ffiiiQBfflL Ebensburg, Pa., LOCAL AISUJ1 There, nnd the tuner i tare. ,,frf' 1 m-,,if people atConrt tliis week. tt r tl i-i" xv as ever niiradecl than ' ..'t l v ' llrris,l 11 are in mosssm. So are Ihe "T ".i,.ab,.nt tli ir tio5C!. '" ' " . w. v.viMB mi the Court to be . ;,llt l'- r, . , n much In ii"rt Land. It IV. IS tf cl'-ar c notion. . 1 ::;v. .l ily -("'tli, is the day Axed -TV"-..... n f f '..lini nest Arij'mnein uourr. of Tyrone have in -1 hi ili-eiti-m at an early day .Hi .1...... li .., hu.-e. i-'i ..' 'u . !.. inciio. ment at Bt Fran- . . L- :. hereto, will take place tuia ,,,.t.,.r mtitiii like that on Satnmay ,,.,1 tV 4: ti of July will never Set tVi-MUr ''' , -,. . . . ,1, -U' li p :! lis r,i .mi-if.i i . -tv .,j.,tv Ij.-l liccn citllcd to iiMt'tnUo .. . i Tf -i; Ltrulitir.f fill Tmiilnv ' IV .Vr ' 'see l'.'ih- (;. 11 .T'i-t; !! M I'onaiil.oi mis place, ami . TO: rf fmll'ltXl hrA .-Ofl ;,p. J in I I".'", . , -- .;vi t. r",:,k i'1'00 nn"",ro at ,he 1,5 ;ryj,,,) iii Altoona on tlie 4Mi of July next, uv 1t s assure the Huntingdon fvZooe -M Mr. N. A. Home lias not annonocfd y, :;:is.i:: iiiilcpeiulent candidate for the i.ivi:::r- ami we fo-l safo in paying tbat ii. ti'ii.i: t. U Fi' 1':S failed tlins far to lay his ;! ii: li.in.l on tin; fruit crop, and the in ! V:i,i an- that lie will not Ik! nOIf, willing ; U iiMV hv, to prevent an Immense ,jr;,i in mi'-. ' t:l- iao-st ihasp of the stealing art xas .;-!!.tt. .1 Th'mI y nilit in Hie gol.Ming up I.,;!..' ('Iiicini'iioiir uii'i 01 ui f.:. 1 at'1; if.'" :""1 tomato plants belonging to J!r ,!;iin-s (i . H.iss-on. -ri-.f l;!:iilrf,I pounds of fresh roll but- tr .v.in'' il a: in nrw ni-ap i.isri more m !';t., IiaxNr, .Iftios Co., in Tndor's ii.luirr. JI:a t-tTt-ct, for which twenty ..u!i" r I"'"'"1 i "tore j;-ls will be paid. -lUn.S S. ItUtir, f Hollidaysburg, has i-n r-iaiti-tl as coiiii:1 for Patrick and T t . T C . 1 .MlII:n lfftiriiiru, .jit- luniu-r vi w iiiiu jb !m'"'l with tlie lmirdt r f Patrick O'Brien ! 't:f latter ith l':ng an acct-stary bf fore T!.'.' caiTitinn at Bedford of appli- :: f r tii- naval cndctidiip is after all to l-l-'J i'Ti T.i.-djy and not on Thursday of 1.-1; W'-. a. AtltMta ''.i'iatvh ti that ef f t: vi' ! f.j n a received from Hon. Jifi Mi.'ii'.rton, of Bedford, was 'v..t .,.. . n ;ho -nd-wooil of two cars !. c:;;v d in coupling near tuat place, T-.iv: v. !:, ar.d was crtfdi'-d to death, tfr s a ".: His .f ;u;e and lnar;B a wifo A y 11:: U'-i:. inrni'd Illte, a resident of 1' r 1 1 t-i'. fi, li-'ilf jrd coiiutv. was re- l'.':-:. r.n tl.t- liaiid by a -ojirvrbcad nr.i rn'.y savd from ib'ath by a i.vrais 'ipp'y if wlii.skey, applied externally wi! as ititK-ria'lT. -Kt. IIhv, M. I,:nnfc, Tiisb'op tf tk r-.r I'air .1 .: -i--sc of Alteirheiiv. will de- ra at the Church of tin IIolv ':::. in Tl,: p'rtr, on tjo evening of the Frv' -f (V-.rpiM t' liri-ti, which occurs on T'.-:s.!hv Ik t, .I'.int? l.'th. -"fail ;h.: i aVi-s that tnsmmr tia!t'S rIvo tn-.:.fl;it!;,.rlirop.d, especially when th.j Hour I cht at ?h "Utile gnx'try and :: i..-rv i;ii..1 .Le corner" k-pt by our T i' ir.Mil i-:. C. I'arrinh, who sells Runr ' ,:'t l--at in quality or prico. V. r.t. s. m, t'ne iiihh who ki-led Jacob t ft S. 1-vel, tl.is county, not long , w . "Ti 'J'ip sday last ndmittctt to tail !.i:! ' iv'0 fir his ap.'arance at i'.."b. i: r.-.m T-f Court in SomerMt county ' i:nir t".;.' t-iv seiifius charize acainst i.':i. -Tlie w.iiinl.iit copious rains of a few 1''.7 "' ' intti 1: toxvardn ha"teniig vege '': ". ! u: t'i" rf.'ul atmosjiliere of Monday . f-t. ;. .y p.!t nriri-'.vhat of a il.imper on '.irVr if nature and as a xrnn-vucnce fi,-. j-,,fi work so happily cum- -"r friend and patron, Mr. Frank Mol ' ' f At. .na, had the misfortune to lose ! p 'i M n .it, cmttairinff over S400 in ?r:.k and other valualde?, at the Centen r i:xy.,-u,3 the other day. A case of r p-.-kM:. no doubt. Payment of the '!"k.- !....:, wtoppM. If tl.f-re is t.j !. a celebration f the cen- i . r"i' i f .Tniy in this place som r t... ai s than a puhlle meeting at the " .'" tnii-t he ilevise.l for inangtira ; t'.i- ir. .veTa-nt. At least we jud'e so tl.. r, :,.t(. ri7z.() whu.u Saturday f. rrs brought forth. -A I id i.amed fleorjre Winkles, eleven ;'tts(faK,.t m Hnidaysl.uig on Sun- : m f.- ta iridanmtion of the bowvd, prrv -'nl, :t V-iifcve.l, l;y Injuries inflicted on ,;'"! dars b.-for by two otli.-r lxj s, A :t is a"eK,.,l, kieked hi in very brutally " "" him into the water. -b' 'lie V. S. nistric-t Court, Pittsburgh, Thnrs.lay :ast, In the matter of GfO. J. '' rs, hanknipf, of this place, the llegis- . r-port was contirmrd absolutely, and a rj rnte,l f, i',rrir Huntley, assignee to ca,ie why the fnnds in his hands ' ''!' ii .t l, paid to the petitioner. -rully determined that the Fourth of - ' ' t.t l e permitted to piiss by in r' t!t:i.1ty without Home recognition, I :i'l ' r boyle luis secured the fine grove '' ' f un ai,d wiil at once set about get- - t o a ' . . iiKl-hohiotieil ide-nic in aid 'h-'rt h at.,1 i honor of the great event ,; 1 li to li it.. ........ r ...1 'uiiioi ilicil ou Hllb mxir J- C. 1'arrili d-.n't pretend to be the "T ( f the f:,.,. i;v himfc lf, lit when it ' "' l f?ii to a question of family flour he '"' Pret. -nds hut thinks he can establish fat l lo th fca'.i.siaet-oii of all tbat he tl,. u -vt i ranil of tliat artici0 to be "ly law affoul to sell Hour equally if"l. ill lu -viilapers. ns well they may, not K've bi,.),,,,, Tuigg credit for being a f..C""r"'' r,;fortiier, but also an excellent ti "'r, he Laving a',re:oly cut. down the !''" ;u ,,IH eathedral nearly grt.roo and f.e ,''V'r.3'"''M)0 of ,no inilebteilnesH, con- SS" t: -.,a.ly c.f that on the new epia i.ii,,. a huilding of seventy-txvo A bag marked "A.B.," containing a pair of men's coame ulioes and ten yards of calico, ; waa on Monday last lost from a wagon some- i where between Ebensburg and the residence of Mr. John Hughes, on the Carrolltown tlank road. The finder will confer a favor on tt Worthy poor man by leaving the bag and contents at this office. The Tirst of a series of five games between the. Mountain City base ball clnb, of Al toona, and the Jtiniata club, of Hollidays burg, for the championship of Iilair county, wa played on the grounds of the latter, on Saturday last, and resulted in the completo discomfiture of the Juniata boys, the score standing 12 for the Mountain City to 2 for their opponents. Capt. Theodore Bnrchfield, of the Latta CJnard. Altoona, has lxen authorized to ln Vite two military companies From a distance to participate with his own company in the celebration of the centetiuial Fourth of July in that city, and $75 has been appropriated Inwards paying'tho expenses of said visitors. Shouldn't wonder if the Captain would inVite our own "sojet' Wys. A seeker after naturalization was on Monday last required by Gen. McDonald, acting