The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, October 25, 1878, Image 5

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    oz: abl. rsv ra aja 'etc hs
. i
tiik domi: or sr. ri:ri;jrs.
Vi-dtomto Ft. I'tters'sare not :d
li.wc I to go i in the dome except on
Tim: sday-t. without ;i special (nrmit
from the Vatican, which i- ea-d'y ol
taincd by the guide ; .-iinl thin itcots
iibout two fn cs for a party it being
et-toniary to give half .1 franc, to
of the eu-tIians. The ascent to
lire roof is made, hy an int line plane,
nml nut bv steps which win i around
by a circular staircase. 'I Ins passage
way is ::!iit six lift wi le, r.n I the
?i-n it is vi ry eay much easier than
if il were hy steps. On reaching the
rovf it is found to he of bricks, !;ii I
sideways in cement. : i-i a portion ol
it slabs of stone sustained hy arches.
The immensity of the building is Ix t
ler nude rsLood hy its view from the
r- of, surrounded, as yon arc, hy the
m.uble statu. -s, which look from the
pi rizi to '. aho-it life size, hut are in
ie:.l;tv eighteen feet high. n the
-.vails of the passage way to the roof
fire slabs of inai hh; set in, ri coi i : 1 1 jf
the names ami dates when members
of the lcigning houses of Knrope have
accomplished their ascent. After ex
amining He' roof, we p.issed np an out
side (light of steps leading to the base
of the dome, and entered a door which
led to the circular gallery around the
interior, w hich is known as the "w hUp- ' gaMci'V."' Uv stationing one of
our paity close to the wall atone side,
anil pacing aiound to the opposite
side, they could distinctly hear each
other talk,-and held a conversation in
alow lone, although they were I"',)
feet apart,.
The dome has an inner and outer
wall, and between these is the stair
case for the ascent to the lantern.
When half way up there is another
dor, ly which we entered a small
gallery 01: one side of the dome.
Looking down to the lloor of the
Cathedral, the height was so immense
that the people walking about below
looked like mere infants. Alter rest
ing here awhile and examining the
mosaics, which looked from below
like oil paintings, we found t lie v were
vei y o 1 1 sf stone hcim
id m MIC a
alf inch sonare on the ttee. Another
:i-ccnt liionolit ns to tlie top of the
dome, where there is an outside 1 :i 1 -tuny
.siirromidiiio; the cohdiade lain i n
whicli sip. 'mounts the dome. I'rotn
this point a o;r:ind iew of Home and
all the sun ounilino' country tan he
liftd, cxlci dibv; to the Aleditcrianetin,
n distance of tiiitty live miles, over
the almost hire Lauiiao;iia. lctween
Home iimi (,'iit:i ':icchia. Hills and
the chain of the A pen nine .Mountains.
After on j ing this view and the tine,
-ool breeze, we entered the lantern,
find ascended by another spiral stair
case to the top of the lantern, where
an upright iron ladder pive ns access
to the ball, which is funned of copper
plates, ei-jht IV el in diaiin ti r, :nid has
lield sixteen persons tlnni;h, we
lather suppose, not of the size of the
lour who entered it, to day. It is not
often entered by ladies, who usually
iive out by the tiuu they reach the
balcony ol '.he lanttru, but even the
Dimmest and weakest of our party
made good the entire ascent.
Coyf.iuno Mam uk. It is re mark -;tli!i!
that more attention is not given
to the subject of covering manure
Irom the weather, and especially from
too much rain. Those who have
li von the matter particular attention
bave found that manure so protected
. h double that which is left out
en air. I wo loads lor him
it few farmers tain n third to';
" ' ' here is no (p.'estioii so vitally-
; farmer as this one of
uch tn(. (j,M. ,.ls
'.(nee tt it. Straw is not to be f-.d
ouo; 1 1 the winter for the express
of manure making. Articles
V pay to send to market
" s taken to the city in
" v'nre may be biouglit
vs a return load; nnd yet ihe
r,ie manure made reuniins all
ii .-; i posed to the run, wind
-ii ; -i-t -il it is diminished one-
'" . " Vl .1,. is probably that few re-
tlil- tii! i. 'ill V!.. '
. . ' e that exposed manures iin-tb-rgo
this loss. lint the matter has
Iwen loo thoroughly tested lo tidmit
of a doubt. We know fust-class far
mers who did not themselves believe
it until by actual experiment ihey
found out its truth.
In arranging farm buil lings it will
pay well to look as much to the pre
servation of the manure as to the hav
or grain, and those who have their
buildings already finished without
tlcse manuii.-d arrangements will find
that twenty-five or fifty dollars spent
on boards for a covered shed will rank
among tlit licst investments ever made.
Ann riran . Journal.
"Max i re a SpKt iFic for am. Wheat
Ims. Manure, "WaMo' f the Ohio
J'rai ficcl lin)u r bays, sreni to lo a
tT(;ific, siiv rci;ii rt pic-tly fur most, if
iut all, the ills that wlitrU, is In ir to.
lli early sown wheat. List fall, was as
liadlv infestfil with lie Hy na I;e ever
saw, Iimi wheie it was iii.-npiit tl a heavy
eit) grew in spile of it. A few vears
n the cliiiit h Imii; ui.kIc it-s .-ippenr-
ance, fcinl niueli ol the wiie:it was l:n 1 1 y
ilamngetl, lut where it was tuanureil
it es'.-ajieil. In the years when wheat
has itnlcl h.nllv it h:is al:i3's iK'en
the weak, late wh'.i on poor lantl.
that has sulferetl mot.
C i R F. FOR N El" ha i.;i v Tn ke t wo
ounees of ehloroJoi in, two oun"s of Iiyt1r:ite, oiii1 aii'1 fun; half
ounres of aletiho!, oi;e ounce of cam
phor, one ounce of sulphuric ether, six
gTains of sulphate morphine, ami two
iir.ichtn of oil of peppei ineuf. Put
the mixture into a DuAle hiillkieiitly
largre to lnM it. cmk it tightly, shake
t. thoroughly, nr fathc the parts af
""tili"ntly. The alive is in
;ai J jiipiicalion only.
