o - - .' j . .. - . T ! ISVfl: L.rCSJ" - EC3 HIS. CC ."EESC 1 VO.UllATU'EXKSS OF HOLDS By a fiction of the et!j birds all t sir.g.pra'tse, if they sing at all, to the ! greal Creator. , Of course, this sounds ; will? and may have some moral found-J ation ; but 1 can come as near proving y thati catbird curses, and swears, and ' flings out all sorts of abusive cphithets at its enemies, when angry, as any one can " come, to establishing the song i praise theory. How tliese little fel- lows can fret, and ocold, and hiss, and ' imprecate yes, imprecate I I.et a en )i row-liawk or screech-owl, or butch- t'- bird, qo near one's nest, nfid, if you j observe closely, your imagination must j bo very torpid, indeed, if you connot bear '-Jv.-n bit x .'"and all that, scatter ed around pretty freely. I have seen one fairly dance in ecstacy of anger when nothing but a poor, little brown lizard came near it. A pair of catbirds j Lad their nest and young in a currant : hedge of the garden belonging to a ; fann-houe where I was lodsjin"' one : Spring, and I used to amnsc myself by j exciting the anger of the mother bird, i To this I had only to hang a bit of red j cloth near the nest in her absence, and ! await th3 result. No sooner would slie return than such a twitteung and fcipieaking, and scolding, would begin as only a catbird could generate, and when she found out that there was "no fight'' in the rag, she would eye me sitting at my window and mew trium phantly as if she well knew who it was had thus troubled her equanimty. A war ot words or rather a war of notes h a thing of frequent occurrence between a catbird and common brown thrush. L'ai ly in the morning through the month of May they may be heard screaming their resjeclive medleys at the extreme pitch of their voices from neighboring trees, each songster mali ciously bent on drowning the others" voice. Tho common barn yard cock is given to a like ambition in the matter of "crowing down" all compelitois. Speaking of the brown thrush reminds jne that 1 ought to record right here a very singular combat, witnessed by myself and brother, lietween one of these gay singers and a blue jay (what bird i not compelled to fight the lat ter?), and in which the jay was finally discomfited and beaten. We were in the shade of a wild plum tiee on the edge of a little glade. Near us was a clump of sugar haw bushes, in one of which we had discovered a brown thrush's nest. The bird wa3 incuba ting. A blue jay, flitting about on mis chief intent, as, in fact, a blue jay al ways is, happened to spy her, and im mediately attacked her, driving her for refuge into the thick, thorny foliage above the nest. This seemed an easy turn for the jay, which at once pie pared to have a feast of the eggs. But no sooner had it pert-Led on the rim of the nest than the thrush, with a sav age squall, plunged down from its hid ing place, and struck it a heavy blow on the Lack. The jay retreated in dis order, but warily returned again when nil seemed still. With infinite caution in every movement, it hopped from twig to twig, turning its crested head this way and that, till it i cached the nest. Again, with a shrill scream, the thrush pounced from its hiding-place, using its long, sharp peak for a sword to slap the jay's exposed and defence less back. Again and again the would be robber fled and returned, each time to get rougher usage; and finally, as if utterly outdone, w ith rapidly-repeated erics of "Ie-jay ! de jay ! de jay 1" it flitted away into the depths of the woods, to come no more. From Ap j'leton, for lbrtiarj. Ci'RE for Cataruii A writer in the Chicago Trthtnu 'x "Home Depart ment'' claims thut thj following is a simple and immediate cure for colds in t!ie head, sore throat, asthma, sore nostrils, ttc. The remedy