( 1 . chensburSt Pa.. I fP , , . - - AUa.S-k. 1S7T. cALAND PERSONAL. ' - lhire.t"1 the OtFier riacti. ':xc is said to be afflicted with ,. '' Hollidftyslinrg. can die ; , , T!!'' l:ve !i thousand dollar i, r tlif if. '!,.,;..; that don't It are Tits day be ;' ,';,,'( k 1. 1 -morrow night will have to '. i.cn' J ,i,r . t; ii tii 'j7o.e lias dontiod A .',Yi,r:s.l-!ii evidence, wo take it, of '--v t r 'I ' l i'V. ,, '- Ti v. r.f'J "f Altoona, is nuU ,l ;;it k' tiitr after a place ou the Y , S'ah- Committee. g 1 as already taken place at ,., u iT.tiiii :t..ii rntnp meeting, and .1 ... i.ii the t.mis. '; ', ,'r l 'lhiiritl and (iffy pncsts at tlie ; ..ue. Crcsson, breathed the ,,....: ;iir en Siii.dny last. "'-'.7- .-! ''" than seven brass amt -.t Jatitls in tlii- comity, and yet f.irl'MM leinr perfectly happy. ni'.U'.y printed school books "vVt'.t rs l'V the Catholic 1'iiMicatioti , ! a York, will receive attention "i -i rl IMmle, arrested for takinjj a ,.,,t part in the Altoona strike, has I after a futbcts corpus hearii:g ;::..V.,:!. : an- thr institution and sho'dM lie ."iir ni a'ta.-ks of t'oiiu, Flatulence, "r pr pr.il's lU'ey Syrup. Price 25 , A'.!''"' a man na a lexas toad, six " f a grizziy-Rrfty color, and lit- ,,..v-r.'.l in-m stem to T.vn w ith horns .,.; :.-H)ir!is. j, ; ;i M. S'rii he!!, of Eas f s.hemlng ".l:.i. Indiana county, lost Ids 1 welling 'i,-ar losing I is wile and two chil , i nf i ii Sitniay bight week. .ti '..': li.rvr t. fellow Democrats, that -. ir. ;...tef,ibcr C'h, is the last day , ;,.!i rati be ltgi.stereil in order t a vote at the coming election. . . t- i t" other days is with us once ' of . ' 'rs.' we allude to Mr. F. A. '.,i f r tl.e second time lias been :p:tl of -ttr borough Sc'i.iols). i:.. ar niii daughter of Jacob O laps, : ?:..t!. t'-.-il 5-ai kward Into a tub of : :. r- r. mi Monday forenoon, and was . i!i..ii1i not fatally scah'ed. M. K-t..ie, of Altoona, fourteen ,;.t 0 .1 1-mg enough with a railroad !:. -..'.. r i!a to cause a.i explosion, ', - ..i .! of !iis feet pretty near oil'. , . iir- i t' Mr. Kmigb, of Kast , li.i lias oee;i in do! irate heal t h i:i-t,died quite snddnly of i j" . t tl.e liins on Sunday night " ...r t" -wii-ldp was visited l.y a '::: .- :!!: n Saturday last, and an .:i led north of Kbenburg on '. :;! Iii i.i.-ishur instance wan much . i, totally eUipsed last night, . v I..-. me a I'ltich brighter light, v...- i . raine into the world on the A' - :i.i tliing iess than a hun- i Johnstott-h stands sadlvin iip.1 nr. i:. I a eoap and sand, and X? J7bt?) Hie fact that a nnmi.. ..'r 1 ' I - I U tr y I IN It H ng the countrv ro,..r; .... ... iv war mtii J r,i. city vnmentionarj YZ"1 us Of wearing appar,, a 0,. c.Tang?'68 ! i"e.v--l-T"' Jefiries. Who fnrmrU wuwi in White township, i this count r d.e.1 very suddenly of paralysis? o VZl Sunday week, while on a visit to New J?-?- :' T remains were brought to Mt tnion, Hnntirgdcn county, and interred in the cetnetery at that place on Friday laCt Tiv-.V.ur,s,,e',,n..8on of Mr. Michael i the kidneys is known Tribune notes hv f-., ' """J?." " !' are scour- I and shoot k . " .t" r"! "' I" we nope fnev . nnm muoo ... ,1 pire HA i ".; J ' vomiting, nnne high 0 . . . ....... , "vii .it r. .linn. Ilf I Vlinino,...!. I, . ..r S.rv: I'"". was one . , . .; un,;,,,,,,,, , I'litsl.urghnt.edav last week, celebrated his first Mass kt sf John s church. Johnstown n...i i The Ilev. genueman for Oma . morrow, to whioli diocese he has been It. I aigiieu. ! of W ashington townshin wr.r v.n.i 1 .?:.. In '?S"l'Mrslon train from Pitts- I snake curled tip b rgh a short d.stanee this side of Cresson, three dead And .1 '.l.tWO f,,,et', "Jet ike fate trou. the A yoMrg lady na same cows cause were insured for 30 eacL, but the 1 .fearlessly entered the mom and put her colored and frequently disf harged, costive- couc pains. The Harosma. or rJack-aclie, I.ivet and Kidnev Cure, is war ranted to reHeve these symptoms, as it has not failed in so doing the past eight years. IJaily people call to tell the proprietors of "e great benefit .received from nsitii it. prepared by E. K. Thompson, Titusviile, 1 a , and sol 1 by Lemmon & Murray. Ebens t'ttrg. On receipt of one dollar frill be ex pressed to any address, or six bottles for five dollars. The Indiana Sfotspnyr tflls of a black snake, sixteen feet long, which waskillediu an upper chamber of the dwelling bonse of lr, John Kolierts, two miles sontli-west. of Evermore, one day week before last. Mrs. Koberts beard a fluttering sound tin stairs, ttnd on going up to See t lie cause of the noise was greatly alarmed upon perceiving a lmge in me grate, and two or Iving birds on the l.pnrtli yoiirg lady named Maggie Ray, su occn- sheep were nut. . -O. W. Easly. we rei.iire to !r,,m ... i rrt l , , JZ"Vr. rlunl 10 far recovered f'r...n : . - V 1 " " " i :-" c. i.im. ivmn-iis is a neiK'ate ! able to ,rom.n 9 rVce,,t "'Jory as to be I lady, with nerves, and was terribly shoc ked 1 fractn-e 1 r W"h.. 1 10 ..""I'"""" I occurrence This is said to have We ' X ,! rr'jn' ,l,e vX ,,ow". a'"l ,h" 'rt snake ever killed in Westmore- a.so finds it necessary to take verv little land court v. eslmore- Mlllg ill his just 1IOW. His snce.lr r.,. 1 ' J ' vu - trynn.i earty return to reiH.rtoriai duties are confidently looked for. "r'-"u"eA ' l,r7)V ''x.1 ,frie,,,Ij' can on Wednesday . last from Mr. J. T. SchuU-rt, of Schuylkiil ! ""'y, who is alMut negotiating for the purchase of the Johnstown Fnx ? Tress a Oerman newspaper, which he proiK.ses'to I reconstruct on a democratic basis. Wetrnsi t that he will succeed in his new enterprise if I he concludes to embark therein. crtiivius line wor l'n nmf -.,... A young man Pivinir. bis nomo qc L.lin Hanslcy, or Anslev, was arrested in Klatk- lick township. 01, Thursday last, and taken liefore Klias Rowland, Ksq., on A chargo of robery and carryi-ig concealed weapons, and after a hearing was given him and a.com- untnietit made out, he was tied to a horse and escorted to tlio jail in this place by no less than six conservators of the law. The robbery, which, if our information is correct, was committed at the residence of Squire U.m.Ui..i t.:....... ir i i. 1 J . . ni - .1 p.iray i ....... i.iiiinrii , immiii ihiw or lO Wliat "',' ' nr.eiiH an eruption always 1 extent we tailed to learn, is said to have been "" '"r, lame t,y immau effort. Kruptions of the physical system, as Roils, Pimples I etc arc Nature's safety means to warn the ! sidtorer that his blood needs entire purifii a , tii. 11 most ouicklv and etr--tnn. phshed by using ljr. IJull's P.1o.hI Mixture. We learn from tho Johnstiwu Tribune that while Mr. Benj. Paul of Jackson town ship, and his father and two votimr ldi.. participated in by four persons in all, who represented themselves as government de tectives in quest of counterfeit coin, but the other three managed to get ontof the way of danger before the requisite number could be got together to arrest them. A good old-fashioned picnic, with sev eral modern improvements, among which i'iay ue mentioned as prcnanie a came of named Rorabaugh, were returning from a I USM"'e ,,a" hetwecn an Alloon. club and the funera". on