13 tX uatuMB TOE CALIBRE! FREEMAIL fRlVA r, - - Je' il31t LOCAL AND PERSONAL. . iir.a rttr.Mf Ylnr0. llere. inert. ....... ,4aml.rU borough Is d'T afflicted with lpon?'fnrget tk onort at li. Cort noose this (Friday) eysning. The weather ban been an cold ft charity krtbe last two or three days. . L-Aa we write Wednesday morning Old BeTvas Is giTlng o what Beacber denies tb ai!s tei.re of TbeWesterntnlon Telegraph Company, Bl,w without a competitor, baa Increased Its rates 20 per cent. lr. "" I'M'- Sheridan and two ehll dru passed east over tba Pa. B. R.ou Tues bt inornlni last. Mr Ax. Paul, of Mcyersdale. Somer set county. lias Just been striuk by a ii 00,000 forl'ine Scotland. If you would bsingusalnad of kindling wood on account we would be glad to have It as soon at possible. Hldnlght funerals baTe become a aad necessity in Huntingdon owing to tbe pre valrnreVf the smal!-pox. . (.tut of the depths of an empty pocks' huek we call npon all persons luilabt d to us t. poJ up aliiiost delay. tny consumptive are bow using Dr. FNvairr' Knot Bllfer And ft. ash 8yup with rmarfciitl suca-ssb. lAl.-ly.j A deiixbtful entertainment may l ked f'T at ike Court House this areulDg. fc.e programme in another colnm-j. Tlie concert to be given and the cause to U served should draw a large crowd to tbe Cmirf House this (Friday) eveulug. -TljuuipMjn with a "p at I II bold ibe f,it, ..:' a t ousequeiice Jamee without Le J ui ciT.irt bia old position ou tbe fbe ttreenback-Labor party in Holli tUyshiirg, as elsewhere, bring yet lu Its in j jk.-y , ban nominated a Bnckliug for burgess if iti'ar borough. Ibis 1 to give uotlce that all citizen troubled witb Cong h or Cold Should at once procure a lnittle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, j'rire 23 cents. Tbrre or fuur Inches of snow fell on Tuesday n'f lit last, but Old Boreas piled It up in sueu huge drifts that it is of little rc n'uut for either ornament or hs. -TLe spring election will take place In liit'e more tbrtu three weeks from date, and yl iia man has bad tbe temerity ask if we ViuuMu't like to Is o candidate fr burgess. !rua!l-pox it said to be ravaging Me . tonics-burg and various other villages in Italians ci.uuty. In the former place on subr'- family is counted among thn sufferers. Wiirii the Republicans of Altoona JIurd wbo bad len nominated for Mayor by the Ivmocrats cf that city they no douht fmi tut i hey hadn't a Ith man who could boat un. A'm Mon Is called to tbe advertisement f Wrs. I.ah Flenner, In another column, i.fivring a small hut valuable farm In Adams T, r:ptilp at private sale on the ruont Ulieral rrn:s .Ii hn Carroll, of Cresson, wbo Is now In ! Holiidsyshurg jail nnder sentenie for j rii. ! tlon In tbe .Inly riots, will apply to Mm lu.Ard of I'ardont, at February ?tona, trr r'rns. .faiok Keshler jumped frrm a moving f-nili'. train In tbe Tower varil at Altoona s Tnlay lss, hnt tnissing his fooling, fell si.ri lir.-i his right i-g ht eu the knea fl at-.k!e. --U's ( prgra'nlate the peopl of A 1 toon a. the selection of Mr. John C. Bnlhvan as Ivmorratie candidate for City Treasurer. N mors hsaeet it capable man could have r etn-sen. -The Huntingdon J.erol JVeif says, that r. M. Ij. Kej, of Uapletou, hns tieeti vac nia'd thirty. seven tiroes within the past rars, thirty-sixof hich failed to bring Msht sj.swer. At Fsl Consmangh, this contity, the j r Taking alitnstit Is ;iifHlfs, and as an In-ism-e r.f itn virulence il is srvld that a ntar- r i ami tier six cl.ildrcn are all down i'li Mis rt'.tenne. C ,;. ,7n. F. Mlllikrn, late District At-"rr-T r.f p!a!r comity, has been heaid front i; Eaypt, where he claims to have good jr"M "-ts fur a position under the Khedire, t-t wfrie otlipr dive. A pr.f ket-look containing a small anm f f motifv was found on tha street on Mor.ilay ', lit l the r.wnf -an have by railing on t nrAi.ie ,tnhn Wherley and eslahllsbing 1'isrlann to Ibe property. 1'nrtioiis, nf the brains of Mr, Joshua C. 7Vrky,thn as killed hy the rara at Johns. t'in on 8turdsy nitfht lt, are said to hare been tarried all vh way to IMlleburgb no i!i w-tele of tbe Fast Llua. If the rjvuvtx'ra: of Altoona do their 'iity on the third Tuesday of next tiiomh Hit lust will )m nird all over the laud that thr liitre elected their raudidate for Mayor ht a largely Increased rusjority. TLo Uireeiors of the Itialr Conn'.y Ag ticn'.iural Bocity are already in tbe field Ui the announcement that ibey will hold a fa! r In Hili J,i yshu'g next fall. A air t-i.t! in gkiod time to all coiicvruej. If you svect g'od and bealtbv fool for Tur family, jou nbou:d also lock to th w;.rat oi your bai-y. For all troubles of t liinUiiHHl, nothing la better than Dr. Bul.'s Ul.y Syrup. i3 cents a bottle. S Teiteaiitn k I5ro., of Carrolltown, UrtJ ui ly make a good i:auie for t lem- s by selling tbe Ust of goods at the i-wtti .i ii ea, anl vt ell have tber earned ana miatiitrd their reputations lu that respect. A heartless and cowardlv wietch named kson, who has dishonored Latrohe hy bis .rtsenre, Irnuturt-d his wife's collar bone one "ruing ;n,t week hy stilking bor with a 1-eavy poker, and then left for part tsn k iii t n. -Samuel Ha:m, of Myersdale, Somersnt !uiny, who was seriously injured by a fall c a! jn a mine near that pl'at-e a few dav S". Ml dead ou Monday last while In the vor aa.Ving across tho fbor of his b&l chamber. A jntirg rnan named Frank Gardner, son r Mr. Andrew Oanlner, of Clearfield "inty, as we learn from tbeOoceola Reveille, i'1 one of his hands cut off on Tuesday of taut woek whi'.e working at a atraxv-cuttinz fiackins. -The Johnstown Trihvnt, al-vays trnth . says that Mr. .tame F. Campbell. Ir.. fat. n of the editor of the Edenburg fjti Tirrr, J'-ss sonred a notdtlon with the Messrs. Col I ns, and will leave for Brazil In course of a Uw xeeks. We still send ottr paper trt a few persons hj Aw un for two or more years' subderip Ion. hut If they don't soon pay op, or give (Vti"fartory M"',n 'or not doing so, they, a'.l those whu have gone before, will soon cat Into outer darkness. . The merciful mn is mercifnl .to bia ntssi. Horsea and cattle are soitr'cea of 1'roflt, therefore should e well cared for. "T he timely use of Fontx's Celebrated W'Jrse ud Cattle Powders, the Uvea of many alnaM animals will be saved. Hope in said to spring eternal in the hu man breast, but the editor of tke Hollidaya 'Bf Htywer seems to lw Oir hopeful when fie expresses tbe hope that bis delinquent patrons will call and settle up during court. (n lioow tbe printer ain't of the coming ' kind to any great extent. --Two horaes owned bvonr friend and pa "fuo, Mr. John Bierer, of Carrolltown, this "nty, were stolen from the stable of Mr. oneph Luther, in Maatown, near Altoena, Vednes.lay night of last week, but were il xvi "xt mof,'," in tho vicinity of! j ui' nan notel, In that city. l"T.",r- w- H. Kchwarte, ival editor ot the "oiiidayabtirg Standard, baa reconsidered "is conteaiplatexl ac( eptanca of a tha lw a: 'i'orshipof the Altoona 7)oi7y Tribune, tbe r nnmber of which la to appear on Mon 'y ie,t, -nosa' Traugb having made it worth uis while to remain where he is. I Z" colored, and Ahner Lamp a?a R"mnl Heck, both white, have Jdof small pox n Uunttngdon, the two r'rm-ron Friday and the latter on Patur tfc ' a ' n1 ,h w,i 18 Probably not vet, as jn Br of Healib repirted ItrsniT-ims k TT"" Sr,'daT. Ma of which, howerwr, aa:;sj . frm itaa vaof.J.. The Contity CommiSnlonprn