uu THE C&MBRlli FRtEM&H. Ebensburg, Pa.. fltlOA I. - - - jc?. 6 i ?,?. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. J I ere. Tit ere. ana the Other riace. A HolliilAjrnhnrg family named Hatinger has emigrated to Brazil. Lots of nice things for holiday presents at TVitel baton's, ,n Carrolltown. Mr. John Sihroth, of Wilmore, Is credit f ,1 wkh thu shooting of two flue female deer this fcawm. Don't fail to rail and ire tlm nice 8fock f new goods just received at Xeitelbaum's cheap store in Uarrolltoivn. Mr. Joaeph Dule, of Currennvlll, Clear field county, has lost three rhildreu byillph tlieria within ns many vrcckr I Ine of the trave rse jurors In attendance at Court thin w"k is the owner of the lm finning name of Zichary Taylor. Tlie deferred Diaper-thin of the Fifth regiment 1. N. O. will be held at Tyrone on the 10th Instant. nest Tuesday. It will snreiy pay to deal with S. Telfel hanm, of Carroll town, when yon want to get the best sood.4 for the least money. Mr. John Tomlinson, Ealior Reformer and whilom editor of the Altoona Oloba, has pone to Soranton to accept a position on the Tii'if newspaper of that city. Teiteihannt of Carrolltown is the man yon ought to viait when yon want to buy dry ,fixla, dress coodd, clothing, groceries, &c, at prices which no man can undersell. The Herald says that the confectionery ore of K O. Parrish.in tills place, was bur glariously antered Saturday night aid rob bed of fifteen dollars In small change. Mr. Joseph Van Ormer, of White town ship, has contracted with a Willlamsport gentleman for the putting of one million feet of timher In Chest creek this winter. Teitelbamn, of Carrolltown, was the first rutin In northern Cambria to declare war on i liijjh prii'es, aiul he Is Itouinl to continue the ' pi mmI richt so '.our as the people sustain him. j The IJovd assignees met at the o'd hank i Sulidli'tr. Altoona, this (Thursday) morn- I ln: to take testimony before the masters in I , (julty Appointed by the U. 8. District Court. ' S mie. mien gnawed some matches in I I.-!ford one day last week and ignited them, and If somebody hadn't discovered i the rl lines a disastrous conflagration might I. iive otisneil. The KaiiFas colony has fixed upon Jan- ' nary lPh as the time for their departure ! from this place, when it Is thought not lens limn fifty men, women ftiu! hiMrcii willjoin I 1n the exotlus. j Wood up! A beautiful cbromo will be , presented to the first man, boy, or other! biped who brings ns a load of good dry ! kindling wooil on account of subscription or j ether debt dee 1his cfllce. In Curwetisvlll, Clearfield county, po. i fateeu are Belling at . cent per bushel, hay ! a' ?'J pT ton, corn at .10 cents per bushel, I est at cents, beef at 7 and 9 cents, and j pork a? .1 and 10 cents per pound. Though no cases of special Importance : irere down for trial this week, the attend- 1 pure In the Conrt-toom Monday and Tues- ' thiv l.ax not been excelled In point of numbers : ,t.co the trial of Mike Moore for murder. Col. John C. Eerhart, of Martlnsbnrg, r.'air county, has been appointed to the : rVrk-hip In the Auditor General's office at j II. irrlshnrg made racant by too recent death ; i f his brother, K. E. Kverhart, Fsj., of II ittl il'tnlon . ; A freight btakeman named Banford . S:"ers, a resident of Derry, Westmoreland j county, was struck on the head the other ' iUv by a bridge over the I,oyalhanna, and ; ri f!vd lnuries which caused his death In j a few hours after. j Can. Jacob Smith, a brother of Mr. It , K. Bmi'h, of this place, died in Monroe county, Kansas, Nov. 23 I, from the effects j f a running sore, occasioned by a wound r-reived at the battle of Nashville during ; the ''e war. need about flit years. When all kind of goods can be bought ! pt tou li decided reductions in price ns hare been made at the People's Cheap Store in , Cario'ltowt", they must lie foolish folks in- j ie. ,1 u l.i li. n't at least go and see how It is i t iielliseves. I The Ciirwensv IHe JVre. says that Mr. r..beii I.awhead, f Eawrenee township. '"rrli"!.l county, has lost twelve fine hogs , fro'ii cholera during the past, fall and pre- j -nt winter. Many other porkers In the i F i'im neighborhood nre also said to be snf- j f e r i t g with 'he same disease. -Ir. Hi il'miui, dentist, will visit Wilmore : fl.iiriiilay of next week In a professional ca- j parity, and Carrolltown the Monday follow- : b'rf. I'arties living at either place, or in the t elrfhhni hood. leiring Work in his line j 'lot e will do well to ii.terview Dr. HofTman, tun that the optiortunit y nffers. The .loliiininwn 7t6tiie of Friday last tmhliihed a seven column obituary notice of j lb n. A. C. Mnllln, formerly of F.lwnsburg, ' but w ho reMiJeil 1 n I'hlladelphia at, the time ) ' : Mh death. It wa from the able pen of; t el.. lames M. Kwank, anil was a graceful ; tiit ute to the memory of a worthy matt. j -The property of Mr. K. J. Mills, on ; J ii i i ah street, was sold at assignee's sale, on j Saturday last, to Mr. Thomas Davis .Tack- I s-ui). for the exceedingly moderate sum of S74.) a price very '.ittlo hi excess of one- j 'lord of the original cost. Mr. Davis also 1 ought a lot In the West ward at the same n'ie Tr 340 I We had the pleasure of a call yesterday j t'o ni ('..1. C. IV Jones, the Ilollidavsburg j correspondent of the Altoona Daihj Tribune, i wln'tn we know from the frequent perusal of; his readable productions to be a graceful imd interesting writer, and wliom we found I "ii acquaintance: to be an Intelligent anil Kintal gentleman. Glad Indeed will we be tn meet him of'.en In the future. An argument in favor of the erection of a t ew Court House was found this week In 'lie fact that twenty-four women were in at tendance at the fount of justice as parties or witnesses, ten of whom carried Infants In "ieir amis. When those labies lx-gan sjnal '"V In unison, which was not infrequently, tlie spectators closed lheire:rs and heartily ilied there was a retiring-room someplace bl the neicliliorliood. nr lady readers should not fail to call '.i1 see the stock of new and cheap mil'inery t ds just received by Mr. K. K. .'ones, I! street. KUmshnrg. I?e their tastes ever so refined, they will not go away disap pointed. It j no longer necessary to send 'J tli" large cities for millinery goods, for Mr. Jones can furnish any and all articles desired at about tho same price demanded fvr them there at retail. A youth of this town who frequently rT!iiis himself to become grossly intoxieat- mid while in that condition charges '"'id w"nh an open knife in his hand, "feat-ning to cut and kill, found out what '!" interior of a cell in the jail looks like 'M Monday. He remained Immured sever a! lionrs, when his promise that be would go "w hereafter was taken by the authorities Old he tvas turned loose. The bmly of a deal child was picked up 0,1 the lii, f(f tilrt p ix. ii. nl.ar Blair Fur- ,!'o. Itlair county. Friday evening. It was I r n the cars, and that the mother's name Is Catharine HntVinan. of Terry r""nlv. A teleui a uliie .lisnafch secured the arrsst of Catharine at Pittsburgh, and she 1" now i tie HolliiUysburg jail to await 'rial 'm (, chari'e .if infant .