the. lOih Inst., the span cf horses S Tn,,i.or Mountaineers of this place, dancing i.oii. u 10 me spring wagon occupied by them were struck by lightning and instantly killed, though the inmates of the vehicle fortunately escaped without injury. A horse stolen, or more probably bor rowed for a ride without leave, from a fann er named Stineman, residing nearSt. Clairs ville, lU-dford county, was recovered in IloUidays'mrg, 011 Friday last, where it had been tied to a post and left without food or water for over eielit hours a ,r,....i .. i.n.. stolen from another farmer in Mr Stinel i a,'"lula,,t'e ot choic rcfreshine-.its, to say man's vicinity was. recovered at the same ! """""P of various other attract ions peculiar time. to such festivities. It is also expected that If mothers would make it a nnint t., s,v,ral I'tass bands from neighboring towns leave the bla. klierrv iam in some neees.ibl w,n ,,e a'tendaii.te, and taken all in all it music of a new and better rder than usual misic by the Kbensburg silver cornet band, which has kindly consented tole presenton the occasion, croquet, te t-pins, ami various other amusements, will le held in the West End grove, a Melightful rural retreat near this place, for t lie b.-nefit of the Church of the Holy Name, on Saturday of next we-k Sept. l(r. .Among tho old features, for which I'.liensbnrg has become proverbial, will be an elegant dinner and supper air.l an r tells of a twenty " !ui h caught in the 1 .no'I was arrested for riot by V. it.-, of t'lal'.itzin, -.in Tuesday last, , !i ' Altoona, where S40 was : : i- Mr. .b...sej h Carney for hia ap- .. I'. Mitt. Win. )..rri, of Huntirgdon, is !r" .-. 'i.l forks, cue ladle, ' t. i t and s:;ven table spoons, ; :. .: ;it T.". I'urglars did it -on !.:t-!.r ! c-t. . - ' iiains f a f'shing nrty from r' r. 'il.ln't have amounted to ! . .1 : ; -r t hey paid $25 each a faw si-iui-ig it dipping in Yellow :'-.;!' 11' ciintv. 1 .::n:,a .: !: 1 ; . i ; ri Tr.-r wi i k befor- latf. That's ' :' aji ki- that M'Pike has an in- 1 - ' ;: or. l.itt.lia ll'rohi ynnv. is bound to i I r.truion that Samuel J. Til : T.i. A. I bmlrii ks were the chosen - t' tie- people if ,e should wear ii 1 w in the lVort. " : :; if i as well not to Mow the -1 : . 1 . t s r we imagine that it won't of ititc retire" to Charley O'-v:..ti,-r th.. 1:. 1 uHican county ' ' the (.titi ; a jar or not. ' I:. J:, t i., whii h it is said de : ii: i'-i -Mensive machine sbopM ..'... h.i as a site f:r that purpose i; ''' -iii'is f. r 1 othing fourteen : . ..1 lining the town of IMairs- ' ' -ip r writer tel!s of a little 1 ' ; T.i- says he likes the music " 1 '. l"it Ii.- don't think it is near so - -' 1- i l a" l organ with a monkey. l-'!-.hiy fll! the bill all but I' ' i'. :.-:in tb h-gation election will ' 'f.r.!,i of n.-xt week and the t!;o V.tndav following, though " !" " 1 is n.jt m clear, as the " i' ! lir.w.d .Jury room will both "ii 'ii.it day. i.'!'- tramp named C T. Hoy, -' ' in I'liiAi. !!;. hia. had one of bin ;'.! y ' r.isli. ,1 !,y the cars at Kiltan "" ''i lly evening last, that it " 1 n 1 "i -;.-.! . '! was taken to the ''iy a'nisii.iiiKO. - i .ri.li .,, r reporter wasasstir l r''.vl v l'.ish. p Tnigg that the - ' : I'nt.l.urgh and Allegheny liave I'm r.-- oioli.Iated, and that of a'lon ,;f Die fa -rt was expected 1 1 ur any moment. tr'e :.inl In antiful fan lillies were ''r "1 .i-.vay from the r.remises of - m I'i,..,- ;.. . 1 ' . . , 0. i.ii 1 1 ace nt an eariy iv nwiining last. The vandal I lIl'M-rvl-H tn 1 ... f-f.vi.l U'illl ' '..i.l of a huge liily. irin, iiaksand Miss Mary Fairer, ' 'i'y, were joined in the -v.il. k i.y A. K. Figar'.. Esq.. of :'.mi the !ttl, i,,sf- Sinall Oaks 1 1 in, r chance to thrive than is r'l-.I tlii.-iii for several years to ' !i'i II. Sf,.jilir.i,ii stiperit.tendent ' 1 r '"ii.tv 1 otnmoti schools, fK'CH y "iri .- . coliiinns of the H..I--' ! 'a," -r this week with an inter ' ' V ot i-.l .1, , ;.. i.n;i;..,;..L- m I I 'I .. .la I -I Pi 'A i; arv of tLal kind be :er- iii.- i-oi,it v '.' "' " jail il.-or and astronsr rope I'yi-r ---l l- Sheriff P.rown.of In .' , ti,.. ..,,,.r d.iy, l-d him to ."011 ; '".''"raily, that sme of his ' ' I to take French leave a ' In . rv promptly nipped in the place in the cellar tl.ev would nrol.al.lv fin.i it less diflfeult to get the. Uiys to chop wihkI or bring up coal than It is to buy made-up clothing for the youngsters even at cheap a platens Star Clothing Hail, Clinton street, Johnstown, where wearing apparel for men, and lioys is kept in great variety and sold at wonderful low prices. A large and brilliant light was observed on Wednesday afternoon in the direction of Ni.-ktown, which gave rise to the unpleas ant presumption that the village aforeaid was one Hre, as it seemed impossible to ac count for what seemed so extensive a con flagration in any other hypothesis, though whether such fears were groundless or other wise we failed to learn up to the time of go ing to press on Thursday afternoon. The Hoard of School 1 i rectors have se lected the following corps of teachers to take charge of our borough scli-mls for the ensu ing term, commencing on Monday, Sept. 3d, Mr. F. A. Eyte being, as we have already announced, the principal in charge: No. 2, K. V. Barker, at a salary of ?4) per month ; No 3, Miss M. Rrookbank, S33; No. 4, Miss M. E. Davis, ?28 ; No. 5, Miss Allie IV.ovd, Sl8 ; No. 6, Miss Hattie Jones, ?28. Win. H. McE'irne, Est., a native of this county and the last editor of the Lrmwrut awl Sentinel, a paper upon the ruins of which the FliF.KMAX was established more than ten years and a half ago, died in Washing fiin Pa after a brief illness, on Friday last. j aged, we presume, about years. Mr. Mc i Eiirne studied law after leaving this place 1 and was a practising attorney for several years preceding his death, 'lay he rest in peace. j To lie a successful farmer a man should j combine reading, observation and practice, j Ilrt may work in the field all his life and still lie poor in pocket, if be don't read the Frf.f.MAN regularly, note the fact carefully i that money can lie. saved by buying dry i gods, groceries, etc, from Myers & Eloyd, and practice economy by purchasing all he j needs at that cheapest of all mercantile 1 marts. The same rule will hold good in all ' .......1 1. 