A JUmarkable Kingfisher. Thero nre ever fifty epecics of the j hah-tjoaidi or kingfishers ; but none j is more romarkaMe than the one shown ' our illustration. From its peculiar screaming laugh, not unlike the bray ot a lonkcy, it has obtained the name c f ' the huigiiing jackass. . Its zoological mine is dciefo, one spc- ; cies, d. '"" being a large binl, IS inches lng, ami emlowtil willi ptrensztli ami courage; it leeils indis-t-riininately on any animals ofsnitnble size, whether iiiatli upetl, binl, reptile, ; li-h, insect, oij crustacean. It is a j liaiul.5une binl, beir.g b:ighllv coloie.1; a.v. its tlight is fiuick ami noiseless. Ita powerful bill makes it a very lur lii ul able imkiii". The Hltish-idid Xic, of Adelaide, Australia, from '.vlmst j:iges we "elect the engraving, gives the following par ticulars of Mils interesting binl : "The lauiruiiig jackass is almost too Will Lomotil need desei lotion. li'.S an pear.ncc and extraordinary notes Knuiliar to the inhabitants of ev country village. Indeed, lie frequent- j y extends his researches into the lieiyhborhoo-l of towns, occasionally ! takiir' no his abode lor Hie in some liealtiiv suburb, and punctually enter- laiir.ng the inhabitants thereof, niorn- iin winl evening, with a succession ot tliose sinirular sounds which have ren d..ii.d Itisi iiMiiio famous. Although a ki.iiilisher. he never procures his food : from the water, alter the orlliodox fashion of kingfishers-, but has more j the habits of a bird of prey. .Sitting ' motionless amonj, I ho lower branches of .some tall gum tree unnoticed, and; apparently luilf a-Uep, he waits, like licawber, for something to turn up. Suddenly, without noise, he drops oil his bough and Hies direct to a certain ! siot, whence he soon returns, bearing ;,. I, n II ' 11,1 i cui'ill srwU (ir I perhaps a rat. 11 is acuteness of siglit I is extraoidharv. I'rom lus elevated ( . . I po?t he seems to miss nothing, ami discerns his prey in swamps and cre vi .', of rocks ai a distance that is per Ketly tistounding. The laughing jackass has the advantage of being able to live on almost anything that presents itself, hence it is always in good condition, and apparently in good humor. It seems, indeed, to pass its life in self congratulations ; and when four or live meet and unite their voices, and they invariably do, morning and ev ning, the noise would suggest the idea that a p.-rty of de mons had ln. ken loose and weie re joicing over some piece of successful mischief. Iut in spite of hi careless, happy life, the laughing jackass has his peculiar duty, and he performs it conscientiously. .Snake killing is his specialty; lizards, frogs, beetles, small birds, rats, et?., are his usual food. In fa.t, n olliiiig comes amiss to him; lot a snake appear upon the scene, and the laughing jackass recognizes his tp.i any at once Never hesitating, he makes straight for it, Ids agitation le ing observable by the piivei ir.g crest feathers. With some can. ion, he swoops backwards sml forwards, seek in ; an opportunity to seize the rep tile. The snake, with head erect, ready to strike, keeps on the alert. The excitement continues for some tiaie till t lie bird finally settles down, close by, on the ground. J lit all his stolid heavy appcat.vice is gone. His wings and tail quiver with agitation, and eagerness. 1' illy alive to the dangerous character of his opponent, he keeps at a safe distance. Flitting round, his head jusx out of reach, he continues to annoy him. till becoming exhausted, the snake allords him the opportunity he is seeking. With the rapidity ofl'ghtining the bird descends upon his prey, then rises in the air, bearing with him the captured snake, neatly held just behind the head, in such a position as to render him per fectly po veiless. Kising until he has attained a considerable height, he di rects his llight to a more open part of the country, then suddenly backing in the air. he drops the reptile, following itdown and reaching the giound al most at the same time. Stunned and bruise 1, thejtiiifortunate snake is in no condition to renew the contest, and is very soon despatched ar.d eaten by his a ictorious enemy." $-irnlijie Ameri- I Ji'. How to (.'lf.ansf. tiif. Woodwork. Ahoi nd Doors. Take a pail