. v. cxz: a. rssna wshi flit MRU TOM Ebonsburfl, Pa.. FEJVAT, - - JAN, 18, 1878. at -T)r. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. A Few "Worpa about the Frkemak Tr.e present number of tho Freeman brings the eler-enth volume or its existence to a clos, and a few words with onr read ers on bo interesting an event in its history will not be out of place. During the peri od that the Freemas has been under our control we have faithfully devoted to its column a our undivided time and attention in order to make it acceptable to our sub scribers, and we Hatter our Re If that our efforts have not been in vain. The rela tions existing between ua and our patrons tave been pleasant and harmonious, espe cially with that large number of them who have always promptly furnished us with the sinews of war." What omjht we to say, however, of that other class who adopt the theory that a printing office is a slf-BU9taiuiig institution, and that if an ditor can't affoid to furnish his paper for at least three peart without expecting or asking to be paid for it, he ought to sell out to tome more enterprising genius who can. A man who will take a newspaper for a number of years and neglect or re fuse to pay for it, must certainly be 4 prac tical believer in the new doctrine preached Ly Henry Ward Beecher, and is fit for tieason, stratagems and spoil. It is a pro found mystery how a man can live and be happy uo no "r'sciibe for his own county paper, a single number of which will often prove of more value to him than twice the amount necessary to secure i . In the noi ;heru portion of Cambi ia county, which is thoroughly Democratic, and where .ue Fkeemas has ita largest circulation, vre ought at least to have three hundred paying subscribers added to our list fot the coining volume. We would like to enlarge our pnper and otherwise improve it, and will do so just as soon as the revenues of t tie office will justify the venture; but in lie meantime we have made the terms for thin year so reasonable that every Demo crat can affoid to comply with them. If (bey will do so, and wiil personally interest -.ticu.Mrlve in inc;euEing our subscription l'..t to what it should be in 6o stiong and rt'liaMe a Democratic couuty as Cambria, we prjmine them that we will make '.ho 1 UfchMAX for 1578 a better and nioie use ful japci' than it has ever Lcei lu'c-Ufo.e. Hoffman, snrconn ;n Willi!,! fltl TllilBfllD T-an 0'. 1 . " ....., , kii, uu'i nh and w hat he intends to do, or will le pre pared to do, when he visits each of those places, is of course apparent to all. 2t. The barn of Mr. Henry Conrad, in Sayne township. Indiana countv, was de- SlrflVPcl h nrm a Taw ,t..K... : . v. n - - J u.unsuw. KJIUVO f.' ' , V 1 t LI fcf. I I I - . -rPiZ L, Xfl JT- -" i-WJO. -iMSa- j-j--. - - A UsHEAUnr Hotel. The Johns-, LI. L. k w ii Tribune of Tuesday lnrnislies the fol- 1 L. rmr -h-t spirited . . iter TSnlu.-M- . a. ..... . .- ..'Sb1j"i1 decline the following named Re'tr. John D. Hughes, a former well known Directorsof said corporation for thn,i greatly esteemed citizen of this place, zvftar: Geo. M. Rcade, Hetiry Fjk,,lt now and for many years past a resident its t i ti ..... T.,t.Ti T Tvans. flriffith K. Rnlierts. H. Ikinkead t i.,-.i t ,.v, n n rtwnrer. John J.iuju, ' v, v ' Thn .T. nav's and John A. Blair. t i . i . r m nneV IS A II O WWII II v ....- i i.i. A.kim. ViAiilefl t when yon purchase your clothing r frey Wolff, who deals at all tune square; for though the tiroes a " money is scarce, clothing we all igp to wear, and me country is ""y8 r " Bce siarea mat me i 'a. K. K. Co. Is having a history of the editors, newspa pers, etc., along the line of that great thor oughfare prepared for publication. V ttoti)t the story, but if true we shall not ob- 1 best of ' "eir passing us in the hook if they continue to "pass" ns on the road. Our worthy young kinsman, Mr. Jas. E. Curry, of Altouna, has, we ard pleased to learn, been promoted to the positiou of fore man in the brass foundry at the upper shops of the Pa. 71. H. Co., in that city. "Jeems," we are confident, will do his duty in that or any other department to which he may be assigned. A. Barker & Ron, Ehenshnrg and Carrolltown, have made very decided re- oiictions.in the prices of overcoats, winter of bone breaking, a pliysi clothing, sleigh-bells, and other articles pe- ! W. Bonebreak, of Marti culiarly suited to the season, as they are ' in o assist Dr. W, M. Fi anxious to get rid of their w inter goods and I the Company's physiciai tCf ",fker ! at tn.la" ran te bongbt n f.!r OrerpoatS fitld CI clothing at less than cost is what car. now tin1 at. the matntnoin nnrlxm of IJrt.lfreV WoliY. IlfXt post-office, Twelfth street, Altor A o'ing man nameu -v, .inmped from a moving passei,ftir Peck's station, near Martin fell county, oti Friilay last, and in(ijH'b and fractured both of his leC't As U is feared will have to tc an, way nf llnnn V.nn L i n (T 51. 1 1 h V 1 1 ' 1 1 1 -3 .11.1 ... w' .t. ......... - ..lUT.( ...... , IT 11 I LA n. . . - - - - - . . . win no; liesitate about takiiic lmn o,. far as possible, t ue daiiiiiei'ii,.,-. ,,nt. nwi.i -. . . : , s , . i : . t y - i nitu ..... t - mn- 1 Imtiii. i " price within reason that mav be oflereil them. Mr. David Tentico. of Trairie Citv, la., came in from Snsquvhauna township on Monday last, accompanied by Miss Catha rine Ashcraft, with whom he repaired to the ofhee of Justice Kinkead, where the twain were made one tlesh in short mcaf-er, and started on tbir way rejoicing in the direc tion of the setting sun per train tho same evening. If for anv reason n i.tiamra to m.i. n inistratiou, we sliall I tiir.l i,in,i Tft'Yin it lfl lieoilie ! the first railroad StryRer t grier. There was no truth wl j port that a tramp was tnU :twoot the cars oi me im ' flallitzin on Siindav we after from cold ami exp 1 n ... .1,1. CI 1 j II .1 i'' ll IV Ill UIK a son when the train wej,, ii lor any reason a change is made in the Ehensburg post-cilice during the present administration, we sliall liavn shed over the appointment of the re- bet ween ks cast at lied soon the story porter who at Cres- nd had no nade by the other foundation than a f,,jue,t annul- have no tears to . . . C . .. . t . ------- .. .. ..irwiiiiuii.-iivui :ir iieicniior of the Herald, who, however, will have to get Vip mighty earlv and kiav nn nmiir ia- ir he wants to give more satie laotion'to some I 5" "C" 'he Aifi(.'o()' people than the present iucumbent seems to ! sat ion shoot hiui on tl. Ifll-A I.AA.m n 1. I . 