1 1 i.ixa avocations of life. It b related by the Altoona Tribune, as a somewhat remarkable incident, that while two members of the Eatta C uard, who had attached themselves to a IScllefotite compa ny, were on their way to join their company, in order that they might aid in the restora i limi of law and order, they were cursed and j most foully abused by a young man named 1 Wood, who expressed the hope that they j would le shot. IW fore the soldiers returned o their home duties, Wood himself was a corpse. ,,... Mr. John J. I taWS, OI 1 line i" num;,. who wanted tn but didn't get himself elected to the legislature three years ago, has very unselfishly consented or concluded to accept the emptv honor of the Republican nomina tion for Prothonotary provided it is tender ed to him. Col. Win. M'nermott, ,.f Clear field township, and J. S. Paul, of t royle I township, are also in ine same i', ! probabilities are that they will both lw saved ! from a rough and fruitless voyage by having l the Oates closed against them. I The Clearfield J.'rpubiicnn comes tn the ! front again tMs week with a couple of big i stories about wheat raising in that Cnnnty, ' one of which details the alleged fact that ! Daniel Storm, of Pike towt phip, (good name : if It. bad a Mc to if.) cut ninety -tt ve dozen of ; grain off three acres, thirty-one dozen of which yielded thirty bushels of clean wheat; . and tlie other story is that Elias Kyler, of j Ooshen township, threshed and cleaned up ! one hundred andve bushels of wheat, the nroiluct of three and a half acres, i The Altoona Mirmrof Wednesday says : ' Pome three months ago a man calling him- self Tctsel. clammy to .m 0,- . i- 1 ers, oun- lis- promises to be the best, as it is likely to be the last picni- of fie season, The following named gentlemen have the matter in charge, and they as weli as a deserving cause much in need appeal loudly to friends far and near for a generous response to the cordial invi tations herebv extended to one and all : J. A. Ulair, M. A. Quartz, l.Eilly, J.O. Eake, John Ryan, N. J. Freidhoft", J. E. Scanlan, O. R. Myers, P. Schwab, J. O. Farren, Sam'l O'Hara, Martin Ward, Thos. Fagac, Thos. Hoover, and 11. A. M'Pike. A Serifs of P.tjRr.T.ARiES. .Johnstown, Altoona and Homer City, Indiana county, have each in turn lecr the scene of burglar ious operations during the past few days. On Sunday night of lat week the store of ft. H. Ogilen, at. Homer City, was entered and despoiled of two suits of c'.othinj., one or two pairs" of fine boots and shoes, a lot. of jewelry, cigars, tobacco, and various other articles, whi.-b was probably not all the booty the two burglars engaged in the rob bery intended to gobble up, and would no doubt have succeeded in gobbling up, had not George Rugh, a young man who sleeps in the store, been awakened by the noise just in time to appear on the scene at this particular juncture and fire three shots at the intrndcrs, one of which is believed to have taken effect in the shoulder of one of the burglars, who was seen to throw up his aims and then retreat, on a double quick, accompanied by his "pal," the two lieing so badly frightened that they left one of their carpet-saoks, containing the clothing, lioots, shoes, etc., lehind them, but succeeded in rgetting away with the balance. On r riday night following the dry goods and grocery store of Win. Updegrave, corner of Clinton and Locust streets, Johnstown, was served in like manner, the thieves ef fecting an entrance through the front cellar door and from there finding their way into the store room on the floor above, which is the worse of their visit, to the extent of sev eral hundred dollars, the property stolen con si sling of $20 in money and a lot of dry goods dress goods, x,ots, shoes, groceries, notions, etc., valued in all at about 300. How many were engaged in the burglary is as much of a mystery sofar as the names of the participants themselves, but as a citizen of Coneinaugh borough saw a one-horse wagon , followed iy two men, passing his house le tween one and two o'chx k Saturday morn ing, the presumption is that they were of the nnmlNT, though likely not all, and that the wagon contained the stolen goods. On the same night the "true inwardness" ot Fries & Ilrn.'s hardware and tin ware store in Altoona, was burglariously investigated, the result lieing the loss of about 25 worth of po.;ket knives, silver Bpoons, silver forks, revolvers, etc. A cellar window in the rear was the epetdng which furnished egress to the burglars, and a hole through a trap d,Kir in the floor, from which they succeeded by some means in removing a heavy stove tells the balance of the story. In neither of the above instances has an arrest lieen a flee ted, so far as we know, nor have wo learned of any dues which are like ly to lead to such a consummation so de voutly to be wished. ....!,..it for lead oil tlie in;.nin- " ' ,.a-sed over the farm cf Anthony My 1 . 1.. ..ini.iii innnlitn.('ati:liri;l'" 1 locaieu in ortue'... . , ' v. ii.st over the line of Iilaii county, and . , covered evidences of oil on tl.e land, lie 1.. formed Mr. Mvers of the fact and. since that I I "? .' I,, has made an i" vestigatio,, for himself and says that, from his acquaint ance wth tho sig'.s he believes that oil is Hi ere e is undecided whether to go to the V 1 lint he U a puhlic licnefactor ' expense of Imring or nt. -,,.ion fi,e i started in pursuit a citizen of Jackson town- ;;. les of LJ grow whor ! ij.idge . Thomas did not aWJnn the , wh in ,wn a;.d about to start shoemaker s nencn w nr.. ' ' ' " v ! I.ome. was t-. Id to Inform me supposeu norsn tlie conn mji""""!,.. ,'.., All's Well that Ends Wf.lt.. On last Saturday morning Mr. James William son, who resides at Hell's Mills, IMair coun ty, arrived here by railroad on bis way to a point in Jac kson township, seven miles west of this place, where business called him. He went direct to Davis' livery stable, hired a horse, for which he paid SI. 50, and direct ed the animal to lie brought to the Cambria House. He then walked back to the hotel, took a drink, paid for it, and in a few min utes after noticing a horse hitched to a post on the opposite side of the street, and thoughtlessly concluding that it. was the on,; he had hired, walked to the spot, mounted the animal and started west on the turnpike. In ashort time M r. James Crist e, of Minister township, the owner of the horse, discovered tint ! w.as not where he ba l left, him, and ; upon leiig told that be had been ridden i away by a stranger procured a warrant for his arrest. Some lime oeiore i ne cousoionj Farmers can double their we, 1 as grass by a to-dressing l,r I'-oi! Dust at a small cost ' rs,:,. ,,y JliU8 & 258 Lil- . 1 it:',.ir,di. lr" Mr. .Tchn A li,wr near 1 "11 e.l to the croniid at an I'oirs.lay morning of last :i u ll,-:lt too ,1 7n oats. . . - . . 1 ...vrarr BI.II'K . . . . . . . . judicial Wncb. Mjr. o - " ,"":(; , 'n tbief, if he overtook Inn. that he .ad mount- like irnx to 1.1s ni, i ,.:... 1, , I ed the wrong liorse ano. into ii.n . l - npulMrPll. (IS Plr RIW.!! ll,n . . . . . ... nlln . . ,'i,rl i V e n lin to tlie l.w. aioi-ij .. him. iMT. . " ""J -j i turn out worn in mi - . ,. oren, .Inst now Ml ' u "11 I lTd ,! 'v I,.., : binning utensils, etc., went ....no: ink lniirAiii.A Snn- " fet on fire. 'l'eliiK MM1S(, ,f px-PherifT 1 M nrri j , l.r ..... i-l I A i.l I.. ! !' .1 ), Wa. n loam frrt tliM 7ri ' n. . 'i - - .t . '.h FrfiriIiiHer f.ir 34.01.5. or lM W:i .1... ..t.w.lr o ., " "' n'i iur ib i no Krt . ;ft n,,vw1pr Just ivw ?udge XZ ,;..d a' large supply of the best , of Kre t el. calfskin, an article found in few j It anv sh 'PH ee.. Alfiona and Johns- , I y.., l.avlnff an assistant who is with- : .m7i.Trl,Kr n ,e cordwainer's art, he ; tnlactiori in the Please all who taor .... ; c.in,ry ot'ST Lire Iiim. The remarks tri.'tde by enr distinguished fellow citizen, R. Li Johnston, Ksq., at the dedication, July 2d, of the handsome new Court House In Holli daysbnrg, have only now found their way into print along with two other speeches de livered on the sanM occasion, and here they are (Mr. Johnston's remarks) as we find them in the Tyrone Jfemfdut last week : LaiHr.aw1 gentlemen, and hrnther f,tirifn. I am not frointr to consume any time here. I Just came to we thine. hihI not. to snenk ; but Jhe reninrk or my friend. June Halt, hue broutrlit a suf eestion to mv tnlnd. In connec tion with this b'JfMlmr in which we arc enjoy in ourselves nt this nionie.it. llis Honor re nmrkerl that he hnd never known iterlicut ion nf Omfi House tuTore. His Honor is entire ly correct. It is quite n nniiconl tl ln?