iimiihU it Mgiin. - - a tic. 15, tsjtt. rg:L- . . . - -, - i 1 In., jlne LAND PERSONAL. rue,(, ul the Other Vtttre. ; tbe e y" i i . ' ',,.,! JCisl was blown down by ii f.'Jfi" liave tints far this season ',1 ,'rr-l l y Win. I:iiicbenbaugbf ...1 ... ........ 1,,,," llt-illy ban already began to ,' ni'li K'l'iif 'r Ci.iijreisiiinal r w I i' li '"'r tbatika are tendered. I"-' 'V." ,tno:e.! tb:t the I'a. Crinal Co. ':' "t' ' ' Iroil 'rack on tbe T:.;! laii.il uotii Williamsburg and ani all in on the .7 ml go .... fi a f l...u. u .1. i ,..:,iann. . un iu . , ni. (.litrafe cliild of which Thomas j,,vt ,MiTeiii eil to tbe ler.itenti ' ti..ii, is the falber. died in Con ,., on Tuesday last. !iit !. I"-'!- 'f .lobustowR, slip, on i y pavement alionr 11 - I iv I: iii lt ami fractured tbe . r oU K- just below tbe bip r': -L. !' l.iv's nit ii came out in refulgent v.itt Ui'"v what that is, and bs- .jijrri't ile:l of the snow was i;lK'it the aid of a returning v.l! . mi'i n.Miied n.'aujon ilie.l fti .i .!i-ii "ii Frid i.v last from lock .! I.v i: j iri' s receiveil a few d;iys . !;.:. ;i" wink in one of tho C. I. '-.I'l-S. r-:.-r 1 xi ni ? ;i:.:i':'.v , ) I...b Jkoy written at j cunty, California, six- ; r- i:.i!ii ins i. inner linine, came too ! I 1 . :...;i;;uti liiis week. It, will ap- :.r . ! ...f .Mr. Jacob Hoover, of j -A .1 nineteen months, fell into i-d iib hot water, Wedties 1 was si badlv scalded that -d l:f. i' '.V M.il, cnloreil. employed as a y.--.-r. A. A. Ii:irker Si Son, of , h i 1 I' -'Ii of his feet very badiy : i-v :i: r."'iii"ii!irf with his team from : vii .in S ttut .lav afternoon. J. .': cl'.Mr. Martin F. CatnpK-H, :..tr ti. unship, was knocked down ; - r by a s'ed in Ioret to a con pie of ..;., ami received injuries of v . : .i ili nut dangerous character. mutiieters in llollidsysbiirg ...... a indicated six and eight ;fl-... : ., ct'.ve'. d on Sat'.trday last. Up rr-.t-n i tii.i;-tljuren auj wetit several ! .-.:,-r, t-t rather worse, in the way - , O.nieral Lttta has ordereil the ',- ?ta'c arsenal at Il-Mrisburg of I .'l. emlflt'remeilt. r-een 1 1 v i n r" !: e. ti.ivr defunct military or- t. v's Station, this vomit v. .1 ;I,.ne, ,i" .John Herdman. convicted '.mt U.t veek of an attempt rine on a little gill named ;. i .!;ile, a motion has been -.ft-Mi and fut:ber action in ! i'e t.iKcu ;lt tbe next term of urt. r i-.ir ws seen near the resi r fiieiid ai d true, Mr. of Adams township, on uivriKxiii. A parly of hunters !iuit of the "varmint," but ... t t . - I 1 i:-' : cr w :"-! C- X 'I '!.! i ' '. they succeeded in ! t" li arn. kiiUug it i : L. l';n ii.h, of Alioona, a .1 .1 ',1 (..i'staiit reader of the -f Miv, r-. v killed a noiker of the breed, probab y a year and v iii. h yielded f44 pounds of clci'ti v i.ii- i un trul out a grunler U 't V'll S'jne.ll. :i!-i'tla Iron ('nmpanf. we see It . n.( !ii i; i mil. to. the manufacture . .'..j!i- wick and o'htr varieties of ' Tin; in i I is to ha ve a capacity of a ii ly and n 1 1 1 be co:uleted about J .ine w t. The uiusio wire will :: i ti.i.,1 on a iier process. - 3!"-i.'list t lr.ir. b building at Shir ltm.'ii'doii . ounty , as well as I wo r.-1 Ifne.-s uiid luo stables coiifigu li nT .veil by lire, supposed to i. work of an iuccmliarr. I-- !. a:. 1 t a ii'i ',,,( ii on So ml a v i nor ii- s et.itiatcd at 54,0'X) ; no iu- - whose ciiii'iiial exploits and -riai rest wi-ri- m.teil by us last week, i.''ojiii beie on Saturday. A ! .o lii.fiow n cr vicinity, named ''' .s l,:iri;-.l on oa'li of lits wife ' :n.-"d adultery, was also brought :i.ii.itti d to duiance vile on the -A nv-n itiiii'd young man named TSlair ' v. :o ..-i . , from liis liomit in Hun " i S n i!nv nigh: last and remained ,-!'. V. hen found next morning i Is m ar lown bis feel, bands ' w''r'- If 'en. ami be is now tsulf-ring -i l.'.iu the e ticc is of bis terrible I 1 i!r.-,v, n Tti'invt notes tbekilling t .' 'i.iu: il.igmaii n' Mill Creek, 1- h i.in.ty, on lj..it Friday inoruing, -.' s ivs, been run over and crushed !'"- '-is, but as the aj rra of 11 -'i:.'iin no sm h inforiiiatioii we :c me i i her Mill Clcck waslbe :t ''M' lit. H'.v .. ,v, an employee at one of the "'iing t irtiaees, is the last victim of 1 '"in.iei.ee. ,. attempted on 'v.- i.is v. a.k across a lot of cinder I I.H :;p: s.-d were cool enough to bear '''. n n u'.it'i.riunately be sank into " ' ' n ni.ib ami burned both of bid b ar:".!: inii.,ii.;r. !!'''' bile lor f . I .. 1 1 Itumu . -I: ; -.t w in't know In for.i we couldn't .' ami that is that Mrs. M'd: ;' coiicry, who is nver W years f, tin. big show and while '.here r -Ali' tii !.; h.vl not seen for fifty itlier Mboiu '.ie parted "'opi'i ears ago. ''! tnt.'e .1..... t ...1 (.iii. I .i i iguie-ui of the litaml Jury at "' i-riri in ft-.. . . f t il. " ov a part and parcel of Oal- into a borough. In accord ' d'.-eree an election for 1111174 tii I'-''iri, (,, eonduet the eleclion lor ; i ' i h..xt Sprmg, will be held on . J-ti.nar ID b. ' 'ICl!. S at l:ii-l....t ... ..onn ln.lan '"., i Ul.rH itril.c y (.ino. S MSM....... 1.. ... .. r, i ram at i.asi. i oneinauKii 'i.v in. niiig l ist, ami Isilh of tbu ' i K '"stanily, the pig iron .'"I in all directions, and one bag- . i 'I 'Ml l,:,"sei.c,.r ,-ar wete thrown k. The driver eHcmiMil liV '- t ""III tl,. wagon. Tbe team was the I. Co. "I Hi', (. li hi. '5lncb road succeeded I res,,,,, Saturday morning iinaliie to retuni at the usual " 'he B'.,nv bnvlnir bloek.iiled cuts" along the line. It ii. I'ovever. in r......l.i., it. .In.lnrL. Hv,! "YbKit i ,i, evening, imt 'i nr.. o a mend trip that day. Vi . ' ,,"r,,',ioiis were removed '"" no trouble has been xper- " d r obligations lo our kind ,,'' .'h W. I'ringle, of Croyle ' u ' variety of as large and . '''''' -s we have ever bad tbe i l-n f ,g a ,,,,!, iut,u Tl)e t ''"sive, coinpiiseaall the most OH; tie ! 1 "is known a, M.ileir Sweet. , ". ...tl. n liatcs. lwei'iy nineiii Winter. Seek N -N 'Mil r.i Spy. Kiuir cf Thompson 1 v Ol'l Sao Au foil. ...ilrni-iKt "S till ,tlli-.rb.i in tl,. .'.ollittf. ' t UU prinur .. r none . JI 11 Illrl COUIMV. .i" ...... mil uir.fci uui rLUUi riD no mr-f r.i.i.r..i ::"' '!":V;,.M, funerals in tbi. v.H.,.. i i!T than Gen.Wot h. .,f.l.r-"'-"?- ... . l -". III.. wa fit n,Wn ,hi- wLe,i'.fi . w m Yi ovi .a tl - 1 -Ms ttfrk pf male- tb.t,cqnainia,,ceof Gen. A. tt (Kl Uen r tf. i'roioni Dusinesa. .Tohn Ccss,Ta VCoS IT ,n P.lford district. Tim Ti-.'A-'n - uarn vit.ne.Ha in an eWf s. Cambria Inn, Con , L . " ' n and .Tohn ,T. Ulr 1.-;.... , : tieieiiuanis. .... u ,coK.h almost as well at. be did wben he lepreei.e,l this com.tv in tbe Lrgis afure many years aKo, has bosts f friends in Cambria who will always be l -.1 to hear ot bis sm-cess in life. -Ceo. p.. Hichams. of White townsh-i. ,r wrfk'ftr Jr,m' ':t week's is,.,.e of tl, lU-ralrf. was arrested t l barge of stealing some two bundled pounds r wool from It..l.inson's factor v, in Clear nod county, near tbe Cambria line, and .r ,s V . H" on ine .t : i nun tie, muter an assumed name, disposed ' me IjUeiislinri. v.ir.l.. f Kicbards is also charged with complicity j tbe stealing of a horse and bncrv in th same vicinity not long sinc. ' ' iih arrived wtien every loving wife in the land is looking alsmt her . -la 1. 