iii.l thrno hnniirea em r r E H Co. ' shone Al Altoona. ' Iwmt fouulain.now in fu.l ply w - , mill 01 .,, - f-r - f-Afir!ttra:ri,.,rnf Mvers & Llovd. u l.igUe"rBa lower in price., Gd i ,tffil ceremony of crowning tlie itL itlessed Virgin will take place :'t'ci.'rtl' of tbe Holy 'ae u Su.vdny Johnstown Tribune makes f HjBBtt f BBfilL ebensburg. Pa., : l- ? ANDJPEIWOHAL.- r'7L more Fourth of July this K,l there ever wa!j r-,iv niaie. Br" . ... ll.. llftr '' M,verT generally belong to ,;:oriipin,"-",nf ;r V , ;rf U)" ! b ltt(;r an(l tweive au)1 .!'' , lj are the ruling prices iu I v" . ..... nlPT n, irk i I xt. t k of new good of every -Apt r.(.,.ivr,l at the cheap cash 'Mvriv Kit 'Huntingdon In jrn f, Octrees. Wonder what b,Ult nf the P-cp)v? 4 -1 ofc .. , .!, . f the Cambria G nard. r -. ..ui ii MM! -'"' Ftbe position of color bearer nt. r. v. w I 1 t ..nii w ,.'ico tine iu tex i it rc.-uid elegant I prime , for B;x ,.,., t .-all i ll w ... - .'JVIu. rl,BP "tore of Myers i,iny,i. ., TlmrnHv fait on the 2fithrf May is e of' those things which no :ia" .I'"1 "m',tlt v of hat matter.ln the , ismeof t!t 4v?,i)i.ranf is accounted for Trill ,Ty- ., ...... pfritwlar m A ta t,. 1. flit lliat Uie '1W"" MM" " ',,Uv.l,1ri:n,,.! .Uv l.t eck. "i li-iate 7 :iurv, are there not Johns jiMiatr j D,rt, - .,,tv ,-nr.vention, without corning ;!,I,U lia," over Mr. Wissinger? rnl 'x-aUili'lay hy the Catholic Chnrch .eii-iHii ut'niir Lord into heaven. ii tl'''lll"''"t , , " -it j.Hi call on Myers Sc I,loyd. Th Hi. in coml a' ,,n lr1CH' .f t .;H ih butroii! and hntton-hoh-s. ...... rtii th jcar on M eilnemlay, and we re- . t.ilcir thai H never was in a tirore A minima" raind Updegrave had on 1 i.rrrn i tit 'U oeiwecn iuo wrini iiuu U'- . . ill ..I A Ir a r'n uinr paw, i n mm nimut , south of Scalp Level, thifj coan- ji, Wi-li e-.lny lorcIUKin. ii iarui:uin. -t 2 o cln K ln-miirruw uirinuvii . rt will be made to sen ai puuiic ouicrj ij.. p;sr!'.:i: mill and o'her property " - ' ., i.VM. 1... ... Xfllt imMiInring Loiupany. oee auvtrtiao- -T.r tWlidoyt-hnrC 'niira pnt . en on m or comity jail ana leave htm k. iivtTriitiHnndint! he was held to bail .'ui!.' 1''"" nnl 'o appear i :!."."r th? biTipio charge or a.".caun and vrr. - -lrriTi'Ml with tli heifer that bis son. .' iliil in it cn. mil (iiiciue, uui lout w n".v .lea' t wtrh, Mr. I.ouls PlRi k of- s trnsol of 5 1, WO fur any intVtrmatfoii 111 '.--l t tli appruueuhion and cou m ( Cnf miinl'-rer. . .S-ii;iI.;j Si to'il poTirentloTi wiTl Le held J biibtrwnun " rilufwlny and I hnrwlay rl wc-'.j, ai'il ample arranetnentH uavu ii ii ail- i.y ii;i nil" ri of the v.iriim I'ro .l;i;r If s tlo re to nuita)ly entrtaiii : a; a ilis ai.i c ho maynew proper to at- 1. Or'n JeT.i.l.t v!"9 dro'.vnel in the jn.-l.c i a t:rr, at Bhawnville, Vleartiebl m'v, tm .i.itay tMt. lift was employed L tr e, attempted to fwini th rf'ttlf r.ipieof yrttinj; a Iwjat, but vlt-ii wi ll t riif.ps and (tank to lise no -K. K. M ir,:n. K-mj , whose admission to mit is MHti'-eil tew here, was on Monday i r .''ir'l nulling thi.' Te-g;il fi a'eri.ity of ':i-t.T i-ity mi i veiit which leds the tl t, pay a hitih tr:.bnt lo ' iivi'li il alniiMi'i nnd well known iiide ! i o" cf rliamctrr. VA" ?p MVV.-kev. a nienilier durinc the rof tli. Veteran Reserve Cnrtm, anlrer- ",v, L I anon journal that he recently 'l','l'i"p' paper sutnewhere on the r.'n ln'twei-ii .W lui -tow n and Altoona, 11: J tliat ;n Ciuler, if il ban leen found. i r. 'a:il the lnin-inr; iiai r to deorce II. 'ir, 1 1 1 atiL-tt, Pit. -A rv.tvfr in the liands of a yottnff man l llmtniMuin llupkiti!,' of !t Maho. : t. i:i" j. Iniliana connty, na a-ci-'y'l'(l:.arged oi. Monday lat, and the t'.ii s il-t- hrad f a ten-vear old feirl -e! M".M-.im, killed her inotautly . An- f .itr.ti.a wanr.iijT ajailiRt tbi rarele8 '"fl-a-h-l fiiearma. Yr .'mH i.ii M Ittii-tr r.r Trrtmrr ' 1.1m T''. 1 'he liapt.v posesjr cf a violin n v i i,r, . iijjtjt from Paii by Jler. I). ''.' 'in wl.i-n he first came to 'America. rons of feetnc thid old time 1 iv- .r.' --t viift of the few reniainiiifr oiemeti i ftlie niKiMijed prince and priest can J ' a . . ; ii fz on Mr. Hiirk. -Vr. pt(r I.onjr, of t'royle township, "-l.t to mr Mil re veslerdar a he.n'a ftLX ir i,g ;xiii4 im-bes, laid by a Little ' rie t'lu.et, (.lightly imxeil wifb ftome 'wa Irued. The tiarf.e hen prodnoed 'itJlnih nicssoeii 9x6Vt im hes btit it -rif.ivt.M;at.v broken before Mr. Lu bad '"tfimlli 1..I : A;tmtia Ifim discovered what it cP"iI t i,tlz nlRrK', j Khapeof - --taie nng aiming the. lejjal fraU rnity -.. y'iiiuyt i, ui a, W(, iarf ijeartl noin- niveitijiai.ton which it thought raa-le at Arzntucnt Court.- on '' J lavt, We 1,-vke it for granted tjiat vT no 'Pf-'" ,1;e uept after all. - 3 f :.l I rr)tll;irr.t'i. ii .1. I. ... fa Lt-ih-Uw, Ifaini Mnrray. Enq., ai 4 o clock on Wednettday eral thin T I un IU. I til 111.-.M.U. 'f lienor nf in. r r: li - ... mni isiiriiii, j. ii. M. ir.irj, . "fg la-t, z aliout 34 years. Fiiik F! t 1 a!l'r,l'c cetuetery at 9 o'clock 1 -iiM-1 tll"r""U. May he rest In pi: AC ..-.iitot our (jfxxl friend, A. II. Fis j J.J ,a8 "rt rppointetl of;ttnaster at P K r ' -iy, and reappointed arv 1l'T il.... . . rvt i i '-',ii-iirtiii.i;i nillll I'lyril-l MUtr ,.' troin r alien Tiiner to i iifa . i. . ..... i'i iijiip i on anil ii ir , "ii'in'ji-u aii poRitnaster. Mr. ""'"l R", lh two' yoaag men .ut'.'' '",,t,,1,,l tn our e.ni.ty jail.fi,r ae w t;,'iep.jt jwiliffDjaii Waltern, of Jobns '"'i'.rr5 rei;,!"''l one (lav last week on r",t". i'u' the victim of their "Hi tatiKfl-d with th arraug- :1 -ii x- r,'-arreat and return of both V,l s".'",,ay tothclrold qaarters. ' it ? wnr,,n" of ejir esteemed . ' 1 Ifc-rn. i,f the AJttT.i. i TrAnt rl'y tr'alxmt twi'iily dollars' t J"."r,.';2 aPMrel a f,.w rughM ago- he ro thOueh ho " an editor, had discretion A v.k:i. t ,7 I'fwuiiKiiit itepublit-an': f r- in,".. 2 afP'"1"-' few nlghi U7,! ! "arry was n.detl .- . rr-'Ttl rti ...r:... I.-, t It... - - u-.b irf wiiutt ue irasai it. ' -R:I. ir t. . ,f V divined to keep bH kM. I'etnoi ratie t);e nnlll he la 'ill- clear to su. h meiblMng r-n,l I. ''f,rn,r,. , ,'!'ar fmch meiblMng P. ki o ' r r,eniij ratu of that town- -suT' "7n:H"rsiewhere, feel that 1 ". '"' uwn rows without any " ''"SKI" Uiel,llH, il word to the A ():t!rlv t n t . i. n J (j. it is.,... i I...- ii ;::ui, m"''" of th., "Kl.etishtir'R Sport '"'Hite H"i,ot'' reservoir near Holli- '-u-il ,, ,,,l'"'s,iay uiorning Iat, and ,!"'