The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, August 11, 1876, Image 3

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Ebcnsburg, Pa..
- - . A ( f m.u t
v,rt, 1 , i ,ji, iir,,tBrt
-H'"' are down to 50 cents a
"' ' tivf-new citizens were made at
' P .iM'Mutitv court.
"1 . i kberries. lartre ana luscious.
' Tlne cents a l"-irt-
'';'r.'Mi ii r""r'" ,i0,e ,h!Vn tHiy
,, ' t!ie water trenches, you
.: !. i "'
.r (..'-fT-iTtli nnlpfl Ami wfrfka
. ,eT .He 1 " ' Jr'-I " I
" -ted iri'iu Altoona to Kast
, I... M ' ' 'I
1-1 '
,,T U
J' - '
i - tit ii 'i fji ' c r i uupb urn enii
v'iirnt ' ' I"5 Crawford House by
' " , ... .. mi if h foi liot now as it wan
-1 ' I... M.rjk llllt tliell W lb rt
,ll." " - ' "
' . I ...I IcllllW.
I ''rJ '-V. -r bushel I the price de.
ti'i' ! i'iii i' nere.
'.. ...111 1 tl..kll
.M - i. ""."'7 r r
-Il 1 ' 1 . 1 111 1 1 ,... mj j 1"
, k to-morrow afiernuou.
. 1 . t ....... ..I. I .
I I, !lK' tt II I"','i II"" OIMIJ(lll, HUM-
. i vi i f'f nsmult and battery.
(4 iviiL' t' p"'-,iitruct 111 in on wo
' ,',;V I'i 'H' !'''H-
u.r. :i: ! inn!' will lie on exhibition
"' . i , i :n,i.i'i! diirii'g'hc Hrst two weeks
J ., ,. i , r. In the I an i: it age of the II uil-
. , nr.- V'-" pi")f ''
"i'vtT S. ry'l linger reached ni
....,! iv i 'rT wan then so
, :);.it V t'ciiliil it llllOrtiliItj
r ,;n f..r it in tin- jirt Bftit insme.
i. i ', ., ,1 i'..i.iiIiMi an i-miiitv oti-
, , i, iin:l:iv him riii n'ii iik v oiiren
l . i Hi. ii. .Julm Ot'Kiia, nd
,.' , , r... i 'i'ilVriT fur t-. Ingj, Esq.
-i, r. ntn -l t 'l tarrjiiiR tin: mail oe-
. p .; c and Strinntivii, a new
I i- i.ivii nunnled to Win. C.
it a:i up-hill biiulnenn lm
, . mi!m? v. tut r it over.
(. j .-iii - oM """ "f Mr. ('lintnn Ooorh-
I r.r. I "i t"Wiiili p. fell a lirfin-(f of
t, in lii" I iMn'i 'n harn, on Monday
I -j'liv n t In ili! forirhcad, bo
. '-m l' ti : ii t .jui'e ii-verely.
:,r 'l':n wi:v i t xt Irotit can dljort
,'r. in tlifir ini'irn ptn-umn wlrhont
; u i ; i;i'i.i!i ( r t h? next 'i(lit limn t lis
,.h 'lc.l i f n i n rue thel'M i HO in-
i; !'!!! iii tin- ineantiiiie.
v .. v I.iukii mill t'arlat, I'a. Jl. R.
. ii..r mild . n to fHine in tlii roil ii-;-.c
r i t i :;.' ittiin; w iili.llieir fiim
.1 ,!,.ii-,ri .il nini jii piilnr khiiiiih t
' ;' J.l. j.l ll"ii'-, iri Ifiin placo.
.1 i .'..- ii, Mil- t-l.iipe of a brown
:.; vkii:il i" this place a few even
!n!a-;i iiim- by any other Imtne,
h i -Kn U i :' :i y ctm r color wonbl
ji.-' '''. iiii.I j iif-t u8 iii'-eni-aiitly.
I. 1; i.,l"i r.u .!' .us latit week recoin
1 ,1 ij.. ri-i-a-.- i f Freeman (Jnpp, of
i, :i, , Hiivn lid in flits county and at
r' - rvii ii-rin of iinpriHoiiiiii'iit in
'..-.,:i I'.-Lit-iiii.iry for the crime of
T!-A!',i n y'isr-T tiaysthcre seem no
i. - ;n .l-.iibt ihtit Hon. John
'. s;, ' ('in'ii itiil fir ttcremt in thin
i t. It tins ! true our Jiciiiiblicau
. i w U tlieirHbow an imioii n
a :: 1 1 r 1 t.
r,i in- I.iiI-;iv & Willouplibr, of the
1 1 i ' A'i i-.-, ny tlml th-re nre
i 'Vi- rii. s uii rlnj ritlne1, near that
-. I-.! ,i 4iiii ustlii-y get K'min they will
tj'p i., i;:e iif a 1ii-.te. If they do we
-il . :i - :i Vig taHte.
"1 .! i-. Y . M.!i;lii n am prostrated by
': ;" !:' his reiritnetit at
y Wiiyiie, I'liilai'.elphia, on
;itt.-n.i'Oi., niid for a time ho
r j ri i ni iuus condition, but
h i. ,1 !r.,tii tl).f el'ert.
f iir ;i ut y and a joy forever"
1 i-'.. tint array oi dowers of
Mi in i lie front yard of the
l-i. 1 'Ii" tavte and jmlmeut.
.r .11'.:, ue reflectH Infinite
' '..:! 1'. lami r and bin cptiiua-
y S.,-
: 1 1
r F i-
v.., ,i.
r-n v.v.n-. St-phenn was roTntnit
: y-'.i-r lay ,.r l reakinr into and
I' .nu .rtniile f,.r Itiinttelf mt the
"" t Mr. .1 ,!in 'J'ililmtt, iienr th'iH
:r.i. :.. a',-..-iii-e f owner and
ii In- n . i!fl.-J ".(iin to be a little
h'-i ; i,1.,.. ,,f ?....i i... r..n i..
' . II. . 11. 'Ill
I" ( far-Inspector 5eo.
! n a i-li, on Friday lat,
ii m'i dM eiiaed In tap-
1- if a -ar, and strikiiifr
V t .'jiHv deNtroveil it Im
!.t i'f tliat i.iti-.
ird ;..;. ..f ;ast week cotitainn
i: "i'.'ui ; i! ur'iiit; at conoider
t' n iiiinat inn of Hon. John
s: i !. mid i Hllii'd "n 'he np-
" ''" ii.'ii in that cinitity to K'v
' ' r- s wit limit opposition. Hm
T a';Miijr t M, line.
1 I- '.ik. ti Hi., trouble to netid
l i -.i t ti e .Inliiistow ii Trflmntt
lr:. r. :1 i-t'.njr on the "New
;" 'rii !. (Yinpany," but a we
pnrt in th'dirf nxtiioii,
' ibiiiiit bat the tend-
' l -i,!iy ivislji-H ut to do.
''I.i i-.iy. the t: jilting i hap.
"' t', and ro
' ! :i. h .if the Holy Name,
iivrr-d a very inti resting
''"i,'t". he Welt known
! '':, I'a , a few evening
"- "I A in. ri. an CltiitetiH."
iii i f the di ourhu as an
pi i. ui't ion.
" 1 ! '"ot u ratie nheet, the
; I. I'll ah aeeepted A the
mt i y l.i'VMpaper loti(T lw-
, 1' I- i'lft lltiTi'il llliiatt fltiA
l' eMt'iice. ami i.H
-t , 1""' :l ' .juvenile grim-
;.. ;'j ',' -''" ' -lebrate its ccnten-
!'!ei,l iii iiiactnent.
