The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 14, 1876, Image 2

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m rllnnil rnrrfJiy I Wilts Hie Legislature fuTjonrnefll
I ft 11 H 1 r H f J fJI ft n ' las March, two hill of the very first
. fl!:VJi:j Jiiy2: i important were rdig---one in the ;
rr-s x . - - (Hows and the other in Uio Senate. I
Fkfchy ilurniag, - - Jan. 14,
JL llome-Bretl llero-Martyr.
ravine oflife. savs the N. Y. I noune, was
tliat of John Horn, 'jf Detroit who may be
The bill In the House, which had passed i
Q"7ft a. t t :, : !
of the new constitution requiring' the
I 1 ntlr ntntr omnittifc 9irtur. ' Legislature to regulate the amount of ;M,W Htvled a home-bred John Lambert
Dkooatic State e uwiites m rr.!!'A,' the ftf s to Le received hy ; -i iiii.n-nctcrand adveutnres of John Lam-
connty officer? in all comities contain- ! bert, of Scotland, were very graphically
in-r Minn I.MMIOl) in hfl lir..mti I -"' - J "
There are only three such counties in :
beautiful medal presented me by the citi
zens, and I think you wnc one of the gen-
Otkroke hctdrf.d PERSONS bavid fBOU ! tlemen Connected with it presentation. I
Dkowing By oke mam. 1 have been informed that I would receire a
I medal from the British Parliament, but it
Among the application made to the last has not come. 1 don't ask any.
Congress for a medal for services in the I Raved "a pour unfortunate individual"
A and Other Settings.
WiLKuetBAiiKS, Pi.. .launary 1, I '
The nimlTH of I hi Democratic Stare:
Ooiiin.ii.iet: ar- requested u m-et at lloitou's
hotl, H.iri iLnir, n '1 hnrstbty, the 20il '
day of January, 1H7R, at 12 o'clock, in., fr- .
fi purpose of . fixiuyr a time ami place fur:
lioH'ting Democratic S ale convention, to
elect deitgitrs'to .Ibu Democratic National;
f'oun-n ion, to notn'uara candidates for
President ami Vice President of Ihu Uniud
Slates ' I
HekhhiCK B. WmonT, Chairman. (
last month, when I took a severe cold, and
an 1 was lying in bed reading the proceed
ings of Congress, I saw something about
an appropriation for medals to persons for
saving life on the seashore, and I thought
described by Charles Rcade a year ago lit : then that some gentleman would be very
the New York Tribune, under the title of! likely to remember also those who saved
a "Hero and Martyr." Mr. Horn is a ! life on the northern lakes and livers.
tfte felate, viz : I lnladelplua, Luzerne ; young man living at Detroit, assisting his ! There are many other cases which I dourt
ami Alleghenr. A bill complying ; father there in a smalt tavern near the pul-
A street car moved by condensed air
pressure has been successfully tried in Paris.
There are eleven Pennsylvanians in
the California legislature. Enough to
ven the wholo lump.
A Heading inventor claims to have a
car brake for which he has refused $100,
000, $20,000 of which were to be paid
Washington Hays, of Butts county,
Ga., has lost three sons throngb'gunpowdcr
accidents. The last of the three w as killed
on Christmas.
The Peaks of Otter, naar Lynchburg,
The iVoiet!.tnt eiorr of
Tlia wiil hoi. I a '"(JavUtiitii
ticn' in that ei!.v on Welnc9(lav ami
h ami 20th,
IV invite Lvansrt-i-
1ST (J. The
r c-r.s, pi
tion iiiyffie:!, to in et with them it tliat
time. 'i;.:i f vit-il interest in CMni.a
tian vurk u ll u'tsei-.vl dm ii!g the
V con.! i nil
i, en-tors ol reliioiid
scoreiliteil Chris- i
Ths re'i'is Iv.itii.t Kilitorial Asso
?intii will mt.".;t for tin; traiisaetiou of
rl.ii;ine-i in the Somite room at llanis
l)inr. on Welnes'hiy, January 19, at
l'J oV!" U, s.. m. As this will he the
f'.-iv following t lio (tovernfir's imiiigu
r,tion, iiii'l the day I fore the incMing
of t!.'e Peinovratii; State Committee,
thern will i iblh'ss he a lari;e repre
cntation of t!:e journalists of the Sta'e
in jittei:'Js.nee.
with tlie constitutional provision re-1
ferred to had pased the Legislature at j
its prrtiou session and was sent to j
tlie Governor. After letaining it a;
long time, he veoed it on frivilous
ani purely technical grounds, at the
instance and dictation of thafprtre and
model politician, William Ii. Mann,
who desired the old state of things in !
Philadelphia to remain, out of which
Mann and hU associates had for years j
raised a huge corruption fund to con- j
trol the elections in that city. It is ;
important to the State in a financial
point of view that such a bill should J
psss, and a the constitution impera-f
tively requires it, the Legislature will j
prove recreant to its highest dut3 if it !
neglects to do so. Let there be no ;
unnecessary delav in the matter. j
The other bill which passed the
House ami was pending in the Senate, i
13 knowu as "the AVilliamport boom !
tto:i at that lnaee
known Peter Herdicis the controlling
lie wharves. Doubtless this proximity to
the water has given him the opportunities
which he has had in several years for saving
what he calculates iu the aggregate At
about one hundred lives from death i watery grave,
by drowning.
The Hon. Moses YV. Field, of tlie House
of RepresenlaUitives, who knew Horn iu
Detroit, brought his claims to the atten
tion of Congress. In collecting informa
tion in regard to Horn's singular and thrill
ing adventures, the following letter was
obtained from the hero himself. It is a
very modest and not detailed report
mention, as I have not got their names. j Va., long supposed to be an extinct volca-
lou must know yourself of a great many, j no, have recently given unmistakable evi
as your place of business ana warehouse : denees of action.
are near by, and I recollect seeing you sev
eral times when ref cuing people from a
Wishing you and your
ramiiy good health, I remain, very truly
yours, (Signed) Jons lions, Jr.
