ac: .-?sv psvei ra eicl w a snnriiAKii docs ti:ami NINE IIVNFUF.H MTLF.S Tit AVE LET) IS TWENTT-TM O 1A VS. The following says the anecdote, which is-strictly true, was related to our concspondent a few days since by a very prominent and highly-respected railro'ad official, and is based on facts contained in a letter received a short time since by Dan McUav.loy, at Le ona, Kansas. Some time ago Mr. McCawley's father, who resides at Flat Itock, Fencca county, O., shipped a full blooded shepherd dog by express to his son at Leona, Kan. In due time the dog anived at its destination, and was conveyed in a wrgon to MrJIcCVs, 2 irides Irom that place,-where he was tied up in the barn to prevent Lis tlra ring. The idea' that on the f dlowing morning the dog wt uld turn up missing never entered Ihc head of friend .Mac, and his astonishment may be imag'ued when he discovered (shortly- after breakfast, that the dog had 1 rok :n away and left tor parts- un known. The loss was deeply felt by all the family, Mid steps were at once taken to discover the whereabouts of thcan iin d but all their effort proved un successful, and the disappearance re mained a mystery for nearly four weeks; Indeed" no due whatever could be obtained as to where he had wan dered, or if stolen as to who the thief was. 'So after making many unsuc cessful attempts to recover him, Mac concluded it was a mystery too deep for solution, and resolved to quit the search, at the same time vowing dire wngence against whosoever should have stolen his valuable present, pro vided the thief was ever detected. The disappearance occasioned sur privj and comment, and created a nine days' wonder, but it is hardly possible to "imagine how much more surprise and astonish nient was felt by Mac and his family on receipt of the following intelligence contained in a letter'from Mac's "father, written about four weeks after the disappearance of the dog: In this letter he informed his son that twenty -two ilays after the day on which the dog was received at the ex press office of I.cona, he appeared at bis old home at Flat Hock, O., or in other words, that the dog, guided by bis instinct, had traveled i00 miles in t ,vei,ty-two days. The most astonidi i.ig circumstances connected with this mice lotc is that the dog was conveyed the entire distance from Ohio to Kan sas, o.i his outward journey, in an ex press car, and how in the world he ver found his way back on foot is a mystery which oaly that dog tan solve. That he had traveled the entire distance was clearly apparent by the condition be was in when he reached his old Lome, being foot-sore, near starveel and badly us. el up. Fcxeral in 1 7 iC. Funerals touch ed weddings at the point of feasting, rnd were often expensive, showy, and pompous occasions. In some parts of t he country, especially among the Intch of Long Island and New York, it was the cvstoni for a jonngmnn to liy by liis earnings after coming of age until a sufficient sum had accumulated to provide for him a respectable fune ral when h; would come to die. Of teutiiues the young burgher would re serve half of the portion of wine which he had liberally laid in for his marriage to le used at the funeral of himself or bis wife. Special invitations were sent out for funerals as for parties. The clergymen, pall-bearers, and phy sicians attending, were provided with scarf and gloves, ami 3 metim s ic-h w it'i a mourning ring ; w hile the feast which folio wcel the interment, at the Iiouso of the relatives of the deceased, t laborate with cold i oast meats, wines, li.piors, and pipes, was not un frequent ly an e evasion of course excesses, sometimes elescending into hilarious and noisy demonstrations. A "re spectable" funeral of this description might cost perhaps 1,000, while the funeral of the Prst wife of the lion. Stephen Van Itenssclaer is said to have cost not less than $20,000. Ud ward Abb'Al'g " Revolutionary I'imr." Uatji es' IjEos. IJow-lcgsand knock knees are among the common deform itics of humanity ; and wise mothers ussert that the crookedness in either case arises from the afflicted one hav ing been put upon his or her feet too I'arly in