'I-ii. I,v wl,,, , wft i.resmnn
r i,,l ntl. manly pas
" Pa. K. K., will
""1 im doubt very much
'ii an item in the 1 t.
" " i tiiat he waa in-
1 " -bty of laMt week while
! 'I'-i" a totpedoin an oil
r-T ....
A '.!.,
! ' . )
1 .ii
lordly, Aujr. 19th,
' yi; i . il.-r at pntilic nale, at
!'! t ill,, r in fairoUtown,
". '-:rn old, of jroiil 'll-
'"' "i ii" iii 2.40, one notrcl
""' . or,.- yi arlitij; colt, one
' -""I 1 1 1 nr v . one milky, one
"'";-. sad. lien bridle-, etc.
,',7 ", ' I1""'- ii our authority
t Mii.t ti,iitel KtiM-lr
'i'l't thai place is now on
' Nlln'l'v'-SiarClothinir
I'.v biiyiuHtrictly
' "r -s lii!NUM.k at the
;d in limn enabled
is to all who favor
ii i,
"f !..vr,
r "it:i -.l oft thin mortal
".! il,a firr uwer to
J.1 l-w-ll townhhiji, lied
1 " -lav t lat week, bv
' - p.'.,,,;'"' leather line in lii
'" r"i. I 'ra"t,'"tnent, or hal
' '," le-a.l ' U,""l!ht by a violent
!..!, "Miti-raie a f.
' --1 .. " ' ,,,,"'n "trnlnKdeck,
' --'n,. h,"', the rear of bin
J,,v-t an.'.. . . ",,a"V 'iy K", -!d
'"'-'"l''ed to Bl,
'ii a loail of
""I'-titi, t.
Hi II, ' "ieriiin im
"I the
v" i"it v. but iii.t then
d,,,' , 1 ,r""ri. ai,,! r.,n: u, b-
ii ...... (i'n. whereby hia
M i '.,.. ."".V'-'y bruined alwut
' ' .'lt. ( , J "".-'-I F..1 .
?1'',m. ''"" I'.o'.KiliRer, Bon
.i " j tti. ':ape iroin worse
1 W:4s due I,, n,
. !"w further he
Henry Ienky wasarrestcd in Johnstown
on Sunday last for brutally beating a man
named Jacob Mowrer on the 20 tu of last
month, and on betnc taken liefore En.
Strayer, Monday evening, confessed that he j
nan sirncK jiowrer with a 'slung-shot."
This waa deemed talk enough, and conse
quently he was held in ?500 bail td appear
and answer at the neJct term of Court;
Go ask the troubled waves whose ceri.Se
leM roar, in fury breaks upon the distant
shore, know ye some spot in all yonr lonely
round, where bargains great for ready cash
are found? the answer comes; few words
employed, the place is kept by Myers &
Lloyd. whi sell all kind of goods, thw est,
at prices lower than nil the rest, of men in
this wide world you'll meet Elxmsburg's
the town and High they call the street.
The Democrcy of C'entre comity. In con.
vention assembled on Tuesday last,! present
ed the name of D. O. Hush. Ktx., for Con
gress, ami del a red for Hon. P. Gray Meek,
editor of the Bellefoute Watchman, for State
Senator. Wo congratulate itro. Meek on
the well merited honor so handsomely lie
stowed upon him, and have no hesitation In
saying that a better selection could not have
lieen made. Hope the other counties will
follow suit.
We should have srlhl last week that our
energetic and wide-awake townsman, Mr.
Geo. Huntley, Joined Dr. Lcmmou an j Mr.
Win. A. Jones in their sea voyage from
Philadelphia to Ponton, the Trip us we are
asnnred 13- M r. Jones, who has since returned,
having lieen a very delightful one, and
neither of the three gentlemen limited, If we
except Dr. Lemtiwn, who was slightly affect
ed, si i fie red from sea-sickness. Mr. Hunt
ley Is now visiting his childhood home among
the green hUis of Vermont.
John Kynn, Knq., Hetnocrntlc candidate
fur Sheriff, and H. I. Woodruff, Ksi., late
senior editor of the Johnstown Jjctnocrat,
reached our town Wednesday afternoon, en
route to the picnic at Sf. Lawrence yester
day. Mr. l.yan is an affable, genial gen
tleman, and needs only to lie known to lie
appreciated for his sterling Integrity ami
moral worth. He Is the kind of a man, In
deed, that tbe Democracy of Cambria will
never go back on, ami his triumphant election
is therefore a foregone conclusion.
A brain Goose is the patronymic of a
Hontzdalo con feet bun. r, but he is only a
goose in name, albeit he Is of the mascniinn
gander no, gender while they are geese In
nature who heed not the advice we givethem
every week tohny all their made-up clothing
hats, caps, furnishing goods, etc., from that
prince of clothiers, and most iileral of gen
tleman, Mr. Godfrey Wolff, whose immense
establishment, wo wish our readers at all
times to iwnr In mind, is on Twelfth street,
next door to the Jvist-riflice, Altoona.
A bar of Iron Interviewed one of Krastns
Payler'e feet at the C. I. Co.'s rolling mill,
Johnstown, on Friday night last, and al
though no liones were broken, the Injured
man no doubt wishes that that particular
foot had not lieen on that particular spot at
that particular moment. Samuel T.-ese, of
Hornerstown, met with a like mishap at the
same place on Saturday evening, and fared
Infinitely worse, his right foot lieing badly
crushed and one of Ihe Iwhicb broken by a
bar of iron falliurr diagonally across It.
Hon. Wm. F. Prosper, a memlwir of
Congress some ten years ago. and subse
quently postmaster at Nashville, Tenn., near
which place he now resides, and Dr. Thos.
J. Griffiths, surgeon In charce of the V. 8.
Marine llofjdtal at Louisville, Ky., were
among the visitors to our town last week.
Mr. Prosher was a former citizen of this
place, and not a few of our citizens rctnemlior
very pluinly If not very painfully when he
used to wield Ihe birch In thia locality while
engaged some twenty odd years ago In teach
ing the young idea how to shoot.
A mischievous quack in Altoona advised
a young man with more hair than bran to
use molasses water, the theory being that
after the water evaporated the rebellious
Jocks would coalesce and keep In place, lie
made his toilet of a Sunday morning, and,
taking a prominent pew, concentrated the
attention of all the Hies in the church, much
to ihe relief and edification of the congrega
tion. After striking wildly about and dam
aging a palm-leaf in undue vehemeuce, he
made a break for the door with the flies
swarming alxnif his vcl-seaftoncil poll.
We are glad to notice that Capt. James
II. Gagcby, of the 3d Pifaiitry, U. S. A., a
brave soldier, a thorough gentleman, and an
earnest friend of the Fkeh.MAN, Is at present
on a visit to hlsold home in Johnstown, and
that he is iu the enjoyment of good health
and no doubt the posessor of as easy a con
science lis a soldier on duty in the South
could expect to enjoy. M r. James Flanagan,
eldest son of Judgu Flanagan, has also lieen
taking a peep at old and familiar scenes in
And about Johnstown, and Is nv doing
the Centennial previous to returning to his
home in Chicago.
--No danger of business at the Elieitsburg
hardware and housc-fitruhdifiig establish
ment going to the demnitiou Ihiw wows
during the absence of the proprietor, so lo ig
as that mammoth concern is under the pru
dent management of so proficient and ac
commodating a gentleman as Mr. Will.
Council, who has no superior as a salesman
and few equals in ail that pertains toa thor
ough knowledge of tho hardware trade iu all
It branches. IJuyers can do no better with
Mr. Huntley, r any otlur man, than they
can with his elliclent and attentive clerk,
Mr. Connell.
