It (Imuran 'I: X CCD! UIU ' EBENSBURC, PA., FRIDAY. - - - - AUG. 29, 1879. DF.noCR Tir STtTE TiniKT. KfiR STATU THEASITF.R : DAN LO. BARK. Alleirhrny County. ii:mo rum ioi uv tuket. KOTl SHKI11FF : MIC1IAKI. .r. NA;I.K, of Carnill Twp. Kolt rM!l HOOK IMUKCTOH: JOHN- !:; A I! t";il, of Crovle Two. ; poh .iniT .-ommissionkk: JCHX J. l!Oi:XICK,,.f Richland TwP. von cot NTY si nvi You: IIFN KV.H VXI.W of Carroiltown. '" Thk ., r,;- Chr.M, of Shi!- liensbiirfr, has passed into the hands of Alfred Sanderson as editor, and A. .1. Sanderson as publisher. One of them at least, if not both, has had considera ble experience as a newspaper editor, and being the sons of that cteian Democrat, the late George Sanderson, of the Lancaster Int'Uiyt wtr, it may safely he a-umed that under their management the t.'hftiirh will be a tirm and trusted advocate of true Dem ocratic principle a 11 r. 1 ; , ,.,,-.! IS lt 1. 1 .1 1 1 I IICWS- Iiait r in every sense of the woid. ii,ii .,i,.!,.i,i . 77,.., . .,iti,.,ii.ri, it Ii k .Wot oil -i rr,.:,t le:il of t ime awl space in its columns tojthe undertaking, has failed to convince the men who run the ltepubliean party in that city that it would be a very pioer thing in them to nominate that chroiiicotlice-seeker, John F. Naitianft, for Sheriff. Just why the Tinii was so com plot fly capt i vated wit li the notion of transferring Ilartranft troin the I'ost-oliicc to the sheriff's ollice is soiiH-tliing not easily to be understood outside of that city, and csjiecially so as the f xpericiice of its editor ought to have convinced him that the K' pul lici'.n leaders would never, or at least hardly ever, ion-cut t see so valuable a prize carried off by a man. rec ntlv imMrteit from Montgomery county. The 77. .es of Tuesday admits that at hist the lead ers of the nilii-t ing rings have definit ely arranged the Keptibliean nomination-, and that John L. II ill w iil be ilidate for -hci ill'. If t he t wo disconljuit and bclligeiaiit f.ietions in!o which the I t moei.iey of th '.t eoiit:t arc divided jhi.-.-. I a single grain of politjeal wis dom, hero i ; t le if oppoi t unity to ret. tin His-i-s-!oti f th- -!ieri!t's ollice and its x.ct patronage, but as they prefer dii sioii in I ! ! ; i t.ii:K- ti hai ii:oiiioa , and iMiiicl r' s;f!t c.i:i '..: f;i-i',- I I 1 I ' f! I . n to know that th" ,,-sions of D.unihi.i I r is a s;iti-l'aet Court of iiiiatttr Colint, Wllirll c ..ive-ied on .Monday last . is presided over by one of the old- est. ab!.--t and tun.-t exp- i in the Mate. Hon. J. h:i J gnat p-.rtioti of his el Claud Jury was .h-voted t l;c( d judges Pearson. A arge to the 1 a I'etii'.iti-.iti, or cNpl.uiat of what eonstitnt'-d cor rupt solicitation of a member of the Leui-Iatur-. having reference of course to the i:n!ii tiia nts again-t Keniblc and others. It is very evid.-nt from his i lal oiate ii.-t rti. t i. ;is to the Craml Jury, that .Irde leal -on ( poet s at the hands of the jury the mo-t t h. .r. ui-h in vestigation of the charges against the ilifTcrent .'. feiid.suts. -We waul to find out even thing about it," he says to the jury: "we want to yet ;t the truth of the matter and to get to tlie bottom ot' i'. and to see who is guilty and who i- not guilty, or whether any per-.on is guilty, or whether it is merely a general slandtr." The ju Ige aNo in stiuctid the jury that if it should come out during tin ir inve.-tigations that any member of the Legislature did ac cept, or ague to accept, any gift of money, or valtiab'e thing, otli. c. any thing of the kind." to make a present ment of it to the Court. This is intend ed to cover the cases ,,f I Vt i-'!T. Ruin barger and otlur in. inlers. against whom the Hoti-e strangely neglected to instruct the committee of eleven to po cceil by criuiinal I'l'ocei'diugs in the Courts, eveti tuoiih i; r. fn.-iil in expel them. Ti e indictments would be laid b re the Crand J ny to-day V day), but. a-; we stated last week, the probabilities arethat a continuance will be asked for by the defendants until the next tirm. and that it ill be granted bv the Court. In a reeent sjieec'i in tie.-? Ihitish rarliatiiei.!. -lohti l'.ri-rht. the well Iviiowti lifulish refortinr. state.! sotne a-louhiliti facts eotmeeteil with the tenure of lapl i:i the I"ti!te-l Kiu-ile-tn. In I'.r.ulau I ami Wales ot-e I.uiiihvil T i rson - o n nn. re than I.hni.Ohi ueres, ami Tl" i r-i'ii-i own iu-uv than ,) rt't of all tin soil south of the Tweed. Ill Seothi'ul It is wor-..-. f "' Irr ... rsnns ll.i re tii !. ! .'..ii'H) acres, i.r ueariv .,i-t ii'irfi r of the m hole e. unit ry. The one-ha'.f of e .;nt ry i '.1. 1' ", it' 'acies) is iu the ios-ession i.f .. iv .,.., htti.l uwu- l is. in in-. an i. t!i:r:i l;..s a i,n:e 1 3arer pojeilat imi thati Sctlahd. .-..-tlii,'t of tie iptit'-. country is in the hat. i'.s of 1. ';! persons. It is this iu-ui-Ii!yof the laud in In land Py a f w indi iilual s tha.t has caused the present feeliiur of deep dl-couti 1 t am ino; the tenant fanners in that country, and which thrc.itf ns the most c. t; -e-iuenccs. II-.vv different it is in the I'ntteil s;at.-s un h i the op-vation ,.f nur Iioir.fstf-a.l laws. Aceorilinjj to the last if the ('otniiit. sioner of the Iuid C );1iee. ri.mni.n m a -res an area greater than Xew Jersey were taken up ami actually- ooeup 1 during the year i n -i:i tin :-nh of .Tuuo Vp-t. The ImhiKs of the 1. fliee show that each settler frwik up ati average of ln aeres. vvhicli fstal.lishes t!tc fa.-t that (Inline; the year ju-t clos,..l .V.(i'f) faudli-s. ur at least l"H.(tn rsotis. have found homes mi the i-uMie lauds. Si nee the hona stcad law vve::t into i ffc t, t ixteni years a-,'o. It-I. sis Mitries have Ikch made, etnhra' in,' 1 .ll,Ti' acres, or more than the sj .... nf the s: New Kwj; laml States. J.Iost t.f the entries during the ast as well as j revious y ear were made in Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and the territory of Dakota. ' West ward the star r.f empire takes its way." and tlie illumination eat i sea rrc-Jy t on -reive the teeuii;, millions who will 'op!e the almost l,i..;iid.'(-.-i expand" west of th-Miss-;, Mppj at the close ,,f the piv-eiit cent tu v. 1 Tiik influence which Dennis Kearney I f-vrcix-s over his followers in San Fran- I was very piainiy lmistrairu ny ; t t -11 . . . 1 . . . what took n lace on the ''sand lot'Mn i that city on last Saturday. Kev, Isaac . iauoeu is me i oi iviiiiiiiieii a tiinui- '.date for Mayor of the city. Alout ! letter lie expressed his unalterable de-j A gentleman named WycotT arrived twentv-two veari ago he had charge of ! termination never again, on account of j at Gettysburg the other day on horse a church in Boston-was accused of i the delicate state of Hit heal tin to be- b';!n,fren th0 Cnt,re thstance I adultery indicted, and escatied con-I come a candidate for public cilice, his j r(jlonej Koiiert Ingersoll denies that , viction, just as Beecher did from a fail- t v,,,.,,., i,.,c i .ttrlv inorlv 1 ,,Uter in7ts op,K,sition to Kalloch. re- : .,1,1(Ulch the .torv of his Boston im- ' ;piou icin int .uij ms i morality, as well as other unsavory , matters imputed t-ihinn and slandering I f his father nnd mother n immense : Ins father and nio her. An immense -cetrng of Kanoeh s neia on iasi xnoay nigiu, at lumu nc defended himself against these attacks, and, ''carrying the war into Africa, ; .. . .... . pronounce., u.e iwo o.,H 'the bastard progeny ot a strumpet.