1 u. , . ... . ii auic ivjiiif cars ieuce, inns . . i . . i r operator inai a man wn l.aggage iui; iicv fun io "S..i Tiiusr nave nan n '"J,n much as tho train "oesj When net ween I'liistntrgn anywhere j t up the sen IT'i. : l . , . . . iiu wn an vise everviio-.: v who needs anything in his line to take advantM?c of the great bargains now- offered by Geo. Hnntlev, We cannot but ioin with thn Herald in ey. prBit'g the hope that Mr If. will recon The Alroona Trit In order for the issuii paper o:i and after which we trust will are confident it w ill A morning paper Here. There, ttmlthe Other Vlure. "iMrtblngtoti's Washday" is tixt in 1 1 J r as a !ej;al holiday. (Juter, uiu't it, that the youngest towu fl:!p )u the county Is called Elder. Plieriff Kyan reports twenty-six invol untary giiests at his cell-ehiated resort. It is alleged aa a gratifying fact that nuu'.l pox could never thrive in Ebeitsburg. Several rafts passed Clearfield en route f..r Iik Haven on Saturday and Sunday .ii.t. on't Elensbnrg be a sk oihI New York vIhii it gets a I'ostwuster ly the name of No pther remedy has proved soeffrctual In relieving Coughs and Colds aa Dr. Hull's Cviiirh Hyrup. --lr. Wtu. Jnes, an o'.d citizen of Cain t da township, dird on Thursday last, aged aUut 03 years. Tt rotiM township, Hlair county, has not tad .t J;totii of the p.u- or constable for .einy-rti-e years. lay:i(thi is gradnnliy advancing on the jCTr' of darkties, hot its victories seem to I a1! at the lower end. Vany consumptives are now nsing Dr. rjir's Root Bitters and (."ngli Sysnp If h ssmarkaale snressa. fI3-tt.-ly. Burgt-ts Davts has given public notice that ika ordinance against coasilng and rka'.irg on the sidewalks will Vie strictly en force ft. 'aas.t as honey, the old folks like it, th jeiirr people like It, and ihe babiea cry fir it. Wn mean Dr. Fraiers Congh Bvr op. 12 2l.lv. A delegation Is said to have s'arted for TVsshlngti.n city Wedneslay evening to see If thry can't oust Tkompsou with a "p" from tlie tt-(ifflc.e. Snc the discovery of Dr. Wi'dlam'a Ia J'au Ointment there fa certainly no exense t'.r auy one to suffer with the Piles. Bee sp:Ul notice. 12-21. -ly. Jiile Watson, of the Bucks dia'rict, Is to vrsUle daring the tlrst week and Judge Pirs'aiii.T. of the Schuylkill district, during itie fourth week of the coining Bltlr county i-There are still a few cases of scarlet fe r in oar midst, two children ot Mr. Thos. t Jon.', of the East Ward, lielng among the unmlier. 2fotie f the canes are thought to U "rliB. -SS-Miator Johu A. Lemon, of this district, hi tten appointed chalrmau of the Com ici'tee on A conn is and a metnler of the Committees on Railroads, Agriculture and tuitpnniHl Affairs. -Mr. Frank Dibert, of Johnstown, Is the cxnerof a tiible which weighs twenty-four and a half pounds and was printed one hun dred and forty-nine years ago. It has the weight of years a9 well as of material. A little son of Mr. James Weidensall, of A;txn.3, died on Saturday evening last of sitm',1 pox contracted iti II uutlngdou, where ther iirt, said to be quite a number of cases, and was buried at midnight of the same day. -The present issne of the Fbekmax closes 'lie eleventh volume and ends its weekly Tlg'.ts to several" parties who have not paid their subscriptions for two or more years, or gUen any intimation of their intention todo j. -The Johnstown Tribune tells of a tramp minus both arms who politely touched his hat in return for a square meal furnished li'.m the other day by a lady In that plsce. TU hat touching was probably done with nue of his feet. If you want to make money give yonr d'na metalic name and let him Insert his 'nth in your leg just one hour before noon. Tiierec-iit will be "eleven-Penny-bit," which somewhat intimately related to the "dol lar of our daddies." S.S. and Geo. Haines, convicted in the ".carfl ..-'id comity court last week for stealing Wr.e ami buggy some time iast summer fr"i Mr. S. !l Irwin, have each been sen uwil to the penitentiary for a term of five )trs an I nix mouths. Win. McCall, whoso arrest for making himself rather tK promiscuous at the Por railroad station we noticed last week, dis harged on bail the day after his in wr(raiion, Conductor Quartz, of this place, kenning his security. The physicians, borough council and "iili officers of Huntingdon all publish hi:uiii the local papers this week against 'he rmall mx, which has become an epi "'nic and in scaring nearly everybody iu ltit pi, , out of their wits. Mr. Wm. II. Schwartz, loca'. editor of ' Hollidavshurg Standard and a practical itcator, is" candidate for superintendent of public schools of Blair county. If we how to get it for him he would not "Eif be in u ..,t , t rl.n nnaitinn. feu horses bought in Cnrrolltown anil ur P'tn-hased in this place were sutppeu -wiai,)M. yesterdsv tV siessrs. jvhuw tljoi. l,,., "i.. i, .-t.n itxulffu in course I ri. . m . I I ..... . .y il.Hter vi.jj.q in weens iu Bruu lunu M'ity, where they have reguUs monthly ,,0--k sales. .-Mrs. it. e. Jones desires us to say that he it not only disposing of her fine stock of tr hats for ladies at coat prices, but that """iMies all prsons indebted to her to call Py all or even a part of what they owe, Z1 is greatly iu need of money at the time. 11 is a sad sight to see an intoxlcatea ou th street. How piiicu moi- " . ex r . - I .. . .. c . i : . , . . I ....... ,1. j ' ... . 1 . . u n i ii i.e.1 . ion oi ciTiio oiil ousiuefi nere, t "-'" ' A his dnnarturM finin mi.n.uia no .. ....i.l !! nf Tears stro. ute a void in mercantile and social circles! all hands to be on -l. w.l. nil .. ..... t l.t. 1 1 . . . I .IniliAM tlmn l, t t i in. n .i mn itiiioii irti rule rprise i n..... ... noon to pee i ni i provement. if th than a mere imit have no rcaxon HnUr ! prove a big bona n anil .Messrs. W is ar Morri X ; iensrr. i P. Shortvidge, Josiah P.icon, S. Kneass, 1. 1 T. Firth, F.. Hoberts, Thos. (Jriflith. Thos. Davis, F. H. Itarker. Abel I.loyd, Richard I Jones, rfnd Geo. J. Podgers as Directors of i tiAl.t roau iinturtiriaa i and urbanity could successfully fill. j An t-leciiou held at the I.hiyd House, in I this place, on lat Monday afternoon, for I f ....;. !.... n...i n;.....i....n ..e t. d. -i a vc.,.t. .iihi iii.-uia IU ll.r; x-. Ov. . . I, It., resnlte.t in t.ivor of Hon. A. A. for PiChide e is being put daily morning January I'Mu, uccessfnl as we iteil ami si:v. 'juied for several lishmctit a cou- knowledgcd on erv best tuianu That the one lay will be an im- R npssime, ranii-r its predecessor, we it. and that it win ts enterprising pro Pitcairii, la our ear- ier Jfl.li nest boon. Mr. P.U'k farmer residin we knew from w stoi .- an n 1 lia'ttieior Holiidaysbnrg, whom liest recollection, ana f k"ew ffrom keeping the fattest, live aid also for his gen- -f, . " ,Kd on Saturday morning hilve i.e , ; V ' I aged 74 years, and w as latit, of intent '....ii.rr ni iliat f..l.llrt'l..-.-' . .- - It is related of ... ....... nriiBumilMil nt. rine l I T- T. C- ...'.-. ago, hr a tuii-ioving iw 'Id " "i 'V, flowing time, mauyj i.e appeared at the yer orer tu.. .,, fcl,mmi,. he. juMicc sofL rHM.a 0 ,ean) ,)uU tbe was agree, h fyr fct.ding too only fharg much oaii. . ' . ,ii, :r - w i liow wuat new Itptit, it any, e o otn. jjgj.ijor of the fleraJd. lias oaw i.r UM U( js om.(, nlore on Uie but ei 7 hot it of ,,,,, Kliensburg warpath r r,ri,1.i,v believes to le poKt-oTi .