-i le. We have be-n authorized to sta'e that rumor alsuit the Hulbert House, Johns- Roing to change hands ere long is not frre, t J)t,y Htncethe death P r- ttenfnrd, or likely to 1 made. Is t hat A. Beiif,,,-,t ,as taken -harg of b busi ''l"'". tlive the Hulbert a eAl when ym r,,"t .liilniKimvii, and we will insure yo-i a , trtv wet.-.Miie and kind Irea'inenl from '"'Hi Mrs H,.f,,r,j a,j ,r Frank. I'e til in of ltnti'on & Murray bavins 'e,l t,, ,.xjt 0ing fo iIih death of the ' J'ouor tii-mM.ri the surviving partner. Dr. " '-"uifiion, is anxious to close fut .-ertaiu ' l""r'iii.'i,ls f the biisiness a spendilv as r's-llde, ;,,( Wjtn ,,iat hj,.t j yjpW ofl'.TS )i'r"a,, I'rge lot of jewelry, ipiscellaneus "'' " 'tions, etc., at flr.t cost and in many j'!;iiiC"s at less than cost. T.-rsons wish- 11 K ,nv'" In artjrles f that kind will '"y"T have a betl.-r chance Insecure bar- 1 12-0.-41. Connty Commissfoner-elect Geo. Gnrley informs ns that the glorious army of office seeker are not shirking their duty, but, m the contrary, are coming rapidly to the front. No less than twenty-five names are on his flate as applicants for the position of Mer cantile Appraiser, wkile those who would like to oe, Commissioners' Clerk number alKnt a baker's dozen, It is nearly a month tili the appointments will be made, and these figures will doubtless be somewhat Increased by that time. A gentleman who was In attendance at Conrt this week, and who claims (o know as much about, the weather as the next one, in formed ns that the present will he an open and comparatively warm winter. He basen his prognostication on the fact that the sap In the maple and beech trees is mounting upward, while the strawberry plants, many of them, are In full blossom. We'll pe next Spring how this turns out, but meantime the coal dealers can contemplate this item aud rend their nether garments. His nose was red, his forehead big, he gazed around with watery eye; he shivered in the biting reezs. and chattered out be tween his sneezes Winter ! oh, my ! After which performance he straightway betook himself to the store of Jas. J. Murphy, 109 Clinton street, Johnstown, and bought him self a suit of comfortable ready-made cloth ing and felt braced tip to tackle the ther mometer even if it fell tn zero. Mr. Murphy ! Is a man who sells very cheap, and who guarantees every article that goes out of his store to be just as represented. j Have you given the amount, of attention which is its due to the announcement of John Uoyd ft Co., High street, EI.ensbnrg, I publ.ohed in Another column? That firm i will during the present month of Decemlier i sell of cost their entire stock of dry goods, ' ciothlng, hats, caps, IhoIs, shoes, etc. This Is no sham, but a fair square opportunity to buy goods at cheaper rates than Kbensburg has probably ever er joyed, so if you want to make one dollar do service for nearly double that, sum you should a once visit tlie cheap cash store of John IJoyd & Co. In March last an infant child of Mr. and ' Mrs. Michael lioyer, of Coopersdale, swal lowed a small beau. The babe was scarcely a year old at. the time. The bean first lodg- ed In the wiml p'pe, but soi.n descended into the lungs. The chiid became very sick, but after suffering intensely for a day or two it apparently recovered. The same symptoms manifested themselves frequently there- , after, however, ami with Increasing severi ty, nnli! Thursday last, when the little' KufVorer died. The phvsiciars attribute the death to Irritation of the child's lungs caused by the bean. i On Monday forenoon a boy named Dan iels. aged about 15 years, residing at Newton Hamilton, essayed to jump on a freight, train for th purpose, ir- is supposed, of rid ing to Mount Union. In doing sohemiseed his calculation, slipped and fell under the train. The wheels passed over his right leg just above tho ankle, crushing it in a horrible manner. His leg was subsequently amputated ttelow the knee. He was also 1 more or less Injured in other places, but enough of him continues to hang together to warrant the belief that he will get well in due course of lime. What use are all hard money qnestioi s, or the laws of peculiar finance to a man without Lose, a big boil on his nose, an.1 a patch on Ihe seat of his pants? Sure enough. Under such circumstances the hard money question is a delusion ami a snare. Hut, hard money or soft money. Hie man who goes round with patches on his pants when Godfrey Wolff, next door to the post office, Altoona, sells ready-made clot hing at a mere song, is more lo bo blamed than to be pitied. An excellent winter suit can be bought from him for ?'" up. All orders sent by mail will bo promptly attended to. Iter hair was yellow; st-ands of gold fell o'er her shoulder's, fold on fold ; her eyes were of a heavenly hue she wore a number seven shoe. That number of shoe, or any other number down to he smallest made, Is always to l found on the shelves of S. Itlumei. I hal . 1 ll'.l K'leventh avenue. Al toona. Mr. It. keeps the largest stock of boots, shoes, slippers, etc., to be found in Vestern Pennsylvania, all which are mark ed at prices that defy competition. If yon patronize him once we feel satisfied you will go nowhere else when yo ir feet need a dain ty and serviceable covering. A correspondent at Wilmore writes to inform us of the death from consumption, in Veva. Switzerland county, Indiana, en Nov. 21st, of Mr. Kichard IhiM-r, smi cf Jaiob Hiditer and grandson of Mrs. F,'iza beth Holder, who, it will be remembered by our old readers, was murdered in Cumbria township during the S immer of 1S12. th motive f-r ihe crime being a desire to obtain the money she was supposed lo possess. Mr. Holder, our informant assures us. was an honest, upright, citizen and a kind and aftectionn te husband and father, w hose ib a' h -lll be sincerely mourned bv a!l who knew him. He leaves A w ife and flTe chi.dren. The Altoona Mirror of Saturday last contained the valedictory of M r. Harry Slep, Its former proprietor, who has sold that es tablishment lo Messrs. Ibickingham & Nic odemns and will hereafter devote his undi viile'i time and attention to the publication of his German pap'r. Dw )e,i7e I".,'A sr7( -rer, and to job printing. The Mirror under its, new management appeared on Monday cut down from a six to a rive column piper, and with the pri-e per copy fixed at one cent. It presents a very neat, appearance, and is filled with precisely the sort of read ing mailer the public demand. Itoth Mr. Slp and the new hands at the Iwllows have our most ardent wishes for ib'dr