u u i- trf ..J tlk ...J c,r0 cl I P. '.tl .n freeem im mirn Ebensburg, Pa.. rnirA y, - - a ua. o, tms. Ebensburg antl Cresson Railroad. uo ana ner .'iudt, jcli . 170. train on U. it K. will be run as follows r - t x ; Oj - 1 : -'j : -) : .'i A- a ii S 4 0 4J e 4a e 65 7 10 BTATIOXS. Khensburg. . A rrlve A.M. IP. M. l-'b 9 56 10 36! 9 4 I 10 2fl 9 SI Leave. Pradley g. Ktiylor's Noel'i Minister Puckett's Arrive. ...Cresson.. . . I eave In 10 14 10 06 9 50 925 9 19 9 in 8 55 fffBuih the morning and evening train con nee'.i with traini cast and west on the Pa. K. R. Here. There, ami the ntlier riace. Rest flour In town at Barkers. Nothing worth noting traunpireJ at Ar gument Court Inst Thursday. Xlit Camplell(a) are coming; to grief now. Gen, Cuff roth meanR business. The Iwrry huaiuess at Lilly's and Por tnjje is said to be a comparative failure thia teamen. You can pave five dollars in the price by ire a sewing uiuchiue from A. A. Bar tlr & Son. A partial eclipse of the moon, visible in ictne sectkiiB of this continent, is billed for Lex Monday. The painters in the P. R. R. shops at ii.iou.i will picnic at Cresson ou Saturday L,f next we-k, 17th inst. C, C. C the three C.'s Coftroth, Camp tell r.nd Congress. C now who will succeed lu C curing the coveted prize. Fur fntit jars, Jelly tumblers, gobleds, or tali': p'assware, po to Parkers'. The best assortment at the lowest prices. You can get more jtoods. better gools ami i h-aper goods for yonr money at Bar kers' than elsewhere in the county. I'iil-ighled were those of our people who paid their respects at Cresson the other day U tlie next Governor of Pennsylvania. "B.ier ami for Baer" is a favorite motto n lii. h the Cambria county Democracy will rciliHjuish with a great deal of rel netance. Mr. Philip V. Pringle died at his home in Black lick townshiD last. Monday. He wa one of eight brothers, aud an honest, in dustrious man. The large barn of Mr. DtivM Voder, of Kii li'and township, was struck by lightning s-f on fire and burned to the ground, with its contents, on Tuesday evening last. Lies heavy and total. ...0"ii. A. H. CotfroMi, the Democratic candidate for Congress just nominated, will, we are assured, show himself anil talk for L:nv-lf to his Cambria county constituents a'. :hf September term of Court. J Rov Felch, a tramp whose injury by tl.ecargat Huntingdon we notice last week, lie.l in th almshouse of that county on F. whiv last, two hours after submitting to tLe amputation of his injured leg. M r. Kli Green, A Ifoona's fat man, is npt !, have a successful rival in a thirf een-year-!,! lad at Tipton, BUir eonnty, whose pres tiit weight is said to be 17.5 pounds. lr. Hoffman, surgeon dentist, will be In Carrolitown on Thursday, 15th inst. Pr sor,s in need of bis professional services are rnpn-sted to make a note of this fact. Argument Court last week was a failure. Suie of the lawyers were absent, and others not ready, and, after a brief session, an al j M',rnnient till some future day was ordered. -Campbell may covyh and froth as tntich as he has a mind to, but if Coffroth don't away with hi in to t lie tune of five or si x liniitil ti ajorify In the district we are u.inl. n:isiak n in our gnss. A long letter from Minnesota has been unavoidably crowded out, owing to the j r lu-e of new advertisements and other !!!.' ters of l-'cal interest, imt we will en-dt-avor to make room for it in our next issue. On Tuesday evening n little gid lost on ft e of the streets of Khenshurg a gold neck U. e. If the finder will return the same to tl.i office, be will receive a profusion of thanks from the aforesatd little girl. Those of our readers who desire to get a lutn--s education, we would ail vise to send to A. V Smith, Business College, Meadville, and get a catalogue. You ran get au ti'.sieatiou of every branch of business. --(' lesMne McMullen and Raphael Burns, hot tiff whom reside in the northeastern part i f this county, got In'o an alterca'iou in Al .i.'iiAon Thursday night last, during which li irt H bit a piece out of M c M ulleti's lower ''I' An Altoona, young lady attempted to tuin.t snicldn through the agency of h dose f i x V.!: acid last Monday evening, but a 'i iii.vh pump spoiled all her calculations. si rltlui fair way of recovery, is the fair i If ftooild, of Loretfo, S'11s yard wlile ! t w ti tiiusl n at t cents per yard, ginghams f n T . .his, i-a'i-oea at 6 cents, toweling at 8 -, itn.l ad other goixls at prices astonish- 3 : t c. Li'ctnp'.ate and profitable for cus- t.:'i-r to l.iiy at. j At-p'cs ar- said to be so plentiful In " i-: .in comity that a farmer living I ' ' t!.- national pike ofl'ered to sell one 1 loi'.hrls in the orhard to any man ' n mi! I pick them and haul them away i.r '.wj i-e:ts a buhel. Mr. IVter I). Iesley, formerly an etn r 1 V" of the P. R. K. at Altoona, was run ' v.-r by the cars at New Brunswick, New J-r.-ey, last Monday, and instantly killed. II- h a nephew of Mr. Frank Thomson, . :, ral Manager f that road.J The People's Variety Store, foretto, has j i-r been replenished with a new stock of f -'.',l, which the proprietor, M. J. Teitel ba mi, invites everybody to call ami examine '.Vr? Inlying elsewhere, confident as he is tl a, lie can sell cheaper than any other man in ill- business. A hearty and healthy Infant, twenty i-1 in hs old, was found in the rear of the 1' air county almshouse a few days ago, lifre its mother, a former inmate of said Institution, had left it to survive or perish as the caxe might, he. The little waif was taken in a:,, I cared for. We hal the pleasure of a ;all on Monday iat from S. p. McFadden, Ksq.. one of the 'a;.l. steadfast and successful business men HoUidayslmrg, who aided us and honored h'nist-lf, we trust, by subscribing for. the fKEF.MAN. NVelcome indeed are such vis itors every day in the week aud every hour Hi the day. Harry Woods has severed his connection w''li the AltiKna Mirror, of which paper for couple of years past he was local reporter, lie was an agreeable writer anil an linlus tri.jui gatherer of news, and we hope he will fi'-'t h ionw without another and a "fatter hue" in the journalistic profession, for !iich he. js so well fitted. The Pa. R. R. shops at Altoona are r'iM.i:ig to their full capacity, au order hav h if recently iieen issued for the building of " immense number of freight and passen-t- rears for the Pittsburgh, Ft. Vayne and ' ago and the 'Pan- Handle" roads. Over 3 joo freight cars, ii Is said, are to be built Ijt '.lie firmer road alone. k here! Best brown sngar only 8 c-Ws ...r n,., Iest white sugar Ki cents pT 'i , h. t r.iaHteil cotlee '20 cents t-r H. , best .ir" s at from P( to ") renn per gallon, and !i-r kind of griwreries, as well as dry '""Is, clothing, hoot, shiws, notions. tc., 1'i.i iy ,,w prices at the People's Cheap r. r ,,ri I.,retfo, l'A. -' 'i Tie.ay evening our streets were 'i renc l tim the nresevi of no less than a I'lefiiriennes, acctcnpaiiiei! by half r 'io.U r i f gem '.emeu escorts. They griid roun in priwess'on, elicit toy n, oois for the ft n appearance I r. hi.., i, rkiiful luaoner iu ' ':. 