of hot writer; throw in two tablcsponufnls of pulverifd borax; use a good coarse bouse cloth an old coarse towel does splendidly and wash the painting ; lo not use a brush; when washing pi ices that are ext ,1 yell w or stain ed, soup the cloth; then sprinkle it with the dry powdered borax, and rub the places well, using plenty of rinsing j water; by washing the woodwork in i this way you will not remove the paint, and the borax will ;olten an 1 make thc hands white a fact well worth kr.owing. The uses of borax in domestic, economy are numerous; jttul one of the most valuable is its 1 mploymenl to aid the detergent pro perties of soap. Scientific A nicrieiDi. Ccue for DvsrF.i'siA. Lime ami oak ashes are said to be a sure cure for dyspepsia. One tablespoon ful of lime and one labhspoonfnl of oak ash is put into a ipiar' of water, wi ll stir led, and alter settling, drawn oir, and the water bo'.thd. and it is ready for u-e. A tablcspotnfisl three times a 1l.1v will allecta cure in a short time. A Mi'STAtin I'Lasteu i5 nntch belt r, quicker made, does net biii-tler, nor adhere to everything it comes in con tact with, when mixed simply with the white of an egg and gprea I on a piece of niudin. Why i a l idv's b.istle like a histor- i tl roinmce? Htcause it is fu tion founded upon laets, Ed "Baa: jzsl. rjsL REDUCTION ! CUTLERY, Etc., .0. J! -J, s- rH'. -aa b. j i f HAftflWAIlEJ I SiTiOCHLBSTOlBCOST. ' Preparatory to toarii?!? down ami rclmilUinjf his extensive Store Room, UEiifi St HJUJ A mi i.i. iiposi: or ins T?,nf.llA Rhnr.lr Cif GOODS. C1SISTI.(1 I'HIMir.U.I.V OF Builders' HARDWARE, TaWe and rocket Culleyy, li?nx. nails, ni. xss, r,r, .ur:. lamps, J.AMI CIIIMNKVS. SuVKS, llSWAISK, liimsr, KAKres. n vuvksic tmi.s, liKINhsroNKS. MllKS, shovels, SI'.MIKS, IT MI'S A V I 'llltlXG. ItLAM HA 111) rill'UXS.Jsc. AT LESS THAN COST, -Id it CASH AND CASH ONLY ! Aif- I linvp also on liinl a Tow sr.io.l Mowinc l: liin-. ivhi' h 1 will .''!! at ln:n 9 Hi to :( o- t linn coat . n n n ii n ir'it tor t iic arron t .1WK8 ie.N SAW (.DniKi:. (tin- .nly-li:msrl.i.- si-lf Itcl titimnirr iu the world.) wliicli I will sell vvr) low Ivt' cash. Now is Tims to Secure Bargains ii v in vi; a 3ij 1st cf C-Hlsfor Very Litth Ifcsy! Vii" All persons knowing tJiein srlri s indt hted to me are earnestly refitesfeil to eonte foriva tul without delay find settle their r speet ire ac counts, either by note or cash, and thereby sttrc rusts, tis I must hare my books closed in the shortest tune possible. Goo IIKilE STREET, EKENSBURG, PA. 5? a VHOl.ESALE AND RETAIL OF -A NO- ; OljAof Tynyi TXqvPQ j JliC'ou -8-1 v-'i-L vv cLX co AMD DEALERS IN' HEATING- PARLOR aa3 COOKING -and- HOlSE-riTiMSIlING GOODS GEaTJWIY. IOllin' in TiX,f OFFER &SI!EET-1R0. rUOMTTLV ATTENDED TO. Nos.278, 280 and 282 Washington Si., JOHNSTOWN. PA. OE0 HKADK. Aflorney-at-Law. - ','-u jim v ,?i 1 1 r- iri'i'I. thr 4rtOifram High itreot. r$ ST, T-. I ;F.ffJIYIll ; jMamiracl.ui'oi's, KO. 4 BULFLNCII ST., BOSTON. (IpollF Ilovere Hons,) Tiio SCIENCE of LIFE; Or, .Seif-Preservation. More than One Million Copies .So.,?. : Cioltl Mpilal ATrerlol to Hip Antlior l;y Hie ".Vnlioiinl Sleli-iil Assoein lion,'" .Mnrrli .111. I7tf. TrsTiii'Usti-l by lie PF.!?OTY MF.TiKTATj I NS T I 1 I: I' V.. niifw oil it ion t t f v1i-lir;if :( ine li"nl work ontitl.-.i thr ' S'I F,N'F. OF I-JFK; !.r.St;I.F I'li KSKKVAYIOX." Tt tn-nts ujion i M iMiimii, how loM. how rcirairf t nnl linv in. 1 tint n i teo : en use a nl euro ot r.x 11:1 ushvi lrn it v, ; , . . , -it .1 . j VmlVVcnrv! I'romatiiro Online in M nn. SiiermA : C'd Up 111 a Strong building 111 that CX-torrho-:..orSi-inin;il I...?-.. ? ( noct nrnn 1 nn I .!iur- Iromelv CClltfal local'llV, lioild Street, ' nil I . Nervous unit l'hvii-al lulilty. H jicehon- ! , . it- ! ,:ri;, (tlootny ForetoJinn. Tentnl Dfj.reesion, ; beiol'O Wlilcll pollCCllien WC1C patrolling , I,..''ot r.nerL'y. Hnusr.'ifl oitnt en:iner. :..nliiyiii ' M ..ll.t Another fUldlcioilS rid) i or Mind nn. I Lo.: Memory. Impure Stnte jt the "'o"1" U)OUKr .UK ..It IOUS IOO i lUoo.i nn't nil !ise;ie. nri.'trv iiotn the F.iou'its : berv took place t he other uav in broad : r.FJ:'7 or t,,u ln,,l"wrt't-ontf "r cxoe??e8 ' r"!l- j da vliirht at, a railway stat ion. A cer- ! it telif you nil nlmut the Mornlo o!' flenerntive ! I'hv.aiolo-iy. :he .M arrin e. ot We.Poek nml !f i !lrit!ir. llivsi-nl 'out r.i sti", Truo iMornlity. Fm ; iiri-i-'in. I'erverw'oti of" M n rrif '.f". 