The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, June 15, 1877, Image 2

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Friday Morning, - - June 15, 1877.
,, ' M. 1
Dtmocnttic Comity Convention.
u j
The P-inorratie voters of the several j
Wards, ltoroiighsand TownshipsorCaml.ria j
County ar reonesleil to meet At the places
for. holding the g. n. ral elections,
On Sittitrtln.v, Ju! 7, IS77.- j
and eWt tw-o delegates to represent them In i
County Convention, to be held iu the Court j
J louse, in i.hnstmrg,
on Mon.l).Jnlr . ivn, J
at one o'eloek, v. M., to nominate a County ;
Ticket, select one Senatorial ami two Io-p- i
resentative delegates to the Siate Conven- j
tiop. to make a chamre. if thought advisable, ,
in the present system of electing de.l-gates .
and nominating candidates, and to transact.
other business. I
The polls will be open in the r.oroughs ,
between the hours of 3 a id 7 o'clock, v. M. :
'l Tuwn"1,il, ltu " il,!d j
O clock, 1. M.
lly order of the County Committee.
L. 1. Wooi.kikk, Chairman.
Johnstown, I'a., June l, lSn.
A very large niee
P .. .... , .
ting of the political
, ;
)( ex-Governor Hen-
and personal friends of ex
dricks was held in Masonic Hall, Indian
apolis, on last Saturday night, to bid good
bye to that distinguished gentleman piior
to his depaiture for Eurojie, where he pro-
iwwlu tn rfin:iiii fur three months. I . S.
,i -i j ,t ,,. !
Senator M Donald presided over the meet-
. , ii tv...
. e Ami c imolifia mtiilt. IkV 11:111
ClllU u uii v 'i . " ....... w j - -
Yooiliees, Governor Hendiicks, Governor
Williams, lion. Win, S. Iloltnan and Judge
Gooding. In the couise of his brief re-
marks Governor Hendricks, in referring to
the fraud by which Mr. Tildeu and him
self were cheated out of the offices to which
they had been honestly elected, said :
JU-rc:irtei- the man who is elected President i
. . . - i . i... .i... i ..1 1. !
or the I iiiti u suites ty i ho voice ami juu-
meiit of the American people must lie iiiautru.-
Governor Hendricks and wife sailed from
New York on Wednesday. The Democ
racy of the count rj' unite in w ishing them
a prosperous voyage and a safe return.
Wiikx the Emperor of Ilussia, in tho
early part of last week, passed over the I
railroad through a portion of Houmanhi, a
Turkish province, on his way to Bucharest,
the headquarters of his army, the most un
usual precaution was taken for his personal
safety. That part of Koumauia has re
cently been suspected of being a gathering
place for Poles ami other turbulent char
acters, intent, in Russian opinion, on the
assassination of the Emperor, if a fit op
M)i tunity presented itself. To prevent the
success of any attempt of the kind a loco- j stigation of Prince Bismarck to gag the
motive, with a car attached containing a French. It is possible, and even probable,
squad of secret police, was run a short dis- j too, that the ctowned heads of Em ope have
tauce in advance of the train containing ; urged on tho would-be usurpeis of the
the Emperor and his attendants, as well as j French government.
a similar triin behind it. That theie are j France under the Republic has, since 'ho
hundreds of exi'cd Poles, broken in fortune j fali ,,f Napoleon III., enjoyed greater pros
jet treasuring up the memory of their perity than she ever before knew. Xot
many wrongs, scattered all over Europe, only hasshe paid an enormous w ar iiidemni
any of whom would regard it as the most ty to Germany, but by judicious legislation,
glorious act of patriotism to lovcugc 'nrs i which made her paper money a legal tender
country's sad fate by taking the life of and her refusal to entertain the u;ea of a
Russia's Czar, is not at all doubted. Not resumption of coin payments, shehasaccu
many years ago lie made a narrow escape ; mulated in her treasuiy over if-lUO, 000,000
liom assassination near l aris at me nanus
of a Pole, when he was on a visit to the
Emperor of Fiance. How true it is that
' uneasy lies the head that wcaisacrowu."
Thk Chaiiman, together with a small
fragment of the Republican County Com
mittee, met somewhere in this place on
Statin day last and tlected Wm. M. Jones,
of Ebensbiirg, and W. II. Storey, of East
Conemaugh, Representative delegates to
the State convention. John T. Harper, of
White township, was recommended as
Senatorial delegate, and a resolution adopt-
cd instructing the delegates in favor of i
John A. Lemon for Auditor General. Sat
urday, September 1st, was fixed for holding
the delegate election, and Monday, the 3d,
for tho meeting of tho county convent ion.
Tho leading Republicans in this, end of the
county appeared not to feel the least inter
est in the business of the committee. Even
tlie-'old Republican war horso" of north -etn
Cambi ia turned his hack upon the town
and betook himself to the country to attend
to his own business, evidently impicssed
with the bulief that the manufacture of
shook, dull as the trade is at present, is I
more profitable than the mnnuufacturc .f
.... .... .. . . , I
delegates to a State convention, to take (
part in the empty honor of setting up a j
ticket only to see it knocked down. Tho ,
Republican party iu Cambria is suffering I
trout tlie sauio uiy rot ol JJtteism wincii
so seriously afflicts its ranks throughout
the State.
