The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, September 06, 1878, Image 3

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    the mm fbeelm
Ebensburs. Pa..
rnioAW - - si:n 6, ism.
Here, There, atnl the Other Place.
Castle Eyan at present contains forty
There is said to be a case of yellow fever
at Gallitzin. We take no stock in the story.
Co. Snpt. Herg has postponed the exam
ination of teachers at Loretlo until Monday
next, Sept. 9th.
The special weekly train from Pitts
burgh to this place baa run its last run for
the present aeaaon.
Head tbe advertisement of the Self-Acting
Cow Milker, which will be f ootid in an
other column of this week's issue.
The man with the printer's money in
his pocket didn't make himself so numerous
at Court this week as could have been
Hamilton Smith's barn, with content,
io Llgoiner Valley, ."Westmoreland county'
was burned to the ground Monday forenoon.
Lobs &2.500. Cause of fire unknown.
Another Johnstowner, named William
Carpenter, was knocked down and kicked
and cuffed in a brutal manner, about mid
night Monday, by several uukuown assail
ants. Bernard Biglin, a New York alderman,
aud oti3 of the Biglin brothers so renowned
for their skill with the oar, has been visiting
relatives in this couuty during the past few
Lieut. Tlarry Munson, an attache of the
Altoona Tribune, was in town ou Tuesday,
and did us the honor of a viMt. He is of
that class whom we are glad to see come and
sorry to see go away.
Twelve school inarms have been married
at Tltusville, this State, durihg the past two
years. Any of the trains leaving this place
will connect with others which iu due time
will laud you iu that city.
Peter Hare was tried atid found guilty
of murder iu the second degree at Greena
Irjrg, last weuk, (or killing Ms cousin, Win.
Hare. Peter, lt us imagine, made a Ilare
l rt-atti escape from hanging.
We have reuelved a zoiumn advertise
ment frntn Mr. L. M. Wolf, clothing mer
chant, Johnstown, aud a half column ditto
from C. Simon Co., dry gootln dealers, Al
toona. Both will appear in onr next issne.
Tbe rain which was eo long and so ar
dently expected came to us Tuesday night,
and the drought is dispelled. Injthe memo
ry of the oldest inhabitant, the waters of
this sectiou were never so nearly dried up,
ne during tbe recent drouth.
The public schools of Eliensbtirg were
rpened on Monday last, with Professor Lyte
of Lancaster, as superintendent for the third
time. Over two hundred youngsters an
swered to their names, and this uumber will
probably be increased during the colder
Seventy dollars in cash were stolen from
the residence of Peter Moore, Altoona, on
Wt-duesday evening of iast week , by a sneak
thief who entered the bonne during ihe ab
sence of the family ; and now Peter Moore
than wishes he could get bold of the scamp
who did it.
The Altoona Tribune tells of a twelve
yi ar-old girl, who passed through that place
on the Atlantic Express eastward bound on
Friday evening last, and on whose face, not
withstanding she kept it closely veiled,
could M faintly (Interned a luxurious pair of
sMp whiskers.
Newton Hamilton antl vicinity was the
scene of six funerals and five weddings dur
ing the continuance of the recent camp
meeting held iu that neighttnrhofxl. It is to
le hoped that tbe dead at least have reaped
the rewards of the religious exercises per
taining to said gathering.
A Westmoreland county farmer, while
threxlifiig iu his baru a few days ago. found
two txMlies in the bay in au advanced state
of decomposition. It is supposed they are
ihe remains of tramps, who, having buried
themselves under the hay to sleep, were
i-mothercd by having more bay thrown upon
Dr. Hoffman, surgeon dentist, will visit
"Wiliuoie next Tuesday, Sept. lOtli, on pro-tr-ppj'jiial
business intent, aud will put in au
appearance for like purposes at Carrolltown
on Monday following, Sept. 16tb. Note
titan :i these facts, and make no mistake,
ve folks who are troubled with the cursed
loot! he.
Mr. James McKuight was in town a few
t'.ayi ago, and called to see na. He repre
sents the well-known firm of Isflae Taylor
V Co.. dealers in dry goods and notions, 129
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa., and represents
it well. In some fntnre number of our pa-pt-r
we will spread bis business card before
our readers.
Mr. John Tomlinson, editor of the Al
tiK;na National, delivered a speech on the
ireenltk issue, in the Court House Mon
day evening last. He handled his topic
with considerable force, and carried away
ithhitu many kindly recollections of bis
eloquence as an orator and his benignity as
The relief fund io aid of the yellow fever
sufferers in tbe South has reached magnifi
cent proportions io Pittsburgh, Philadelphia,
snj other cities in the State. Even Altoona
l as footed np the snm total of 8236.75, S50
f which were contributed by Rev. Father
Wjb, of St. John's church. Ebeusburg
day Im beard from in the near future.
A very detttructi ve fire occur red on Sat
urday lt io the lumber yard or E. A. Irvin
-'o., Curweusville, Clearfield connty, and
N fore tlie flames could be stayed no lees
'han l,oo,0o0 feet of Inmlter was destroyed,
whiina grist mill and several private resi-J-tsces
adjaceut were considerably demagetl
hy the iutense beat. Loss. Sl'J.OOO : insur
ant, 815,000.
The Democratic convention of Bedford
fouuty met last week and nominated the
Wowing ticket : Assembly, Daniel It.
Anderson and Joseph E. Noble; Associate
uugs, vapt. John Nelson; Prothonotary.
L). Tate : District Attomev. Frank
-etcher; Sheriff, W. G. Eicholtz; Treasu
rer P. O. Morgan : Commissioners Samuel
CreMtnau and J. L. Albright.
Strangers who may be in town tbisor
Bext week will consult their interests by
fajing a visit to tbe one-price cash store
Johu Lloyd & Co., High street. The
M-k io trade of this firm is now and al
y was very large and vory Cue, and the
Prices are marked down to the lowest fig-Ufe-
Many bargains in dry goods, groce-t;t-
He, are to be bad for the asking.
Harry K. Sheridan, the champion pho
grapher of Cambria couuty, has lately
' ' ' U H 1 1 l.ia 1 , 1 1 1- i ituiiii .... n . T .. I . . .. I Y.
- ... i.itaiiiciiD rw t 1 y luLTritnrtj lli.b
'e Ulli-t l ....... 1.1.- II.. . :
. ' ' iii ucir i (. ijaamuurura ub
that he is desirous of securing the
7T" es "l an assistant, aud if a young man
'Hi the requisite qualifications will call at
J--4 ?dery, High street, any day this or
s week, he may be able to secure a per-'-nt
v The news came unexpectedly to us lost
'!iUy of the death of Mrs. Aggie Itoberts
wife of Dr. Oeorge Holdnson, of
Ve irK'tiU. She was a daughter of our
urtner townsman, Mr. Robert H. Itoberts,
u-f ' an'1 wa wel1 known and ranch
w Tl1 in tlil9 co'nnaiiity Her disease
a diphtheria, of an aggravated character,
.entire term of her illness beiug comprised
''forty-eight hours.
fcrT'Lr' reJ- Vowinckle, a prominent and
coi., . wn cl,,n of White township, this
Ave , y' ,net w,tn P'nful accident on Frl
i ie wLi'e011 ui way home from Lloyds
tit l B('e""' 'hat iu crossing some tres
cfi ,which the hor,"ft h wa riding had
Hal t 'Jtn l,aK"!, over in safety, the anl
it, ' ,n'Ped aud fell, throwing his rider to
y laiung upon mm iu sucn a
J to fracture one of his lees in two
re one of his lega in two
i ne
man in the moon was looking at the
.o-up c.othinjF of Godfrev Wot If. next
ftlier r post-office, Altoona, Pa., the
m4ki, " ' wixh lhe evident intention of
a "8 a purchase. He can't shine with nt
yn, w "ll,t ff"tn Wolff, neither can the
;W, n?,n f,f Cambria county and parts ad
VUlr' "'''"'e unless tbey go ami do likewise.