-quite uniisiial; t.ut, lnries nd reni lemc n, turn i an mivxnal Cmnt f.cc ; and hnvinjr a Court House, as his Honor Judge Uluck has snid. un eqiiulled liy nny in the country, we ought, nod you ouirht. to have an unequalled demonstra tion. 'J he dedication nmrht to come uo to the mwortlernf things. There is swne iliilicnlty Hinonn ihe fathers of the Imr hero as to who is theoMest and who Is the youngest. I think lean Introdnce you to the oldest lawyer in the 24th district, not ns lawyer, hut as a citizen of the 24th district. I happen to have the pleasure of being born in this district, being reared In it, and I never have been out of it In the whole of 62 years for two consecutive weeks. And I dividid my life among the three counties very fairly. 1 was born in Huntinirdon, reared in lilair, and my prolessioual career to the end of my life will be in Cambria. I havedoiiea great deal, too, of hard labor. I suppose I helped to do thelarirest day's work that was ever done in Illair county. I wasclerk in the 3orrfr"iti tu election in ls.18 (laughter), and Charles Kin kead and myself as clerks did that tiig day's work for a dollar and fifty cents. Afterwards they na.iished Mr. Kinkeiid to the Leu islam re. and I csciipcii to Cambria. The majority was 1M out ol a poll of l.lou. If was a serious day's work, (bausrhter.) Mr. Jlank. What was the population ? Mr, J'lhugtnn. The population was. I think, about 3UJI ! Prolonged laughter. Hut in the erection of lilair county in IS10 and I sympa thized strongly in lavor of the erection of the new county there was one thing that I disap proved of very much, and that was thedivision of Morrif, county, which occurred at the same time. They gave the township the name of Morris county after my time, and in dividing Blair from Huntingdon, Morris county wasdi--ided into two townships one was ca lied Cat h arine and the other Morris. There was a irrcal deal of complaint found about that election. Poor Mr. Kii.kead and I revcr saw anything wrong In it. We had a great deal of work to do however. (Lamrhter.) Hut because the elec tion was held on Fox Uun. which is Ihe line hc twetr Blair and Huntington counties now, they thought there was something foxy about the whi le election. (Laughter.) But while I sympathized with lilair county in its erection, 1 was not pleased with the very larfr;; and re spectable vote they gave in Hollhlaysburtr here in favor of the new county mem tiers, fly the way, I recollect they nominated Henry L. l'at-ters-n, of this place, and the other side nomi nated Adolphus I'attcrson of Williams'iunr. Adolpl.us was opposed to the division and Hen ry L. was for it ; and the voters had to be cau tioned all the tune to vote for I'atterson the miller, ami not lor Patterson the distiller. (Laughter.) Hut 1 was astonished when I saw the vote of Hollidayshiirg I You see Iherc were no challengers around at that time: all parties went together, and Ihey gave the most fearful vote! 1 thought there must be some fraud about it, but afterwards I looked and found that Ihe population Cnf the tow n tens larger than the vote, and then I thought it was all right. (Laughter.) But, ladies and gentlemen. T know you have been hero all morning listening to the able re marks of the speakers set down in the bill, while I came here entirely innocent of any in tention to weary you, not suspecting that any fraud or outrage of this kind would be com muted upon my person. We liavcb en listen ing a long time to the very choicest and finest oratory that maybe heard any w hi re, and I know that you will excuse me from making any extended remarks. I must, however, and do s3', that your court house is the finest build ing lor the administration of justice in which I have ever been, by all odds and beyond all comparison : and I trust thar, having erected such an edifice as this. In which the laws are to be judicially administered, you people of lilair will see that the Integrity of the laws is always maintained in these sacred walls, and that you will never be sorry for the dedication of this noble edifice, an edifice that your children and your children's children may well be proud uf. Applause Luteal Correspondence, Carhoi.i.Town, Aug. 20, lfCT. PKAR Freeman It becomesmr painful doty once more to record thedeath of a death- loved one Who will be sally missed in the home circle. I reTer to the decease of Mrs. Christina Anna, wife or Mr. diaries Anna, of Carroll township, which sad event occurred on Wednesday, the 15lh Inst.. Just one day prior to the completion or herSstb year. Mrs. Anna leaves a titisht nd B.-d eight children to moiiri a loss to them that Is Irreparable, while the entire community sympathize with them in their great bereave nient. Mrs. Anna having been greatly hplovcd by nil who knew her. A largccoi t goof friend snd neighbors paid the last tribute of respect In her memory on Friday morning, wttcn.nttcr a solemn lii quic m Mass. her remains were laid to ri st in ft. Benedict's cemetery, while the copious tears of a loving husband and heart stricken motherless children bod, wed the hal lowed earth, the heart Tel t prayers or many present men n time appealing in her behalf to that ti od of Mercy w -ho while on earth she loved and served so well. Hoiniwat in tice. Another bold burgl.uy which occurred In this ncighlKirli'Hid one night last week proves very conclusively that the light-fingered fra ternity are still pursuing their neiai ions a vo cation. Mr. Charles Ram-, of Carroll township, received some money ihe other day and con cluded he would go to Carrol I town and dis charge a debt there existing against him. lie did so and paid out all his money but about four dollars, which he took home with him to his farm, and that night some prowlers about the house were frightened away by the noise and barking of the dogs. But the next night his dwelling house was entered by burglars and his pocket book, containing the balance remaining therein, was carried off. It seems evident that the guilty parties knew that Mr. Kane had teccived the money, and his own Im pression is that they either saw hitn get it or heard him spouk about it. Some of thcchil dren were awake at the time, but were too much alarmed to call their father from his sleep, although they heard the burglars enter the house. Another warning to farmers to be on the look out c-ven while thev are asleep, and to te prepared for such villains. The remarks mnden'wmt'M he strike reaching Currolltnwn" in my letter of last week were Intended merely as a J-.kc, ns should have been apparent to all, hut some narties, actuated by a spirit born entirely of other motives than those enuring to the general welfare, saw fit to con strue what was printed into a reflection upon the corporation referred to in its treatment ol lis employes. This was Tar lrom being i'lte.id cd, ami as a matter of simple justice nod un doubted truth, I take pleasure in testifying to the tact that the working mnnagcrsnf the farm spoken of are always generous, kind and con siderate in the treatment of their employes, and among those who have worked for them it is i he- universal sentiment, if we except the trivial, jesting remarks of a couple of hovs, that no more pleasant and agreeable place t,, work, or better, it indeed equal, fare and treat ment, can be found anywhere. And as to wages, no one speaking truthfully or earnestly will assert that nnj person employed by them is m t paid in full according to merit and the custom of Ihe times. 