1. nei,e. the relllH. . - Afr tteoij'it on the !ibjct. h M C t'ni'lteil das r. one t, the con- u tint M-r. II rt Berkley, of ''n, m .f.oies, iif Ki-iitiiirg, and ' I' ;!., if W bi'o tow nli! p, arx safe r-'i' nifi), ieel a pepi,;iran, a ' .r.l , f they hare Uco named as t, i (otiferees f'r th's coun'y. f r,Mr makes no d : tT'-renee ii the 1 .1 prolial.ly tionw to 'lio living, but 1 enough to correct the i rnnn " V; ' y t',, .lohnstown Tri'iuue that Mr. hvd M.iirn,rt late f Alli','1 rnc town. . '1', 'I'l'n.r.l, was a son of ('apt. Kit hard re, U.e truth ln-lrijr that he was a son lr Migtiire, who was a litjlhtr of l,r Khafl MeUire. Aft. r an absence of six weeks in Vir- 1 ginia, Mr. Evan I). Evans has leturned to bis home m tliis place. The title-deeds for an excellent farm in the Shenandoah vallev are w hat he exhibits as the fruits of his trip ' We acknowledge, with thanks, the re.l i eeipt of a complimentary ticket of admission ' Tor seir and wife to a grand ball to be given : to-morrow (Saturday) evening at the Monn- i tain Honse, Cresson, fnr the benefit of the ; fine band connected with that establishment ! I. was with pleasure we grasped by the ' hand and welcomed to cor sanctum Mr A I J. Stineman, senior editor of that able fearl less and unflinching Democratic journal the' Lancaster Intellicfe-nrer, who was in attend- i ance at Cresson on Thursday last as a mem ber of the Democ ratic State Commin extended his visit to Ebeusburg on the fol lowing day. At the .Tune session of onr roont Mr. John Wilkin, of Washington township i was adjudged guilty of the embezzlement of ' certain moneys due by him, as collector, to ! the school fund. Sentence was postponed till Argument Court, when Mr. Wilkin failed to put in an appearance. He was subsequently arrested by Sheriff Ryan aud is now in jail. A contract for.palnting the wood-wcrk ! or the Ln:on School Honse was lalelv 1 awarded Mr. John Sfough, S75 to be the i consideration. He will complete the job in : first class style, next week. For the sum of i 543, Mr. Ahratn Hitchne will re-lay the flooring in two of the four school rooms The rehabilitation of the old Academy building 1 will ie next in order. ; Tbe raffle for a valuable watch for the ' benefit of the family of John W. Gillespie I dec d, late of Summitville borough and 1 which was to have come off a few ,lavs ago I has been postponed until the 31st of ti e present month, owing to the fact that there i are several books out which the gentleman I having the matter in charge will not be able ' to get in liefore that tine. j A tramp was killed hv the cars near Cresson last Saturday. He diligenMy got ! out of the way of one train, only to get in I front of another, and was ground bv the ' wheels out of the semblance of humanity ' His name was John Malum, and his mother ! Mrs. Barney M'Cormick, formerlv resided 1 on the line of the old Portage Railroad at Plane No. 8, Blair county. A prominent Republican of Altoona.' vune at. cresson the other dav, referred with pride to the fact that he had voted for a certain popular and well known Demo cratic candidate for Assembly in HUir coun ty, and declared that he wool. I do so again if the opportunity offered. All which led us to inter that if Everhart was true, his (the Republican's) heart was ever true to Everhart. On Saturday, Aug. 24th, lovers of picnic festivities will have an opportunity to en joy themselves at. Hogue's grove, near Kav lor's station, when a grand time mav be looked for under the auspice of onr Lo'retto friends, for the !enefit of whose church the enterprise has been undertaken. Let all who love fun and wish to aid a good cause put in their appearance at Loretto's annual pi--nic and harvest home festival on Satur day, A uirust 24th. Delinquent subscribers and others In debted to this oftice are cautioned against sending u s bills of the denomination of S100 on the Pittsfield National Bank, of Pitts, field, Mass., as there are said to be very dan gerous counterfeits of that description in cir culation, and it being almost a lifetime since we saw a hundred dollar "william" of that or any other kind, we have no doubt we would be "dern fool" enough to take a bad one just as quick as one of the other kind. A little son of Mr. Win. Orto, of Altoo na, attempted to take a drink from a hy drant In Ids parents' house last Tuesday. He placed his mouth over the nozzle, and, turning on the water, it struck him with so great force as to strangle him. In the death agony his mouth closed on the nozzle, and in the attempt to take him away from the hydrant nearly all his teeth were torn out. It was a most singular accident a boy act ually drowned by a stream of water flowing from a hydrant. A combat between a couple of rattle snakes at Lilly's station, this county, is de scribed in one of our exchanges. The reptiles would rear themselves nearly on the ends of their tails, rush at each other with open mouths, sink their fangs into each other, and do various strange and reprehensible things besides, two other snakes of the same species meanwhile looking ou and enjoying the fun from a safe distance. The story is alxoit on a par with all snake stories, and the reader can safely imagine the rest. The three cent pieces are to lie retired from circulation as rapidly as possible. This is an important announcement, hut it will scarcely possess the same amount of interest for our local readers that the statement does that John Lloyd & Co. have during the pre sent week received from the East some in voices of very choice dress and dry goods for ladies' wear. A general invitation is extended to all to call and sample the goods and see if all things desired in the way of dry goods, groceries, etc., cannot there be found. We are glad to notice that the venerable and lelove.l Father Bradley, who poured the waters of baptism on our head nearly well we ain't going to say how many years ago, for that would be telling our age and who then, as now, was pastor of the Catho lic church at Newry, Blair county, is slowly but surely recovering from a severe illness which for a time threatened to put an end to his long and useful life, nearly if not quite fifty certainly more than forty-five years of which have been spent in his present lo cation. One evening the beginningof the present week a piscafor fished out of the depths of Shenkle's dam a pocket-book. It contained only a few fish-hooks and lines and a scrap or two of worthless paper, together with the address of the owner. Sow, mark how slight a circumstance will spoil a good local item. This owner was soon discovered to be alive and well, and so all thought of dragging the dam for acorpse which reposed at its bottom was abandoned a futile. Many a sensation is spoiled in this same un seemly manner. Our journalistic neighbor, the Cambria Herald, appeared in a new dress last week new so far as the reading matter on the in side, its only home production, was concern ed and looked as neat and clean as we hope it is prosperous and useful to the cause it supports, which, being Republican, is noth ing to brng about. With its new departure the subscription price has been reduced from S2.00 to S1..W per year, and this of itself ought to add largely toits listof paying pat rons. That such may prove to be the case we will not be sorry to learn. Do you renietn'oer a day long past, when we roamed alone through a wind-filled wood, and came to a ledge of rock at last, where with hands clasped fast we silent s'ood ? It is likely you do not re'memtwr this