,.",' l'!e i heapest aid cleverest man to
3 i.'.fri von u .... - ;.. i .i i.
"'Kir tn .i - '
iva.iy.riialts clotting.
. 'When yon Visit the Pittsburgh Exposi-
tion be sure And see Dr. Ouincv A. S.-ott'a
case of elegant dental specimens, which took
no einennmi jieaai and Diploma. If yon
J bave any bail teeth call at 278 Penn avenne,
and onr word for it the Doctor will extract
theni without Riving you the least pain. 2t.
, If you have not yet bought that cohi
; weather snit you need, von bsivp failoil in
the performance of a duty which yon owe
to yourself. If you don't know the address
of the most reputable clothi
iu Cambria county, it is simply becan
nlv because
your acquaintance with the news as con
tained in tbe newspapers is limited. Jas.
J. Mnrphy. 109 Clinton at root .Tnnitnon
can fit a man out from ton to toe in pWar.t i
. 1
toggery, and all that he will charge you
mereror will be a mere song, so to speak.
The Pa. R. R. f!n Trtth it,,, tiiuF.iit.
. - - , ...... l i u 1 1 lT 1 r 1 1 i j
ior which it Is so nrnverliiai
i free trauspor-taiiou to all the editors aud well as tbeir families, sweethearts,
etc., who have bees invited to attend the
picnic at Lloydsville, this county. The su
perintendent of the Bell's Gap narrow gauge
road, has made the same generons proffer, so
that tbe entire trip can be made free gratis
for nothing. Nothing better than this con! J
be offered, unless it might be the presenting
of a handsome chromotoeach one whoaraiis
himself of the kindness thus extended.
In his speech, delivered in the Conr,
House last Monday evening, Mr. John Tom
linson said, or at least left the assembled au
dience to infer, that in the event of the elec
tion of Doctor Bell and the other Greenbac k
candidate for the Legislature in Blair coun
ty, Hon. J. Donald Cameron being a candi
date for United States Senator to succeed
himself, if Bell and the other man should
go to Harrisbnrg and vote for Cameron,
they would be brought hack 'ln abox." In
other words, there would be a funeral in
two respectable families. Does this savor of
Communism ?
The people of Blair eonntv are larselv
IJjngageil in tbe game of politics just now.
inero sre two rainii.iates to the square inch
over there, and the crop not yet fully har
vested. But this fact doesn't interfere with
the other fact that S. Blnmenthal, of the
Great Eastern Boot and Shoe Store, 1119
Eleventh avenne, Altoona, is the proprietor
of the biggest and lest establishment in
Western Pennsylvania for the sale Of all
goods in Lis line. An order sent him by
mail will be promptly attended to, and onr
word for it satisfaction will be afforded each
and every customer.
An invention known as a "gum sling,"
which is no relation to "gin sling," baslieen
in fashion with the boys of Elensburg for a
month or two past It project a bullet with
accuracy and mnch force, and some damage
to windows baa lately lieeik complained of.
Constable Wherley last Saturday escorted
four Juveniles charged with this species of
mischief-making before Esquire Klnkead,
and a fine of seventy-five ceuts pr capita
was charged np against them and collected.
Geerge W. Oatman, Es., was the prosecu
tor in the case, his ptgeon-roost having been
the object aimed at by the youthful Goiiahs.
We were gratified to met and greet, in
our town this week, Mr. T. S. Troxell, a
worthy eon of onr true, earnest and much
respecUvl friend, John J. Troxell, Esq , of
Gallitzin. Mr. Troxell, Jf, has turned his
attention to the study of medicine, and has
since bis visit to onr town betaken himself
to Philadelphia, where he is almut to enter
on his ss:ond Verm as a student at Jefferson
Medical College, in that city. Out yonng
friend has tbe material in bira to make au
able and successful physician, ana we ex
pect ere many years to chronicle the fact
that he has gained a prominent position in
the profession he has chosen for life.
Mr. Lrm. Davis was so unfortunate last
week as to entrust a horse to the pMt.-lnn
of a man who tnrned out to In a tramp, with
all that that term implies. The tramp took
the auimal to East Conemaugh.and sold it
to a gentleman named Shaffer for 82.50 antl
two old watches. Subsequent to this, he
drank all the whiskey that 22.50 would pay
for, lost the watches, aud weut to the Johns
town lock-op on the charge of beiug drunk
and disorderly. He was interviewed by
Mr. Davis, with tbe result that the horse
got !ack to its rightful owner. As to the
tramp, he will iu all probability look ihrougb
the bars tf the penitentiary for some mouths
to come.
Our venerable friend, Capt. Oeorge Nel
sou Smith, is with us this week. He has
been on a tour westward, visiting in West
moreland and Allegheny counties some of
the friauds of his early years. He is wel
come as coals at Christmas. We say of him
that be is a Democrat in whom there is no
guile, but over and above that runs the fact
that he was a soldier who did a soldier's
service in the war for the iudeoendence of
Texas. Some other Cambrians were enga
ged in that conflict, noticeable amougst whom
might bo mentioned Basil Durbin, now de
ceased, but nntil such a time as a competent
historian shall be produced their record
must remaiu unwritwn.
A man named White is charged in tbe
warrant, issued by Esquire Kinkead, wilb
having committed an assaulted and battery
on James McKay, of Cambria township.
The trouble dates back six months, and
White was successful iu keeping himself
out of the view of the officers of the law till
Friday last, when he was lapped on the
shoulder while In this place. Immediately
thereafter, adissoWing view of White's coat
tails, with the ends pointing in the direc
tion of E'oensburg, was to bediscerned. He
made his escape, and if he maintained the
same rate of speed he started out with for
any length of time, he must be something
less thau a million of miles away from here
The Hollidaysburg Standard nses lan
guage none too strong when it declares that
tbe man who would write the extract from
the Johnstown Triune (printed and com
mented on In our editorisl department this
week) in relation to the terrible sconrge
now devastating Southern towns and cities,
has the heart .of attend; and sincerely in
deed can we say Amen to the comments of
tbe Standard when it adds : "Cpon the scene
of suOermg which should excite the liveliest
feelings of sympathy and compassion, the
ghoul who wrote the extract referred to looke
with fiendish exultation. It is to be boned
thai tbe Almighty will look upon him with
more charity than he exercises toward hit
fellow men."
Late Saturday night, says the Altoona
Mirror, gleaning its Information from the
Johnstown Tribune, an attac k was made on
Mr. Jacob Cradle, bartender for Mr. Jacob
Jacoby, Bedford street, Johnstown, by two
unknown persons, just after he closed up
the saloon, and he was hammered by them
about the face and body until insensible.
They then rolled him down over the steep
embankment to the edge of tbe river, in
tending, doubtless, to finish their brutal
work by drowning him. Two hours after
ward he returned to consciousness aud man
aged to crawl up to the bouse, when bis
condition was discovered. His Injuries are
of a very serious nature, and be wil. be laid
np for some time.
a n,l still, at one time the prop-
rty of Mr. Barney Vogel, of Barr township
nd thought to have been many times aud
and thought to have been many nines u. ;
oft used in tbe mannraciure ui . f-,, ,v. ,.. j-i uji.hiuci win
whisky was seized by Revenue Officer Tib- i transaction and the Sheriff was notified,
bott three or four months iago and removed The subsequent proceedings were unimpor
tothls place. For the pnrposeof safe keep- tant. Ansley will go to the Western Peni
inir thev were stowed away in the rear of ; tentiary. aud the lady will doubtless go
the stable of the Mountain House, and re- : West. She was once in the employ of the
maiued there till Mouday night last, since ' circus owned and controlled by W. W.Cole.
t tw have been missing. Somebody, j It was a good circus.
with no fear of the United States gove ru
ment in their hearts, laid violent bands on j
the property and carried It away ; and tl.e ,
auestiou which now natorally arises in the j
ti.i-ikin? mind has some connection with a .
desire to know how far the tniei iu" -
. . , . ,
H-We tad the pleasure this week of re
newing an old-time acquaintance
L. M. Woolf, whom we knew a nfr of
years ago in Johnstown to which place he
has recently returned after P"'7n,1jS
...t nc aeaiu established hmseir
Be nee ami onto , . ,,
more extensively than ever In the reac ly
made clothing business. We always fou d
... i - titiainess roan ami
Mr. voou iir, t..... - ----- ,,-ha.
