The Cambria freeman. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1867-1938, January 06, 1876, Image 2

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    EoENSZiURC, PA.,
Friday Morning, - - Jaify 7, 1876.
TatitE is a person in Georgia called Johnson who ha rotten
himself astride of Grunt's Pes Moines
hobby horse to ride into the governor
ship The Hunts burg Patriot thinks
that the poor little, wooden beast with
ttvo presidential candidates on its back
ami J u lc Janus Johnson tip behind
la likely to break down with its load. .'
The Governor's Message.
Governor Ilartianft's fourth armnnl mes
snge was submitted to both houses jester
d;iy doming. Tlie message is a docu
ment of considerable length, and in mere
point of literary merit it excels any of tlio
former ones that have emanated from the
panic source. But what t lie message gains
in smoothness and grace of style it loses
in force, precision and official sincerity.
While tiie governor balances his nicely
rounded sentences the representatives of
the people vi!l sometimes be at a loss con
cerning bis teal purpose. lie seems to be
J'ius IX. and the Centennial.
Tbe following letters have been received
from ilis Eminence Cardinal Antouelli in
response to a request of tbe Centennial
Commission that His Holiness, Pius IX.,
would give bis recognition to tbe
Ttvo Women righting a Hear.
Delhi, N. Y., Dec. 29. Jonas Ilutler
and bis wile and two children live in a
Hon and make some contributions of works rude cabin in a lonely place in the WOods eetherl4in
of art or other objects of interest. Tbe near tbe bead waters of tbe Delaware Mirv U
request was conveyed to His Holiness by twenty miles above this nlace. itnti ' 'J "
Jfcws ami Other Noting s.
Charles O Conor cont inues to im prove.
There are 11,333 blind men and 8,977
blind woman in the United States.
An Allegheny baby, aced twentv-six
months takes a watch apait and puts it to-
Monsignor IJoncetti, Papal
Ablegate to
from tbe President of the Hoard of Finance
of tbe Centennial Exposition. It will bo
more concerned about t ho composition of soenthat His lloluiess expresses the utmost
bis message than its contents, yet. at the good will for the people and government of
same time, it contains some important re- . the United, and the valuable works
commendations which deserve and doubt- 'f art which bo b is forwarded testify to
loss will ree.-ive the careful consideration j bis desire for the complete success of the
os inn legislature. j centennial Exposition
Alter the appropriate invocation of I)i
Mnrlrlnv- f V...1- Lot,
who has a contort for ,,;..o fZ V."7. J Kia.ia cniiaren
this country, throuirli a letter of the Most, eettin.r , ,.iir..,i " V" B,,u I ""J Scat grand cluluren
i , i , ... . , . . - n wi.u vivo, lanuiiiiiiiiucNiiHay
Itev. Archbishop ood enclosing a letter in the intul. r..i- a-., n
..- " - - - i t -j in r tiinri. iih v :i -t
absent on Sunday last. Wild game, always
plenty in that region, lias been unusually
abundant Ibis season. Hears have been
numerous and impudent. Only a week
ago Uutler shot one that was emptying his
dinner pail. On Sunday at about live o'
clock in the afternoon, .Mis. Kuilerand her
4t1:l ii it ! . T.....; 1 . -
-v-vci.uitT nL'rtiu au unusiial comnio-
Ml IBTiFY f IE f ii
of our intention to put sew and ixvwkii rnicFs ou much of
week day morning, and CONTINUE UNTIL OUR FALL
P-T Six Vl,
-Randall's committee on appropriations
areovei hauling the consular and diplomatic
service, and propose a material leduction
oi salaries.
Ill VMC ,. 1 .
- T .k.!(
'IIS .ir.-i'
sixtieth Chnstnias sermon on the 25th.
Mr. Hrown is 84 years old.
Abavy fall of snow is reported at Salt
Lake, the snow in some t-laces beintr
ri-... ... : i : . . . . -ii-i . i... i .. . .. - ... v. n tiintoii.ti cjoiij in I- '
ri ?. ill II i LSI I iiiism nioiir. ir I i aiiitiih' nntirnnr si in vo!ni ion ri ii : t . . ... , . t , i t w.i. ......... i. .. . . .
United Suites bv law is fixed at 25,0l0 Vi,,c assistance in the work of legislation ; In forwarding to t are the en. losi d rods distant from the houe aim oil look I ralT.V It- P" i ,CentI'aI 1 ac,Uc
men. The toVd number at tiiis d ite ,1,c ", ss:,Kc F'-eds to the diseussioii of : letter (which I leavenpen thatyon may note 'g out they aw a large black bear with i" ! j,m.i'"8 a, eIil.ved .
i. rn . sa o ,,' ! . . , K .. '.e finance of the Mte. The governor ; content.-,) for th ITesideni of the On- fat pi under one "ai m t nL ,1! Z , i " , 8 Vr,ant' ,he wl-known novelet,
insei.nvis comniisstoned olu- inform the legislate that the a,V ,pna-! Finance Con.mitiee. I need not say of theeiiclo-'ure T etv ,V ,Hr f , i llf,S J'ncd Protestantism and been le-
ters mil J.)', enlisted men. 1 ho lions for (he liscal year ending Novemler ,'.,at vo,,r exertions have ln duly con- los, he wa'ls btint Vf.. !,t k ' fm , ' I reived by the Cardinal Archbishop of
M.ynd service consists of a total of 1 exopoclwl the receipt i"to the Itoman Catholic
45.-, non-commissioned oMieors and pri- revenue fund 13,821. With likeV ! k?,ow,7to yZX' m n n oVS vo r wNte? mtl dde. u ao s tvo U-TUe Fitch d- 7 ,
vares. There are also on the retired ZXTJT "'.'.T, rt ?Vd 1 1 V! hn The forme, se?zcd a cZZt !he wheTttev wm'S.'i ft6
li.s. by lr of vo rions nets of Con- ZS hVm K SSfi. ,,1 j t PV'-nlf
irress. 2!4 oMieers. The armv nrom r of r,Vin,.i ;n r.u n ...oi: ii.,i-..i..i. L lo ' '.H r.,. 7 ' lu.,allei l,Hj! ll,e ax proprietorship of them to her father.
