The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 27, 1879, Image 2

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    mam mm
VPf M.iUl
- JUNE 27, 1879. '
41 '
n(N R ATK TTt: '0 Vr.XTIO.
Tlif i-St. lit-Coiivi-nt i.m will i"j'-t II:trri-Mir'. UV.ln. !:'. th.- IMIi lav
..f .liilv. 1T". M ii.H.n. f--r the piir----'' of
ti..iirm:'itiii-a .: f-.r Miite 1 r.-;i-urvr,
an.l tr:.n;i. li..- ml h oth.-r Imimii.-s as tlie
inN-r.-t i.f th- partv r."iure.
Ilv ..r.I. r ..t tlu- Mat- onmittt.-f-.
i; M. M-t KK, liainnan.
11. L. HHtKKMIM H. f
r. .. i it- n i-.
1. ('. II MMHt.
r-tai H's.
Tiik tin nl.a k KxfM-utive State ( oiu
mittee met at Pitt-burs hist week, and
fixed "l"'11 Alti'!i; as the place and .Inly
I.Mh as tin- tinif f.r holding their Mate
convention, -which will be the day la-fore
tin- meeting of the 1 ).-niocrat ic State
convention ;.t llnni-l-nr;.'. An effort
was made l.y s-ine i th- meinln-rs of
the committee to n-.tninat- Heiidrick
H. Wright, that h. .rny-lianded s.m of
laln.r. f.r state Treasurer without the
t'ormalitv of a ri.iivriiti.iii. but upon a
Miir-estion 1 inir loa-le t!iat at least half
a il.ven - Uier well known friends of "the
toiliin; maes"' intended to mak a
vigorous ti;'!it in the convention for the
Tiomitiati-.n. the proi-ition was not a--rf
"led to. We express no opinion onr
self. lau -e we have li"t given the sub
ject anv special attention, but the im
presii.ii wo m-i to l e very general that
the ,r.eiil..i k party in the State is ra
pidly di-.apie:irimr. and that it will iig
liallv f.iil to l-!l as large a vote at the
not as it -lid at the last November
elect inn. f one thins there does not
sc in t be lunch doubt, and that is that
ih'te w 1 1 1 1- a very large decrease in its
vote in the anthracite coal region, wliich
was fort shallowed last week by a fusion
of the 1 teiuocratic and (Ireenbai k parties
in Lackawanna county.
I r is a great mistake to suppose that ,
when a man. after years of plotting and
counter-plotting, succeeds in Ix-ing
elected to the I'nitfd States Senate he ;
will discharge his part of the contract by
remaining at Washington and attending
to his duties. A great many of them are j
habitually absent from their seats, some
N ing at their homes and others in
,; i.i.;i...K.i,.i,i , ,.r Vew York s
a result of this absenteeism bv Demo-
cratir inemliers and the refusal of the
lb-publicans to vote, the Senate one day
lat week was w ithout a quorum and all
its business was arrested. Although
the Democrats have a clear majority,
enough of them were scattered over the
country to render it impossible for those
who stood at their posts to prevent the
Kipublican menilicrs from getting the
advantage. It is a shame and an out
rage that at such an inqiorlant stage as
this in the session. Democrats will so in
sult their cont tttients and endanger the
success of iinxn taut party legislation.
On a memorable occasion, when Thad
dens Stevens was t lie Hepublicaii leader
of the Iloiw. and when, ow ing to this
same habit of memliers ln-ing absent, he
could not rally votes enough to rush
through in his usual rough-shod mannci
a I-; measure, he uave a reason, origi
nal with himself, f. r his utter inability
toktepl is nun." as he called them,
in the Ibdi.-e when he most wanted
them, but as it might not In- applicable
to the Senate we refrain from stating it.
TltK tragic death of Prince Louis Na
poleon, in south Africa, an account of
which is published elsewhere in our pa
Ier. will c.nwe a feeling of genuine fur
row for the sad fate that has overtaken
him. and deep pity for his broken-heart -ed.
depilate mother, to whom Kngland
will now bring lack the b.l of ht r
ih ;:d son from a far-oil savage land.
The M ng l'liuce refilled in
eight .ars. was t w cut -t hrei
vears of
auc. ;
a I M
id I n -'In d his ftodi-s at tl
. iV -
M irv . l.iv r. oo
Academy ;.t Woolwich in
1 not hold anv commission
lie ,
in the l'riti-h army, but was 'rmitted
to join thestalT of the Ifoyal Artillery,
;unl on the g7t h of N'ovemli-r last sailed
fur sniitl. Africa, intending to join as a
volunteer the army column in .ululainl
tha.t was likely to have the shariK-st
lighting. Before sailing his mother re
quested him to visit St. Helena and 1h--math
tin- willow tree of his great rela
tive. NajHiIeoii. meditate and "ask in
spiration and counsel of t!i;it mighty
shade." and (ueen 'ictoria. when he
took his leave of her. placed upon his
finger a ring which fhe had remove.!
troni her own, and told the young sol
dier to wear it as i mark of her person
al regard for him and her kindly feeling
toward his late father and his excellent
mother, the Kniprcss Kngenie. Uriel',
brave and unfortunate has In-en his
youthful career, and with his death all
hoes of the iSon. (parte faction in
France for a restorat ion of a monarchical
form of government, which have never
li-en very bright since theestablishment
of the Ilepublie in lJ. miift forever
F.VKi! since lsi. when Maine in the ,
slang of the campaign song of that dav ,
"went hell In-nt for fiovernor Kent." I
until tlie present ear, there ha- U-en
n difficulty in finding a llepublican who I
was not only w illing but over anxious
to accept the honor of U ing pla'-ed at i
the head of the ticket in that State.
Political affairs, however, have umh r
gone great change within the last year j
in the Fine Tree state, and Jthe trouble 1
vith the I.'ipublican leaders now is to '
get a man with sufficient courage to I
Maud as a candidate for fioMinor. At '
the elect ion last S-ptcmln r, as will U- ,
recollected. (Jen. Conner, the J.Ypubli-
an candidate, was defeated, although:
be received more Votes than either (ian-e. j
Ion thr Democrat ic nominee, or Smit!,,
the Gieenl-ark candidate, and uii.h r ; I
Hmliar law of the State the House,
AThidi contained a majority of Dem- '
ic rats and Creenbackers. sent to the j
Senate the n.iiia sof Karct-lon and Smith. 1
-md that Ixidy elected Dr. tiarcelo'i '
."smith I s I fen renominated bv
s-ireMiback inn,, who claim that thev . ' , 11 V, ' U ls"
. . Ui ! demands the punishment ofihc coirui.t
will d a oeavier vote for him m S..w ' legislators who took them, or a-reed to
t. n.lf i' next than they did lasj year. ! take them, and that he will act aocord
I ne Di-m.--iats have not et held their ! inolv
Mate convention, and t he i; 'publicans. " ' ' -
as we lave stated, have thus far not ' IvtI.e lto,Pri:ni lil,r.n t n, r i
1 B,i,.,.f,.i : " .
.' , , eiimg i tie con sent of
an auiia:ie man n necoiiiea candidate ;
1 1 . . 1 1 i... .. .... i ...i .... . . .
ii. in. u.. .1.1 ur-iuen ht re-elect ion to
Congress last Novcmlfr i,v fiirch
ttreeiilKicri-r. is eaver for the n .,
tion. mil 15'aine is opiKiscd to his
tensions, and that will mle J.j.,,
-fudge Peters, who is regarded as
.strongest man, utterly refuses to h
trie use oi ins name m the convention
;tlid from a survey of the whole fi, ,
looks as though P.laine and his fact ma
have n-iw on tlieir hands a bigger an !
m-iie diilit ii!t contra' t than tle-y hae
er lia-l l loie.