Wk will publish next week the prospect,
us of the New York Sun "for the campaign
against fraud," These words mean of
course that tho Sun, will in the future, as
n has in the past, wage war to the bitter
end against the present national adminis-
tration, which was brought into existence
by a fraud upon the American people,
through the forms of law, as outrageous as
it was unparallekd in the history of the
country. In order to make this wai fare of
the Sun effective, it invokes recruits from
every quarter toco-operaio in me movement didatc. It was Darsie's misfortune, how
ami lend it a generous support. As the ever, to have been born in Scotland, and
Sun circulates and is eagerlyread in every ! tjlilt fact 8C.llctI ,,is p,,iilicai fato with the
nook and corner of the Hnd, we know of kow Nothing fanatics', who, in their l-jdge
no other journal that can be so jK.wetful meetings, pledged themselves to sunport
and effective in the crusade in which it has ( Mott. Of this secret action of the dark
embarked. If it talks plainly, and if its lantern order Darsie was blissfully ig bur
sting often huits, it is because of the. wide ant untiI 1,0 discovered that. Mott had dc-
and increasing spread of ofhcial turpitude Vl ' o l ft ,JM):W ,Ie
. . . , knew then what a crime it was in Know-
and the absolute necessity of thorough ro- : Nothing estimation to be a countryman
form in all the branches of the general as' of li diert Hums and Sir Walter Scott.
well as the Slate governments. That tho : ,r- Molt a8 afterward elected to the
,., t. , , ., Sta'c Senate by tho democrats of his dis-
pages of the are as Interesting as ihey ; triclf a1(1 ,S(to tLe CollstiUltiullHi c,ou.
arc pungent, is shown from the fact that vcutiou of 1S73.
the private Secretary of Mr. Hayes recent J m t n. i i .
ly requested Mr. Dana, Us editor, to send j Thk Ohio greenback convention met at
u copy of it to Ihe White House, to be Columbus on last Wednesday week, adopt
jdaced on file, but as the ju ice of subscrip- ( td a plat form and nominated a full Stale
tarn was not enclWd, the request was very ticket, with Stephen Johnson, for Govern
piompllyand very properly declined, and or, at its head. There were only thirty
ji a result the lay of the .9m n do not ilht delegates picsent, which would seem to
mine the t xeenlivo mansion. So able," indicate that tho movement is not likely to
; feat Jess and independent a newspaper as prove as formidable as ita friends boasted
Ihe New York Sun richly deserves nil the
increase that Can be given lo ils present
immense circulation, which we I rust for
thr s ike of the country and its cht ribbed
institutions will booh Imj illimitable.
The French Crisis.
Tlie excitement in France occasioned by j
i tlie resignation of the Republican ministry, :
j in consequence of the dictatorial letter of '
; Piesident MacMahon to 31. Jules Simon, j
of tlie lOtlr ult., the subsequent appointment .
liy the President of a ministry with the)
' ... ,. . ., , , , ..
Due He Broglte at its head, and the pro-
rotation of the assembly in order prevent
RM im.j,y Hlto u,e motives of tho Presi- j
,.,. i
dent for his hasty and uulooked for action, !
which was about to bo set on fot by M.
r;:imuetta, of the Left, and which for a!
f d of ,
"lar government wi h grave apprehension
for the safety of the Republic, has some- j
what subsided, leaving: the conspirators in !
a quandary and the people defiant and con-
fident of ult imate" triumph.
The caise )f lbe c (P ((((t was ,,ie
. .
intrigues of the monarchists by whom
France is continually cursed, embracing
the several prollinate breads of Chambord-
ists, Orlcanists (Botubons), and Bonapait-
isls The Bourbons, who are represented
. 4, ,, . ... . , , ,
by the Count de Chambord, who styles
iiimscit Henri v., ana tlie uneanists, oi
, '
which faction the Count de Paris is the
head, had long been rivals, but some two
o l ll I CO iu.113 ago iney cuuiim imo t. j
compact by which it was agreed that in
.i. .. .i. .7 :....
the event of the success of their united ef
forts to subvert the government of th'e peo-
pie and re-establish the monarchy, the
Count de Chanibord, who is considerably
j advanced in years, would be King, with
i the right of succession reserved to the
i Count de Paris. Under this agreement
both of these factions have been plotting
in concert, nd the letter of McMahon to
Simon is supposed to have been dictated
by the Due De IJroglie, the arch-conspirator
of the llighf, or monarchial party, with
uie v;cw uf paving the way lor the nion
.. .
archv 1V precinitatinsr the present crisis
before the corning elections would have
permanently established the Republic,
which they would most assuredly do if
they were conducted by the municipal of
ficers of the nation, Hence the necessity
in the minds of the conspirators of a change
of ministry and the consequent removal of
the obnoxious officials, to be followed by
tho appointment in their stead of men
known to be in sympathy with their dernier
retort of defeating an honest expression of
the popular will at the ballot-box. The
desperate strait of their cause, is seen in
the llimsy pretext setfoith in MacMahon's
letter that Simon had failed to appose the
passage of the repeal of the press law of
1875, which was originally made at the in
in specie, or four times the amount at pres
ent in the treasury of the United States,
which is of course a very tempting bait to
the avaricious minds of the royal brood of
vipers who are plotting against her peace
ami liberties. Once let the Republic have
a successful experiment in Frarce and the
forco of its example will be so powerful
with the down-trodden slaves of monarchy
in Europe that the logical result will be a
revolution iu politics, -which will forever
w ipe out those hereditary dynasties which
have lo;ig been the bane of the old nations of
Christendom. It is for this reason that the
monarchicsof Europe aid and encouiagethe
; trench pielemlers, with the hope that on
j tho ruins of the Republic a monarchy may
bo erected as a prop to their own toMering
j thrones. Rut this hope is without found. i
; tion in fact, for in no country is the Re
i publican sentiment stronger or more potent
i than in France. The votaries of monarchy
; may diduge the land in tho IiI-hmI of itscil
i i.ens and achieve a tcmpoiaiy success, as
; they have dono on several occasions within
J the past century, but the will of the people
! will at. length triumph di'spite the machin
' at ions of kingly usurpers, and the advo
. cate-R of the imvink might of kings will
bo made to feel that the "authority of the
temporal ruler depends upon the consent of
the governed," and not on any right in
,ieiet m ,ie individlIf, b .. f ,
lineage, military prestige, or past services
to the nation.