is crushed culmb berries smoked in a pipe, emit ting tho smoke through the nose ; after tv few trials this will be easy to do. If the noce is stopped up so that it is al most impossible lo bieuthc, one pipe full will make the head as clear as a bell. Fni sore throat, asthma, bron chitis, swallowing the smoke effects immediate relief. It is the best remedy in the world for offensive breath, and will make the most foul breath, pure nnd sweet. iSulien rs from tliat most horrible disease, ulcerated catarrh, will find this remedy to be unerpialcd, ami a month's use will cure the most ob ptinate case. A single trial will con vince nny one. Kitting the uneiush- cd berries is also good for sore throat i and all bronchial complaints. After smoking do not expose yourself to cold air for at least fifteen minutes. The tarries are perfectly harmless, Sil'.vlu" 7li& ; remedy. They can be procured at any drugstore. In "nNOLAND they are adopting a ISprse slioe made of cowhide, and known uatthe Yates shoe. It is composed of trV?c thickness of cowhide compresstnl jnlo a sUa l mould, and tlu-n pubjt-cted toclu-mical preparation. It is claimed for it that it lasts longer nr.d weighs nlv one fourth as much as the com mon iron shoe; that it will never cause the lioof to split, nor have the lerst injurious influence upon the foot. It rt quires no calks ; even on aplmlt the burse never- slips. Tlic shoe is so claque that the horse s step -is lighter iv to and surer. It adheres so closely the foot that neither dust nor can penetrate between the shoe and the lioof. Sweet Pickle. Tnko ciglit ponnd of green tomntocs and c!iop fine; arid four pounds of liiown sugar, and boi! dov7n tlirce hours ; add a quart of vinoair. a t'apoonfnl p.t'-ti of rrmc;, rinnnmnn, nnd cloves, nnd 1 ki) : fiou fifteen minuit.es: let cool, nr.tt pit info ifir or other vessels. Try this recipe on-e, and you will try it ngain. AW U !&( & STARTED to ecvni a In 1 9a making. lQf4 VY llrlW HliUh miUV JAah 7)Ur andfymJ mat , DEPEND ON STRAWS RIDGE 8c CLOTHIER, desire lo malce known to con sumers who find it inconrenient to visit the ciry every time DfY GOOD3 are ncele!, thnt our Mail ni.ii aiKippm iu:iy o - cane wnue sluing comiortably at aoine as satis factorily as at our counters. - , AM thit ii nccf.sary is to address to us a letter mer-tininj Xht: linA cf good k-;rc 1, and SAMPLES to select fior.i vill bj immediMely fonvarded. C'r.'.fr are filled at the identical prices for which the foods arc tli-it day wd 1 over the counters. The expense, trouble and fatigue of going to t'l.j city are avoided and " - - iiv-ii nuuii u: micttcu were our estatHibnmtct visited in pvi-san. .4 Tor y;irs v- hive made this peculiar branch of the Dry Goods 1ms ine?s a favorite study, and 5'ie success of our MAIL ORDER DE PARTMENT is attested by the fact that an order is rarely filled with out making a permanent customer cf the person ordering. Every order,, he it f.r a yard of mud-n or a weddlr.g troussiu, meets with the most careful and prompt attention. - ' SAMPLES rC all V.In ! of DRY G0C3S, SILKS, DRES3 GGCDS, PRINTS, LIKENS, FLA.NNELS, CLOTHS, e'e, with widOus and prices con .-ct'y marked, promptly forvarded on application. STh'AWBRiDGE COR. EIGrlTII A rillLADELrillA. LI.L I . T, LLLLLL. oooo O ( o o o o o o o o f) o ( I) oooo oooo O I) o o o o o o o oooo K K A K K KK h K K if K K fj CARROLLTOWX, Xxm- So called ly nnmnns of persons who have returned from Johnstown, Al! na, KlMMisl-nrg, nnd elsewhere, with tlic dear-lought knowledge that we who were not among the first to open in Carrolltown, lut who were the very first in Northern Cambria to sell floods at sucn H U.MihKr Dl, TH Af" AHY OTIiE.T HOUSE THE B'J2SKESS. AIL riMS ARE ROTTFTLLY INVITED S. C. KRO M.TOM'X, JAN. IS. I'TS. 113 and 115 Clinton ALWAYS t t sr? j V-r kjr Stoc-U r rry ridod. .otioi s Mimncrr. i arpet. t jo.ii i n,rf,. H,e Lfi-;j Is THE I IMP. nK'-ITi: t- nui. IOKV r. i: ItK. Kid K" bKVAT Wt;KX, 'i in; m.w i i.r.s i it atki UOot( ok r!;,.i"l, s' sehi.isf hook lor the IVnr-vlv.ni lliidil. I.i'n-rn! trn.s t. A.'i-iuh. e id t3 i.ilO h f om-e Tor ,-.iri:i). t.