appointed John A. Kennedv, Esq.. as Clerk and Wm. H. Secl.ler, Esq.aa ?onnse IfJr tbe current year. No appointment for Mer ' rantlle Appraiser waa then made?bnt al Vm ' got preeathia (TbnrMay) afiernoon. th Board bavn tho matter natter nhder txinaideration He of the Bellefonte Watchman wants to a . fcnnw If there la a hell, and the Hollidava. hnrg Regit: man thtnka he will fl,t nt i some of these times If ho don't atop writing ' n-l. iiwfnl amntl. tl.t 1 F r"ing . ra u it n mrw n ant a . anch awful smutty things about Ren n.,ti. Old Satan will swoop down In his mighty majesty and net blm np In thn enlphnr bual neas. W hlle Mra. Barbara Plimple, of Newrv Blair connty, was trying to adjust one of the feet nnder her cooking atove. the other ay lha old thing flopped over aud caused a quantity of scalding water from a boiler on the atove to drench her face, neck and ahoul ders, luflietlbg very painful though not m. Hons injuries. TTn i fon,naT named gentlemen were stalled at officer, of Summit Lodge, No! ' . . of ,,,,B P1", on Tuesday etening laaf, ,v A. M. Lloyd. Eeq nil O. M.. of Hotlidaysburg : A. V Barker' W M. ; Daniel W LW . Alvfu Evani A. KinkVaSf. SSSr?rM"r- "d -Few people there are who haven't fonnd ont that money can well be employed in buying the cheapest or goods and the very beat kind from those clever cash dealers, Messrs. Myers & Lloyd, who have a stock that s replete in every detail, dry goode and clothing, groceries and all, that nowhere else can be bought byretail at prices so low or at proflta so small. trTZTLr U fAmly l Center county who. If they are as brave as they're brawny, would be daugerona f lks to get into a tnu$, or any difficulty of that nature with. Their name nVn'.T (r;,V" ,!,"J,un?)' nd, accord ing to the Watchman's figures, their respec tive weht rauire an f.!l.w. -v,...i. j J",a T:3 Rowtia 2:tr,, and John 233, while ola, daughter of Noah, 20 years of age uv artii m 1U. An exchange teils the whole story In a rew words when it says 'hat twenty years of the most friendly mention of an individual by an editor will uot atone for one line that i n ult ,,im' R,", """pmy paper" is Ibe flat. But as they don't sr0p readiug the paper but only stop paying for it. we can't see where their revenge is. An editor don't or course care for tbe money, but likes to bae people read bia paper. Tbe Wi.liaiusbnrg correspondent of tbe Ilollidayshuig Mriu'nri has this to say of one of our most respected and most deserv ing voting townsmen: Mr. peter Schwab, . . "burf' ,- now T'ti"K bia friends in this place. Peter la something on "good loka, ,f we cannot understand why bis ady rrienda allow him to remain single so loug. He Is not .nly good looking, but he is a gentleman in every renpect. Mr. Fred. Shreufeldt, supervisor of the la. H. K. Division No. , which extends rrom Alto.ma to Eaet Cooemangh, has ouce more been awarded the annual premium of SIM for Mie smootheat and moat substantial track along the main line. This .s the fifth prize of the kind Mr. E. has won. four hav ing been awarded Mm in bis present position and one while previously employed in alike capacity on the Bouthwest Branch. Bom.! of our local marksmen got away wlih several brag shots from Blair county and elsewhere, notable among whom was Mr Alex. McKnight, of Hnllidayshnrg. in various shooting contests indulged In in this place on Satniday last. Tbe principal prize was a fat hog, w hich was wen by our voting townavnan. In. 1 lodgers, who at ao'yarr'.s rsi made a string of inches, while that of his closest competitor measured fally fjur inches. If tbe Altoona Aflrmr meant to sav, as U did say in irs lsne , Frnlav lat, thkt on Tuesday evening previous John M'Oovern, residing near Wilmnre, tbiscottntv, shot one hundred and sixtv-fonr crows with a shot gJ:i on one tree, and did not mean to say that John M'Oovern shot one crow with a shot-gnu on one hundred and sixty-fonr trees, then the .V.'rr-or ,nH su i,,dipntal.le right to "crow" ovr the biggest lie of the season. The beantlfnl painting of the ''Blessed virgin ami Child," which was offered for chances on behalf of tbe Chnrch of the Holy Name, In this place, was woo on last Mon day arTirnoou, at which time the drawing took place, by Mr. Harry C. Pcanlan.aon of Henry S.-snlan, Eq , of Carro!lown, who may well felicitate himself on having se cured a prize which he has a rikht to be prond of. The amount realized from tbe painting was almm 17.1. Don't get Into a pet, nor even a sweat, and mnch less ymr poor gizzard fret, m cause of this world's goods yon haven't your share : but tie content with vonr lot. and "taka pride in the thought that a'.l clothing that's iKiught from .lames J. Murnhf It the lut and cheapest that mortal can Wear, etore on Clinton s'reet, No. 109, Johnstown, when unsurpassable bargains in overcoats and other heavy clothing can now be had by al who need anything In that line. When seeking fir bargains ynn'll In variably find that hy doing what others hare done, you'll meet with fair treatment, both honest ami kind by calling on Marker & Son, who keep what la kept hy other stores in the land, and In much larger proportions no lie and sell at lower prices than others de maud a fact that few f j;ks will deny ; and whether you visit their big store in town, or go further north your want tosuprdy, you'll find all their goods in prices marked down to tbe very lowest figures that you can any where spy. Bot.a Trangh, of the HoUtdayshnrg Stan dard, who made us what we are typograph ically speaking, and bia irrt'fe-hainl man, the genial and gentlemanly Schwartz, have placed us under renewed obligations for the following kindly notice of the Fbkhman, which la only one of the many it has re ceived from that source at variona times: The Cambria Frtman completed the elev enth year of Its ex istence las', week. Pre cious few country papers are bettr conduct at ............ ... . t " r - iv. , . Tim'. ,1 t W"r2,.'y ,,br,', I,,ru,lK than that same Frtemnn "Man w ants hut little here below, nor wauls that little long," but when it comes to buying clothes he wants them goo4 and strong; and that's tbe very reason why, as we may oft have said before, that men who made-up clothing buy are apt to seek the great big store where Godfrey Wolf can at All times be found ready and willing to clothe his follow citixens in the best of wear ing apparel at the very lowest cash prices. Overcoats and other winter elot-hing at less than first cost. Store on Twelfth street, next door to the post-oiice, Altoona, Pa. Major Geo. Hern, foreman of the news paper composing room of the Altoona Trf 6une, and "big brother" of the senior editor of that paper, is, we are sorry to learn, con fined to his room with an acute attack of rheumatism, from which, we trust, he will be (a)cnfe enough to escape before many days. There are sortie men whom we regret to see suffer In this world, and don't expect to see softer in the next, as our calculation ia not to m where suffering prevails In the great hereafter, and George is one of thetrl. That he may soon lie himself again ia our earnest wish. "the Democrats of Altoona nominated their city ticket on Monday evening last, and here are the names : For Mayor, Thomas Hurd for Treasurer, John C. Snilivan ; for School Directors; T. S. Douglass and Harry J. Cornman, and for Auditor, VVm. C. Gal braiih, the present City Treasurer. Alder men lor the several districts of the city were also nominated at the same time, as follows : First District, Alex. McConnick j Secrmd District, Jas. liradley; Third District, .Tohn O'Toole. Messrs. J. V. Dougherty and Tim othy Donahue were chosen as tbe nominees for Constable on the East and West sides re spectively. A correspondent signing himself "Pen man" and writing from Portage gives an account of the death of Mr. Philip Flenner, a venerable and peaceable citizen of Wash ington township, who died on the 12th Inst., after having attained the wonderful age of one hundred peart, or npward. The deceased served with great credit to himself in the war of 1812, but to lie entitled to the distinc tion of a Revolutionary snldier, which tha Johnstown 7Vi&'in gives Mm In a tnoice of his ileath.be would hare haul to take "tip arm a in defm.se of hla country anon alter emerging from his swaddling clothes, as the B vninttonarr war was brottjajjt so .srteese fn fsrr&i !" tw tfca vear 173. iT.iV nf,,ronnt, " 'o. k taken during the Krn VfV hW,?1 ,',t M"""r' Teitelba.isn & li Sro,J,own' " lhT nforra ns, had ,Z1 w.or,,1 of wS thro in !l '"'y.wWwl to close ont at .