The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 24, 1879, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JAN. 2 1, 1S79.
The inauguration of Henry M. IToyt as
Governor of the S atP, look p'aco at liar
lisburg on Tuesday last, in (lie piesrnce "f
a vast CMwrt of people, and preceded
by a i a;i 1 military disp'ay by the National
Guard and other tumps.
SrTtt IT. Yiw( m. of Rellefotite, who de
feuetl Andiew Curtin for Congress ly a
majority of 7J votes, has f-it ni -lied tlie
f s-i'overimr with I. is answer ti the specif!-ca-ior.H
iciicd upon for contesting hi"
'T"rnm'i seat in the next Congies. It
tie remembered that Curtin, in his no
t ice of contest, alleged that Yocum had 10
c ived in the six counties composing the
district ?.'KW votes which were n.Tidulent
ai;d void. Yocum, in his answer to this
fe3rf il array of fraud, chaiges that 3.745
illegal votes were east for Curtin, a foi
Iojcs: In Centre county l.noO; in Clear
field, 1,024 ; I" Clinton, rnio ; in Elk. 310 ;
n Mifflin, :J82 ; and in I'nion, 4 i. Yocum
has thus seen Curtiu's allegation of fraud
anil gone 1,034 votes bettor. If theso two
candidates i-tate anything within gunshot
of what .hryjcan rove, the election in that
disliiet was lh most disgraceful and cor
nipt that has ever occurred in IhisJjtato.
, .- .i r.. ,i . ..... r.ll ii.iiui,ciii-i1ilu
",,,r '"'"" U J ""l . ' . ' I' , ' ' tiavaanco in ..thei'
l.w their alienations wc will he foiced to fir - A ,1 ,i
h 1 tone tied for a radical rtfoiin, and that rcp-
the conclusion that the people are hoi e- r
, i i 1.1 . ., .... l .i...i . i..,. resentative wijl be faithless to bis hist and
lessly corrupt and fliMionost, auu lliatt-lec
tiuus are nothing but farces. highest duty to his constituents and the
,11 m t ! hiteiest.s of the State w ho will not make an
y. Lawkknck, of Washington county, ' honest effort to effect a change in the pres
has introduced into the State Senate a joint
resolution, proposing an amendment to the
constitution abolishing the IJoaid of Par
dons, and restoring the paidoning power to
(lie Governor. Dr. Sr. Clair, of Indiana
county, lias also ottered a bill in the Senate
f.r i lie repoal of 'he present Jury Con mis
sioner law, and vesting the selection of jn-
ioih hereafter in the County Commission. ;
ers. It is well known thai the purpose of
t lie'Legisl.itui e in passing the Jury Com-'
niissioner law was to give the minority
paity in a county a voice in the selection of
jurors, and as the new constitution provides
for minority representation in the tin do
established by it for the election of County ;
Commissioners, there would seeiu to be im
valid objection aga'nst reinvesting then
with the power they foimerly exeicised. '
The reason, thcrefoie, for the existence of
the Jury Commissioner law having been
lemoved by thcpiesciit mode of electing'
County Commissioners, the foinicr law ,
ought to be wiped from the statute book,
thus relieving counties from the expense of
an office which vei y few men are anxious
to li'.l for the small salary attached to it.
- -- -cm
TllE wh'de country will applaud the
Democratic mcmbeis of the Missomi Leg
islature for having, on Tuesday last, elected
General James Shinlds to the United States
Senate, to till ihi leniaimler of the late ;
Senator Ilogys' term, which expires on the
I'll of next March. Just tbiity years ago,
in I84'.i, and very soon after the close of thu
Mexican war, in which Gen. Shields acted
so conspicuous and memorable a part, ho
was elected to the Senate by the Legisln-'
tu re of Illinois. After the expi.ation of
his 'oi tii lie if -moved to Minnesota, then a
Teiiitory, ;md was elected one of her two
Senators on her admission as a State in .
ls7. The career of Geneial shields has
been most rental kablc, and exceptionally
honorable. An Irishman by birth, he has
fought through two wars on the side of his
adopted country, and in both acquired the
most, eminent distinction. In our own war
of the ''Great Rebellion,' as it will be'
!tnoii in histoiy, he enjoys the rare honor
of being the only Noilhciu officer who de
feated Stonewall Jackson in a ?juare
stand up tigh. This ho did near Win
Chester, Yiigiuia, and we have no doubt he '
feels proud of the achievement, which was
often attempted by others and as often sig ,
nally failed. Gen. Shields is sixty-eight
yeaid old, and lives quietly on a small farm
in Carroll county Missouri. No man in
the countiy enjoys in a pi eater degiee than
he does the lespect and esteem of men of
nil parties and of all cond t'.ions in life,
whose sincere anil geneioiis wish is that
Ins days may be long in the land nhich he
has setvod so honorably an 1 so well.
Wiiii.k editors of loyal newspapers in
the Noith never tiro in theii deuiuicialious
of the Siuthem pooplo for electing to Con
press men who acquiicd distinction in the
con fed oiate ranks dm ing t he late civil war,
tfiey have little to say against Mr. Hayes
for his apxiiitmciit to office of somo of Uio
) ed les'. handed ex rebels, his latest official :
act in that line being the app 'intmeut of
General Longstreet to lm postmaster nt
Gainesville, Geoigia. We expected to
hear a genuine yell of indignation along
lue whole loyal line, al this favor short n by
a Republican President to so distinguished
i ebel as Longst reel , ln, if all t ho North,
tin blood shed by him could be collected in
one vast icseivoir. might s,im in it, but
we havu listened in vain. Kven the editor
of the Johnstow n Trifi'i if, who is usually
among the foremost to express his cordial
hatred of iebe!s and everything pertaining
to them is as dumb as an oyster at this un
seemly and unpatriotic act of Mr. Hayes
! must be remembered, however, that the
Tvibmie editor is himself a postmaster
that the signature of the same President is
attached to disown as well as to Long,
street's commission and that a feliow
feeling makes a man wondrous kind.
Grant ;;ave Longstreet a good office in New
Orleans, but so violent was the opposit ion
to brn that it required a very strong effort
to get the noin mat ion continued by the
Seriate. If Hayes, in his efforts to build
up a new psi t y in t he South, com imies the
bestowal of ollice upon ex-iehels like
Moseby and Longstreet. even loyal editors
trill coiieluoe that a man who fought in the
fo'ifeiJi are at my is an gisxl a cuizen as
tuo fought on the oilier Ride, jo I ng
is he beiiaves bitnaclf and di&cba;tb Lis
dulif s to society.
The Auditor Cenertil' 11 port.
The repoit of Auditor Geneial Schell
showing the business of his depntment for
the year ending November :50th, 1S73, its a
veiy differen; document fioni all former
lepoits emanating from the Fame office,
and if it weie possible a copy of it ought
to be furnished to every taxpayer in the
S;a;e. The report, as is required, was nd
dressed to the loivev'or, but that function
ary in his message to the Legislature, fail
ed entiiely to direct it attention toiho dif
ferent methods pointed out by Mi. Schell
wheieby the public treasury is annually
swindled out of thousands of d.illars. Mr.