- r s.,h,r1i,vninr,ci,:,.lP)l)pYmiiirr armed himself with a revolver, procured : .1 i,-ii.tmm.n of the Metropolitan Temple, where Kal- iocii was. sent a iiy to ten una a iaoy w isiien in see 11 1 ill ill nci en 1 1 .;il;c, which " .. -1. . 1 i ,.. 1 r... :. 1., ...1 , r i. : . .,.r ;t 1. l.o T niiirratir i,0111in.1ll011 i niir-li t lip Itf-t tPT inr .WlllfT. rPniarKS 11 .nc f-il in lio iisr fm- 1 u! nd t 1 111 ' 111 iii- 1 111 zioit-c iiiniu i riiuvi. in Linn nun ua j'vi'm'v ..v. .i i - - - - - - - r - - - in mv , . . i 11. 1 lie then went "to Kansas, and afterwards i for the Presidency, which, other things , the Philadelphia . ow I "t this jK-int. the Jordan is still dry. T,,.,l'( , J J " r0(m .,. '. j,,.,. Jlf a Mllt of . . ', T. ; , , , .,i 1 i, c .iminMv T,1P fai"prs of Jefferson count aie ( The Jordan apparent lv has a subterra- : cot)i.-s from to f b r... we can alwavs 1 i to California. The San I rancisco j being eial, he u ould Ik? so .tdmirablj , nmch anROyed hy the aaations 1)Pan ttom, at places, ami until this is I funisu a i" VfeA: t " I rhftmirh. edited bv two brothers named qualilied to till. Standing as he does ; f , , , Thev have depleted some ! nUe.i tin .it or iJ.m-s nm in the lxd . that the iroodsn noted above are ; was hiselv false and when Kal loch at tins late uav it is a common inmg 10 jove nn ii -", omm uiuic on .-unuay evening, ;uiii : "'".'"s " "." 1,1., ...-...i. J - ln . l fT-iined her consent to marrv : went to a tent iust nut nn for them on i in" interesting storv as a contribution to his-wmIU-p.i mi to tho vehicle Do Ynnn see Horatio Sevmour referreil to by Ke- t"., aim ameu nn i. , , wem 10 ,i nm, just j uti p tor 11 cm on ' shot him twice, one ball entering his i " r , breast. A number of Kalloch's iMtliti- c:il frk-mls, Avho were in tlie vicinity .-it .i - . , u"1' ! 1 u11' trtll Id-,1 , dim .turning it, handled De Young very my until tne oiice rescued mm and took him to the station, where he w as locked up in a ce!l. The news of the shooting spread through the city, producing tho most intense excitement. and an ancrv crowd soon surrounded ven-'e-.nce ting o,f the imi, on un. the prison, threatening against De Veiling. A meeting "sand lot" was called, and a demand made bv the crowd to go down town, take De Vonm- out of ni ison ni.l h-mo- aue Je 1 oum, o, I of pnson and hang him, nut a ilispaleh came from Kearney, who was iit a meet ing at Vallejo, t wen- tv-four miles distant, savin" that i,0 ... " " wouh arrive , the city at S o'clock, r. M. whereup.,, the nicetiiig decided not to hang De rung until Dennis could le heard. lie came, mounted the plat- f .... I i 1 - 11 ... . i u i i"i " ii i i' " 'ii u in i ii 1 1 u j ".II I ' ... Jin 1 -111 mu. excited men, shouting and veiling for lie Young's life. Tiie crowd need- edbut a wind from him to have sent . them oil wndly to the prison, but Kear- ney rcmiii'h d tiiem that in ten days the election would put their partv in i.owcr ;,. .1. -i i (. i- ,, m ihe ci y and t e n De omig would !) iii.i.i.'11' l( that aiiv atteii.i.t at i- ; o!-i.;e would be met by the revolvers of : the poi,o, and tho rifles and Catling guns of the military, and that he want- , , , ed them to keep quiet and go to their homes. I hey took his advice, and for once in his life Dennis Kearney's inliii- ern e over iiis followers has shown to ad- , , . . ,,,,,, vantage, and rn.t ami bloodshed have l een prevents!. At last accounts Kal loch was recovering. De Voting's cowardly attack, it is almost needless to say, cannot but be of immense advan tage to the .Kearney ticket at the elec tion on Wednesday next. What Crant refused to say to Harry White about a third term, in his letter to that amateur statesman a short t ime before the melting of tlie Keptibliean National Convention at Cincinnati in lTi's he (Craut) is represented now by some newsiiajK-r editors to have said to the Viceroy of Tientsin. China, in a conversation which recently took place between them. It will be remembered that the letter to White was beautifully non-committal on the subject of a third a'' po!i!ic;tl cto.rt is to get the greatest possi-term-that it was a puzzle to the conn- j ln try closely akin to the ways of the thim- i mid those who will vote tlie 1 loinnerai ie b'.e-rigger when he savs to his dupes, j Vtl.Tt "'V'!"",'1 to.v"tf-- 1T' ' 'l"alitie,l . - 'all nnit he rcuitercd on or before Seidet'i- ou pays your money and yo;i takes j her:!: all uui-t have paid a Stateaudcoumv U'lir choice." In the interview tit 1 ,ax ,','f"'.T 0 t,,1;,,r ;,!- I'articularly we mus't '.. . .... "'c that those who have rea.-hed the age of iKHtsin, the let toy ictcrtcd U the twentv-two sine" the lat election have a time when Crant would be Presi dent of the I'niti d States, to which the latter replied: "Your Excellency is very kind, but there could be no wish more distasteful to me than what you express. I have held the ollice of Pres ident as long as it lias uvir been held by any man. I have no claims to the office. I have had my share of it, and have had all the honors that can be or ' should be given to any citizen." Xow if any man can extract out of all this a declaration against a thirl term, the saiue nam cotihl have drawn the same ' conclusion from (Grant's U tter to White, ami it is not pretended that any one ever put upon that production a con struction so lame and impotent. The Viceroy himself was nut deceived hy (Grant's disclaimer of any additional honor from tlie people of this country, 1 cause it is stated that from the rest of the conversation "he was not con vinced that (Jrant wouhl not again ac cept the o'aiee." (Jrant has never said, either in this country or in any of the countries he has hen visiting, what it would have In t n very easy for him to say, that under no circumstances wouhl he accept another term as chief magis trate of the American people. lie v ill never say so, and about the time he re turns to this country tin re will he pub lished at Washington the first number of a journal projected ami owned by capitalist in Xew York and PLiladel piia. and to In- issued for the express purpose of advecat ing his nomination for a third term. How the almond eyes of the Viceroy of Tientsin would spar kle, ami what a bland ami childlike sini'e would suffuse his face, if the guerilla Mosby, consul to Hong Kong, with a ropy of the third term orran in his hand, should explain to him throui'h an interpre te r the p,T.,se for which it lias ii e n i;he.I. Tne yellow fever has Wen on the in cnase in 'mpIl:s during the week ending on "Wednesday last, the deaths averaging seven per day. as against four previous to that lime. One genuine cao resulting in death on Monday oc Tirr: Democratic state Committee i .. . . ...... . . 