future pros perity. Hope at least the last named mem ber of the new firm, like his prototype of old, will not have to climb a tree, his profits in a Mirror to see. Iv.igineer M 'Cabe Is the owner of a brood of geese, two of which, owing To the fact that the mother goose was unable to spread herself over all the eggs furnished her to set on, were ha'ched out by a female chicken of mature growth. All the goslings are now grown up, but to all intents and purposes Uiey constitute two totally different famijies. The goslings hatched by Ihe goose will not associate with the goslings hatched by the chicken, but on the contrary have i based the latter out into the wide, wide woihi, where they wander disconsolately up and down. When ihey meet, they meat as strangers or as foes. Why is this ? I it an explificatiixl of th saying that "blood will tell" even ill geeSO ? As we don't. prettul to know, we turn the question over to some lusly who has locn raised wilh geese, or is a goose himself, for an answer. "Take a short rest," "wipe o!T your chin." pnl' down your vest" and prepare to waik in and see' the iiicest lot of ready made ,-lot'nina at the cheap cash store of M. Wolf, at 1127 F.leventh avenue, Altoona, Pa that, has ever been offered for sale in that citv. Mr. Wolf, as we are reliably In formed." has recently Sold several excellent suits to parties residing in this vicinity, and one of the geii'lemeii thus made happy as sures us that he not only found an abund ant and elegant stock to se'ect. from, but that, he did better there, than he could do any where else. That is certainly a strong recommendation for Mr. Wolf, and a con vincing reason wbv other buyers should go and do likewise. Kernember that the store referred to is on Eleventh avenue, n-.xt door to n iwman & Morrow's big store, and lust around the corner of the street on w Inch the post-office is located. At the close of the pffi'.t vnlnme or the FRF.EM AN,"f which only five numbers remain to be issued, we prop is to enlarge and im prove our paper, and for that purpose not only intend to purchase an entire new suit of tvpe, but also must of necessity buy a new press, the one npon which the.Fitnr.M an is at present prin'ed being too small for a paper of larger dimensions, as well as sotne nhat demoralized by long continued use. T make these propose,! improvement,, w ;ll of course require an outlay of consnler-aW- cash, and as our exchequer is. some what depleted weareotdiged toca.l on those in arrears to extend ns a helping hand .h-ery one indebted for advertising, subscription, ftc. can at '.east pay ns a portion of what they owe, and we sMioerely hope that all will .lo promptly, as H. necessary Pnr , hi-es most. b mad during tho coming holidays. If they conn up the work, an honesty and fair play certainly demand, we nromNe 'hem a letter paper and larger v. e than are now for id.- most part used in printing t he Fkf.k.m A S. Let no oue fail toa piM us in the work. Court PnocT.EftT.s. The December term of our County Court convened for its first week's session at 10' o'clock, a. m., on Monday last. Judge Orvis, of Rellefonte presiding, and Associates Thomas and Flanaean on the bench. j The (;rand Jury, of which A.Ti. Iongenec- ker was appointed foreman, was called snd received its instructions, after which the ; constables of the various uintriots made their , nsual returns under oath. The list of at- j torneys was then called iu order to afford an opportunity for making motions, preserving petitions, etc., and at the conclusion of these i proceedings, which occupied the aitentron i of Court until 12 40 p. m., a recess was taken until 'Mf o'clock out of respect for the memory of Win. Kittell, Ksq., recently de- t ceased. It. was also made an order of Conrt j that, the resolutions of condolence adopted bv the members of the bar at the time of Mr. Kittell's death should be entered upon Ihj minutes of the Court.. j AFTKRKOOX SESSIOV. j Com'th vs. George Kurtz, indicted for re ceiving stolen goods, said stolen goods .-on-sistingof a quantity of fig metal, for the stealing of which from the Cambria Iron Company a couple of boys were convicted at September sessions. , At a quarter past 0 o'clock Court a 1- : journed until ft o'cloc k Tuesday morning, I the above case lieing still on trial. i TinsuAY's rnncF.F.ntNtis. Court convened at 8o'rlock Tuesday morn- . ing, as per adjournment, when Judge Orvis delivered the charge to the jury in the Kurtz case, and alter half an hour's ib;- . liberation said jury returned with a Verdict , of not guilty, the county to pay the costs. ' Com'th vs. John Pearn selling liqur ; without li'-euse. Defendant, who is a citi zen of White township, plead guilty and ' submitted. Sentenced to pay a fine of 575 and costs of prosecution. j Com'th vs. Wm. Stehley, indicted for ; fornication and bastardy and adultery. ; Our readers wiil recollect this case ns hailing from Wilmore, an account of which we published at the time of its occur- recce. The crimes wilh which Stehley was charged, and lo which he entered a plea of guilty, were committed with his wife's sister, and the community, it is proper lo i say, were greatly shocked at the recital. ! Defendant was sentenced to pay a fine of one dollar ami the costs of prosecution, ami , the further sums of twenty five dollars "for ' lying In" expenses and one dollar per week during the term of seven years, for the pay- uient of which a bond was required, anil also lo undergo six months' imprisonment in ' the county jail. j Com'th vs. Michael Qaiiin, Indicted for e!Khez.le;nenf. The chaiges were founded on the ftcl that the. defendant had collected certain t;-.x in Com-mangli borough an I : failed to pay over or account for the same. ' Defendant plead guilty nod submitted. Not yet sen leneed . i Com'th vs. G"orf.e Uradlcy, indicted for forgery. This will be remembered as Ihe ! case in which a no'e was forged by the tie- j femlaiit on Jacob Jacoby, of Johnstown Full restitution having been made, the amount being only the District At torney, on leave, entered a tml irv. Com'th vs. IJ ichael Hymen and James Itaeer, indicted for mayheir. and assault and baltcrv. Settled bv panics au.l uvl pros. entered. s Com'th vs. Henry rtolaud, lndiotel for making threats. Settled by parties before bill whs d rawn. j A number of cases known as Ibigtown '. cases were nol prost quit tl on the ground, as stated by D'.stiiet Attorney Kos-, that, the ' law-abidii g people of I hat pari of the county, not saiislied with 'uingiiig forward the dis- , creditable current trans actions of Ihe day, ! were also in the habit, of going hack further : than the statute of limitation would permit to stir up old sores, and as the cases in qnes- ; tiou were of that idass tiiey were Very Mini- j .i arily disposed of. j Com'ih vs. Noali Murphy, indicted for ! larceny. Defendant was charged with steal ing a null saw from an upright water mill owned by a man named Ivuepper of Sum- ; merhlli township. On trial up lo uoou, when Court adjourned until 2 o'clock. AKTKIiNOON Si".SS!OS. At opening of Ihe Conn, Dist. Att'y Rose addressed tlie jury on the case on trial. The jury was then charged by the Court, and . alter having retired and deliberated or at I leas! remained out during the entire night, came into Court about 10 o'clock a. in., on Wednesday, and announced their inability to agree, it being uiiilerslood that there ' were ciht for acquittal and four for con viction. The Court discharged them. 1 Com'th vs. Thomas J. Williams and John Gaimati, indicted for assault and battery, : and Com'th vs. Hoes. I. Uoyd, assault and ' battery. These being cross prusec-u i ions ihe Grand Jury, with coinmeinl.tiil.' d i sere I ion , imposed the costs on the ic.