r si Mr. li. V. Ilerr.
of W 1 11 w st ree-t. rea ' the a ri icle and t iiciifc to tie
could produ.-e' a irreater eairio.-it y in the shnpe e(f
it corn c. l. one Imll ed -.hich is hriiiht red and the
other half jure while. J t, is certainly li-inl to
-John r.lcl-holler. e.f Nor-hTictd Koal. West
(intiL-o. X. J .wis mnrdiTe 1 in his house ;1t no -n
on Thur iay havliuf Peer, shot. In the hack ed tho
hmt. Hts wife; aecuse'd Frank Iaminens. a la
bore r on the fartn.ol the inio-Icr. heand Lam
rn. ns we're both nrresie,' 'l-iursdiy tiiirhf anel
loekeel tip infirar-te. I.amii'e't.s ninl the woman
were' in Ped roi-'etheT when arresied.
The e ip.elika ( A 1 i ) ' if 'i-e says : Yesterday,
a mom in .1 ahoiii t n em y live yen s e:f nire
seen on our sircels whose nt'penra nee ore:' t cd eon
salerahle Astonishment an t ( uri 'snv, as site was
ve-rita'tly n spot 1 cd wo ma i. H r wlnile I i'i;. neck,
hands f.ind she says her entire hodr) .are covered
with dark lirown. white an I .-r-i un colore I
specs. 'I lie woman iivos about (our miles north
ot town and has neon here se'veral ten -s.
Felwarel Holm?, a netrro. sixt. eo years of
fitre, was Ct-'iivtiicd in Cnie n county, s. th.of
ci.mmittu.g n terrible ou;rairc upon the two yctr
old infant eiauifhter of Mr A. K. 1 1 nmplire.t s. lis
eanployer. ami was sentenced to h- hati!.-d on the
risi ol" Ntivfiu1 er next. The e'h i'l tmrro.vly es
caped death from the t-IIcets ot her in.i-jman
tre'atment. nn I It is u iiu'td- ol mtieit surprise
that the lien I was not !vt-.-li '.1 ere Ins trial.
lleeii v F. I-inner, o't 1 h.nrlow. I ihei. says that
one oi his" hound? nave birth recent 'y to tour pup
pies, which, ti lien only a le w days old. were taken
in possessie.n y a tariie Hnhttiti lien, which dre;ve
their mother aevny nfn-r a dr.-p.-Tate fight, and
nrtuaily umlcr'.ook ta shelnr tlirm nreier her
wir.irs.' One' of the puppies eiied. and the others
were then returned to the. bound, bin the hen had
to he Picked up to keep her from nirain breaklnir
Up the h'ltolv e-irc!e
The vetierahle Ca'o Oakley !c olore d. a Suf
fi'dd. Conn . pauper, is eonsidefed to he 114 years
old. fin-e he was a slave, his l.iii owner being
Fhenez'-r Ilavenport. ot X'. w York. .': served
f-iur years in the navy and e!uri::ir the wared islil.
He hiis. s-ranire to cay. nlwas heen a i uuvy
' 'Irir.iicr and nn Incessant votary oi tobacco. In
early lite he neir:ec;"i his pol : t ical opport uni t ies,
if In- ha. I anv. rind elid not cist his tivii ballot un
til he was ins years ed I.
The jury In the e.iseol K. H. I'r-irjjhart. trietl
for rape em a .iitti l uirl. nnmeii Hennink-r. last
sprlnvf. in W.liinms'iort. r"turrel a verdict eif
auiliy soon after S o'ci.e.'k Sunday nnirninj-, aft'T
t'e nir "iu from 4 o'ctoi k Saturday ulternH-in. A
srrear ere.wd ns-'emhie-d in the curt house to hear
the ve-rliet, t'nirh was reseiveel Willi satisfaction.
The lirst week ol liis erimfnal term, which close 1
: S; evening, wa-t he heaviest ei-er kno.inin
the history of Iy.'ie;nins couth y
AinotiV the. .! ht iy injured ' hy the woeful
: railroad eiisastcr n-or ncKscn. is H.e'.