1 write this much to re move any wrong impression that may have ecu created by my last letter, as well as to re rutc the idle talk nnd stories of those who, whatever their motives, are seeking to put u construction upon what was publ shod the very opposite ol its true spirit and intent. Mr- I.. Schrnth is li'jing a water-pipe from the springer Mr. H. II. Moltz, to the hotel so well conducted by hiai, neatly opposite. An other evidence of the fact that Mr. 8. spares neither pains nor expense to make his house plcusaot and bis guebts comfortable. Sl'BSUM. A Route That We Uav Recommend. In alluding to our recent hasty trip west we failed 1o do more than mention the fact that through the courtesy of V. L. OTJrieti, Ksq., of Columbus, Or, General Passenger and Ticket Agent for the Pittsburgh, Cin cinnari and St. Louis Railway, otherwise known as Ihe Pan-Handle Route, we were placed in possession of the necessary paste boards to put. our friend aiir self thro'igh to St. Iouis and return said failure lieing due to the fact that the great railroad strike was inaugurated before we had an opportunity to refer to the subject, which we knew was a matter that would command little if any attention at so momentous a moment. Now however, striking railroad employes having ceased from troubling, we deem it a duty as well as a pleasure to advise such of our pa trons as may perchance contemplate trip west, to take this route by all means, know ing as we do that it affords the shortest, speediest, cheapest and most comfortable means of transit to Texas, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, California, and all other West ern Slates and Territories, that, is now of fered to the traveling public. It would be base flattery io say that, in all respects it compares favorably with the great. Pennsyl vania Central, but it is not asserting too much to declare that no road in the west is more solidly constructed, more advantage ously located, or more thoroughly equipped and better managed than the I'aii-H :ii-dle route. The road-bed. is as smooth as any we have ever passed over, while for the most part the road is as level almost as a th.cr and so straight that it. can la; seen for a long dis tance that is for many, many miles from the front or rear of tlie fast-fleeing train. Add to all this the tact, and it is a fact, as we know from personal experience, that owing to the solidity of the grading, which is as firm and perfect as any we ever saw, there is an almost total absence of that dis agreeable jarring and accumulation of dust and dirt which makes it a painful torture to ride upon some roads, an.l we think we have made it plain to our readers that for com fort, Seed and safety, as well as for the sav ing ofntiine and distance, (this route lining the shortest, with connections the most di rect and certain,) and as a onseque:ice tlie saving of money, to say nothing of the cour tesy and kindness of its employes, there is no'linenf travel leading to the great, west and southwest which in any way excels if indeed it. can compare with the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway a route which wo ca.inot too earnesl ly commend to those who contemplate a trip in cither of the directions indicated. A Uepestent Horse Thief. The Red ford papers relate the following: On Wednesday last n stranger came to town and Inquired for constable Boogie, to whom he communicated the intelligence ihut if he would go out the turnpike, he would find a horse thi.-f, horse and buggy near a cornfield. 'I he man I further said that he and the other chap had la-en traveling together, but had quarrtled be t cause the thief wanted him to steal a pair of , horses, and he made up his mind to give his pal iway. Constables lleeglennd Kctti-r according ly s.artod out Ihe Holiidaysl.uig road, and on Cemetery bill they met tlieir man driving to l wards town. They informed him that one of the treces was loose, and when Bergle jumped : from his buggy to udjust it, the thief" sprang out and ran into an adjoining field. Heegie , pursued, when the man halted and presented a i huge revolver, and swwrc that if the oMicer I came a step further he would blow his head off. Ifccgle hail only a small pistol, w hile Fetter had no weapon, and the thief was p.-rmitted to escape. The horse and wagon were brought to town, and it is believed otic- of the horse's eyes was deliberately cutout todestroy the identity. The mutual iriend, who gave his mime as K'-gers, also escaped in the direction of Mary land. The property was stolen at Towanda, l'a., according to the informant. Rogers Is supposed to be the man who killed ifn officer in larentum, not long pince, as he answers to the- description, being hevy set, ha9 high check lones. reddish hair, sandy complexion, with short moustache, and bears a scar ou the lelt side, of his nose. A Strange Freak of Lightning. The Jnhnstowu Tribune is indebted toageu tleman of that place, who visited Ligopier a few days ago, fur the following nariiculars of a strange freak of lightning which occur red near the latter village ou Wednesday af ternoon of last week : A young man named Keltz, living on the Bell farm, one mile from Ligomcr, hud been plow ing in a field, nod was on his way to the barn when a thunder storm, accompanied by vivid lightning, burst upop him. One cf the horses was struck by the lightning and killed. Mr. Keltz was himselt struck am) rendered insensi ble. The gentleman who discovered his posi tion says that every vestige of everything was strippid off hi in, saw his shirt-band, n't.i that there was a blue streak down his back from the shoulder to the heel, mid the heel split pel the resulted the electricity's passage over his person. His clothing was nftei wards ioiind seme distance n way, torn into shreds as com pletely as it it had passed through a threshing machine. The oung man ultimately regained his senses and his physician thicks he w ill get well, although he still feels t be bad effects cf the electricity. lowest prices, nm - j ,,".. ! and complete-l all who favor n. - r - it., rrei.ile-nan in u nest ion, and at once start leg ou his return, was met by the constable i.i. two miles from town, llis explana tion when he reached here of the mistake he had mill was entirely satisiaciory to iur. Criste. He pa'd the officer's cost a, about $2, and M.50 to Mr. Criste for his lost time in .."infiicr in town. He then made sure of oetiii'g on the right horse at the livery stable ' s .. .! t. ...... i. ..i ;.,; ti.o Ids intended visit to the pr., He til rwi.,,1 ... f.. r Una. ,,f , , '" hooves all to know in : vvti., ' i;u'l times, ami that is. that ,' :i, Mv'' an.", their comfort, ensure ;T !:- "'" Wolff, whose infallible cure ."