I pu.1 ir "Vj -T -M """SI --. tv . f i a : kw Use "Apco;'ii t-iit? (':! t A I. X A', A i 1- I X. J J. J- ' - .l!st;ts very carefully ;..;:i;-ded.'' r :ys n v, r.UT in La Xut'nre, "we throw a ay early a clJi'-i--'. ' lealli'.'r.s, loe in- Slld nnantitv tiuisie vcltu: o! jnoricv we pay buothng f'.a'v". :niitc!'s it Mtiv: :h;i iie -xitin how Neither:; ... ... I .. ,,..!. Ml Illilni l.ivm i.u.ii WlnCll IS f-Sll-t! U I lie out for 'li''i)."T A HUt, I'Ut the M'.tlior i . Importcr!i, flannr.icturers, anil Dealers In 11 kinds of pl'-eceds to prepare. I ie. i no opf ra- ! tion i- to cut the plume portion: of; the feathers from tlio skin, ly means j of culinary hand scissors. The; for mer are placed in quantities in :uoarse MUSICAL MERCHAN MANl'KACTtTIERS OF TIIK CEbEDltATED & MINN PIANO, AND THE FHILHARMOKIC BISEs 1' x OENEIiAL WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR TOE TEXT AltiOX PIANO Pisfnn Valve, ami our Oirn mak ana rir iv!"(!i when full IS ch:scl subjected to a thorough kneading with the han Is. At lliet ml live minutes, fhr. n.ni !!! it. is stated, laconic dis aggregated ami felted together, form ing adown perfectly homogeneous; and of great lightness. It is evm j lighter than natural eider clown, b- i e:iiHi" tlie Litter contains tl:e ribs of j tlw f.-rUhcrs. which irive extra weight. The material thus prepaid! is worth, and readilv sella in l'aris, f r about two dollars a pound. Aloit 1.0 troy ounces of tliis down can 1-e oMa'i'cd froic the feathe rs of an ordinary sized puiiet; r.nd t!ii? on t!e valuation, is worth ah.mt twenty eiits. It i sui; irestcd th.it, through tlie winter, chil dren mi'i'it t-jll.ret all fathers about a farm, and cut the ribs out, as wc have stated. 'y the ?piii? time a lare quantity of down would be pre pared, whieh'could be disposed of to upholsters or employed for dvmestio ue. OooiO teathers"iiiay be t rented in a bimilar mannr-r. and thus two-thirds of tha pio U:et of the bird utilized, in stead of only about one-fifth, as is t present the case. The chicken down is saui u iorm :v I.nmlnn). Saxe ( ParN). r.r KDi.-trT Valve " i.-.-. oi i.o.nrj i.c in.trr.meiits ronstantlj on hand. ppip vrwi.THKjiscrsHiTET H.rsic, .nko this brch iyr ""Ir1 full B4Uck vl ll-e la.es, n.l Ijrrt le. on """' ' "n j 1-iA.NU.S AM OUOA.N ol.ll ?X?TCI M KN'TS i . KICX I N 'XTII A NO R. . C'lf-rTiPrn Vr'nivn If of Srminnrcf, L :id.Tf l IMn.ls. Teacher!., ami nil wishing to purchase ' Mwi -1 C!o.kI" Wli t'Fi-t it t their IntoreMt to c.miiiiuiiii-iiie lirectly with us. ' C u.iIoBucs aii'l 1'rke Liste liuiiis-lke.l tree on .u plieiiuon. WAREROOMS, NO.'12 SlXtll Street, (Late St. Clair.) i-M.-jy. PITTSBURGH, PA. 1W 5 A SrT3Tr iiJ rl.TJ J Louisville, Manufnctureis of nil kii.Us of CHEWING TOBACCO: nlso the c. lobrn.pd 0 rl"T5? rrri rl IT. U: m7 1 1 , Tnvlor. MrirMn . . . . . . .'. ir t...,i- Tnlm T"nllirtnn i Son. J. AV if .... v- ii-.ii..i,ivi-. mill nil nttiLT ltbdt:ci sin J (Jrocoiy Mounts. Li-i.- ..v'.ij ' - . I.I IJro., .-ini. cloth w hen woven. For 1 bor.utiful about a r- piare yaid o' the material, a mid and a half ot down is ivqnire.1. ... 1 'i i... r-.l.iif. is said to be almost, inue slruetable, as, in place of fraying or Avearing out at folds, it only seems to Mt the'tiphtcr. It takes dye readily and is lhoroti;j;hly watei proof. Tl-.ere appears to be a O'kI opportunity here fur some, inirenious person to invent machines to cut and treat the feathci'3. How to Tke:) Corn Stalks Vrov ERiy. The rearing and feeding of an imals is leeeiving, as it should, from farmers and herdsmen in all parts of tlio i-onntiv neater r.ttontion every year; and "especially is tiiis true of clairvmcn whose only hope of gain rests in their success in obtaining pay ing yields from their cows. Corn stalks enter largely into the fall feed of dairy cows, and how ta feed them is the important quession. The common practice is to feed them in the bundle, as but few farmers feel able or willing to usp a cutting machine. This feed ing in bundle without any preparation 1 am fully satisfied is very wasteful, as not only are the butts left, but fre quently nenrly the whole slock. I have learned by experience that a little brine sprinkled upon tlie stalks once every day. just befoie feeding, is of material advantage in many re spects. The weak brine wi l cause the rows to consume nearly all, even when f.'d whole ; the tlow ot milk ineicases, the condition of the cots improve, and they show greater contentment. I'sp.e-t-ihily is the last