The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 18, 1876, Image 2

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    GZ2 A.?53 33S 3? ETS-
.'. llemlrieh' Letter.
Wk arc glad to find that the ex speaker
of the Houso of Representatives, Hon.
James G. Blaine, has sufficiently recovered
" racvrmir rA j his health to an-ear onco more h publ.c.
t3?.SDURC, PA., i,iake hands again with his
Frit;!)' Morning, - August 18, 187G. j friends induced him to appeal among them
' " - - I si few days ago at a convention called to
Ih-mucralic National Ticket. .....vide fur the State elections. While with
them he'made a shoit address, and in this !,ich I. had neither expected nor desired ;
OR i-ukm i.knt : j th.nk wc aiiotIicr reason for UlC cx J and yet I recognize and appreciate the high
O ft MTT1U T 'P I f 1X f V X" .1, ... .i 1 honor done mo by the convention, i no
n.i.HUE.n .i. iiiii'iv., oi cw i .n c..tinn wL;c, ,lC undertook, lie saw in.u j - . - .,.. -ltnlX- nronounced with
t Itinera were not L'oinsr well Willi the pany, ;
that the Republicans were losing faith and
heait. and no-where noro conspicuously
2i'eivp and Other Xotiugs,
T1I0S. A. HEXnillCIvS, of Indiana
Democratic County Ticket.
F. A. RIIOLMAKEK, Esq., Kliensburg.
(Sul J .'Ct to District Conference.)
JOHN 1M1WNKY, Johnstown.
JAMES J. THOMAS, Carroll Twp.
siii:!ii!'K :
JOHN I'.VAN, t'amhria r.oronh.
ASSoflATli Jt'D'.r.s :
JOHN FMNAdAN, Stony Cri-cl; Twp.
JOHN 1. THOMAS, EKOisl.ur.
ro'i: !'.ii'sk ii kfctoj: :
jruv fo?f.r:s!.NKit :
JOPEfll f: M '''.. Allegheny Twp.
In the reform of our civil service, I most
i l.fini-tilv i.ifio.'A t li at tuft. inn if t.lm liLltforni I '
K.m..... IS jiy 24, 1S7G. ' which declares that the civil service ought Samuel M. Blaine killed M snakes on . , j i ... i... ..,i,t,.i -,,.,,, u t vnrv ' liis farm, near Milton, last t riday.
Gknti.emkn I ha. e th o ion 1 to - : til ,at it ,,., , ,,e IlMule -(he brief j Titusvillo has a giant in the person of j
knowledge the receipt of y o ur c "n j j , ,)f , lmt on ,ht to ,,p A. K. Knight, a native of Canada, who is, :n which y.m have lot ima ly not bed , f . J , pe,ciicy"ani ,cld six feet seven inches high
me of my nomination by the Rational Deiii- j 1 ' ,,lov " I bono i Mrs. P. S. Osborn, of Palmyra, Me., I
ocratio Conve. ide, t ! ,,evcr H,,, tosee the cruel and remorseless ! drowned herself anda daughter seven years
candidate for 'he oHice of V icc-i ics.Uent r,., o.,,.s which ! old. while insane, on Sunday.
has disgraced the administration of the i The body of a child was found in a
last eight years. Bad as the civil service j New York vacant lot, on. Saturday, with
now is, as e.ll know, it has some men of j both arms and legs chopped off and miss
tried inteirritv and nroved ability. Such ; ing. .
choice ot sue, a . uony, pr - m nd ..c,, ,llel, ;,,y, should be retained j -Northwestern Iowa is suffering very
lllt TSiXTSXS i" -n-e ; but u inanhonld be retained I much front the inen armies of
" -v ' . ,,-oitiiifIrTjtifrti n lio iriKtittirea . llODPers. 11 IS feaiu iuij m uinn,uiii
J ! ,.i rwwno m.i,i intin. I southward.
of the United States. It is a nominatiou
and cotifideiice ought to outweigh all mere
:ic iih t i ij " i .0r,.,.K ,r,nv nun ins onice i me purposes oi iariiHn iiiLnii- ouu..."o...
which he had pledged , " 1 P ,ef e" "7?",; idation or comp.dsion. or who has fun. ished -A watcr-spont near Lynchburg, a.,
... ,., it ' It is with this feeling, and 1 1 ust also Mom .I...,;,.,,,, This is ' on Saturday, carried away a culvert, leav-
thau in the Slate
himself to convey to their leaders, lie j , Benso of uublic duty .that I now ac-
kticw also the causo of this stale of things, tlo nomination, and shall abide the
and clearly perceived that no one could ef- ' judgment of my countrymen,
ami cuany ,ci indo(,ti It would have been impossible for me to
feet it so readily as himself. It is indeed , noniliatioI1 if ! couU, not heart
on account of the honorable Senator hunseir j jiy cjorae the platform of the convention,
that this evident distaste for the work al- I am gratified, therefore, to be aide nne
lottcd to them has taken possession of the i qui vocally to declare that I agree iu the
Maine Republicans. They feel that they '''ir ' u ,
l J '.I III nun loo .m.vwv.
s-i AKEii Ki:i:ii is lyirg al the p'ii
epiunicans. i ;iey
are called upon for service to the very men
who, at the bidding of the President, niado
the cowardly attack upon their captain at
Iho ( incinriatti convention. Men cannot
I easily forget injui ics to thoso whom they
! esteem and hive, even when requested so to
i do by the victimized themselves. It is a
ltt of ' Kc,ura"y conceded fact that the assault
death at Uoek Ahitn Springs, Va., and no
hoj o w!:atcver is cuteitaincd for his recovery.