episode ; but if yo i forget the fact that James J. Murphy, l"' Clinton street, .Johns town, sells cheaper made-up clothing than can be elsewhere purchased in Cambria county, you forget something to your own personal disadvantage, flissicv k is lwv first Ha.s, fresh ami full, and bis price list shows the most reasonahie ,f prices. The hot wave seems to have come bark to us again, and heavy elothit.g donned a few d.ivs ago has l-e doffed for the present. The thermometer is up ! the ninety mark, ami the letting question now is how to keep cool. The tet rnefhisl of getting even witn the weather hat we know of is to encase yourself in one of those airy suit sold cheap h ! socheap by Godfrey Wolff, next door to the pot-ofrice, Altoona, Pa. Ther will Te no danger then from sunstroke. Every thing found in wetl coed acted clothing Louses is kept for sale by Mr. Wolff. Ca'l and sen hiui when you visi; the Mountain city. Many of the pemorrtas of this place and other par's (f the county availed themselves of the opportunity afforded by the presence at Creon.on Thursday lat, of Senator Dill and J. Simpson Africa, Esq., candidates re spectively for the offices of Governor and Secretary of Internal Affairs, to pay their respects to those gentlemen, whom we are sure it would have !e?en a source of gratifi cation to at! onr people to meet. Affable, courteous, and in an eminent degree intelii ge.it and pleasing in conduct and conversa tion, the visit of Messrs. Dill and Africa to our county lias made au impression which mntini hut redound tr the advantage of tbe entire ticket. General Imboden, of West Virginia, has been spending the heated season at Gays port, Blair county, varying the monotony of things by getting into shape a new concep tion of his for a locomotive which shall lay all other locomotives in the shade. During the war be fonght on the Confederate side, and had many a tussle with the 54th Penn sylvania regiment, commanded by Colonel Jacob M. Campbell, and composed largely of Cambria county men. It is now an nounced that General Imboden, sinking the warrior in the utilitarian, will go to Johns town at an early day and lecture on the sub ject of our general industries. Captain Robert Johnson, of Altoona, is known to onr local readers as a gentleman who lived in Ebeusburg twenty-five years ago, He is a memler of the legal profession, aud latterly has achieved some fame as an ardent speaker and worker in behalf of the Murphy cause. A. A. Stephens, ' Esq., is also a lawyer, with his residence in Tyrone. The other day in Altoona, these two gentle men became in volved in a personal contro versy, and, from words, they proceeded to blows. The wind-np was that Johnson was knocked dewn by a blow from a chair wield ed by Stevens, and in bis fall his left leg was so doubled up under him that a fracture of the bones of the ankle joint was the result. The doctor gives it as his opinion that he will be lamed for life. On Monday of this week, Frank M' Langhlin, Win. P. Jones, and Royal Hatina, advance agents of a colony of probably thir ty persons who will cut loose from this sec tion in the fall and go to Texas to live, left onr midst. Their ultimate destination is Forth Worth, a town which just mow enjoys the distinction of being the western termi nus of the Texas Pacific Railroad, and in the neighborhood of which these immigrants propose to settle down. The country and climate are represented to be most desirable despite Phil. Sheridau's one-time remark that "if he owned hell and Texas, he would rent Texas and live in hell," and things will go strangely amiss if prosperity fail to attend this new departure. Mr. David Lewis, Pome years ago Burgess of Ebensburg, Is identified with the colony, as are Messrs. Wm. M'Laughlin, James Jones, and other heads of families. We are requested to draw attention to the fact that much mail matter directed to this post office goes frequently astray by rea son that the name of the county is not at tached to the parcel. There is, besides our own Elienshurg. a town of simitar name in Crawford county, an Edenburg in Clarion counly, and an Edinlmro in Erie cnuntv. One day last week a lawyer, whose shingle graces Colonade Row, saw in a listof uncall ed for letters advertised in a Clarion county paper the announcement of the fact that a document su perse riled with tils name wasre tained in the Edenburg post office for want of an owner. A letter containing a valuable remittance wa overdue, and the lawyer knew at once where the mistake was. The writer had forgot to affix the name of the county to the address. He sent instructions to the postmaster at Edenburg to forward the letter, and it came promptly by return mail. It contained a lottery circular ! A young man named Cloyd L. Delaney, employed at the rolling mill of the Cambria Works, Johnitown, met with a terrible death about 3 o'clock on Wednesday morning last. It seems, from the particulars furnished by the Tribune, that young Delaiey, who was In the seventeenth year of his age, had been relieved ior a few minutes by one of his fel low workmen, and taking advantage of the rest lay down upon a ben;h in close proxim ity to the engine. In about twenty minutes after he was called to resume his labors, but instead of -going around the ponderous fly wheel he iu his bewilderment walked to wards it and fell lietweeu two of the arms, or spokes. In another instant the unfortunate youth was literally dismembered and disem bowled, his legs ami arms being torn off and thrown in opposite directions. 'while his in testines, as the Tribune relates, were seen stringing out from his bowels and lapping around the iron braces of the roof. Soon af tor all that was left of the remains fell with a heavy thud to the iron floor, from whence tiiey were gathered up and with the scatter ed members taken to an undertaking estab lishment where they were properly coffined and in due time sent to the home of the rief stricken parents, who, it is needless to say, have the sympathy of every feeling heart iu their fearful bereavement. CosfiRESSIOSALroSFEREXCE.-Co froth the Candidate. The Democratic Congression al conferees of this district met iu the chapel building at Cresson, on Tuesday last, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. The different counties were represented as follows : Cam bria, by Messrs. Johnston, Blair and Downey: Blair, by Messrs. Anderson, Woodkok and Porter; Bedford, by Messrs. Kmpfieht, Noble and Sehell ; Somerset, by Messrs. Hartzell, Ruppel and Hartley. R.L. Johns ton, Esq., of this place, was elected Presi dent, anil Mr. Heflley, of Somerset, was chosen Secretary, whereupon, without fur ther proceedings, the conference adjourned until 10 o'clock Wednesday forenoon, when the con frees again met and the following names were presented for t heir consideration : John P. Linton and Herman Baumer, of Cambria?; Wm. Hartley, Revnolds and Kerr, of Bedford ; A. H. Coftroth, of Somerset, and John Cresswell, jr., of Blair. The first ballot resulted as follows : Linton 2; Banmer, 1 ; Hartlev, 1; Reynolds, 1; Kerr, 1; Coffroth, 3; Cressweil, S. The name of Mr. Cressweil was then withdrawn, and the balloting was continued from time to time throughout, the dav, the names of Messrs. Hartley, Reynolds' and Kerr being withdrawn after the eighth and