-u-..- 1' . " ,T.n:cn '.n'y now ' to le 'If. mm win rontlnne to all m.tit . ........ - a tiiii i nasi I , A VV ,w"r c""-W" "t fonlie S !y r"gn'" ' mks mom for an Ihh HLTi of,"Pr"e and summer goods, W'hlclllwill also be sold at It.. 1.. .... w.V.k , ' " s a a i K . . a I flgnrep. m-"'ib Bamnel Dean. Eq., an uncle of Judge lean and an ex-Asaociate Jndge of Blair connty died at his home near Williamshnrg on Monday evening last, aged alwntRO years. Tbe deceased was adesceudant of one of the survivors of a raid made by Indiana on the early settlera of Canoe valley nearly a hun dred years ago, at which time several per son a of the same name were among the mitnlier murdered in cold blood hv the crnel savages. It la related of Mr. Dean, who was a most excellent and Jnstlv esteemed citizen, that for sixty-two venrs of his hsemi and eventf., life he made a full hand in the harvest field, dnring and preceding which time he enjoyed the most vigorous health Peace to his honored ashes. Two of the moat prominent and prosper ous citizens of Hnllidayshnrg, Messrs. A. M. Lloyd and H. L. Bunker, who were call ed hither on ImsiueHS connected with th Masonic fraternity, did ns tbe honor of a visit on last Tuesday afternoon. The former gentleman, who. hy the way, never fails to give ns a call when he comes to Elensliirg was recently reapiiinied Depntv Grand Master of the A. O. T. M. for this district a position which he has filled, we need not say acceptably, with only one brief Intermis sion, if we mistake not, for upward of twenty years. Both gentlemen stand high in the community in which they reside and among all who know them, and it is such as ihev whom we take pleasure in welcoming to our sanctum. Mr. James Vick, of Rochester, N. T., the world-renowned seed man, will pleae ac cept thank for a copv of his beautiful "Floral Guide" for 1878, which contains among various other thins many tasteful representations of new varieties of bulbs, plants, flowers, etc., all of which can ho ol tained at the mnt moderate prices by ad dressing Mr. Vick, as above. We are' also nnder obligations to the same gentleman for a copy of the first issue of Vick'a Illustrat ed Monthly Magazine," a new literary ven ture which certainly deserves and no 'doubt will succeed, as the suliscription pvice is only Si. 3 per year, and, to quote tbe language of the Huntingdon Local A'etcf.The character of tbe magazine is so excellent, both in quali ty and quantity, that it only needslto best-en to win su'.iscrilers. Tbe sharpest piece of practice we bare heard of for many a day .ccnrred in thin place not a great while ago. A certain gen tleman who shall be nameless owed a few dollars to one of his neighbors for services rendered, and when the bill v.i presented be declined to pay on tbe plea of being short in his cash account, but did not hesitate to give his note for ninety days, which -as accepted as better than nothing hy the party of the second part. With the note in hand the creditor repaired to the bank, whither ha was followed by the gentleman from whom he had received it, and who, after the cashier of the bank bad declined to discount it, promptly stepped to the front and very coolly proposed and actually did re, I rem his own paper at the same rate of discount th-s bank would hare charged bad it been willing to take the risk. Mr. Joshua C. Berkey, of Kernville (Johnstown), by mistake got on the Fast Line instead of the Mail Train at East Cone mangh, on Saturday night last, for the pur pose of returning home, but when the train reached Johnstown, where it does not'stop, he discovered his mistake and took what proved a fatal leap Tor htm, an h ftll with his head under the whee!a, and. as tbe Johns town Tritmne avers, his sknll, from Jnst almve his eves to the hack of Ids cranium, was cnt off as neatly ns a surgeon ron'.d perform the Job, while his riulit arm was fractured at the ahonlder, instant death of course being the resnlt. The deceased was a carpenter by trade, about 25 years of age, and, being unmarried, llvel with his mother. He wns a very exemplary young man, a memlier of the United Brethren Chnrch, and was said to be engaged to a worthy young lady in Cnnemangh township. We were aware tha. Thoa. C McDowell, Esq., a former well known citizen of this place, and who subsequent'. y resided in Harrisburg for many years, had left that city, but was not aw are nntll a few days since that, he is now rood noting a newspaper In Ilonnliila, the seat of government of The Band tvich Is'ands. A mericans hare al wava been popular with the people of those iMlande, i a Pennsylvaiiian having a few years awo hel l the h'gh office of Prime Miaister. and ir still living no doubt holds it yet. Sugar is tbe principal production of "the islands, ami many former citizens of the United Blares have emigrated to that country and are now extensively engaged in its cultiva tion with immense profit. Mr. McDowell al ways had a great hankering afier office, and If be does not eventually a'tnin a high civil position In that country, will probably In come thn owner of a sugar plantation, out of which he will likely amass a fortune. CiroflT AT Last. Wilson ratterson, Jr., a colored youth of Johnstown, for whom Chlef-of-Police Harris, of that place, had for some time been patiently lying in wait, waa arrested in Pittsburgh, on last Monday evening, immediately after his discharge W .1 . I.I . . . irom i ne worHiioune, wnere. lie served a thirty Hays sentence tor vagrauvy. ami waa brought to J obiistown and on Tiieadav morn- ing taken before Ei). Rtrayer mi a 'chare ! of being concerned in the robbing, on the i night of Nov. 20tll, of a Pa. R. II. freight ! ... 1 . . .. . i . i carat tne uepni in mat. place, tint waive.! i a bearing, and waa aent tip to jail here the i . '" aiity particular. y so in his pro following evening to await trial. Young j fission and in tin; particular branches of it Patterson is also said to be implicated in a. to which we have referred. His thorough burglary committed some time last summer ! uni(iij luuiiuioi'ii hiiiib mie us. summer i aUwoo'en mill belonging to the estate of i IT V i . t I (I . . - i lion, jniin t.ovomi, ie; it, in w estmorelaml i county, a strong point against him bei,,g that he sold a quantity of wool te Mr. Win. Updegrave, of Johnstown, a few days after lli. -. . 