i MrtRKlAGE CUSTOMS AND LAWS. married to youths of twelve. There ' . . I . 41 ...... . 4 - ,!.( 1 Ul t f 1 1I1L IS I. 1171k 1 lit ! U IMLL-II illil 1 T r-v. The importance of regulating niar rhinc has U-t-n recognized in all civil ized countries. 15y the laws of Ly-cui-.nia eriin.nal pioecedings might be against those who iiiai'.ieci iou well as against those who ilnl it all. Vinonsr me .Jews taken late, as not marry arriage is permitted to males at tin ina v rrioii.liT-iotl.oiu.it In i.nt V t l NV 111 I I. It Iv as old at that ?ge as EuroiH.au and well-rared-for American women do at fifty-five. Usually with the ancient inhabitants of the Kast, the bride was obtained by presents made" or service rendered .to her parents a. practice vdiieh still prevails in some parts ol ESTASU3SS0 TWENTY-KINS TEARS. iiPsff:HAY&SOI The nje of consent at com- J h males and if the oth it. It eilli- tn a'u of thirteen and a (lay lo ieinaics that region. at twelve and a day. In the. Old Testament history we In this country marriage is, by law, f fin(i intermixed marriages of the wor onlv a civil contract, magistrates as I shipers of (Jod witli the heathen' na w. U as clergymen having a right to tions around them strictly forbidden y l'lvtnc authority. - - j'lurality.of wives was allowed ny Moses, and has been admitted by the Tahnudists ; and 'Jewish harems, of their J Minces particularly, were some times extremely- extensive. Accord ing to the modern Rabbis, though st rictly- legal, polygamy is not practi cally convenient under "the chosen people's'' filtered circumstances. 'In the tenth century, A !., at a great council, it was formally declared abol ished. The Koran gives' four wives to the believer on earth, besides the less sub staid ial houris of the future paradise. llesiod advises thirty as the lowest at which a man should take a wife, fifteen as the f -mininc nuptial period. An old adage thus lays down the proper dns lor wedlock : "On Mon day, for wealth ; Tuesday, for health ; Wednesday, the best day of all ; Ihuisday, for crosses; rnday, for losses; .Saturday, no luck at all." Other marriage superstitions may 1m? mentioned. It is lulieved that the huly who reads . the marriage service through, or she who completes a patchwork, quilt, without assistance, will nerei be married ; also, that it is unlucky for a bride, about to go to church, to look in the glass after she is completely dressed. Therefore, the custom is that she shall put on a glove or some other ailicle, after the last look in the mirror has been taken; also that it is lucky if the initials of a wedded couple spell a word. -Marriage among the TJiirmese is a mo?t peculiar institution, and the "marriage knot" is vciy easily undone. If two persons are tired of each other's society, they dissolve jiartnership in the following simple and touching, but conclusive manner: They respect ively light two candles, and, shutting up their hut, sit down and wait quietly until ihey are burned up. The one whose candle burns out first gets up at once and leaves the house (and for ever), taking nothing but that he or she may have on at the time; all else then becomes the property of the other party Troy (X. Y.) Time?. JSJEXT POOH TO POST OFFICE. CoolvinjJT Sloves, J J ent in' m; only celebrate. fourteen in twelve in females. When a peison under this age marries, such a person can. when he or she arrives at the age nl.nve specified, avoid Hie uiainaoc, o, such person, or both, may .... .. I. ..ril ;icri confirm cr of the"lf rties is under seven, the Ili:miage i, void. The parties must e ach lie willing to marry the other. J 1 either pai tv acts under compulsion, oi ls under duress, the marriage i voia- 8 In Eix-land no male can be married under the age of fourteen ; no females under that of twelve. Civil marriages take place, on due public notice of in tention before a Registrar, but more geiu-rallv in a place of worship. It in n church of the Protestant Episct pal denomination, public announcement of intention must be given by the cler gymen, during morning worship, on tliree successive Sundays. This is called "publishing the banns," and larriafe can bo ceiebra:cu in cmsicu between eight o clock in tne and noon. In a marriage uy 5 ..til license, which costs about eleven uoi lars, the banns need not be published. Py a special license, which costs $150, a marriage may be solemnized in any church, without notice and at any hour, and even in a private house. In Austria, bride ami bridegroom must each have completed the age of fourteen. In Pa varia, the legal age of marriage varies, for