Tiik l."i.'i-.l;tiv.' Appropriation A
va si-m-d by Mr. Hayes on Saturday
procuring another veto. The Army bill '
was stoil on Monday. When this bill ,
,us.. - d the house all the Republicans Imt
twlve or fifteen voted for it, and yet
when it came before the senate, t onw-
Iimranl itiaine tierceiy aua. Keu u
llllliHl.irmi iii;aui.i. 1 1 .-- 0 - - - .
ty-four hours. The singular sctacie
was thus presented of the Republicans
in the House supiH.rting the bill, while
in the Senate they bitterly opiosed it.
The bill contains, in lien of the Oth sec
tion of the two former vetoed bills, the
following clause :
That no numev appropriated in this a t is
appropriated or shall W paid for the subsist
ence, equipment, transportation or compen--ation
of anv portion of the army of the :
1'iiitcd States, to ! used a- a police force to I
keep the peace at rlie polls at any election
held w it li in any state.
This, although not an absolute rejH-al
of the law of l.-;... takes the life out of
it 1-y w ithholding any appropriation to
carry it into effect. It was all that the '
Democrats in Congress could get, and
will stand as a protect by them in the ;
name of the Democracy of the I'nioa
acain: -t anv and all military interference ;
in elections. The Judicial Appropria
tion bill was returned by Mr. Hayes on
Monday with his veto. This bill pro
hibited the payment of any part of the
money appropriatca to nepuiy
for services at elect ions during the year,
which could onlv be rendered at the-
election in California in Septemler, .
. . r
Wing the only election for members ot
Congress yet to take place. Hayes in !
his veto insists upon having Deputy
Marshals at the xlls, although no hon
est luemU-r of any party wants their in
terference at the elections. The bill
appropriates all the money required for
.Judicial purposes, and the only dispute
between Mr. Hayes and the Democrats
in Congress is about the employment
and pay of Deputy Marshals, and if the
Republican leaders in cities containing
-(I.ihki inhabitants want them they can
get the Chief Marshal tonploint them,
but they must foot the bill themselves.
The Democrats can't repeal the law
. i .11 ; r-.:..t f..l,ol
ni.-n auw.o,,.,- ,u ... .,..o... . .
l'oini iiepiiues. occause fi.niM.-, ...
their path, but they will never, so we
tielieve. appropriate a iionar to jm
appropriate a
scoundrels, thieves, and pickpockets,
like the Deputy Marshals appointed in
New York. Philadelphia, and St. Louis
last fall, w ho arrested thousands of legal
Democratic voters, and in every jxissi
hie way prevented them from exercising ;
the right of suffrage. The thorough
exposition of these infamous outrages
which hasleen made by the Democratic
memlx-rs of Congress, has made them
familiar to the people of the whole
country, and they will not forget them
but will treasure them up for the day of
wrath that is to come. This Judicial ;
bill w ill be taken up and passed again by
the Democrats through lmth houses, for .
they will not play into the hands of
Mr. Haves and his friends by refusing
to make the necessary appmpriat ion to
pnv the legitimate expenses of the Fed- '
eral 'ourts.
,Iu--t what shape the bill will take wc
cannot say. but the belief at "Washing
ton is that the original bill, leaving out
the ?i;ih.ihhi for the pay of Chief Mar- ,
shaK will be passed, and that a separ- !
ate bill embracing only the jiVMi.fHHi ap
propria! ion for the fees of the Chief
Mfli-hals will then le passed with a
clause prohibiting the employment of i
Deputy Mar.-hals and without making,
anv appropriation for them. Mr. Hayes j
can tin n have money tor his Chief Mar- i
shals or not just as he pleases, but he
canr.i t have deputies to browlicat and
prevent Democrats from getting to the
(allot l-oxi
It is now three weeks sinre the Legis
lature adjourned, and yet. so far as we
know, the committee of eleven apjiointed
by the House, with instructions to com
mence criminal proceedings in the Court
of (luarter Sessions of Iauphin county
ngainst Kemble and four other members
of liis corrupt lobby gang, has not had a
meeting nor taken any steps looking to a
discharge of the duties imposed upon it.
There may be good and valid reasons
for this delay on the part of the commit-
tec. but wc confess that wc cannot con-
ceivc what they jmssiuiy can oe. ir.
Wolfe, who was the head and front of
the investigation into t lie charge of bri
liery and corruption in connection with
the riot" bill, is a mendicr of the
committee, and although he iK-rformed
his whole duty, even if it failed to pro
duce its legitimate results in the House,
his momliorship on the committee of
eleven was regarded as an assurance
that Kemble and his infamous tools
would lie brought to the bar of justice.
While we express a reasonable degree of
surprise at the committee's delay, we
cannot doubt that in good time it will
enter ui"n a vigorous and thorough pro
secution of its apiMiiitted work.
In connection with this subject, it is
prer to state as a most singular over
sight on the part of the House, that
Avhilc it did not hesitate to direct the
roseculion of Kemble and his crew for
corruptly attempting to buy the votes of
members, it forgot to demand the crimi
nal prosecution of the accused members
themselves. Th" investigating com
mittee pronounced them guilty, and the
House by a majority vote, but not the
necessary two-thirds, also declared them
guilty, and Iheir i-scajH' from expulsion
was no bar under a plain pro ision of
the constitution to their coniction and
punishment in the courts. When Kem
ble A Co. are put upon their trial in
Dauphin county, if the District Attorney
is the right man in the right place, we
judge that he will not hae much difli-
cuity in ai riving at the conclusion that
" V -i "vioni is
; pies4rvel the reckoning of the
kecif r if
th- inn at Godalming at which Peter
the Great and his suite 1 1 went v in :illi
I spi n! ;-. lay on his way to Portsmouth.
.t ureaixlast thev coiisnmed l.:ilf
i siieep. nan a iainit, ten m)lc ts. twelve
I chickens, seven dozen eggs and the con
! tents of liv. large -alad lfds, washed
down by a gallon of brandy and two
I gallons ot mulled claret. At dinner. .
C.-Xt- Ik.iii-j 1. 41 .1 i ..