1 1 r i i ..... ti ei ... i . f - . ! in , .--.-,., i ' i ... . , ..... .. n., , u.iiiiii.iii, l.niie -Miller,, to meet at IW ton's Hotel, Harrishurg, tit 2 o'clock, v. ?r., on Weilnt-sdav, Sept. 10th. A full at tendance ii n. 'pi Cited. , . . -v- j . , . , ... , . i ne, i n, revolver and the ' Ol I ree etoi ;U"S tiom 1' 1'V s war-es f n in v '", niioum i icei I'0 11111(111 11. I . cm u-d m ;cv.' irleons, tlie victim being "-n ad van. t- within tw u-et oi each other be- o ,i-ut th i,i tv l o i ?. ",1--fS ; therefore chreifnllv at d hr.-n-tiiv an'tkd Agknts kois Citt axd Stvte. I,.;f fit ill r , . toreany more fh.Hitnut toofe place. Ih.hbins then I 1 tlie J:Utei l'a'l UlCUlTetl at a i "'u'.' CilieilllllJ aiiM lie.Utllj Colli- I y limited Illl'llhiT of first clii nnna.r9 tlie wife of the well known cedifederate ttr.-i. hitti-, itnrns n.the :'m.nn,i u, return re" neighboring grocery. i J"'"l "op Hitters for the good they I for the 1 (;e ne,-a!, John P, Hood. ZTi'X.VV ! Kris dispatch to the London ' Jf, MiuU. lirmly "Ann,,,,! ?lM.'worW witl, el'e-it' " i,y when the latter all. bet raising himself shot ''''?'')-i7 S.HS snine French fat hnl ir- . 'Heving t he-V have HO equal for family 1 John Kussell Vniuig. Pul.lishiMl hv Sul- hi One of the most honored names in j this country is that of Horatio Seymour, r ' t -V- "X - - I . ! ex-iioveiuui ui -e 1 um, nun p.--"- j ing the evening of a life well spent in l peacefiU retirement on ins arm , nia, 111 mui, ianr. l uiu ...-.- . name was frequently mentioned m con- , tn-d:iv the most nonular man in w York, repeated efforts have been made bv the leaders of the two factions into . . . TVt;fl mrtv 1n T,...t which the Democratic paity in xnai State is unfortunately divided, to prevail upon him to accept the nomination for "1 lZjZt j - "..-w., j in the ranks of his party, and thus place the result cf the I'residcntial contest in i vn.,rivnn,inrMmiiil1!( - - - nonui. jui .1 ian "i. has been the invariable renl v. t;ur pur- lose. however, in now referring to him i is to vindicate, throncrh Edwin M. indicate through Edwin M. l.U imtriotie services to his h s patriotic sciMos to his in the dark days of IMj.i, when Stanton, , ' - i 1.0 tvw I ..-c.iiii at New ii-k- r.Vf'll " v -" v " - , , . , , . . i publican editors, whose ignorance is only eiiuaiicu oj tneir mance, as .i "copierhe;uI 7 during the war opposed 1. . . .. .. ; 41. .l.r, l.A.i.-f l-JTllO tivlmiKton .111! n:ill with the South ; and all this in the i J'"-c 1,1 vn nmmu iw .m.. .n.w. i who is at all familiar with the history is at all familiar with the history of the war. Ulir 111(1 to St reilgl. CIl . . , . ' 1M..5, just i)cioretne "What (iov. Seymour the government in i name oi ceiiysourg in amy oi mat lrg in Julv ot that I vear, and which was the turning point ! in the war, is but conclusively set . ' .- r. i "n in uie iouow mg letter to nun nom i r. Stanton, then Secretary of AVar : I Confidential , J Wah Df.i-ahtmf.nt, Washincton. June i. S Dkak Sik : I cannot forbear expressing to ; "'" tbe deep obligation I feel for Hie prompt . and cordial support you have given to tlie : I Government in hi preienteniergency. The , -ny and .1 i oflieiatly to aektiow ledge witbout arn.pitiiig ' any personal claim on my part in sucli ser M ' ' 1 .o iii Ml 1' e i iiiot i 1 -hall he happy to be always esteemed jour friend. Knwix .M. Stanton i His I;x'-"'''"'V Horatio skymoi h. , i ,AV,,lf" ,,isI h'tUr W;!S written the I rebels under Lee were swaiming down : the ( 'umbeiland valley towards Harris- ; : burg, where consternation and dismay : reigned supreme. In three davsat'ter- wards the battle of (o tt v.-burg began. ' .,,u.r .. y as ,,.,. !;i,f ,v,,. t...r n.n.i 5.,.i.. i ., t;,..,i,. w.'.ti.... u. ; send to the upper i'otomac in pursuit of ; j lac's retreating army, regiment after : . rL"""!1 .of .'i'.y-.nIisU;,l tr.M. couhl j i 'e M-rii i.iss:ng i ii in ui; ii 1 1 ii i i :soui g .1111 1 , m the valley railroad to Chanil-ers- j lmrg and Hagerstown. These regi- , 1 nients were the swift evidences of the . '"' 'y- activity and patriotism" of j 1 two Democratic '-copperhead (.over-1 nors-II..ralio Sevmour. of N'ew Vork. and Joel I'aiker, of Xew Jersey. How to I'o It. They know how to do thinps over in Cumberland county in a political wa-, says tlie Ilarrisliing J'"trint. Tlie Chairman of the Demo- 1 cratie Committee of that county, Mr. M. c.uswiier, 01 .MceiianiesiMirg, cannot in excelled as an organizer ami political worker. He has just issued a circular which is -riven below and which is com. mended to Democratic Commit lees everywhere a.s a model document of its kind: tlruiiif 1 ..Tf,.j ll,..,n, . ,. ' 11 1 r. i. ci'..'i!ni,in 1 A 1 11 o : i ne seciei in siieccsslul worK is in kimwitirr 1 what to do, atal liuw to do it. The uliicct of tax assessed to t"em ami paid. This is fic- nae..::y ovciiimikc.,. :i?vmir seen that a l are qualilied to vote, we must next rotnein- j her that November 4 is election d:v, and : that all tine Democrats w ho love their' c iintry and their party should turn out and i vote. This is an otf vear. and our antagon- i " 7;",nt,.on our aiwtliv anil uuhtrer- ern e to allow them to win. 1 his mast rn.t he .No vantatre tzrotiml must he surrem er- ' e.l to the enemy. A Kei.nhlioan in the ' ists will count on our apathy and iinliffer- roMMiTi,-.K, Mr hank stun. ;. .tl-Mist 1-S 1 ,"y V V . - l, oy a -..t. ls7...-,r'.v;r: It is of the utmost i!nI i 1 . X' 1,K' ,S :Vkl!'- K;"."1 . J"'"" tH.itance that the wot kovs of the Democratic ''"('s I;,,t '"terlere with tne other natty be vigilant am! active in this eatin.aign. I tret's growth." It's the skirmish line of the great battle of i An old letter containing n tive dol lssii. and no point shonhl he left umvab -lied, 'larbi.lon the bank of Hagerstown an spot ui s ollice would he hundreds of votes' At MrMIetown, Pa., on Thursday urer, ottered the resolution that was for a Itepui.lieaii President in lssa, hesi U s ! iii-,ht , an attempt was made to rob ; passed in that bodv, prevent ing the con uicidciilahle injury to the local interests of i .la col) Steel, Collector of the Penr.svl- ! sideration of anv resolution on tlie ei Ivp cue i!'t winliwn, 'i'o ,H'11,,il,,!o I vaiii.i Canal Company. After striking 1 subject of bribery 'and corruption in the wif will vva;u lCXZu '.vcral on the head with a ' Legislature. Mr. Wolf, who attempted see that no illegal votes are polled against ''hint instrument, the thieves became to get .such a resolution before the eon- us. documents and speeches ami u paper he lii.erally ilistriimted, so that the l;i. a. issues jp,- .lay may he ulauilv Tut be fine the people. haulers he emp'lc.yed no vi in in -ing in rue pons the invalids and ail others who would otherwise he unahle to get there. evervthhur he done to slmxv that the great fiaudof ls;ii must he witu-d nut, and that mi military dictator, with his army ami subsidized satellites at the polls shall control the hallets of freemen. every man know that this is a fight between Democratic lihertv ami insidious imperial ism. Very respectfully, etc., M. (it swii.ku, Chairman. I've t.F. .1 KF." Ol.sKKV ATTONS. Sliealiilirr i.f Paniel (). Hair. I ., un I 'cmocratf can- innate I.. r .