1 . , ... .-ve ;,,. Sne wit; buy lor a Christina ; present for her husband, who is a! met in ! V? ,y rxl,''' ,"' ' foot tbe bill herself j arier all is said ami done, we deem it not j ainiss to invite attention to tbe elegant stock j of goods suitable for such a purpose so I temptingly displayed at tbe cheap cash store of Myers & Lloyd, where no one can fail to : find ..inefbing to till tbe bill at tbe lowest iM.ssi hip prices. Tbe fire hues" who for some time past have been burning property at Woodland. Clearfield county, succeeded on Thursday right last in setting fire to the residence of -,,r- "etinen .Mcriierson, in that 1. was destroyed with nearly a!i it , Mr. McP. was attending cbmcl, -mt. uenoen iMcrherson, in that place, which contained. bell 1 1... uro oroKe our, ami his wife, bad as much a sh could do to get the children out in S3 fl'f V. The v ilbki HQ .if.-.....l i !.;.. i. ..i i : . woik saturated one corner of the kitchen with coal oil before selling If. During the Christmas holidays not a few of the residents of northern Cambria will no doubt, consider it just the thing to take a trill to Johnstown. To all such we would say that a visit to the Star Clothing Hall of Jas. .7. Murphy, 101) Clinton street is well worthy of a visit, especially from those who wish to make additions to their wardrobes, as we have no hesitation in saying that there is no establishment so easy of access at which that same can be done to better advantage or with more entire satisfaction to the, buver. The AMoona ifirror lias taken new Hart in its editorial department M r. Frank I. Hart, late of the Lancaster Enquirer and started out we liojie, on a mure prosperous and need we say peaceful career than ever. Tbe Mirror is a sprightly little daily, ami while we have the heart to wish it well, ve presume there is no need of advising the new editor, wbo is evidently no fool at the business, to consult bis own interests By guarding against all remarks savoring cif lilw-1. If li don't he will be apt to timl Aker of reasons for stepping down and out. Tbe glory of tbe autumn has departed and stern winter is here. There is no balm in the sighing winds, the day breaks tardily, and all things proclaim that one of tbe fairest seasons of the year has left ns, and that tbe year itself the great Centennial year will soon have to be numbered amnnj. the things that were. Times chango and men change with them: Youth gives place to old ag , but all who consult their own interests con tinue as heretofore o buy their waring ap parel at the renowned, cheap clothing store if O'Mlfrey Wolff, next door to tbe post office. Alfoona. where no one ha even yet failed to get full value and perfect satisfac tion for bis money. We were shown tbe other rlay a model of a door to which was attached Hislmp & French's celebrated weather strip (in minia ture), and for tl.e sale of which our young friend, Mr J. J. Si raver, of Voder township has secured Ihe exclusive right in ibis con ty. These weather strips ar an effective protection against the ingress of cold air, rain, snow, etc., through openings beneath outside doors', and need only be seen, as one of them can lie at the residence of County Treasurer FreidhofY, in ibis place, to be ap preciated for their merits. .Mr. Strayer in tends to canvass northern Cambria in course "f two or three weeks, and liopjs to meet with a large demand tor this very useful in ver.'ioM. The storm king got up on bis bind legs early on Saturday morning last an I fur nearly twenty-four hours he howled like, all possessed, meautiinn driving the snow up m lingo lieaps ami Uio i nerinomeier oo-.vn io twelve degrees ix-low Zero, la-sides shaking j n every tbing shakalde in away more ettec tive than agreeable. On Sunday calmer counsels prevailed, but tbe cold was even more intense, though less apparent, than on the previous day nietcnry indicating six'een degrees below zero a' an early hour on that morning. Since t hen t he weather has mod erated very ilcsi'b.-dly and ith Ihe moder ation came another invoice of snow, which h 'wever is giving way to slush and mud as we write Wednesday aC.ernoon. James M Creiyht, a fourteen-year-old son ol" Mr. James I!. M'Creighr, of Johns town, met with a terribledeath on Thursday of last week. He was employed as a water carrier at the rolling tn'll, and during a few moments of leisure got on a car of the C. I. Co's steel train, from which he was soon af ter thrown by ihe starling of the 'rain, ami falling lengthwise upon the track, the wheels run between bis legs and over bis abdomen, breast and head , c.h rushing him into a shape less and sickening mass and leaving not a single feature of his pleasant little face that could be recognized. A gentleman who saw the remains of Ihe unfortunate lad after tbe accident assures us that it was the most shocking sight be ever witnessed. We don't wish to dis -mirage- any of tbe Pittsburgh alver is ng agents with whom wo have n busing s nr!:oii9 from eqnan d r'n; ibclr 'Jin;, paper and p.xMagi stamps in Bolieiting space in our columns, but we do wish to say, as wed for tbeir information as for the Information of all others interefd ( d, that we take stock in no ad vert.iseme.Mts H'i't us from that city by any other agent lb in W. L. Fou Ik. Km., who alone is au thorized to make onntracts of this kind iu onrbeba'f. Having found Mr. Fonlk entire ly to our liking in every respect energetic, efficient, reliable, prompt and honest we are perfectly content to leave our biisiuessin his bands, knowing as we d" from long ex perience that be is fully competent and en tirely willitu to do ample justice to adV1"; tisei'g as well as to publishers, ourself of course included. Hence our de. ire to retain his services ami to permit no one so far as we are concerned to encroach upon territory which he has honestly earned tbe right to cccnpy, itnawed by any one. Use Yocksei-F Wr.i.L.-The sufferings of tbe chronic invalid are of such varied kinds as to enlist the sympathy of evry one who loves bin fellow-man. A month's good treatment, however, such as is given by Dr. Keyser, of Pittsburgh, will do more to cure than whole years of complainings, especially as the doctor has investigated ami treated chronic ailments for over thirty years. Dr. Keyser is the only man in Pennsylvania who .. . - : ..f ..A..u..m.iliiin ttflinr. lots triven tllH suoieci oi in-i. ... - has given tlie suojeci in ..i. .. uii'li and complete investigation to any prac tical purpose, and it may le said of him, lint when that disease can be cured, be can a I. . ir liwli cure it. One or the great, ui-nus ... v... which he uses, is a discovery called 7K. KeyskkVs Lvsn Ci:kk, wbb h cleans out. the blood, renew- the tissues, makes tue ulcers iu the lungs heal, and furnishes the blood with plastic material to renew the powers of life. Von can Lavo b.s Treatise, sent free bv application or -'t;r Price of L.iugCnie $1.50 per b, tile or 57-50 per half dozen. To had at Dr. Keyser a t .I..,,-. oin ?enn avenue. Pitfsbnroii. Je."'i i J . ' - - . .... . . private coafciilt'cS oS-ce is -o, i-'v " 4-nioM ihl T !,,H.,n. ," "bich time the final ! CMIaba i M,,,,?al ialen,r. of .Ta.nea ! y UIJ I f Jacob IIomi it k V ! readied. ThevIrtirni.J' 5 .. "' .w8 i te ffAjr are m tn k ."""'","": t,,rr. ni in tjonrt last ueed not reneat ii,. i " c.7. :i",,u "ewiv ma.te t.ri.ie. ii.e present. it t - uv,ig, Sufiieu t Ofeiir.i-.l ii.u o.. - .. ' ' ! between the defend mt . .i i Bnoemaarr, i.q.. It imcdiately alter tbe a.l- Ibe itlBUopu", on jowr,eUtf tl.eewnlng aeSM.,n of Court, cei vl in juries allol tS ! 