1 . V.u r r. . .. .. I. inl. . : a cash. A warrant has been homed in the Lr ASTO!""n SCCCF.S9.-If is the duty case, aud if not convicted of l he car robb-ry ! I a r v C,''' T ",0 , '-'."L" H EK.a the Johnstown Tribune of Tuesday, fro,, ! ER.M'V' S"Rlr whieh we quote, savs he will l.o '..rough? " ' t""' X""w" ,-' rrien.ls i curing Cm trial on.the former charge.. Of hirtaa 1 ,,,,pl,:,"t "e Coughs Croup, Asthma, ates in crime the same pVpcrhas this to aay- i lI.'"-'"". !"'" 't U tl.n.at abd lung ... , . . ..' J """J" diseases. No person can use it without im- edfrTOntn'e VTlZritu I T"" """" " tried in the Quarter Sessions. Pitlsburgh. ye" V ' we consider it the. duty or all terdayi ror complicity in robbing a store near Drnggiata to recointnettd it to the poor dying Mansfield. Allegheny county, m Wednesday i consumptive, at least to try one la.ttle as last, and was to refelye his sentence to day. ! 40.000 dozen laittles were sold last year and t?mT-:,fero " V- r.s. it failed wasVepoVteiL Durnan. of Roiivar. who is accused of assisting t o.. . . . . , , .nioiiir. nii'i i ni.ci9.ui ..i ii... ine woojen ract'i ry at Cuvndeiville. All the parties mentioned as concerned In these thieving operations art young colored men. and all have recently been traveling under assumed names. MARS' MOONS. When the telegraph An nounced the diacoverv l.v Prof Ifxll ii,.. our neighboring planet had two aatelitea, ' and the dispatch was read next morning at j ten thousand Atnetican breakfast tables, what think yon was theefTect. upon the hear . ers? Some colloquy similar so the follow, j Ing wRssttre to occur: "Mars l.aa I wo ttiinnsj I hey? Pass me the milk, Killy. S'range, i isn't It, that astronomers pever saw them : before. Another chop, please. I wonder 'what they'll discover next? These corn cakes are excelleei. What's the latest from Europe? We bavr become so accustomed to startling discoveries and atitinnnretneuts, that we take them as a matter of course. , Kven truth tnnst appear in flaming colors to j make herself seen. The virttea of Dr; ; Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets have been tested In ten thousand households, whose inmates will tell yon that they consider the discovery and introduction of these reme.tlea of far greater importance to the world than the moons of Mars. SrttPMAN, It.r.., June 13, 1378. T)R. Tt. V. PtwncB. Buffalo, N T.: Denf Sle t,ast fa'l orir daughter sired IS was f'tst sinking with consumption. Different Fhyaielans had pronounced h'-r ease Incurable. Obtained one-h ilf dot-n bottles of vour Gold en Medical I)iooyeryi Sh oomrrf"heed im- SroVIng st oncei and is now as hardf as a pine . YBrs sesprUfg'lT. mrr. aa ft. awWevtp. ar Letter from Dakota Territory. Diadwoop, Lawrkkcb Co.. Bakcta. I Ulack HiLLa, Jan. U. 178. ( ."" rKwuAS-Elnwl . ft Alt..nal have seen the eiepl.anl In all K. TmaVniVunV. and rx. i w peat sime funnel T."1 "'" r.itutetime to rive sou an idea or wtiat he looks . wn" tonka litefn this won.lerful region. . ' ..a..,l..-ll, I Ttt H in. For the present, however, I must content my self with a brief history f.f the llls.-k Hilla tiolu was first discovered in French Cn rk, near where Custer City now stands, hy Prof. Jenney. in 1 he summer of JvT.V Although only found in siiikII qiiHiitlties. the newsMn spiertd HbrnHd snrt in due time the restless nropector made his nppearnnce nmonir the Hills, which were then suppos.-d to he an Indirin reservation and l.t. S. soldiers irol.tiled up nil the H.lrcntnr ers who came. Hoi to t.o toiled, however, the irold seekers returned hy thousxtids in l?7rt, and where t!er were heard I he sullen if row I oi the; grizzly hear, the pierc'ns cry or the monotnin i lion, end the rrihttlil Wnr hoop of he nniro.-r- : ous Sioux, is now to be heard the stroke of the ' pick, hummer, drill end axe end the shrill echo ' cf the steam whistle. Like msgtc a new com- ' monwenlth has bee.i added toihe nation, thnt miirhiy motor; oir?t hving- prompted tliousHtids to leave their homes in the .listai.i ea-"l aiwl seek ! their fortunes in the new northwest. Mmiy, very ninny of these have of course been CisHp- j pointed They came here ex pec-tine to pick ip ; a-t.ld without any other effort than the mete stoopinr. while the truth Is I lull lo secure the ! precious melul a man aiust perform the most j wearisome lH?or and oftimcs sleep out In rshi and snow, w ti h no oilier cover ina: than t lie blue ' vuit or heaven. H. nee It Is that many return 1 home cursliis the Black MUM, which it is need- less to say do not yield up their treasures to ' any but I hose who are able and willinir to face 1 tini'csmp and toll in their most unit. vitlnir as pects. In a word, we have here th" best comi- in il,u ...i.a r " .... ... ... ,w .1., . ... e.ea..u niiew, out. awowniieengif.nl in Hi.-iii. una duivof visit It Is certainly no place lor idlers. ir schools. Mr. II. is an earnest worker in tne 1 he somewhat extensive experience t had In I cause or education, ,....1 when the lime arrives Arizona and Caltio.nia fitted me lor lire In the next May to select an Incumbent rorlhe" . ,,r hljs. and although. I have not yet made as tntendency, I think n-.thiuw belter could be mucliasl would ,ke to have, 1 am Interested i done t lit n to con t in u.. Mr. It in l hat posit ion '." "'''.ii1 'f0".'1,.,0,.",.,'on, theMl.n j Mr Jll(1. McM:lhn ,m i.tk,.:, h,,Vcir fo- a AiP'"f"-' '"ver Queen ' "Mernmac." . time lo Pitlsbu. gh. -vherc h. has secured em- Oid Abe, and a few tn hers or lesser note, all ; ploVment lor hlmselr and t wo hor. s on a rail or wblch assay well. rl,.,,j ,, N f ..,,...,. , P.,nsti utiiou Iroui Ihave.jiist returned from what-we en! a i ti...r ... i... t.. xr f-... " iniujrii.- ..in i.itr niini atin i onjrue uiver, Proepecta there are by m rueans eHcoiiiugitig, althouwh, for stock raising. I think the above named places will at no distant day be the great feeders of ihe t'nited States. PETIKil.CVH IX THE H1I.I.S. Irctnrneil Inst nlwht from the Dakota till re gions, sixty miles southeast of this place. The oil is of the same nature as that found in Penn sylvania. There is a great stampede there just now. or which I will write jou more fully in a few days. Please excuse my brief letter. You will re ceive a long one from me soon, in which I will endeavor to give a graphic picture of ti.e Hills, their wealtii and resources. Regards to all old friends, aud believe me, dear Fkeema., Yours, truly, Jzsss F. Herbert. The Concert at the Cocrt Horse To- toriT. What may le expected in the way of real genuine enjoyment at the enter tainment to be given by St. John's Choral Club, of Altoona, for the benefit of the Church of the Holy Name, at the Court House, this (Friday) evening, can be read 1!v inferred from the following excellent programme selected for the occasion, and which we hare no hesitation in savins' will be presented in ibe most, pleasing style and to tbe satisfaction of all who attend, Ijct no one miss this rare musical treat who can make it suit to be there. Following is the programme, which is of the highest order ami sufficiently varied to suit all tames : PART I. Entrance March Misses Hans and Maher. O (r A moria Viet imn Chorus "Let Mutde and bong" (Duo) Misses Haas and Oorltv. Only one Lock of her Hair (Sob.) Mr. McCullongh. I.a Cavltn Misses Haas and E.