- oiitn. or 11 re- t r r ourfi pane SHinplc. Hnd mniie t"i rtt..rv minieri Art. drt-ss . . UUU HUM II, I'lirdi-hor, rw-r. t IUhhisri kg. Pa. r25oti t fitj tn .-7 uhat j,;;., .. v ,u r.tw thi OELKCT CITOOL. The under- fisrtierl propos-s to open lor teachers and Advanced scl a rf'i-f', s- liool ohirs s1 l-Lmt prinif. l..amhnaconntv. on Monday M y r.iL ImT A.t prs .us wishinit to alien I will plea r -t.l.iress tne her ,m Anril l.nh Call on Che, Srrin,,. WliM?' A' j . ! - y - 1 ,J V. ,: ..1 CC41 qee'A name; v j wi otic!) rtuwiiiM over aft TPiofiWia mm Order Department is so perfected-" j the goods are Stdocfcd from a j flfl & CLOThiiFR. XT) c-TT?rr-rc: KKRR It R H R 1 R H RRR H It H R K It H R r.FXEE V. FEE V. EF.EF.E ir ti H H n mi m n ir II II EEEERB sr core 9 oo- LOW i'JUCKS, can do 10 TILL AADJfBCE FOR THEMSELVES. TEITELBAUM BRO. Street, Johnstown, HAVE TIIE r t- JL. JtX. W. Oil Cloths. Ac to 1 . l. r . - . iiiiinlier and stri . . iunu inumlirm county. I "FTAIIMS AT PIIIVATE I T t 1 j i midersipne niters at private, sal t-1" foMowinj p. ffM-itieo. t,. nit : A triet ol land ' in Snyder lownship. Hliiir -;.,.i.,ly. IV, m,ics frla r.ast Tyrone, con! :tinin Its acres, wel'l iininv.l li .yjnif th. rci.n all the necesiry farm l.nildinaV " tuM.:.!ii mko mo or three parts ' i rtrsir-d bv vnr.Mi.i-frs, and il not sold b-tore the tlic first of Mnr-h next, it Will thou be rented Alsr,. the farm on which I nm. rest. I e. in toVnn ! townf lyp imies Iran Altflonn. This proi.e"r.v ! is In a hiffh m itflorcnlliYatloa ;ind has n spl.-miid ! heuse. .,rj ar l ether f.u.l.lir.-s thereon erected , A,'",0- ,rii'" ol ii;roreii land sllnarert nri!r ' in Mlairand Cambria count es, containing 27S ' acres. This iraet is nnderlaid with coal ol ecot-, L rnvcrm wttn timher, and hao a rartr hunt to it. rcadv for shlppinir coal. These lands will l,e jiold as a whole or divi.d, and on terms to suit purchase, or wfI1 exchanue i? - .'.Hln c,,-v rroperty. For rnrtlr lnfrraa lion call on or address W.M. HKCKEK a3. Box Altona, "iKST Use or Steam. It is still a I .,'aiablc matter -who was the first j lai'asuggested .'the use of steam as a j "Ctiv'er-power.-- All that is known as i j point may be comprised in a sentences. Hero, a man of con- .. . n l-.in ' r . . . 1 1 1 .11 Willi I 1 1 1 1 111 11 . 111. j.in ATe-saiMliia, in the reign of rtolemj' n-tiladefphusy stands pre-eminent as tlie filst who reduced the power to a Jnechailical;-contrivance, of which he hts. gi'en description iu one of his oiks.- Still there is no account of Hero's 'application of steam to arts 'and manufactures, nor, !ntlced, any account of its riower leing applied to iiscfui.rvurpC)8j, until the fifteenth cCiitUi'Yj when ilathesius, an ingenious writer, v proposal to employ Hero's! contrivance ho sum a sp.t. - In. the sixteenth c'euttiry, ibolomon de Cans, a French engineer, proposed to apply the classic jowcr of steam to rise watery' and suggested a simple i-appavatus for the purpose, consisting of -a. boiler fixed over a fire, having a stand-pipe fixef irj.t4.c top of the boiler, its lower CHtrernity ' terminating near the bottOmijt " tliferwatcr, and its upper extremity'camed some height above the tojV, of . the boiler. The elastic force1 of '? team being raised by the fire, passed Si pon the surface of the water, and-caused a jet to descend from the upper extremity of the pipe. The same principle is described in a work published 'by the Marquis of Worces ter, in 1683; entitled "A Century of the Naroe5,iand Scantlings of Invent tions," in which he describes a method of erniSlay-jiig the power of steam to rise water. -;:vV "' Scotland scetr ;o be entitled, how ever, tovtbe sidr of having first f ifluTfaed- itk 'i er-. to navigation in a-.practical, lauiT?r although France and lyngl' .1 eU-tlaim the merit of having r' letfie suggestion that would natms' ?