1 " a'"1 was ,M,t "" ,k Ter "WW J"lmbtCl.han S i1 ,po? Rentlemau i.amM. who ba.l no k,iowlg twodaTafter purpose inteuded nntil li. the greator parti of' ThnrLl-- , ! raaion o,ei.ea ..ul on him in tbe following at. its cone .KHion tlj rv reMre 'Vr,''M,,,' arJl ! l" ief but well cbo,en remaiks, which, with talion, an, an "be .Ivi? 1,"a"'8 raU'f"' "i Wru'.. re- continued ('on t al .mrnl hV" 'T" ' "I"'" w pul.lisl, in arerdai.ce with pioui mominVr w i.b L ,Y.3. I" . Mo,',,?y ! "eck. ilr. Jobuston said : Jnrj i ecded upon tbeir verdict on or before 1-o clock that, night the Court House bell Kbould be rang P.ml the Court would c onrene i ... ut: .r ana recorit u,0 result. 1 : of ibis arraii.Tme., n, i.n I. . ". " j . -.S ",ei'I' l,,.?l P'aled for;b its ! V 1" o clock p. m., and ere long tbe jury Hied into tbe Court room an.l fc.fc.n alter announced that they bad found the prisoner "not guilty." This ver.li..r e reached SKCOND AVEE1C. Court reassembled at 11 a.m. on Momlav last, ami although it has been busily at work ever since, comparatively little progress has IbuH far been made in reducing tbe number of civil cases on the list. Following is a re port of the doings up to yesterday at noon : Krmine Pet h i s .T..l.n i w-....i. . : . isue. Jury found for plaintiS in the suiii of I ins. F luuii bumoi ainniia iron Co. vs. John Fisher and others eject incut. This was a fruit brouaht by the b.BintifTs to recover possession of ,ne hundred and tilty-eiirht Hen s of mineral land in Siony ercek township, Adjoining and partly lying m Johnstown borongn. whieh H it elii,'.....i ..-,. portion of a larger tract known as the "Kur- ! mice lands." The case occupied the intention I ol Court from Tuesday morning unt.l W.-dnes- I day evening, and resulted in a verdict tor the ! plamtifts. Mary Flattery vs. William Flattery line) in di vi rce. Taken up on Wednesday evening nnd : sun on trial us we co to press Thursday alter- ! SKSTKNl'ES. On Tuesday evening thirteen of the pris oners convicted of various crimes in the Court, of Quarter Sessions last, week were br ought letore .1 mlge Hean, who after dwell ing at some length on tbe heinoiisiiess of the several nrt'euces for which they stood con victed ami impressing upon their minds the great, importance, temporal as well as ex ternal, of leading better liven in the future, provided to Impose the sentence of tbe law in each case as follows : Win. Lewis and John C. Stewart, the two tramp round guilty of the lari-env of two pairs of boots and n coat in Johnstown on Sat urday evening, Dec. 2d. and John Sullivan, also m participant in the same offence, and who en tered a plea or guilty, were each sentenced to pay a tine of (in to the Commonwealth for tho un of Cam!. i ni county and undergo separate nnd solitary imprisonment of one year and three .mintns In the Western Penitentiary the first two in udJiiion to pay tho costs or prose- CU t bill. Tliomr.s Dougherty, convicted of seducing miller promise of nuirriiige a sixteen year oid girl named Kllcn Harliu. was or. I. red to niv line ot (si ns above and the costs of pros'-cu- tion and undergo separate and sotitarv confine ment in the Western I'cnitent iury for the period of one year ami three months. John Brown fornication and bastardy; 5 fine, costs of pri seen t ion, $ iO lying-in expenses. Btia ! per week lor seven years, t he same to be secured by a bond of I'sJO duly Hied. John Sutton sutne otrence anil "ii ine sent once. ! Simon Wcttklatid -larceny ; ."l tine, costs, j and one ycur and ibreo mouths in the I'eniien- ! tiury. j John lirain and Jordan S. Ttager larceny ; JOil fine and costs of prosecution, to be paid jointly, and cacti to tinciergo separate and soli tary conliiicment for two years and three I months in the Western Penitentiary. John I Colbert, raw of thesumc part', who plead guil- j ty and was used as a witness against the other two. was lined 1"0 an.l ordered to undergo m ; like cot. tliiciuent lor a period of one. j car and ! six tnoti i h". I W in. o'Oonncll sggravated assault and bnt- ( tery ; fA) hue. costs ol prosecution, and thirty I dai s in county Jail. j Wm. Williams -assault and hatterr : IJO anil ! costs, and to staud convicted until the same Is paid Hartley Butts Inrconr: t20 and costs and sir I nioiuhf in tbe county Jail. i Forit Ciiit.iMiFX HrnsED to Death. The Mottnluin Voice, published at Broa.l lop City, lurnishes the following particti lars of a terrible calamity which occurred I in F.road Top township, Bedford count v, I ., . i . . ., , I three miles tiom the above place, on the , same night ( 1 uesd.iv ot last week) 'bat tho i Brooklyn theatre was destroyed by fire and fully turee hundred persons perisueu in the flames. The I'oi'ce says : The house where the calamity occurred is situated on vn old farm belonging to the Broad Top Improvement Conip.inv and was known as the widow Anderson property, and was occupi ed by James M'l.owan. of Irish birth. On Tuesday morning Mrs. M'Cownn went to a neigiiDors. uhout a mile and a h.tif distant to - - i - t hi butchering, and fa the criming, about 0 o clock Mtr-ovtin bunt a hn g-- fire m the tiro place, (an old fushioney chimney,) put the chil dren, lour of them, iiged respectively three, five, seven tthls Ihe little" boy,) ami nine, a boy nnd three hirls, to bed, and started after the liioilnr. Anout half past seven o'clock, Mr. William Swoope. ii neighbor living about a half a mile (iistn:it siw the light r.f the burning building, and wot on a horse and hastened over. When tie got there the roof had fallen in. the windows were burned out and the whole inter ior of the house on tire and no signs of lire about. He then went to Ihe house where the father and mother were at to apprise them of Ihe condition of their house, not knowing that the lives of lnnr innocent chiloren perished in I the flames, until a I terwn rds. The parents has- 1 lliav well li.. -,i.... li. ' ' e ' 1. it l! n luenruu I. I inuifu et Ve. i ii 1 1 e;'' b:ul a very cheering I su unexpec.ed duty, and I can only stnte in j run i on t a.iaiian, whoseenuntenaiicrt while i tenJerlnjr t Ids icsiimonial, t lint it l but a sinuil , awaiting tbe final result plainly evinced the ,tu' regard in which tho members of intensity of bis fear I hat a .l.ii .. i t the liar, ami I mny u'ld. believe, the people of ! less favorable wouM be read UC'' I i?mi,,rl,- ,:,,u,,,-' hol1 ""d ,he M " J I tened to the scene, only io ne appaiied at lie- j h member ot the H.ir; there seemed to spring holding the sniouldi ring rums of their home, I up in my breaft not only a feeling of respect, and to witness the charred remains of the four I but also' a feelingor attachment, lorcach ineni children