. i in iievoureti tnree !
stone weight or ribs of Ifef, a fat sheep,
a lamb, two imns of veal, eight cajions,
tc.i 1,1. ,"Kt.-. three doin ol sa-k ami one '
-There are twenty-six women prac
c-irl i.lavs the !
cornet in the South church, KtUUeld,
V. nev the lalwr agitator, is (
MI7 "f ' at his
i,ome in Schuylkill county
J has '
net at """ " I
.... - . , ii? i i ... - .-w I
IminMUsneu nerseii uv luting n
,7, -,,..!f in..,in rircnmfer-
n Fast llridireiKirt (Conn.) woman, I
who is insane over the loss of her child,
dresses up a cat and carries it about as
if it were a babv.
Robinson Howe, of Oil City, has
been arrestee! for the. murder of his fath
er Samuel Howe. The accused de-
i ir i 'nn urovp his innocence.
' (ien. Walker, who is to superintend
lie 1'nited States census of lsso. esti-
mates that the imputation will ie te
tween forty-six and forty-seven millions.
Henry King, colored, aged 7:5 years,
residing at Salisbury, Md., claims the
paternity of 41 children. The oldest is
."o vears and, the voungest two weeks
Homer Lacy, of Fort I'ecovery,
Ohio, while playing with a broomstick
on Thursday, was accidentally struck in
the temple and died in five minutes
Among those engaged in digging
the foundation for the soldiers' monu
ment at Sunbury is a man who served
through the war in the Confederate
A New Haven child's father eloix-d
with another man's wife, and its moth-
)anti The little olie g00s to the 1HH,r.
Thomas Grubb, a farmer who lives
lown U-low Oxford, this j State, has a
cow which recently gave birth to a calf
that wis1(1,i i.vj-,,,,, wi,en it was
three days old.
Near Titusville. Fa., when Mrs.
.lames jjcviih went 10 pin ner nve-j ear-
nlil linv to led a few ilavs acn he was
misoor -iri.i a twilio-hr' se.-iich found
him drow nwl in an eight-foot oil well.
Captain Goldsmith and wife, of
Boston, who are lnuind around the
' world in a small boat, arived at Halifax
on Saturday. They were to sail cm
Monday for Kngland,via Newfoundland.
, A Fort Atkinson, Wis., merchant,
, Thomas Brown, set a spring gun for a
burglar the other night. Visiting his
! store early in the morning, Mr. Brown
himself struck the deadly weajKjn and
was killed.
The residence of J. F. llevnolds,
near Joiiesboro, was destroyed by lire
Sin,(Vav lliRllt aml .llis daughter and
sister-m-law iensheil in the names
Reynolds was badlv
burned and niav
not recover.
A healthy and well informed woman
has lived at Laconia. N. II., for forty
two years, without going a mile from
her home, and she has not been on
Main street, in the town, more than a
doy.en times.
A black-snake six feet five inches
long, at Hutger's Bange, Pike county,
wound itself around the luitly of a little
girl and held her. Her cries brought
her uncle, who cut the snake in two and
saved her life.
The Birmingham (Ala.) Jixlrml-
rut savs that a ladv named ( rocker. Mr- '
ing in the Linn neighborhood on Five- .
Mile Creek, aliout tifteen miles from .
that place, is thirly-six years of age and
has eighteen children.
A little girl, ten years (if age. has
arrived at the residence of her uncle in '
Mt. Carniel, Schuylkill county, after
having travelled unaccompanied by rel
atives or friciuUs from Scotland to the
Schuylkill coal region.
The younger of the brothers An
drews, who together crossed the Atlan
tic from Boston, in the dory Nautilus,
last summer, intends to return in her
alone except for the companionship of a
small dog. He will start from Brighton.
The village of Sandy Creek, in the
eastern part of Oswego county. N. V.,
has been the scene of remarkable tcm
)erance agitation for several weeks.
( ut of a imputation of about fifteen hun
dred, over one thousand have pledged
themselves to total abstinence.
John H. Miller, a hsrt manufacturer
of Heading, left for New York on Mon
day of lat week on business, intending
to ret urn next day. Nothing has beep,
heard of him since. He was to have
been married to the daughter of a min
ister of Heading on Thursday.
Mr. Wm. K. Dean, the oldest prin
ter iii New York, and probably in the
I'nited States. ;died in New York on
Monday. He was boru Novenilier 24.
17S. and consequently was ninety-one
years old when he diud. As early as
lsl 1 lie joined t lie Typographical Society.
In Lcwisville. Potter county, ("has.
(Jridley was handling a revolver in his
father's house, when it was accidentally
discharged, the ball taking effect in the
breast of his sister. Her recovery is
considered very doubtful. She is four-
teen years of age and unusuallv prom is-
Daniel Christmaii. of JefTcrison
township. Chester county, is the father
of twin sons who. at S vears of as-e. are
so much alike in every resect that
their parents find theniselve puzzled to
know which is which. Alike as two
peas is said to be but a weak simile
when applied to them.
A terrilic explosion occurred at half
past 5 o'clock on Saturday morning hist
at the ore mines on the land ln-longing
to Stephens V I mover, two miles from
Kmaus, l'a. The boiler burst with ter
rilic force, killing five men outright and
seriously wounding four others, one of
whom has since died.
A French ladv. on stooiiincr to tako
j a drink of water from the rapids aliove
Horse-Shoe Falls, at Niagara, on Satur
day, lost her balance, anil falling was
swept down. Her husband was with
her. and the two together were on a
bridal trip around the world. He is a
manufacturer of fire-arms at I.iege, I5el
gium. .Mrs. I ott. the woman w ho is walk-
ing from Philadelphia to New Orleans
, and return in five months, for a wairer
oi .-ri.tsma snie. arrived at Atlanta, Ga.,
at " r. M. , on Saturday. ne thousand
leople awaited and cheered as she enter
ed the leiot. She says she is determin
ed to ifitorm the feat, and is now 2"H
miles ahead.
The re has conferred the Grand
Cross of the Order of Fins IX. on the
following Turks: Khaireddin Pasha
.l 1 y . . . . . '
rraixl izier: ( aratheodori Pasha
Minister of Foreign Affairs; Osman
Pasha. Minister of War; and Said Pasha.
I Minister of Justice and Worship, in id
j cognition cf their share in settling the
Armenian schism.
Of a family of six jK-rsonsat North
bridge, Vermont, the mother and one
son lately died of "cider tremens." and
one or two other memliers are likely to
follow soon w ith the same disease, the
result of excessive indulgence during
the Winter and Spring. The doctors
saj that "their lib mm1 is entirely changed
to an acid liquid."
- Morris Kmstein died not long since
at Tit nsville, and alt hough jutssessed of
considerable means, he ordered a plain
pine colVui. directed that his IhmIv should
If wrapn-d in a sheet, and forbade all
religious rites at t he funeral. He also
w rote his own funeral sermon and re
quested a friend to read it. llis wishes
were explicitly olwyed.