... . .. . , . a hat
x .rentleman. and tne ract, tu.
R " n -
email, .
.l.i .lomnltm eround ia evl
returned to in
n uri c c.
dence snfnciei
dence sufficient, ir any ,Vmfl
went away with agoi
av with agotni repuianu.. "
i. .c.v. .i. o,m tintarnisueu-
We can
.;Vmm.nd Mr. W. Jj-
of our readers, and why he should be "J"
ed with their" custom will appear more at
itujjiU wver his o n sitfuatur ul
i There are at present eleven ei Sheriffs
1 of Cambria county still living, all of whom
have passed into and ont of office since the
election in 1831, two others having died
since their retirement from official position.
I following are the names of the living and
! dead, and the year in which each of them
: was elected : Robert P. L,inton, elected in
, 1831 and re-elected for a second and third
! term in 1837, and 18."8; William Rainey, in
1834, now dead ; Win. Todd, in 1840, now
; dead ; Jsmes Murray, in 1843 ; Jesse Patter
i son, in 184B, John Brawlev ; now of Holli
I davsbnrg, in 1849: Aug. Durbin, in 18"2;
John Roberts, in lS.'iS
John Buck, in ioi
.Tames M vers, in 1804: John A. Blair in 1867:
Wm. B. Booacker. now of Iowa, in 1870 aud
Herman Baumer, in 1873.
Twoore miners named Thomas Callihan
and Michael Cooney, assisted b. a man
named Andrew Stanley, undertook to put
off a blast in the C. I. Co.'s mine at the east
end of the Tunnel, on Tuesday last. They
were engaged in the p rocess of tamping the
rock for the purpose of removing a portion
of the roof and enlarging the eutrance to
tbe mine, wben fire was struck through the
manipulation of the iron, and igniting the
powder, an explosion followed. Callihan
was blown a considerable distance, and was
found standing on bis head on top of a pile
of rocks. Cooney numbered amongst his
wounds one on his head and a couple on his
legs, and Is In the hands of Dr. Miller, of
Gallitzin. Stanley received some very se
vere injuries, which may not prove fatal,
though his case is said to be somewhat pre
carious. As for Callihan, there is said tole
no hope for his recovery, and it is possible
that be may be dead before this reaches the
eyes of our readers.
John Fulton, Esq., General Mining En
gineer for the Cambria Iron Company at
Johnstown, has lately promulgated through
the columns of tbe Johnstown Tribnne an
order to the effect that no child under twelve
years of age shall in the future le permitted
to work in the mines of the Cambria Irou
Company, or elsewhere. It is based on an
act of the Legislature passed on the 23d of
May last, entitled "An Act to Prevent Cru
elty to Children." By the terms of this
Act, no child under the age of twelve years
shall be employed in tbe coal or ore mines,
under a penalty in each and every case of
from 810 to $50. He adds that all persons
in the employ of the Company of the age
mentioned, must be discharged forthwith,
and must either cease hereafter to be con
nected with that monopoly or take the due
course of law. The letter is addressed to
"John Cameron, Esq.. Superintendent of
Mines of the C. I. Co., Johnstown, Pa," and
evidently means business.
A crazy tramp named Unghes, who has
been an iumate of our county jail for a couple
or three months past, succeeded on Wednes
day evening last in freeing himself from bis
handcuffs, and then broke the heavy chain
which confied him to the floor, whereupon
Sheriff Ryan, with a lantern in one hand
and a stout club in the other, entered his
cell, followed by several other parties, for
the purpose of securing bitn, when the mail
man knocked tbe lantern out of bis band and
shattered it to pieces on the floor. Then en
circling the Sheriff in bis stalwart arms, be
proceeded to "chaw" him np. Inflicting a
very ngly wound on his left cheek, and had
It not been for the interposition of Deputy
Sheriff McAnany, of Cambria borough, who
happened to be present at the time, the
probabilities are that Hughes wonid have
made a full meal off the Sheriff's face,
If indeed he had not killed him outright.
The madman was finally subdued and once
more handcuffed and chained to the floor,
after which Mr, Ryan repaired to Dr. Lem
tnon's office and had his wounds dressed.
Democratic Meetiso. In conformity
with announcement made a few hours pre
vious, Gen. A. H. Coffroth, the standard
bearer of the Democratic forces of this Con
gressional district, spoke in tbeCcnrt House
on Tuesday evening last, to an audience
which was limited alone by the size of the
room. Hon. John Flauagan, of Johnstown,
presided, assisted by the usual number of
Vice Presidents and Secretaries, Ou this
occasion, many of onr people first saw Gen.
Coffroth, and listened to the sonnd and sen
sible political doctrines which fell from his
lips, and we hesitate not to say that the re
membrance of bis looks and language will
linger in the minds of many long after tbe
Congressional contest has been fought and
won. We do not propose to attempt eveu a
synopsis of the address, for the all-sufScient
reason thata synopsis of the facts and figures
which entered iuto the composition of his
spech would require coluuius of our paper
to embody ; yet it was the testimohy of all
who listened to it that it was an unanswer
able argument in favor of Democratic prin
ciples. A story found its way Into print, through
malice or from some other motive, to the
effect that Geu. Coffroth had disposed of a
cadetship for a valuable consideration in
tbe year 1864. This charge was met antl
effectually disposed of by the General in
these words: "I say to you, my fellow citi
zens, and call God to wituess, that the mau
who mentions my name in snob a connection
is a falsifier, and the truth is not iu him."
Words like tbes will do to rally round.
The General proposes to speak to the peo
ple of the connty at prominent points on
several occasions between now and the day
of election. We will make the proper an
nouncement Id tbe Freeman at some future
The effort of Mr. Coffroth was preceded by
a brief but. brilliant speech from Jos. Mc
Donald, Esq., Chairman of the Democratic
Connty Committee, who has few equals and
less superiors as an orator, and was followed
by a dashing and spirited address from F.
P. Tierney, Esq., who knows how to express
himself ic terms not to be misunderstood.
Other speakers were called for, btit failing
to respond, tbe meeting adjourned about
half-past 9 o'clock.
E PiSTOieATORY. In the issue of this
paper one week old, a little game of John
A nsley's was exposed. It was to the effect
that Ansley, in Westmoreland county, hail
permitted himself to liecome caught np in
some bad practices. He had gone ont in the
dead of night on frequent occasions and dis
posed of what was called counterfeit money,
and possibly busted a safe or a vault now
and then by way of recreation. He had
done other things which were reprehensible.
It is scarce necessary to mark these crimi
nal practices against him, for the best of
men may err. Ansley was safely located in
the Cambria county jail, and during the
present week was tried before the Court of
Oyer and Terminer on a charge of felony.
It will be elsewhere fonud that tbe jury ad
judged him guilty. A lady who represents
herself to be the wife of Ansley, and donbt
less sustains that enviable relation toward
him, paid strict attention to the testimony
in the case. After the verdict had been re
corded, this lady walked from the Conrt
House to the jail with a Sharp revolver in
her band. Tbe special reason why she car
ried this revolver in her hand is not known,
but the wind-up of the affair was that she
the pri
red It iuto Ansley s hands, through
inn prison oars, aim ne pot Keieu uauu ior
A Card that Speaks fob Itself. Mr.