remark true on cold, windy and rainy days. I find it much better as a general rule, when it can be done, to feed salt on the food, instead of feeding it alone In n case should more than one day be permitted to pass without it. Coxs should have access to plenty of water ; the brine food w ill cause them to drink more and thus increase the flow of milk. Let rny brothers try it and they will hereafter place a greater value upon corn stalks. A Cheap Diet ron TIard Times ' In these times of slack occupation the experimental deduction of investiga ting economists ltecome valuable. A working mechanic with reduced pay writes as follows to the Philadelphia Lfff-jer : "I have tried hard to keep up with the times by lessened expenditure. Having read the newspaper accounts of the "man who lived on $." a year, gaining twenty pounds, under a regi men of corn meal, we tried that article but found it insipid, and finally naus eous. The indorse ment of buckwheat as a sustaining food by an eminent judge induced us to try it. We found buckwneat nonsnsceptiblc ot variety WHOLESALE AND RETAIL C0LL1HS. J09HSTGH & Ca BliftttBitS? EBENSBUEG, PA. HONEY EEGEiYED ON DEPOSIT, rATAtll.E .v nr.HAXD. INTEHEST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. -OF- -AND Sheet Ironwares AX!) DEALF.US IN T7TTIT 7d a ??. a:;i- i KOCSE-FLRMSDING GOODS CEM.R-LLY. M:.'itY IGA'JLO. CCLLECTlSriS MADE, AND A ;F.NEAI, BAN KIN 3 BUSINESS TRANSACTED. tTSpoclnl rtttontic.n rnil to l-'isinp" of cor-t.-.iiii.lH. J.l.S. I. MUZtlMIV, is;r,.-tf . c::t.;iior. MXII1 Nov. Id. t- TiS, f OPPER & SBEBT-IROS rilVSl'TTT ATT SPED TO. Nos.273. 2S0ar,a 2S2 Washington Si., JOHKSTOVH. PA. in cooking, and we soon nV cn slapjacks. Potatoes failed to keep M our bodily strength. Next we tried oat starch, with this result : My wife sou and self confined ourselves to ra tions of three pints of thh-k porridge per dy. varying the "dip" dressing with butter, sugar, nutmeg, lemon juice or inohisses. We enjoyed excellent heakh. with regular digestion. At the expiration of two weeks I found my self four and a quarter pounds heavier. My wifu had gained thive pounds, while the lad had increased over five p-mrids. Our food outlay for fourteen davs wa? exactly tiro l)!'ar$ ard er'il'j o'i-'w, or lot-s than seven cents ' per lay for each person YVe are now pursuing the same course, with an oc casional mixed meal." WASHINGTON STREET, Koar PEMN'A R. n. DEPOT, TollllrtOAVIl, "I : J If'holcnalc aifl lleJall Dealers in L ) Jt K I O N AND IX ) M KST I C PvliLLIERY GOODS, IIAlMi'.VAltr, Ci u i: K NSW a r.r, iioors and Pirors, HATS AND CAPS, IP.ON" ANI NAILS, CARPETS AND OIL C:r,0 T1IS. 1 i K A 1 ) V- M A D K C LOT II IN o , GLASSWA R R. YKLLO'-V WARC, WOOi)KX AN I) WILLOW WARP, PIIOVISIOXS an.l FEED of all kfa-1, Together u ith all m.innornf Western PrO'luce, sueh us FLT'.S. CACCM, FISH, SALT. CARBON Gil, ETC. J-T""Vho'c?Mlo nn'l ret Jll or'lor nolirf tfil op1 proi'-pt l.v fiiiocl :u thfFhorlcst notice ami must i ;-:e;i.n.Hile lei i:irf. John Diheut Johm D. Koukrts. Joan Bibert & Co., Corner Main and Franklin Sts., Accounts nf McrcJianis antl other business peojtle soticitcil. Draffs negotiable in all parts of tlie roua trt; for sale. Jloiu-jf Joancd ami Collections Jlnlc. Interest at tlie rate, of Si jt Vcr Cent, per annum tl loircd on Time Dejtosits, Savings Deposits Hoolts issued t and Interest, Cotnjonnded Semi anmialfif trim rlesircfl. A'General Banking Business Transacted. Sept. 10, lST.'i.-fim. the UEST ttnitsttk!) .atco 3inT- tehfect "i LAi- naj:;" evei: .vade. IntcrcliaB geatlo Handle and Zziclu. Ccmiid. i r i ii i . T:-c hnr.dV H entirely nnic! for ariT iinnilx-r r,f lro::i. Ii - "n In-ih jm-L-cd iiit:mt! v. mid l irj prTi;td T.-hh a phi. M tl r J:-ir. i- con"!i'. !v .ZS irr-t-f cl f nn t!:"c fcirt--.T 'f-r.-rco!sircl when n-ir. Jt!TvrJ'"'' T" 1 ' LlV.l'irn liio Iron U hfi if ' " heated, t!-.- handle iiui-t le 1e?fiehr1. VT" trill rerrt to rny jtthlr-n, on re ceipt of I'-iift or P. O. Order Kr the amount, t-itiur cf the foihi-.vii.ij tn'f : Set No. 13 liens or S. fi c.nfl 7 V., 1 hanClc, $2 01 S 3 G. 7 mil R P.-., " 2 :.'n 83 " 7, Sun.i 'Jits., " U.ijQ Xirkcl plated Ironp, 75::t. per set cstrn. Any party onlTitiz livo vet irill rc celvo oiio t cxlia um u prciaiuui. Tliorong!i!y relluhlo ncnts vantcd. Ad-ircss ISItCOZCl.Y'V s.r ITSO CO., S3 Fiist Et., Brcoitya, E. 2. L". Y. Kot. Smyl can te . th o5cti of luU pjp r. -i'.l Machood: How Lost, nGw Restores!. .Tnst pnhllsiieil. a new ciition of Ilr. f lf rnril's Cclrirntet Ksy on the "T '.