I.on;r. a r' side-nt ot Aliicna. ova. Yet tho sur
, teens say that there is not an in"h td space en
1 his hod.- that dees nit show a wound. He was
hnrted horizontally for thirty tort, nn t wlele In
trailed' thotiirht "1 nm dead." tlie tiie thrilling
him. as he says, -in tne theuisandth ,iart of a sec
ond." He laiideel f;et foreraosL in a window, and
as Ihe elass -haltered he crl-vl out : "I'm alive."
lifs Mary Kaiser. nied nineteen years, rom
miited suicide on .Monusy at No. t l- H ul son
street. N.-w York. She v as an ortdisn. and atier
her mo: hei "s .tea h a lew year" aire., she support
ed lo rse I f y sewir.u. For several months past
she has been" Uniterm .- from a palmul illness hro't
in ny rvi'iwirli. Her uncle. Iuke Faicer. of
llreKiklyn, had some e.f her meme-y. whie h lie rc-
, fuse l n.j,y ever- Tlie lawsuit whieti she began
' to rP'V.rer it Ira-s-eei sa that she be M m 8 t l.'oour
I ii.-t'l and alio! herself.
- Hcr )atnin S. e lark.a lawyer, of New Y"rH
i'y. Ihoiiph" he heard a hurirla'r down in the hall.
' at his resilience in New hochello, on Simitar
me.rnlai. early. Ills wife thouaht so, too. and so
Mr. Clark crept down stairs revolver in hard,
nnd -ropeei his way t ov-irds the all o.-or. which
: was in -ir. He foua'd that some one -i t.uriflar. of
course wa;-hciehnir t he eioor on the outside. Ke
i ir-ire warain... that he would she-eot an-i t lazed
away twice. His nncl. .loseph 1. Harker, an old
man of .'our score, irl! de ad.
- A el i?eiis.-ion in the Iwndon newspapers i.h.iat lavortic-s. t'rinirs out many iulerestieic
anecihces. There is a irander caiied .lack ttiat
runs alx.ttt I rut-y lane like a eloif and answers his
master "s call, lie Is eclipse. 1 In- a ci. karoo Pe
lonitin to a iiloi -an In St. ijile-s's. '1 his htrd
plays on t he' eymha !s in fer le 't time, and In. .is a
liirl ted splinteT in li talons white customer If
erikooltinn his ciifi.r In the Srrand is n i-ioiinte-hank
who has two eats trained tej stane. on their
hinel lens ai"i spar likj prize iih:ere.
The eonlinned unci rtainty as to the fate of
Profess or Wise and Mr liorr. who nseoied tn a
hanoon from St lnts on Sutriay. September gs.
r.-calls liie S'-rtai voyaire ot I.a Vi-'Unt.iin ami
Haehlee V twenty years a.-o. in 16'.. They as
eende.l fre-m Water tiwn. New Yeerk. sailed 3i-0
! miles :n four 1 ours, and landed tn the dent hs of a
Canadian wil'lerh'ss. far northed civilized habi
tations. They were f,,ar days n it hont le.ed. an t
were absent from home thirteen las returning
after everybody had triven tieim up for best.
- Mess jenn-e ,.o.. who Is reported to he be.
trothc : to V . S. erant. .Ir . is the oniv namrhter
of .Mr. .tames C. Florsl. who. next to Vr .Mackev.
Is the richest mm on the Pacific cc.-ist Miss
Fhn.d is -ao.jiu 04 year' old, has nark brown lux.
urnint hair. I !m- eyes, full fio-". beautilnl teili.
nnd a tul .hanosome lorm. With the exc. ptionof
brother, who has just returneil, tn iniprored
lira it li. from a voyage aroiitel the woriel. she is
an only child she was edu -ated in a convent,
j and i an aieoinplishesi, auuaL.e, J raclieabJv. ne
. tic ;.-. :
John Mornlnrstar. o Indiana, enliste,! in the
army eur- teen vears auo. leaving a wife and In
fant ifaiwhter at b'im-. After heinir wounded
and ellscharneel he went to California, where he
has since been rn;.if"l In mining:. NoUiinir was
ever hear I from him at homo until Friday, when
he returned a wealthy man. He found hi wire !
msrne I again ami his ianiter a lull Brown wo
man. The t .wn of F" ler is Br-atiy excited oTer ;
his retarn. Itis former wif-. n.iw Mrs. Scott, is
in a ilile.nma. an I. it le Tair to presume, don't teel
like a"tar. i
Father ei'llara. who has heen a missionary j
for more than twrntv years in South lric, an 1
Is thorou -h'y ae.-jualnt'e t with tlie dlrlerenf elta
lects spoken' t here. i n" t In I.'-ndon where he is
eirHiiit in,- an Irish colony to settle in Zn'ii'iind.
