The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, March 16, 1877, Image 3

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    sz: r. . w&a; ess t&hl u ejcl sfc ishz jjsil. r&i
i mm mmm?
Friday Mornin;
Ojr last Monday evening, Governor j
aitrniift pent. A communication to the
Pcnate and Hunse of lfeprentativc6, in- j
forming them t l:t t a varnnfj oxistcd in the t
tHtr Washington I.eftrr.
U. Lj4:,U5mK I iiULillHll- ' . ; Washington, D. C., March 13, 1ST7.
4 a oavta.-oI ..T ull..rrrt r1in,pr0Vieea
representation of this SKite in the Fenate , . , t caucus have been put
of the United States, by reason of the res- ; i circulation, it may be proper to give :he
" - " " - 1 ' - I ignMiou of lion, biii'mi Cameron. It ap- facts. J he question was as to what should
For reasons which wo wili state nest ( pears that tfenieroti determined upon this ! t,,e " of the Democratic tk-nators
, , . ,,. i - Al , , lownru uo. nave a" me ucvup.ti.i. o m
week. Mr. I.ayc de-nSns calling an extra , retreat from tlio&eimte -.s soon as he ho- i Wi.(j ,I()UKe (me advoCRIfcrt tliat ,i,ere
carry out mischievous purposes, have so far
been disappointed, aod furnish another
illnfttiaiion thn.t "the wicked have digged
a pit nnd fallen into the midst of it them
selves." Axpr.nsox.
ilia i l ii iu, ioi i.
s.--sion of Congress, to meet about she 1st
of Jnne.
A viwno the bills -which passed tlie I louse
at llai risburg, on second reacting, on Mon
laj IrtMf, Wits an act to ancei tain and npjxjr-
came satisfied, as he did in a few .i,m be a Mstsmntic resolve to abstain
after Hayes arrived Tn Washington, that ; from all personal intei course with Hayes, f
there was ut the ghoU of a chance for the . r from any action which could be construed ;
retention of Lis ...... -T. Dot. Cameron, as ' ' I"" .
tl. WliitM House, litis cave rise to a
To effect that cherished M1tliy and excited discussion which indi- :
purpose he had exhausted all his well rated a profitless result. A motion was i
.incite ;
Sect et ai y of Wa r.
I ion f.., lo lio ippiviil tiv Sheriff". Corn- . Irnntcn nprmnnl etiernv inii ruilitirnt rim- ' tlien made to limit the debate.
IVothonotarie, and Ifcco.tUi. This ong, only to meet with a most signal and I Th.,rmant who had been . 0j S11 j
, ' ., . , .. , . , jr. it . . ,, ! of talking, took umbrage at this and dc-
b.ll ,roK!ea for a tednction of about thirty I crnshing defeat. He was determined how- j m,unci.j jr as an to gag. The
p-M cent, tn the fees of county officers. It ' ever, that if he relinquished Ii is seat in the Senator who had made the motion there- j
. .iMtMslti! by Mr. Graham, of Allephe- I Senate, hi aon should occupy it. He I upon withdiew it, but another Senator, I
- .. . I .. . .... . . . . , uiwi Imrl insl e.omu in. renewed it and it .
ii, ci ns not to rucr to ceuin'-ie ooiuaiu
to iiarnanit, ana giving it to Don, sent Thurman who does not like to be cut off
him to Ilarrisburg last Batuidav, instruct- j jn his remaiks. After this a Northern
in? him that Hartranft was not to inform ; Democratic Senator intimated that the old-
the LeLishiture of the f..rt ....til it K first i i,ie Whigs of the South would be captured
.ivfr 150,000 inhabitants, nnd the
i.3:etidn:ent whs agreed to.
'Tt is reported of tho somewhat notorious
li:b ltiejsoll, of IiMnoiK, a Hayes stump
p;ak9r in thola;-.t campaign, thatwbrnhe
hfatd tlio nanics of (he members of Hayes
cabinet in the Senate, he rmaikedto
h:i A. Lilian that 'it took Andy John
'.m almost a year to prodiice a very large
bif .k in tho Ilepub'.icau paity, but Hayes
I is f uceeedod in doing the same thins in
foi ty-eitht lnuira sifter his inauguia-
II n. To what paity, Logan, do you arid
Myself low belong'"' Logan's reply is not
I i ven.
That pure and yhtuou Michigan jatri
tit, Zacli Chandler, is said to have sworn
J'.Ve tl-o army fn Flanders when Hayes,
wittitvit even conrnilting Zachariali, nomi
nultd a red-her.'tcd Dutchman, named Carl
S::uT, as Ins successor in the Interior De
rrtmcnt. Morton siid on the same ocean-oil
that Kchurz was a true-bluo Hessian
a. id Jwould ri.'iif. f r whichever political
p.nty paid h;:r the best. We ure not a very
g:eit r.'Jtr.ircr of Carl Schurz, but when
c n?ra3teu wJih Chandler and Morton he is,
as to eit'.iircf them, as Hyperion to a Satyr.