that of ex Sheriff Banmer after the twelfth ballot. This narrowed the contest down to Messrs. Linton and Coffroth, for the former of whom the six conferees from Cambria and Blair voted without a single vaiiation until the forty fifth ballot was reached, abont 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, the other six conferees meantime sticking to Gen. Coft'roth with ltke tenacity. After the thirty-fifth ballot had been taken the name of Col. L'nton was withdrawn, and, on motion of Mr Woodkok, Alex. H. Coffroth, of Snmerset was nomi nated by acclamation. The conference then adjourned sine die. The Lloyd Hankrtjptcy Cask. Elec tion of Asxirjneex.Thei work of proving claims In the Lloyd bankruptcy case was heenn in Altoona on Tuesday of last week, Kegister Si hafTer, of Pittsburgh, presiding, ami after adjournment frnm day to day, Fridav afternoon the books were closed aiid the court adjourned. The claims proved during the first three days were liabilities of the Altoona and Leiisrnrg branches, amounting to about half a million of doilars, which had len conducted by Win. M. Lloyd individually ; the other banks bad addition al partners. Two liekets for assignees were plaee.l in the field, one of which consisted of .1. W. Curry, Altoona; William M. Jones, KlHMishurg ; K. II. (iardner. Hoi I ida vsbn rg. The other was composed of A. Ii. Morrow. HoKidnystiurg; W. l. Conch. Altoona ; and r;-v. F. IlnfT. C.reen-biirg. The fi rst named tn-fcet was siiecessful by a large majority of vo'es of the creditors and ,v a majority rep resenting 51(12,407.1; of the claims. The vote was Voes. Claims. IT -s.ivlii.tr? I W liH.liis tS Curry. Jones. Gardner.. Mnrniw, ('iiui-h. Huff ... Of the assignees. Mr. Curry is a resident of Altoona, and is well known throughout the State as h iving been t h.iplain of the lafe Constitutional Convention ; Mr. Jones, an honest and capahle man. is a much esteemed resident of this place, being connected with the large mercantile establishment of K. Roberts & Ron, and Mr. tiardner, an old schoolmate of our own. lives in Hollidavs bnrg. They are all energetic and trust worthy men, and will not fail to do their entire duty in the important work before them. They hare a big job on hand, bat It is thought they are equal to the task. A most important c asp. of a man over Fl years of age, who has suffered 30 years from inflammation of the kidneys, and at times completely prostrated by pain and loss of sleep, was finally completely restored by tbe use of n.irosma to such a perfeet state of health that he was able to go West on a trip. The IUrosma is a mild nervine aud anodyne. Prepared by K. K. Thompson, TitnsriJle, Pa. For sale by Leminon & Murray, Ebeusburg. Local Corresjtondence. St. Boniface, Au?. 6. l7s. Dfr Frfeman Since my last contribution to your spicy and interest inir columns, which are always emrerly perused by many reaiier?, lit i le has t ranspired worthy of mention, except that our well-to-do furracre in Klder. Chest and Susquehanna townships time finished the task of (THtherinfr in a bountiful hr-est, which In the matter ot quantity and quality is believed to be the largest and best that has been garner ed for many a year. Several Ixrire and substantial barns have been erected in this and adjoining townships Just In time to store sway the abundant crops. A mi in tier of ihe farmers in this vicinity are ( busily enir mred in burning their clearing, ire i Intention hemir to have them rolled aud plowed j In time for fali scedintr. We were informed a few days aro that three of Glen Connell s most enterprtsinir citizens, t I Mr. C. A. Lantihein. Ksquire John J . Gill, and j Dr. J. B. Noonan. took it into their heads al ter a hard day's work that they needed a general I cleansing, and repairinir to Flynn's (or Gate's) dam, Messrs. I.Hnijbein and Gill, both of whom I areexpert swimmers, speedily pluntred in, leav I injr the Doctor, who Is not much on the swim, ' to "puddle his own canoe" in shallow water, at ; the same time cautioninir him airainst ventur , bur too far from shore, as the water was deep I and rapid beyond a certain limit. The Dor-tor, I like all gay and thouif htless youths, soon foritol the kind ad mon i i ions of his t riend, aud takintr a few steps forward tumbled over an abrupt embankment, (truirvliiur at a desperate rate to riirniii the shore, his condition wnS discover ed by 'Jvjuire Gill, who promptly hnsteiied to his rescue, thereby endangering his own life, which, owinir to the Doctor's strinrles, won Id undoubtedly have been sacrificed in the vain effort to save n fellow heinir frmn drowning had not Mr. Ijamrbein, with irreat presence ot mind and in the very nick of time reached bim a pole. Willi the aid of which tmth the striiKifling men were finally and fortunately ln,1eJ in safety. Our advice to the Doctor, which he probably oon't stand in reed of, is to keep a safe distance from all deep water tn the future. The members of Ihe Catholic church in this place intend to hold anoi her pic-nic at ttie old grounds, on the 27ih and 28ih of the present mor.th, to still further aid in the purchase of a new organ, the last pic nic not having realized sufficient for that purpose. The committee of arrangements intend to leave nothing undone to make the two days lively and pleasant to all who may favor them with their presence. They have engage! two string bands, one for the English ami theotlnr for the tier .'nan platform, and Ihe Carrolitown and Cherry Tree cornet biimla are to he secured for the occasion. He sides all this, we are assured by the committee that Prof. Kberl's fine minstrel troupe, of Al toona, have cniraired and will give entertain ments iu Holts' large ball on the evenings of the "iTth and 2lh inst. That the Village of St. Boniface Is Improving is apparent to all who have visited it of late. Ihe hiree two story building of Ihe Messrs. Holts is to je used in t he f u I lire as a public hall, a private residence, and a carriage shop. Vr. John Hrt ho, one of our most enterprising young citizens, b.ns built himself a handsome two story house on the outskirts of the village, com in Mii ling h deiiirht f u I view of t he surround ing country. AVe hope it will not fie long until John will occupy It with one of Kldcr's taJrest ..ufl't"rsasa lite-long sharer of his joys and sorrows. Mr. Joseph Rhody win U"A a grand pic-nil on Saturday. Ihe filth int.. at inpn o.inell. And here let mesav that Mr. U. has made quite an improvement in his hotel at St. L iwrence, which makes it a much more desirable stopping place for the traveling public. Hatti.k Axe. CARnoi.r.TOws, Aug. 6, 1S73. Dear Freeman On last Saturday arternoon there wasquile a bustle in our town. Gaily at tired figures with pleasure-beaming counten ances "vcre tn be seen sauntering tin and down street, evidently waiting for conveyances to take Ihein from their Tellus of expectation to their Elysium of participation. Meantime the casual bystander gnve evidence of his friendly or unfriendly disposition towards the young upstarts by the nature of his predictions. Ere long several buggies and wagons put in an ap pearance, and their merry roll through the northern part of town made it plain that the lar half hour's stir was the preliminary chirp of the newly Hedged Dramatic Troupe connect ed with the