He ma 'e a peon; ot vi-llinK the so e.-iiled Zulu
wh are now p rf-rminif at the A pi triuin . an-1.
at er some el ttl'-uitc e,n tiie part of the manager,
held a lonj- s,inT,.rso,.n we.h them at one of
the-ir receptions at St.. I ime-'s II lit. Heeb-e'arrs
t ha' net a siiuc le man ot them i eit her a native of
Zuru'an I or even a pre di "lent in the Zulu dialect.
the Yerkfta ) so-.. ay tioir 'd rs nmii'-l .
Kneei't, w iio resi les n Shii'Ii Imke p-reet. is the (
owner of an ordmarv eat w hich has acted In nn
extraordinary manner Isi m .f.t irrimaikin
was seen to eatch a yeiirnr rat jn I apparent ly '
swa'low it whole. Ine re libie e.s il may se-em, tlie ;
cat waienoth-ee, t h 's morning to cap an-I a.-i as if
stie was aisuit to vonitt. and. nf-oii close inpee-t:"n 1
the rat was heard to S'ucni tn to r e'-nnnii , t f
o'cloe-k t his even in ir the rat i- si ill alive, anel may -he
heard to cry in the Interior f tic ca-. while
poor pussy eoni irui-'" to try vainly lo t-e-rve a wr.t
ol ep-e-i ,fin on t i.f unwelcome tenant .
.lohn VlcKee.. er m-'t wi h a h. rrtble and fatal
accile'nton h r i 1 a y evening in the suburbs e,f Hai
timore. He was reeurpin from work, anel with
some comparui'r.s stopped to rest on a brielje.
Thev Fan scve-ra! ponies to-dhe. and finally
VcKeevr said. -'I.e-t's the; -SW'et Hy entl
Itye' and I am then Koiiiir Inene .1 ti 4 as the
sinvf ii was eonelu ied M c Kee-,-er ruep and step,
pe.i out. He mise'l his (.'.-' in anel v.ashur'esl
Into the rocky bed fifty teet below. When his
companions re'Se-hcel him he wa alive, but
ensu.' I in a lew minutes. The ih-ccsse'd wa an
est unable man, nnej loaves a larice an.l h-li less
fan. liy.
A wonderful appearance in the atmosphere,
Pomethinir like a meteor, savs t e Iowa -t i m ml
fnt lliiJi, was wiine-ssed on Tuesday afternoon,
just about sun lown. by a niirni'tTO' ticrsons here.
It appeareel about, htty leet abelve tr 'Uitel, and its
Ftsrliti as weil as en bnz phtce was a mystery,
traveling, as it were, from Fotilh to north. It is
described as S'tp'Tnatnrallv br.elit. somOi-e liea-I.
about tour leet in Icinctli and its form an I tnove
ineids nomethiier nil" a man llo. n tna through tlie
air. i9 this a visttal-.on id 'l'lie Cnknowanle to
this place, we would ask more expert jnoirfs limn
ottrseit? How inrotnprf liensmle are ihe works of
the Creator 1
speed. id from Lebanon. St Clair county. III.,
of 'ion. lay bo. says: Mrs. A 1 te-e' I e;m bron it h ha s
beep arrest" 1 h'-re' e.n a char -e ot murderion her
husbmd. Thomas, and his brot her. eteorije liiin-hroi'L-'t-
tfi-ot-. e, rvho !i a 1 Some pt. :-t-y sa.t-t.
di.-d sixteen months ;i;n an-I seven meinths alter
warls rhomas e!i'-'l slid lenly. S u'iS'.pi"nt ly
Mrs panbrouuh iiron'hi acltarir of crim.nal as
sault nutm t one eleorire Kis-on. wiioln turn
produ e'd a h't'er to pr ove that the two ine-n had
lii-en poisoned, hy Mrs le.i-.n, otiti If is a so
state I she was contemn1 at m the mur.b-r of a
Mrs. Me' -lou-l. s i that she coal I marry t he vic
tim's husband. Mrs. liaubroiiieh ami her brother
nnd e te-iri: e Jji-ton are ah In ja li.