'oiij''cr I I're i eejit nn.l Frien'Hy Course!. J'l ysie;il 1 nfiriaity. j Its Ciitises Hiiil Cure. IJehitions hetweeu the j Sexes. I roof? 0! (he Kimii.H'n of V ic". t le- M is- rriesof Iinirm! i"e. Aneiint k'n'irancc nn'l l'.r j rors. Vt'A8 ip Ci kk. Cure f o !y nn ! Minil. i Ti:'-k f'niNet rt.Ks 1 f Trkatmkm, Aihlres? to j I'.itionte j ti -i I nvn 1 irl I'euilrr?. The Atithor's l'rinel.lc. The lirice of t his book is only f j.OO, j 'ItiiH ItAflk hIh ronlniiii JIOKi: Hi nil I I II TV IIiK'IllITIOXS for llio nhovr mtiiKwi nml ii:ir 11 im-io. 'n'Ii one i irl Ii mnrp (litm I'to prt-- oft lie Ixxik. A!?o. nnotlter v:ilmhle melieil work treat vs e.xe'ii.-!vely on AI F..V1" A K AN l Nl- K (H S 1 1 Irs. K AS ;-.S : mere than iuO ro a I oeln vo tciiros. t v.-cn- ty eloir-iiit ctiitni viius, hoinnl in sn ttst a iiL::i 1 mtis- ! lin. I riee only j.U.uO. JHr.ly enough to j;iy lor ' printinsr. j I "lli" Look lorynupa un mi.iiiic-aa-e.i men to . rcail just no'v. i.s t he Sri. nee of I.ile. or Self I're- j j servsithm. 'I'he nnthor hii? returnei! fr tn r.i;rou in excellent health. 11 ml is nifiiin the Chief I'on- i ; siiltinx I'hyoiei.in ol the Featx.ily Aleiiitvtl liisti- : titte. No. 4 l!ii!tinel Street, JJoston, Vla.--j'.'" i : . ) 'ii. h'-'t i JtinrHitt. I "The Seieree of I ife Is heyon the most extraordinary work on liiiliiishe,!." .ivf,,)( .'i. 1 nil comparison j l'hy.ioloy ever j j "lo,c nestled in the bottom of Piimlor.n'ii t'ox, . ntiil hope iuines her wins? anew, since theissu i; if of I hesc vii ! liable works published by t hi I'ea S body Medical Inst itute. which are r'-iiehin"- th uis- nn'ls liow to avoid the maladies that sap the cita- ib'l of life." l':,ihnh (i.'ii'n i. 111411 iy, r. 'It should be real by the y.mna. the III I.I.J. 0 i nsreil and even the old."'" A ' r Yuri; Ti ilnine. I lie h st. nndonlv Meil.il ever conferred upon miy .Aledieal Man in this c unfry. usa reeoanition I of skill and profesijona I services, was presented ' to the nulhor ! these works, March Hist. lsTd. i The presitna !on was nolied at the tinieol its , occurrence If the H. ston lres. jin.l the leadinu ; joiiriials t hr uiii hour the pofinfry. This iiia-niti- ; ri'ii' Medal i?otso!il u' dd.sct wit h tuore I !iau one ' hinidrcd Im ia il la monds ol r;:re briiliancy. ! "Altofitl -r. in its execution and t he 1 i'hnes ! of its tiiale.riiil. and size, this is decided ! v the 1 ii'ost niiticpahli' ini-ihil ever slrm-k in Uns . nintr.v r..r;in.v j.iirpi-so wlin t.-vcr. It is wHI w..rili the in- spcp ion cl .Miniisinntisls. It wjiS iairl.v ivman t 'illiil.y i'-.Mii;'l. .liil.lll fi IISI IIH t t'lli'ltttlhllU . ifii 1 , 1 s73 l'ita Inirno sent on roroii t of fe. fur ftairp. Fiiher'it tiieal'ovc works sent lv ni;i,l i.n ri roipt nl jiriei'. A il-irrss I' K A i'.i 1 1 V M MfAIi INSTII t'TF.. for V. II. I'AUKKK, Al.H.I'nn Fultinir l-hysiiM:in ) Ni. 4 jiu Hindi St.. JMass.. ; i jiimisiic li'i vere Hiiiisi'. IV. 15. Tin- until. .r can tp consnltfl on the ; nlmve name I diseases, as well as all diseases re i quiring skill s-ereey ami experieucf. tWIiee Iniurs, y a .v.. to b p.m. 7 7.-ly. lluii.i1!... " VEGETABLE SICiL: JJA III REITEWSR Every year increases the jiopnla ;ty of this valuable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We enn assure our old patrons that it is kill fully up to its hiLrh standard; and it Is the only reliable anT. perfected prcp ira'ion for restoring Gray ok Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and Fiiken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it Vtimu lates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its u.