Clerk of our Comity Court, to re nomieo among other things all allegiance to lier Majesty, tlie Empress of India, of whom, fts (Jticcn of England, he was at one time a subject. We venture to say that this ia the first time any one has been called upon to tnake such an abjuration. Lnclnda Myern, of Manor station, West moreland county, drowned herself in a small lake or pond near George's station, in the same county, ton Saturday last. The de ceased left home ost"tnibly for the pnriose of going to the store, but getting on a train she rode to George's station, from whence she walked to the Xatersedge and plunged in, with the result stated, fche was subject to slight fits of insanity. Messrs. Pryce, Baxter, Jones & Co., of the Ebensbnrg Woolen Factory, have just opened out a full lind complete stock of goods of every description in the store room recently occupied by Messrs. Baxter & Son, In R. !I. Tndor's building, Iligh street, and have not. only made up their minds to do a cash business, but to sell goods at price", so low that nono can fail, to be pleased with their pnrchases. Give them a call. To enjoy tjnrrtl health, eat regularly and slow ly, take early and light snppers, keefc a clean !cin, get plenty of sleep at night, keep good, cheerful company, avoid worry, keep out of debt, mind yonr own business, and bny ail the clothing yon need from Godfrey Wolff, the oldest and most reliable rlolhicr in Blair county, who always gives his cus tomers full value for their money. Store on Twelfth street, Altoona, next to post-office. If a correspondent of the Johnstown 7Vtftir?ie.i to be believed, the barn of Wm. McCormick, of Brushvalley towntdiip, In diana county, was destroyed by fire not long since, and although the conflagration took place before dark, the owner had al ready retired to bed and declined to get up to do anything towards extinguishing the Hnmes a fact which c an be accounted for in no other way thau that the barn w as insured for SI. WW. The cheerful pic-nic will soon be here or berealiouts, when the young folks can prowl around the woods, eat ant-infested sand wiches and pies, perform startling gymnastic feats when they happen to sit down on the nest of a lively yollow jacket, or something rf that sort, and ruin more good clothes than t would be possible for any one to afford were It not that everything in that line can t bought so low at the cheap cash store of Myers & I-loyd, w here a prime stock of new goods ef every dewript ion has jost U;en re Ceivecl. The Johnstown Dtmocrat assnres us tbat the elegant styles of summer clothing now being so!d at Very low prices by Mr. J as. J. Murphy, at Star Clothing Hall, 109 Clinton street Johnstown has produced quite a rush in that direction, but that, there is rtill room enough left for all who wf.nt to invest in any article or articles in the way of n.Ie-np clothing for men or youths, or any kind of famishing goods pertaining to the masculine sex, a well as trunksu. Va lines, umbrellas, and Various other commo ,1jt jPS ai at prices that none can excel for cheapness. At Utabville, in Clearfield coVtnty, not far from the Cambria county line, on Friday last, two young men nanred Wiuslow and McFarland interviewed a loaded gnu, e.nd while so employed the lattet attempted to discharge Hie weapon by placing the phos phorus taken from a match on the pivot and then pulling the trigger, but as this experi ment proved a failure he next essayed the extraction of the phosphorus from th pivot with the aid of a pin, which, sad t relate, cau?ed the gnn logo off, the ball from which paed through the heart of young WinsloW and killed him on the spot. A young man named Henry Minnyer laid down on the south track of tlie Pa. K. It.; at Spruce Creek, on Wednesday night of last w eek, and would soon no doubt have been enjoying a quiet snooze had not the Philadel pliia Express came along aud gently lifted him up and deposited him on the out side of the track, and this too, singular as it may seem, without inflicting injuries more serious than an ugly gash in the head. The fact that the train had stopped at that point to take on passengers, and was therefore not nndcr full headway, is probably the reason why be escaped with his life. All of our readeis are aware that Mr. August Lambert, n, well kt.own Johnetown brewer, was lot in the woods near Wilmore one Any last week, while on a fishing ex cursion, but to only a portion of them did our last isMie convey the intelligence that the lowt had on Thursday forcisoon been found, after wandering about for nearly two days, at a jioint alont two miles from Sher bine's mill, with uarly all the clothing torn from his ierson and very much prostrated in mind and body. He was taken to his home the same evening, and since then haf so far reVrovered as to be able to once more appear in public, Caleb Robinson, a stone mason by trade, now a resident of Paradise w hich Para dise is where you would scarce expect to find it, in the Brood Top coal region claims to have been bom at Meadow Gap, Hunt ingdon county, on the first day of November, 1773, and is as a cotisequencu more than two years and a half older thau the Declaration of Indepe",lencrt- According to a diary kept by himself he has built, in his lifetime- "8 chimneys, 108 barns, 72 etiurcues, io i cellar walls, 13 dwelling houses, 61 mills, j 22 eiMerns, 91 walls in wells and 222 bake ovens, and is now at work on the two hnn- , dred and twenty-third one. Last, winter he b'aaved 18,b00ehiu(ieBtopart8avttty tle time. A. twenty year old youth named Jesse J. Hanson was brought to jail on Tuesday morning last, charged with the heinous crime of rape, which offence is alleged to have been committed on the person of Mis Sarah Iilanton, a domestic in the employ of Mrs. Sarah Gould, who resides in the Second Ward of Johnstown borough, and at whose house Hanson was. at that time boarding. The information charges that the deed was committed on the24th day of last month, and that the proseclllrix was engaged in making the beds in one of the np-stairs rooms when IBanson appeared upon the scene and accom plished her ruin. Ail which may be trne, nut. the question naturallr suggests itself, "Why the deuce didn't she .'holler'?" or, it" she did "holler," why wasn't fhe heard ? At an early hour on Saturday morning last the residence Mr. Charles C ntei.agt, in Johnstown, was entered through a rear door by two burglars, who weie fortunately, however, disturbed in their operations le fore they had time to gobble up any other property than two finger rings belonging to a daughter of that gentleman. On Sunday night the dwelling house of Mr. Jacob Wai ters, in the same place, was Invaded through a rear window, the thief this time securing for his trouble a fnll suit of clothes pants, coat and vest. On Monday morning about one o'clock a similar viit was paid to