-s-J""'"" r-Hlintl rure (withimt tueilicine) or Si'KKMATor.itiifE a or Sem i n:il W en k n"?a. Invol'.inlnry Seminnl Ijii.pc., Imi-otencv, Ment:;l nm' rhy.-ic:il Ine:i!:.ily, 1 inpciliiuenl s to Marrintie, V.e. : hI.-o, ( 'on sr m i'Tiox, Kpilktst ami Kits. lnluceI by seIf-lnluIieiico or (exual cxtrnvnaranee, etc. r-Friee. in a senleil enrelope. only cent.'". The eelet.rntoii nuthor, in t ln.i Hilmiiab'c Ksei;, clearly'lemi.nftr.iles. froni u thirty years' guciesii lul praoliec. that tlie alarniiiitc coneegoence!" of gcll'-abuso may lie i niiieally en mil wilhuut t Im Unn i;'tos u;? of internal mo.lu ine or the application of i hi: knife; point in out a mode of enre at once i:iple. ei rtain. nnl etleetual, hy me.'ins of wh'eh every ru Merer, n mntier wliat 'liia eop.ili; inn u.iy he, m.iymre himsell cheaply, privately, ami rticti- CVII-7. Sent nn.ler ?eal. In a plain envelope, to niiv ad- ilreiij, on re.'.-ipt of pix cents, or tvro potitairc Ftau.pa. AJilres the I'ni.liplier-, h-. l!i(l.(iMAN c SOX, 41 Ann St., New Yoi k; l'uft OUice liox 4580. St'DsriTUTF. tor a Cu::cscrwT::w. A ""substitute for a corkscrew may he made thus : Stick two forks vertically into the cork on opposite sides, not too near the edge. 11 tin the Made of a knife through the two and give a twist. Another way to uncoik a hottle is to fid the hollow at the bottom of the bottle with a handkerchief or towel ; pn?p tin neck with one hand, and strike firmly and steadily with the other upon the handkerchief.. At this season of coMs, it may be iieful to know that hoarseness or tickling in tlie throat rr.ay be relieved by using the white of an egg, thoroughly beaten, mixed with lemon Juice mid sugar. A teaspoonful taken occasionally is a dose. r'II I niH-erf Iser. havinur been permanently ctireit .1 of that ilrcail ili:'ene, C'otixiiinprion. hjr'a im ple reinty.-is union t- make known to his fe I li.w fsiili. TiT!" t he tncnnii of cure. 'I o nil who ile diro It. h 3 will penil a en.iy of the pretieripi Ion neil, (iree t charge.) wi'h t he direction fur preparinz jin-i n.in tlie same, whieli they will timl a si kg Ci-i:ei'')itl!iisrsprioj, Asthma. liKOMHnis, it... Parties wishing the prencvijiMon will please a.hirc's liev. K. A. WIUSOX, 191 Tenn St., Wllliainshurijh, New York. T71 H. PLANK, M. P., respectfully -"" oftVrrH liis froi sional services! to tlie citizen of KbeTwliursr nr.cl vlefnitv. ftfll(-o a.l- jo!iiir."f rc'lilr-neB and iiotnedlatelv in the roar of lion. JI. .T. Ijloyil's dru' store. N'iirht calls can bo made nt tho'resi.iauce of Mrs. liuiin. on C'raw- lonl street, LOenstiuri?. 4-24.-tf.J ANIKfj MCLAUGHLIN. Allornry A Cumous Coi.LKcrio.N of Fossils. . 1j. Porter, a veteran from the North, arrived in this city, has a curi ous collection of fossils carefully pack ed with sawdust in a traveling trunk at the Western Hotel on liroadway, where he is now sojourning. The col lection embraces an Indian stone war club, a stone pestle belonging to the same race of people, and a gritty stone chisel used by them in the manufacture of their stone implements. It rdso contains a large number of specimens of petrified wood, fossil leaves in sand stone, rocks bearing a striking resem blance to petrified human and animal skulls, which the owner lielieves they are, anil a smooth boulder which pre sents the appearance of a petrified lantl turtle. The shape of the latter docs correspond closely to that animal. The right fore foot or flipper is very distinctly outlined, and on the left side, which has been considerably worn by the action of the water, is a small in dentation, corresponding in place and character to that at the toes of the right foot. In front and underneath what is supposed to have been the shell is a hollow, corresponding with that in a turtle's front whose head has been wrung off. The edge of the shell, if it be what Mr. Porter believes, has been worn olf by the action of the water. On the top ami bottom of the stone are sundry markings, which Mr. Porter thinks have been made by edged tools and are the hieroglyphics of a race now extinct. Arrow heads, glass globules on the surface of pieces of lava, and pieces of bone of an extinct animal complete the collection. The fossils have been gathered by Mr. Porter during his wande.