-e, the hair grows thicker and stronger.nln baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hath Drepsixg ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and rives the hair a splendid, glossy np. pearanee. A. A. Hayes, M.D., Stale Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." SolJ by nil Druggist, and Deulert in Medicine. Prico One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOH THE vlTISKERS. As cur Iienewer In many cases ro. quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded AVhisk. ers, we have prepared this dye, in o;.3 r partition; wliich will quickly ar.d effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a colet which will neither rub nor wash ofj Sold by all Druggists. Price Fillj Cents. Msr.ufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA. NJL. Manhood: How Lost, How Restored. .lust piihlisliod. a now oil it ion of lr. iilii-rwi'll's 4 -l-lr-fMt l iiKT on the nvlicnl riirr (without mclioiniO of Speiimatoriihii'a nr Sominnl Weakni'fis, Involuntary Srinitial laa(.s. I uroTKNrv, iMi-nt nl ami I'iiysirul Inrapaoity, Im poiliniont? to Mnrriaito, fcc. ; nl.-o, tiiifst MrTins Kri I. rosy nml Fits, inilured by self-indulifrnce, sexual rxtrn vnif incn. etc. -Prio, In soalcil envelope, only !.x epnta Tlio rolohrntoil nuthor.in t hiiJ :iiliuirn liie Essay, rloarly loinoniratoi, frftm a thirty years' pnrocp ftil praetlce. that tho alartnin ri.iisriiui'nocn of sclf-nliiise may lie railii-ally oureil wit hum t lie ilan Iforuus une of internal inoilicinc or the application of Hie knife: pointing out a ino,:c of cure at onoe simple, certain, nml elfoolual. lv means ot which every sulleror. iio matter what Lis condition may lo. may euro hiinselt cheaply, privately, anilrii. ienlhi. -Thfs Lecture shout. 1 be in the hands of every youth ami every man In the land. Sent uniler seal, in a plain envelope, to anv nd.lro.s o.,W-,ii7(,on receipt of six cents or two post aire stumps. Address the Piitvl-diers. TI1K t l I.Vi:illVKI.I, 5IFIMC.U. TO., 41 Ann Street, w lork. Tost tlfUce Box 15M. 4 13.1y. CERTAIN HEADACHE CURE. VHARMI.KSS VBOKTABI.K I'ltEPAItATION, and the disorery of a physician, the Victor Headache I'oder has been proven a jiosilively sure cure for h mj?t distressin. easos of Sick or Nervous Ilea. .. .m Mliriiimr Sickriesn anil in. ralaia, a slniile powder aetuallv cnrinn in ten tninutes wnen nil ot tier means tall. Wo have had a womlerlul experience with it. ami the ten cent trial pack of two powders can be had hv address- in the iiriiiiri"tors. J. R. HRiai.rv k. Co.. Smeit. 1 1 N. J.. who will cheerfully in il them post-paid, or 1 by aptdymn to IvKmmok MnitRAY, r.r.enstnra:, and Unionism evorv wlier ; nnd tt. is with wMl ' m Art t Al v. .nfiilrnnA 4 tiAt' a a rlf. .a4 a m I. w v .w 1 care lor all untrtsic of the had. 1 1-I2.-1 j. J I Tricks of Artful Dodgers. The police in London are smart, but ! notwithstanding their ability the prob lems, what has become of the Count ess of Dudley's jewels? and who took the missing Gainsborough? ore still unsolved. It is no wonder thieves are i bold w hen so manv of their moves have been crowned with success an I ! detection defied. Thcv must be won derfully expert, those diciples of Fa- I gin. In the case of the Countess or ' i Dudley's jewels they were stolen out; of the maid s arms as she held them in a box at a railroad depot. The ! theory now is that whoever snatched them hurriedly pushed the box into an empty railway car and then re turned and took liiem away leisurely an hour or trro afterward, when the excitement, searching-, kc, were over, 1 he Gainsborough picLure was cut from its frame on the very day of its fale for 10,000 guineas. It was lock- tain member of Parliament an carl t arrived at a provincial railway station ; and. found he had half an hour to wait. ; lie strolled about the depot leisurely, j but spoke to no one and no one came : near him so far as he knows. As he was about to enter the train a gentle j man silting by his side said to him. j j 'Have you not bioken your watch- t j chain ? 1 see it hanging." The chain j 1 had been cut, and the watch stolen ! j 1 A lawyer told me that on one occasion , jjie had a thief for aclient, he aked ( ; him to show him, to satisfy his emios- j i it v, how he had done this very same j thing, which was then creatii gdiscus ! sion in the community. Ibit before' he had finished speaking the thief; smilingly showed his learned counsel ; his watch, which he had abstracted as ' LCSlrc( . nn,l w,cn thc lawcr CXIllCS- ! sed astonishment at such wonderful dexterity, and laid his hand on his vest pocket in surprise, lie found his watch wms back again, safe and sound. The redoubtable Maskelyne himself would not be ashnmed of such a neat j bit of sleight of hand as this. Speak- ! mg ot Hie celebialeil conjuror, let me I mention that this week he has o'rend some improvements in the already wonderful cabinet trick invented by the Davenport brothers. Maskclvne .