Schell is the first Auditor General who has
had the courage to tliiect public attention
to this systematic pinndei ii-g. and a splen
did opening is now offered, to some Demo
cratic member of the Lfgis!;ttuie to make
a Srato reputation for himself by attempt
ing .o refoim the abuses complained of.
Is there any such Democrat in either house
who will tnke hold of the subject, and
pres it with all the vigor and eneigy
which it demandR? lie may not succeed
with a Republican majoiity against him,
but he can at least compel the enemies of
legislative iv-foim to put themselves on le
coid, and that, is something worth strug-
gling for. The many ways in which the
; people's money under Republican rule at
IIui rif burg is shamelessly squandeied the
' rapid and feaiful increase in the expenses
of the Legislature the enormous amounts
paid for public printing, and reckless ex-
ent disci edit able system.
Mr. Schell states that the incidental ex
penses of the Legislature for the year
amounted to f -'5-, 1.11.4 ; for keeping up
the publicgronuds. if 13,000 ; for statiouei y,
furniture and repairs, $ 4:$,!W-4.5S ; and
that for inlet rtixi up fr prop-nnla for (fane
Uit items ?ll,110.oS was paid on; of the
Ileie is an expenditure of over
J'.tttiKt, for which onc llirtl of that amount
would be more than suflicient. For pub
lishing the appraiser's list of nieicautile
and other license tax for 1S7S there was
paid vl,7H'.Mil, of which sum Philadel
pnia -ewspapers received 54,'.o'),(0. In
this item theie could, under a proper sys
tem, bo a saving to the Sta e of at least
?7.".(hKi. I'or printing paper and mat ei ial
for 1S78 the cost was s."S,41.01. and for
public printing the euormous amount of
14o, 179.70.
The sum of 1 , 07-". P.", was paid to the
soldiers orphans' schools, and this t's
thirteen years af'er the schools were es
tablished, and during which time the
number of orphans has annually growing
less. We honestly believe that the State
is swindled out of li(t.(HQ cvory year by
the mauageis of theso schools.
The cost last year for publishing that,
most useless of all things, the LeyMatice
Ucrni 'l, as the contractor made :ut his bill,
was over ,M0, but Mr. Schell struck
from it for double charges the sum of ?4,
r13.)0, loduc ng the amount to $34,091.20,
which is at least 20,it'X moio than it
ought to be. These payments foot up
about Kft h i wired n.i'i thirty thousand
d'tl'urs, the one thiid, if not more, of
which could be saved to the State under ; dining car on the Pan Handle imito. In
pioper legislation. he(.iand L mon Depot, Kansas City, w hith
Mr. Schell makes specific reference to .V "-ho way is a la, ge and magnificent st i uc
tl.e matters we have mentioned, but there i ,ll,e' a,l1 which we rear hen Sunday Toio
aro others ma to be lo:-t sight of. There I 111 ,0". we (-'- Vv .Mr. Joe H. Cadd,
are twice as manv subordinate officers in i one of i he most sincere and unselfish fi iends
each bouse as are needed, or have any- ! we fcive ' le world, and by him c onduct
thii g lo do except to draw their salaiy. ' v' I""1 'e-t car to his cozy and comf .it
The rush for these positions has become so ! au,e cottage in Wyandott, where we were
geneial, that a member is consideied to be . coichally welcomed by hisamiable wife and
a veiy one-horse affair if ho can't get one i on,' child, a young man aged about eigli-
ofhis bloweis and stiikers into a job for
the session at a good saiai v. Theie is a
small legiment of pasters and foliieis, with
a supei intendeut in each house, and theie
are janitors and watchmen and other su
pei iiunici ai ies, w ith nothing for fully one
half of them to do. What member will
try to change this disgraceful state of af
faiis? Who will cleanse the two houses,
as well as the o! her dep.11 tmenls at lia: lis
burg, as thoroughly as lleicules cleat s -d
the -stables of Augeus ? It is a labor that
commends itself to .he Democratic mem
bers of the Legislature, as any ell'orts at
tefoim by the Republicans is not to bo ex
pected, and when commenced ought to bo
fought, to the biiter end, compelling the
Republicans cither to stand up as the
friends of retrenchment anil leforin, or to
put themselves uu record as antagonistic
lo both.
" o- f,n no nomination has yet been
made by Mr. Hayes ofa successor to Lay-
aid Taylor, the late American Minister at
Leiliii, it is well uiideistood at Washington
that the chances of that, (ennui scholar, 1
John F. llaitrauft, have been so surely '
glowing small by degrees anil beautifully
less that he is notv regaided as out of the
incc. This is a very sad ending to a most
vigorous and aggiessive beginning of Har-
traiift's lloiliu campaign. It is one of the
anomalies of I 'ennsy Ivania politics that be
should ever have been seiiously thought of
lor the place, and yet, within three days of
Mr. Tay loi's float h, the spread eagle orator
of the Wyoming valley, Henry M. Hoyt,
with a mixed crowd of well known Phila-
deiphia ling politicians, were on their way
to Washington to convince Mi. Hayes that
Haitiaiifl was an eminently fit pei son for
the position. We believe, however, thai
Mr. Kvarts, Secietaly of State, has a po
tential voice, as he is entitled to have, in
the selection of our Foteign Ministers, anil
llaitrauft would be about, the las: man j the setting sun. which by that time had
upoi. whom he would think of coiifeiiing set out 011 its daily visit to the other side
such an honor. In view of the unsettled "f eM,, Iu ,, ss J1'" ,,npe ,,"u'9 af
... , ; ter leaving lopeka He tram came to a
position 111 which a naturalized German of : liaIt n, Salma, 1S5 miles from Kansas
this country, returning on a visit to his
native, land, stands in relation to the gov
ernment of the Km in 1 or William, and
about w hich negotiations are now pending,
a very different kind of a man from liar
traiift is requited to conduct them to a
salisfactoiy conclusion. Mr. Evaits 1111
deistanils thoroughly wht Ihe occasion
demands, mid hence 1 1 ai 1 1 anil's failure.
If he must have another efiice, and there
seems to be no other alternative, Iltiyt can
appoint him Major Geueral of the Nat tonal
(in.iid of this State, in discharging tie
tint ies of which his know led c.e of Pennsyl
vania Dutch will serve him a better pur
puMj tbiiu it ever would at Beiliu.
A linn intn lionaas.
Having recently indulged in a hurried
but pleasant visir to the city of Salina, in
Ceiiti.t Kansas', our readers, and especially 1
those"; w lioare casting ishful giaiices in the
tloectioii of that great and growing State,
will voiy naturally expect us to say some
thing a! nt a region so favored, and the con-clu-ioi
t we readied in legard to its soil, cii
niate, people-, progiess. etc. This wc shall
endeavor to do as bi itly as possible and so
far as our opportunities for observation will ;
enable us to paint the picture, but as we !
"go to cafe" without the seia'.ch of a pen,
depending upon memoiy alone to supply
the materia! w hile "click go the type in the
stick," we may not only fail in furnishing
a very readable ske ch. but will possibly
find it convenient to make two chnpteis of
the story, the "line inwaidness" of which
may not appear until next week.