At Highspire, Dauphin coiiniy, on
Thursday, a colored boy named Louis
Hai'lcy. aged fourtten, liocame involved
in a quam-l with a white boy named
Tennis, eight vears old, whom he threw 1
...''.' '. . ' .
io im- crniimi ani ieat ami kicked in
such a manner as to can.-e his death in
a siiort time. Harlev has been iiiT'stei!
and loil-cd in iail iii default' tf jS-MUh-I
day nisht the wife of Samuel Miller, of !
Williamsport, Md., took a smoke. She j
ashes. In an hour the pipe had set the
use on n --
-A boiler exploded at East Texas,
Lehigh county, on Saturday, killing ,
about six men and wounding several j
others. The engineer, who was among
"V.,',,, , wr.:, ,wi, cain that the. !
boiler was a rotten one, and that he. had :
notified the contractor to that effect., ..v,..- . .. .. -.
The boiler was an old one, patched up ,
from a former explosion, in which eight ;
lives were lost. . :
The process of tanning a human :
l-t. l.oa io:t lioon iicrnmolishpd at a
morocco factory at I.ynn, Mass. Tyo '
skins, aliout one foot and a Hair square, ,
of white and black arsons who were ;
hanged, were furnished from a Boston
dissecting room, and the process oi tan-
ning was remarKaoiy successiui. iue
skin, as it now apjears, resembles a
piece of French kid.
liennis O'Snllivan, a violent char
acter living with his family at No. 1,014
Leithgow street. Philadelphia, cut the
throat of his wife Annie at their resi
dence Saturday afternoon. Mrs. O'Sul
liv.m ran from the house, but sank uim
Tnt lipfore e-mncr to bed on Mon-
the pavement outside and died in half i white, and his eyes, once a pink tint,
an hour. She leaves a family of eight are now a dark red, and they seem eon
children, the youngest of whom is only tinually on the move. His lody, legs
eighteen months old. and arms are as white as the fairest
' The Indianapolis Xcus notes some Caucasian, and the tops of his feet and
1 queerly-named ist -offices in this conn- ; the backs of his hands are as black as
try : South Toe, N. C. ; Congruity, Fa.; the ace of spades, and besides these '
i Nance's Shop, Va. ; Cut Shins. Ky. ; culiarities, he bas a double row of teeth.
' Democrat, Buncombe county. N. C. ; j He is a boy of more than ordinary in-
Mutual Love, N. C. ; Dismal. N. C. ; ; telligence. and attends schxl.
' Difficult, Tenn. ; Dirt Town. Ga., anil j The West Chester JtjTerirHian says
Tar Heel N. C. There are eight Al- j
phas in the country, and precisely the 1
s uite number of Omegas, !
" " , t
Feople cannot marry for fun in
Pennsylvania, as a COllple found to their :
sorrow at Bradford recently. A young i
lady who was soon to lie married got a
c-entleman from Buffalo to go through ;
the services with her just for the sport
of the thing. Now they find to their
chagrin that they are legally married
and as both of them are engaged to mar-
ry other i arsons iney are in an t-Atmi-
infflv awkward dilemma,
A rejected suitor made a last and !
ineffectual apjeal to the girl of his ,
choice as they were riding together near :
Newark, Ohio. She told him that she
certainly would never change her mind. (
"Then I want to die," he said. He got
out of the wagon, took the check rein
from the horse, walked a short distance i
into the woods, and hanged himself. ;
The girl, after waiting awhile, went to j
look for him, and found him dead.
Nelson Evans, whose home was ,
three Biiles west of North Manchester,
Intl.. attempted to go down in a well on ;
Wednesday. When alxmt half way
down foul air overj lowered him. and he :
fell to the lKittom, a distance of thirty I
feet. Another man tried to rescue Net
son. and he, too. got down aliout half j
way, when ins strciifrin irave way una ne
fell on top of Nelson. They were both
fished out by roics, but will probably
A lady in "White Hill, Burlington
county, X. J., is the owner of a dog and
a dove. Whenever she rocs out walk
ing, the dove jierches itself on the dog "s
head, and the latter trots off happv as a
lark. The bird holds its jiositioii until
the party return home, unless Towser is
attacked bv some of the oad dogs of the
borough. Then it flies to a place of
safctv. returning to its favorite roost i
when the tussle Wtween the dogs is
The widow Ashlock, aged 4S, lived :
on her own extensive farm at Elizabeth- '
town. Ky.. and one of her employees 1
was William Lewis, aged 1. She fell in !
love with him. and he doubtless fell in i
love witli her money. The relatives op- j
posed a marriage, and drove William
away from the place with guns; but the
determined widow joined him in Indi- '
anapolis. Imught him a new suit of ,
clothes, married him, and took him
Kaphaol's AiHillo'and Marsyas. one
of the finest works of that great master, :
isjin private hands at Home, and an effort
isnow making to secure it for New York.
As the M'lu-lil succeeded in getting ,
Cleopatra's Needle from Kgypt through
the lilierality of some wealthy gentle
man advancing ?PHI.(HHI, the Pittsburgh
l'trt wonders why the JIi mid or Smi
does not imitate the example aud secure
for the New York Museum of Art this
great painting V
William Pdake. a son of one of the
wealthiest and most resectable men of
Monmouth county, N. J., is trying to
starve himself to death at his home in
Allentown. He is twenty-three years
o'.d. and has sjient t wo years in Prince
: ton College, which he was compelled to
: leave on account of a spinal disease
which has made him a cripple for life.
, He has stoutly rejected for sixteen days
; all nourishment, except water, and tells
his friends he is determined to die.
A Felt on, Del., special to the Wil-
mington Ermi Kreni,i Fridav tells of
a mi range accident : vm x nursilav alter-
noon, while S. 15. Cooper, son of J. W.
Cooper, was driving near Hollindville.'a
Ixilt of lightning from a passing cloud
struck his horse, instantly killing it,
and threw young Cooper from the car
riage, but he was not injured. The ac
cident was a strange one, owing to the
fact that there was no storm at the time
and the sun was shining. Mr. Cooper's
escape was miraculous.
i ne Lancaster Hepuoiieans are
Having some verv liv
ively fights among
. 15. F. Kshelmaii
themselves. Messrs.
"ii'i liiii iiou ll.ll StieU ine .vcfr
Km of that city for liliel. The liliel
suit is based on charges made in the
Ar Km that, durimr a local election in
.iiwl T ? 1 l i v -
1STS the two gentlemen named solicited
the vote of me Michael Snyder, a saloon j
keejK-r, who was indicted for selling
liquor on Sunday, and promised him
that in consideration of his vote there
should lie no prosecution in his case
John Powers, atred almnt 20 vears
and w hose weight is over seven hundred
pounds, drove to the Head i no- Kmile of-
i- . , . ... ' . -'
fu-e the other dav and desired that i-aiH-r
to state that the rejiort now in circula
tion throughout the country that his
sister, weighing eight hundred and
eight iounds, is dead, is erroneous.