Detroit, Feb. 22, 1374.
and homely language, and w ill be read with
peculiar interest :
The Hen. Moe$ W. Field, ZIoute cf Hepre
tentaiires. Deak Sir : I bave never desired a pub
lic statement of the service which, under
(tod, I have been able to render in saving
human life, but a you have asked me to
seiid you a lit of men, women and chil
dren whom I have rescued from drowning.
wiildofo, so Tar as lean hum
The Superintendent of Pablie Instruc
tion, in presenting his annual report to the
Legiflalnre. says : It will show that the
system adopted for the education of the 1 Wy., it beine elaimed that the Quarts is
of i cniinien oi tlie people has become an inter- ' the richest ever found
pie est of vast magnitude.
Pius IX., with other good qualities, is
an excellent musician ; as a young man he
was a magnificent tenor, aud w as carefully
educated musically.
In the court house at Sunbury may be
found a desk and eagle quill which dates
back to 1772. Pa say the grand jury ii
their ofScial report.
A rich deposit of gold has Teen strutk
in tlie Centennial Lode, near Laramie City,
of our intention to put sew and lower, pricks- on much of
both in respect to
Antox ( llEsixo.princip.-U editor of lors down the Susquehana rivei
the vVaje's Zcititni. (C !iic:ipo.)J.Mi3 ar- ri n t where thev are cr.uirlit 1
.. ... i -
with several others, jo:ne tas
so lar as lean tioni memoiv.
i he boom company or corpora- ! I have never kept a record of the names.
at tliat i.iat'e, of which the wt il i hhu me in no great mat you will
excuse me u J leave Rme uurueiitioned.
spir.i. one oi me most graspmg ana ; u,.,n lu0lmnuui K ings, but I take no credit
! im.-crt piilons monopolies in tlie fetatc, : about this matter, and I have never ro
j and is the opirefsor of every lumber- gretted doing what I have done in any cae,
man engaged m tlie business of floating although I have hail at touts to keep my
to that
ago. fur dcfrntuiil'g the government out
of t!;e tax on whukey. Jl'is t);t.'cr w:i3
the tuo-.L j ole:;iial of all the German
organs in t.hi we?t, and exeif!'d r.l
uiodt unboumUd over t!ie
(Jer.uan Vote. When the Liberal Re-
detained in the boom for market. The
purpose of the bill is to reduce the tin- '
iirjiist and extraordinary charges of
the company to a fsir but remunerating
price, thus protecting the lumbermen,
atnl .".t same time, doing ample jits-'
tice to the company. Of course Hcrdic ;
publican party came into existence, i will report to all hh fiucv.; legis
lative arts and appliances to defeat it.
He did so at the lat session r.nd will
tlo s.0 at the present one. No man
who is at oil familiar with the subject
doubts the propriety and justice of the
passage of such a bill, ami in defiance
of all the personal efforts and appeals
cf llcrdic, the Legislature, as a dutv
to the hard-working lumbermen on the
; Susquehanna and its tributaries, ought
at the earliest day consider it, pass it,
and then let liaitraul't take theie-
uestn was regai ue' t as one of it
ablest and mo-t eilicient leaders, lie
i a man natural abilitv, and
it is a sd thing to contemplate the
tud'len and ignomin;oii3 fall of so
bright a star in the political Cinia-tnent.
b d for manv weeks on account of the ex
posuro in the cold weather. It is well for
me that I had a good mother to take care
of me in such times of nicknesB. On the
21st of May, 18, I saved Mr. Manning, of
Windsor. On the 7th of July. 180,1, I
saved Mr. George Taj lor, of New York
State ; he was very near dead when I got
him on the whai'f. October 10. 18o"), I
saved a child of Mr. F. Gorman, of Adrian;
she was about 5 yrars old, and was near
tlrovrncd when I cot h'r out. December
12, l.v I saved a son of Mr. Yates, who
'"t a clothing store on Jefferson avenue.
The ulgi.r vta ve, v c"b. a high wind was
blowing at the ti..?"- dje was very near
dead w hen we reached whatf.
KiNr rr:i:Fr.s,i savi.ii i o;sr vICKT.
the hundreds of thousand of our youth who
partake of its benefits, and to the number
The feeling of alarm in Europe at the
near prospect of war is unabated. Den
mark is fortifying herself, and Holland is
of officials employed and the amount of i reorganizing her army.
April 11, 1S56, was the worst i)i
Bismarck, w!m has earned tlie unen-'
viable title of despot, now finds thntin ;
TepreMi!g CInijcinniLv he has libera
ted the communistic element, which he ,
is being made t; fiice. uflicient pre
monitions are given him that Hit ma
teiiiisii for wloch he has struggled.
The av.ticiiiated ditlictdty between '
w ill ; the Senate and House of Kenre.senta-'
overwhelm t!ie per.C3 of th- empire and tivts of this State as to whether the I
eunirhin. with it. His vim lenting present session was a mere continuation
persec-it'ion of t-lie Catholic clergy, the . of the last one, or an entirely new one,
most conservative class, breaking up ; was, fortunately and correct 1 v. as we'
the. 6cho I--r, imprisoning the teaeliers. have alwavs believed, amicable adius- :
ted 3 esterdav week bv both houses
us me i ittsinirga I'o.x remarks,
and ba".ish;ng tho?c who preserved
order, le!t tlie people exposed to the
iron war. machine, eru-hing their ener
gies and depleting their purse. lie
eaye the subjects of the Emperor must
worship the State instead of God, and
.he is n'iw brought to tasta the fir3t
fruit3 of fiiil tre.
adopting the following report of the
J unt committee appointed to investi
gate and settle the matter. It follows
of course from the adoption of the re
port ot tlie committee that all legis.a
tion at the present session must com
mence anew, without regard to anv
progress which msy have been made
by either house in considering a bill
when the last session
The petition presented bv Senator!