Jacob Trefts. of Johnstown, chairman of the
National Greenback-Labor Committee of
Cambria county, being in town this week.
nun uAvmg iwtiii n r ' I mevi ui uirriniu I e j vj , is
iu circulation in this locality affecting his
fealty and integrity as the ofli rial bead of the
party with which he is identified, has hand
ed ns the following card for publication. It
Deeds no comment, as It fully explains itself :
To the Voter of Cnmltria County: Having
learned while in this place, that a rumor pre
vails thst I am under personal obligations to
Col. J- M. Campbell, the Kcmiblican candidate
for Congress in this district, or some of his
friends, and that it is my intention to sell out,
as they please to term It, not onlv my own vote,
hut so far as fn my power the vote of the party
I represent, this Is to affirm that 1 am under oo
or:imions, political, tiuancial, or otherwise, to
Mr. Campbell or any other living man, and that
I propose to aot and vote for the best interests
of the party 1 have the honor to represent.
J ACf b Tkf.kts,
i'ti i irrnrtn Xnt tonal Grrrnhack-LaljOr t'omm Met.
Kbenal) Jrtf, trpt. , 1S78.
Coubt PKOCF.EEiJroS. Monday morni
at 11 o'clock Court convened, with Jnd
Dean presiding anil Associates Flanagan
and Thomas on the bench. The Grand Jiry
was summoned and sworn, ex-Sheriflyttan-i
mer being selected as foreman, afterwhich
the list of attorneys was called for tie pur
pose of hearing tnotioja, petitions,
A large nnmber of applications
for natn-
ra'ization was beard ana granted,
id in the
worn by
meantime, while these were being
Judge Thomas in tbe Protbonotar
the case of the Commonwealth vs
s Office,
Wizerman and Henry Hertzingerl charged
with larceny and receiving stolen glods, was
taken up. Alter tnai tne ueienaasts were
found guilty in manner and form as aidicted
Com'th vs. Dauiel Allen same
larceny, etc. Jury return a verdict oVguilty
In the cases nolle prosequi were
entered by District Attorney Rose, onVeave
of Court : Charles M'Creight, assaulrvl
Bureiy of the peace ; Philip Rynard, ob
ing goods under false pretence; C. G. Camp
bell, fornication aud bastardy ; Joseph Orris,
assault and battery with intent to kill; Johu
Hannan, embezzlement; John Ling, forni
cation and bastardy; Charles Boyle, selling
liquor on Sunday : Thomas Coyle, assault
antl battery, with intent to kill ; Sebastian
Graff, assault aud battery ; Thomas T. Wil
liams, malicious mischief; Mary Baeger,
assault and battery; Johu Edward Cute, se
On motion of F. A. Shoemaker, Esq., Ed.
Zimmerman, Esq., was sworn in as an at
torney of the conrt, the committee having
reported him well qualified, etc.
Com'th vs. John Ansley, indictment en
tering a honse with intent to commit a felo
ny. The defendant in this case, it will be
remembered, was arrested abont a year ago
for entering, in company with three or four
others, the dwelling house of Mrs. Jane
Rowland, in RIacklick township, and insti
tuting a search for money, as it waa sup
posed. Doring the trial the fact was devel
oped that Ansley, the assumed name of de
fendant, was but an alias for Porter Worrell,
Lis proper name. It was proven that he
represented himself as an "agent for tbe
government," in quest of counterfeit money,
and under this pretence proceeded to search
the bureau drawers in Mrs. Rowland's resi
dence. An alarm was giveu and pursuit
followed, the result being the arrest of Ans
ley, who gave bail aud subsequently allowed
his recognizance to lie forfeited, though af
terwards arrested at the instance of his
bondsman. Jury find defendant guilty in
maimer and form, etc. Mot yet sentenced.
Com'th vs. Jacob Mnrphy larceny. Jury
find defendant not guilty.
Com'th vs. John Kohler and John Glich
anff assault and battery. These defendants
were charged with assaulting tbe watchman
at the wire mill, in Conemaugh borough, and
badly abusing him. Guilty in manner ami
form as indicted, and sentenced to pay fine
of 10 each aud costs, and to undergo three
mouths' imprisonment in tbe county Jail.
Tbe Court promised the yonng bloods in this
case that If tbey came back be would give
tbem tbe full benefit of the law.
Com'th vs. Michael Quinn emliezzlement;
two indictments. Recognizance forfeited in
both instances,
Com'th vs. Charles Boucher and William
Broderick rape ; Hulda Lape prosecutor.
Jury find defendants not guilty.
Com'th vs. John Alwine and John Gll
haaff resisting an officer and assault and
baiter. Defendants plead guilty. Sentence,
20 fine each, costs of prosecution con joint
ly, and ninety days In connty Jail.
Com'th vs. FrankT. M'Cormick attempt
ing to obtain goods nnder false pretenses.
Defeudant not appearing, bis recognizance
was forfeited.
Com'th vs. Wm. Huff-assault and bat
tery. Pleads guilty; $5 flue, costs and
thirty days in Jail.
Com'th vs. James Larimer same charge
and same plea. $10 fine, costs, and thirty
days in jail.
Com'th vs. Sarah Ann Myers larceny
and receiving stolen goods. Pleads guilty ":
$20 fine, costs, and thirty days in jail.
Com'th vs. James Keating aggravated
assault and battery aud assault and battery.
Jury find defendant guilty as in manner
and form Indicted. Not yet sentenced.
Com'th vs. Edward Rodgers assault and
battery. Pleads guilty ; $10 flue, costs, aud
thirty days in jail.
Com'th vs. Charles Work larceny by
bailee aud larceny ; not seuteuced.
Com'tn vs. Michael Bush aggravated as
sault aud battery and assault and battery.
Foond guilty of the latter charge, the other
being nolle proseqnied, and sentenced to pay
10 fine aud costs.
Com'th vs. John Keboe, Henry Spires and
Joseph Burns resisting au officer and ag
gravated assault and battery. Keboe and
Spires convicted and sentenced to pay S3
fiue each aud jointly the costs of prosecu
tion, and go to jail for teu days.
Com'th vs. Joseph Stibech carrying con
cealed weapons aud breaking prison.
Pleads guilty , $10 fine, costs, and six
months in jail.
Com'th vs. Conrad Boppo aiding a pris
oner to escape. Pleads fctiily ; $3 fiue, costs,
and twenty days in jail.
Com'th vs. Owen Hughes stoning a rail
road car. Pleads "guilty, whereupon, the
Court being informed that defendant was
insane, Dr. Keim, Alvin Evans and II. Kln
kead were appointed to inquire iuto his lu
nacy. Com'th vs. Frederick Rlce attempt to
debauch a married woman and attempt to
commit fornication. Not a true bill.
Com'th vs. Hudson Oakes larceny and
rAreiving stolen goods. Not guilty.
Com'th vs. Thomas Barrlnger, John M.
Dunlap and Mrs. Susannah Grumbling
larceny ana receiving stolen goods. On
trial as we go to press.
Titr Romance or Nicodemus. The
village of Alexandria, Huntingdon county,
is rapidly attaining a notoriety which wo
venture to say was uever dreamed of in its
philosophy. Only a week or two since a
story got into the papers that an astonishiug
cave, full of nickel and other valuable min
erals, bad been discovered in that immedi
ate neighborhood, which story was followed
shortly after by the nneartbing of some f
the spoils salted away by Lewis, the robber,
a half century ago. Some folksdoubted the
exactitude of tbe narratfve, and with reason,
but here comes in something more wonder
ful yet. Nicodemns Yocnm is the hero, and
the Cincinnati Enquirer, Ins'ead of the Pitts
burgh C' the vehicle through which
the news reaches ns. Huntingdon connty
at one time eujoyed the proud prominence
of owning the prince of newsuaporial liars,
but that mantle has evidently fallen on oth
er shoulders. At least, what follows would
make one think so :
In tbe vear 1M7. at Alexandria. Huntliurdon
county. Pa., lived Nlcodomns Voenm. by trade a
blacksmith. His wife, whose maiden came was '
Nancy Brown, hd. before marrlaico, emlurated j
with her parents from Caps Co I, Muss. While liv- 1
Ing at Alexandria ttiey had three children. The'
eldest, in 1813. was named for hi? father. About I
JKi5 Mr. Yocnm emigrated with his wife's people ;
back to Cape Cod. i-iere Nicodemns, the younic- J
er, had grown Into manhood, and in the course of
time became Captain ot a wrHng vessel, which j
cruised for years, with vary"''? sneee?, in the '
North Paellic ocean. When on a homeward voy- .
nire in the year 1841. off the Southern coast of
China, he reneued a disabled Junk, containing, be-s
sides the sailors, five Chinese mandarins ot high I
rank. The helpless vessel was lowered Into the
harbor of Yunirao, In the province Quangtung,
where Captain Yoeara and his American crew
were loaded with presents. One of t he mandarins
could speak French, having learned it Irom a
Catholic missionary on the Island of Peseadore.