T. H. T. A. S. about, to essav their first adventure abroad. Scarcely h;iii the town regained its usual monotony when another par ty, consisting, it is said, of four reporters and a certain merry-maker, started in hot pursuit, and though they arrived at the Cherry Tree in good time tn make close observation and gain all possible information, their report ha? not yet reached the public eye : nor will it, I pre sume, for it is said that the humorist of the par ty so completely unstrung their nerves by ti is continual outpourings of genuine and spirited tales that they were rendered unfit for the ar duous task'they had undertaken. In lieu there lore ot their report I will endeavor to give yon a brief account of the trip and the success at tending the debut of the T. H. T. A. S. at Cher ry Tree In the drama ot "Ten Nights in a Bar room." The participants In the entertainment, num bering about twenty, arrived at Cherry Tree at 5 o'clock, all f eeling somewhat fatigued and no doubt hoping, as I hoped, that a good supper awaited them. Xor were they disappointed in their expectations, for having stopped at Capt. Weaver's, t hat gent leman, ever true as he Is to his reputation for genuine hospitality, soon summoned them to what the gods of old would have called a sumptuous fea9t. The Captain certainly Is a "hale fellow well met" and keeps the right kind of a hoteL A f ter supper all betook themselves to Kneed ler's Hall, where they foiinl everything in rea diness for the play. Mr. Kneedier, it is proper here to say, is an energetic man and takes great interest iu anything that advances ths cause of education. Iu proof of this assertion I need only cite the fact that he put up the stage and benches and fitted up the hall purposely lor t lie occasion, and yet charged the troupe lor fts use scarcely enough to pay for Ihe lumber. When the time arrived for the entertainment to begin things look"d very discouraging, inasmuch as there was scarcely any one in tho Hall except the players. Soon however tney began tn gath er, and thanks to such men as Jesse Harter, Dr. lirallie. and several ot Hers whose names I did not have the pit asure of learning, at eight o'clock the curtain rose to an audience of about two hundred, all of whom observed the most perfect decorum throughout the entire per formance, and if their applause may be accept ed as an evidence of their apprecial ion all were highly pleased. The Cherry Tree band lent a mos. generous hand by playing through the streets in the evening and discoursing some veryifinemusic during the intervals in Ihe acts and scenes. At ft o'clock the entertainment closed and all left the Hall apparently well sat istied the audience with the evening's recrea tion and the players with i heir success and the kind treatment they had received. The Tr.-e has very fine "roosters." to barrow one of Jesse's phrases, and they need not be surprised to see the Carrolitown boys back again some lime. Uomainu. A Very Hoggish Talk. The following from the Altoona Siorning Tribune of Wed nesday may be true, but it. sounds very much ' to its like an old hog story rehashed aud lo calized : j Nat. Ramsey fells this tale on an Antls town- ship farmerand hog. The farmer built a worm- fence around i.ne nf his fields. In one of the punnels he took for a bottom rail a hollow loir, which had a large crook in the middle. The , farmer had a hoir which annoyed hnn no little, ! by getl ing into fields where he was not wanted, I and was nolessat a loss to know how that orig inal of lard got into that neht. So he instituted a careful watch to find out the shrewdness I fiat was in this particular porker. What was his astonishment to Mud the animal entering at one end of this hollow log and emerging into t fie Held at the other end. Then the fanner set his wits af work to astonish that hog as much :is the hog had annoyed him. So be gets to woik and turns the log over, making the bend to ward the inside of the field, thus throw ing boi h ends on the outside, and awaited developtm nis. Present ly along came his hoc-ship, and darted in at one end t.f the log. hut ;hfc astonishment of the animal was great wh n he found he was not in the tl"bl, and back nearly where be start ed from. He looked a sort of ohfucatd, thought there was some mlsnke about thy mat ter, and tried it over again and g lin, first in at one end t hen at the other, still w ith tbe same result not in the field. He was the picture of be wiiderment .so amusing t hat t he farmer came near losing his life bv the operation. He had seated hiinetf on the stump ot a tree, reaching some ten feel shove ttie ground to watch ttie movemenfs of the hog. and in a fit of laughter over the juke he had played on the animal felt otT. but was caught by a srubof the stjtnp in the seat of his unmentionables, and would nrobably have died in ttiar position, had not Mr. Kainsoy very fort jnately came a oog at that moment and relieved hnn from hia un pleasant predicament. An Undeniahle Tktth. You deserve to suffer, ami if you lrail a miserable, unsat isfactory lif in tliis lieautiftil world, it is entirely your own fault anil there is only one excuse, for yon, your unreasonable prejudice ami skeniicistn, which has killed thousands. Personal knowledgH and com mon sens reasoning will soon show yon that Green's August Flower will cure you of Liver Complaint, or Dyspepsia, with all its miserable effects, such as sick headache, palpitation ol the befrt, sour stomach, hal itnal costiveiiess, dizziness of the head, ner vous prostration, low spirits, etc. Its sales now reach every town on the Western Con tinent, and nota Drncrgist, among whom we may name L,emmon & Murray, of" this place, hut will tell you of its wonderful cures. Threw doses will relieve yon. Yon will find the best assortment of shoes, and the lowest prices f ir the same, af Markers' cheap rash trtores, Ebensburg aud Carroiiiown. AND- With STRAW CARRIERS, of Different Sizes. ."so -". i. -1.-1 . ... . . . -P-'i The above Cut represents a Two Hots Sweep, with Iron Frame, verv slmpl In Its eon.trautlon and durable. It U a Tumbling Bar Power and hai an Iron Jact.J "ro"'on THE OLD WAY The Best Way. Save Your Money and WHEN YOCR MEN AND HOUSES VImo, Cutting 13.os, AJdrcsS: W. H. JULY W. 19TS.