&J. Gority. spelling Hue (Humorous Chorus Ouile an Tail Mr. F. St a hi" 'I ritimphal March (Inst. Solo) Mis Hans Gold.. Mr. J. Kelly' Hear Me. Norma (Duel) . Misses Haas and GorltVi Memory's P.efrain Vnartttie, McCnllouwh. Stahl, Lvium, and Kelly. Instrumental Solo Miss ICooney. PART IT. Tnflammatna Chnrns Ali a Well (Duel) " Messrs. McCullough and Lyman. rnoFKssim at Home. Pro lessor Mr. Maher. Tax Collector Mr. McCullough. Prima Donna Miss J. Gorily , , ; Miss K. (ii ity. Midnight Horrors (Recitation) Mi. J Kelly Cot.acetio-H Peddler Humorous. Micf-es Hs and F. ft J. Gorily. PAUIOK M.'IM. M'lte Lucca Miss Unas. and tint sis. Prof. Von Clarionette Mr. McCullontrh. M r. Cam pa na Mr. Maher Mr. Hord.se I ion A ntonia iProlea.or Is Invited to slna Sneezing Caici.." Waiilrg bach" are Introduced. Ave Maria (Sacred Solo) Litt le German Itand (i '..ink-) . . M iillooaire (in character). Good Night Mr. Stahl. Mr. L man. during which and "Lauder- .. . .Miss Knn y. Mr. Stahl. Company. .Chorus. o'clock enter Tiekefa of ad- Doors will be apen at 7 laiiimet.t to commence at ft. mission, 2.1 cents ; children under 12 years or age. IS cents. Constable Wberley has bee,, appointed commander-in-chief of the Yotmg America brigade, ami any l.y w ho iudiilgea in whistling, cat calls, or,ot her out landish noises, will tw iHitmced out of the Court House ou a double quick. A SKtf.LFri.PnTStCIAX. Dr. Oeorge TI. Keyser, of Una city, is so well known lo the oommniiPy in which he has liecn in succeea fn! practice for such a lone aeries of years, that it ia scarcely necessary to mention the location of his office. Kor ihe la-nefit of the few who may not I e familiar with if. bow. I ever, il may be slated thai it ia at No. 240 j Penti avenue. The doctor, in his special I i net of practice, may be aaid to la almost j without a peer in this, country. A lengthv "prm-noe .in,, years ot b'ii.Iv have made ,n""t thoroughly familiar with pnluioti- nr '0'Odaii!ts, and likewise with all that -'"ass of ilifeasea tha! are lo laj cured by L,,!,!, and appliances of that character. IV v I . . . !. f . I , . , v.ei is um. m ,i,e oesr euucateil men i knowledge of diseases of l hia character and " l"r,"'r" o a cuaracier ami ,,,'ir 'catnie,,, isilre absolute aafety. and llmuu M.I... b.IV... I . . . - ' " ' i " mnr reliance on turn can rest assured mat fhetr faiMt iafirmlv ground. ed. Pittsburgh Dtipatch. l-ll.-lui. Such a medicine as the German SYRTP cannot be too widely known. Ask your Druggist, alaiuf. it. Sample Dottles to try sold at 10 cents. Regular size 75 cents. F'r sale by Li-mmnn & Murray, Ela-nsbnrg, and WoleslAgle & Son, Wilrtiore. E. K." TrtoMisov. Drar Sir: I am 31 years of ag, have lieen troubled the past nine months with the thread or pin worm. Have used Worm Candy, hut. with little lietiefif. I tlsed one lad tin of your Sweet Worm Powder, taking one teasp.ionf.il be fore breakfast, dinner and supper, af.er which I drank pninpkin-s.-e.l tea anil fafltor oil, as you directed, and ihe effect was as tonishing. I now feel perfectly well, and heartily recommend the Sweet Wo. in Powder as a sure remedy. 1 have lived in Tl'iisville live years. .IoiiNWri.cn, 'HI. ftsatieet Titnsville. Prepared by E. K. Thoitipson. Tit nsvil'.n, Pa., and s Id by Leiumoti & Murray, Ebena liurg. Price 25 cents per la.x. Corn Fritttrs. Miv in three pints corn meal, one and a half tneaanres Manner Mak ing Powder, two tablcap.Moisful Wheat floor, three leasMKiusf.il salt, one egg, beaten ; add one quart sweet milk, or a pint each f milk and water; dro'i in hot grease and fry. Each can of Manner flaking Powder con tains a measure instead of a spoon. Ask your griH-er for theH;tnuer Powder ami take no other. Since the discovery of Dr. William'a la diau (Jiiitment there is Certainly tut excuse fr any one to suffer with the Piles. fe flwmf l:ofts tlftl-lj .aBCJaVrj.aL"sr Local Correzpotulcnce. Portaok Jan. . 1878. IJEAH FRKEMAff-Itskethe lllerty of sehdina- . - J ' 2.i' , VC"?..0' T,.,.m-,i"l?nll'!,,',-M t nt, VX Li-7 .t'" y"a W1M -hlVVi .V:"" ' ' " -vour ,u tin Monday last, the 12th lnr., Mr. Philip Vlenner quietly passed from earth, at hi tea -dence In this plaoo. nytil ab ut one hundred Vtarm. Mr. Flenner, a I nm informed, waa a nativ o or Maryland, n.id removed when vounr to Adams county, in ti'is Slate. wh re he enlist ed In the American army in and served with honor duiiinr that "tm-moraile siruvg e with the toother country. For Iim services in defense (lf hi count rv at that tiin.- he h-is ber a r. ct-i ina a pension for several years from the government, to which he whs certaiulv en titled. He was the rather ot a lnre tnmily or childrent nearlyallor wliom are still livlns.and wli. with ns nged companion, will cherish while life lasts the memory of their d-nrest of (Sillily tilt-nja. His renin Ins w.re consigned to their l:st eeptirir place in tt!e Catholic cem - t.TV nt Wilmore on Wednesday last, u liiitier they were follow, d by a laiee concourse of people, who thereby manitesteil the'r esteem lor Hie oldest and one or tho most respectable citizens of this section. The schoois in this section nrc all doinir well, the cli i.ensoi this place belmr pai ti. umi iv f n tum.te in tiavimr secured Ihe services ol so ac ciiinpllhed and ttieient a teacher as Mifs IVIaiy f-hink.'e, who Is giving great (satisfaction :o al. concerned, A ln ire and com mod inns school hou wns erect cil in i tir 1 1 n.hip. a lion t a mile south of Lilly V. diirimr 1 lie past summer, and is sup. rlo, to most school houses loutul in rural disn icts. Mr. H. IbTir. our worthy Conntr Sooei Imihh. " - 1'irs.ei.i n 1 1-1 ui.i a tieoi. IUVOrei IIS "Villi nis preset. f- -1 ho coul works in t his m-I ion are not very ..i"iuu,u.,uci.i. .o. brisk. There is not much demand for coal, and Fa At . at;. Dear !ir : I feel Ita.luf I owe as a consequence the coal operators cannot ! uttering hurnnilty to write yon. For some tlrn pay very mu. h per ton for miiiimr. ' 1 w sorely afflicted wiih a ootik'i, ra jir. p bad Cap:. P.J. W'..sliiiil . ,r Wilm. mo. h-issevernl ! p,"ff. with every symptom ol bcirut a roi;ftrm.l men employed near Ren'e crci k in chopping ! consumptive. 1 tried different medicines and cord wood. He ha a a-ge coot rac-t to fid and ' n' w" bout finding relict : 1 s !so , rnsulted t hree will therefore gi . employment to a number ;.f ' our m'"! prominent Cleveland phv!clan. I he persona for a const. !ei aide time. The Captain i ";,st ne H pronounced m v ense n-rious. nnd is n weniai gem Iciniin and full of businm ni- Informed tne t Inn 1 a..nld not in' c more t ban a h -w tei prise. j months. A hoot this tim, hearlnu of v. .ur winder- Mr. Philip Hoprer. who Is engaged r the linn- ' ,nl nrcp!:. 1 commenced takfnir vonr Svrup m ner bii-ines. sin ceeded in get t iiiw quit.-a num- ! connect ion w it h y.ur Root liii ie'rs. un.i' was at ber of log hauled to his saw mi l whi.e l be , nce h netited. and f er usinc tbe inc.! icine soma stiiMv remained with us. - : two months I find myself entirely rnr.-.l. Mr. J. C. Martin issiil. currying on the lumber T'.Ht". 'CK DVX. trade quite extensively, noi wit hstaiiditig the I M.Mr Durn nwaln writes nnder date of K n o en era i i!jor -i..n I . .c am I ......... . . - i , . . . - I " ..oiiir.-. i--...3nei 1 j amount or luintu-r on bnndsaud timber enough to siipid v him for tears. An old losliii. n. ..I .pcllimr matcli held sway : scl ool house No. 2 not lonw since, and I am at informed That the per-otis emrnited in it did credit to themselves in that vcrv ns.