I'.i'.t i iim.No to the ilecla' at ion of I5ed-
foid cot'tify in favor of the reiiominnt ion
Hon. .lohn III-illy for Congicss, the 1
Tiw.i s:ih that that gentleman carried
this "stnni Uopublicau district by over a
thousand niajoiity two years ago, and can
do it again or cratth closer to it, in the
fact of a Presidential election than any
other man" that could be named.
I."ir.:;A county, icmniks tho Phila.
Tiiiu , is y ill in a tangle on t he Kfpubhc in
iioniiii:iti'ii for Senator, atid lr. St. Clair,
of that county, :'ed l)i MclCnight, of .lef
l''isoi, boll: stick obstinately. Genera!
White's ( 'iiMsfioii:il candidacy is prob
iihly the leal "nigger in tho wood pile,"
and that's an ii'in.anae.iblo sort of an
l'.thiopian. It isa'lig'it between saw-b miic,
and ,ts l)i, St. Clair has tasted hiiMid in the
Senate he won't surrender woit a cent.
Tit. 1'itt-liiii nh 'i-t is informed that
c-'.iiiv. m. Al'e:i, of !io, will suppor ,
Tildeti and l 'stuiricks, all stories to the j
contrary not v. ilhstar.dinr, bntthat there is i
only one contingency that will call him to j
tin! slump, .Mid that is tho Appearance of!
Morton in Ohio during the campaign. If;
the chief apor.'le of the bloody shirt takes j
the i-ttimp iti Ohio, old I'nelo William ex- (
l-resscs a livolv desiro to ect trfter him. m;d !
tlmt. i latfoini.
The institutions of our country have heen
sorely tried by the exigencies of civil war,
and, since the peace, by a selfish and cor
rupt management of public alairs, which
has shamed us before civilized mankind.
Uy unwise and partial legislation every in
dustry and interest of the people have been
made to Miner; and in the executive de
partments of the Government, dishonesty,
rapacity and venality have debauched the
I itcd, and occasioned only by the jealousy , public set vico. Men known to Ik? unworthy
and hatred of his livals, Morton and Conk- have been promote.!, ou.eis nave ecu
. ., . degraded for fidelity to official duty. Pub-
ling. The success of Hayes :n the present , XV,," 1,,,-n made the means of i.ri-
struggle is the perpetuation of the evil op- I vate ,.,,flt am ji,e country has U-en of-
f poitunilies of these nnirincipled schemeis j fended to tee a class of mon who boast the
""V ! and wc cannot feelsurpriso that tho friends j friendship of the sworn protectors of the
'",;- , , , . , r :.t:.... :.. ,i. : State amassing fortunes by defiaudoig the
uptm Mr. lilaino was dastardly and unnicr-
i oublic treasury and by corrupting the ser
j vauts of the people. In such a crisis of the
histoiy of the country I rejoice that the
' convention at St. Iouis has so nobly raised
the standard of reform. .Nothing can be
wt II with u or with our allaira until the
public conscience, shocked by the enormous
evils and abuses which prevail, shall have
demanded and compiled an unsparing re
formation of our National Administration,
'in its head and in its members.'' In such
a reformation the removal of a single officer,
even the President, ;s comparatively a tli
iling matter, if the system w hich he repre
sent s. Mid which has fostered him as he has
fostered it, is sullercd to icmaisi. The
of Mr. lll.iine feel no heart for aiding in the
accomplishment of that result.
Wf are greatly pleased but by no moans
surprised to learn that tho recent trip to
the north of the county of our worthy can
didate for Shei iiy, Mr. John Ilyan, has been
attended with the very best results, ind :!' dissatisfaction in regard to his!
nomination, which indeed never existed to !
' j
any pieat extent, has given place to the
best of feeling everywhere, now that he has i
seen and conversed with so many of tho i
en nest and reliable Pemocrats of that sec- j president alone must not be mado Iho
tion. o true, indeed, is tins, t lint not only (
a full but an incu-ascd vote for tho whole I
Democratic ticket i:i many of the districts
of the county may confidently bo looked
for. Mr. Ilyan, as we have already said,
is bound to win friends wherever ho goes,
r.nd with the aid of such a faithful coadju
tor as Mr. John 1). Thomas, one of the
cnuJa.atc.s for Associate Judge, who r.c-
scajn goat for tho enormities of the sj stom
which infests tho public service, and threat
ens the destinclion of our institutions. Iu
some respects I hold that the present exec
utive has been the victim rather than the
author of that vicious system. Congres
sional and party leaders have been sf longer
than the President. No one man could have
created it, and tho removal of no one man
can amend it. It is thoroughly corrupt,
ai 1 must be swept remorselessly away by
mrmov trt coiriint. thn elections. This is : on Saturday, carried away a culvert, leav-
done and has been done in almost every i Ing a gap fifty feet in depth, into which a
country of the land. It is a blight upon j freight train pitched, killing two men.