-2rr.. Local Correspondence. CARROI.t,TOWN. Aug. C. Is78. TAR Frkem A.i-On Thursday last, about 2 o clock, p. m., ihe lust brick in the new school house in this place was laid, and immediately tnerea i ic-r ? bcautit ul bouquet was senCnp to the contracting i.'cklayer, Mr. Addelsbei gnr. bythe Rev. Prior.who mar.;.' -sted in this manner his pleasure and delight at the piogr. se made in the building, the completion or whicu l.e has so much at heart. In a very brief time the silver cornet band appeared upon the ground. Hiid ere long a keg of beer was discovered by parties present, and soon the occasion became one of festivity and ireneral rejoicing. The success of the contractor. Mr. M. Addelsberger, was toasted in flowing tnnkards of beer hv all in attendance, and the afternoon was whiter! away in pleasant converse and social inter course. While on this subject It fs due to Mr. A. to express the high opinion entertained of him, personally and as a mechanic, by the Itev. Prior and all others interested in the huildimr, the highest tribute to his workmanship being ex pressed by the mere mention of the tact that out of greatly inferior materials rough, un shapely and badly burned brick he made an excellent job. both as to appearance aud solidi ty. Mr. Addelsberger may rest Assured that he enn refer at any time for endorsement as to skill, faithfulness and promptness to Itev. Amaudus Kramer, O. S. audio all other parties di rectly interested. May he continue to merit and receive the sincere commendation that follows him from Carrolitown wherever he may use his trowel in the future. giKSiu. t'e lr. Van ljkf- SnlphnrNonp. Makes the skin beautifully white and healthy removes dandruff, chafing, prickly heat, sores eruptions, burning, stinging and itching of tbe skin and scalp. A sulphur hath with it is high ly recommended. Always ask for it by its rull name. 7 -., . -tim J OKI I I Alt V. MAG FT RE. Died, in Pittsburgh, on Thurs day, Aug. 7. I-sts. Mks. Aii.fem Magi'ike, wife of .Iam-s Maguire, aged about 77 years. Mrs. M. was born of French parents in one of the West India islands, and when a young wo man came with her family to Philadelphia, where she continued to reside until about 14, when with her Tat her and sister, the lafe Mrs. Robert L. Johnston, she came to this place, where her brother. Dr. A rist ide H odrigue, was tn n residing. Her early education, as well ns that of her deceased sister, had been carefully attended to. anil her literary and musicil at tainments were not only varied and extensive, but of the highest order. She possessed all the virtues of a true and Christian woman, and the Catholic Church, of which she whs a member, had no more sincere and devout worshipper. Her remains were brought to this place and Interred in the Catholic cemetery on Saturday morning. May herssoul rest in pea- e. STEVENS. -Died, near Lore: to. Jul v 23. 1ST, Vincent, infant son of Michael and Mary Ste vens, aged 8 months and 3 days. Dear little Vfntle has gone Far. far from his mother's arms; In heaven he is. we all nre aware, Praying for ns all to be there ; fone from this world of tortures From all evil and snares. C. S. WHITE.- Died, in Placklick township, on Fri day, Aug. 2d, Jam cs Airc.rsTiNE. aged ! months and 14 days, and on Sunday. Aug. 4, IS7-s, M akv Amelia, aged 9 in on t hs and 16 days, t in babes of James and Mary While. FEND. Died, in Johnstown, on Monday, Aug. 5. 178. of consumption, Mrs. Hannah Fi-.nh, wire of Jacob Fend, in the 57th jear of her age. PR! NO I.E. Died, in Placklick township, on Monday, Aug. 5. l;x. of pneumonia, Mr. Phil ip W. Pkingle, aged about 45 years. TyTOTICE. Notice is horeby jrh-on that the firs' and final account of John Pysn. Tru.tee appointed to make sale of the real estate of Thomas Kodgers. Ins been filed in the office of the I'rothonotary of Cambria eounfv. and that said account will lie presented to the Court for confirmation on the 5rst ."Monday of September next, unless cause be shown to the'oontrarv. C. p. CI'ONNKU, Prothonotnrv. Prothonotary's Office, Phennhurg. Aug. 5, 1?TS. ! "piXKOUTOK'S NOTICE. 1 Kstate of MtriiAFT, Wkakt.ANP. Whereas letters testamentary to the ci-tnle of Michael tVcakland, late of Susquehanna, town ship, deceased, have been grnte. to the under signed, all persons indebted to safd estate are re quested to make immediate pay men., and thus having claims or demands against ttie estate of said fieejent wfll make known the sure without delay to LKW1S J. BKAKKK. Kxeculor. Susquehanna Twp., Aug , 1T3 6t. ADM IN ISTI1 A T 10 N N O TICK. Kstate of Wm. J. I'arkish, dee'd. Letters of administration on the estate of Wrrr T.'l'arrish. late of Washington township. Cambria emirty, dee.'d. have been gi anted to the under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said es tate are requested tu make immediate ayment, and t!iose having claims against the lime wi:l present them properlv ant bent icated for settle ment. .MAKV PAKKISil. A dm'. Cresson, Washington Twp., Auj. 9, 1; SIicrifFs Sales. 1 Y virtue of sundry writs of f. Kn. and .4'. I) Pcii.i. A.'j-poii.. iurd out of the Court tit Common fleas of Cambria county nnd to me directed, there will lie exposed to public sale, at t he Hotel of Conrad Kaab, in Johnstown, on Saturday, August 3lstf I87C, at a o'tloCK, p. M . the following real eMato, to w it : All the right, title and interest of A. J. Knlo ple. of. in and to a lot of ground situate in Coop ersdnle borough, Cambria, county. I a., fronting on Uroad street, adjoining lot of James Smith on the north. ni.'I an alley on the south and east, having thereon ereeted a two story plank house, now In the. occupancy of A. J. Knippie. Taken i In execution and to he sold at the suit cf Jmes Ccoper, for use of Leonard Hook. j Ai.so. all the right, title and interest of Fred erick Hoff man, r.f. in and to a lot of ground situ ate In the "fourth ward of Johnstown borough, Cambria county. Pa, 'renting on the Hedford Turnpike on t he east , ad joining lot of H agh It. van on the nor ill. lands of heirs of J. Horner, de ceased, on the south, and ruuntng bank to an al ley, having throon erected a two story plank house, now In the occupancy of Frederick II off. man. Taken in execution aud to be sold at ths alt of Margaret Stemtner. Tkhms of Sai.b. One-third or the purchase money to be pain when tlio pi t pei ty is knocked down, and the remaining two-thirds lief -ire the confirmation of tbe deed. JOHN It V A V. PhertT. ttivrUT'sOffce, Fbtpsburg, A vguti 7, IKib. j HATE lOl'R Off H K- Mollis tuwr - .ss p. -r- j thresh gV-Krv frr-T ' When It salt job. - r ' Tf j." ... 7171 ,. , V ?QWERS HIKES! Do Tour Own Threshing HAVE NOnilXO ELSE TO D.". Soliool 1 olc, lilto. H. NIVLIHQ & CO., rounrfirs find Jlacliinists, TYIt.NF.. rA. e s or a mmn run is torn m. Jy virtue or an order of the Court of Coni- mon Pleas of Cambria count v. to mi- direct ed. I will offer nl puhl e sale, at ISlum's Hall, ic the borough of Carrolitown, on SATURDAY, the 31st day of August. inst., at 1i o'clock, p. M..'the fol owing described real estate, to wit: All that PIECE OR FARM OF LAND known as the Joseph (Jant nW farm, situated in Carroll "township, in the said ci.vety ot Cam bria, adjoining lands of Jann s Dougieos. Sebas tian S hens. Vims Pfisiei . and ot tiers, and , on tnining .V Acres, mure or le, two-thirds of which are cleared, the balance being well cov ereiMvith rail t imber inn! other hard woods. Jf This is one of the best located fnrnis In Carroll tov.nshi. and has thereon ereetcd a double plank two story liwii.i.iMi HofsE con taining six looms mi l a kiteot n, a Hank Hakn and all necessary On t lui i ;din a. It has also a thriving Orchard, good water in abundance, and is within a stone's throw of a Memo grist mill and a public school house, and i not more than two miles from Carrolitown. The place is underlaid with coal, iron ore and fire clay, and is in a good Mate of cultivation. A si'UMiin CHANCK FOH INVESTMENT. I erms of Snl-. t in... third or the purchase money to be paid on continual ion of sale. one. third in one year, am!the remaining tine third in two yen i s I roin conn rin a 1 1 n ot sale- - deter red pH.vmeiits to bear interest and tie secured by tbe bonds and niortg.ige or the purchaser. IIIOM AS Ki.F.U, Assignee ot Joseph Gantner. Carroll Twp.. Aug. a, ls;s.