Several of the American sailors understood the
same language, anil a happy conversation was
engaged In. In due time the whsleshlp returned .
to t;pe Cod, where Capt, Yornm found that hts .
wife was dead, leaving a two-year-old son, named
Jeremiah. (In year afterward Capt. Yocnm
sailed for the China Sea. Entering the mouth of
the river Po-Kiang, messages were sent to the :
rescued mandarins of "two vears before, and the
Yankee ship was permitted to go Into the harbor.
In return '"or his father's kindnes. Jeremiah was
sent to the Royal Preparatory School at the above
named city, and at the nae of seventeen entered
the Imperial College. Here eight years were
spent learning the Chinese language. After
some time spent as a teacher he made an Kngllsh
translation of Ta ts'lng ylth t'ung che. or Urogra
phy of the Empire as relates to the Province of
tuangtung. La ft year he was made a madarln
and was appointed an attache of the Chinese Kio
hassy now visiting t hiseountrv. lmrlng the com
ing winter it is his intention to viit Alexandria,
and hunt up the genealogy of his grandfather's
A Few Wnrd, by Tour -T.siv," abont
lhe Big Maoaraofh Carfi Ac
Bow f he Pre1! Oatig antl Arrompanylng Frlraiti,
Feminine and Slasrallne. Went, Saw and Got
Away from the K)r-et Hole, so fur as
known, on the American, Continent.
An event In the history of the Pennoyivsnla,
Ohio and West Virginia Press Association, long
and pleasantly to be remembered by the ladles
and gentlemen who participated. Was the recent
excursion of s goodly number of the members
of said Association nnd their wives, daughters,
sweethearts and friends, among the latter or
whom were not a few of the masculine persua
sion, to the world-renwneii Mammoth live In
Kentucky. The excursion In Its Inception as
well as In U its enjoyable details was i he mos
rerworK of Messrs W. Tj. Fotilk, ?.n ft Co . of
Pittsburgh, the eftit-leiit and reliuble advertising
agents In said city of the Association in ques
tion, and so long as tne mina reverts witn pie:
sure, ss It must wnne lite lasts, to tne agreeut
incidents ana experiences oi mat nit-iuornila
trio, so long will ihe names or Col. W. 1. Fon
and his worthv coadjutors be held in gratef
remembrance by all who hal the pleasure o
participating n the excursion which he and
they so pleusflntly conceived and so admirably
conducted, l his ny way r parenthesis, and now
let us refer as briefly as possible to some of tbe
sights seen, courtesies received and pleasures
enjoyed during the eight days so delightfully
spent In visiting one of the greatest wonders of
the world.
Leaving Ebensbnrgon Monday evening. Aug.
10th, In company with Editor James and Mr. F.
H. Barker, we succeeded t Cresson In "scoop
ing in" anotherof our townsmen. A. V. Barker,
Esq.. whom we captured and took with us noU tix
r it nil (we believe that Is the Latin for It), with
out affording him an opportunity to say nay or
a chance to shl f t Tor himself. Reaching Pitts
burgh us four and no more from Cambria's
northern shore we spent tbe balance of the
night and took breakraet that Is. tbe latter
gentleman and ourself, the other two taking a
more "Central'' position at the famous Seventh
Avenue Hotel, so admirably conducted by Col.
fnger and so popular among all who appreciate
luxurious accommodations and tbe most gen
tlemanly treatment at the lowest possible prices.
Tuesdaymornlng we repaired to the Union
Iiepot, where wc soon became psrt and parcel
of a happy throng numbering nearly if not quite
two hundred, and ere long we were comforta
bly seated in one of the seven elegant cars pro
vided for the occasion. In which we had scarce
ly more than ensconced ourself when the train
moved out of the depot and proceeded on Its
Journey over the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St.
I. ouls Kiiilway. otherwise known as the "Pnn
llsndle Koute," which outside of our c wn great
and unequalied thoroughfare, the Pa. It. U has
no superior In equipment, maong-ement, speed
and comfort on the American continent. Stop
ping by the way at Steubenville. Newark and a
few other points along the road to "gather thetn
In" that is, iu.reof the editors and their ladies
tbe excursionists reached Columbus, O., be
tween 1 and 2 o'clock, p. tn.. wberea sumptuous
dinner greeted the visions and In a vory brief
time satisfied the Infernal no. Internal crav
ings of as hungry set of mortals, we venture to
say, as has struck the capital of tbe liuckeye
S'ate for many a day. After an hour spent In
disposing of I lie rich viands and taking a stroll
tn ami about the commodious depot, the cry tr
"all aboard I' hastily summoned the parly back
to their comfortable seats In the cars, and the
train once more took up its lint; of march for
the city of Porkopolis. Nothing worthy of spe
cial mention occurred during the next four
hours, the seldom changing kaieidlcope here
as elsewhere along the route bringing to view
an almost unbroken chain of ttrtftytrorn-sialks,
groaning, so to speak, beneath and above the
wclirht of ripening ears. At 6 o'clock or there
abouts the Joyfully-ladened train came to a halt
in the elegant depot at Cincinnati, f rom whence.
oat of pure delight no doubt, the ladies, an
the gentlemen too. or course, were missed
the wav to the Grand Hotel, one of the lurg
and best furnished hotels to be found any wht
this side of sundown. Here there ws some i
lav In the assignment of rooms and some co
ulaint about the method of serving at table, t
reduction In price being made an excuse fo
puking the victuals under our respective noses
and allowing us the privilege of either taking
what was offered, or, ror au we anew to the con
trary, running the risk of getting nothing more
congenial to our tastes. Still as t he rooms were
neat, clean and well furnished, and the victuals
"not to be sneezed at," the Innovation was gen
erally accepted without much grumbling.
After supper nearly tbe enilte party accept
ed an invitation, kindly extended, to visit Ihe
Highland House on Mt. Adams. This delight
ful resort was reached from the hotel by street
cars and an Inclined plane, and when reached
a mtist Interesting view of ihe city by gaslight
was the pleasing panorama spread out before
U9. The Cincinnati Orchestra discoursed sweet
music, and all who felt Inclined eipix-d their
beei or other beverag-s (our crowd took lem
onade in their'n) and paid for It like otherjfolks.
Thus was a few hours very pleasantly passed,
after which the parly were "inclined" once
more to the foot of the hill, a stationary engine
at the top doing all the work, and thence betook
themselves once more to the hotel.
Wednesday morning the excursionists to a
mau (and woman), each of whom had a tiny
scrap of blue ribbon pinned to the lapel of h:s
coat, or, In the case of the ladles, to the place
where the lapel of the coat ought to be, grate
fully availed themselves of the opportunity af
foriie.i. through invitation extended by John
Plmpkinson, Esq., President of the Cincinnati
Zoological Association, to visit the loo zoo and
hold friendly Intercourse with a goodly throng
of Darwin's progenitors and hundreds of other
denizens or th-? forest, sea and air. Here too
we were met and welcomed to the freed im of
the city In a neat speech by Hon. John .Moore,
Mayor of Cincinnati, who took occasion to pay
a well deserved compliment to the; President
and Managers of the Zoological Garden, r ler
ring among other things, with either pride or
sorrow, we don't know which, to the fact that
there Is only one John impklnson, rorgetilmr,
or at least Ignoring for the time being, the no
less apparent fact that there Is me Moore, and
he the Mayor, of whom Cincinnati has every
reason to be proud. The address of welcome
was replied toon behalf or the Prtss Associa
tion by Mr. Chill W". Huzzard, of Monongahela
Ciir, whose remarks weie as full of warmth and
wit as It they had emanated from a less Chtll-y
source. After the speech making, which It Is
proper to say was preceded by a very enjoyable
sight-seeing tour through the Garden, a sub
stantial repast was provided for the party by
M r. Simpkinson, who then piloted ns to one of
the outer gates and bade us a kindly farewell.