It i sTrifjuIar, but true, that several car
goes of pctaHic-s from Ireland have recent,
iy beet! received at Xetr Yoik, Philadelphia
hud F.all in-orc. Tho high price of potatoes
l't these cit't'S, owing to the shortness of
fe crop l.'.fet season in maiiy sections of the
li't'ifed Str.tec, r.dmits of their shipment
fiv:-T Iiciand at a handsome profit. Won
its wil! nCTtr ot-a.e, for while Ireland is
sc nti'tg potti'cs to this country, we are
v-eekly shi; j:tij to beef-cat in? Jngland
: uiflrcds of Tons of pr ime, f;it and delicious
ceitain of Fecuriiig the nomination. On
Monday evening the Governor, having been
assut-td that everything was
that the ball might be set in motion, sent
the communication to the Legislature as
already indicated. The caucus was held
on Tuesday at 1 P. M., and on the first bal
lot Don Cameron leceived 132 votes and
Motion McMichacl 1. Doth houses will
meet in joint convention next Wednesday,
when the action cf the caucus will bo rati
fied by Cameron's election. As Simon and
his son literally own nearly every Kepub
lican member of the Legislature, there will
be no boiling allowed, or at least not enough
to create serious alarm. We would like to
say more on this strange movement, bnt
want of space compels us to defer doing So
until next week.
beef, which is pruno'.mccd sujeiior to the
aiticle j rodnwd in that country. Suppose ' wbf like Evans, opposed Oram's revolu-
. few of our Irish friends here club together
id sninl t Philadelphia for a barrel of
these potatoes, ft om their native land.
ZJothiMg tve are Ktiro would revive their
I jve for tho Green I.le taorn Ftiongly than
t-ihnve potatoes on their tables that wero
iiiisid on tlie "old god."
WnnN Hayes smt in his cabinet nomi
ri li-;.L'S to the Senate there was n vast
n U'tt ."f tl-if.tor and ill-temper exhibited
by Cameron, Morton, and a few others of
tun same ati lj-e, and it was thought that at
U-Atil ts, Schurz and Key would prob
nbly fti of confirmation. On Thursday
last, however, Sherman wbs confirmed by
a small majority, and as was right ami
proper, not a single Democrat voted for
him. Oa Saturday the remaining members
weie alo confirmed, the Democrats, with
two or three exceptions, voting for them,
T-hilc a large number of Republicans le
fabtd to vote. Tha Democratic Senators
could have rejected Evaits, Schurz and
Key by nsiMng with ten Republicans who
viero ready to vote against thetu. But the
Democrats of the Senate declined to bo a
party to any f.tctious opposition to their J
c nlh mat ion. They were in little sympa
thy with llnyes, but less with the despcr
aie men who fiaudiilenlly manipulated the
vote of Louisiana and Florida in favor of
ti e usuipe: pud thus secured his accession
to iLe Presidenrv.
lo.- tliA t'lnnvps unri tKlieKT' niut sell otit tlie
ascertained beyond all doubt that at a fan- j jjenu,clacy. T,,i8 brought to i heir feet in
ens of the Republican members Don was J indignant contradiction a hall dozen of the
j Southern Senators who, in ante-bellum
! days, w ere classed as old-line Whigs. They
h resented any intimation of want of fidelity
lovely and tQ t)ie j)e,noc,aijc party by those with
whom they had been allied, whereupon the
subject dropped. The caucus did not ar
rive at any formal decision as to what would
lie the relations between the Democratic
Vva lira t It a rwinii kitit 4. tliM W 1 k if A
J IICIlll a I V4 S.SIV V.VHlniW v w
House, as it was thought perliapt- more
proper and exptdient that the determina
tion of such a question should be left to
j individual opinion and judgment. So far.
however, with out a single exception, uio
circumstances of which are such that it can
scarcely be so denominated, no Democratic
Senator has put his foot inside the portals
of the While House since the fourth of
dos cameron'b downfall.
Had Gov. Hayes been disposed, for per
sonal reasons, to retain Don Cameron in the
cabinet, be would have found such retention
incompatible with the carrying out of his
new Southern iolicy. Don took the most
decided stand of any member of Gen.
Grant's cabinet against the slightest relax
ation of the federal grip on the South, and
even declined to sign the modi tied orders
sent by Giant's direction to Gen. Augur.
Hayes was made acquainted with these
facts, and realizing the necessity of his
cabinet being a unit in accord with him
self, he withstood the immense pressure
brought to bear on him by the Cameron in
has stated that his administration of the
Iuteiior Department would be that of the
utmost impartiality, and that while he
should aim to carry out the true piiuctples
of civil service reform, he had no grudge
against any of the appointees of Zach.
.Chandler ; but from the manner and style
of this lenifttk wo look for a cleaning out
of the many rings iu thai Department, par
ticularly so since he wus pleased to add that
he would have no conflict with machine
M)lit icians, as he did not propose to inn a
muck with them.
At a caucus of Republican Senators, held
at the Ebbilt, a disposition was
shown to diop the Kellogg matter until the
next session. Tho continued illness ot
Edmunds and the uncertain attitude of
Conk ling on this quest Win make it very
doubtful whether tho Senate will agee to
slay in session solely for the consideration
of Ke Hogg's case, or whether, if the ques
tion comes to the vote now, Kellogg will
get bis seat. If Morton seesa fair proi-ci.
of succeeding, he will undoubtedly try to
dispose of the matter at once, but just now
be tit'ds little to encourage biui.
at the requestof Hayes, has concluded to
remain iu the House instead of going for
the Senate, thinking that he can be more
useful to the administration of his Fiaudu
lency where he now is.
of the so called Supreme Couit of the
United States will make their ollicial call
on Returning Board Hayes to-day at the
Whit House. Justice Field will not ac
company them, as he went to New York,
and Justice Clifford has not signified wheth
er he will be of the party or not.