1. S. Since writing the above, the news
from Pai is indicates that the Hourbonists
now suspect that MacMahon has all along
been acting in the interest, of the young
Napoloon as the future ruler of France,
and that his mother, the ox-Empress Eu
genie, is intriguing with the same end iu
i view.
Hon. n kn it y S. MoTTdicd at Milford,
; Pike county, on yesterday week, in the
' GCthyearof his age. In 1S54, when the
Kuow-Xolhing patty was first organized.
Mr. Mott was the regularly nominated
candidate of the Democratic party for
Canal Commissioner, and George Darsie,
of Pittsburgh, a man of ability and admit
ted iKM'sonal integrity, was the Whiff can-
it would. We are decidedlvof tlm oniniou
that to the square mile Ohio contains more
deep oliiicians and more profound states
men, to say nothing about office-seekers,
thau any other six Slates iu the Uuiou.
It is a satisfaction to know that the In
dian problem is fast approaching a settle
ment and that the expense, hardship and
danger of au annual military campaign
against the belligerent savages west of tho
Missouri river will be avoided in the futme.
Since the beginning of March nearly all
the leading hostile chiefs, with their war
riors, their aims, and their ponies, have
come to Red Clond, Spotted Tail, and oth
er Indian Agencies, and quietly surrender
ed to General Crook, or some other officer
in command. The surrender of the ablest
and most troublesome of all the Indian
leaders, the renowned Crazy Hoise, and his
band, took place on the Cih of May. He
will bo remembered as the chief who met
tho ill-fated Custer in battle last summer,
in Montana Territory, and inflicted such
terrible slaughter on his command. He
and his warriors said that the peace he had
made would last and not be broken. The
only large fighting force of Indians which
has not yet surrendered is Sitting Bull's
band, lie is supposed, as is his custom
when matters become too hot for liim south
of the Yellowstone river, to have crossed
the boundary line into the British posses
sions. The important question of distrib
uting and maintaining the large number
of these Indians now at the agencies will
be disposed of during the summer. If this
can be done satisfactorily our Indian wars
will be over, except perhaps with the
Apaches in Arizona, the most blood-thirsty
and treacherous savages on tho continent.
They have repeatedly been compelled to
make peace, only to be followed by their
again taking the war path, dealing death
and destruction wherever they roamed.
Like. The most disastrous fire ever expe
rienced in Bridgeport, Conn., occurred on
Thursday night last. At 11:30 a light was
discovered in the fourth stoiy of G rover,
San ford & Sons' factory. The flames were
first seen in the dyeing or mixing room, in
the northwest corner of the third story of
the main building, and running along that
floor were communicated by the dummy to
the stories below.
While volunteers were removing the
goods from the office, a one story sti net ure,
suddenly and without warning the back
and front walls of the factory fell, leaving
the two highest walls unsupported. The
one adjoining the office leaned outward,
and as a shriek went up fiom the specta
tors, fell upon the roof of the ollice, crush
ing through to the basement, and burying
those within. One man, who escaped
w ith a gash, stated that there were a dozen !
men in the ruins and already eleven bodies
have been removed. Nearly all are fear- j
fully crushed and more or less burned.
San ford's loss on the building, machine- 1
ry and stock will reach about two hundred
and fifty thousand dollars; insurance, one
hundred thousand dollars. There were
about fifteen thousand hats ready for ship
ment, tho most of which were destioyed.
The hat shop gave employment to two hun
dred and fifty hands, and was to have
started on Monday with a full force. San
fords say they will sell or lease rather than
put up a new factory without a better wa
ter supply. They had a hose on every
floor, but no wafer could be had.
Two bodies not fully identified next day
prove to be I hose of James Coyne, bill pos
ter, and John Killingbcrg. The latter was
only recognizable by a hand, from which
he had previously lost fingers, and a tiuss
worn on the body. This completes tho
hstol tlie dead, eleven in all.
The Wonders of Telegraphy. A
patent has just Wen granted to Loring
Pickering, tine of th editors and proprie
tors of. the Ereninj Bulletin and Morning
Call, of San Franciso, for a method of
rapid telegraphing of fac similes of stereo
typed plates. It is- claimed that by this
process au entire p.ige of a newspaper can
be transmitted by telegraph in from fifteen
to thirty minutes, delivering tho copy di
rectly from the instrument in such form
that it can be handed immediately to the
printers. Iu other words, (he copy will be
a substantial reproduction of the original,
except that it may be given iu a larger
sized letter if so desired. The Btereotyoe
plate requites no prepaiation for the pur
pose of telegraphic transmission other than
the filling of all its depressions or spaces
between the faces of the letter w ith a non
conducting substance which may be quick
ly applied, the faces of the type being left
clear by means of au equally simple pro
cess. The plate thus prepared is placed
upon a cylinder arranged to revolve tapid
ly, so as to present each successive letter
to lingers attached to a travelling frame.
As the cylinder bearing the plate revolves,
the frame gradually advances by the oper
ation of a screw ; and thus each and every
line is successively presented to the fingers
or magnetic points already mentioned.