-peelive prose cutors and ignored the, biiis. Prosecutors' sentenced accordingly. , Com'ih vs. Tims. II. Grove, indicted for carrying concealed weapons, Benjamin ' Snitziiiau, prosecutor. Tins young man : was arrested at Fast. Coiiemaiigh , on ihe 28th of September last, while stealing his way on the cars. A fter his arrest the officer, (Si iitzuian) of the IVima. It. II. police, dis covered a large dnk knife concealed under , his coat and near the , small of his back. ; Another man named Monday was arrested at the same time. The knife exhibited in Courtis a f.ightful looking weapon, some ten or twelve inches in length. The defense set up was that ihe accused was a logman, I and that such knives were used in camp for Ihe same purpose as a table knife, etc., etc. , The jury, after an nhseiioc of forty minutes, , returned with a verdict of not guilty and as sessed the costs on the prosecutor. j Com'ih vs. Francis Prisk, indicted for as- : sault ami battery with intent in kill and as sault and battery ; Kliza Ami Troxell pros ecutrix. The scene of this case is within : one mile of Loydiville iu W hite township, and the oltuse charged wn that defendant had struck and beat the prosecutrix wiih a club while walking along the public road to t Ijloydsvtlie. The dcfeuitan t , w ho is a mar- ; ried man about 2ti years of age, it is proper lo say, had no motive, so far as the evidence disclosed, for doing any injury to the pros- ; ecutrix. Case not concluded when Culirt adjourned, at (i o'clock, p. m. ! wrijxr.wiAY's ritoir.r.niMis. The jury in the case of Noah Murphy, af ter having been out l!i' hours failed to ajree and were discharged. The defendant was ordered into bonds of S.KH) to appear at next term of Court to answer, etc. After a speech for the prosecution by Dis trict Attorney Kose and the charge of the Court, the jury iu the P.isk case retired to their private, room, and. after due delibera tion. returned woli a verdict of not guilty. Com'ih vs. Samuel Rendercarrying a concealed weapon, a pistol in wit., and wan tonly pointing it at Joseph Carney, the ' prosecutor in the. case. The alleged otl'cnsO was committed in GailitzMi township on the 5th of October last. Verdict not guilty, but that he pay one-half the costs and the prose cutor the other half. Com'th vs. Joseph Carney surety of he peace. Defendant sentenced to enter into bail to keep the peace, ect. ( AFTI'ltNooX ii:ss!OX. ! Com'th vs. D. W. P.. well and Howell ' Powell. This is a case of malicious mischief perpetrated in Cambria township. Did'eud- , ants plea, I guilty, and are sentenced to pay a fine of 5 and costs and undergo imprison ment in the county j lit for tne term of t wo iiionlli.s. Com'ih vs. August Slongher larcei-y. It appearing from the testimony thai tho property alleged to have been" sioier. had disappeared over two years ago and a prose cution was thereby debarred by Ihe si.-t.iute of limitation, Ihe jury relumed a verdict of not guilty. Com'th vs. August Slongher receiving stolen goods and larceny. Defendant pleads guilty, and is sentenced to pay aflaeof SI and costs and undergo imprisonment in thtj connty jail for Ihe term of four months. Cotn'd vs. Chamicey Myers larceny and resisting an officer. Defendant pleads guil ty, and is sentenced to undergo separate and solitary confinement in the Western Peni tentiary for the term of fifteen months. Com'th vs. George Raiiin larceny of five bushels of wheat in Susquehauua township. Verdict not guilty. T H D KS l A T FORF.NOON. The Grand Jury mode report that they had TisMed the pvib'.ie buildings ami found them in a satisfactory condition, with the exception of tne gallery of the jail, w hich is : unsafe. They also recommended the con- j st ruction of a" public bridge across the Cone- j niangh river a'. Coopersdale. 4 Com'th vs. David Reighard, charged with j fornication and bastardy, and Com'th vs. j Sarah Rryan. adultery. These two cases are being tried together at the time of clos ing our report, Thursday noon. Riipkiff's SAI.F.. The following describ ed properties were disposed of by Sheriff flyan. a portion cf them In .Tohnstowe, on Saturday last, and the remainder in this place on Monday afternoon of tho present week : in jortsPTOWjr. A lot of rnimil and Improvements In? the ?ixh wri! of Johnsro-.vn. Sold as the property of John I.itz anrl bouitht by I'. It. Kilis for to0. Thirty-two ncres In 'iaylor township nn.t twelve seres find fifty perches In Ptonyreek: township, with Improvements. Sold in the property of V sley Horner nnd booKht by Ja cob Horner Tor fl'VSand $t.'00 respectively. Three lots and itnpi oveirrnts in Cune mauirh boromrh. Sold as the property of Jer emiah Crowlcv end wife nnd housM by K. I,. Johnston for VvV V1 end I'.'SS respectively. Lot of ground slid Improvements In Krankliri hnromrh. Sold as the property of I.swrenee Korlonir and houirhl by Peter Kuhrfir. Tor fti. Lot or irronnd and improvements in Katt Con omnuirh borouun. Sold as the properly of Phil ip (iouchnour and bought by J. Zimiiiei man for f.Ti. Two lots and Improvements In f!.it Cone tnnuch bnrmiirh. Sold n the property of Ch. IbCobuugh nnd bought by J. Zimmerman for Lot of sToonr! in Cumbria borough. Sold ns the property of Patrick Pomrherty and boupht by Mrs. Ellen Domrherty for "0. Lot oT irronnd In Woodvalo borough snd lot of irronnd in Conemauirli borough, w it h im pro enienls. Sold ns the property of Charles, ('Mper. fieorge snd Lewis Wchn nnd bought by J. Zimmerman lor t"'i0 and tloo respectively. IN tllEXSnfRO. Xlnencrcs of land and lm provements In Wash ington township. Sold ns the property of Win, Krown, Sr.. and bought bv Michael Uradlcy for j'Ji. Four hundred and sixty-three acres snd ninety-eight perches, with improvements. In Alle gheny township. Sold a the properly of Tlios. C.'