-i.ue l reasnrer, Xeii;Ier's Ih-.tier If"ru!'i of last week savs : Ve liave srtven more th in attention to ' onr fwhnt !,. the .nl.;ie fe.-lins was i in r.-jr:ir. to .Mr. IV ( . l!arr.onr. an.ii!:it- ... St:ite ' I re:i-:tr.-r. In .'oinur -o. we were irnitilie.1 to timl ttie li. inoer.o v :i unit in I is ::.; an.i l-o that a reinher of tt'..i.-.en.t.-nt i..on'.:ii? h:ive .-v.r.-seeii ' a 1-relcrenre tor hi in. That he is ti c-Titlema'n of iinex.-cptionul private worth an.l -i.'eo.l,,! l.ii?,.,... iiin:in Mtion i.- a.Unitte.l even hv his politienl op nt. He leh n-s to no "rinii" or "fuel ion. an.l heinirot lln.lonl.te.l int.uritv. he wo ii.l hrj. j to the .lir. harure or jothlie duty a';i honetv ,,f j.,".. pose thnt woi.i.l he a nre rnarinree that the intAr. e?ts ot the people, he fe:Uot:vlv ( tor I nir rea.lors know tint we were sa.nmiv in favor of his no'tiinati..!!. heeinsc onr intitnaev w i;h him as. fiire.l ns noh.-tt. rs.letion eonhl h- ma.le. Shoi, : he ! rieete 1. nno wc eaniotlv he je-iv I e he will ec.or np.ti the ,1-it -,es of t he , .ftn-e n ntra lil !"! ly the .. tnere iHti -l:in. a n i nn nwo.l hy their Ir -wns. Thi i' ns it honi,l he The ilianity which pertains to piil.Ue p .-i;i,, c,,nI "ists in a laitlitnl .lisehanre ot .tnfv. a:..l not in the personal inter. -f ithrin's to the' Ineumhent in the jmrer days ot the ivyinhli- mm went into otrtee poor ami came out the Mm. In later . .vs thev f iro in p.i.ran.i roiu.? out ri.-'.i. The noinncition .if ' Mr. H:.rr is a move in the riiiht il-rc tton. Hv it ' we are ii'mr.-.l Ihe puMie int. . rer are once niore to 1" reirar.le.l a parono-mt to n'l othr eonsoier- ' atiotis. lA-t the c.ple act aor linelv. ' ' , duel in Kansas on Friday evening last : I Aeent desk I- i-. lav nisht i territ.le tnure-lv wi erneted in Wyandotte rmintv. K ltl'.is ten mil... troin Kansas eity. resultiliir in t lea! hs of James 1 ts.l.hin-an.1 Mi.-1-..i! B-trns. ..I.I fa.a....r. ,..i ,.... lent-o the eonnty. There had been a ieud often : o'li!. s'an.nm; oerween t let-ioiil day I.l.l.j:is and Hitrns met on the lin-iiM... ol .1... I in Fri- ; o... . ...... 10-mm, 1 in;, s mei on ttie premises of the latter and atter painir a few words b.-nn "!i....t. ma at ear-h other. 1 1 was a deadly d n.l wi th t he : woes and laniiiies of both ns rs lh,! oprn- t tire by . n. '.in- tw. bails int.. the .j,ie of rThe 'J'i.r: -!"''"" hin.i the Hie neat eaefl other with eli.l.lw.rf . '. V " "' n.'i i in a iiratn srran- wite o I iiootii . ...... v 1 ' ". . ' i s. 4 u ti . is been the scene of maiiv blxiy encjuiiterr. ns tro d to assist her h!il an,l hut , : frrate to the Tshm.l nf P.innn -t, I ain,,:!; wh I they will found a Catholic Vol on v, ,m- i A ba . hJe'eThoio ! 'V'rlrH;Uon of the Jfarqnis Ie Koyes. ! to jump i. we,i by itui,trei: raider, aiter the "s!. 'kii.. "r I , ' " V'1 l ""' Heretofore rejiort- ! buildiiig ii re n -e uurin1' I lie ea Iv ..:.r .. .i. . ' n auouL I o sa II I rotu ! iw n me. i.,..l,.r- i i. l... TfElYS A5D OTHER 50TLNGS 0ne McCIoskey fatally stabW John . . - . T T . i paharr, at rnaunx, Arizona, lie v s ; subsequently lynetieu. died recently in the south of France, i nliArs his nn rents :ire now residin .i, nn-piits :irp now resumier. jie jg g0u to Ohio to siieak for twin? ; vprv cne hives ahout Biwkville. j -Here it is again V; . a young g 'V,1 h 1 oil' attempted to light a hie with coal oil, ! Thl,rsd.iy afternoon, and was burned to tjeath. Sunbury papers deny reports that ,iave uen published that the Molly coUnert in jail there awaiting death have made a conression or uurai- ; em.(1 to mjp ;1ny. 1 Mr. Iavid J-ox. of Green J.ane. ! Montgomery county, who lost mice everal weeks ago with diph- j . b d two more from tlie p;im( ime cf nMllire.n,v Owing to Ins overty, .Mr. (.eoige AV. Jones, at one time United States j AV. Jones, at one lime i nneu r.aies ! Senator from Iowa, has U-en forced to nomination for Sheriff of Du- ; l(U e conty, that State. ; hu,nie county, tnat taie. l.'l..,. .iti.i-l.nrv n rei I . Tfll in i.n-n mhhiuu.j, - --- ! , ... , .., of Vllan-iirtli - t em sou im ei noseu. ;ini inu !,,, ,.nrnnlitted suicide. ; iiovton won the sw imming m.ucn j with em, at n, n. i - i t on Fri- t ii ' ' f.-vi- 11. IIIIV. Ill P" illirilKKMl in iiif- aurunMi ui..!. , U) bp taken out of tlie Water. , xV neeuie, wiiu a long nimm A needle, with a long thread at - tached, was picked out of a boy's back, ; tached, was pieko.i out or a ooy s .kick, : n Jmcatei, on .-.iuuii.iv. - .-"j'- iiose-1 to have entered some portion of I i . , i. ..l0 0,. ;.,f..t j his liody when he was an jn jj.Kkland townslnp, Ucrks conn- tv. there are live iamines in w men uie tv. tnere aie nve lauuuen m nn o mc i progeny thus far shows a grand total of i TL Th it v t Mho in. -r S families are much bevoad the meiulian j f ifo j The Abbe Liszt has liocn nominated i an honorary canon of the Cathedral of Alhano bvthe Cardinal Archbishop i Ilohenlohe, who is a musical amateur, and the nomination has been continued l,v the l'ope. ' rrVn . liil.tivn i.reil four and two VpA USZ f fin their father. Mr. William Logan, residing near Allegheny (.Hy, w hich thev ate, ami died live hours at terward in .rrefit :i'oii ; xhe Kab'er murderers at Lebanon are quarreling among themselves. One of them asserts that Wise, who has con fessed, offered him .."tHi if he would put Ilal-cr out of the way. Wise modestly denics the statement. A Canadian, six feet seven inches in height, weighing two hundred and eighty pounds, and measuring fifty-two inches around the chest, is visiting his brother in Ilydetowit ami exciting the admiration of all l holders. Mary I'erry. aged 74, of Springport. Cayuga county. X. V.. sat at tea with some friends on Sunday last. They were relating funny incidents, and Mrs. I'er ry, becoming convulsed wit h laughter, suddenly fell back in her chair, dead. IM ward Suilivan, machinist, resid ing in the Thiity-second Ward, Pitts- burgh, lias become insane through wor- 1 Tvmr .ivcr i 11 vi o 1 f irm -i lino., wlilcli lio had obtained patents, and on Saturday ; was taken to the Dixmont Lunatic 1 Asylum. Mr. Henry llcece, of Ibiffaio Hun, I Centre county, in attempt ing to jump from a stack of grain on to ;i hoard be- neath, made a misstep and fell upon ;i separator in rapid motion. One of his feet was terribly mang'.ed and nearly torn off. The West Ciiester 11, hi; has this: "A iilum tree on the property of John J. I'arkt-r, in West Coshen to'wn .i.i.. ;. ... it., . 