-.o-wm-- -,iaf. A FEW ni TS FOR FARM FOLKS. ! It is saM that the finest cattle in the i United States are found, in the south ( western counties of Virginia, the soil of which is exceedingly rich. A crop of blue grass springs tip as soon as the timber is felled : nor docs it need anj- j plowing or sowing ; the steep mount- ain sides are covered with it wherever i the underbrush is cleared. This crop I renews itself. Cattle live in the fields j durinfz the winter. The cattle get the grass liora under the mow, nnd are al ways in good condition. Tup onwinnt has been tried in I Iawa of sowing in the fall, upon one acre of land, two bushels of wheat mixed with one bushel of cats. The oats shot up rapidly-, and were of course killed by the frost. But they furnished a warm covering for the earth, and when the snow fell among the thick stalk3 and leaves they kept it from blowing away. This covering prevented the winter killing of the wheat, and the rotting oat leaves an.l stalk3 afforded a rich top-dressing for the crop the following spring. The result was an immense yield of wheat while land precisely similai alongside of it, and treated in the same manner with the exception of omitting the oats, was utterly worthless. Cayenne Teiter tor Fowls. A writer in the Country Gentleman says: "This species of pepper is found to be very beneficial lor fowls, if given in moderate quantities, and, on account of it3 purity, is to be preferred before that kept br dealers. It is not only a preventive of disease, but promotes ; growth and egg production. Acting, as a tonic on the system, it keeps the bird in a healthy condition, without . which there cannot reasonably be ex- ; petted lirgc proceeds. The nroper ; way to administer the tonic is in a li- : piid form, and this is done through the drink. Pepper is highly beneficial in the months of September and Octo- , licr, or during moulting season, as it . not only increases the growth of fea- ' thcrs, but gives warmth and tone to : the blood, and, fed with good nutri- , iionn food, assists in keeping up the : strength ot the bird. This is highly necessary at this period, for it is the nost If licatc one in the existence of the fowl. All medicine, however, j should be given in reasonable quanti- ; Aie, -as ovci doing amounts to the . .nme lhhg as underdoing. Take about Chive pods of ripened cayenne 1 0 i per, brui-e them slightly, and pour 4)n nearly a pint of boiling water, j This quantity will season a gallon of 1 Urink, which may be refilled daily or , ns the fowls consume it, and will con- tain sullicient strength fcr a week for a moderate sized flock, say twenty or twenty -five birds of the small breeds. ; Fowls consume a large quantity of ! lrink, and after being once accustomed to it, rathe.- relish the pungent flavor. . How to Conquer a IJai.ky Horse. ! I would prepare myself with a good ; strap I want no whip; perhaps he i has got a taste of that already, ami still lie is master. Put some tine day , when I was at peace with myself and ' ;dl aiuuud, I would hiUdi him to a , buuiiv, turning his head to the village He goes half the way very well indeeil then he bein? to consider he has gone far enough in that direction and stops. ' I step dowi. He expects me to use the whip. lie is mistaken. As a criminal I treat him cn the silent sys- '. '.cm. 1 puh him back a little cut; of the way. I show him the strap, put ting it up to his nose. 1 go to the oil fdde and buckle it to his otr fore leg close up to the breast, throwing the other end over his shoulder. I then raise his near fore foot and fix it with the hoof neatly touching the belly. This done, I say to him, "Now old chap, j'ou stay there." 1 don't smoke, so I take a paper from my pocket, and finding a place where I can sit down and he see me, I begin to read. This is something he did not bargain for and the novelty of standing on three legs somewhat diverts his mind from the cause that stopped hin. I think rrrr"'.r.s:u?, a wisli to gu, but this does not suit at the time, as I have to look over "John C'aKligatc." When the strap is taken otr I fehow it to him, caress him a lit tle, and we move on without irritation. The strap will now become a part of the harness for a month or two, .till at last tue sight ot it will act as a talis man. (Jir. l'urono Gl"f: Smit in "Wheat. The black pow der observed in grainsof wheat, oats, barley or rye, and ears of corn, is gen erally known as smut. Viewed under a microscope of high power this smut is seen to be a mass of black, round balls. These are the seeds of a plant or fungus which has several stages of growth an.l finally reproduces a new eet of sports. These seeds will float in the atmosphere, and adhere without being noticed to the grain. When grains of wheat are sown with this fundus attached the fundus strikes a filament into the tissue of the ; ri-Lne n I infects it as with poison rarasile penetrates throughout the tissues of the plant, sometimes as with corn bursting nut upon the stock, but generally appearing in the car. It has been discovered that caustic allies de stroy the substance of smut; and also that the aj plication of sulph.Ves of iron, copper and inr? have the same effect : of thc-e latter the sulphate of copper have the same dlcel ; of these latter the sulphate of copper the commonly known blue vitriol is the most useful. The usual method of ap plying tiiese remedies is to steep the seed in a solution of the various sub stances. The solution may le made lis follows, and cither the one or the other may be used as found convenient One pound common