Mr. Powers states that his sister is just
as well as she ever was and is trainimr
steadily in flesh, and he iscontident that 1
lKth himself and sister w ill tipthe beam I
at jxumdsin the course of a couple .
nf vcnri ;
! of vears
Weston has walked awavin triumph
fr"in his Knglish conqftitor, making
r) miles in 142 hours, thus beatintr the
on record The functus
champion l-lt returns once more to the
Chitcd States. This completes the I
series of American victories on Knglish !
soil for the season. Parole, Haitian and 1
Weston. On the turf, at the oar, and 1
in jh destrianism America liears the j
palm As a feat of human endurance '
and jil uck this walk of Weston is most !
remarkable, and his friends on this side
of the water have reason to rejoice at
his great success.
Samuel Gisal and Samuel Mcl.ain
indicted in Pittsburgh for the recent
murder of little Sammy Hunter at ;
Hraddock, Pa., were released on bail on '
Saturday. Hon. John Scott. President ;
of the Allegheny Valley railroad, lie-
coming their security in thesuniof rJO,- j
ikki each, fiisnl is a son-in-law of Mr. '
Scott. The prisoners were released un-'
der an act of Assembly dated 17S.", ;
which says that iersons accused of I
crime may lie admitted to bail if not j
tried during the 'two terms of court i
succeeding iheir imprisonment. This :
act has never ln-en used for an offense of ;
such magnitude liefore. and it has exci
te-l considerable indignation among
l t t r ...i ... . -
ini iimu'i.i ui un- nai, initio u i iioui Miy
That was a sharp retort made by a
lady teacher of one of the Cohoes
schools to one of the School Comrnia-
missioners had been elected in the in-
Ration of 'teacl, a-
ries The lady, remonstrating against
further reduction said to enforce her
argument, that they could not live on
less, as iney were nueso longiuuuig
ration in the summer time. "You
should do as my lirotlier-in-iaw does,
Siiid the Commissioner. "He teaches ;
scliool in Hie country, ana uunng vaca- ,
tion earns his living by cradling."' "We :
, , 1 1 . . ;
OUIU g.auiy ciauir, ieM,, h m hicu ,
reply; "but it is necessary first to get I
husbands' There Was no further talk !
of reduction on that occasion.
in w asningion tity is a living
curiosity in the shaje of a boy of many
colors, known around the neighborhood
as nue ueau am. ins name is
Samuel Lewis, and he is the only child
of his mother, with whom he lives. He
is about eleven years old, and is remark
ably well grown, but presents a very
singular appearance, his face being of a
light yellow and his cheeks darker than
the other parts of the face, while his
head is covered with short, white, fleecy
hair : his evebrows are of a yellowish
that on Wednesday last, during severe
thunder storm, the lightning struck a j
number of trees on the premises of Mr. i
-.; t,-,. ; t 'i,..i,,..f '
Lew is 1- rees, in Charlestown township, ;
that COUUtv. Under one of these, a '
cherry tree, three gannea
hens had
sought shelter. After the storm had
cleared away, two of these were found
lying ueau, WHO not llie vesuge or a ,
feather Oil their bodies, while the third i
had alont oue-half it feathers torn off i
The latter finally recovered, and pre
sented a stranse appearance while walk
ing about in a semi-nude state. After
striking the fowls the electricity separa
ted in three parts, each going in differ
ent directions, as shown by the feathers,
which were carried for some distance in
its tracks. Another singular circum
stance was that there were no marks
ujon the lxxlies of any of the hens to
show that they had been struck by the
Edward Pay son Weston has at last
won a walking match, and is now
"champion of the world" in jMfdestrian
ism. On the sixth and last day of the
long contest in Eon don. Weston kept
pluckily at work and steadily increased
liis lead over Brown, his only antagonist,
and when the match ended at 11 o'clock
in the evening he had scored miles
to l.rown's 4".'5. From two o'clock in
the afternoon until eight in the evening
"Weston, after having been over five days
upon the track, accomplished the aston
ing feat of making five miles an hour.
Five minutes before eleven he completed
his .VHith mile, thus making the liest
time on record, and winning, lesides
the lwlt, a lt of $-2,.Vt0 that he had
made on Thursday with Sir John Astley
that lie would make that distance.
Bowel!, who held the Mt liefore this
match, but was prevented from starting
in this race by an accident to Ins loot,
has already staked t'KKl to walk Weston,
and another match will prooauiy take
place before long.
STAI.I.F.I) "VI ET A rolls.'
A remarkabl communication, signed
by Mr. John F. Mines, of I'tiea, N. Y..
ap)Hared in Thursday's New York
WorbK It irofcssesto give some inside
history of the closing acts of General
li nut's administration, and sf ts forth
with minuteness of detail the plans
which had In-en arranged to prevent the
inauguration of Mr. Tilden. The au
thority Mr. Mines quotes is General
.Stewart I,. Woodford, who was appoint
ed I'nited States district attorney at
New York by General Grant just liefore
his term of other expired. It was a sur
prise to General Woodford's friends
that he accepted 'the otlh-e. but the
General now explains his action by say
ing that it was by special request of Gen.
Grant, who told him that he feared an
attempt would lie made to seat Tihlen
by a great popular uprising, and he
wanted a man in the place who would
not scruple to crush a mob. General
Woodford says : "I lielievethat during
the month that closed the administration
of Grant and opened that of Hayes the
country stood on the brink of a civil
war more terrible than that which we
passed through, ami it 'would have
drenched the whole North in blood."'
lie. further declares his lielief that a
plan to inaugurate Tilden existed in
; .nv i oik. ana says: .mj pians weir
all laid svstematicallv. We had quietly
taken some very effective precautions
lioforvhand. Had Tilden attempted to
have carried out his co if' ttat and had
himself inaugurated on the city hall
stejis, my orders and intentions were to
seize him at once under a warrant charg
ing him with high treason, to convey
him secretly and securely on lioard a
government vessel lying in hast river,
ami shin him to Fort Adams or sone I
other secure jioiiit where he could mi- j
. dergo his trial. While I was ,
in T iri.4nAinitta !
oi n fiimi(;u'ii iiiuiii: iijitui;i nu iu'j
. 'with Hobeson not only to secure Tilden, J
ki't to overawe the mob and shell them ;
out if necessary." The General further !
states that the custom house and sub-j
treasury were prepared, for resistance ; ,
that troops were quietly brought from j
the West and South and massed at Wash.-
' ington. Fort Mc Henry -in'' in New-
York harbor; that Grant, Sherman,
Sheridan and other military men were
; outqioken in their opinion that the army
' ought to le used for repressive measures,
. i i i i e l.l.- ' . . . . 1
though Sherman frankly expressed some
doubts in resect to the Democratic
tendencies of the rank and file. Grant
had determined to use every soldier,
sailor and guu at his command to put
down anything like a Democratic re-Irt-llion.