1. l.-,,t; .1, i.sii:. i ., recently discovered among the mnstv documents in t he Columbia county pro- thotiotarv's ollice. It has been tlTeie for t we n t -1 h re e y e a r s . There are fifty-e ght cnal mines in the second bituminous district of Pcnn sy'.vania forty-one drifts, two slopes, and lifteen shafts. Twenty cf these mines are located in Mercer county, and the. coal averages from twenty-eight inches to four feet in thickness. The engine of the Johnstown ex press train, eastward liottnd, on Friday, nunc passmg the station at Ilaverlord ; Co lege. Delaware county, struck and; Kii.eii .Mis. M Kee, wile of HoLert M Kee, as she attempted to pass the j nl-it f,.v. ,,..,t, .... it r .1 . . 1 l,Utoim no:u track iK'forc the tram, .11.11 men ami ieu w 11 p.otu accomplishing their object. Among the people whohave recent- : ly reached Kansas is an entire Jiapt ist church eif three hundred members, le'd ny the pastor and deacons. With the families, the partv numbo red six linn ilred souls, lhev were from Delta I.a ' and reached their destination in a state i of great impoverishment. ; I.i.7ie I'.ompf. of J.ouisville, mtirried Joseph Drago when she was only I." years i.ld. ami within three months oh- f-iinn.l 44 .. . ..I., .. .I .ii. hi i. .1 l in sue w as un lied to hitn acnin bv n ior..inmiv o,..l this time six months j.l-.mseil l.r.f..T-a . siparation. she is now nearly 17, and 1'i ago is wo.img her anew. I. M "Henry , who recently failed in London for .tLlMm.fM)), lived" in Har mony, Hutler county from 1S1! to 1'J4. If he had remained there until now. the Harrishurg I'nlrint thinks I ncle Jake might have endorsed hi.s paper and prevented the failure about which so much is said in the newspa pers. Jfiss Antrobus, a young English lady who became a fat holic some' four or live weeks airo. is the sister of Mr. Antrolnts. who was for several years attached to the English Legation in Washington, and who. though hand some, talented and the possessor of large means, gave tin eve rything to beeome"a Iior priest. On Thursday night Fred. Keester, in Tro-uois county, 111., shot his wife with a shot gun, the charge carrvino- away her lower jaw. it, .. , , i lie then ?onililet- : 1A1 , ... "-I"-' . ...i : v lOlTl- ! ble inaiiner a.s she attempted to escape. Keester escaped. No cause for the io tn,... Will:,. T.- William t IV. lOurnevman Iml'ir liilled Jacob Jani-li nt tlif. imL-ni. n. l-itfor ., n.,.'-,.., .,..(- . . r , - 'in. iniiiii -londaV morning, bv rf'lvated blow inmn the head with" a li-itr-l.f.t Tl, 1 ill. i.t.tu a Hatchet. Jll eaue of the assault was the resei'Viitio - lv .1111. iiiiuii i. S ie ion and Povalists. wl-.o are frightened bv lllf I 11 1 11111. liav Ill'IPi-llllllPil To nn-ii i 1- 1 :u . . . . . . - - - the American ilag. -Henry -T. Rogers, the agent in the erection ot tne lust tcicgrapn ime in the world that between P.aUimore ana . . . . . -rw- , 1 Washington met on v euncseiay m Baltimore, aged ('. years, lie was suo- tlif X'nrth j AnSa TedegVaph Company, and was the author oi me cone ot marine sRnai now used in all ports of the L nited States. A peculiar feature about a stream of water flowing past Allentown is noted. It is a fact that although in the . i. ,.t ii.,. ,.,,,.1, Ctllllll lli ui .viiruiunn ii.i ! of the creek. j -tieorge ITerman a farmer, living 1 f)rw,Psln,rSV lmylkill county, , Was set upon on Thursday, by an ox . tliat iaci hecome mad from the bite of a dog. He was struck in the face by J OIie cf the hoofs of the animal and bad- ; ly cnt. Nis clothes were badlv torn, , 1(1Jle wn? S(,v,-ely bn,i before he . could tinaily escajie, when he returned ! and shot the infuriated beast. The Lutheran Church thirty yenis asro had oulv a scattered neor.le in this : countrv west of Ohio. Xow it mini- ; hers in the snmo re.rion 07 svn.wls 1 7l ' i;i,.a i i-o ,.v. .i -u-.t ijo communicants. In the entire country ; h-ss than a centurv ago there were only j less than a centurv ago there were on : 04 Lutheran ministers. The prese ; mimlKr is 3,l.M, with sm congreg ! tions and C.-..(hk) communicants. nt 1- tions and (iJ i.fHK) communicants. 1 Tir ,-..,,i-.r ,....,.1 - v , ,.nn ii uj.ic trie ui.u nni .a i i - ' i - -- : .... t i;m:i. nv-iv iv m mrri.t iinr. v i..i.i ! thev o-isroi's.i in.-ir f. i.i . storm came down like the wolf on the fold and carried the bridal chamber i-i.ixi . . , acioss r leicnei i.aKe. lucncneit ami JteiOS r lt'ir If'! I-ilKf1. lirCTH'H'il llllll none i- .l.-.i.t-.wl li.,,. t. , door of a cottager and were taken in. j On Thursday last, while e--(iovei ; un lnursnay last, winie ex-(over- ; ri0r Sprague was walking on the beach . nor Sp,-ague was walking on the beach i near -sarraganseit i'ier, i:. 1., his at- i tention was turned to a sail-boat con - i -. - t i t ; taming two men which ran too near in- ; shore and got caught in the breakers, m;i lv overturniinr. One man was nnany overturning. tine man was caught in the ropes and was under the 1 ' IT" .V,t0, "T , water, succeeded in righting the boat and rescuimr the man from drowniii"- A recent estimate gives to the : Catholic Church alnmt one-seventh of j lllP population of the earth ; to l'rotes- I tantism lietwecn twelfth and a thir- . teenth, and to Christianity as a whole a little less than three-tenths. Another authority places the whole number of Catholics in the world at 21t'...".."it'i.MMi. of which number Enroiie has l."i:5.4 44.mki. America "1.4mi,(. Asia '., -Vfrica, 1.. !..".( mi. and Australia A lady in AVhite Hull. Uurliiigton county, says the Indianapolis Jii'ni"L is the owner of a djg and a dove. Whenever she goes out walking the 1 1-1 t f A 1 t 1 narty return lioine. unless Towser is at- tacked bv some of t lie bad doirs of the Ixiroush. Then it Hies to a place, of safetv. ret ui iiiii to its lavoi itc most when the tus.v.l between the dos ;s ovir. Sixteen years ao a woiinui ;it Uridcrewater, Conn., was accused by a neighbor of stealing his watch, and her house was searched. There was no evidence against her, nor was she ;tb!e to "ret satisfactory proof of her inno cence. She grieved constantly over the matter, and of late, as she n-rew old and decrepit, she feare d that she would die without being able to clear herself of the disgrace. But the watch has now been turned up by a plough, in a held where the careless owner originally lost it. fieorge Thompson was on his death bed in a hospital at Lexington. Ky. He sent for a police detective and confessed that lie was a fugitive murderer from Tennessee, saying that he did not wish to die with the crime on his conscience Hut he soon rallied, and