To begin at the beginning, then, we
left home on the evening of the 1st inst.,
and afier a rathei cold but by no means un
ei'j yable tiip to Cresson in one of Messrs.
L i S. W. Davis' comfortably fuinihed
sleds, we took the train for Pittsburg over
the I'euu'a R. R , the best managed, best
equipped and best constructed road in the
United States, if not in the woild, and not
withstanding the train was considerably
behind tirne and did not reach itsdesiina
tiou until after oneo'clock in the morning,
we were met at the depot and welcomed
by our kind heaited kinsman. Jas. A. Mc
Pike, grocer, of Penn street, to whose resi
dence we were conveyed in a spring wagon
and mill nhom c tallied until the follow
ing night, lieu we once more resumed our
journey, this time over the Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati and St. Louis Railroad, olhei wise
known as the "Pan Handle," the shortest,
cheapest and most popular route to the
(rent West. The snow blockade on the
Pa. R. R. delayed the di part uie of t he train
for a couple of boms, and a similar cause
intetfeied with its progress to such an ex
tent that we did not anive in Indianapolis
; ii. itil the evening of the second day after
; our depnituro from home. At the latter
city we icmained long enough to take sup
per and negotiate for the puichase of our
new press, after which we seated outsrlf
in one of the comfortable cars of the Yan
dalia Line a roail which we advise every
one going nest to travel and were soon
steaming aw ay in the direction of St . Louis,
: which city we reached about nine o'clock
, the follow ing nun ning. Here we remained
for several hours, a poitionof which time
was spent in thu company of our clever
, fiie ud and pairou, Mr. John A. Stoini, a
young Can.biia'i who is doing a thriving
business as a surveyor and civil engineer
. in the vicinity of that city. From St. Louis
i lo Kansas City, a distance of two hundred
and :dd miles, we were obliged to pay half
fare, the only couitesy which Mr. Lord,
1 ('eneral Passenger and Ticktt Agent for
the St. L-iiiis. Kansas City and Noithein
Raihoad, could extend tons in the absence
of the Geneial Superintendent. A half loaf
being belter than no bread, we accepted
the situation with gratitude, especially as
' the favor was accompanied with the assur
, auce that a pass would be sent us to return,
' which we regret for the sake of a certain
! gentleman's veracity was not done, and had
it not been for the courtesy of certain Kan
! sas Pacific Railroad officials at Kansas City
we would have been obliged to pay full in-
stead of half rates over the St. L., K. C.
i and N. R. R. coming back. This by way
i of pai etithesis. and now let us say that our
itiip between the t wo cii ies named wasn't
the most delightful we eve.- experienced,
the load bed being rough and the bumps
i correspondingly developed, w rong end f.ue
niost. Wo found some comfort, however,
in one of the leclining chaiis with which
i the cais on this road, or a poition of them
j at least, are furnished, and for this we felt
1 hank ful, as the rest thus afforded was lit! le
if any less peaceful, so far as accommoda
. tions were concerned, all the toilet conve-
niences being attached, than it cost us
f'- oO per uight to enjoy in a sleeping and
1 --'" whose health, we icgret to say, is none
of the best, and where later in tiie dav we
had the pleasure of being joined at dinner :
by Mr. John Flanagan (youngest son of'
Judge Flanagan, of Johnstown. i and his j
handsome young wife, whom we found liv- j
' ing on the opposite side of the street from
Mr. ''ladrl's residence. 1'oth the rentlemen
named, it is proper to say, hail from Johns- j
town 01 igiiiKl'.y, and are both in the etn-i
! ply of the Kansas Pacific Railroad Com- j
; pany, Mr.tiadd as acleik in the Machinery I
Department and Mr. Flanagan, if we mis-;
1 take not, as a machinist in the same de
' paitnient. We may remaik just here, rn
jx-int, that Kansas City is a thriving ,
and piospeious place of 4' 1,000 or 'heiea
. bouts, and that it is built for the most part '
011 a bluff, which makes it one of the most '
inaccessible and to our mind one of least 1
j desirable spots unou which, to found a
C!tV. I lieil. too llm nriiriiol sot I lino von,..
I to have been impressed with the idea that
j land was entirely too valuable to waste in
; streets, and hence made them Bo extremely
!"ar,"w "iat k ,mlsl 1,0 difli.mlt for two
icons 10 pass eaeu o.ner in most ol its
thoronghfares. Rut we digress, and must
hurry on. .Yyanoott, where we tauied ,
about twenty-four horns, ic situated in1
what may be called Ihe submits (,f Kansas
City, and, like it, is for the most part on
nn elevation. It is I he (list town in Kan
sas, its more pretentious neighbor being in
Missomi. and contains a. population of
about r.WM). L-aving Kansas City at 11 j
o'clock Monday forenoon, we bad an op- '
porliitiily as wc glided gently and smoothly
onwaid in a com Tollable car on the Kan
sas Pacitic Railnay, to gaze with raj, lure
on one oT the finest- count ties it has ever
boen our good foi t line to join tiey through.
Tine, our visit was made at a most un
seasonable time of the year, but we never
theless found much to admire in the lay of
the land and the unmistakable evidences
; of thrift ami prosperity which greeted us
j on every haul. 1 bus we sat enraptured,
; as it were, until the shades of night clossd
j in upon ns and Topeka w as reached. I leie
; the train hal ed long enough for supper, ,
! and after that welcome lepast the train '
once more moved nlT in the direction of
City, and as we tcpied from tho cars we
found onrself faceto face with our amiable
and gentlemanly young frier.d. John Geis,
Jr., who ushered us into a carriage and
oidered the coachman to drive to the Opera
House w hich we reached in time to w itness
the closing scenes of a gi and Catholic Fair
and to find our enterpiisiug and popular
friend, Win. R. Geis at whose suggestion
we mane the journey, literally up to bis
eyes iu business said business Wing the
sale at anetiou of numberless fancy articles
which remained undisposed of when the
Fan to all intents ami purposes had ceased
to exist. Here we spent a few hours
very agreeably in Ihe company of many
old aud uow-iuade friends, a.ud it was not
! until abont 2 o'clock Tuesday morning j
. that we foui:d ourse'.f beneath the hospita- :
ble loof of Mr. Gtis' elegant mansion, j
: where for the next six days we were most
i agreeably entertained and abundantly pro- i
i vided for by that gentleman and his very
excellent and accomplished lady. And .
: now that the objective voint of our j'ui r.ey
1 has been reached, we ask the reader to in - ,
dulge us for another week, when we hope
to furnish a few fscts in regaid to Saliua
and its surroundings which inny do at
leaft a modicum of justice to that fair city
and country and its piosperous, piocress-
lve mid w aim-hearted people.
1,000 tut Downtcard.