males, from four teen ttTeigliteen, and for females from thirteen to fifteen, in different districts. In liaden, the law allows a man to marry at eighteen tmd a woman at fif teen ; but the consent ol parents is necessary until they have respectively completed the ages of twenty-five and twenty-one. Consent being withheld, the young people cannot apieal, as in Aus'tiia. In Saxe-Coburg Ootha, no male can marry before he is twenty one years old. Females may marry, if they have been confirmed, at the age of foil! teen. In Denmark, the ages arc twenty for the man and sixteen for the girl. The Minister of Justice may dispense with the rule. In France, no men marry before eighteen ; no woman before fourteen. Under the old monarchy, the ages were four teen and twelve." liy the ancient laws of France, the age for a male was thirtj, and twenty-live for a female. In Hesse Darmstadt the rule was that the man must be twenty-five ; but thist was reduced seven years ago to twenty-one, and the number of marriages has much increased in consequence. There is no limit as to the girl's age, it being left to the parents or guar dians to take care that no mere child is wedded. In Greece, males cannot marry before fourteen nor females be fore twelvj years of age. In the Ionian Inlands, now a part of (J recce, the age is sixteen for the male and fourteen for the female. In Hungary, the Catholic (or sacramental) mar riages are regulated by canon law, other marriages by civil law. Under cannon law, the ages arc fourteen and twelve, and minors cannot wed without the father's consent. The civil law also fixes twelve as the earliest age at which a girl may mairy. Men cease to be minors at twenty-four and women at sixteen. A minor's marriage, with out paternal consent, is null and void. In Italy, the legal marriage is above the usual standard, being eighteen for males and sixteen for females. In Lapland, the ace is fevtnteen for males. In Norway, no limit of age is j required. In Sweden, it is twenty-one for males and fifteen for females. In tne Netherlands, eighteen in the of males and twelve for female Portugal, fourteen for males and twelve for females. In Prussia, eighteen for males and fourteen for le males, and a late law has made inar liage merely a civil contract, like the leasing of a house. In Itoumania. the ages are eighteen for males and fifteen for females. In Saxony, the limits of age are eighteen" for males and sixteen for females; in Spain, ramifacfurcrs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OF tin, mnn, AND Sheet Iron Wares AND DEAI.EKS IX 1HEATIE PARLOR 13 COOKING BlkQQt totals, AND- IIOLSE-FLIlMSHIXn COOILS GENEUILLY.! I lliliX i il TlX, COPPER ASIIEEMROX PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Nos.278. 2S0aml 232 Washington Si., JOHNSTOWN. PA. Stoves. FIN, COPPER & SHEET-IRON WARE j I fa vlnjr recently taken possession rf flip ticw- I V nr rod 11 i aiKI coiikumMioiis tin iiiu- rui II i j-l ; tr-et. two l.r fast ..f (tie Uaiik iiikI mHi ly f opposite tht- Mountain Mouse. I !io stilifii-rilx r is j lifttf-r yivpnri?l th:tn -wr U liiniiiifiiot uro ul! I nrt id fs in theTIN.rtMM'KIt ;n 1 SM U'.T-I K WAKE line-, nil of whirli will lie turnishfil to ! iiiivcrsrti t!u very lowest Iivma- ra ii. I'lio subscriber mIso proposes to keep a Tull ii1 viiried assortment of Ccoking, Parlor and Heating Stoves of tlie most Hpprove.l designs. t-Sroi;TlNG im.l KoOl lN(i inn. le to order fliil warnniteil pei toci in iiihii u f;i-t ti i-e noil mu te in!. KKIW1 IM.; promptly Htfeii.l. t to. All work do:ie liy me will l: done riht und on I'.-iir terms, iitnl nil ST V i:S n ml W A l! K soli) . liy me enn lie depended upon ns to fitmiil and 1 ciinnot lie nndorsdd in pi ii e. A eoiitho'iimee j and inerease of patronnne is respe,tfullr solici- trd.nnd no ettort will be wanting to render tti- tire satisfaction to all. I . . VAT.I.TE LCTUINOElt. i-.iirnsiittr. f)-t. i:, is:j.-tf. JOSEPH WEISSER, I s prepared to lm I IIP win VI KS (.fall kind. fnr'wl,ir-li 1I.TV I h llilfllpet l.rii'O In -.a.i u Olid Uruy Vox, llenr. l(:if n oti.-r Mi.'ir o.,.i Case J "!',i"t ''kins nrc f-pepi;tl!r desired. ' I P- A iissortini-nt d elrnnt CUn'KS JU en li:iridniid f.(r s:i le :u t he very i.o .i kst vig-u rs uiorH, w iili lios. .lewelry, .Ve.. pr..in,tly repaired nnd w:irrn;-d. mid iliat too at lower rn'e Mian has lifrvtoli.i-e drpn charged hi t his c, liiiiim.i: v who have tried me know what 1 can doaiel th..p w ho have not are ri-iiici!'!lv Inv ted tunive in.