i ..... . ..-.,i( iiiti tun inn ii iiiiii iiiiiiiuii iiiiit'ii loiini ijmiiiiihi :i l ttz. i. in:nir tint ii vin Ltir wi m if i lti ia i imo a......... i i
" . -- r- - -- -v- iiua cu im Pii. ;ii (i
consists therefore of i l.'il,
rank and
uovehnmext con tn ties to VTiLlidraw
ive.sba.-ks from eireulation, replacing
them with national bank notes; yet
the gin I value of greenbacks does not
tid vance. There lias been a slight ap
preciation in government taper since
the m.vtiiig of Congress, but Hie moil- 1
t-y vain..' of greenbacks is still kept'
do.vsi bv the persistent eifotts of the.
government to depreciate tbein in f;i
vor of the national bank issues, and
by the locking up of gold in the Treas- ;
"O- j
The Legislature met on Tuesday '
last an I the (Jovernor's message was;
presented to both houses on the same '
d-iy. IntheSenaie. K. Y. Davis was I
elected .Speaker, the Democrats de- :
dining to vote. Hie allegation n their ' being that a Speaker ro tern. ;
fivd been elected ft the close of the:
last, session. The new members were
sworn in by Judge Livingston. !
Spo-iker Patterson o( the House called
that body to order and the regular'
routine business was proceeded with '
at once. !
sliort of the
fioea not give the data on
latioii is leisrd. From the increase that
eceipts of last year, but be i c,''s winch would show creditably, as they
)il which thiscaleu- i ", l elsewhere on nirmer occasions.
i lease, I ner torc, tnakt known to the Fi-
has been made in the revenues from lead- n'a'','e iimiiftee and its President, tbe
in-, . ,r i....r it. Will of the Holv Father, anil nssnro tl,
l that nothing would have yielded him greater
; pltvisure than to l; able on this occasion to
I give a new proof of his special regard for a
J government and people that have won the
esteem ami admiration of the whole world
i n Hue season
The rumored stepping down nnd
out of Hon. M. C. Kerr from the
ing sources of taxation during the vear
there is reason to believe that there will be
. no diminution in tlio funds unless it bo
made by removing a portion of I he taxes.
Since theappropi iations cannot be reduced
to any considerable extent, and since new
taxes are out of the question in this period
of business deprcs-ion, the governor
iccornmcnds that a portion of the money
in the sinking fund be diverted to the or-
diiay needs of the state government. He '
"NKgesis mat one-iinro ot; the revenue
from tlio tax on ion stocks be as
signed to the general fund. The revenue
from the corporation tax in 1373 amounted
to $ l;i"i,57, which would give neatly
Ihiee-quaifeis of a million to the general
fund, and this revenue is more likely to
increase than diminish. According to the
estimate of Oiiv. Hartranft the withdrawal
of this amount from the sinking fund
would relieve the embarrassed condition of
the treasury and at the same time leave
enough money to liquidate the whole
state debt in iiftecn years. Another im
portant recommendation of the governor
in connection with this subject 7s that a
law be enacted authorizing the sinking
fund commissioners to invest the unex
pended balance in the treasury in the
bonds of the state or of the United States.
In his recommendation concerning the
public schools of the state the governor
reiterates the opinions of bis former mes
sages. Thcro is in all that ho says on this
suojecr not one wont of tbe vicious and
pile. 1 bus euuinued. ami
cvTunpauicu uy me watch dog, they bur- I
ried to the pen, and both jumped into the
enclosure, followed by the dog.
'l licy attacked his btarship vigorously, '
and lie turned uion ihein. Jlo lirst seized
the dog, and with one squeeze of Ins "reat I
paws, crushed it to death and threw it one i
, SIOC. 1 he infuriated hear then
I ii..... M;.. I -I "
jciiuie, quickly disarmed her,
in itue season I shall have the articles for ' crowded her into a corner, ,rt .1...
exposition forwarded to yonr di.ectlon and j helpless gi, l in his embrace, but the blows
,:tru:t" P-1 ' from the maul in the bands' or M " n. Zl
..o.i.ou.e noiy i-'ather is snffleiVnt to assure ' beciine so .,i,.t, ".V. ! ";"'J"
;ne t Vo wi do all that is necessary tor the eirl with. ,t H ull J "? !"""
nan. ung ineni over to the Committee, and i,, ,j .,... i " . J ""lc"1 i nign. mcasni
1 iil'i mm w
. - i i . c . . .. ,i. . . ... mc icmiiis anil
Speakership of the national House of miserable cant abort seclai ian interference
Jweprescnt itivesj n account or phvsi
cil inability to pertorm the duties,
seems to be well founded, but that he
will le succeeded by Mr. Morrison,
chairmr-.n of the ways and menus com
mittee, is not only improbable,
is repot ted 'y itni are !
uiui ui iiatrn s nri'.J
wmit'is .Teemed excel
given to the hVsh
1VI - J"
lent authority, that Mr. Lamar, eliair
mati of the Democratic caucus will be
made Speaker pro tcm. We shall see
what we shall see, however. j
Thk Harrisburg Patn'i t makes note
of the fact that Tope Tins IX. has
consented to loan some of the works
of art at t!i ; Vati -a i to the Ccnten. j, and thinks that ti e Order of tlic- '
American Union should look into the
mitter. as there is no knowing but
whit the loan , of these "Popish',
pietutcs miy conceal some insidious
design agiinst the common school.