-vLttf The result mentioned. f Haits if tiie Japanese. - , j JaparTgsie-jiAHt of reversing itdng'i-r w?' may regard our own ' oi doing asJthe proper way. is very na, and hi 'serine ofits details very- .Trcsting. .Mr,- i(J dflitlis, in his work JaparsrHscusses it thus : "Another rain ;jswnno:, :;. lie 3mi1I.s the plane LtorrRts fiimv'i'noticrf"a blacksmith si work". He 'pulls, the bellows with liis feet, while he is holding and hanr iriring with both - bands. He has everainDns in the fire.md keeps his drpnetli p6t boiling with the waste 'rne. . : Jlis 5 whole family, like the "geperjitions before -thera. iseem to get their living in the hardware line. The cooper; bold his-tuJjs with his toes. All of them" sit down wliile tliey work. Perhaps that is an iaiportaftt difference tatween a..Eoiopean ;uid ia Asiatic. One sits dotrniic his worlt The other tandsuirtyrlt,'lVhy Ts it;ihat"wc do things' contralHwte to : theJapaSiese ? Are we upside down, or they ? The Japanese say that we are reversed. They call our penmanship 'crab wri ting,' because, 9ay they, 'it goes back war4,J ' The lines in our books cross the page ITke a catfish, inslead of going downward 'properly. In Japanese sta bles we find the horse's Hank 'where we look for his" bead. Japanese screws screw the -other way. "Their locks thrust to life . left,'. our-to the right. The baby ; toys , of the .Aryaa race sqneak wIrd , they are squeezed; the Turnon'an gimcracks -emit noise when pulled apart. A Caucasian, 'ttf injure his enemy, kills him a Japanese kills himself to spile his foG ' Which race is left handed ? 'VVhkh.Tjas the nega tive, which tho "positive 'of truth? What is truth? What is down? What is up?" -" .. A Cure for Cancer Mr." David Cu!ieppcr, of Russell county, Alaba ma, publishes, to the-world for the benefit, of the" afflicted, that he has been citjped of cancer by the use of the following recipe,-and that he believes it is an infallible -:retnedy for that dreadful disease : Take equal quanti ties of the roots of white ash, black sumac, and fat lightwood or pine, and boil them in water. until a strong tea is made, and use jt forconstant drink in place of water, tea,l coffee, milk or any other beverage, and eat nothing salt or greasy. Take new -tar and simmer it-over a slow fire until it forms a tough wax, and apply i in the shape of a plaster to the cancer, over w hich first sprinkle corrosive sublimate; the plaster and corrosive sublimate to be renewed every day or every other day, as most convenient, the cancer to be 1pt dry. lf this "remedy is followed j without regard to pain "or swelling, .1 which will ' both be great, and all stimulants Retained from, Mr. Culpep per guarantees a perfect and speedy cure. We give the recipe for what it is worth, without knowing its value. anything. of i CHARLES J. STAHL, PRACTICAL BOOKBiHOER, No. 110'.) Kl.EVKXTU A VKXUE, vvl foona, Xxt;, I'lvfiin-ii iw no mi wnrK m nis line, such s im. j.ona-ers. liocKets, May-Hooks, lieed JfcMwis, other Ulank HM.ks, Maifaxlneg. IMu'ic HiH.ks, ramphlets. Constitutions, livo-Laws- i.c .-. , i -it i.inirM: no. lee. in i lie re and nn the most reasonable tbkms. i ne hest manner. ' uia hooKs ueDound to look Like rsew, j And sati ration rully pnaranteed In old'as well i new worK. iiavmn tioen in tho IJiH.Kbindinir l"J'r(f o.r over t ! rt - -re in ilnt ,nr i, . wloeh i have re?ide. i'n A itixuia. 