-ings through Washington Territory and Oregon on the Wenatche, Upper Columbia, and Snake Itivers San Francisco Jiullctin. CDCKGBURC iiousE-Fuelis'irG store IS THE PLACE TO BIT STOVES, HARDWARE, TINWAEE, TIION, NAIL, GLASS, OILS, PAINTS, &c. twM GEO. HUNTLEY, Prop'r JgLARMEKS AND OTHERS, if yon in toml to lmilil a bouse or lmrn, r otlir wise improve vnnr property, n to HfJNTI-KY for'NAII.S, GLASS. l'AINTS. HAKDWAKE. &c. Money siiverl by Inlying for cusli. TTT?r2 f i -rrt iii'vti t?v'v: ..,-..1 Ji fxamine the neatest, little CHOPPING Ml I.I. over Introduced. It chop from 10 to 1:! I"dielj of rve, corn or o:its per hour. BUY ON 1I-1T COSTS ONLY tt-5. OMrnc -r- ttt-vtti t - " : .1 -T-j l.ny tl.o best CORN FODDER AM) 8 THAW CCTTEU ever nohl In Ihi eotjnty. Their eost more thun suveil in one j'eur by cut ting your feed with it. rp.IIE Rkst SILVER-PLATED WARE in the market nt 2. per cent, less than citv retail prii-es. Sold lor cash nt .1S ;r.-tf.j HUNTLEY'S. and liieli he sell-s C IIKAI'Lit Tolt CASH than they can be bought elsewhere in Ebeti?burf. "T7 ARMERS, GO TO HUNTLEY'S a J buy your HARVEST TOOLS, wli A Cure for the Smallpox. Mr. Ifarman II. (Jeiger, of Pleasant Union, Somerset county, writes to the Mey er sd ale Independent, describing the "run" ot the smallpox in that village. After relating how his neighbors and members of his own family were at tacked, and died or recovered, Mr. Geiger describes his own cure, which is not less remarkable and unique than the writer's manner of telling it. lie says: "On the 20th I had "to 'hang up the fiddle,' but they did not make much oil of me. I had previously consulted with many who had the smallpox, and the all told me that whiskey was the best medicine to drive them out; so I went for a gallon of whiskey, and kept intoxicated for three days, and that fetched 'em. I was not near as sick as I was when I had the measles, and the filth day I weni out to the stable and attended to the feed ing, and I can say I am well at present." TSrUNTLEY will sell you WALL PA PER as cheap, if not clioajier, than n-iy other denier In Eliensliiirir. nn'1 liim it into the hiuif'iin without extra chxrire. LU'lvSMITJIS, HUNTLEY will sell vou Horse Shoes. Horse Nails. Car- rinifO Holts. I'.ir Iron. N'.iil l'd. Cast ritcel, ic, YLKY LOW KOKCJASI1. T irKIPTSand EXPENDITURE i of Cambria County, IVrna., from tfc? 21t day of Jacaury, 1875, to the 20lh Uay oljuaujiy, 187o : , A. P. CRISTE, E3i., Treasurer, Dr. j t .ml. In Treasurer' hands at laft ttlement To amt. of duplicates for 1R75 Tn .mi nf heirlatrv for lsTi.... . Tonit.6pcr cent, on amount put la hand s of c Vnst ahl e . - To unit, received from Collectors lor 1Si2 and previous years. To amt. received from Constables for 1Si3 aul 1S?4 - To amt. M.litarv Dnpliea c for 1'72 .... To amt. on Seated and Unseated Lands To amt. on Redemption of Lands To auit. from miscellaneous Sources.... A Brief IIhtobt op Alcohol was invented tt--a bv the son of a strange f Ilagar, in Arabia. ' ' with a powder to Daintti. ," : v " " .. M.sissi mey rnigni apjiear morels n,-, ,1 tins iowcler was calle.2 iv. . M ing the reign of William ari.lv act was passed encouraTiI)ff -V ufacture of rpirits. s' 5- 7S4 22 C9o 83 2,183 45 23 I S 218 75 ln7 i 1.143 91 478.212 01 -TTVF.KET.Vr.US, GO TO HUNT-L-Ji,. LEY'S ami buy the ULANCUART) CHUUX. tin' best in liie world. Soi.l lor CasjI nt mailt! iactunr's prices. ARMERS, GO TO TIl'NTLEY'S and vC-J fjet t!if b.-.t MOWINO and RKAP IX(i VA. I11NE rraJe. PUICEd CiltKATLY i:Ei)ici:p. "HOUSEKEEPERS LEY S mnl uiaf c-tdi for 'i'Htlle GO TO HUNT- save 115 per ernt. bv pas'- Knif!. Forks Spoons, Ate. C.ARPEN ami Imv INTERS. GO TO HUNTLEY'S Imv vonr TOOLS ami l'.UILDING 1IA it U V'A if E. I'll y cash and save Vd per cent. T0 USE KEEPERS, GO TO HIT: -- LEY'S anil buy your Sioves and 'J mire. V CASH AM) SA V K MONEY. XT- Tin- FARMERS. GO TO HUNTLEY'S and i pet the beM IICJRSE HAY RAKE eur intiod:ic.:3. CHEAP I'OK CASH. Counting a Billion. What is a billion? The reply is very simple a million times a million. Th;s is quickly written, and quicker still pro nounced. But no man is able to count it. You count 1 GO or 1 TO a minute; but. let us suppose 1 hat you go as far as 200, then an hour would produce 1,200; a dav, 2S,00O; and a vear, or SG.3 days, 1 0.i, 1 20,000. Let "us sup-' pose now that Adam, at the beginning of his existence, had begun to count, had continued to do so, and was count ing still, he would not even now, ac cording to the usual supposed age of our glole, have counted near enough. For to count a billion he would require fl,")12 years, 312 days, 5 hours and 20 minutes according to the above rule. Supposing we were to allow a poor