!rsl',, locket, as all will admit, .'': 2 .' ' ''fi-Mins and an elegant fit in .";toi,i' 'I-'"1''" ff txlnrcs so strong . "1H question for men to go Yv f':,J "V -' "" Wolff, at his mammoth dr . ij,,ve the post-office, Altooua, S.eiTnein fh-tnp.o.v ?f VVe.t- .r moreland and I'enn . '"I'"''-' , ft)K,llt erimiva'. intent, nut nis experience ." a Irwin's station, to tl.e no mb, i i o" Jlj(,al,ce Was not too dearly purchased if it Hixfcen hnmlred. q-.H work , J,' J ot I learns him i the future to be sure he is right to resume "P""""". " ,A, f venty-slx: for three uP".V; eeks. a half inch pounds, r Xck we ghman are complied Mcreen ami a check wc.m . , e 1 !. ft. It. O.'s engines are screen with strikers A. coming event which casts its shadow before a colored girl in Indiana borough has create I quite a flutter among certain of the "white I rash" over there, one of whom, a man. has already left for parts nn- lli'l where the ra. jv. --. v. -. . - - known, with the pronaniiuies o, -vmg coaled and induced the miner. t nVPran,nitafors ere long, as there is said to To quVt work, thereb, posing Tno telling where, wheu or who the light- .i... i.in A strict wnun wan iujf- i. m ncr io strike. in the Irwin district Trie Working men's Movement. A lals.r reform meeting was held at tlie slaugh ter house of Mr. Jacob Treftz, it. Johnstown, on Sal nrday evening last. Samuel Arentrne, Jacob Treftz. Mr. Speieher, John Stdgh, and Samuel Dunfce made speeches. The follow ing preamble and resol utioiis were read and adopted : Whereas. The lamentable state of nfTairs existing in tliM country have been brought n'lont by the undue power granted by the laws to corporate capital, and by legislation in its favor; by restrictive laws through which as sociations of laborois are deprived or li right to regulate their own affairs; and the total al ienation of the governing power in Ihe legisla tures nnd Congress from the working people whohae entrusted them with their interests and protection : and, Whf.kkas, All efforts having heretofore fail ed which have had f.-r their object th-j eman cipation of the w.i iking classes, owing to tf-e manifold divisions in tlie ranks ol the laboring men ; and. Wkekeas. The destruction of the Industries of the country and the pauperizing of those who Inlior must be the inevitable consequence of polities' legislation on the part of our law makers: therefore, llr'ilrei. That wo earnestly recommend the organization of workingmen fiy political pur poses, with the following objects in view : 1st. The formation of a labor partv, having Tor ft object t he mutual protection nf laborers. 2d. The representation f the working classes in our municipal and State a gislaturcs and In Con gross. 3d. The repeal of all oppressive laws against labor. 4tn. The enactment of just laws for the pro tee! Ion of In tor. J tern il red. That the President of this meeting appoint an Executive Committee r seven per sons to open correspondence with tlie wot king men of the several election districts of the cmnty. looking to the calling of a county con vention to nominate a workingmen's county ticket. IsntAJfA Normal S-hoot,. We direct the attention of our readers t. the ad vertise ment in ihis paper of this excellent Institu tion, and heartily eudwrse all that is set forth la the same. 77. 1 Ii tml el's lifter Wine nf Iron. K. FiKhnkors celebrated Bitter Wine of Iron will effect millr ctire liver complaint, jaand re. dyspepsia, chronic of nervods dehilltv. chronic Uiftrrhn-s, disease of the ki.ln yaml all diseases arising from a disordered liver, stomsch or Intes tine, such as ronrtipation. flatulence. Inward piles, tulliu s? or blood ti the head, acidity of tlie Motnncli. naueca. he .-if t burn, disgust l.ir bnid. fnll r.es or we irlit tt the stomach.' sore eructations, Jinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, pwumniii i,t the heA.I. hurried ordiflicult breath lug. fluttering at the heart, choking or sufiocnt ing sensation, rhen In a King postnre, dimness ol vis I -h dots or webs beVore the siirhr. 1nll pain in tlie head, deficiency of perspiration, vell.ittness of the skin nnd eyes, pain in the side, back, head, chest. Imilia. etc., sudden flushes of heat, burning in the flesh, constant itmigininsfs of evil, sfel great dc-pressien ef spirit. Trice ! per bottle. He. nre ot counterfeits. 1 not lei your druggist palm oil some other preparation of Iron he' may say is as good, but ask for K tinkers Hitter Wine nl Iron. Take tin other. Kutikel's Hitter Wine of Iron is not sold In btiik only in 1 bottles tl. V. Kunkel. Proprietor. No. 2.-.0 North Ninth Street, 1'hiln-lelphia, Pa. Sold by all druggists. Tape ll'orni Jiemoretl Alive. Head nnd all complete. In two hours. No fee till hea.'. passes. Sent. Pin and Stotmcr; Werais removed by I r. Kunkel. 2.". North N ltd Ii Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pcn l tor circular. Fur remov ing Seat, Pin or Stomach Win n rail .on vnnr druggist and ask r-r a bottle i1 Knnkel s W'orm Svrup. price SI. It never fails, f'ominon sense teaches if Tape Worm be removed, all ether Worms can he readily removed. K. r. Hunker l.nstral ami 1Z. I Jitmhel'tt Sftatnjtrto "or the Hair. The be?t find cheapest Hair Urcssing snd Hs'r Cleaner In the world. They remove dandruff, al lay Irritnticn. so.-v he and cool the heated Scnl, prevent the hair from falling oft. arid promote the growth In a very short time. Thev preserve and beautify the )iair. and render it M.tt nnd flossy. They inpart a brilliancy and a Fil ky appearance tn braid and wiry Hair. am', as a iiair dressing, they are unrivalled ; eradicate dnn.lrutt and pre vent bnldnes. The 5 It n in pun cleans the flair, re moves grease, scurf, itching, eruption. Ceres headache produced by heat and fatigue. Kun kel's ShauiKvi and I.iistral rcs.'nrc Hair to a na tiiral nnd glossy color, restore laded, dry. harsh nnd wiry hlr. Price per bottle fi. Ask vour druggist for them, or scud to F. Knrkel, Vr" priitor, No. 239 North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, ' IS-IO. 3111. OKI I t A It Y. MeINTOIT. Pied, in Newry. P-lair conntv. on July Sid. 17:. MaMik.1., daughter of Frank and Mary E. Mcintosh, aged 3 years, 1 mouth and 1 ciajs. Compose the sculptured limbs, Lay hack the fair young heai ; For the dark relentless grave, lr pare the beautiful dead. Fold her little waxen bands . Down over the pulseless breast. Array her little form For the ft rave's nt; broken rest. With gentle step and gentler touch Smooth hack her silken hair From off that marble brow Which we deem, d in lite so fair. Close her stilled and smiling llj.s, And over hi r violet eyes Press fast the snowy lid, To open in Paradise. Like some tender, fragile flower. Crushed by tl.e pitiless storm. We'll leave her sweetly sleeping I'pon her nniri I's arm. Then robe the little form. Nor weep o'er mortal clay. For Mamie's spirit, freed, Toward heaven rias winged Its bright, celestial way. PI AMD? Magnificent fSM) Tlosewood Pianos 1 iMll 'J O 175; fine Kosewond ir1lit Pianos 2 i dWaYi O (liu ''' nse-l). cost ts1. t.rdy PJ.I I ) fill An O '"lIst ,,r sold. Pnrior . rgntis.2Stops ' I5: 9Sops ".; 12 Sops only 47.t. Nearly New 4 Sett Ilee.l, 12 Sto) s. Sul. Pass and t'ctave Coupler Organs, cost over :io only ."a. i-jcwcst Prices ever oll.