1 fl itt cr tn vsedt J"1"- J.f.tn !.. mure dilleroiu kinds and better fvind- delp:1ia. iii-lr! ics at a distance desirinir wort i i! in anv man onfsi.le of p Vn.L- ,.w n..; . ' " !' ! r or nt it to me with cverv aur ance that it will he attended to pr mii.tl'y, at is laetor.ly and at the lovxest pt.ssiMe rles, no mat ter whet her common or Tanev bindings are des'red -A larire assortment ot lliiidcr's Stock kept ..iis:nitU- on hand, fr .rn which tho ki. t bmd injr wishw.i f ir cr.n he vlccfed. Orders !icii..l Alluoiiii Keb. lS7s.-tr. ' - . "fevrvr i n r.-1 : i . - . jvj . i-n uLieiiy given 10 an itar-f tiea niteref.t.il, that the ari-mint r,fJ Hcrrnan Banniur. Assurnee of Wm. hi. fionitehcr. i " in. 'i in n o once oi the rr'thonotry of . .j i , i, nnu mat unless exeep. thms be tied thereto on -or before the -4t dav .,f Apnir..- IsTR. f.t the Arrntnrnt tour: tl.M ..n. together with tuc distribution therein suirKesUd wall be eon firm. -d si.olnfely W C. P. O'DONNTXmU Prothcflotry I rothonotar.Vsonjije.Kitiisburt. iVlar.11, 17H,-3t SSTABLXSBED FC THS77-CSE 7S&&S. i i soil F.W.M& WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OF ?m, ooma AND Sheet Iron Wares AND DEALEHS IX AND- HOUSE-FtTiMSHING GOODS GENEU LLV. lobbinp; in TIX, COPPER & S HEET-! ROA' ruoirTLY ATTENDED to. Nos.278. 2S0 and 2S2 Washington Si., JOHNSTOWN. PA. Alessrs. EDITOUS : A. we were connectej with Br. QUINGYA. SCOTT'S ! Dental Establishment! AT THE TIM R HIS Were mann facttird. we state vosirlvely that these elegant l'ental Specimens which reeVtvet! tho CENTENNIAL MEDAL and D1FL0MA WKRK MAPK BT DR. QUINCY A. SCOTT An.l his assistants. And we desire nlso to sta'e that we hare been In many dental imees. nti. have sen dentistry in all Its phases, hut have never s.en work turned out auywhe-rc to ciju.il thai wade at T Penn -Atomic, piTTsnritHii, We do not think It necessary, but we also wish to endorse Xi-. Cfcviino.v .A. Scott As a irentlenint). njiriulit and lioti, r.-!!o in ail soeial an.l ouine.s relations. JOHN SCOTT. Dr. W. II. I'KHUY. 1U JOS. UHAHAJI. JOHN K. AI1L., ALL OF riTTSBi-i:i;n. PA. i Manhood: How Lost, How Kes'ore,! .pr.- Just jmhiis .'-JL,t j ruiT en tin lied, a new edition d i the rniSir.-.I riirr. r wi: h.,i,t I ril v.J.-. ' ,.w,.l w. ; .... . 1 tneilieinei of Svkhum A-nifonr , i Seminal Weakness, InroluntnrvSeniin.il ! UnoTKttrv, Mental and IMiysioal Ineapaeitv, lm- 1 txtdiment to Marriajcc, &c. : n Iso. l!sei v i:tiu I Krti.ErsY and Fits, induced by self-iuduluenee or sexual extra vjiiranee. etc. j jj-t'rire, in a sealeit envelotip. on'r si-v ee?!t The eelehrated author. In t his :u, nifrahle I-:aV i ciearly demonstrate, from a thirty vca-s" fitece'' i Iu! ).raetice, that the alarming conseoueneea ot I seir-abuse may be nidieallv eureil without thedan Kerous use ol intern. il meilieine or i ... ,..,n.:.. of the knfc : i.uintin out n mode ol cure at onee slmide. certain ard effeetunl. hv means ot which every sutlercr. 1.0 matter what ids condition nuv rally1"1' CUrC L,Ulse11 cheilI'ly, JTivately and ra.li'. -Thia Essay slr.nl, ! he in fi,e hands or cverv you: liuitl every man in the land. Sent, nn.ter seal, in a plain envelope, to anv ad dresg. post paid, on receipt id six eents or two post Ke8tauiis. Address ihe -ultiher THE ILVKKWI I.I. DI IUI AI. CO., Po-tOmce B 45H,.ntr'tt- r-l., THIS SVAY t" Orders roppotfullv aolioitfxl H7 Drm Mssm, Met ttWrWf " 'ZM I jL 'J "e oi nrucs. JWe.licinos ft f . the nmlftrci mn4 ir n . - i. , ned and elegant assortment of ' Perfumery, Toilet an.l Washing Soaps. uic rinvurintr r-.TTracts, Ksscnccs or all kln.t .athWvViun Fluid'. 'i&rXft nwns, ate, together with stock or. 11: u -elky, Tooth, Hair Shoe, Scuhand I.'ustin Rmhs Combs or atl kind. Tobacco. Cigars Pi7)C, ,la' ware. Lriur.ps. Urap tlhimnc s. and hun.'lre,l'.Tl" Sr,,,irb.