- -:il. .lOSKTH WKISSKli, lec. 1,1873. ColunnaIe Ituw, laiemsljurg. i zi i il;:vs; 1 5 1 1 1 ? c BOOK, DRLTtaaJVARIETlf STORK HAVING recently enlarged ourstoek we nrc now prepared to sell at a irreat reduction consists .f Wood, Worrell &Co.9 VASillNGTON STREET, Near PEHK'A R. R. DEPOT, TollllrlcAVll, XJi-, Wholesale (turf lletil Dealer in YOKKIGS AND DOMESTIC iRlT GrOQ33S MILLINERY GOODS, 1IAHDVA1E, (il T.KNSWATIE, liOOTS AM) SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, IKON AND NAILS, HEADY-MA DE CLOTH INC, CAKPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, GLASS WAKE, Y EL LOW WAKE, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, Xz"is-iiis; nucl Feed fK ALL KIM), KHttTHKP. WITH WESTERN and COUNTRY PRODUCE piieh as I'resli Meals, Vinir. lVicon, Kith, Salt, liutter, KsiifsCiirlK.il Oil, Sic t Wholesale and retail irders folirited nod promptly tilled on t he sliortost notice and most reasonable terms. BBENSBDIIO, Penn'a. MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, I A Y A It I. It KUt X . INTEREST ALLOWED (fi TIME DEPOSITS. MOrJEY LOANED. COLLECTiDNS MADE, AND A GKXF.ltAI, I BANKING BUSINESS TRANS CTED. A IU umno Island. Some thirty five years ago there tp e:rei I in the Aleilitcrrannin Sea a little Uhtinl thrown ni by volcanic action; it was in fact, a crater, from which steam and cinders were still issiiinj; to tlie height of several hundred feet. The sjH-ctacle was a very grand one as witnessed by seamen, the eruption be ing accompanied by a lud, roaring noise, and discharges of forked light ning within the ascending column of hot steam ami cinders. About four months after this tlie spot was visited by a J?rilish frigate, having on board Walter Scott, who was on his way to Malta in search of health. The vol canic action had so far ceased that lie was able to land and examine this little dependency of iieat llritain, and, having an interest in anything out of the common course, he d'-cided to do so. Mounted upon the shoulders of a stout sailor he rode almost to the top of the island, where he found two dolphins a:id a robin, all dead, no doubt from the hot temperature. On one side steam w as bubbling from the ground, which spread itself all around the base of the island, surrounding it as with a cloak. The atmosphere, strongly impregnated with brimstone, was almost suHbcating, and if a hole was dug in the ground, it was at once tilled with boiling water. Shortly afterward the island disappeared as suddenly as il sprang into existence in a night. A r.M:n-MAKi.(i Smi.kii. Spiders have been noted so long as spinners of the finest of silk, that it strikes one a little oddly to think of one as a paper- maker. Hut hear this Hue story that lias just been told mc: Jn the heart of Hie African Conti nent, where no other paper is manu factured, the spider paper-maker does her quiet work. Hack and forth, over a flat surface about an inch and a half square, on the inside wall of a hut, the spider slowly moves in ma 113 lines and the square is covered with a pure white paper. Under this .die places from forty to fifty eggs ; and then, to fasten the square of paper more securely to the wa!l ; she makes a stiip of paper about a quarter of an inch broad, nnd with this glues the square earelully around the edges. When all is done, the spider which is quite a large txie places herself on the center of the outside of the little flat bag so carefully made, and begins a watch, w hich is to last for three weeks without intermission. Apparently the young spi(U-r would have many dan gers to fcar.did not their anxious inam ma wage a fierce war upon the cock roaches and other insects that come near. AfW three weeks of unremit ting watchfulness, the mother-spider leaves her nest in the day-time to hunt food, but she always returns at night, until her young are strong enough to take care of themselves. i7. Xieholu fur Jpril. A GKNTr.F.MAN who "knows all about it," and has tried the experiment with entire success, recommends the follow ing remedy for bunions and corns, from which so many suffer daily : Ob tain at the druggists five or six cents woith of saltpetre, put it into a bottle with sufficient olive oil to uearty dis solve it. Shake it up well and nib the inflamed parts night and morning', nnd more frequently if painful. This is a well tried remedy. OHN D.THOMAS, Ilootnucl Shoo TVSnlcei rl'JIE undLTf IkiioiI respeet fnl'y inTorins 1,1s L numerous eustoiners and the pnl.lie n.-nei-ally that he is prepared to unuuitaouire ( Hiid SH; )HS ot any desired size or !iMlity, from the fliiest Kreneh ealt'-sklri hoots to I lie eoarse-i lr)iaiis, in the vi:uv i.kst mannkk. oii the shortest notice, ami at as moderate prices ns like work ean lie ohtained a r, v h e re. Thoo who hnve worn liootsand Shoe s mado nt my e.