the premises of Hon. !). J. Morrell and an at tempt made lo enter his elegant mansion hy the aid of a ladder, but. the noise of tno movement awakened Borne of the inmates,, xvho gave tho alarm and succeeded in fright ening the would-be burglars, who beat a hasty retreat. David McTWitt, who in April, 1875, was sentenced by the District Court of this county to eighteen months' imprisonment, in the Western Penitentiary for' bigamy, the charge having been preferred against him by his wife, was, by reason of good behavior, discharged from that, institution one day last week, and returned to his old home only to find that, the partner r)f his bosom had in the meantime married a man named Wm. i'arksj of Conemaugh township, with whom she has 8ince then lcen cohabiting. This fact affording an opportunity for McDevitt to get even tvith his faithless spouse, he on Saturday last made information tiefore-Jus-tice Fisher, of Johnstown, charging Rebecca Elizabeth McDevitt, alias lcDade, alios Parks, with adultery, and she will now in all probability have to appear at. the next term of our county eotirt to answer for this eVil deed done in the llesh. Onr Republican friends in this County are not altogether happy. They imagine, poor fellows, that, it is possible to defeat. 1be Democratic, ticket, but like hungry politi cians ns they are they cannot agree among themselves as to who shall partake of the official loaves and fishes which they in their minds' eyes pee so temptingly spread before them. The upshot of all which is that there is no lack of Republican aspirants for the county- offices, the nomination for Sheriff being the principal objective point, with four prominent contestants, Messrs. Thomas Davis, (Jackson,) Jacob Trefts, John C. Gates and Elijah linker, already in the Held, and several townships till to lie beard from. All or nearly alt these gentlemen have been Very busy this week button-holing their Re pnblieaivcons'.ltrtchts from various parts of the county, and jiulging from tlie earnestness w ith w hich each of the aspirants and his re spective friends are urging his claims, the next Republican county convention will le the scene of e.s lively a fight as has been w itnesjed in this ntvk of timber for many a day. On Saturday niht last, James Walling, nn alleged fr.rgrir, while, being brought by a Baltimore detective from Mattoon, 111., where he had been arrested for obtaining a draft in New York for toDO from Messrs. Gill Si Fishr, of Baltimore, r.n a forged bill of laden which draft, however, was recov ered from him while in the act cf having it 'cashed at a Mr.ttorn bank managed to elude the vigilance of hi.- keeper, ar.d jumped from the F;ist Line east at Sheridan station, just Iwlow Johnstown, while the train was moving at the rate of forty miles an hour, and, miraculous to state, not only escaped with his life, hut sustained injuries of a very trival character, ail things considered. The train was brought to a halt as soon as possi ble and a search for Ihe fugitive instituted, but for the lime being all efforts to retake him were without avail. The detective, however, stopped off at Johnstown a:ut priK cured the services of Chief-of-Police Harris, who soon after succeeded with the aid of Mr. Wils. Sloan in capturing the fearlos forger, whom tiiey found sitting on a fence not, far IVom Sheridan station, anil with whom they returned to Johnstown about. 9 o'clock ne.t morning, from whence he was takeu on to Baltimore the same day. Killed Ismastlt. On Thursday last five men from near Shelocia, Indiana coun ty, were sent to the vicinity of Frogtown, Adams township, this county, for the pur pose of peeling hemlock bark. Among the number was Phineas Gray, an nnmarried man, aged alniut twenty.one years, whose pareuls reside in the first named village. By some mischance he cut one of his feet pretty badly yesterday afternoon, and while Mr. Cbvwson and AUert HerRinger were this morning engaged iu chopping down a hemlock tree, bo sat near the trunk of another for the purpose of examining the injury tbat turd lieuu accidentally indicted the day previous ? The tree which his companions were chopping toppled over, and the branches caught fur a monetit or two in those of the one underneath which tie was sit'ing, but before the unfortunate young man could pet out of the way it came down, and one of the limns struck him on the back of the head, breaking his neck, and, of couise, producing instant, death. His right, arm was also bro ken, and his right leg waa fractured between the knee nnd tldgh. Abraham Hall, who was standing near him at. the time, also suf fered severe concussion from a stroke of one f the litrl', and his right arm wa pretty badly mangled, although no bones were broken. The corpse of Gray was brought in this afternoon and deposited at. the residence of Mr. John Sharp, whose wife is a cousin of deceased, at which place it was properly laid out., and on the Way Passenger this evening the mournful burden was taken back to tho honie'wbich be left less that; a week ago in the liest cf health and spirits. One of the companions of deceased states tbat Gray was a young man of exceptionally good character, and that be was very highly es teemed in the community where he resided. ,7oA)jJocn 7t'Iwnc 6YA. ANOTiinn BrROt.AliY. Our worthy post master. Major John Thompson, rose from bis led yesterday morning anil failing to find his clothes where lie had left, them tho night previous, very narnrally extended his researches to the hall adjacent, w here ho discovered the garments lying around loose, but soon found, to his chagrin, that they were minus two or three Very important ad juncts, to wit: a fine silver watch and chain and a porkeHiwk containing between one and two dollars In money." Further inves tigation revealed the fact that his son James M. was in about the same fix, only a little more so, his clothes having been rifled of another silver watch and a pocket-liook con taining between thirteen ami fourteen dol lars in money. The next thing was lo find out how all this came alont, and it didn't take long to unravel the mystery, the fact soon ttecoming apparent that, some thief or thieves had during the night entered the bouse through one of the cellar windows, and proceeding to tho respective rooms of the gentlemen named, had gobbled up tho valuables, as already stated, after which they froze fast, if finch an expression is per inissable at this Feason of the year, to a large roll of butter and a crock of mi. k, w hich thev carried off with the other liooty. To . ' - ,i.,!:iu,rttti. tlio thieves went snow now io...... , t alKint their wnrlt, wo may sty that they left , Iving upon the Ritciien tame ren-nu r:Fis of no value to them which they had found in one of the pocket-books. The entire loss mis tained by this burglarious raid foots up not less than sixty-five dollars, anil