counter 12 hours daily for lest, eating and sleeping, he would need 10,025 years, 31'J days, 10 hours and 4o min utes. A Cement foh any Kind of Wood. Put any quantity of fine sawdust of the same wood your work is made with into an earthen pan, pour boiling water on it, stir well, and let it remain a week or ten days, occasionally stir ring it; then koii it for some time, and it will be of the consistency of pulp or paste ; put it into a coarse cloth, and squeeze the moisture from it. Keep for use, and when wanted mix a sntli cient quantity of thin glue to make it into a paste ; rub it well into the cracks, or fill up the holes in jour wo.k with it. When quite hard and di v, clean ymn" work otf, and if care fully done, vou will scarce discern the imperfection. O TO HUNTLEY EOU CLOTHES WRINGERS. Hesell.mliem at creat- ly red need prieis for the ready e.ish. LARGE LOT OF POCKET AND J'KN K N I YES vi CRAMPTOFS IMPERIAL SOAP IS THS "DEST." This soip Is manufactured from pure materials anil r it cov.tains a larsje pert entire of Vegeta ble Oil. is warranted luily e.-jnal to the besi im porrcd Onsti.e Simp, and nt. the same time pos sesses all the washirir nnd eleansln'r properties! or the celebrated Oennaii and French Laundry Soaps. It is therefore recommended for use in tho Laundry. Kitchen, and ll.-.tli-rooin. and for peneral household purposes; also, for Printers, Painters. Engineers, ntid Machinists,!! it will re move stair, of Ink, Oreese. Tar, Oil. Faint, etc., (roin the hands. Manufactured only by ' R M PTO 5i II It OT 1 1 1 : K s. 2,4,6, S, and !0Knt?er I'lire, and 33 and 55 JciTersoa Street, New Vort. lor sale by Koons St Kt-orr, 202 N. Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia, byldvuts) & J,i."Yi, Eb cQsburfr, and by trroccera'scncrally. (10-29.ini.l A Huge Clock.. The celebrated clock at Westminister (London, Eng land,) has 400 square feet of dial sur face. Tlie minute hands are 11 feet long. Although the hands are all counterpoised, the entire weight of hands, counterpoises, tultes and wheels which has to be moved at every beat of the pendulum is not less than 1 tnns. The going weight is 1 cwt., and the clear fall is 170 feet. It takes five hours to wind this clock up by hand. Huge as the great machine is, it shows an error of less than 1 second on 83 per cent, days in the j-car. rcrv cheap for cash at II U NT LEY'S. EGOS, MUM VARIETY STORE. nAVlSfi recently enlarged our stork we are now prepared io sell Mt u irroit reduction troni furrnfr prices, t.ur sin; k ennsi-ds; of I)rn, Medicine. Perfumery, P.-tncy Sop, l.ei.n's. HmII's lit d Alien'.? Hair Itetorative-i, Piils.C MntiTietits. Plaster. Liniment.. Pain Ki'l ler. Citrate Meffnesia, Es. .l-wna:ca CJius-.-r. Pure Kl.tvorin-j K.xir.ict-3, Ienees, Leniiii Svrnp. Sooth nix Syr up, Sniced Syrup, Eliub.irb, Pure Spires, &i: Cigars and Tobaccos, Plank I!imi?, Dw't-, Notes and l!nd: Cnp. Post. Commercial nnd ail kinds of Note I'ucr; I'm elope. Pons. Pencils. Arnold s. Writing Phi id. l:!::ck nnd IJed In'.:, Pocket nnd P.is Io:k. Mair.r'.ins. Netvpapi'i-s, Novels. Histo ries, Cil.li s. eiii;iu3. Prayer mill Toy linoks. Penknives, Pipe. .Vc. trWc have added tooursto'-k tt lot of FI?E .TKV.'ELKY, to which we would invite the nt tc!itimf th. f.-iiliis. l:;iiHii(;it.ril ALBUMS at lower prices limn cvrr off-.n-nl in thi plaer. I'uper and t'israr o!d either wholesale or re tail. LEMMON Sc MUKKAY. J u!y 30, ISoS. Main Street, Ebcnsiu: ra:. Cr. Ity amount paid Assessors PonntT Auditors...... Slate Auditor " Aitricultural Society. A'torney - Hoard in'if P. Isonerj.. IJoar .in .Tnmrs liridire c bridjre views Ununty Iiorotiich tax Commissioners Commissioners' Clci k " Coin'ncrs' C?unsel onnty Ins'itu e " Cr mii.al prosecutions Constables ' ' t'onrt i onse.. Court crier Costs c'onnty Bonds " Iiistrii t Attornev " " Itona'n :o Sou i House " " Elections " " Kox and Wildcats.... " Fuel " " Ere tsbt loipjiition " ' Jnt. n C-. lionds " " Jurors. CJra-id " " " Ju r.r. Tr verse ' ' " Jury Ominissioaers.. " Janitor .T:i:l M lcllaneous " MilitiTV " l'or I . rectors. o " Pir House ' Postair I'r.'ntin? " I'roiiaic " " " 1'rot honotary " ' J.'oad itws t Uamaa Zf .f.1s ' Jter..rm sj'.oil ". - " Jfnndini " " " Kiris;ry " " S"hooi Treasurers ... " Supervisors " " Shenir. " Stenosrr piicr ' " " S's!i'rv " " " St teTax " " " Tipr-tafT " " Talesaien " " " Western Penitentiary Hy amt. paid District Court, as lui!"w Kent Hoaiiiins Prisoners lioard inir .1 arors Criminal pmsccu ion.. Cll!:r:, !