-a,s?r,e-to --..rsM VeryLovest Prices for Cash. LEMMON &. MURRAY. Eliensburg-, Jane 8, 1877. 2j HEALTH HAPPIMESS. ihni, " ' i . wealth to j lfn u n and nnpji itiolr oswtt3, nntl 1 Vet the v lire in,jn i... .. ot even- ..., ..... will ... " "-- reacu Wrights LIVER rniei .... . v. n r. lor lorpia Iiver. Dvsi.ei.sia Headache. Sour Stoniaeh, Const,,,:,, -on. IietMliv' IS vuSAa. and all Billions e,.in,dai,,t, n 2; oiMir: cr -None eenine unless sino-.i .'Vm' U riKbt. Phila." ir your Druuist w 1 not n V A. 4 In T, M Jft, C - . v ' - ' --, 1 HUH F-i. ,.s -iy J W. II. ECIC, M. 1).. 111 VSIt'I AN AMI Srn-iv Om;e , .Tohn W; SharbauVh K Of the clmrcli, where niirht culls cn be m'.'i,' list). s IJlej :iin.J f3-8. a M. KJ vr,I.U. Al. II Mivsicv r- w i r . . - A I 8lTftOKr, Khonsr.il noo reeantlY OoihibUhI reewtiy pHipiw1 by Or. J..T. O.tman tw t e ot Himt limmt, H-?b St.. wi, "re nill woarnh. ; 1M1.'T-,. rf.l by lr. J. .1. ((".tinaii. t i iiiiii we ninht ' w-uil GEO. M. REAJ5E, AMorrcu-aU I J'bmASi.rn P. HfL0 Centre street, ' Br ;s.j7 "T'Pf! f! fwev-jf ! Closing- Out Sale! HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, Ac, Ac, AT COST! COST!! COST!!! riH E nn'lcrIirne(l, harins rnnclu lcd to cre vt J his liufinw a ear! v in t lio Spi in a poilii, will from tliio .1 ito H'-ll'S I'ltVKS, MAKInVAKi; TIN an! MIEKT1KOX WAHE, ic, fc.c, AT COST TOR CASH ! Viicl Ci s;li Onl.v. As my stock, whfrh Is alir.-ist cntirf-ly new, w.is bought fur on fli wlion ohm It- w re lnwn to the low eft Miiit. ami s tlie munulart nr-rs i1 many no!s in mr line are flai;y ailvancin their i riocs, this oiler (fives the public the BEST OITOPJUMTY TO SEfL'RE BARGAINS EVER PRESENTED IN THIS SECTION. In onler to give tlm pu'lif an t.len .f wlmt I am Belling ttoo'ls at 1 submit a few of my Great Reductions in Prices: IhjuMe-bitted Axes, worth l.Vi to 1.-5. Kcluml to 1.15 to M.35. Knives nml Forks, worth s'c. to 4.WJ, i:-ittifp.i to flic, to 5u r-o. Sil. I'la. TaMe Spoons, wortli iZ ;.o to ..-. .V), i;(..h.-...i t. r-j.inj to t3.tx. Sil. IMa. Teas;oon, worh tl.T'i 'o 2.7r. i;o,i( 4 .! t.. ij.l.S tn il.S.". Sil. Pla. Tahle Castors, worth i.7a to i- no. Uoiiii' t-.l t.j 1.15 to j.'X'. (Jook Stoves, worth .Jii.i.oo to tMi.Mj, );e.!nce. to lis 00 to 'JS.OO. licatinz Stoves, worth 6.'i to 3S 00. Ke.!ucel to 4 .00 to 2.VO0. Afii rf.rreiK)n'!inif reductions in all other jrooiis now in stork. In hort. no more than eost i.Tir-e will be Mstecrl for anv nrti le on hnn!. while many things will l.e SDLh AT IKSS TH A N . is T. In makiiiit this ofier. however, I wish it to t dlstlnlly utiIfrstiMil that no ifoot will te pi-r-mitteil to Jenre the riore uutil )ni! f ir. I'roirii.-rs to )ay tomorrow r next week will not anwer,as I ainleterniinel to close cut my business on a cash l.asis only. M& Persons" owfnir me book a?c.untg or notes arc requested to iay ui an.t save rot. KtKJK lIL'ItTLEY. F.l'ensbtirs, Jan. 11, 1STS. tt. CQLLIHS, JOHHSTQH & Co EBENSBURG, Penn'a. MOKEY RECEIVED OH DEPOSIT, imyaiim: - ii:mam. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. MONEY LOANED. COLLECTIONS WADE, AND A OKNKKAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. JVPff Cm at font ion pai'l to hin;np; f c-or-rc-pnnloiits. A. V. r K. Nov. 13. H75.-tf. Chi-r. PrcGiical vv nTPr.TQroTi r 1 II ULtl'ulii One lf.r or UunMrj-M liar lw.-e More, EBEMSEIFRC, PA., JI"AS always on hand a Tarn", varied nr-d ele. 1 ...unt n-.. i-"nei ..( WATCHKS ( I.'n'K- .1 i:VVF.I,HY, SHIt TAd.KS. K V K.tJI. ssi-V &e. ., which he idlers for sale at lewer JTiees than iv ther dealer in the coicitv. IVr.-ns nee:in,r an v .-ii . lima in line w.u t.. well to jrive l.;iu a caii Idjlore puretiasinr elsewhere. '-l'ror!H. attention (mid t re).airin floek. Watches. Jewelry. &e.. and satislactiou iiuran teed in ! ..th work an ! j.riee. l:i'en.