babyhood. Ibit a Massachu setts physician, who has waft-lied for the true cause, thinks diirerctitly. lie attributes the first mentioneddistoition to a habit some youngsters delight in of rubbing the sole of one foot against that of the other; some will go to f lcep with their solei p-os-cd together, 't hey appear to enjoy the contact only w'len the feet are naked ; they do not rttempt to make it vh?u they are socked or slipperel. So the remcdv is obvious ; keep the baby's soles cov ered. Knock-kr.ecs the doctor as eiibes to a different childish habit, that of sleeping on the side, with one knee tucked into the hollow behind the other. lie 'has found where one le- has Ikch bowed inward more than another, the patient his always slept on one side, and the uper mcmlei has lK't-n that which has been most de fume 1. Here the preventitave is to pad the inside? of the knees so as to keep them apart, rnd let the limbs giow freely their own wav. To Faint Maoic Lantern Sr.inr.s. Warm the glass Ik. fore a fire til!- it is as hot as you can bear it in your hand, then rub it over with a solution, of weak gum water; leave it t6 dry, then put the picture you mean to copy liu ler it, and draw it on the gl iss with a pen, u.sing India ink. Faint afterwards with water or oil colors, it ys i'jiiiiat-ciiul which. ar .1. 4 4 v- i JL, Sis s- fei rCRrVSERLY- StVCLSSOR TO STAHLMAM C McCOY, FIvOPRtETOKs iv o. r sixth A'ear Suspension Ilridye, And can be reached from all IT S HEUN KEWL.Y KEFiTTED IN EyEItT DETAIL.;. THE TABLE IS WELL SITPLIED WITH THE VERY BEST .THE" MARKET AFFORDS. 3-io itAriiis;, Lo nix day. 3m. M:inuracturcrs of all kinds of CIIKWIXG TODACCO: also the celebrated 1 Mf )1 mm To lie rel in Pittshurili l i rm It. & W. Jonkinson. Jf.lin FiiUerton & Son. J. W. Tv!or. Mrt tin Hey I, T. I. WniliK-e. .1. M. Michel & Co.. K. ToTstoll & :.. C:rier Hrotbem, Oil worth Hi-othrrs, T. C..i'i,kiriS, KnmJt Orr. C. Atwch &'Co., 8. V. Fickiiitf, Ilcr.og-Jk Uucbanao, I'retzreM Hro., Ilenrj" D.illriiai iT, ami all other Tohncco anJ Grocery Houses. LI- 7.-6m. - FOSTER &-QU INN, 15 113 and 115 Clinton Street, Johnsto-Vvn, ALWAYS HAVE THE Aax:0Qgtf Mq& and, QzLQ&'&Q&t Stock ofrry Goods Notion!". Millinery, Carpet, Oil Cloths Src. to he round In Camliria eounty. L2 4. ' r""Itirt forget the number anl ntreeu (tr.J ITexky W. Kanaoa Fbakk Macdosald. Corner Seventh Avenue ami Liberty Street, TF.U3IS, SS.OO PKtt DAT. PITTSBURG, XV. H. VV. KANACA & CO., Proprietors. The nTove house, JiiFt open For th recption of guests. Is most centrally locate? in the hnsi ncsrpni t of the -ity. rnd within two Mot k. of the Union Depot. The hoiire is entirely new, ami rurni-hf tliroiiMiioiit in the most improved stylo, atnl wifl he In pvorv respect a flrst-clnss Hotel with all tmxlerii impiovements, having the improved i-l. ctric Hlcrrraph from each ehnm ,er, ami in course ef erect inn a firt clas passenger ele valor, with ail sarc-ty patents attached. The cuisine department will be a I, n.linsr feature. t-28.-3tn-l Great Western Hotel, DJT.TirS'Ci i & CO., PROPIilETORS. A'om. 1311, 1313 and 1315 Market Street, rhiUulclphia, Va. Tha subscribers Inform their friends and the public th:t they have enlarged, modernized, re fitei ami newly furnished this lae ami commotions llmiw. ftreet en rs to Hie Ckjn.ennlal I;uil!inj pass and repass the Hotel every minute. Piiices VEilT MuDtu eT. The Cambhi a I- UEKM AN received w.rek'y at the Hotel. 5-5.-3-n 1 HEALTH AM ITS "PLEASURES, 0(1 DISEASE WITH ITS ASGKSES: Choose Between Them. 1IOI J)WAT'S PIIJJS Xcrvoits Disorders. What Is more fcarrnl than a brenklnar rfown of tho n.