who but a few hours before had been J her of the Bar, and no one, it seems to me. who nut to bed. The mother hail the youngest child with her, and the eldest was away at a neigh bors. The fire was supposed to have originated from the chimney, and was supposed to have caught on or near the r"or. The house' was a log one such as w as usually built in nn early day bv the old settlers of Broad Top. tm Wednesday search waa made ror the rr nviins. The skulkiatid someor the larger bones ol the three gii is were found in the early part of the .lay mid burled in an old cemetery near ti)-. Tn the afternoon Messrs. l'car.mn. Foster nnd King succeeded in finding the remains of the litilc boy in a pretty good stafeof preserva tion owing to his body being wrapped up in bed cloihiny. etc. Mr. ""Ciiwor. not only loses his children, but ;.ii iiit be possessed. He was a poor man nnd did not hare veryjinnch of this world's goods, but tills only makes his loss the greater. The bereaved fami'y should receive the sympathies of tbe people, us their loss is a sevcro one. DEDUCTION IN PHICES. HUOUS & H ACKK, FIFTH AVENITK AND MARKET ST II EE T, PITTSBURGH, Direct special attention to tbeir present ex traordinary large stock of Black and Colored Silks, Cloaks, Shawls and Dress Omuls and j announce that they have made great rednc- t . ;., ii,,).,,kniit nil tbeir .lei. art I tions in prices throughout all their depart- men ts. Our stock of Black and Colored Silks, comprising all the most reliable brands and tbe most fasbitionable shades, were pur chased before the advance, aud uow offered at less than old prices. We offer the finest assortment of Shawls and Cloaks in Pittsburgh; also, Seal Skin Sacq ties. M tiffs, Boas, and Hats, all at re duced prices. HUGHS & IIACKE, FIFTH AV. AND MARKET ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. yf tbe Johnstown 7Viot.n was as reli- j able as it is readable it would le one of the i best little dailies in the State. Ah it is, however, you can scarcely believe a word it utters editorially, and even in its local de partment there is very Often a recklessness of asserMoti 'bat detracts very much from its pugnancy. Vide a dozen or more of its recent? utterances, among which may be notil the allegation that eopl who started for Ebeusbnrg via Cresson on Monday morn ing last engaged in a sleighride at one dollar pe7 bead lie.ween the two points indicated, owing as it says to the fact that tbe Brauch road was snowed up at that time, and the nn less mythical asaertion that a banquet followed tbe recent presentation of fine silver tea set to Hon. Jobo Dean. And so u md libitum. The JrfooB Dr.Xw Tkbtivoxiai.. a "' readers are already aware, bis Honor , duiiri! wenn was on Tuesday evening of last ; week marts the recipient of a handsome sll- V"r f elegant Japanesa design, V,e 1-r "tferln,; of the membersof ibe '; official" of this connly to blmself tion took pla'ce at tbe residence l,. .lontiHon, I,kii.. Jh Miukesinan of t m oc- Ilnmwqldc Jiuliie l)ran : I am here, wii hout any preperai Ion, about to tet. .Iff. ... 1-...... ll.i...... n . .. ... I.. I ;.V.,. '; J' , " " " 1 ! " ' ii-ti.iiu nun irieeiii ft which me. 'wr il (amhrm comity anJ the otricers or the Court h.M the Man and the Judnc I licmovinir She cover. J I wns not aware until :o-n;whi that any duty of thin kind wot-Id be linnn-e.i iiik.ii me, mm it nug-tii as well tie let t unperlorincd so lur us tin j thinit 1 can shv csii convey all that we desire to ejipiess; 'jut it is a leMaiit thoiiKh trie J iniiie Tin tk: is an esprit dr rorji nmonfr tl.e letral profession, of which notion can deprive it, and which it seems to me all the other learned pro fessions lank. Wo tee a pride in the profession in whiehveure reared the profession that or nil other'prnlcssious Koverns society and iti fact the country, and while, even In the decadence of republics, when wealth ami luxury ami cor ruption u n tit i.t her departments of govern men t ami l state it lcirrctlinlv sometimes these Trtinents which are nearest the people me Iu,)(t corrupt. While the Icislati ve depart ments, ine executive departments nave been more or less assail ed for want of fealty to the treat principles tha. underlie the Constitution and laws of our country, the indicia ; has ever remained, has ever stood, tirm as a rock airainst which the tides of corruption have laslied in vain, and in whieh the pe pie have their trrest tsi protection tor their lives their litvr:ies.ind tlo ir property. I suppose' your Honor is uwaro of the cir cumstance which occui red in w Inch your Honor was a party very recently. This very slilit testimonial intended ns a customary remem brance on occasions of the kind, will not. 1 trust, be appreciated only for its value in dollar and cents, because silver is dross before truth and Honesty nud Virtue and Correct Judicial Iiecisiotis. Allhouirh lam the son of an lrish- ! man, I may say that I think I have not licked j the blarney-stone much, and I but echo the I sentiments o nil my hrclheru of the Bur when I say that while We are pleased with the Man : we are more than pleased with the .Indue, and , feel that It would be unjust to ourselves not to j oiler some token of our regard for the Judgrc ; who has preside! wlih so much dignity, so ; iiineli purity, so much satisfaction to all. on the bench of Cnml riu county since Ins advent i ii motor us. This I say, mid as 1 have said I am not prepared ( I see Ihe phonos raiilu r is lakimr i a note of the tew words I inn utterintr. but I ' hope they will not be published: however they will be none the worsn for I I'm inj.) But I was about to say that I have seen somewhere that Every parish bud in it a inn And a sexton to rive out the knell ; But the truest and best that over was seen Is the J udgu that oati roij a fair Hill. I trust in conclusion nnd I have no more lo say that your Honor will receive for yourself and your estimable lady the small token that is thus faithfully tendered by a Bar which I be lieve your Honor is a ware has at ways respected your Judicial action, ami to whom ou have aiivujs given unbounded satisfaction in your judicial-career ; and trusting that it may be tong before that career shall come to au end, I bring my few remarks to a vlobc. To this well conceived and well delivered little speech Judge Dean, with a heart full lo overflowing with sentiments of esteem and respect for the generous doners, made tbe following feeling and titling reply : Gentlemen f the J.tr of Camliria Omntu : As you are all aware, a knowledge of the ex prosion of your regard came to ine ths mo ment. I wng Hpptiscil but it lew mn.iitfs since of ihe fact thai you desired to meet me here at the house of your friend. Mr. Shoemaker, and ol course anything that f can say in reply will i out pooriy ex press ine iceiings or my heart 1 upon such nn oe-castoii. I would be less than a I man if the evidence uf your kind wishes did. nut move me deeply. i 1 desire to say to yon, and to your represen tative, the lather perhaps of the Bur, and to : the other gent leuien of ihe Bar not present, who have thus testified their regard for in.', I that I do feel and have felt since I have