No former President ever constituted a
cabinet out of Bitch discordant and jSrring
material as the one with which Hayes has
surrounded himself. A leading Republi
can paper in Pittsburgh declares that it is
fearfully and wonderfully made. Look at
it. Secretary of State, Wm. M. Evarts, at
on time Attorney General under Andrew
Johnson ; in 1872 the bitter foe of Grant's
policy towards the Southern States, and iu
1374 the open supporter of Tilden against
General Dix for Governor of New York.
For Secretary of the Interior, Carl Schurz,
who in 1S72 was the father of the movement
that nominated Gieeley at Cincinnati, and
who in the Senate was the bitter enemy of
Grant's administration. For Attorney
General, Charles Dcvens, of Massachusetts,
tiotary schemes in the Southern States,
wtis once the Democratic candidate for
Governor tf his own State, and supported
Gaston (Democrat) for the same office. For
Post Master General, David M. Key, of
Tennessee, a confederate colonel, and who
spoko and voted for Tilden. The remain
ing thiee members of tbis variegated cabi
net, Sherman, of Ohio, Secretary of the
Treasury, R. W. Thompson, ot Iudiana,
Secretaiy of the Navy, and George W.
McCrary, of Iowa, Secretary of War, have
always been straight-out Republicans.
Can such a motly set of cabinet ministers
work together iu harmony ? That is a
problem yet to be solved, but the strong pre
sumption is, t'.tat the whole patched up
concern will fall to pieces long before Con
gress assembles in December next.
Loyal Republicans eocm to be pleased at
tho idea of Hayes putting a Tennessee
Democrat and an ex-rebel colonel, David
M. Key, at the head of the Post, Oflice De
partment, to supervizo and dispense its
tremendous pationage, which caches into
every nojk aud comer of every State and
Territory of tho Union. If Samuel J. Til-
Quito an exciting contest, is being carried
on between Parson Newman's Metropolitan
den had been declared President, as evprv
. i . , , , i congregation and that of the Foundry M.
nictate ot just ice and honesty demanded ,., h . . i n . .
, 3 L. Church, as to v Inch will have the society
w..v ..o.i.u i.,ic ueen, one universal t uf his Fraudulency and family at, their par
TltE Alt.'ona Radical cf last week ns thit four State officeis must be elect
ed at. the next November election in Penn
sylvania, viz : State Treasurer, Auditor
howl of indignation would have resounded
throughout the Republican camp ii be had
promised such a thing. But as Hayes, and
not Tilden, has done it, it is altogether
lovely, and Key is a marvellously pr.qer
man for the place. Mr. Key declared last
December, in the Senate of the United
States, that Tilden aud Hendricks, for
i TEv 1 . C ll liA It A I tiotflfl I.AI tLAnn 1 m. 1 .
General, Societa.yof Internal Affairs, and i """ "ouestiy
t i .-.i r- ti r i- .elected. From his own belief, as expressed
Judge ot t!ie uprenie Court. The Radical , . . wic., uieeu
- j c- 4 r t 4 , I in December, it follows as nlainlv as the
j in erior as regards Secretary of Internal ..... tue
Afiaks. Tho new c institution fixes the
term ef that officer at four years, and as
General M"Canuless,the present incumbent,
tra elected in IS. 4, bis successor cannot be
i-.hnsen uutil November, 1878. The Radical
expresses a wish for t lie nomination of
"some .'ood man" from the northwestern
night follows the clay, that he did not be
lieve that Hayes and Wheeler had been
elected. Mr. Key therefore has placed
himself in the unenviable and self-stultifying
position of accepting a cabinet appoint
ment from a man who, according to his own
belief, was fraudulently counted into office.
If ho was honest iu his opinion in Decem-
i ?. ..T !iA StutH for thA nlticp rnfp. iprl
to. lis 'Voo-1 man" -a Republican of ! bor. u" came a sei v.lo worshipper at the
rourtte must possess his soul in patience, j
footstool of power in March.
for the c onstitution of the State cannot be
dispensed with for the accommodation of
any ambitious Republican, from the north
yeit or any other rm?on of the common
re!;h, who desires to lull-dote General
If r,.i.!!T r.,,t .-.fft f,,ll et, lit laimnfl
Mr. John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia,
a gentleman who has already become fa
mous the world over in connection with
tlie greatet clothing enterpiises this
country has ever known, to say nothing of
his well-established reputation as a philan.
tliropist and a man of indomitable energy
and ersevereuee, has just accomplished
another masterly feat in the opening on
Monday last, at Thirteenth and Market
streets, in that city, of tho largest dry
goods depot on the cont inent, and to which,
as we learn f.-rtm tl.a Pl.t!-, TV. ... i
JJayea has Intimated that he fcas no duroo- " " " : u" ,UM
. , . ., . 1 "' seventy thousand visitors and custom-
aifion to make changes where th present , H ... .
f ' eis nocked em II. a mni
sion. Great is Wanamaker, and small in-
dcod are his profits, though immense his
It is stated from Washington, on what'
eeins to be reliable authority, that iu i
speaking of the imtuonso horde of iwenous '
nrTjce-feekrrs froru all points of the compass
who daily besiege the VVJijte lions', Mr. !
incumbents have been faithful in the dis
.sharga of their offiVial duties. This dec-
; r . 1:?. 1-.. r.l
I;ilU'-t:, it trur, vornes orc a ti iu 01 mull. ..0- .,A l. .. ,.