The .Tonesboro (Ark.) Tirrw of the 10th
lust, tells the following blood curdling
sto:v :
About two weeks nrn tivo men Plenty Toirk j
an-1 Willis ('(iwf-n cmie lo our' town pro
poeeft the tiiiilt:n of h balloon hiiu makiiitr an 1
nP'-ei.sii-ii. t"ru; iJel our i-om nui ni ly would rio-e
Horn ttve ih llar- lor that iiir" , Mini Mr. ,
Hen Wood won in work lo imse the neees-i-arv
funds Hiel tlse men hi-fcTKii Hie const i net ion ol
t lie im I on, and Sat u may. I lie .si !i u It., was t he '
time rived f'r ihe .'iseension. 'i'tie two men
wol hi-iI i!;iy and li'iiht on ilie I'alla in and Sal- ;
urdi.y inorniiiir it pah'.ied mi the proce ss 1
i t iriiat in i; it commenced. A It houu h t he wea t h- '
er whs very cold and snow on the Kroiin I, the
people from ihe eounti-y tuirau loeoine in pmt--,
on li ; t im-k . on toot nnd in h nv on. hikI ;
liy noon perhaps the largest crow.i ever hs-h-iii- .
til-'.l in .ton sl-oro was liMind hovTinif tii-onnd j
the fires ir Hie ;mtil:e tiinises itnii staudimr
Htioutoii ttie siifivv in ttie- putiiie square Hud
ttroufn! Ihesp'tf. wIiitc Ttie men wore preparing '
I he la lloon. Tile prepariiti ins seemed to pro
Br -s slowly, Hiid Ihe erowi'. cold, hniiir ry and
iie pat ion:, el ainoi ed mid wailed until iienrlv 5 .
o'e.ork. wh-n ali was announced r-iety. and tlie
l-.lliofMt, twa iriir Hint lutfu-iior lit l tie rope-.,
S'-euied lie sotue tiutre ni"iiter st rutzu I i hit lo
In- Iree, and the words "tel tier iro l-1 were pro
nounced ud she shot upw.,rd with r Ii iiiIuI
kii rtre. wit ti Mr. Dirk ciinuiinr hy his tiHnd-s to :
ttif: tr:i;e.e, luit some twenty leet lehw rtie j
taiiloon. S-veepi:iif aliittitly north ard .vest the !
huire uion--tf-r sped rapidly iir-ivuril tliriiuah die :
ctnll sir nut il ita'i.iini'd a heilit f.f p.-rluips
lwele hundred leet, and seeno-d aliuost h
in iinf le w i 1 h ihe n.iu Ky clouds th u liunic low I
Kiel heavy around it. When .no- one tin ml red
ft-et up, the iiimii made nu elfort fo mi.uiit the I
Imr. Ion tailed, and when Hhoiit three hundred I
et iii, Hirsiii es-HV' d to plHi-e hue-elf ,,n The
trspey.i' Mild ntfiiin fxiled, and :s the littlloon
enmted tiivtter and liiiflier tie w;is still hiinjiiiir :
hts Imiet" lo Hie i,ur. To those ii;i took '
t line to I hh;k. tiis situation now s eined fieril-
ous, as It ivn evidt.-tif In was for some reason j
uiiHltle lo rf"T iifton II. e liar, wr.d it wa exe.-eil- i
inifly (loui.ltu. it he eonhl hold tiy I is hands m
th edd il-n nt siietl hi! altlludi- in such an air,
HTidieanv' Kti Hn ifu- ee lo'kej 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 v t ' -t
hi; t-.t I io in 1 1 1 com men e its dt seen t , Put it -n 1 1 1 :
etiiiuf w i: ti tieiiile-h t a tuiel i lo us kriddy h'-niit.
'I lie sii-peiise now- I nine intidei'iitde. hut it
WH" t-rier. '1'he d'Hiuied man. ie.t!i!inr his pei it. i
now in a de ti lasr friiiitie effi rt toifain holt :
lipo-l t lie rope H tiove. I I. W'a s i n it u . tlifnte
ivm m-tilel. Thi-i was know ii to I hose w tio lo k- '
ed upon Itie dilanl. d i iii 1 1 :sh i tiif fm in. hiinifinir
tiy s i frail tioni lietween heaven and eanh.
III- knew and telt il, and who inn r. Hli.e ihe
horn r of i hat moment. A thou-aiid eyes were
look im l"t:ii iinf i-. a t liousiihd lieu i ts were pra y. i
imr si lent iy. tiiil a million arms conhl not its
cue lit tu. I i - had pus-ed i lie resell ol hu in a n Hid
.ind the iiinit ol hiiinnn eiidiiinnut-. What
S'-enes ef his past life ihroiikred through tiis
toHin. VilHt ttioiiu-tiis ol home nr mot her. we '
w ill never know. 1 ie ia-t tiopeless erv or des
pair was II ol hea rd. Ihe last tal I o it Iook fif the '
eyeiazini Intti eteimiy was not s'-t-n. Alone '
and unaided he must m'--t Ids dienn. tiiif- hi in -tin
p. fievt r'h' li s-. Irmn its if i a-M, an intnnt, :
lne;.tht-r loosi-ni its tiold nud he tail-i, fii.w ii,
tli ill. Sono- il .l.e M t Ihe fell ff U I din ill w ! I ii h.
tiel p.-s-; aseii.-a titiii fl hoi i or. slroinr m-n who
Iih ve Pra ett tlt-al ti on the ha ' ! j,. u tii I lull aiviiv
wilh tdaiu-tieti taees nnd Slcke'ied tn-Hlts, A ;
win! ot woe j. ies ti p from laiiiiiinr women, till
: is l ill. I or in ' n t- l h oi Im 1 1 I he d:mi ue( tie
deM-( nded ill nu ei-eet position, feet down, and
Hu ll he su-iixK over nnd dropped inpldlv hend
foreliin-t toward theenrth. Iiim liand stretched
insi inei ivt-iv IHrwrti-ti. nnd tle-n xviih n lienvy
thud In- struck tin frozen ur nind and the sick !
eninu---eefic w a- over. 'I'tie crowd ttien ru-tied '
t'i ttie spot win-re tie ti l l faiie,i, jut mitshle
the yard of Pie west side of ihe fence at the
resi lenee of Mr. i . W. ( lln- hollS', Hfi'illt two ;
liundi'-'d ards Tiortti wi t of ttie point he rose
t roni. 1 1: a ! I inir he p issed I hron uli t he tu am In s
of n sin a 1 1 hickory li.-e and ihe I : ml s -ei inc. I as
if hewn elf wiihan axe. nnd w here tie struck ;
Ihe hard In zi'ii t-iiilli his t made n cavity
sune mclies .;-ep ami two feel lonif. Ihouuh he I
li hounded and lay slit leie d upon his to-east.
lie luid evidently tieen turned tiy rtrikmu Ilie ;
1 1 1 e . nd fell upon his h.n k and ri-j-ht side, hs i
the skull whs crl.stiett nt the hack ot his head.
It's neck, tiaek. ht-iti h-fcrs and i-ntit hiiii were
tcriihly lirokt ii up, while his left rtn and face j
seeme i uuin.jiireil, and when prepared for the 1
V i a ve hit. countenance wore a renia i kald v ea Ini.
na i lira i. ii ie i I Kt - t-x p f-ssioit. as ? I s tec pi iif , w 1: h
im pp: ar.-iuce i f iii,iny or rtiseolorntio.'.