salt in one gallon f water One pound glaubcr salts in one gallon of water. Four ounces sulphate of copper in one gallon of water. Sufficient of the solution should be made to satuia'e the seed or thoroughly moisten every grain. When the seed ln steered for two hours it is drained and spread upon a floor and sprinkled with dry lime in powder ; that w hich has been air-slack-cd by exposure to the atmosphere in a covere.; hcd until it falls into a fine Aust is best fitted for this use. The seed is then shovelled and stirred un til each grain Ins been coated with lime. In an hour or two it will be dry and may be sown. There are at least fifteen species of the smut fungus known to botanists. The eai tii is said to be flying around HUc sun at the rate of one thousand miles a minute, but 3-011 ain't bound to believe it. fKJOi DDDDD D D OOO OOO I) D o o o o d n o oo on d O O O O D D OOO OOO I 1 I) D DDDDD N N N N X N CO NEW GOODS! 71 oooo o o o o o o o o l o oooo w w w w w WW w w w w w w w w W W w w WW w WW w : X REVOLUTION THE GOLDEN BUBBLE BURSTS, BI T THE (iRF.AT SKiESS Y Y Y UNNT X (";; A UV N O O A A U.V X Sd A A I'N X X; AAA O O II O ou O OIT O O IT o o u V YY Y Y Y 17 X X X (I A A TJ X XX S(;r A XX (iGO A oo UU X Clotlaixig House Is still a booming, bringing Relentless Slaughter to High Prices and Glad Tidings to all the People! Meantime Hundreds of Men, Women and Children continue to carry away armsful of Goods as the result of Fearful Financial Failures. SXxVTCHED THESE 1 )( ) I )Sn A 1 J K wvyaKJxxj 1 1 that we ran sell yon anything; jon want one Imsi ever THIS PEOPLE THE EXCITEMENT INCREASING! ! A TERRIBLE PAIXC FROM THE VERY START! 'ntoitaern will please eall early In the morning to make their pnrehase, a we flnl It nereary In the afternoon to employ a police Torre to keep the mirginK man of hnmanity In rlrrnlation. rohhowixci wi: "YV I". iIVK A I'KW OF T1IK MANY ()FI'i:U TO CASH BUYKllS: A Man's Suit fur ?4.ix that otliers sell at ?t.fH. A Man's Suit fur $r,.w that others sell at f.("H). A Man's Suit for $7.00 that others sell at ? 10.0). A Man's Suit fur $s.oo that others sell at $12.00. A Man's Suit fur JIO.OO that otliers s.-ll at S1..00. A Man's Bine Suit fur S.ou that others sell at $15.00. A Man's pair of Working Pant's for "o. A Man's jiair of extra good Working Pants for 75c. A Man's While Vest for rtr. A Man's pair of Overalls for 2V. A Man's gooi! (.'alien Shirt for 4o A Man's good White Dress Shirt for 50c. A Man's ITat for :SSc. A pair of Men's Suspenders for 7e. Men's Socks. ('. pairs for 25c. A Jiov's Hat for -J5c. A Bov's ( 'oat, Pants and Vest for $2.25. .-f fid thousand and one other things tee have neither time nor to enumerate ; but jut come and see trie rush at the RENOWNED AND POPULAR Young America CLOTHING Corner ELEVENTH AVENUE April 2.1, lH79-fini. THE DPI mm iirai PIAKOS Unvinir recently arrrptrd the fienernl Atnipj for Ontrnl PrnnayHaiiU (In ullilln to our old territory), wltli hfadqnartrrn and large store room at m IN CHARGE OF m K. UtUnCE W. COOD, And beliiR' ilrtlron, of extending our already ImineiiHC nalen of the mot eel- eltrateil and liiowt desirable l3IN3"OS and ORGhAJSrS F Tr Introdnced to a lelron of pnrehalnj( a Iirst-Olass IiistrtTmeiit of Firiif.it KIM) to ;ivr. i s a cam.. WE SELL NO PIANO OH OHGAN THAT WE CANNOT FULLY WARRANT, AND BEING THE ICacjesti Healers, in, tlx.Q Stevto OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST. Our House u-as established in lS.'il in Pittsburgh, where we will con tinue at Xo. 7U Fifth Avenue. Instruments Sold on Small Monthly Payments. 10K ILLl STRAThl) ( ATALOdl KS AND PRICE Haines Brothers, i WEBER. I NEWTON & CO. 1404 Eleventh Avenue, AUoona, Pa. MELLOB & HEjSTRIOKS, W, 79 Fifth Avenue, GREAT REDUCTION f WSTrrCT XTTO nOtTKS8. CHAMBERLAIN INSTITUTE FSlfALE CCLLE3E, RANDOLPH, INT. Y. It i a larpc an l th..r. nlilv pnuii.i,, Scminarr f..rl-.th .-.t.-s. i:-t:.t.iv.,l ln IVhi. IWertv trco In, 111 .W.t. l.fl.i.i.i... jv-w Honnime H.-iII." with stciim hc.if. etc.. crcctc.l in 171 nt a est ot 4-i isl Kxccllrnt iM.nr ar,. liome-liko nrranirpinJ-nti throiizlidiit. r..t.Tl fxpense f.,r ln.ar.1. furnislicl r.,in. tc.nn-l.ft. liaiit, washinir. sn.l tuition for 1 weeks 4.1. jo. lor one year" M7.M. 'or cat.a ll'ir '-r forilior Irformntfon n.flrpss . lr?f' -f ' T tl,W lK!' lK I RICIP.4f.. ,; . " August inter Term '"'C '. Sur'r-i term ( .Mn, h i ssssss 3 S wr s w s W W W WW N N N N W W WW WW WW w w sssss s s S 8 ssssss N N N N N EEEE N K N EE N E N EEEE oooo o o o o O O o o o o f000 rrrrrp p r i p rrrrrp p p p F.EEEEE K K KEE E E EEEEEE N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N KS IN ALTOON A. Of THE REASON AT THE MM MM EEEE RKRR II CC MM MME li RII C C MM MME R RIIC M MM MEE RRRR IIC A AA A A AAA M M M K R RIIC A A A A AM M ME K Kll U OA AM M M EEEE R RII CCA , H S S , W vxik i w tt In the line of Clothing at BjurM no dreamed of. j J 1 1Z WILD ! j BARGAINS space ELEVENTH Street, ALTOOXA, PA. EMPORIUM! i and and OECrAK i elevexth avb.. altooxa, iiitwic-IoYlnK pnblle. we respeetfnlly Invite all who arc PALACE, j STERLING. LMason&Hamlin. Pittsburgh, Pa. 3mJ l -J J. C. McCINLEY'S DINING ROOIY1S! For I.ncllc Mnl licntlrmrn, 161 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. HKST IIMti ROOXS IX THE CITI. MET-'AT ALr' HOrSS. OYSTERS an.I hi PPKKS serTCi at short notice. Not. 22. lS7.-tf. LEVIS & BICKEL. Solicitors. DATENTS rroonred cn New Inventions in from J 15 to 31 days. Semi for circular containing usciui information. Oince. 131 Fifth ttrnar. nlve Smi'hriei.i gjreet. omxtsite M. k. f htirel. rirt-sburg-h, la. S-H.