-tHtilishmont need no nssijiatii o us to the superior quality of my work. Others ean easily he eon viuee.l of the fact il they will only jrive me a trial. Tr? and l- eom ineed. llepai lifts: of lloot and Shoes attended to promptly and in a workmanlike manner. Thanklul for past favors I feel eonlident Ibat my work and prices will eommend mo to a cootinuaiici and iucieas- of tlie same. JOHN U. THOMAS. If'c desire to calf, the attention of the public to the fact that tec have remoillerf, rcjilttctl (turf vent o ceil to our SoMK (.' I K ! ( 1 1 s p.,., M-s.sI11ec,ll;(ju;(';-! : ir-irdii.g -H-le,, !:ni ..' imu.icated to :U, llvl'V' " Science l,v I ? .' -1 '.. V-n Hftcui veais "V researches. t i,.,..,,,.;;-,- . ,ie r.adi,, ,',;;; i. small spider -v"'-and crawled ovJi V 1 1 " leadin- M(. . , - out liisti -i.l -. r i ... LARGE HEW STORE ROOM rE:S?- overhead. Thi, j,!;,.;':1: t. .there wa n,, t;in ,,,, ' , observer v.U - it u lion h l,,,,,!, .. , sini. ne ean!,t i . this lime put i.;n. 7 ' IN THE ZAIIM BUILDING, EBENSBUUG, PA., Wlierc we have just rceeivod n immense stock oT Comprising IUV f'OODS, DliKsS r,OOTS. NOTION?, KUXM-I.S. TlI..NKT:TS. TI AT?, CATS, ItOOTsj, SHOES, CT.OT11IM1, CAUI'Klt-, Ac-, Ac. We ulso kf a lull line or FRESH (ir,OCEIMi;S AND riK)VISIOXS ! Consistinp of KI.OI K. T5H, Sl'GAH, COFFEE, TEA, SALT, SOA1:, SPICES, OlIS, &c. SOLE AGENTS IN EP.ESSMG FOR MTLAFLIN'S WIRE CHILE SfREW HOOT. by i5i;ic; for cyii: The Highest Market J'rices jtaiil for drain ami I'rotlncc. sun. mill U.P ,,t.(., ( . , his eyes. lntl,i ..,. - ".'''. ; discovered the tu " :by the little cr, atuie! " K ; Hie blast, it r;ljM.,i ;,s , so doing prnj-aed a f ,', . . ecivable tenuitv t ., (.,-". j tance, and ra'is.o' jN!Or i disappeared lio,u' ? le ted diseovti v i:i' i 1:.- 113 and 115 Clinton Street, Johnstown, ALWAYS HAVE Til 13 JL&XCf G&i, IB est a..xid CIioa.pest Stoek of l)rj-('oods. Notion. Millinery. Cariets. Oil Cloth .Ve.. to !'' fou nd i n Cam".Tia eoinit y. 2 I. " iLS?'l'ou't fnrirel the nutiiNr and street. ft'- with co.MrirnTOKs fkom ALL OVER THE WORLD, Till: ON I A' CENTENNIAL MEDAL AND DIPLOMA l OIl DICXTAL 12X111 HIT WAS ft.: f v fT, ir -U.1V C.iiiii.A" . cott. 2S f'rnn Avi'imc, I'iHsliursh. I'., Ior fin'-st Fpeciinens ol Natural Teeth filled with ptiretr-dd and Artitieial liol II ii...imti'd on (.d,. Silver. 1'lat il'.viii. Vulcanite. Celluloid. e I'oarl. Elu.ny (Jitm. F;tiif!i.-li Flesh-"ol.ir tluni. -Mineral llase, and Sot t X 1 tun L.ii.-iiiu lii d IJass. Also, for the (Jrcat At innJplu-rm In.-k, lor re taiuiiiK Artiti-ial Teeth tirinly in phwe. In .nl'lit.oii to this hiirh rc onir ioti 'if lr. Si'etl's (5r ;:it Dental Skill he i :ili endorsed by the leading Kili'ers. IMiysdrinns. .M in ist ir.. At1orioyf . and Hiisinefs men id 1'it! .-hiirirh. Or. Seott continue? iusi-rt imr tlie finest (told nllin.- at Iroin il to 5. and the lest Vulani:c ets ol tei-t h tor '.2 : ot her te vies lor ir. to 76, FINK C,OIJ SETS," 7d to il.MI. Perfect tit and satiftaeMon tru iranteeil In am. s(eo1' w.rl. Fine Hold ?rlr warranted lo he Til E HES T .MA HE IN THE ttulihll. Take only lr. St-ott'. pleaiint and i', ihiiclii ifc ar.tef : iiutic for the pulnlc?. est action or painle.. l!lliiij id teel h. aiel run no risk I. All III IN(1 OAS IS DA N S El (ICS. Write to al'ovc adiirennnd make an vppnint meiit. and yen ill only h:'.re to remain in I'itts loiruV one day to net a set of teeth or have any operation prrloruiud. I lie Vni-rtnia I specimens are now on rxhild tion at Tetin Ave., 1 ". 1 1 sl ura li. 1-lJ-ly.J DON'T YOU KNOW font teen for males and twelve ior leinaies. in Switzerland, the limits vary from fourteen to twenty for males and twelve to eighteen for females, accord ing to the Cantonal and other laws. In Turkey, tlieie is no age limitation. n Ynrteinbiirg, the limit is fixed at twentv-one for males and fourteen for ft males. In Russia, the legal mar riage ages are eighteen and sixteen. There are (.xceptions, however, for the natives of Caucasus ;nay marry, the in des at fifteen and UiC feintdes at thirteen; and in sonic special cases the Ilussian llirdiop of the diocese can Authorize a marriage six rnont.is i-e : TTA XTl-D-FA U M8 TO SKLT fore the period allowed by law, either 'V - i,!tv lmndreds of .ippiieai,,s r, t i. i . ,.. 