"W"H KKF".S iy nn Act or theoenernl Assem.
lily nf tli- ruiniti'in wi'Hlih il i'cii nsy I va-
ni. i. -tt it l-t An Aci f rinimr-; ino i.tneriti
Klri-timis within this Cttiiimnweiiltli," it is cn
j. ,i m-1 iipim nn- to '.rive put. lie notice of said
i I imis. Hint ? rmin trill i' in Srtid nolicewhat
lip-its I'll' tn h- ll l ll-'l, I. .ltMIN KVAN. Ilitfh
Sin ritf of l !' t ' i:n t y of I ;i m tniii, in li.e ('ora
iiinn v en li h i.t lv:iiivlvnnin. do hTfty mnke
hiimm :mil ffivi' n"tieeto the I'li'i'lurs r.f the
fount v ii !' r.-nii?, I lint a UimiitkI Flection will
In- he! I in Oil- of ('iiml.iiii. on the Silt
t;iy of Si vein Iter, A. It. I 7i, 1 1 lio Fnmo
In i r i tr the Tucsdny next f I i v inir the first i t Mm! month. i at whii-li tin;p Strtto
ari'i t'oiinly ollii-i-o will t-e -lt(-i(-l, ns follows:
liNK I'FIISON" fur ti.-e o nice of fiovernor of
1 I'l im h iini i.
oNi". 'Kl(a fi.rthp friro of Lieutenant
Jox -i ni-r of t'i iins lv;ini:i.
(INK I'H.Ml.N lor tin- oftice of Juile of the
Srjiii'iio- Court of IVnri-y l miia.
o.N'l". l'i:i(S(." for On- ' iiico of Serretat yjof f t.iir f i'prnn lv!inin.
nXi: IT.' for tin- oftireol iiu-mbf r rit tho
IIiiiik- ol ItfiM i-sii,til ivi-s of i ho I'niM-il Sr:Ut'.
TW'll ri-::..- INS lor tin- otlicc-of in-niliir of
Aai'-mli'v of l'f-nnsvlViiniH.
iiM' i'KilsnS fur the of Treasurer of
C;l in ' it i;l i -i .11 ll f V.
OXK I'Klt.-'ti.V for thf ofliep of R Kitor of
AVj 1 1". i-.-..i i.-r of I mi. I Cti-rk ot tilt- Or
f f ti -a ( ii ri ot ( 'ii m hria 'i .i! n t v.
I HKI-.K I'KltSt (NS lor the- .i!iie of f'ointnis-siuni'i-
nf rtiiniii i.i r.iimiy.
TMItKK I' NS lor the olSee of Auditor
ol i ninSrin t-nnni v.
UXI-: I'I'.l.'soN lor tlio offiw or Toor House
' I i ri'i-t -tr of 'ii inl'i i;t I'liuntv.
OXK I'KltSt for the oilice of Surveyor of
( ';i:n ln-iit Oi m ii t V.
Tii I:, thnt I h- ciin t ! lor holilina I he n for-t n i.l
' elec tion in the eveinl wnrdn. Iioronylis.
i ti il ls, inn! townships vi;hin the sanl county
nre hi fiill-v, to wit :
! The elcc'nr of the ! ist r iet ci.nip'isoil of the
tnieiishii .if Allojlienv to meet at's sehool
i in f: i I tntviishi.
i The eleetnr. nt the district composed of the
ttnshii ol Admins, to meet nt the house of Ian
Iel I ninmler. in .d:iinsliir.
The eli-ern-s of tin' ilisirict comiio'-'Pil of the
, 1 . w ii -i 1 1 i i . ot Ihirr, to meet at sehool liouse No. II,
in s lid township.
The ell-etuis .f thp district composed of the
t.iwnship of ltlakli k. to meet at Hie house if
I A hra in .Makin. dee'd. in said township.
! 1 he i-li-etois ol the district enmposed of the.
township of t 'a in iiria. to inert at the Court House
in the loriiili ol l-.l.rnslnirii.
; I In- electors ol the district composed of the bor-
oiil: h ol 'a in hri .-. to mret as t.d lows : First Wnr.l, i
at the school house in said ward: Second Ward, ;
in the horoiiirli lock up, in said ward.
' The electors ot the district composed oT the
I township of Carrol, to meet at the school house
i in t 'ii rrol liown h-iroutrh.
The electors ot ttie district composed ot th Ivor
' ouiih of Carrol itown, to meet at the sehool house
in sa id horoii-h.
The electors of the district composed of the
township ol I h st, to meet at school house No. 9,
! in s i id l.iwnsh ip.
; '1 lie elect us .l I he district composed of the hor-
onixh of Chest Spririrs, to meet at the house of W.iinier. in said
j The elector ol the district composed of the j
; township of CI. -a held, to meet at Si-hoot l.onse
Xo. ml ;oininir t he village ol .St. Atiiiustinc, in
said township.
. ') lie electors nf the district compose! of the
. town.-h p ol 'oii' iiiiiuurh. to mtct at school house
! at Nii.aer's, in said township. .
j The i-leciors ot I he .1 isj i-j.-t eomp.ise.t of the T..r- '
oujh f oiiemiinuh to meet as loilons: Kirst '
'.Yard, at the l.onse of 1'eter Malzi. in sai.t ward :
Second Ward, at the house of John (Swurtztnan,
in said ward.
The elc-tors ot t lie district com posed of the hor-
I i.uih ol t '..opei s-laie, to meet at the school house
iii-aid horoiiiili.
i The electors of the district Composed of the 1
' townsh pot Crovlf, to meet at school house in
the village ,,t Suiiiiticrhill. in said township.
The electors of the district compose! of the 1
' township ot Dean. t meet at Kiehland's sehool ,
house in said township. j
Tim electors ol t'.e district comjoscd of t lie
hotoiiifh of Kasf CnncmauKh. to meet t the :
house ot Ilaniel C'ontcr, deceased, in said bor
ouuh. 'The electors of the district composed of the hor- :
mi ah nt I Jieiislurir. to meet as 'ollows: Knst
Ward, in the Court Hoom in said ward: West
Ward, in rand Jury Koon. in ihe Kiisi W ard.
The i-leetors ot t he .list riot composed ot the town
ship of K'.der, to meet at the school house in St.
Ihe .-lectors of t he iMstrict composed of the tT
onti id franklin, to meet at the school house in
.-aid li"r"iijli.
The electors ..f the district e. imposed of the
t nwii.-h ! p ut ( tii 1 1 it 7 in. to liieel at 1 a son's school
house, in si id to wnshi p.
'I he electors ol t lie district Composed of the bor-
oii h ot tiilli; ziii, to meet at the sehool house in
siii-i liorotiuh. 1
The electors of the listriet composed of the
town- li i p ol Jackson, to meet at the house of Hen
ry Kniri r. in paid town.-hip.