-llm.j 'V W. DICK. Attorney-t-Law, Eb X . Ebensborar. Pa. Offica in front room of T. .7. I..loy1 new hiiiMin. Centre street. All man mer of Ieifl husincs attended to Mtff factorily, and collections a specialty. 10-14.-tf. I OEO M. READE, A(fornev-ai-Lau7, Ebprishurir. Pn. OfBce oo Centre utreet. tlircc Uot.rs from High street. (8-:7,'72.1 HERB I .AJVE A-G-A-LN"! -NOT AS AX ASPIRANT FOU- PUBLIC -BUT AS A CANDIDATE FOR- PUBLIC PATRO jSTAGtE! Having pulled down his political vest and embarked in the mercantile business on an extensive scale at his LARGE STORE ROOM ON HIGH STREET, Recently occupied by McLaughlin Brothers, Where lie has jusf oened and i3 now offering for sale an immense, varied and ele gant STOCK OF GOODS of every description, Is fully prepared to pull down in fact has pulled down the prices of all kind of merchandise, and is giving bargains in DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, HOTIOHS, H&TS, CAPS, Boots, Shoes, Groceries Hardware, Tinware, QUEEXSWARE, &e., c, which cannot fail to attract the attention and secure the patronage of casli buyers who want to get the most goods and the best goods for their nionrv. So don't forget to call, and this fact before you keep : A broom that's new is lest of all, liecause it makes the cleanest sweep. INT. ,T. FtISIIIOF EnF.KfncKo, Matich 21, 179. -tf. PLAIN" PLAIN TLA IN PLAIN' PLAIN' PLAIN TO THIS PEOPLE OF We hf why rupectfnlly Inform yon nil thai w liare Jnt 0rnrd an Immeiin mil elegant ntoeK of Gents' and Youths' Hats and Caps, Shirts, Overalls, Underwear, SF.CKWE.in. and a full line of Gent? Fl RSISHli f.OOOS, in the tale of tchich ire ipmranl-e to pnrrhaten a taring of fully ttrenty-fve per cent, on the dollar, trhit-h vitl surely empennate any one for tare and other needful expense in rititing Attoona. Resides the above. trr hare other lines of tjoods rrhirh ire vitl make it trortll irhile for any person In buy. Hemember the pnce. at this i. SOMETUIS'i ES IIHKLY SLtT. n. MX j PLAIN' i PLAIN PLAIN I PLAIN' ( Opponita J ir B-rTr ( l.oins? I p. (1337 PLAIN PLAIN INFORM YOL Il SEKiHIIOItS i,ji3sr ENDORSED BY OVER MACHINE EXHIBITORS AT THE EXPOSITION UNI VERSELLE, Paris, 1878 ANO INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. PHILADELPHIA, 1876, A l being "Very STRONG, SMOOTH, I EXCELLENT THREAD." FMCC1DRAG E I HolE INDUSTRY S I N G- tit MIHIIIIMIMIDMHMM M'mtlMHMIIMtiM GEIS.FOSTER&QUINN, in & 113 CLINTON STREET, JOHNSTOWN, VX., -ALWAYS 1 ;i ml Dry ixiacl Dress Groocls, NOTIONS, MILLINERY, CARPETS, ETC., to bo found in Cambria or adjoinins romitic. ;?"FrL'ft not the street and numbers and fail not to call, buy and le liaty. HISTORICAL SIN DARKEN IXJS. J. R. Hind, writing to Xnlurf, a lead i ir.R English publication, says : In 530, 5fi7 and 620 we find mention of long periods of diminished sunlight.. Sohnurrer records that in 733, a year after the Saracens i Tiad iteen driven ha--k beyond the Pyrenees, ; consequent on their defeat at Tours, "the Btni darkened in an alarming manner on I Aug. It) ; there appeared to be no eciipso by i the moon, but rather an interrnption from meteoric mitistance." There was an eclipse of the snn, annular, hut nearly total, on the morning of Anc. 14 ; it is mentioned in the j Saxon t'hronule, which tells us, "the snn 1 disk vras like a black shield." Tho near , coincidence of dates suggests in this case a connection between the darknees and the ArlinsA In 'I'll iiia..;i,a A y.. i historian, the sun lost its ordinary light for ! several months, and this is followed by the . doubtful statement that au opening in the ' sky seemed to take plaoe, with many flashes of lightning, and the full blaze of sunshine ; was suddenly restored. In lrtai, on Septem i ltr 21, not 21 as given in some of the trans ! lations of Humboldt's "Cosmos." S.dinur I rer relates that tliere was a darkening of the bud wann lasten tnree hours, after which it bad a peculiar color, which occasioned great alarm. In another place we read : "Fuit vlipsr ,S'o?i II. Knl. Oclob. fere tres hnra ; Sol circa mrriilietn dire ni7reccbat " there was no visible eclipse at this time, and the i November eclipse was central onlv in the I southern parts ( f tve earth. A century lat er, or in June, 11511 according to Sclinurrer, the sun was again darkened, with certain at I tendant effects upon natnre. Hero the cause ! is easily found ; on June 23, there was a to j tal ec'npse, in which the moon's shadow tra I versed the continent of Europe from Hol ; land to the Crimea; the eclipse was total in j this country betveeu the coasts of Cumber ; land and Yorkshire. Erman refers to a sun-darkening on Feb. 12, which wis j accompanied by meteors, and we read in the j cometograplnes that on the 4th, or, according l to others, on the .V.h of February in this year, a star was seen from the third to tho ninth hour of the day, which was oistant from the sun "only a footand a half." Mat thew Paris and Matthew of Westminister term tnis star a comer, and we take it to I have been the same which, later in the same ! month, was observed in China nnder the t sign Pisces, and which, at one time wa i sapposed to have l.c-en identical with the great comet of 1;80 ; this body, however, would not appear to have been" sufficiently I near the earth as. even on the assumntinn At - hv its inTfrv(Mit ion On rliAUat p.I hy its intervention I " " " .T,4ry Vl I ri iury, 1.00, m-i-orfiinjr 10 a Spanish writer there was complete darkness for six hours' Xnl2tl,"five montli after the Mongol bat tle of I-.iKnitz," the sun was obscured and the