A Stranuk Cask. Shortly after i
seven o clock last evening .Mayor .mp- ;
graw was visited by a neally-dressod, j
resiiectable-lookingmanof abont thirty- j
four vears of age, who requested to 1 e i
; 1'hiced in the lock-up, as lie iearei i-.e
was losing Ins mind, and might do him- j
sed f or seime otherhierson an injury. He
said that he is the engineer in erne of our
largest machine shops. He also gave j
his name and place of residence. He
stated that on Saturday liis wife hail j
told him there w-as some rent due on j
the house, which angered him. so that j
he made use of an oath, something that
he has not elone for many years. This
so troubled him that he If lieved he was ;
liecoming insane. When he crossed the j
bridge he could hardly withstand the '
eh-sire to leap into the, river, and for j
fear he might hurt himself or a memlf r
ef his family, he was care ful to put all
sharp instruments lx-yond his reach,
llis Honor conversed with him some,
and he talked so rationally that he hes
itated about placing the man in the
look-up. Filially, however, he granted
the man's request, in so far as tt lock
him up in the hospital elepartinent.
Tlie man's friends w ill be notified of the
matter to-day. l'itt.1mrgh (muiti rcinl
nf Tin s In .
The murderer of Mrs. Hall has Iteen
' discovered anil is in custody. His name
'I;. i...: . .. .1 t ...
: m v liiiMian iia. ;t nriu. iiun i.t.- cin-
"Napoi fox IV" Killed in south Af
rica. A despatch to the London .Veir irives
the following as to the death of the Prince
Imperial, the only son of Empress Eugenie,
who was killed by Zulus in South Africa on
the 1st of June :
The body whan found lav on Its back. There
were eighteen assetral stabs In it. two of them
piercing the tnxlv Irom the chest to the back. tws
in ih iM nj .In iinimTlni the riirbt eye. A
l.ket with hir medallion and reliquary were
h lim b Til faPfWOff tjlsfiil fl-
l preMlon. He hd evldcntlv inetlectually tried to
; mount, and the lather ot the flap toarinar. ran the psth to where he was touml. lwo
1 inviin lv n..r iho Ixxlv oth liarinar been a-
gV - d. the i-rin.c wa-erv adventuronii. He
had i.een ?-nt forward y the nimrtennter-
,!,!,, nre(1 , , RjliKie Zulu was to be
seen. The party dispersed and wunhtwiety under
.r-ar Tim erincii tmi iinvrr 3'n alive aiTiiin.
;no -in;;, T,icant farcy, party on the
rod i,-k to the camp. !
Theomrialaecountof the affair n: Ilie 1 nnce.
! with I.lclllf nnnl f'arov nf the N i net V-ellf h t Kesri'
' ment. six men and ine friendly Zulu, leit the
eamp at Keletii Mountain, ccven niilps heyond the
HIiM.d Hirer, on the lt inst. for a reeon ooi stance,
i The j.artv halted anil unsaddled when ten miles
from caniji. Just as the lrim-e irave the orU-r to
remount a vullev w;i hred from anambush in lonn
' jrrass. Lieutenant Carey and found the troopers
I returned to camp and reported that the I'ttnce and
i two truoperi" were mis-inn. From their statements
1 there could he no doul.t that the I'rince was killed.
I A party of the Seventeenth Lancers, with an am
! bulanoe. started on the -Jd limt. to recover the tody,
: which wan found and brought In on the same day.
, A dinpateh to the Timr sayx : At daybreak a
. cavalry patrol under Ifeneral Marshall let to
search for the I'rince and went to the kraals, ten
; miles further on. The body was discovered ainonir
! Ions: trrasn. Sno yard" from a kraal. There was no
I bullet wounds, but seventeen asseifal wounds were
! in the front ol the Inxly. The clothes had been
I taken, but round the neck was a chain with a
! locket. A stretcher of lances was formed and the
, body borne by Ueneral Marshall and I Mtlcera
? Krnrr. and .Stewart, of the Seventeenth
: Iaiiccrs. to meet the ambulance, by which It was
! then brouirht hither with an escort. There was a
funeral parade in the afternoon. Ieep sorrow
i prevails throughout the column. The I'rineo did
not mount alter the attack. His horse beina; ret
; Ive, he ran on foot. The eorpe will leave with
: an escort lor transportatien homeward.
Kii.liso llis Thhkk C'HiLimKN. A
Springfield (Mass.) dispatch of June 2l5t
tells the followinc shot-king storv of hopeless
poverty and terrible crime :
John KemmUr. a tierman. living at South Hl-
Toke, shot his three children Annie, apred six
j.eari. imona . aod four years, and Amy. atred
one year this attermwn because he whs unable to
support them. He has been out of work since heb-
eeutly returned, and had beea moved fr'.m a tene
ment belongiii)? to the t crmania Mills In which he
lived liecause he no longer worked In the mills.
Atollt 2 0(.1,k-V he sent his wife on an errand, and
sallinic his oldest child into the house tried to poi-
on her with cyanide of potassium, hut she threw
up the doe. Kinimler then took the Pecotid ehild
Into the front bedroom anil shot her throtiifh the
head back ol the ear with a thirty-two calibre five
shooter. He took Annie to the fear bed room ami
shot her in a like miinm-r and left her on the floor
covered with blood. The yoon(jror jrirl was lyini;
on the bed. He also shot her behind the car, the
flash of the iptol burning the pillow. leaving the
notice he told u Mlooii-ki fi-er what he had done.
and aroint to another ."aloon he w:a there arrested
by leputy Sheritl Kinirsbury. A fter his arrest he
appeared quite cool and aid lie wu ready to let
the law take Itii course. He said he could not sup
port his children, ami he feared they would (rrow
up and lead evil lives and thoupht they would be
happier in heaven, lie had planned for ten day to
kill them. He is collected and apparently sane.
lledicM Kvaminer Tuttle will hold an Inquest to
morrow. The children will be burled at the ei
pense of the city. Mrs. Kcmmler if completely
overwhelmed with grief.
A Showf.ii of Fikf.. Major Williams, of
West Kansas, who keeps the i;ailrad House,
gave a Kansas City Journal reporter the fol
lowing interesting account of a phenomenon
I that occurred at the commencement nf the
; storm on Wednesday liiorn'mgalMiitt 1 o'clock,
j He says :
I retired about PJ o'clock on Tuepday nipht. I
had been asleep olxiut two hours and a half whenl
, was awakened l.y an outer d....r alainminv violent-
: lv. as if burt open bv soiiictliinjr heavv thrown
aeainst it. 1 hurried to ..e it. when, on lookinr
i out. 1 saw a siprht which 1 can never forpet and
j which was so stranur that 1 never enld have be
I lieved the like if 1 hadn't seen it. The air all
about the house seemed to be perfectly foil of balls
of fire raining down from the e.ouds. the britrht nes
: of which even the vivid Hashes of lihtnin could !
J nut hide. 1 ealleil my wile to witness the wild and j
terrible scene, and we vh-wr-d the pttrnoinenon f.r i
; almost live mi:itites. ne ball o tire tell about j
. twenty paces distant and about the size of a piic-
! eon's "ej. whirh was visible quit" a while. 1 !
j marked the place where it fell as nearly as possible
1 from where I stood, but on account ol the wind '
! which blew almost with the force of a hurricane.
and the rain which had !cirun to lall. did no! ven- 1
, ture outside. This, morning, however, about J !