(( of COIuflMt i,-e wiU ever have me nit ror wnath at least conceives a CliailCj , ..,. ,., ..vrl,iiiirtr that fall One of the most prominent citizens of t-i...i.... 1 1 . ...., .j;, t. jriiiiriiiau u.f V 1, 1, ill, 111 tl!U reared in this vicinity and is now bordering on sixty years of nge, never was in Altoona, except in parsing through it, until Monday last, when he spent several hours In that progressive young city and was very much pleased w ttb the sights he saw and tho evi dences of prosperity he witnessed during his brief sojourn. The Huntingdon Loral A'ctcs says that "chicken pox in a violent form" developed into small pox in that place when the cold weather set in, and now if is said that the former disease is as bad if not worse than the latter. It is sure that neither disease is to be trilled with and one needs as much precaution as acont;igion as the other. The name of our clever friend in a small package, Col. H. C. IVrn, of the Altoona Tribune, has Ix-en mentioned in connection with the Republican nomination for Mayor of that city, but as he avows his determina tion not to accept the mooted honor upon any conditions, the probabilities are that the office will have to go further and possibly fare worse. More's the pity for the office. Fee advertisement of Trustee's sale on : "if t,at neighbor James will not be Monday next of 3H) acres and improvements . ttonJ ,:.. .1- 1 li.l J ., 1 'tt.ttf . - . ... in uaiiinvia lowusuip, pimiiKiieu etsewnere i - n on inis page, mm hiku BUTeriieuienin i'i Assignee. ssle of 100 acres of land in Al legheny township and Administrators sale of 12X acres in Carroll township, both of whirh will be found on our first pngc, the sales to take place on Tuesday next, Jan. 22d. Our yonng Philadelphia friend. John fP . Murray, son of th" gallant and lamented Col. Wm. (J. Murray, lale of Hollidavsbnrg, and who some weeks ago married a daughter ef Capt. D. K. Ramcy, ef the latter place, Intends going to Brazil with his young wife. In company with his untie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coilii:s. who are to sal! i . ..o . mm'h monev in his own abon. the 25th of the present mouth. the conclusion, baed on that and other voyage. -n'instan-es, is that he was Htiiig on airs A Pa. R. R. engineer named James'Mf Kwiand's expense. McCracken had his skul" fractured on Fri-I i-w ijnle children of Mr. Thos. Charles, day last by a large stone wnich fell from nf n0iii,laysburg, a girl aged eight and a ledge and struck him oa the head w hi! jriy foir veKr!, old, got hold of. a tlat.k full looking out of the cab window near Irwijf-.10VV,i,,"r CI1 Saturday morning last, and in station, from the effects of which injury tlif. ai,e,.P riii the ktchen of their mother, died on Saturday morning. Deceased w n'0 w nii upstairs at the time, proceeded to an unmarried man, aged thirty-one Jt,,, tlm contents on the liot cimkine 8tOT, and lived with his mother at WilkinsbntJan( tll(, result was an explosion which re whither his body was taken for liiiernifntj,,,,,, jn i.inwing the flask into fragments, the burial ground of the Covenanter churl r,,'nft t,f which struck and mutilated the The largest sreer tins country nas pnj, i,an,i9 f the little girl in a nomine manner, n i i .i. - r to be fa 1 er.icieni en n-i- w j j i .opinion in msi. ,ftni.i ... it as it may, petition praying t . . . . rn i ...nl. r 1 i T i , ,,'not thoy are groaning nnder the w j .Jrcnmnla'ed signa.nre we are not -. iisay, though we venture to assert, r.rii. aster Thompson's successor will i Iteil tV a weinocranc hoiiiiii mi i w '"A,... Wil';mi nf niacklick tovrn- . s committed to Jail on Wednesday ri li-ged on oath of Elias Rowland, Esq., I.IK .. ... : r 1 lie lowitan . o, of li.iTinir fiinod r.i ii j . ...... a.,-, -e. i.rmriiiiiut t.i his fitrn ii the. conten's "licket-book belonging to the latter gen w hich is said to have contained some dollars Sl1 money and varions papers : 1 .. A 4 l.im.lrail ti.ttara r.r t billing lit -Mtnc yj ............. -. i j The evidence against the accused is j Vd to be verv strong, one of tho princl I anints of wh ch is that hie got a twenty j ar bill changed at a More in rhis place, ... 1, l.na rint I10..II kllOWn for IMtlT a tint now iii 1 v iiif,ij j t of Johnstown, who fortunately, however, was saved from loss by tbe arrest of the swindlers a day or two before his remittance came iuto their hands, rue i rwuiie says . - . ImnnrTant rfinn. deuce schemes that we hive heard or in a long time was unearineo hi Hiiiw.. v....r..... i.. an extended account or the matter will turnisti r.,oriiii,iir rp linif. s there is a lical snrmtl- cance attsched to it. and a moral which evince divested bv even the most obtuse. On the -d ot December last a letter wss msilcd lrmid ncy.and directed to Mr. John D. Huaties. Johns town, l'a. liie letter neau whs nm.ij (.......-, and the penmanship ws of the most business- it rmn a 1 wi in j . Sidnkv Horse, SiDwrr, Neb., ) lec. a, ii, 1. Jobs F. Wilbos, Proprietor. Jhn D. Hughes. . it., ono. Afloat m.-itit 1 irpntle- UKAR 91 K : uu UH.0U111V1 .... - ---- man Ftooped at mv hotel. resri?terin his name as M lluirhes. "rom the Black Hills. On the wa .lo'wn on the rtaaa he caa.? .it a severe cold widen terminated in pneumonia, from winch he died two ,iavs ago. Not knowing anything in regard to hii relatives 1 examined his 'runk anl found it to contain a Very tine gold w. tch and chain, two silver 10 mnted revolvers, a urohi rini, an.t many otti-r valuables. 1 also found aorae papers cc.ri .inting of deeds, etc.. to mtn ng properly in the n'a-k Hills and Some addressed to John D. Hub he" J elm-town. Pa. On ieein this ahd sup- .o. 1 ,..iinir vou to be some relative, 1 conciuueu -o ouie to Pjas "he co,,tents of the trunk is very valu ' t -...,,1.1 intihii Mr Hca-hes owes Toe a balance for boarJ, etc., as follows : One week board W ?n 1 .li.rtgLur 18. tU X ttiu uni ...... Total -8 ' relieving vou to be the properpereon to receive ihe etlectsVf the deceased 1 will forward the trunk anil ciintt-ni B to you on receipt id ainour.l rt-icne sa above. The tioetor'a and dru-gists hills 1 have not received, tiui as 1 am not respon iide lor them 1 do not propose to p.iy thein uuieeB the money Is sent tor that purpose. Yours, etc., JouNF.W11.eow. .A Mr. Iliiffhcs hns a brother in ttie rur cki somewhere, from whom he bus not heard for n lonir time, uti.l us tne staiernen" in i seemed plausible eiioiiirh. he i-ame to the con i elusion thnfMr. Wilson" whs honest and up i riaht in nil 'hut he proposed doiii. io be call ' cd on Kso. rishT, toconsult with him in regard ' tosemlin(f on the bill of expenses which had ! te. n incurred by the landlord of the Sidney 1 House The 'Squire was inclined to look with ! distrust on the metier, but tin ally decided to ; send his pei soiuil check on the Fnsi NanonsI i IVink of JohuMown for the sum or t.'.W, but, I nt the siime time, took care to write across the ' lace of it. "For trunk mid funeral expanses, 1 inien.linir. if it turned out to be a confidence irame. Hint lie would reiuse paj im .1. ,,.r when it came buck, and thus block the ira-ne 'it Wilson, ine cucck whs "! i" , 31st of D. ceinhi r last, and iiriixed at Mdney i,,t nbout the time that the "propi letor of the hotel ' whs arri ved. Following is a copy ot tb-j letter iu which it whs enclosed : Officr op J. H. Eisiisa, ) J 1 pt:cb of tus I'eacb. .Iousutuws, Ta., Dec. 31, 1377. ) J. F. IVt'son, E7. 