ilarkncss hwame so great that, thi 'stars were seen at the ninth hour about Michael mas. In this cae, :ipain, the darkness refer. red-to was undoubted; v -inn to the total eclipse on Oct. 6. of which Prof Schiapartdli has collected a full account- from the l.aliau writers. Lastly, in ir,47, from April 23-25, Kepler relates on tlie authoritv of Gemma, "the sun appeared s '.l ough suffused with Mood, and many stars were visible at noon day." Sohnarrer thought this phenomenon was what the Germans call a "Hohenratich, riotwitbsTan.iine tbe visibility of the stars. From the aliove brief summary of what, have been considered abnormal sun darkening, we see thain several cases the diminution of the light has been due to Mie ordinary ef fects of a total eclipse, while ir, is clear that i mere re no prounas in me Historical evi j dence for any prediction of a period of dark I ness. The nervous in these matters, and it ' would realty appear that such exist, may ' take consolation therefrom. A cmsiisTONE has been running for one hundred and fifty yeara in anOnsltAv, JCorth Cart iina, faiaiiy. OIIE FACTS I FACTS FACTS I FACTS j i FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS FACTS El673stl &Tss.e, A!tcc:i, Fa ()K Till: fiOOI) NEWS AND facts i THIRTY SEWING S.F.T. f riBiifftee rase. MANUFACTURED at MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. WARTS BROli in. TED AGE .V 7T. Yt Hi MFD1LS 1PARIS. PHILADELPHIA. AWARDED I NEW YORK & BOSTON. 1 A V V. TIIK- J'KS... --r' W 1 ,T.V - Clieappst fSloclc of To Rki.ii.vi: Catarrh. A writer in j an exch;me;p gives the following eight hints for relieving'cfitarrh : Inhale through the nostrils a strong solu- j tion of salt, in water. I would advise as J strong a solution as an ounce to the pint, . though some will tolerate more. In this strength it is not painful, hut acta as a tonic and astringent, relieving congss- ! tion, and preventing tho eniosmose effect I which would accompany the use of pure wa- ! ter or weaker solutions. ' But it is a mistake to suppose that salt water will cure all cases of catarrh. When the condition is one of chronic con gestion simply with acrid secretion, it may be sufficient. ; hut. in the worse forms, where there is a deep-seated inflammation with ul ceration, more powerfully astringent, as well as stimulant, and even esuarotic solutions are requisite to effect a cure. Inhale the smoke from pine tar. Get a pint or more of pnre pine tar (not the oil) from a ship chandler ; heat a poker red hot, and stir the tar with il ; a thick smoke will rise. Hold your head over it. keep vour mouth shut, and inhale throngh the nostrils ; heat ' the poker three or four times, until the room 1 is filled with smoke, shut door and win dows, and remain in the room as long as pos sible. It is a good plan to smoke mullein in one's bedroom jast before retiring ; after smoking open a window from the top ; the smoke slowly escapes, but enough remains to be of some beni fit. Mullein leaves should be thoroughly dried and then used the same as tobacco in a pipe. The smoke should be pressed to the back of the month and exhaled through the nose; once or twice a week will suffice and should be persevered in. If properly cured there will not be an acrid esud.ttion. A little piece of sponge id the bowl of the pipe will prevent the juices from passing into the mouth. Mullein will be stronger gathered before the frost inj ures it, but will answer even if dug from under the snow. It will also be found an excellent remedy for cold in the head. A Xkw Medical Tiikoky. A Min nesota man writes to the Salem (Mass.) Guzcitc as follows : A discovery in the treatmentof diphtheria has been made here. A young man, whose arm had lieen amputated, was attacked with diphtheria beforejhealing took place, ar?d in stead of the matter incident to that disease being deposited in the throat, the greater portion appeared on the wounded arm, and the diphtheria was very light and easily managed. His doctor profited by this, and in his next case of diphtheria blistered his patieut's chest, and on this blistered part the chief deposits appeared. This was also an easy case of the disease. The theory of the doctor is that diphtheria usually appears in the throat because of the thinness of the lin ing of the throat. Hence, when the blister breaks the skin cpon any other part of the body, the disease appears there. Tuont ctivf. Potato Yields. Tlic Head Time and Dispatch recently published the following : 'SiiTiire Lcrch. of Tower Heidelbera" township, liavimc h id a dispute with several of his neighbor as to whether one hundred pounds of potatoes conld be icrown from one pound of seed, and hav ing contended that such a thinir was iossible de termined u.n a practical test, lie aeeortiiiirly had the tenant on his farm. Win. II. Rro'sman to plant one pound ol Watson s Seedlinir tadatlics and one jHitinil ol the Karlr Vermont ranetv The potatoes tl, .unshed well, notwithstanding the. drv weather, an.l the stalks having matured were iluir up the other day. The pound of Early Vermont potatoes produced sixty nn,ls. while the Wat son's Seed lins yielded exaetlv one hundred ix.unds thus provint tiiat "SUire Iereli was riht in his opinion. .Ilrs. Kohl, of Chutvhville. this countv planted a potato the sire of a hen's eeif. and tttZ laoieu inereirom a yteia ot ninety. rive p.,tatr,c nit Fiuiiuc;i vi wuiL-u naa the sue ol u. waiuul TERRIBLE ONSLAUGHT OX THE i PEOPLE'S CHEAP STORE!; I.orctto, 10. ; M. J. TEITELBAUM! SniXIIOLIWTHEFOBr! ! imamSUKISSGBIUSBBS!: THAN KVKU IiKFOKK! Hew Goods! HewGoofls! New