The excursionists thereupon returned by a dif
ferent line of street car to the hotel, fully Im
pressed with the conviction that Cincinnati bus
a Zoological Garden which will now com pure
favorably and Is destined ere long to surpass
auy similar Institution in the United States.
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 by the clock the
excursionists left Cincinnntl en route for Louis
ville by special train oo tbe C. & L. Short Line,
reaching the latter city without experiencing
any unusual sensations, or seeing any notewor
thy sights, about 6:-'i the same day. Here the
'bussing business was repeated, and indue time
the Gait House opened its massive doors to give
us a cordial welcome. Here too we were speed
ily brought 1n contact with true Southern hos
pitality, and here also we personally had the
pleasure of meeting and eventually vMting t he
worthy family of our warm personal friend and
patron, Mr. Peter McTainany, a former citizen
of Altoona, who was born and reared in Wash
ington township, this county, but for several
years past has made his home In Ixiuisviile.
where, as here on iho Pa. K. K-, he is employed
ss a locomotive engineer. But we digress. At
the Gait House we found a tnnrniflp" nt supper
awaiting us, fo which we were welcomed by t he
Louisville Press Club and muny other celebri
ties, among whom may tie named Hon. Henry
Wattersoti. the comparatively youthful thougti
world-renowned cilltnr of lhe VvurUr J'rurnal
and worthy successor of the gifted and lament
ed Goo. D. Prenttoo: Hon. John Watta Kearny,
the brilliant, generous and wealthy son of Gen.
Philip Kearny, a brave and reputable officer of
the regular array, who lost bis life at the battle
of Bull Kun, aud whttse son, the aforesaid John
Wutts Kearny, we hope to sec elected to Con
gress, for which honor he la an aspirant: Dr.
K. E. D. Stamford, President, Mr. Kowland. Su
perintendent, and C. P- At more, Esq., General
Ticket and Passenger Agent of the Louisville
and Great Southern Kailroad, and many other
warm-hearted gentlemen of that city whom we
shall ever hold lo.grnttlul remembrance. On
part of those who extended to ub such unmis
takable evidences of good will, speeches replete
with the most kindly and patriotic sentiments
were made by Messrs. Wnttcrvm, Howlett. the
worthy President of the Louisville Press Club,
Kearnv and others, and were replied to at some
length' In the most eloquent and befitting terms
by Mr. Hensel. the taleuted and amiable Junior
editor of the Lancater Intelliovncer. and more
briefly bv several other metnbwrs of the Asso
ciation, Messrs. Christman and Hazzard. Presi
dent aud Secretary of said Assijclation. mean
time performing the duties pertaining to their
respective positions with the utmost grace and
dignity. Thus pleasantly passed this most de
lightful banquet, no one tailing while It con
tinued to pay their respects to the lich viands,
and few except the more temperate among us,
in which class, our readers need scarcely be In-fo'-med,
the writer hereof should be reckoned,
neglecting to quaff the sparkling champagne so
fr.-ely and so liberally provided for the occasion.
Tbe banquet over, a grand hop was organized
In the elegant large parlors and corridors nt tne
bote-., and to the enchanting music of an excel
lent orchestra a lair sprinkling of the you in
and beauty o I,onisville ooinminglel in pleas
ant enjoyment with the youth aud beuty or
our owo more northern olune. inu passeu (
the time until the "wee sma' hours ayant the t
twal." when all retired to snooz" and dream or ;
the pleasures and wonders still In store tor us. .
Eight o'clock Thursday morning found our j
party seated In the most luxurious parlor and ,
looping cars, furnished through the consider
ate courtesy or Dr. StanlforJ and with the r
faces turned onoetnoretn the direction r.f Ca e
City, which, by the way. comes as near being a
city in anything but name as the writer hereof .
thinks he comes to being a fool on general prin- ,
ciples, his oiflce-seeking.-xperience to the con- ,
trary notwithstanding. IMt enough of that.
The triprrom Louisville to Cave Ciiy, a distance
..r .iio. w.aonn nf the fleetest anr. certuinlj
upply of obitmfvgae. provided by that geatle-
one of the roost restive expen.-oe,-i
entire excursion. Dr Stamlord. President of
the road, accompanied toe excursionists In his car. as did a'o a plentiriil
! rp
I wt
's unremitting bounty and furnNhcd to all
wished to tndu'gc. About noon Cave City
reached, and then came tbe "tug of war."
were still eight or ten miles between ni
he obJ-ctive point, ahd this distance had
travel"d over the roughest kind or road,
r most of the party in the roughest kind
hides. SMII there- wit lots of t un and a
leal tif bump on the way. and we are pre
lo afBrin lhat F.bensburg's rcpresenta-
csme in for the lion's share of both espc
tbe Irin". which was done for the most
partby neighbor Jam(s, of the Ffrrttbl, assisted
"y a goniiemrtn wnom we dunked v.iney,
Krjieipally perhaps, and only perhaps, because
ywafrorn Zsnesville. Our driver's name. It
ly proper to remark, was Turner (no relation io
Bessie!, and the way he answered all questions
sun jm his nery stccas throupn at the rate of a
rnvrt efl s b.Vf In !c than nn hinr pnd n hrilf
s a caution to the natives. Mill we didn't
complain, nor don't complaint, for while Itte
lasts we shrtli ever hold in hannv memory the !
name of Turner, tbe man who disc unt- 1
rd (he cnainpairne so liberally supplied on the .
cai-s ny lurnwning us with an Bburmmicc or real
pain during t he si x or eight hours sciit In hi
company hile going toaud returning from the
moi n uve.
iine moves, snd even Turner's wsirr
mot i a It li ji . and at lon and at last we r
the Mecca of our hoics and ambitions, only to
find that while there were plenty r he to
poke our heads In, tncluulng of course the big
hole In the ground, the chances to secure a soft
snap in lhe downy vouch .'Ine were exceedingly
slim. Not proposing, however, to wring our
hearts, or even our shifts, on that account, we
availed ourselves of the first opportunity to re
plenish the inner man, and atter that we were
ready to join others among the excursionists
who had still nerve enoimh left to go over what
Is called l he "Short Koute," distance of seven
miles In the bowels of the earth. This feat was
accomplished. Includlnir many halts. In about
four hours, the party nnd Its guides, nearly all
of whoro were furnished with miners' lamps lu
skeleton frames, each of the party havluir pre
viously provided himself or herself with a cane,
going In at 7 and coming out about JI o'clock,
p. m. What we saw on this route, as w,-ll as on
the "Lornr Route" nine miles In and nine niitr-a
out which we went over next day, and which,
by the way, was something less than the one
hundredth anniversary of our birth, we will
leave our readers to conji-cture for tbe present,
though If nothing more Important Intervenes
we will In all probability revert to the-subject
next week. Suffice It for '.he time being then
to say that during the fourteen hour, all told,
which we spent In exploring great wonder,
we saw sights and met with experiences which
will never be eradicated from our memory.
Having, however. explored Its utmost
far as now known, and beheld all the wonders
it has In store for sight-seers, we rest content
to remain where we are and allow the cave to
do the same thing for all time to come. True,
we saw more than enough to repay us for the
time and Infinitely small amount of money ex
pended, but nevertheless we are free to say that
a sight more welcome never greeted onr vision
than tbe one presented In the full gleam of the
gloriou sunlight when we emerged troui the
cave, after hiiving trudged for ten long hours
through Its narrow defiles and awe-lus;lrn g
chambers. Yet. for all that, we came fortr.
from the bowels of the earth more than ever
convinced. If such a thing wtre possible, that
there la a God above us.
Where we went and what we saw after leav.