If does not require the ken of a prophet to deter mine that the stolen property U at present within less than a hundred miles of KImmis- , ,r i faet, near at baud that, it is lie- lieved the thief and the booty could l.e reach ed w ithou much trouble, if suspicions were , only pr.of. Doinos in Cotjbt. The regular June term of Court convened In this place at 10 o'clock, A. m., on Monday last, at which time the bar list was calle'd. the names of the gentlemen drawn to serve on the Grand Jury, all but four of whom responded, were read and the jury sworn, with Mr. George Baufield as foreman, after which the report of constables were received, and Dist. Att'y Rose, by leave of Court, entered note rcse- j gut's on payment of costs in thecasesof Jacob Berry and Michael M'Cale, both of whom were charged with fornication aud bastardy, and asked for a continuance in three other cases of like import, iu which W. K. Doug lass, Diel McMnliin and Dennis Murphy appear as defendants respectively, the plea upon which these applications were based Wing, that the children had not yet been brought into the world by their prospective mothers. The District Attorney further stated that the ex-idence elicited at the cor bher's inquest had failed to connect Thomas Howell with the recent killing of Patrick O'Bri'en at Gallitzin, whereupon a habeas corpus was issued by direction of the Court ami the prisoner was discharged from custo dy witbontahearing. Of tbrj Other business done in Court np ttt yesterday at noon the following is a reasonably full report : Com'tta vs. Wm. NefT, Jacob Hanker and Joseph Robs, inflicted for assault and battery on the person vf Wm. H. Walters, depot police man at Johnstown. iV'oJ. prut, entered oo pay ment of costs, J0O.65, ty defeo'isnts. Inthecaseof Mary Flatter)', llbuMftnt In an action for divorce against her. h JSInind, Wm. Flattery, Dnnlel MeLmijrhlin, Es , counsel for libellHiit. ssked for the appointment or J. H. Linton, Psq.. H9 Commissioner to trtke testl . money, whereupon James Potts, Ks., on te liaif of Sir. Flattery, the respondent, objected, in that the orlirinnl proceedings were instituted tor tho purpose of i.rocmiiiff a di voice from bed end bourd, 'vhile subsequently a plea for nlimony wua entered. He therefore a.ked that the proceedings he set aside. The Court took the same view of tin- matter that counsel for respondent did, but directed that a new tub portuft be awarded, while the chmsc of action should remain the same. Proceedings accord ingly get aside, hi t he cost of liucll.-iiit. I'tim'ih vs. John McCricrv, accused of the larceny of a silver chain, valued at a, from the jewelry store of T. W. Kiliin in Johnstown, Found B-u illy and remanded lorsouti iicr. Cutn'lh vs. U.miel Andre, indit-tcd for steal ings pocket book eotitiiicitiir nearly two dollars from the pocket of a dress httnirinir in oiieot the rooms of Mr. John tieis' residence, Johnstown, nnd belonging to the wire of tlist front leitutn. Found guilty mid reina-oled for sentence. Coni'ih vs. William Ilick, charged on o.ith of Charlotte Slick with seduction under promise or mnrriHlts. As the defendant intliisciisc was a little too Slick tobecmiirlit, tlie prosecutrix must of necessity nurse her wrath and her baby until such time ns the (ray and festive William shall be brought within the jurisdiction of the Court. Com'th vs. Richard Itolls-'-lndlotment, ohfaln inif iroodfl on false pretenses. Not a true bid. and Win. Scott, of Lloydnville, the prosecutor, ordered to pay the eis, gotce twenty dollars in John Brady vs. Pose And Peter MeG":jrli ecfre fnriits ur mortiroirc, or, in other Words, au action brouKht to revive judgment on mort traire. Verdict for plaint in in the sum of PiO."5. Com'th vs. l:tniel Orey, ciiut tro on oath of Mrs. Elizabeth L.mlzy, of Susquehanna town ship, with Ihe larceny of n lot of pork bclongr intr to " liite. Juryfound defendant not (tuilty. Com'th x'S. James Milliken, indicted for as sault and battel y. Uratid .lury returned not a true bill, and the defendant was dl3chariced. The trial of Patrick and Martin Leonard, charg-cd with complicity In the killing, of Put rick o'brien at Uatlitr.m, was uKi application of District Attorney Kose contiuued until Sep tember term. Com'th vs. James Dunn. chnrg-Cd with seduc tion and fornicHt ion and Ui'stai ny. The prose cutrix iu this eue ttrst maJe oatti berore John II. Fiske, Ksq., of While township, that tht Ho cused hud had knowledge oi h r person on our about the &th of June, ISJ, hut as the child of which he was said to be tn.- father was boru on the Inst day of Deit-inl- r following, it Was found necessary to make .iioilier information fixing the date of the otter -e at or about April 1st, S75. which ditscr epmr-r was. perhaps, ac counted for by a theory toivutiuud in the toti money of a medical (reiitp-maii who was ce'led in the second day al ter tli.j birth of ihe child. Jn addition to tin, infot liiiition for seduction under promise of man tage wag made upmost Dunn by the father or the jrirl, and on ail the above counts the Recused was si ruiyneil, but on tho two last only was a verdict of trinity rindered by the Jury. Dunn is now iu j. til and proposes to fiirht it out on thai line if it should lake him ail summer. I,i is H.-arer vs. Joseph Bysart and Junes O. ftysnrt, trading ts Dysart Ac on. Tiiiswiisa case ol ii.s!imp.-.;t brought by piaint itf to re C; ver from ib-l etiilntits v hut he vt.iiutc.I to bo doe l.iin tor hi service as clerk and mannjf.T of a steam saw-mill in Cieiiith-ni townsnip owned by uefetiiiMits. 'Ihe principal mutter in dispute was in I elerenee to the wegca agreed upon, the plaintilf claiming Jr.'xl per i.enitti and hoard during the greater part of il: time, and delend.inls being w.ll.i g lo allow him only f per in nt!i iiihI hoard. 'I ti-r were also tisti in orders limcd by plxtntttt to have I eon paid tiy h'i'i lliul defendants woulj not allow. J in y found lor plaint ill 2t.7.". dnn'lli vs. Mattnow Diignam scll!n;j liquor on tmntay ; James Cotiina, pro-ecutoa Jury tlnd iv iciiduiit guilty iii niuTiner and iortii as he stiiliOs indicted. Court ti vs. Jaines Cullenton and Henry O' Neill, iieiicted for the larceny of tolncco from the stora of Ceo. C. tilth, of Johnetown. Also, Com'th vs. John Dibcrt, James Cullenton anil Henry O'Njiil, in.iiutel lor the larceny of a watch and pocket-book from Nathan Swank. Iloth cases tried together, and after hearing the tviiienee Court charged the Jury that I heir verdict must be guilty ui to James Cullenton and Hem v O'Neill on first count, mid guilty ns to John filbert anil Jaines Ciillentoti on second count, but not guilty as to Henry () Weill. A verdict in accordance with Ihe J udge's charge was rendered by the Jury without leaving tee box wbereupoti I he uutort utiiile l.tdn burst iulo tears and cried bitterly. Com'th vs. John lira'tley-iss'n!t and battery. Tn th 13 ease' me pi-osecu tor, T. .1. Ku liner, nlh-g tl that be had been ceiled by Bradley while pass ing his si ore in Lore I to for t he purpose of ! ii g ni an nusettled acvonni. and that there a dlstnite arose, during which he wns violent ly ejeeted ftom ,stir.