Goofls! j GOOD GOODS, GOOD GOODS, GOOD GOODS, j Cheap Goods! Cteap Goods! Cheap Goods! ; Ecsds U::::;::::i d Frises Unssc&llcd ! THOItill SOT rSDFBSOI.ni COME AXD SEE I COME AM) HEAR I COME AD BUY I Pause! Ponder! Purchase! Hfrc Is a partlnl list of the kind of goods we keep '. and the wondrrfiil banrains we offer : CI.OTIIIXO BFPARTr.XT. Men's Suit as low as. $ 3 M MbdV Fine Suit for 6 00 Ien AU-VVool riiraerf Suits for R 00 Men's Fine loefkin lrp Suits for VI oo 1 Men's All-Wool Pants nd Vest 8 00 ; Mn's All-Wool rants and Vest (best) S 00 Youths' tMothinp, full suits, from Stf.OO to 0 00 Bots' t'lotliinif as low as 2 M Boys' 'lothinif, all-wool, for 5 90 And all other wearing apparel at prices proportion ately cheap. ; DRT iOODS DFP.tRTJir.ST. 25 yards Calieo for 1 00 : 14 yards Heavy Oinicham for 1 00 14 Vards Appleton A Muslin for 1 "0 j 20 rards 1'nbli-nched Muslin for 1 "0 : 14 var.ls pood Bleached Muslin for 1 00 11 vards verv best Bleached Muslin for 1 oo . 10 yards lriilinif Tor 100 , Ali kinds of Jeans and other Roods which will pes- j Itively be fold cheaper than the ol;oapr-t. ' JfOTIOX DEPARTMEXT. j 2 spools Cotton Thread, warranted 200 yards, for 5c. ; 2 sheets Fins for 3 packets Hair I'ins for 5c. ; 1 pnir Men's Half Hose for 5e. ' I pair Jjidie' Hoee for 5c , URIM'ERT DEPARTJIEXT. 8 lbs. rood Brown Coffee for $1 00 5 lbs. Browned Kiol'oflee for 1 oo 10 lbs. (treen Coftee for 1 no ; 8 lbs. Oreen Wec (best In market) for I 00 15 lbs. Brown Supar for 1 on ! VI lbs. 'oflee Suifar for 1C0 , II lbs. White Snirr for 1 00 . 3 gals, (rood Syrup for 1 00 ' 2 ifals. best Svnip In market for 1 00 i 1 Scrub Bniph for 10 1 Broom fr 10 4 boxes Klacklntr for 10 ! 12 boxes Coffee Kssenc-e lor '-'5 -i v. ...... .- t - " . i i . . i. i ... j O , c ' ! I, IMIir I t'ldil K'l. ...... ....... J 10 cans Tomatoes for 1 fst : 7 i(als. Carbon Oil for 1 00 25 1-lh. cakes Soap lor 1 00 j BT ASI) SHOT. I . PARTXEXT, ' 1 pair Men's irood Flow Shoes for 9oe. 1 pair Men s irood Buckled Shoes for il 15 i 1 jtuir Men's 'ine Bxts for 1 75 1 pair Men's best Calf-kin Boots for 3 OO 1 pair Women's (food Shoes for.... ' ' 1 pair Women's he-t Shoes for 1 f o ' 1 pair I.:idis' f iatter lor 75 t 1 pair I.Hdies l.-t Jaiters for 1 60 M i-ses' Shoes, ttt all styles and Files, from 00 to 1 20 A lare: stoek oi Children's Shoes at lowest price. J A vnry biixe stock of Baby Shoes at 25c. per pair. . II AT l)F.PARTHi:XT. j Men's Hats as low as 4'-. ! i Men"? Fine l'res lists for 1 oo Best Hats in the market for II 50 up to 2 00 j j Bovs' Hats as low as 25 cents and up to po cents, i ! I".A1US" HATS. W have the larnst stock or I I I.adi'J' llat to le foTind in Northern Cambria, and . will sell tlieiu cheapt-r than any milliner can buy ! I them in the city. Also, a ln;e lot of Misses' and Children s Hats at wonderful low prices. i IJoarl rrl .Tudt;' tor Yourse-es ! ! -'Iease arive the atove list a careful exnmina- 1 tion and you will see that 1 have reduced every- ' thiiiK to ti.e'utmost limit, which it was only potsi- j ble to do by lopping oil all expenses for clerk hire, j etc.. and nttendinsc to the entire business myself. ; H nee it is that 1 am able to under-ell other mer- j chants who employ clerks at larife. salaries and re- ( quire their customers to pay for the luxury : and i hence it is aNo that 1 defy any on to e.tmpele with j the alove prires. So cme and pee me, everybody, t and rest assured that if 1 can't (five you kO'hI bar- j ItKins no man in The county is aide to do it. At i l-nst those are the sentiments of all who have pur- J chased stood at tlic "pKori.K's Chkai VaRibtv SroBK,'' kept bv M. J. TEITEI.TUI M, I.ORKTTO, I'.l. j H H H H mill H 11 H II I'.KE K KK K A A A AAA Vl'V KEE K1JR ! V V V. K ! IT1' EE HUH A A 1' E 1! li KEE A A r EEE K K : GEO. HUNTLEY HAS NOW ON HANI) THE LARGEST, BEST I MOST VARIED STOCK OF Stoves, Tiia-vtxo fHKKJ IIOI SFFI RMSHIMJ SSSSSS f t t-f 3 O fltMit) OOOO DDDDD f 1 tili (I (I ( till D fKrOt OOOO OOOO DDDDD fcc. fce.. that can bo found In any one establish ment in Pennsylvania. His: ptoek comprise. mi, mm and stoves , of various styles and patterns; 13lTilcltss, Iltvi'tl-wtvx-e i of every description and of besfquality ; CARPENTERS' TOOLS! of all kinds and the best In the market. Also, a larsre stin k of TABLE AXD POCKET CUTLERY, ilnarc tnren,nare. Silver-IMntcd Wnrp. Wood and Willow Hare. Hall Ia pr. Trnnks and Val Istc, Itevnlirr. A n -vll. V le. Ilonr Sho... Rar I rnn. It nil ltol. Horse ll. arrlace Itolti. Kir el. .Mill Nnws, f;rialstnnei. Steel Mtiov el I'low Monldst, Roail Scoop, ; Mowing Machines, Horse Hay Rakes, Horse Hay Fork,, Rope and Pnlleyo, torn nltlvator,, ami a lull line ol llnrv esilInK Tool. Also, a larjre assortment ot Table, Floor and Stair Oil Cloths Carriaso Oil (;ioth. TAPER An dlbCLflTH W INIK'W SHADIlvr A-n SHADE FlXTl'KI-X; I.tVERrooi. ASHTON SALT, the best in the world for iNiry and Table , nse; IvrotiTBu KOf'K SALT, the cheapest and I be.t for reedinsr Live Stor-k : umi I'l. ASTER ; ! Wki.i. Aisr CisTitn-y I'l'MlS. of the best qualitv ! PERKINS' PATENT SAFETY LAMPS, which ' cannot be exploded: Chiukkn's WAIiONS si i CR I-S; the largest stock of M1I.K CROCKS of I all shapes and si" and of superior ware ever of- fered for sile in Ebonshurar : a full lineofPAlXT j HRCSHES of the mn-l desirable qualitv- WIN', j lMlWffl.ASS. ftll.S. FAINTS. TI KPENTINE, VAliMSHK, k.c together with a lurjfeand oom- plete stoek of choice . GROCERIES TOBACCO AM) SEGARS, I a? well a thonands cf other useful and needful articles. In Met. anything I haven't jrot or can't iret ri snort nonee is noi worm ouytnr. and what I do offer for sale lnny always be relied on as fiiwt class is QfALlTV, while they will invariably bo S()I.T AT BOTTOM I'llICI.S ! Havina: had nearly tuihtt years' KTPKnt-Er-K In the sale of jroods in inv line. 1 am enabled to supply my customers with the verv best in the market. Oive me a liberal phare of "vonr patron age, then, and be convinced that the best Is always the cheapest, and that it never pavs to buy an In ferior article simply because the prine is low as It Is an Indisputable fact that such Roods are always the dearest in the end. GEO. April 11. 