The electors ot I In- ilist rict composed of the hor- ,
miiili ot Joht.-town. (.1 meet as Pillows: Fiis
Ward, at I'uldie School Koom X'... :t, in said ward;
Si cond Ward, at the otSce ot -los. phS. Ssr.iyer,
Ks.j.. on -Vlii : ket street in said ward: Third '.Vard,
iit the hnu.-e of John I irmly, fm l-r:inklin street,
insa id ward : Fourt h Ward, at t he hou-e of John
'I re ft z, iti Siiid war I: I ilth Ward, at the house
d August U ei-and. in said ward : sixth Ward, at
the Johnstown pottery, in said ward.
The electors of t he .1 i si net composed of the bor
ouzhot I.ore't.i.lo meet at the school house in
said borough.
The electors of the district composed of the
t. .wnshi,) of Minister to meet nt t he wa rehouse oT
Au jiistine Iiurl-in. in the village of Munster, in
mid township. i
The .-lectors of the district compose 1 of the bor- j
mijli ot M illviUe. to meet as follows : First Ward, 1
iit ihe lock up. in .-aid Wird: Second U aril, ut
,l"'..h"'". ""''' w:,r'1-
I oe electors in 'i.e - i is - rici compose.! o. inc nor
oiiali of lro.-pecl, to meet at the school house in
said loroim;h.
Ihe e'.ce ors of t he .1 ist rict composed ot the town
ship of ror'aae, t meet at 1 he sehool house near
tii" V;l':il ;e nl I'oi tii ne.
'Ihe electors i t the district Composed of the
township ot l.'iehland. to meet at ihe house of
Joseph '-is, in said township.
the electors ot Ihe district composed of the
township ol Stonyerrek. to meet at Jacoliy's school
house, in said towi;-hip.
Ihe rlrriots ot Ihe district composed of the
tow nship ot Summerhill. to meet at i he Summer
hill sehool house, in Wdnore hnrntiith.
The elc -tors of t he distriel composed of the hor
ouuli of Siitiitniu ille, to meet at the school house
in sa id bor-niu h.
I he electors of the district composed of the
town-hip of Sus.(a"hanna. to meet at the house
of Miciiiiel IMii't. in said township.
'1 he i lrctors ot the district composed of the
. lownsiiipoi layior. to meet at the school house
i near W m. Hea'lrick's. in said townsh'p.
1 he elect ors ol t he dist rict com posed of the bor-
cnirli of I unuclhill, to meet at the school house
in sa id ho roils: h.
The electors of the .listriet composed ofthelior
ouith ol Woodvale, to meet at the school house in
said l.orouirh.
The e.eclors ..f the district composed of he
i township of Washington, te meet at the sehool
( Iniite al the foot ot IMane X o. 4. in Sa id township.
The electors of the district oompn-ed ot the
; to-nship ot White, to meet at the house of John
lli-ers, in said township.
The electors of the district composed of the
township ot Voder, lo meet as l.d'ow s: First lti
i ismn. at the puhi ie house of Jacob Kea in. in said
township : Se.-ond 1'ivision, at lilii'mu's school
house, in said township.
Is hereby directed to A rt iele V 1 1 Ith of the new
Constitution, certain sections ut which reud as,
, follows : .
, Sir. 1. Kvery mate citizen twenty. one years of
Hire. M.sses-inr the bdlowinir utialiheations, shail
be entitled to rote at ail elections:
! ( ite phitll have been a citizen of the Vni-
i ted States nt least one month.
. S. f.,i. He shall have resided In the State one
J year (or if havinir previous. y been a qualified elec
'. tor or native Inn n ril i7.i-n of the State, he shall
have removed therclroin and returned, then six
months) immediately priredinir the election.
7 limi lie shall have resided in the election
listriet where he sha Ii offer lo vote nt least two
m.mlhs iinmedi itcly prece.lintr the election.
t'nitlh 1 1 t wenty t w o yeii rs ot aire, or upward,
he shall have paid within two years a State or
count- t x. which shall have been paid at least
i nn in. nith liclore the election.
Ski . 4. A 1 1 elect ions by t he cit izens shall be by
ballot. F.vrry ballot voted shall he numb red in
the order in which it shall be received, ami the
number recorded by the election o(fi errs on Ihe
list of voters, oppoMte the name ol the elector
who present t he t.apot. Any elector may write
tine u. on Ins ticket, or cause his name to be
written t hereon and attested bv a eitiz. n o.' the
district. The election officers shall be sworn or
a tlirnied iiot t.i disci se how any elector shall
have voted nnss required to do so as a witness
In a jtidie hI proc-edinir.
Skc.5. Klee'ors shall in all cases except treason,
felon, and breach or surety of the peace, be priv
ileged frmii arrest durinir Itirir attennance an
elections and in nolnjr tonn.I returning therclroin.
S c. 8 W henever a ut of t lo' qualified electors
of t his t 'oiniiion wea It h shall be 1:1 art ive m litary
service, under a requisition from the 'resident
of the I'niicd Stiites. or by authority from this
I 'oiiimonwealth. such electors may -xer"ise the
riulitot "iitlraire in a 1 1 elections by the citi7.ei.s,
under such re uhit ions as are or shall be r-1-scribed
bv law, as fully as il they were present at
their usual places ol election
Skc. 7 All laws ri-uuiat ujt the hol-linir r.f elec
tions by t ho c'l izens tor the re.-ist ra t ton of elec
tors shall be utiilorm thronliout the Stat". Out
no elector shall be d .rive.i ot the ite of
Volinx by reason ol his nam-not beioj ret i-rrred.
See. S Anv person who shall irive or promise
or olbr loirive to any dee tor any money, reward,
or oth.-r e consider tion. lor h:s vote nt
any leeto.n, r for m ithholdinic the snie. or wlio
shall irive or promise to prive such consideration
to any other person or party lor such electors
vote or lor i lie w ithholdinir thereof, and any elec
tor who shall receive ur agree to receive, tor tum
self or for another, any money, reward, or other
va!u.ille consideration for his vote at an election,
or lor withholdinir the same, shall thereby forfeit
j the riirht to vote at suen election : and nn elector
i whose riirht to vote shall be challenged for such
cause before t he elect ion officers, shall he required
to swearor afhrm that the m itter of the challenge
is untrne he lore his vote -hall be received.
Skc 9. Any person who shall while s candidate
for office be guilty of bribery, frand. or willful
violation of anv election law. shall fie forever dis
niiiilitied from holdine anv office of trust or profit
in tbot'onnnonwealth : and any person convicted
or willful violation of the election laws shall, in
addition to anv penalties provided by law. be de
prived or the "riirht ot suffrage absolutely for a
term of four vears.
Skc. 13. For the purpose of voting no person
shall be deemed to have irained a residence by
reason of his presence, or J"st it by reason of his.
absence, while employed in the service, either
civil or military, ot tliisStateor ot the I'm'ted
States, or on tlie hiarh seas, nor while a stm'ent
of anv institution ol lcarninir. nor while kept in a
p.ior house or other asylum at public expense, nor
while confined in public prison.