.ririMti arid bought by Henry (Jenterman for tl.Mio. I oe hundred ncrcs of lnnd and Improvements In Merr township. Sold ns tho properly of Michael Kii-fch mid bought by J. W. Sharbanif h for :;". line hundred and twenty seven acres and im provements in Susquehanna township. Sn'd as the propei ;y of Abraham Ktim and bought by A. V. II irUer rT :i". One htindrr d acres nnd Improvements In Chest township. Sold us the property of Adam Lei d"M and bought by P. I". Carney for tViO. Five acres and improvements in w' hite town ship. Sold ns the properly of J. W, (Jrav and bought by A. H. Fiske & Co. Ii.r One ii ere of land, unimproved, in White town ship. Sold ns Ihe propei fy of Leonnrd Hollis Htol bought ly Joseph Van llrnn-r fr fM. One acre of land, unimproved, nnd lot of ground ami improvements in Ch st Springs bor ough. Sold ns I ne property :f Leonard Mollis nml bought by Davil Mollis for tIS and T0 ro sportively. Lot of ground, unimproved. In West ward of Eliensiiui g. Sold as I he pn porty of Joseph Mo Donald nnd bought by E. Kohons Jfc Son for ,M. Seventy acres of land and improvements ill Jackson town M p. Sold as the properly ol J no. W. and Martin linger and b .light by It. (j. Ifiirkhnrt for ls.1. ! I Ine honored nn 1 .ilnel v-sven ncres and lm- provements in Allegheny township. 'Ihe In- , teres! of Ed ward, J olm. Maigsiei and Peter' Mul in in fair! propertj ; bought by Win. I.it Zintrer for Fifty ncres of land nnd Improvements in I Slack- : lick township. Sold h Ihe propeitv of Henry Miller and bought by F. A. Shoemaker for :.". , Tl'KSllAV'S SA I U. i Seven ncres nnd fifty-four perches In Cambria I township. Sol 1 us the property of K. P. Lm- 1 ton nnd L. TI . Lin ion, ex cent rix of 1'. L. Lin Ion, i deceased, mid bought by JuTus Stich for '50. ! The sale of several other properties ad vertised was postponed until Monday next, the balance being either stayed or continued until Argument Court. j (ts "Wednesday afternoon, shortly afrer ' dinner, a number of persons paid a visit to that imposing edifice known as the county jail. Amongst, them were Mr. John D. .tones, of Cambria township, Mr. Peter Ku! iner. of Conemaugh borough . Dr. D-cker, of Lilly's station, and Dr. Davis of New Florence. While standing on the platform of the iron gallery which traverses the line, of cells on the second tier, a section of the footway broke in twain and fell to the Hour beneath, a distance of about twelve feet, carrying with it Mr. Jones and Mr. Kulmer. The former received some bail cuts and bruises, and it was found necessary to re move him to his home in a wagon. Mr. Kulmer alighted square on his feet and re- ceived no outward hurt, but the shock mm. mimicated to his system was of course a i severe one. He returned to bis homo thn ' samo evening. The two doctors saved themselves from injury by grasping the gal lery railing and clinging thereto till Ihey j could secure a firm foothold. A largo num ber of persons had visited the jail daily throughout the week, and particularly iin mediately afler the dinner hour, and it therefore can only lie looked on in the light 1 of a provident ial interposition that nobody was on the ground -floor of the corridor when, the mishap occurred. The iron sec- tion which fell was five fcetAbmg by three feet, broad, and weighed from three hundred to fon r bund red pounds. H ad it struck some , one in its descent it would undoubtedly , have instantiy killed him. The gram! jury ; entered the jail on an official visit about live : minutes after the accident had occurred. ' It is no wonder that i.i their report to conrt they condemned the gallery as unsafe. j i - A X.HROw Escape. A good deed well done , Is iilwHvs sun.' to bring its own reward, ns our . old friend I la vid Trex !er. of tin 1 1: tzin township, no d on lit full v appreciate! by t Ins time, for had not he mid his good w 1 1 e tn ken n pon t he mac I ves ; the cure of a couple of orphan children tiny , would now be mouininir tie loss by Mreof Ihe ' houe Hint gives them shelier. if indeed their lives had been spa.cd lo mourn such a calami- i ly. '1 In-way it occurred was in this wise: A ' liitle grand daughter of Mr. Trexler. having In her siecp divested herseir of the bed cloth- I inif, wns a wakened by the cold about 4 o'clock ' on Saturday morning last, whereupon she speedily aroused by her outcries nn o'oer girl. ; also mi orphan, who was sleeping in Ihe bed : beside her. The latter, after being thus sum- i marily, and, as the sequel proved, provideu- ' lislly wakened from her slumber, was consid- ' crabl v start lei",, not to say t Tightened, by dis- j covering a bright light shining through the wi udows, and u pon furl her in rent iga tion found a portion of one side of the bouse, wrapped ill tl lines. (Quickly as possible she aroused Mr. and Mrs. Trexler, who slept in a room down st n irs. a ml just in t he n it he of time I ho tl re was c. I ingu ished ly Ihe upplicn tion of a few buck ets ot water. In less than live minutes more. It Is fair to presume. I he llanos would bav in on beyond I onian control, nml ihe death from si I locution of tin two Ii! t le g:i Is, if not of : the other j uma t cs of the house, won hi have f ol- ; lowed as a matter of course. The tire, strange as it mtvv seem, was caused, ns Mr. Trexler avers, bv Ihe tire brick bi tween the grate and the frame of the house becoming- heuted to' such an extent as to si t riic to t'-.o wm o work, a tii'-ory which, if true, and we have no rriison : to dr.uhf il. lends to the conviction ihat tire brick do not nfTord the prelection t property which is claimed for them. Me that ns ii may h utover, M r. Trox ler and the other membeis cd" his household hr.vegre.it reason tube thank ful to an A ll-w isc Providence I or t ho seem big -ly unimportant circuin-tnnce which saved them from an impending calamity which in j!l probability would have resulted in the los of lives us will as of properly. I'A r.EMAKKAHI.K P. r-M-l.T. It mikesro iliU'eience how many Physicians, or how : much medicine you have, tried, it is now an established fact that liermati Syrup is the only remedy which has piven complete saf-i.-f.ictioii in severe cases of Euncj l)isea.ses. It is tin.; there are yet thousands of persona jv ho are preilispuseil to Throat, ami Eung . Affections, ('onstitn ption. Hemorrhages, A st hma. Severe Colds seO led on the Hreasf. , Pneumonia, WlioopitiR C jiioIi, ,"vc., who , have no personal knowledge of Iloschee's fjerman Syrup. To such we wonid say that .10,00(1 dozen were sold last year wit bout one complaint.. Consumptives, try .just one bot tle. Uegnlar size 75 cents. S dd by Eem mon Si Murray, Eliensbiirp, anil by all the other Druggists in America. People ! jienple ! people! ! gil to M. .f. Tei'i"lbaiuii'a, Enretto, wben you vint to buy i-lieap omla. He baa just receive. 1 a new stock, tlie figure nn which are tvo lovy t that no dealer in Cambria ountv ran cmtl- pete with tbein. it will pay von to jm fifty ' ji . x . ... "i."