1iT!. IIUXTLEY. Ebensburu GET ALL THE LIGHT YOU CAN ON THE SUBJECT OF Cheap Groceries I By reading the advertisements, circulars, irice lists, etc., of other dealers, and then ico to F. P. CONFER'S ?nnci onnrrnv cmnn iiuuLL unuun unr 1324 Fleventh Avenue, Between 10th St 11th Sts., Altoona, Pa.. And "confer" your patronaire on a man who can not only show you tho largest, most varied and complete stock of g-nods ever ottered Tor sale in that city, eomprfslr. everything fresh and pure in the way of OROCEKIES, PROVISION i Oreen, Iiried and Canned FRUITS. NOTION'S i ce . but can and does sell at prices fully as cheap ! If not a little cheaper than any other man or Arm ; In the business, no matter where they reside or ' what Inducements they offer. "Thanktul for the liberal patronaire hereto- I f. .rn M.nfnr.a.1 ........ 1. . ... ,. .. . . 1 .. ; . , , .... .v.. uln.n itiw uj uie .neuiia la laniDril county and elsewhere, and hoplns- for a eor.tinu- ance and increase of the same, the subscriber re- li- his Koodsand prices liefore buying- at any other i, house. F. P. C.ONFEK, ' Fel. i, IST'J. IIoUcl Utueery, Altuima, Va. epevnuiiy uivii.es everyoony to can ana examine ssssss s ssssss Ayer's Sarsaparilla For Scrofuln, anl fill f orof ulcus di-con?f,Er'-Mpclns, KoPC or St. An-tht-nvV Tiro, Eruption and "Enijdivc disonpcs of the kin, Vlrorations of the Eivor, Stomach, Kilnev, Euiigs, I'im plef , luptulcs, loil, H Blotf he?. Tumor?, Trt- S2 ter, Salt lUicum, Scald Head, liingworm, L leers, Sores, Rheumafisni, Neuralgia, Tain in the Bones, Side and Head, Female "U eak nes, Sterilitv, Ix-uconlKia, arising from internal ulceration, anl utenne disease, Svidiilitie and ilerctirial dis eases, Drbpsv, Dyspepsia, Emacia tion, General Debility, and for 1 1111 ft ing the lilood. This Sarsaparilla is a eomhinat ion of vecetahle alteratives Stillingia.Man drake,Yeliow lo k with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine vet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are to f-kilfully combined that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and while it is fo mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still fo effectual ns to puree out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent physicians all over the country- repose in it proves their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are con stantly being received, and as many of these cases are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sarsaparilla over every other alterative medicine. So generally is its superiority to any other medicine known that wc need do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it has ever possessed are strictly maintained. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Prtsctical mn Analytical Chemist. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ETIBTWHlBli , tuie-;ri:at fositive cujji: li for U IISI'AF4 rtt.tr.j ftvia trr.rej emdl HrmVrtb. BI.WIII, I.Ii:XC, XJilt KS. vr DISFAT1V1.0KGAA. V-' ' . - - r j y- v - - The Best Family Kcdicice on Earta. 51 OO 1?V COT .T j air perw-n .fflirtv l :th a t!e-n tliat l inOtlFXI! win not rellor. r-ii-, provl-ll'ig iim boa. or organs aro not Wftjit'.f. bovrr K.-nt ,tf r, pa!f Is v toiit. -iiny :!.;! ir- .m Mr r;.-. j.,, r. I. r,.s tm i (inmis i hittI in Callfrnle. a;i-1 T'i V.vr In 'i. s, v .:t;ihiif a Tonic, Cat' nrt)-, Allrotivr. IH'iiipt'r- t u.V'T:tl . It l.n:ne1:ate eiTwt upon tne 1tviive crirn"'. v-rstirr lTBiaI't'l ly i':,",fio orpiV.Piji-t.1 lifini ct rii:i .. Ifi tt In crease thir pwm of t-iiu! ntir-n r.nrl iintr-.tio-i. 1c Iti croais the ;', ;lt--, -tli t.i iat'-oti, t::-1 f..Cr-jrMi rjj t.:t9 td t. inTi-fu:r crul rirci'tlin sy.m. It r::m ilatefl t 0 vit.-vl jtmrtij!rw Tf rnerp-l a-Mvirr, m.'tc-. - T rert r.nj iu-,:i tiif il il-, t-jiuc t.no o:'.;; t' r- s;b lishes tLeir l;-a'tbv f unci: .ni. THE ONLY TRUE EE3IEDT TOE COLDS. It !s csclc" fi cxr-f into Tjpon tlio vlrtno or Ab r.iTEtT I?KIlIY. It t"-j are nff-riiiir frm ttl I.f (tl . UTn KH, h i I. ..r" I iM.-KSTlOV l.ilH MM lV. i.L I it .1. HE. FMIfY, 0sTil I tft, MUMV or MKWim t(.IMV, or anx n'.tr.!or rrlbinc; Nm II i'T K V I'.l .'. pt It'itio of Ti.OlitK and taio it an nor V.n-ri'.f-Tin uj?n ma.-Ii l ;;ie. In English, Grmmn, NjtO end rr-rn-h - t-ottl.. r. V btterconvlnco juu Oi it uoriui tij&n to. cms cxp.uuovl In urtntorn" Ink. A trial of on rottl Hfnrr Itn a lption In ertjrr f-ni!!T, fr no Man.Woman or ChlM ran tak U.nnt K anfl rori'.n lone lck. It flrt clrannk-s t:. STtfPtn. t:i"n n-pa-n, i in builJs up, thus cur!ultffiaf9 anl vrZaUlisl.iiig i.t'tlii: ra 4 prmanonv, sate inn pntiunn dbsii. up HI I'll K 1 yi- Sold hw DmirHiti doner" 1 1 v. Ir IValker & Ial?er Mfe. Co., l'rop'ra- I 40 Jobs SlrMt. S.tt Ynrfc. jNKur Kaie iy lcimn n & Murray, ;,ur, who are nuihorize! to gu;irau;eo VKOKKK to lrore as roprosentotl. 10-11. TS.