1 . rHi. c&tMOiUn..n. . '.' Ior 1.1C male or tne icmaie. jn me Grand Duchy of Finland, which is part of theHustiaii Territory, no mar riage is allowed to be contracted, with out supreme authority, before the age of twenty one for males and fifteen tor femah s, except for peasants engaged in service by the year, or those having nv fixed trade or occupation, w ho are allowed to mairy at the age of eigh teen for males and thirteen lor females. Im the principal Oriental countries, 'J in kev-in-Asia, Arabia, J'ersia, IJrit-i-h Indi.i. iSiam, Uurmah. Ava, and in fid all over the Last, where mammy is sooner allaine the nuptial period j;;it vh.t, with il is in inl.ii tile age. (jirU of t iirht oi nine are ftetpit ..tly trom lormer prieo. Our stoek : 1.... : : .. f. . . 'iiir. ,i"iii'iut-i, l eiiniiierv. l anev Soapf I.emi'sJ, Hall's nnd .Allen' Hair Kstorativf ' 1'ilN. OlntmcnM, riaster. i.iniinents. Fain Killers. Curate M;rne-ia, Jamuiea (iinrer 1'ure Fiavoriim: Extraetx. Eoyoneesi. rem mi Syrn,. Snothinir Syrup, Spiced S rup, Uhui arb Fure Spices, &c. Cigars and Tobaccos. Wank Hooks. Deed Notes nnd Itond Cnn I'nst, Commereial and all kinds of Note Fa o'er' Envelopes. Fen, Feneils. Arnold's Writing Hold. I! a, k and K.-d ink. Fooket and Pas Ronks. Maira.ines, N evspa f is. Novels. Ilisfo nes. Itible Ueliious, Fray tr and Toy Hooks, F'nk m ves, Pipes. c. 1TlV'.,,'l,,v,',,,,,,M,,r'rtoc!tii lot of FINE JEW EI.KY, to uhieh wc would iiivile the nt tentton of the Ladies. " I'lloTt (J H A I'll A I.HT7MS at loer prices thnn evrr oflered in thi plaee. Paper and Cigars sohl either wholoanlo or rc f"1', I.EMMON & .Ml'HUW. JuIySO, 108. .Main street, Eliensliiirr. i. r,.t FAU.y juft new. Aloo. rr-ntahle cii v i,n.irii,.a to exchai'itc lor Farms Hundreosot people rowii into my t-'il-e, nnd I cannot (ret .oniric it-itt Firm l have lot . f customer t(.r kom1 nn.rovi;tncni s nil cksIi. Wrlv" or call ag ?oon ns posiide. and if riot too far distani I will iroaml ; the pron-rty S. M. .T A MES, Fnr;n Auen-y. lZi Smit hticlit m. Pittnlmrgh, near lh(? i'ot-utliee. i-'i3 -ly " '"Speeial attention paid to loisinesa ,,f C(r. sixiod. nrs. A. V.'. Hl('K. Cashier. Nov. 1st H7.V-tr. mi 120 Clinton St., Johnstown, Pa. plIAKTKRKIl SEPT. 12, 1S70. DKPOSITS V.' received of all sums riot les? than ttno Dollar Prcpcnt rate of ititerest. six per eent. Interest j due In the months of June and Divernhcr. and if not withdrawn is added to the deposit, thus com poundiiiu; twice a year without trontdinr the le posit or twcall or even to .esent the deposit hook. Money loaned on liesl Estate. I'refcrenoe with lilx ral rates and l.mif time, tdven In lii.rmwe'r of. ferinic first iiiorluaKcson tarins worth fouromiore times t tie amount ol loan desired, (loo.l reference perfect titles, etc.. required. This corporation is exclusively a Savlnsrs Hank. Xo commercial deposits received, nor discounts rantcil. No loans on personal sccuritv. l'.lank applications lor Porn. vers, '-opies of t he rules, by-law, and special law relating to this Hank . trout to any address desired. TttfHTKKS .lainos Cooper. D.i vi I Dibcrt, C! R Ellis. A. .1. Hawes. F. W. Hav. John Eowtnan. Il' Haamrr. jr.. Daniel "UeEanarhlin, D..I. Morreli .lames ftlcAIiil n. James Morlcv, Lewis I'iitt II' A. Kous. Conrad Suppcs, OeorgoT. Swank, and A . Vv . W alf-r. D WIEL.T. ?.K)r;'lEL.L, President. Mask I'ihkrt. 'treasurer. Cvuvs El.lKit. Solicitor. Eteaslinrs INSIJEAUCE AGENCY. rJT. Ar. DICK, Gen'l Insurance Agent, j:h t:xs n vn a , i m . fdieics written at short notieo in tlio OLD RELIABLE ETNAn Am. I other First ( Ihih out j.-tiiie. F.hens'mry-. Sejit. C".', 178 -ly. w oecnniod liv II Vintf..! I'u.. o 1 lie rc.rnf t lm ..lit t-t.- . ..ih..i -"J and next door to M. E. O ilman's pioi ii m ii si mi, i nc unuersiiinc'i v would rcsi.ert lull v inform t he mi I.. 4Stli lie that he is prep 'red to repair clocks, watches, jewelry, etc., ul short notice, in a workmanlike nam.cr, and at the lowest livirnr prices Please liive mu a cull. CA1JE li I V IN II S. Iate with Jlr. Jos. VVtisser. EhcnsburK, Oct. "Jo, lS'.6.-ly. A T C 1 1 M A K I X G. 11 a v i is g tak- tlie loom formerly en 7nM, EATE "CAIN IIOl'SE, Cornr Main anil l'illsbitrgh Sts.t CREENSBURC, PA. Very centre of town. Fronts the south entrance to tho Court House. "t-4.'73.-tr,l JOHN l'OUTER, Eesee. I2-P.-75.-ly. I j JAM K8 WILKINSON.. . .h. t. o'rmr.L, S777 is not easily enrnJ In the times, hut It ean be niade in three months' lv ai one of eithei- sex in any parte! tlie'eouii try whoi willinrto w,.r': slaxdilv nt the rmployuient which tvn lurnish. Von noed not lie away (ruin liutne orer nijfht. You en ifive yonr whole time to the work, or only vour spare momenta. It ( nothing to try t he inim lirmsnnd S omfit free. Address at oncv H .ivw.i.ti . v ., t-oninnn, i)fin. (S-3.