..t ....r .i,.,0 iii-ir- i yi inly YltlH l i" ei ien, iiifi-- nun r i . . . - rlothinir, etr." from him. I not forget tlm place the People.' Cheap Varietv Store, Loretto, M. J. Tvilttlbaum jiicprietor. f jrf jrpf f r I I T . S S X X X X "luaro S'niare Miuare Sijuai e Sijunre Square Square S'funre Square Square Square Square Square Sqoa re Squnro Square Square Square Square f-quare Souaro Square S juaro Square Square Square Sq on re Square Square Square Squnro Square ii toNa Tiiii: CLOTHING Og iToIaiastowii CARRIES HEAD THE SOLID riMXCIPLKS )F THIS LOT mm 1 leu ting 1 m ling 1 icadiig Ilenlmg. l n I log 1 )en ling peeling 1 eii ling Den. ing I ct ling I 'en ling Ilenling Ilenling 1 en ti ng 1 leu ling I 'enln'g 1 lea iing 1 leu ling 1 lotting 1 ien ling 1 lenling 1 lealit'g lea I ing 1 Ien Ii og i lot hing t 'lm h'.ng Clothing f'iot hing I 'lot hing 4 lot hing ( lot hing Clothing. Plot hing nothing CI. u h ing I 'lot hing Clolh'tiir Clothing i lot hing Clothing Clothing ( "pu hing ( 'lot hing Clothing Clothing Cloth ng Clot l,i og C'oi'niiig Wc shall rndonVor to rnake the present Winter tra-e themnft successful ever known In .ior.n Von, nnr", hereby cordially invite our I r lends and t he public jrcticrnllr loliiiier ihhIUi i heir k iiol and welcome presence. Our immense stork i the larrest evi r brought to Cumbria county, and we are ronfMoht that we rah fif nth every old and young man with a enonah'e suit at fl price only within the reach of a I', I lit H In I le cheaper I ban (roods t if the se rrte rjun liiy can be bought at any other establishment tn the county. '1 !. rreat and i. rand principle id I his favorite Clot hi up ft ore ts one price nml fair, square (ienloig wilh all io customers. We nk no more ;han Is T.arked in plain ligures on the goods, nod never lake my less, by which method panics who nre not Judges of goods h'-ve thesatre elmme to be suited at this Inir. square den lug house, n here goods ore never misrepia scntt d to nn body, ns those who do. Hcmcmher Ills! you can tied the largest stock of Men's Pitrss SriTf . very cheap for cash, at I,. M. WUUI.PS SULll) . K-PKICK t i.oTniS'i; sunn;. Kemenilii r that vnn can find the largest stock of Voting Men's PiikssSi I ts. verv cheap for cash, at I.. M. Would"? SOI.Iil UNK I'liH K CM i TH I Nt; STUKK. Hemember that you can find the largest stock of Youths' Ditrs Spits, verv chiap tor cash, at I. M. Hlllll.F S SOLID ONE PlClOK CLO I II IN(i S'H IKK. Kemeuibet that you can find ihe largest stock of Overcoats, verv cheap for cash, at I.. M. WOoLK'S SOLI 11 ONE P H IC K Ll.UTII I N G STOUE. IfeiiHmber that you can find the largest stock of 11 AT. Caps. TUPNKS. VAI.ISK. I't'HSISHIMi fiflopS. 'C Verv c hesp for Cflsll, t L. M. WOOLF'S SOLID O.N K-PKICK CLOl I UNO Sl'OKE. Hemember, especially, the grandest principle of all: ff'e return the money' in every cane where good tto not jtrove is represented. The Toot Man's Friend and One-Price Clothier, TS' o x t Door to .Tolni rr,lioiiinK" MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN. T IIYrAE4Ii. WEXPF.nOTII -MA I.ZIK -Married at St. Par. hob i mew's church, Wilmore, on Sa turds v. Nov. :C. 1 . by Uev. I'stlur Mi-Hugh. Mr. John w hmhikitii and Mis Josephine Mai zii , hot !i ot W limin e. OlIITI UT. CAIN. -Pled, in Carroll tow (lev night. Nov. '3. 1S78. at 10 I V.S CAIN, second daughter of Peter nnd Sarah dun. hged I'.i years. 2 months and IT days. It is not often, nt leaT in tins neighborhood, that we are called upon to record the death of soyourgnnd beautilul a girl and one so pre eminently loved and luting. Consumption, that most lingering and at the same lime most ll.it i eriiig (tn the piiier.tlof nil diseases, had years ago marked this household id . I ns it own. and as Ihe disease progrefed in i's insidious, but fatal, course Ihe fond parents re:7.--d what Would ere long be the end. Itut El en, t he vic tim, true to the promptings of the din-n1 end Inspired by a hope born of a pure nnd loving heart, still held bravely out. nml, as tern irked by her father to the writi r, "she fought brave ly to Ihe last, though I do not see how she held tin as long ns she did." Death, however, which sooner or later must receive the surrender of every human life, at lal gained the mastery; nml the pure and stainless soul of as cherished a daughter and devoted a chiid as ever lived went up in thanksgiving to us Author on last Thanksgiving-night. And. oh! how much wid F'.lleii be missed. For years she s eined as n n angel guardian of ihe hus hold, ca using an apparent, nay a real, serenity of huppim-ss and peace to mingle with nnd ov ershadow ihe li!o or ihe fanulv. and by her loving manner and Fweet disposition, controlled the homage q e cry heart. And not only within Ihe scope of the lamtlv circle, but by nil her friends and ac quaintances, was she idolized end loved for h-r k i nd n en of heart and a m inble disposi lion. II ow true It is "That the good die first, Wnile we,whoe hearts are dryas summer's dust. Hum lo the socket." Fortified by nil the consoling rights of reli gion, console,! py (he prayers and intercessions of her family and friends, nnd chastened nnd purified by Ihe sufferings of her long illness, her parents may Justly hone nnd In hove that the true servant of her Divine Master, their darling child, now ri poses in His bosom; nnd yet. knowing the fntiiiv of human nature even in its port s form, ii becomes ns to pray sin cerely lhat she may have . tcrnal pence an ''rest. J. C. i-:. MOOKK Died, at the Plalr House, in this place, on Monday last. Dec. "Jd. Mr. J. Al.F.X. MoDiir., in Ihe 41; b yeniiof Ins age. Mr. Moore's henlih began to decline in the early pari of the past summer, and at out three weeks pg his disease assumed Ihe shape of dropsy, which terminated fatally. He was a nun of very even temperament, and of a q u b t, reserve ! disposition. Those who were most intimate withhlm were warmly attached to h'ni. and they at lenst will cherish his memory. 1 tenth has called nwsy five members of his father's family w il bin a "few years. I! is eld.-st tiroi her. Thomas H. Moore, was the first j then Mrs. bnvman. wife of Dr. John Lowui-iu. of Johns :owm About n year ago, his mother, so well known and highly esteemed, passed away, to be followed in a tew months by her husband, the respected Johnston Moore: nnd now only two or the family rema I n M rs. Piper, wife of Col. W m . K . Piper, of ii ay sport, and Clin rles II. Moore, now a resident of Pittsburgh. "'What shadows we n re. and w hat shadows we pn i sin .' PAT LKl'ISS lilCKICr,, Solicitors. "I ATENTS procured on New Inventions In from JI 15 to 3 ilavs. Send lor eirrutar eia tRinlng ne:ul information. Office. 131 ift Aeriie, above Sinithiield slreet, opposite M. K. church, Pittsburgh Pa. l'i-0.