-Tti I branch of education. I believe that Miss Harih-t M; (Jotigii and a daughter or Mr. Patrick McNally were the champions -if i he evening. Feariinr that I have already taxed your pa tience and intruded or. vour space, 1 will cb.so rur the present. Voura, c, I't.tMiS. Ft. Lawrence. Jan. 21. 187S. Dear Fnrev ANThc ref.nit or the election recently held in determine the question of di viding Hie town.Miip or Cheat has already been made known to your numerous rt-adiTs. 'Ibe majority tor the division was tar beyond what its Iii. nils had anticipated, and all parties, for and awninst. appear to be satisfied wl.h iho re sult, except one whom wo shall call Daniel, and who w as heard to say (jokintrl v. of course.) that there were only twenty-two iensihle men lett in Ch-st townshij.. the one hunt red and twelve others who voted, among whom was your humble corretpondent, lu ing in his esti - iiu.oei a.ivises l.r. r I OU I V and his etdahovera in . he new towShiP f Elder mation a - o tools. Haniel advises Dr. P II innv to deposit their bailors in an essence box. as he necnis ir sutllcicntly largo to contain nil the votes thai will likely be cast at the Spi ing elec tion. Now. we do not altogether agroe with our friend Daniel, for the new tnwnslnn will surely poll more vot'-sthan the old lownshipof ! e-i, ii a more largely increased vote. Doth tr:wnr!iips will be sironglv Democratic, however. We learned from h very trustworthy source, on the day ot the election, that Hon. J unes Ti.omas. the very efficient inenii.er or the Leg islature tiom this pari or the county, wld n..t allow bis name lo be brought lot ward at the next county Convention lor r -n 1)1111111.1 inn f Mr. T. has Undoubtedly made an excellent rep- . rminiii i ... i. ou one ion i Lit i lie t am Dria may he justly proud or. having reflected consider able credit on hi line 1 1 us well as npm his con stituency. We have no doubt Mr. Tiiomaa has come to l his conclusion after mature reflection, believing that there ale others wttoec claims demand some recognition nt ihe hands or the Democ racy. In taking this mnn:y com so ho makes himself more ponii ir, ir possible, wit h the party he lias beon ident ifl.J with from his boy hood da s. Mi John Lcnharf, residing a si.ort d!s!nn"c from this place, had his entire slock r winter pork stolen Irom hi resident ithe 17th Inst Tills loss fall heavily on Mr. f... he !.i:ig a very" poor I hough industrious citizen. It is Pad enough lo steal rrom those wno are well off in tins wot Ill's goods, but for the wretch who would gobble up all the pork belonging to a family as large and poor as they are represent ed to bo. we know ol no punishment thut could be too severe. Mr. Charles Langhtin was also unfortunate enoug , to lose in Ii ke manner a large quantity of pork from his smoke Ionise on the night of Ilie aame day. The patties who committed these thefia ere know ti and will in due time be attend. . I to, as age and lorui-i Mumlit.g will not save them from ,he just rigors or the law. which the certainly deserve. We w ui.l kiiidly'ad via? the ci'y fat'irs of Carrolllown t. i'oi i.id its youths of thatplaci from lasting d -vn th-s.eeo gride near lh brewery of Mr. Julius Si ich. We have ho n l CA nplainta fr.iin several of mir culz ns who have visited that place on business with their team, and who sy ihy wi re not s ite in going up or down that heavy gride. . day or two ago a team belonging lo Mr. Jaeoi. I lironas became f i ihiene.l. in that way. and riinnmg off would in nil probabiltt v have made a con plcte wreck of the vehicle, wiih possible loss t.l life had it not been that someol ' he oi i Iz.'iis succeeded in hedit'g off the team in good time. We had almost fotgotten to mention t!ie lact I hat quite a number ol prominent Democftia of Chest. Klder and Sustiehanna townships will urge the claims of tour fellow towns. aaii. John Fetiloo. K?q.. before t he next count v con vcniioti foi Kepresciitativelrom northern ('am 1,1 G I.E.N CAnRot.r.TOww. Jan. 21. 18TS. DrAn Freeman - A young mnn residing in Carroll tout,. bi, . while recently nttempting to rescue one of his comrades I ronr t he hands of Hit- Carrolltown police, was informed that he also would fie arrested it be did not desist, whereupon he Itumediaiclv jumped into ins sleigh and drove hoineuta feaiful speedwhere he unhitched bis h. re. put it in stable and hurried to a neighbor's hou-e as quickly as possible, and running up stairs securely eu ' iiiHTil himself in a safe hiding place. Ihe po I'oe meantime never giving him a thoughr. More than this, lie told ibe lady of th" house to ft" out and cover his tr icks made in the snow, so I hat when the police came along seeking for every b'nfc in the great chain, they could not liiscove. i, bend orant tning eNe tn create the least suspicion as to his whereabouts. J this snug retreat he very aui-tly rem nine,! until some 'ttne nuring tne ma lit. when satisfied that his phantom p lustier had disappeared, he sal lied loitli from bis hiding j, hue and departed for home, congratulating himseir upon his nar row scape rrom the terrible calamity which he Supposed was in store for him. X. jcOMMCNICATKn. DIED, DKC. S.I, H77. Hrs. BtBT CABPBKLL. Folded aVrny ry her angel's pure harid The record f Hie :.nd Its story So short, as we deera It, in this exile land. So long for the an.ials ol glory. VTe who now mourn her will marvel one day To hear of I he wondcrotis bcatity Recorded therein ot the life pass .l sway. In the pa'icn: performance of duty. Her crown Is attained, bnt her mission goes on. In the influence ne er to perish. Her memory leaves tls so hi si ing and strong 1)1 tlie virtue we saw in her flourish- Sweetly rest o. dearest rriend of my hefirt, May oh our Keha f your pra vers er he given. That we; when t- e years that 'now hold us apart Shall hare vanished, tnay ir.oet you in Heaven. Ii; A. T. 4S K. T. Knnlel' Lunfrat rf E. f. KtMikrl! Shatn ptut fttr the. Hair. Tha hest and cheapest Hair Dressing and Hslr Cleaner ie the world. They remnve dandruff, allay Irritattn.l. soo- be Snd eool the heated saip' pfevrn. the hair from falling off. and proiaote tha growth tn a very short time. Ther pr.rve ae4 baau' ty the Hair, and render it sV.fi and glossy. They Impart a hril itsncy and a silky appearanae to braid a ul wiry lia r, and as a hair dressing ' they are unrivaled ; eradicate dand ruff and pre vent baldness. The shampoo cleans I ha teilr. re moves grease, s.-nrf. hohing, eruption. Carti haadnehe produced by heal and ratlgaa. Kaa kel's Slianipoo aad Lustral restores Hair te a ' natural and flossy color, restores fad ad, dry. hars and wiry htir. rloe per bottle M. Ask yoar druggist for thoro. ur send lo K F. Kankel. Krw. prleior Na. Soa MorlU Ninth rsst. kllaalai. rkis. r. in xbt;. . Pleasant as honey, the old folks like It, the young people like it, and tbe babies t ry for It, We mean Dr. Fraiier's Cough firr 'J' 12 21. ly.J PRICELESS DISCOVERT. SSvivo Cure ibp lilos ....j i ir i . i'icT-jinir . iirnin . nn. A sore cure for tho Mind. Meeting ItcMnr ami VS?? J4,lp ' hePn alae.rcr.r b, l.r. V.t- t. wV.. ln,"n rcmeny-caiiert Dr. WIIIIkoi's t 77 J rtiiic.i-iiwi l.r. WllllKQVf Indian Ointment. A slnarla bottle has enreii tbe XZZ Si?" V? u? '-ty.flve and ut years standing. No one nce.l f ufler fjvt rolnntea alter applytna- this wou lertul Soo tiin medleire. ioiion. Itisiromcms and elecinsries oo nior harm than g.u.d. Wllliara'a Ointment support tne taiuora. allnys the Intense itching (pHrtlte lariv ai muht alter colt Inn warm In be.!) c;p at a poultice. aMvcs Infant and painless reliel ami is prepared only fur Files nnl noiliina else. iriouan.ls of cured patients attest Its Tir'.nes an t physicians r, ai s, i,0.,l pmn. occe It ihe greatest contribution to me.lloine of theatre It '?V no' ,HW ,on or "veiely vou have been suitwrins:. you enn be cured. Mr. Joseph M. Ha der. Cleveland. Obl. writes: isuDered for years with Itrhina- and Ulcerated . tried .remedy aftet remc.1v a.lvenlsed. and censulted phyrlci-ins in Philadelphia. Loinsvll e, t iiuinn.