Gar :oit, N c tt V r r k . wa?
in-k?! on Saluriiitv n ! u t t to wirnep win 1-ui.
ti th. w Ik in u m tt li for the 'ljeary het . M ur
phy left tho irurk a! y.,i7. ami In a few iv.inutii re-
turne.l Tii!i iho clmippiiin tr-!t lie r'II(i hitf-tre
him .n lief? i .irr r.v 1 w it li lriU. i h np-
plniie whs jiirtcii 1 y 'if'a!fnii:u: In a moment or
t wu ht left t ne track f r tw",. nnd h'MI a rffptinn
at thr Jurnm l!t,;i-r. Ka'-er witfiilri-w a 9.14
will, niilt-s to h:s cr lit. Mah..ri"y quit at
:4- liownrtl tnrnnl l:! fivp hnn :r--trfj tvtio at
1 l.4'i r-n a rim nni in a t-w ni imr cs t h u. vra,
put ou. an-! th! match ivfic over. K'tllvini: is
tne othciat "ore : .-Yin 4 '2- Urlo-lv 4T." : I'ur
ran.40, Fnbt-r. 4S : M Krt IXC : M :iin -y. 45 :
Murphy ivi.r ; Irr.'o. 3; : Ixu.-IJ. A'..-: ':kvr.
t-'O: li'iwar i. TO '. -U'"ptiy. tlm rh;nnpitn. I a
l'rlekmak'T ly tr "lo, an i rttia-'s at 1 iaverit ra
up the Hu'I--on. I!. hut 19 year. M.
A eMHii4.ii t w exires i ra in nn a curve on
a siTittlc :r'k i"(Mirre.t n the Hai t trnt.n- an!
ii io r;i V. r-nt II':t"!i, . Va.. t, irty I;vcmtlro
o:it ot hce.inz. at ton o rU k iu N(iitir.t..y
niit. T o ' .i.-t tram runmms nt
thirty f;vf an h ur ai.-l h. v..,jt t'.uiij.J
train at lwt?nt Jivt' i ii j - ? . Kritrinfi-r .lainc- Ar
kw. i !'. n the -a-! hoiin-i train, hi?
tjrr-inaii. the tirnmii ol tli wvo-T-tHninii tru:r. Jinl
a tramp wcp hi it 1. A not i r tr.itnp an-i a po-
tal cirrk wore yerioiuly injuiiftl. Sfiral passen
t'n wire fliu tit Iy u. jurt d . The rollmon was
ciu-f'l hy tni-''ake in train oritr.. the et
t -un'l train having trivrs tnt-t Iht ea.-L-h,'Uut
tf.iin t a p. nt Wx..4i ttf Ji-i;Mii, ami the ea-t-!
"iin-1 train lutvin r-ruors ti. lining n po iit eat ot
H'-.l'tn h - th p.aoii m! rn",t,nnr. i"h rn;';nc''r of
t lie w--?--!i.Miii.i train jump.-. I oil hu 1 r-.-a,. -.1 ni
htirf. Kn'iri.-cr A.jkvw leave.? a wi:e an 1 live
!t r--m.? c'.ar. fiv tho X. Y. H'j -;.'. that
what ii ralo-t T li? a t " on the Michiiriu
i -:itr:l ilr'ia.l r-'-ui f ; tr- tn t he rc -k ifu.-f
of t lie -.rivrr ol a l.""Tiicnve tha-a tr im which
w as (ivT'liK' woii' l no; a-Tive he:re he ha t lel't
ir tr"k. Ti e "tr'vf-r t" k th' i'h:m-v..
lifteen o!" ":.! .'rcnur' p.'i:;t Ih' peimhy t ti : r ' i an-1 f.vrr I h . rt y ot ii'-r-i w-rt:
w . iti n'le'i . Th i i.j no' w , ; fu 1 ni u r it-r f.v it ly ; i nt
il U v a? not an a: r'n-iou.- orime U in tin M tn see
h-tw a nvm can emmnsr ny erini" "t wiitul
imirlrr l-y Inkm !!i- !:'c t :ir.'i-,HT. Th rules
ot t hr ra iT'-Mei --f.-:n to h ive hon ri t en ' it n :i,
ami the ra ir af -thi. u. luol tri -1 -e.i.-j-'-s ir.: r-e.-t
in pn-v.-Ti' -u- ii a t i"t f-r itu: it i: Is truo
t at ti-y tiii-n in the ;rn pi'y ot tin- e.;-p rat i n im-Fi-ie-i
t he ifriviT . .olare i t hr) rui t-1 : iu' r- a I. ii
i--1 pl.i.'ii that tho ''nmpaiiV ti. mt take prwpt-r
pai:w to rt'curi' i it-e! itiv.-c to i proper r'irru ! .