Skc 14. District election boards shall consist of
a judire and two inspectors, who shall be chosen
annually bv the citizens. Kach elector shall
have tlie ritcht to vote for the judie and one in
spector, and each inspector shall appoint one
clerk. The first election board of any new dis
trict shall tie selected, and vacancies in election
boards rilled as shall be provided bylaw. Klec
t ion officers shall be privileged from arrest upon
days of election, and while eniraned in ninkinir
np'and transtnitt inir returns, except npon war
rant of a conrf of rce..rd or judire thereof, for an
lection (rand, tor telonv. or lor wanton breach of
the pence. In cities they may ?laim exemption
from jury dnty dnrlnir their terms ol services.
Skc. l.". No person shall be i.unlitieit to servo
as an election officer who shall tiol l or shall
within t wo mont lis have held an office, or appoint
ment or employ m-n in or under the irovernment
of the I'nitcd States or if this State, or of any
city or county, or any municipal hoard, commis
sion or trust "in anv city, save only justices of the
peace, and aldermen, notaries public and persons
in the militia service of the State: nor shall any
election officer he eligible to any civil office to be
filled at an election nt whieh he shall serv, save
on ly to su -h suhoi dinat ; municipal or local office,
oelow the itrade ot city or county officers, as shall
he designated by law.
And nlsoto the following Acts of Assembly
now in force in this State, viz:
Act of'akt ;10, 1870.
SFiC. 5. At nil elections hereafter held tinder
the la ws of t his Com m-m wi-ult h, the polls sha II
be opened at seven o'clock, A. M., and close at
seven n't-li i k, p. M.
Skc. T. Whenever tm-re shall be a vacancy in
an dec! ion board on tin- moriiinjr of an elect ion,
said vacancy shall be filled in conformity with
exist inir laws.
The said Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act
relatimr to the Klictions of this Onnnion
wealth." passed July 2d, 1H7H, provides as fol- ,
lows, to wjr ;
Thnt the Inspectors and Judges shall meet at i
the respective" places appointed for holding the i
elections in the district to which the-respee-
tivelv tn-lonir, before seven o'clock in Ihe morn- i
itiir of Tuesday, November 5. nnd ouch said in- ;
sictor shall iipioiit one clerk, who shall be a
ipni'ifieil voter of SJch district. I
In case the person who shall have receiver!
Ihe second highest number of votes for inspec
tor shall not attend on the day t( nn election,
then the person who shall have received the
next hitrhest number of votes for jndsre at the
next precedinir election shall act us inspector
in his place. And in ease tlie person who shall
have received the hitrhest nn ni tier of votes for
inspector shall not attend, the person elected '
ju lire shall appoint an inspector m his place.
And in case the pel son elocred jiiMCc? shall not
attend, then the inspector who shall have re
ceived the hiirhest number of votes shall np- '
point a judire in his place, and if an- vacancy
shall continue in the 'joerd for the space of
one hour lifter the time fixed bylaw for the
of.enioir of the election, the imiliiied voters of
tin- township, war-', or district, for which sucl.
eflicers have been elected, present at Ihe place
d election, shall elect some of their number lo
hi the vacancy.
At the rennest oT the County Commissioners,
arid for the information of voters. I append the
following Act ot Assembly relative to the tax
ation of doirs and the protection of sheep, ap
proved the lillh day of June, lsts :
Skc. 1. He it enacted, etc.. That from and af
ter the passaire of this act. 1 here sha II tie assess
ed, levied and collected, annua II v. with other
county taxes, in each ol the townships; and
boroiiirhs of this C' lnmon'vealth, from the
owners and keepers .f doiM, ill- following
named tnxe. nauu ly : Kor each male ib ir. the
sum of titty cents, ami lor every female di-tr
the sum of one dollar, to be paid t o he t reins
urer of ihe county where collet-led. to tie kept
by him separate and in such manner that he
can known how inuen has been collected from
each township and borough, snd how much !
paid out for losses (r liHmaircs in each, at any
time, to tie n fund Inuit which persons sustain- '
iuir os or damaire to sheep by a tlnir or clous. 1
and the iwcessarv costs in est a hi isii inir their
claim therefor, as herein provided, may be paid. !
Skc. 2. Km- the purpose of levyiiur and col
!"otinir such taxes, the assessors in each town
ship and horotiirh shall, annually, at the time
of assessing other taxable property, ascertain
nnd ret ii rn to the county eommis.sioners of.
t he jr county a true s: at em cut of nil the ilnirs in :
theii townships and b.ii-ouirhs. respectively, and
the riamesof the persons owmi-ir or keepinir
such (h cs. nn.) liow many ct each sex is kept 1
or owned by r-ncti person : and such com m is- !
sioners in each county shall, annually, levy and ;
cause to b" eoilecti-d the taxes hereinbefore
named, with, and in the same manner, and lor
the same compensation, that other county taxes
Skc. :i. That whenever any person f hall sus- !
tain any loss or diimavc to sheep by a dourer
tlous, in any townhip or borouszti. such person, i
or his or her iiirent or attorney, ma v complain j
to any justice ot the peace of such township or
tiorouii h. in ritiiiir, to be siu tied by the person
! ma k 1 1 it such complaint, stxiinir therein when.
: where and how such dumiiire was doi.e. nnd by
whose tioir or dois. if known; whereupon the !
justice of the peace to whom such complaint
shall be made, shall cause a notice to be servt d i
on the owner or keeper of the doir or dois
eiiusinir the daiTiitire, it known, that a complaint
has been made to him of such lessor dumeire;
and if the owner or kei per of such doir or (loirs
does not appear, us soon ns pr.u-t ion hie. and
i-t-ttlo ami pay for such loss or da maire. t hen 1
such Justice shall appoint three competent dis- i
interested persons, not related to I he claimant j
or other person interested therein, to appraise '
the loss or il.ini;,K'- sustained by ilie claimant ; '
and such u ppra isei s, at 'let- bcinit sworn or af
! brined by such justice or the peace, or some !
other competent person, to peilorm the (in- i
lii-8 of It.eir appointment without partialitvi
: r.nd accorditur to the best of their judgment I
and ability, shall, us soon us cruet it-able, e.xntn- ;
ine the place where the dau'iaire is claimed to
have been done, aim the sheep injured or killed, '
if practicable, ami they are teijucsted to do so,
and shall be ex a in ined. on oaln or a Hi rma i ion !
to he administered by one ot them. any witness
called before them by a siibpiena from such
justice or otherwise, nnd alter mnkirur mliweiit
imiuiry in relation to such claim, shall deter
mine and report to such justice in wining
whet in-r any such damaifi-has been s 1-taineil.
i and the amount thereof, and who was the ow
ner or ke. per of the de(r or, ir known, by
which such dumaire has been done, and wheth-
I er or not any pan thereof was caused !v a doir
owned or k.-pt hy the claimant, which report,
so made, shall be stu-ned by a majority of such
appraisers, and delivered to the justice by
, whom they were appointed.