, .' , , , ; f,leand huge in the aggregate the leturua
der ou ih?ar ilay fioiu cloudless sky. and therefrom.
trill cause- trfcrpioff. wailing ami gnashing
of teeth, fro:u JLiiue to)regou, mong that
oouotless aruiy vt iwipubucau pafi;ts who pa Juis just chved
ticular synagogue. Tlie thing is becoming
so lieatwd that we expect chromos of the
Returning Board will bo offered as an extra
inducement:. A delegation from the Met
ropolitan, where for eight years Grant said
his little pater nosier, waited on his Fraud
ulency and renewed the invitation made to
him by letter, and earnestly pressed it on
i his acceptance. There were brought to
the attention of his r raudulency the claims
of other churches besides that of the Meth
odist denomination. This church bidding
for the visits and attendance of a man who
went into the White House under a cloud
of rascality doesn't speak well for the
morals of the Christian community.
Among the persons arrested in a gamb
ling bouse on Saturday night last by the
police were ex-Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury Sawyer, a prominent radical
Judge of South Carolina, an ex-U. S. Sena
tor, aud any number of radical ex-menibeis
of Congress, revelling in their ill-gotten
gains, plundered doubtless from the Gov
ernment. They were taken to the station
house aud discharged yesterday (Sunday)
morning, upon leaving collateral security
to appear at the police court this morning
ana auswer lor ineir crime,
pronnnciamento that he "will be Governor
or nothing" seems well founded. He claims
to be the first already, and no one will be
so bold as to deny bis qualifications fur the
The confirmation by the Senate of everv
man nominated by Hayes, with such lim
ited dissent as finally appears on the part
ot either political party, is an encouraging
triumph for the liberal policy of the
new administration. The old '-Senatorial
clique," reinforced by Blaine, have been
taught that they can no longer run the
government, and it is rather amusing to
rea.i now in our local press or the sunstroke
Senator (Blaine), dining with Messrs.
Evarts and Schurz, and laughing over the
matter, as if bis recent pei formauce In the
as- M m . I . . 1 rri c . I
The State Normal School at Millesvil'e, stubbornness" of Hsyes has Droved too
a prosjcrous winter i much for the unamiable and factions de-
are an&btuotts of ssrvim ti.ejr couuciy-iu session. It will reopen ApiiJ 2, for a sum- ! meanorof Blaine. Cameron & Co. We af
an olBco. If Haves intends to adopt this mer term and the nios.t.-V... . t I inclined to think that the Senate is oo
policy, if was entirely ivn necessary foijhim , interest iug session are very favorable,
to say Id bis inaugural add; ess that he was This scIhk.1 is situated four miles soiatU-
committed to a innl Presidential ferto, for west of Lancasfer, a tieet railway cou-
the pliin wtson that there could never be n. o:ing tho two places. NoLwilhstaudiua
- T I',.- I. i ... Wm - i.,t.'.ol .1 . . ... . I
-oC .... ... i.mpiei.enniiianctamepresfcion, n.jstch.M ii.ce(. and tltvat.jd lone in government
M eve, however, that the truth of he i us prosjwrnn na ever, ffs profiv, jtT ', adniini.tralioH alnive all things. -
deep water for vessels of the light draft of
Blaine, who went up like a rocket, and
Came down like the stick.- The real cause
t( his grievance was that he was not ten
dered a cabinet ot.ition. The v country
wants j4et between the sections aud an
A Tocchixo Incidnet. A N. Y. Tri
bune reporter tells the following sad story j
in connection with the recent church dis
aster iu that city :
Mary Coughlin, one of the dead, was
the wife of William Coughlin, merchant
tailor. She was born in Queens county,
Ireland, and came to this country about 8
yeais since. James Coughlin, one of the
sons who came to the door when the re
oiter rang the bell, said '.hat his mother
was C8 years old, and in perfect heal;h
she went to the mission at l:',i0 o'clock, un
attended by any of her family. He had
been to the Thirteenth street station house
and recognized her. He had subsequently
gone for his aged father, and the icpoitcr
was present wheu lie led hiiu to the mde of
the body. Tt is difficult to describe the
absolutely piteous character of the recog
nition. The man was fully 60 possibly
70 years of age feeble, aud the reporter
could not but think feeble-tnnidcd. When
the old man saw the inanimate form of his
wife he sank on his knees at her feet. Not
a glance in his eyes betrayed his recognition.
Not a tear iu his eyes betrayed any affec
tion. Not a movement of any n.uscle nf
his face betrayed any emotion. He kaelt.
at her feet immobile of countenance but
not indifferent to the surroundings, for
seeing that her disananged dress exposed
her feet aud a portion ef her legs, he bent
forward nnd drew her dress down so as
partly to conceal both, The simplicity and
delicacy of the action made more callous
hearts turn away. Then, without move
ment of muscle, without dropping of tear,
tho old man made the sign of the cross
upon his breast, then clasped his hands
above, not on his breast, and prayed silent
ly for fully two minutes a silent, awed
crowd looking upon him with mingled feel
ings of respect and emotion. Then giant
Thomas S. Brennan giant in stature, baby
in feeling, woman at heart approached
him aud touched the dazed old man on the
shoulder. He instantly closed his prayer,
made again the sign of the cross, aud rose
from his knees. As he did so, and as if in
answer to some words of consolation which
Brennan was evidently blubbering out to
him, ho said, "When shall I see her again?"