Mis i:ti'!y was t.ken in itinrgn Py I'oroner
Wren, who supeMiiiendcd los tnit itil. ntid tie
v is ciiin i-i ed ently on Momlay to tnsyrat e,
in tt n-ted Jy a. Ivw liuinunc and sympathizing
Ci t IZ.cns.
riVNNsyi.v ASIA CnNi-.P.T-ssyj ;s. Covers
our llaitrauft has issued a proclamation
oeciarinr tlie following naine'l persons
elected at the last general election to rep- i
tcsetit this Mate in Congress
First In.s'ri. t Henry II. Himjhain.
S'-cond I h-l rtcl I 'ha rh-s I . ci 1 1.
Third litstru-l - Samuel . I Kamlnll.
Kiurili llisiriet- W linnm 1. K ;,,--.
t'i 1 1 h I st 1 j, Alt 'i-l I'. II inner.
Six I ii I 'isi 1 i.-f- Wi'iiaTii '". ',ii.,
St veiiih I lisu hi VYihiaiii (iodshnlk.
I'.ihl h 1 1 isi riel If el si er ( l nn-r.
Tenth I iisi rici Hctilieii K Ittchiuan.
K.levenih I nt net Itottert Kiotz.
'I wi nth His'riet- Hciidrick hv Wriaht.
'I hli leenth I i-11 let - John W, Itvon.
Knurl ect;h I list riet .lotin W. Kiiiiiu-er.
Fi f teent h 1 1 1-1 riet - F. hvuril Uvi-i lun,
Sixteenth Hist riet John I. Mitchell.
Seventeenth liistrh-t Alexander H. Cotfroth
F.ifcrhieeni ti lijstnct Horatio i;. Fisher.
Nineteenth liistric: Frank K. Meilzhoovcr.
Twentieth I list tict - Si 1 Ii II, Voi um.
'twenty tlisl Uistriet-Moftran It. Wise.
T w-enl y- second IllsTriet - It.lsst-lt F.rrelt. j
Twenty-third In-trlet -Tho-nas M . Havne. ,
Twenty-foiirih Uistriet Wiili.nn S. Sliallcn- ;
Twenty fil th Uistriet - II irry White.
Twenty-sixth I list riet - S on in I II. Hick,
Twenty seventh I iistriet - J. M. ( Ismer.
In the eleventh district, the only one in I
w hich more than one set of election returns
were filed at the Stato Depart met. ', the !
Governor declares Robert Klo'z (Demo-'
oral) electrd. Geneial Charles Albright I
I Republican 1 was eeitilied to as elected by j
part of the letui n judges, but tho Governor
thought that Mi. Klutz was entitled to.the '
certificate, and so declared.
CAMF.nuN TlF.-EfKfTin.-On Tuesday
last the Republican n tubers of the Legis
lature, with firr honoiabie exceptions
three in the Senate and tiro in the House
voted for J. D. Cameron for United States
Senator, which f-f course rlrcttd him.
The Demccints supported Hcistcr Ch mer.
T'ip vole was as follows: Cameron, i:5 ;
Clymer, 02; Agnew, 10; McPhetson, 3;
Thayer. I ; Grow, 1. Of Ihe twenty-five
Republicans who refused to attend the
caucus which nomitifted Cameron, all but
lire, after they had been interviewed by
Cameron's bushwhackers, surrendered at
discretion, and consented te wear his collnr.
The three Republicans in tho Senate who
refused to vote for Cameion were Ever
hart. of Chester, luf!'nian, of Lancaster,
and Lee, tit Venango ; and the two in the
House weie Wolfe, of Union, and Mapes,
of Venango.
A FinF. Friday night destroyed the thrre
largo wholesale diy goo Is houses at Nos.
s, GO. 02 0t. Oil and 0s Worth stieet, and
Nos. 00, 0s:, 70 and 72 Thomas street. New
Yoik. The stocks of nineteen large ilty
goods firms were wholly destroyed, involv
ing a loss estimated at $ i.OOO.OOO. The
firms which snllir the greatest loss are
tValkitison & Voight, whose stock was
valued at 4(K,0Oh, and Van Valkenbnrgh
.; Ieavitf, w hose loss is placed at 5O0.OO0.
No accurate estimate 01 the losses of the
other firms is given, but the total is placed J purities from the villages above the water
all the w- ty from $4,000,000 I" ffO 000,000. ; works.
The origin of the fire is unknown. Tho j A New York paper rises the following
block was t-eeaided by insurance men as as an argument against resumption : -lt
the one apon which the heaviest risks was announced in one of the Kom.-in C'ath
were placed of any in the city. i olic churches yesterday that a gold coin
j was put on the plate at one of the early
OwiNfi to the inauguration of Governor morning masses, probably through a mis
Iloyt being delayed until 1:2') p. m , take, and that the owner could have it re
Tuesday, the State was without a tiover tinned by applying at the pastoral resi
nor for an hour and twenty minutes, detico. I was a twenty shillinir pold piece,
Hai tiaull's term having tipned at ii'xjti. urid was dropped on thejilate jr a peuny."
yews ami Other yvtmya.
There is a lady in the Virginia Legis
la'm e.
A son of one of the Siamese twins is a
student at a college at Chapel Hill, N. C.
In lSoO ihe ( atholic population of this
country was 3,(0,00t) ; now it is C,40S,"(H).
'iVya'.t MeReever McKepscy, convicted
; of minder in Isoith Catolma, escapctl jail,
name and all.
The ciicin of the Congi egational
chuich at Clinton, la., is run by water
power from the city mains.
1 Tampa, Fla., had watermelons and to
j matoes in the 111:11 ket, ami Jacksonville had
j ice an inch thick on the beach last week.J
In a village with a population of not
over 2'X), in Crawford county, seventeen
, childreu died in nre week w ith diphtheria,
j One day last, week the thiee children
ofa resident of l'rovidence, II. I., were 10
Fpcctively eighteen years, eihteeu months
and eighteen days old.
j A new song and dance team 8oon to
make their appeal ance in Sandusky, Ohio,
1 are Day and Knight. The former is 4 fuet
8 inches high, and the latter is 0 feet o.
! "The last suivivoi" of the men who
were with Major Anderson at Foit Sumter
has begun to die. One of hi ni was di owned
! Tuesday and others will not lone- suivive.
i The ilaltimire Atn'rimn lUep.)says
' that there aie 'more election frauds in
l'lttsb-jrc, and more political jobbeiy to
; the square foot, than in any other city in
: t he country.''
j The ladies connected with College
! ehurch, Lancaster, are arranging for a
game of chess which will be played with
ladies and gentlemen to represent the dif
, feretit pieces in the came.
Major Andre's watch, the one be wore
when he was arrested as a spy, is said to
be in the possession of an Oshkosh ladv.
Il is a cm ions, oval shaped wAlcli, mscrjb-
ed inside, "John Andre, 1 1 . 1.
Among the deaths reemded in New
York last year, fifteen weie of persons
whose ages at the time of tl eir death were
given as over 10') years. All except three
of the-e weie natives of Ireland.
Kobeit Anderson, on tiial at Louis
ville, Ky., for the murder of his wife, has
been found guilty and sentenced to be
bung. le was convicted on the testimony
of bis little son. who saw the killing.
Hiram Y. Ileese, who icceutly died in
Franklin county in his ninety-second year,
had twenty live sons and had been mairied
three times. lie was a soldier in Ihe Rev
olutionary war and had nine sons in the
Union armv.