been j on the Bench. the kindest regard forall the mem hers of the Br of 1 n is c;u nty. My pi asanti-st !!""r ,mvc "t-l'n 8l'" omciaiiy ni re. it is j.ist live years ago yesterday since 1 first took my freat on the much. From that day to this 1 have been in ptotessional relations with all of j ou. and during that long period, holding tour regular term and fii ir arg inneiit court s every year, no incident nas oecureo, io my recnl mo "on, to mar the pleasure ot our intercoiise. -' . hnve " ays treated me with utiif.nin courtesy mid kindness ha ve always testified ri)Ur , .'pect tor me on occasions during that time, and I feel sore that theieisnot a single member of the Bar of this county tor whom I h.'vc not the Slightest respect. These being on r re hit ions - my first court hav ing been held here-our relations having b'-cn uinntei ruptedly kind and courteous this evi dence of your esteem iinii good wishes at this time Is responded to with peculiarly grateful feelings, which I can but poorly, ns I have suid bet ore. express. There is between tho getit'eimui of the Bar and ihe iSencii a cerium t;n it tie euros, as my f i mnd Johnston has put. it, which is seldom witnessed Iti other professions. 1 suppose it was about tiiutirst tiling 1 noticed in my Judi cial career Ihe peculiar r ipport that exlsr be tween the Jiidgcaii-i the Bar. I observed, after but a short time on the bench, that the ch irac ter. professionally, morally ami intellectually of each member of the Bar in my Court was becoming a matter of personal pride tome. J knew what jealousies I felt lor the reputation of each member of the Bir in my district. I leg;lii to notice that I felt resentliil at the least imputation upon the integrity, the official or professional purity of any member of the Br. Such was very seldom the case, but, as we nil know, the tongue of slander wags a gainst all of us at times; and I discovered that I felt the utmoet resentment at any imputation upon has not occupied the same position can re.ilize this ns I do. Such Iceiings, instead of growing less, will become dei per and stronger as we grow older, for I may sny here that 1 do not apprehend now. after five years of sorvr-e. nT ter five years of constant intercou rsJ with you, that, unless I should change my entire habits nnd disposition there will ever be anything between us but the; most pleasant and friendly rcfaii ins. I shall ever, I know, esteem you all for your kindly hearts; shall respect, always your ability, your intellect ual and professional attainment's, and 1 know I shull always appre ciate this evening's kindness. t.ent lc men of the i3ar, it is not for mo lo S:iy more tbis cveni" t". mi. I Cannot say wlmt 'l vc::!J ivioii to say I cannot i'ktiow)i"r m Cuius words tbe warm response of feeling that I hi vo because of tho regard which you have evinced forme. It is something totally unex pected. I am glad, nnd I speak, 1 know, fnrono who now stands so near and dear lo me when I say she will be glad because of the evidence of the appreciation of one who is dear to her by those with whom he is broug.it iu contact in his professional and judicial life. For myself and wire your bcaulilul present is gratefully accepted. a Local Correjonflence. noUTZOAl.E, Pa Dec. 11, IP't?. D'AR FnEFMAS-The most agreeable antici- P",'on which now awaits lis is the Catholic U Jir -.,..,, to h .lurin the Christmas holidays, and which, it is expected by nil will . be a grand success, notwithstanding flic null ! times. There are several valuable articles to j be voted for, among which I may mention n : flue silk hat, for which Br. Fcrd. Todd and I Baptist Morrea are ro be the contestants, and a ! beautiful gold chain and cross, for which lips i Annie M. Biiuti. Miss 3. J. WaMerson. Miss Maggie slulson nnd Mis Annie Kllley are tb i f nir contestant-", though it is generally conceded j ns altogether likely that the first named lady j wiil win the prize by nn overwhelming msjori I tv. There is also a silver wntch to be contest ! ed for by the respective President of theTem ; iterance. Emerald aud Hibernian societies, and ; a gold ring to tn' contested lor by Miss 15. Kin ! ney. Miss Martha Bur, aud severul others whose names will appear in our next. Among the contributions to the Fair is a rtresn pattern by Mr. Geo. JW. Dickey, a liver set of table spoons bv Mr. Harry Test, a weti of dry goods by Mr. 1). It. Gibbons, a dress pattern by Mr. Frank Bolger, a gents" scarf by Mr. Chas. II. Holt, a piece of dress goods by Sir. Vnn Dnsen, a valuable pru er book by Mr. M. J. Sliiirbaugh, a gold crucifix by Sir. K. J. Chaffer, a handsome suitor bedroom furniture by Mr. A. J. Shar-baiia-h, a set of Stoneware by Mr. A. Gleason, a pair of handmade slippers by M ins Lizzie Cor '"' girls' suit by Miss Lizzie Riley, nnd many other presents too numerous to mention. In connection with the fair there will be well conducted festivities In the Irnvment of tne church and the new furnace will be kept com fortably heated, so that every thing will be en joyable forall who will attend. We have n pretty deep snow here to-day, nnd many young ladies eagerly await their prom ised sleigh rides. Tours, fro., Bi-o.i. OBI I I AKT. yfrXtAM9. Died, In this place, at 1 o'clock on Friday mrninii. Doc. 187ft, of consump tion, MIm Harkiet J. Williams, youngest rtauirliter of Thomas J. and Williams, aged 33 years and 8 months. t.pn nod paMently did tbe subject of this no tice bear the panffs of the subtle ntid deceptive disease with wtiicti sho was afflicted, and never durinir her enrre lllnes tild she fail to mani fest the utmost I ftltanceon tbe mercy and ood nes of (Jod. Imbi'ed with n lively faith and Impressed as she v'a with the necessity of meekly bearinif the Ills of this liTe fn .irdrr to Httnin to the eternal Jo)? Cf the life to come, she seldom murmured or complained and wtieu the dread summons' dually carue it found her amply fortified by the 1-ist sacru'nents of the Cat iinlic Church, of which she was- a faithfi.l and pruyertul ineinbr-r, and ready, wi.''Jpr and "xi.i'.s to ieid up her immortal spirit l' tho ..cat d who creat .1 .i. II er funeral, wh.""b laieni i tiihst:.udinir the it-verity of tho weather, took p ace on tindny altermion. and the occasion wBs made use ir by Rev. Father lloyle to deliver a very impressive and practi cal sermon on the doctrines, ut the Church in rcKard to the present and future lire, after wt.icu the lust sad Ites were completed and tiie inoi i ul remains of this amibie nud esum.ihlo yi.ung- lady t.oniancd to their final .earthly retil.t pbi'je. lienuitscat in pace. y i: w a it run tiskm us ts. CAUTIOX. Whereas my wife Clementine Ckovsk has left my bed and heard without just cause or prnvnc.it ion. I hereby cnuion all p.-r-ons against harlorIng or trusting her en my account, as 1 am determined to pay nn debts ahe may contract unless compelled to mi so by law. JOHN CKOL'dK. Chest sprh.g9, Dec. 15, 187d.