Brennan answered instantly, "She will be
home when you are thnre." Tho old man
bent to kiss bis hand, but Brennan resisted,
and led him to the door, where his sou took
biui iu charge and led him away.
A'eict ami ntUer 2otiiiff.n. -
Forest county has never yet sent a
oonvict to tho jeiiiteiitiary.
Mrs. Hayes seems to tie the right wo
man, although in the wrong place.
Bully Blaine had better go slow. This
is not the right season for sunstrokes.
Senator Withers, of Virginia, has
eleven daughters. That's what we call a
fair count.
Two boys took their 3rt swim of tlie
season in the Schuylkill river at Phceuix
ville last week.
"Ni detnuoo si seyah tub, dotcele saw
nedlit," says the puzzle department of the
Boston l'ont.
Gen. Grant is the only surviving ex
President of the Republic. He's certainly
enough of the kind.
The N. Y. Tribune says it is not to
be disputed that the Pennsylvania Rail
road Company is the best managed of any
in this country.
Mrs. John Welsh was fataliy burned
by her clothing catching fire at a grate,
Sunday night. She resided on the South
Side, Pittsburgh.
Mrs. Jaskai of AnguBta killed herself
because, being eighty years old and fifty
years a widow, she eleepaired of ever get
ting another husband.
Three of Washington's third cousins,
the grand children of Warner Washington
of Virginia, are now living, old, poor aud
dependent, in Gordonsville, Ky.
The Utica Obtercer predicts that in
t wo years both branches of (,'ongi ess will
be in Democratic hands, leaving a fraudu
lent administration powerless for evil
A cow belonging to a West Bradford
(Chester county) farmer, died last week,
and a post mortem examination disclosed a
hair pin sticking in the animal's heart.
A lady telegraph operator named Miss
Mary Corlett, was blown ofj'a canal biidge
at Rockville, Pa., on Friday last, and fail
ing a elistance of about twelve feet received
seveie injuries.
R. B. Hayes keeps a grocety store on
Eighth avenue, New York, and before the
next four years are over Rutherford Bur
chard Hayes will wish more than emce that
he was that R. B. Hayes.
The murderer of Josie Langmaid, iu
New Hampshire, has lmen convicted a
A ?TRATCGK Suicidk. The 6nicide of
George C. Wheeler, a chemist, living in i
Uundee, Canada, is one of the strangest
ever recorded. He was a hard student, 22
years old, who rarely went into society, but
lived by h'.msclf, woiking in a small labor
atory by day and watching the stars by
night through a small telescope. About
six months ago he told his friends that he
had made a chemical discovery which would
carry his renown to the ends of the earth.
The hallucination which took ot,session of
him was that he had succeeded in making
a preparation which, wheu scattered on a
dead person, would restore lif. Neither
the arguments nor jers of his friends
changed this belief. He resolved to kill
himself in order to have the efficacy of his
resuriect.ion powder tested. In a letter
which he wrote on Match 3 he says : "My
physical atomic state, after tho oideal, I
desire shall be taken in charge by Prof. Mc
Loulh, of the State Normal School, who,
taking a portion of my 'creative, all change
ful material assistant,' will scatter a few
particles over the dissectary remains, and
then place them in the receptacle of my
'galvanic, magnet ic clectiical Kjwer,' w hen
the elements will resolve themselves into a
new combination, and I will ap)ar a living
evidence of the ti nth ol this new discovery."
A large bottle, containing a thin fluid, label
ed "creative, all-changclul material assist
ant," was found beside the letter. The ma
chine used by the young man to accomplish
this purpose is a mai vel ef ingenuity. A
stout wooden framework supitoits a large
balance wheel, lo which ale attached
knives, portions of scjthes, aud an axo
head. Back of this there is a comph-x ar
rangement of small wheels and pulleys, all
opeiated by a powciful steel spring. When
set in motion the machine is capable of
running at a ftightful late of speed for the
spare of ten minutes. Close by it is a three,
sided trough in which he must have placed
himself after setting tho devilish thing in
motion. His head, which be Kid uimI.t
the wheel, was mangled beyond recogni
tion. When his body was found his brains
were oozing out of a deep cut iu the back
part of his skull.
-botr V.
A Terrible Disaster. A panic iu the
church of Si. FrauciB Xavier, in Sixteenth
street, near Sixth avenue, New Yoik, last
Thursday night, caused a rush of women
from one of the galleries, and iu the tumult
which ensued six women and one boy were
trampled undei foot and killed. The con
gregation was composed entirely of women
aud children, it being "women's week" in
The church was terribly crowded, prin
cipally by women aud children. The gal
leries also were crowded to overflowing.
Father Longcake was preaching the ser
mon, and bad been preaching about ten
minutes when a woman went into a hys
terical fit in the gallery on the side of the
church toward Sixth avenue, 'i his created
quite a stir, aud the commotion increased
in the endeavor to find out what was tho
matter. At this juncture a cry of lire was
heard and a rush was made for the exit
from the gallery. The door was blocked
for a moment by a very large woman, and
this check caused the panic to increase ten
fold. The crowd bulled the woman down
the steps, and in a moment the passage was
choked, and a scene of the wildest confu
sion and most intense excitement ensued.
Father White and several other priests who
were in the chuich pailors at the time the
panic occurred, lushed round to the fiont
of the church, and, assisted by pattolmen,
by main force dragged out some of the
women who were lying on the stairs. The
work of extricating the people was then
pushed on vigorously, and in a few minutes
the church was created. Six dead bodies
were round at the bottom of the stairs,
where they had been trampled to death.