!i r'",""lj5' evening with 2:J r' ''i. h" ' ,nr,M' "'"fl-'h from eight to ii'ii '""K'h all the resnlt of on Mm. and oiiilyimj, if not the Capt. Iavis, of the Cambria tlnard, iia 1 assnranoea from Prof. John Hart that ha will be here on Decoration day and give rec itatvmiS appropriate lo the oi-casion at the several cemeteries to be visited. The Pro fessor will also give one of his iminitable entertainments at the Conrt Ilonse on the evening of the same day, under the auspices aud on behalf of the "sojer boys," which we trust wiil lx well patronized. - Messrs. Fisk Con rail and Gen. W. Stroop, of Tyrone, the former a real estate and in surance sgent and an aspirant for Senatorial honors under Democratic auspices, and the latter the amiable and handsome little editor of tbe Tyrone Dtinoerat, did ua the honor of a vibitbu Mouday latv having come to look: iu on our couuty convention and see which way the cat was going to jnrop on the Sena torial question; Welcome well, come soon Again. , . -r Kdwin lv. Marlih, i5sq who for the pant year or more has been pursuing his legal etndies at the office of F. ' A. Shoe maker, Esq ., was on Thursday laxt admitted to the practice of bis profession, after under going a very thorough and exceedingly cred itable examination. - Mr. Martin has re turned to Lancaster,-bis former borne, where he proposes to locate, and where we trust he will accumulate a large fortune in the prac tice of the law. One day last week, Saro'l Sitllehbarger, aged fifteen year, of Friend' Co ver Bedford couuty. put one of bis feet on the trigger of a gvrn and hfci mouth to -Urn mnzfele thereof, bis Intention being to And on t whether or not the weapon was loaded. The. usual result followed his foot slipped, the trigger snap ped, the gnri went of, the' tow Wal, which witn a cuarge or powiier was authef117.ee contained, lodged in his brain, aud death en sued almost instantaneously. .... . . We are glad to learn that onr yonng friend James F. flughes, son of Mr. flenry llnghes of Bnmmitville, has recently estalv lisbed himself in the tin, copper and sheet iron manufacturing business at Oallitjnny and that he is almost up to his eyes in work. Jimmy is an excellent mechanic-having few or no superiors in any branch of his trade, but his lest hold Is tin roofing, for which he is prepared to make the moat' liberal con tracts. Ve wish him abundant prosperity. An immense cave has been unearthed In Juniata toWufebip, IWUbrd cotanty, Juwt in time to afford a refuge, away from the Vrorlu's gaz:, to -those -of . the masculine species who are not Able or not willing to wear good clothes now that elegaut wearing apparel, of the best styles and most sub stantial make, can be bought at wonderful low prices from that oldest and most reli abl a of A 1 toon a cl ot biers. M r . God f rey Wol ff, next door to the poat-ofHoe, Twelfth street, in said city. . ' . . ,. - - When the doctors tell ns to avoid costive habits they refer of Course to our Internal improvements arid 'not to our external ha biliments, but it is none the less .true that costive habits crm nn-rairably Ins avoided by those who make it a rule to buy aH their made-up clothing at Jas. J Murphy's. Star Clothing Hal, HH) Clinton street, Johnstown where .a snpt-ib Mock of Spring goods baa just been opened for the Inspection anf pur chase of all who may wish to replenish their wardrobes. One of onr exchanges very Irreverently remarks that "the, star spangled centennial stocking; are much in vngne lotv-a-dajSj and ,fhe girls," at tkey trip oyer the ruuibljl crossings, gently warble, 'Ob-, carr-yow seer etc" how It Is possible for any young man to attempt to make love to us who has not discrimination enough to recognise the fact that S. J. Hess, of 241 and 243 Maic street, Johnstowri, has tbe largest stock of re art y matle clothing and thu lowest scale of prices of any rieler in Camlrria connty? At hc Inspection of the Fifth Regiment, P. N. O., held.ln, Altoona on Saturday last, the Cambria Guard, of thi! place and -the JnrTeisou Guard, of Wi I more, "otherwise known as Companies A aud H, were bighlv. cemplimeutitd or ;tbeir; soldier bearing and great proficiency in military evolutions. The other eight companies comprising tL regiment also elicited -much praise, and Gov. Harlranft and staff, who reiewed the regiment, expresseil themselves as'lnzhly pleased with the appearauce aud conduct of troops. . It may be a little late to notice the fact that Messrs. Cooper. & Mellon, of Chest Sprlntrs. have received a large and varied assortment of Spring good .-i of every descrip- tio-n, but it is never, ton late to advise our readers thereaway to extend to said firm a liberal patronage' whie.b iudeed it well de. serves. Selling strictly for cash, they sell as cheap as-any dealer in the coun-y, -aud being clever and obliging withal, they are worthy of evervliody's rnstom, and no one we are sure will have reason to regret buy ing from them. Iliil. M "Donald 'a corn and potatoes are up already and the way they came, to be np is told tp tins ww: I'lii:. naa ergageu Davy Evans to furrow, his lot. but as.Davy failed to come at the appointed time, Phil. cot a horse and did his own furrowing, afir which he put iu bia i-rop af corn and pota toes. On the evening oi t ue. same nay, wnne lio M 'Donald kmiaeliold - were attending May devotions at the Catholic chnrcb.iDavy nrocerded to fu1T)f hlslittle engafiement, and aa a contaeouence Phil's cereals aud esculents have come to tbe snrfaee long ljufore the ap- f oiuted time. And that a where the lattgb comes hi on Philip. --Whelber gnllfynr not. the Molly M gu iron seem destined to bear the blame for the lirntal aFSatilt committed nnon Mr. Pat rick CHrleii at OslMfltrn, on Sarurday'uigbt la-t tmt tt is difficult t conceive that any man or set of men pot i mimed with t he hell ish -pint which seems to actnate that-Jura-mous organization "could bave eo deliberately r.ianti.,t ami exc-oted ii outrage aa serious In its conseianencea aud, as diabolical in its evident intebtiona as' was this one. Ktlll we are prone. o,benTe- that it was rather an act of rx-rsnnal revetice than the ultimatum of a secret couciaveforhaeU for the commission cf deliberate mifrder. " Jas, Hi McMasters, Esq editor of the NT VL Frfi4nhM' Joiitnal. was In 1'ltlsoorgli the other dav and made no secret of tlie fact that he had information from bia correspori- i.iit At lLoioo. who is a clerk at tbe Vatican and therefore entirely, reliable, that the bonndAties of the Pittsburgh diocese have lieen extended so as to take in the property and Institutions of tho Sisters lof Mercy in Cambria and Westmoreland' counties, and also Sf.Vinoeiil'e Abbey, near Latrobe said changes having: been .-made in compliance with the petition of forty-three priests of the dloe-Ase, presented o the Pope through Arch bishop Wood, of i-jniaueipnia. ... Proobammb for Decoratiox Day. The various orgatiiaatinwa that design to participate will meet at tne oour nmiw 1 O'clock, P. Oil inCTMj oration will be delivered by A. V. Barker, E-q , after which vlw procession will form i.. i r..itn inioidr. aud proceed to Lmyn a cemetery, where rem at ka will, be made by J. Ni MacGonigle aud .l.G. Thomas; taeace to Congregational, cemetery, reroarss uj Kev. T. R. Jones; thence to the Catholic cemetery, r remarks by Kev. w. iviyie. t lowing yill be.the ordcrofj'ro eHeioo;i ; Chief Marshal C. T. Rolcrts. Silver Cornet Hand. Drum Corps. ;( , Jefl'erson -Goard.-. -; :: iif ! ' .1! Cambria Guard.. ,. -'.'