-.ileS Cooke his O'lltlier to be tied t,lU" ch . ,,vL' P-' Lin. i , 10 oe in u Up aiOlie 111 the Cabinet, lllltS CXpiOll ing I be theoiy that the two help each other to unite the knots. He also en velopes Cooke completely in a fisher man's net. which is sown up and then examined by a vigilance committee from the audience; also is whipcord used for lashing the wrists and inkles, j being more diflicult to unite than ropes; ! and still, in spite of all tin, the cabi net doors are barely closed before hands appear, b::iijos and guitars are played, and trumpets blown ; ami when the door is frantically opened there sits Cook, quite calm and se- 1 cured as lirmlv as when thev first tied tip his net. Si ill the great feature of this entertainment, is the woi.dciful automatic card-player, Psyche Pro- fessor Pepper, of "Hhost"' renown, has j invented somei ning 01 me Kiim winch I hear is almost as marvellous as J Maskelyne's. IJuibolh are surpassed i by a new Paris invention, if i, lias not ! been overhauled. We hear that a j smart Parisian has invented an anlo j nialaon which gives a sensible reply . to any question asked it and in every j case makes the response appropriate j j Wo shall see this thing in its full per- j , feclion at the approaching Kxhihition ! J in Paris. As yet the inwntor has not j i had time to construct a figure in hu-j I man shape fo- his automaton talker ; j and at present the replies come from a j box, a small trunk full of wires and wheels of intricate machinery which; only makes the nei tot tnanee more ' strange and ghastly. Olive Lo io.a in . J J . (i raj iic. GQLLIHS, JOBHSTOH&Ca EBENSBURG, Penn'a. HOMY EECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, AY. I III. US Ir.M,M. 1MEREST ALLOWED OX TIME DEPOSITS. MO.MEY LOANED. COLLECTIONS WADE. AXD A CEXKRAL BANKING EUSINESS TRANSACTED. r ifciai uiienuon tinin tn mtstnoss of mr. rrioivl'iitf. A. W. lU'CK, Nov. l;l. JH;5.-t f . Cashier. "MorpnwT DAW! 120 Clinton St.. Johnstown, Pa. UAllTKKKn Sl'.I'T. 12, 1K70- IKl'OslTS , received of all sums not less than One lollar Interest If due in t lie months of .Tune and I lecenil her. and it not withdrawn is added to the depos it, thus compounding twice a year without trou tilinit the depositor toeall or evon to present thc deposit hook. Money loaned on Itenl Kstate. Preference, with liberal rates and lont time, iriven to borrowers of. foritift tirst tnorlttatrcs 011 limns wort Ii ton rnr more times the amount ol Kmii desired. Ciood reference perfect titles, etc., required. 'I'his corporation is exclusively a Sa vinirs Hank. No commercial deposits received, nor discounts granted. No loans 011 personal security. HI :ink applications lor horr. wers. copies of the rules, by-laws, and special law relating to this linnk.seiit to any address desired. TursTKKS .lames t'ooper. David Plnert.O. 15 Kllis. A..T. Hawes. F. W. Hay. .lohnj.owman. III Hamiier, jr.. Daniel I'McIautihlin, Ii. J. Morrell lames .McAl illen. .tames Morlcy, Iwis Plitt. H A. Hojrgs, 'Annul Suppcs, iJeorRe T. Swank, and V. W". V a It ers. DAMKLJ. MORKELL, President. Frank Diiikrt, Treasurer. Ctbl-8 Iiii.iicn, Solicitor. 1 -3,'76.-ly. II. SKCIILElt, Attorney at Isnr, Elk'iislitirfr, Pa. Olflre In l!ol- onadc Row, (recently occupied by Win. KilWil, hUa .i l entre treet 11-21. 7tJ.-tf. X Cl 1.KKV Atpomnitv at T aw l iJ-rvJ-, 1 I U K .1 R x A a I j A W ii... ,, . iy.1,1 11 1111 ivrl a tl?l anil Record!', la Court Uvune. We tlesirc to call the attention of the reuiodlcd, reputed and Lim6E -new w IN THE ZAIIM BUILDING, EBENSBURG, PA., Where we have just received nn immense .stock of NEW ; rViminisinir fHV finilhS. Ii!.TS fJOODS. XdTIONS. FT. ANN F.f.S. m. NKT.TS. H ATS, la OTS, SHOKS, I.OTIIINli, CAUI'KIS. FIlESIl GHOCKPJES Consist in? of FLOCK. fI?JI, SCGAU, COFFHE. TEA, 5 ALT, FOArS, SI'ICE?. OILS. Ac. SOLE AGESTS IX ECENSRl'Rfi FOR MTLAFLI.WS WIRE FA CLE SFHEW IlHiT. Thc lliyhest Market V rices paid for drain and Vrodiue. PKYCM, lVAXTKri cpvr CO. mo JO rnorni 0 5, i"Uo I 01 62 113 and 115 Clinton Slrcet, Johnstown, ALWAYS II a vi: Tin: T' 4. 