At 12 o'clock on Sunday night. Just
the town time-piece was pealing the hour of
midnight, a brick was thrown through a
large pane of glass iu the show window of
Diliert k Son's hardware store, Johnstown,
and ere long till another crash was heard,
nfter which ail retrained quiet and nothing
InriRcr wks known In regard to the matter
until the following morning, when It was
discovered thatseeral pisloN, knives, etc.,
had Is'cn stolen from one of the show cases,
and that, the broken window had lieen used
for Ihe Ingres and egress of the burglars.
No clue to the perpetrators.
We publish on our first page a patriotic
song written by Maj. G. Nelson Smith, a
gentleman who needs no Introduction to the
people of this county, and set to music by
A. H. Poscwle. Tills song has been fnng
with gn at eclat by the Grand Centennial
Choir and In all the Auny Posts of the
country, and Is no doubt as thrilling in the
music, of which wo are no jnde, as It Is
soiil-stiri ing and patriotic In its sentiment.
It is sold at the usual price. of sheet music
and can b had by any of the friends of tho
author or the readers of the Fkkfman by
addressing Mr. J. II. Jl. Slorey, I'll South
Sixth street, Philadelphia.
Peter Paul Gallisath, son of Captain
Tl :ltiunll. n former itivell of Cambria
..-.I, ......... ..... - - - -- J
liormigh, this county, but for several years i
past a resident or Pittsburgh, was itrownen
iu the Loyalhauna, near Latrolsi, on Satur
day last. The unfortunate lad was on a
visit with his parents to the latur place,
and a few hours previous to the time sot for
the family to return home he went out to
fish in a dam not far distant, when, by some
sad mihap, he fell into the water and waa
drowned Ix -fore assistance could reach him,
although several persons who witnessed the
accident hastened to the spot a noon as
possible after the occurrence.
The work of opening tho trenches and
making the pipes water tight at the joints
is now almost if not quite finished, and with
Ho unci tint entire completion of the water
works, which are now, or will lie when this
work Is done, perfect and satisfactory in
every particular. The well Is equal toevery
demand that can !e made, upon It, the reser
voir is an excellent job, reflecting much
credit nKn t hocontractor, Mr. Samuel Han
ford, who has done his work in a masterly
manner, and the leaks In the pipes being
now fnlly repaired, there is nothing left to
complain of except the high taxes necessary
to pay the cost of this toil long delayed im
provement. We are in receipt of a copy of the Mer
ced (Cal.) F.rprcns of Jnly 2tn, which con
taina a good old Democratic aong written
by nitr venerable friend and correspondent,
B. R McCormick, Ksq., who, ny the way, is .
a Justice of the Peace by rhzht of election 1
in Township No. 3, in the county of Merced.
The song Is entitled. "When Shoddy Comes I
Marching Home," and Is "t in the music j
of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home."
It is ouch a rattling ditty aa might be ex- 1
pec tod from the pen of our gifted friend, and (
if the author will suggest another line for
the one quoted from the song of which it f '
in style a counterpart, we will take ploffmire
in reproducing it iu these column.
Taking our cue from the Johnstown Tri
bune, we last week published an item In re
gard to the arrest at East Conemaugh and
the imposing of a fine on an engineer named
Davis, for indecently exposing hia person ;
but having sitice learned that it was a mis
take, bo far at least as the gentleman named
in concerned, we hasten to say that the man
in question is not an engineer, hut a fireman,
on the Mountain division of the Pa. Ii. R.
There is but one engineer on said division by
the name of Davis Mr. T. R. Davis and he
is too much of a gentleman to le guilty of
an act or the kind mentioned. We arc sorry
that we were led info the error of imputing
to him the commission of an offence which
his whole moral nature revolts against.
-A perambulating possessor of a peep
show of some description took a fltof frenzy,
or some other kind of a fit, at Plain's barlier
shop, on Wednesday evening atiout 9 o'clock,
caused we lielieve by some mischievous per
son throwing dirt in his faee. and rush
ing into the street, he commenced yelling
"Squire! Squire t" at the top of his voice,
which ejaculation, lieing mistaken for "fire!
fire!" was taken up by other lips, and in a
very short time the alarm bell at the engine
houso was sounded and the streets soon
swarmed with people running hither and
thither in quest, of the conflagration. The
alarm being a false one, however, the tumult
was of brief duration, and the excited popu
lace wended their respective ways homeward
in much lietter humor than if half the town
had lieey burned down.
Mr. John Scott, a former resident of ttils
place, wherein tho year l8:jS he published
the J)tniorratic Jwrnal, was arrested in
ItrnokvillP, I'a., of which place ho has cen
a citizen for many years, being for a long
time one of the editors and proprietors of
the Hroohvt!io TlrpuhUcrtn, and occupying
the position of postmaster under the present
administration. The charge against him Is
robbing the post-oliice in that place, and the
information was made by Special Agent
Parrelt. The evidence in the case is of a
purely circumstantial character and involves
so far ns jet known tho paltry sum of $27,
although it islhonlit that the amount stolen
will far exceed hat sum, as the depredations
have lieen going on for several months. The
licensed was taken before U. S. Commission
er M'Caudlcs in Pittsburgh, on Saturday
last, and held In gl.WU bail to appear at tbe
October term of tbe IT. S. District Court, in
that city, for trial. Mr. Scott, Is 0.5 years of
ago and has always borne au excellent char
acter. A letter fiorn Sergeant Singer, written
at Camp Anthony Wayne, In Fairmont
Park, about one anil a half miles from the
Centennial flullditigs, reports the Cambria
Guard In fine spirits mid enjoying them
selves hugely, nlbelt they were in common
with other troops exposed to a drenching
rain for a day or two' after reaching camp,
with no protection except, what the canvas
tents afforded thetn. They had done no
military duty up to the time of writ Ing, bnt
were on that day and all succeeding days to
le put throntth a ennrso of sprouts in shape
of Hve and a half hours" drill each day. He
reports fully ten thousand troops In camp
and inoie arriving every day, and says that
the grand parade rfn the 10th (yesterday)
gave promise of being the blggeiii thing of
the kind ever witnessed in that city. In
the matter of "grnb" he states that, there Is
nu abundance and to spare, and that all are
living an top of thw heap. As to the time
they will return homo he knoirs nothing
definite, but thinks they will break camp
the latter part of this week or the beginning
of next.
Letter from California.
Cresset Station, Mcroed Co.. Cal.,)
A utt. 1, f
Pkar Frf.emaw Te have Just trot through
reaping and stfichltig' our wheat. We out iW
acres n day for35rlars. The homier team trav
eled HeO miles, makii'nr. in all. 2,000 miles travel
ed. This would he -'jmvl to three times along
the State of Pennsylvania ami hack. The hvlt
asre travel of. the hea.ler 'M miles per dayj
but sometimes as much its 25 miles were tra
versed. There are ten stacks of wheat, two or
rye, and one of tmrley. niakintf In all thirteen
stacks, which will "shell out" at ilut 10.400 bush
els in all. Rach stack is the product or about
80 acres, nearly all heiuls r grain, and but little
straw. The steamer will be here in a week or
two to thresh the grain. AV had six haintsi m
ploycd. one of whom isCbatlesTrefrs, of .Johns
town, son of Mr. Jmul, Ti-elts. of that place,
l"ou were mistaken in saying that Harry Mi
CormlCk la a nephew of mine. He is a full coufl
in, his father and my father heing brothers.
He fs a good, honest man, and of a goo.t farnilv.