11.. r Mr. .Tohn P. Hnahes. mrrrhant tailor of this place, lot? Just shown mcyonr letter I nisi... aim ironi "ii en uc ...... Iliiehes who died at jwnr noiei niuei. . . v.... K.-..1- ht.w vrti. tvtin lust ni-iiro . 1. I, o-iwwuii iii : liforina. ten- , c'oe vou mv check 1T tlie amount of jour bill. , and vou will please h.rward by express the trunk 1 inenii.iiie.t. and al'o please liive us such particu lars of lr. Hushes' Utatli h you kniW, and where he whr buried. -, . Very respectlully, yours, J. H. Fihf.b. j Mr. Charles E. Smith, who had come on here from North Fl.ute. Ntbia-ka. several days be- fore tho Wilson Utter whs received, and whoi lei t a lew tlnys siitscqMentl.v oil his retui n, was ; rciiiiffited by Mr. Iluahes to stop at Sidney and make i-ome Inquiry iu relmion to ihe death or l mi a L ... 1. U I I I ll .f .I'I ll llll l'l' the laiu'rn oriiiin-i . ' , ur . ....... ...... , be wrote hack that it pneK ef fcou iiiirels hull t.een carrviiur on extensive operations iu the 1 "dead brother' but-ine, and thHt lr five or eix months they hud been at the same swindlina dodge of wiitiim to parties in tiic East just such Intormniion as liad been sent loom- friend. Mr. Hughe, here. Il happened they had been i Rrie-tcd a Iay or two bel'ore he auiveu there, 1 however, and 'Squire F istier's check Was found i.mong their peir,oiiul i J Vct. Tins, lie stared was 111 possession ot Mr. ii. Ii. Bail, L. e. Mar- ' snal at i.iiuaiia. ; It seems Hint durimr one day no Us than ; ,i.i.. 1. ,, 11, In .1 Hmck-ili.U i s died at the sddncy , iPnia that is, .Mr. Wiison clerk t.-ot out to ' viii ious towns and vilhirfts ill Eastern Slatts, ' dupli-ate letters such a the one received by j Mr. Umrhes. only t hanging the names ami 1- . dress to suit location. A special ayc-iit, named j Seybolt. was put on the trck of tne swindlers. , tin InM ganiidsiT a wt k ego he went 10 Sidney, j and found by means ot hiIiw) letter Hint John ; ('. Lee, wno resicieJ in that place, was tne John j V. Wilson or the "idm-i Iloni-," mm lie ' "shadowed'' hhn until tlie loHowii.g day. when j his man took out seven lito-is from tne post- oftltclx x, winch were all I nun I'ennsyl vania, ; ' and addrcssrd "J. F. Wils.m." On Monday ot last week he received ciulit b tters, and us the detective w as sal istled 1. 0111 the movements of ' Lee that lie (Scy 0010; wn nci.iiHii;u,in; K ...i.. . . - . :,....!.. .f tliM.ltf.r. : ins warriiiii 01 uiit-si n. ......j- n n HHHR n it u H 1 LI.L jT ! L OOOO L o O iSii t, o o 0000 e L O OO OK K tAA H t n (1 ii n v tr ta 1 K L O OO O K K fcpl! LEO OO OKKfi LLLLLL OOOO OOOO K K fir ! " JSW ws&ifyt 4- EF.EEEB I K li ETtltlt K R EEEEB H U K R K K KKKK EE K It B UK K H H EEEEE K K w I:e & E E E EEEEEU 3C eople's 0 a IB. JSJT Tiiii: AP Store CAIIROLLTOWX, So callel by numbers of persons tvho have return eil from Johnstown, Altoo na, Ehensburg, and elsewhere, with the dear-bought knowledge that we who were not among the first to oien in Carrolltown, but who were the VERY first in Northern Cambria to sell Goods at such W ONDERFUL LOW PRICES, can do THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE BUSINESS. ALL mm ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL AND WE FOR THEMSELVES. ! S. TEITELBAU.YI El BRO. CAnROLLTOWX, JAS. 1?, icTS. . Camiria'sI'osthibi'tios to tii k State ThEASl'RY. The following exhihils the amount paid directly from this county into the State Treasury during the year 1S77 : TAX ON CORPORATION STOCK. r..s.Hin T Kin I'nmonnv f l3 Johnstown Water an-1 tins Compan ? . .lohnslown Water foinpany .lohnsiown Maiiufiicturinrf Company. .lohiistowii M,'fh:in!enl Works.. -t- I nri'iinaiiil Cresson I'lank lt.iad Com i TAX ON COAt. COMPANIES. Cambria Iron Company TAT OS I'tRSONAI. PnorKnTY Cumbria County TAX ON NET BAIISINGS. John Dibtrt t Co TAX ON LOANS. P.oromrh rf nhenstuirc Itorough of Johnstown TAX ON WRITS, WILLS, DEEPS, C. D. McColjrnn. I'rotlionotury M1TAUV PIT.LIC COMMISSIONS. Charles Ziinmerman COM.ATF.rtl AL l.NtlERITANCK TAX J. M. Singer, Hi pistcr IlfcTAII. Fits' I.ICENSEH K.J. Freldhcff, Trcssurer 1,108.67 TAVERN l.lCENSr.8. N. J. Frcidhoff, Treasurer S,;02.50 lill.I.t Vl'.O KOOM LICENSES, N. J. Frel.ihtT, Trciif urer 27 00 EATIKti ItOl'PE, ETC , LICENSES. X, 3. FrchHioff. Trcssurer S3.00 iitii.i.eh ani smtwrns' licenses. J. Freidhotr, Trtss'irir l.o.OO riupniET laws. J. rrcidhotT, Treasurer L'15 1.3--M.I 0 7:i") .tHJ :i7 63 2,311.50 170.3: 41. 1 14-,J ! 7'.d.23 25.03 S4.S1 Dyspepsia.' Typepi(i! Dyepe.' TTFpf pslft t tfts taot perplcilBlt oT U fenmsa tirint. Its symuiouis re nl:x.t IsfinU l ; titr rsrlT. nd Ihe forlorn and !e5Vi:Jr"t , Tlotimt of lbs d:ses often faucr theaiseivcs i" t.rsy to torn "f Terr koewo iuldy. This It 4oq 'in part to ih clJe TmcstIiy wnich iiit tiwn the sierosch n4 t Se b: s.n. n In prl !io to ths ract tbt any iKJinrtsnce o! tt iiK' tire r-Jccv!n ril v disorders tie l'Ter. lie tonls sort lh ErriB! stjU'ji. snd sOcoti. to in ejt,r.l t li e, isllty rf tbe Hnd. IS. r. hnnkel t Hitler WIrie sf Ircns litre ear This ii net s new rrrir;ioo. to be tr!d nd feoo4 Wiistliiic.lt h Veen rrrseT.Dod cr.y lor mmr vftr! lo tb protle t enoloeot nb.T.o:Tif wltb'nBi srslleleil ces. It If not iuetcd or tntenrteil to eur s'l the rtlfeesn to wbirti the Uo Bisn isirilv Is -sbjeei. but li werrsntert to care I'Tspep"'" ' uioet obsilfist" form, .snsel Hitter Wtneof Iron urrer telle t rnre. Syup- nr t Tr-ni or les bt eseli;e. wiud sua inter ef tue foed drvnesi ot tbe mouth hart- ' I'b I 11 , u iri.u -11 ' VI UW . . - I k...li.l.a itirtrnt-.m ' I 1 1 li ' I tew tplrlf. TrT the srt remedy sod It I T'oe-dr Its merits. (It! tbe 8t.'j.n. Fetie nly It enkel'i. whieb it put onlv In ena dolisr I'Ottiex. ' l'epot. 2 Nertb Ninth Street. P bi'sJelphle.. r. It tmr fulls. For by 1 llroifRiett e!ert eTerj wbere. , . . Ask for r.. T. Knckel's Bitter Wine of Iron ud take se ether. i bUle for ie dollars, or n deilsr per belli. X. N. I.HI MH TW MAKHl'.T. CoRnr.cTr.o VTbuki-v it Mrtrj k. I.i.otp. riocr l,td..7..r.to?S.OO Vrn el. per Ih... Itnttcr. rll per lt . 5U Huckwliest. Hour, . .ll.l ..ub.wl I TlfT III per lb 12 to T V bite Hesns his Frn" per doren... Laril per 10. . . A Skillful riivstciAV. rr. Oeorpe IT. Keyser, of this citv, is so well known to the commnnity in w hich lie hs been in success ful practice for such a long series of years, that it is sctrcelv necessary to mention the location of his oiliee. For the hem-tit of the few who m:iy not le familiar with it. how ever, it may be stated that it is at No. 240 IV tin aveniie. The doctor, in bis special linet of practice, tuny be said to be almoht without peer in this country. A lengthy experience and years of s'udjir nave made him tnost thoroughly familiar with pulmon ary complaints, and likewise with, all that class of diseases that are to bo cured by trusses and appliances of that character. Tr iTAru-r i mm of the best educated men T Itr.w ner Ih t ountry Soap, per lb Hcffwii. " ' lre'?d Hogs, " Suit, prr Ll.l wl. er Ih.. 8S Chickens, per lb. . 1 IT i tc r 8 1.25 20 t inlniis. p'T t'Ui-hel. . ':l lit hint V hue. l.ii to l.!0 8 I've i tr brie S f'.rn ' 25 Hats " " 2i 1 6 I'u.kwheAt per t'os. bo 2 I'ntatoca per bu. 30 to 40 ?2 56t:i"rer fced. per to 40 I us.. " 00 to 6.00 6 T:ralhv Seed fer 7 bus l.t'3 I'oliee p'riino.per ib 25 X. O. MnUssee . . . . 