The jealous patriots who sit up
o'nig'its to watch over the free schools
should only redouble their vigilance
w!ie i fie Pop- seeks to e.i'iciliate them
wi'.h su !i gifts. Steps should nt once
be taken to prevent the landing of
those pictures. Where are John Y.
Foster and Uishop Haven ?
The report of Auditor (Jenrral Tem
ple on the receipts and expenditures
vf the State government for the year
lTo reached the press in adance of
its olbcial delivery to the Legislature
by (lovcrnor Hartranft. For the last
fiscal year t'.ie revenues of the com
in nr.vealth from all sources amounted
vrun me common schools which has form
ed the staple of so much of this kind of po
litical writing. The governor has too
much respect for the representatives of the
people and r,M. bimseir to indulge in this
sort of partisan clap-trap. If be bad not
the exam tilo r.F ' -
yiT I TTn..., ViVUiii oeiore him in this
regard bis own sagacity and good sense
would have served him as well.
In the body of the message there
I avail myself of tins ooooi tnnit v in r.
my sentiments of profound esteem, and re
main. Most Illustrious and Reverend Sir
truly your servant,
.Jam pa, d.utirxAL Astoseili.
TtOMK, October 1, lS7.r.
To the Most Kev. .James Frederic Wood,
Archbishop of Philadelphia. '
Most Tr.i.rsTurocs Sir The weighty
and manifold cares involved in the govern
ment of the Church throughout the world,
and bis nut iriin; solicitude for spiritual in!
terests, have not hindered the Holy Father
from devoting himself likewise with constant
energy to the encouragement of t he fine arts,
and to the development of those intrinsic
resources that constitute the glorv and the
material prosperity of a nation. This is at
tested by the monuments erected during his
glorious reign, in this city ,.f Koine ad M1
other cities subject to Ids paternal govern
ment, and by th many industrial institutions
hat he has called in'o existence or greaily
improved during that. time. Nor is this de
nied by his very enemies. Hence he would
have cheerfully taken part in the Interna
tional Exposition to be held in Philadelphia
under the auspices of the United States Gov
ernment, in order to celebrate the Centennial
Anniversary of American Independence and
me riiiii lime ro encourage c
gi rl had givei: the bear some fearful wounds
wuu ine axe, and from them the blood
was nWi.ig copiously. This inteiis.tied
hisrnry, and be lushed up.m His. Hutler
with bis jaws wide aoart, and bis gieat
tore paws extended to draw her into his em
brace. She shouted to her daughter to run
to the house and fetch tho nllo aud shoot
the b.-ar.
The girl leaned from Mm ivn ..wi
! for the bouse. he retuined in the nick
j of time. The hear Lad knocked her nioth-
B weapon ironi Her hand, and pressed
bei into a coi tier. ilrs. Uullei bad crouch
td down o:i the fi.Kir and jlaced her hands
over her f..ce, seemingly resigned u
her fate. Her daughter pushed the rtie
through a chink in tbe logs, took aim, and
bred. The bear staggered an instant on
his haunches, and fell back dead, shot
through the. heart.
It was hours before the two courageous
wome n recovered from the reaction" I hat
followed their encounter. The girl fitinted
after bring tbe fatal shot. Her mother
got out of the pen and dragged her i,,to
the house. O i tho next morning .Jennie
walked five miles through the woods to
tell her father of tbe ad venture. The bear
weighed over 300 pounds.
We have made np too many OVERCOATS and SUITS for tl
our Stock into Cash needed for 187fi. we will make tr,
Rev. John Brown of St. George's Epi- j apparent ox and after WEDNESDAY, DECEMIJEII FH'-r .'.'.'
op;n cnurcii, iNewburg, 1 ., preached his I . ""'n.
o-- - ....v. vuvv-o i u'uis, nu even ap.-utof
many of our present prices.
To he very exact in utatiny thi mtttcr, a v 7a not inf; n-7 tl,-t
or cnxtnm of our honc 7iall mMeati thf puhlir in tJ,f ;.t p.trti-,,
per to try, that i7.m Mark Dfrien. vJ.iUt it nppr;t to
" " 'j"""v nr-riv, yvi mere rtrc nnC lot in ir!,i-
been marked at close pri,) ire ?tall mal-c no cluinc.
vut z inland ufll.x uiarJs Down tl
So that N'nVE "X"T'i--r w tt t
m -' r i - ii u in ':, f
The STnr vn take wii.i. vvondekfuixy aid those v. i:.. j Kct. i .KF r
'The Terms of the Sale are the usual Terms oft,.,,.
1. JNo Second or Altered Price Osn Fix ed Piuce.
2. Cash from All, to warrant Low Pi ices-
3. The Contract onourpait, to- rctvrn Mcminn;, v.
rtsu ipiovuie.i goous are returned iiuwoin).
4- A Full Guarantee given for each garment.
The Stock we offer is all .new, and is no1 "novo in"
fe a a a a tm. -
, le iL-iuemoeieo mat our stock always embraces the ;:ou : T m
STANTrAi. coons, and that every size and siiatk is provided f r 1. -f '
it win also be borue in mind that there is but ONE OAK IIALI
THE CO it :s Kit OF
(HPIItltinii in
tho imitation of wharever is lM-aiititnl in art
and in perfertinc n hatever is r
improvement, . T.,r-n - Op,
I jjf, 7a..i Family. S.inire Hlaine. as
Uut, unfortunately, despoiled of his States I be was ralii-il. the, I'utimr ..r .. v......