.'2 Decorating Commitlee. . '. SalibAiH School.'-; ,. Itoys of Mount Gallitziu Seminary. . i -Dauntles F4re Company. . iCititens. - I a rtr the ceremonies are grtne thromgh t--r . . : :n ... -n - fli fTniirt Willi UlH PI CM 4 IV 14' Ik 1 . LA IVllllll w .v Hu4 Mid jlirtand. 1 j 1 ; 1 f J ri .ittfi - rt T5T A Ui H ATIOK.-Ifon , Job It t,..:ii m.mwr of Coiirrrsa from tbia-Us trict "givea notice to cAndidates for nomjna-. tion 'as cadets to. tbe : Naval . Ai-ademy at Annapolis that a competitive evamina ion .:. ...t.i t tt. C.mrt TTonse. in Bedford on Th..r.la.v J une 10, 1878. IjUU,. mnst present satisfactory lmot,lAl8 of I good moral fchnracTcr, mm """"'' I fourteen and less than efghfeen ytr-ar of age, physically soutuU well fonned, and of ! robust constitnUon, and rnnstPasa a aatis factory examination in reading, writing, arithmetic, spelling. Kngliali grammer, ami Keourai-hy. The successlul -candidate will lie rec(iilret to reporv ' DEMOCRAf ttCot-!TT COHTEHTtOK. In compliance with the call of the Chairman of the County Committee, and in fulfillment of the duties for which they bad been chosen, tbe delegates elected in the seveTal districts of the county on Saturday last assembled at me tjeurt House in this place at 1 o clock. P.Im.. on Mondavi, and were soon after called to order by Isaac Wike, fesq.. Chairman aforesaid, who in a few .pert icent remarks counseled harmony and hoped for the liest results. This done, the Convention at once proceeded to tho election of R' permanent Chairman, for which position Hon. John F. llarnes and Mr. James King, of Johnstown, wre both.varocd; On a ballot being taken, Mr. James King was declared tbe success ful aspirant, the vote standinfl-47 to 43.' The organization was thereupon completed by the selection of Messrs. 11. A. bhatler, A. l. Criste and M. F. Kelly as- Secretaries, to Which number, at a later stage of the pro ceedings, Messrs. M, P. Condon and Geo. w. Rough were also added. r. . . Thns prepared for business, the President of the Convention called for the credentials of the several delegates, which.were present ed in the following order LIST Or DIl.ROATtfl. Adams Tw p. Lew la AV. Shank. Josfnh Ttelsel, Alleirbeuy Two. Charles McMunamr. A. J. Sill. v. Jlart Twp-John I). Egcr, F. C. Snyder. ' IllHPkliek Two. Charles FarbauirlK Albert Yrissinirer. ' t anions rwp. joun i Lionnen, jonn r nrren. CamtiriH Bor. Nell XcAnany. John Kit. Carrolltown Bor. Julius f?tich, P, L. Eck. Carroll Two. Peter Cain. Andrew Strittmat- ter. . - - . -r , Chest Twp. Jaaoti Klrkpatrlck, Clir 1st. w ar il rr. Cbest Springs Bor. D.C. Little, Char los For- rer. , Clearfleld Twr. Jacob cfagle, John nurhtn. Conemanah Bor. .loseotv Freirthoff. John tVidmiin. 1st Ward: John Ktoer. Joseph Sni der. 21 Ward. Conemaugh Twp. J ere. w IsslnRor. H. K. Shu tier. Coopersdale Bor. George Adams, li. li. Hess. Jr. i - Croyle Twp, jonn ttorsoauirn, Anam noyer. Eitst Conemaugh-Bor. 'thiHnas Kvan, Uavld Humphreys. Ehenstiurg Bor. Joseph McDonald Joseph Skelly, East Ward; Geo. W. Oattuan, John A. Kennedy, w est wara. Franklin Bor. Lawrence Furlong, James Russell. Unllttzln Bor. M. F. Kelly, Fraoels Cronour. Onllltzin Bor. John Bradlor.Cinsrlest'ooney, jHCkson Twp. Jackson Hnrer, Elias Keam. Johnstown Bod John Frank. John Seieh.lst Ward; John F. Barnes, Conrad Hash, 21 Ward; Tames King, George Raab, Sd Ward; Samuel w. Miller, ueorge winni-iser, rn wara; jonn Hamilton, Chsrles Hostine, 5th Ward ; Wm. Lohr. Conrad Border, 6th Ward. Loretto Bor -Robert T. Shields, Hi T. O'- Mrivllle Bor. nenry A. Miller, Richard Dowllng. lt Ward; Robert Baircrson, Michael ltvn. 2d Wrd. HunMcr Twp, A. ft. Criste. Frank C O'llara Prospect Bor,-ltu(h McMooiglc. Thonins Martin, - -Richland Twp.-iBernard Ness, Ehrhart Maltzl. Stony Creek Two. Jacob A. liite, Valentine Ripple. iiiinmerDill rwp. I nomas Lforan, tunics Keatma". r . Suiamitviilo Bor. A. J. Stewart, M. P. Con don. i i ';..''" Susquehanna Twp. jonn eomcrviite, Jonn Mfinion. Taylor Twp."--rtriT!k Tlhe, Jo ft. Clark. Washington Twp.-Chrl?t. Ix-ib, John Lnhey. White Twp. Perry Troxoll. J. H. Walters. Wood vale Bor. John Hlnderer, I. W. Kourh. Wilmnrp Bor. Michael Dttaan. 'Tobias Wolff. Upper Yoder Twp.--Georgo Kulss, Vost Hos . 'L , L U ' . . : Irfrwer l-ooor iwp-jamc huso,, uvunje Hi-ubach. . . The seat of Mr. Tobias "Wol f, of Wilmore, was contested by Mr. P. F Kirhy, who had been substituted by Mr. Philip Burnheliner, but a subsequent admission in- writing on nart of the latter gentleman .that Jils own election bad been irregular, prompted the Convention to admit Mr. Wolflf without fur ther ceremony. .A ii The fortnatian or a oonnty ticket octngtne next thine In order, and the selection of two candidate for Assembly l icing the first step in, that direction, the following named gen tlemen were thereupon ' presented for the suffrages 'of the Convention : Messrs, N. Home, John. Downey. J otin nannan, .lames J. ThOoiaa, John FenlewatKi JohnB.-Khey. Tbe ballbtiiigsliereto appenuint inmcate xne rault, aa announced by the Chairman: Home D.iwnrr.... liaiinan.... Thoma.-.. Fen Ion. ..i. . Rhey Messrs. Downey and Thomas havlug re ceived tbe requisite nnmber of votes, were declared tbe nominees Tor Assembly, ami tbe choice of each, aa announced respective ly after the third and 'fourth ballots, was made unanimous, except that two or three dissenting voices were beard when -encta motion was made on behalf of Mr. Downey; Thos ended the rivalry for legislative hon ors, and after it came the "tug of war",iu the effort to select a candidate for Sheriff a position for which there , was no lack of as plratita, as will be seen by the list of names appended, to wit: Messrs. C. F. O'Donnell, John-. Ryan, Wm. Linton, D. A. Luther, James CMnrray, W. P. McClelland, Jamua Griffin, George Shaffer and Wm. Cole.. Fifty-three ballots followed in as rapid sncceaa nii as possible before tbe final result was reached, 'which dM not occur- mi til nearly eight o'clock seven hours after tbe assem bling of the convention.' Below we present the several ballots t " TOE rtKBT EIGHT BALLOTS. f . ' - 1st: 2d. 3d. tb.5?h. 6th. Tth fi'Dohnell... '.1.-24 'M 28 Z.I FOR ASf-KMnLT. 1st. - d. Sd. 4th. .. .6th. 85 4t 4 tl 26 41-48 ' - 2.1 . CO 29 23(a-itbi'n. m tl ... Z7 23 - Z2 10 16 6 2 1 3 4 Ryan Linton..... . Lutber.... Murray McCleHand. irlftio...t. Shaffer Cole 23 .... 14 .... 10 ?4 IS 8 a s a i 28 21 0 24 34 S7 i 24 25 9 T ? 7 (withdrawn.) 22 10 7 8th. 25 ,26 22 10 8 O'Donnell-. Ryan Linton Luther..-..." Murray, - - - - O'Donnell. Ryan Linton Luther : Murray.. 25 28 22 -9 9 ISfh. 25 2s 21 9 . . 1 33 32 25 34 80 24 THE JtKXT SBVBS BALLOTS. flth. 10th. 11th. 12th. Wth.ltfh. a fl n 24 )- 18 27 21 21 21 22 20 lo - . . jo. io: 7 i : 7 ! ' 8 JSth. 17th. ISth. IPlh. 301 h. 21st. 22.1. . !(I ) 31 3- i . 23 28 27 26 26 29 2 .22 XI Si , 24 i 21 ; 81 , H : B- ' T 8 8.8- B ' 7 .7 7 6 5 5 a Tho ns merit Mr. Murray was withdrawn after the twenty-first ballot and that of Mr. Luther after the twenty-Becond ballot. ' ' T ' ASOTHBR BATCH UV SKVXW. . ' 3d.24th. 25fh. 2fitn. zrm. zstn. wtn O'Donnell... 