Necessarily the circuit is open when the
points aro passing over the nonconducting
surface : but as often as the metal type pre
sents itself to said fiugeis the circuit is
closed, and the corresponding magnetic
points or pens at t he qpceiving stat.ion'niake
the record theie in the same, letter as the
original, delineated in a series of fine linps.
j either upon chemically-prepared or ordina
ry paper lixed iip-m a corresponding cylin
der 'A, said receiving station.
Matisiiat, M'Maiio.n's Policy. The
London Time" Paris special of June 1 lib
gives the following report of President
MacMahon's reply to the Legitimist depu
tation : ".My duty forbids that I should
risk a change of the elements composing
the present Cabinet, seeing that it has of
fended none of the pjwers with which
France is friendly. As to the Legitimist
candidates, any Legitimist candidate really
having a chance of success wil! be openly
and loyally supported by the Administra
tion at the elections. The question of pro
longing mf office will not be considered
during the prorogation of the Chambers,
and I shall lend no coup tie. main
of any kind whatever nor to any venture of
Imperial or monarchic restoration. It will
pet haps be necessary to demand a dissolu
tion of Chambers. If you accord it to me
I shall use it as well as possible ; if vou re
fuse it I should withdraw."
Pa tits, June 11. The France asserts
that Ihe Government have resolved to pro
hibit the brojected plcuary meeting of the
groups of tho lie ft before the reassembling
of the Chambers.
Mounts Wan no, of Granville, N. Y.,
aged 19 years, and weighing KM) pounds,
deserves Ihe title of champion .Man with
Ihe iron jaw." A few davs auo a man
weighing 2(10 pounds sat on a heavy table
in a sal-Mm there. Wando stood on a chair
and seizing the table on one side with his
; teeth, lifted it and the man two feet clear
of the lloor, and held them there tificen
seconds. He lifted a cask of whisky
weighing 400 ounds, astride of which were
two nion whose weight was 300 pounds
mbre, by seizing it by the chiuo with his
tee'.h, holding it out straight. Three men
pulling on rope which he held in his
teeth could not budge Wando from his
tracks. He has gone East to Beck au eil
gageuieut with a circus.
Gov. Hendricks on the Presidential i
Flection. J
' Following is a stenographic report of tho
most interest itig part of a farewell speech
delivered at Indianapolis, on Friday even
ing last, by Governor Hendi icks on the oc
casion of his departure for Euroiie :
I have had my conti S'S. I have teen thrown
somewhat into ihe political strifes In Indiana--nnd
they were no ordinary strifes that have j
deeli made in the State; the party lines imvo !
heen closely and t in h l ly di n w n. mid the con
tests have tieen very curliest, very positive,
very determined on lioih sides; ihe tendency
has lieen to make the men of the respective .
parties very loiter towards tlioe of the ottier
side. I have experienced I hat somewhat not
very much, I think anil why is it? Hecause
I have never carried it myself; I have never, i
in the political contests into which I have been
thrown, carried -tioiiK with men person. il pre- j
judice, a bitterness toward the men ol ttie
other side. (Applause.) I conceded it to any
irentlemaii who occupied u dilliereul position
from myself politically the absolute riirht to
oocjpy that position, 1 haxe never quest lotied j
it. 1 conceded that riurlit as I claimed it tor
myself, and only one sentiment has jroverned
me, and that was, believing that the side I oc
cupied was ritrht, I advocateri it with nil my ,
initfht according to the principles of honor and j
liirht. (Vehement applause.) The presiding j
officer of this occasion has relerred to the tact ;
that if the vote of the people had been rejrard-
ed I would occupy the position to which I was
nominated last yenr. (Applause.) Of that I
have no more doubt than that tiovernor Wil- I
Mains was elected tiovernor of Indiana. (Ap- '
plause.) lint at the same time justice requires !
me to soy that if the decision had been left to .
the (rreat body of the people of both parties, !
the decision of the ballot-box truly marie wi u d :
not have been reversed and defeated. (Ap- 1
plause.) I believe that to-nirht it is a subject ;
of reirret to thousands of (rent leinen who did
not ami would not vote for m who did not :
and would not vote for Governor TiWlen a ;
subject of profound regret that the damajriiiK I capiS a joud call w Cutler Cor another Mac
blow has been (men to .-tmerieaii institutions. -,,..
((treat applause.) And I would not refer to It
in any partisan spirit except to say this: That l
hereafter the man who is elected President of j
the ITnited States by the voice and judgment j
of the American people must be inau(t uraied. :
(Wild applause.)
lexpictto see other lands within the rext '
three inont hs. I ex pec: to see countries that
are (TOverni-d bj laws and institutions to which
we arcslranirers. and iu respect to which 1 hope ;
we shall always lie S! ranifei s. (Applause.) And :
It was with pleasure that I anticipated the op-
poi t mill is of making a comparison between
i he Inst it u t ions of my own country and of the
condition of tlie people under those institutions
with the institutions of other lands nn l of the
people under those institutions. From KnR
land we derive to it lartrc extent our system of
laws. In France we had a triend in the time of
Ihe Revolution. (Applause.) It was Lafayette
who stood side by side with ficorxe Vahin
ton. (Applause.) From Germany and Ireland
we have a powerful element in our ow n society.
Them countries I hope to see. Hot in advance
I could never hone to see a country whose in
stitutions are to be compared with our own.
lint the value of our institutions depends upon
the care with which the people guard them. If
we a I low our i tin ions I o iro into chance and
out of the ruarliau care of the juilir meiit mid
will of the people they will non become no
better and perhaps worse tlinii the institutions
of other countries. (Applause.) Ami if you
would allow mo one sinjrle expression of the
duty that devolves upon the people of the
State of Indiana it would be this: That you
and I, without respect to political faith, should
stand by th Constitution and laws and the in
stitutions of the country, and allow no politi
cal scheme whatever to deTcut the purpose of
any one of t lie provisions of the Constitution
of the land. (Applause.)