-b, lie 'end mt. A ter hear ing evidence the jury retired lor a tin rt time and brought in u verdict of not guilty, and prosecutor to pay costs. Prosecutor senteneetl ttceordiogi v. Com'th vs. John Fees celling li-i'ior without license and keeping a tippling house. Defend ant plead guilty and submitted, atel xvhs sen tenced by the Court to pay a line of $.;(r) an.l costs f prosecution; in default th- root to un dergo imprison-!. ent in eouuty jail tor the term of I hree uiim 1 1 1.4. In three other eases of similar import the Court decited in(e progfqvi to be entire 1 on payment of c ist. Samuel Keitn nnd Frank E. Trvin vs. M. J. Niigle. This ctfie was found on two notes amounting to nearly $.".110, given by the defend ant in consideration of tiie transfer of the right of llntir and H.- lford count ie In a patent dressing for mill stones, the piaint ilri givjng a written g-uarantee that it. would do just, what waschiiinod tor it, a:i-l the defend int alleging that It was not wiial it was represented to be, and benoe that he waa not liable. Verdict for defendant. Com'in vs. Mary E. Beales end Marv F. Fer rice, indieted Tor arson, in setting fire in October last to a saw mill owned by Mr. John Jjafrtzy, of Susquehanna township. Jury rind rtefenl ati's not guilty and the county tn pay costs. J. P. Doiiuhoe vs. Patrick Kerin. Outri-.il.'J The arson case was the last on tb.tj crimi nal list, and there was but one civil suit 10 be disposed of after the one 011 trial when tv.tr paper was put to press. Symptoms of Catarrh. Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the basal passages, discharge falling into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, acrid, thick ami tenacious, 111 neons puruienf, rauce-pnrulent, bloody, nutrid. offensive, etc. In others, a dryness, dfy, watery, weak, or inflamed eyes, ringing in ears, deafness, hawking and coughing to clear the throat, ulcerations, scabs from ul cers, voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breath, impaired smell and taste, dizziness, mental depression, tickling cough, etc, Only fw cf the above symptoms are likely to be present in any case at one lime. When applied with Dr. Pierre's Nasal Douche, and' accompanied with Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery as constitutional treatment, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy pro duces perfect cures of tlie worst cases of Catarrh an.l Ozarna of many years staudtng. This thorough course of medication consti tutes the oulv scientific, rational, safe, and successful manner of treating this odious tlisease that has ever been offered to the af llicted. . Tf yon need money all you hare to do is to send a postal card to tho man t lint oxyes ' you, ami the thing is c!un. Rut if you have ilie money nnd mwd clothing, and want to get much of the former for as little as is possib'e of the latter, all yon have bt do is to call at the renowned Oak Hal! of S. J. Hess '211 and Main, street Johnstown, . and invest in a spring outfit that will plea-e yourself ns to style and astonish everybody else as to price. Try the experiment. -. Three dweilings and a store at East Coneinaiigh were entered by burglars Tues day night, but strange to say only eight dol lar in money aud a haul were coiiuiHated. Sheriff's Sales. The first eigbt pro perties described iu the list below were dis posed of at judicial sale in Johnstown on Saturday afternoon, and the remaining pro pert ies were sold at the Court House iu this place on Monday afternoon ; The right, title and Interest of J. S. Buchnnfin to house and lot in the Scvmd V'nrd. Johns town, Purchased hy W. 11. Rose arid J. P. Liu ton consideration, tbHiiO. The right, title, and interest of Christian Wetsmiller to houre arid lot in Conemmigh Borough. Turchnsed by Jacob Froubeiscr consideration $5J. Thii right, title, and Interest of John Pfarr to a house and lot in Cnnit'ria Borough. Pur chased by the Ocrmnia Bu'ldinjr and Saving Association consideration, Viit. The right, title and interest of Andrew Abler to a house nnd lot in Conetnaugh Borough. Purchased by Joseph Freidhoff consideration, - . The right, title and interest of James Tittle to a liri-.k bouse and lot in the Third Ward, Johnstown, (subject to the- life interestof John Tittle. Sr). Purchased by C B. Ellis consider ation. 1.8.",0. The right, title- and interest of .Tame Tltlle to a house and lot in the Third Ward, Johnstown- Purchased by C H. Kllis consideration ". , . , . The right, title and Interest of Nimfod Me Elearr to a house and lot In the First Ward, Johnstown. Purchised by James Kiigore consideration. fl.Otij. , , The right, titlei an 1 Interest or Geo. w. Phil lips to a houst; and lot in the Fifth Ward, Johnstown. Purchased bv John F. Barnes consideration, (iViO. The right, title and interest of Luke P. Bur goon to a frame house, frame stable, two lots of ground, etc., in Washington township. Purchased b i.Il-itv Fiitz & Co. for t".Vi. All tho riu-rt. t't'lo and Interoft of M. P. Wadsworth to a two story hous.? nnd lot of ground in the village of "Snmpierhill, Croyle township. Purchased by J. D. Wendeioth for tno. All the right, title and interest of Daniel F.lme to 3." acres of land and improvements in Chest township. Purchased by Joseph Barker f nr .r. - tl the r.'cht. title and interest of Jacob trnitlbower to I.. acres ot land and improve- NeHViay?I'rl,il,ovvni'h!?- 1uich,"ud b All the right, title and interest of Harry Inrlet t to IhS acres and ttnpro ptnento in CI ar-fi.-ld township. Purchased bv John K. fccanl in Tor !".. All the riifht, title and interest of Isaac F.d miton to ignores if land and improvements in White township. Pin chased by It. L.Johii8 ton and Ceo. M. Iteade for il.Vi. All the right, title nnd interest of Daniel Warner to b U ai-res of land and improvements in Ciiest township. Purchased by Christopher A. Warner for tllft. All the right, titleand interest of Daniel Waew tier to a plank house, frame stable and h.t Of ground iu the -illnge of St. Lawrence, t'tiest uwnship. Purchased bv Kate Ig-irion for :r. All the right, i it Ic and interest of Uobert M'Dude lo four acres of land in Munster town ship. Purchased bv John Murphy for t-M. All the rblit, title and Interest of James S. Luckett to 1 ." acre. nnd improveraents in Barr township. Purchased by li. L. Johnston for f 12 (175. All the right- titleand interest of Mary Ten berg to a Irame house and lot of ground in Khensuurg Purchased by Aun I'atterson lor f 100. All like right, title and interest of Samuel Mlliisren to 1 IS acres of land nnd improvements in White township. Purchased by Perry Troxcll for $". All the rie-ht, title and Interest of John E. M.M ii lien to. 