M-:r. 4. Ilmt iiixin receivinir such n-nort. tho !
said justice shall iminediateiy nmke a cert ill- j
mir lucn.Fii i.i iiu-iciu, iiriien miih scali'it liy
hiiii, that such aptiraisers were duly appointed
nun sworn ny nun. Mini unit iney made such re-
port : and tt by such report it appears that any
: ...-.-ii oiiiiiit-.i oy i in- triinpii:n. I
nut, I lie said justice shml delit-r such report 1
and all papers rt liitiny to the case, to such
cl'ilt'iant or his or her tijrenf or attoriit y, upon .
payineiit of the costs up to that tinie.hereiiiarter 1
provided, (or havinir the same secured to be i
piuu.j in oe neuvere.i to me comiinssioiiers of
the county where such dauoiires have been sua
t.iined, to be filed in their ottice.
1 Sfc. 5. That upon the commissioner of the
, county receiving i-uch report.mid it shall wppear
thereby that a certain amount of daim.jre or
loss hns been sustained by the claimant to
sheep, by tloir or (loirs not owned or kept bv
him or her, they shall immediately draw their 1
! order on the treasurer of such county in favor I
of the claimant for the amount of loss or tiam- !
aire such claimant has sustained uccordiiifr to !
such report, with necessary and proper costs '
incurred as aforesaid, lobe paid out of tne;
fund raised or to lie raised by faxes on doirs as i
hereinbefore provided : and if it shall nppear
, by sneh report or otherwise, tnat a responsible 1
pers in was the owner or keeper of the tlojr or
(burs by which the damage complained of was I
done, and there is reus'iiialilt pr itmt.ilil y such ';
ilam.urt s and costs can be collected from such :
owner or keeper, then such commissioners
snail immeuiateiy proceed, in the manner pro
luted by law for the colb-ciion of debts and
costs ot like amount, to collect such damages j
and costs by suit or suits from the owner or
owners or keeper or keepers of such doir or
H. tr i.wt ...I.. .1 . n
... ...... ,., . iiiririii , u-ss eosls,
Ir ihpnr,,....r d..,.n f. ...,!.. ......,... r .
....... i....r.ioi.
riflril At Hl-l- un.l 1 1 tim.& 1. ... ..... . . .
ot the owner of any sheep killinjr doir or do,
or any person owning sheep, to kill any and all
loirs tzuilty of killiiiK sheep within this coin-
Skc. e.
That all do, in this commonwealth
shall hereafter be personal property and sub
j-els of larceny, and the owner or keeper of
anv doir shall i.e liable to the count- commis
sioners lor nli loss or damiitre to sheep by such
loir, with all the necessary costs incurred in
reeoverinir and collect inir such tlanii'ires, in.
, cliiuin an attorney lee of finally
determined before . J'tstieeof the neate, anil
(f ten dollars if tried in a court or common
picas; but at any tiir.e alter notice of a claim
fordamajres unrl'-rtlie provisions of this act.
the owner or kce;er of any doir may tender to
the claimant or his airent or attorney niakinir
such claim a sum ol money eiiial to t he Ions
or dam aire sustained, or may utter belorea jus
tice of the pence, with notice to the claimant,
his aueiif or attorney, as foresaid, a judgment
in an act ion of trespass lor the amount ot such
J is or diimaire. and ell costs up to the time tr
Bucb oner, wlncu uttet, lur a Ice ol iwcutv
' cent", shall be entered on the rlocKet of ptich
justice: nnd in ease the claimant in such case,
: or commissioners, as Ihe case may be, shall not
aeeept of such tender or trferf judirment.nnd
artei-wards on the final detewniiiation r poeb
case shall not recover a irreater amount than
the sum so tencVred or Tor which n jiidirmenl
: has been offered, as aforesaid, besides the in
terest and cost since such tender or offer, as
the case mnr be, such claimant or commis
sioners shall not recover any costs accruing af
ter such tender or offer, tint shall iy to the
defendant or defendants the costs such de
fendant or defendants have Incurred 9ince
such offer or tender, including an attorney fee
as hereinbefore provided in case f a recovery
I by claimants, which eosls may be deducted
from the amount of any judgment recovered
in such case by the claimants or commissioners,
and If such judgment is not sufficient such
costs may be collected by an action of debt In
any court having jurisdiction of such amount
ns in ot her eases of debt.
Sec. 7. That justices of the peace for the
Special services under the provision of this)
act. shall be entitled to one dollar for each
case, and the appraisers esch one dollar per
day for the time necessarily spent byihetnin
in vcstijrai inir each claim, to be paid by the
claimant i-i such case.
Skc. 8. Thnt at the end of each year the com
missioners or each county shall certify to the trea
snrerot the county t he several elaimsand amounts
thereof, filed in their office under the provisions
of this act. remaininR unpaid ; and If any such
treasurer shall have in his hands, of moneys col
lected for the payment thereof, more than t wo
hundred dollars alwwe the amount of such cliims,
he shall immediately apMrtion and distribute t he
excess to the several sehool districts ol such coun
ty, in projairtlon to the amount ol such balance or
excess raised by said taxes on doiis in each or In
the several rownships or hoj-ounhs forminir sneh
districts, respectively, and shall notify the school
treasurer of such district hoi much it is entitled
to of such moneys, and shall pay the same to such
school treasurers, on their receipts and orders for
the jimp, for the support of theionitnon schools
of such districts.
Skc. 9. That this act shall not repeal or affect
the provisions of anyspecial law in relation to the
same subject in a ny count v of this commonweal! h.
Sice 1'J. That the sheriff of each county, on the
reuuest oT the county commissioners, shall cause
this act to be published therein, with and in the
same manner as nntieesuf the next general elec
tion shall be published; and tor the purpose of
decidintr whether or not the provisions of t his act
are desired in the several counties, the qualified
electors therein may vote at such election, by bal
lots written or printed on the outside "Sheep
Tiiiw,"' nnd on the inside For the Sheep Iaw"'
or "Aeainst the Sheep Ljiw ;" and in "ach coun
ty wherein it shall appear by a proper count of
such ballots that a majority arc " For the Sheep
Law," this net shall immediately take effect, but
in no other county until a majority ot the inali
fie( electors thereof, after like advertisement in
like manner, have determined that they desire
this act to take effect therein: I'mriihil. that
there shall be iio advertisement or election for
such purpose oftener than once in two years.