-rvnus system T To le exeitatde r nervous in a Final) (Ii-ktoo Is most distressing, f,,r where ran a r'-meily lc fotind ? There I one : drink hut little wine, herr, or spirits, or far better, none: take no coffee, weak tea hein prefurahlo; jfet nil the fresh alrynuenn. take three r four Pills every nistht ; eat plenty of solids, avoldinir the use of sli! ; and If these golden rnles are lullnwed, you rlll be happy in mind an t strong in body, and forget you have any nerves. Jlot.'icr. fiv.'l Daughters. If ih -re is one thinir mre than another for wldeli these Tills arc famous it is tln'ir purifvinrr prnper ti s. especially their ower of elcansilia; th.: Idnod ffom all impurities and removinir damtrous am! susj.endi'il secretions, t'nivcrsally a,l.i,te,i us the one trr.uid rcmeily hr (em:vle complaints, they nvcr lull, never weaken the rystcm, and alw iv's brin alioiit what is reipiire.l. Sir: llvftilaehes, If'aiit of Appetite. These feellnsrs. M hicii so sadden us. most fre qnently ar!sc from annoyances or r,u1rle. from chstrueteil perspiration, or from eating and drink ing what is unlii for r.s. thus rliscrdrrimr Hie liver and stomach. TIk jc nruans mur be regulate,) if you wish to be well. The IMIIs. if ta krn aecnlme t' the printed instructions, will quic k' restore a healthy aetfon to both liver and stomach, whence to'low, as a natural eonjequi-nee, a toml appetite and a clear head. In the Kast and' West Imiies scarcely any nthcr medicine is eyt r used for these disorders. lloir to he Strong." Never let tho bowels be either confined or dnly ae e l upon. It may appear Singular that Hoho way s Tills should Ik? reeommendol lorn run upon the hotels, many persons supposing- that tliey would increase rclaxaticr.. This is a creat mis. take, however; lor thse IVls will linm.-.liately crreet the l verand stopeyerv kind ol boweleom ldaint. In warm climate I liousands ut lives have been saved by the ue of this medicine, whi. h in a. I cases itlves tone an.t x'.nr to the w hole rrsranie system, however derantred, health and strenifth following as a matter of cu-si. The appetite, loo is increase.! by the use cd these Tills, combined in tho use or solid in preference to fluid diet. Ani mal food is better than broths and stcw. V,y re.' moving acrid, f-pmented, or other impure humors ln-m the liver, stomach, or bIod. tha cause of dys entery, diarrline t. and other bowel complaints is expelled. Ttre result is. that the disturbance Is ar r -st2d. and the acMon of tho bowels beeomc3 reun l ir. Noth n-j; will s-ep the relaxation or tlie :. els eo quickly as this nno correcting medicine. Disorders of the liUlneys. In all diso;iscs affectinir these oreans, whether they secrete too much or too little water, or whet ti er they bu filicted with stone or travel, or with aeh. ,,r pnins pettled In the loins over the regions of the kidneys, tlit so Tills should be taken accord ing t'llhe printed direction... and the Ointment should bo well rubbed into the small ol the back at bedtime. This treatment will (rive almost im mediate reliel when all other means have railed. .Tor StontacJts out of Order. No medicine will so effectually Improve the tone o, the sti.m.teh as these Tills: they remove ail aei.iity, occasional cither by intemperance or im pr .perdiet. They rach the liver an I re.luce it to a healthy action ; they are worn! ,-lullv cfhiyieioni in cases of spasms In fact they novcr fail in curiuir all uisorders of the liver and stomach. Jh.lhncau'x rnUarr the hot rente h kmurn in the Female Irretrn As hma. It i I i oiis Com plaints, Iiiotehes on the ."kin. Howe I Com. plaints, "ol:e. Constipation of the f.owels. Consumption, lel,ility, lropsy, I'ysentefv, Krrsijiela. Rheumatism, Scrofula or Kimr's Kril, Sore Throats, Stone J ravel, t-cenndary Sytnpfotns. Tle-Ioli;urcux, Tumors, I 'leers. Venereal Affec tions, Worms of all kinds. Weakness from anr c:us, A.c lamtcs. Fevers of all kinds, Fits, tJout, Ilea. lace. Indigestion. Inflanimaiion, .1 a u ml ice, I.I ver Com. p!ainr. I.iimbaifo, 1 lies, K et e n Hon of urine. V f S 1 tt X ' None arc prmiir . - s unature of J. II a vimk k. n-nt r, the l"ni ej ?.V:urr"un'! ""h.'.-.x 'd T.I Is and t .mtment lenix Ml tion (,i n; di intom, 7"-r."",: r''"- of any n,r tv nr , Z "V ?.V,. UrV;- Ml-licines or vending bu spurou.'. tho saino, knowing theui to ,, '.'t e nianu factory of Trofessor Hot, i.Tm . ' "-,rlew lrk and tv all rep-rai. I'rni :s and Iteakrs in Medicine, throuxhoit and "v'XX"'1' ,'XC,,' Rt 25 I r si r.!8 'S c,,ni'i,!er:','lc av!ng by hiking the in eveVvT.Tv'''1" n'-'r. of ,.atlcnt. in cicr disorder arc alined to . ,1, . 1 Aprii 21, 1S7C M. H j's-ir, KifMiMmrcr. I. (n;,.,. !.. '.t (recently occupied t v ti n, t-i....n ,) tnuu irtct. li--,i.:76.