60 Hay, per Ton 8.U9 Syrups per K"'- t0 90 SHERIFF'S SALES. BT v'rtu oT sunflry wrlu of Fen. Fv.-- A.I. VcnX trpniu, Lri Facia nnn i furo. UsneJ out of tbe C urt i t Cotr-iiotl Fleas of Cambria county and torn dinc-te. there will be esposed topubl'c tnle.at th hotel or Coni4 Usal. in Johnstown, On Rnttirdav. Feb. Oth. I878( at'iocleck, IN M .. the follow Iu italfStatw to will All the r1-ht. title nnd Interest of Joserh "fthixtes. of, in snd to a lot i f around a.tuatetl to . i. ..... ...-V.1.. j'dn.l..-.a rnlifltv. f A . ni'iio. iti n .tiii- ..... .- - .-. -. - ' fron'inn-on the Johnstown end Bedford i io, ! adj liniun lot of 5ac:tJfl Clmer in one fid ! i .. n ..li. ... .... ,1... r.ttifff rn nnine tjMOk to lot of tiimiiel H.irner.lhvtmr thereon erected two-story plank hoiwe sod Motile, now In the mcupsncv of K. Oullerton. Tskfti In eni llon snd to sold st the suit of Trustees of lna. Castle, rs o. fi. i. v j. i . -i. v . At". nil the r!?ht. title and jntrt oT ! r tln Mtdviu. nf. In snd lo lot ot irronrd so" nted In Cs'jU.ria hcrntiii h. Otntirls count y. Pa., f routlrgt on tVa north on Hi er strict. it in lot ot Jacob Osinor on the west, lot or Wichrfl. McMahon on theeat. snd an el lev on the sooth, h inif thereon erected n t-ro st-iry rieik boos.-, i.7 . i llii-ni. M.-lvln Tnhon i in execution mi to be told at the suit of j. W. I L):!lll. . . . 1 also, all the r!hr, tltlf snd interr-Ft of John i Iiitz. of. In Mid to n lot ot irrouiol oiiuated m thefiih wsrrt of Johnstown borough . t m t"l ! ennntv. Pa., trontiOK on Morri stnet. tiavioar ' P't-ctt street on one side and sn b I ivj on the i o'her. end riiritiinir Imrk to hii slle. Imiin : theroon ' roi.tcd three two-stoiy plaok hoiista " I nnd u stable, now in the -cup;iney ! John i :. il. ..r, li llito u,irl a, l h,.f 'l'nken ill PI- edition nr.. I to !. sold t th uit of lruil In 1. Castle. No. M. A. K. of M. C. At .so, ail the rinit. tilieand iiiti-tet of Ib-nrV Gillespie, of. in nnd ! lot of -round situnTc.' i.. i..-..c,-...r.t t., ...... i'li nni tn-iii eonntv. Pa..- frontioir in CJ inriy street, ! j .i'iinir lot -f John Nnrv on the west and lot ot 1 ftotnns l'r l ison on ihv e it. t inuii.(t back t Penn'a HstI Itn.id. lis inc l In rc'on ereeteii a t wo-smry plurx house and stsMe, now in the tx-rupanry f t Henrv CJillespic '1'rtkeu in exei-uiloii and 19 he soi.l st the suit ot '. It. Kills. Al.si. nil Ihe I'srht, titlo H"d Interest of Clin ton (ioi lmour. ot, in mid to a ueoo or psi I of lnnf situati'd hi Taylor t ii!.hip. CambrlA coi.ntv, l'a., n.ijoiiiuii ImioIs ot J.din .1. io.rl, .1 . C. Itolcs, K. J rki v. nod o'h is. ctmiMlon. -s KHiiivMiii'if or less, nlioot .i kith or whieti ' ure clou re. i. ti;i loic tlnieon en i-ied a two slorv olm.k l.owso an t Ir.mv; burn, now in t he invu- j pam-y of Clinton Uo''!i!Miir. Taken in ex di'ii'it I Mi d ube sold nt the s'.nt of Ucorre Wehn, r. Al.iV Hii the rviit. titlf ami interest ot J.itoi i r .novan. ot. ir. mi l Jo H l"t of irrooiid 'ilimlcl i:i the "1 wartl, MillviM'- boronjrh, Crn-rl county. I'd . t rootuiir on the noiiih on I'oii.'l street, iidjoiiuiiii !oi ot Putin k UimIit.-is on I he) j i :it and 'iti.unss Mui'al'C on tne wv-t. xterol . b:sc! to tin nll v, hnvlt'g- th reon erci ii d 1 twei-slory plunk hoii-e, m t now H'Ctipied. T" ; kin in i t ut ii n ami to be sold at t he suit of M . keim i i o, j A i s . nil t !;e i-iifht . t It le and i nterft of 'loi. H . 1 1 1 f Iav i i I'll-cri and Kn-hard Itund-cpH, ot. In sin! to nil that c TtHiti lot .. iri'ouiiit vit ; tinted in fie t.omt.iioi j-ilmMou n, (. , it. In i.i ; i tity. Pa-. ir.'tit'"i "d te.-t on tin- w-s:eriv 1 side ot M ini sti.-t l. sod fxtendinic I H k. Mt Mn lit utiiilo Willi. M.iiii -I ri-vt. t hr s-a tne Id I h, P'G lent, t.iorc or l-ss, to an aln y. 1 1 he r.ori h wet erl v em n :-r d sail lot tin l 't h n t I t 0 ineles 1 1 1 mi Ihe poll h-east el I y coroer of M li lt a in o cr.i and ! :n imr I h-re :i rei ted a 1 hree- . story trime '.luiutinf. hound, v mi I he westeily ! S'de y lot late toe r.oderioe d W liltiini Hi t, li-c'd. to-vl her w lib Ihe h'-'f 1 lament and art. . p.n t n.i'i. es. Tiil.eit in exeeution nnd to t e t 91 ! ai the nil of Johnstown Savir :s Itiiuli, ! nsiir: e i f Harriet Orr and iili.mi C. Lew ;s, 1 a 'niinl-ttalers of U'lilmtn i o r. ill c d. ! Au-n, a.l tho rl'ht. ti'le nod inti-reut of John ' (i.ititis. "t. in and t. m lot of iriniiinl situated i in the First ward or Oom-rr.auirh tiorooirh. Ca m j I'lia county, l'a.. front lug- on t he south fin llai! , It.nid st icvt. adjoinimt lot ot l iank Mi idire on 1 ttie West, srid lot of Catnbiia linn Con.punv fin 1 Ihe st. havMiir thN;n eect-d a two-stfry j frame house, now in the occupancy of John tiatiTie. 1 iiken in ex-r'ition ui.d to be sold at 1 Ihesu'l ol llnviii Owtl. J Al-. allthc r'jilit . 1 i:le r.r J tntcrpft r f .le j thro O itl ha in, of . in and to two lot of. erround sduate in Stony Creek township, I 'ttmtu in finin. ! tj. Pi., trotitin in M:e oohnstown Hod Scalp I Lvel Turtipili? "n the wvt. adj.iiniinr lot of '. V caper on the north iiud an alley on the ! soul h, ex t .ndiotr Ini'k to nn a I lev, ha vine hcre I on erected a two slorv plmk house and sta' le, now in the occupancy of .'t thro OidhHin. Ta ! hen in execution cr.d to be sld at Ihe suit of : Vi!!iam Sink. (.0 ai.oo. all ihcrljrbt. title and inierest of Au- M i u ust W ih. of, in nnd to a lot of m ound s t natu in the 1st ward. Johnstown toi-oiijh, t amtnia county. Pn.. f rontinir on I'nioa stieet, adjoll let of lavi1 Ideweilyn on the smith, an. I lot of Sam 'ii I I'.otShtoti tho north, extndMiy back lo ati all.'j, havimr tin reon erected a ttJ story plnck house, now In th occupancy of AuiruSt VVud. T.i k i-ti tnciecutlon and to ba soid at the suit sf Henry S:iencl. ihe I fcfision and in tlie panic "V1 I to which we have refer; Jn i , , .... ..r.i: ..r .rrml. II is tliOrOllllll knowledge of diseases of lliis character and their treatment, insure absolute safety, anil i. ...... ,,.ii iiUrn tl-.eir reliance on mm iii .lio , , 1 1 ... n u ..tyufl 1 1 tT f S-t,i ii v fsver uniuiitni . .. ..j - . - . . ..i.: c. I ISarclav, of somersei lowiininp, dum. countv", and realized for its several ow" , no ward of 87,000. When taken to Plii!" pnia ourinu mo i-f-iiit-i.ni-., . ... i . .l.,l.i ti.i.. It ueUrlied 4 01)0 m i .i... n ., .i,n tl.Mti owned it. an aim i iitr uirti. ...... ... --, . had Invested 31.4.-0 iu its purchase., v1"' . , - cst nkfi 1 .. iidli f t r n fttrml ' 1 i I amen io pajt .. it,;, i I which lie had reali2ed from exhibit "ls j big bovine, . , It lias not vet been decided ; le wlietber the new township erecte. " 1 parts of Washington and Summe j be called Portage or Penn, nor Is ! to a certainty whether tbe Utvlsiol"'- u , conflrme.l at the Argument or lit , of Court, though must probably tin ' ; latter term. In the meantime a ' T .' time to come we suggest "N inety ? f ' f ! as an appropriate hymn for the V1, ; the new election district, n'nj ' ! voted for and nine against the i""- d ! C'ome in out of the cold, wl. J?"" ; you some barm, buy lor y . ...Ill irmin rn l ( 11 1 1 M r i in. io n and fMlr ti Brjt". t will Keep you q.... ,rnhT. , now given to one ana '-' 4 , "i;, clever, at Star Clo.bing Hall rJ -1 his clo'hlnj:, overcm.n. , "sicb," at V""" ,; make all buyers rich, for "l'-., the big stock now n store, he k- cost and not a cent more, fit street. No. 109. J"-'.: ' V men shoul.l visit wno nave ... -The AUoonmlorntnaGW"" 1 revolutions on .J has been ..r, pev family has i office. One of the gittea r . 