iiii I that il on.-i.t to he liuruir?Iy iiiu'.cto! lr
lis la Ilure to U-j
"The Iiesf I Krev Kncir OfV
.1. ( J . Sf.rkv. v.i fii.l i:::i-:-r.ti rili
Xfn mI lvra t y. w-if - : "1 hav.- 1m ! xhc lvp'p
Ma Hit i hiVi-r ". :.i;.; .w, '-.r "rr.;i yir-. ''.-'i'l
!iave e "i;. i . .u.-. iy I , i! i In ;;' !. w:'ii"Ui
nnyrvhel whstrer, 1 :iv; yur Nli'Vu".
t.i i : i l i v; ' - in o,.r p . ; v. n i '.va - - t -titi
t- try ir. I ia ii.i;p t -:.; r-. ir it h...- '-niii-. ly
r.i."-t -a.v It w . i-riV;.-.-v ii5. h- -t re .. I v I t-, rr
kiov i'r it ,'. r-,.:.-. s.-: J h. K. J. I.j.i-YIn
I r-;r.-ist, rhoii.-hT.rir. .-:., o.o.w .r';n.
I-McJ, !;-c l,!,-.w ;'tnk th- weak. I'rt;ry
yo'i r nriiii i hi v..;m iiif .ui'l it w:li re
sist ::nl hal.h" alik" th" virn-ut Cpidi-mir-; an'! the
oh:'. Tir- oi tempnt'ir'.. whlt-h iprnnler the ( i t -tin
'diii.-: ! Ihe N't hii'. re i. viTPty in u. It h
n p'ir vr-: h i mil la :iT. h r:ire uitTMive an.i
anti-hiiiuii- inpi.-;i!". :ht1 h;1 not a l:armfiil t-le-ni'-nt
!i!iio!7 hII it- in t- lints.
Kor alf tiy ail I rnurits ani rHprfta1 h )cal
cr. r Tn-'raily. f l-j-17.-ly.
Tin, Copper ani Sleet-Iron WARE,
KAri;z:.s. (', vc,
ll')s Fle-vriiili A.rinif. . Ailoe.ini, r;i.
One Ioer Went fr Opera House.
i;ooriN(i and sroi'TiNd
rr.cHi-rLY attlxi rn to.
Aitnnn-. eict. in. KT-'.-tf.
FUBS!iJ8S! mm
Tkg Bigtei Pries h Casli er Trafe
will Et i iin rot:
at thi: ki; i:.siirs:ci
;i.o. m xii.i:v,
Se-j.t. 2i, lS7.-i.S:a,
7 .ill V f Kll-.'SW-I'.. tt-HiOllt -:ts.-.
li:'.' . . ... v. irrrinu-.l sv vt-irs. Stce.i
pn.l H.i.k. O'lly cs. r-et-w 7 e let :i v.- I'i".tri"S. St.Mil.
vcr anl Mo..k. tinl-.-sui.7i. Lutz-st r,iuireit.-ii
Nw-;ni,"r sent Ir."-. A l.'.rc"' M.N L K. HKA1
TV. KfliinifTe n. N. J.
! dverliscrs,,,,.;,,., G.P.Kowcll &('o.'s
Ne-sii;r Aav.rfis-.:. A-' l.i Spruce St..
X. V.. c m le' iri, tiie' "V.ict c "t ol nny r,-, I
line oi AliVtl. 1 1S1.M i i u Aiiit-rl.-an Ni-wspupers.
Si-lOO-Pairo Patnrhlrt, lflf. il
H-n ni . .f r- -i . ' ' T '-.s. ! : ' "In-t'-n u i-
tton to Aui, A Cc, nftuihri-, l Jnwn: ut N. V.
invi'Stc.I in V. nl! St. St. ks iiinl.e
fortiilif s e. rtv tin. mil. ll'H-k sei.t
LouU tree cxt htiiuu: evt-r inmif. AJ-
Crl EAXTtlf & -' .'. 7 all St . N. Y.
-1 aw m w r i l r- i-m. n
.--y-?: V'v--i v. , .-f.i---H
- Siil-if
A Perfect Tornado in Low Pric
Semi ;;reetin-, :ml r iiiatle-r oi" t-i--t to all I'uye-ix in.;..
t-ritiJi to tln hiti'iinl iiidiiciineiilH In-low:
jSJIeii's 13epi-tinent .