If he is a Republican, hut ten to one President
Grant will dismiss hi in from duty, as he did
Alt'y Pycr, for boiinr too honest- I am re
joiced that he made the development, a? it adils
another black mark to the already large list of
uneoniienined criminals who tin ve been feciiirtf
Tor the hist fir teen years off the taxes of the
hurd-work lug people. There are many honest
KepubltcHt'8 ho are Retting ihcir eyes opened
In regard to the frauds of the present ntlutiiiis
tratior. I believe the mass of the Keptiblicau
puny are yet honest, hut :be officials and office-seekers
are s corrupt n a gangrened sore.
I wish Harry McConnick much prosperity In
his n w vocation, nd trust that fit. may probe
th" rottenness of the administration lo the very
I have sent you a "Merced Kx press." our
couniy paper, and hope it will reach you. It Is
a sound democratic Journal.
A. II. II. is some on poetry. Hope he mav
spread his wings ami leltfr aloft and sonr away.
Hoping that the entire Lfeinocrutio ticket muy
be elected, f remain.
Yours, truly, Kol Hoy.
To which wa lav! hrtaeMted AttenVon and Cartful tcrnflny of
Thk Vkisv Wokst Chronic Dipkasv.b
Cuitlil). There is no disease, however !oii
standing, which m.v hot he cured by proper
treatment. Dr. Keyser has given chronic
disensL'9 of the lungs', heart, throat, and ad
jacent organs, hisscrinus ntiention for nearly
forty years, and any of thetn that be cannot
euro may lie sef. down as hopeless. Ir.
Keyser is the discoverer of Dr. Kkyssk's
Lt'NO Cckk, a medicine that bids fair tu
revolutionise the whole treatment of pulmo
nary affections. Thousand? have been cured
by it who never consulted the Doctor at all,
but it were always lietter to see the Doctor
that discovered the medicine, than to take
it without; when this is not convenient, try
tbe Lung Cure; it is a wonder- workiiig agent,
and will anini.tte the whnlecouslitutiuii with
new life.
Price of Lung Cure 81.. "50 per Imttle or ST.rM)
per half dozen. To be had at Dr. Keyser's
Lalioratory, 210 penn avenue, Pittsburgh.
His private consulting ofiice is No. 120 Penn
TTE Ikivo bnt One Price ftr ail..
K receive Cah I'uyment from All......
give a Guarantee proteClLrig All...
PlTTsnCRO'aOREATSHow. In less than
two weeks our great Kxposifion opens, and
there Is every reason to believe that It will
le one of tbe most, successful events In the
history of the city. With the experience of
last year to warn of mistakes and show
wherein Improvements can In made, every
thing this season has worked smoothly and
expeditiously, and everything this year tends
to show that the Expisifion will In every
way lie superior to that of last. We learn
that arrangements have been tn.vlcwKli the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company by which
their travel from the west, to the Centennial
will have an opportunity to remain over
from morning until evening, thus giving
thetn an opportunity, of which Ihey will
certainly avail themselves, to see our home
Exposition, and this will also enable our
exhibitors to place their gooda liefore the
people of the Smith and West who will be
passing through the city an opportunity
which, but for the Centennial, they would
not enjoy. The fear that has frequently been
expressed that the Centennial Would attract
our M'opleaway, to the detriment of our own
Exposition, is certainly a foolish one. The
lass who are visiting and who will visit
Philadelphia is to a very great extent made
up of those who, even were t here no nationa 1
Exposition, would leavw the city at. this sea
son for the snmmer resorts, and no fears are
entertained by Ihe management that this
will operate against them. Great improve
ment will be made iu many of the special
departments this year. Especially will this
l the case In the Art and Florists depart
ments. Mr. Clarence Johns, tbe well known
Pittsburgh artist, will start this week for
Philadelphia, for the purpose of making ar
rangements for t he loan of quite a niim!K:r of
very excellent paintings by artists of repute
from the private collections of Philadelphia,
and in t his connection we learn that Gover
nor Hartrai.ft has kindly promised to loan
the managers either Rothcrinel'H "Rattle of
Gettysburg," or the one of the same subject
by Wendroth. The latter, though not so
large, has lieen more favorably noticed by
connoisseurs. In conclusion, we would say
to thoso who want space, that they should
lose no time in filing their applications, as it
Is niready a matter of couiiefitioii and Is
daily growing more so. I'UUUury JJisputch,
TnfifH who wonld know for themselves
the best treatment of diseases relative t the
generative faculty In man and woman.
I should procure tho valuable tnedicAl works
published by tho "Pcalwidy Metli-al Insti
tute," Boston, Mass., now become famous the
world over. In "The Science of Life, or
Self-preservation," the causes and cure of
nervous debility, Impotence, sterility, Jtc,
ar discussed In a masterly manner, and the
volume should be rt-ad by everybody.
Another exceedingly valuable work put
lished by the Institute Is "Sexual Physiolo
gy of Woman and Her Diseases," which
should be In the hands of every ynnnj wo
man and matron. "Diseases of the Nerves
and Nervous Maladies" is the title of another
wol k published by the Institute an exhaus
tive trcatisn Cn " these subject. A Gold
Medal has recently been presented to the
author of these popular medical work by tho
National Medical Association. Rua.l the
OKE Trice moans of neeewttr do tow"
ct l'ricc - ...
CACTI rarc exyion-e rf collections and
lcswi3 frora ba J debus .
TUT. Cneri'itoe rolc-'t I'm buver who
laay i;ct e i.iJ-o f ; "'!:;
We rely rn Immense sales and t
iMled wiCi a very cmr.ll percent
fu;3 of proit..
ITlscs'rtobny of u.rinee an r.rMrcr.tca
BMke, no cue gelling favors thet
denied to others ..
DICKKHIXG End debate arc dono awny
by u.?. c verj Txxly goto our best w iUi
ovit having to alt ir it! ,
OX7R la-co experience, capital and facil
ities we t!-e for tho people's Knellt
la lowering, prices
fTTK fill orders rceciveiJ ryms.n froTrt s!l
W pJtrta of tho t riited fctates. Writo
for particulars
NOT a part!clo of rtk run In buying of
ns. A cbil'" may buy iui cheaply
a man
In addition to onr Immense Stock of Ready-iTado Cloilitn. wo have a Magnificent Line
or Men'B and Biy's Furnlahlng Ooods, Eldrtt (of cur own maic) and t'ederwerr, all at Uia
Very Lowest Pricca.
I' A Y.tltt.r: X lir.M AMI.
-eciid attention paid to '.iKinesa of eor
r s o: t nt. A. V. ISI I'K.
.Vv. Ii tv.r,. tf. Cashier.
W r.oium Money when ve cannot
eult All - -
W'K buy our goods rt firrt hands, In
iif.meno quantities, and at thd
lowest prices for CaH!i.. .........
WE roannfactnre wtih extreme aero
every garment wo e!l
WE Inspect every yard of gooda that
gees iato our giirmcnfci...
WE put a ticket en every jrarmciit,
showing plainly Its quulity tiid
WE cnt oiT every Item of unnecessary
WE employ first-class workmen Jn
every deportment.
"ITTE give satisfaction toevery purchaser
V V or return Uio jaoney ;
i!ay of A rocs r. !7fl. at 1 e'clnek. i m . the
ileyriecl r -al csia'e. uf nln. li Mrr
virtue of an ordcrof ihe Orphans' Court
;! t'un'.iria inun'i, the u.iilersiutic.t will utter at
pti!i!:c e oti t lie pi ciniM iTrRnv. the
Kc!ii' late of OalU'r'n tow chip, t "smtiris rone
ty..!:c t. seize,!, to wit : A I,n I K GKOCNll
en whti-h i i ri i'li-l a ii pe!!!isc House and Stalil".