-ly. E XKCUTOirs xotici:. Kstate of Pev. .Inns- Hackett. ilecM. Ijetters testamentary on 1 1 e estate of Itev. Jnn Hackett, latent Siiuiiititvil e borough. Cambria county, deceased, havinr been Issued to the tm ilriiiri I. all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make hiiihfdlaie payment, and those having claims ogiins ihe s ,me will present them properly n nl hem lea ted fcr "! t lenient. IllOMAe; UVVIS, Executor. Snimriltville, Dec. tl. IsTS -6t. Q Til AY HKIKKK. Came into tlie enclosure of ihe snbscri "oer, in Carroll township. In th-- bitter part of .Tilly last, a two. year-old heifer, wii h white b y. slight It s;rk ed with red. and red nwk and head, with white stripe in face. Right ear split and a piece cut nut ol the left one. The owner l requested tjrome forward, prove property, pay eharges and take her bwv ; othe, wise she wiii be sold n the law directs. ' .1. V. El'THEK. Carroll Twp., Vet. fl. 18TS.-31. A DMINISTIIATIOX NOTICE. Estate of I A N I K t. ( TTF.RS0N, dee'il. Ect tors ef ad minis! ration on the cttate cf. Dan iel oitersnn. dereRsel, lor'nerly ol ummitT!lle tmrough, lata id Sitka. Alaska, iiave lieen fram ed to the under igne.l. who hereby give n liee to nil persons indebted in said estate ihat pavmeni must be made without ilotay. and those having r i im Rgat 'o '! same will present theui prop' e ly uutbtiiticated for settlement. iAUH.EA 1 1'DON N CLE, .NANCY HKAIl ,KY. ITot. fl, 187S -St. iuinlnistratriiies. il")()0 profits nn lidys' investment of W,() JIOUU jn Western I niou oetoher Wt Ii. V OW Proportional ret urns every week on Stock ( ipt fon ol is Iff, Slllll. VB-TIIIP. Cff1lal Reports nd Circulars (rer. Address T. Poller Night A to., Bankeri, SI Wall tl , . Y, f ?f If f f ?ff ??f ?f f f ? x" x" y SqtlHI e Square S qusre Sijunra Sq u a rs Squnre qnsre So iinrfl Squnre Sinai e Squnro t int l"iiiflri Square Squnro Squnro SjunrC Sq u are Squnre Square Square Square Sq in ro Square Squnro Square Slllirn Square Squa re Sq u re Square Squnr" rn?H 13131r: FAVOKITK - I X P itng Pealg Denting 1 e ling Penbrg Pealing l'cj.ii g 1 ha ling lUaitng Pea'iug lleniinv Tb n nn g Ilefllic.g D-Hling 1 en ling I ien ting DenMng I enl'tlg 1 'citing I n ling Peali-jg I ien ling 1 i! 1 1 n t I ii'ii'inif Cbo bin g Chii timif Clothing Clothing Clot hing 'lm h i ng Clothii if Cuqlnng Clol hing Clolhing ( 'lot ho g Clot hing Cloiliing C! ! long Clothing Clot hing Clothing Plothleg Clo.hing C!oi hing Clolhing Clothing Clothing I lot lung X V A A. ItAllKEK it SO 2lA Mcu Henry I 'mli rf OX OFFF.K hirta at -.'5i A. A. ft MIKKIt SON OFFEft Mtn' Heavy Iirawers at :5s. A. A. TtAHKF.ll A- SON OFFER All-wool Vcd Flannel Suits t yA A. II Hm (Joo.l AHKKU& SON OFFFIl 1 Flannel, per yard, at VJ'e. A. A. P A II K Fit SON OFFEIt Heavy Ked Flannel at :oc. A. A. PAPKFIt A- SON OFFER Parsrain In Canton Flannrl at A. A. P.AUKF.R cv- SON OFFZIl Men ? Heavy (Juin H-icts at $2.50 A. . ftARKER A- SON Men r Heavy Overshoes at.. OFFER .....i A A. TS MfKKl! A SON OFFER Men's Cloth Ovirflmr?. a bargain, at VV. A. HUtKEIi SON" OFFF.H The very best Corset for the price. Me. A. EaJiea' Ijidies A. Tt A UK F. R A- S 'N OFFER Merino Ves:?, cood quality A . M ItKEtt A- SON OFFFlt Plaid Shawls, black and white, nil wool, at 4.3 o. A A. 1?A1 2U Ooml ItAUKF.HA: SON" OhTKH Orecn 'olive, 1 lbs. for. $1.00. A . A . P If K y It A f 1 V f IFF F. H Pest boasted Cu'Tcc. i '.bs. for tl.0". A.A.IH1IKEII A- SON" OFFF.K Ten boxes Essence t'eliee Pr...i A A. HARK I'll & SON OFFER A sp.'endid Syrttp. heavy bo.lv, best in trie county, al. 0 e. A. A. It A UK Fit A- SON OFFEIt Another great barain in Syrup at 5nC. A. A. T? AHKFH A SON OTFEIt A good dark Syrup at 4f?. A A. RARKFlJ A: SON OFFER A, Men's Kid Oloves. b!r top-, at ..Tie. A. A, R ItlCFH A SON" OFFEIt Men'a Cloth Pack Oloves a' 6 c. A. A. n i:KFI5 A- SiN OFFEIt Heavy JSitek 'imintiets, big bargain l.O0. A A. RARKER vt SON OFFER ib'Pt Dried i'cathrs. per lb f j. A. A. HUtKI-H A- PON OFFFlt flood Dried Peaches. j,cr p A. A. R HKEU A SON OFFER H?s- irled I'nrrants, per lb A A . RA RK ER S N ) h'FI.R Hen's Hoots, heavy and strong, at f2.C0 A., A. RAHKKH A soy nrrF.lt Iadied' heavv Miimrin Shoes at 1 f a. a. ma i;k i n a soy cKrrit Children s liuiMne-l Shoes at Wj. A A. RARWER it SON OFFER JJl t Superior Flour, per Fek. full weight. ai 1 . A. A PARKER A SON ori'I'lt Pure nneolored .In pan Tea, best in town, per 1!., at Tic. A. A. PARKER A SOX OFFER Oood Tea as low as .3 P. A A. RARKER SON OFFER J(L Clark's O. N. T. Thread, all nun. hers. per dor (He. A. A. RARKBtt A PON OFFEIt G'v.'l Land f-wltig Thread all rIi-r;, per dox 3C. A. A. R XRKI It A SON OFFEIt Pest Need'es and Pins, per pap-r .. A ""a"'r A i KER vV S N o F F Y.H J , The best sorttnent ol Ovrrfoats In town. IM-JJ. i 4 up. A- A. ll.MlKl-i: A SON OFFFlt The largept nn I test assortment of Men's and Leys' Winter Caps, from tie up. A. A. PAI'KI'.II A SON oFFFtl Ureal l-rt'tins In Dry Oood of all kinds. Eadii s' Dress Hood's a specialty, Irom , Ui. LAST NOTIGK to TIIOSK CON C K !i N V'l . A 11 jieraons k now hip t lu Hi selves iielebtt'd In the late firm u' .M t ks A Ei.ov n, a well as tn the present firm nf Joht l.tnvn h Co.. are requested loenll nnd settle niihout delny. A 11 nei-oiini s on he books ot I he Inie (Inn rnnsin Inir unseitled en the first day of Jnnu-vrr next III r rtamly he put in the hands ol si. oftlerr lor ool leetion. Jllll.N LUH H. Ebensbur, Ne-v. 'if. mj A lllTIn A(trnt can vaf slnit for t ' 9' sHr isitnr. Tfrm and Outfit Free. A1 dre-8 P. O. VICKEHY, Augusta, Maine. sier spaprA4Tort!inKKarta,K'St t fS;., .. AHOTHEPi GREAT REDUCTIOXIXPRlIiS! at Tin: i:n i:snv i:t. Hartae & EE-FcmfcMnj s:-:v." OWlNli to the lsrg itieresje In mj n!ti ... -t he lst r-'l n t i.ni n prir-" nn I then.' - r of Ihe rash synrtn. I tmd timsvH aMe t.. : tny rusleniers bv a sull turtlor rcj c-, i.m ' priv-t s ot all :im ls conqrisetl in mv l.tre i . . good No. 9 Cs k Store, t- .'-uiutd Coi v - - lor oi ly ."i o I. Good li'"it'cil Cofti e nt :.! i t. p-r !!. : ' -. at i ts. per Iti. No in: or aged t-.'So' "iiiilsl li i-ncii-. C. ood II ertl ing M o s ns , w K- f ' -liood 'l't a I rom .'O to 'St cis. per The largest stock of Floor O; : Ciot h In t - - l . limn 1 to L Os. id- anj ri- -Vi i i 70 t t-. p. r In. llcM 'juality l ni!i.i An us si l.'i rts 1 . Necd'es Ht cr. ;f-r piii-cr. Oood cast steel fii'lc Kui s hi. d F;ul- -s c- lis f I cl s. I i r set. Pins nt 5 .r. pxp r. H-st qunlilv !t:Ht-ksm:t Ii Vi.,- Mt ..( - e Ooiai S) 1 up 5ola-!-( s nt I rmu I;' in .1 ... ,, -K a I . on, (iooii Dior Loi k an l Knob- om;.!i t. . . - rs ,-t, em h. Hood Cotton 'l'ioea.l m 4 i ts. n m Hi st quality Ii incti Mill s-aw I-11, si 4c . ? ! . Ooo.l bici- hi s i-i. per i... Pi 'I qoali:y Sole . ather in Vs to :; I . . ;.