Detroit is somcw hat excited by an ep
idemic of infanticide. During twenty
four hours the bodies of six newly-born in
fants were found in ditfeient parts of the
city ; five of them in ash battels and barns,
and one in a snow bank.
Ex-Sheriff Matthew T. I'.iennan died
Monday forenoon in New Yoik. lie was
eminently a Keif-made man, and though
his life was a busy one. he leaves behind
him a name untarnished amid the most
exciting events of political life.
Mis. Geo. T. U eniwot t h, of Dover, N.
II., is of ihe opinion that liijnor dcaieis
ought, to be hanged "and a l.tlH') pound
weieht attached to their feet so the cords
of their necks woulJ be ti' to sew with,
they would be pulled out so tine. '
New Lnclaiid thrift: Two murderers
have just been indicted nt I'ittsfit id, Mass ,
one of whom shot a man for not paying for
10 cents' worth of cider, while the other
kicked his victim to death for refusing to
be satisfied with 25 cents for shai peuing a
Henry Tr'eltus, editor of the Llooming
ton, (Ind.) Couri'r, has been indicted for
milder in the secood degiee, and Iias been
held in ?5,IKM) bail for trial on the 2;h in
stant. He killed County Attorney Rogers,
on New Year's evening, both being drunk
at the time.
Mrs. Kate Cobb, of Norwich, Conn.,
found guilty of poisoning her husband, w as
sentenced oil Eiiday to impt isonment for
life. Her counsel 111 ved for a new trial.
and teu davs w ere
allowed to peitect the
! motion. The tiial of Bishop has been fix
' ed for the Much term.
I Nicholas Jacoby, whn was shot on the
'street in 1'ittsburg while accompanying
I his wife home eaily'on Thursday morning,
died Sunday. He made a dying
tion, in which he s:ateri that Tiank Small,
' a former lover of his wife's. was the nim-
deier. Small is under antst.
At the Gunpowder water wotks, a few
j miles from l.altimore, 11:110 i.ynamite car
tridges exploded .Moti.-liy moiniug. killing
an engineer named Ilolstou and badly
maiming two other pien. A boilei in a shed,
weighing four tons, burs'ed by the concus
sion and was blown fifty feet away.
Little Willie Anderson limped into
the witness box in the Lou isv ilie Court, on
Thursday, and swore tha1 he saw his fath
er, Robert Andeison, kill his mother.
Willie is 11 years old, a small, lime, pale
faced child, of such intelligence that his
testimony was admitted without hesitation.
Referring to the preponderance of
j Irishmen among licit ih Colonial (iover
nors, the London 7 .' remaiks : "When
I Irishmen can bo found who to sound sense.
! large information, and liberal views, add
j rich humor and unfailing good temper,
there ate none better tilted to lead a nation
w ith a silken rein.''
j. (hie of the most notable churches in
' the United States is that of St. Michael at
, Marblehead, Mass., which was built in
: 1 TOG of mateiial wholly biought from Eng
i laud. It has a teredos, an ancient chan
delier, and a pulpit of a quaint pattern.
The second rector married tho Widow
Custis to Gen. Washington.
The Philadelphia .Xorth American
(Rep.) compares General V.ntler to the
'howitzer mule Mark Twain w rote about,' '
and says that he "is charged to the muzzle
with cipher despatches, and no fine dares
to touch him off. for it is impossible to
tell in which direction the load will go."
Very neat ; but read John Phifnix for
Mark Twain.
The largest story tortured into exist
ence of late is that of a twenty pound me
teoric stone in Fountain county, Illinois,
w hich crushed through the roof of a d well
ing and through the body of a man sleep
ing within. The tale sounds very like a
yarn such as would be told by a well known
sciibbler, but State Geologist Cox has dis
patched an assistant to secure the fatal
A remarkable case of hydrophobia lias
appeared in the person of Ella Kidney,
ilaiigl. ter of Charles Kidney, a shoemaker,
of Kenton, Ohio. Her case is a veiy seri
ous one, being violent in the extieme. her
parents having to keep her tied to pi event
her injuring tit hers. She froths at the
mouth, and is sometimes ungovei nable.
The case was caused by a dog-bite six
years ago.
The city of Wilmington. Del., is afllic
ted with typhoid fever, pneumonia and
diphtheria, and ir is said that some of the
streets are barricaded and tiavel npou
them prohibited. The cause of this unus
ual amount of sickness is attributed to the
impure wate used, which comes from the
Iirandywine. into which Hows many im
The oldest inhabitants in TexriS and
Louisiana do uot recollect a w-.titer in
which mien an amount of pnow ha fallen
as during the pit-sent. There Lve been
sevetal weeks of sl.ating arcund Dallas,
Texas, and sleighs have been inn for tl.o
accommodation of the public at Sbreve
lort, j,a.; while the telegiaph wiieshave
been down for a week near Calvestoii un
der loads of sleet that co.Herl them.
Lid Smith chewed gum in Louisville
ni'til her jaw s kept, moving in spite of her
ciVoilsto stop hem. She took the gum
out of her mouth, but her jaws continued
to open and shut with a violence that cue
toited the whole of her face. A physician
applied bandages, but it was only by mak
ing her insetis'ble w ith chloroform that she
was quieted. It was a case of spasmodic
action of the facial muscles fioin over ex
ertion. The family of Oeorge Karnmcrer, of
Upper Milfoid township, Montgomeiy
county, has been seveiely afllicted, one
son and three (laughters bavins died with
in three davs of diphtheria. Tauuie, aged
17, died on Sunday, Jan, 12 ; Char! s, need
12, died Jan. 13 ; Clara, aired 7, died .Ian.
15, and Annie, aged , tiierl Jan. V.
Three of the children were buried in fine
crave. The funeral of the four took place
on Kiiday last, and was very hugely at
tended. Mr. Greeley's six words of advice to
young men would be an appropriate motn
for the biotji aphical sketces of the new
; Lieutenant IJovet nor of Colorado. Not
long ago lie was a stone cutter in Augusta,
Me., and w hen he went. West he opened a
miner's store in Leadville, Col. Now be
is wotth -"),0(X,000, owns two mines, from
: which he receives thousands a day, is juc
1 sident of a bank and proprietor of a large
wholesale store, and has been postmaster.
est .vard, ho :
j A committee consisting of two clergy-
men and tine
ee laymen Uas been appointed
in-Ciiicititiati to settle Archbishop Purccll's
financial tioubles. All the property now
in the Aichbishop's hands, including sev
eral chinch and school buildings, is to be
i turned over to Ihe committee and bonds
; beai ing 5 per cent, intei est are to be issued
tolmldeis of claims. The debts ai e now
placed at .5tH).()f;0. Over ?100.000 j sub
script ioi.s has tii-en leceived so far for the
; embarrassed prelate's benefit.
; James Kehoe, of Gratien, Mich., drf
' ped dead of heatt disease. On the way
home fioin hit fnneial Anthony Harmon, a
: neighbor, died of the same complaint in a
similar manner. Prosper Gooslaud and
I. is wife, with two children, returned to
Elli-, Iowa, the other dav. on a visit to a
daughter, Mrs. Martin Silvest, whom they 1
ban not seen for many yeats, during their j
; absence in Canada. The t'ld man he was .