the morals of the country, and ought to be Jesse Pomerov, the boy murderer, will
refoimcd. j not be hanged. The council of Massachu-
ovm fchooi s ' setts decline to commute his sentence, and
Of sectional contentions.'and in respect i governor refuses to name May for
to our common schools, I have only this to j execution. So he remains in prison
say : That in my judgment, the man or I -Man? d
t.A.t.v that would i,olv o,.r Kehools ill i "'sirc u uu h uiK ...i '"""K-
.litiei.l or Keet,i:. is an penetrated at Hamburg, S. L
"SIP F .m
companied him on his recent trip north, the selection of a gvernment composed of
, . , ., : elements entirely new, and pledged to rad-
a;id who never yet spared cither himself or )...,., r
J 1 .i le il relol m.
his money for the success of any er.iue he
saw fit to espouse, we feel sure lhnt a good
woik has been accorupILshod, and that
neitlci Tr. lljati nor any other man on the
if ho d.s there won't bo much of the i co oisappo.nie.i in too vote oi
blKjIy shirt left.
u -o-
Tiir: Cincinnati (,tth'ic
Thursday last contains an
ical reform.
The first work of reform must evidently
lc tho restoration of the noimal operation
of the Constitution of the United States,
with all its amendments. The necessities
of w ar cannot be pleaded in a time of peace:
! the l ipht of local self-government as guar-
Trlrrjr of;
article from
Archbishop I'urcell, addressed to the pco
Ile of the United States, relative to tho at
titude of the Catholic Church toward tho
public school system. He declares that
tho Church has no disposition to inttrfero
with the sy.-tem, and says: "No doubt
justice and equality would entitle the
Catholic people of this oountiy to exemp
tion fioni taxati n for the nipport of other
frchools, or to a t.haie (if the ublic sclo.ol
funds in p oport on l the nuiub'T of ptii!s ;
in t!n scii' ltd--, biil t i r this wu arc dispos
ed to waive in your favor.'
i--c :g-t.BM
Ti:r. I)ei'ioei ;ils of Iiidfoul cotiulyhehl
their convention on Tuesday last and de
clared in favor of Hon. John Keilly for a
second torm iu Congress. They also nom
inated C. N. Hickok for tho State Senato
and W. P. Schell and Co. H. Sprang for
Assembly, besides selecting a full county
noi thorn Cambria. This is as itshouldbe.
foi a.l tho candidates were fan ly nominated j nnfeed by the Orstitution of the Union
ami are well v.orlhy of a united support, must be every where restored, and the cen-
pcrsonal) imperialism
anil as noscctii was more honored in the
convention than was northern Cambria in
the select ion of that good man and true,
Mr. James J. Thomas, for Assembly, who
is a tower of sireuglh whotovcr known,
nothing shoi t of an old fashioned Demo
cratic victory in Cambria county need bo
looked for next November.
Ai.viiama has spoken with
tralized (almost
which has been practised must be done
away, or the first principles of the republic
will bo lost.
Our financial system of expedients must
be reformed. Gold and silver are the real
I standard of values, and our national cur
j rency will not be a perfect medium of ex
I change until it shall be convertible at the
I pleasure of the holders. As I have hereto
fore said, no one desires a return to specie
i payments more earnestly than I do ; but I
a stronger i i , l.0liVi t hat it. will or cm ha renehed
voice even than we anticipated when wo j in harmony with the interests of the people
put her down last week at :' ),000 majority i by artificial measures for the contraction of
for the Democratic ticket. Itei.ubliean by tho currency, any more than I believe that
mono- - n . i - ,,"1 wealth or permanent prosperity car. be
10,000 , V2. Democratic by 40,000 in '70 : cr!.ltu(1 by j,,,.,,, of ,ie C1i;rrency.