-rcd. Sent on 15 days"' lest trial. You ask why I offer so cheap. 1 answer Jiard Times, lit tin It sales ovor ."OO.ouO arpu al!y. nr commenced by monopolists. Hcware .l anonymous circular. Write t.ir explanation. Hattie raging. Full particulars P-ec. Address Imiticl I-'. Iteally. Washlntrton. .w Jersey. ;flf a week in vour own tewn. Terms and $5 ont v'Jo fit Tree. 11. JIalltt k Co., Portland, .Mc. .......f BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! BARKER Si SOI Is Yot-r Life Worth IOCf.ntis? Sick- i t.ess prevails everywhere, and everjh.ly I ,,im.,li,.a ii f .mm, .lio,.... .l..r..v llu... HC. , .'..l....o.r. 1..lll ii., -ii iur. When sil k, the object is to get well ; now to say plainly that no person in this world that is suffering with Dyspepsia, "Liver tVm plaint ami its effects, such as Indigestion, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Heart Unrn, palpitation of the Ilearl, Ie pressed Spirits, Biliousness, etc., can take Gkf.en'e AUGUST Fl.OWF.R Wlth'Vlt fretting relief and cure. If you donbt this, so lo vour Ijrnggists, Lemmon & M'irray, EU-ns-hnrg, or WoleslaTle & Son, Wilmnre, and get a Sample Ilottle for 10 cetits and try it Uegnlar siza 75 cents. Two doses will re j lieve you. We take Ereat pleasure in statinp; that Major John P.radv, the former well knurn I and fiopnlar proprietor of the "ltrady I'onsi, tlarrtslmrg, t-.e management of which he relintjuished for A time to engage to oiher pursuits, has returned to his old homestead and is prepared to render the same satisfaction to Itis guests as in days of yore. Major I5rady is a prict-t- among 'land lords, as is well known all over the State. He l as our hest wishes for nnJitnlmd success in the resumption of his former business in life. FARM FOR SALE. Tie iimlcr signed offers at private sale her FAftM of Jt -r'ln lncklik t3nehtp. seven nnlos porthwe-t of Kbensburg. on the Nicktown road, about. 3t Acre cleared, partially fenced, and In a lair state of cultivation. The improvements con sist of a two story Log House, Log Ham. Sprirg House. Orchard, &c.. and there is an abundance of txcellent water on the premises. Will be sold verv cheap and on easv pavnents. Call en rr ad dress I-.LliANiyK POWELIj, Au. S7, 1S77. 3t. Ebensburg P. O. ATM I N I STRATA R'S ' )T I CE. Estate of John Stephens, dpe'd. letters of admmistration on the estate or said decedent, lata of C;rroll lownsliip. t:amhria eun ty. Pa., have been granted to the undersijre.l. re siding in Cambria township, to whom al! persons Indebted to gatd estate are. reques-ed to i.iake 1m tnediate payment, and thoso having claims or de mands wilf'present them properly authenticated lor seiiieriient. K&ki iAi mmikkn, Thoie Terrlhl II erlr-lie nrnrrnfrd by obstructed secretiens. at.d to which ladies are especially subject, can always bo relieved, and their recurrence prevented, by the ue of Tar rant's Kki-kiivescknt ArKKitNT. Procurable at all drnS' stercs. f ,..fjr)ft 'erdav at homo. Satnplc! worth 5 $y lolj tree. s't:ibuji &S,s, Portland, .We. ONLY riVEWLLARS FOR AX ACtiEi Of the lltSI I.IMI in A M I: It I A, near the OIIEAT 1'KlOM r ACIF1C BAIMtOA't. A FARM FOR 8200! in riy jwjymentu with f ur rale nf intrrmt. Tull information sent free. Address O. F. DAVIS, 1.N1111 Agent, i . i. k. it., on tn a, sr.r.. i ii) ft ilny at liome. V1 " and terms free Aperts wanted. utfit Tai e it i Io., A ugusfa, Xle. Are now ofTcrinir to the people of northern Cambria a tare opportunity to secure As thej- are seliinir their entire stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, QnecMaifi, Shoes for Men, Women and Children, AT COST FOR CASH! And fnany other pools at less than thev cost in the city, and will out intie to so sell un til the entire stock Is disposed of. tsr LOOK AT SOME OF THEIR .KITES! Prints, good fast colors fl cts. per yard; Drown M uslins t rom BtoS els. ht yard; Alpacas, Cot-erirs, ic, " 2 I to 40 els. Tickii'iis IS to 20 cts. i'ant I'loths 20 to "id cts. " Ail-Wool Casii"crcs.. : micls. " White Pi.juts, rtri- rto2"cts. " " lace Ptripe..tt to o." e-ts. " Ladies and Children's Ilo-. .V, S. in. 15 and 2t bts. pet pair. T.adios'and Childn-n's loves, into lc. p r p'r. Clark's i . X. Thread i cts. per dor.cn. Wax Thread, for hand sewiuir. '.W cts. " Shawls from d.7.r to ft ort. rWill s"l you tniiS" p'ns; noci'lcs. hatr-ins, shoo-lacci. etc.. etc.. for in -!$.. than you ever before obtained fur th,' Same money. Also, a great variety of other goods at :nlly l)W 11: ICES. i" nnd see I hem. and learn for your selves, us yo.i will be sure to lonrn, thut niom-y can tie saVe-1 by diali' i? with tlietn. f.I!v!tM3I?, THAT THEY SELL 'M CASH And don't forirct lint they have ndicd to their stock a large assort tticnl ot Kiipt?i-U Cl OrlsIIIO For nv-n and hi r. which they do not propose to soil at !. but pledire th'i.is-lves to dit.se of at lowi r rati s I ban wearing aipiircl ciiually pence! in inaKean.l labile ca'i be Ivonjrlit any where elo in these puit. Cull and examine goods and price, and ticur in mind that At o . A Ct A. A. BARKER & SON, 5 18.1 i:m.xsin Itti, lA. r,m. Ol "i Frenrh Stiow-I lale Cards, with name, 10 cts. ZV) 1. K. II AUIIKK, Mablea hi idee. . t. JACKSON'S BEST AND ABOVZ ALL. Thet hrarels of sweet navy nre acHnowleilned hv all to be the finest ehcwii.ir lehncco on the mar ket. Sold by all dealers fcnd for saeiple to the manuficturers, C A. JACKSON & C'J., Peters- i burg. a. .. I. V Attn I.C (Jriicrnl Agent, 3 A .1 S. Muter Si., Pliiltelliln. 30 3' Mixed Cards, with nnme, 1 cts. Sample f-r stamp, j ..1 inkier et o.. .asn. .n. Kxtrs line HiXed 4'anls. with name. III cts , J post paid. K .1- N t-S it CO.. Nassau. N.V. 0 I A M Ii I I A COUNTY. SS. : The CoMJinMtVEAi.Tri or PenN'A To Jacob Siiuiy. residirg in Croyic town- 1 I..S. :- ship. Isaac n-ay. who rcsh'es in Adams ' ...-n.l.'., ..lli.'.lnn V .r, .- lnlA.....l..l wi-ti Wm. St. Clst'r. who reside 1n Knnas. .Vary Sniay. who was Ciarrle-l to Samuel Ileck. but who has since died leaving ri heirs. Iavil Stnay, wl-ose residence the petltioncrdocsn.it Know. .lvn ry Snay. who resi.b-s ii Uiehland lewnslnp. S!l! cmnty, Sarah Si-iay. who is intermarried with Herman Paul and resides in Cr'oyle t wnsliip. paid county. Christian Smay. wlio diet in the at my leaving a wile t survive htm, t wit. Surah Smay (who h is since married Thcs. Ifadclttl) an I chil dren, win. reside in I'irtst nrirh, viz: Henry ;Jmjr, who is twenty-one yinrs of ago. Jobn St-.ay, I-.'ta-httli. S-nnj- and Ln in. In t'tnay. who are minors and hnve fr.r their guardian .odin Krn'.n 'Ireetiinr: j W'c eo-nman-l yvu And every of you. and yi u are ; hereby cited, to appear ii: your i.w'n pr. .per person before our Judges at 1-It-eiis.l.uriit al an I iri-haiis' Court there to be held, nn A'i'miat, the ;tl dny of StrTKMttr.i: next. t' answer .Jacob Smay in the matter of his petition iei a decree to enforce ihe spe?ifie perfonannce of a contract entered I no be tween the said Jacob Smay and John Smay. jr., deceased, in I. is life time., lor the sale ol ceriai'? real estate situate !?i Siiiiiinerliill (now Crayle) township. In the county aioresai. I. Heretn tall net. v itness the If.