- I expect to be a'isent about three months.
That will not (rive :ne an opportunity to see
very much of the world, bui it will tie the first
time f liar I have eycr looked upon Htiy sky ex
cept that ir America. It will be the first time
that I ever looked in foreiirii lands upon
the people iroverneil by their institutions, and
in that respect it is an opportunity that I prize
verv hiirhly. I thank you, my feliow-cilizens,
and I thitiik you ifut ninir to the men on the
staifei lor the expressions of ri-ifarri and esteem
that I l-a e received from you ti-ni(rht. I shall
never lorjret this nitfhr so lonjr as memory
piesidcs in my brain. (Applause and cheers.)
The plucky little principality of Mon
tenegro can show a record as the licht-
weight champion of the. tt-oi Id. It was in
Ihe fifteenth century that a hand of 30.000
Christians, retiring before the wave of Ot
toman invasion that had ovei (lowed all the
rest, of Turkey, pained the mountain
stronghold of Montenegro, which they
have held eer since against the constant
onsets of Turkey. A few facts w ill give
an idea of their struggle. In July. 1712,
12,000 Montenegrin defeated 100.000
Turks, killing 20,000 and losing bin, CIS.
In 1822, 20,000 Turks were defeated by
I, 000 Montenegrins and their General enp
t nved. In 1TGS, with a great army ot 150,
000, the Turks invaded Montenegro, de
termined to crush so pestilent a thorn in
the side of Turkey. They were met by
II, 000 Montenegrins, defeated with the
loss of 25.000, and thoircamp and baggage
captured. To come down to modern
times, in 18TC, July 28, tlie Turks were
defeated with a loss of 4. 0(K), to 70 Monte
negrins. August 14, 20,000 Turks were
defeated by 5,000 Montenegrins, with a
loss of 4.700. September 0, thev killed
3.000 mo:o Turks. October 7, C,000 Mon
tenegrins deflated 18,000 Tmks. The
summing up for the last war was 20,000
Turks to 1,000 Montenegrins.
A spfciat, dispatch from Easton, Fa.,
to the N. Y. World, bearing date June
11th, says that the seventeen year locusts
have appeared in vast numbers in that part
of the Delaware Valley. They were thee
in 18(50, aul a strange circumstance is no
ted w ith their reappearance,. In that year
fish in the Delaware river and its tributa
ries and in the ponds throughout the val
ley died in large numbers, as if attacked
with some fatal epidemic. This year there
is a similar mortality among the fish in the
DHawarM, but no information as to wheth
er it prevails in the mountain waters has
as yet been leceived. The ouestion in
many circles now is, las the seventeen-year
locust anything to do w ith the death of the
fish? Some parties affect to believe that.
the fish die after eating locusts that drop
in tho water, but only one dead fish out of
a large number that have been examined
had any of these in its stomach. The re
con ence of the epidemic i.? probably noth
ing more than a singular coincidence.
TnE South Am Kmc an Tidat, Wave.
A Panama dispatch or June 1Kb says:
lly the arrival of the steamer "Orova" from
Calloa on the 2Sth ult., we have fuller de
tails of the disasters Hift'ered on the coast
from earthquakes and tidal waves. The
towns of Arica, Inquique, Pont a De Lobos,
Phellon, De Pica, Chanavaya, llnanillas,
Tocopilla, Corij., Mejiltones, De Bolivar,
Antafagasta and Chana.l were nearly all
destroyed, and about six bundled lives
lost. The destruction of projierty is esti
mated at $20,000,000, confined mostly to
the coast, although tho town of Tarapaca,
twenty-three leagues inland, and tho vil
lages of Pica, Mat ilia and C'inchones, far in
the interior, were more or less ruined. The
shipping of guano from the southern rh-
j posits w ill be indefinitely suspended, as all
incomes in tne way ot launches, chutes,
wharves, water condenser and buildiugs
of all kinds have been swept away.
This is vouched for by the Boston
Traveller as being as true as most of the
dog sto-ies: A mastiff in that city, un
muzzled by his master, resolved to comply
with tho law on his own account. He
knew that to preserve his life he must have
a muzzle. Early one morning he stole
ieuiy newspaiiers Irom doorsteps, stood
a corner and sold them, went w th Hm
iey to a store where muzzles were sold,
made a clerk understand that he wished to
ouy one, anri before noon went home muz
zled accouling to law.
.Pl,.linR 8Fve" years Charles Eichorm,
ot Cincinnati, was supported by bis wife
who worked hard to do it. Keceutly she
told him that, she was tired of that kind of
thing, and that he must earn his own liv
ing. He was in excellent health, and had
a trade ; but he had been so long used to
idleness that Mrs. EicliDim's resolution
was a great shock to him. The poor fel
low's feelings were hurt, too, and he weut
into tho yard and hanged himself.
'etvf ami Otfier Votings.
James Lewis (colored) has been com
missioned Naval Officer at New Orleans.
The York DtKjmlch is very certain it
has found the Ross boy. but we aie not let
into the secret of the thing.
By the capsizing of a schooner in the
harbor at Halifax, N. S., oil Tuesday, four
men and a boy were drowned.
Eleven hundred employes in seven
collieries of the Lehigh and Wilkrsbarre
Companies have struck against a reduction
of wages.
A Womelsdoi f, Lebanon county, lien
lias hatched three broods of young chick
ens this Spring and is now setting on
goose eggs.