A 000 Democratic gain iu four years, j Tho laws of fiuaiice cannot be disregarded
No riot reported, no bloodshed, and, as far j w ith impunity. The financial policy of tho
as reportsgo, the most decorous ofcections j :vo: nnicnt, if, indeed, it deserves the
... - name of policy at all, has been in disregard
with swarms of negroes joj folly voting the of Ulose Taws, and therefore l-.ns d-stttH-ed
Democratic ticket, disgusted with Han aid- commercial and business confidence, as well
son and tho whole liadical crew. There ' 83 hindered a return to specie payments
was not even
the tlimsiest of bloody :
a decent attempt to exhibit j "e fci,,l" "r l,,at l"1,cy was ,,,t! resnmp
rl, , , . . , ,i tion clause of the Act of 1S7.", which has
fblootly shirts and the whole, Prninll.lSK,.fi e,.., l.v th a,.t
ticket. So the good work for honesty re- j Uu"K mi,st bo IM!lllvIy disgusting to the j tion or a compulsory resumption for whicl
trenchmei.t and reform goes bravely on, ! KIical mind. Just think of it! an elec in. preparation oas been made, and withon
and if Mr. Reil.y does ,ot submit to the I j" - 1'i.sidential year, and rtt'fcfS iary 0
n . . . i 1 prui s iiinv I o H iri i ii: -i-jv I V If Jill,
great Diessure which is beimr bronvht lo ' K""'u '3t- " nie i,irnl ooeratH.ii of financial 1 mnv
bear upon him it will be because ho has i sl,ri,ccr n,ay 5 f,on Senatorial seat, be restored, that the business of the conn -cogent
reasons of a persona! character i ur Mr' Earner from his committee room, try. may ; bo relieved from itsdistmbing and
which all sensible men must accent as xod ! WC ,'" ,K,t k ,,ow' 1,nt m bh" very d I"PMI,,K "'Hnence, and that a return to
which an sensioio men musi accept as goou : J . J specie payments may be facilitated by the
and sufficient, and not because the people ; ri' cKly, oi it will not he in the mouth of i fiui,p, itlllion of wiser and more pind-nt
are not fully determined to renominate and , -'"y i iony tnai u,3 southern out- legislation, which shall mainly rely on a
i-o-fhwt. l.i.n if tin o.ilv II,,..,. to .7.. su ootisfe is entire
I out in politics. T
enemy to the schools. The common schoois
are safer under the protecting care ef all
the people than under the control of liny
party or sect. They must be neither sec
tarian nor misappropriation of the funds
for their support. Likewise I regard the
man who would arouse or foster sectional
animosities and antagonisms among his
countrymen as a dangerous enemy to his
country. All the people must be madt to
feel and know thnt once more there is es
tablished a puipose and policy underwliich
all citizens of every condition, race and
color, wiil be secure in the enjoy meet of
whatever rights the constitut ion and laws
declare or recognize : and that in cor.tro
versiesthat may arise the government isnot
a iartison. but, ! within its constitutional
authority the just and powerful guardii'i of
tho rights and safety of all. The strife
between the sections and between mces
will cease as soon as the power for evil is
taken away from a party that makes polit
ical gain out of scenes of violence and
bloodshed, and the constitutional authority
is placed in the hands of men whose politi
cal welfare require that ience and good
order shall be preserved overywhcie.
It will bo seen, gentlemen, that I urn in
entire accord with the plat foi nt of the Con
vention by which I have been nominated
as a candidate for the office of Vice Presi
dent tjf I l-,e United States. Permit me, in
conclusion, to express my satisfaction at
being associated with a candidate for tho
Presidency who is first among his equals
as a representative of the sj,iiit and of the
achievements of reform. In Ids official
career as tho executive of the great State
of New York, he has, in a comparatively
short period, reformed the public service
and reduced the public burdens, so as to
have earned at oticn the gratitude of his
State and the admiration of Ihe country.
The people know hini to be thoroughly in
earnest ; he has shown himself to le pos
sessed if powers and qualities which fit
him, in an eminent degree, for the grout
work of reformation which this country
now needs ; and if he shall be chosen by
the people to the high office of President of
tho United States, I believe fhftt the day Of
his inauguration will be the beginning of a
new era of peace, polity and prosperity in
all departments of our government. 1 am.
gentlemen, your obedient servant,
Thomas A. IlExmncKs.
To tho Hon. John A. McClernand, Chair
man, and others of the Conmutteo of the
National Democratic Convention.
The Moi.i.if.s Dximkt. AnoOter Break
in Hi Hunk. At Pottsviile, on Thursday
last, there was a great sensation in the
Mollie Maguirp trial. At 2 o'clock Frank
Mcllugh, a tool of the conspirators iu the
Mollie Maguire outiages, was taken from
the prisoners' dock and placed upon the
w itness stand to corroborate thn evidence
of James McParlcn, the detective. There
was a percept ible shudder among his fellow-conspirators
when Mcllugh kissed ihe
ilook after the clerk of the court had re
peated to him the solemn injunction that
he was to tell "the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth." Women es
pecially, who had hitherto shown more
stoicism than the male conspiral ors, evinc
ed the deepest solicitude. They bent foi -ward
their heads upon their hands and for
the fiit time showed tears in their eyes.
The gang in the dock trembled and Jack
Kehoe turned paler than he ever did.
Frank Mcilngh belongs to Mah.moy City,
and was secretary of the division of the
Mollies at that. pl.-ce. He has always been
a wild young fellow, ami is Mic only imio
of the piisoncrs at present on trial who has
been out on bail. Mcllugh corroborated
the evidence of McParlen in almost every
particular, and is a first-class witness for
the state. When asked if he thought ho
would escape punishment by going on the
stand, he auswcied : "I think that I w ill
Now they
are distressed and indignant that no out
rages were perpetrated in Alabama.
Mrs. Lattn, wife of Lieutenant-
Governor John Latta. died in Uniontown,
Fayetto county, on Sunday morning last.
Her maiden name was Hope, and the place
of her nativity Mexico, although her pa
rentage was Knglish.
The largest negative ever produced by
means of photography was recently ex
hibited in San Francisco. It was about
three feet long, two feet wide, ami the
perfected apparatus is said to have cost the
inventor over 12,000.
Lphruim I'hiiiips, Supervisor of New
Castle township. Schuvlkiil county, was on
i .
' Sutiiritnv n irf to miv a lio if tivn
hundred doliais and to undergo one year's
imprisonment, for issuing fraudulent tax
receipts to secure his election.