: seventy eight clasped his daughter in his I
aims, txpitssing bis great joy at meeting j
, her, ami fell de-id at bet feet. j
Mrs. Elizabeth Keir ter died in Pain- ;
more on Wednesday. She was one bun- i
died and thirteen years old. The family
records, which could by 110 means have 1
: mistaken her fo- hi r own gi and mother, !
, show that she was born iu the province of 1
1 .iixetnbei g, Germany, near the boideis of J
Fiance, in the year 1700. She lived near j
bei biitb place until fifty years of age arid
then ettiigi ated w ith her husband to Rain- i
! more. She was a devout Cat hnhc and w as
able to walk to St. James's chuich legu- '
buly until two Sundays ago. !
It appears t-ow, siys the Harrisbuig I
Pitt riot, that Ilenedict Arnold came neater '
meeting Ihe fate be tit-served than many
people ever knew. While, as a III itish of- :
licet, he was in 17S1 engaged ii: the des- '
tiuction of the town of Fail field. Conn., a i
Mis. Heiman, the wifeof a captain in the !
United States navy and a resident of Fait- I
field, became so enraged at the tiphlcss j
slaughter of ".he American s oldiets defend- ,
ing the place, that w Lile A 1 n old w as in the j
stieet befoie her house she -secured a mm
i ket, took delibeiate aim at his back and
pulled the tiigger, but the musket misssrl i
fire, and Arnold riding away soon after- '
ward was saved. j
I Mr. Hemy Hall, a farmer residing
near Ruthsbnrg. says the Cent tevi'.'e (Md ) ''
i (j,,;rri 1; was bitten about two weeks ago ;
by a vicious hog on the Idwer part of the ,
right thigh, just above the knee join',
making an ugly wound an inch and a half
long and thiec-iiuarters of an inch tlei p,
from which he has ben suffering moder
ately until last Saturday, when oCkjiw
i set in in the worst foi m. his muscles be
coming rigid. F.ut iit lie hope t,f bis re
covery is entertained. He is attended bv
Drs. Holland and Graham. Mr. Hall is
one of our best citizens. Since writing the
above we learn that Mr. Hall is dead. He
died last Tuesday about noon.
i A Wisconsin giil put on trousers arid
slatted through the deep snow to walk six
miles to a village for provisions, the fami'y
lauier noiiiii eaipiy. Mie soon became tit -
ed out, besides losing bet way ami the cold
was intense. A big -New foil nrl land doi:
which accompanied her was the means t-f
savins- Iier life. She scooped out a hollow
in '.he snow. 1 ty down in it. and made tho
w arm dog li- on her, shift ins; him about
so as to successively cover the coldest
parts of her body. Iu that way she passed
a whole night, and was not very severelv
f tost bit en. With t wo or three more doCs,;'
she says, "I would li3ve got along very
comfoi tably."
Rec 'iit'.y, says the XewOileans Timf.o,
in haulinc drift-wood from the liver to tlie
bank, at Mr. fieotge K, Jiovee's place, in
the parish oT St. James, a remarkable cnii
osity was riisc'iveted in a sycamore log of
great length and about thiee and a half
feet in diameter. The lightness of ihe log
tirst atiiacted attention, which cave way
to wonder when, on removing ihe outer
baik, it was seen that the inner portion
was ofa peculiar material, in layets, and
having all the Bppeaintire, consistency
and softness of a piece of chamois skin.
Judge S. F. Siskri'ii. i.f St. James, saved
the Intr from the ruthless woodman and sc
ented a poi'io'i of Ihe mysterious material,
which he yesterday brought to the Time's
Deacon Srlmm. of Mm frccsboro.
Trim., was an Odd Kellnw in high stand
ing, and an accomplished swindler. He
inserted a false ame in a lodge record of
had he supposed member reinstated,
in response to a fictitious icquest from
Chicago, and finally obtained for him a
tnembeiship in the C hicago Odd Fellows'
Life Insurance Association. Then bn
waited lor the m-not t mi it r in r,r..t l..- m
'" " inti ii ca.nt; in ne -ASIUHIlU-
la railroad disaster. Sciiorn nianufac'ured
evidence that the mythical member was
killed, and obtained $l..fX) insurance mo-
ney, which he was to turn ovet to the "be- 1
leaved family." The swindle was not
snspecied until an attempt to repeat it w as
detected. i
The Leavenworth (Ran.) Times says :
"Mention was made in the Time during ;
the summer of a singular accident which '
oceitrieti tin the Kansas Pacific road at the
budge crossing Kiowa cieek. foitytwo
miles east of Denvei, in which an engine
attached to a freight I rain went Mi rough !
the bridsre into tho bed of the creek, i:i j
siantlv disapiaring in the quicksand and j
; battling all attempts to recover it. For the
past six months the seaich for Ihe missing
locomotive has been kept up tesulttng in '
s iccess two or three days ago, when it was
found buried foity feet deep in the quick- j
sand. The sand had been removed for a 1
gi a' number of yards nioiod the scene of :
thedisnppearano of I bo engine, a bydiau- !
, lie ram being used, the locomotive lining
found at last after a seaich of six months.
The instance is one of ibe most remaikable
on reeoia.
A Sior.Y of a Titi:ir Rn
The Washington 7o? savs thete is a
f.t,,7 iixoti in the .-si.i-o H i;,e, a ."e,
leans, which will f: 2 lire if! the bis'i
the git. if. Ptesi.Ii -nt i fin; I w.i 1 1,
cot f' ' f ite .' ''iV t' no s lo In w if a
f ut ill e gi H
( oat ioi-s to lo'i-h at? t .;.. -moid
the caie of Kei! -
tha' room
Iwl'v rtoil Ke'o .-'." Pilvlle s;...
C'oii'j'iest Claike, Iat D. li. limit
one f Ki-lli'jc's cletks, foiL'e-1 ;!:e 1
of I w o elect ot s to t lie I etui n of ilie
Louisiana. It was that f-ugety
nfade the theft of the Pies'aleticy poj '
T he 1'f-t f-y s :
Kellottz. ith the ni l of h' fatthfnl !
till ti. Ke.iy s'ct 4'hirke. Mtt't ni to titt
th at np.'ii ; n i n- ti I u ti un with ;.l 1 the tie i
rn- ,.,ny lor the f ornery i f the e.
nMines 01 i.' a a;.-:ei llial he srouir: .
t-ouint t'e-t 1 . e-:io ss it.
Tin- lima r. I. H. Itlanehirt. nn rj
that line, en 1 1 ied en his um ii lo-rt-. a i
I'll "Vra' 11 1 1- ti id ti f-n co'e i -t I i-d . 1 ' t ' -
taken itown t ,i rn r ' K n-i, iitdcd to Mr. b-rii, Im. hv - .m.-
riini" f I i in a -ee, had i'l i i'r.-i 1 1;
rtcfi eis in tie- i-ri'.'inal returns and ei.
t M'-'j l ,r ci i r -el inn.