! o'clock. 1 went out and looked around carefully for j
j a lonir time for what mlprht be loft, but could find !
Eminent PH. M. II. STOKES. !
1!.I.'I IMOKK. MI)
Soys : "I h:vc vrr.'at plea
nn'uiv to the virf !'- ot 1 'ol.i
ure in adding my tcstl-
n - l.lel-a l.lniill
rttrartol 1H I an. 1 onte civiT:'t"r as tlie
very bet pn p.iratH.n used lor rsLnrss. t.
iri"sin huo i w jis-is ii.wi. iiiri. i m i ' n'M ,
I'onhdciitly r.T'iin mend it to the nie.tical proles-
.Ion." S'dd hv :ill itrnifLrist. I
t If yon iourv y Jor &f.xtn, hrnlth or rrcrt ntion to '
j the Mtmnttii nx, Luk'-x. or Shorr. over lent or orr -ti.
tfnn t fail to:u ur f,r pot'rtinn of AU IUKNT I. 1
. M'KAM'K in TR K TltAVKI.I IIS, of I in ft tor 4. Any
rtijnlar A; rt inU vrrttr a irarly or monthly Policy
: in a Jew nmiiftr, or n lit krt f row to thirty ttuya.
' 'J hr rot m so s'rtirl! that ouy onr run mjtortt it mho 1
trtiVf fx at ttl. 1 ah paid for An ifirntal Injnrir ovrr
$10 to $1000 EeSSi"-S
. SWwks nialie
li.'ok sent
rvthinif. Ad-
; dress IIAXTI.K S. CO., ila
i lifters, l ,
A St., N.Y.
-. t
and ipmi, r ai.ow li k coniiiusit'iii , to ! our
Dow aii't wi-M-'a-r'T)'. itiTril iittm. Wf tucan it h at vt
tm le fr. AJdrvu.Sufiiiii St Co., MaibU, Miciu
1114 II A '.. Portla:id.
r li't Airencv Hnincvs in
I. Kxpensive 1 lutfit 'ree.
Mi Kancy 'ards, 'hmnio. Snow flake. 8tc, no 2. alike
, U r with name. Inc. .1. Miiiklerfc Co.. Nassau. N.Y.
a Munth and erjienscs naran-e d to Agents.
I llutht tree. Stia'.v '.. Ai (ii'sTA. Maisk.
a yk Mi and expenses to Aifent. flutfifKree. i
Of H Address V. (. VICKKKV. Anf"sta. Maine.
Ailverticinirnt "' 4 '""' rted 1 week in sr,o
AU 1 1 1 UV llll 111 newspaper for f 10. Send 10c. rir I
100 pat;e pamphlet. i. I'. K I W s. ( X. Y. '
Ayer's j
Cherry Pectoral j
For Diseases of tho
Throat and Lung, I
such aa Couajha,
Colds, Whooping
Cough, Bronchitis,
Asthma, and Con
tramption. The reputation It has attained, in
consequence of the marvellous cures it
has produced during the last half cen
tury, is a sufficient assurance to the
public that it will continue to realize
the happiest results that can be desired.
In almost every section of country
there are persons, publicly known, who
have been restored from alarming and
even desperate diseases of the lungs,
by its use. All who have tried It ac
knowledge its superiority ; and where
its virtues are known, no one hesitates
as to what medicine to employ to re
lieve the distress and suffering peculiar
to pulmonary affections. Chkiiky Pec
toral always affords instant relief, and
performs rapid cures of the milder va
rieties of bronchial disorder, as well as
the more formidable diseases of the
As a safeguard to children, amid
the distressing diseases which beset
the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it
is invaluable; for, by its timely use,
multitudes are rescued and restored to
This medicine gains friends at
every trial, as the cures it is constantly
producing are too remarkable to be
forgotten. No family should be with
out it, and those who have once used
it never will.
Eminent Physicians throughout the
country prescribe it, and Clergymen
often recommend it from their knowl
edge of its effects.
Dr. J. C. AYER 4 CO., Lowell, Mast.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
V TK'K. Having retired from the
-i- mercantile rMialtu-aa, we hcrchy notify all per
sons koowiiiir thcmvclvi-a indi hted touatocali nnd
settle on ir before Julv IMIi. all a'cfnnts not ad-
i lufu-.i ty timt limi- ui k- u-n in the hand or a
! proper i.mcfi' I' r c:dli-c
- p
: A It K t il so.
Tl tliowjtl'tfiil a,t liMi iinin:it intc portion of tlie lvtl)lic w10
Will sea with en lut littlo i-onsiilevation tliat th obi l.ouneof
Wartsmmlcor Drown iw in'a imsilion to tiv "v i?rior
nilvnntaseH to its. patrous. 'i')eM ndvantatsi)
conit in supplying e'M tliiat are
Tj.e cut nntl linin ol'our M-nH nl Uoyn C'lotliint in ofa char
acter to ovttriilc tli
We found out lonn aijo hr artnal exerlenre that nrmili bought op from tlie Wbol! s;..
are bv no mean o reliable a tliof mail up undorour own -r?onl mpcrrltiva.
Neither will the out and aj'nTl ttvle (alter wearing) bear a comparison
to our own careful make, fly making our own (foods the
,r lronlt in lirot contact, atl fn . conn.qn.iK'. tho li,ur
i-?p no Mnall advantage.
Thl formt a very eonalderatile lwrtlon f onr bualneta. and we are atiaued that wt r0
Tlnce any one that we alwava offer the Handomet and Bcst-rinlihed Oeodi known loil.t;r;,
T) not alwava mean itood Talue. tin thla head we hall only lay that when Style aod 4m,:;t
are taken Into eeeount we are not. under an circumtnc. ever undersold, and ldm rt tlj
prieee to which dealer! 111 at low ai our lift and only one filed price to everybody.
Kapeclnlly In thin foods, suited to the present weather. Inviting a Tlslt and r'e!ninti"1(1,
from our friends.
Wo tiTiin, Very Roiictfully,
WaaamaMi? & Ssown,
The Largest Clothing House In America,
0VIv IIVTI., Sixtli unci Market,
HERE I A- r AGKzVi:sT!
m; r as a cnuidatf for
j Javjn- pulled down his lxditical vest
1 hi '
all exicnsn e M aie a I IMS
Recently occupied by McLaughlin Brothers,
Where he has jusf opened and is now offering for sale an immense, varied ai;d r'
gant STOCK OF G CM JDS of every description,
3F m
Is fully prepared to pull down in fact lias pulled down the prices of all kiii! :!
merchandise, and is giving tiargains in
Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Tinware,
Ql'KKXSWAlti:. ivc. ive, which cannot fail to attract the attention an-1 vc-
i me Jiaiioiiaue oi casn nuers iio want to get ,ip most giMMls anil the l-eI tr 0
I for their molicv. So don't forcet to call, and this fact lw-f.ire v.m li i ii- !...-
....... i. ..r ..n iw,.,,,0. : .....i
' i""o- " " -' "" ""
."VP r ? s. - , ,
EnKNsiiino, March 2!, is7'.i.-tf.