-l-ur-, Jan. -Jo. ls:s.-lf. Ml If i:nri:;iT 1 E ( 1 ' 1 . OR- 1 is EI!!-NS!U-;( WilOI.r.X ciimpivy r exclianue tnwig ol its own make lor WOdJ. huh rt-UI be taken at the hi.-h.-st m:;rket i.rice oT. f.;ir.-.i 10 inanutartiire to ord' or . ... . i.im-11 in me m.-nest m:;rket price and h.r tin- ffatherlnsr .d whj ! w i ..,., w;1f ,,, he sent to I he various ?e ;tiin ol the count v The qu:i!itv id the ifoods w;a.V hv us is too well" known t.. need roi-oiii,er,.:;ji ion. and n.s w c are new run-mr-ir our hinry by m ,.am ,.,.wki-.. there. rr,M no in in-111:111:1 i.-ii-iure el wool sent or bru t 10 or- lor 111:11 purpose. ,T. . !'."?."; "ar'!iT1C. Full.lii; find DyciDif , . .. , ... ... ..... lv, ,., wornmaniiKe hum ;n 1 ne loivesr p ;,,. rates F.lx mshura-. May 11. lsTT.-lf. manner QKAAVFOHI) HOUSE, Km-ssiu llnvir.i; once more Inker. p.-XM-ion n ol t he n-,-11 r. w h.eh 1 e . I if Kir.l 11.;..,,, -;,(IJt i. a? rio;eii an reli.rn : hed tn ifo.jd m 1 it- ii n i inienu- nrrealter to c-.ndu-prine p'.is. the suhseribc-r t on st ri. t letiiirt r.-iiM-e earnestly sdlelts the I ; ; ".." iu may viMt t lie eoiintv scat """ pleasure. 1 lwhi.tr. he -... , hti.iselt to entertain in the l,st p.,f,:i,ie nann.-r an 1 at the lowest possible priae. iLxc-lU nt aee. m who w. l find the fr.iwford" a jdeasant and e nomieal place al which to sp. ,I the heated term , ., Isaac chaw I'oki. KhenshurK, April 27, Is77. PIRKB'S MARBLE WORKS, 139 Franklin Street, Johnstown. inami-fcS-;i.;. H"f -. .l-i t I rn and 'j'-'t . i.! incvt rj im sr Itjiliaii AmencHii Marbles. Knttre satis ch-Vif.vw zilP f,ri j ui; I Gen'l Insurance Accent, i:n i:sisvita, ia7 i oitcies written at short notice in the OLD RELIABLE "ETNA11 Anil ..liter llrn, lo...tiUll tbensburg, Sept. 22, 1S77 -ly. JAM KS WILKtKSON WILKINSON "ii n. t. o'rciEL, O'FRIEL, 1 rAlTUKERS I Tf K. IJUCKIJ- v Atti.knky-at Law. with F. A. tiicNsnciin. Pa. All l.usil.l-ss l.erln,.. . .TV- ' ; ' - n ly attended to, .,d . U-cti,.; I ZVS- ertni edio, and ..ilectioi.s . . v m a- p . m ( k ; T W. DICK. Arrokstr. AT L wv. i:h. Mvd new-b oi i ; "'lv of.T: eri.burir, V D .l'Ji1-, 1 "r.ix. .i.,,, IlloMcor.nftor. , wi.h hl.T.rcItl.H,. II. cnadc Kow. rP.. .,.?.'.. ,t 7" ' ! I" .Hntrrr.l ' M'.M. f I --!. 7. -H.J P. $ 9 4 A. SHOKMAKER AT-IiAW, F.lnsbnrr- t) 1 r..--t , Attorney- Oe-e on U jb COIiAf, 11 1HIK. Vorv l.T.iutifuI ornaments ..r ninde in t-xntt imitation of c,r Take a pound of lpn-iv 1 J. a poumi of vermilion, siv i, . use a tlry pv.k-r; nult tho rV " an iron kettle over a .slow fi,-(.' nt,'.,x in the vermilion ; mix it t' .v ! by constant stiring. Mako'r-;, articles you wish. If it a ' basket, take strong wire , l tie it firmly together at a!! tV with w hite w.-apping twine cloth ti-ht around t! ie 1 1-,. ti ls the best, lest von art t),,. r.''1' 1 large tie knots of "wrapping,' ' tight over the wound wire; euV. ends at various lengths, froiu ) inch to two or three niches, t! " ' "scaggy" it looks the belter "r ', i . 1 -. . - . corus 10 Mipeiid it o-, triko '.;n-..-c the twine and tie knots of" tV--'" cutting ofT t!ie loops so a? t0 1. them standing out in every il:r--" Take a pan nnd suspend vo ;r 1 V over it, so as to save nil the dj';.' Then with a large spoon '.. " wax and vermilion all over it. ,-. ''".'. every i-ai tieleof the cl '. As it grows cold, bend the praVs graceful fonus, to imitate tho hruL-' of a coral spray. p;t: U-u'.f- the suspending cords are covei-i ,' hang straight. Jt cools ci v , " and if there are nv.y vacant . you can heat the "wax 1 ',; -, , the sprigs. When old, y..-.i r yourself the owner of a thfn of u an.l one that will last you fir nil ; '. For ferns and dried imtn r bright mosses, it is very f;;..