The wife of George E. Woodbury, of
Methuen, Massachusetts, gave birth to
four children on Wednesday night. Three
of them died at the age of three hours. .
Miss Elizabeth Thompson, the well
known painter, was married in London on
Monday lust to Major William Buth-r.
Card inal Manning performed the ceremony.
The execution of George W. Fletcher,
for the murder of James ITanley, in Novem
ber, 1875, took place at Moyamensing pris
on, Philadelphia, at 10 o'clock on Monday.
Tne Workman family of Greene coun
ty are heavy weights. The father and
nine children (including two girls) weigh
2,010 pounds, or au average of over 201
Jack Wharton has been . appointed
marshal at Louisiana in place of Citkin.
This is what the Lancaster Intelligencer
Yeagh letter.
Mr. Benjamin Whitman, of the Erie
Observer, announces in.his paper that he is
not a candidate for the Democratic nomina
tion for Auditor General, nor for any other
political position.
A pine tree has started from San Fran
cisco, on its way round the world. It has '
reached New York in front of a locomotive !
t-moke-stack, and will soon be on its way ;
to Liverpool on the bow of a steamer.
Three blocks of houses in Galveston, 1
Texas, were destroyed by fire on Fiiday. i
The Southern Hotel. Col ton Exchange, and j
twenty-four other buildings were burned, j
The loss is estimated at three million dol- j
la rs. j
Five car loads of cattle were last week !
shipped from Lancaster county to Liver- j
pool. The price paid was seven cents per !
jaiund. John I5u!l not only likes our beef, I
but he imports large quantities of Ainci i- I
can butter. (
The small schooner, only twenty ftct j
long, iu which Captain Crapo and wifeaie t
' making their way to Europe, staiting fiom
; Aew l.edlord .May 2H, was spoken June 6,
; latitude 42:20, longitude 04:22, getting
along finely.
The Human Catholic Archbishop of
Philadelphia took to Koine as a special of
fering to the Pope $100,000 subscribed iu
his own diocese. This is $20,000 more
than the Roman Catholics iu all Eng'and
sent to Pins IX. on his jubilee.
The little town"of Salem, N. C. with
two thousand inhabitants, has gathered
and sent to market during the past three
years more than three million Miunds of
blackberries, for which the galheiers re
ceived neaily half a million dollars,
The Huston V reports t he existence
of a Know Nothing order in Rhode Island,
so well organized as to have made its in
fluence felt at the last election. There is
no State in the Union where an order of
i this kind could iluiish more thriftily
The Iirotheihoid of Locomotive En
gineers is twenty-five years old, and has a
fund of nearly $4,000, :00. The monthly
dues of membeis are 10. In case of sick
ness an engineer receives $25 a week, and
at his death his family receives $3,000.
The grand jury at it. .Tolmsbuiy, Vt.,
have refused lo liud a Hue bill against
Mrs. Young, of Newaik, who recently kill
ed 1 ler chilaren with an axe, the medical
experts apix.intcd to examine her mental
condition having ascertained that she is
Hetween Soradoville and Painter,
Mifflin county, a hail storm prevailed a
few evenings ago which is said to have
never had a parallel. Hail the size of eggs
Tell and in great quantity. Four bonis af
terward chunks as large as waluuts weie
picked up.
A Lancaster county farmer, who
claimed that he was too poor to take a
newspaper, sold his wheat recently for
$1.30 per bushel, when the matkt-L pi ice
was over $2. The loss sustained by him
in this transaction would have naid for a
paper for forty yeais.
Last week the di voiced wife of J. K.
Kitby visited Sunburv and secured her boy,
who lived with her former husband's sec
ond wife. They left Sunbuiy on Friday,
and the next day the mother was fatally
injured on the Lehigh Valley railroad and
the child seriously hurt.
At Petrolia, On Fiiday, Minnie Smal
ley, aged ten years, attempted to kindle a
fire in a stove w ith kerosene oil, but hold
ing the can too near the flame it exploded,
burning her fatally, the tkiTt being torn
from her body and limbs. She died in a
short time in great agony.
An old lady in Ilinghamton, N. Y.,
who died some time ago, look off and
cave to ner daughter, nisi bofoin
oeatn, a pair or earrings that she had worn
eighty-one j ears w ithout, removing them
ner lather bad given them to her wlu n
she was only six years old.
Charles Evans, of Norristown, who
disappeared about three weeks ago, was
found in a barn in Montgomery county
one day last week almost starved todeath.
hat his object was in remaining in the
barn until nearly dead is not known.
Evans' recovery is doubtful.
Alderman McMasters, of Pittsburgh,
recently convicted of procuring an abortion
which caused tho death of Miss Kavan
augh, was on Monday last sentenced to six
years in the penitentiary. The case will
be taken before the Supreme Court, mean
time the sentence remains in abeyance.
. An insane man on the Pacific Express
west from Pittsburgh the other afternoon
attacked a passenger w ith a razor and .cut
his throat from ear to ear. Fortunately
the wound he inflicted was not fatal. The
assailant, who wason his way to Plymouth,
Ind., was arrested and imprisoned at Lima
Ohio. '
The reason for the transfer. of the
Kicc-Coolidge scandal case in Boston from
the courts to referees is that the revelations
of the triai would disgrace scores of fami-
,es or ingi, standing, who littto dream
that their tnemlters hv 1
with questionable, if not criminal, opera
tions. A little heroine was the ten-year-old
daughter of W. B. Waters, of West field,
IS. B., who seeing the railroad sleepers in
front of the house on lire, went
. - . ...I II
ufc Willi n UUCKPC llm Him,,
Her clothes caught fire, and the poor child
w fat'illir l.........l ...r ,
rvT-b ill iiiiHIII'.ll 1 rt'iimid
' . ..T...7 "i "l"la uel aoseut Pa"
Chas. Stre
render was arrest nd f Ti.:i..
j delphia on Sunday by the agent of the
oouieiy ior tne I'revention of Cruelty to
Children, for placing his grandson upn a
hot stove and burning him badly, for as
saulting his wife and another grandchild
w ith a hatchet and kuife, aud for setting
fire to the house. "
The fact that one of the buildings at
the late international exhibition at Phila
delphia, erected aud used by the United
States goveiuu.ent on ilm .vi,.i.;i;....
grounds, was to,., How.. kn vZ 7.1" V
without nntl.o. it J r. Z i 3
P .,
Unauce boai.J of tl. .vi. ;!.;,;....