-3t. AD MINI ST II ATO K 'S NOT I C ' e7 Estate of MtcifAEi. Fohn, dee'd. Infers of a'im'ni'tration on the estate of Mi chael Fur.l. late of Clearfield township. Cambria county, dec d having been Issued to the under signed takes this met hod of notifying all persons Indebted to said esbtte t lint payment inns: be inil(! Immediately, and those hiving claims against the same will consult their own Interest by presenting tiiein to me properly authenticated for settlement. I.KWIS J. BEAKER, Administrator. Dec. 15, 173 -6t. AUDITOii'S NOTICE. The un derslgned. having been appointed Au t'ltor by tho Court ot Common Pleas of Cambria county to distribute the fund in ihe hnndsof F II. B HKBH. Assignee of Gico. C. K. Zahx. as shown by his first and parlinl accontit. hereby gives tm tie; that he will sit at his otlice iu i;be"nOurg. on Thckspav, the lltli day of Jam akv next, at It) o'clock, a. M.. to attend "to the duties of his said appointment, when and where nil p.irtl.-g bsving claims are required to present them, or be debar red from coining in ou said (un l K. ti. KERR, Auditor. Khensbnrg, Doe. 15, 187t).-3t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. On Dec. ll,lK"ti, on motion of A. V. Barker, Kst., the Orphans" Court of Cambria County ap pointed t he undersigned auditor, to report distri bution or the lund in the hands of Charles Bux ton, trustee to sell tho real estate of Lew is Ben- hoof. deceased, (as short ii by Ids first account.) to and amongst the parties entitled to receive tho same. Notice is hereby given to all pnrtlej In terested that 1 will attend to the duties ot said app-iintment, at my ollice in Hbenshurg. on Tcks Dv. Jaj-i-ary Wilt. 177. at 2 o"cbK-k. r. M . when and where they must attend, or bo debarred from coming in on said lund. Dee, 13, P7. Gl.O. W. O ATM AX, Auditor. lil.HOAV ROOM. M x a nr. i. r it ew Honk. Just pnb llshed. Will ontscil arty honk In Ihe field. This, brigh'-rstnt humorous bonks. Is profusely Kills ra ted with the most laughs uble pictures by A r l.iir It. I'rost. Will sell by reason ot lis beauty and cheapness. No other book published posessinar so'-li general fitness lor tho wants of the present times. Agents who wish to make BIO IV.UIKS wautod in ever- town. Tempting terms nnd cir culars sent, on applicstlon to J. M. S i'C'llAK T ii CO , 7J3 Cbvstunt Street, Philadelphia. iif.f. " week in your own town. Terms anil 45 out Vu ui free. 11, Hallktt h Co., I'-r'.land, .Me. AGENTS WANTED FOR HISTORY MI EXHIBITION It sells faster than any other lxok. due Agent sold 34 copies in one day. This is the only authen tic and complete history published. Send tor our extra terms to ugeuts. National l'f uli6hin Co., Philadelphia. 1 Cf i lay at home. Agents wanted. Ortf,t - and terms tree. TKC.Jtt'o., Augusta, Me. Itedy ror Aents--1lie CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION liCitiiitl A.Nli lLA-CSSXllATEB. AoitAPHic PKS-ricTi ne or lis histouv, oiiAsn BIll.olMjS. WONDSKFCT. KSHIIIIT8, Ct: RIOHITIKS, okfat pats, otc. roliively 1 1 lul rnf e.l, fn? ovgiilii p.ipti.ir. and s-erv eb.e;- Ji:;uq linmi'iisi l). S.tioo At.t T Ttnnte.i. Send for full particulars. This Is the clniitco .,f Inn i;rnrs ti roin tiioiii'T fast, tiet the oolr reliable historv. III lil! AIU) HKOS., Pnhs., J3S Sansoni M . I'hBa. V fiH"? ifiM liK ""f nrfietVKD lV PHEMATl'Rit UnU I (tf books assuming to be o!H-ia!." and telling what will 104 pen in Atet'81 and Sm te.m una. iy Kxlra Kino Mixe.1 faris, with name, in ets , ' post paid. 1. JON KS It CO., N assau. N. Y. SrisTT W eek to Agents. Samples FKKE. V-V' P. O. VICKURV, Augusts Maine. t(l QOn,,er'by!lt home. Samples worth tS Co ' " O V 7 tree. SriNsosiSos, Portland, Mo. The Little Kock and Fort Smith 11 AIL WAY B AS 37 O 3?t S A Ii E Farming I.nnds. (Ir.ning Lands, Fruit I.nnds. Vine Lands. Coal Lands. Wood Lands some Prai rie Lands. Bottom Lands, and f'plands. on tern.s to snit pnrrhasers. Ml per rent. Interest on de ferred payments. Ten percent. iHseuunt for cash. For full particulars, mapsnn.l panndilets, npplv to .V. . si, it l, Land Commissioner, Littlb Koek, Arkansas. Mixed Cards, with nsme, laets. Samples for Set. stamp. .1. Minklkk -V C".. Nassau, N J. IT A N T E D I M M EDI A T E h Lftl "' voting men afiil winrion to lenm TKLLUKACHY. Situations guar- sing. Address, with stamp, SIIKKUA.V i ELE blUril CO., 0berlin,O. HTlLe.I. rsin:lll ?S'.l.l-v rl.lla . - r. . 1 V'uri" i: rr sii.v nt: i t.i, n FIH-T DOLL A H QIJAKTKKLY DRAW IN(J, at New Orleans, Tuesd iv, January 2, lt77. Louisiana State LOTTERY COMPANY. This Institution, vns regnlarlv Incorporated bv the I'irislatnt-e i,f the sta'o fnr'F. lueatinnal pur poses in IStlS. with a Capital of 1 .0'). ,; -00. to which It has since aj. led aresctve fund of 43.0.ouo. Its (mud Mn;rle Nnraber Irwinzs will take p'ace. monthly. The season of 1877 opens with the fol lowing echoine : CAPITAL. PKIZE, fl5.000. 1 Priik I0 000. 1 I'atZB J5.000. ISM Prizes, A Mount! no to Ic0,oo, Tit KT.TN AT ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH. Write for circulars or semi order to CHAS. T. BOW A It l. New Orlesns. I.a. Or to Wili.iamSom fc Co.. 317 Broadway, N. Y. R !'( I' I. A II Cr AHTI.KIA IlKAWIXI on Fcb'y 18', 7. Tickets 10 each. Capital Pr.xe a30,000. FINE DISPLAY OF ELEGANT HOLIDAY GOODS ! -AT Wattles &Shcafers, 54 Fifth Ar. near lf'ootl St., Pittsburgh, Pa. TV. now t.fTer the HOLIDAYS tbe most com ' nlete st.it k of Gna tTeteelrj, Diatnontls, Ienr?., Opals, a-rrvaa' t rs s-. " jwt "l rf Pearl (itnl. WATrnrn ami chains, SXEUI IM SILVKU W.ARR. F UKWrtl AN D VI KN X A FANCY GOODS, BIBtXZF.FI. C. At tbe sign of the BIO CLcCK on the sidewalk. All goods tmiight dirert from manufacturer at lowest ri t prices, and will be sold chriftrr than ever. il2-8.-lm. CI E O M. READE. A tlorn ey-at-Txi ic- - Fbensbnrg, Pa. Oince on Centre street, three tonr-trom High street. iug.37."72.! OAT AND LIME for sale in large r small qnantitlcs lv KartbSs, 1S76.-H. EVAN MICIiAKLS. n VjENTE 30 1 1877 NEW YORK. B77. The different editions of The Scn during tho neat year will be t bo 611110 as during the twr thsi has Just fwtssed. The daily edition wiil on weekdays he a si.-r?et of four page, and on Sundays sheet T eirh: piig.-s. .r iVi broad col umns; while Ihe weekly edition will be a sln-et of eight pages oT th same dimensions unit chntacttr that are already fsmiJiar to our friends. Thk Sr will contfntffe to be tbe strpnuous advocate of rsf.irm and retrenchment, and .f the substlfe.ti-in of stute-ninnsliip. wisdom, and Integrity for bellow pretence, imbccitt:. , and fraud in the ndministrjtion ot public tl- -fairs. It will contend for the got emuient of j tiie people lythe peopb ami for the people,; ns imposed to gov ernment by fraitds In tl.e bal-lot-bo.v ani in the '-lun'tng of votef, nlorced ; military violeno.' It will nnlinver !.i -i- i, its readers a boa.. now not far ti uin a in 1- , ion ? soul with the 'nost earetnl. cm:; let.-, . and tri"! wor'hy nccoti 'ts d cnrient utini, i and will eir'floy for tliis purpose a numerous an f carefully selected slau or rep..'cr and c irrespondents. Jts reports ."roin Wao'ci.trinn, specially, will In- u i I. ainrai '. and tea bus; and it wnl doiilul'-r-s cl'timie t-" :ts-re nnd enjoy tho hatred of tho. w-o thr. ve by Hun- ; deriugthe Treasury e,r bv msirpin," wliat tiie : law does not give them, winli it wii. "n.Ie.ivor , to merit the confidence or l1"" -"bit I y de li tiding the rights or I ho people CK-dnSl the en- j cr .acliiiieiits (,i nnjnsi itled power'. A 'I he price or the d-nly sea will b. 5;) oenls a ( month or $..1o n year, post paid, oi With the Sunday edition $7.70a unr. 1 The 5PSHAV edition alone, tlrht p.gt ?. 