Sai l lot of nn.un j Ik .leTtti.'.l n TolaiWs: B. irlii
iiinir i.t a ) .st on the Sua: li l ihe line (it the
I'ciiit'a f;il Hint an-l corner til Int No. xl; tticnee
wlihs.ifif lot Mnitli lillc. ii and uc-half leicree
'i"l thirteen mi l mie-lia If perdu s. to a pi i?t ;
thi'iiec ii'irth m vi'tily f ,nr nti l cue hulf deirrres,
ncft two liiiinlr.'il ti-ct. tu k po?t, corner of lot No.
i; Ihviire ni'h sai.l l,ttn tl.n hue of said Kali
Ibinii: thence with sal. I Kni! t t.i the place of
iirir,niii!! i-iintainii iN H Al"Ri". inure or less
'lie r-a 1.1 piece or lot .it tin.iiinl helrif ttie stti'e
Which Ii.ik been Ci'n vi-ycd hv .Iiiiiics ,I i t 'loskey lo
Mary K.'iioe 1-y i!. e I ila i.-'i t'ii- 'J'.-it .':1V of April,
In vrruch ilc I Is r'"eTv:-.t tho mii'ifml rlaht
tjttie said Janiei JK-Cias-kry 111 the said lot of
ti r'liiml.
. Tbkvs op Sai r; fine bn'f the purchase money
t "I he paid on cm tl rToa ; luti m fale mi: I t he (it her
hull In one yenr.wi'h lnterrt t hereon, (obese
cure. I lor inert ic:i!;e r jii iienient Ihmi.1 from tilts
purchaser. Tllli.M AS I'l.l N K KT.
A.tmlnistrater ul Murt Kthoe. tlee'd.
Onllltl!i Ittj.., July -Ji, 1 Td -31.
' T AVIVU recent It-en!nrL-eit oiirlock Wcmto
I 1 now prepared to soil at a irreat reduction
Ircin former pri( o. Our stock consists of
Di'Ui?, Medicines, I'crt limery, 1'j.pcv Se8K,
!:ei.n s. Hall's and Allen- Hair lI'-Mnraf ivt s
1 i I (ilniinciiii. I'lastirs. I iiiiiin-iits. Pmiii
K i Her.. Cit ra te Ma -utisia. Hps. .la ma u a ; inirer.
Pure Flavoring Kxtnicts. INciiee?-. I,"innn
Soot fiiiiif Syrup, Spiced Syrup, Ui.u harl
;lct ?, c.
Cigars nnd Tobaccos.
Blank Books, Pccd-i, Notes and Botids: Cap;
1'ost, Coniinerclal nnd all kind of Note Paper,
KiU'eViprs. Pens, I'encils. .Arnold's Writliiir
Fluid, Black and Bel Ink. Pocket and Pins
!t.iok, Mamzines, Newspapers. Novels. Histo
ries, liitilcs, Ueliiiinus, l'raj er and Toy Books,
IVnktilves, I'ipei: S..
rr-Vc brtVia hied toourtock a lot of FIXR
.IKWrci.ltY. to which we wnuid in Ite Ihe at
tention of the bailie.
PIlOTOfiUAl'H A I.IHTMS nt lower prices
than c. If riffei-ed iu thi p'aer-.
Taper and C:zr: s ,' (! hi';- wholesale or re
tail. L!i! Mt IN k M'.KItAV,
July :i0, Mitln Street. Khcnshurr.
Sii(c kin? Death of a Wohtiiy Man.
Messrs. Edgar Collins and John Ileesf
went info Furnace No. 1 of the Cambria
Iron Co., In Mitlville borough, on Monday
morning last, for tho purpose of partially
filling It. with wood preparatory to the in
troduction of the coke, ore, etc., with which
!t was designed to put the Inn. ace in blast.,
and while so engaged a couple of sticks from
a bundle of corn" wood which was being left,
down to them by the aid of a rope and wind
lass, suddenly slipped out, and falling a
distance of fully thirty feet, one of the sticks
struck Mr. Collins "on the right temple,
crushing in his skull and rendering him to
tally insensible. With a heroism and fore
thought winch does him Infinite credit, Mr.
Peeso at once wrapped a rope which had
lee n left down to him around one of his
arms, and with the other arm clasped tight
ly alxiut Mr. Collins, himself and the unfor
tunate man were soon drawn to the surface,
a distance of over fifty feet, from whence the
injured man was immediately conveyed to
his home in Johnstown, and Dr. John Low
man was called in, but all efl'orts to save his
life proved unavailing, as he remained in an
unconscious condition from Ihe time of the
accident, about 11 o'clock, a. ni., until aliotit
4 o'clock In the afternoon , when death put
an end to his snlferings. Mr. Collins, who
was a nephew of Mr. Thos. Collins, Snp'tof
the Millville furnaces, was In the 31st year
of bis age, and leaves a wife (tho niece of
Mr. John Clark, of the Callan House, Cres
son,) and one child to mourn his sad and
shocking fate. lie ws a worthy young man
and was greatly esteemed by all who knew
him. Peace to his ashen.
Who Can Hk r.K? Who can the Cam
bria county man lie that Is referred to In the
following letter written to the Altoona Jfir
ror by an Allegheny City correspondent?
He says :
Sortie two yesrs ago a yonntt woman apparently
about twenty-three years of atro. came to ( tils city
from Altnona. On the third of May. 1S73, she
made, application before court No. 1 "lor divorce
from her liusliniid. who Is hero confined In Castle
Wright. The hearlnir has not yet taken place, for
some roaeon. and l Is now xnidthat thR.lodjres
Iisvb received Information to th(t cflect that the
young woman has another hr.r.nnd In Cambria,
emmy. and that she was divorced from hlin. hut
now hss procee.ll nir Instituted In the Cambria
courts to be released from hor uhllirstlons as wife
to hltn. Her second hus'innd, who is now In jail
here, she mnrrlad at Oallitt In some three years
airo. It Is sopjiosod that sho has 'intention on
fome other unfortunate wretch, hence her appli
cations for divorce. It fs not presumed that tho
.Tmliros will grant her petition, after having been
informed of the laits In the case."
Tun Amhricav Peopi.f.. No people in
the, world suffer as much with Dyspepsia RS
Americans. Although years of experience
in medicine had failed to accomplish a cer
tain and sure remedy for Ihis disease and
its effects, snob as Sour Stomach, Heart
burn, Water-brash, Sick Headache, Costive
ness, palpitation of the Heart, Liver Com
plaint, coming up of the food, low spirits,
general debility, etc., yet since fho'introdiu -lion
of GrkKN's Arm i.ST FI.OWKIC wo lie
lieve there is no case of Dyspepsia that can
not lie immediately relieved. 30,000 dozen
sold last year without one case of failure re
ported. Goto your Druggists, Leuinnm &
Murray, Eliensburg, or P. M. Woleslagle "fc
Son, Wilinore, and get a Sample Bottle for
10 cents and try it. Two dosea will relieve
you. Jicgular size 75 cents.
"OTICH Is hereby elven that tho fo'.'owlnjr
It nan'.fd Accounts have lieen passed and
filed iii the Ilejrister's OOlee at Klienshiirir. In
and for tho County of Cambria, and will he
r resented to the Orphans' Court of said eoon
y. for confirinn'fon and allowance, on Wm-
ks pat, the (Hit day of Septkmkek, A. 1). 1&,6.
to wit :
1. The final aeeonnt of Wm. Ynnnc, (tnardlan
of Jesso Srneaton. n minor child of Jane Smeaton,
late of Scotland, deeensed. j
2 The aeeonnt of P. A. Borkeyplle. jrtinrdian of
Vt m. II. Farner, a minor child of SiiPan Fnrner, ',
late of Uonomnnsrh township, doeeased.
a. The firnt and final neci.'Jrt of MoRe Krlny, '.
gnardlau of Sarah Jnne. VI llllahi in'! .las SlmnK.
minor chfl.iren of John Shank, Into of Adams
township, deceased.