-. C'ov.rt Crier Clerk 1 1 awinir Jurors Insiriet Atiorney .... ItupiisitionM .Turn s, cirand Juror, Traverse Janitor 1 rintiritf Road Views and Dnma Iiedcmpti m of Lands . Commission to C 'unstable ... Ey Kxonerari -ns to nstab!rs.. Ey exoii-rati.u.s on Iiuplicatcs an I Eeifislry P.y a'laicuient to tax pavers .. . 1;V amount rem.iinl'i: in Consta bles han Is tor 1"75 15 v Treasurer's commission on $'33.J7 SI at f. per cent ... . ily biUinc in l.ca urcr's hands temperance ami profliaey r. , :; such an extent, thatVho r intoxicating drinks int i V public places, info: i,ii r , : ; that they might git diuiTk ot-' and liave some straw to -(tt. In the sixlecith ceiuurr .- spirits spread over tin- f,,,. iKttrope. About t'.iis tin-.e it - ' trod uce I into the e-ilonk- T'5 United States were then ' called first notice we have of its 115 life, was among the lainr";? Hungarian mines in tl;e fift J,."' tnry. In 1751, it was usl '!r' ; English soldiers as a c-i ha j , coiiol from Luro;.o , . grajies and so I i,, ij..v a,,''':; i medicine. The Citno.- e f ';V lU'i'it ii. iiuui 111 an;, ru:l Sd' ;. medicine in bottle. ,;), ;, r pM.' the "water of life.'' Ui ii t teentli century it was kept l v caries as a raedicino. reign of Henry VII. hrntviv "tvij known in Inland, an 1 r,;5 ;r ing eil'ccls induced tho jiassa law proliibiting i:s iTjaii:;V-r" About 120 3-cars :1 j. viVu' V 1 , . -. .. .. . - 5 1 4' wcu-isr, f!sK.'ciany ptn tiiers i: Hie Liioii-Oi r..h prt'iv tiiat it prevented sickn, .s 1 f!3 80 224 1 0 1 63 0-3 ! 100 00 10 10 3,490 m 21 01 0 40 84'i 49 83 11 1.232 OJ eu.r oj irJo 00 7-s 00 2.1 '.t 4 S.W07 , 1 J4 AO 14 00 7! IhJ 1 13.00 00 1 477 00 : 20000 : 2.nl f9 ' 544 HO ! 610 2i : 3 11 ' 71 92 1.48S cm ; 49 S.7V4 31 127 30 j 2-h.i () 7'. 41 I f-2 1.7 : 1 71 S14 65 . 10, 79 f2 12 03 ! 7"4 20 7 f 4 i 4-2 SO j jS? j America, unctertl ''litS .;; til ' 41s 01 : t.-4 is i men fearless 1:1 the field r,f ,- :: 1 was Iooivcd as a snvMvi.") ;es. t70 41 111 75 1.; .' 2 03 II i 1 K 73 ." iO i" 5 li lJ 43 i9 0S 74 2 tif.!l el 2- O f l.vl 00 142 -M 6,'0I 07 0 4 r j K-2 2,03 75 If. 20 2.104 71 s,r.s3 tl 3 341 39 2.u:.9 17 upon C3M ! rucli is a l ri.-i skt-Te-j ,f jts ; ""11 j tion into society as a lit vein " pi 0 ' llUtory ,,f il '-vritU-'.i iu t;ij S4 0 J edness, the tears, the r,;iK 4-P 40 , ri-t 1- inil tiiiif.li-k?. ..1 .1 ... . marched thrn:i;h th hurl tread of a ciant. leavin-r ot its f lotinin's m tiir- 1 t- o!K' &.8.21'01 "pECFIVKTl. JA.V. 20. 1S7R. Or I i A. D. Cris'e. Esq., l ite Treasurer, the sum of T Thousand an t Fifty-nir.-; I)o!lars and Twenty-seven 'ents. boing tlie ainivc amount In bis hand in full. 2,0i0.27 N. J. FliEIMIOFF, Trcas. and life blood of the poi.r How Coffee Came v,z It is somewhat ringn'ar to t manner in which arose t;ie ; common 1 leverage c f c f:T.c. which few persons hi apv L:.;;', t-ivilizt.sl country in the v, make breakfast. At tii? I:;.). bus tli-covered America, it !r. used, i d OIl;V r: o IS71. TTTSTA OI.V'i m-eFROM "OL- EEC'Tf I!S Lr 1S72 and i revi. n year : Thos. .'-ie Kernan. t 'ambria ivr. James Hick, t :.opers l.ne Hiram Kjtdett. Franulin - I'laithias Ueitrii-k. C ln-st Twp., S. .1. E:itlirr. SStjt.i'h.inna " Daniel Uurthobier, W oodv.tle bcr., 15 !3 6 41 15 2S It' T-S M $:sr 4" MorT PJ-r. rnoM consta PEES FO! lc73 : .Tidm Chi. ( i'.Tn!,'-ia horositrh. William LI yd, Croyla tow .siilp. Ada::i Plarr. iy 1 Ward. Juhiss-t wn, Dauiel iiurtholder, Woodvalo bom 20 3C 4 r 74 70 4 J CI 14 o LOOK WELL TO VOIR UMBSTAMiKCS JOHN D. TiSOfslAS, Bootnnd Mlioc 3r;xIcoi r I'll E undersigned rtspcet fully ir-form his n:i L mero'is ciistomersai.d tlie public irenemlly that l.e is prepared to inanut'aeliire ilOOTSnnd SHOES of tiii desired siz" or qn:ili:y, from tho tinest French enlf-skin boots to t'le conrse.t broyuns, in the VKitv lutST mannkh, 011 the shortest notice, and at n inodcrnte prices as like tvurk enn 4ie obtained anywhere. Those who have worn Itooisand Shoes made nt my establishment peed no nssuranee us to tlie superior ijti.ilify of my work. Otln rs vail easily he cfnvu:t-el of the fact if they will only five me a trial. Try and be convinced. it Kepniriii? of 1 ot. and Shoe attended to promptly nnd in 11 workmanlike manner. Thr.nUful for pusl fuvoral feci eon iiil-nt that n:y work nnd price, will eoiiiio"iid mo to it con inunncc andiuorease of the tame. John d. tiiovas. Crir 74 Q Errors A OENTLVMAN Jl Nervous Debilitv. Premature Deenv, of "Yon tli. who sn ifere I Exch.insre buiiitina-, (up stairs.) corner or Clin ton and Locust streets. W ill uttend to r il busi ness eounecti'd wtrh nis prolession. II. SECHLLU, Attorney at Law. Ebenahnre. Pi. Office on hc- nd floor of T. J. Lloyd' new building. Centre rreet. r.Mira.