The attention of an riualified voters Is direct
ed tn the following Aei of Assembly retrtilatiujr
the mode of voting in this. Commonwealth :
An Act reiru'atinir the mode of votinirnt nil
the elections ill the several counties of this
Common wealth, approved March :nth, sci.
ST. 1. lit', it fimctii) hi) Ifir Srnntr mid Joiise
f Hi )irf" ntnf i'ivs of tin i 'tiinmmi irrnli h nf I'ritn
Kiilrmiiii in Hrnril . I m.i nut . iii it is )n j'c
hii rnnrti-il tut the r.nttuni' i of thr mne. That
I lie 1 1 1 1 ;i : i tiil voters of the several eoutitirSof
t his t '.immon wealt h. a t the (reueral, towiediip,
boi'oiiizh. or sped n I elections, are hereby here
after authorized and re(iiired to vote t y tiek
ets p. inl"d or written, or partly prin:-d and
partly written, severally classified as follows:
1 'Hi' ticker shall embrace the names of ail
.luilires ot Courts to be voted tor. and be label
led mil side "J udlciiiry"; one ticket shall em
brace the mimes nf all State olticers voted for
mm be labelled 'Slate"; one ticket shall em-i-rave
the nullH'S of all County officers voted
lor. and he labelled "County"; one ticket shall
embrace ti. names of nil Township offieeis
oiii'il for. and be labelled "Township": one
ticket shall embrace the names of all Horonirh
officers voted for. and lo he labelleu "Honumh"
and each class shall be deposited in a separate
t: iven under my hand, at my office In Kbcns
buiir. this first day of October, in the year of
our lyord one thousand oitrht hundred and sev
en ty-ciirht , and the independence of thel'nited
Siaiesof America the one hundredth and sec
oti'l. JOHN It YA N. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Ebopsburir. Oct. 1, 1S7.S.
These fiimoti? Till ITHIFY the ni,Oon, And
not tnnat fiowerf i.lly, j ft pootliinsrlv, on the
Kivinjr TON K, KXEIHiV. and VKiOH t(i the
whole system. Tin y nre wonderf nlly t flit-neions
in all Hilments int.-identnl to VEMaIjES, Vm.nir
or Old. and ns a general FA.MIi.Y MKdK lXE
fur the cure of most complaints they arc un-t-qiiitllt-d.
Imvoutatit (Tavtiots. Xone arc gfnuine nn
lf!. the pit-nature of .1 Hayikhk, a .-iirent for
the l'nite-1 States, pnrri'tinila each hox of I'illc and
Ointment. Hoxes at '25ot.., 62et... ami 1 eeh.
For sale I.KMMrM it Ml'kkav, Kbenshurir, and
by I irUKuistn itenerally.
-l liere is coniiiefatlc yavinsr hv takinir the
larger gizos. Holloway t Co., New ork.
Possessed of this KEM EDY, Every Man may
be his own Doctor. Tt may be rubbed into the
System, sons to reach an internal Complaint,
by these means, it cures Son's or I'leers in the
er Parts. It isan infallible rimedy for MAD
I.F.fJS, DAD III! EASTS. Contracted or Stiff
Joints. GOUT, RHEUMATISM, and all Skin
Important ('Anmn onn are jrennlne nn
less the si-noture of .1. H a vdock. as aifcnt f..r the
t'nited States, surrounds each box ol Fills and
Ointment. Boxes at ib eta.. 62 ets . and $1 ea'-h.
Sold hy I, K. mm on t iMirrav, Eienliurf , and bv
Drntrirists irenerally.
There is considerable snvlnir bv tnklnir the
larirer sizes. Houowav k. Co., New York.
Auk. . ly.
Sm Mefliclnes, Toilet Articles, k.
"IN addition to a full line of Druirs, Medicines,
1 tie., the undersigned kee;tm hand a large, va
ried and elegant nssortment of
1 ., f rr..;ii i .. o
i CllUIIltri , lUHfl WaMlin 0apS,
Fore Flavnrinir Extracts, T:ssences of all kind,
pure Spices. Klank Honks. Pocket and Pass Hooks.
Stationery, AVritlnir Fluid. Hlack and Ked Inks,
I'ens. Pencils and Pen Holders. Hibles, Prayer
Hooks. Hymn Htaiks, tec, Inc., toirether with a.
Tiwith. Hair, Shoe. Scrub and Dustinir Brushes,
(Tombs of all kind. Tobacco, Cigars. Pipes. (Glass
ware. I-a in ps. Iviinp Chimneys, and hundreds ot
oilier erticles neetlless to mention all of which
will be sold at the
Very Lowest Prices for Cash.
Ebcnsburir, June 8, 1877.
, Practical Watckaier ami Jeweler,
One loor Wrst of IlnntlpCn hardware Store,
: ttic .1....
I A always On
hand a larae. varicil and ete
7nt assortment ol W ATt'll KS. l'Ut:KS.
&c, which he otters for sale at lower prices than
any other dealer in the county. Persons needing
anythliiir in his line will tlo well to irive him a rail
1 I'lV.l"?? .n.!f e.'f ew,,erf ".
w ......i.. ... . ...ii .,iii to I . lKt I lll( tHH.118.
W'atches. .It-welry. &e.. ami falisiactiun Kuaran
teetl in !ioth work and price.
Essential .Oils.
V litlV tl, Kl KAIOI I.V I. r..
of prime qnallty, tMiuirht In anyqnantity Tor cash
on tiellvery. tree of hokerairn, com ill is
aion, storage, etc., by
DOnCiK tfc OliCOTT,
Importers and Exporter. 89 William St., N. Y.
(EO. M. READE. Atlorneu-ai-Tjaw.
Pvenstnirir. Pa. Ortiee on Centre street,
iti tee doom trotu IligU BUcel. 18 .T-.l
rcT inn n nJ Mil
liUUI 1 illU 1J
vnnnno o nnrni?TrP tim0 unnw
1 1 uUUlJo a UUlrll 1 IIMu flUUoJij
THEIR BUYING at 13tii & MARKET, rillLA.
Jolrn Waaamater,
113 and 115 Clinton Street, Johnstown,
to nij rovxn ix cam iiiita covsty.
23rIon''t Ii'rjr?t tlio Slrot nntl rS"iiiiili.
Sheet Iron Wares
XolViiir in
Nos. 278, 2S0 and 2S2 Wasliin-ton Si.,
l'A YAltl.K OX Ktt A.