8t 36 - 37 . 85 35 Ryan....,. 34 . M . 8 W Unmn... 25 tl Cl 23 l STILL A HOTIirR BATCH. - r : 80tb..81et;32d.3:M. 84th. 85th. 3flth. rvrAnnolt 37 3rt t n m no ni Lie ton.. ; 11 ekvKB MORlt Of TRKM. ' 37th. SRth. 80th: 4Vlh. 41st. 43.1. 43d. O'Donnell.... 37, 8S .37 4t 84 .... ivi o-t . on :iVn.;'.i7.;,'j.:. .w .. t - THR BND APPRO ACBIRO. i 44th. 4Mb. 4tkvTth. 4Stu9th. 50lk. ITw'-'Sri-'S-SrS :H -St LfntO-V.V.V. 16 W 16 18-17,.!. -18 . O-TOB LAST THRkJI aALi-ora. J .. . . .; . 6lst. . 6B.1... :, . B9d,r Hn-w' v : a..-- Ltn'ton V. .-. : . ,. After the result of The nnr-fveona oatiot; 83 S3 3t 23 34 -19 83- 90 Ryan . Linton. had been announced, oneef W''J'J.i at tl e request of Mr.-O'Dontil, who V ' . .klrtn Iit a desire- to promote, hw- mm.yVn l ensure the snocess of the whole ticket withdrew the hanie oT that gentle- A nomlriated by a large majority on .he next ballofr-wWch nomination was Afterward! ma,le nnanrrnons amitin the ntmost siasru.c ,wt 1 ,G il i , A. TTe clock at tbia. junQtnre indlea ted the tlm-t'o bd ten frtihhtes' bef.tro'f, aadas Hie delegates had not yet partaken of wiprter, tbo convention on tnotion. acljotirned until 0 o'clock'.' ,' . " ..' - ' - -;"it. ('....'j ' . . ,: . j, ,j -.sight 6ESsro. , j , , Upon tbe reassembling of the ronyemlon at 9 o'clock, the names of1 Messrs. tfobrt D. Thomaa, it' J. Uoyd. John FlauagA-., , . nhn iiels and Jaraea Murray were presented for I the positions of '""'"'.. ,', t,:,uAS.SiKIATK.rtTPOES, wherenpo ' convention priKjeeded to de uroiine iU choice but the Becretanea tail- falling to agree in their count, the first bal lot Was considered off and the second one taken, withthe following resit It Thomas...; ......B2 I Flanagan. ....t...... .40 Lloyd... 15 I Gels: i. 30 ! Murray., 6 Messrs. Thomas and Flanagan, having ' received a majority of all the votes, were de clared the nominees, arid this announcement was followed by a motion to make the nomination unanimous, which was agreed to without a dissenting -voice. POOR ROUSE DIRECTOR. For this position Messrsi Isaac N.Wis singer. George Shaffer, AnSelm Weaklen, Jas. Id Condon and Joseph Criste were named, and in the six ballots which followed the Vote stood t : 1st. 2d. Sd. 4th. 5th. (tn. Wlsslnger.i........ a 2H 28 38 39 44 Shaffer. ..uiuiu... 27 24 31 33 89 36 Weaklen ....;....i;u 16 14 It 8 3 1 Condon t 8 4 .; .. Criste. 5 .. ... ... .. .. The"name of Mr Criste was withdrawn after the first ballot, and after the fourth ballot the names of Messrs. "Weaklen and Condon were likewise withdrawn, but in the case of Mr. Weaklen the withdrawal was not fully understood, as la evidenced by the votes cast for him on the fifth and sixth ballots. -i Prior to the taking of tbe final bal lot, a motion was offered and prevailed that a majority of all the rotes cast, and not a majority of the full convention, should lie deemed sufficient to determine the nomina tionsor the remaining offices. In accord ance with this resolution Mr. Wlsslnger was nominated on the sixth ballot, and like all the others that bad preceded it, his nomina tion was thereupon made unanimous. JURY COMMISSIONER. Messra.: Henry Byrne, Joseph Cramer, John Stoltz, Christ Snyder and John K. Storm having bfeb hanietl for tho office of Jury Commissioners, the ' first ballot re sulted In tlie selection of Mr. Cramer by a vote of 42 to 27 for bis highest competitor, Mr. Snyder, the remaining votea being given to tho other candidates respectively as fol lows : Byrne 1, Stoltz 7, and Storm 4. SENATORIAL CONFEREE. On motion of Gen. McDonald, Messrs. W. Horace Rose, John Campbell and John O. C. Bearer were chosen Senatorial conferees, by a vote of 47 to 29, with instructions to support F. A. .Shoemaker, Esq., as the choice of Cambria connty for State Senator. CONGRESSIONAL CONFEREES, . Mr. Oatman offered tbe following resolu tion, which was agreed to without a dissent ing voice t . Heenlvrd, That Wm. H. Sechler.Lewls Wehn and A. J. Christy bo unpointed Congressional conferees, to meet like conferees from the other-counties In this Senatorial district, and that they Vote as they think best. CHAIRMAN OF COUNTY COMMITTEE. Messrs. !. D. Woodruff, of Johnstown, and John E. Scanlan, of Kbensburg, were named for Chairman of the County Commit tee, and after some discussion as to the lo cation of said Chairman, the convention, by a vote of 43 try 35 conferred tbe honor on Mr. Woodruff. Tien followed the selection of the ' '."'; j COUNTY COMMITTEE, the delegates from the several districts furn ishing the names of sncb gentlemen as they deemed worthy, of- the trust. The list was completed' with the exception of one' or two districts, which will lie provided for in due time, llere are the names of said CDtrSTY COMMITTER. Chairman L D,. Woodruff, Johnstown. Adams John K. St till. Allegheny Plus Cramer. llarr Jurnos S. Luckett. Blitokliek James Whiten . - (Tnmbria Twp. James C. Murray. Cumbria Bor. EJw.ird TIuwo. t Carrolltown John Hiick. ' CarroH--D. A.Lntlrr. . -. ,. ChestJSpring Francis Cramer. . . Chord Conrad Teagor. : Ciearfleli! Jotm Nagio. "' ' ' - .' .-. CVtneniaugh John Campbell, 1st Ward; il. P. KretdhbfT. Sd Ward. , Concnutugh Twp. H. R. Shaffer. "' Coopersdale D. K, Hese. : . Croyle- - Eiwt Conemaugh D. Uumphreys. Ebensbur John E. Ht-uiilau, East Ward; John '1; Lnke, West Ward. ' . . Franklin L. W. Furlong. . ; .. Callitzin Bor. Miclmel Hrackem . " Oallitzln Twp.' David Tobln. r :" Jackson-W W. Hnrrla JohmtnwirJolin Hnnnitn, 1st Ward ; John Ranbi 'l Ward ; , , 3d Ward ; John L-id- xtig. tth Ward: Andrew Srrlools, 5th -Ward: Ell J. Riprdf, 6tti War. ,. ,;...'.- Ijretto Bor. John P. Lacy. Millvlile. Bor. Patrick KoJirers, 1st Ward; John Burn'. 2.1 Ward. Monster William Oarrett, -ProfpeotBor Pntrlrk Boyle. - , . ., lCichuind William Oole. J , Stonycreek C. Von Luenen. ' "' : Suinoierhlir J unties F. Skelly." ,- huianiltville BT. John K. Storm. Susquehanna Joseph Boarer. Ttij lor JanacS M. Clark. Washington- Vnirn liahey-: .. White Jowph H. Walters. . . Woodvale Bor.--Join.nindercr. ' Wirmore--T1. F. Kirby Upt er YiKit-T Jacob Roam. -Lowtr Yodei James Burns. ' "There being no further business to trans-, act, the convention at 10.40 p. m. adjourned sine die. aat i A Dastardly Ot?tnAOE.