I; v t lie t u lk"i r er i rn e i f f nrery . t i -s
trait d. Mr. Hal t s holds l is os i ih- . -Ttis
is r, nt tie- ni-i'i In-n of th ' It
- fTicre to w-i :,.i r "h iriii-." li h h ' o
Ft.-inltated t i-iuii-inrt'i t t.s' :ti' n .
An I fed otny is the mm f t w ..! - . '
whs e 'linn 11 te I ntttv o-i l.l " Mil t-i- i t. -fj.-s
in I r- n-l 'c. tm I tin- In a ti In n
woi hi w ill toll r- spoi.s,;. f . ,r t In i ;
man whom no fair em n
enine. uilh'.i ifh h is ' w n h s n 1 .! i 1 t i
il Mutt tmin is in the h-t-ate f t t
Slates. Ii .ahehanl is it-n-l. K ' y i a
tiaiitff-r-on. fin-i t'iiim'ii-.t iuik'-, l.
more ntout the (.it,-, ry thi'i h- etn '
teii. is one of Johu Shermat:' cu ....
clerks. :
At Vratcibnty, Conn., .w enM .p
turkf-vsaie awarded 10 pefiple who,
tht-ir l.atids tied behind their backs,
rapidly consume blackbcny pies, k:: 1
zes are tdfeitd for the men win in the
space of t ime can itieiitify their "v s
in a barrel containing ten ; aiis of f . . ,
erings, anil get them on.
AL' ff 1 V l.Il 'ITS I. M T.y 1
Vibrator" Tlircsliers,
mi imt-j- - ei
And Sttam Thrthfr In sli-rs.
Hade only t y -
niTTU-: citi:i:K, ma.
-i -
?!n Tf h Ir H
ci it., n.j . ti - -w .
" r-r .;'"ti. I-' :1 !
frt C.efcis, aul Ux Niv:;,f
I? ATX T?TllT Trt HlTlOf wh;i! II T-
tu i: .rr m:idii, iii a ;: i 'il . . .'.
t-.o Li: HI..I13I iil; li l. i;t i::jr 11 , ,.
lf Tte-vitvlnir S!inrt Ini
ft :'. : '.''..:.'' : '-.'; .
lie tfii .fn.
1 i
. ti. Wti or Itj
I r
IIOT citiy Vntlv Superior fur Wbn,t,
h OH-. . ! r. ,1 . .
at ! .--
I!ks. :.. i:
tc ci.uf r;-ni ti i .
"O VIZ Siz; of ,;jp,r?prn ?I n f.
j: . ::.t te 'fe r -w - :tift : -..
11 I'nrivnTrfl Sfpnin Thrr)irr V-
Th nro npti VorKinaTVir.
etc. , our ' ViBfci fiji ' "X !,rt.!r.- 'i;;r.- sr- 7 i:,;-!
OR Pnrelmlar, fnTl on onr Deal"
P. C. dk ST. L. FI'Y.
Tin: mm r Ay n .ldsr AMlEXI'EIilTI'l'S 1. :
T'I All. I'i
' J p '. t t
it ' m lt( iiti,im tCm:
111 A 1. 1. I'HIM I I' A I.
fjlir RnfPC TA flip I nwrv'
' f ' C U,G L-,t-"
i Wl W ' UI'ml.
Our Trains Cuniicct inUMl'N I III 1 1 -
Wi.h nil t he it real V - r n 1 r -j i k I :t - -
yo dki.a i's' . yo L'tyo n:Ayyi '
-4.J ''!'. ' f 1.;. i .ir.; ii' ir-!. f.-.:.-
ir LX P: h ss i ( s. . i ., f '.
Homes in tlto AVIIST
W invite f..rre-i-riie:'t-e. tiii-l t vi. ai t t i
irii e trust w-i.rt h ,nf riiott n. W ! -n ' - - i
ry. o-jr I r" vel oiif . -i ; s , : i u: et t I i rt .- - :.' '.
t-' l re 1 1 a r ei I in hm- s t ; H. - t . . y r:. t - , r : . -
portiititin ot rits-ei-K'. i s, li.-iii"ti-.'.-l N.
St' i fc. etc.
Fii,nit'ir is the ti-re f Iiai'v Express Tru:: J
v in "Pan. 1 1 a - ir1 le 1 ; . 1 1 1 - " :
I. f-nre Pittf ''urith ' a. m. l!t"i'
Arrive Sr I,.u-s 7.1 a. ui. V- i ' .
KarifHs t ".: t . . i i K j.. in. 1- .i l.i.
rimiioctiui: Is re-iite in Pt.i.iti PeiM-t. K-r.
tity. tor nil pniTiis tn Khi'iis toi-i I i .
Tvi tiijinl'-f-il "ititilsuf t'ti-'itK'.- me t :. -fr-e
irr e-tJ-iTMsTs.
t If n li le to procure t ii kt t 1 y 1 1
II IMH.t Uill-lKat 111 :l Test til I i t n : s. ,. : .
sender "ii.iii i e:I tin A in t-ti at I te. I
it nt 7- I- i i t v hvi i"M'. Pitts' n i- ti. Pn .o
lor lick- ts via ' t AN ll.N 1 I.I. K'.t ! I
w h ietl 1 n " l lt ;i J i.u s '1 r tt !; - I "t n fi ' ' V :.
Kor M i is i.f i i cn-rn I.h"-s. c r. u ti'". I i '-
lets. e., B.i tres. iV. I. t I;niL... (.- t I 1 '-
per Aetit. t-ltitu!iiis. 'ti:,i. 12 ! .
HY virMi" t.f an -r ier t.f tt.e I' "rt i t " i
I'lr.,., ()r (';itn,r;1 t.i.nii .-. I . i e,t. -' :. I
will offer a; uMie en t'.t pr'-ti -i
sA Ti i; ha v. i i:ii' 1st. .;.".
t't' nt a i o. k. r. .. t
ritie.l real esi-ite. t u w.t :
in t'letirfir-1.1 torn-! in. in r -.: '
t 'RinlT'it. lonniti-it n
N iv'i". ir.. mi. I I'. H
if .1 1 ilm liirn n . in 1 1:
er. snil un t lie .. h
tl ' f:i ij
kt-rlTI. el
t J l-.p-t
: '.I- r, .i
i i . , r-
I tis- I
I :l r. 1 '.
tuiiiinit if rr, ni ri i.r !-:
erect I a tw sto-v Irim-: H
I'l.ANK llnlSK, t HlVK Ht'lV
I. it nir
ts a t It
4 1 Iv
IJIH..1 i.r ier. Hr- I all tlie n'--r--:r
I lie Uiel i all cleared ami in a m
.1 fia-i
1 ivat inn.
Iikms er Sit k. nf t!.--l ft ! I
mniiev te i.e pant on ciitirinsi mn et i In
t'te rt-rnaintler ii. t o i'hthiI tteu-tl t-1 vtt
itf.erei-t. to tie eeureil lite- j o.1 :n. i-'
tlie purelier. Ji'itlX W 1 i M
A's irneoot Peter A. ana Wm. M
Jan. S. is;s.-3t.
Vrs. to C. A. J 4C-
r. WAKJM.F, I'hiU.
L' "i.V" '"i'",'""': !t
V irf I, w. V ic t R . A n ust. :;
s R-! Vmh SI. '