-Iy IMRRR'a MtRBLE WORKS, 139 Franklin Street, Johnstown. MUM HKXTS, HEAD and TOMfl- l) lniM',S, I HI NTKIl and CAI1I N KT SEA lis. MAN 'I' EES. Ae . imi.iu faelured of tlie very lo-st llalian and Amei iean Mjrliles. Entire sal i.-fae-ti in rumi ii'ilcid in price, design and ciiaraeter ,r work. Orders respeet fully solicited ami vromjitly tilled at the very low est cash ratea. Try mu. April K4,l;:j.-tf. JOHN PAUKE. iW "DOXNKIl HOUSE, LoiiETTo, Pa- i oii'i i in nfin-.ti mm (-iMTiino'iiitiis ' "P A. SIIOKMAKKIJ, Attorney. AT-MW, EPoiisl.nrf. OHireoti (reel, east ml of leshlenee. l-21,':ti siihscribcrflJ .' r?"1" cr visitors - tl .1 CIO A Ti A .I F.I M 10 fr sale in h.r-e ;i li I I I . . 1- -tl. EVAN MICHAELS Mai-eTr .1, s7i I and olcii iiH hotel, the sul respecttully solicits from ! lie jn ircnerai an isotonic In psricu!:ira lair slm rc of patronatre. Tlicionse is supplied with all nvxlern tuipri vemeutii. nnr i lias A liie; i.-n pin ndcy attached, a.-- well as abun dant provisions for t lie accent mod il-m an I amnse ni ul of all who may farorlba boue nith their custom. 'iciuiscnl tin per wec. W. .1. JONNtR. E.uctto, Mav 1!, iTO.-lf. WILKINSON 8l OTRIEL, NASrFCTt lIIOR OP mvm m mm hassle 3iott. 1 i . -VotV executed jiroinj.tly and s -tijfactorily nt as cheap us the cheapest. (4-12 tf.) ' ry W. DICK. AttokskyaMTawTi- -1 riishnrtr. Pa. Oflioe'iri Iront room of T .1. Eloyd's ucw bnildii.ir. Centre street. All innnniTOf local business atterdod togntisfac t "rily. and coileetions a apecialt j. I l-D.t . JA M KS J. OATMAN, M. 1)., I;ri7 SK IAN AND Sitrukoh, Khetislinrir r Olliee and residence in new building- on Hiirh ttr fet, one door west of Illair Hon so. Aujr. 25, I37.-tf. A LKX. TA IT, M. I., Physician and Sck;kon, (late of Carrolltowii ) Is now located at St. A niMtst Ine. ('HinJiria eouuty "Viitht calls should be made at tlie Post-office. T d. IiAKK, Attorney-at-T.aw, Koewslouv, Pa. Ortic with P.ejjibttr aud Ucuot'dor, in Coutl House. C A II C A It C A K C A K C A li C A It ( A li C A K C A li DiiY i ) i : v Dli Y DIIY D It Y DltY D 1 Y 1 H V DltY i rea r (ireut (' reat Creat i reat (irenl 'Jrent (I reat E T S. E I' S. E T S. 1- T S, E T S E T S. 1-; T S. I-. r s. E I S. C( ( DS, c;o(i s. (KIOI'S, (;( i is, (HMIDS, COD!)--, (it ( IDS. (. ')DS. COODS, Vmit-tv, V rieti , Vnri ty, ariet y, Variet y. Variety, Variety, Variet y . 1317 EI, 1 1-5. Vll What to Do? Why visit At tnon.i and buy vour Carpels. (i. Cloths. Dry (roods. I ress t Joo-'s.No; ions. t:iriei Chain. ( often Yarn. JtC. from V .M . M U It KAY, who keeps the hirirest assort ment In tlie city ar.d sells at pri ces which other dealers canoot match. Wake up n lrn yon no t here, and rind t he place where no ad va tit a e Is taken and no tricks of trade pract iced at ill. Oil. on. oil. oie ci. n iis. oil. ci.dTHs, oil. CI.MTHS CLOTHS, CI.O'I IIS. CLOTHS. CI I'll S. OIL l',i T!1S, I OIL CLOT II , Asp NoriiiNs, A Si N i n ins, I Ami Notions, A Ml oi ions, A M N ITtONS, A N t Notions. Ami Notions. A N il Not Iii, Ami Ndxions, i i n a t " n i ict . f; t eal Vari. t v, (J reat Variety, ( li -nt Vai iet , ti rent Variet y, ("rout Vai ii ty. . (ireat Variety, I ('rent Variet v. SVEXTII AYR, oonn, ln. cm. Si. CHRRLES HOT i r. it s : M 'i 1 r - f . J Si a S ? i ' -- , '' ' :? Wood Street, front lid to .'id Ace's, riTTsiirntui. 7i. The nios! centrally located first-class house In tV.e city. Street cars within one siiare everv five minutes to all the depots of both cities. jcrUM i'2.i'Q per day. liir?c Sample liooms for coioniercial travelers SE11HEII kliAM I'.LK, Feb. 18. 1877. 3tn. Proj.rietors. (TN "K T ITTVOGL E (Sarressort to Akers k O'.Nil!,) Wholesale and lieiail Dealers in STATU IN KIIV. l'AI'KK II AOS. wkappinh r.rnn. PUINTINC l'Al'KH, POCKET HOOKS. IlEANK In K)K ? ,' school hooks, TullAcct is. CICAItS. WOJ Knsil 2tlx St?ooi. ALTOONA, PA. r hip hi I lnH.A. .. a. T- " " -j" ---". mvinT ih in. pr-jo..t I N-rmiil. , I ieVH, H.l. PmipU- and all l.-i,,) 0,J: I "e it. In Itlnwl th ... ... ... : price i I,- u- :"'.'" -.-" It V r sci i i-V-J t,... .. ' "'e ".-ti(l lei trsoLruiv ale DKi'ci.isrs j-ie.-iy AEE CDEOHS AND I.ENUTHS tIF LIGHTERS OR SPLINTS. Jteltef or Scrap Hook l'icturcs, -lVIio!ennI nnd Itelnll. Send for rre t0 CEO. W. BACKOFEN, lfil SntlthflcM St., I'll" IKItritnil, f. So IANIKL McLAUGIIlTn, Attornn rtf-r-rtir, Johnstown. Pa. Office in the edd l-.xehanirol.u.i.tinjr, tup -stairs.) cornet ol ct" tonand Locust str.