-Onr citizens were no little surprised -on Sunday after noon last by the sounds ' of a locomotive whistle on the Branch road, and everyliody who heard it was for a time on tbe qui rtre to ascertain what this unusual occurrence portended. The mystery was soon cleared tip, however, by the announcement of tire fact that two men named Martin Leonard and Thomas Howell had been brought to jail here charge.l with the commission, at a late hour on the night previous, of a must Aggravated assault and battery on the per son uf 'Mr: Patrick O'Brien, switch-tender for the Pa. R. R. Co. at Gallitain, whom, it seems,' -had a few days previoosly testified against tbe ace used in some overt act with which they wereharged. . Three others, one of whota, Patrick Leonard, was arrested and brought to jail here on Tuesday. forenoon are also implicated in the ontrago. Tbe al legation against these parties is that they 'not only knocked down and terribly abused Mr. O'Brien, but they afterwards placed hint upon tho railroad "track and held him there with the evident intention of leaving the completion of their . murderous work to the first tratn or locomotive that snouiu ap proach. In this fiendish attempt, however, thev were fortunately frustrated by the in. terposition of the telegraph operator at lhat place, wbocametotnetescneor air. j isnen in time to save him from being ramorer by the Fast Line west, then almost due.. The injured man is still living, and the attend ing physician thinks that tf erysipelas does not intervene he may yet recover, aitnouga his condition is said to be very precarious, lie was first strnck and knocked down by a stone weighing fully four pounds, to which considerable blood and hair still adheres. Tbe stone will be produced In Court aa evi dence against the accused, who will be apt to pay dearly for their dastardly doings, as the Pa, R. R.Jo. is determined to prosecute them, the full extent of the law, . .:... o ; : Bf :' ,: 'Money, antjMoneY's "WoRTH.Tf yonr health fails, yon must make proper efforts to restore it, or content yorself to die before yonr time, or Irva i life of sickneaa and tntwrr. a nee less drone in the bqsy hire of life. viThere are few sicknesses, even of a teluTowic.aert, .that cannot, be cored by reaqr'...,ta proper and painstaking means. 'Dt, Jveyser, the great consumntion and chronic phvsician, has done wonders in the .way of restoring chronic invalids to health ; the discovery of Dr; Keybeb's Lung Cure has mndelbe WwurBPt.lvei chances bf life i;R thtmsaud times better than ever before, and ' the Doctor la.greater than bis Lung Cure, tw ben yon caa afford to. employ .bojh. ; In thousands of cures, wuicn ur, ivevse.r. nas effected, some even, after all hope of life waa ' aliandoned, stamp him as a, mat) of rare I genius aud wonderful abilities in the enre of ..,.i...,in,lliA'iii Treatise sent free' Pflbe of Lung Cure l.!50per bottVeor $7.&) per alf ddrcn. To I had at Dr. Koyser's laboratory, 24ft Penn avenne, Pittsburgh. His private consulting office is No. 120 Penn . &ir..nllA t-'rrrr-.it; Specialties in MEbtciNR. Wepttbllsh oh our eighth page a lengthy Article de scribing the system of the noted specialist Dr. R. V. Ptercej of Buffalo, N.lfn in which he sets forth with considerable force ami clearness his reasons for devoting bis whole time and attention to a single department of medicine the treatment of lingering chronic diseases. The same article also takes Hp the subjects of liagnosis, methods of consultation and treatment, etc., and Wilt tie found to contain many valuable bints to the invalid. Dr. Pierce is the author of a work which has already attained a large circulation "The People'sCommon Sense Medical Adviser' containing some nine hundred numeronsfy lllustrated pages, and devoted to medicine In all its branches; a work well calcnlated for the guidance and instruction of the people at large, and which may be had for $1.60 ( post paid) by addressing the author. Dr. Pierce has now been before the general public long enough to enable the formation of a careful estimate of the efficiency of bis treatment and his medicines, and the verdict, we are glad to know, baatieeii oulversally favorable to both. Toledo Blade. Bensiulb AnVrcE. Yonare asked every day throngh the columns f newspapers and by your Druggist to ns Something for Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint that you know nothing about, and you get discouraged spending money with bttt tittle success. Wow to jrive you satlsfactorv nroof that Grrew'a AumrsT Flower will cure you of Dyspepsia and Id ver Complaint with all It effects, such as Sour Btomach, Sick." Head ache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Water brashcoming up of food after eating, low spirits etc., we ask you to go to your Druggists, Lemmon & Murray, Kbensburg, or Woleslagla & Son, Wilmore.and geta Sample Bottle of Green's August Flower for 10 eenta, and try it, or a Regular Sise for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve yon. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth,, ner vous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a recipe t'hat will cure yon, FREK OF CHARGK. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-add ressed envelope to the Rkv. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Bible House, Xexe York. (4-21.-i;m." tt Y.WF.KEF.AI . JOXB3--DAVI3.-MarrlPn;in this place, on Wednesday .'ast. May 24. 1H7S, by Rev. T. R. Jones, Mr. Richard I). Jonks and Miss ANxife M. Davis, both of the East Ward. So clever and worthy a gentleman as our young friend Dfck and so estimable and kind hearted a lady as the fair young bride could not of course bo forgetful of the printer on so In teresting an occasion as this, and hence It Is that we are called upon to acknowledge the re ceipt of an ample supply or Very delicious cake, for which kindly remembrance wo tender the happy young couple our sine re thnnks and best wishes. May tl.elr Journey through life be fraught wtttralt the joys which attend the wed fled fdato wban two loving heart are Joined, and may their bridal tonr to the Centennial be as replete wltk pli-usant experiences as we are sure It will be with interesting sight-seeing. ORDINANCE for the Regula tion of Chest Springs Borough, Cambria County Pa., for the year IS76: Pre. 1. Be It enacted and ordained by the Bnr geHl and Town Council of the Borungb of Chen Sprliirt, and la hereby enacted and ordained by the authority of the same. That it any person tif persons, after the publication of this ordinance. Phall driVe or rids any horse, mare, or geldlnfr J through ahy of the ttreetr of this horoogh at a i faster gait than a trot or slow ranter, he, she or j they so offending shall forfeit ami pay the aura f One Dollar f"r es-ti and every ch o"aVnee. j Skc. 2. All persons living within the bofbugh 1 limit are hereby notified, after tbe publication ri this Ordinance, t keep their hogs shut up, and any one inning to comply witn mis provision wm be fined la tba sum or one dollar lor each and every offence, with all costs that may acCruo. Sec. S. Also, be It enacted and ordained by ttna authority aforesaid, that all cattle, horses, mutes, ete , are to be enclosed at night, and on any owner thereof who shall refuse or neglect tn do so a fine of one dollar will be imposed for each arid every offence, along with costs. If any peieon or persona ahall permit their stock to violate Section 2 and S, a above, the stock so trespassing will be Impounded, and after a given time will be sold for the fine Imposed and costs accruing. Sec. 4. Dn It further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Thatfany pet sons or persona after the publication of this ordinance shall be found firing guns, pistols, cannon, nre-crackers, or powdef. rockets, or any other game with powder, be, of they so offending shall be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and shall forfeit and pay tho sum of Twentv-flve Hollars for each and every offence ; Provided, That these privileges, of arty PI them, may be granted by application to. the Burgess and Town Council. Sect. Beit further enacted by the authority aforesaid. That no person et bPrsons shall be per , tnitted. under the penalty of Fro Dollars, to ride or drive any horse, tnare or gelding on any ot the stuewaiKs in saia norougn. Sue. 6. And lie tt further enacted and ordained bv the anthorttv aforesaid. 