-tr.j "RED LIOH." STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. oints by STIiEET CARS. - A' n if a d vnn tisi:mexts. A VlHltifj J, II printed, s nil Areata Hi U A. II. rX Vlnltirx fartl, with your name finely sent ter 2.TC, e have low ttyles. I anted. sn mules sent for stamn. h TJL,L.IiR it CO., Brockton. Mass. 2m CKNTFN JL CALMNC 'A entirolv n W SOX, Cha CKMFNNIAo FANCY VISITINO OK .IZSei CARliS for lOcts. Something new. Address R. t. ADAMS fc. Chatham, Columbia County, N. Y. 1 O day at home. A irents wanted. Outfit and V " terms free. TltUK&Ctt., Auwrusta, Maine. ST-J 1'Eft WEEK i J I Male and Fei I I Terms and H i 1 t). V1CKEU1 TKft WEEK OTIARANTKElt to Agents. remaie, tn tneir own localitv. OUTFIT Fli EE. A.l.iress f' JKEHY & C'O., Augusta, Maine. DYSPEPSIA CURED FREE. Any person sulferinsr rrom Dvsiiepsia or Indl gestion le cured by usintr " DR. VV!!.LIA33'S COMPOUND POWDERS, Send for a trial pnekasre. It cos s nothing, ami w!ll cure you. Address ! UTI.EE &. CO.. Chemists 1351 liroadway, New York. CKKK (; I KT or a piano for distribul in .-onr circulars t Address U. S. Piano Cj., &10 Broadway, N.Y, (Vif rt n'M'TI'IUSTSer the AfKS. OurGov 3 llttK' li eminent and llis.'orv. tloodspeed's ' x J ub. House. N. Y. and Ciiicaoo. "S tfl 'rt ,,cr nt "lotne. Samples wor'h 1 " 1 " ' "u 'rec. tTiN8Qjj &Co., I'ortland, Me. LAKE) FOE SALIS! UW.UUU IMhEn MltS: near the great Kanawha Kiver. in Fulnam Countv, West Vir Kinia, in quantities to suit purchasers Soil pood water pure and abundant, timber excellent' enurches. schools and mills convenient; title per fect. Trice fi to S peracro. Terms aceomm-xla-U"iV f"rfu" "'riptionto.r.L MtLEAX. " infield, Tutnam County, West Virginia. a d v ertisTnc in RELIGIOUS anil AGRICULTURAL WSZBKLIE3. F:t orn catauvi ON THE LIST PLAN. For Information, address GEO. V. KO WELL & CO., 4 1 Tark How. MBW YORK. 1770, - &c JIIIS. M. JIOOIIE, 32S 1'enn Avenue, near loth St., PITTSBURGH, PA.- TO Tiri3 LADIES! I am Just In receipt of a large Invoice of t Elegant GOODS, which will bo closed cnt at irrcat bargain, In part as follows: I'roneli Z armcnts. for spring and summer wear, consisting In part of Itamask and Silks. Sicilian t;ashmcrcs Sacks, Mantles, &c. The clectio.;8 comprises cosiumes for street and evenlnir wear. Trices greatly reduced. 5-l u Boyd & Gamble, AKCIIITKnTsa And Superintendents! Cerrnariia Bank Bulk?! ng. i orner ll and. and. Diamond riTTSBUIlQH, PA. S7.., ARCHITECT! Hjs rcturntd from Enropc. L3-;o.-3-n PI tTJU VUQ H VA mm I7B AGItVATCAT. Trtlk about cats none of tliem equal Cato, tlie recently eleceaseil, the vo erty, when alive, of Mr. Steven llogers. The animal lived twenty years, lacking one month, ami when lie departed 'was ; mourned by a large circle of 'friends. Cato was a religiously inclined cat. Told, "Cato, it's time you went to bed," liis catship walkeel solemnly to the chair or stand, and placing his paws over his face, to shade his eyes ; from the glare anil glitter of ainful world, engagud, apparently, in earnest devotion. Mrs. Rogers is an old lady, and rather leeble. Cato used to go to call her up in the morning, would wait around till she was ready to go elown stairs, and then would mimic his mis tress in the manner of her descent. Mrs. II. was compelled to steady her self by leaning against the banisters ; the cat regularly went through the same exercises, but upon getting within three or four steps of the landing he wouKl spring clear elown at a leap, and then look around in a way that said dist inctly, "Why elon't you come down in that shape ?" Mrs. Rogers at one time fainted, and attention was called to the fact by Cato, who ran to the old lady's daughter and succeudeel by pulling, and pushing and crying to call her from another part of the house to the mother's assistance, probably thus being the means of saving the latter's life. There used to be kept in the house a little box in which from time to time were tleposited pennies for procuring food for Cato. Cato under stood the arrangement, and would watch over his pile carefully as could any little' boy, manifesting anxiety whenever the supply of cash