. The second aeeonnt of Psvfd I. Horner, ad- '
mlnlsirntor Ar bonit nnn. rum ttttamento annfro
of Isasc Horner, late of Highland townh!p. dee'd.
.. The first and partial aeeonnt of Kdinnnd J.
Waters, one of the executors of Kdward hran,
late 0? the borough of Khetmlmrir. deceased.
I he flrsi and ft-. a: aevount of Jacob HofTmnn.
administrator or (Hilton firing, late of Adnir.s
township, doocaned.
7 Tho aeeonnt of Franets O'Frtel. execntor of
Lena Dcloxlcr, late of A lIcBrlicny township. Uoc'd.
S. The final aeeonnt or .Michael and
flharles MeMannmy. a.lmlnlMrators or O Gorge
Hrnco. late of Allegheny township, d- ceased.
I he second and partial account of Margaret
Leary and AuuMIni- Walters, executors of Mi
chael Ieary. late of fjOretfo borough, deceased
10 The st-cond and final asconnt of Ellen M.
Waiters, ailministrairix of Henry Walters, late of
Johnstown honmnh, deceased.
11. The first and pnrtlal aeeonnt of Alvln F.vans,
administrator of O. tvans, late of Fhon!
bnrg horotigh. (loeeasod.
12. The aceobntol WftlMs, administrator of
John .Mmll'nn. la'n oT Adani townsli!i. ileeease.!.
18. The nccoiint of Jatnes llolani. administrator
of John V. BolanJ, lata of SuiniiiUvllle borouirh,
14. The first Snd partial account ofllenrv Wal
ters, administrator of S. A. Kephart, late of WU
raore horough, deceased.
16. The first and final account offloo. St. Keade,
truitee to sell tho real estate of Kdward I inn aid -son,
late of Washington towtishtp, ilcccaRed.
JA.MKS M. SINOKIt, Ileiristor.
Itcglster's Ort'.ce, Khensbury, Aug. 1S73.
A CA11D. To all who are suffering from
the errors and Indiscretions of youth, ner
vous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood,
etc.. I will send a recipe that will cure von,
FREE OF CHAItGF. Thfs great remedy
was discovered by a missionary iu South
America. Send a self-addressed envelope
to the ItKv. Joseph T. Inman. Station J),
JiHiV; House, .Veto lor. M-'-'l.-tim.l
llHKY lIoTfi. Esq The Mayfleld (Ky.)
Monitor of a recent da'e pays the following
n.gli bnt no doubt wel! deserved compliment
to a much esteemed Ebcnshurg boy Phey
lloyd.Esq., whose mother, a lady of gieat
culture and strength of character, Is at pres
ent on a visit to her old homo and the homa
of fcer ver.erable mother In this place. The
Monitor say :
Ttce was followed by Mr. Rhcy Boyd, tho assis
tant Democratic elector for this lMstrlct, whose
appearance on the stand was greeted with the
most enthusiastic applause. Althnngh a very
young man, and somewhat of a noylce In the art
ofnolltfcal oratorv. he made an eloqnent and a
lefllng speech cfearly demonstrating that he fs
the "son of his father." (and of Ida mother, too,
might have been added. Bo. Frkkmasj.) A
the canvass w'aies warmer. Mr, Boyd will Improve
greatly, and whoever ha the ml.-fortune to meet
Film tn debate durinirthe coming campaign will
find to his aorrcw that ft will be no child's play.
In Rhey Boyd the best of them will find "a foe
man worthy "i Ida steel." His speech stirred np
the rnt hnainiii of the audience, and wit frequent
ly interrupted with applauMs
MUSK. Died. In A Itocna. Jnly 31st, 17S. Scs
A., wife of Dr. J. J. Krlse, aacd 35 yi nrs.
The deceased, second linughter of !. B. and JI.
Kennedy, was born at Trout loin, byoominjc coi'.n
ty. tn A ngnst, 1K41. bnt her perents soon after
ward removing to this county. !ier early llfo was
spent at Hemlock. When unite young she com
menced the profession of teaching, and was es
teemed a competent and successful educator In
Various parts of the county In which she taught,
and many of her farmer pupils will read of her
early dea t h wit h sincere regret. After her mar
riage, some eight years ago. idie reii!cit at St.
Augustine until within two years past, when her
biihliand removed wllh his' family to Altoona.
Here consumption manifested Itself, and dcsplto
all that medical sMU and the anxious attentions
of her frlenos could do. she Anally succumbed to
tho dread destroyer. The life of Son A. Krlso
was that of a true Christian. As child,,
playmate, teacher, wife, mot her and neighbor, her
relations to hor family and society were at all
times Influenced hv tho maxims of the Oosnrl.
The duties of her state tn life she always faith
fully performed, and In Mie service of God she was
ever fall lifn, I. in season and out oT season. Keli
gloiis. sho was anything but ostentations : benev
olent, her charities sho never pharisaically pub.
tlshe.l ; naturally reticent, her tongue waa not
employed In the" detraction of her ncUhtmr, and
she never lent her ears to tho senseless gossip
which Is but two common In ttie worl I. In a wont,
her life was a continuous effort to Imitate the
llfo of her Savior, amt herd.iathwas as edifying
as her life had been exemplary. In her last. "long
and painful Illness sho had the happiness of re
ceiving all the consolations of her religion. The
priest of God admlnts'ered to her the sacraments
of the Chnrch. which she received with the most
touching devotion. The good Sister of Charity
dally visited her. prayed with and eneon raged her
to final perseverance, and when the hist moment
came she calmly took leave of her afflicted hus
band, children and frlomls without a murmur and
without a struggle, and passed away fullof hone
for a glorious resurrection, nnd a re union In
heaven with the loved ones sho was parting from
on earth.
On Thursday morning her remains were convey
ed to the Summit, followed by a large concourse
of mourning relatives and friends, and fn tho
church where she had often como In youth te
learn the christian doctrlno, to hear Mass and re
ceive the sncrements, the Rev. Father Hnckett
celebrated the Requiem Mass, and was answered
by the choir, the innmher.1 of which had been
he companion of the deceased in her youthful
days. After Mass, Father H. deli verod ad iscourse
which was at once a high trihme to the virtu" of
the deceased and an earnest and el.xiuent appeal
to all to Imitate her virtue; after which al) that
waa mortal of Sue A. Kriao waa consigned to Its
biBt resting place in the family burial ground in
St. Aloyslus cemetery, amid the sympathies of
the assembled multitude for her bereaved hu hand
and friends. Hei. i n jxiee. Amen. M.
CtlTTINOS. Died, In this place, on Saturday
night, Au. . I7rt. A my, youogcpt daughtecof t
John and Anna lilttjiMS, aged I years, 2 months
and lidMy.
allllAL LIST. List oF Causes ect
down for trial at a Court of Common
Pleas to fie held at r'henshurg. for the County 1
of Cambria, commencing on MoSIiay, the tth !
day of Sbpteuiisij, A. I). lS'ifi: I
FinST Wtwt. Oswald vt. ISnsh; I'ye vs. Hafsb
berger: Commonwealth ve. tStiiay et. al. ; Klofn
vs. Sathanon.