C?"S"peoln! attention paid to hnsfnpi r orr
ti sponrl. nts. A. W. BUCK
Nov.19, 1875.-tf. , Cashier.
139 Franklin Street. Johnstown.
Muni'.nKMTS, H K A T) and TOM R
i factured of the very tiest Italian and i
Amerit-an Marbles. Entire satisfo-
ti n friiaranteen In price, desig-n and '
I chiirMt-ter of work. i
1 tJ Orders respoct Tully solicited
! and promptly fllled at the very low.
j est cash rates. Try me.
j April 24, lhTS.-tf. JOHN PAHKE.
! rX AV". DICK,
(General Insurance Aqent,
j i:iu:xsituiG, i-a.
! Policies written at short notice in the
Ebcnsliurjr, Sept. 22, 18T7 -ly.
" t .-.Trr. ct--i-tt Si. l
. -
jt? 3 X"
I 27S IVnn Arenac, rittslmnrh. r.
J Many others claim that they exfrnrt painlepslv
and titien tall. Imt lir. iuinry .A. Neott i, Ih?
stteeessful. and his own Hlifnliitely sate ntia-sihe.
tie is as harmless as j tt-r an. I ran I.e sa ff ly taken
! by old and ymiiiy. ai.d ).eii.le in every condition
! ot health t'Ht!lmniti iifif i.
It will f ay those who fear f in to visit Pr.
' if only to iret their teeth out. nrd those
who w-int teeth can jr-t the finest in the
World. eii:iliii. bis Sei-imrif which took tlie
t'et.teniiial Medal and I:'l"lna. lit the b.west
jiossitile j.riei-s tor first-class w.irk. The Doctor
a lso ma kes a sixi-ia I y of jn in less ti ' 1 in it. and his
fi'W tiatent -'White (ii.l.i" hilinir equals pure
K ild and costs less than half as much.
"TRADE MRK. Is especially re- RADE MiRtC.
comnu-n. leil as an
nn f:i ilinif cure .r
'.Si m i n a i. w v. a k-
v kss. S r k r. v a
ioki:hea. lvi'o
Tiscv, nnd all
diseases that fol
low as a scijnence
I, It 1 .a'
l'MVKi:sAt. I.AS-l-e" laKing.
siti dk. Pai in H. i k. I i m n kss of Vision Pkk
m ATI" rk I ti.ti Aok. and many other diseases th:C
lead to Insanity. Consumption and a Premature
(rave, all ot which ns a rule are first c.-iiiid t
deviatintr from t he path ot nature and over in lut
jrence. The Specific Medicine is ihe resntr of lile
study and many years ol e.xjericiice in treating
these special diseases.
Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we de
sire to send free bv m.iil to everv one
The Six-cine Medicine is sold bv ail Drnifirict(j
at 1 per package, or six packages Tor 5 or will
be sent by mail on receipt of the moncv liv addre
inrf HIKlillW .MKHKiXKrn. " '
10 Mechanics' Hlix-k. Hftroit. Mich
Sold in Vbt-n.-burif by t.:. T. KontRTS. an.i
by Urucirists everywhere.
MAKItlS t I.WIMl. Wholesale Aironta tl..
18-16. ly.
The Great Kidney
Mrdiflne 8 n. m ,,PW
coiriixtind ; It hu leen
Ix-f'jret.'ie nubile .years
and uso,i f,r all rlase.
T CTTiflihnS;'avt't from iine. rms
-LrJ til r! Y-3
' disease and rionti. K..t
I fT S ti U dred. who I..V- AJT
to die. Ill" NT"fKKAI K l V rnrr- .7l I '2!
ra.,orth? Kidneys. Hlndder" and " rlnar
Inr..nlinee- and Ketenllnn ,,r -.'
H IXI It KMEII l-enc'ura"" SleepwaUsaa
at petite, t iaces tin tlie syst.-m. ind r -new.Id 1 ealth
InthcMdc, IWk. or I.oin-. nenrrnT Irl, u
I IV, itfinitle l)i-.-a..-., lliMlnrhed !l.-ei" TU,,
of Appetite . Krlit ht'a lti,n,r of Ih? KTl-
;.rf"n'"; Ml. " 1 KKtlEDY !. iinely VrgaL
Tinrii nn.
t-cud "lur pamphlet to
X'BOVlljli.SCK, R I.
Aueust 9, 1.-T8 -ly.
Health and Happiness arc priceless Wealth to
oerTorwno"w?,f ? llrC Wi,"in lhe
The only sure CT'R F. for Torpid l.iver. lvs,.eTiT
Headat-he. Sour Stomach, l',,t ipat ion. 1 ii-hj 1 it v
Psnsrfa, and all Millions complaints ami Hloo."
disorders. None i-enuine unless signed -Win
WrlKlit riiiU. ' U your I.ruuitist ,11 not su k
L ro'n-o vThVr "Z?'X to 1,A,:nif K" Koi.l Jn
(.o., o 4fh St., I hila l-l,'"S.-lv
Over l.OOO.OOO htttles soli! t, i ,k
ntr remedy t..r XM lli. 4M.I,i ?S?,r2-
tor, re.-omn.end It. J. K. V- , ".""'",; '
mts : It aved my lw rh,.r,.n from'
s,mo, .,f Paliimnr, M.I.. ., .,r: 7t w",ll , ','
the worst e,.,ieh imi.,1ll,,,.. TW.
B.Ki.LLl.BA Prop'; lttubarh, I'm.
pu. M. J. DUCK,
Physician and Scrofon,
Offlee .at 1318 Eleventh avenne," fe(ween'l Vh
and 14th streets, where niKl,t ealli canT.e ma le
and 8 to 8. p
eases of the
...... .. to. A. M., and Imm 2 tn A
eases t.f the Kye and Far. as well ."...
--i-c,-ui Biirnuon pat.t to lis-
. . . i . . . " . ' - . -rir ten.
Operations of everv description
r . , . .
A M. KEIM, M. I)., Physician
ffv:,:L!-t', ra. or.
nee recent ly oeenpfed hy Dr. .1. J. Ott
HonsTe.Hih st.. K';,!
Consultations In Hermann a
-V7;. tf.i
calls can he mad.
well as Kniclisb.
1 " sh i a ami St'Kt;Kov,
Cambria eonntv T. ttTrJ!1" "V.?J.,'t '""ot;nn,
One trial will mn. "
Ilarkness. rim,-,,,-
--'" "- 'Hill , o, ....
California, lia? an altitipj0 ,r
ici'i. in 't.-;ii viet-K coilutv "
aie two beautiful little lak
t'lic'u r,f
almost a mile in circumfci
' bee v. ..
deep; ami the water of a da;
k I,',.''
green, is extremely '-olil.