1'lmt tt sh&ll txt th duty of the Barges, each ot the Town Council, ! ami or tne iiign ixinriaiiie strtritiy to prosecute all laws and ordinance ot said horoUgh made to prevent Vice and Immoral conduct. Done at Chest Springs, the 20th day ot April, A. D. 1876. , . . M. J. COOPER, Barges. D. C. Littl, Clerk. MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT, IIPT HP RETAILOR or FoRmo m - " t MRsTiC? Msrch A Miistt, as appraised biCiie bria county for the year A. D.1878: Clii Llr'ar, diss. .. ADAMS TOWKBHIP. It Hiram Shaffer. 4T.U414 Ueorge Orris At.l.ROHeJiy TOWWSHtP. H William J. Buck BAIIK TUWKSHlP. 14 Casper Lelb ...... . KLACKUCK TOWStBHIP. 14 Isaac Michael. . . CARR'ILITOWR ROROrOS. 14 And'W 1 lltllek. "J.urt 14 A. Walrnra 14 A. A. Barker... 7 0 It Simon Schroth. 7. 14 John Buck. .. 7 0) cam ni i a noRoron. 14 John Kratl: J.OI 14 John Pfsrr-i.. 14 John Kinta .-ill 14 Joseph fublch, COOPKRStlAM BOROCOR. 14 Adams A McKolver .'. .. t7.J - 7.0 J .. 7.0J .. ?jfl : en Til 14 Nutter k Cun oin em at'OH tmnocan, lit 14 touisa Asrort. i ! . . ' .1 SMi PUBLIC SALE ! The undersigned will offer at Public Sale, ON SATURDAY, HAY 2 1816, At 9 O'CLOCK, 1 Jf., The property recently occupied hy the Ebens bnrg Mining and Mannfaeturing Co.," situate In Kbensburg, Cambria county. Pa., consisting of ONE ACRE OP GROUND, fronting on the Ebensbtirg and Crcsson Railroad, having thereon erected a STKAM ENGINE FOR SALE OR KXCH AMOK. The undersigned has a S2-horse power ENGINE which he will aell very cheap lor eaah or exchange for Turbine Wheels. For further information Call oa the subaerlber In Carroll township, three mllea northeast of Carroll town, or addresa M. J. NAOLE, " ' May 28.-31. Carrolltown, Cambria Co., Pa. T OST OR STOLEN," (most rob- blv Stolen. from the rpablanrv. nt tha subscriber, on or aiiont the ITth Inat., two nbte for 10O each, drawn In favor of the onderslgned. amt havlna; n dimbt as to tJie identity of the titter. If stolen, this Is to notify lilm that legal atejts will be taken to punish him unless the papers are re tflrrted Wlthont delayv Payment having been stopped on said notes all perrons are cautioned against-negottatfbg tlie seme. - - WILLI AM DORAN. Cressor, Pa., Msy So, 187-SU-- IN ttie DISTRICT COURT oFTltE UNITED STATES, for the. Western DlSTRIiTT OP PlTISYLVAStA. ' - ' - Chat-les A, McOomoi.k. of Cambria county, a BabKrupt Wmfer tho Act of Congress ot March 3K 1MC7. having applied for a discharge from all hi debts and ether claims ptovable under said Act, by order of theCiouTt notice ts hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and other person -Intereited. to appear on the 2lsl day of. Jraa, 1S76, atl o'clock, v. tiefore Jt'n BTotli erline, Esq., Register In Banlimptcv, at his office In Hollldaysbunr, Pa., to show cause. If anv they have. Why a discharge should not be granted to tho said bankrupt. S. O.TMt'CANDLESS, Clerk." ' Jtay 26, 187o3t. . :. t PEA BODY HOUSE, Corner LOCUST and MNTIIr Streets, miTjA DETntTA , IA . Convenient toplaoeaof amusement and car ifnoa In the ei'.y. IV ohangci to. and (Tom the Center, nlal grounds. Cok W .io-w, proprietor of the Hkry Horsa. Cincinnati, for the fast twentv rears, and nresent proprietor, liak' leafed tha 4v)aae:. for a terra of years, and nas nwiy lurnisiicd and ntted It frr.tto.7' xit. He, Will keep a Fir ctly flrfuclatt rsinse, and has accommodation for 800 guest e Terms only 3 per day. No bar has ever been kept tn the tianaV HoT-SB, nor will anv be kept In the Pkasodt. May 26, l'87fl. 4m. STATEMENT OF AUDITORS' SETTLEMENT with the Supervisors of Allegheny Township for the 3-ear 1875 to April 10, 1876: FnAtiK t. LtTTt-R, Supervisor, Da. To amount of hi Uupllcate. . v ...... ,.i544.18 j caeh roe'd Trom UxkbloB...vk tw.or Ca. By Work done by taablea.........47.lT exnnertlon allowed 2.83 , " sia't retnmed tot;ommlS8ioners 99 nf orders pale r t i ' JAb- Bono 140 1 - -J,D. Hcrxog .-;..! -2 t0 - - P. Moran 8.80 H. Troxell M - Joseph Ellg. ..... aos ? s ' H. Eckenmdo 7.oo By his time, days at 1.50 p. d. B7.ST ' putting np four notice ... . ... , bO " cask received from taxable.. ... 64.07 Wfa Balance dne Snpervlsor Little 43.S6 tnnxA8 Mrt.Law. supervisor. Da. To amount of bis Duplleat. i....i;..:.....44!t 20 .. rccqlved from taxablcs... 6.fi8 - -due Township at last settlanVnt 3185 481.63 Cft. By Work dfino by taxable.,.. - exonerations anoweu -, , " recelnbof Anthony M 'OoyJ". .-. his rte,9 dav at ll.SO n. d... " cash received from taxable.. . , Balance doe Soperrlsor THnlri: - .- -V' . . . 15.SS . H (XI - .0) . e.fcg oo2.9o . 4 - v ; ..iff j;.-. a m an "N- W. . Ani1ii'Ml AaIRSr4rlof AHerhonV township, do certify that we have exarnine'( th'e dnpllcate and .yiualuys 4-J'Jnk J.JUtpre and Thomas M tWUrVivii.dJIiOCTa the, rQto gelng td tic a true statement. . l -r Bi. r. JOHN tl. RRaDLEW) j) I: ' J. ECKTrw KOIMC, .aitwAJ t - J,TOMIlNStN, - z) ' T Attest Jos. Hcactv Twp. Clerk. (Mff.-ftL) "DONNER IIOUSB,-, LoaErrb; Pa. Having tns coroplerrid and "fhrnfshed this commodloes and eregant hotel, th BtJWtcHber, respectrutly solicit rrom tne pnrv lie In general an I snromer visitors In particular a talrahara of patronage. Thchonse fa supplied. wiih all modern improvements, and. has a fine ten-pin alley attached, aa well as abun dant provisions for the accommodation awd aamae-pient-of 111 who may favor the house with their custom. Terms only 10 per week.. Fleasa give meaeaU. - ' t ' W. J. BONNER. , Loretto, May 10, 4876.r4f. i i p . . i . ii i - it. A1 DMlXTSTTvAION OTIUE. Ifotfoo la hereby given tbat letters of admlnis tratlon have been graatM-'to the unVlets'gnfed en the estate or James A. Utttcbeld. Ints r theft i Springs borotlb, Camb"r1a county, deceased. All i Hirsoiia Indebted to said estate" are noiiQed to make prompt payment: and those baVing bhxims u.alniL it are renuasLt! to isent IhS limn nra. p9tr aiithenllcated fiv settlerrfent. J CHARLES WHARTON. Admlnlstrttor. ' Bev. R: C.'Oiristy, late pastor of tbe CatboMcc idinrtm In- this place,' and more widelv known as the fighting chaplain of tho 78th Pa.'Volnateers, isto deliver tkeoratiou r a Duller ob ieoor-tion dav. ,.':: v.it ". -fit 7 ; . i a : t..j f. .- : t ; ,(. :.'.-.- .- ' ; .. . Chest Springs, May 6, 1876.