-ttj for venrs from and all the ell'eets of you thin I Indiscretion will, for the sake of suherinsc humanity, send free to all who need it. tho rec;po and direction for maRintr tho simple remedy by which ho was cored. Sulfercrs wisiilnif to profit by the advertiser's ejtpcrier.ee Cttn do so by addressinir tn perfect confidence, JOHN B. C H3 DEN, '2 Cedar St., New York. 'IV W. DIL'K. Attousky-at-Law, Ebi 1 ensbura1. Pa. Office'in front room of T. J. Lloyd's new hiiildii.tr. Centre street. All r.rnncrof lefral busine- !ttei;n tosntisfao orny, and coUecrtone a specialty. lo-lt.t. Parke's Marble Vorks, 13 I'ranklin SI reel, johnmon n. MONUMENTS, IIEAO and TOM fl r S"l'O.NES,COUNTi;n and CAIU- ffrV NUT SLA itS. M ANTELS. St.. manu-tj factored of the very best. Italian and J.tb. ii American Narliles. Entire sntisfao- y 'fj, V tion pimrantoeJ In price, desig-n and iiVr? e.vwuti-in of work. ' Ik-cu known or t IT- T . - . .nauiaor c pper c loj Tiie discovery of its. 1,. . ns;i; -age is ascribed to a superior o: 'iz astcry in Arabia, wlio. . preventing the m Jiiks 1, on; -! ; ; their nocturnal scrvi.-i s. j. r. v ; drink the infusion of cc. ifee. c,:'; j ports of shcphen.ls, who i.l.n-i : tlieir flocks were m:e li !v t browsing oi the fi uii. i,f til t ; Its reputation spread thn.-'ijli ;:, jaccnt countries, and i i ;;!. ; hundred years it had re;.-:;rl i: A single plant, bron-i.i i :. 1 4 14. lwaaii' tlie parent . the French coill-e piav,tri:: ::. Wt.it Indies, ami the IY Spanish all over Soulli A1' 2' the Vest Indies. The t;.;' coiisuiiiption now cn:) ht.r-ih ' r izeil. The United Siatf-, t.i.-f t: ally ccnsnnios ..1 t!:e r '-'. landing, of fror:i li it-ea b; millions f tillars. A MOT7VT nU': FKOM COXSTA ELES FOU 174 : H. R. AV is.intr-r Adam tcmrslilnu William Roam, Yodcr townsnii. iMlivard Owens, Oambrin toTiisii'p. Alexander rotut het-i-nr. F- t'oneuuugii, .1. S. O-xden. First W ard. Johnstown, E. J. Litz. Fifth Wurt 1 hns own, Edward Quinn. MiUville borouirh Jo'.n Porter. Sus piehanna t"wn'dp. jospp'i C'ri-t.-. Washington towuship, S. Aikins, hito towiiair.p. 41 t 43 00 87 C7 .' 7 2.M 2 31 53 67 6 4s 5". 7 34 172 4! it. tu 'i.'s r I 7S1 14 ' ELES rOft 1S75 : J. 1). l-.f ynionii, Adams townslon. August Eciicnrode. A ll;rSieny townshTp, 1 . . ijvi'1. r:irr lOTirisn'p. Vilii im Itmeken. I ilaeklu k township, J-'dward iwens. ttaeibrla town.suip, Fred. Arblo, Carroll tovrnshij-. A. J. Sto'tr. Carrolltown horiifrh, Patrick Iiilion. Chest township. John Wa-ncr. t lies Sjirimrs bon.Th, J. H. l(uia:I i.s. Clearfield township. M. -iuinn, ton;mauirh boron ih, 1 t V."ard. 3I. Ci'iinn. Coneniauati h r iu;4!i, -,d Ward, Joseph Ad ims, C "royle towrslep. Alexander cjniiurhenoiir. E. Con.'inangU, '. J. Owens, EtM-nsbur?. East Ward." Oeortce Clui-ley, t.bet:hur:r. West Ward, John Furlontr Frnnk!i:i borough, It. Wise, .Jallitzin township. Cieortre Varncr. Jackson township, .1 v." James. Johnstown. 2 I war ;. M. McNamar. Johnstown. 3d want, A. II. liavis. Johnstown. 4h ward, J. T. liarr:. ..ohnsiown. &th ward. Anarust Eckenrode, Iyiretto 1 oroii"h, M. Maloy, Millville bor mirh. H. TdeMo'iCtral. Pro(ect broneh, C7. T. Woll. Summerliill townsiiip. Jacob Eyrno. Susquehanna towuship, Cr. I. IJowser, 'lay lor township. .1osph Myers. WashiniEton township, J. A. tiates. White township. Oeorge Uillinger, Woodvule borough. 1fl ro sts p; (. Ss 1 S1) i 60 73 73 42 ! 162 . 40 CilF.F.riNM OF Uaii.s T ing' of railroad rails ins wine attention of late, ;vi 1, do not attempt to expLiin it point 011 the fac t that, on !;o North and South, the. Wi-i " "creeps" faster than the Li-t-n:'. that i, this Ftranjo njov-jipont rail towards the ti.:i!!. is pi t?v.. intone rail than in the o'-hf." " same track. Furt!trn'"re it ! noticetl that on f licit a !:.' tlte K.; rail wears out the ftt ' -I. i' thcs3 iioints. we thin!; -to : hy tl'O ra'otion of ti from the West Ij Everything t.hat has; f e dragged nftrrthe w!:h i'fg wind that blows and moves feels theb-'h-.e: goi'tg North or Soiuh ; towanl the East, an 1 nr.'ii.v CIO V CT. ear'Ji r. i irri 13 r. .2 33 17 14 3 24 31 f7 42 t3 St '22 C2 Ul fl 2 44 &3 f0 4 43 C2 2J0 L"2 171 bb 311 .V2 l'5 4S 15.1 JM 63 47 $3 C'3 il ( Vci'' To Ciean Metallic Articles. Gilt metallic articles may lie cleaned by rubbing them very gently with a soft sponge or brush dipped in a solu tion of half an ounce of potash, or one ...... . C . 