One well dressed lady was picked up aud
taken to a drug store in Sixth avenue,
where she shortly afterward expired. Six
women and one boy were killed.
Dubois county, Indiana, has a man
who is about seventy-live years old, and
who habitually goes barefooted and bare
beaded. He is now living with bis fifth
wife and has twenty-six children, one of
whom is an infant in arms. Two of his
deceased wives are buried on his farm, and
be expresses fears that be will soon have
to lay his present spouse by their side.
Some months ago he made a visit to his
daughter, in Louisville, and scorning all
modern modes of travel be walked aud car
ried bis bat and shoes in his baud.
-Says Rutherford to Chamberlain,
"The pot begins to bubble.
And if you'll just step don and out
'Twill save mo lots of trouble."
Says Chamberlain to Rutherford,
"Siney to a e nnnmu tether
second time for murder in the first degree,
anrl has been sentenced to be hanged on
the 5th of March, 1878.
In the case of Pannel, the wife mur
derer, who had been on trial at Lancaster
for two weeks, the jury on Friday last len
dcred a verdict of murder in the fust de
gree after deliberating fifteen hours.
Twenty minutes in the smoke of wool
or woolen cloth will take the pain out of
the worst case of inlhimmation arising
from any wound. No one need elie from
lockjaw if this simple remedy is reported to.
Elder Evans, the lender of the Leba
non Shakers, has started a graveyard on a
new plan. Tlie graves ate to b twenty
feet apart, with a tree planted over each,
so that in time there will be a handsome
A young lady, while attending a revi
val meeting, at Siiamokin, fell in a faint.
Wheu she came to her senses, her muscles
were in a rigid condition. She has been
twice atttcked with the same remarkable
Over 9,000 horses, 643 asses and 35
mules were etiten iu Fiance last year.
The first horse butchery was established
in 1SKG, and the consumption of this savory
meat has increased yeaily. Tlie healthy
carcass is worth $40.
Mrs. Mary Ann Davis, nf Philadelphia,
was seized, on Thursday evening, by a
middle-aged ruffian, in the yard attached
to her residence, who choked her so that
she could not raise an alarm while he t itled
her pocket of seventy dollars.
At Thomasville, N. C, a few days
ago, while William Thomas and a Miss
Forney were before the altar for tho mir-
lse of being married, more ttian half of
the ceremony having been performed, the
bride dropped dead, a victim of heart dis
ease. Ralph I. Holland, the Chambersbing
bank rtibtier, has been convicted of burg
lary and sentenced to an imprisonment of
eight years iu the Eastern Penitentiary.
The Grand Juiy has found two new bills
against hiin, ono for laiceny and one for
jail breaking.
Several years ago a man and a woman
eloped from Veedersburg, Ind., each leav
ing a large family. The deserted persons,
numbering seventeen, formed a socialistic
community, and have since been joined by
others, until a large and flourishing society
is established.
Peter II. Penwell and wife, owing to
domestic disagreements, took arsenic at
Ebnira, N. Y.. on Sunday, with a view of
suicide. The poison failing to cause death,
Penwell, with an axe, killed his wife, and
then cut his own throat, but not sufficiently
to keep him out of jail.
William F. peatman was arrested in
Oakdale, M ass., Friday morning, whilo
trying to kill his wife. The dead body of
his sister, aged 70, was found in a wod
shed, terribly hacked by an ax. Speakman
was insane from drink and was still drunk
when the murder was committed.
The latest invention to indicate the
breaking out of a lire is a quicksilver
i alaim. When the temperature rises above
j a certain point a qmcksilvei thermometer
is causer! to break, and the quicksilver runs
into a dish, where, by its weight, a clock-
woik is set in motion which operates an
alarm bell.
A Lowell (Ma?s.) newspaper announc- !
ed that twins had been born to the wife ef
John Dixon. Mrs. Dixon, who lived in
Lynn, lead this news, and was certain
that no Pitch thing had happened to her.
She went to Lowell, and found the mother
of the twins in a second wife of Mr. Dixon.
The bignmist was arrested.
The seventh victim of the panic in St.
Francis Xavier's Church, N. Y, has been
identified as Maggie Kelly, of Thirtieth
street. The terrible natureof that deathly
struggle on the staircase, and of the ex
citement in the gallery, can be imagined
by persons not there by the fact that three
of the victims died from shock or fright.
It is said that Mr. Max Strakosch is
about to produce a concert, by the aid of
; me leiepnone, in the elty of New York,
I while his singers and instruments that
make the music are to be in Philadelphia,
j By this simple device the manager will get
) bis pay from two audiences whilo bis art
i ists will only sing for one aud get their pay
The Bloomsburg Columbian says : A
singular case was tried at Danville last
jveek. An old lady eighty years of ace
brought suit, to recover wages for services,
the account having run for about sixty
years. On the trial the defendant produced
a book in which tho account had been kept
for fifty-six years. Plaintiff obtained a
verdict for $1,503.
A Salt Lake dispatch of Tuesday last
says that snow has been falling i the
mountains near there for the last twelve
clays. On Monday a snow slide occurred
near Alfa, killing Matthew Ingram and
Jared Pratt. There was a cave in the
flagstaff mine, Monday night, covering
five men, and killing Henry Johnson. No
others were badly hurt.