1 charge of the local leP'"'J be conducts it is evule nee 'MnK. talented brothers, W t 1 'Xfonte Watch- toncity.and Je,of he H remdlnjr man, fully " r l?tj hope that j public lm,,,'"h,cJ,", "le revolves may new dress this trnk J , cheerful as the happy faJ ol a j wbo h Ju.t learn-l t h- whole week svj """""-.,., the Globe manageinem ... "---.. i)andsotnesl both of her thumbs being left hanging l.y mere shreds of flesh, while "he litttn tmy una nearly all his hair blown off, besides receiv ing some very painful burns alout th? head. The condition of the lilile inforf ttnatea is, however, considered by no means dangerous. Two young colored men who gave, their names as Charles Olabattgh and Charles Wilson, aiias Seveille, who were arrested as suspicious characters and sent to the work- j houe in Pittsburgh for a short term, have i been recognized as Wils. Patterson, jr., and Joseph Larimer, of Johnstown at least the former has been recognized and ther seems to be no doubt about, the identity of tho lat terwho are wanted in this county and will be brought here as soon as they are liberated in that citv to answer ft charge preferred against them several months ago for break ing into and robbing a local freight car at the Johnstown station, and for participating in which another young colored man named Johnston was arrested about three months ago and is still in our county jail awaiting U!!Ljolin MrClnre, son of the warden of the Blair county prison, entered the corridor of that institution on Thursday evening last foe the purpose of furnishing the prisoners with their supper, when he was attacked by two notorious characters named Wna. Bnrk hart and Wm. Murray, and during the scuf fle which ensued nearly all the other prison ers who had been permitted the liberty of ! the' corridor, made a rush for the jail yard, 1 but as luck would have it, John lirown, a I colored man to whom the warden had hand ' ed the keys a short time previous, took re I fuge from danger in the jail tower, and as a consequence the mutineers were unable to make thvir exit. In the meantime young McClure managed to free himself from the ' clutches of his assailants, and with the aid 1 of his fa'ber ami two of the prisoners who j came to the rescne, soon succeeded in quelling ' the outbreak, not, however, until he had j fired ft shot ami inflicted a flesh wound on one of Murray's arms. I The contests for the beautiful painting 1 and valuable necklace, the former to tie ! awarded to whoever draws Ihe lucky num ber, and the latter to Ih given to one of four i;tie cirls who secures i.i ntgneju. nuuioer e , i . i. . . . i. . oi me oner- i ' ' - . .. Vf.i,iiiir. In ttiia lora itv nariicuiar.v t". " t...'.....o. ii...r u.o oniiiB whs un lib irave ihe I feRsion and in the tiarticnlar branches of it name ol K. W. M.i-aii us f.is accouipoce, a fhnt individual whs iinnieiliuleiy capture.!, in ( ln possession tweiiiy-one I. tiers uddressud lo J. Ir. Wilson were discot ere.l. .)ii seiirchiiirf Morgans rucim, printu.i iciicr , inose wno in.f.r. ...... headings were found, the s.iuie ai the letter ( r(.t assured that their faith is flrmlv grouna ...... ... m i i Hughes. hm I also a lotur list ' .. r .-,... i, ri.-.'.Ji rt-ll.-loi.l . ..,.11,. ..u t.lru.au. lull lilllv i ' Ol l in ill. n ii .i ."... - 1 from each posioihce. 'ihe add tosses were prin cipally of parties residing Iu Pciinsylraiiia. Illi nois, l'ennessce, llhio. and Missouri. A pre liminary hrarii'K wus given the prisoners, and it was decided lo hold llicni for trim, in default of I.Wil had. Uf formerly resided In ttiTiatm. where he whs i" the lottery business for some time, and i nus seen red the names ot thousand ol p.is.'iis throurttiout the country who arc anxious to make money by chance. Morgan had been a post-trader's cleik. at Hed t I oid Agcui: , nnd whs aiwajs cousideied of excel lent character. In wriilny un this matter st such leOirth it Is to l e hoped ttmt some or our rendeis may he tnnght aosctul lesson -which is, tinii sctuincs by wlilcr. wealth may tie acquired so easily, on complying w ith requests sent out hy circular or letter, can ulwaste Set down as the swin dling dodges of confidence men, and gullible people w ho bite at specious schemes ure little It any better than the persons by whom they are duped. How IT IS Done. The first object In life with the American people is to "get rich the second, bow to regiin good health. Ihe first, can bo obtained by energy , honesty ami i savin"-: the second (gomi iieaunj ny nm. Green's August F lower, fcnour. yu i be a despondent sufferer from Any of the i effects of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. Indi ! g. stion, &-c".. such ns Sick Headache. Palpi ! ration of the Heart, Sour Sw.ma. b, HaWuia I Costiveness, Dizziness of th Head. Nervous 1 Prostration, Low Spirits, &c. yon need not atiff- r another dav. Two iloses of AUGUST j Flower will reliev you At once, sample Bottles 10 cents. Ilegn'.ar sir. "-5 c'I,"t I Positively sold bv Lftnmon & Murray, iv ensburg. P. M. Woleslagle .t Son, w iimore, ADMIXISTRATOU'S NOTICE, p.stateof Mart Murray, dee'd. letter? or sdnilnlstratt in on the ei-tsto of Mr-. Mnrv Mnrrav, late tr Cambria township. Cam PrU Vnutit v. ileeeaeed. bavu been grsnted to lhj underFignefl. to whom all persov.s indebted tosuld rT.to (ire reqncs:ed to make pajmnt. and thos having eialms ng.insl the ernie will pleese pre sent them prupeny snthenticnted for settlement. C. MUKKA"!. Administrator. Cambria Twp., Jan. 18. 1878.-8.. 7WTOTICE. Is the Court all i. M .1 . ---- - Notl.- is herehv given that the aper.unt of Mlae Williams, cominitteeof Jan" v illtams, nn tnfflns 1 er;n has been S'.e 1 in the Prothoootary'f otHee if :mhrln conn'y. and will bo presented to siii Cuari tor eonfirraation ant sllowssre, at Aran rucnt Court, to ho held st K'jei.sbiir. on Tcks niY. the l-Jth dav of FrntRt kt next.. O F. trilON'N P.I-I, . Proihi-ntsry. Prothonotary'sOln-e.KhBnshurg. Jan. 15. 1STR.