Sargent, of California, signed by 26.61G
women of Utah, asking for a repeal of.
the -law 'prohibiting polvgatr.v, is a,
most rentii kab'c incident, and the.
Harrisburg Patriot think it would not the Legislattite as it was dropped at j
have b.'cM a matter of so great surni ise tlie March adjournment; but s that)
course wouia ltKciy crtect the constitu-;
tionrlity of its action, it wa3 much;
safer to adopt the report and thus re-!
move all doubt or cavil. The follow- i
; ing is the report of the joint committee:
ever had. It will be ever memorable as the
niuht of the treat conflagration at the
Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad depot,
when lf poor fellows were drowned. Ires
cued 9. and the:) became so exhausted that
I could n t sw im, and had to abandon them
to thtir fate. I got, a very bad cold and
lay in bed two wcekn, but that was nothing
In comparison to the goal acc(.niliKied.
July 25, ISfit. I saved Mr. Joseph Noble of
Windsor, ami I believe you were there at
the time. He was once engineer on the
Great Western Railroad. You know lie
came near drowning me by his struggles
in the water, at whirh time I received se
vere internal injuries. April 7, 1SG7, I
saved the son of Mr. C. Myers, wlx lived
in Mullet street, lie wan a boy about 12
years old. June 14, 1SG7, I saved the
daughter f Mr. Andrew Norse, of Cleve
land. Hie was going on board the ferry
boat wit h her mother and voine ol herladies,
when she Mi oft" the plank. When I got
to the wharf she was going out of sight for
the last time, and I plunged in and brought
her to the sin face. September 15, 187"I
saved a colored man, who was a deck hand
on the propelior Meteor. He kicked nie
about in tho water terribly, for drowning
men are always Crazy. November 2, 1867,
I s:ived Mr. David Miller, the man who
drove a wagon for Hull Bros., storekeepers I
money raised and expended in carrying: on
us woik; thai me lapulity or its growth
within the last few years has been almost
without a parralel In the history of this or
any other country, and that its results have
become so productive of good aw society,
and its peretuity so essential to the pros
perity of the State, as to make it an object
worthy the generous suppoit of the Legis
lature, and the source of just pride to every
patriotic Pcnnsylvanian.
Number of mliool districts in the
Nuuilier f Hehoolii
NumtH-r of graded schools
Nmnlwr of school directors
Number of superintendents
Number of teachers
Average salaries of male teaeliers per
month.. .
Average salaries of femal teachers
p: r month
Average length of school term in
months R.8JS
Number of pupils P00.P7.1
Average number or pupils 551, MS
Percentage of attendance upon the
who!' nmnlii-r registered
Average cost of tuition per month
for each pupil ,
Cost of tuition for
the year $1,74,$76.52
Cost of building,
purchasing and
renting school
houses 2,059,4GV83
Cost of fll-I, coti
tifrneies, debt
ami interest
13, 82.1
$34.09 j
92 i
II the w
ent in a
:nen of tliat territory had
petition praying for the le
galization of polyandry as a lair offset
for th? .Mormon system. The acqui
escence and approval, which the exis
tence' of this petition presupposes, of
the doctrine that one man may have as
many wives as he can take care of,
shows that t!:-3 Mormon women are
tith?r crnzv or nnscxed. It is the
most convincing argument yet adduced
of the dangerous character of the
Mormon fmaticism which can so com
pletely nivlo the work of centuries in
the course of a few years.
adjourned in
.omen. It is true tnata tieiVV mih-iho on Monroe avenue. M:i10. 1SR T amu-l
could have, been saved to t he Stale by l?"hert Sinton, known as "Free Pre j
taking up the unfinished business of P"b" "l,'k',,,w be used N. he a reporter i
ioi mc rirog cj.t. aiiuiii nis n:sie to get j
news no leu in, ami 1 got lion out.
A few nighlafter that I saved Mr. Steele,
who used to keep a store on Michigan ave
nue. He was on the ferry boat with his
wife : he'had a very spirited horse, and
was holding him by the head when the
boat struck the whaif. The hoise jumped
and threw him into the river, when the
current swept hini under the wharf. I
jumped iu and got, him out all right. Oc
tober 4, 1801, I saved a daughter of Mr.
McDonald's, of Windsor. May 12, 18H!, I
saved Mr. Flattery, one of the Flattery
Brothers, who keep a furniture store on
Woodward avenue. He was a heavy man;
when I got hold of htm he was near gone,
and I came near losing my own life iu get
ting him out. June 21, ISfO, I saved a
man called Mr. tieorge Brodier. I
The nmWsigued, a joint committee of ihe
Senate and House of Representatives, ap
pointed to report on the order of lejrislat :on
lor tlie present session, respectfulH report
tint in view of ihe dittVrem-e of opinion ex
isting up m the su'ij-ct, and the fact that the
course, they pre. pose will remove, all doubts
as to th validity of legislation, they recom
mend tho adoption of the following resolu
tion :
Rtsob-rd, Tliat no Viill, resolution or other
rn-irS4 per a ig at !. e'. n of ihe session
At t'ue head of this column will le
found a n ot:c2 issue1, by Hon. lieu-'
drick It. Wright, chairman of the Hern-1
ocratic State Committee, calling a
meeting of tlie conitniffee at Hoiton's j
liolei. II inisbuig, on T inrt jt . Jm-v-:r;f
2vth, for the purpose of fixing a
trine and place for'.ii'g the next,
Democrat in State convention. It will
be the duty of that convention to elect
delegates from this State t the D in
oeratie national cm vent ion to i.omi
liate candida'.es for Prcsid ntr.n I Y:cj
President. It i:i important, thiref uv,
that this S?nfitorial ilistrii.1 (Cambria'
nnd Itiair) should be rej ..resented at tlie
meeting of the committer r.t Harris
Vt;rg. At tlie l'r'e .onventif-nd; , Sejv- 1
temhor, the deb-gates from this and
P.iair c r.tii'y 6t-Ieetcd Join porter, '.
as tlie member of tho State
Co-um'.Cco f;nm this district. Mr.