7M1: z Z. Griesmer, of Oley town
ship, Berks county, recently pei formed,
with four assistants the feat of threshing
1.000 sheaves of oats in one litfeir aud
thirty.five minutes, including tt stop
pages. The machine nnrd was nnj.ild one
luiltJV Mr. fli-ieMomnra MLmi gl..;,
All the -t talent, experienea smd rdvantsgai w
ean command , continued ot OA K HALL, to produce .m
BEST aoid. CHEAPEST CLOTHING for man and bey
For sixteen year -we hove liver! at the eld eornerc?
SIXTH nnd MARKET, nnd. the business done theiel.;tt
been ro satisfactory to the public and oureelvet, thai w
have decided not to chanps or move the Ciothlr.j
business away. The people like the place and -velike'.D
pleaee the people, and we believe that we cui. Jo it
better than ever at the old pltee.
The rales of the past -year far surpassed f nyth r.j
we ever dreamed of, and this purs it in our power tc
eurt the Spring of 1877 with a STILL LO'.VEP SCALE
OF PRICES, and a class of goods no excellent tha-.wckr9
not afraid to follow each sale with our warrantee, or
receive back, the goods -unworn end hund over to Lr.c
outtomer the money paid.
The store has been largely refitted, and there na r
was such a splendid stock of Men's, Boys' and Cijikirer, t
clothing under the roof, nor were we ever r.'ole to us..
cheaply. Our word for It, and we are your cf
sixteen years.
f) "ti
Knox Fruit Farm and Nurseries
MOKE LlItKKAL, OFFFItS WERK XEVPU MAE tli. 1: tit . v. ;j,
BY AI All pni 1, SAFE ,i.UltlliE Ut" Ait . i Ik-l.
2 lto-ritir 1'ImmIm
lor f ' .It .
1 AtuitiHi .n.
3 V rtwnns, 1 llanm,
2 tolc-ns, 1 Salvia. 1 Tutvrose,
1 Fusel. tn.. 1 Ferei-rew. 1 liahlia
2 HMitroiKs, CrvMnl l-m- 2 Ilafliet Plant?.
1 Geranium, Bins, 1 Airomtum,
ree list in I ntaloeuo. liar hnn i?.me t ntai;!e or trail". I I w r
reotifna for culiivat ion. will he sent to nil tree ol etiarzt. who . n 1 ti,.
J. It. G It I M KS, Hoc iir Vir.-tUtf.-th. V".
S. M . I .r?!fr I':-
8 r-'ic Vi:; f. r 1 V
75 SiratrLxTne.1, i'.ur v..
20 Kasj.'Crri'-, "
28 rackets t.'l.oic?
V .iTtT S.(-ts
1 -, J .
V 1 .
Tnpday miuiiing l;tt, Michael M'm
mon, livins nt Kuck Creek Center, ten miles
south of Huntington, Ohio, and who has
been in the ins.ine asylum. atiA Tins sent
home about a year apn, under the itnjires
Kioii that ho was )ci tnanently eurcd, h t
one of his sons, need 18 year, throagh the
head, fatuity wounding him, and another,
aped 16 years, through the Khonid'-r, prob
ably fatally wounding him, and also shot
and killed himself instantly.
A woman in Hock)Hi t, Massachusetts
who supports her children by haid wmk,
was asked, several Hays aco, by a fellow
woikman in the mill, V aid in making a
purse for a "poor woman." She had only
sixty cents lift to cany her through the
month, but she gave twenty-five cents. A
little later the person relumed and old
the woman tha purse wTTs meant for her,
and handed her twen'y-iive dollars.
A chicken on the farm f Frederick
Strong, in Montgomery township. Mont
gomery county, in a fit last week found
her way into the old family clock where a
loaded gun was Rlorcd. The works of the
clock had been taken to a clock maker fur
repaiis and Mie frame woik stood open,
The chicken iu fluttering struck tlie ham
mer of the gun and tired it off, the con
tents entering the ceiling of the room.
. A formidable Canadian scheme for
manufacturing Kim her is announced in a
special telegiam to the World from Mon
treal. It. ays, an English company wit4
$25,000,000 capital in buying up 3.(X0
square miles of timbei limits in Canada
and put chasing lumber milis 011 the Ottawa
and Gatineau rivers. Sir John Rose, of
Morton, Hose & Co., bankers of Ntw 3 oik
and London, is at the head of the company.
Fonr years ago, Miss At hers, of Por
terville, advertised for a husband. John
II. Johnston, of Vermont, responded, and
and after a brief acquaintance they were
married and Johnston obtained a situation
in a bank at Porterville. On Wednesday
of last week a former wife of Johnston
made her appearance. lie acknowledged
that he was a married man when he mar
ried Miss Athers, and the latter shot her
self through the heart and died instantly.
S. II. llaslctt, democrat, was returned
elected a member of tho Legislature from
Forest county, last November by four
votes. Agnew, his opponent, contested
the election on the ground that a sufficient
number of illegal votes were cast for Has
lett to produce the result. The case was
heard in the couit and a large number of
witnesses were examined. The outcome
is that llasleit's majority is increased to
Cardinal Manning lias given notice to
his clergy that no music taken or adapted
from the theatre, the oneia or concerts or
which has become familiar through secular, shall lie snug at mass or benediction
or used as voluntaries or inteiludcs and
that the music used shall be as congrega
tional as iKissible. lie lias also banished
ladies from his choirs so thoroughly that
not a female voice is heard in any of the
churches under his jui isdict ion.
A curious ca?e is before the Providence
courts, which it would require the prover
bial wisdom of an Arabian cadi to decide.