'v acres of land and improvements in Chest township Purchased by Win. J. Buck for t i2. Ar.rtF.STED rovt Mi'RDEK. Tin "Wednes day evening a young man aged aliotit 19 or 'JO years, named George Ilollineher?d, wits afi'ested in this place, by lletei'tive V. If. Hnlbgan, of Cleveland, for the murder of a young man named Charles Waters at Na poleon, Henry county, Ohio. Tlie murder occurred aliotit two years ago, the two men being engaged in a tinarrel, when Hollings bepd struck Vaters with a butcher's flea ver killing tiim instantly. HolMtlgs'tieal rletl and until about three months ago no trace of him could be obtained by the authorities. It apiears that for the past eighteen months be has been about Honfsdale or neichbor hood, and in consequence of some difjtcnltv with another man there, to whom it. Is said he acknowledged biscrime, information wrs lodged before a justice, who communicated with the authorities at Napoleon, by whom lie has finally been traced up and secured. He ciime tot his place ationt two weeks since and has been in the employ of Mr. D.A. Smith, a butcher, to whom he gave bis name as CliarU s Osgood. Detective II tilligan has lieen in this section for a week past looking for bis man, and at, tlie time stated se'onred him. He was taken west, or. the Fast Line at nine o'clock Wednesday evening bv the I)etectie, and doubtless by this time is safely lodged in jailat Napoleon, Ihe county seat of Henry county. He stands a first class chance of etretcbing h'?nip. Tyrvnr tienwcral. Hollo way's Pills and Ointments. Ermine your .Jul;nnent. A Xrv-erand JMier f'hilosophtj. To pull dwn nil absurd and antiquated nations of diease and Its cures, and to establish a rational system On the ruins, has been the chief endeavor of Dr. Holloway through life, hence the origin of his celebrated Pills and Ointment remedies in keeping with comttimi sehse, because subservient to nature, rather than at vari ance with her laws like those in general usei To the stomach we trace dyspepsia, headache and general debility, to the liver, bile, ,iaiiiiiliie And yellow fever ; to the liowels, diarrhoea, dysentery, constipation, piles, and fistula; to thi' lungs, consump! ion, ; to the blo;nt, scrc.ful.i, sdirvy, ami all cutaneous eruptions. Fy keeping these organs and the vita! lluid pure ai d healthy we may safely defy the attack cf disease, and nn medicine yet prepared for this purpose can equal the action of these Pills and Ointment, as they dive to the sent of the disorder, and by ex tirpating it cause, destroy its elt'eet. 1!0 P.tiNTiv thk Blood. You can renew the blood in the human system thoroughly, by ning from a lnilf dor.en to a dozen bottles of Ir. Keyset's I.v.ng Cure. It do- so without prostrating or weakening the body in any way. It curea not only the lungs and liver, but every organ dependent upon a wasted or impoverished state of the blood. If you examine the s.ihict, you will find that ni'ie out cf ten cases of chronic disease is the result, of :t want of that plastic char acter which the blood has lost. Bad blood makes bad tissues, and fails to repair the w:is'4il organism; hence cough, ifmaci at ion, debility and dropsy ensue ; and the consti tution i a wreck for want of tbat nntriment Which the blood alone can supply Price of Lung Cure $1. CO per laittle or $7 50 per half do2en. To be had at Dr. Keyser'a Laboratory, i'lO Penn avenue, Pittsburgh. II Is private consulting ollice is No. 120 Penn avenue. The AMertcajt People. No people in the world an tier ns much with l)jspepsia as Americans. A'thongh years of experience In tnedivin bad failed to accomplish a cer tain and sure remedy for this disease and its effects, sin h as Sour Stomach, Heart burn, Water-brash, Sick Headache, CoeMve ness, palpitation tf the Heart, I,iver Com plaint, coining np of the food, low spirits, general debility, etc., yet since the introduc tion of Gkeev's AroVrpT Flowed we be lieve there is no case of Dyspepsia that can not lie immediately relieved. 30,000 dozen sold last year without one case of f.iiltire re ported, tin to your Druggists. I,eeirnon Murray, Kbenshurg, or 1'. M. Woleslagle As Son, Wilmore, and get a Sample Bottle for 10 ceuts and try it. Two doses will relieve you. Regular siae 75 cents. .. - . An ,itea strikes us ana here it is: Nono of ns ot course can hope to le livln"; or.e hnn- ire-i years tience, nut. an oi ns can sriow to the people of tbat lay what mniniet of n e i ami women we were by simply coinrz to the lre-l years hence, lint all of ns can show to eleptit Pliotograph roonv, of T. T. Bpsara ...., p.. ..K ........ . r in-iiii a that, it will lieaflource of pri.le to ourselves while living anil to onr friends when we a-n leaJ,.to pm? on onr plio'om-aplis aod think i that 'they were taken .Inrie- the great ren- i t.-nnjAl year, anil tlmt;they are faithful leir-j real ions ol" t he true out wanlm-a i.f niir tire. ciotia Helves as w nppeiireil on thut memor- I able occasion. Think of this nnl weep for an early opportunity to go to Spence's ai d get your pictures taken. ii rurEtii PEVEI.'EAUX PCII W Arirtlr.Tt. Mirrledi at the resblene" of the bride's parents, nt Sum miteihe, on Tues.p.iy veniuar. June fith, 1S7H, bv Pev. T It. Jones, of this pmee. I-. Itnnni'1- , t'PvrtiEAl'X end Miss CHot,ir, inehter of j M.'. (Jeoi(re ehwaderer lnjih yt a.tm ut ttyiUt?. FARMKRS, HEAD! One Dollar; Invested in P:rist3rren at Huntley 'r ' Hardware store. F.icnriire will save ene ha-i-dred doilars or more to any one whoplanta p.ita. toes exteti'trely. Paris Orecn is the nly thing that will kill tlie hags and not injure the potatoes. May 9. lS76.-lm. TJISSOLUTIOX OF rAUTXKR- SHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership existing bet ween A. t'. Ft-vsvv and William F. .louxsox In t lie lumbering Kl.--iness was ii?ilvei bv mutnal censent en thevii day of May last.- Tlie l-usuiesi of the late firm i will he settled by A. C Finncy FINNEY. 1. JOHNSON. May 9. 187.-3t. AVM AUDITOR'S NOTICE. TllG Un dersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas orcnmbria county to dis tribute the bioticy In the rmnns f ceorge C K. Zahm, assignee .f C. l. and A. J. Griiiwol.l, an shown by his first and partial account, uotinVs all persons interested that he will attend ti th.i da tios of said appointment, at his ollice in LIkmis burg. on Frikav. the Ith day of Jclv, 1STK. when and where all parties insv ntti-nd if thev think proper. ALVIN bVANS, Auditor. Jbbensburg, Jane 8, ls7S.