0 n . -r a c j Stock nfDrv Ooods, NutiotiK, Millip.rry. riirpftt.O:l C! th -.. to lir 2 4.1 " ' " I i in" i : I'.rjrct ill niiftt.ei' itm! :-in-ct. Wood.Horro WASHINGTON STREET, Near PENN'A R. Tl. DEPOT, .Tolmi1 "vii Wholesale and Jlefuil Dealers in rOKEIGX AND DOMESTIC 1 -- JU Jfe, ' CT O JU? 5 , rr- i ; I i L. L. I i V tl i T UUUUJ, 11 a now aim-:. (uki:nf;va7:k. hoots and snor.-s. II ATS AND ( ACS, IKON AND NAILS, HEADY-MA PE CIA ) I I i I N J. ( Aiirr.TS AND (ML CLOTH?, GLASS WAKE, YELLOW WAKE. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, X"iovi!siii!-s nni T-"?.il OE ALL KINP, TiMilCTHr.P. WITH VVFSTERN and COUNTHY PRODUCE 1 such ns Frch MnaN, Hinr. nTr!, Fish, Salt, Ituttcr. l.-jK-. Ciiluin Oil. -..,Vc. I'WIiuIcsmIi' nilM rct;iil or.li S'llieitc'' npil I rifono.t I v ini-.- l 'hi 1 ho slim ti-st iiul ici.-an-1 im st : n-asnnu'il" ti-i ins. 1).) N'T YOU KNOW r i; v y. t s. ; V A It 1 K r , ' A It 1' !'. T S. ; c a k i i: r s. ! c it e !: r s " A Ii P E T S. ; A U P Y. T s. : I - A It P E T S. I' A ii P I. r s. What lo Do? olf. (UlTIIS, tili, i ' 'illl, ii. e 1 1 nit. n.i i III s. oil. i I (H MS, illl. ( l.i I II-, Ml l t i lls. Why visit Al Ih.iiia mi l I'uy yon r ' rpi-t s. i M: t 'lot l..-. Ir t J o o tl 1 iri-.-.;3 ' TOII'IS.XO' I15, ( : r t I 'ioi : ii. I ot ton Y ii r n . .c. fr "ii V AI. M I U II A Y . wImi k. r;.s I ho l:irir!'t M.-sorf-iii. r.t in I In- i-ity nt.il ill tit n i cos v h ich ot h.r lo: ii-i m e.Minot iniiK-h. IVaki 1 1 ivll'-tl you sjr t lu ro. im I I'.n-I ! mi, ri.u ths ; on. i.o i n : a mi N i i'io.ns. ' AMI N " I I tl IV. ! A m N'4 ; r ii-. AMiNii Iiis AM N. i ' 1 1 im-. - Nil NllTI'lW, ) 'J;Y. (;ii!s. r.nois. 1 i I II I S. (IIM)IIS, t ; i )i Mis. Hit V lilt V l!!V !i:V IMCV Ami Nut i' is. Ami N ii l s. A x ft N'i it ii i s. J ri-M r '?i i id y, roil I Vh riot v, 1 5 rout V :i ii t. i ; rent 'ni ii l j-. ! (J rent V;i riot y, ! : i out 'Hi i . j ; i on t V;i t-1 -1 1 . ! C i out Viii ii-i -, j Cn-Ht Vrti i-i v. th Illl i!:i.-i- f-lirrr f. lent H !, I v .intiiif e is ( ; rout ;u i i t v. tnUin nn I no I trmle o ! at i i-oiil Viii iot , ( rout ;l rii-l y , Ii roil t Vii fii'l v. IJri-it Viirii-iy. tri'-Us : t trout Vn i icly. jir-ici 1317 KLi:Vi:XT!l AVE., n-5 Altoonn, BOOK, BEUG aai VARIETY STORE. ii W1NU rooont ly onlnroil utirs'oi'k w,-:iro iiiiw j.rot'iiioil tn soil at tl irront ro'liu tii n fr mi lottiior iM-ioo. Our sink ootii-t-i i !.,. 'u..n- .i n n- !.... :.' "!,?tin('n;- P!i.st,r. i.u.i m. pMin Kiltor. I itr.ito Ma-MiMin. I ..u .luin,i"i i:iii.n.r K i llor. Cit r.i I o MsjuMii. .In in.s.ta (', it: a i Puro r la voriitir I.xtrncts. 1 .si nco!'. I.otom: i S i up. Sniiiliio Syrup, 5-i:ireil Sy nip, Klnii.arlt j I'ui t- pi. t fi, &o. Cigars ana Fobacccs. ; rtbink llnokp. Iooil. '(,tos tin ! Muml; Pp. 1 l'iit. ('oiiiinoi-oiiil Hinl kill. Is of Nolo I'll). or, , Knii'liipci, Poi's. Poiiolis, .Arm hl's Writing riiim, h:mi-k iiiih i-ois itiK, I ort:ci nf-..l I'as Hunks. M.io-av.ines. No'iv-mipors, Nvoi. Hitc ries. Hil los, IColivn iiis, l i ayor tiii.l Tov Ittmks. I l' i;l m vos, I'ipox. .Vo. " W"o h.i vo mliloit tootirstooU n lot of FINE j .1 KW r"l.!t V. t. ivliii-h wo ivduIiI im ito t he at- ! toiiUott nl llio l.ioln s. I'M '. it; Ii I'll .M.rifM? nt lower prices tliiiri ovrr filTornl in this placo. I'tiptTatnl CiirHr .dd i-ithor wlirlosnl or ro tnil. LEMMDN - MI IIUAV. July 30, lSo. .Mitin Mrcot. Kiictislitir?. rav, lU'JdduUl XS. DICK. Gcn'l Insurance Agsnt, ;;;a.s; in a, va. Policies written at short notice in thc OLD RELIABLE "ETiMA" Ami oilier I Irst 4 Ihhs CmtiiitisiioH. Ebcnstiurir. Sept. 22, 1S7G -ly. P.JRRB' MlIUILIUIOKKiS 139 Franklin Street, Johnstown. I I IVI'MPV'IV 10? 1 1. 1 r,...,.. ti sroNi s. I'lirxrai ami fAm. ? N li T SI. A US. MAN r-.LS. .Ve , ma tut - ;. I1 11 1 '.a 11 and if A nii'riii.in VI...I.I-J n...:.r.. 4 T sT 'I V t-i ij ri-ii 1 11 1 110 von ii'.t-i i : 11 11 rv 1. 11 i-i i-ri- .11 1 1 1 17 1 ll ill-- 1 i 1 lion K-niii-antf U in price, design and clinriu'tiT ofwnrk. vl-,J T. i v itr-tei'S rcipectl ully solicitod Binl promptly ti 1 1 ol at tlio very low. l-St ciisli rates. Trv me. tlZ.- April , l;-;:j.