-ly. IfTnimftimn of tmsineca, weakened by the atraiD ot n yoar duties, avoid stimulant and use mm Il yofi we ft rrwn of 1 cttv, toiling ovrr Tonr wtjrt to restore brain nerve end ayt, w If yw jcranfc nad irafTeririfr from moj Indiwetlott or dissipation ;if yem are nuim d or FiTiple. old or fyotuier.PTjiTerlnKfrom poor health or bLQgruob- mm 1 nsr on a bed of (betriMs, n-ly cn M wkoerer yon are, wTiprorrr yrm are. fconprrr you tea I that yonr nrm noy9 clean&lnjr tcnlnr or m-m Etimulitinf7, without intjnratiruj, take &w Bt yoo rlvrpcpsa, Icidnty or vrinary complaint, 3i mm eae of tbe stowtcfi. bo-jrrlx, iVoorf, I.irr,oraertf W all 1WJ cir ti II J UM II w If yoaariH?nnlywpakand lo-wTritrd.tryltl Buylt Ira Ut upon it Tour drujrfrist keorlt. I nsy yomr llfe. I hum red kvdr4t f!0BCottrfiCmlttlittwtMt,tafM tnd best. A duldrt. Tb Hop Pl for Slcmarh, Llrer rd K Mrr,it nprlor to all (hm. dam by tbtcrptioo. llltcrfert. Aik drureuU. I. I. C. o absolste &d i rrwbtAbl cur for 4ruakDM . nw of RMH opHm, tbarro or na-rrtit- FSaBKB ADorv oM vy drBTKUU-Hop bitten Alff., Co.,RocttUr. n . . . Manhood : How Lost, How Restored ! -lust puHishe,!. n llow edition of Pr. CnlTerwell's t elebrated Essay on the radical rnrr ( ithout medicine) o SrKl:M M.HMMHIH or Seminal Weak ness. Involuntary Seminal looses. lwroTKXv Meutal and Physical lncapaeitv, Iini.e.hments to Marriage, etc.; also. C.os, xnio. I-.i-i i.ki-,v and y its. iii.lui-ed by sclf-i!i,!ulKeiiee or si sua extrava f:i nee. cf e. The cel-brate, author, in this ndmir.ble T'.iav clearly demonstrates, trem a thlrtv vears' sucets's! ful iraet.c. that the alarm. iiv'niiii-iiiifii,-ci. eU abuse may be radical!- c,;re. wi'hont the d-inier-ous ns.i ot internal le.-.beine or the uppl jeat ion of the knife: ,o!!iti,...r ,u ., ,I11MP ,.,lri. .,, ,.,. ,itn pie. rertaiii and rt.octnul. bv means of which ev-v snflerer. no m:.iter what l is e.,n lnion i.i.iv he ma'v curc himself cheaidv. o rivat-!.' and , ,,'nJI ., i ins i-.-i:ir.' -ti',Ml,'. i.e in Tlie hap youth and cverv n :;n ir, the land Sent tree, i,!- ler seal, fn a plain envoi address. Addfss tee Pnb'M-bers Is of ever I'c, to any TI1KO I.VI liH I'l l, Mf nif 41 , C O.. 41 Asn St.. ew ork ; June ls7:i.-i v. Po-t f iil.ee li..x I5S6. Tk- m. it. n. ci;r.r.RY, .v !,,- Ja' litt. having 1" ated in the fd- flceand rsj,i(.lt(,r evned and rcecnt- i iy ocenj.ie.t ir. J. .1. I larman. p--i spectrally tenders his profes-.-ional i services to the people of Ehensbtir 1 and vicinity, and Ktinrantecs .x.d work at honest j.riec.s. mj'A lady assistant will l e in alln.lan.e whenever her services are reipiir,!.- A mrsthet ics careful, j and safely administered when desired. The patronaire of all in need of dental services is respectfully solicited. lfr-;i9.'Ty.-tf. DR. L. D. HOFFMAN. Surgeon Ilenfisf, AY lEI. make professional vl;ts to Et ensburir on the riKST MoNDAV Of ren t-u , .eu.a... onu eeK. Also, will I ,e in Wilmoro cn the PB'-osi) Movpav of eavii month, to remain one day. All work warranted. Feb. , ISTy.-lf. S. II. PECKER, Ml I.. l'HVStrtAN A NO SfRfiFOV ' r.n i. , I.illv , Cavbiiia Co.. Pa., Oflers l:!s professional services to the citlrens of ! nshinirton and adjoinit.ir townships. Office and j residence on cailroad street, opposite Passenxer j station, where niaht and day calls will receive , prompt attention, reirardle.s. of distance or weath- er. Kiseases of women n. children a specUlty." Lilly s, March 14. lkW.-ly. m. j. "buck, I'HYSICIAV ANU SfRGEOV, , Ai.toosa.Pa. Office and residence on Fourteenth street, near :'v''",n ,rCTU". "here niitht calls can be made. Office honrs from 8 to 10, a. m., and from 2 to 4 an.l 8 to a, r. . Special attention paid to Dis eases of the Eye and Ear. as well as to Surgical Operations of everv description. I4-l -tf . I A JL.m M. KEIM, M. I)., SniiiEov, Ebensbnnr. litvs,nvH.v,i l-rofdleVi. street, west of the Hlair llou: and Eie-li.-U. ofhic. Julian street, e. t 'oiisultati'ius in 1 lino neariv opposite th Crennan ii-iu can; tiioubl l.e m ole a! rrasr t.-j. -r - i". ti I mm 1 s-y -tl THE MAMTAlTlIlt Of I it niav nave occurred to, 1.1.. t..: .. ...1:1 'iji lilllV I1HIHIS "line llSHlLf 1 1 sewing thread, that a va', .'j-t sqKH-ls are required aijiiiiaiivi..-'-"' ufacturers of that article, i , f : j liepenerally known tli;it f-.' ! (uelrf-c furnishes its qtmtn , : ' 'the English and Scotch t!.rJ.iV" ; facturers. Such, however is t and while on a Hying vi.-it to t; ,. ' 'v j tic village of Diuiuinf.ii.hi",,.'". :' ' we had the pleasure of vit L .', liiv M'licn 1 1 1 . i in ij . r.i i i m Drumniondvi'.le is situatej r,,. .. J'rancis river, and the nt!u.lr fi ' ' of the Southeastern railwav j,.,'.''' ' -it. Several years ago the ,'ic : ' wood which grew in the vie ..o !1 -xvhite birch, which d.K-s n..t ''i make first class-fire wh1. i,jit V.,K ', pears to le the liest f..r tbe in,,.',!. -of siool.s. This probahlv va-'C l ' why Prurumotjdville was s ,.(C'' " place in which to locate these f..' and the farmers in tho yj, "K ways find a ready market f'.-.r j"! -?':. of wood at alKiut c-'J.-Vit'i The wood, after 1 x inir (If :iv, factories, is first saved into,; lour ieet long ani iroin ;tn jn, , inch and a half square, accor. . size of the spool it is destine, V,"! L . These pieces are put int., a jV.' and thoroughly dried ; fifin th. ' are taken to the factory ami j.-;,,., , 'Toughers, who in an '.li'-rwii v'.'