We have tin- 1-iryest .an 1 rno-t .ompl.te ...: ini.-nt of HT ev-r seen In t. t- ... , .....
tr.- town, .-ombitiiu U imi'.it:i- t!,.-e .ir-"t the tiei.-t . nnd :tt t,r, .-.-, ti.-i. ,',.-.
We have not pntri-t. nt time or sci.-e to irr-e ii e,;:i j -l.-e liet. l.ut e...-ii-l an enut.j . ..r . , .
i.ric.- in this .l.'bartment : For J M we --H a tniu ' mad- Ir m h. le m . w. .... . . '
and fnilv wiirraiite.1. which is eVi cent? -h- .per lo-.n a --t "t q eMt, !- t, . .... . '
oth.-r elcalir in te.wn. A If., a mans ca It I t (arrnnfd i. ta mc. . ;: t..r . , . r . , ..
.! l lnr enttr" line will be fol.l at the- t-an,'- b w rate s. unl if eiirtom.-r- f in Ldntil ,. ;-: . ,; .
l,w th-cie ed olher .Idlers thev will not be i.-K.-d to bnv A com .let.- stoek ol
at t.rn-e- wnl'v .-b.-aii. b. i.i.-s piim boots at .ri'-.-s little i-.iea( .-r th in ofhi-r 'l-.c-n v-
In l 4TlillSi "tf have F.ecml hamaiiis to ..fl.-r. a e k ! Mil i-t-'ic ! ti.rd: :- ; . . .
mtiiK. a- w.-il as s ami. lis ot Ii ner uoods. aiul i ;1 take our order Many t,il t: - . "'
irii'irs'i'ec to furnish for !es moue v than y..u can buy tt,.- si. me kind ot ..! in AH . - a ... t . .. '
Our IO ulle MroMunnlllK hamulus. In e l h .Kl'l I T we e-arrv toe oil, y cot, . ,; . K
.and d.-tv anv e,ne to .v.,ii.ete ,th ,-or price-. wt,:!r , e .inM.MI lif.SmiJ I IMlls... ....
exten-ive id varied a-sortnu-nt ever .-si, . bite 1 in l-.b. ptoir-, anil ran Itr.ttn;:- n.t .. -. ....
short tioti- e. Iie.n'l fail to sc.- ocr I'lit'f--' v.i---ls k';-'ere b.j? niir .....
We keen at all times a full lln.- of I M'l KH KAK. Ireeiii the tli.-a!..'st t l the t" -:. lL ) ... ,. .
Id-of our lots- i, rice on the K K and ttieonl one w have r.m tor. we q j-jM p vj. j,., .
ihirts at -25 cent- t-a.-h. anel tun ruiU at iJrenW. l.o eun beat the-e figure s ?
Ladies' Department.
Which wo have, in rat varietv and at all prices i-.l' up to the hiuhet-t. W.- c.-t. i , ,
rterliil htiriraius in this line, and to those ladies who neeei re-ate for the coinirjr w:nf-r. t..,.
to biiv pist vet awhile, we v.o, :!d s iv. come an 1 it aim ne our si oci; now a n 1 ..! -t w: -. j -A .
have 'it" la id'awn v. es hb-h will be done wuh pi -a ure. as by so yvu will !i-i - a l..r---
f ie .'t from, whicn ma v not be the e-an' l"i.'. wc exi '-ri to the t".-k vcrj ti-'t- :. ! -. ::
ol this month. Anh'eew when you visit mil More don'l forget to 1-jck at the c-ati-. w-.i';: . "
pi,..,... ! To v 't'ee-'rOo r vo'u wf-ll to I tiy e..- led.
In m..M'K'4' l t.ltl.S we have a no .- line, nnd are a-tviny -j-r-.t b trz ,i-.- ... .v.. ,
asoth r 11 iieol-S ..t niri-ii uual.tK- and tcttun-s. en SHAW I,v . ,;, j,"-.:
tnent elou '.le a n I .- i-ci" -it.! ..t nil i-f. ies ii'il .n-. . Weal-' have a ati 1 c.:i.t.;.. :
ni'-s- K MI J AiKl IS. HiiMKliV. I'M'I.hV. UAH. iIVKS. S.r.. ns w.ii a- t: e le ; .-,,'
Tl-.KI'Kt (1 KS for iuities rluaks and children's wear wit broilu to l.-'tu- . jr.