-rt. ' NOW FOHOOOD MEAT At BOT TOM PRICK8 ! The nndersigncd we s!res to inform the, public that he haf opened a MEAT MARKET in the buildlrhx reeentiy oeeu- : plod by iewtg KoitgcM, on Centre street, i-resn I meat of all klnjs onJIotplay act FCday fveninK ' or each week. Myternit aili be stuictCv ash, bad urious much lower lliaa elsewhere In K.bens f'bnrg. .' i -,JC D.-H. ZAHM. Marchf.lS76.-tf;. - - i. LARGE PLANING MILL, 42x60 reel, three storfe high, with Boiler Shed at tached, 12x63 feet. The machinery consist of one 40-Hofse Power Engine and Boiler, 1 remhlnfll Planer, 24 inehos wide, for-enr-faclng and grooving : I sinrrnce Planer. 20 In. wide; 3 Circular flip Km wa, with lilt tables; 2 t'lrrnlar 4"roi-4'nt Haws, with -slide ta bles : I awing- tlrralar CrnwCat suit; I ItoaMe-Ilpailed Skaplag Btsckine, with Iron frame; 1 Centric Lathe. I Hand Lathe, with com plete set of Tools, 1 1'olfsliing Oram, U feet long; I Soabling Machine, with slide heaila. The above machinery, with necessary shafting, belting utltl bttllcys, ti In gviod working order, wit, an armn flant aupplv of running water on tha premises. f:a1d bniMiug was erect ml specially for and bat teen need in the manufacture of flooring, aiding, alt kinds of handles, brush blocks, Imllustera, ete. Cherry, ash, poplar, linn, sugar, beech, maple and white pine lumber tn be had at moderate price. There Is also erected on the pretntece a Ttco Story Frtime Dwelling ITwtsc , ooitTAixiae six booms and a cellar. - TERMS or SALE, Oncthird ol the purchase money to tie paid on delivery of the Deed, one-t hlrd In six months, and the balance In one year, with Interest, to be secured by the Jndgment bond and mortgage of ttte .-mfeuaser. JOHN A. BLAIR, Ebensburg. JOHN LEWIS. " - W. B. BONACKEK, Johnsrewa.- , Ebeneborg, May fc.l 16.-41., . ,. TRIAL LIST, Junk Term LiVt of Causes set down for trial at a Court of Common Pleas to be held at Ebensimrg, for Sambria i'iinl,r, commencing on Monday, tbe lb day of JuE, A. D. 1876: FtltST WKKi . Henrv Fye.. vvs. l. W. ltarshberger. J. P; Donoughe. ...... .vs. Patrick B. Kerln.. Same vs. Same. John-Brady.. ..vs. Rose M'Oongh ctal. Catherine Todd Adm..vs. Edmund J. Waters. I-ewis J. Bearer v.s. D.vsart .V tsorr. W. S. Waters tt Ca....tvs. Joseph Shoemaker. " J. S. Milliken. for nsa.vs. A. J. Chrhuy. Washington O'.mgh,. vs. A.J. Christy. Frank fc Irwin s uee..va. M J. Naglc. . Henry Mellon vs. Finney & Johnston; ' Cooper & Mellon Vw. Finney A Johnston. Frederick Lauer vs. D. W. Hutshbc-rger. . . s SCO NO WKEK. Thompson & Ray vs. J-hn E. Holmes. John Shell. . vs. John Bradley. Cambria Iron t5o vs. John J. Fisher. Cambria Iron tJo..-.vs. Francis Christy. John Brotberline..-.--vs. John Flsk, John C. Gates, et. al. Isaac nugns.' .-.vs. Sarah Jane Morrison. J. Z. Nngr vs. R. A. Glass. Richard Row lend.. vs.' Richard J. Evans. Grtftilh Owcn...i....vs. Richard J. Evans. . Joseph Trexler.'. vs. David Trcxler a Mary Bendon. John P. 'Watson ita T. H. Lapsley. John P. Watson. ...... .vs. Alex. Kennedy ct. Si. M. wrestle .-vs. John Hannan. Hon. James P. White vs. George Knewlton. . Augustine Hntt. ...-.'. vs. Mnniii 'o. Barbara Robb vs. Peter Click. Adam Rosewn. ..... vs. George Rager. B. Mi -COLO AN, Prothonotarv. Prolhonotarv's OflSce. Ebensbnrg, May a, 1876. WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENTS. Notice ie hereby given lira the fol lowing named appraisement s of personal pro perty and real estate of decedchts. selected and set apart for the widows of Intcststes under the Act of Assembly of the 14th day of April, A. D. I'M, have been filed In the Register's of fice at Ebensburg and will be presented to the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, for Confir mation and allowance on Weonksdav, the 71 Ii day of June, A. D. 1876. to wit t 1. Inventory and appraisement of 'certain personal property appraised and set apart for Bridget Brown, widow of James Brown, late of Munstsr township, deceased t2W. t. Inventory and sppraisomentot certain per sonal property appraised and set apart for Jane Uochoeur, widow ot Peter Gochnour, lato of Cftmbrla county, deceased-flS.lS. 3. Inventory and appraisement of certain personal property appraised and set apart for Ktixibeth ".lack, widow of Daniel Black, late or Summerhill township, deceased KBXl.OO 4. Inventory and spprslsemcnt bf Vol-taln personal property appraised and set apart for Margaret Pringle, widow of Martin Prligle, lateef Summerhill townsblp, deceased tu.3TK 6. Inventory and appralsemwt of certain personal property appraised sBl set apart for Mary Roberts, widow of Ron-rt H. Roberts, late of Ebensburg boronph, docrnsed 'lO00. JAMES M. SINGER. Register. Register's Office, Ebensburg, May 6, 1876, JOHNSTOWN SAVIMS BAUI! 120 Clinton St., Johnstown. ?a. CHARTERED SEPT. 12, .1870. T'SPOSITS Vv received of all soma not less that One Dollar. Present rato of Interest, six per ce-.it. Interest Is doe in the mouthsof Juae and Tjcoembcr. and If not withdrawn is added to tho deposit, thus coui. pounding twice a year witho.it troubling the de positor to call or even to pr.-s jnt the deposit hook- y one v loaned on Real r'.-.tatc.. Preference. wlt?t liberal rates ami long V.nje. given to borrowers ef ferlng first mortaageson farms worth four or more times the amount '.oan desired. Hood rToreuce perfect titles, ete,.t required. This corpora ton 1 exclusively a Savfn'fl;' Bank. No commercial deposits reeelvM-, nor discounts granted. Za loans on persona, security. Titanic applications tor borrower, copies tr t n rules, 'ny-laws, and special law relating to thta Bank. .sent to any address desired. ' TRCStKBS James Ceopef. OaVtd Diflert. CT. B. tlia. A.J. Hawcs, F. W. Hay, John Lowman. H. Raumer. Jr.. Iianiel McLaughlin, D.J. Morrell, James Melillen,.. lames Morley, IewiaPlltt. H. A. Bokk. Oonrad Stippe, George T, Swahk, and W. W. Walters. DANIEL .1. MORRELJa FresidenL TaNr DihitaT, Trearnrer.' . Ctrvs Elder, Solicitor. l-.t,75.-ly.i 1 ". . i : t - LATE HiAIN HOUSE," Corner JUainttnti I'ittsbttrgh Sis., - CREEKS BURCi PA.; ' " Verr tcnire of town. Fronts the touth entrsheo . ... M tba fat.l Uaniaa. ' liO W ' a a ru r-m 14 LcmmonJMur 14 OeeT rlnntleyll It E. C. Parrish... t.ot Too l.i l.VI 7.00 ton 7.1" re 1 .W! 7.Ut ;.nit TA'I t v ninghain. .. 7-00.14 Jaoot Widmam 14 Mich'l Tm.bey. 7.tl',14 Cieorge Myer... 14 Wm. Donnelly ?.no;l4 Aug. Lchmire.. CI'KAKflaLD TDWKSHIP. 14 H. R. Dunegan.. cKntLC TTiwasntP. 14 Tho. n. neist. 7.C0 II G. B. Stineman 14 J. D. Wcntroth. 7.00 14 V.M A J.Brown CM EST TOWSSHtP. 14 C. A. Largbfin. 7.00114 J. F. Carson. CUE-IT PPBlMiS IKHtllL'OH. 13 Kill Nutter., iu.00114 ' per A Mellon K AST CONKM Afrtlt miHIlfOB. 14 P. F. Sliafler.... 7. 14 Wm. Sanderson 14 Leonard Klst. . 7 "0 14 IL P. Linton... H M.X iliurini.. ... i.w EiiEisBt'KO nonotronj. 13 A. A. Barker A- ill K. RobertsA-Son tr.Cl Son 1000 It Nrs.H E. Juml 7-t i 13 J. P. Thompson 10WI.14 C. T. Roberts.. 14 R. J.Lloyd 7 0114 D. E. Evans ... 14 O. G. Owens... 