., space of time lre a holt- ii t) altout two inches ib f .. turn ai. - same space round, and t 1j a (.V.; 1'.. length required for a spool, ii.i chines nsctl for this pur)...s,. ;ir,. ing jilaners, in the center .f wt ' revolving gimlet or bit. an 1 im.v . to the right a small circular s,,,v ,," gnage set the projx-r sio f,.,r ' 1'he "roughers" receive a .,; ' half per gross for their work. .". jx-rienced man can turn out frop l.'JO gross w-r day. The r..i-,!;,'i'V pass fiom them to the "l'.n;hir- "' place them in machines tvlij. , a. f . the shape of spools and make ' smooth. It is finite interest jr. i,, notice the men at work. A iiinn''v with his left hand ujion a snn;! ' v j and with the right he pl.tcfs the t' .; j one at a time, in the lathe, thin ; the lever toward him for an itKaht'I the work is done; the lever is i J i back and the spool lrns ilown'j: i 1mx below, while the right hab.l iV i with another 1 'lock. These ! ; handled at the rate of Uviii!-: j thirty per minute. The tl'iilii-" , receive one cent and a half ;.t . ! and they can each turn lr-ni l',, j,, ! gross er day. The sjm.!s thrown loosely into a l.ux"1 cvl:! 1 j which revolves slowly so that th- - ! are polihed by the cnstai.t i .: ; i upon eaeli other for sviiib- time. i: j ing taken out of the e 1 i 1 1 I . -1-'n v I placed in a large hopjwr wit h ab :. ! at the bottom, tlnouh win, h tl.."-. j flown a slide for ins)H-cti"ii. : insjffctor sits and wat'.-hes ih iy ;.. that no iiiiiHril'ect s)o1 av I pass, and a very small knot or s i : ; sutricient to condemn them. The. 1 then pass into the hands of ti: ta '- who handle them very lively. T: j packed in large boxes made tl,- size, so mat the layers ot s ioi nit- i..x iiiii iiu ((umtiuiuu i'.t-I-..;..: needed. These boysreceive a 'I'm::-: a cent a gross for packing, aid a ., boy who is accustomed to the v,.rl. pack about '2'tl gross per day. jii ietor ships from 12. i1'! to l ",.om (or fiver two million sinioisi p ) llr: Ku gland, aixl another tin i O.fttt to !.(Mtt gross for over lie li spools) to Clasgow. Sc. .thud. - SIXOI'LAK. IF 1HI Y. Almut three years ncr-i one ut .' :. famous leaders in the spiritual:-;: : ri' wa.s Slailo, tl.e n:e.liuin anl ' . Hp whs vt-ry flarin? in his pxp!..!;. . :. lief anicniitorious t!irout:liimt Xli : for his audacity and the nnnil r !' :-' sons whom lie drew under Ms ii.tlr.-: .. He made a consideraMe am, ;;:., money here, and in the latter y.-.r: lv7f he went to England, when 1 . tinned his career as a medium, an.i " siime time he was a rival of 11., m.-. : lucky medium who man iel a ri h .'. whom he had taualit to hclit .e . - .spirits. j- many iaue was arr :-. and was tried in London, ou .la: : 2'. 1S77, for fraudulently ol.'. :. . money hy means of the unlawful i he ohtained from his occupation . medium. It was chartred that a.-s " ualism was not a belief sain t ione , : I he law, it was a delusion and a fr;r -and its use to extort money fn iu ! credulous was a.eainst ioT'l ic ' '.:'. The trial broup-ht ui the question r,-' whether spiritualism was a frau-i not, and the case liecame the talk :' day, and Slade was given a moi! ' reputation thereby. " Made was i :: guilty of fraudulent jractii-es. uvA v.; sentenced tothree months" inij ri-oi,;; : at hard labor, but his sentence was ;;!:: ward quashed on s. Hue technical cr .:;: .'. Slade went to Austra'ii.i .-unl tir: came to San 1'rancisco. A f. v after the steamer arrived a convt-rs ' ' was overboard between the sliip".-!' and an intimate friend of his. in wi the statement was made by th !,:-,!. man that Made, the nieuiuin. t- woman, and was as perfectly .. vi 1 as any of her sex. The physician prave the follwi:ii count of the manner in which In n the discovery. The genth iuan vli 1 " cupied the staterfxnn with ' board the steamer, is a man who known in Pittsbnrp;, where he has i:, :; friends. lie was not an a1:u:ir -Made or his doctrines, and did r."t ! much conversation with hii.i r ri'' ;: her. One day when in lnid-ect ui ' ' w-as stricken down with s i.;.'!. -like jiaralysis while in the '.::-''"' The other occupant of the ro, .incn.. ::: and finding Slade ill and pi. i :J :y .,;r conscious, he began to r.-movr -a.it; clothing and rub his (her: i'l chest to brincr back the tin u1, :;; : " the blood, it was then thai tl' : coverv fif Slade's SCX was made Vi"! j Made recovered sufficiently to t. I egged that the geiitleiiiaii wou j expose her. lie said that he wo; j do so publicly if she acknow'f !.: j truth to the "physician of the i Made at last consented and t " ! doctor all alxmt it, Tie ma le ; ! animation which proved b yoi,.1. that she was a lt rfectlv devi i ";- 1 1- ,1 ' t man. One of the queerest parts ': story is that slade wears a heavy ;: tache. She said that she h.-J ";' wanted to be taken for a man. a:1'1 shaved her face daily when u-n ." and liad kept the practice up u"': had a long heavj- moti-tache. i f she was very proud and whirl: s;t, great carf of, and could hae hal ' and whiskers if she dre ssed Ui"-- i A OTANICAi. ("1 P.H'-IT'i .- 1 last Mr. John Iovle. who h Itace street. West rhilade'd I.;a. mat a iecunar loreigu net- - , j,f was, to all appearances, flead. had it cut flown, leaving a sti:!"!' two feet high, which he prepare It". veil into a rustic seat. In -1 liefore the family left town f r t ' mer, sprouts commenced shoot in? (1; ' iliu cf limit m r ,1 il.o .! :i!iil Sc ie at l lie top a"" -Several weeks later. -home, they found a lower down. iue inuiiitm iioine. uni . - . , ..; .:....i...i 1,. vera i . i . . , iirtut frowin. which in.ui." i. Aladdin's J-unp. The sprout. ; were just jH-eping from the oM 'l",,,',." July, now form a dense mass ef 1 t-V thirtv-siv feet in circumfereiire an' i t'n ft'ot in beight. The V1J ! shafl like thosef the , ni g; siiiuefiL lueni iiieiiMin i'"".' : r. .llaiin tev Mr 1 . , It-doCf lift j 1 nam, uf the plant. MO ii