X3a.ttle tSl-tf'h., Mich.
tm lioaT-StTlaf Thrtihri f thia ror
line. flsTWTKl !! rtTBiry er KsdIS Work, Trfm CtMBlag.
w jot sving orsin rb uiif .
STFAM Power Thresher a Specialty Sperlal
tit tt Spftrter BiAdtt rspruaiy for 3l?ja Fowvr.
Ol'R In rivaled Steam Thresher Eairlaee,
both FruiM and TrtuMtftti. vith Talbl Lmpiws
msiils. ttx Tott4 tmj thr mskt r klcA.
THE OTIRE Thresfcln peases 'aa4 sftfi
Ulrrc ts St tlM Oi mniitl b IBa4 J th
Evtrm Grkia SAVRD by thrw Improved M&rhte.
GRAI5 Raisers will ant submit to the ar
IHW wsstAs of (frvla and tba lafsrlar vara Snaja bj
all otbar machlcra, whan i-tw paated oa Iba dlCaranca.
JOT Onlr TaslH Superior for Wheat. Oafs;
llarley, aa. aad Ilka Gritna. bat Uia 0T Saaesaa.
rnl Thrcibar Is Flax, Timnthr, lflllat. Clnrar, bka
Hea4a. ffnlrea a " altackKtenta " ac rebaUaiat " ta
baaga frota Urmia to Saada.
I! Thnroag-ti WorkatansVlp, Slea-aat Tlalah.
Parf-ettan or Faila. CaTkl,'tTaa of VqwIt'Oxaali. oar.,
or " Yramaaoa" Thraabar Oatata ara laaaaipaxabke.
7IABTEL0VS fhr RlmpliHtr sf Parts, salas
"I laaa tbaa aaa-sair tbaaaaal RalU aaS Vasxa. Makas
Wars, with, aa Linariaaa ar BatManac.
TOi:R X1i f Separator Mad, .tsarina-
to Twalrr Horx ataa, as twa miss ml Una?
tm Haraa rowan to aiataa.
T0R Particulars, Tall Am oar DUrs
wriu to aa ft uisaantaS Ctraalar, wktek wa stall frwa.
Manhood :
How Lost, How Restored !
Jut pnMialiei. a new r.litlon nt
Dr. 1 alrr rwFll's lbrat4 fcssar on
the- raditat rurr (without mejirint-) ol
rTEHM -ronitHfS. or Seminal W ,ik
n'. InTi-lnntarv Seminal Ijf 1 urmiv, w
Mental un. I riiyir:il 1 n-p.ioit y. Inirdimenta to
...... . . ... . , , .-.r-i mr I n . r.l ILErUT IQ41
riT. Imluecd li elf-ln.lulS'ence or sexual extrara-
jsnrr. eir.
aTl'rlre, In a seale.l rnrrUmn nnlv ai eenta
The rrlelirateil author, in thia
I flearlv l-montratea. fr,,m B thirty Tear"1 sucerss
! Tul jiractice. that the ulnrmiriif tv.nseqnsnrssi.r self
i abne mar be radieally rureil without thn ilinmr.
; us nae o! ujclirine or the application of
. i-.ii" in ..nt oi cure at once ?iiu-
i pic. certain and ettectual. I.t means ut wliirh ever
j suflerer. n matter what his condition may be. mas
l curr hunaelt cheaply, privatelv. and rat, rally.
t This li-ctur.- Khould he til the hands ofavery
youth and every tuan in the land.
Sent free, under seal, in a alaia envelope, to any
I Addr the, Pnldiahers
I . !., Sw fork; Tost Usfica Box, 48S
i Jnne 20, l;.-l.
Physician asr SrKi;rns,
IjiLi-v'a. Cahbrii Co.. Pa..
Offer" his professional services to the cltlxenivf
w asntnarton and ad)oiniiifr townships. Oftlco and
residence on Railroad atreet, opoIte I'assenirer
station, where niirht and day calla. will receive
prompt attention, rcraraiess ot distance or weatb
er. diseases ot wosicn ami niildren a specialty
Lilly's, March 14. 18T9.-ly.
"Tf A. SHOEMAKER, Attornkt
at-Law, Kbensburg. Office on High
strt-f-l.'east end of residence. 1 Jl,76.-tf.l
1MM1M11 VT f'-ra-lvertiaen. Inn pm,e. lOe
and embarked in the mercantile blivrn'.-r
- ,. .j
svif i.
We tlesirr to itiftnin the jullir
tjenernl that tre hare
Established a Big Stori
And respectfully invite attention to tba !
that it embraces
MM More In Quantity aiJ TE
than is usually kept in stores of the
It is everywhere concede! hp fV
who have gtven 119 a call thm
toy so r other stock in tho npiirhborhod-
we Shall frora time to time add new Tra
ill res and new lines of s-oods
shall alwnvs buy in large
quantities and al-
low no re
duction in aiock
we hope fij- srrit-t adher
ence to fioon i;tis. i.oss
PHlCrS AVIt -sllT-hr iifai IN; "0
Mote than that, we shall endeavor to tr
the interest of a. I classes to
toy carefully caterina- to their wants nJ'f'
ana treat ins- them as we nuwn"
wish to te treated in all matter
pertaining; to business.
TO 1. ItZU K il!
We would sav we have an tmltmi" ''jf
for all kinds of urain and pro.:u
can offer them prices In advance
of others in the business.
rT-We earnestly solicit the pstrrrisf,
puhheand pleds-e our bes. eff jrts In a.i
actions. . efl
STORES iSckeeV, '
FLOURING Ml LL-VTn 1.1 Annul G '
m ill
January 24. 1ST9. -6m.
w m sf w - m m H
aTaas- I arilra aairi eBtlerne-
161 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH,
SI'PPKRS servaJ at short notice.
Nor. W, l;.-tf.
1 A TEXTS pnnrad en New 1" -fl
15 to Ti .lavs, enl lor "r'',;',fti1
useful Information. Office. 131 (
above SmIMifleM street, ofl-os'l' sl. ,..:;
rittsburh. Pa. 1 ''J' -
a complete 11 tan ln( Jllll. 7" .V o:
work FuOHixit. MniMi an.l -'" ' ,i.r''
iU-seription. an.l al-- ! turnmi! " s
aa Kroom. Foiik an.l llt'K Hoi'i ,,yt 1
ln an.l Sttfn nH on Imn-I
for sale at the lowest oah pfi M,.Ff-
April 1. l7.-.Ttn P. O. adtirc-2
TTZ t -
a Month ami epeties m'""" (
II Ol UOlfiUt)i. 1 ,;,,(
1 it is unconstitutional.
niits liis guilt.
K'-fii-l-iiia. .'nut' --I. 1-; '. II.
i .i.'H uiiiii s.. 1 . una f, .. -N . 1
'111 M I 111 I