Po.ter h.s recently removed tofheens-
burrr, and of course has ceased to rep
rcsnt fit? listiiet in said capacity.'
M.r. 11. H., of Johnstown, one
of the d ..legates from this county t(, tlie
Kri convention, has also left tlie
county 9ivl taken up Ids residence in
Philadelphia. Th? three remaining
delegates to the LV.e convention from
this dbtrht ar. Win. II. Scchle;-, Lsq..
of this place, Y. I. Tieiney, INq , of
Altoona, and George S troop. LVp, of
Tyrone. Thoj gentlemen have tlie
right to fill the vacancy in the State
Committee ore ted by Mr. Porter's
removal from t!;c distri t. We would
Rtilgtst to them the propriety, as well !
as the nces.ity, of their meeting early '
next week at A 1 toons and appointing
?Ir. Porter's successor, in order fhat
the Democracy of th3 district may have '
rt voice at the mating of the State
Committee next Th"r iii: XVe have j
no doubt that Messrs. Seeliler. Tierncy
nnd -Stroop will ire the necessitv of
prrrrft dftfon in thi important taa .
i I'S.o sna:i i - . tisiiie
mi e-s at-ain Intro Uict-.l,
ri:.JII'-d .
Jos." W. i'AR'tr.R. n. n. Smivn
FAVce, (i. V. Liwrrn-ck.
y -
l... AI.HRM1HT,
Jno. K.
Coil), ot II.
Of l
ed at t lis S' ssion , eating dinner at the time, when some per
son c-ime rutiniug in auer me, saying,
'There is a man in tho river." I ran out
and jumped into the river, and as soon as
1 got near hi in he clutched me like a vise j
and took me under the water twice. When '
Com. of Sunate.
Total cost Tor tuitioti, building,
feel and contingencies .- ? 9,254. 55-6 13
Total cost, inchiiling expendi
tures of all kinds 9.3f3,'.?2 07
Total State appropriations 1,000,000.00"
Kstitnated value of school
property 24.200,7X9.03
To the $9,3tS,927.07 named above, ihere
should be added 577,324.32, increased ex
penditures in the' city of Pittsburgh, not in
cltided in the summary : SS5.815.94 expendeil
for Normal schools, ami $423,683.76 expend
ed in support of the soldiers orphan schools
to ol. tain the full sum of 59,950,760,99, ex
pended for all scliool purposes during the
schi1- vear 1875.
The changes in the most important 'terns
of our school statistics, as compared with
last rear, 'are a follow :
Increase In' number of districts.
Iuc-reaSe':in (number of schools...
Increase in number of graded
Increase in number of school
dist ri-t
Increase in nnrnher of teachers
Decrease in the average salary
of male teachers per month.... $ 1.88
Decrease in the average salary of
female ti-achers per month ? 1.78
Increase in' Average length of
school term..'. 25 days
Increase in niiinler of pupils.... 39,299
Increase in averagn tinn.lK.-r of
pupils '. 8.822
Increase in cost of tuition 3 219,5t37.49
Increase in cost, of buildings,
fuel continirencies, etc 8 297,158.76
Increase in cost of expenditures
of all kinds. 5tl.941.C2
Gn ant amdthe Church. Suppose that
aftei full and fair discussion of the subject
of taxing church pioperty, or projerty de
voted solfly to- religious uses, ic should be
decided that church prepeity might lie a
proper subject of taxation, the same as oth
errcal estate, in a State, what thenl? What
has tha general government to do with it?
What business has General Grant, as Pres-
idem, to meddle with the matter? As a
j member of a church, if he is a member, be
j might hare something to say ; but as head
of tho National Government, which docs
' not levy taxes on real estate, it does not
become him to take the initiative in matters
which appropi iafely appertain to the States.
True, the ( 'onstifution could be changed,
so as to give the genera! government this
power ; so that United States officers might
put in their oar and row the churches ac
cording to the latest State craft idea, their
io Bradford county, the other day, a
father aged ninety years boxed his sou's
ears severely for abusing Lis wife. The
boy is about sixty years.
Senator Oglesby, of Illinois, had his
infant son baptized last Saturday in water
i which the Senator brought from the River
j Jordon twenty years ago.
I he story that Babbitt, the New Yoik
soap manufacturer, could have been robbed
of ( 000,000 without missing the money,
unlike his soap, won't wash.
-On Saturday morning George Tate,
aged twelve years, had his foot cut off
while attempting to get on a irorning traiu
at the Union Depot, Pittsburgh.
Wm. Thompson, convicted of on out
rage on the person of a girl 12 years of aire
at Baltimore in March lt, was sentenced
tin ciuinuj iui years couunetirem i:i ine
The Duke of Norfolk, President offhe t
Catholic Association of .Great Britain, calls j
for snLsci iptions in aid of the persecuted
Geinian priests. The Duke snltsoibvs
$5,000 and Cardinal Manning $1,500.
The last descendant of the famous nav
igator, Amerigo Vespucci, who gave his j
name to the New World, has just died !
near Florence, Ho bore the same name as
tho gieat sailor of the fifteenth century.