-norable J. K. Oicvis. A. 1 J.. 25th llistrict, at Kbcnsbura. the 18th day ol June, A. I). 18T7. " JAMES M. riNCEH. Cb-tk. Mteet -Jonst Rtan, Sherd. (8 17.-3t.J REGISTER'S NOTICE. "V'OTTCE is hereby givrn that the following i named Accounts have been passi-d and filed in t he i iristcr's oll'.e.-at Eb-nsmrir. in and for the county of Cambria, and will he presented to the Orph ins' Court of said county, f or con firmation and albovanee, nn Wkiini.SIAV, tho 5ll day of Skptem unit. A. 1. 1--77. to wit: 1. The first an I final account of Hartmnn H"rg, guardian of Jane Cr. y e. a minor child of plul.p linger, late of Cambria r 'nnlv. deceased. 2. The second a '-count ! Cat haripe ?! rt'olgan, administratrix le tH.,i n-.n, cum tetainentr an nexe, of Peter ' i..ilu herty, late of Sumuiitville borough, deceased. 3. The lir.t account of Elizabeth McTonnld and James P. Conned, administrators of lianiel .e I.onald. late of Cambri i l-oroua-h. lecease.. 4 The a-ei.iiit el S.itn'icl liotmlass. ailminls trator of Abb-'c imnrb". late of .1 ohtistown bor ougi. deceased. 6. T'-e hm ami final account of Ilartm.m ttcrir. iruardi-m of Karl-el l!ae r. a "iin r l.ii.l of Phi.ip laer. late ol Jackson town-hip. d.-i-eiis'-.l. S. The firft nn-t hnal a.-eouni ot .l.s. S. Strsyrrj adininisiraor de bonis noti ol Anna JU. tjilln an, late of Ki.-l-.lanii township deceased. T. The BT-i-m! ol Kdrannd J. untrrs. survivirg executor ef Kdwan! I vans, late of ElM-ns.-iirir borouith. deceased, rcla! imr to the rial estate ol" paid .loco. lent. S. The lirsi and final account of Thomas Plun kett. a.'.i.tii:rator of Mary Kth e, ta.e of Gal lit r.in t'.wt ship, deccarc.l. 1. The first and final account rif llentr J lllte, adminislrati.rof Sarah A. Ilitc, late of Jr.hustown liorouah. deceased. 10. I he first and final account of James Wilson, sr.. ai'ministr.-.tor of .lames Wilson, jr., late of Cnnemanirh township, deceased. 11 "'he first an I final account of flnni ! "o h.iugh. ad m.ri-drator of X:n:.-v tTobauith, Into of Tax lor township. !ee:-as-f If. The a-i-i'iint -f .J ilm Sharbnueh. iruardicn of ri'omns ?1. fiei ly. one of the inin..r heirs -! V. A. li-illy. bile of Washington pwft?hip doe'd 1-1 fiii first ant prt'al a-ioiint ..r l-an'lel T.olitl:i-r. administrator ol Frederick Tcsh, late of Johnstown horouifh. Ccccaseii. 14. Theacc. utit of Josiph Cri'fe. tnnrdian of Ann I. Adanis. a minor child el Urnsrd Adams late cf :aml ria rourty, decc.i-ii-d ' I.V. The first and finiii account of A. V. Itarker es... administrator cf S.'T-n.n Miltibach, late of E'.-e'isbttr bnronh. ileceased. t. The firt an.l final ii"i-i iirt of Thomas Y". Williams, irii.ir.lian ot K-lella Uavis.a nun. .r child of Evan l. liavls, lale or Ehcns burt- toroiicli Ue-ccase-l. ' IT. The Rrst ah. I partial nr-eoUrt M 'frr.ha J Evans and . n. ft. Socl !cr. esq . administrators ol E. I). Kvans. late of Wilmore torouith, dee'd. J AMES M. SINOr.ll. Itt-iristr-r. ItcCistcr s Cilice. Ebci'S'iutg, Aug. 6..1S77. Aug. 24. lS77.-t. Administrator. INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL of Pi The Winter Term of 24 weeks Will open on MONDAY, SEPT. lOth. 1677. The Summer Term of 18 weeks will open MONDAY, MAR. 25th, 1878. terms, $z.oo risit ii j:j:k, Includirg Tuition, Iloardina. Room, Heat, Eight snd Washing. Jlct JJormal School Building n the State. Facil ities in -very respect equal lo snv Normal School In the United States. Students may enter at any time luring the term. For particulars, send fur Catalogue tn I). M. PENS EN IO, Principal. f8-24.-4r.J Indians, Ttf, 1 X -irr i n c v s a i v I ; a i s i : m i: x t s . N.Mc is hereby piven that tlie fol lowinir Pam-il anprni- incuts .f prop-rty of decedents, selected and Si t apart for t he widows or intestates i:t;.it th Act or Assembly of 14th tf Aprih A. 1). 1-?1. huve been fled in the Kcelsttr S oflio-e at Et.f-.sbnrir. a-id will ho pre sctilrd to the I li hues' Court ol Caint-ria c..un ty. for approval nod ail- wt.nce.on WriisiMntT the "lit day ot Skpti.v lK!t. A. II. 1..-77. to wit : 1. Inventory and f prolsement nf crtain tier sona I i rcperty npprais.-l nr-I f"t spsrt fur Man t!!!ahis. wld-w r.l.lm V!!fa!ii, Ute, Ktwns. burg l.i rotiih, detM 277.ofl 2. Ipventcry an l nj prais. menf of certain per sonal properly aj praised and s-t , Brt for Elira beth ;ilioiK-. wi.'ow ,,) Paul S. pisiiorg late of Jai ks'iu tewnsl-.lp, dec 1 -Too 'rft. 3. Ii.Tchti ry B-td n praisetr.ent nf Certs'n rver S e al proper y s.. raised at .1 set njiart b.r t hris tiana Foster, w i.i.-w .f l.errv Foster late of Eliensburif t-irottie!i. dee'd -3)0 On. 4. Invi'iiiory and sppra i'en.ent of certain per sonal property appraised and pot apart f-r widow of t-nlB t-lli, la'e of S j'ntncrhdl township, dee'd o . . , JAVESM.PlNCElUlblster. Poglster s flff.ee. ElK-nsburg. Aug. 6, f-77. Sir y f , fcf ! I ri r-n U T tr - I.I, r. j Tpei'-l f 'JO i le tt T. era n tr .id V rr o . H dn;u 1 reipCeni soa f r tt j t"Ol-L MY A LI OKCGGISTS. 13-I.-Iy,1 LEXANDLU TAIT, M. 1 , Phy- SiriAlf A51I StKf;K,N, St. AueMstine, lambrid Count v, pa. iglit chIIs s?ionIl he tnale j tth Poat-otllce. l-U7T.-tf.J II. fiClILEIl, Attorney at txixn, filiensluirg. ft!ic. in Ool- onade Row. (recently occupied hj Wm. Kitud. Esq ,) Centre treet. .'78.-1 f. SitOKM A K K U, A ttob n kt- Office on High i -21.T -tr.j T 1ST OFCACsns fur trinl .nt a A-J Ooiirt cf tl i'ititun Pleas to be held Mt Eliensburir. for Cnmi.i-ia e..iintv, eiitiunindnr on M::Sbav. Skptkmhuic 3-1. l77 ; Eant.y '.vs. l:ij.p fc. Snyder: MCV. I'atton vs Illp.is At Eloy.l : Invert v vs. Ilipps a Elovd Somerville vs. IsippsA JIot 1 :.ii-c vs. llii i.'s I.lov.i : Slecull. i -h Si Smith vs. St. Kriiicis' f-illCKe: Kessler vs. Kepp; Johnston vs. Tresler JJrindle vs. liysart &. t o. : Mun. y vs. Christy. k inn tt-i ku Potts fc Cam-hi ll vs Reamer, foienel lsne Kcrl .p vs. ltesh.p ; Claris v. jinumer et. al Scrg v.. tlildy &. t'o.; HolJis vs. t ;allnthir Prown! v S arp:Crcss..n Sprincs v Vs .c" Eattif'.iltii : Ilelman tf. (illen- M, i.-.r,.i.."" onadi Esq , TP A AT-E-AW, Kl-enshnrg street, s t nd ef residen. al. vs. Iiaair.y I Crawler vs. WiUisms- I.h.rd te Co, UT tfe. vs. Cresswells; Klvnn rs. tiite-S-oiiterfiHe Vr.Kinneyet.nl : Itau rU vs IIa-'s' man; Iritchni.t rs. Melfeinht: Alexandef rs Makin's Adin :.. Masonic Hank Vs Stineman"' I'ontmonwealth r- Adams et. al.; Ve4 'ulloiwh ts. Hurrish; Theis rs. Merts et. prter vs. Heuber: H wn rs. Ii!l; M rs. Shoemaker Klatteryrs. Klatterr ; McMullenrs. 1 lionins . .I!..xel.-t it.(: AN, prothonotarr. Prothonotnrr sothce. KIm tihnrg. Aug. e. isf;. C: 77 Week to Aiei-nts. ll(n ffti tri e ? it p.p. yicRtur, a..m,;". at the tin