-iti ln.lian.ip.1'? hi.. I this citr; and spent hundreds i of dollars, but f. un l no relief until 1 oh tnlnc a box . ir. Vili!R,.,'s I.sn n meet, some four months ago. an.l It curr,, , c,ini. jdetcly. I had a part of the box Icll which Iav in a tr end of mi..e who had .tv,r:ore.l with mar.y physicians. as a lat resrt went to ihe noted llol Spritms. Arksnsjis. f..r trealincrt. He in t..rms inc that the Indian i tintmet.t has n.. ure.l tiliu of the Tiles. It Is ccr ainlv a wtn.ie-fnl .lis every, and should be ns.-.l t y'tli- in.ir.v thous. nn:s who are no eullering wiih that dread oise.isa es- 10.001 npwnr.l wl 1 be paid for a n or tain remedy. Sold by ill I irutcu 1st Ult.U.XV'. , FKA Zl KK, sole proprietor, t.'lvre land, O. DON'T NECLECT A COUCH or Cold, when 25 ets. will bnv a tiottle of lir. Fra iler" Cough Syrup at any "draw; store. I txvt wronght a complete change In Couwli msdicloeS is pleasant as honey, and always cores. ' I KltKliMIMIVIS. W""'. Frazler's Cough Svmn. used lo ecnasr. tlou wiih I 'r. Frax:er Root Inutrs wiLLccjae Stapari 5tkam LursoKT, s. io. . nr. r rnncr. near Nir : 1 can rn...... your medicines more s r.-nyly than ever from Ihe I iaci iiiai it is now nearly one venr since I was I cured. Mv lumrs a I hnvinw no "return or arc to-day sironic and sonrl. the l Iseas. I he a hove Medicines speak for themselves. DK.U.W. FRAZILK, Proprietor . leTelaal.O. t or sale t all Itritgglala. I itl:Mti ntj iiAiiidiT. CoRxrrTrt Wmiv rv MrtnlUoTD. Flonr Hbbl..t7.r tots On Orn M sal per in . t Hotter, roll, per lb . Huckwhct- Fiour. " solid packed . pr-r lb a per 10 12 to 18 White Ib-nns M.qs. 1.5 F.j-irs per dozen. I.ard per lh Tallow per lb l entry So, per lb Jteeswax. Dressed Ilcjts, Rrs. i unions. pr iiuntiel.. fc.i 10 V heat $ bus. 1.24 to 1.4J Rye per bus Ml 8 Oorr Ui 2.'. Oats 2", f Itu.'k wheat per tu f.o S Potatoes per hus.SO to to Salt, per bbl . . .2 25 C!crrr r-eM. "er wool, t er lh.. 3J to 40 hrs.. -, to to tr, oj t'hlckens. per lb S Timothy Seed per 1 urReys. 7 hug l jn I '..tree ririmo r.r lh ".'V ii i i...,. t'nJ'rT.n per.b on v ' "l? . . . 0 76 to ) 8.00 Syrups per gal. "pVARM FOR SALE. The t.r.tkr- sict'Cri ofl'.-rs al r.riv.ve sa at a c at n .rgain her I A ts tj of .'. . cits . with "nee, m Aiiims towr.shin. nla nt r.r. ncrts !" which ae cleared. Si .Ting theroon eri-'-ted a two s prv F t . A S Hot e. :S.5 large Ha me P- it c. sol t l.'e usual otuhuiidlngs. There :s an cxolU-n! v, Tn-,g orchard of apple, cherrv on I ...ai-h pe . wf.a plenty of goo. I wa!eron the pr-m'ses. Th? Fsns is in an excel'rnt state of :, 't (v.i! icti r.nd wl Ka sal t very rhn;. md on tlie ,:'L.st liVrn! ttrms. For furiher pirtleulsrs call pn or adorers Jinn. ii;ai fl' vnfk, S-.uth Fork P. C. Adams Twp , Jan. Ii. ISTT.-l'm "CJXKCUTOR-S SALE On Trcs- DAY, FrBHf ARVin. 1H78. at lOnYLx-k in the forenoon. I will oJT.r for sale at public ven due, all tha: certain homestead or ple -e or parcel of land situate In Carroll townshiu. Cambria r,..m- 1 ty. Ra.. boun ied on I h nort h bv lands of P-ter j liooverand heirs of .tolio Hennett. on tlti ett by lands of Miclciel N-on. the south bv lan-s or John Murray an I Adam St-ln-ttlj-. and "on the west by liinis of faij Adnm S.-hettlg. Continln ion Arr. s t-i t K7 l' relies, n r,r or about 100 Acres clearnd. blan-" In timhsr having the eon erected a two-sicrv Loo Ho rag with good cellar, a log Hank Hash, with siit.ts ail around, an I other outbuildings. Thar L'rni ax. eellcnt spring ol living watsr nesr the door, and a aooj oriiarj jf apple and nearh irpi- in foil I bearing on t he pretr isrf. I lie Sam'? being tber al j estate ol which Michael Murray, l.itaot suit t ,wn I ship, died sciid. I Tec ot S .i.. fir.s-thlrd css'i fn delivery of i deed, and the b.ilati're lr; l,.orqu il sr.tia.i! .T, , ments. with interest, tr b srrared fy tji? bja.is j and mortgage of tha pur.!nor. a m : . m i tt j; y. ii.' K.xeeut.jr. Ae. Lber.sburg, ft V AAA 'il.li.(tf anl Jeweler One llnor West of ilantl.?)' Hnr.lws.re Merc, EBENSEUnC, PA., I I AS always on hand a larae. va-fo.l and !. I 1 1 esnt ss Ttm.-nt of V a Tt 'II Ks. I'ln'Ks, KWII.KY. tsPKC.TACl.KS. KVK-tlL ISSKs c. which be offer-for sale at P.w.-r ptb-es than iv other dealer in thecoantv. IVrfns needing lythlng in his line will do well to give htm a call Wl A.r, any any beTore purchasing elsewhere. l'r..inpt attention paid tty retiring Cloi-ks. Watches. Jewelrv , e.. and snusiaclicn uuaran teed in : nth work an. I price Eheiisi.urg, .lau. 25, mTS.-tf. Mcjssi-s. EDITOUSj As we were core!ted wiih Dr. QUINCY A. SCOTT'S S.? tlC-T-n.a.i l-.TlSiAL V, -T.il Dental Establislimeiitl it TBS TIMS Sl CENTENNIAL SPECIMENS Were manufactured, we state positively t hat those . . ei-ant Mental f-pcclmens which reeclveil the CtNTtNNIAL MEDAL and DIPLOMA DR. SUiNCY A. SCOTT And his assis'ants. And we desire alsi to ! that we have been. In man dental oifiees, and hare se n deniistry in a:l it phnsss. bm Jltt,e never saen work tarusd out ectwriere to tons' thaj made at 517" Penn AYonnp, ni isb( ut;n, va. We do not thi&k it teowtvary, bit we also wuhjo eudorae a - ... ' - '-X,,1,,t. -!. nCOU Asa Kfntlctr.an. upright ant hnnorib! In ail social sad Lu.ine't relations. Pa. .TOH7T SCOTT, Da. JOS. OK AH AM Pa. TV. H. rrnRT, JOHN K, A ML, all or rtTT8BrEGF. ya. "M"0TICE 1 the Cm-RT or Com mov Pi.tASor I'amreia CornTt.- Notle is hereby g-ven that the seeatmt of !tas Williams, comiaitieeof .lane I'llnnis. sn Insma person, has hen 21ed !n the ProthoriiMa: vs olT-s, of Cmbr(a conn y. and will he p:sor,ta l to s:nd Coutt for eonfirmaMon and allowaace. tt Atan mint Conrt. to hs held at Khenshur . on Icts Dy. the nilh (lit of Fitnr.pji rt neit. O r. (l lmNXKU. Pro-bvao'sre. rrtHeergf,y,e. Ehn! ur. Jka.il ie:;.t. ! i y.. Vt A' i4 Practical Walcimter Mm 1-37 m i-t'-J ctffy-; SHERIFF'S SALES. TlV rlrioeof sundry writ F,4. ,j JJ At. tend. tt.M .. v.f r.neina in . f'-'i i."ii out 1.1 Hie l urt of Cow a i im oi ve.urriit eoon'V at'd to n-s. riir tL or Crad KKTZ. On Saturday, Feb. et!i, CB78. at a o'lU, 1 j the folloalna reaierMiie to wit : Ai.r. the rlahf. flile and intert-st or Jraerh Klio.les, of. lu and lo a lot of vroiiiid slteawd Itf Si. nyere.k township, C4irnbrla county, ?.. Ir- ii'itig on the Johnstown snd Ri-Otoril P'ke. a .-.jo ni.. ir lot .f .r-oel Cllns'er on one iiile and an alley ii the tuber, runoli g hack to lot or Ps.noel H.imer.tha vl.ur ther-.ui erect. d a t-o-story plan house ar:d strtde. r.OW In 'be occupancy or K. Cmferton. Taken in execu tion anr to sid4 ot th :.U ,,t Tinsteea of Ind Castle. ?C. f 1. A. . K. of M. C. Al s. ail tbe nwi:t. title and Interea: ct Mr tin M.-lvln, ol. in and to a lot .