-,ji. III l tit r i . - r. . '1'iu.iii id?' i. vtniscs sc-l t ilntrn tor tril at the ..oeiiTtm l..ro, ... .. uun, com mencing on Mo.vhat, seitembsk 2rt, Js;s : FIRST W EEK. Olewlne's use vs. Conrad. Canibria County vs. Trenkley. Wagner vs. Ii rooks' Adm'rs. Criliithuv Davis vs. Klinemyer, Swartzi. Mausbach. . . vg. Myers. SKCOND WEEK. Rose's use Hollas Watson Sej-se Potts' use Kearney People's Fire Ins Same Troxell , N eg lev Uex..'. . M'Mullen K rise's use Set t lemyer Horner et al Pluminer Newell Mulliincy Jones J ones Wagner , I'atton , vs. Murphy, -vs. Hums, -vs. fjapsley. .vs. tieddy et a I. -vs. Orr's Adm'rs. -vs. U'Kti.n. Co. .vs. I.omher. -vs. I'll versaught, vs. I l.-hel!s. vs. Stineman. .vs. Shoemaker et al. vs. Thomas. vs. Ilonahoe. .VS. I.ewiS. . .vs. Park et al. vs. I'liimnicr. vs. Jot. vs. l.MRey. v. Weaver. vs. Wilkin et al. v9. Aai izon Ins'uce Co. vs. Poverg'iod. vs. I tel. C. K (I IKIVVt-l I !.-. h.. ... Uradlcy Prothonotary's Office, Khcnsburg, Aug-. 5. psrs. j The- Oreal Kldnev Medicine la Dot a new I coiii).uiid j ff. has heen bef-jre ttie publfc a'years and n'd bv ail rlxsM-8. IIP NT'S lilOli.n V ChfUl MAVH frtm lln..p,r.B mm mw m mm m snai r i K 1 j ' " . ' - ir I- i 13 i J H -...! - ! . ru,wnM) ana ceatu nuiv lBfy tJ given rn hj l'liVltr,.n to die. i( NT S HK.UKHY cure sli 'Ha rases of lb Klncy. ilidiler. and I rlnarr Ornans. I)rukV liravcS, P-iabrtes, ai.l nniutinrrrs et- I K election f ("rine. Hf M K Tr."rp V er.couruk-e, e.f; o.tida B petite, I rnt" tif tic syt-'n. r-n-w.-d li.-Rjiij lsts-resi.lt. 111 XT'! im.flHI cures Pain In ihe Nil?, lin k, or 1 -..Ins. t.eneral JJet il tty, Female J.:ei.-a. I'ifluri.ed leej., l.oa rfAppetlfe, ttrtgl't'a tfa.i- of Ihe K.-U fteya and all Coe-iplaints of f ' e 'rii.o-t.enita I Organ, ill NT S Kr'.IKDV i fire -v--tahte.anrpei is a m--1 jcvrr t .'ore f jrni;,, J o :! a piit'lic. and tue utm ist r-iiaace iuf ee ie. d i;, , 111 I j lim..-lil la ;repHr--d t-' V- m i r.r i. lor in rs F! sboie o'!eae, and lui never brcu krusn ti fsit. One trial will ess Inc- mi. read fur pami JUct to r WM. V. Tt aHKK. I'oTit .s( r.. It I fi mil & lJ sat Agut p. j s -iy. .hk vii.i i: A tberongh eonrse tn n.rr-k-keei Ir.g. Partman ship. Telegraphing, I'ram1;,. fr i g t-h Hranehes. Hp. Vend lor eircu I a-a nd .eci mfi, of f'txit, stit rnament.l per.manhtp. Knclore fts cents in Stamps Address. Aug.!-4t. A. W SMITH. Meadville, Pa. NOW RK.tDT I-Tk trBI irllHftariitt of a fss a m hrr (4 I W4 S fa3" Ft Aft Itan 8 4gVl5tfB S IV. A full history of bis eTploritlons In frb.-a nnd taiirer'rtii foiirney ttnrn thr i'on,?(i. The pubijr; are ranerty n;tlnir this fx" k. It ! of rao.lrtt interest, richly illustrate 1. otr priced, and will sell without a "parallel For !u!I description and terms, address lli HB.iitn P-k-iti: Etts Pnhoher, Sun.jAGENTS WAN FED ADMINISTRATION NOTICK. Ksta'e of MlCHAKf. M'Cl IHt:. tlec'il. Iet t ers of ad minis? rat Ion on 1 he ktate of M ich'l IVlctJulre. late of Allegheny towi, .!,!; Caml'ria county, deceased, ha'e hem granted f the under signed, who hereby give notice to all j-ersons In debted to said estate thai paimrnt must bi made without delay, and those having claims against the same riil present them properly au! henl lea ted for settlement. C vrilAItlNK M rtl'IRF, Adm't. .1HN- P. S1UPL.US. Adm'r. August 17H -flt. SSIGNKK'S NOTICE Notite Is lo iereby given that .Insep.li C, aiiTm-r and wife, ot Carroll township, have made an as signment of thefr real and petsonal estate to Thomas Kit, in trust for the benetilof creditors. All persons, therefore. Indebted to sahl estate will make : mme.il mic payment, and thoe having eltilms auainst the same wll present them proper ly aulhcultcated firt f ft:!eiiieiit. THtlM AS P.tll- R. A'afuni-4! of Joseph L Ultr a.h'J Wife. Cato.l Twp., A-g. 2, .'tj.l.-tt. (CAY M jr AT aT SHERIFF'SSALEG. 1Y irtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fit . V. ?, i ."r; oii. slid I.riMri fi i'i. Ini'it out e! : I'ouit of Common i'li-HS if ttnt.,ls rn' - iv fir,! to me onocte-l. there will be t nj i public SNle. hi the Court House in K'enl . -, On MONDAY, StPTE MBIR 2d, Ui t I o'clork. I. M .. the following real e!f . to wit : All the right, title and trterert of pernsi t Kurt. of. In sn.t to a lot uf ground situated In r rrlltewn borough. 4'ambrm onnty. Pa., trontit g on i.smpbell street on the seuth'snd ,tj..1i:irg lot ot heirs of Jol.n t 'ainpbell. dec'J. on t he imn U rnd west; bsvirg thereon rr"-ted ft. orio s cry frm ln.ii(-. now in the oecupancy of H. Kri. Taken tn execution and to so hi at the suit cf .1 o'j,li Sr IneMser fur nf of H. M. Kerr. Also, all the ri h t. t it le and interest of .. .f . Sleltx of. In ii,i to a lot ot i-roiind situatr.l :u t'arrollt'.wn tnir.nigh t 'atTrta eeumy. Ph., bou'ei ed on theent t y hureh'si reel, on "t he port h by lot of M irfMfl 7.o tier, on tl.e st bv Mam street, and on tle sout Ii by bit of Mrs. Kayler. having thrreen erected a twostorr h'use. new In the o--ciipaney of A. .1 StnVr Taken -n exeent bin c 1 tn he sold at the suit of A. Walters, tor use if Fi!:x Jacobs. A 1 so. all the right, title and Interest of S lv. ter U . Ityrne. exeetiior of .Istmes Pyrne 1eo'iJ.i'( In an I to a let -f ground s t luted in t he vl I lage f St. Nicholas. It.irr townh:p. Cambria county. Pa . fronting on Main street on the north, hav.i-g an alley on t be west, mt joining lot oi Henry Hop ple on the eat and land of Nii-hela l.nnN urn on ttie s.'Utti. havin thereon ere-!ed a o :i,it lank hou.e. now tn t he r,'iiiaii-y r.f A ! St ! 1ST. Taken In rerut on mid to be sold at suit i f Nicholas I.imtx.nrn. A i so. a 1 t he r ght. ti; le and fn teres! of .1 ante ; M. t.r .'.ley and Mary E Pra.tley t in and to a j lot el tr. uii I si'mte.1 In Snmn itvi! e fM.rou I., .('ain'.ua n un"y. I'a . fr m inn on I he 1 urnprl . ' a ' t ti c lt of John Sha bjiuli on the w t. i j l"y n t tie riort h. and lot of John I iit "tl to" i ent, hat tig tnerei-n erene-1 a one Svri.f-a haT ! story frame house and par.k stable. n-'W tn t (iiviipurviil Mary rn Hurton. Taken ini rut:, n and to be sold at the m t of Jauie M. till" lan, for ue of J , .1itit on X S.-nn Inn A i so. all the n- hi. t it le and interest of Thomas li .ini in of. in aed l a pie-e of land s 'uite I 1 :i j .l..nliiiiv tow ti In p. "n iii'.ria potnii y. Pa., ben m.I e. an-l i!esrritH-d a follows- Hew inning at I rhe.uiut ln-e: thence we-t 1'. perches ah r.g , Mi'y Itrown's and Vcnn Ijewt' land; thene . r.. rt!i degrees, west perches to a post at Kicloir.l hilchoi.rs ; thence nort h by Homier' Ian. I north 45 degrees, wot 6 perches to a sugar, i north 'J! degrees 8 perches along liilworlh 'i.l ; H tinner's to a spruce; t hence south alot.g John j Knuckle's bind ST itegreis east per. -ii-g. ti a, j beech : t hence soni ii To decrees, ea-t l:t pcrrhea, ! to a suuar; thence bv and Dilworth'd land. Sou h 6".-4 degrees, e.ist i!'"T perches, to th place of beginning ont.iimn o! a r. sand PS parches, and ttie usual allowance a d appurtenance.