- 1. Po 1 bie "til t d A cs .1 1 $:.' nnl 1 i . Enrgcst UKk d nuri'd U-H'onii.. .. . ; el l-'S.. l is, 1 it ,t .1 4 ili-t. HnrJ woodi t!fu-i Uciii: Cloth-- 1 - b-t-ts. Claik'9 O.N. T. Macliine Cotton til ' '- S(ooI. Ol-d h T(t ban si, ;-':. ti ts - t inch. ( 'olzinc V'hsM t..r!f(ir J'n . Earnest stock ot t.ook i:g ti as.s' in ii - low. Washing Sdn Ht 4 i ts. i. r lb. Pi st quality tour-lini d Man uic Fork . " I I sell. flood Con' Shovels, '.. V. II and 2i i ts 1 Penrl Siitrch fi i-is. m-i Hi. I have the ln!k- si son k ol Om i PswMri n t . nt l cr low 1 1 u-i s. Host Making So. tn nt s cis. p. r lo. Pistoii's lesl quaiity S liMit Ct'.'B- lit o nl 1. I have t he lai pi st stock ol Spici s In t.- 0 t ! ' w. flood Door I -itches as iw n Tcts e Eaige sVik sl ia'.ic am! He.; CaM s-.' s r.-t s. CfO.nl Floor 111 l.Vi per sti, k. Eiirgl-Pt stock ot i;.issuM,e nnd E-mq i i: . vet v h w. A No. 1 Furnit n:e V h 111 tsi n t p- t ood I orsel St .a N n I fills 1 s It. Over loo lengths m,(. K. s 'I m- 1 o t 1. . , Hobs kept In r'ni k. ti-t jow. Pest Tol.iieeo In 1 lie niHt-ki-t. 1 I 1 ."1 is . . t.i kir Nailfii""- i't Mi-i Ii. : hi mi. , . Biol tns'l- cl b st in.a k 11 .11. No i- ; t r or si rup iron m.ii ki pt in st o. I have : he hi si Cilmi 1 s in town f. .r :p e . Ou r HI m.cs id W indow I . I iss ki pi l:i . v very low pi ic. s. Enrge stoik of It.ir Ii uj !tnd Horse ?S ' . : : . w av s on hand, nt lew rati s. f 01 id tine itittti Ci.n 1 1.s hi r. 4n e.i h Earge stock of 'iatde i b I I 1. lii on hand - low. 3b st Etiisci d Oil, din t lr..i;i Tiictorv, nt To -n ga I. Duponts l.i 'l P. F.P. It'l't- Powder to ets. p, 1 lb op Shot nl n cs. per lb. Ib-st I ; rceo Cotlre nl ;'.'ri. jn-r Ib. Gal viiioz -d Coal Ihioken. s low a .'nl 1 is. ca Coin! I J reen I ' .Tt e n t On it s i,r in. Rest pure W lute Iend nt i 10 to . Jo ,. r k . f J.i lbs. Stove I'ipe, made ot t'e- b. -t Iron, redocel t h i t-, p.-r 10. A large assortment of Tinuare on h m l. v -clnnp. 1? papers Essence i t I'- fT- e f rU'ii ts. Earg si si oik ol TruuUs nn I V.ilis.'s Iu tow- , vo y che.ip. A large assortment .. V,';i P.ipr hIwrvs bnndni lowt st pi j,- e. Paper Window Shades tn ets. cr roll. Toili I nnd Wnhing S iao n 1 tolo varie-i v . i k StoV es I rom 1'. '11 op to C (). Iiiirgc ur-sort 1111. nl f II nr. ' i.iihcs mi l Ti t ' III ll-he.. Hintidg Stoves from ft on up to f Cii : m r : i-hi'tp. Extra Xo. 1. Salt. ! ill per barrel. Rl'Vlil Vl'l s, Ji Ve H ltd si--.- sin .1 k. t hi. la rge g ; : ' from l ."iO op lo fin. I:!. Ib st Carbon 1 1, 1 ,11 it; els. per g il. The n'liive nrf er.lv a few of tl-.i" 1 tiui-a art trie m t he lia r 1 w :i re .1 11 1 f...n. tnrtu- h -11 ! : which I nm t it ri. 1-ii 1 11 ii at e.pPillT ..w prn-ea ; don't adverti-e to set. nt 21 per "nt. r be;. ., r indeed nny cbeti per, t loin ol le -r Ti-er. ! n't: I : i it be'ter "to 1-t ihe pu'di.- 1 n 1 l- t !. ; ( .r tlu'i rel-.e'. but 1 !" a 1 vert iJ- t i-i 1 ....is b.v. -they inn M. ,;;,( nn. ,., v ,,.. lotnlrel emt the dollar. Neither w.il 'I l!ir eul a s- ! s'i" pie an I'-le ot goods nvr 1 h ant -r nt lir-t e , or even less. u t). t en ch.i r.- t w.i or t Ii re.. pr -on s.inii't h ng else to ma kc up t .r 1 If I. -s. . it Will be my en i.'l lor In se, js ii t t h" I r living pri lit. an 1 f pr..nn-- t h :s s .., ;n:e 1 ki i tint I e.-in Itirntsli iro.Os il pr: - .- I la I mill :. eh. i:il to both selb r an ! ( tin i. ai d n :it pr : m h ieh mould bene tit on- mi i n. :n i .t. ei i-r -Than k ing J "ii a i I t -r h- ! . r:l p.i rom ' heretolore loni.'rre l upon no1, and h. . ng I t couliuuu ucp and 1 nere.i - n! ; he fx in-, 1 rem 1 -. Jtespvelpjllr v..i:ts. " li l.O. HIM E! A r.hrripburg Nov. i'.', P7s. ASSIGNEE'S SALE 1 f V All .v e !. u- Personal Fropert ri nt i' . 1 . . '!! K undersigned Ass'sn'-en? A D I'nutr' r st pu'-'i" It, ID the 1 he resi.leti'-e ot f aid A. 0,1 ol M mister, en WEDNESDAY, December 13th. 787.r, t'ommneitig at 1 1l i .i k . a.m.. th fni..:. -desriibe.i personal pn.perty, t'jwit: 1 Tvo-IlonK Wah.ix, ! Orri Hi n ,- 2 set e II a rnes l et pi.tf t It . r -s 1 P ' ; 1 -c s; lie. 2 Pridb s. 1 Pucv AVI :;.. 2 if .. 2 Spr Calves. 2 H .s. a pa r I.a I ! r-. 2 lltn S r.t - ; IloiisMfids. 2 Sr.i'ch Collars. 1 ps-rC' e'k I, . -2 strings I lei :. 1 I,..g lb m. 1 y I, Cham. I ; -Hrenst Chains 1 Tongue 'liain. 1 M. .rt S,-' Tree. 1 Plow. 1 Shovel 'b r. In.m i. tli,r, I lb.nble 'free. 2 Nl!:. lri-. 3 ('.. Cini- - ; Cider Mill. 1 Cu-titti.- x. 1 ;r.d Mill. 1 - - Hrm-h nn. Sitck. i I l-.'si ecs nod Jt, .J.li.. . I I rail. Cra.t !e. : i. w ir j s. 1 1 i,c i . . '.ii , . ' 1 Pole and Double 1 ri is. 2 .'. fr. ?n r-s l l.riiir" Knite. I ilnr. l Saw.l s r Spn;i.'. n I n-i lint. IS l il(i! Kvp ,1 H liiilav. I - i t!.- 1 Shovel. 1 tlr n I St :.e St Frm-ie I pnllatn 2 Corn I loe. 1 f x i.rci. n 1 a bie 2 I umok Cl.a t . Hair rul.i-. ned Clm:r 1 eeeptu.n 'hau ettee.vi Td erpi t.2 Spitt....i ., ifl . s C.irbt t. :.2 Stair p.. U. 1 Dr-sii s Hnn iii.iv. it Stand. 2 1 Iniis. 1 Unrb e l.p iri--t g Puffs.u J Ci.ise.l Wash Slan t. 1 I;. nnd l'Hi her. 1 -I'g ht Co -1 sg Vtirnit n re ..-! ',.itrb. r iut 1 1 s ware. 1 Stand, 1 liurenu. i A t re? (I r in In route! 1 A !l. -FerniK ma le ln wp on itsr n sn'o. IbSM H i hisl K, A'!j;tiee. Not. ?9, lS'S -t ADJOURNED ASSIGNEE'S SALE Of Valuable TOWN PROPrRTY. 1 Y t ;rt ne i ( n n or i - r f tie i "on rt of Pleas o! t amt r;;i -. ii-ct :o i r ti'im-n fd. I w;j. eft- rf'.r; nt pe : x. : 1 1, on t l.e j rem:"' In Carro lt"wn boroug li. mi Saturday, t nee ntoer 'Jt. 7.S7. At o'fi.rn k, r t.. i lie f.-li-.Ti-itig .. . ribed real e' at". tnit : All I In r':i .n 1..7 r nor n. with pwn 1 iu H r t -!-.. 1- w in :-f ..- npanrv I Ailntii J. S'.i.lli. nm vi.,i n, t r t-mough of l ar r lil'own. ntiit-ria ei 11 tr y. ntel ft ttio'ed and tie. fribe.l n f..n..n : Frmo it.g on M .tin trt an I Bdi-'iii'"'-! b.t o! .Mrs Ky n : ! s..n t h. l,.i ,.f I J opeidi I'oHn-r en t I t- t. .t : h. a i,! extruding t.i I I nreh sireet on t' e ivi--!. I.sru g tl-rn n 1 eree;ed a two-sury Fi: ik 1 1. . y. wit ti (ab:nc-t Shoji attnclird. find el-on Fie.il, Frtitnr Stab'r aid pro),, rtv to be .! 1, , v-s.r.f ot liens, as tho pi' erty of Ad ini ,t . St !.. Tkrms i.r Snr-ni,'ii V , f tt.e purc,a9 n-oney to be paid en e..t r-tn.it ;. n of t t.e pale. 01. e. t hir 1 in i n year I ln-r-ei: i r. ant t !i bnlanee 111 I wn years Ircin t f:rui.i: ion .,' . ; t he neterri- t pK niT.! t" bear ic'.re-t im l to be secured by Polld? HIld loot I HA., e id ihe .lirrt'.arr I .'II I ' "s STICK. ; Pre a. )-. A f'ti:w "f A . J . Molt . "iWEETppg H Af Y " ! Sw-lel '.t. -i-f r .'isc at -. :.i rKTs ;if.n ' f c:ert y 7'lji I- 1 ir-f:i op a a i rt -f ri.mi. c ' ' m rr - . 7 n- I It it n-, rj Tl, bi 1. 1 r"r ti:V. .4 iir Lli'f .: n t Af tne - s r. -I l:t-l r-1 I --' -ir f-o.it. lul ;fl-i...'i 1'mn I 1 .-- jhtj .s 'i It 1 I ' a - j, ,., 1 t C. A. Jictt. i" A Co, '. n i.v. t r - . - S. J. C. IfitUlNLtt 'o DINING ROOMS! lor l.sxtlpsi nml i;piillrmrn. 1G1 Wo..:1 SiiM. 1'ITTnIU KGH, PA. FIrT HIMXJ ItlHIUs I TIIF tl. 1 'bS AT A EE POPE'S. 0STK.l;S nut I IT l'S served nt short liolue. ,(it - J. .S -tl. F'h"nI inif. Pa. 4 dh - uu t 1 1 i r -: i tl.. . v lvii.il r ' t i.ii ii n li i ri v ts-7. i t 1 (I 00 00 00