Ing the cave must be told In very short meter,
as want of time and space both demand, in si
lent though eloquent words, that we should
"pull down our vest." Before doing so. how.
ever, we wish to say that the honor of Ebens
burg was fully maintained at the Cave hotel as
elsewhere. Inasmuch as her representatives suc
ceeded in getting away on Thursday night with
foUr out of the eleven cots left after thu ladles
or had been provided.
Turning our backs on the Cave hotel and Its
Inadequate accommodations without Waiting
for supper, we hastened back to Cave city as
speedily as Turner's tireless team could tote us.
where we secured a meagre supppcr Hud toon
alter retired to rest In one of the sleeping cars.
the train having been left at (live city await:t
the pleasure of the excursionists, to whom tl
uriner.coiiriesy i a iree rioe io lauvme
urn and been tendered. 1 nis Kind oner
H"i-Pte'l by about oue-iourtn oi tne party,
aflclssft good night's rest on the cars wo were
safelynvided In the canital of Tennessee about
8 o'clock "Saturday morning. Here our party
was Intercepted on Its way to the hotel by Col.
llurch. of the Nashville iiUu American, a true
son of the soil, with a warm heart In a big body.
Under his guidance we soon reached the Max
well House, one of the largest and ttuest bott 1
to be found anywhere. Here we took break
fast and dinner. In tbe meantime enjoying a
most pleasant experience In company with ihe
gentleman above named and others of the same
gencrouabk. Firsts meeting of our branch of
the excursionists was organized In one of tbe
parlors of the hotel, and a series of resolutions
expressive of the thanks tf all concerned for
the kind treatment received from railroads and
people were unanimously adopted, and then
handed over to Col. llurch for publication.
Then followed a visit still under the same kind
ly direction, to the larue and beautiful hlaie
House, of which Tennet-sec has just cause to be
proud, where we were prtseulcd to Governor
Porter, a noble and handsome nvn of fine phy
sique, and to other State officials, after which
we were conducted through the building nnd
even tothetopof the clnir Id oui- am le
many Interesting mineral and otner specuueus
of the State's production, besides a flue picture
gallery embracing the portrait ot former Gov
ernors and other eminent men of Tenuessee, as
well as much else of a very interesting charac
ter, umoug which may be mentioned an Ep
tlmi mummy some thirteen hundred yeais old.
From the Slate capitol we were conducted to
the residence of Mrs. James K. Polk, to whom
aud to whose adopted daughter, standing Ly
her side, we were preseuted each lu turn and
made most heartily welcomed. Mrs. Polk, once
an inmate aud the glory of the White House. Is
a well preserved and most estimable lady, aged
eh nit 70 years, to which we trust many more
will yet be added. Leaving the presence ot bis
venerable relict, we paid a visit to the modest
tomb oT the ex. Prebldeut himself , which occu
pies a prominent position In the extensive
grounds fronting the line residence now occu
pied by his aiuiun'.e widow. This done, we re
turned once more to the hotel, and later In tbe
day enjoyed a ride, at the expense of one or
our party, to the tatnous tort and earth works
erected ourlng the war on the southern out
skirts or tbe city. We also took a hasty glance
at the princely mansion ani beautiful grounds
r Mrs. Cheatham, nre Acklin, tbe richest wo
man In the South, and came to Ihe conclusion,
froniwhnt weeaw and heHrd.that ber demesne iu
Its paimU'St days wasa second Eden upon earth.
Leaving Nnstivllie at 5:40 p. m., we reached
Louisville, wrapped in the arms of Morpheus,
some tiuie during the early boms or Sunday
morning, but wt re r.ot disturbed until broad
daylight, when we once more took up our noe
of march for the Gait House, whither we had !
been precede'U by i no oilier m.-uiMer of the
party who bad not diverged from the original '
rt.ute laid down In the programme. These lat- j
ter, or nt least a goodly portion of tbem, were (
entertained on P.tturday evening at the pala-j
tiai residence tr Hon. J. Watts Kearney, where
a reception befitting a royalpageanl wnsglven j
them by that noble-hearted gentleman and his :
no Ies9 estimable lady. Sunday forenoon we
that is the writer of thls-af tended Mass at the
Cathedral, which was celebrated by the vener- j
able Hisbop McUloskey, listened to nn eloquent ;
sermon on charity from one or the Fathers, ;
and were edllled.not to say inspired with de- !
votton, by music from oneot the Wriest choirs ;
It hus ever been our pleasure to bear. Sunday
afternoon was pleasantly spent In a visit to
Phoenix Hill Fork and lu strolling about the ,
city viewing scenes Urange to us and not if ;
celied In grandeur and magnificence by any .
civ we have ever visited. Lroadway, the I
prioclpal thoroughfare of Lm!s illc Is li Icct I
w ide, with a 30-ttot pawtnent on each side,
and is skirted lor the unmt part by private res- I
Idcuees which exceed In extent nnd elegance ,
our wiidestantlcipatloasof its wealth and arch
l ectural beauty. j
From Lovisviile we maoe our way to Indian- ;
apolis the same night, with several others of
the excursionists, over the Jefferson ville,
Madison and Indianapolis Railroad, stopping at
Columbus. Intl.. long enough to tak a lunch,
and reaching tbe capital of indlaua about mid- ,
night. Here we put up at the Grand i Hotel,
and next dV spent several hours iu Km, king (
about the city, visiting among other points of i
Interest the most imposing and costly Court :
House In the United Stales, built nt an expert- ;
tlllnre of f l.tKM.tMI. li IS inot-Ku a "' "'"'i'
Wllliains, universally mown as ...
but in this attcmp t we were disappointed ow.
Ing to his absence from the city. W succeed
ed, however, in finding the gentleman tie '-got
away with," Hon. BenJ. H. Harrison, and by
him were very cordially received.
By the aid of n accomodation train on the
Pan-Handle road we reached Cambridge City
In due time, whorea sumptuousdinner awaited
us and where we were Joined a half hour I ater
by the other excursionists, wbocame there di
rect from Louisville.
During the balance of the homeward trip
nothing meriting special mention occurred,
and when Pltisburgii was rvached on ltit-Mi..y
morning those of the txcurtdonlsts who bad
not already dropped out ol line, bade adieu ror
the most part to each other In the best ol spir
its and with the happiest rt collections ot the
pleasant and never to -btf-rorgotten trip lo
thoughtfully coticeived.soereilltably managed,
and so thoroughly enjoyed by all who had the
pleasure of pai iiclpotieg In ii.
S ends our Illy-digesieJ narrativs for the
tiresent, but next week we shall lake occasion
to return thanks In a more ex pi icii manner to
the several officers of the vatmus lines or rail
road over which wo passed in the fifteen hun
dred uiiies covered by our visit to the Mammoth
Cav?. and beyoud that as fartas tbe goouiy city
of Nasuville
Vae lr. Van nyUe'a Nnlphnr Knap,
The Lemhno F.xTEHKAi.Sprciric for TMsr. tegs
of the Skis ami beautiiier t tne Com pi.f.xius;
or the Hath. Toiiet an I Nursery la rt-com
mriKlt'l bv VlirsK IANS and sold by DitfOiiiSTS.
Puk e "' Cbn rs ; box. A Ctkes. m Cent. L. S.
V nsTBii. Prop'r. V) N. Firra Sr Ptitud. .
JUi.V ii'i lfi.-S4i.
I ws
i new
; and I
I' to bfl
and 1
or v.l
i narei
i tiveJ
cia it
of justice, but trutn couipeua us .
It is also a temple dedicated to some unknown ,
-Maud" at leant it has a g-tudlnet about it not :
to lie found in such re klesa profusion, we
daresay, anywhere else in the civillzd world.
W'e also sought an interview wlih Governor
B AIR MILLTTR. -Married, at the rsidenc
rf the erneinting clerrrmiiii, t trwln.
Thursday erenina. Ang." 2fl. 1PTS. hr Rev. O. !.
Kno. ristr of tha First Haptlsf church. Mr.