ran so low as to be suggestive of short rations. If the box of coppers gave tit alto gether, Caio knew enough lo go to the next pocket book. Cato would allow the canary to hop around upon his back, and would play at "catch paw" with it upon the floor. When Captain Rogers died thecat manifested the utmost grief antl would 6it .and watch the portrait of his deceased master exactly as if ho saw h resem blance ltetween it and him. James, a son of Mrs. It., came home, anel one rlay concluded he would have asmoke, lie purchased a pipe and tobacco, and laid them on the table, at once inter esting exceedingly Cato, who corn menced calling "Papa, papa," as he used to when Captain Rogers was alive. A comb was set apart for tlie cat's use, as a matter of fun, and daily Cato came to have his toilet made by some memlter of the family. When finally he was taken sick the neighbors of Mrs. R. used to come in to see him; and when at the very last Cato saw he was going, he raiseel himself up in his bed, waved an adieu to his frientls and sank back into the sleep from which he never fairly awoke. Kexo London 1'eleyroph. Wiif.n Not to Bathe. As the temperature will soon warrant bathing a little advice may Ik? productive of rood results. It has long been known that it is injudicious for any one to go into water to bathe jus after eating a full meal; but it is not so well known that it is dangerous. This latter fact was demonstrated by the recent death in a bath of a boy. thirteen rears old. He had never had a fit, and is believed to have been in perfect health. When f iKd in the water the crown of his Itoad was just above the surface, and he was standing in a stooping posi tion, with his face-just under the water. At the place where he was the water w.iS only three feet four inches deep, while the boy's height was four fet-t nine inches. The temperature of the water was seventy -five degrees. The medical testimoi.13 disclosed the fact that the deceased had eaten hear tily just before entering the water, or at least had not given his ferod time 'to digest. He had vomited a large quan tity of food, and when found his throat and mouth were full. The opinion was expressed in tlie medical testi mony, and endorsed by the vertlict of the jury, that death. resulted from epi lepsy, brought on by the dangerous practice of entering the water immeeli ately after eating a meal. Experience with Potatoes. Jeff. C. Hoch, secretary of the Keystone agricultural society, who is one of the most energetic and enterprising young farmers in Rerks'county, lias tested on his farm in Maxatawny township dur ing the past several 3-ears, n. number of varieties of potatoes, lie has fi nally scttleel down to five varieties as the Itest for general cultivation, and of those esteems most highly the Eailv Vermont, the Karly Rose and the Eureka. Heplantsthe Early Vermont for first ;roj), as this variety has proved with him fully ten days earlier than the Early Hose, besides Ving enor mously productive, nnd of fine quality. Mr. Hoch has introduced the Early Vermont very extensively in the northeastern township- of 1 Jerks and in Lehigh county. The Early Rose is valuable for second crop and "for mar keting during tho fMimnier, being one of the most salable varieties in culti vation. Tlie Eui.eka is T.ithout an equal for general crop. Yielding im mensely, and bcingof first-class keeping qualities. Mr. Hoeh raised last ven- from one pound of the Eureka 1821 pounds, or over three bushels from "a single pound. He will plant largely of this variety tnis spring for his main crop.