-r g . ;it fl u nted In Cambrin bno.iKh. I'e.nt.rla coiio-v. fa., f roniitg on the norln.:i Htver street, l-'avii r I d o Jacob Uafnor on lite est, lot or ichsel McMahi.tt on llierast.and an ailet r.tuhe south, leg thereon erected two sorv lsnk h"i now in lh ccurnn"? .f Msrtln Meiv.n. T.krq In execution an lo be ao.tl at the salt of J w L"g.tn. Also, a'.l tbe risht, title and interest of J..ht Li r. or. mi and to a If.! .if gr.omd s1.kJs'e6 l-( tiiefi.h ward .r hncion r.oroug l . v m !! la county. Pa-, rroi-t.tiw Merits Mioi, b,ri..g Ibl ert slice: on t n i !e ai.,1 au aHei on ti.e o'her. and r-.itinifg t.ck to alt ailty.' bavleg thereon erected ihrt-e t wo storv ptai'.k I.o.im and a stable, now lu the oecupseer l J..h Li't. Henry D. Mile, and oiheie Iasr. In ex. emit ton an I to be sold at th suit of Truattes In-I. Castle. No. J.1. A. l. K. of M. C, A i.p. a l ihe right, tH!eB.,a intetest of 1tnrv Oill.spie. of, (n and t..a bo ,.f ernuod s!o.ed tn I rosnrct borough. Cambila omul), p . frontier on J tarry street, adjoining lot t,f John Nary on Hie wet and lot of Thomas lr. l lson or. Ihe east, ruuulrg back t- Pei.n'e P.I! U aid, tia log thereout ret-ted a t wo-st..r ola ok boos,. Mn. .nsie. r, ( , ,K-eu,.anev r.f ! J'ir!. '"i,'t,n In execution and te be S',d at the su.t ol C. It. Kilts. Atao. all the light, title and interett of fiir ton o, ,,... r ot. It. ami I o a pitc or srrrl o' ixnt SiNiat. d In Talor townhn. Camnt V";1-'",' ' "joining lanrts ot John J. ti.., 1, .1 t . ft !c s, L. IKtkt-y.etid others, contatmi -5. acres, m.. r,. r lev about 5 acres l whr, n I. re Cleared, hnvinw h-reon erect ed a two torr Plank house and f ame l.arn. now in the oceu P of Clii.tooOocbii.mr. Taken In excriHioa and to be s .Id nt tbe suit of George AVel.n. r ALSO, ad the i ;ght, ,lt end Intert-t .f Jot... ".'.'."' 1,1 H'"' " '' ,,f around situate.l in tho 2i warn, Millxille botougl., CaoibrU oty. Pa., t rooting on the fco.it h m Tnl m 1 "J ""fg lot of Patrick R..dg-r on t he A i B.i. a l th- t !fr',t. title and f.ntcreci r.f thu,, . J. , 1 . "J" r,r",i hit r ground in: conn uM' '"-"'lt" V J..h,,.t,.w, .V,,,!,,!, ! ""',' fronting Dl feet,.,, the Hd. .d Main stre.,. e.,..:i! ,,H) k rnrht antic trln. u.i,, . v.i , . - - - i i. nil rump . , ii. ltlerlVl',,,r',r,l,',,,, "' "" olierortl,: w-cMerlt ooin-ror M.-.I I, t i eitf , ,,JU1, s- f).', inc les tiom the no, ,h e;e, !v c.rn Jr of W,--lia nil over.) and hav ina t hert-opert-ted a thrV- story frame build iii-og. Imi'nilHl on Ihe wester I r l l.e r. si lence of W ili,n l r. w 'I the here .J.tntnonts and p lak'ti in Mrrulim end to ie Side .y lot Uile d. c d, together purfcnaiief a. 1 " " ""ll "I J.nillf i.itn Savl' ir nek nsciLH... ..r li... ...... i... . ' " ",r administrators of WiMl:., t.-, .? i. i , ti.e ...a .... ... . " .' i 'oe.geson t... V ai.u i ,a iron t o,,, Htir on f eVnaT i,V" xl-,r'" erectea a two-sTo, v Ga." fs "TV:'Vn' v" ?! " ' '""rancy ,..f Joha .heiu't ol'i.iv,;::,:"11"" a,,ti ,o b- Auso. ,,11 ,,. r:ght. ti-.le : rd interest r.r 1. thro Oldham, of. , lo fr Vnmn situate in Slony cr,.ck lownsbl... tm..-.? '.U'M ot iVvVf',' "tLn'r Xhr Johnstown and Scalrt at jr-npike t he wesuadjoimn, b.t r eh V!"h' ';,,lUi"'!"" '' ''''o.v J.atigVheVc? on . n rini a t o Mo. v O.t'ik h.nAb. ........ now II the oecinanev or I. .I...,. .o.o. . . . r- ' A I a .j th rl? hr. t .1 o.,.t (.-. . ... t.. .... : " v' rn. 101 -r ground sit nat t i if- i? Tia.c. j ..ii :; n county, rn.. Ti on-'-- i. t'ort.tijih. i .fi;lu.a 'I 'll street. adt.T-. in V lot e.t l)a i..- p.t r 'iinui I li.oi ., .i . r1" r I'O . t Ot. Oki.t...... I hick t .a-, ;.e" v; ...; . u". :. - 'r- V ... in w mite (ir I I... Ir I . - r" ' "ovanej of AU""" JrtSiri l iece-uti o d at l!i(? suit ef Henry btre.-j.el. aa.i re i ikv; ir 5t.B. ; 5 of the pitrc'lnsa down Jrwl , r ' '"" ' "Pert U k,MJ.4 anw.end t. r. i-iamo g t ..-third? ,t ',,,r. iiarinaiUn of tbt utvo si. tr ;z- or. JOITN KTAN. 'ai.iT.' a. SHERIFF'S SALES. si virtue or s-j:ij,y writs of t - ITPl.'-U lL3 : O' t ', I of Ciiuibiii t"!i!iir c wilj b -.vp.ised to .r comtpiit, r;.-ns . ,." irn. '"'"td. -iif rs t -iic eulu. at ihe 4'our House In K iciisb-ng i - .i TucsrJoy, Fobruary JSth. 1378. at 1 o elocw. f. M .. tl.e fu.it.gm, rai egii .t w j 4 ; l.t, t.l'e ar. I imerasi r.f rri., f. M ,., ... Al t, the t-. 3 -nnieade-. eielr, Siimm.tti.'e Mk, cVmV - p.. tr.mg o, ,.t nu.;;r,;.b ; lnd.aa 1 it n,.lke, ,.r ng .., of John " "..r bno.i.i on ,...e s: ... to, I.,, ..r J..1... , ' other, esterut.,,, back ?U li-. i I i ii, , "", Ii.g thrreon erected a f w !'-, .', I"' . "X' l'" V i."""u" "iiumi ' oid at tbe suit of w,;;.-.p sVa;p:;;tcv itTrJVX ;:f l'r:---". -o, .'; ?,Bh:,;-; cie rii. bnvimr i tr..n ..f.vt. rt five ... CutioTi and t.i .r- T"r"l!l rtt. i. g .i .eor.. . . f:i tut. h,- lens ac ! r ... '".'v-o, An a in M. d. M. t,,r . all the t tglt, t it !e and intetest of ' ' J T,,''P'"? ."f' " """ - P'eee arce f land s-t us "ed In AUeghenv t'.wnsl f "H,.. ' 1 ?"V:'' ' " '' " '"oi t"n' '" "- Andrew IioH. ! A"'h""' s'l.ra.1, end hers, , -or tall bo7 M .... ... t i.-. on n vn-r . . . acres, more or ....,. ' e cleared, hartng .h.'eon VdT.V, e:,?; T" house rtnd log ,..,),!.. nnw . ,, " "-Sto y . s Andrew Top,. I . JV ,n . ! " ',,','"rr. T ,.' tc sold m t,,ix .: "jk;:"r . bnz v.'g,,e,"u ",u l..all tho Mght.iltie.,,,1 "bi f rVsr of Tt,. Hortnan. of. la end to a p.e.-e r ',.- i r , con.Mi,.:.,: s,.cJ: ,,V....:' ","!"sr- ""s. hav t.g thereon 1 Trot tr . ken in execution s earn n w it-... Tn- W. I. n-iek. end , ...r . r .. . ', " 1 hesi.ll of usie l j,, t;llrl ' (1.?, sr""''-'f- I-a.. front, n , ,, ,.,. , Vl, " , f " ' -mny, u.g lot ot y. j. isr.-n.h - i ,"e w-... ' ' "n- the Mii, a,l ., , f t , n a.. i.h. i.s,n..i ii,,.,! , . .:'"'? "O h- mi frame b..ie n.i ol o k . t r.. a iwo-eto,T a i w ll re scce. Hot, and t:. be rold rt ,'b ?" .. ' 'S r," . H .' -.-.I.. - i . vi;irr.iret v ........ -e . In tbeboro.o.l. . . ' -. .1 . . .r,,llnt situnt. rv aa I m . ' ' 'lirt'Tl te? tsln street on ih.i eee. . b-T. g thereon ii.-ei. .4 ' n i wn-siory ti Ku' lhet-o. -- t-- t-.: : jn.in lad i iiK 1,0 riesrtd. bavt. tr iKa... f,.,t l m'.. V -'. ' tWol..r to be sold at ihe .oT" rl'rc.'" ,,'o -ni , . ii. .Tj;npp. - -' i . ... ,T;;.)pp. One third r,f ,bm rreba. h'-n tl.epr. pe.f, kn,.r,., , two-ihirds !i-t r ,b ".nm money to be pip, e down. no. i therernl. d ; cnnfjrmaMon of the Oce" tbe yrtijy Bv.ty. s-e.i- Sheriff's C?e.ce, Frhet.jb yi,r, BVAU nur;rfrr.r ,'',' '"m ""e on Ihe wot. ex tend - L ""' T- '"' tbereon erected a two story plank hnuw, ,,t now occupied. 1 . Ml W-'RUnVvV" ""d ,0 be'ld "l ,h " A xso. s i l the riKht. title and interest of John G. ns. or. in end to a lot or ground situ,". 1 tn .'he Hrs, ward of ;. 1MllKh boro,;gh ri. ! bria county. Pn.. I routing ,.n the r.;,.h o ft i Road stteet. H'M. ,(...... ...... e-. "'nl n rV" V"" r!'V- ,!f '"''' Inff re-t of . n. R. McC;on:gle ar.ti John f. fon'ar ete.M.t'r.e .tere niai, h;nt,, n, c d.nl, i 01 a Me O.mlgle and I.e .. C. h . Z .hoi. assignee , ,.Vt lor lra'eses'a! .''tl'I'i''; -".: I si.xi. ail tlie right tin . i i- -i: . land s.tosted in I iea-hVi.t ,J,t'V-r p;" ' "f coonlv. -....a4j .1,,, Is,' Jsr7 V'; f ""'- t: ... i Jrf 'ttsbtirgh f.,t : oontam.fVg V, aeVes,' m 'P "f :'"' " n(i "":''. Taken In execution T-.rt S ? "'.unproved. Zeno A 1 rtAie' ,or ol, V it" "lU of Al.o.H,ltl,. tleh, ..n'i'.V.r: n"; U ,k..il. t " 1 n . i l III" I THMI T SC Al.r. all fhr'gat. M;fe fnfr-sf e c- - , aioi ..it-. at. .Un 1 i c- ttr .'' k--i -. .... V7 . CS V- - 'S. C-.BV. 11. .-I , i Vis . v. J I ! -hi, i. ira, a.,,s. .tt LbrkiM, M.Y, 0