1.. l. ay.. . i; :...!.... ..r i t.ii ).. . a
. u- i'iii.h.hi in i.-niuiiim hi vlll.-l lie II.IS
Rachel Lane, the oldest inhabitant of
Fairfield county, Ohio, died recently un
der the weight of 10 plain children, 84
grand ones, 140 great-grand ones, and 5
great great-grand oues.
A negro boy was driven barefooted on
a coid day from the house of a farmer for
whom he worked in North George, X. Y.
The hoy's feet were so badly frozen "that
ao 10 oe amputated.
mammoth steer from Oregon is al-
r. iue t. eiitenmal. Jt stands !
ds, or six feet four inches
ing twenty feet from tin to
eicbs 5.000 pounds.
mere is peat rej ucing in Philadel
phia over the defeat on Monday last of
llenszey, the ring candidate for president
of common council. His successful oppo
nent is said to be a decent man.
Sister La Nativife, Superioress of the
Convent of Villa Maria, Montreal, the
famous Catholic seminary at which have
been educated so many hundreds of Amer
ican girls, died suddenly on the 23d.
Ry an accident at. the centennial bu ?ld
mgson New Year's day. two workmen,
named Letrue and Wells, were killed out
right, and another, named George Smith,
died at the hospital from injuries received!
oll woman living near Old Fort.
N. C-, lias, with the assistance of a large
dog, captured two or three escaped con
victs, delivered them to the officers and
received the reward offered for their cap
ture. 1
Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, has
written a letter to a gentleman in 'Wash
ington saying that bis State will present
Jus name to the National Democratic Con
vention in 187S as nominee for Vice-Piesi
The Board of Pardons having refused
o c-ornmine me sentence of Fred Mver
n part of HJe
UUII And Al.VlSJClr JSli is. Di
Hoping lor a visit from each reader, and that our friends wiil pass th:a
to a'l lhc:r friends in the country,
ii- . -
e are v erv i y
is a
learned and elaborate dissertation on the
subject of municipal government. Though
excellent in its way it seems some what out
of placo in an executive message, unless
tho governor was especially desirom .if im
pressing on tho legislature the fact that
"rings" have existed in municipal govern
ment since the first public c rporation jobs
were started in the ancient cities of Tyre
and Sidon. IJeginuing with the cities of
rineincia tho governor traces the history
of municipal corruption down through the
commercial towns of the middle ages until
tbe defeat of Ilenszey in Philadelphia
seems to have afforded the material for the
last touches of the executive pen. This
historical resume is merely preliminary to
the recommendation that ti e legislature
authorize the appointment of a commission
of experienced pe: sons to examine into the
condition of our cities and towns and pre
pare such legislation as will meet the
abuses in the municipal government. Such
an investigation into the management of
the municipal affairs .if the cities of the
state would nnd inbtedly rip up a fearful
amount of official depravity. Unless the
legislature bo utteily insensible to the elo
tbe commission will be authorized without.
delay. As an additional inducement for
raising this commission the governor gives
it as bis candid opinion that all the legis
lation upon the statute book referring to
municipalities should bo repealed.
, The governor next turns his attention to
the lawless outbreaks in the coal regions
I H'ltf It rPUII Al.l r 1. 'I ... I la. ...,,..,
been the vie Mm be , unable, as he has.lone Pennsylvania. He was not a Catholic, but
before, on similar occasion.., to send many j ,.,, . i,;.i m:.:h . , 1
a.tieles to ettrieh the Philadelphia Kxhihj- " ' '.V n . r llesp,e, a member of an
lion. He must there fore limit himself to the 1 Catho.ic family, who were once wealthy,
sending of a few works from the onlv ! uut w"" nieeting nub reverses, emigrated
A Ciicassian gii! in Reading, Pa.
shows a pair of sfoeki IIOS tlltt vlio c-im-t 1.
n.ado rmircly out of hfi nwu Ar. Tl.nv
found gnihty of the miirdcr of. Jacob. 1,1. !of PUJS . .T. r - t
i bi Miirnt !. - .r9 . .....1. . . . o '.-s ai .-t Cii: eu
with scarlet wors.ed wrk. She says her
hair grows to a great, length aed that she
A i: ;r a it j j 7 jsr.Mi:
lishment that yet remains under his sovereign
ant ho. it y and protection, and whi-h is fos
tered by bis muni licence, notwithstanding
his financial str uts. Oonserpiently he semis
a few specimens of mosaic work "from the
famous Vatican workshop. To t hese will be a piece of tapestry lately finished l,y
order, and at, the expense of his Ho'.iness.
I trust that this'oken of the Pope's regard,
esteem and good will to the United States of
America will draw yet closer the bonds of
agreement L'ppiiy existing between the H"'y
See and the American people, and will testify
the affection which he, the common Father.
ivnrs to all the nations of the earth.
In thus replying to your esteemed letter of
July the nineteenth, I am happy to add my
assurance of the profound esteem with which
I am. Illustrious Sir,
Truly your servant,
Jamf.8, Oakpixal Axtomelli.
KilMK. Octoberfl. 1ST5.