Skcono Wkkk. Byrno & Weaklnnd vs. Wal-
tors, feigned Issue; Saupp va., feigned la
sue: Burns vs. Krlse. foigned Isioie: pate vs. Wen
trorh; Piper ct-al. vs Christy: Hii)ruvs. Morri
son; Hyde &. Son vs. Pike: i.'Iiab v.. J ick ; S.ln--man
vs. Kurtx; V.'atson vs. Iapsley; Jircsilovs.
Hannan ; Commonwealth vs. Ogilen et. a I. ; Trej- i
ler vs. J rosier fc Bemfon : liickcya Adm'r vy. j
Warner el al. ; Campbell vs. Swit'iler; Busssll I
It Co. vs. Hochstlne; tleis vs. Held; Fronheiser
v. Boro' of Johnstown; Grllllth vs Keim; Watson
V9. Ivenneity et. at. ; V letor Sewing ntaelilne l?o.
vs. Koilgcrs et. at. ; Watson it t'o., vs. Artm'rs of
Wni. Orr ; Newhimse vs. McCartney; Burn vs.
Cnhiek &. lieiiiord; .'.isrtln vs. Fror. hei-er : Krl-e ,'
vs. Saupp; Holmes vs. MeUcc: .Mellon vs. Fin- I
noy fc Johnson; Hnnilerlich vs Jery : Hablo &.
Stelglitr vs. Nnifiausiiii ft. Co. ; Watson vs FreJ
erleks : Brown, tor use. vs. bracken Bradley;
Hillings . Wlieclock vs. Ij S. Iewls .. ;o.: Fust
Nat. Bank of Altoona vs. Vowlnkel ; Fiahor k. Oo.
s. Leldeii.
H. McCOI.CAN, I'rothonotriry.
I'rothonotnry s Oftice, Fbenstiurg, Aug. 7, 1b7.
Is widely known
a one of the niort
effectual rctnediea
ever discoyrrcd for
cioRnfing the sys
tem ana pnrirVin
the blood. It" ht
tood tJie test of
j'ears, with & con
stantly growing rep
utation, bnsed on iu
fntrlnsio virtue, and sustaioed Ly its re
markable cures. So mild as to be safe and
beneficial to children, and jet so searching
as to eiTectiiallv purge out the great cor
ruptions of the !ood, such as tho scrofulous
and syphilitic contamination. Impurities,
or diseases that have lurked in the sTftcra
lor years, ?oon yield to this powerful anti
dote, and disappear, rlence its wonderful
cures, many of which are publicly known,
of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases,
Ulcers, Kruptloiis, and eruptive dis
orders of the fkin. Tumors, lilotclieJi,
Hoils, "Pimples, I'tittules, Sores. St.
Antlionjs Fire, Hose, or Erysipe
las, Tetter, Salt lthcum, Hcst.d
Head, Itinjrvvorm, and internsl Ul
cerations of the Uterus, Stomacli,
and Liver, It also cures other com
plaints, to which it would not seem especi
ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep
sia, Fits "Neuralf? ia, Heart Dleaseu
Female Weakness, Debility, and
"LcucorrLoca, w hen they are manifesta
tions of the scrofulous poisons.
It is an excellent restorer of health and
strength in the Spring. Ily renewing th
appetite and vigor of t3be digestive organs,
it dissipates the depression and listless lan
guor of the season. Even where no disorder
appears, people feel better, and live longer,
for cleansing the blood. The system moves
on with renewed vi?or and a new lu&so of
1 Sviup
1 I UIV t
I iool :nil Hoo 31 si lioi-
1IF, iimli rsbrned resin i fiil'v Informs I.N
niitner uis ni?li'incif si"' lb' I'et.lie uer r-
allv t hut he is prepared to niahiifnc: tire B ( ITS
and Slh IF" et any do- r d size or (jiiiility, from
the fines French call J:tin hoot? to thet"oarset
hrojrans. in the Vkuy i;2-t manneh. on the
shortest notice, and at ino.hra'e prices bS
like work can be otdnit bd anywhere.
Those who have worn Boots and allocs made
at my bctalili.-hirient i eed no niir.inr as to
the superior o, ol my work Others tan
ei-ilv be eonyine -d ol the fact :l t hey will only
ff vc nte a ti in!. Tn n;,d he convineed.
lli piiit ii r of Boots and Mines n (tended
to prom ni ly anl inn win k manlike iiiaun.r.
Tharktu! for 'at favor I feci c. n.r.i'ont
that my wi rk ni.! 1 l.-ej. will commend me to a
con t in i.t:i nvc nnd it:i rt iifi- of 1 1 e sa -.
a nmif s rsrr vtfl
nHnU wsMfiE. V.U'
Knives, Forks Spoons,
FILES. .c.
riuT r
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass,,
. II O S i: X StEEL,
Union Crop LEATHER,
Notice la hereby given that the fol
biwins: named pppraisr-meiiis of pcrs-iinil pro
perly of decedent, selected r.rd st-l spurt for
the widows of intestate? tinder the Act of As
sembly or tho Hi h day o A pril. A. It. IS"I, have
been filed fn the lteister' Office nt I'Lenslmr?
and wiil lie presented lo ihe Orphan' C Urt of
Csmbila county, for conRrtmitloti mid allow
ance, on Wriinhshav. the 6ih dm of Sf.ptkm
ni;n, A. D. 1s76, to wit :
1. Inventory and apprnlsemerit t certain per
sonal property appra scd and Set ap-rt fur hoso
H'.fich, widow of .lohti Hl icti, late of Johnstown
boromrh. deceasod, f ftft.
2. lnentory and appraisement of certain por
Sunal property appraised and set apart tor Kliza
bcth Kigh. widow ul Jacob J', lute Of Johnstown
tairnuKh. deceased. .'WO.
8. Inventory and appraisement of certain per
sonal properly appraised aud set apart lor thecliil
tlrtn of James Wilson, late of Coneum ugh town
ship, deceased, MM. 11,
Inventory and appraisement of ccdnln per
sonal proporty.iippr.iUcd nnd set apart for Julian
M oh lor. widow ol Anihonr Mohler, late of Barr
township, deceased, I'M ii.
JAMK-4 M. HINOKIl. I'cirlster.
Hejrlster's Olhce, Bben?burjr Aur. 7, 1870.
IpxEuuToirs xotici:.
Kstate of I'r.frn "Viinm.KV. Sr.
Letters testamentary on the etate of Peter
Wood cy. lata of t'hest townsh'p.t lambrla county,
deceased, have been trranted to the umiersiirnod.
reslillntr In said township, to whom all pcrs ms In
debted to said estate are re.iiei.ted to make Im
mediate payment, and thnfre hnvinir claims will
present them properly authenticated for settle
ment. FA LhYAII X KK Kxocutor.
t best Twp., Adit. 4, lf.76.-6t.
OTJCE. The followinn; articles
were bought by me at Constable's sale,
Jnly 31st. 1S7. and left with JosnrH (Iarpxkr
of Barr township, until he redeems or I see fit to
remove the same, to wit : 1 horse. 1 stove. 1 cup
hoard, 1 table. 1 get chairs, 1 fink. 1 shot-gun, 1
(rrain cradle 2 sets h .rness. 2 bceseaps. 1 rind
Stone, ami 2 sleds. All persona are hereby cau
tioned aalnst meddlinir with said property
Uarr Twp., Ana;. 4. 17 -3t. C. LKIB.
jqOTlCE. The first nrnl partial ae
count or William J. P.nck, assignee of
"William Colo, has boon filed In tho Pro! lionet -ry's
office of Cambria County, and will he presented
for confirmation to the Court of Comm.. n Fleas of
tnM county on the first. M.m lav of scptemlier A
I. IS78. B. AfCCOUHNr, rrothonoiary.
rroihonotary's OlHee, Kbcnaburg, July 24, l"t78.