-tf. JOHN PAKKr.Q JAMES WILKINSON. .11. T. O'FISIKL. VILKllMSON Si, O'FRIEL, M ANrFAC'Tt'KKIJS OF HI. 111-1 . wmw AM S5MESI . UhMLl as-Work executed promptly and satisfactorily id as cheap as the cheapest. (4-w.tr.) an House I.A.TK "l.'AIN Htll'SF,," v Comr Main and Vittsburylt Sts.f CREENSDURC, PA. ery centre of town. Fronts the south entrance to the Conrt House. --l.'73.-tM JOHN POUTER, Lessee. p A. SHOKMAKKU. Attornfy- AT-T.AW, Khensbtirjj. OlVn-c on II iph Street, ita-jl end of rosi l.-nce. (I 21, 'TC tf.) public to the fart that wc have removed to our TOME ROOM I A.C-, A.C. We mIso kii a lull line nl AND niOVISIOXS! MM 2 ,11 cl J U K.-4. fcj f mi nil in Cjitn'.-ria o-i; ,1 iTr.UMii isi!. If. . Sz .V. I. Ico; Attorneys-at-Lnvv, .7?.9 Seventh .S7.. Washington, I. I it veil (urn. it Wc jr ie;irp j.-ntei NKY 1-1. i.S IN A!"i ft ! em I - - r;i ii 1 r- NM'ninnt i"ii. s in ."ii! .vntrie. I K. 'i. .:. Nn t f..r i'i iV. Nr. !:ti null t-. r 1 Ii ; n 'ii-: '! n r : i:ii'-e '1. - i:l 1 a t ' r t i .n fclV.T I l,i-. ! Mf" 1 1 O j all 1 1 1 lit. T-.". 1 1 : -i i ' ' jr. i t 11 fi-.!. :.m-i r- '.-!ii ui.s i!i -I . -t.-iiI Sliil1 - :n t ;i i mn s 1 'i 1 11 v-1 t '.'; r Km: I'aMi Iis.t iiivis.. r I'.i: r.t - " t t a : r i i. 1 .-nn n i'i.n s. I i t ! V ( :i t oil rls il Im i. r I i-irc f . t"ti?t't jT-.t'i-ni-1 tn tlii- - n in.-1 c.l I tic Vi.i;.i S- :i-. - I nn nl l ;.i 1 . i.rl ! -,:nu: ' si. u-r of t l-.t.:M 1 :i 1 '1 1 i '!- s I rn '. :ii"i i . ). I". ; -r- i 1 .11 . :i si. :i 1 l.!-n v. r rl:i;Ui? i.t-;-:.- !'. Em-' u' ' vi- 1 n -1 r: iii i - lit !-. A i :! i-h tl I'nj- niil t'l-iiiity. OFF.-:-:r:s. mi iuf'is. rui s.m'.kps ! tli.' ! Witr. or : lo-ir Ii -. r :' i mum r.ta!.--! lii.il. y Ir.i-ii 1 1..- I ..v -; nivo n: .. v, !. -ti 1 I., y !.::v ti i Kn-i ! ' ir" r. I till: !". ry oi . r' i Ft :i 1 1" :irii"iii:T o . p htmI l.!i:ii ri-'-i-. ' .-ii. l.ii--'i.isi- s: nip in '. ;t lu'.l r- 'y a : : r . . ii.;a,a , ; .n. Will be & i v ii ji.il w u l.i ml i I..' c. I'riiioi.o. All i rtV--. y .71.'. nr.. I oi'n nn It'1. r"i, li'n '. -.r ;:i ;iiri"l i:i : ii-- im c v:ir. !i.-wrv r r-lil.: :y. are ei;iili-.l to, nn i i-iu i..;.:ii u . i :i-t..n. I iiil-fl M.t(i t-1; r.i I liiml lf;-e. ("oiitc-:.-! I.rir.l '.!.' . I'rivC.' Ii 11 1 I'lilrrs. ?i it iir. -i'. ! Li '!i;.i ior r ; l - ; ; tin- i:i- n.l li- "i-. ii.- i-iu i i- J .il ll .it .1,1 1. n nil Vt nrrar.'i Wc ;.y rn - h ivi- 1 1 ; i : ! ; r. iiov l-.r r".i !. w 1:.ti- n.-.'t.;,! , -oii,l;i.-; i li:ivi'ii- t lioriii : ."I t'.'itniv l.i ;. !il.-TOc l 1' Ii i v.- In ! i :i o-l -:ir i 1 1 ; i -' ir i i: -iro i;i ho eii r i'-ii 1 n .: '- Vi l - :l 11 I u "" o y In: i-t ;i ;-1 ,-ni;-...i ":i:t. I W.irr.l 1 j "ri iiov! In w ; ('.'j. rv -ion ( "." cti-'Ii i;i.. !'-. it 1 1 l'Uinof n r li. r :ii- r ,.r it i ( ii - ? : -I us. .- ; A. I'. I. '.' i:V. Ati .; - :i i : I : -ti :i-- tot!. i;,h ' ot i i: ii :i .-.i . . rc.i.'!';il . n r Arv p' r?ot: .!ri' i:i' lit:-1 r. -j-oiisM.: wiii. ti n jio . r. h rciii-i- ii, his vi n 1 1 i i. u;,. .1- I x.vitii ( omp:: rn oi: timm ALL OVER THE WORLD, tiii: DMA t i.M i:nm.l MEDAL AND DIPLOMA roi; di: a r.t i, i:iiintr h as iTS I'tnn Airntir. i'il f s!,r. ri-!i . !'., K.-r fiu st f,i'c;i.-.,.im ,.( N -t-.irMl Tool h m:. it I-t.ri- lo. an. I Ariilioin! Ti-th ir.o;u-t ,-,! ;.' IT. I III I It'.lllll. Itiriuii'o. I'.lilllo:.! I.'. I Pearl. I.tionv liiiiii Knii-li V'i -, r ilm 1 .niin-ral n-ise. nii l S,-,.t 1 " i ; -n.i '.) :i 'l' ( ! Ir 1 t i - I Also. Iirtlo- C,r-:t A tfi.-.-p!.-ri- 1 i t:iiiiTs i rtitii iitl Teeth l',rtiiiy in , t k. I r r in ion 111 111 l! ;y li'irli re ouin 11 of 3' r-ott s Or -i li iit: l SKiil he is !., I'll'.'T-f .1 '.' ii"' n.iiiiiir i;,;o:. i'iixsicfins. ? .-1 1 ! 10 - , t . i :i-i , .11 v , itii-ti , .j j - )t 1 j.1 ;1 , - . Pr. Si-.itt cotir iuui-s ir. ri t in- li-o-st f)' ivs :. irotti 1 to T,. m-,1 1 to- I r , se:s ol teeth t,-r iJ i r s:v!.- l,.r'..s ,, i; , I'lXi.iim.ii si is' i:;,tKi'...' " ' P'Tfci-t tli and istai- ion u u r.tiitci'-! in m. s' vli si.t work Pi. f 1 ;! ! j. is t ,rr 1 tt , t,. i,o Tin: m 1 mai. 1: in itii: vim:i.i. Take ovly lir. Scott's pleatittt n-l .tt ?'.. :, '"1 an?S!helle ..r the painless ex : net i- 11 or painless fillinir ot teeth, ami nn n.. ri-k li i ; ii 1 ni ; ; as is hAXCKutir-j. " i"i' loaoovc rio.ir-- s an I iimke n'iv j I Ttlellt. and Vol wit! .,oTt l.