A resilient of Ottawa, Can., having a
horse that he found useless, drove iu into
the bush on a cold night, chopped the
hoofs off the poor animal in order to get
its shoes and then left it to its wretched
The sworn statement of the commis
sioners of the sinking fund, published ac
cording to legal requirement, shows a bal
ance in the sinking fund, Dec. 31, 1S75, of
j 51,22o,JJ5.h.. v here is it deposited ?
i Who cts the interest ?
' -Th bTh which flew off to Flor'da to
J escape chiTl'tng winds here, dived right
into the snosv-'-anks. In the Orange State
the season is uuusu'dly severe, snow, frost
i and ice seeming to have followed the fash
j ion of goinr there to winter.
1 Timothy Kit by. ad old citizen of Chi
! cinnati, died on Monday morning, aged
eighty-one years, leaving an estate esti
mated at between two and three millions.
Among the few heirs are Don Piatt aud
Congressman H. B. Banning.
A train rilled with military recruits
ran off the track at Odessa, Russia, on Sat
urday, and plunged dow n an embankment.
The wrecked cars caught fire In-fore all
39 ! the men couhl be extricated. Many were
j burned to death. The total number killed
is sixty-eight, aud fifty-four injured, sever
al fatally.
Mm ray, one of the murderers hanged
at Pittsburgh, on Thursday last, died an
infidel, resisting the efforts of ministers of
various denominations to the last. His
gallows companion, Myers, became a Cath
olic, and joined in the endeavors to convert
week-day uohsaa, and CONTINUE UNTIL OUR FALL ad
W hawa ma.d nn Tor MiKT flVKRITTfl a ,,A 11'ITU m , .
our Stock into Cash needed for 1876, we will make terLiin. ...
- . . rt.., irrnvrsn it nrcrvmrn "
gone through our Salesroom and cot off Profits, aud even a r,rt r
V ri oi tht
many of oar present prices.
To be very eraet in ttating thit matter, at ve do not iUri tat
or euetom or our houte tall mielead the nub lie in tu u.nt ,.;,.-...?
per to ay, that thi$ Mark Doxen. uhiltt it appliet to
and extendi throughout our hue, yet there are tome let in tkh tm ft
been marked at clore prieet,) w thall make no chanje.
We desire to announce that this is
Our FINAL and ONLY Mark Down this Sea;
" " "-w... MO FEEL LIKE Ecxiijir
fwl m rm f w n m -
e xermm oj uic &aie are ine u.tu-at A errtim of our Uw
1. No Second or Altered Price -One Fix ed Price.
2. Cash from AH, to warrant Low Prices-
A. l he Contract on our part, to- return the money, is a part of the ba-n i
case tproviuea gooes are returned unworn;.
4. A Full Guarantee given for each garment.
Tu. c nr.. ii i - . t. . ,.
uo uwv tc unci ia mi - r. vr, miir m 1JO BOtOHT Or WH0I ESitl"
It wiil be remembered that our stock alw ays embraces the cnoicE.T STrft.
stantial GOODS, and that every 6IZE and shape is provided for bth uv
It will also be borne iu miud that there m but ONE OAK HALL, L.3
ViUll Aiitl IVIlXtliT Streets.
Hi-ping for a visit from each reader, aud that our friends will tlUa- , .
..r? r - t :.. .... .
w a.i unci n lout i u me couiitry,
We are Very Truly,
A musket is an exhibition at Lancas
ter which was earned at Vailey jrige and
in the battles of Bunker Hill and Lexing
ton ; was present at the surrender of Lord
Cornwailis at Yoiktown and with Wash
ingtim when he crossed the Deleware. It
served thiough mucli of the late rebellion
and was captured by the rebels. At Get
tysburg it was recaptured.
--It is stated that during the Land is
Carruth muider trial, now in progress,
Mrs. Lund is who has been legally separ
ated f'ouj her husband, and would have
been divorced fioip bim but for the law of
the Roman Catholic church, of which she
is a devout member, interdicting it, and
Mrs. C'arruth, at present in Vineland, will
both figure conspicuously in tho trial.
t-Miice Bishop Haven drclaicd in favor
of another course of Grant, the small
critics are slicking pins into him at all
points. One of the latest of the terrible
things they have discovered about the
Bishop is that not long at;o he delivered a
lecture on behalf of a Kalamazoo (Mich.)
chureh, and bulk $0 fur his services,
though the house did not pay expenses.
Some time since it was reported that
the stamp tax on bank checks would cer
tertainly be removed at the uresent session
of Congress. Now it is asserted that it
Murray, but he died declaring his disbelief i will be retained, as will also the tax on
in religion.
The body of a laborer named John
White was found in a vat at the stock
yards. Chicago, on Tuesday nwirninir. Ho
! was hauling offal to the vats Monday night,
anil it is supposetl lie tell into the boiling
blood. His fiosh was almost entirely boiled
from the bones at the time of the discovery
of his body.
Jesse Spencer, ycneiable colored
resident of Shasta, Cal., lias been placed
in communication with his wife and fami
ly, from whom he was sepamted in the old
plantation days, long jears before the war.
They were discovered comfortably settled
at Quincy, III., by means of a traveling
newspaper item.
--The Boston Herald has seen a man
luMiiiien. i no oecretary I rue 1 reasury
says the government can not afford to dis
pense with these taxes and the Committee
on Ways and Means will not recommend
any change.
At Orleans. N. Y., one day last week,
a shopkeeer hearing a rattling and squeal
ing in his cellar went down and discovered
a large rat which in running over a iile of
I clams bad been caught by the tail by one
' . -J" . 1 . 1 o 1 .ft - .
i !. niieu-iisii. i ue animal naci dragged
the bivalve to its hole, but was unabie to
pull it through on account of its size, and
was in this situation when it was captured
and killed.