-Heading Times. A" raw egg, inixeel with a little su gar, taken every morning Ufore reftKiast, is lcclaiel to Ik nn infal'i Lle cure fr dyspepsia. The L.ineaster Examiner says so ami it has reason to know. ' ' i: sse.N'CE of lemon, one nirl spirits or turienti te, Hvc parts', will remove staius lioui silk. F.f.HAY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OF tw, "mm AND Sheet Iron Ware s AND DEALERS IN HEATffiGTABL0B.2J!iC00SfflG AND- OOUSE-FURMSfllXG GOODS GENFJULLY. Tol)biner in TIN, COPPER & SHEET-IROX I'itd1I?TLt ATTK.XDKU TO. Nos.278, 280 and 2S2 Washington Si., JOHNSTOWN, PA. EBENSBURG AND lOOSE-FOBRISH'G STORE IS THE TLACE TO MJV STOVES, HAPJjWAEE.TIfiWAEE, NAILS, GLASS, OILS, PAINTS, &c. Q-13.1 GEO. HUNTLEY, Prop'r. ' mAIiMKns AN I) OTIIEll if y7nhT tPinl to IwiM a housR or l,rn. r oihf-r-wisc linprovp property, iri to H I'XTLKY for naiijs, :i.a.s, rAlxrn. hakuw'aue. &c. Money suvt?d by buying for c-Kb. 37AltMEr.S, GO TO HUNTLEY'S and ; xainirx tlie neatcft little CIIOITINO MILL cVit liitroduceil. It ehopss from 10 to 12 huslifls at rye, -orn or onts per hour. liCV OXH IT COSTS ONLY 35. ARM EES. GO TO IIITNTM'.Y'S anrl mkr l,ny I lie hfst CO UN FODDKII and Rl-lt.WY f TTTKIt ever b .1,1 in tl.U "i heir cost tinre ihnn !iived in one year by cut tinjr your feed with it. rr?;IIE Iest SILVEU-PLATEn WAKE i i' tle itiaiket at 25 per cent, less than citv retail prices, bold Tor cush at t-lH-'75.-tf. ' HUNTLEY'S. nC-AltMKKS, GO TO HUNTLEY'S ar.d buy your H A li VEST TOOLS, which he sells HKAI'lilt Ftlt CA.H than t hoy can be bong-lit elsewhere in Kbensburjr. jpT-prNTLEV will sell you WALL PA "JiJpi riCIl as eh nap, if not clioapur, tlian any other rienler in Lliens'.iirr, nnd liiiu it into the b:irtr:iin without extra clmrtro. TOLVCKSMITHS, IIUNTLEY will sell you Horse Shoes, Morse Nails, Car rhme lli;ts, B;ir Iron. Nnii Uod, Cast Siecl. &c. VLUY LOW KOK CASH. ' ' 3"-OrSEKEEPEns, GO TO 1 1 ! NT LKY'S Mxilmylln. I'. LAXCI1AKL) .CM CUN, the best in the world. Sold for Cash at manufacturer's prices. 17LAHMEIiS, GO TO II (TNTLEY'S mid , pet tlie Imst MOWING and l:K.I- kBUUC&,.IISE ade' rUICE8 KA1XY J--OUSEKEEPEnS GO TO HUNT-r.-) LEY'S and sav-2i" per cent., by pay inx cash lor Tablo Knives, Forks, puons, &c. fiAItPENTEns. GO TO HUNTLEY'S M"v',- !,:,.v.yo,"r TOOI'S IiUIMHNG iiAttliw Al, h. l'uy cush uud sve 2(1 per cent. ""-5a S attd b.;y your Stoves and Tin- ware. PAYCASH AND SAVE MONEY. AltMKIW.OoWTirN'TliEV'Sri pet the best HORSE HAY liAKE ever Iiitrxlucc3. CHEAP Foil CASH. C2-fl T "ti.eFfoii cjlotTies W WIJINOEKS. Hesenthematercat Ij reduceU prices for the ready cash. N LARGE LOT OP POCKET AND mrKP lVES very vht!iv rorh at fsT EXT DOOR TO 1'OST-OITICK. Ooolciiifr- SUivos, Hen 1 in Sloven. TIN, COrPER & SHEET-iaO.N WARE st reet. t ,vo .r.rX. V L "V ' " ' ' ' '"h o,.,Vsi.e the Jloain Ha Vhe 1, bet ter prepareO t!,nn ever to m; nVnM H ) .AUK lints all of which will be f:iVihJd ,o buyers dt tho very lwt.t ivln. vrl''' Uta lo, I he sttbeeriber also proposes to keep a full anJ varied nssortnicut of a nui Cocklns, Parlor re3 Heating Stcve3 of the most tippi-overi designs lySPOltTl NQ onl ItOOKIXll ma.le to order i n "' AIUINO promptly utteii.k1 io All work .lone by nte will be Oone rVrl t ' on flr terms, nr,.l STO v'KS n, VA p T.Im cunnot be unrtM in pHce A eontij nn ttt.J ineretu-e of patron Ma respVt f uU v's'y pT ted, anrl no effort will bo want in. . " - ' tire satisfaetiou to t'i! Un""lf t0 ri"H'r en. Kbensl,,,ry,Oet,tETTHIyGR'-- P a. snoiTKEnTrZW. 7 AT-Law, ElH.nsl.i.rg. Ofii.-eoi. !lih btroet. caet e. ot ruvt. U-Jv;a t, j TIIKOIIC.M.O k OUTH-niiST! Ii IM1I.WAT Fttibrnccsnndcr oncmnnnirrmont the Great Trunk K.tilwny Lined of the l I.M and UI II- I .S I . anil wit li It? numcrons lrati("1i"g and pnn nectfon?. fotma tli ttT,vrt-rt nn1 nniekest r,u'ete tween 'hirav i'l all polnis in tUittui. ll'i. -ox- Kin, XnHhem Atkhliptii, M iimriutta, A'e- j, eon'TiKi, aud the m t(ccrt t en Uut ic. lis , Omaha and California Line Is the shortest and best route for all jx.intu In A"ti;i fiiM.i,. lfn, lti-.h'ita, A" tituf. 1. H't oininii. CoZirtadu, L'fiT'i, AiTid'i. Cif ;f'rJi't, eie Omi. i'hina. Jajvtn ftud Auxtfilui. Its Chicago, JZadison and St. Datrt lAne Is the short lino for JVorf h em ll'txmofn and Af imieittn and lor iltitlixttii. St. I'tinl, .Viurnyrii ulis, J it uVi, and all Kiut In the Urcat Ngrili west. Its . Winona and St. fcler Line Is the only route for IVinnnfr, rs.M-hrxter. Oirr ttmm. M'tnknto. St. . PrUr. Xnn I'lm. and all points in Southern ati'l Central Minne-ota, Its Green Day and Marquette Line Is the only line kr Jctiirvi!I, tVatert'iwn. I'ond I)h l,nc. ( fylilmnh. Ai'ttlrtnti. tlrt eii Hun. f.'wvnid. a. AniiTUHce. Mat 'iu ttr, 1 tnuahtnn, llancitih I and the Lake