1 a year, p-wt-paid. j The Wki ki.y Hi-n. elht pages of M bi."ad columns, will be furnNl el during J&7; at lb. 1 rst-ot $1 a year, p.ist-p.ii.i. Th" beiii tit of this on g- rei'nttion from the) nrevioiis rate r..r '1 n k W kk i.y cm be enjove l ' by individual subscribers without the n ce-sity ' 01 111:1 k 11 g up cuius. At The atne time, ir miv i of our friends choose to aid in extending our I citculation, we slmll be grateful 10 them, tin.l ' every such person who sends us ten or more : subscribers from one p' ie will be enti'l. d t one eopy of tho pai er Tor hinise'f without charge. At one dollar a year, postage paid, the exticnsi s of tmper and printing m e Purely ' repaid; and. eoiisideringlthe size of tbe sheet , and t he quality of its cmiiems, we are conrldent tho people ill consider I he Wekki.y Si n t'le cheapest newspaH-r ptinlisiiei! in tin; world, and we trust tilo one of the vvrv bef. . Address, TII K L', New York City. X. Y. WoocMfiorrcII&COaJ WASHINGTON STREET, j Near PENN'A R. R. DEPOT, Jollll-stOAVll, 1S1., j Wholesale ami llt-fall Dealers in j I'OKErON AND DOMESTIC ! 1 MILLINERY GOODS, HARDWARE. QUEENSWAHE. UOOTS AND filI0F.?V. Hats and cais, ikon and nails, re a i) y-m a d e c lo t h i n ' 1 , caki'ets and oil cloths, glass ware, yellow ware, wood and willow ware, Provisions nucl looil a JlLL Kl!l, TOOXTnEll etTH WESTERN and COUNTRY PRODUCE such ns Fresh Moat. Hour. Itncon, Fith, Salt, Butter. Kgg-, CarlMi Oil. jr.... &v. t4Wholes;ile afld retail orders solicited ard promptly filled on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. CQUIHS. JOHHSTON t Ga f EBENSBURO, Penn'a. .Trn OMil PAYAHI.i: III'.nAM). INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME liEFOSlTS. WjoLY LCA'.lD. CCllECTJCNSMACt, AX B A OENEUAt. BANKING EUSINESS TRANSACTED. t"7TSpeelHl attention paiJ to tnis!nr .f cor respood.oits. A. W. BCi'K. Ni'V.U lST5.-tr. Cashier. riTTSBUUGII, PA. The most complete lntltutlon In tits I.-nlted Sistes for the inoriigh practical edaatloa of young and middlw ;ed rne-n. Stiideitts reeeltcl at snr tli.ae. Address fur Jireii'.ars emits 'nlr.g full p rtjeatars 19-15.-Cm. J. C. SMITH, a. M.. Principal. D issoiifnoN noticeZTti partnership heretofore existing bet ween the nn.lrrsivned In tho mercantile business was d i-solved l y mutual consent en the first nay ol Xure mbt-r last. The books and other accounts of the late firm have hcen left in the hands ef the. junior member, who can be found at ihe Kbens burg Woolen Factory, where all inlebted are re-qu-'Sb l to cail without delay an t settling tho amounts Eiaudinu- aaiust the in. SA. iil'Ef. K A XT Eft, WM. S. ltAXlfcR. F.bensbiirs;, Dee. 4, ISTS. et. h MI xTsf R ATO If S NOT I C E Kdto of Axiiiir.w Ponsnv, deoM. Having obtained letters cf aim fnfst ration on t hj ctate ot Andrew 1 iii.bon, I vtc of A lies; ban v torn ship. Cam'iria connly, deeeascd, tn; itti leriigned takes this method ef iiot.fvipg ail pcrsot.s indebt ed to said estate that payment tui-d he made im mediately, and those having claims against the Same wili cmisnlt tbeir two interests bv prrsent .ng them to tne proitorly anthentiented "for tattle inent s. M. DUC'lI-ASS. Nov. 10, 1878. Administrator. AD MINI ST II A TO 1 1 S N O T I C E. Estate of Wm. QriTON, dee'd. Letters if administration on the t-stnte of William Ouinton. late of Black lii k township. ili'cin'il. tutving be-n granted to the under signed, ail persons Indebted n snbf estate are hereby notified to in ito initneiiiute payment, and those having claims Bg.-iinst the same re requested to pieletit them for Si-tt lemon t. F. A. 61IOKMAKEU. Nov. li, lST5.-6t. Administrator. EiXECUTOirS NOTICE. Kstate of.ltlHV IIKAM.FY, riVoM. Having been gntnted letters testamentary n the estate ol John Bradley, late of Ailegueny township. Cambria eounty.'deceased, the under signed hereby est Is npon nil pe. sons indebted to said estate to make payment without delay, and those haying claims against the same should pre sent tbein fully substantiated teir settlement. HEXKY MAXSF1LLII. Allegheny Twp., Dec. 8, lSJO.-ttt. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of IlF.N.t. ItTFitS, dee'd. Ietters tostame tary on th" estate of Ben j imtn Byers, la:e of White township. Cambria futility, deeeed. have li'.n ii miUbI to t he undersign!, who hereby notifies ail persons lii'!ebiei lo said estate that p.miit mnt be made tirtl.w!! h. nd those having clalmsagalnst the san.c will present them protierly probated for sett leinent. JOHX S. AlcKlEKXAX. Pec. 1, 1178. -t. Exeeu or. S THA Y CALVES Came inlo the- enclosure of tbe sulmcriber in Wasbinc- ton township, on or abent , two red calves, one of whieh is a ynr old and has a slit In each ear. 1 he- other being a spring ea If and has a piece out of the under side of the r'gbt ear. 1 he owner Is requested to come forward, prove rroperty. pay charges and take them away, otherwise they wiil be disposed of according to taw MICH A Ft VtOXAHOE. YVashiugton Tap.. Iec. 1, lS7d.-St. STRAY STEER Came to the cn closure of tin snbacrilier in Chest town ship, on or about the 13th day of Oetnter last, a o-ie-year-old steer, red and white tn color, but n. marks. Tho owiit is h"rehy unfilled to appe.-.r, prove properly, pay charges and tako the animal away ; failing tn which, the steer wiil be disposed of ss the lw dlr.-cts. Dee. , lS78.-3t. ANSELM WEAKLAXD. CALIFQRHIAS T B k ci.JC v o ft o ii ;i- n r t r .v m it a t Fmbrwiv nrrJercai nuntz. nirt-r tl.e "r it Titii.; l.llway lAav of tin- v r ei.t s.Itf I - -l K I an I witU ;s .-nmeri u hr ;.' !. i 1 J ee 1,. neet'oce. XjT toe t t.c rfriest .nu a-tK.-st ri 1.' tv twetn t .lifrurt , frrl m .1 jH.-.at in 4 ! it s ...-. . Arntf.s Jkl fes.xt... .vf n : 1, . i 7ir -Aa, CaUf-mu. 1, and li.e lTf r' n ;.' . Omaha ri ml Cttll,"nrii't Is tho shortest and !n rat for ad pilnii -. A' rihtn, f.'i.ii ij.. 'ik.t. i.i;.. -. .V-t .t.i.t, i v ..Hifno. (Vn lu. I ul,, .i4i.i,Cn;ri .rum. -.-0 ti. t .ii tun. Jci'-ri a i ! .M''.iii.i. lis Chicago, Mwlison un.l M. la,tl I A 'if Is tho tlicrt 1'r.c r.r .Vr:.i-. !'-i'n and .Vl.i'ifi'a ttnl tr .T '.(..-.:. f'.r . t.'f.-.n, ..j -" ''irt, ami ail j iiiis I:i the t Ire a' Null U west. Its lf'i, tana and St. rites TAne !stbeon!y route for B"i i-.r.r. V.,. i9'cr. Oi" ..ni. . tVi'.i'.,. v.. '.,,.-, f;,. sir, 1 11. 1 r.-lat In Soatliern sniCr-i'fji y .nui-ji a. I;s lirren 1'aij an-l Murqat tte Linn Is the only line I f -t.-- '.'-. ir.;'r7't'--i. Fini.l I'U l.'io. .-''.'! ..sl. ,lli 10. , . .r. .-j fill... I 1 ti t. .liMil' tr, .K il l. '"( i.ir ih nd tho I.:tl:e .St.-pf i-.'..r "...,-?? lis frrrjtort ml littlntqite Hue Is tbe only reu" f-r TV-cV'onf, frrf, and all pe.nts via I recj rt. I : Chicttja ettttl 31 i! im uhre Line Is the old I.n!;e Slmri Kru'.e nd Isthoonlr una rassingthr.ingh hr -inf..fi, 1 .tl.r f.,r.r.. i f ,,.. 01J i'.irf, II tahinn, .' ic. if, Kr-i -rhj, lo Md- Vullmetn I'ftlftre lrrff are run " 'l thrnngri t a'ns of tb; mj-i. This ts !." WLV I-. rum: c .;.f -.rs tirffn Ch!