.loftjt rtita and Miss LiaztB Mn-L, beta of
KF.LLY.-Pled. In West Honttdale.tnearfli-M
connty, on Friday. Anir. SO. 1TS. (liicir M.,
second duMer of Hcrnard and Mary Kelly,
aged 10 mDthf and 28 days.
Little twin slterdonl weep for res
For I ha ve rme to lis xven t j pray fr thee. A .
A(5TlrtTl li!"d. at the ri.!rn.e of her
L'prother-ln law. Wm. Littlnr. I'.so.. In Iirettn.
n Sunday evening. Sept. 1. 1TS, MlM ilACaiRCT
I AO vi a a, nfcrd about 71 years.
The ntirt nprsli i r beret nfm evitlti0 tie
tweenthe undersigned In the Marble mt"tit-tc-turlng
tuilneps. tinder the firm ntme of '.VIlktD
Mn k O'Frlel. hag expired by limitation. A.I
persons Indebted to a'd tirm'are reijoesttvl It
make Immediate payment, and tlwxe bar'ng;
claims will present them In proper shsie for Set
tlement.' J AMES t ll.Kl!U',
Loretto, Scit. 8, 187 -3t.
Estate or John M r H ru n . Wl .
Having leen rranted letters testamentary ou
the estate of John Mc'fa-h. Iste of Momd-ir
township. Cambria county, deceased, the un trr
sWned hereby calls open all Indebted t'
said estate to make payment wlihotit delav. 0 l
t bote having claim aitnttist the same shoufd pre
sent I hero Inliy sotantlted for s-tlement.
Tilt IM IS p. POWEK, F.xecuUr.
Monster Twp., Sept. e, isrs.-eu
TOUCIT NOT! All pei-aon-, are
bereby cantioned atrainst molesting or
Id any way Interfering with the following J
rerlbed property, which has been bought by ro
and left with Mrs Mary Me:jontgle during my
pl-aure: 1 cook st.iva. 1 heattnn stove. 0 .ab
jnned chairs. 1 cushioned rocking rhalr, 2 eonimou
rocklnir chairs, fl common chairs. JO eane.seatet
chair? 3 btire'ios. 2 stands, 1 tete-a-tete, aad 2
bedsteads and bedding.
Lilly's, Sept. 0, 178. 8U
Estate of John BltAItt.FT, tlecM.
Ieter of administration on the estate of Johu
Bradley, late ot Ioretto homtigli. Cambria coun
ty, deceased, have teen grnnied to tbe under
signed, who hereby irtves notice to all jierwons in
debted to said esta'te that payment tntnit be mads
without delay, and those having claims airalnb
tbe same wl.l present them projicrly anthenticaieJ
for settlement.
Lo retro, Sepu fl. l7?i -et.
Fanners, Cowteepers an! Dairjmil
MANY a good cow Is spollel bv a b.l m'lker.
Tbe New Patent Self-Aellng Cow MlikT
has been tested by a large number of practical
Airricnlturlt. Ialryroen and farmer", wl.o w ab
out exception have highly in ended It fcir I'd
wonderful rapidity In the milking of cows. It IS
considered one ot the most Invaluable anJ useful
machines ever Invented.
lt. It Is self-acting, easy of application, and.
efcn le used by any x ron. however Ignorant they
tnsy te of the milking preess.
2nd. It will milk any cow in fropi mm to riva
minutes effertnally. Knl Its ostj Is more agreeab
to the row than hand milking.
81. Its uselulnces, slmpiic ty. saving of time,
cleanliness, durability nnd cheapness prove l! to
tie a most Important and nee-scary adjunct to
dairy, and It has only to become better known to
be universally used.
Full Instructions accompanying each Machine.
Price .M.
N. B. If the cow has sore or corded teats .mr
Milker is Indispensable.
pnt to any part of Ihe United States on receipt
of price.
UAKRY WAYNE. Johnstown. Pa.
Hahh'lu turct'm .-tun?.
8cpt. . lf7S.-4t.
HY virtue ofao order iffClng out of the Orphans'
t "oort of Cambria county. I wl 11 cxpoi-e to pub
lic sale, on the preuilees In the borough of Sum
mltvllle. on
SA TUMA 1 srVT. 14th, 1S7S9
at o'ct.ox-K. p. w.. the following deserilied rel
tstoie, of hii-n Peter Iiotiubcriy, Esq.,
died soiled, to wit :
I. A LOT OF OKOVNB In the borough,
of snmtnl' ville. beginning at a post on the north
erly side of the Allegheny Portage J.allroad. a
corner ot Ixit N. J and 4o ; thence alon7 and
tn front ot said lo;s south 45 degrees, west SO feet
to a corner of Lot No. 1 In the ift nernl plan of said
vwn ; thence alone and in front ol raid lot. south
45 decrees, west 42 feet, to a corner; thenoe north.
4fi deirrees, west :w feet, to a p't ; thence north
45 degrees, east 4'i feel, to :be line :.f Lot No. 'tC
thence north 4.S decrees, west 2-'tn feet, loan a ast
thenen along nnd In front of said alley 60 te- r
comer ol Ixit No. an; thence south 4ft d--r. ,,,r"
2 feet, to tbe place or fx-glnnlng. Inrlu.H agced
No. 4.' and prt of Lot No. l, a describee t..-. -cut
or draft made by Moses Canon, esn.. nd tin whlh
Is the Mansion House ot the said i'ctcr lKiugher
ty deceased.
So. 16 FIVE ACR F.S OF LAND situated tn.
W'asiilnaton township. Cambria eonntv. tierln
Ping at a imst on the H nntlnilon. Cainhrin an I
Indiana Turnpike, a corner of Mrs Cotiwlv's
land; thence hounded by tbesubt turnpike on tha
south nn 1 by lands of ham'l Ixtnon oi the east,
. W. Oeary on the north, and U rs. Conway oil
the west
o. 8.-A IiOTOI tl HOUN I !n the borough
nf Sun: m It ville. fronting on the old Port air KaU, known as the Andrew lienoneh lot
. . A LOT OF (IUOCN i In the borouick
of Summitville. known ou the plan ol said tir
onirh as Lit No M. and sold lr writ of partition
as part ol the Tiioian .lackum estate, to the saidl
Peter Lounlierty as Purpart No. :.V
Twin i.r Sai.k. One-tfiird In hand and lie
balance In two equal annual payments, with In
terest, tti be soru ed by the judgment bond and
mortgage of the pnrrharr.
Administratrix tit bonvi non. etc, of peter lonrh
erty. deceased. (o-SO.-St.)
The understirned oflor at private sale the fol
lowing described F A I jf si' usted In Summerbill
township. Cambria eon nt t Pa . adjoining t.1
of Oeo. Se'tlemyer. John l 'CtirintrU. and others,
containing llto erc. l-e t lit- urine nmre or less,
pit. I which nre under a-"""! cn! l stlnn. I be IhiI
nee all underlaid with minerals.
The Improvements are a Fit he liorsa. with
fnwl well and pump at the d,r. Hmc ftAK,
lorn Crib, and other out buildings, wi'h runnlmr
water for sf'K-k. A good bearing Orrlmrd on tha
premises The Farm is within si l:t t, the p. O.
K. K and two miles from Wllmore Station.
This ran be made a desirable home. Land
of ifisKl uQHlitv. and will lie sold on r-v Trks.
F'T further Information and t-rns. ad. -res
M. O T. S A 11 M.
New Herlln. Union Co.. Pa.. Aug 12.17$. t.
General Insurance nent
i:iii:xsitrna, ia,
Tobcies written at, Filor, nofs t'4 thm
.! .lbs, rir,t riw too...!.
Lbrnsburp. Sept. Cj, l' . --.s
Am M. KllrTTTClirMN
A V f. klTli . r- a
, .. - .-...., ij. i,y ir
d.a.rB wotl of Ja,r H.nit. II
ill Ran bk rv.. . t.
i ...
trh K it.
. Druii
iiou- iy i rt-Tl j
t-, w. II
2 J 32
Wr - I
,1 i