Superior Country. V.t I'i-eejfort and Dubuque Line Is the only rou'e Tor f:irtn. 77 oehfi irU Frccirt, and uli KintS'Tta Frccort,. Its Chicago anrf Milwauh-ee Line I? the clil liiko S'tore T5-.ute. and ! the onlv one through Erinst'-u. I,akr Fiirrmt, ITi'ih lxufl I'.irk, W aaUeg iH, li-icme, Ktwish't, to Alii- J'ullman J'aTace Cars are ran nn all through t'nlns ofthi? road. This i the ONLY LIN K running thoe -rnr" be tween C'lii?aaro and ;t.. I:inl. Chicago and Mil waukee, or I'hicaico and V iuona. At Omaha our tsioeper.s connect wit t the Over land Sleepnrs on tho Cnli.n I'acifi Uailn,ad for all points V.'eFt of the MIFourl Kiver. n therrivlof the tralnn trom the TPt or Sontli. the trntnof the tThirnvn &. Nor.h-Westem linilwT LKA VK CHIC.Vttl as 1..Iowf : I or (nnnril PlnfTfi, enulii and ( aliferala. Two Thro;ixh Trii ins daily, with Pullman Iaia'" l)raw Ina: U'jomand Sleei.Insr Oars through to eouncil BlnflX f or Kt. I'anI an) 5Iinneaiol:. Two Thronarh Trains daily, with i'ullinan l'uliico Cars allat hud to t.oth traiiMJ. Frr (irern Ray and I.nke Snprrior, TwoTran diii'v. wHh Pullman l'.ilarc Cars cttachcil, and runnint' thronsrh t Marrjnetto. Ir MiLraslvee, For 1 hroutrh Trins da'lr, Fullmxn Carson night traius, l'arior Clia'r Car? 011 day lr.iin.1. Kor .snnrta and WInflns and pf,lnt In Vi lrne.-vi. On'' Through Train daily, with Pullman Sleepers to Wl'iont. For lot,niiie via Freeport, Two Tlironu.'i Trains dai'y, wu h Pullman e'ar 0.1 iiinht tr.iius. Kor luliiMae and l.;i ( rose, via Clinton. Two rhrouah Train!" daily, with I'ulluan Cars on the niifht trnin tn .".Ietireiror. Iowa. Inf Mom eity nnl tanVtnn, Two Train daily. Pullman e'ars to Missouri A allev .Innciion. lor Lr.Vr t-mcTa, Four Trains dally. for Kni'Mord. Merl.'ntr, KtiO'.h-i JaneTi!le. and other points, you can have from two to ten tralna ilntly. New York Offl.K. Nn n.1 rmi,l..v. It.t,.r. I l . fi g.n s , .. j . ... v . . . . - .. . - ' .,,,l. Z . ' 1 T . . . . . ' 'w.i.- (, 111 11, 111 III, limn S,rri. n LV..,,.,... , , ,. i v" ' cry Si rce: ; (Thlniro l ick-t 1 ilnrea: W2 t 'lurk St.. under Sherman House : corner Canal and .Madison Stif-etc; Kin10 Street Iepot. eiTrnr XV. Kinj'C and Canal Street: WcWs Street lclot. to-iitr Wells and Kinzie Streets. For rates or inf jriulion not attainaldc from j-t'Ur home ticket li&cu.a apj Iy to v. H. S ruvNETT, Matvin Itt tiMiTT. (icn. !'. Ac't. tJcn. Su;i t.e'Liccjn; I January 2 IsT-i.-ly. 5-, mm & oiiDiH, HARDWARE, 50 Seventh Avo., PITTSBURGH, PA. P'hrce Doors brlotr Grant Street, and One and a half Squares from Z'ttivn Depot. 3-'.Ve invite the attention of Buyers to ?Jocfe and Prices. L5-5.-:;m.j wHAHDVAiiE SV lmg v A L POCKET KN!VES IPjf Knives, Forks & SpDons, , ll II ll SCISSOPS. f-XES. SHOVELS. I j J Tj LOCKS. HINGES. NAILS. l WW FILES, &c Jl$i VvV CARPENTERS', BLtCK- ,7 E0BES et MAJTTEATJX. rVsADAiVic LABONDE, DK I'AllIS. IS'o. SJ'lintJi Street, riTTsnVKGH, .VA Hecneotfttlly aolteita your orders for riros ninkin. I'erlei t ion In euttinz and fitting. Putts Fiishii n Papera iho iutot 6lyK-H nnd lisshlons receive-d niritlurly. Mureli 10, lTt5.-3tn. Iron City Gun ' Worts. T1FLF.S. SHfiT-OCNS. PISTOLS, and Am It munition l'.r IM.ick II ills pur: ivj nnd others X l TfiPE' '"VlN. AlV-AKA-1 e c, ate, a lull Bfs,,r-.uipn' at lowet i-rieeu at 11. II. S;H I'LTK'S IUON CITV UIX WtHIKS, - ,?." 0 Libert v Street. IMttFl urirh. F-Send for Illustrated l rire 1,1st and t i.ta lnifne eorlainiair full Information. ;h'f r-nt. Ivoilect on Delivery. la-li-lm.J andai . o db" r!.serea a mn-li prreafer rwrr in reft"rinir to a healthy Mate tl.e nm-n the r.rVlr- thiin ri:li-r ruheha or eoi aih,,. It rerer i-nxlu-. g .,,'uT","n'' " c;,r",1n -fi"y ii ;,, It i f:j;crs.-d.n- en-ry ofii.-r rt-modv S-iv iriV1 or'is,,t oir ici- .J,";"':' Vf."t ,l" Cr"lr. Cnr.tniHt.! .l of xtwlclwri, 0,1 nti lhtf store. " f- ru-ntlr h, ,,i1 l35uii 87 tr.mrtrr Str-. L Fairbanks' Df all kin 1. Do earc Tut tnw n'y thoern?ne. Also. H.-.a "Js,. Vb? v- arv liouxe Truck-, tin- ypJ JiroveJ .Money I 'rawer?. Inkers' lrotntly. FAIKiiANKs. VUit-;E .v t'O 3 Ul.