All the best talent, experience and advantage w,
can command, continued at OAK HALL, to produce th
BEST and CHEAPEST CLOTHING for man and boy.
For sixteen year we have lived at the old corner or
SIXTH and MARKET, and the business done there has
been so satisfactory to the public and ourselves, that
tiavo decided not to change or move the Clo-.hinj
business away. The people like the placa and weliketo
please the people, and we believe that we can do it
better than ever at the old place.
The 6ales of the past year far surpassed anything
we ever dreamed of, and this puts it in our power to
start the Spring of 18TT with a STILL LOWER SCALE
OF PRICES, and a class of goods soexcellent tiiatweore
not afraid to follow each sale with our warrantee, or
receive back, the goods unworn and hand over to ih
customer the money paid.
The store has been larpely refitted, end there. never
was such a splendid stock of Men's. Boys' and Children
clothing under the roof, nor were we ever nb!e to ee'.I so
Cheaply. Our word for it, and we are your friena of
sixteen years.
The streets of London, if placed in one
line, would form an avenue of 7,000 miles
in length. In the daily cleansing of the
stieets about 14,000 men find employment,
and 0,000 hoists and 2,4'0 carts. The en-gtr.eei-iri-cli
ief has a salary of $10,0 0.
The woik goes on day and night, but the
actual sweeping docs not commence until
S r. m.
Di. Benjamin Thompson, near Laud
enberg, Chester county. Pa., has a Dur-
i ham cow which gives such rich milk I hat
jit can be churned to butter in the short
i space of foity-five seconds by the watch.
' This is done by stiri 'iig it rapidly in a tea
j cup or tumbler ; but the time lequired in
( ordinary churning is about a minute and a
It is said Judge Jen e Mack is engaged
in the preparation of a severe review of
the Electoral Commission ami of the Su
preme Court Judges who decided in favor
of Mr. IIav?s the cases for the Commission.
The article, which is designed for one of i are In ruit.s. (
the magazines, is said to have been revised less and help!.'
by Inst ice r leld one day last week at Judge
Black's residmice at Yoik, Pa.
The body of Julia lloppneb. a beauti
ful young lady, of Buffalo, aged twenty
years, who has been missing for two weeks
past, was found iu the canal in that city on
Sunday. The cause of the suicide is snj
posed to have been parental cruelty, she
having been whipoed by her father on the
night previous t oeing last j-een for alleged
I intimacy with a joutig man who was ob
I ject lonable to her parents,
j Poje Pins on Saturday received fifteen
j Italian and foreign de' ions, frm whom
he leceived the most goigeous piesents,
representing the wealth and science of the
east and west, consisting of lovely statues,
paintings of rare value, and other works of
art, to add to the enormous catalogue of
art now iu the Vatican. The delegation i
from Guadaloupe presented a number of;
bricks made of solid silver. j
Another case of child-killing by a child '
has been discovered in Chailestoan dis-1
trier, .Mass., the vict mi -being a lad named
Charles Fagerstrom, aged llnre years.and
the slayer a boy named Welch, aged two
years and six months. The Coroner was
callei iiwfi, but itfoii learning the paitic
ularsof the case decided that an inquest
would e unnecessary, owing to the irre
sjonsible age of the Welch by.
James W. Knapp and Wm. J. Baugh
er, ex-train agents of the Pennsylvania
railroad, were an ester in Baltimoie, Sat-
... .... ... I r ti- . . ...
iiiu.ij, oo oiiin oi tiii. r.. liUNimcr. a
ticket scalper of that city, charging them six hundred lives win
won me larceny ol one hundred passenger tion ol pioii-m e cm -
railroad tickets, issued by the Pennsylva- ' confined mostly l"il!,'r ' ; tl
nia railroad from Jeisev Citv t,.V ! town of .Tarn one i. cw
and sold to Wallace C. White and l ton villages of Paean i ati!! :: i : '
W. Dorsey, "scalpers" who are in dancer, in ti c interior ate hwpk: -f. - .
ipers wuo ate in flancei.
1 lie v hestcr, which sailed fioni New
York for Liverpool on Saturday last, took
out 4.4O0 boxes of fresh butter. These are
packed in the refrigerating loom, in place
of fresh meat ; and us the exerimeiit of
exporting in this way is likely to lie a suc
cess, the practice will no doubt be general
ly adopted dining the hot weather. Oth
er vessels, sailing tlie same day, took out
3,0H) boxes butter packed in the same way.
A confession just made by twociimi
rials now confined in the Ohio penitentiary,
if tuie, proves that flie wrong man has
been hanged for the murder of a young
girl named Mary Mur. ay, w ho was wa 1 id,
outraged and murdered near Poiitiac. 1!1.,
in the year 1800. A young man named
" iley L. Morris was arrested, tried and
convicted of the crime, but solemnly swore
to his innocence to his last moments upon
the scaffold.