there being hojie of his recovery, declared that the confession must have been a freak of delirium, as he remembered nothing about it, and certainly had never killed any body. However, he had time before he died to confess anew what was found to be the truth. Edwin Smith, a farmer, who lives, seven miles south of Adrian, Mich., and bhick, silky' beard seven feet tAY and who is ion v-scv en vears ot age. has a half inches long. A.s his height is six feet his whiskers sweep the lloor when down, though he, of course, keeps them done up with hair-pins and bands most of the time. H is twin brother, Edward, lias been twenty years in raising a beard live inches long. Edwin attributes the wonderful growth lohaving clipied tho fuz from his face when a child. He is a well-to-do farmer, and would not think of organizing himself into a show. The Hrookville J mon-at says that Hooten, the present chairman of the Iieimuliean State Coir.niittee, ami w ho wis a ilele.'aie to tlie eorventieu that ,ts,i iitltHU to un ioi.mihkii 11. .il nomiuate.l Mr. UtitUr for State Tri as- vennon ami laiieii.dias taken tne matter to tlie courts. A little Hoot en kept the subject out of the, stalwart platform, but no amounted' hooting will prevent its consideration bv the courts. uoe jiercncs itscu 011 me nogs nea.u VoN m,,i.tkk as a Soi.i.iiti:, Tliis n and tlie latter trots off liappy as a lark. I mnrkaMe ;ennan chieftain is the e,rc;itc-t The l.ird holds its position until the . living Mildicr. I i.- lias a con.-t it r.ti.iii'i.f iron. ir The Kevsville (Va ) Jrrnhl PaVS tl,r"a'. W:-' lisinlerre.l ia the old St. .li'.lmV l.tirv ! thnt enmo fe- lie P T Ciulr Insr cmiin.!. w itli the view nf rein tcrrinir it ill ( 'h1-11- tliat SOllie lCW ll.iys .IgO Jll. I . .1, till g- ; vary tVmetery. at Haheoek's Corners. The work orv was called to see a little two-vear- ol'l boy who was suffering with a pain ' in his hip. The little fellow would cry out with pain whenever he made any sudden twist or turn of the body, and ; his parents could not iniaginethe cause. , .... .. . : .1... .1 .1: . 1 ' e.;i in i n;i i ion, i ne tioiiui u imi in ei en tin-nu liii.i tn lliinl.- licit, tliero : v:is a tiwlli" nv smnethiiiT in tiie flesh 11 -l t . j .iii-i ny I'lrwinx ine i-i.o e iiiio uin nn- gOlS the lioint of ,1 r.eedle made US ap- IH'arance. tatchingit with a jair of foreejis, he pulled, and brought to light a whole darning needle, about two and a half inches in length. Important ti Yiiteks. The next election in Pennsylvania will he held on Tuesday, the 4th of November. Veders must be assessed two months preceding thcelection : that is, on or be fore Thursday, September 4th. Voters must have paid a State or coun ty tax one month preceding the elect ion ; that is. on or Wore Saturday, (Jet. 4th. McihIkts of Democratic Stale, coun ty and city committees should see to it that every voter of our party has com plied with the law. Failure to pay tax in season deprives the voter of the right ef suffrage. An .v c.,,....,. ;., l.:.. i .i . , . in im v. ii oi i i n nur, u i' r: l r , .,..1 " I M 1 1 ill IlS-if-Skf'f! I 1MIT " .f.-e.-v-cu, out inu m-gii.-1-i. niav Ciltise h trouble. - WICKKD Fein ( '.KHf;VMi:X. "I be- lieve it to be all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or eithe r public men to lie led into giving testimonials to quack ...-v......,,.. ..m.-, iiiiini, . bnt wlir-ii :t r..-.ilt i-i-ii-it..-i.-v,,t; o.-tw.l. made e,f valuable remedies known toali,' I mat an physicians use and trust iniacluI. ilailv 1 will not be without them.' -, "Washington, I). C. shful South Hend girl refused from the window of a burning went back ui iter ntgiit uress r r.HN.i to put on more ch.thes.and : w a- burned io death. Fct ovKn.-The i-,oi , - : -iU'snhtaiitiate the fact T)at v!l(.n Wf. rnlure Hie price of a suit e ,.i,.i!.n from 5;;.r.o to $2.75. wo are never out , c,f theui : . . ., - Tint lu.ii v reduce the urice or a suit OI ; clothes from ., to ?:.,, we always have , - - - , ,p. ff fc suit of j (.0(Jp, from ?".ro to ?1.,H', they are always j ! jn 5t,H.k . j ; That when we reduce the price of a suit of j ; riot lies frun j.T". to ? ..7."., we can always ; ; find theni for customers .- ' Thnt wlien we reduce the lirico of a suit Ot - ' 1 ...11 tui,i. cioines i roiu i c . . - i : li"'d throUL-hout. and are saleable, desirable nnVu s!unns from r-o. ,,; In , C(U-d from .L. up: in cassin'.eres from up. In cents' furnishing c-nls : wo ,.nn s.11 white laundried shirts 4-e. ; up: calico shirts from uoe. up: undershirts . and drawers from l-cc up: suspenders from -1-: llf from 4r ,, : hats from : ?P Zm" Kemeniber we are sUiu'diterin" summer i clothimr. straw hats, etc' iiforder to close out , all kind of summer wear at the New ( loth i inn Depot, uan hleventn avenue, which k'"vn .'r and near as the cheapest house in i V". lIa'"'' n T.nV w's.1 1,1 "'' ! " ' '" ' M"-"' ...... ! ' Chahi.ks Simon-, ' In Dr. Christv's BuiMi.e.'. in rear of Logan I louse, Altoona. la. c-hifk .Ti-ti. k Thompson- s Thamp. 1 1 . t .1... ti:...i l. ; . oi n- '"in irm ui i m- i n p"iu -u u , ' :. r -VI. l !... r. .11,.,,- : 1,1 j - ! -Apro,. of th o tniniri Inw. :m ini'l.'nt con lile ol" a vorv irroat m;in wh? nwlrtl with thn . l.nmi.t t.. r r.,m .w.iuimr. att. ini.m i.y mm. ' ' ' ,,:lrvul. ft-nn'in'" ( I niixn.,- irdin tnis ' nisirict. nn.i nun voucnni i.r a- ei-irnr irne in mmi-i- n-iniouhir AUuttli.. v,.... 1VM fi iMiivnrv. in-.n i.rinter iraj tr.itiii.imr 1. w w.v M.tirmn I'itt-- ! m. ;Z t"lXVv ' to tnwn tiKit i.o:t.-te.i i.t .-inic nrw.ii;i)pr. ! Lm'orV.'an ! "j;:; . h.hic .t the rni,.i..ycs'.i ti.eir t. n. m era ft - ; !,,:,n,t".,i,r,.v"v,'r 'i'win him n. wiii.-tn-r-.H I't-1. tln-v cus-'-il :i tew inllv lumr. unci tuned in ; ,t,o tram,.' i...t oniv a im.n of ai.intv i.,.t n m.-i. i:.n j ' inure tinui ..nii-i.iry m.-rit. wti'ii imu h. r.-.rri.-.i a rcrni.'in tiin which he ili-liirlitnil his cum- trI.'. with 'lr't inn fruiii tlio tx-t iintlmr. At .1 j Int.' hour tu' rotirnl. iin.l. when inrnin-.r cain. ' witli 11 iliOi rcnt nir lie ?..i.irlit Mr. Wlntlor. the 1 iiml oxpl iino.'. Hit-.-itii:i! 1. r..that he I wii. pnnilrs ninl hfi-hoppil t' .ii.tnin work, tmt j h.i.l Hiilr.l: that he H.f net wish to ilrfrin.l him cut (il t!i loni.i.nt .In.' for lil:riii:r. nn.l tlnt it he 1 xvmil.l tiike hiy (Into ami Uc. it until ri rli'i int-.i he j w.iiil.1 n-'.ir.l it as an act ot kimhic y" not to t.c fnr trottiMi. Why.' ?:ii.t Whistler, 'niv .l.-.-ir sir. the music ' too ma.le lust nlirht 111. .re e-.inpi ii-n'e.l me liTth- trifle ymi cive. Take vnnr flute with von. nn.l slmnl. I y..u ever l.eeome a'hle to pay, all riirht ; il not. there i no harm done.' ' j 'The next .lay tonii'l the "tmrnii- in Erie, where : lie ohtaineil w..rk, nn.l his first dollar earned whs ' sent hack to his new r.eind friend. Whistler. That '. 