John Welsh, Ksq., Chairman of Centennial
"TV "V, f ""r-.'""""' w ,,ie e,- George Murrison
.or Gov. 1 1 art ran ft s description of gentlemen and M
ipal corruption ancient atid modern, Gi-o.n John Sent
to 5$.i.4 S0.0U9. The total receipts for
1ST t were $5,871 ,')GS an increase of , r. wrew'u,C nj with the question
.;0 The most, of tl.U increase of 1:1 ,or ni,d cnJ'i,al tlirouRl, another col-
i i ri 1 I ervni llirt liv n oiMiAfiit i.iu '
I- MVl I t' I ii vim kiiv va. wu .tn jnyiiviion
sto.-ks, from the tax on coal companies
ami from tavern licenses. From cor- '
poralioa stocks the revenue for 1875
i 2,13."),5S7 ain-t 1 ,300,03.- for
1S71 m increase of nearly three j
quarters of a million dollars from
til's source alone. The increase of;
tS revenue from coal companies is
$.7.T0,1 14, the law taxing coal not Ii.iv- i
ing taken elieet on the whole of the I
coal production of 1ST I, the year in
which it was passed. From tavern ;
license the increase of revenue for ,
1 S75 over the preceding year is nearly ,
one hundred thousand dollars. There
has been n decrease in the revenues
from other sources. The receipts
from the t.ix on loans have fallen
from $HVisl 1371 to 17t,45., in
1375. Ou foreign insurance compnn
im the revenue lias declined to the ex
tent of fim.od.V At the clo-u' of tho
Aval vear the balance in tlio treasury
was $00 ,"207.27, which Iw longs to tlie
sinking fund, the revenue fund
having been exhausted.
The expenditures of the State gov
ernment for 1375 amounted to $0,5-11,-413
10, against fi,C42,5(7.Sf .i de
crease of a little more than one hun
dred tlnusand dollars. In eonsc
n'uiicc of tlie want of inoncv in the
p-oncnl revenue iiind
hundivd tliousand dollars of the usual
umn he gives up the conundrum. Want
of space prevents a further review of the
topics considered in the message. The
treatment of tbe insane of the state and
the necessity for more hospitals are hu
manely discussed. In regard to tho Cen
tennial the governor recommends that fi
nancial aid bo granted by the legislature
for the favorable exhibition of the indus
trial products of Pennsylvania. As there
is to be a grand military display, he urg
es that provision b.5 made for the trans
portation to Philadelphia and for the en
campment of the volunteers of the state at
some period ol the' exhibition. Tho geo
logicrtl survey, insurance, salaries of coun
ty officers, tbe tidi commission, banks, and
other subjects of general interest are ap
propriately treated. Some of these sul
jeets are of sufficient importance to entitle
them to further notice. Tbe message de
serves, and will doubtless receive, exten
sive, perusal. Many will consider it the
ablest state paper that has been prepared
by (tovernor Hartranft. Uurrubnrg Pa
triot, 7ith.
A XlGHT OF TEttROn. The Des Moines
Jlenitter says: Last Thursday eveiiinir Mr. i
Ueorge Murrison, Mr. McKce, two other i
iss Lou Dolly and Jacob
ithousc, and a lad sixteen i
yearsold named George Trumley, attempt- ;
ed to cross tho Mississippi from Port. Hy- i
ron to LeClaire. The night was cold and
a fierce wind blew, while the river was !
full of floating ice. I5ut the boatmen j
were good, and it was important to cross.
so they set out at twenty minutes past, five ! not Popular, and he changed it.
o'clock in the evening. They reached ! Pbtics ; took an editorial chair
witnin forty feet of the Iowa shore, but
could get no nearer. Daikness bad set in.
The ice and waves beat pitilessly against
the boat, and spray froze as it descended
upon them. It was deemed In-st to return
and seek again the Illinois shore. Within
one hundred feet of it, however. Ibev
west, some to Texas and others to soul hern
Illinois. Sipiiie Ulainc became a convert
to the religious faith of his wife, and died
a til m believer in it. He bad five sons and
two daughters James. Ephraim, Nell.
Robert and John, and Mary and Eliza, and
all were brought up strict and practical
Cat holies. Nell is dead, Kphi aim was last
heaid from in the Southwest, in Texas or
Mexico ; Ii bel t is a cleik in one of the de
partments at Washington ; John is or was
an agent of the post office department :
Mary is dead, and Eliza is the wife of
Hubert C. Walker, a paymaster in tbe
army. Paymaster Walker was not a Cath
olic when he married Miss Iiiaiue, but she
converted him, and the whole family are
Catholics. Two of the daughters became
nuns. One is dead and the oilier is some
where in western Pennsylvania, near Pitts
burgh. Itev. N. II. Gillespie, a professor
in Notre Dame university, St. Josephs
county, Ind., is a cousin of ex-Speaker
Elaine ; as is also Mother Angela, the au
thoress of the MetroM:itait Headers," a
scries of Catholic rchool books. James
Gillespie, or "Jim" Elaine, as the ex
speaker is irieverently called, was born on
the last day of January. lboO. He emi
grated from the family home in western
Pennsylvania shortly after attaining bis
majority and graduated at Washington
college, Pennsylvania, and took up his resi
dence in Maine, where his religion was
at Port
land, and then at Kennebeck ; was in the
legislature from 18."9 to 18(52, the last two
years speaker, and has since been in con
gress. Rochester Union.
n. f "K,ii v;i.Ert.r.'w.
'-".I . - .I...I1U f.r 1.- I i.. f
i.vii. -.viij i,. hi 1 1 1 j , utr i uti ii u ii i i er
ate in crime, Murray, were both executed
A man died recently in the hospital at
San Antonio, Texas, whose body was
covered with large spots, and whose flesh
became one mass of putrid matter. IIo
bad all tho symptoms of tbe old-time
Two Lake Koshkonoug (Wis.") girls,
strong, buxom, and as pretty as they grow
'em anywhere, recently won a $tU bet
from au old bachelor by cutting down and
cording one cord of white oak wood in
seven hoers.
Tbe bishop of Gnesen and Posen, who
was recently convicted of a violation of
the ecclesiastical laws ai;d condemned to
is compelled to have it cut. T he stockings
were knit while she was on exhibition at
Earnum's museum.