A novel clock has recently Wen placed
in the tower or the Albany (N. Y.) Savings
Bank. By n incenious arraiie-ement n
Further Ijsn."cu:s Ai':
ivn lira fxrr&.9
doubly sure. I homas. the
his arrival at Bremen, trc;.'
OUS Ctiest, tOoSc out the ntc';;:
sent it to a clock maker t bi r
tested. The opinio'i is almw
who saw it on the occ: n trt:
biii oei-ieacneo muit-eil m u-si
who ronstiuctcd a id rty
that the wcuks weie ir,tei;cd i
up. i ue liammer, it aj-pfimv. I
icateiy poised, that a:iy n:d b;
the chest must have ti-oo;ht .: :
btfoie the spring wsmi1ic: .'
to lift thelcvera:d letit ta'.!j
it is p. ssible that tn the rhrv. iv-
from the wagon expl ion wi
directly by the concuss ton off:1?
as Iis been hitherto aNnw4S,
ly, by the hammer lesi ii.g "r'
and acting prematurely u ; M
apparatus. i lie l-onol lu.t
mechanism is placed is b jt -r.
and lias been handed to 'M r
It consists of five laverF- ff
titting, and strongly conrwcrf-l
other by screws. The m Jt. :
to, is in lOstessTon of th k
I he delibeiation with wh eit
set to work may be gatlisd :v
tliat be proewred the tnatf :'
mission f h'.s crime in rrHi
ities. He boiwht the x,.'-
in America, and either ccnw
many as passenger's hipffHtf-ff
sent arter liim, a on
doubts sseur to har rien.
model of bis pernicious citi1
tureu after Ins own iiT'l
ordered the clock at Bemb i
metal case and oorien c!:ett
who saw two other men who heard it said j dial is illuminated by a gas burner, lighted
by the confidential clerk of a prominent ! automatically at eaily evening twiTight,
politician that Gen. Grant would not allow ! ud extinguished at daylight. This is ac-
Mirims i pin nioi in nominaTiin lor a ; compnsneti oy means oi the mechanism it
third term, and that he favored as his sue- ! self, without the attention of any person
censor Minister Washburne, with Conkling J and what is still more wonderful, although
Vv E lllllilial
schools of this Mate, which will
the reader some i.lea of the m.-imiitud'e
i in another column Mr
s figures in relation to the
Jii ve
1 came to the top the last time, my fa her i own way. But this idea of having the
handed me a long pole, which I caught, I government enrveill ince of religions mat
and that saved me. He was a noweiful ! ters. is iust a little bit. danceron. To be
as his second choice
At Osborn, Mo., on the Hannibal and
St. Joseph Railroad, on Thursday night, :
burglars bioke into a drug store and stole :
a bottle of chlorofoim, with which they t
drugged the whole town. They roblied '
l...-l n . , J . I
man, ami k'eked and 'strnf.rhd so I, .,,1 1 enlii elv and forever itidetxMident. of tl.i I . ... ' -. . l"""IIJ
Im i.ii.L mi, U. !.!.. j il. r f !.: r e, resioei
...... ..v. ......... o-yo uirtiv iiu uiue lor l very inuig, our inn-i iiurri were prompt
innny mo'.Miis. , i n oiler ud in defence of their
to offer u n in defence of thrir fi-eerfotn.
M .. .... t... ii . . ! . . .... :
.f tln w.... .r i K"cs i-i inceogc oi tne wiiarr i tneir lives, meir fortunes ami incir sacied
oi uic S s.em en.een thousand with me very often, when I jump ... but honor ; and their sons will be found ready
'"out iiiuuaii-i teat ners, . "eo sue sees persons struggling iu the ; to do it again
iwetuy-lotirmiliionsorsr-liool oroivttv W:l?er a!lf uiowning, she, never holds me I overshadowing and controlling religious
eoslmo; in al-out ten million to ' aflaits, by the minions of State ; this worst
i:iaiul:tin. with nine hundred thotim,? JllK1a "Is IIFK ar ivk hundred j jKissiblo union of Church and State, iu dc-iv-.
a'H f ri, ,t n, , i ! . FToon tdi.t ny. fiance of the wishes of the United States ;
p..p..s, . .tl.oi.g. not much over half An gist 24, 1871, I saved the daughterof ' this rndical change in the very
ciP? n:i;n her are daily atteudniits. The Mr. A. Wilson, of Milwaukee. March 4, j of their government, had better not be ton
Plr.lndeljoia Times' coiumentary upon is"t F:iv,r','1 colored man by the name boldly attemjited by n.en who wish to re-
the siihi-.'ot s;i vs . " : of George Wiikes;hc fell off the wharf i tain a particle of the respect of our country.
l'J' n i,;i. .....i- ii,.. :. .ii.... ..i- i- . . . . .... . J
, ,,u iiqunr, nut i; men anc country women. l nere nas been
think he has been a sober man ever since, j tomfoolery enough in the Presidential chair
July 4. 1873, I saved the daughter of Mr. ' by the President and his immediate sur
r . Barlow, a butcher, who keeps a stall in rou tidings, and tho time has come for a
the market. She was going on board the j full investigation of the past, by the House
ferry boat Detroit with her mother and I or Representatives; and little heed should
some other ladies; the crowd was very be given to the firebrand suggestions eman
gieaf, being the Fourth of July, and al- ; ating from the White House, designed to
though her mother held her by ihe hand. pari y the home thrusts, which should be de
the ctowd surged, nnd she was ciowded off i laved no longer. Look into the past wrong,
the plank and fell into the river. There ! Tul acts of Grant. Remedy them, and let
were about aOO people on the what fat the the Constitution alone. Pittsburgh Pott.
tune, and they were nil staring at the pfior i -
girl struggling in tho water, not one of Large FamiMes. The forthcoming
rlook. that the school ini.m is ,.w...,.i if. j them daring to go to her rescue. I was in census retiorl of New York, for 1S7S. will
em- hc '",usc when some one came to give Ihe ! contain some curious items. No family
alarm, anu w iien t got out there I could has done more to increase, the population
just see her dress as she was going out of 1 of the State than that of Peter Moian, of
Rigni i.nir or nve leei nelow tlie surface. ! Oswctro. Me is forty-five years old. and
me lime oi tiajngiit varies very greatly
from month to month, the clock lights the
gas at precisely the proper time from day
A student in the institution at La flal
le, Canada, has reason to bless the mirac
ulous powers of the water of Lourdes if
what is said or its effect upon hini be true.