- having t hTcon erected a s'i hiii raw mill. Taken In execution and to be sold at the suit of Henry O internum. hAi.ii, all the rigid, title and Interest of Joseph McDonald of. in nnd to a lot of ground iltuale l in the Past ward of phenshurg bor..iiw h. '.ntnhri. count y. Pa., bounded on t he wet by 1 Vtitr Ft re t, en the north by an alb y. on the east by an alley. and on ttie south by lot of , tiarm"- thereon erected aiwn story frame tioui and s'a ble now in the occupancy of .losepn McDonald. Ato. a niece or pircol of land situated fn t'atn iiria township. Cambria lotinty. Pa.. don'tig lands of John Hlnir. Joseph Htown. and other, containing 1 acres, mote or b-s. Aiao a l t iT ground su ua ' ed in the fiit ward of Khi nbiir;r b.irouiih. 'ambria county. Pa. hounded on ih. wos! by Center Mreet. on the north and east l ir lands i.f Johnston Moore, mil on 1 l:e gou'hty an alley. Tekctl In oxeciiti-ui aud to he oJd at tl. fuit'of I:. Huberts H Son. Also, all the right . i it le and tn'creM rt II. V. Plot tier, tleorge W. Kirhy. Thotjots J. Seaman. H. p. Seaman, and W. P. M I'-hacls. t.f. In and f a il that cert ain piece or parcel of grntin I cons!' ing d two town lots. Onated fn the borough of vvilinore. Ca:nt-,. . Pa., b :n led and i!e scribed ns i'v l ilri at Vi-rni-r of pring anc ,crTi l.tin C: if" " ! r-r irr.i ftn-it I'Jx ft .! i . . j : t!.. ti--e t. -hi. I allev l'Js feet t. ati.f a ley Ills leet to S pring ! rei-t ; t tie nee l,v sal s re t IJs feet to t lie place of bejnmo, knari on tha plan.i f fotsof said borouati ns No. 40 ind N o. i, l e ing t lie sntne lot ot it..iii., e .tn x (-. to 1 1,. l ru-te.-s . f the Met o.hm I p..-,.j a rhi'ir I; a' M lino, by Charles Kip an I wife, hv dee, I oa-el A u giit -1 t. 1 -T I . and record .-.f jo' rl-r otfi-e, for Cnmt.ri.1 eou ily. in ie.-. I i.-k . v.d. ?, :, pug 3- etc. - linvinj t hereon ere,-' ,-.1 a Irani hn , 1 ,r,g known as i he f et hod I p t- -pal rl tin h 1 . Ill eiiiTii! toti and b be sold at : he suit, of Johns town Hii:1 lung anil, .an Xs.-ia;..ii. Aiso. all ttie rigt-t. ti' le aii-t u-'.eri t of W m. 1. unities i, I in ntct t .i a j o-e or pir-il t larij sit ii a rd ill Mi-.j;t-l,:i.itia i..t nh;p i ntn hrla c. uti -ty. fn . ,! ,!ni-it Im-ls of A 'oodi rham. A. Kern. 11 ps- Sl I.n.yd. an 1 ot In r. o -lit;, t. It g 1. acres, more or les. liavit,g there.."i erected a two story frame hon-e. board tlle and Mnktn t It shop, now in I lie occupancy of Wnliam liuifi:le. Taken in ecuti. n a ud to be sold at the suit of t IfiT.'f 1 1 lint ley. A t.-so. all the'rlght, ! it'e and interest i f M i'ha l I'li'h of It. and lo a piece or pa ret 1 of land situ ated in Carroll town-lrp, aiiihria eoun'v. Pa., adioinnig lands ( ctriek. John" lteclt , John Hoover, and others, eon tain trig sj acres, more or less, haling t hereon erected a two story plank bouse and log barn, now in the occupancy of .Michael Push and I.uke Hiti. Taken in x ecntior and to be sold at the suit of A. A. Par ker ti. Son A t-so, a 11 the right, tit le and interest ol Frederick Adams, ot. in hn i to a pipe it parcel of land sit uated in Karr towTirliip. Cambria rounlv. I'a . ad joining Ian Is f 'iv.rge pre.),, iteorge i .ui-k. P. If'ilnnd.and Caspr Sn.ltli, eoti'alnnig M acres, more or less, unimproved. AJo. a piece or iarec I of land situated in liarr tow n.-hip. Cnrubrla c,nt,. ty. Pa., adioining bueist Henrv stuiltz M chat l llelman. I lerinis l-i ! fe. a ud iternard f'onahoe, riritaf:i:ug .V acres, mure or less, un'i.ri.vnl! la wen in execution and to be sold at the suit of (ieorge W. lumber, tor use of V. S. Parker. TCHMS or SAI.K -Klio-thlrd .f tho i nrchas. money lo l e jia:d w hen tbe propert v f knocked down, and f h remaining two thuds Je forrtht contlruiation of the deed. JOMV It VAN. StierifT. Sheriff's Office. Ptien-bi tg. At g. 3. 1 REGISTER'S NOTICE. Nt1 HP is hereby given Unit the following named A coui-ts have t. een insed and filed in the Ifegikier'-il!icc at Kb. nvt,,,rif. jn ,,,, fllI. the -oiint v .if I aiiibrin. and will tie prt set, ted to the Diphans' Ciutt of mi i 1 e. , ti i . f..roo- nrmiiiiiiii nun .- 1 1.. wa n ee. .n Wi I Ii day of M:r-t r.M m n, A . I . t -7 'VK-I'AV, i. to w it : lb, 1. The tir.t nnd titii.1 i irt Mrv U-i.u nc!I. iiliiiioi-tr-'itrii of Francis .Al ;(.:,', ; i i.. of Cl.-arfiehl town, lop. ,ie- , . . 2. The hrt an i pirtil a- ;.,f ,.( u .rr fth guardian of M arv c. tu. htcur, a u.irior in; I 1 d I iV . Uoeniiour. dee d. Jt. Tbe fi'st Bill parnsl a,--oer,t .( N j t;r f fii ti. gi.ar.fian of 'i.,ti- ;.! noa.-. a ii.lnor .-i,.. i t.f I .V. (Jo. tinour. h.t .1 4 The B'-eount ot John I "ik. m."nir .,( t j,, will and tctaincnt -.( l;..'..rt I -k. .t.-r-1 :.. I he tl.iru an i tr-.-.i a nnt ot r-a.n'l I s.lrttrt.Tihir .f J ,-) h M a, late ,f j; t'. l.l- 'f ,e"'(f. '-11 x h, t.liti 1 a. I he tirsl and I iml ce,.t j. v, l'r-r .h I'll'- i, ! !:r h,'ti . i, r n r ! I 1 it r It. I airi-n, u . .1. .! ,-i-ui,1 ,f V. tn liar's ' t.. I.. ..f Al'-is 111' ci 1 ii i r t I :. i to- f.- t hi. i j mo : 1. 1: rn or i. n i ,s iro. ic . cn-14 e i,. i. ., n lie s.-.-.-t. I a, - .net .. 1 1 it - ... a ! i--rai..r ol .1, un I . .1 li.,. late of f ...r, oi'l. - ) Tie f't i.-i-i uat . f .1, I n Ar'lu. ' Si, t I I'-'lli a l-lur. ii,.-!)-!!,! .1.-1 n Act Iai e o .1 - ,1 n ri t- -r- - n 4 '1 -.- r ' 1 11 llrr. an 1 hi l a.-. . it' t of I -.. . X V'ag. n-r.risr lio I .itn .,r I :ssr i-l tfn II. ,:v ... ....... It. 1 n. .p , t . 1 - '" -i. tu I ' 11 1 i,e .-,n,i fcn-l r.r.af ac-.-uit 1 f I I. mm Put ft I. mm to ur. Ii ,. ... ,--r-.- r i-rae. It J 1 -'fc -r I. 'A lit,''., .!f.-e r, ... ( Pi. lne s -ci, i mi ! p-.r-itl accent ef .. . r,( . a n. t -r . . A ;4j of i ilioore tnir-'ija;, . 1 . Ihe S"c..i.,1 .. I , ...... - . . . 1. !: ... " I Tim. ,,rT-,f H l-f r . . .. - . . ., , u 10 nr. la ,e ,. r4.;,,r 1,1.1 ti.WI (, (.. r'e'.! 14 I 1 e a u,,l 4,f i'rrm .1 ,l Ciar'u.ij l.anj tnim r n :' I , 1 I ,i I '. rmrt an i f ' 1 ! .1. I.iii.. IT.. The a-e,.,:,it ,.f II C. ! y.h.n ,r,r.rtVa re, u;,4 ,.f I.ai.j lvfil. I: i i ,,.;( ., top. . ec' I. u" f T he see n,,! aed pnrtial accHnr ,.f r' t a t P.vnt.s ai. l 1,1 II. tsrr-t.fr. iMjm.i!isirt..is if t. . 1:' i ' nr:; :i t., ,., ,.r,... ; Mrrii!..r l I!,. i.K1 ,: , , ,:,., ,, ljwli,i , Mi . l.-fWa. ,:,.,,. ,.wr.si.-p...eeM l 1 ' - r.l .1 11 ori a no n r.ai aeeour.t ol 4 'a soer s teli 1. a.ltnii..irat..rol .Margaret Plana. a:,, UleuU'ar". roll f.,s nli!p. iler' l. J vr m !r, 1 n. u..yiK,..f lb gisfcr'S I irriee-. Klt-nsbii i g. At;g.;i, . TT7IIOWS' A VVH A IS KM I :nts. w .No'ue is liiT.. ytiVi.irl,i,t the fi !OK 1.1, 10 11 . ii) ill IMI..I11 t S Of I ri.i rtv wl I u ci"ierii. set.-i toil and 101 eiiarl I f int-tates nii.br "he Act it rth. TS . f Hia ibll- -V". A- f. I. 1. ban bi-en fll.-d I,. Itrilir'i r,ii.,,.l r,. ...t., . , . 1 . , ' ' - o.:g. non w ,1 hi l n ed to Pifllriihs iv' Court nf ".,,t.r , ty. fn- a n r.. ul -n 1 ullowan-i .0 1 tVrnv v ,1 r. A'k. ... L - . p. . - ,0 : I . KM HE ' . A . II. 1. Inventory and t pr ru r r, ,.nai pr- pertv appr.-nsed and m. t spirt 1 Wll : pir- r K ie-i 11 liriM!. 1 OS' '.1 1 i :or e I nrpri.t li.wii.l,;,, .i..'.i 1. lute 01 :o. . Ii.verjtory sod a-i-rasrrr.etit ..f c oonl t.r, .iti-ri . J. .i ... , rf.t:i prr- 7, ' ' - 1 ' ' " " ""'I ei apart tr - -Horner, widow of Christian Horner, iaie id Z. creek lownt-hf p. dee'd . ""'5 a. inventory an. I appra ie.r,tr,t ,,- , , Sonai properly appraised apart V rine fiarlsog s .,1 iv..,,,.. 1 "rl t 0T'ai r- ha. T Carrull tow u.h, - .' "; .Jr.. I"le ul Cleik'.llth.'o v.. ...,, '-N'-'-lt, 1 If "' V. tA -"-"- 'urg. Aug ij F. " IlolIk.ll.-ts slfcil- ... ItlMt.VbetiL'; i,,.aiu.Liw. , .... .-'J. iU-ll. - ti.ifi f i 11