Tbe celebrated nickel mines of Lancas
ter county, which have bad almost a mo
nojHily of the business of supplying nickel,
are to have a rival, a vein of nickel having
bi'en discovered in N'pw Caledonia, extend
ing across tbe entire island, from east to
west. There are also in New Caledonia
copper mines of gieat richness. Tbe gold
mines, of which much was expected a few
years ao, have so far j ielded insignificant
Mrs. Adala M. Ehikc, by her counsel,
.Tudze Culver, has entered a suit in ibe
cheap Lisas
Tlie Little I'p:' u
puny i- l!-n r. :f
.:nl on ti-rins to .ni
Tin: a ;i i-z.i r 1 7 .7
r. 1 V -t: S.:: y
1'irr !. r. : -
if thefrm 11TM!fc TT!! IV ', - - '
in t r en.y nnl- e i ;.. r , M ... -i.T
pro !u ! ;i-ri f "nrr. . n. r, '-. , ' ,.
an I :Ol hi te r r'lcr:i i-r i-
vvreiittiez .u--i!..r !-o r I - '
irrtile In jnn l pr.v ..t.-ni . .
tininiilit j- ,: 1 m ,u m. : .
.if m:ir;c.f.i'-i..rii . f. r r-
M..'lv. L.:in I ( ...:,,
. I.
f. I f-e 1 1
r to
six months'" imprisonment, has been ar- Supreme Court, New York, laying her
Stoned to Death. The details of tho
recent terrible murder of :v Jew in ll.nm:i.
found it impossible to get nearer through j dan (Ekbatana of tho ancients), in Persia,
A Novr.i, Proposition. The Jersey
Cily Ixiard of education recently received a
novel proposition from tho Itev. Father
Hennesy, ,,f yt. Patrick's chu'cb, Jersey
City Heiebts. In a letter submitted to
the board be says that for six years he has
taught in his school nearly six hundred
children ; that he fears that ho will not be
ablo to support the schools longer, and that
the public schools in tho neighborhood
are not capablo of accommodating more
scholars than they now contain. He closes
by proposing to place bis parish under the
. . C.1a etl.ll'.rA lf tllA llOfll-rl ri'OA llf f.l4ri.a f. ...
more tii.nn two ..y.v.,i.,KDi
use ei iue cui iwmi or iiiriuiurc, an.i
agreeing to himself furnish two male
Appropriation for ch.iritalde inslitu- teachers, one to act as principal at a salary
ti !i W.H cut Od. Among the exKMl- or ioo, an.i tno oiner assistant at a salary
(Vturns are several items which will 'of $.")(. and also competent .female teach
.1:. v..0r r.r 1 .rrnolly re ' . The conditions imposed are that there
tbe rapidly forming ice, and yet it was not j
strong enough to bear them. The situa
tion was appalling. Senthouse took hold
of a rope and stepped down upon the ice,
but went down neaily to his neck. The
party saw him beat about in the ice and
water endeavoring to make his way to
land, but he disappeared in the darkness,
and nothing has been heard of him. With
Ilia ll.n n . . . 1 . . . 1 Z 1 . . 1 . ,
V'O iii.c j.vwi iniriiniini in lioal down
stream. Gross determined to get out of
tbe boat and make for shore. Seizing tho
oars, by their aid he was successful. Tn
the meantime young Trnmloy had thrown
himself, chilled and exhausted, on the
bottom of the loat, and the rest were near
ly senseless with cold. Helpless, they
drifted with the wind and current. Gross
soon summoned assistance, and they were
found two miles In-low. The next thing
was to reach them. Gross, with bis as
sistants, crawled on the ice as fu- as pos
sible, and then threw ropes, which tho
sufferers tied to themselves, and were
drawn out through water and over ice.
With the help of the oars Miss Dolly was
managed so as to keep from sinking as the
rest did. At 8 o'clock the fearfully im
periled were thus rescued. Getting to
Hapids City they were immediately cared
Hev. Henry Boehm, supposed to bo tho
oldest clergyman in the world, died on
Tuesday, Dec. 28th, near Staten Island.
He was born in Conestoga (now Peqnea)
township, Lancasterconnty, Pennsylvania,
June 8, 1771. Ilis grandfather and father
wero both clergymen, tho latter a Men-
have been received. A wealthy Persian
owed a large sum of money to the Ititbbi
Chajun, who asked the Persian to repay
him one nay when they chanced to meet iu
a bazaar. A quarrel ensued, and the
crowd which had collected asked the Per
sian what the cause of tho trouble was.
He determined to get rid of his creditor,
and, turning to tho crowd, said, "If this
man had merely insulted me I should haTe
kept silent, but be has abused our religion
and blasphemed the prophets. I cannot,
therefore, be silent." The crowd fell upon
the Habbi and threatened to kill him. He
took re f uce in the neighboring bouse of a
rich Persian, to whom he appealed for pro
tection. The latter concealed the Jew in
an inner room and barred the doors of the
house. The ciowd demanded a surrender.
Tbe noble Persian refused, and the doors
were broken down. Tbe lawless rabble
poured in, found tho fugitive, dragged him
into tho street and stoned him to death.
The dead body was dragged about tho
town with jeers and finally brought into
tbe maikct place, where tbe mouth was
filled with powdei and the head was blown
to pieces. A fire was then kindled and
the corpse was burned up. Four Jews,
who had fallen into the mob, were ill
treated and severely wounded. Tho dwell
ings of tne Israelites were plundered, and
rested and sent to prison to serve out the
term of bis sentence.
There are five negro members of Con
gress. Three of them before the war were
unacquainted with the alphabet, and one
of them served iu the army and navy of the
Confederacy and the Union, ofT and ou,
during the la'e unpleasantness.