'tramp ha si nee been k nown to the world a - I 'H ief , Jiistiei'.Thoinpson, of the Supreme I 'onrt 01 l'enn- j sylvania. t'mliT the provisions of tin- present . tramp law" he mtirht have he.-n one ol the vietitns , who. In default ol heina: aide to prove that he was not a tramp, would have been incarcerated 111 tail . at separate and solitary eonlinemetit at latx.r'fnr ' and uurimrthe term ef one vear.'- I n.-rves of steel, and a wiil like the urin of deatii. ilei!t. reticent. uri.i.s-iiiiMiig. active. ' and ubiotuf otis. he controls his f.c.-es alluo-t , as directly :s h" moves the muscles of his ov. n body. His army, to a man, a!r;i.'t wor ship him. Smciimat'ism is his only j kysjen! '. trouble. a n.l he refers to it a an 'annoy;: e.ce. " . Many business men resemble him in his men- i tal and physical qualities and in his infirmity. . Pains in tlie limbs, back, head and side, st ill" ; joints, nervousness and unr.-freshiiig sleep i are sure signs of coming alllictiou. Kheu- ! matisni. liver and kidney complaints, bilious- ; ness. chills and blood disorders should be i cured before they become chronic. S.inda- j line is a certain remedy foi all theseailmcnts. It clears the blood, regelates all the f unctions : of the body, and rest, res perfect health. It operates gently, ami is pleasant 'o take. I Sa'K'aline Lotion cures rheunia'i-m. si.;vnoss 1 and all tu, healthy discharges. Will !o just i as recommended, used as directed, or money j refunded. Pri'-e SI. Ask your druggi-t. Erie, Pa., Nov. L'J, '7. Dr. iommid. We.-t , 11th St., N. V.: I want to let you know that ' the Jsan.ialine and the I.oti m has altogether ; rid me of my rheumatism that I have had ' these seven years, audi can certify that they '. are first rate remedies. You can refer to me. , .1. E. Wilder. Dr. lomnod's great medical I work, full of interest, over -e'l pages. Price ?I. Setal for it. " 1 Th;-: Si.kkimnc. 1I;:.uiy. Out in the I loo- sier State live, n y oung woman who has well . earned the title of "the sleeping beauty." in- asmuch as she has been awake only twenty , minutes a day fur the pat year. ' The St. . Louis Pfst-JixiMtch savs of her: 1 i 1 . Some Ovnty-tlirre miles .iNt.-int front Ktifuhts- 1 t..v.n. Iii-I.. in n il'Ti.c'i: -'.ttli'iaetit. tier.- is a he: oit i f 1:1 ynirii' n nninii. -otic t tvrnty-ene yenrs of , ae. l:iuu htT of I 'usi.'-r S.-iii.i ivtoi is ti'i ni 1 ap- . ie;ir:oiee .iiite ile:.. I, !i:c in l.t'.-ii in tteit state for ; : nenrly twelve months past. Shr .-..v.-tkens. ho.v- ei er. one ..-ery uvocTv-! .::r ho-:r-. pr.-'-;-ie.v :it t"n ' i o'el'H-k nt niirh't. :onl will eonverse with the f.o.nily j anil others for ahoitr tweiity iidnnto". when ?he will : .Tj-nin r.-liiii-e into ttie comnt-.s,. state mil! remain I so until ten o'clock the lollo'.rinr niirht. at ivhi. li hoar she revives M the mlnnte. throwing out her i arms an. 1 tol.linir Iwr h:oi. is together nn.l raising ! upon !;cr sho:;Uler u:it,l trio speet.ttors imagine j t hat her !o;:e ;.re i r.ukini. She renciias it1 tiiat ' laborious st.-ite t..r ti e spa. e of ten minutes, when !:e comes to n perfect posse-.-ion of tier faculties. ' A singular feature of the ease is tlie y.miiir laity I ; reeollvcts well if any promises have heeri ma.le her : , the previons nilil.aicl wilt he very freftel for a 1 I time if ttcy are not fiiltilteil ; l.tit it "tne ti.ii)::s are . hronnht her lie nciUes use of none of th.-m. as slic ; cats or ilriiiks little or nothiiiv at all. She coul.l never he pi rsnKjed t i stti'tniit to cat any l.nt i . ti.reo tt-m-s iuri,1!r tntrty-ttv., days, an-i th.n ,.t ' M'V," Wr 'hUM ,,",t 0:1 ' a,!-v ,,,"r' ,,,all oliil.I a vear ohl wouhl take. After e.nversin-' a ; tew minutes ,hi? rem yoiUr la.iy w,u"u,i tieuiy ei.ip hit natiosi loiret icr. i a row her arms i into tlie snuir munneras when n wakrninit. at". I will I return into tlie same somiiole::t state as he!o:o tin- ! til ten o'clock the follov.inu niuht. ' 1 A rKTriFiEn Bonv. The re ianins of a woman buried about nineteen y ears ago at I Albany, N. V., were disinterred the other day and found to he of the consistency- of I chalk. The Knickerbocker says ef the strange ! petrifaction : " Ye?ter.l:i- afternoon the ho.ty of Mrs. D'Neill. ! who (iie.l nineteen vears ot furalvMK ol the : ork I ol njietiiiiir the irravr was .tone nii.ler the .lireetion ef the 't":.'l wo nan's ihinhti-rs, who etiiihvcil ' -nr. .i. n!iivan. tit.- Keeper ol the ohl eemeterv. to clear away the earth. When the eollui was reach- el. it was ton n.l to he very heavy, unit re.imre.l the unite.l strenirth ot three men to raise it. I 'pon ....... ...iK .ii. . .i . 1 1 iiit .liiiii crt-.nie'i it. -ell. The from the knees to the ne k was as white a? marhle nn.l of ahoitt tlie eonsisteney of elialk a trill.- harder. From tlie knee's down the hmhs had entir-lv dee.ived. leavinir nothinir hut thedrv hones. The head had n lso em ir.-l v a.. ... , v.i 1 111 leavintf enlv the skull. The huriat varment- h. i almot ertirely .Issapjieare-l. leavinst eon- ?t'I-rnl-ly expose.!. Ihere was a ,al of crite- inent at ttie .leeoverv. and Father Wnlph of St John's el.nreh w;ts hastily summoned, and lie sent ..r Professor Hail, of the I Jeolo-ji. al Institute, who thoroughly examined the l-mly. scrapinir it with a -.1... ... , i i.i I. ii it ms r.-au pen men. ne re- j... i u.. . i ; as a c-ise oi fie. nn eat I on :;eti as is rarely ,nvn. He was of the that in a tew more years the l.ody wtil he as koIM and as hard as marble. Mi.TitT. lutil IrrJf zdtc relates the followirc : ing A few miles from Wilishurir. St. Franeis ty. Ark., lirert a wi!(iw nampl Hanimrtt. The : had two (frown sons, was eoniieild "to emidov a yonnjr man to superintend farm lahnrs ,M"r llammell n nsahont 40 years of aac. The 'laborer was. a mere hoy, hut an attaehment soon sprnn"- tip lietween the widow and the youth, which emH ed in a matrimonial proposal. The weddintr l-- wastixe.l. The two' sons. I, .'arin!? of the mat ru monial arrantrements that had been ma le bo- tween their mother and t he striplintr. called ' '4-7' 'rl!'A. ,J','"?'le. ,pr from. "i"riKe. j ; that she love.l the vr.nnir -nor, n a v,.ni.i 1 1 "n!!' inie tnrear?. rut the widow niiirmed - i . ,., . s .." "-.iiu , " haianls. The sonB went awtv. and at the appointed time the von..., n,-.n ... .,-.,,.! , tired tor ihe wedding. The minister eamo '.,.,1 friends were assembled. "Then nr' man' and . wife hid l.aiilty been pronounced, when a flah the 'I'low. followed by a loud report, terrified w.t- nomeu nn asiunisiien tno men. Another ...i... nur n-i"ri, an'i tne newly made bus band sank to Ine floor. The widow's vounirer r.r j ' ,T'cr."- He fii.i. t.t was captured. younuer son and nhortlv .. -rnur.i ii, e w i :ow s younger sen. in attempting toescpe. was sliot an.l o.i .'. sVXiZ seriition Iloik Department of the Auierican Xews Co. Apply or address Masaoku, Pittsburgh Branch. 