Ihe owl tiain OU the Pennsvli-nnia
H,.ilroad, duo in Jersey C v Sunday 101 n
-. . ... -7 V . "ouay mom
ing, was boardedby a band of thieves, who
robbed and nearly beat to death
Downing, or New York. The conductor
and brakemen, who attempted to rescue
Downing, were driven away with revolvers
but locked tlie ruffians in the car aud tele
graphed to the jxdice at Jersey City to be
ready at the depot. While the train was
running thirty miles au hour three of the
desperadoes escaped by pimping out of
windows. The fomth man, John Williams
a sailor of New York, was arrested.
The N. Y. Sun notes the fact that Dr.
K. . Pierce, the greatest living
advertiser, is flatteringly mentioned as a
candidate for the office of Mavorof Buffalo,
the Queen City orthe Iikes. " Let other ad
vertiseis and other medical men imitate
his example, and we shall hope in time to
record tlie lact or distinct ion eon
lerrcU upon them all.
l hev run not nil tua
Mayor of Buffaht, but eacii tnav become
" "7 " what is bet-
. . : .. i. : , ... .
- i t t i iu mo voncciousness ol
ier, great in tlie consciousness of ai
a great
V..' J"l--"i
ier our resncctful rnmnlimaii
to Dr.
i ieioe. j-cl liim be Major I
6th & Market. PHILADELPHIA.
The Sheriff f S'iin;k:,:
in Philadelphia laf Wt-t-k
of getting t he fatal !.( f.. ti.f
f hanging six !.!! M-;.ii :r
, of this month. He va: ta-r
! inaiiufactoiy of F.tUiii II. 1.:
: whaif, and tin-re I.e. o.i!. ,
thilty ftct of the . r ii;a; f4!...:
I made from a special Ita!::!,
j t-ed to stand a stiaiii ef2.ii-:.'
i Fitlei's pbee has tie m p
; ghastly patronage f.":n ;i p
: State, and tnntsv of the vi:;. ;i
! but it should be aMcJ il ;tt i
! ever made for the i"-. then
I declining to accejl this 'trv.:
' money."'
j An Associated IVe
1 Caimei, 11!.. or .Iii:,e rh
i cent tei i iWe oal m; :' wlix!. '
! has not been oveiM.i'vii l-y T-:rt
'the metropolitan p:c-. ',.
of beautiful home mid
t, .-..
It., t
A M' i'c
over seventy t.n! y Ii.i.t. J.
of 2.5'la loss of n .it le''i;ii.
heavy a load foi ti e I t
to carry alone, ats.i In '; n:
the coutiliy at iatp". -'
or towns 1 1 at ni.ty In sen: t .
Mayor, or ,lu;li;e S!i i:ri.-i. 1
bouse of Shannon fc ! aL t i
lo lief t iMiini.tuo. wi.! -
inllvbt :i I -1 1 1 mi iateil 1- i
i i i
are woithv an. I in-niv.
I he New Oiieaw. I' " : ''
(ten. Old, now in co'iutr i f ; t
States tlooj-S on the l::.;!:f:.:f.s
son of lleoie IV. ami tiir a"
Fitzheibt it. to w !M-tn lie m- n
Catholic pilot while I'lince
consent of I'ai liatne'it h (,1 ;: '' ;,r
and the maiiinje h'-r.',-law.
A son was hotn hy
consigned to the can? 'f !;;':
Old, w ho emigrated ttli -tiy.
The youth !--l ti.t !..'
and mat tied a Viig:t:a or '.'
by win in I had t" s! A '
Pacilicus. The hVt " "'',' ''
Point, and is the '' netah-i . ;! ..
i'hf. second Ik came A and emulated '
. ( :i '
ty-tive veats a'". iv hi-
The .i-.-f ILr:' '.;'
reived in New Voik 1 "
lel:nls of disa-'eis fltal ti''
on the South l'.uitic
qnako and tidal ae -f W ;
i pii tow ns aie m at ' '
shipping of tJuatm fi''1" " '". '
will lie indefinitely u-"-.
facilities in the way i
w baives. water C"tidi
of all kinds hive bveti
destruction and damas;
li lieen verv trie'.
v cry serious loss of lite- s.
A mei-e eggsla'il ef 'u ""V
the X. Y. ''.'. calls tw-."
.1 I' ! P 1i 1
night involved the l -'l
lPrSH I PMIiit .
lives. It wastwolnimi.t"- i:;
long, nny ic-.-i.
1.11, hove til1'...
Mt'l 115 I 'k"'
walls were only t 'vf '
windows weie four feet"
, i. c . , ,- Inrtii'S !
piacea viuy i.'i i
n i- i,,i?e it an t'ii"'v
firemen to quench th
broken out, and '1,e.c,,''.1".
building made it ,.,.
should all nun
le in the way.
lite ci ti' ..
. rtT" n
ed were endeavi
t it "
and other
etTVctsef ''( '
ite woniiii ,
the office
sjH Ctahlv connccttHl. ' , f,r
band an 1 sexeial V , t ;:
them some time itl s' i
oence wi.n ,
-., .. .....M.I 1'"
v. '
'Birchrunville. tm'' '
night last, the 1'"''" ,.fr
his white fiict'ds iis't tii'
ll.o rr.iiltf I all .I'"
ii i '
t tie wojuaii
anu "
, ;r
As s."" " ;i:ar
I.:- r. made tl.n'
ground, an aim"
A deerate Hyio
n vietol V for tl'C
numbeiing lais''.v ,t
compiled to ! l i-,ltJ!J
white woman ith if;,
surrounded by a" '''"'
leave them and uke f
negro in a iniseiau
... .. n i