Gen. John M. Corse, the gallant hero
of the memorable defense of Allatoona in
Gen. Sherman's Atlanta campaign, has tie
elated for Tilden and lie form. From a
well known incident in t his defense origi
nated the hymn of "Hold the Fort,"
" A jury, composed entirely of colored
men, was empaneled in the Suffolk county
court. Long Island, last week. An attempt
was made to set aside the panel, b;it the
judge decided there was no more reason for
doing so than if they were all white men.
The wages of conductors and brako
men on the passenger trains of the Penn
sylvania Kailioad have recently been re
duced. Conductors receive sixty cents per
'lay less, and the wages ofbrakemeu have
been reduced fiom 1.73 (or1.80; to $1.23
per day.
A Pittsburgh man sold his wife for? 23.
Ihe buyer paying 3 and getting the prop
erty on trial. On Mooday the puic'haser
made up his mind that the chattel was
worth the money and paid the remaining
$20, settling the bu.-iness to tho satisfaction
of all pa i ties.
Eugene Cramel, twenty-one jears of
age, while bathing in the Hudson river at
Glenn's Falls, N. Y.. on Saturday, dived
into a twelve inch square hole in Ihe rock
wall of a lluiiie. The suction of the wafer
drew him through, kilUng him instantly.
Cramfl was an export swimmer.
On Ihe 2oih fay of July the wife of
Mr. G. W. Kdmundson, of Lumpkin conn
1 ty, Georgia, presented her husband with
j twins. Mr. Kdmnudson is eighty eight
years of age, and is thaw ing a pension as a
soldier or the war of iS12- He thinks of
volunteering to fight Sitting Puli.
A New Hampshire youth of fdxleen
eloped with and married a gill of fourteen
four years ago, but she left him in about
two years, whereupon ho married another
girl of the town without the formality of a
divorce, and sLe having gotio he is now
taking a third, at the age of twenty.
A pitchfork is the Hayes emblem.
Nothing could be more appropriate. You
need a pitchfork when handling such bun
dles of corruption as Morton) Conkling,
Helkuap, liabeock, Chandler, Boss Shep
herd and tho whole gang who are taking
the stump for four years more of Grantisn"!
A man in P.oono conntj-, Iowa, grew
weary of his wife's absence on a visit to his
mothei-in-Iaw, and hurried her return by
having a photograph of his house taken
with himself and a neighbor's wife stand
ing on the porch. This ho sent to bis bet
ter half, and she returned by the first ttain.
John Thompson was r.rrested at Potts
viile on Friday night for the alleged crime
of arson, committed at Colorado. Schuyl
kill county, in November, 1P61. Two little
children, who were in the houe wheu it
was lired, perished in the flames. The of
fence not Iwing a bailable one, Thompson
was committed to jail.
Lewis Jones, a lad n!ont fourteen or
fifteen years of age, a nephew of Mr. Wil
liani K. Kinsey, of Warwich township,
Montgomery county, was horribly mutila
ted by a dog or Mr. Kinsey, on Thnisday
last. The dog seized the boy in the lower
portion of the abdomen, inflicting wounds
ir I IN : 1 .A A' 'ill . 10V
Tt beonf!i reeeerv for MAN'AOF'iS IK 5!nw fU"MN"rc t ' - . r
whifli lmt-(i'tini-f.'il thftn !; h i !; iLKTt I iE.s, at.ii as-i ... , : ....
nr itf n i' tion mi 1 . IFfT.V.T:Xi 'K oi H--1 :h : ' "
V. i: Mi f T THF.SR TKL'Tlis to o.--If-viVnt : Tm;,: m r .
aro fhil-iwci! t-v t nt-ir I "r-ii ior wit li i-t-r ;i in i !':;:, I i I' -
ami '-e .tirstift of HAPflNF.SS IN THE 5 How l!t ; ... .." - ".
art ItfHt tiled am-tr Showman, (t.-iiv-.tiv tin Ir Just i v r Tr- .' . ,.
I mi lilie : t h:t t wlii'tu'vi-r v n v Ty Je f if SIioh l,.--f n. -i Iih , i; , , i , ; : - ;
Manag-er to inaugurate a ucv departure. J C i'HJS i '.
Has turiudover a new lent", r nt'r. tr 'irnoi li p ttie dl then:!, r
rj". He has devoted three entirt yt-ur i:i
tirely and forever played 'judicious system of public economies ami ; Tas "'"i11"
Tn a few months the Gov- j "racial retrenchment. Mm'e all on the J ,7 , ."l,'"
,i.i PL',""",, 'f enty in all the Vi- ,1,1, ,
With a keen and onet rating sense
tho great necessities that arise iu the cul
mination of gte;.t events, Col. McChue, of
the riiila. Time; says that after a Kcpub-
by tak
, ernment, at this rate, may bo able to spare : 0f thn i,eo-.le.
,,f a lew troops from the South to fight Sitting i I do not understand the repeal of the rc-
1111. i sumption clause of the Act of 1S75 to be a
backwaid step in our return to specie pay
not receive as much, and T pnr.l,l,.,l ,i,n I "re sickening to think of.
it was belter to go on the stand than to i f ?!,e lersonnel t.f the tail end of the
onse, ai d it would be better for "u-eiiuacKiicKoitne Unsiklyn Argu says :
.-sani t ary wears bis hair like General
ad guilty now than to wait."