-3t. ALL-WOOL FLAIMtNJELS, ' f. I 5 JL j1L Jl Kvl A'i-JL- YV E take plrnvre tn rntmtinrlnst to the put)li ic T T inai ina v i hii.i-.a ,1111,1, rcitntlv dtiti' I by XTe. rs. T. M. Jo- cs c Son. nn I Incelv bought Pyus, has been thoroughly rtfp ted throughout ty v Mp lllPIIIVrni" Ith OTP itf bAlirn foW 'JAl SiIaEIii AM) STh.M TOW Eli, aid by enlarging onr building. We have ypared no expense to fit up our .Mill with the beet of ina t iiinery. ami c.n eoiTidentlv reeommend our Oas siuieres. Flannels. liiitnl cts, &. .. ns being equ.il in siyle fin. I htitsli to any hmiight from th Last ern market i. Our gocd-i aie guaranteed ALL WOOL, and No Shoddy cr Cotton nsed in any shape. Cur prices are Z2.il Pei Cont . Lower TH Aff VEK BEFOaS OFPBRElt-. C XJ HrV O A W O 1. Jv entruslot to ns will receive Fpecial attention, and at rice to suit the times. Ask yonr merchant for Ehenchnrg Cassi meres, and if he has none send to us for samples by mail, or call at eur Mill. 1ERIV3S--CASH. Goofs lHxchtiQCl for If'oot, Ebensburg Woolen Co. Ebensburg, Jane B, lSTfl.-lf. The CamsiigEi Post. ExtraGr&ary .Mrasats Offered ! THE riiESIDKMIAL CAMPAIGN OF ISTfi Will be ont of (he most escitlni? iu the history of the cnyhtry. and wl 1 nmrk tlie finnl strualo'tie tweetl t lie jieonle rtn l their radical oppri s.or the men V. ho hve mtilte'd the people en I plun dered tlie Treasury lor tlie hist ten yenrf, dJtril.g tlioir era of ahsolutc power. Tle l)enec-:iiif party chritnphmg tl:e ennse of the people Mini dctuHUiie a relnrni of corrupt u trn vairanco mid a redress oi all the icrievnnees under whii h tho. people luhur. Their prostrated imlii?i ries mnst ho revived, and tiie hih .rr ine?t he jr-ven a rii:inee to ear.-i hi hruud. 1 iie preat Imti le cry w ill he Ko FcrccJ Ccnlraclicn! No Forced Expansion! No Forced Ki-suuptid:!! Tf the people wmild achieve a remedy f r the evi !s now ex 'Si 'n-. t le y niu-t tn ke vn ne"i i-e p- rt in t lie pen'Hr if r.-impn l-n nn I aid in lsyiter lir ti ro Jill hriiesi v"trr t'te irulh eonc-riiinif t he tir.p:ir alli. led nnd sln-ek in if ( r tr.rs. n rnip! i'n? nvl in . i- fenMjiee of the Feler.il A ' tn ini-i'rat ion. to the I eiel tiu-t tie men ef li i"ir;ie eelnr thealiirrn- I n if extent ol t ic evils t li.-it i hrea'en t hem wil join toucher for their cver.hrow. 'imin this Iieino cratic iloetnneni s and iirj'tiinenrs must he rirenla ted nui.tng Ihe masses. With this end in view we offer F-xtiittnlinttrtf Inducements To cam n!g-n uhsrri'.evs. ty menns d which thr y will be Biiii"led. dmiiiif the campaiuii lor tlie small sum of l?s th:n 1'liliH t.'L.NT.s a week to iret the larirest ami Lest newspaper forgenernl and jiobtlenl rcadfrtr in the :state. and one .l the mst vatnahle historieni wo-ks pnhllshed, worth more to everv reader than the price at which hoth TIIF. WEEKLY I'DST and Ihe lv,Mik will t turninhcd. It the people would preserve their libcrtie ahil Ilesfoie Honest Government, They must ft about dljomir.ntinff l)rtnnerafie trill lis and Tlcmncratic arguments amona; Hie people. This is a duty that personally dcvnlvn on every Peiniwratie x'oter, and we ask them to fulfill it. If the erormmis crimes and Ihepcreat necessity for rvfnrm is properly phicrj tie fore tlie people, there need be no fear of Ihe result. Willi a view of ni.Iinif in the rork rf rpfead nir the truth befoie the people-, we have made ar rangements to rurni.-h 1 11 li W KLK l.V l'MSTfor 'lltf Vrt siilrntiul C'tnnitaifn At special raics. b-ircly eoverin.'the cot of print inp:. nnd with imlin-'- cents o0;Tod by no i.tlc-r tii wsp:iper. We Inive air. inured w;rh Mr W. A. TAVi.OH. ti e innhnf of a VibciMe hist.irt"ftl i valnme etiiith-j l.li I KriH I'LSIJKXTS ami t'!):;riM!':i:;:;i;oi:s ia li;:;s,' t.. fr:T(? it ns a premium tl nil cntnpniicn su'iseri'iers This bo.iw contaiin a cone'se bioirr-tpiiv of nil t ho Presidents !n.t Vl.e prr ?i!on; 3. nnd "n'.l thcean dl.lntes for these ol'ie. the Vote ol the lilcet ! ia 1 t ol! ifcsat i :iih I ri!in inl eirl :.ni f-biee Wiislr init'en. nili h-'. : at:i'.e:, :r th (e. riipid al notes of t he a-.itvt M inisiets. t 'liief JnsilOes. I'TSiilents of the t 'ontiaental I fnros.. Si-.rners of ihe De elnriit Ion. an accurate review f ilia t On empor anemis Killer ol Europe l.-r the hist eniury, the Decl.ir-i-tiiin ol i ndc w:ii'U'm- as writ ten by .lerier s'.n, the t 'ons! it ut i.n wit h all of its a ni"n.: meets, nnd every historical fact tf interest cennvetud with the rreMcncy. The bonk is pilreiy hi'.torieal and entirely non partisan, has recaived tho emlorsemcnt ot All the J,ea!iti yewsjntjtcrfff Is passing throuich a third edition; and retails in paper cover at .: cents, hut is really wort h mere than that amount of icotiey. as it is the fiist an I only ho-jk ever published containinjr tho same in formation and historical fac'.s. Tit (ft Valuable I'rcntium Will be uiven to everv earn pa iicn rnbscrlbors to TIliC W'Et-.KLY I'Ot i ft niainnnth 5 column pnper filled almost exclusively with readlnir mat ter and market rejiert?, tn important to farmer, it is the largest poliUvat weekly paper with th" largest circulatn-n published in I'ennsylv.ir lB and lurnish inrro ami hetter rcadinst ma .tr e fui tlie mont'y than eny other paper in the S,- The Campaign IVet-klij irst Will be in With the first of .lulv r A.i tlie first of Iiecctniier. eontain'.itr at snalvsis or i all the reports ol the t'omtre..i. ,,,1 fhvcst itir ' tlommittees, all the enrreu. n, tuicK f j the lay, reviews nftliiKr..n'.ivniu ,St...i i'ltt.., r "."VH ' Tl. report. : . . ::. x r'jitirn-.iai ci eo- tion. 1 hfn yremiam V npiirs only ratn- ii. - ii nm.'iiifii ni j roTtt ev I .... ........ .... .. j:nje swum at sTs wrnr; s-l the '-L1UH- tneir nmnes ior '.-rifrv i-n onr linn hotn 111 t-. w "F.KLY F(J.-T an i-Vr ,i-a ' tlt,r-M'S AN'l) CONTtMHlK. a i L.r.H." n mure tr.Pis mom tbE the coat of either sc-paratoly. . . - - To eampaTern rut Feribers will be riicidlv adhered to. and wlil be ae follow? : t Single suhserihers (wth hoot;) o cects rarh. In eiut.s of n or more twitti isiio..'. reu-aeaeti. Single stihserP-ers (withnit. Ixi-ik) t ceo; c-m-h: , l"e;u:sol i tr uu.ru Witt;oat lo-Ki.t temt each. , 'u"sul r mwreiwuuoat e We earnestly m-pp-sl to all i s!re to Toe the Ie'mmraey Iriu enr fi :c-r.ds ho de- Iriumplnmt at tho ai- XUZ inirthe tisniesof stirs -ri'H-r! for rntrv. so that they my receive the nnmber hi-trlntilnV with the first week In .In'.y. Tlie book will l.e "lorwarde.l ?-1 popn ns tlic sre T, -f-7i:,i- 1'- t" "cc,,ni'",ny RJ "r,l"rB- A",vp's J A kYi al 3 P. L3AIir2 CO., Tho mouey PtTTSM'KiUf, p.. A DM IN IS TP AT0 .'S XC TI "F. r.sttite ot .losi-.i-n llK.nsrMir.tr. .1 Notice t hereby g-iveiithat letters ol admin. -trath.n. r'm frvf.MiiMifu rfif-.r.ro on tho estnto o Joseph llersehetl, late of Carroll township, rie. , censed, nave neen prantea to tho unuernijrne' All ier.ns Indebted to said estate are Eoiitb iu tiia te inmii i-aTiueni, aea t'tie navirii riaons aifiii.Ft It are ietpue4led te proBenl the auia aetiicuticated for cttlemeni. . 1.1.111 , 4 1 ' t n 14 .- II J Atjt v . ' i Adm'ri. L'T T . - - - , r..-.or j Carroll'Twp., June t, 1876.