First, we w i.-h to call -wial attention to our "A li PITS. We- have c.-,n:i.u ! c-r.-. .. .. . ..
one id the liii.--t e ;;.,et iioiiii d in New York whereby we are enabled with th- Ltd -j a -. -ifiition,
known as
to slirct von at vour e.wn eloor. as it were, the e nt
not room" to fully i-xplaln all the merit-' o the "1
the samj ie-s in oar .-'.ore. nlti-'l, wiil nlve .'U r.n
n irre 1 1 laro.-tv .: n-w an I p-ittefi-.
We have pist re.-eiv.-il a choice lot t.l Hl.ANKKTS, which we arc e.tfericn at prfe- r i: - - .. ;.
to .V e hace n!-o a.lde-d to our rtoe-k a h-eii 'ine- line o! t'l.e 'l "KS. and are in w j rt; -. . ;
ill stvtfs r.tiil fjualifi.'s. no mutter how common or h"w elaborate-, at prc-cs In.iy ; , r ,-. . "
than reir'tlar .!...!. ts eharar- tor eio-ks "r the -ame make a"..t nr,;-h.
In i 1.1 M Hi :' I. I 1 A Kl.K I 1 1. fl.e i 1 hS w e are o'er, :iK unevilallc . inJn.'e'it.p: ... t
no: only th" i..w..-t our Ft'-k the i.-:i-'-t nnd l'-t in town, cou.pr1s.ii3 nil widths : : j r... ".
eilh. r tioors or talde--e.
We have mimTAt-i! rm!y a fw ot the taany prtir-l? wf hnvp f.r na1. a U .: 1 r- .
mor eoi mn t hnn we w.-t-.M !i k t pa J r t j r '. ve a ?ni! 1 ;i ! 1 l he ir i, - - . ' -
F-iy that w. have t Ii Lira et -tMk mT (iht.-Ii a :oi , in I i-' ;:r ; -i i--e ! ii!"-e !.r. , ...
oth'-r hl.i-.' vwnta i i:- a1 1 nf r. w hoatht at th l-wt e pr; wh.i" ir.a:. t r - , - -
hniitf!,! e-irJ.v an-t nt c ir-e h-f-.r-a 'iy a-ivan-" :n pnn. 'f t hi." !attr cla- we r. 1 i:,' -.
of w h i h w iiiir."!i i,--( lar- ly In .7 uly n I ai pr;-e in i'h h-wt-r iha n t hy " i ' I h" : : ;
Si, t -o v. Ifh i r !non-.t.-r -k ot H'X: S:;--. a- wol; a- many nth'-: ts v. ;.i !.;...-. -
t!'.nv i, anil wh 'rli W..T- nil l-ujlit st t h'- -ld u i nv m--ra T u j.n ! t!:r-f :.. -l. - -j
how it i-mirs tt pa.e t hn t w- phu .-'! ir-'n!s eh.-ipi-r t h i n "t h'r mn in tl:" hnvno''. . - r. .. - - :
1ah'r" wi !1 tr-:i y t ht w an nnly hjuwi uir. i nt all we ask a "'i:n; ar,- ':i . v-r ' . - .
Wf have yoil ij)i K'hl.ll--S elitap'-r n II -inr.n;T t hail a ny othr tiTii I :i r-v.n. n i. . ? m ;
tn ,r, e in t! fiilniv. hut to kip t h'- 1 ! rir't n ri 1 i""t Vtock it t ! H 'KM r S. -I u.-.l H 1
FKI.!-. tif.MN. SALT. t'ISl!. MEAT, LAllI". GLASS el all f:ze. .N'Ali.s. I LS u;..
louiiini in rv-riht-ru I'm-.J v.a.
OUR TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH, or Country Trodin e at (Va I1;;:-
L Z ' V' tu;y all k ; nil f trrai n. lea ns. n i-i! rhr.
.to w.ii t:ke 'r-it T'-'.-a i:" ui-ht-wlii ''".iour pioo I
w ;sh :o ( ,i :i v;i, .r i."t.
i:isMistttr:r, eteJ.rr . m-rej..,r.
i ..... ' . i .
1' I L
tho J
ilpmSSln III hf ilVM"
i J .
Which lo ne w enc c?