He fully confirmed the meeting in Sei.t em
ber, 1874, when it was determined to shoot
the two Major brothers and Thomas, ol her-
Jackson's, and is as popular with the masses
as a free ticket to the circus. He is unsur
passed as a public speaker, is w itty and en-
The following resolution presented in tho : rnents, but the recovery of a false step; and
i 1T..I.HA ..r i' ,.... i: ... ,. aitiiouvii the leiieat niav. tor a time. i
Kilkenny cat fight in Huntingdon for , " ) !. t " "V T T ' prevented, yet the detenr.inat ion of the ! ? 1 i.nylk.ll county jail, who testified a;L lt T
. . . on f hu sdav last, bv Hon. Smtt r...-ri o I-.. . . that. Kehoe. oun of iho ,,r , ,. a,.r...i age. lesuiing 111 Kiel
years, it is proposed to settle it now ,. " , " " ' ; democratic party on tins subject lias now .: ',',; 1, i ci,env conntv wit!.
J 7 4 1 i III',,,,,,.,.,!,,. ..., t,nr r, x-. V-...1. i. .i , j . ... sntR. asked inm how tho t.i .f il, v..uf : ,,,ij county, witn
ing .Mr. Durborrow, t.f the Jonrnul, ,.. , , . T" " :. , f::.".r . ' V niuiderers would go. and "I told him ,ef. y killed on Frit
Mr. Guss, of .he Olobe, the two host ile T . . . ' .. " " V. " ; Sl,ecie ,,a vtnen s. -As sue , a . ,d. ty rough." Kehoe, said, "I think it will ! a,. acl
chiefs, and nominating them both for : V f .-"'"'""" ' u:0 ;iI:ltfolm of .iie s, L((,lis ; ' go rough with us all. for I'm afraid that : V " u ? W
T nrici'tiiiin u-..-.., .t. '..'' l y ' ""'"cot Kepresentatives. . ..WA , PKmriti. .1,.. ' wp "'n't get justice ; but if we don't get "' was Rf"nP
1 n '"" 1 ina. an aiiempts, i.y force, fraud, terror. ", , : instico fiorn. tlm nl,l ni. nt IT.,;a,,.- nincr wben it burs
coul.t no ciowtteit into one organ- ; i'"ii.iio.iiif.n or otherwise, to orevent th . : '": " I wnn't irnl., r ' a .i i . i. :..x. When a sniko from
.... fri,. ..v,.r,i,. f ii... . f ....... . 1 ll.oi oii' h I v liehe ve t lin t. I v nn III fr,iii. ' ' r. jumukiio. ., . .
on without blowmg everything into ;fnu, ;, ',, , ,'.; - -" - ? ' omy ,,y omrj retrenchments, and bVw se ! p?ld' cVk tlir whips, for tho j " 1 '! 'el,ead and ,
is i . i,v,il,lm ....iu !. t..;..i ..t.... .....I ;t . . ' f ;.,.... i; . . oit: man nt llavrisbnrg won t. or daren't ' "" "tati.
. ' ,,, ii,i, 4 iltiy I'.lSe . ....... ... nv,vuiit,b IIIV .
,..,!,t ci.N.n Iinf I f ,i.,t ;,.r.t ... ... .,c i .I,,..,., w hich has heretofore oi-eiirrcil ,r tl.'i .,,., e.ioiis nie'nlK rpsnmnl ioti ot. an nui-lo 1 I
.T'l, , VII, -II IIMI.-l HI,,,,,! . .......... ........ ...-v. ........... ,
..... ... . '. . herealier occur in which viotenrn or tiiir.l.r is nossi'.lf urit1,m,t nnnlnnim. m, ,i;i;n;i . "ave ii
have its po iticai sensations, ami ihey ti.iglit i,.,- iM... ,,r Ki, u i ' . . '.. v. h . 1 was on
... -' . J . " ls."" " 'r shall .o commute,! hy one race seal cit v ol ciirrencv" or d stm b hur onl !; . "
ry SI.Iicinff the tails or Duiborrow ami or e.ass ,,p,m the other, the prompt prosecu- or commercial credit'; and that these re- ! Ke,,oe'
Cuss together by way of varying the per- "":,.',.I"VS l""'1" "' n!'y r,,".rt h:x forms, together with the restoration of nu.e Cnt'
foi mancc foronc campaign. If I he vent lire
doesn't pay, they will have the consolation
of know ing that they had tLc liveliest show
of tho season.
Tiir resolution of H.-mi. Scott Lord, pub
lished elsewhere, is timely and to the point.
Tho Democratic party, no less than tho
Uepnb'.iean, condemns all attempts tore
1 11 risi I Ti'T rkt (I... ur,.., ... .