"CI A. SHOEMAKER, Attounpy
AT-L.AW,h,lensbnrg. Office on
street, east cud ! residence.
ffice on High
ll-21,'7tf -tf.T
0. LAKE, Attorsey-at-Law,
Kbeoshiii ir P ( I -,,i v , ,
- r-. - 4.- KIOICI
iSolphub Soap
Il Clacuiig. rec'srii'sr. Piiofrti3g, "VjolluEf,
flfi!i:g sai iVifiiig.
Tt remlem the ooaniMt'sVlii remrat,l
ai.ft and lie:iLfiil. It Imparl a lwaiit.iiil
siu.Mithnevs to the skin, and f, rm na lastic
wliitenm. It cure l.urim,' rl,lg, . liufn.ic,
excorintiims, rouitlitiewi, tan.'sunlnirn, freck
les, fierj.t, t'liarp".! lininls, Mres, iilrrrs,
ilan.lrun", t.iiieri on the band o'nl feet. tt. Ii,
Kmiiiid itch, it:l'.(:irL-t ween t!iot-. Itchli-n
of tbe IkhIv, pi'e, corns. - jlKi reliors th
itihinir mi l Irrititien of t -ttinjr nnd ting!:i5
i-iew t. Al it ii cspcfnlly adarrnl Ij t ie
Ton.rr, Ni'rskst, nnJ l:ia aiea, you ci IT.
tniio a bu'iUur ; .' et loaacro. I or I ath
ing CliiMrcii. It l n:ioij:ia!led. Ixilieai kUd
use ft la their Toilet woulJ iicTr d- witliout
it. It iirnir!i.c tba K .r of perB ir:ion,
sad, as an extrnnl rrtneilr. ca on-(.-ly tn
lifted ftriilss. Kulf i!lrcUou ac:vmay each
Lkag9. TKV IT.
rrics 23 Ct. rr Cii. 3 f tin It t3 CH.
liy mail 36 Cta. bj nuil 76 CU.
MOt IrFOT At ' "
Ir. Vnn 3ylce OfTloo,
So. 1321 Green EU, Plii!ailelpti.
Bold hj mil Urufclnts.
BARK, RIUE AM) FLlSTCffiS' 111111,
joiixsroirx, jm.
4.fiT. tf:b rr Oak nnd ITcnilrK'k B-rk wanted.
C.i"!. lii I on delivery at t be Tannery. U, Jan. 7. lil.-Iy.
A uniToirs
i Tdinn s Court of Caml
( butl'.in
NOTICE. llaiiiio;
appointed Auditor by tho r
of Cambria rmm: v tn report (lis ri-
I th amount In f(-e !. ei.'la ot .1 ..iin It. Nu.
jr(e, ai1inini:rs'..r or Ki.-hard .Natl . I.:e ol mis
qn tinnnn towrs-hip dee'd. li.wu I v hi account
li ie I Mareti 10, h. iti. I hereby Kike tint ice that 1
will ;t at my oliier in i-.!.iMi-i.ii-tc.n Wi-onksoav
the ilr.1 rtay of Akjist, t's7.'. at 2 o'ciook, P. v.,
when and where all parties in.erc'i. d are reijuir
e I to present tbeir c!uitn. or be debarred lnun
coininir in on .aid tumt,
A. V IJAKKKK. Auditor.
Jutv 2 l73.-.t.
A iwiniics .Miiii b. lie tin-
lerh!gneil, apMiiti'ei by the Court .f
C'inii:in 1'ieas of Catub lac unlv A uditor to dis
tribute the fund In the hand of John A. Blatr,
si,mirt' nl lixi'ii Clint! imrhatii. n shown by hi?
ai-cumit tiled in said t'luin. b'-ret.y irives p'otlee
that he will sit nt Lis ulli-.-e iu Kin ii-ii.iric on V'Et
KtAv.the IKIIi.lnr ot At(;ivT. 1K76. at 2 o'
clock, p. Ja.. wiien and where all pariicf inten -te t
mast present Inelr a;ti:s, or be debarred lrotn
coming In on said fund.
A. V. HAIIKcK, Auditor.
July VS. 173.-St.
. ifl's sale.
od Keeot der, la Coust Hpu.a.
Orphans' Court Salo. j
"Y virtne of an ordcrof the Orphans (Vutrt of
If Cambria county, the unders:tnc.;wlll oiler at ;
public salo, on the premises, ou
SATURDAY, AIT.UST 2(;(h, lS7i,j
at half-past M o'clock e. m.. the followlmr described 1
real estate of which Ht'OH Ikv' ix
died Seized, to Wit :
situate In OsllltJdn township. Cambria county,
a "joining lands of Michael t-nilth. Patrick Bay,
and others. containinn 4rteandttl Peret'i.
bavii'n thereon creeled a oiie-and-a-half gtorv Iort
Iloc-Ki L.OO Staklr. and the usual out build nirs.
There is also a thriving younii orchard of choice
fruit on the premises.
I KRMS or s nr. One-half t he purchase money
to be paid on confirmation of sale, and the otheV
half in one year. With Interest, to tie secured by
mortgage or judgment bond of the purchaser.
Administrator of Hi mh Divl i!, dec"d.
Galllttln, Aug. 4, P-75.-31.'
H. PLAXK, M. D., ir?jicctfully
offers his professional services, to the
citizens of Kbensburg and vicinity. Office ad
ioinindr refldence an i iiumediaielv'in the rear of
Hon. IK. J. Ilovd's dru srer. iht clls caa
be nude at 'te restdenca nf iirS. liiian. on (pt.
Having Iiourzlit atFhor;
on ratuniav. ,lulv 22d. lhifi.
ini- ii'iicbiiij o.-i:r:o.?.i firiieies as Ine profiertv
ofllanlel .Murray, ol Cambria towuship. and left
the fame w:iti hint during my pleasure. I hereby
CH'iilon ail p-rsons ayin!t interr ring w.tli si"l
property, tn it : Alt.-tm rve, oats, tiuekwhet,
e .rn and p-.taloc It I he yTound. all the ha v w w
nsado and lurmj nl l: ; cum. 'i y.i.rlnir' and
calf; I lion; s beat .1 fheep ; a lot id lumb.-r a n. I
Ftiln'.es.) and all the household fnrnliur" and
kitchen nt-n.'its. .1 AS C JV1 1 ' J K A .
Cambria Twp., July '.;. lS7t).-;t.
"P x i : c v to 1 1 s xotic i :.
IC-t:Oe of ,IBN Hlt APX.rv. dee'd.
IV-tters testamentary on the estate of Ji.hti
Bradley, late ol A Ihiihetiy township 1 1 ambria
county, deceased, lisve been granted to the under
signed, 'resldmir in sad township, o w horn all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
Virtke imir.e.tinte pavment. and those harip?
cUuns wi.l pr sent them propei ly auiuenticatel
for Settlement.
HKNliY MANsriELB. Kxecut .r.
ford street, fcoenfimr.
TyTOTICE. AU por-ons are lierel'V
ciutlone I against interfering it la three
Wares, one cow. eteht head voiitik cattle, five hoir
a!l the ar.iln in Ihe erotind. tw,. sets harness, one
aie.1. one plow, one harrow, one clock, and out bed
stead and beddimr which were bought by me at
Sheriffs sale and hare been left in i-ossessfon of
Joseph steinls-tser. Jr:. r,f Barr township, until I
see fit to remove the rnme.
(EO M. lE AVE. AUornry-at-Latc,
Fenh'irr. Pa OfT) - on feutre etrcet.
tnre.ioort tioa H.ti i-l.-eet, ifcugjrj,'