-41. TesiyB or SAttj. Otie-tUrd of tbe purchase monjr t tie t.aid w hen t he ;.i open v is knocked Cown, aud the remsitiing t wo-lUird.s f.enr Uie cmCi Lauti:i of tU deed. r' ' j' - JOHN' RTAX. ohaTiff. SberlfUa OCloe. Ehenbuv. dsn. li. lsS. SHERIFF'S SALES. Y virtue .if sundry writ Cf ln.l. Efjun., issued outfit the. Court of irattitm PbrlS CHinbriH count y mid lo me Jirected. thro Il bo exposed to putd.c fcuie. at Ihe Court in k.n.nut.ilrr . n ZTr OM. ! Tuesday, February IJIth, IG73, ' 1 e,t I o'elocK, 1. JJ.. the toiiowintf ri eeiat OTNTT. ' i..mi. I or tj wit Atr. t rtpbt, title snl Interest of Frcderkk S h:ni'ier. cf. in snd til lot -T urounl situ ate In tfuri'init viite hoioujh, Omtr!a eotjnt.v. Pa., f rout o:i t he Tf 'im mir ion, Cmnhrla un.i Indiana Turnpike, sdj -'idoir n.t of .t .hu Susr t:i iiith on ore R rtf and lot d .Tohtt HitT 1 on the other, ekteudirg hsck t) fe I to an eiley. hv Iiib thereon erected a iwo-tc.ry i'ltirtk house, I'fiw tn the ocenpacy of Frederick frihiiieM.ier. Taketi In execution and to be sold at the suit of sine .1 Icy IJios. Ai-S'i. all the rip tit. Mit end 1nTerf of Anna ft. Mclionlirle nnd John K. Fcao is n. nccu tor of Closine: Out Sale! - i. MciiO'itiiit- nun jonn I,, soaiiiitn.ncciilonn j Jereniinh .Mcfioniirlc. dec'd.and Charles A. Mc- HABDIAE 'HKWARE, STOVES, i ji.-i - a -r - i of tlie prcmifH Rp.1 heup.I l.y thr Urn of th eur. v ww x 7 - t.- ii flrt.claH friierrit8 in the U. A Rare Musical Treat. St. John s Choral Club, of Altoona, which recently gave a conceit at St. Augustine iu aid of the Catholic church in that place, whe'e it was honored with an immense audience, to which it cave unbounded satisfaction, Las kindly volunteered to give a like entertainment at j and for the benefit of the Catholic church, iu j this place, on Friilay evening, January j 25th. The programme to be presented will ; consist of sacred, sentimental anil humorous koIos. quartettes, choruses, recitations, etc., some twenty-five in numlier, with piano ac- j coiiipaniments by Misses Kooncy and Haas, I two of the most accomplished lady perform- . . . . !... ,1... (Ii.itu ..or, ' ers on thai iiisuumcin. mi produce. We know to a certainty that the concert will be first class in every particular and that the four ladies and five gentlemen .i... .. , noriii inatH bare few euuals ami no superiors among amateur vocalists. t?o ; well assured, indeed, are we of this fact, j that we Lave no hesitation in saying that ; any one who has a single obctioti to urge agaii.st the entertainment alter it is over . will have their money returned fill iy and j promptly. More than this we need scarcely say. though tho following from the Altoona Mtrror will serve to show that twenty-five ; cents could not be belter invested for a, bet- , ter cause ami with a better assurauceof got- j .,..... .l.-.o roll value in real, uemiine ; llllt iii.m. . " " , , enjoyment, such as St. John 8 Choral Club is abuudautlj able to furnish. The Mirror eays : Tho musical entertsinment given by the Pt. John's choir, in tne biisement or the U.tholic church, on Saturday evening.was well attended, Ihouirti not so nuuierously si that winch pre ceded it. This wus partly on hccoihiI of the mud and darkness tlirouh which the peopie . ... -. . ......i.i hurl, to wmle: but we are. Knew .iif-j '""'""-; :,' . ; ,. '... .-.... saiisneo inn. nnu i..,, i.iiiieifi Miiti imeiicui u:ii i.-n-i. o,. Titusville, Pa., April 15, 187(5. X take pleasure in certifvittg that the Sweet Worm Powder bus worked wonders in my family. Mv girl, four years old, was taken with con vulsions, roUitig tip tbe eyes, and straig.it ening out of the limbs, and semed to be al most lifeless, when I borrowed some of t.ie Sweet Worm Pow.'.er made by E. K. Thomp son, T.tusvilie., Pa., giving her two doses, when she was relieved at once. I ilso gave, some to my other children with the same effect. Ob... M Herring Kerr Hill, l a Prepared bv K. K. Thompson. Titn-viUc, fa., and s I'd 'by Lemmon & Murray. Ehens burg. I'rice 25" cents per box. COST! COST!! COST!!! ten" lii'.'B tneni. of . I n an d t o n ic? c or ppi-cel fr land tfd in Wflshintiou tcwiiinp. Cnmto-ia county, i a., ocj.-iii'i k nirnis ot tne tu Irs fir f WiIioiiii Phflrp, f.ei.-'d, Vi;iM:ii Tiiy, nd .it hers. linn iiiiiii m ... , . j. I contnlnlnir 2ini Ht-r. more or 1-ss. xhout 3 or 4 rf!iE nnrtersined, hsvlng ennrinnei tt etoee tip ; f.r, t..M , ,,., , ,, five ooe- 1 his business early tn the Spi lna ss r-o I'"- sforv pl-.vk h ne. now tu tiie r.eCiipucv ,,t will from this dnte sell SI () l-.s.. HA Hllrt AU It. ir.Url(v McAnnbv nnd nt her. Taken in -Ko-T1N and SHttT IKON H A K t, .., cut ion and to !" sold nt tl.emii of ih h"ir nd . ... y-i-vori! vrVT) I K C T I I j bK'il i PftS. niiilivevof AdHin 1.yer.dfK''il. for AT I I IS I l'( IK j A O I 1 I use of T;,i7.:it eih Mo.v. r. widow ot Mol oeceoent. m M-. X ' - - ' . 4 . .... nil ,1... fiecf-ilent .....l.t i I, !.. ...4 l .. . ... . . .. r . r. . . .... (.. ..... ...n in.. rr ,'l 111- i ("rew Topper, of. i'i nnd to n tiii'cp or parei Iff land sii'.m'-cd in A lleirhcny towihip. 1 emhrta wus j county, l'a . ai joint ii I i id of A udre l.nis mi hr.ti.rht fnr Cnsn W nn IO"! s w-rv - ; mini mi., ..nn ,.i.i,--, .1 .. 1 1 ., i ii i iik ..,.iT.t find ar t he manufacturer ot many fowi Bcrf . m rr' . ' ' . j . . ilmli. ,.rl.f. this . ..I. In mv line are oai 'ii"uv'"j .... ,- , Ynl Cash Only. As mr stock, which Is slrniftt entirely new, . u. whlkn frond fWrTP itown !1 Itl' TtADYLAND FOR JAMVART. A fln dou ble numlr, full "f Uny Christmas Stories and lovely Christmas Pictures, all In big print, on thick paper, just the niaeazine to teach babies 1o read. It is only fifty cents a year. D. Lothbop & Co.. publishers, P.os ton, Mass. One of our exchanges says : -ir D. l-othrop Ar Co.. of Boston, publishers of HabvlaM). could have seen the Joy the No v' n,t.er nu.ntier Carried to the '-.I le j .nan who hostile privlieireof taking the copy that comes to this cftice, they would do,.ld less tave felt that their iraifaJtine for Juvenile read. Is 1 1 e p.ibltcHtioii ol all V"ll"tlons,'i'Vfmuil. and ears. It is an -institution - in families where there are small children. It n ay long -1 ,P: bare eone to ! all who wish to aid a -vorthy cause ami we . r tr a.lv.jatCS nf .... m. w ill refuse to add their XZlvtm mite ta needful a fund. Itoth prizes are .t la iiu return for rs'lalism. j h ,.ollt ending for, the painting la- tbere Is o r j, id.l as II , w .or,,,M,,t nl,.,ur- nf the "Blessed ..Z! :;! to ob.ait.ed for the tner cna.. w' ,iave ever seen, while 1" T7tI B rflMIV lllUIIv . . . farm, i. b, as we township. well what a ricn oiusii.ni niei miy an iuinf ... - been prepared lor them, they would not nave , o V ovli wh,se sb.re, I know, is the cheap ill.. wed SUCH dllhcuitles to Keep metn away, i ,'. ',,,. nn ran , Ml who eniratred in the perlormance acu.uitlL-a themselves in a highly creditable inauner. Jicn uinc merit wus exhilnted by every oucof them, and although much we would like give to encli individually aim a., v '" "- ' Our 1IUIIU.11 l' loc'i' " J . Jrsoo t . " niTy Httrri. iivt ri ii'.m "" to du a , n,cky ji,y rendered "i h ii. .... . . ' ..il. Tr. b ii. uiwi or osnireroas fioiif- . ---- U . ftah, Svr.ipconlaiiuiootbtnK injoriouti v " es. b.tmj to th ntvw lliei ta--. et reut3. . -coders. iS l'"" run urn nf i:arr.iiiow ii, within wo "" 7,,,.!, sre cletreil, with ,ins 153 acres, 1 Wot; d. n A,l necessary ' "'Inesdav. Jan. oflth, been rHistroned nntn win take place al 1 o'cWk. ,Kr0ngh of Carrol 1 at Blum's H sH.iiH one of tnB town. Th. farm X at.dls nnderlald si:sa' flr VIIU."o,iy...i.. . , , , .i. . .ni.i.1.. la nnu which would indeed lat an adornment to the finest lady in the land; and some at least of