. .... i'i , in .Il IS ......... 1 .. -11 . i r- .
imperatively demanded, whether the. eri,..., f"" imm Kcnri.ii conutience,
Kehoe, chief officer of the Mollie Ma
gniie t.rder in S-.lmylkill county, and Can
ning, chief otliceror Northumberland coun
ty, together w iti) six other prominent mem
bers of the organization have been
wise known as "Uully Bill," and strongly ! rp"'ing in conversation, and can easily
xt sensation ! "'vveuiy',ouroui'sw,l-out being wound
w as created by Oeorgo Bcyerle, the warden UJ- r
twenty-nine years of
dand township, Aile
his iiarents. was in
lay by tho bursting of
nne cylinder. The nia-
running some time, and
distance from the cvl-
t, oiling the reariniT.
the cylinder struck him
tasted entirely through
go back on us." Judge Ryan wanted to i lV diabolical attempt at assassination
ie evidence stricken tint, but as it ' "'""e at Collego Corner, O., tin Satur-
ly offered in relation to the caso of,out one o clock. Some wretch placed
tho court refused to do so at nres an "''cnai machine in the cellar under-
ir.i ,u.n v.uurcnmans barbershop,
lighted. a fuse, which soon burned to the
murderous w eapon, when it exploded, send
ing a ball of lend the size of a hen's egr n
through the floor into the baiter-room
1ndr lia.t : missing iiir. Lliurchman a few inrl.o. it
got into a row boat on fhe mill pond and T"9 consderably stunned by tho explosion
pushed out until sho was in tl
but escaped nniiMurod. '
!l OF ' niwl m-am mr- sit , r-i swl I. t I Til f Kf 1 1. Io mis) . - V. - .
I r . , vo-f '( Ivan iru UfWil U HID I "v.-wo nml , llriIQCl Tliet'lrl.
have been frequent . me. Terences. Our w hen Miss Iliegel came from the house ' zeu8' Street Railroad Company, at Indiin
platforn. truly says that many industries fl.ed fr making ft r,ll : ! aixilis. were totalis J..1 i
have been impoverished to subsidize a few. . n' of br friend, l.nrri t' n't"? Sunday mornim, t)f kZ.i ' V "5
? f " . ---- - - - v - tv I'uiiu, f r- - " i"tmi cu HIIU
: rl t U
iMtrinir this time he ha tie n runninir s show ef,nal t, t! e
searched u II Asin has t.-n looked v,.r-fir N.- '- '
last heen C N- iL! t'ATFti INTO ON I'. (iRAMl t KP' M: i :
Ail forn:er nt:eii!.-t in ttit s-lrov hu-ines .i,m:. ,: :
hen-Ive Ami-, lea h:is ever "en ! K -rv ovi Itv rlmt I, j-u l.
lias het-n seeuretl for this Woi 1 d-Wide t nietuii:l fain
lie Oiiriu the lst t:e a.!e hi. !. i, J or s .nie! hi i.;
Want, as the fuui.oi se thrones testify wfu viai y
t. I :
: in:
V j. L -i
. ,,r V -I"
... p.
1 t. llUSSl.l
- , mo II fir
r - ... E . LJ
ir . -
eo-tly LI 1XU VTM AXIM.IUS never Let. -re in O in . -elsewbej-f.
since :tir firM parent ht Id sw-av In ttie Uttrd.-n ( t h'.'i- i .
1 orest. .lunirlo. Morass, .1ft tmiiiin. Vast I -.-ii. K j-tiies. S, n-,,M. -
every Chine and Zone, which can exist iu this climate the htt i- ' " !
will Mppoar a
A. 1T .1I .1 . - m .
U- one pnnishahle ,y a tin .", r t , encourage the useful investment, of capital, "7"' 1 - Fnn,e
uro,,e.U.a.,di,,sth, rurnisl. employment to labor, and relievo , p'ffel aged fifteen years, of Philadelphia, ! J
Now lei tl. li i- i I l e country from the "paralysis of hard ! Snvt'd f,, ,irn of a younf" ,ady f,iend !
Now let the bloody shu t wave. tj - luo "aru . nt ,)0rsonfll risk Tl6 yonnjr ,ad , d ; r
With the industrUsof the people there
. , . I K " ' -
.Mtrcomme.cenasueent egra.leU to at, in- jnn.ped in, regardless of her own safety "venty-five horses in tho stables at the
fer.or posit...., o the high seas; manufao- Maud swam, o the assistance of Iho S time of fhe breaking out of ril
' iiikiltit l...r... n T ...1 1 . t ; . . . .
Mess any light of the citi.en, and will . " , ' al i'mviii,
whenever and wherever it has the power, ! t '"V," ! Z!: I. ,,AV "i agriculture j nied girl
fully enforce the r.f.ecntl, Amendment, ev idence, was reconmiended to t .ho me rev " f.;' - 1? ! 'f ! p swam with the other and
Th,t is a nart of tho'Consti. u- "f ! Court. These same men. . .rT" """ua "lVB i Puliod ,U of danger.
ti n,, which is tho fundamental law. : .V"'' KOV,''a' ol'-cr, vi ill be put t.pon trial The burdens of the people must also be
Therefore it says, by this resolution, tho nilU JwsK0 Major, :a 3Iaha ioy c. y T. ,T- K,eal c,'V!e ' r systetn
; ...j , .11, laua. i fj, cuy. ,,f ,,,hC exoenses. The oroditratrt t--r.