1 1 1 1 , , tjunct: ot eoita, or, stut oetter, 01 nail ill ounoo nf Tnorn-v hi Rivtnen nm-o of water, and drying with a soft linen rag. Their lustre may be improved in special cases by warming them slightly and then rubbing them very gently with a soft sponge or brush. Sudden Knocks. Tn cases of sudden jar, knock or jam of the hand or fin gers, immediately after the blow press the injured part with the uninjured hand, say between the thumb and fore finger, an. 1 gradually lessen the pres sure. It will nearl v al wars remove the pain, and generally any swelling that ! might occur under the circumstances. t-7 Oi-oers rcsncctri! or solicited ' ePAAtVt. and promptly tilled at the very Iow-jk.lt est oush rKtes. Try ns. V,.. Oct.24-in. JOHN PA It KG. jl 1LLINEUY & DliE-8 MAKING J--- The attention of the Ladies of Ebena nnrs: nnd vicinity Is directed to the fact that MRS. K. E. JONES has just received an invoice of new and fashionable .Villinerv flood, nt her rooms in the East Ward. Etiensburp. 'Weddinir Iioiinefs, Hats, etc., a specialty. Uressmnkinsr promptly nnd neatly done. The patronap-e of the. Irtdu-a ii resoectl'ully solicited. '6-l.7Ll POAL I COAL!! The subscriber is prepared to furnish. In larn-e or smnll quantises, nil qunlities or AXTII liACITE and Coul delivered promptly and free of charie f nr ! OuUtanding Bonds, MnunMK .i utij fiMiibiii i-.iiens oiiicf c v ioini ty Ctrders left at theZAH.M Stouk wili receive ear ly attention. DANIEL II. ZAIIM. A MOUNT DUE FROM JUDG r MENTS: Jacob f tates and treorse Ovtes, Anthony McCoy and H. Ilehe, eiiingtoa C.'aruien and o.hers. 13 54 13 R'3 5S1 K0 thti Eastern rail most h-Mviiy Western rail, being relievo 1 share of weight, "creeps" unre and quickly. It is !-" h-'w the wheels that run on thoIiri-U" wear out first, and we e a that this earth motion i- ti e iruzc-' The practical side of tiiis i Eastern rail and wheels stronger. ASSETS. Amonnt due on .Tudjrments. f!1 R0 Amount, fine from Collectors, isy 4 Amount (laf from Constables for 173 It 74 ao 14 Amount luo from Constables for 1876, 3 6S3 M Amount of cash in Treasury, 2.059 27 Balance duo by County, 4 l4 oi LIABILITIES. Outstandinjr Orders, JAMES J. OATMAN, M. D., . Ebexsbcro, Pa. orfiee on ITIirh street, nenrlv opposite P.iair's notel. Uesideneei r. Town Hall. .1 ulian street, where nijht callsshould be made l4-4.-tf.l ALEXANDER TAIT, M. D., " I'iiysJcinn anil Knrgceon, Carroixiowh, Pa Office recently occupied by M. J. Buck, M. I). In ntir of John Buck's store. Night enll may be made nt Mr. Buck's residence. (10-1 7 T B. McCONNELL, M. D., Physician and Sckofon-, IO R KTTO A Offie formerly oeenpied by tor. Jamison. Nibi li an b mad at Patt-offiM. (-ia,-a. j 11.627 19 t 22719 11.4O0 00 11.6.'7 19 TCE,the nndprslzned A ndltors of Cambria cona ty, de respectfully report that we have earctullv examined tlie r mchors and account of tn. i;e ceipts and Expend tures of the sa'd eountv from the 21st day ot Januarv, A. IV1S75. totha20th day of.lan-iary, A. 1. IS70, and d. fin I them to be as stated, as also the forcs-cinir statement of Liabilities and Asset of said count v. Olvcn under onr hands at the Commissioners olTire, Ebensburjr.thls 20 h day or January, A.D. FRANCIS P. TH'COKMICK,) JOHN . ROSS. SAnditon. James a. porter, S Given under our bands this 2oth day of Janua ry, 1879. jorr. n. patirish, ., ' R EES S. LEO YD. JOHN CAMPBELL rMMtart aa. , it. The State Ilorsr in i-:i- There is on exhibition in t ing of the ttu a ranter Tnt -I")etirs!t (';imtnnr. Pii:! 1 ! '-i'- 4 , . model of the old State hw.-. made of German silver, 1 . v.' tion being of red gilt, t0 ';!1;utt ' i work. The miniature e.i w scale of three eighths ofr.nir;.J; foot and is complete in fi" '-'j'. every article of furniture in t ;' nal, even to the gavel which 1 Caven wields in the coiir.eil i K-ing correctly rep:'oiiuc?''- l through the windows on t'10,1 vou may see Independence all its l-elics and aiai.j""'. through the back door mi? . the old 1h.11. In the lsenc:.. -works of the chx k. and the the dial mark the time a? ,;, as those on the tower el the t I louse itself. The moid Mr. J. Dean Denton fcr V Knight, and oecupiet! u ' :,. tends to exhibit it at v' n lus ue"--- maker over a vear. before removing it i0 far i"s" ,Vell "crV- Trtr ctir.-st remedy liomla la til rinse tllC'.ll ing with soap, and dry ''jV . . . . t .. t i .1 mew" jy by appi wi itiui" powdsr.