-8L Jrx - AT. ill. Jl li Xi, o I IX ' rdMiiee with n l Act . the ., rul X scti.i.l.v 'l t.i C. enm.iini-. ,t! : f. :, p.. re veil I ht Sth ih.y 1. 1 Apr-1, A. D. P;:."n i i-,i ir to t hecot-h-ei nut ..t t.'.X' ii Ih- count y i f I 'n ;t t-rra." ti. 1ic"is li.-rci.y tri I'M lo I he l.i x l i i r.i.i ing in ll-cil-'ti,.)! Ix-..w n-tme 1. tt. it the t'ountv i trasii ret ; i'i eon.pluiiiee w i! h tlie s.-eend sec !''i""1 iid fict. will attend al the places of "-e 'rrongii ami tow n- Iuti e' t lions -n the tol! wing named i:i VS fir thn fMirtwwf fif receiving the liintl . It ii, r mi, I t.it iMkim a sesscd for the year Kij : or iimore tiormigh. Mnm'.iv. J jne 12th sumipi rh'.II township. Tit, s-la , Jni.e l"th. vtasmrgt.vf, - V.'.iines hi v. 14th. 1Mb. Pith. Ktli. PC JOt h. :'t-4 r-M. . Mimntiti ilie borough, Thiirota'y. Cnlliiin - Ftl.iav, fJallitr'n townhlp. Satnr i;iy, Loretto borough. M.m lny. Allegheny tow n.-hip. Tiit'r.lav. Minister W(-eneilar; v uesi r-prings borough, i Imis iaj-. t'I'ariield towns'.'lp. Kriil.iv. it White tiiwi-'hip, ..ti Mnnliir, J unc 28'h. a t A. M. i- i-kt and on Tuesaay, rfune 27tn, fit I.I - d::viile. " Chest township, at t'len C.inrtel!. Wcdnep d ay. June ,-ih, and at A. Anna's. Thurs day. June it'th. " ' n r .mown borouph. Fri lav. June 30tb. lmr;ill tftwnsbip, Sattrrct iv, Jniv Jt. " fambria " Mn.inv.' Jul v 3-U , ,ti,rr " VcPi.lav. Juit r,lh. ri'.'"!"'""."'! to w rsh i Th i. rs ia v.J n 1 v 1 h. tft Ward, LUnsbuig, l ii.lav. lu'y fth. tl V''! " Mtui.i.iv.JcJy Slh. J.-ekson tovrrh:p. Mnni'itv, .1 ulv Pith " HlaekiicK " Tee- :,.;.. .Ji:v i;,h. Atnl. in nccoribmee with t lie 4-it.n "e?lonof said act. on all taxes paid i t he Treasurer te fore Die 1st day of epteiel .r there will be reduction of five PElt -f.t.. hiie live iercent .el t'" :.i'e- -t t:ti:';.(d lilacs, and idueed in thehjin.Nof i e-.o-r.il-V N. J. I 1T I Ml IMF. fount e Treasurer. Trcnsurci 's t'llie, Ebensbu-s', April J4, l-7fl TWN"SiWG3lAHKi 120 riinton St., Jchnstcwn, Pa. rHARTERF.n SEPT. 12. 1T0. PFPflSITS ' received ol nil funis not leps than One iH.llar i resent rate of interest, sis per cent. Interest 1 duo In the months ol June end lieeeinlier, and If nut wiiln.rawn is nd.Ie.i to the .iepesit. thus com l-mnibn twi.-e a year without trouhltntr the del jxisuor lo eall or even to present I tie d. in.slt tHKk Voneyl .ane.loTi Ken Estate. 1 retoren-e with Ilbcril rate? nnd Ion time, a-ivn to lorrower of fennif lirst uiorta.ies on hirins worth ion r or more tunes i i,e amount ol loan desired. Oood reference perfect title", etc.. reipiiretl. '1 his eorporition is ex-!ii:relv a Snvlrffn Pank. cnuuereial neposiia received. n..r discounts granted. No loan? on mts nial secnrnv. IJIatiH applications 1; r l.i.rrwcrs. copies of the rules, hy-iaws, and Siecinl law rtlatinif to this lianlt. sent to any address desired. TKt'STKi:s Jaines ',.pr. Havid 0.0. P. Ellis. A. .?. II awes. F. W. H.ir. J.,t,n Lewman H Itanmer, Jr., Haniel AL LmiKhlin. i. j. Mrrell !niM Mt.Millcn. .Ismcs Mi.rlpr, Iwis p'1M n' ; i.5.f:f5f;.''.' ,,',nr:d Sni pes, tic-erg T. .-wank, and" Av. W. alters. l'AMEL .T. MOKUrl.L. PrslJcr t. f-RAXK biBKUT. Treasurer, b'rnra Elukr, Solicitor. 12-:?,'T5.-iy.j rpRIAL LIST, Jvne Tciim. lAt of Causes set down 1; trial at a t'onrt or Common Ple.is to be hrl I at El-es otrir f,.r ninbri.t omiuty. eonitneneir. o:i Mouav, thd Slti day .f Jink, A. I. ls;: SKroNn wfpk. Thompa -n i Kav .vs. John P.. tti-Inipa. .vs. .l-ilin It'n .It. -v. -vs. John .1. Fish", r. -s. IVaiu is t'liristv. -vs. John Fisk. John C. tiates. B. .vs. Prnli .t:itio Morrison. -t. H. A. !:,.. -vs. Itieiisr.t J. Evans, .vs. Ilirlmr! J. K.imi. -vs. 1 iviili rc.xh r Mary if "id. m. v. T. II. l,M-!ey. . .vs. Al.-.v. i .-nnc.iy et. al. -vs. John li -man. vs. Ccoe-e Aii-wllnn. John Shell I'llinhrt't Iron t'o... C-mihi ia Iron Co... John Ilrotheriine... Tf tic ttu?us J. X. rr-ic Hieh ir.J liotvlioid.. Uiill'.-li Owens..-.-.. Joseph Trexler .lolin P. tr..tcr,r!. .. John p. stiiii . . M. Itresile Hon. .Lt-ues P. W"t Al!-llf,ti,e liott... Luiii.ir.i Hobb vs. Miiriin A t'o. vs. I' ter (Ji.-k. i'.'".'v-,!"''t-" linear. A-iniu Koi-e I Pf tb'ntv.frv' (.Scf, kei:fchiirir. 5!av rv. , lsr. nf iiniiuiwii.i. xv yt - POCKET KHIVZ3 Knives, Forks St Spoons, n SCISSORS. XE?. fHOVfLS. LOCKS, HINGES, NaiLS, 1 I FILES. &c. ?- C1RFENTJRS'. CLACK v- b,Y, 1 1 us1 a iiikh.ul' -i . . . TU R AL. TOOLS 11 - l'vj" Boyd & Gamble, And Gupcrintcsdoats! ".luiai ii.x L-Liiitungr, Cnrncr Uo,l nt,f Dinmvtul Sts., 3-3.1 I'lTTSJiURtjH, VA. fly. 3 li to b;iy J!'rr:-o - I'tu'.-Ka. ii-i ii"". I r-.'-ers i: l"i.-iirf,l prompt lv. 3 Sl.-'Stu.J . Nk'S. !- E K I'll.. Ui. JS.r.i-t, I'infi uritb. r ' --T-- "v I. I LATE "CAIN" IIOI E," Cvrncr Main aud ntts&nrnjJt Sfs. GtlfcEMSBURC, PA. Very centre of town rront t a so t,..h entmnco to tho Court U jg-4.Ti.-tf. joiiy. jntTr.R. i.i'ii)r av ... n..r. .et!er totara'-r , ,, i M., ,.r Jiry ou the estate of At.tlu.nv llo!i-er, late of .ajr towns1-!.. ( anibrta K.iti-r. leC'MSod. ha; ilrl'H tr 'nt.ip t writ 11 ier5m0 in- aei estate r roit"-'ol to make lm. paymrrt. and tb.s. t.aVInu claims wi'.l bi'"i pruperlv aurhenti-H.le-1 for setlio JOH.N OlSSll.Vit. Sr.. . . ir.-s,,.; te.-n JlllAN MtlitLKIi, ("".kii. liarrTwp June 2, l'f0.-3i. TO ST OH STOLKX, most prnlia- bfy Stolen,) from ibe r. -i.l-nce of the ?itt-seriher. en or alx nt the 17' h ies!.. two notes f.-r each, ilmwn tn favor of h - nn lers irnf d. rnd baritia; no 'b.tiht ai t- th." i . nt -ty of t her I hief. it st.len. this is to ri.'lfr him th:it "local rteps wi't te taken t pnnish lum onl. - ie pap.-rs sre re tnrned withmit dehiv. Pax tn. nt hi.vii-ir c'n stopped on said note; all pi-'rt-urjs are eau'ioned ' H.nst neRotlatlnjc the srn,e. e.Jon, Ta.. May rH l-TT- WILLIAM DOBAN. ! A I"XISTKATrO NOTICK. ! P'-nteof Plt'ttARD SaNIFK!&OX. L-c'. letters cf a Imlrlstration n the estate ef let 1 iri.-nn.i.P'in. late et ivniemauir h I ceasec1. h.-i virr ti-n granted to ihe iiih. - an per-oi.ii iii.irntc; t sal ' e-ta'" a t r. n n. - ...1 i i ..-ifce pn-in pi payment. ani thoe having i-Ue ,s : aifiinst lhe.-.a:::e will present them pr ii.t rl i a ! tiiestiu.tieJ lor.fett!-u"( rt. - t - J.H.HITE, Adrr-iti-'trator. i June 2, 1JT().-flt. TISCG. V.'ICKTrViM r5t CO., -1 f.osH Street. Si 1 1 ilisr. It. VTN HOW GLASS. POTTLKS Vr.1.3 ef all kin is. t i .!t-r ir n-pi lv v-. ui. I ;.ur pric-s nl circulars bi-ljre l-uvir. tnn:;ivua Eurpaseed. ' (i0.-4u) A Tl TI II. s returned Tr.m I-'nrope. errit y-ssni iH tvrxri;, Pii Tirrci;ar, pa. 8-10. CSTKAM kncunk roi; SAT - nT ,w t- v 1 1 iv t.- ,.h,.,',',.I. ...s ' r- . r : h will rrll wit ;. -efnfe lor Turt-ine heeN - ...... Carro 'v-ii.iihin i-nil on t--e sob-ritvr in - lAWii.t.tp thre tad- northeast ol Carroll. tr T. or l l.v.-o M. .1. XAtlhK ay J.-3t, .tarrtIltn, Cambria Co,, T. tiirr w r r1' P" "" i r I-, -"V- - m v I he eenni-.ie. A I ",t - iSjt ' !:irrew..' '.Va r.-l.'.-u F.i u.-.s. s- FA M l Ii