-, "Xl's bright red of the coral c-ij.r-s " ti fully with the shades of 2111. brown. Very handsome wall baskcU cr.n V made in the same wav, bv j.jls!." your wire frame in a pretty f ;:n,y tying it with cords. The" u-aru knots reactnblc coral spu'r? ic v- ,. perfect is your work. If y our first clf-jrt doe" ivt a;;r it is no loss, because yo-i can v.) '': the wax, so as to make all the c'.::r:: you wish, and then t'ip it :i'.i k.. again. The cost of the wax .1:1 .1 v: luilion will be about, f.r'tv ? enough to make a lare bra-.-U-.-t s basket. It will n-jt do" to ltt tic:H i. iu the sun. or near the stje, a heat would wilt them, b:t ..!:. -:". they are both uurabl-j an. I beuir.:: T.VTTOOINii TN ?AMU. ijuth of seventeen is to 1- among t!ie Samoaniles .v.'e. .1 . i i . i . -i i-iawiiiu-iv uiiiooeu. L :u: livi i.: nv -, nnd water are ned f..r col i i;. J That pa it of the bu'ly frobitU .J.-.-i to the knee, is covc-r.-d wit:. s v..,;, ' Tted pfittt-rn that at a t.i.Ui ; uW.:.:. resembles lacework. TLv i vwruv.--1 consumes two or thive .."'.. . the operator is very i.w -' z .' f hi? pay. Wl,e.i ! 1 a:f !; L! leniHuds Ins m.-omp. n-'. m, i; .. 1 not foithcomii l:t- i-t e- t? f r.!-. ) the work A :'.n m-.'ii . ir. 1 disgrace if he c: e a!.j;;l ha;: t-.it--- : The girls laiU at hi sn. ar. 1 scorn him. The prove is v;vv ', fn), and the victims areihi'.el wi. untergrii;g it. Some le.-t-:;:-: r:: j skeli l'ins before tliev aie c-'-n.- ' but it is t!ie fashion, an.l V.:iy t. I repaid by the admiring . :a:u-t I: :..: v.omtn. The females are nut .- cot;V-t covered with the tattoo tieiy ns :. ; men, bec.uise they aie b.tcirt.l ly ! j pain of the operation ; b.;l s an arm let, a strawberry t middle of the baek. tirgr:ict .:-'.' '- j on the lea she-lder is v.. i- the w ork is gi-nerallv u-;v t:-.-'. - ' done, it is ceiiMc:vd :-.V-i" " the lieai.U" of these da-ky kiliu. A Ci w ro Oak:.!- V. ;-i ' correspond . nt wi ties l:..:-i C- ,---t . ' when, as is of' en th:: '-:. cow's teats 1 -cccita s !!: : i : -. ' c to milk it may be c'ovd " ' Take a pint, basin. p;;, i: r.s liandfid ot cornniLa!. i : it ' j cup of hot water. S:i: it u:'.'i :' i cool enough for yon to ;, ,;, , : in; then batlie "the b -i- r'y -1 ; ; "-; them into tiie li-h nnti! the tion is out of th m : mi!!; g r.tly. the udders are tend-r, ati-l p-it ! ' lard or linseed oil on the n 1 k-r f. milking. I think a ti i:d of a f .; will convince the most .kep':c:il. -; that bunch witli it, an l. ia a --i ':. ' bailie with beef brine twice .i tl:i.v. r I give liberal doses of gaigtl aii-1 ? peter. This is the Wt r.i a'lv swollen big after the coweonu-i::t ' I know of Mirror a 'nl Ii n, r. To Desthot Inskcts The Lni- ing reee!pt, ( which we find in the--7 '" i not o f C'o iMfWri) for the detHKi' ,;; i Ol insects, wlneiif if it te oi eii:in a tflicaeious as it is claimed to K v, i prove invaluable: Hot ah:rn is a recent suggestion as sin iiiscn t:- c. It will ties troy rel and l-i:uk si''-5-cockacht, chinch bugs, sm-.l si! '"( crawling jests whiiii ii:!e-t h.i Take two pounds of ah:ni. n:: 1 ?f solve it in three or four 'i '"'4''1 of boiling water ; let il M:ih! cii Vf fire till" the alum di-.-ipj :o: u apply it with a brush. v!,!!e- i - ' Injiling hot. to every joint r.:. I v't ' in your closets, beiUteri "!-, i'"'! ' ' shelves and the like. lhu-!i irtva in the floor ot the skiitir. or ' ; 1' la-ards. vermin. if von UsOeCt !'. y Xl l TilAI.lZIN.; lVlSi N. -V ot any conceivable deMiiyo debtee of puteiu-y, whitli 1 r.s ' tentioiial!- or accidentally .-,v-may, it is said, le rendered Histaiitlv haimles-5 bv ii:.!-!v s .,i ; ' ::'.:i is i.'T' ir.g two gills of sweet oii. A with a very strong t onftilr.t t:.ke neailv tviif th-.- 'j ..i !: .v oii, il i a!Ie.;ed, will mo-u p- iu ;.ti aii;u' every foii.i id Vt anim.d, or mineral poi-on ph vsi..i iris si.d !- -i"1 ' 'rc-t. i ;