-.M" ''i-l s; I ' n I '!nc;io anj 4d!! wsuke. or CI. !.-'-" "'I W inotui. At Omalia our 't ' r-i-r. e.. nn- wi:h t!.e fy. r Innd Sleepers on H e f rie-.i IW.- Kailr-'.-.-l for all points West of the .5VIM-i'ti-i l;it-. On the arrival of ths .'rrtrns ir.-n; fie Vaof or Si.nth. the trains of tl. Ct ' S-S" " Vorin VVtsKrii l.niiwAv I.B A I' I'll IC t jl V '.l r t ronm-il l'.:or. llTtiifa urn' t!if rri. Tnj Tlin.ngh I'ratns daily w it h Pulpit at p t !ar ! ira w ing boom anj Sieei.i.ig Cais througii toCv.a.ic.1 H'.ulls. lor t. Pnal sal Slon";ilis. Two Tbrocrlt Trains daily, with Pulilimu I'alscf Cars attschrd to i-e-i h trains. For reea Itay snd Lake Nnperlor, Two Trstt-s daily, with Pullman Pal.' t'ais attached, and running thretiirh to Mar.pn-lte. For Vilwaskee. l-eur 'I'hronch Trains dai'y rnllmsn Cars on night trains. Parlor CI. air Cats on day trnim. For prt snd tVlnnn and po'n's In TM li nnotn. One Through Train dallv, with Pu.lman Mccnsts to Wleona." For Ilnliaqne vis Freeport, Twol hr ngh Trains dai'y. with Pullninn ars .1 1 nlglit tm t.s. For bohuque ntrl I n ( nn-f, v.a C!'u i-r. Two I'hn.ttgh Trains .la-.'.v. wlih I'ullruau Cur ou tl.a D irt.t train to "v'c Ip'iir. l'.w.t. l-nr Mnut t'ity and lanWten. Tn Tr.Vvit daily. rit;tn:in Cars to Miso.iiiri Ya ll.y .' unction. For I.nke t.ro-TH. Peer Trains" f at y. For Koikt r.l. Merlinr. hen-i-?ia, Jne-T:il. and other points, you cau liare fruui iu tu teii tr:ilns iln.iv. New York OrhVe, Xo. 415 Br.iv'wn v : ltrti.n Oftce. Xo. S Stste Street ; t biintni Oibee. ;:..! Fi'ru liutn Street: San Francisco Ollice. 11 .".l.intg.im cry Street; Chicago lckt iiac vl 'l:irk St., under Sherman Bouse ; corner Canal and M iid1s .11 Streets; K inile Si reet 1 lepot, evrni-r W . iCnrl i snd ;nnl Streets; Wells Street Ficpot. cor... r Wells and Kiniie St reets. For rates or iii! jr!iiaiion not attiiuaMe froia your hoai te-uct aoil8. i.U' to W. H. Stknsktt, Ujii-.fis llrtj-lTTT. Gen. Ps. Ag't. Uta. Siiji't I'LiCiij. January 2s, lS78.-ly. ONLY RSWEDY Iilri ABB TIMES. CHANGE YODTi SURROOHDIK All wanting ritCI T I'AUM'5. esnclullv a l:i fi tted o the (mil th ut the VlNK. w I mc it it.'i estatdished n:tji-e9 ii 1 pnys Unns Pioir.-i. '1 tie land is also adu pled to t he grow t c. of p. 1. -ties. Pe-ars. Apples, ari-1 sioH fruits: S.e , Oiaini-, Urassand Veg. 'able. Many hu ndi cds of ex eel len t V t Nr. V A n !. Oit CMAHt.sarid FlHMirai now be ai o. IHK I.iH'AlloN l only ;si mil. s .nth or Philadelphia, by Until". m 1. tn a n-.M. ''. t liM ! oliiniite. mid at ili-.'M-n rl.ii.is 'i- Ki- Y..1I1 and Ph.ladeipi'.la Vsrk.-tA. An titer !t3.!ii-.a-t runs diri.-.'t to New York. TIIK I'li tt'K Mnlmi.lv I. sl'dSr. sect n-- Fl'l, and PK IS!"KUt)l"S. I'ri.i- S. !.". ;s. and Other privileges are -Rlnii.ly e-til .-I-., d. A Iso, ti!ni:'i fa el 01 jes f S-'kh , t "l t li : i;-. 1 t:i-". Straw fjonis, and f-'b r Things. 11 1 wh! h ! V.i-rl ent nieiubersof a lain'tiy can piociue euip.. - Illent. It has been a Hvi.th lirinUT for s une y-.ir past I or people s 11 He ring t rem .ii'h.i ti.ii j 1 ti 1 c tions. M-tinna. cn tarrh. eg 11 a-ni ''.et : 11 ' 1 , n ;. . y thOUM'.fl.iS of W Ill-Ill l' etl'lo-lv l-l-C'l 1-1 I ... A new Brick II. del I a- jut bin u 1-. ,11 , ion feel f mm. w it h Paek t nii Mrt e. I.iiiri.iii. high, iiicl'.i.iing Freei h r.x.f, n,i tln m r,, iiiiprovtiiient!. lor the accoyt .m.d ti.j.j ,,r itors. Pntrs or FA KM I.AXJV. J"-. rr.tt ACHF. payable tiy !:; !4tt-qI.. within tl'.- p.-i'l. d i f four yeais. In this e!i:--.e.'e. eu s -f rmd planted out to ricw3 wiil count h uiUt. a. V 3 nc; (s t nrther ti jr' h. I'emn.s nnnr.jiiMinti-d with TioTt tflremlig cwti become funu.i-ir with it le a h-.rt t'-iif on C.'ii'iiii of sifroiMi.l'nyi FIVE ACHPS. I'M-: .vl!l!.'i"i ?' WN l,l- In the town or La:;di;Mii.j ur.1 Y In. lanJ. iU - i for side. tVhllst visiting ti.- O Mcnn'al Frnccltfon Y Ineland can be visited at irn I eitpen.se. A paper coniainlng ftiil i f , ,: miii. .0 win ba IrTi'jf 'T" nr' ;i'"--"'o.i to cuaki.km K. ,AMiS,Vi.vn..iu. N.J. The Ji Powit-g i an 1 tract Trom a ;1e,-r!p tion nt inelaii !. wriiu-n py ,R Mrn rn ,., agriculMirUt, S'.b.n Kol i-..on uljl, j,,,;,;,.. in the New 1 ork 7rib'i' ; All the farmers wer- of the "wcM t" -" a. and some of ttiein. wh0 bav tame.1 t'i. '.r aft. tit .i.t. to frul san.l inai'l..t B-rJt-nfng. h ue tT..r. rr'. I ho soil is lo.ue. varying rr.10 eandv 1" e"::v . and sur ace ..mly inid:at ing. in. r"-. .lei w'fii sand strea-.is aud v-al..p; tret rf-a iows 11 v.hich de-.0slis of ( eat or ttitrr-li are stored. m-r-e.ent tn fr-rtii'Te the who e iijiisiid 'rhrbo-e. nil-r U Ls been exlmosird .f its n.itorul fertntty. It it certainly one of tbr rrorr tiientn-r 'r.. In en r t Irvl yon i't i i . and m'tfefTe rreo'i;t Jtr iAtainntfnrn.ii.ci, that vr I nrm of I nix 1 r .f i'te, U tttcrn i'rairiri. H r cue rn nr r-f thr eSf famn myporfntiv j';! " I a in,f j ..inrfto tire c ichen cleared s font', ffi or a kuu'drtj 1 uqo. " 1'he eo!ng?t wmiM ocn dlseover the eu or tbis continticl Prtility. Tiie whole c umrv is a. marine deji fit. and all tbrotfzh tho si il we I -uiel evidences oT ralcarenus s;ibstan'-e. geueialiv Iu the form of imfurated cal -areeus t'narl. shewimr pimir distlte -t ?orm of nn-ient sael is. of he 'er tiary lorniHtl.m : and thit itarly tubrtance l tcct tjrfd a'.l throng!, the toil, it, a rerp comminuted fort and in the exact condition mnti en ntl a it im itated by tuch fiUutt at the furmer aV.i-r tn cultt vate. s-25.-ly.J ZIARD. Hatlrt Jacobs would re- ppeclfully inform bis msny friends in Cambria ecua y atil els.-wher that the under signed firm, ol which he is a member, bus opened a . KW l:T ABLtSUMKT at o. JUS .Harket Street, Philadelphia, for the saleof ihe t rv Imst grades if V I. Si nil. I S.l4ts s.ltN. f.ir .lomet n ii -e. nd will at all tim-s keepun -'rioietii (.,f t,, very b.-st bran.. or.lv) wlneh wiil mmpare favor, ably with any ever i-O.-red to the trade. All per son's visiting tl.e city are cordially invited to iu spect our 8tvik. ACO: S&.CO. I9 Ylarket Street, Philadelphia. P. S We will also k.-ep on hBd a fl:ie sto. k of choice brands of Cigars. 14-16. -tf.J B ON N Eli III) USE, LoRETT.X i'A- IHvifip i'it rotnpleted 1 j,,-- i n . I rM.H..k..1 .1... . ... ... . . .1. '.i . -.... 11..- vu. .... m 1 .eiu lllis Cnbltn-Htiou , - -:.tb sunscr.li- r f !7 1 icits from the pnbt'Ji t. 1 i summer visl'..rs " - - . snd elegant hot)!. 1 ' r.poctflilly solicit. ! ".ti in general an 1 si 1 in parileulara tslrshareorpatrnroige. Thb.iue '. Is supplied wiih ail niivtrn boprevem- nts aed ba a tiue ten-pin a ley at tarhe.I. us n i . . . k n dant provisions !or the"ee..tniii.K; i..n an . t-u.-.-m.-nt of all wlio may furor the Ij.mi wnothetr custutu. 'lertus coly 10 p.r we.-v. I.retlo, May 10, IS7.-tr. ! Byd& Gamble", I auciiiti:cts ;And SuperinteDdents , Cormania Bank Buitdlnrr, Corner It'ootl ami Iiamnul Af.r ; 2-3.1 riTTSUUROl!. PA. i,. 1 LA1E CAIN li'll'Sr." Comr Maitt atnl I'i t ti-brrit "" CRSflttSPURC, PA. " Very centre of town rron'j the soutli eufrat.. ; ( ti the Court House. . ?-.-7.1.-tf.J Ji'llN ltlll KB, l.u.. avenua.