."" "--TtU ..,
nppai'eiii source 01 supply .,
lakes are surroumleil , hjojj
walls of granite Uock". pfi, . in' !
nificent confusion ami j i i t o 1 . - "
tinilei"el. They are nt tin n' '
at least 9,000 feet, nnd rue thcsv.''
ol the lamous Clear Cree
About six miles south of tl.r
ami at an altitude of tullv IOiim,. ?
just above the timber line, js .;', ? :
U inert go liake, rirw widely Wt
the scene of Iierftand.s !.,-.
' the Hocky Mountain."' It a
ptciutersipia MteeL (ji ( Icar. ;
water; but appears nt a K'ali- '
tan co to le almost black, ov. it:-T .,,
great depth. The water i
cold, but contains an nl ii:,, r
trout. The lake is about, L,;i l '
in diameter, and at the iijr ..
j northwest side a peipctual 1m;''k
I and snow creeps down to v.
: edge. On the south an :;np. ,;-."
of smooth granite toweis m!iI;o v
tically to the height of .in.-i , . '
i while on the west there , .
majestic terraces, like htj .,.
3H0 to 400 ft-c-t high. The iT'.-i!
slopes away at an angle of id,,.;-.?!
; five degrees; and to the ..;;, . ."
! ea-t tlut e is an eay, gia hia -)..
: down into Chicago C-r.. -u. 'j . ,.
"vouhl appx ai' to have bet h
of some volcano: yet tin .r ;.;
, traces of any volcanic . li i i
There are bundled uf 1 ...., - ;: ;
Rocky Mountaius. I'ttiiii m : i : , ,
them are he Twin Lakes,
700 ft-et ; San Cri-toWl : : 1 ;'.
Mary, in the San .lurm enticM
what higher); and tlirml L.v
' Middle Park. There are in:,! v-.,
i er lakes in the region .f ti.i i ;i ,
line, varying in elt-valioii !Vi'.ii pit--to
1 2.000 ft-et. Thoe htk.- ;
along the snowy i) tin.' N r; r.
al, Kik, Saganehe, San Mi-ji; !, u
compahgie, Sangre tu- C'.i;-1". ...
other ranges. In tht N-tti..i.- d K :..
, which, according to l'rofi -'.: i!- i, ;
' "is by far tlie l-.uge-t m, o, . , .;, ;
: the I'nitcd States,'" tin u- :i:. w, -'.
considerable lake above I ! ,;
and many smaller ones 1 ".":
more than 12,000 fctt abjve :hc
Un.NATI UAI. Fll"VHLS 'f !.."'.
tells many storits nt senilis v..
were not showers of run. !; i-
by an old writer that in l.:i; ' . ii
l'ininai k, alum a eoutttrv
f a jiartieular kind wm- k," . '
fall fiom the skv ; tin 1 tl.-.t
eM iit was sui t- t be .:!'.. iv
gnod year for l..xt. A -ii ' :
Irogs fell near Toulnii-. ;;. .
prodigious nnniber ut ' . n k . -. -alioul
tine inch in hii..' . .U-
in a snow-stonn at i'..- i K -in
ls27 On one oee ti.-n iit ' .
way, the peasants were : T i t ; j i i
fiutling a shower of rat pt l'.ii:, -:
on their heads. - t
have been iiiiuhhhis ,t !-'.
in Kent, in iSCd, a p.i-t tr-i i r
luund one morning ciivere'i piriu
with fish, altlioturi, then- is n.-n' i -nor
river, nor lake, m-r ti-i,-; ni " n:
In several other places t I t -t -L
of fish have occurred, and ::!' i:''-'
ally I e explained hy vt ii-ieni'
causes. Strav wjnd b "a ii.' h ;;: -
or liver; a tv:itor-inut !:vki: j ' ; '
lisli out of tin- vaU-r : a "U:-i'.
sending tlicni liitlu r an." tl.i i :
these are inUlIiiril lf. Tl.e r-tt "
in Norway was an extin i lrii v '
thousamls of 'ats wire tnkii-J t
annual exeursitm from a J.i'.K
to tlie lowlant's, :i
overtook them, wlii-keil !k k, i:; :'
depositetl tlit-m in a fu l l :it s in '
tanee ; doulitless mn !i ti ti c
isliruent of sueli of Hie i:.'- !';:
lown alive. NaturaliTs li.tvr v"
thai the so--callel shiwir ' ''' "
are connected with some j'lani'U-'i
of insect life.
ClRIOSITlES OF ( i R A FT I N1- I !1 '
Mr. Carillet, ot Vinetniits Kiii"
took two younj; peat tree, t " 'l '
which was worked ol. the tjuliu
and one of these, tlie 1 Jeiu iv if -nni-ltrrf
was grafted upon it i" nnim. "
ed position, having its rout .v ,x"
posed to the air. The t-pi r:t';
performed in April, .nnd in;i! ' -summer
the stock grew viert'i:-.'
and lore two fruits, wliili.- t!a'
tree threw out buds and !i""'
the quince stock. To a l l t tin ('."
iiloYif - i.f it,n',lu,..;.n..iu M ("":;li.i'-
I - - t. ... HIV(t.t 1 inn in . ....
grafted lour pear scions 11 1 i'1' ,
pal roots of the qui nee, :"' lW1' u.
these succeeded. The s.-p ti n-1
from quince roots throiili l'lii-no i
Aremtierg, thirdly tliifiiii '.I f i'1Vt!;
ed Ueurre de Charncu. t In n 1 ' i""1'--1
the ouince air.niti and final! v int" '
two varieties of pear. -" "
sons, who, without knowini: t!it-(i
are nnolrino- nntnrp's l'tini'iv, l''v?
drawn their breath hard I"'"
coal scuttle, will le plea-ed t l'"'
that they have employed nl
analgesia in its simplest form. 1' ' -
man will draw breath don-Iv ai"
quickly for three minutes or K--
will thereby lose 0( ute j-oii-.'"1'1.
pain, so that he can erduie a
tm-n;....l ;.l,.,.,t i i,fi r. x ' "'
" . " . ,
i .-.. . . . . . (.ih-i.-il miii . in'""
, ' ........ ... tl- :n:
iciice, ami can greany ie-" ,
of neuralgia or toothache. ;
rapidly is said to le an cireet"- u
mtM,.v for iose blet ding.
The wool from a sheen will py t.i
eost f its keeping, leavinc 1 ' .
and maimro as clear pr"ht '
nnr,. 0f sl,fn is more Va!u;,Mf