7.0U 14 M. U Oat man.. 14 Myers & Lloyd. i.iw It it. IC iiavis il jacou i nomas. 7.00 14 Thos. Griffith.. 7.(W 14 A. Stilt t matter 7.001 pranki.im nonorort. 14 A. A J. I Custer 7.00 it l. W. Coulter. 14 Peter Rubritx.. t.l 14 Martin Custer. 14 James Findley. t.arj; OAt.l.IT7.!N TOWNSHIP. 14 Patrick Smith.. 7.0H14 J. I". Murray.. OALt.rTriN HMIOl'CH. 14 T. J. Christy... !) 14 Thos. Bradley 14 J.J. Troxell.. Vi lotiKfTows nonorott. 1 Wood, Morrill il4 KinneyACamp- ' Co 200.00 IjcII 1? Gels, Foster & 'It John Thomas.. Co .. 13.50.14 Wakefield A 12 T.:o. Stewart Ac Harshberger A Co.. IJJjO.H John Benton. 13 J. DibertA!on Itl.fio 14 Louis Baumer. i Mernersonitco 7.00 I r . Border 7.00 It T. W. Kerlin... 7.00 14 M'Clel land A Co 7JVP 14 John Hannan.. 7.0i 14 Davis Myles ... 7.0O 14 John F. Barnes 7.tl 14 J, S. Ash bridge 7.00 14 Brinker A- Co.. 7.00 14 Rose Bloch... 7JW 14 Geo. W. Hay... 7.00 14 S. C Bailey ... T.no 14 W'.OwensASon 7.i 14 H. Pritchard.. i.tw 14 Eben. Jarmm... 7.UI 14 Paul WCreary. 7.0ti 14 Biough Stuts- I man... 7.00 14 Focklerft Lev- T.W- ergood 7.(K It OiasxHoohstFla 7. 14 W. L. Levings T.(W . ton..i..., .. 7 ,14 Crawford A V-tal Reipple T-.W 14 T. H. IJrioton.. T OO 14 Chas. Oswalt... 7i0 14 KimpteA V'rer- I log 7-00 14 M. P. Col man.. 7 00 14 C. O. Lather... 7 00 14 J.g.A.Bcnshorif 7.l 14 Fred. W, Kress 7.0(1 14 H. L. Cottlter.i. 7.00.14 Marg't Brown. 7.O0 14 Oeliorne A Coo- 7 00. fer. 7 .tn.I4 T. a. Griffith.. ' 7.i 14 Jere. Hippie... 7 0 14 K Elasser , 7 SO 14 Kman'l Jame 14 W H LeA-ergood 7-0tl14 Beam A Conrad 14 A. Preifer. .. . 7.H0 14 Wm. Wilheim 14 S. R. Varner.;. . 7.00 14 Wm. S. Jones.. 14 John Muller... 7 00 14 Geo. 6. Orth.... 14 Dopp A Bostart T 00.14 Georga Mayer. JACKS! TOWNSItlP. 14 David Simmon J.tIO 14 Wm. Ford 14 Saut'l Albaneh. 7.(slil4 Cteorge Wehn4 ' IJllltTTO IVKOLOlt. It W. Lltzlnger... 7.00 14 J. E. Shields ft J4 F. O'Erlel .. 7.t) Bro 14 A. J.Cbiisty. .So 14 W. W. MoAteer 14 MA. Lacy A Co 7.00 14 F. X. Haid 14 John Bradley.. T 50 . Riki,viM.E RonnPrln. 14 P. Rod-ers. 7 -tie it O. W. Stutsman 14 H.W. Given. ... 7.li k tCtl la no towns BrrV 14 Bernard Nec.. 7.J It Geo. Berkey.i 14 Ueorge Contart 7av sckiiiTvttt.g nORorcrt. It John Egnr 7.i 14 C II. Reich ... 14 Js. M. Gillin . 7 fs 14-Wm. M'Counell 14JohnKin4v. -.. 5 0(l TTI kit TH tsrwdTi r r 14 S. P. Merrvll A Co vimiiKitrnliTnimuin 14 Wm. Pringle,.. 7.00 14 Elir Thompson 14 Martin O..U 7.e 14 C. J Lab 14 Syl. McKeniie. 7.O014 M. B. XL Lrtiurbl 14 P.M. A J. Brown 7.111 un ..7; . Wtt.MOHK BOROrQH."' T 1 John f ehr dh.. 7-00 It JobnMX'oInn 14 P. M. Wohdnglo M4 1. F. Kirby. A Son 7.m!l4 Mrs-ILtvephart VltITt vnvnaiiip 14 Gen. Walters.. 7. 14 3. hi. Palmer. 14 Christ. Kreger. 14 W. Cpdegrtive. 14 Ootieh Huntley 14 K- U Edwards. 14 N. ACA.Horne ' 14 Jas. J. Murphy 14 George Kurtz.. 14 Jacob Wild 14 Emit Young.. .. 14 A. Burgraff 14 E. Zang 14 C. S. Renth 14 H.J. Ilite 14 A. A A. Keck.. 14 F.W. Hay A Son 14 L.K. lx-iicnbcr- ger 14 George Helser. 14 C.T. Fraaer. ... 14 I9A-1d Creed... . !t John Jordan... 4 A.Montgomery 4 Louis Cohen. . 14 D. Dibert A Son 14 A. Nat ban A lire 14 J. A. MeKlnney It M H Nathanson A Co. 14 Sol. J. Hess-... 14 TAG Gallagher . 14 1.. Luck hard! . 14 Geo.Criver&igt 14 IouiheraSreen 14 J no. Henderson 14 John Biadv ... 14 Maggie Goeher 14 J. A li. Swank. 14 Wm. Caldwell. It A. Met On 700 7.00 7j0U 7.00 7 00 7. on t 7 7.1H 7.y 1 .w 7 an 7 no 7.ti 7..VA . J-tJ 7.00 7.00 . 3-OU 7.00 1XO AO 1M 750 7JW ...i T.00 T.Oft 7J 7.00 7-"s1 7.oa irma WOODV.AM BOrrOTtlH. ' 14 JWhu B. Clark.. 7.O1IM W.H HoscnstCel 7J0 lOLtlt TOWSWP. 14 Jacob Renm.. 7 WII4 John Seigh... . 7 00 . 1S.M . 15.00 . p.od lVtl 1.VS0 15.00 15JN1 15.00 15A"0 e?.oo 80.00 ' RREWER1B9. Oscar Graff, Johnstown Uoronch .... Sieger A Wr hit, k .. . tl t w M ..... . 71. iiruiRiuil, ... ........ Henry Hansuian, 44 ' Jacob Goemer,-mbrtn Poretth Lambrt A Kress, Conemaurh Borough.. Lawrence Kest, Coneuiaugh Township.. O. J. Schwader, Washington Township.. Henry Blum, Carrolltown Borough Julius Stich, 14 44 ' . BILtAARD TABLES. J. D. M'Oelland (4h Washington Twp...; John Jordan ,21, Johnstown Borough...., TEN-riX ALLETS. John Jordan (l;. Johnstown Borough 1550 J. D. M'Clelland (41, V.'ashington Twp...... C2 trt A. J. Christy UK lretto Borough ti 15J0 Ak AppkaL Will oe held at tbe Treasurer's OfTioe In Eli?nburg, on Xohdat; theStl day Jdsr ne&r, at S o'clock, p. m. a. -a..-'- JJN FEROCSON. May ft, iTB. Mermntilp Appraiser. notice To ' TAX-PATERS I IN aee-rila'ieo wltJi an Act of the General As sembly t.f '.hisComni'inwt-altb. improved tho Mhday ' -prll, A. D. 172, "rtatlng to the col lect toe f taxes in the Or.mity of Cambria." no ttcc , hereby given e Iho tat -payers restdlnar ir. tbo districts tiel.w named, tbat the County Treasurer, in compliance wit the second see tion ot said act. will attend at tbe places of holding the Dorouah and township elections on the following nnme-d days, tnt the purpose ot reeeivlng the count v. poor aud state taxes a& scesed for the year 176: For Wilmore borough. Monday, June l?th.' 44 Summerhill towpshirt Tpesdar, June ltJr. 44 Washington . " Wednesday, 44 Ilafr. 44 Summit ville borough. Thursday ' I5tlr 44 Galliiz.in 44 Friday, 44 GatlitziO township. Hator Jay, 44 JSrh. 4. Loretto borough. Monday, .: "4" ?v1u 44 AlleghcnV tdwnshlp. Tni-aday. M 9nb. Munstrr W-dnesdav, " tlstj 44 Chest Spring borough. Thursday, 2M 44 Clearfield township. Friday, . gjdl 4' White township, en Momday, JuVieSSth. at . , A. n. 1 lake's, an'd on Tuesday. June 27th. ,t Llovdsvilie. . ' ... Ch best township, at Vtien CoSWell, Wednea. day. JuneSMh. aud at A. Anna'a Thura- , day. June 2ft h. Carrolltown bornngh l2-4.'76.-lf. JOHN POUTER, Lessee: JAS-rs imr.itsso...;.....i...H. r. o'ritiat.t WILKINSON & O'FRIEL, xtAJirf Ari-raaaS or ' ' ; ANS E0MISTI5 MASSLE ! t t, , Ijopot.1o,-Pa. I rWork executed promptly and antttfaetortly, aud a cheap aa the ciieataist. (4-lx-tf 1 rh. Fclsv liiB.on.1. VamUrta- MonaJ', July 3dj 44 Barr , Wedn.lix, iuh M Siis'lit-banrs towrhi-A, Thursday . " est i ara, rjfenbrrg, Frida v. JoJM 7th. 44 East 44 " .. Saturd -v Tll-aili t nj'h iT-nday.. Jnly Wh. lh' , Blackllck 44 , ( Tuesiia JuiV ,ltb'. - And.tn accorda'nro aa lib the sx-conrf section of paid act. on all tatfrs Vuid to the Treasurer bmt lore the Jt dny .f .epu-intK r tore wilt tkea reduction of rtVri t-Kii -e:-t wliile five nwnrnt will beadeed ( all unpaid taxes, and rOttoed lit the hiwidAof a on.stai b-. N. J. FHTt DHOI County TVeasiTree. ; Treasurer s Otfi.-w, Hbcnshunr, April 24, law. A. WK3NER. M D. ' ti l'fayaletoi aad afar... i CARoi,LrowK4 Pa. OWr.e recent! veeouplad by M.J. Btick M n IH rear of John Buck's store, Nhrbt cal'lsVna? be made at Mr. Duek- fCTKIcnceT (Hn"'T TTM.. II. 8KCHLER, Attorney at . 7 r-7"f t-1'nt's''''r. t . Office In Col. ona-le KoW, 'recently occcpled In- Wm. kitten Esq -Itentre atreot. . ..... ' U21.'7.-tf. J riFo. m . AT: a de, a ttoRNEvat LAtr, Eliensburff. Pa. Office on Centra street, three dwors Irwui High street. M. yili; June 21L