It arrested the hemorrhage consequent
upon the extraction of a tooth after it had
continued uniiitei-i-noiati?
una reaoy tk.; n-:.- ,!.-... , ... , . i " , V . V '"" v' "mt"
This tyrannous thought of l V ! " " T ' ! ' "I 'M"'. tn condition of
. w.1;-:.-..... , a. i iihily "" miliar in mar. recordert or tin.
sainted sister of Sir Peicevah throni.
ices. I hey seemed several thousand !
dollars, and escaped. j
A young lady of Hardin county, Iowa, '
who. merely to show her lriuiU,i .-.r .
- -
It is noteworthy lhat Mr. Wic';ersham,
though he thinks it wor:h w hile toquote the
I'r-sident's !' Moines speech as a part, of
the current. Ii n-rat ere c;t tlie subject, is in no
great alarm aiiont "sectarian encroach
ii.ou," ami he is rot disposed to inaku a
point of "ihe iii,!c in ihe schools." Xo
bo .ks should In; uei, he thinks, no exercises
take place, to which any rcasnitaMn man ,.an
coiix i. iiii, nsl v ohject ; the majoritv ftrin
i iplo mast lie waived here, ar.d the rights of
the chii-.l of tho most obscure and most
friendless citizen nnm tm respected," There
is an important point nhich people who ex
cite themselre on this snl.Wl cr..,. ,..,.!
orerto o. that tlie school nwi..,,. i -,w...i i i mem uaiing ki go io tier rescue. 1 was in American prin. inle of' local self.r."er..- mC house when some one came to eive Ihe
ruei;t. ami that such questions as these of
religious exercise and Ihe like, when left
as tl.-y must l-e, to comparative! v smali
eoinmnntties. commonly seMlB themselves.
Tl:0 ol j iiori, to hihler'eadit g in the w h-uls
come, from hiu' a dozen widely different
Sonne, wiih as many widely diflTerent rea
S'uifi, but tho American people havn alto
gether too much f.ominon sense ever to get
into a ver serious fight upon the bu! Ject. .
on i t v
l .i . . . . ' - J
st-vcini looiiuis ago, nas jus. received a
notice from the bank to walk around and
settle it, with interest. She thinks this is
carrying a joke too far.
At Milwaukee, on Saturd
-J f I -
ments were made with "Gray's Harmonic
I jumped in ami catieht her, and when I
got. out on the top of the wharf with her
; the people gave me three cheers. March
L4, 1873, I saved a young lady called Miss
Louis McKenzie. This was the closest
call I ever had for my lire. I was in tho
water about seventeen minutes, and the
Tn the coal mines at Forty Fort, Lu
j:riie county. Pa., Joseph Marsden, aged
13, was killed bya b'nst r which the miner
in charge gave no warning. At the same
place, Michael Wsldton, aged 14. was
crushed to death under the wheel of a
loaded co..l car. The inspectors of coal
mines for the Wyoming district report
eiiih'ren accidents for the list month. Irf
his w ife forty. They have five single births
nnd four pairs of t wins recorded in their
family. The oldest child is twenty-four
years old. and the two youngest between
two and three years. The single births all
preceded the twins. In the four pairs of
twins there are lour boys and four girls.
which nine men were killed
sricu!y burnt or wenodej.
liver being full of floating ice at the time, J In Tully, Onondago county, there are frip
I was nearer dead than alive when I got lets, two loys and one girl, ten years old.
out. Four men carried me into the house, j In Lockpnrt there is a quartet of four girls,
aud they rubbed me with hot whisky for eight years old. Although the census
over four hours before circulation was re- makes no note of the fact, there were ao
stoied to its normal condition. This severe ' tually six children born at once in this
exposure mado me sick, and it was overj family, two of which have since died, leav
thrce months before the right feeling wan j ing the four as above noted. There is in
in my hands. - i Warransbnrg, Warren county, a six-vear-
"in iciiicmiirr mis incineuu inr : tun wiv. iirimvn r mux umiriiv. Ihtl. ,!.
u coneu was
whom the moon shone and the lightest
i west wind blew as through a Lalo or an
ev. b.ernard Keenan, of St.
M.ltV 8 Catholic rlim-oli T .,..,.,. I .