negto in the South snail oo protected in an , . i 1ei,dj,urps wlljch incieiifiCll ,ftxano.i from ' I'nblishes a long letter, in which he declares
his rights of citizenship, as well from tho Tiik Indian war is likely to amount to ,ivp '",:' per capita in I860 to eighteen ' for Tilden and Hendricks. Ho doosn't en-
negro .as from tho white man. ISegrocs , Jiit'e the present yeai, the Sioux being ro- in itu .ells its own story of our, r1'" Hr " !"'J!s won ir. i ihien in
ported to have crossed tho Big Horn Moun- ncrrt ol scl rerorm. "nanciai views, our oeiievos lie is the
tains, and some of them to lv mhn-nti "" treaties with foreign uowers should ' right man to inaugurate and enforce re-
. . . f- - -1 .. . , , . c r. .. ..... ...... .1 . : . 1 . - . .
atso t; reviseti and Amomied. in so far na . lln i""'i'" inmves ami cor-
G. W. Huss, chairman of the Green
The profligate ex- ! "nck. Ptate central committee of Indiana,
Taking hold of the bont with flfty perished before they could be rescued!
. -na crs and a largo amount of
other property were destroyed. One of
the employes, named Thomas Hall, was !
'"""J injuieti, ana aied the same evening.
1 he loss is estimated at fifty thousaud dollars.
1 "tafc.-l-i 2kW!'l '-45
liko Prince River-, of South Carolina, shall
not intimidate and assault Democratic ne
groes ; nor shall negro preachers use all tho
power of their religious associations to
frighten conservative negroes from the
polls. In every Southern State it shall be
ns safe for the negro to speak out and vote
, for Tilden and Hendricks as it was the
other day in Alabama. It works both
ways, gcutleiiion.
to the British possessions. At any rate
they are thought to bo bevond tl..' roaM, they leave citizens of foreign biith iu anv
of our troops, and hence not likely tostand Pa'titnl,ar 'ess secure in any country on
auother battle the present year If this earth than Ihey would be if they had been
should prove true, a winter campairr,, may "O" n on ol,r own soil ; and the iniquitous
oe rnouuiii necessary, as the
of relief against the Indians,
moiants to their native political haunts.
About two miles from tho City of
Mexico is a remarkable old cypress tree
gnailed aud twisted iu a wonderful way'
V " ""Hhana years old, and ten feet in 1
diameter at it base. At teu feet from the !
ground it is fourteen feet in diameter, and j
at twenty feet it divides into two immense
trunks. It is the old tree of Noeh Trim.
Gen. P.. L. "E. Bonneville, of Port . under which, according to Present r ,....
. ... ... ... . : 1. . t. . 1
rinitii, ai k.. is i-lie c-ioo'st oincer in the s""iriuu men when driven by the Az
surest method coo,l ""ll!m hch, through the agency United States army. He is eighty years of . tecs f the city. It was once fired and
of wealthy companies, imports Chinese J aire. IIe graduated from West Point in I vcry m"c' injured, but the trunk and shell
j bondmen, and establishes a species of sla- j 1315, served in the eailier Indian wars, was ' ,ive for ai?cs. The Mexican Govern-
AT 71 o'clock on Tues.l.v evening osil i,'J 1D - r V-I V j ,1 V i ,u every Bieat 111 .Mexico, and. ttiir- put 1 uandsome lence or stone
..;. , ' ." '. r .. ' .. " '.7 ,3W,r on our t aciDCOoast SUOUld bo Ut- , tne .he rebellion, had command of Tt
and iron arouud it. tliat
Barracks, St. Louis. 1 distuib it. '
11 j """i, .-!, oi laoor 011 our j
both Louses of Congress adjwui ued sine die. tei ly abolished.
w'rT?.r.'P.r,A"r!1.f r,tho entire profession. Beautiful Traine.l II r s !' '
OtI LOW ill Uo l.o there.
iA 'ir VK1'A T KAt"K SHOW wi.'l jrlre the ruMle. for the tiiue. an i !
ort.fc.ij ot ail kinds or AututaU on the. (.rent Kaee Track.
KA( JMi . SPANISH l:rLI.S, KAI IXli HIS N. K.'iV..
. Thorourhf,red Kseers and Trotters ttrnlnst time: Walkh'ir Ma'
Iaherty Knees l.r Wild Herws tr.tntd l Fe n Ihelmok: frur 10 i ! "
Jjtdy lrivet; Old Clowns' Donker Kaee slowest wh s AH these mi:
lie wlven Intact the entire cn in small and lanre t.iwn sll the sw'iie.
or AliMlssiUN REMAINS IMHANCEII. The an ivsl ot the u T r'
vnst nmount of k1ww nn,,.ni i t,- .,11 ....-.. 1... i n.'ivi; A
lial will hejriveti at .0 o'clock A v.. hen th(Jrertt MAISt'l OKAS i'A''1
.,t.i"7ln!, core.' first periled with choice seats tienr ttie stand, lit vl x !
tlllLOKKN CNDKK TEN YKAKS, 3 ets. A htnit.-d numUTot t l;,,:' 1
Muke a mi tuoranc'uiii of the date, and d r.'t fait t see this ie.mei's
Alfoonn, .nriit -ft U'.u'
ilifiisbiirjr, Saturtl 1 v. Anil i'5 , ,,It!i.