A New England man, Warren Ti. Rus
sell, of Hatfield, failed a day or two ago
with liabilities of 21, (XX). and assets of
sixteen spring chickens and one old wagon,
the lot bringing under the hammer $10.20 !
Talk about, getting down to hard pan !
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
has decided that tho Directors of the
have no authority to issue donations to be
used for any charitable purpose. Their
powers are nmiieo ro ine poor ci no are i
actually under tho supervision of the coun
ty authorities.
In Indiana there is a small Swiss col
ony of five members, whose combined
weight is 1,1. H) pounds. The mother of
this colony is the most corpulent, yielding
a trifle over SOS onnds, while the young
cst daughter, a girl in hor 17th year, is a
sylph o4Hti avoirdupois.
A man died in La chine. Canada, Thurs
day, of starvation. Tbe neighbors hearing
pitiful cries coming fiom the room which
he and bis family occupied, went there
and found they bad not tasted food for
three days. Although nomishment was
at once given them, tbe father, being be
yond recovery, died.
James Eagsell, of Cheever Ore Tied,
N. Y., was murdered on Sunday morning
by his wife, during an altercation. Froru
the facts gleaned it appears that Eagsell
I J f IIOMkhff ins r
A T A. Si
i I
damages at :MU,i':., agr.mst Mr-.. Jane
Van Winkle, alias Mrs. J. Coles Elake. of
Brooklyn, charging l.crwith critn. con.
with the husband of ibe former. Tlie
present action is believed to ie the first
bold assertion by a woman in a couitef
her right to damages for the debauching
of her husband.
On the top of the Pinnacle mountain,
between Ureenawald Station on tbe EeiVs
and Lehigh, and Port Clinton, there is a
lake covering about half an acre, in the
centre of which is a owerful spiing .f
pure and cold water, wh'ch. hov. ver. as
fast as it conies out of tbe earth sinks at
some unknown place again. Tbe lake is
as clear as glass and the water never rises
higher, neither d;H it sink, but always re
tains its heigh. The sight is noith see
ing, all bough theie is a feaiful mountain
to climb.
Further investigation into the matter
of the burning of Mrs. Gordon and three
children at Enterprise. Ind., on Saturday
night, Dae. 25th, leads to the belief that
tlie woman and her children were murder
ed by some ore unknown and the bodies
placed in the house, and all consumed for
the purpose of concealing the crime. The
object of the minder is supposed to have
been gain the possession of a sum of
money Mrs. Gordon bad in the house, the
... 1 . . r 1 1 i .
I'!tct-i-u m me saie oi a cow and some
farming imp!emcnts. The bain was con
sumed as well as the house, and the two
buildings were situated so far apart that
it is believed that tbn burning of one
would not have ignited the other.
Newport has a veiitable Enoch Ardcn
ess. Some forty rears a?o a tl ll-OO. t :1V-
uvn ;i:-n iivic. ..-i,4 i n j i-i'
T"J rr r- -
rJ 2 tl
I I 1
7. 1.
i" i
.nit n. 7,..,..r
Cit- " ... . . ..
rr., (.f T'.- C :i
ear . -
K.i'T V.-.-W '
(7 f r
A M. A. 1). '
II EN 11 Y vriLSON
II ro I if.
n...nms li'sle. Aa.-ir'o 't ssti-4
ol t. iriterv tn lG:iki-r t it rtM -
I This i no hn'p'Tj:. Ft ;
it Tn' to V"Uii ii
lruasiitsi. HKn h-t . .'
fjr! van. ii.
in a fit of temporary insanity attempted to old bi ido suddenly and mvsf erionslv ilki'n.
assault bis wife and was stabbed in thelpcared. After the young husband had
stomach and from the effects of the wound i Rot through pulling out liis hair she te
lle died shortly after. j turned, announced that she had obtained a
Arthur r. Devlin, who has ben lec- j divorce, and again vanished. Neailv half
luring as a reformed i atliolie and severe-j a century goes by, and the husband ac
ly denouncing the Catholic Church, was i cumulates a family and shekels Tlie
other day, after forty years of silence, she
put in an appearance and asked for her
husband. An animated conversation oc
curred between wives Nos. 1 and 2, in
which the former claimed that her old
story about a divorce was a sham, and
that she was really his wife. It is, of
course, a question of money and the law
yers, and not of love and the poets.
ion lues.iav last arrested at M.neiliill
Mass., and committed in default of bail
on a charge of blackmail. II is SlMfrh.H
denunciations of Catholicism have
Tti Ilr-l Patterns c
I-VT nt !
lorrn? iroe.
I,;-. K-M
:iv ,i: I'
created quite an excitement in Haverhill.
Miss Maggie II. Davis, daughterof Jef
ferson Davis, was married at St. Lazarus'
Episcopal church, Memphis, on NewYear's
morning, to J. Addison Hayes, cashier of
the State National Bank. liev. George
White, of Calvary church, officiated, and
was assisted by Rev. Churchill Easton,
rector of St. Lazarus in the presence of a
very large congregation.
A bevy of young men were playing
poker in Richmond, Va. One of them, out
oi iuck, exciaimeo:, "i wish an earthquake
would shake these cards up." Whereupon
fit rr.u vki K(.' - ;.
I I Term, to. ! ' 1 , '
01 I . vu KKia
'IIIK a.'.rrr! isiT. ii "
1 el tlial .ircn! ':-',:'
p'e r. iiio tt. i' nn'i'"
low Mitti-n r-" 'tn' ri- :
t '
Christians likewise would have followed
bad not the authorities intervened.
a general massacre of all the Jews-and . " "SSSf A"
shaking np tho State. This is the origin
of last week's convulsion, on the woid and
honor of a Richmond preacher.