-ets. Will attend to H. to ness cot.ne.ted with his profession. ("JKO M. E A DK. AiftorncV-at-Lav il.. F;,,n"'""-'- "ni.i- on Ccmrosmn luic'c doom frotu JiigU Wevt. 27, ;ij FsTAKMnHKIi; lf.9. Ii. H. .V 1. LaccA. Attorneys -at-Low, .'2!t Seventh St., Washittrton, . C. I veil t tors. V.'c procure jaent s in till countries. N'o attos- jkv FKi:rt IN ADVA Mb. No thariic unless I he patent is ranted. No tecs for itinkiim p r-! i 10 : ti ary cxiiniiuHt ions. N" add it i'lia 1 lees lorob'ain init antt cotiiI net in-r a rehearing. S; ecial rt ;cn; i. n iriven to InterbTt nee I ascs tr-lore the 1 atvn' (if. bee. Hxiensions before Congress. nlri:iir' meut Suits in di lb-rent States, and ail litiaat i..n npper taininic lo Invent ions or l'.itii.s Sni Siami- KOi: I'AMI'IILT (iiVINO Ft" I.I. I N ST C. t Tl o N . I ii i t -! SI it I i .u r I n it.l Itepn r I t.ieut. Claims Jirosecnte l in t he Su rrmc Con rt of the T'ni ted States. ( 'onrt ol (. lainis. ( onr! ol ( -omm s s ioners el t la bam a ( lin:s. Son! h rn Claims Com mission, und all classes ot war claims before the Executive Depart incuts. rrniM l t'ny anil Itomil.v. OfFtcKits. fot.in era. nnd kam.oiis d the lut w?ir. or their hc:r arc in many eases entitled to m mi i'V 1mm t he ( rovt i him n . of n Incii t lie v luiie no knowlc.'ifc. Write full htttory of service, and full' anioui:' oT pay and t-oiiot rcceiveil. Ku-cl-.-e st nip nn l a lull reply, alter exam nat.vn, will be gi cii ou i t bout e ha rue. I'CtlM (.-II SI. All officers. .? and mi!o-. wounded, rnp I lived, or injured in t he late war. however she hi i v, are entitled to, and can obtain a pcii.-i in. Ciiilc.l Mate (eiicriil l.itn.i i;i;c. Contested Lmi.l Cases. Priv.ite I.-in l Claims, Mininir. preeiup: ion. and Hoiios-etid i uses. pv. e.-utcd l.elore the liciicial L-.nl Oia.-e und De partment ot the Intcri T. I.iiiitl IVnrrnii. We par cash ."or Homily Ennd Warrants and we iiivile eorrespondence V it h ail parlies Latin-; anv tor sale. :itmI aivc lull an-1 explicit instructions here n ss:k! in en t ? a re in; per led. We conduct our business in separate l'ure:in having th.-rin the cleiical a ,-sis: anee of a!.!c ; nd evpero-neeti lawxers an.i ti ive our ci'-se-i pernoual supervision to eve. y toii-oriaiit jmpt-r ,-r- )..irc,l m each case. Promptest "attcnt i-.n thus secured to all business cut rusu-d us. Address li. S. .V A. I. LA i "EY. Attorneys. IVasiiimitiin, D. C. Any person desiring in form at i. .ti iis to t he s'i.n-1-iiiif and r sponsil-ilii v ot the in nil-ers of ii tinn will. on reijiicsr. be fuinisbe-l with a snt is'ac.rv rcfcrciice in bis vicinity or CoiiyreSMonai district. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGENTS, I'itZ to ( X.ttoiiio it., jly: every M-i-Nr tlt' v. I I in I lo eo-.itrilut,- s, 1,, ', ; ins h-cm, :.: .! . , ifi.tii :.i.-ci h.;:,,.., ., ;v .", ' known to l:-:i'.:;i :i!;.' dfis i.o--, , , ,. . ' ' : ii;i-ii!ir a t!:iv;-.ii. i 1'i'oj. 1 1 ;:i-r 0!,L. (,r V( , (' .': " 'of si Iv.-tlt f !;v,: (,-: ! hic!l tS.i.y II-, tn ;,,. v : witli, ni l j.ir.x li,cii ; point. 'J';., v , :iJ (, " where is t;n,st , - Cel t:iin Smm, ..-s. t.,. 'i.,.lJ", i in-t Miicc. v. :;1 i ii t ;, 1., . : which ctnilr.o v., ;n r .' ; in-Z in tlie v,;; J the ii. ic; t!.,- :'. (.:!;,,.'.,.,. '.' . li-i.l:! ii) its : -I. ;,.. . ! Sl-i h-l s r:.n f: . M! ',, .,' ; tliu;i-;!i 1 !;( : :, ;,, :,x ; , . : To j eiioriii u.i. r, ..t : h;.ck t( the ::!, !:,l :,;,.;M.:'.: j eh.-ely lollo-.u-., uj,.i, ti...., ,, in tLU i , . I i'"'-1" 1 .i v .; ease. U'(,NI.i:i;s , y rur ( A tell us :,M the w, ::;..,,. live in tin.- si-a ': In tin- ninny ieet !., ),,w i':. ... j WjlU'r, erI nV, ,;, ; as any inuK-, t:.!. , in .Sotitii A ii,.-: vu, ., grow as !.;h -lS tUl. 1 j on r.nothi r. J in v :. hard name "h.-i n-v j resell! hie co;;.l. a.i-i f:-., j stem gious a Liii-:u o; . r j leave. Uiiu-r ijt-c ;,,i :. ,. i '!:', .'Hbl ei. 1 in ,,tic :.. , : thai is ah -ui ti.e s'z- .-! . j t ree . lia-h.-: a r . u. v .s red arc ilottcl 1.. a velvit carpet oi ,l,tl, ( ; ; ... ! cover the izio., u I I':,..., - , j tints of tlie r.-ti:iVo ,.. .. rock-, an-1 l.tr'c iawM.: ; "lazJinor i uU. an-l i i. t. v i theill ; .il:i! Si- ;ila IIl-M.f. j hrilliMit a e;a-l .-1- .j.. in the iii s-j. I;!,!c, i. i. ; ! ureeii little fl 1 1 oail 1. :t- yj : ! aliil hetWi-i U tilt h'lVi.-. :' , serfu-ii!-, tlie 1 !'ir. ;;. -: . I iii! Iv.n;t;!iii ;t i lu ; - whcll lijeri.i collie ( I!. i poo all flea lilies e,.!ie ;.i le' i laib Isfn pe iiius ii"i'c i-''- ' I I.itth: erahs an-1 nu-lu-a i : Csi'o. l Ro well & Co.. 1 ' , red in llie da v i ( ! ;n je.j j op( on, y !'on . mi I ii i: i all lhc.- o!j;;r! i,, ' i Hunts like a ii 1 1 '. 