A Mr. Dm fee recently bought an old nafe,
and left it with .1 blacksmith to sell, who,
on opening it found a roll of bills to the
amount of 105 concealed in a crack in the
lining. Diligent inquiry failed to find any
clue to the ownership t.f the money, and
the question to le settled now is does the
money belong to the owner of the safe, or
to the blacksmith by right of discovery.
William Hock was arrested in I'hila
delHiia 011 Sunday, charged with having
stolen neaily 15,000 fans screens and oth
er fancy articles from the Japanese bazaar
on the centennial ground.. At .he close
of the exhibition the Japanese merchants
employed Rck to remove the exhibits.
Instead of taking them to the place desig
nated by the owners he had hauled them
to his own residence, and until Sunday the
Japanese have teen unable to find tiitn or
their goods. He was arrested of
" - --f i--1-..:-i-- r-- 1 I- 1
j Theie a . s : i:' J l.l. v.: .'
'at Sa !isl".:i ij. Mil. i-.v."'.v. i;
i couple, w ith ;he n-i'i:.-:. r :r-ti f.
j assembled, .i it w . aW
I their was no Hot 'w. Tlit : - - c
j ed that he liiid in the t ; ...
j reeded document, an-l tl.en ii 1
I kcted fiom those fit Ut
cleik had let inil . I" 1. It.' m ":
issued the licel-se. Hie C.e: :r
then pei fin mrd. A l:n.ce s
until daylight, when ir a- -w:'
that the groom Ii.i-J t '-q-.i t 1 "
to conduct the 1! 1-t '? ' : ' '
clothing l e woie :. ;!: .u-ci-,-'
rowed from a f.itiui. 1 ' " r.? t;"
with a temporary l -dg-nc j''-.-the
hoiieyn o u C' :i :. fiifeii r
A. J. Am iv lOiiilol
Hlk county, about six 01 1 V'''
l'ured in tlie meictMile li'-'
an excellent f.iaiily. ocui i1'' !'
position in society, has ai';:!r:.'
Sabbath school, aud was C:-
respectable nisti. A little g:.l-;-
hoi hood, only f'tmeen yr.n ';"
given birth to a c'nM. Ti e
is one of the he-it. iu E k c"
mate term with AveiVa f.i;n,;;. .
ry is the f.ither t-f tl'C i'-Ux'-
Laving seduced the cul v
about thirteen ea: at'-. ' '
the crime, atiemj t' d an ,
pill. Avi-iV was arre-'nl ;
Weiss iTSt. M.irV, biitcsc P1
officer, ard is n t lf'-e .,A '
feet 7 inches liigl". "'' Vc'
dark complexion: Milk U'--cml
: black ejrs. uj-i-r !
sometimes wea.s f.'l 1 '''"
three jeais old. A ieai- " - --,
is offered for his a:ret. I
out the country aie i.v-0 ' '.
aid in bunging t!. is c ur.ulie" '. '
A Scr.M.r.i::E Voit in-7'
Ciztttc of Fehmasy Cf-c-i-.' 5. ( ,
..f a lami'llllr s : ', r li.'ll i ' v '.
Iti-A.L- in iv ea i,lkeiK.ill l- ''t
. ... . 1 ...l Tl.e I.
trance to na- n.o." - -
; ,1 ... . 1. .. ... 1 ; ... i.pi-r.: :td "
1 link 111c ei.. """ ' .
' the moiniiig of tie i.'4-li- i
innumeiv.ble ie.1, l.iw "'.
In the afternoon vnfa! .
eruption, cruising vei
part, where the water was 1 u .,
culiar activity, i-ihus ;'i.h ;
i passing over Lipids jr ve -v L' -,
water of Hell tte,
lava two feet Mri.tiv car ,e ;
. fiequcntlv sti ising J ;"; j,r-
As tlie isva w;i - :,r-PirJ
i done. Nearly a'l-f tl.ei
1 1...1 .'!:.; r
the sulfate were iu
1 . ii'
and gas strongly s.:l;-lHi J- t.
..,.;. l,M,,L like iiai
! froalict. caused 110 doubt
, lava fiom the salmwj ite o .
supposed to be a Ci'i"r ,-,,1
i extending at least a . . ,
.t ,1S -
1 oiner ini-.ioe, i.- "-
the submarine i
- . 1 r..r.e tl: et
II-OIll iiioi;
;.. i.ttli from a to" " ci;
In 'me j.'.ac.swaur ,;-
the abyss below. A sew- , h,
quake was felt at !';. iri ftf
i.ig the night of ti. 'U1'. ;.,
have preceded tl.e nuK:' . ,fj.
heveif, but no e ''
Wants Istekk.-t.-- ; .
nnn liv'nc in tbis. f.y V'.-IbII
- . 1. ', :i in-
-:..:., iUl and a l-l
inoiioK -'"- . .r.,i 1"
qua had the fortune l" ; t. '1
i lacketl the l.onP'.v rc , f .
j t-r, though Fhekue '"'f tW f
I passed on, tho hu ,:iiv
, lady prospered "' .... ,y
I lost the ptK.ket-book .
' poorer an.l picr, t"' ' ja
: lady found him iu t h "-, '. .
Her conscience p 1 11 ,,t -! :f
j home she g"t ?'. f ,-..-if'
! man's family. The f "' , f
ful, but tlie man. as-. .
, who it was that h;(I " ' j
long, imniedi-'tely e
er iitteiTst.
a i ti 1 I