The officers who searched tho baggage
of the wife of Joyce, the whisUv r..,,..?!,,
, - - - - j . va .-9
lurl. Onci or these the appropn
fttion for tlie Centennial, of which
$1S.),K".5l was paid last year. An
other i5 'c payment of interest on tho
Sttelebt, which is steadily declining
with the redttetion of tho principal.
Still another is the appropriation for
tho SoMUtV Orphan Schools, whose
rxr,onses nv nlremlv boprnn to full
of In n v'"r or two more the lnt
nf nrnhtns will le out of the yen rs
of pnniliiro. n"1 tlie necessity for
iut!iinlnr tlicse school will cease.
sh.i'l be no religious exercises -n the school
save tho leading of tho Douay Bible in the
morning ami tho recitation of the Lord's
Prayer. Jle further says that if appointed
head of thvse schools he will serve without
pay and subject himself to the authority of
the school supei intendent and tho board.
The communication was referred to a spe
cial committee.
County Commissioner 'William Fry,
says the Reading Eagle, of tho 29th nit.,
nonite, and one of the organizers of tho j has on his farm near Pricetowu a tree convict, expecting to discover Government
Lnited lirethren Church. Henry Eochin ! which yieius apples, eacn oi which is Uotn ; nouns, lounn a small tin box in a trunk
joined the Methodist Church in 1793, and ; sweet and sour. Three bushels of this ; "Ah'l here they are," said one and Mrs
1 - 1 r I . . ... . .-1 t.ilmr l I 1.. . . . : I . - n ' n . . t .1 . .. . . .
Kill. I oi iiiiii in.ik; jlx lice iius n iciju.-m lliat Iliey WOllld not iiiwin
! I. caM II. i,,,l f !. 1 it ,,--!. .1 .l.r . . VT..I
jf.n. Ai. ia o. iu nil iiua inn., iid .! , ! t-'Jiiui iiirti tnw i.upression. it was earor
IVI.I.I I II llll.l m'llllljl iv, I UllrtkIJ ill iiiu
United States. About nine years ago this
tree was grafted with the half of two buds,
A l.ASi) Rf.inE near Pittsburgh has caus
ed a loss of if 20,000, and there are mdica-
in 1800 he first attended Conference, and
shortly afterwards began his labors as an I
itinerant Methodist preacher. He served i
in the ministry of Pennsylvania, Delaware, i
Maryland, and New Jersey, and was earlv '
in life the traveling companion of Bishop j one taken from a pippin tree and the other
Asbury. On tbe 8th of June last a special from a -'mother apple" tree. The buds
session of tho Newark Methodist Episcopal j were split and one half of each taken, and
Conference was held in the York-street ' placed together, thus forming one bud.
I church, Jersey City, for the purpose of which was grafted. The apples are striped
celebrating the one hundredth anniversary yellow and green; the yellow portions are
of hisbiith. Father Boehm has been on sweet and the green sour. When the ap-
Manufaii arer of superior
Union Crop LEATHER,
.7 f irxs TO WX, li .
Oif. Tr'" .f ,ak ",ml'ek Hark wantej. pnid on delivery at the Tannery.
Jan. 7, 1873 -ly. '
(free f cliariic ) i' '
unit usiiut tl" I'"'"-
i 'INK K.-I! V- VI-
1SU ronti S:
, N.-rvfU? n
tin- t tr.-i-i f ""'
sake ot xutlpniic !"' ,
nee.1 It. the '!"'
simple r.-mi'-ly !-y v;
wiiiin t" l r 111 ' .
can ln ' v !"''ir: V'o"
...... l,; tr- 1'""
cit irons 'l I-
v 1 I.U-v.l
te nia.lf at On- r- ' ' "
fori stroet. l.'-.-ii"lirk-
gTRAY SHEErCame into the
enclosure of the snbs-rilK-r. in Clearfi.-ld
township on or ahont the 1st day of Dewniner Inst,
two Mack ntn one while nheep. two of whkli re
w.-ther nnd the other n ewe. Tl
t- ii ti i . H""11 " " "itra bwht; iMinnsr In which thev will
V Hllev. Cal.. ct-i.ia i- , in disii..i ... "ull" ""7
. - - ' 'j i . v . iiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 ! I i iv. inn .in ii 1 1.
lv orifnf1 woo r. .....,i . .
nursing bottle and other things for a
William A. M
lin.K 1 1 :i r. the daniiio-e will be twice that.
nmouni. befoie tlio earth cear its slidinsr the list of suiiernunierarv preachers since pies ate sliced iu the direction of the by death, but enlare-ed bv tho whliti
propensities. Several hottse.i have hoen although he continued to preach oc- strips tho didcrenco iu taale is very per- fifty grandchildren and three great grand
in Iowa, whinh hft loft ffrnnt A
ago. During all this lime, his family, Con.
sistmg of a wife and nine child ion, 'heard
nothing from him. lie is now 74, and
rerurns to nntt the home circle unbroken
on of
Clearfield Twp Jan.
, lS76.-3t .
JJOTICE is bereb- given that on
the 2Sth day of IeeemlHr, 1R7.T 1 pnr
rlmsol nt Collector tale one yoke oxen. .1.
the property of Johkph llr rikk-v and that I hayo
u tlieSHiiiBln his p,.i.e!!on during invpU-Bsnro.
I All perimis are hereby cantloned auaivat ioter
lurlng withsaU tXun. K. .1. llf! ii'.HHXN.
AMES .!. 0AT.
flfTlre on II :iT !
notol. Ki
whei-e ni;lit cjW.-
0,T..-e reeentiv
be inai'cHt Mr- "
i.rR. '
r . nnii"'--
a J
t "
1 t
J 1
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t J:
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t e .
I t.
t aSii
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h tj
Ii i.