't-n-o : 41 Park Row, N. Y. They Iiarc the stisiH.i rraitrolHr.o the m..t ent-Hislve and ctni-.dete adrartishia rniim-it. tiou which hasevrr been cured, imi-1 ti. wr,ioh weiJ, ho hardly possible in any other o-Timry bt this. 'I'lmy have u-ccc.le,l n woiktri .lonn a . mm). lex bnsmcKs into t h. -r.-im h I7 a vstr mtc nivth.xl tbn.1 iioclntiiize in the ncwswper i.im rl Amerioa ean ercape notice, while I he w i-i-!t In Priinat ".-n m-on all topic interest ttkX to .i. f tt la placed rniii' at the IIsjm ,.J tne .Bt,n- ft-i(0 t.O.;l, (l.t A(H 1.. f. J fluff" Jt,, , u 1T5 January 19, 11I7 tin. i Ci 10 ul in- ti f a. 6.2, 3 E J1S i KITH lr " 1 STKAWIERlUi:s, l'EAHlKS,. LJC Now Certs, by Mai!. "1)1.. A NTS of (be newest nnd linprov-d sris I care lolly packed and prcpnil bv mail M v collection ol Mm wherries t.w.k the li'r-t 1 rem Imii tor the best Colection. at thaereat h. w .! 1 h -31 ass. Hortictiltnrsl "Society. In Ht.ston 1 ur.w over lo varieties. Hie most 'compl-tc c .l .-ct ion in the eo'intry. ineiioliTii; a 11 t l.c new. I.irue m.-ri cnn.an.l imported k-nds. Friee.1 leer-p:ivc 'iia !"ues ur.niis.byiiii.il. Also. Hil. 1-tii't Tree. i.trreimij.v noiee t lower, (iardt 11, r.u-rsnrTi. Hero, or Jr mil "Seeds ther lor l.(s', bv iimil. f The True Caf.e Cod I'rarbcrrv. b. at WN" lor I"dand. It.vlan.1. or ( 5a r.ien. bv mail, prepai.i. I.ihi j.er loo. .s nti in-r . W l"0- 'l.uU-.ik-CaUluKUctothe-Tra ic. Aircnts W anted. It. M. M I SI. Old Co'orv Nurcrie mi l Seel Warehouse, riymeu-li, Mass. l'stablished Tree. L'J packc.s i'i ci- V; I" '' 13-2. -Gin. A CERTAIN HEADACHE CURE. VIIAlniLKSS VKflKTABI.K lKKInTU nnd llie thscoveiy ..( phvsician. the Vici-.r Hendache 1'vAder has been proven a poMivelv sure cure for the inot distrefsSn? eases ot S k .-V Nervous llc:ol.ic!!C. Morning Sicklier ntl. ,u. ralarm. s sinirle powder r.etnaliv eurins in ten liimnteswhen all ot her means laii. We have bad wonderful experience witli it. mid the ten cent trial pack of two powders eau be ha-l bv mblre inV' the iiroprietors, .1. H.IIkisi.w .V c,,' . v N. .1.. who will eheerft Uy in .il them post-paid or by applyum to I.kuuox . Mi huav. Kl e..sl-nrit nd lrmfis!S everywhere; mi.i' It is with we'i merited eonn.letice they are otkred as a thorough cure lurall distresses ot the head. l-'2.-lv.J "1AUD. Harry Jacobs would re- ppeetfully inform liis manv frieiols in .atHbriR roun-y and elsewhere Unit the under siancd nrm, ot which lie is a member, has opened ?.i..K"r ::,,.T.Anl-,9l,ME:'T"t -lMrkel.1rr.t. I liiladetliia lor the sale ,. the verv best trail,; ot INI.Sn.,.1 f.Kit oils, fordomcsti. use. and will at all times keep an assortment (i f the r. ry he.-t brands only) which will compare tmor ally with any evcrotlcred to the trade. All p. r oiis ris.tlnif the city are tordisllv invited to in spect our stock. .1 Aeon's co. 19 Market Street, I hiladelpliia. " s Ve will also keen ou hand a fine stock of choice bran-Is ol Cigars. (S-ie.-il. A. WLSNKll, M 1)., liti-iau ftiid Nil re eon. t'AKKol.l.reHN, Pa. Oflieo anl re-ddt nci- in tle t.-.jt iulir i-eei-tir oeei.pi. ,1 by Mr.Jdi. Wiic i, Ueitf nij.lit culls Clio oisid. April t. 1-T7.-61. M. j What lUt.isTn;! 1 iT j . :i (M-IiaDjc :iv : ' I I is very n'.'.i ii .ikcl : V i- ' lel'cnee I'lttviiii a it:-'ii" any other:" The lii;'!;: i reoi'cied 1, ah r .!'( i "; i mail p.'.-pi r. It p:tc ' I hand ont-i !. 1' t! ) eve:y j.t-ou iLi.-rjI: ' passts ! n .;::'('! -; fur il or. i - e. : i:. i " ! eeipl f r it o-j : - ' ; lic.M tr:t:.-i:. T! ki l i t i - :: i -' c - v :.' " n hu is :: i ' ;.' a : : ' "' ivspoii;l al'.'.y i ' ",: has sijxTn--! a : 1" '; ' ' pack-ap". -ind ' I'-1 i 1 ' ' ! dr.ee the jvick: p? ( ' :i ' S(ineldy l i-c '';' '' ' ' to send in :: i-" !: i Wlierc it doo i:-'t ' '"' ; . j del' otliee it ;:. M : j reiristeied rru i": -I1 I to he ser.t in :' , : :-: ' . , '1 - , iiuv cireinn-toi'' ' ' . s-iMc way of traeki:'-.- Parasoi. Ti::i:tv 3'i-: . I KllKNCK Til.! ! u:.- '' '" sos, are the 1' " ' : '. Africa. Kinj "' -one of the mot ia i 1 . J.v i hi 1 i;oUh in l!a' A ' " . ! This, however, "a- a : ; i . ... . i ., ' -,: - ! conipai lsen o. - ; i'io;nU:.e im-.sliadcs )' - 1 . i i t" . , h s to tlie ihii:i!k'I' el ' 1 T firm. Th.v L-.wc l'-;' ' , are intended to W p'--':'J.. African ehios i"di v-'-''J chants in question o' 1 of these paraM-N. "f i r . i they are also i:Y'l J-';', ! feet ill cii(. i.iii.f ! i:ec. '- . ; mainder aUut c: J.tei-iH- . -. j covered with siiv:l;,"-'14 I silk, fiino-cd robii 1 ! ; . lner.ted with a -... lined with linMied i !!'-. which is of laiicl Hl. ! ' a spike f.-r tciitibj: P'. : under the whole ! ' Take cakl the V