System of Multiplex Telegraph." A loop now the oldest cler-yman in the' United
was arranged to Portage, by way of Hori- , States. Re was Wn in Tyrone Ireland
con, and back by way of Watertown, a ninety-seven years ago, and came to' this
distance of JM) miles, and over this single country iu Nven.ler, ISiO, with Dr Con
wire, it is said, eight messages were sent ; ell. who had just been consecrated liishon
and eight received at the same time. of Philadelphia in London. Three yeais
, A few days ago Mr. Perkins of Brook- ! later he went to Lancaster, and has 'beer
haven, Miss., playfully measured J. H. pastor of St. Mary's without interiuntion
Mewartrora cofhn. and ascertained that for nearly Sfty-f uir years, winning the es
an etghteen-inch box would do for him. j teem ami confidence of the entire coin
About eight hours afterward he was aston- munity, irrespective of religious ooinion
shed to receive notice of Mr. Siewait's A lady at Bradford, N? H., hn had a
oeath and an order for a coffin was ser.t iu ' "arrow escapo from being buried "alive
accord nice with the above measurement, ! She had been sick for some time and had
There is a musical prodigy among the j apparently died. Preparations' for the
coal nimers near Massillon. Ohio. He is a funeral were made on the third day after
boy of 17 and seems devoid of intelligence, j the mi pp. wed death, when it was observed
except in musical matters. Brought up ! she was placed in her coffin, that one of
in tne mines, without, training of any kind, ! the eyes was partly open. Nothing was,
lie has nevertheless lemaikable powers J hoxvever, thought of this, as it was thoncht
for masteri ng music, ami readily learns and, ' muscular Contraction after death
plays di hcult airs without missing a note. Ht when all the arrangemen s foi ' the
i ,'B eH".,'n,t," at Q'leU-c of the I f'l'teral were complete, she astonished t e
hundredth anniversary of the repulse of attendants by a sudden request 7" be p aced
Monteomerv. mnv of t j :.i . J i w puten
in tl. Pv. m. ' ? ,7 v I. , ,r ?"'v- r recovery is expected.
and sixreen 1 yon came tome whn I was unwell, l-ed, in June .Ust'-wheu
rTt fwry mtf?h at this Mine I kwa Ukn-11& pounds.
in the costume, of 1775 .,ri ... " i f. ; . ." ' .... 1W J" "M""".
tl. ' .-, n .nr. " I'luposeo io erect 111 hairmount
Harrmver, wore the coat of his grandfather Park, Philadelphia, near the Cent"nn!al
bi rial oVxf?; "'l""" the I buildings, a n.ouumei.t one hundred fret
bu ial of Montgomery's body and held the j l'Kh, commemorative of a centurv's oro
dying Wolfe ... bis arms sixteen years be- j press of our country. nJ oesign is a suet
Fdwird M,-; - , . cession of gradually diminishing star-
1 7 Martin, a cigar maker who shaped Rtae corresptnidine with the
lo Read f remOVM? tr'm L"er county .un.ber of States in tlifun on ; M.e or?i
'3:2 "-,' r" t? .' V anlho, U I al thirteen forming the base or rldSl
oi ..he rest. From the thiiteeutli State,
and at five different intervals thereafter,
the stages will be increased in height. On
tuose designs the statues or (be Presidents
w.ll appear in their tegular ordsr, from
v ahington to Grunt, . ,
ties of Ilia Inf. -.1 .1. . . .
- ....... p,ACt, i:J ll ins iiangiiter, a
girl or sixteen or seventeen i...
I uncontrollable mania for dressing herself
tin boy's clothes. Sim h. ;r..V..A i
,rtiiKaiou evo4 tluoe she was cicbt year
ct ago, "
A Remarkab:. rttorar'
CESS. Among the i!-;a:t'i r"
of this couiitrv who hv !.''
dinary success is Dr. R. V Tf
N. Y. The pnnuineiuf si---esl
has lieee reache 1 thro :gt "
mate means, and, so 'f'-'
Serves tlie niTi it' e re"it '
enjov s. This 1 art ni-sjnrr (T
result of a thorough and rri-' '
for liia railing, a'.l eIt!',
a long and nnn-al.y !; r
have enabled bim toct'.r. !r i- "
eveu frotn his protessicv- I '
ting his attetitihn to n ra;1 "j
the scienc- hn has sc i-sria. ' :
Le has lieen rewardeil in rt.r '
In these specialities, lie L'
nized leawler. Not ft fr c- -'
firescribes! hv him liavf, .' '
a-lopled and prescrih-il l'J !''''' .
-I . - 11 .a nf'VY r''
I'losie 'rai hit. ( - ;
works have lieen rei-eive.! ''
lions to me.iii-al knoV-'- '
addeil a!ioher, atel rrliap--work.Jl'ecanse
f tuere p- '-r ;
to the liet of his ru,t.:i'! ,"
liook, entitled -The IVer'"".;
Medical Avlviser." is
general circe.lation. Pf
acknowledgements ; ,.
sources, and eMi-cia';? -'!'M
from two of th firs!
the laud. 'f. Isjuif
P.EMEM Bf.B TlIIS-N ' '''
vear for I'heum ni's. L't:'f .
i'. l.l. f..-t r.'llt PI r "
i.'onsumpti.iti aim - ,-:
Diseases lWKrt5l-t
been nsed in this 'z'b t,
two or three yr w"hl"!'t
cure. If you Lave rot
rourself, co to vmir -u.).,
Murray. E'.eiis:mvc. Pf - ' , .,
Wilmore, and ak '""n,;;,
miceess mnniir itieiri"
will rMliwve the wcrs' f
; . ; . i.e. ;
nun in any m--"" ,
Bottle cf Boshee tren ..
and try It. l'..-p"'ir 'I; -Don't
neirlect a coajU t"
THE great Cei terr
at hand st-d it Wltoov.-
tot inteniN to visi Tiie v
tion at M .'of. j
In wearing spprel ' .
occasion. To ail wm; - ff ,
to this Important n! ( rJ
mend the iinnim'-
WorillV irieim v .
the oldest dealer V;J. )ir, P
can lay elaiin to. '
street, next l.vr to M i ,
StOflt is ine no--- ,
the lowest in Centra- tc
ffr. l lnnf l ' "i i
-I.- I. ....nlllieeJ tnCl re
KLinevS and H; l'hr; r.'jfj
orlnailon io t?!''r,, . m.
?m !, fieri. hri0ii1ii' . J
paia In ibe cBtJ
f.i-Mh-1-r " "