-n-.. ... r.n, t illt- I nr-h one day to sr. t a set of teeth or have II II v operu on periorini-d. I'he 'r 111 etitiia l -perjTiir n rire now on cr! tioii at UTS Penti Ave.. P.lt -1 u ; jr h. (1-1-ly I- Homes iu the West AND HOW TO REACH THEM. IOR I.O'.yi-.ST RATES OF PARE and rl'- I Ide itiloriimt ion relative to the best routes l travel to all ;uhr.s V eMt. Siti- h a n I South wet. call on or address V. 1.. r l'.; 1 l.N . ijeuera! P.is .'iiirer A Kent P.. ('. St. I, K'v. N.i. .'!.( North II inli Street. 'iduinl-tis Ohio. Pon.it be mi-led by irresponsible airenis ol interior routes, wlii '.i a eotiiiniinicatioii ad!ress-d to liradijuanrrs will incel wiih protupt a 1 tention, aud t-r.i' in lot tim tijn that can be rciU'd upon. (o-.,o.-;.) 'o such tiiixu as failvhi:. B. L. FAIIM STtH K'S I t ; SVRl V Is a sate and njieeily cure for t otisiitiiit ioa. Aye wi': refund thc m, mcv if it does not ,'.0 all we elaitn for it. Trial s:7e."'J5 cents. I.artie siz-. 1.00, c 1 11 ;t I to five st.i ali I Mitt Ics. Sdd bv a il de-t 1 vrs. H.j. Fa !ii:p;oek t 'o . Prop'rs. Pitts'-ura. 'Havinte t' iod li. L.. Faht.e.-toek s I-unit Svnip, weean salely eoiiitu-ti I it asau excellent iiH-.fu iiii-. and lor use among: ctiildicti it is inva luatit-, m-i in like u charm."' Ed. Piltsbut'K t'hi isi ian Allo cate. (:v-16. 3111.) BLiOOD. I.tnt4r KIimhI Srxrrlirr 1 ne r-. -l- Itl.MMl reiniMly ol the ni:. KiTii-elni T.tl.T. -rolnU, riiiTK. Biiili. rimides niiil all td.t di- eien-s yi. lit in its wonderttil powers. I.on'i f-l I. 11. rurf iiimra mine eunratilee ol iienitti. I'rice, tl. It Toiir 'It Ui;riit don'l lot-p it. si-ini t.i It. R. K. KKI.I.FKS I II.. IVi.n'.. PitlnlHna. - , -T r i R t r.. - . Jrsoi.i itv all l)tcr;wsi6 is-ia.-ij-.j TXT A X TK l VA l m s'n""" : ' " I Iihvo liiitul n ils of applicants I'ot ' FARMS just now. Also, rent able ciiy pr. .pert ics ' toexchanae for Farms lliiiidreiisol people rrea d , into my ottiee. and 1 amiot set suitteient Firms. ! 1 have lots of customers lor koo,1 iinprov"meni all cash. W r't or call as soon as possible, an t. if : not too far distant. 1 will Koan.t see the prop- rtv ( S. i! . JAMES. Farm Ageio-v. IM Stuitltlclil ., Pittilur jh, nesr the Pitt oii ea. ,x-'J3 !.; CATS. an While tlio j-', 1 1 no J' Hi9iM, sweeten t power of ilis .!v i: that cv-ii bf sv.-nlhjv.o ence whatever on t!;. fillers of the li ;.r the liv ii. Iim. t 1 ... of death, it ! with the power 4 t , 1 nere is iut tlio valhy, ( there is dust alv. i tl the ai n; )-p!;i t rules I he i;o' 1-. the 1,M pi-t. ,1; HO p;.I: drawer rnee ; e Kee;-i t v .... '!' is I! tail: ee-- n l!n 1 t 1 ! of the 1 1. vi!)Mv ::: 'id. w!,!.:, eve r.-.cr v.-a. : Hat 1 ' 1 'ills it. 1 'it'". ,1-M t- arri Ii st;-. pi 1, sc;d.iii:' ! nV.I', tliceVi th? J-.i-i.s til i: ib.-pih ; L:,!i ' in; Th t:r.s 1 I Hie g 1 - r i - i i . lie ' '. it. i::i:; ill -i-a i i 1 1 1 : i i : if it 1:., VI 1 1 I ;:rt ( V.OTlld lite :;ai- . T :x h.-iu ;!:' c . 1. t: en N l.-.i . "1. i ... -Miy it i-vi-rv 1 n it ::ir i-. her w f.'C; tli-" .,- h p i-i. 1 1., if t ; itii 1 Vt til w i e.-i i v tips to,.i '!" ' , i . ' ti:v, - . ... t , . i v te'it h Of k'i-- .1 I t i; li:e , I V but 1 1 1 : i v e v. , I'l' i- t- is i,i ii h dr.' l VSl-l 1 lire, n an 1 -i ;t n '" i ' I J T.i; 1-.. k. It) -i t-.cl i .i ; tui i. ::f ii ti...- i:i: U- li -illl i t ti:.' i:;.i nil!, ii..'., . ' -Nn'.v Ki ' J tiiii.ir. 1 ;ii - ' ' S 1i::i I i 1 1 . t -' ' ' '" -il 1 t ? 'i ! ' I'.r. :nl. sii :i- ' ' slip tlM'i":!.! ii s' '.:;io t i iiif i ' ' f.ir v,:n:i 'f .-. 1. t!iii:nl, i-v. 1 hliWhe 1 -I ontiic w ilii '!' ' tlto uir. j'J-t 1" v X'-Nt ti.'.-v' wc'ii i li'n.l an 1 '1 '" j c v.u-i rn- CVUl lit" i'.il'l '-' :''1"; Mh'.k' I llii 1 ' v ! :i-i.'. 1 leaved Mi't' Silt! '' liltlo 1 I 1 I'litinK of m'!". v makes olio ' Ih.'U p i! '"- 1 r l; ' ti-ii'.it'.i t. I:-.- ':"' this ili':il' li'-i'iv :'' t ho m '!,"! ,s , : tlittt il li-fs u-l is often ti.Kot: !''!' '! of lcaxcs nn li''-' its lic-t litM vi t'--'- 1 I .. 1 1 . ,r V till ' t i 1 I 1111 . 1: I:iniilv. This i;-'", " , vtllow iii ivI-'J. ' 1 . 1- t' ..I- this tiny, yi- tl1 '" , . sovviri: "i ils IU"t- 7 I t nvhl llu-n e-.w.yior .. pit'C Of tllle:li!. :t"'J V L:.t. lu...k mi-1 tlirnugh tiii'"', tnilor llie Lin'