the little girls who are soliciting votes on their own lelialf had bet ter be up and doing, as wn have reason lo believe Ihat one or more of the nntnber ex pect to come in with a pilr privately con tributed that will th difficult to overcome. Th" awards will lie made as soon aa auffl ebtnf monej baa ben realised to at leas ae th valrtaM arl!t! ffm a eer!ie. merit, lug it. It did not look like an elopement, and vet we saw him and Herr get on the Fast Line together at Altoona on Monday even ing last, ett rout tor Pittsburgh, and knew that both of them had left their families tm hind. The ''him" in the case was a well known newspaper man of the 'Mountain City." ami llerr we recognised as a young but successful n.etnlier of tbe Biair county bar. Sfiither of them looked at the time aa if they designed to gel np a sensation, and we presnro ihy hatre ere this returned to ! NHwrm ot MMrtr wpettlvw fai.lhs. Take, oh! take that bill away; that, alas, long since wa duel-call again some other day. when the trees do bud anew; mayt-?, dirtily distant spring some financial change will bring, for wise I've got and well have learned that money saved is money earned and a I now propose to take due care and buy all things to eat ami wear pun n.y.a Lloyd, whose store, l Know, is mibh... - ' . . l.nAaoaliililTOAliill esr piace i ii-ii u"" s. , , oT every kind to suit tbe purse and p.ease the mind, I etpect tr save without delay money etiongh my debt lo pay. r t Kn tittrvlir t h ft dest orromrMTY to sfxvre bargains EVERPRESENTE 0 IN TH.S SrCTlCN. Tn order to Rive tho r""l n Idea cf what I am selling goods nt 1 fufmit a few cf icy Great naductions in Prices: Douhle-bltted Aes. wnr .of l.: Knives and Fork; worth io M.t 2 Sll. ria. Table 5P-ns, worthy :.o to ., h II T&ttltlTS. Mi. t-ia. i"T-. ' tol iston-si. Sll. ria. Table Ca.tor.. -" Vto V00. Cock Stoves, worth V , M to mM. Heat'ne stoves, worth t6.no to 135 0i. Mcai.PB Ke.luoe 1 to M .00 to Zb.M. An t corrc-pondlnz reductions In ll other iots n "w In stock. In short, no rrmre tl.nn ct prioc w H be ssiicd for anv article. .n band, whde t.iany In tnakir.it this otTer. howertr. I wish It to le distinctly understood that no will be per- rnTttTd t leave the store until paid fr. Tremtses to psy to tnorrow or next week will not ar.swer.as I urn determined to close out my busings on "iPeroncwinR me book areormtt or notes are requested to , ay P -J. LTLCT. rhihnrlr .Tan. 11. lSiS.-tt. J.l-V - . .. ... ....... ...... ......... ...nil, . - lore i r lc--. Bi.fiiit IMnon-f of whicS nr tfMlcd. h;ivi.:tt t iiorcon cii'C'fit H .itii'-stnrr 1. , tiou-v nil I loif -Int. I.-, in 'V i.i the ncc...ttlii i f iAndi'-w lfi;..i r. Tk'-n in execution and to be s ld nt 1 1n- ui? f t .) uv.'i 7. N itr f. At."' i, ft 1 1 tlie i irltf . t it e ;:tcl in tf r"t of 1 l.r.s. O'irniaii. of, in r.nd to n pi"cc nr parcel of Isii l F t 'IK tc.l it. ii llil!7i"l limiislip. Cm I Klllm'i un V, l'a, a!jo;t In- I.i to; ..f Tl.-.ti as V.'il. A ntbf.n'y" j Myers. Crttnl itH 1 1 o:i 'i ii.nmiy, nnl otr.fi, . coiittili:"n; 4 ' itcrc-, tn. i e n If u i.i in pi u e, i ha", i : tr ' hereon ci i -''"!a l-.;itri w mill. Ta ' k- n in cjc-citt;o:i i"..tto le nt I he suit of , W. J. It 'iik. H!,iTi..r o I n. 4 . I ; or iioiji. ; Aln. !l tiie i .JJit. tit e and itni-re-i i.f Mar '; irsrt t VT ue :n, ot . in mho ; o m of y round Mt. j itfte-! in (inili'A.i ! .t o.i ith. .'Hmt'iis tvuntr, ; Pa., f rof.l ii ir f n he ! hu h li:i il It. 'fi t. nnj nn. j lna lot of K. .1. I'nrri.-li ' n lite Vint, nil mIi-j on j the ens'. H'.J lot ol TiioniHS l.in 'ii v ..n the i south, hnvir.ir t!xri'"n r., j,il h 1 wo-ntory j lutiic l.mi-c i:ii'l i!n' stiii.li., unw in ttif fK ii I pnncy ol M.rirfii-i Wh-iau. lnk.li in . ju -.. j tlon and to he oM at t l.c suit f ! 1st It M ; llj . I ALS. sll thf rlirht. tu ic and iiiii-i-rt of J. -i eph Travis, of. in anil ton piece or parcel of I land ntu itcd in I'll rfif I I township, Cnniti. ia ; countv. l'a., nrijolnitoj land of Pittf-tmrnh 4 oal j Co.. Itirhard Elder, Michsel sle. ifi others, i cnntaioinif 33 were, nmre or l-s. ununiiroviii Tnkep in execution and ! l.c ol.l at I lie suit of Zrni. A I'm ier. for uc r.f S. P. Hums A t,o. r;i the rigiit title and iuterft irfImoTi Schroth, l. bi and to s lot t,r iri'oiind sittmt"i in the horooirli f? t'arrol.tf.wn.Csir.bria countv l'... srijotniny lot o! Stivh nn the south. ; irivinir n iif on tne Wfst.nnd Imrttiiir i.n ( Min street cn the east, havimr tlMwn e rcc I ft j a to-story rnime house ami tuviril stnt.lf. ir j in th cceuptinoy f.l Simon ?ctuoth. I hot, in . ' evecntloti otid to te eolU at the suit of John YJII II 1 D 1 L lIUKl ImVUV AtJ... nil the right, title an llntrest of FIh, ifiLUttuLt lAniii run obll. ii Ar in ttintnir nn ru i i 5 n The letter of onr Ch-st township coirea pondent did not reach us until onr paper was so far advanced that we could not make room for it. Most of it, however, Trill do to serve up with the next epistle. execution and to be sold at tbe suit of John tv. Ps.. adjotnlnir Isndsof J on.- Adam. Harrv . i , a ij ...j Vf..i. , Il.'p if I i. llfi.iuirnil urn:, nnd l.llli r,, Cn iHtiitnir 100 scre, mtre or ' -s, h. .ol 23 ae o clesrtd, nnring lb?renn emud a two-st'.ry frame botiFC and tratne hirn. rifor In the open, psncy or tiia Adams. Taken In execution and to be siiid al the suit of F. 1). Saupp, . At 2 o'ri-ofK. P. rr."11 ,7. !-M aitna." tn TrSMS OF ? A LB.-fine-1 bird rr Ike purchft the property of Davul J. VT7 !. ,,? tlnh Vea money to be pabt when the n pe,tr a knr'. 4 Cambrik township, s.tjo.alng landg of Hugh Kes ( A b reniMinl,,- iwo-thlrds bcf., the and others, contiuin rrvo II iirilietl Acres, . a , : ,.r Via IY virtue of an order ot ." ,." dersigned w.ll expose to pnbllc sale, on the prem ises, on Monday, January 2l6tf 188, At nVifltt. p. V.. sll thst eertaln FARM, lata Terai of onr subscribers will find themselves cut oft in their iniquities after thia week. No pat, no paper, will be out motto hereafter. more or less, about TO Acre cleared, on which BIO tBItJV .wv 2'iro Sfon Frame Dwelling IToute, IUR AM M-l'KPKABI t)l TBI 1LIIS. ri,.,. i also a fine Ouch a a n on t he prem- toeVani tl.a bind U , Iu . onjl ... .f HfraMo. ; conHi uintlon of ihe deT. t UlITV Dr V CI j.m "ti.' a "i -nr"r in m HANDS OFF! All iersonn rq herebv cautioned airainat lntrfMrtn wnv with the fo'lowlrtr dewrrihed ttrrnart. it cf" Wm. MOoaa-h. which 1 hir rwtonrs'd l Diaca trare. 1 In ativ and taken tnto my possession: Jan-ll,lS79--2t. i , ,n ii,. ii'.i. w... . - - i . - . v. the purchase shoals. 1 ciikin stove snd flxttires, 1 era; mor . . . - ia t K ..l.c 1. ri sn,! bitrtien 1 1, ml I n re . hn.1,.1. .... 80 bnf hels eorti In ears. 1 lannlnat i li, a lot of bay mi.. " ' " " . " bi.iii I II 1 1 m ftespfletfnlly anbmtttert to the Messrs rettiffiUa. aaara Madeira. r9. Tr'.R or rAt-rr,Tl "r..." i.WlaBeeln :n...A1r....ii.n will b M rttiia l vi 1 1 TJ y' 1 Kiiii'i, -m is imni--sa. imitwi, I rirmw, Plil'll. W I-' " " a il. -ll !k.4. I li. lSf Mill, avtw i J . - nAnoV il a v i n i nr ft .iaTaaa an 7rWS s'vlel lOe. Wit I Carls toe , I tiM f r pirti Pas, Twp , .Ta il, ti..-i, )