Ths Lsrgcst DRY GOODS,
fitting Houss
n I rtUi-l LLuO lat.. oiU
Orders for samples sont to persons who cannot purchase
In person.
Grand Depot,
'to young men. rufilitt'-i. in a Scaled Kr.x; lojT. Frirr r, feni,m
A l.rrtnrc en tltr Xatare, Trent ment unit R.licl
-ir.-..e -. llunl WXelin-e-.. T S : e-n-:. ' . .1 -rk .H j ,. .
.Iiice.l -y S..:i-AIur. Invoiunfitrv Ktn!-i..n Ini-p-.t.-iicy.
N.-rv.'is ivhiiity. anel 'lin,r.i:,r,,..;:, ,
, :'m rrc -.-.'rirrally : C.,.,sU,..-. ion. 1 :i.i), v. i -i !
l-its; -VI .'nti. I m. l-l.vs--.-t l-.i- -1--V ',". i,v
I im;KT.T. CI'I.VKUWKI.U M. I...' nntiior W"
t- '-(?r !) I; ...k." ,c.
Ti c wor. i r-oWn. -J uthr. In this a.Imir.ihlc
I,.. .,re. r'rar.s prove-, ir. tn Ms own . xp ri-nco
'tiHtltll-llntuI e. Sl ' - A 1,11 lri V he
-fie-ctna-ly r.-inovoil witt,r.t mv.Ji. mo. rn. ,i..,
e. inir. rous snnrlc .1 pcrutie.tis. Peeun cs ri-i-e In
etr..m..ns.r.rcAr.:;i!s: -.nt a m...le..f i-nre
at on-r cr-rt :in unci eir-oi j. i v h!.-li rvrv snf-I'-r-r.
no matter what his ce.n l ti'.n nut .e" ihrv
ctirei.iirteit elu-nt-iy. t.rivnt.-.y sl r'-al'v.
7 ' it l.rrture u ill prove a boon io lh': ij m!
an", lb n'na ne.'x .
Se-rt free. nr.Ier seal, in m p'.itin rr.v l..T.p. fonr.v
s.I.irrs-i. on rceipt of s-t cents, or two po-inne-stamps.
A 't-tr"ss the r"l'-NriTs
thi: (Mti riTh.1, .HKnirAi co..
41 Ann St . fw ork ; l't st etfUov Hot 46$3.
' 1 trlecr 1 7, 7l.-in.
77 ' VE ',li'1 ' "-"'- t' An'nts. 1 1'itfit Tree.
II I A l.ire S I - H KKKV. Auifllrtll. Jlilltll-.
w .-.'-i.t. hum -Mii-ii-t - Kiinie-:iii"i-ii tu nm-iii.-.
C I C'Btni Irce. iu&w k Aitu sr., PI.une.
ire seirk a
ixllii'ite.r." but
opporiuntty t-
N w York Whr !.
take urcat pi
nuts. a;H nth.-r pr !n e. "i!':
i n :ori:: i oj ot our ; r
l- K
- ig'i - .t k'.-id of
To a!l
GL0TH1MG, general cu
r -t ' 1 .-.
thus far established.
i U:M t.jibl..ll liu.r Dri-tiit'U.
13th Street,
J.A. MAHER, Lilly, P-i
cash Di:.i.i .k in
I)n oods.lloti!in2.
Grccer ies, Hardware, Tmrs, Kctiri
1HS ALL OTHEIl l"'" ' r
usim'.'y kept in n f;rt rl.i-s cc- n..
KTtrjIhiiiir Sold as ( HEAT H
V ( Xs
ns nt anv other cst.-M'!.tr.rr,t in ( 7 ": ' ).-
t -. n ...I ...... -it .-A . r...-e n.-e l-V en In e-TC.i 11 -
e li' nt ei.'-l. price.. The piitr -c"
t....Jy m-iiini; to s-t lull vai'ic 1 -r U.'-'- '
eiirnoiiiy ml n-epectrully soliciti-i.. x
I.illT, famhrii r.v. ra.. Sept. V-. l-'jj
y. KEIM. M. 1.. l'HV'i;"'
Si-imjio. Kbenst'orc. '- ''H'. ''ri-'-
't'f -
rire-.-t. ve -i ..f .luimn rr-t. ,
tin- Himr Hons... .'ursii l"iU :1" " - '-
t-.ii l l.eirfil-li. MtM c.l!-!i,-u"1 'tLi -;.-fi