-3in.J 4.S V. .a Street, Pittshuryh. Allies' SSoar2C LATE "CAIX IKUTr,," Comer Main and I'iti.shTH-glt Sfs GREEUSBUnc, PA. Very centre or town. Front!" the Fouth entrance to the tVurt House. le.TV-tr. joiin poktfr, ir. Glass FltUIT .Tnrs. TKOS. WICI1TMAN ti CO., 4. Waad Street. lil tbnrKli. P VI!0V(1I,ASR, HOTTLKSA VI AT S holes in vom :"' v ofnll kind!". Order iTniit?Y rtovitft detour l.rli'Att n,.n 1 .,.r 1 nironssed. ' - (.V-l' T ' d. LAKl:, ATTt'IlNKV-AT-liAW. l-".'ietislur;. Pi. t v itli ll-.-ivt-.r Mullen Ten r. The Oxfoni v7. , . North Ctroliiiuj..,;;'.-;-'.; Lust week we k,w Jolyi Satterw l,iit. ' "!r K hearty " ami h;il,. iv.""1' been in tliiitv 'Wlk ago we told t!JL. v--,, nnir. Jr. S:it.t. :,. 1... .' Vj r relatives tr i; . ha.l Ion-z U n ti ' -same fell tlise:0 ' He hal lie-monli-o hage, ha.l a tlu-atsl-jf f rating a pint of mo ( -every twen!v-f.,p.r i,,.,.',."""1' ; i; ing daily until he v,-, rise fioia a c!nir ...Jj "-.ri, supposeel, near T Xi cielei.t he hear ,(1 lv'Q ' T. I Ue used togf-tLer 1 T"-1-i,liing results. lu vt-' gan tofatu-n and o,., '! to attend to L f .na!! -of . his -dLtrt-s.-iii-r M .'. 1 pearetl hi, c., ( i walke.1 and rode ,1 in March of bt v,: ie-f staWrnon. e,f - bri A year has ehM,l , on improving. Wc jV. : at lea-st thin v ve r i ": him . so stent j,..,! i...(v,,. ' ' forms us tliat he has nf. " sickness in Cftee;: r.i a day from w.,ik I.;-.t').'..-",tv that he is entirely '. I monary syinptoi:i-;. Tlte remt dr : O!;o , and four tthlpof !;; light wood knot s: -v.-r, muUen leaves ;:i ."i h j;- ': dry them, and i:iuke a't', strong, and use ni-l.t an l - ', place of eo'IVe. M.x vvjl'', milk to -nit. t!.o ....v. n- , f . w . ' ".I cupini. it h n.jt v.-lII , i. 'J in ue ii. Mr. iSattenvhite sli'.l c I a. ue- ei ine laulieu tea. ! friend of hi-, whuis M.rvf-'.- consumption, is makes a cure we will lor we know the j - t -. ri:.r. I L appeared de-speraV. I liiladeiphia : C'i.i: other men ,f beix-ulai con-tii',; ; cured, and we -' 1 eringlv. We r at least two eases. 1 1,, ivllt; t. -'IL Craciced V.';n one has a-kc-d IV ; I... -t--.c:.; t: .u' e-- various inu.t wheat; Init a:n n;: th. piles, 1 h iyc umI . i a eli.-di which om f.-i.'iv ticularly l:ti:ity ' take a large e-.;.x-'.:: ci':iekexl uhcat : 1', ;.; ing tablespoon ,., cv; pint of ne.v mi Ik : f:;. of the size of a v.-;.I:.t;t. lemoa (if I e m : t wheat with t';e t .iu:u liuujis;; add ti.o vulkii sugar ell Ijeateii t; : after it is mailed, tL.:i c- :. 1 .sdv, tn ice t r f i ' tiro o;i, Ivir.g evmf, i :: in as they v. i;I !... :. ewie-h.tU" hidir c i i., set, stirring .i:t.v comes heate-i. t from settling t. ti.--whites of ri':- t.' .'; little pulveiiiid ;:r tin juieo of a K-..1 :i the pud ling is iv.k the toj), n tt:rn to t lighily ; su've h-i. e t-nr::,. cpiRlly good V; w he;.t simply 1- .:!. i :i our breakfast taMo : ;. i im possible to -k l ti-olte-n have a stmU -.. ':"' : two or three tlivs ei'.v.!.- r accumulated to :.i iko i'--- ai.d to use t!;ese : ; vi ; improvised ttd. nkk'.,!. - ! to l-e one of our st-.::-:-r i i and whic'.i I i: '.'.' o krt 'V1 in return f ir i.,.-ti.v : ':- I have receive 1 ti r, i,: t--- 1 of your valuable p 'i1'- A Thr Tri::;v-Ar:: poiiilcnt ed tlie says: A eh-.'.-.p ti!. .': : - y certain purp;'c-i. e:i:i ' ' x way: Take tn,. ii;i t'.--1- the size of a f-::;:.!l '' ,s ii:ehes 1 ! bv 1 liit cover ene end ;;. . VI.!, j-'; or MatMer. f.-.n-r:'-' a :rs:i l'ierce the cer.tre v,i !i s sert a sdrer.g t',;-. a d. I n - to prevent it- 1 v ', With l!ie o'her v. d ef j (which lu.iy be c! tiy :i: r--N yards or ri"r-) d- oilier v lin-.ler, f.n 1 t!-r u: complete. My keel l ' tightly drawn, in c:-:-rl-"'"'. tion may bo perfect, r-.y ; or even whijH ri 1 '"K S . le ditiiu'tly hem 5 by the otlier cyliii'kT te tkt- (.- A cevi:n"T to stop :1 ''c wo d of an v e : n ' ' of fine sawdutd 'f 1:1 ,u work is ! v. itii ':;-''.: ! t '.'r.-: ! iour bviil'm v, at.r e:i ; - . ' let it rem it) fr a j occasionally siii i :;i-r 't: .,;'jt. 'for some time, n ' r '.'.. i consistency of ptilp. r 1 . ! into a coarse clot n" i i moisture from it- ' 1 e it i'-:0,.; i v hen wanted. nu ' of this glue to i" ! rub it we'll i:ito tie.- r l-e ( quite hard and .') 1 fr and if (-in-bii,y ' scarcclv di: n-ni ' ' '