5.? Xinth stri'id. Titt. burgh, Pa. Mr. (.evirge W. Owens, of Birniiti'dmni 'T,to,!u,(',1 a resolution in the late Ilunting- ' H I's',. 1 V " . " " '' ..,'on,:'n- was tabled and Oce-igc . shclvcel. Important Gil AND DEPOT, Thirteenth Street, - - Pliiladelph;- r"-llll j lai-ije increase of our 1 jt necesi-rn y 10 ENLARGE OUU PUEMISEs. Wc have been eraiiipe.l Hiid cr wdd all the sea ,:i !a ol our 1. ; ,ti , . alternative is to make some important alterations nd a 1 l;t:on- t . ir'v. ... , , , The only time to do this is .luring August and September, th" .i.ilv ... .., . To allow the builders to pet on rapidly with the work, some .., , t. ... ; , or sold. To save expense of renin cert a in stock-, to po-. cut ai.d !.-, ... during the alterations. w have conetnded to ..tier many .d our a !-at . r . The whole of otirsto. k will he tvund to 1- murk.-.! very. try 1 c. TIIE CHEAT ALTERATION SAJi; COMMIiNtliS I.MMi:i)lATi;i.V. I lur price? are always at the very lowc-t point, a n I nt ttii- t . me, t . :i , . in price, we should not press our st . k t. sab- hut to jjet tlie a Is otit ; the n EXTEXSI A'E ALTERA T I ( )Ns And Improvements to be made to tic ! ran I 1 lepot. It is unnecessary to sny that the .inlitio- of our i;.M.d- nre t'ie !.... ''.'. - .1 lose reputation by selling i. or or iiiijicr.'eet M.ds. The well km a rut. - .1 , 1 turn ZMoney obsen ed by the I trim. 1 l',.ot billy protect oUr en. ton. .r. nv :. .1 up thi? great buine.c?, we are very cart-till t keep h.h1 l.iith with ourpHtr. inir on us. Wc only add that it will lc to tho interest of the people in city or . ,u:;rv , GREAT' ALTERATION SAL. Silk?, Ire- (toods. Trimmings. :, n 1 everything in I.a lie-- and lei: thd . . v. ln larice or fiuall .inant it ie-, promptly forwanbd by mail or " ;r.--. :u. i ... but even then, il not ns expected, cheerfully exchanged or ttic money r.-bu. !. ' v . . card, speci fyinir wdiat you desire, and samples, withfull i:i-Trcei ...j. : . . you, postaire paid, w ithout any t litigation t piirt ha-B it prices are not , . j iliate attention, address M All. I K1'A It I'M I..NT I'd It S.lMrj.ltS .IMi-.ii SI'-. "Lias 111 in Ivor. i ; i ; , : ; - ! is , ! - , I '; 1 111 1 Thirteenth Street, REAL Fill WANABIAKER & BROWN. 'i'lic- 1 1101 1 ;li t l i 1 1 and lir-. i-i7 1 1 READY-MADE CLOTHING Will weewillicviMi hut little coiisidei-ation t:i:c t!.,- .'.d:.. anatnalcer A' 1 irtiw n i in ri i. -: " i . i : i ; . . ; - . . . :iilv:.iit ;!!::- 1 its; patrons. Ti--- ;Mi -ni-t in siipiilviiig e.x-.lrs that lii-.-jl Properl.v .Afntlt' I '. Seeond Mnlorisils fSIii-inilit'ii. Tltivl lixoolloiit rii lil. Tl ii" ciitancl liiiisln.f oui-.Men's and IS.iys acter to n t l-a n lc t!i ORDINARY Wc fouicl out lotiir avrii hy ae-nal exj cri. r.e. - are hy n.. !!i.-:n ... r.'i:;i! !.- a- tl.... c Neither win M cut nn.i r.-'i-.-ral to our own c::r'--;::i ina' ... PRODUCER AND CONSUIKl. Are hroiii! ht in ilireef eon t.n. t. a a-! n - a coiise pece the latter re.o. : . BOYS' ANi) YOUTHS' CLOTHING Tii i.-s f -rt n a vry ili'.'f:iiiv tine tlint n a very e. oi-oierr, hie p. .rt :..n oi oar Pa - i :o --. a c t v.-e f; r, . , ie that weal wa; oiler tlie II a lei - . .u.e -1 a a i lie-1-1; : - a. a ( i '..'- k" LOW PRICES Tt ii'tt nlway iiictm z' v.'ilur. .in Inkt'ii into ;i Tt.niit. iv mp- : t!io jiriots t' V1IH1.-I1 dfM-ors On it. 11 k.w OUR STOCK Kspeeially in thin irooiU, .suited I th pre. : Iroai A o Keinain, Very TTANAMAKE11 & B1IOWN, The Largest Clothing House in America, IIAIjLi, - tixtli siinl ZMsii'Iifi. IM1IT.ADKI.IMI1A. i-r. Tilt: L i i l kJ 1AU Will npen nt tltrir Knililinsn ami THURSDAY, SEPTEIBEU 1, lfT- Anil rniillnnp open. lay an fl i:rniiis;, hmtila.i in ejifrl. i:i:'it SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1375 (Greater Attrartion thi yer tlmn nj pretinns ne. A perfect ritlci or tlie Arts, IntliTi-sti-, CJnltin-e riil Scioncc Will he ili.-i.layc.l with a prcvliirttlity never ) utteii.i.;. .1 in .. .. j THE I IM OSS!. M VMMOTII. or Siberian rtoph mt -t n , lenir til : toeether with nn iintii.ii-e . .lie tl..n of Wihl He i -ts -oil s' j fecure.l at enormous expense Irotn the Jlu.' oi I rof Whr'l a; I ' Irof. ;r. It. ( KOM ffr.I.i,. tlie Fnn.fei Ar.ierf vm Tr.iv, :,- w '! evenint- showinir the heant e-.- of i .ur.j.ean atcl taeri.-a n s :c-rv the,. I World, rivaliinr the wondrous t.eauties ol nature, and the splendor of n i'i. ns ,;: i n.-. jt . -. t, . . I a,V IM-ARI A . I hump: .n shot dim nn I l!i;!e .t- . t : 1 lni! ""'.'m fKfTKMiiKH lst, to I Ictoiikr , ..... ... ........ ... . UI. u. ... , A Qnartor Mllp Iliryrlo Track on lournanients an.l races. I Tlip Clcctric I.ilit will illuminate Floral H.i'.l and the Or en N I The threat Western Eighteenth KirlniKiii ii.. .. .i nt , i..- -. . . a . . . ... . lorm nan irr.nsi,.rtne. into a fa r.- l'l'i'ii'.'u wini ine rarest oi iiowers ami exotica, ti i s The Rnlldfnir tilled to overflvwinu with in l'lttslmrir. ' A ll'--MiTMHNT OF ' T"i'1T tlie mnnaement of a popular caterer, w he desired. FAcntsiox i.ti:s. ' t- mnnacer of the various Hail i;.-.i.t- eentr.-'mt in I'iti.l. at--e ' f.-!'fiti..n S.-iety. have made I'M'KFt 'F.l'KM Kl t'OXl 'kssfi Vs tu . cur:''"ns. 1,10 I'artieulars ot w nieu will heieatier he uiinounee 1. I , i frrncrol 1 ft III i SSIOJl to the JKjrh ibit toil . -i -f . . ! C,4lft,en 'p" than tirilve years Of age, . . .. iw. ..r. v.h. L. .UASAGKK. F. A. I'AKKK A-'S'T M NAflKlt. t.'it.v Onioo, Ciermnnin H.inlc Hnildini GEIS, F0STEB&0U1NN, 113 & 11.) CLINTON STRKET, JOHNSTOW N. I'A- ALWAYS Larprost niicl Chi'apost Jlot-lc Dry ixiTcl Dress Good NOTIONS, MILLINERY, CARPETS, ETC to be found in Cambria ur adjoining enmities. : ir por-et not the street mi 1 ' ' ' and fail not to i-ad, buy and be hap) y. OTICE. Dr. Alex. Tut. of st. -i-'! Auifiistine, Pa., requests pnrtiei owinn linn to call at his otliee ami settle their respective ae cunts on or brtorr fir 701 dmi nt Sr,,trnlu-r vrrl after which date his Ix-oks H . "it. jt u tn,. hanits ol an ofUcer lor collwiion. s--t Announcement Inisiness tints Market and Chestni; 1 1 11 ttt 1 1 1 'x Tiocti.ii m nl.iirsi- CT. ; 1 1 1 1 1 j. : CUSTOM! WOIIK. . tmt : t:..,.l sti ; j;v iirai'.-at-ii un ! : f n n -r to: kir.j. 'tight t nr .u : -hull oiiiy ,-'iv t1 IS EMOR(Y,OU 1 1.. :; 1... .1 t . n ! ur Ire 1 ! .... t I n 1 1 y . THIRD 1-7 JJjAI uo i. l.iu. (irnnniU in t!o 'it.i of 1 1 :-b lieny . t:a 1" "' ..-. :! : r -n r. N. . .:.,. a in; A Mi SiU .1 . 1'iN I i . i' ar.j c. a. r..u . the enlari:.'.! t;...i 1:K !m ke grotto w th ...i.. .,.... .... eis rinmy ; a:i caehan: . -urea --in-' mivt;i:!.. ..f ;: ' 1 " P11II.IC COMPOlff ill si; supply at popular prie. at! !'... t'-.e :iic r-lnvt 1 II At 1". TIIE- KK1M. M. D.. Pi 1-'' 1 I A M. X V sri Smnrnx. Khensbt-. la. y. .. street, ve-t ot .1 u! :an str.--t. . the It'. iir llou-e. I onrU-!t!''f - i' and Kimli.-h. U iaht calls -iiomJ ottlec. I. STCLASS CLOTH . WimhI Sti-.-. t. I'itt- oi:'-' ' im Mm m m ' mum ,m " 1 J ii